jgo Reading Room: Religion ✡ ✝ ☦ 🕎 ∞

updated: 2024-03-19

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  - - - - - A

(50) ►David Aaron 2005 _The Secret Life of God_ (200 pages; 600KB; ILL request)◀

David Aaron 1998 _Endless Light: The Ancient Path of the Kabbalah_ (170 pages)

David Aaron 2014 _Seeing God: 10 Life-Changing Lessons of the Kabbalah_ (190 pages; 1.2MB)

David Aaron 2010 _The God-Powered Life: Awakening to Your Divine Purpose_ (155 pages; 672KB)

David Aaron 2008 _Living a Joyous Life: The True Spirit of Jewish Practice_ (170 pages)

David Aaron 2007 _Inviting God In: Celebrating the Soul-Meaning of the Jewish Holy Days_ (200 pages; 647KB)

Yitzchok Abarbanel & Israel Lazar 2015 _Selected Commentaries on the Torah: vol2 Shemos (Shemuth/Exodus)_ (450 pages)

Jack H. Abendroth 8888 _Book of Light_ ()

Moses Aberbach & David Aberbach 2000 _The Roman-Jewish Wars and Hebrew Cultural Nationalism 66CE-2000CE_ (170 pages)

Isaac Aboab _Menorat of Meor_/?_Lamp of Enlightenment_? ()

Abraham ibn Daoud & Gerson D. Cohen 2010 _The Book of Tradition_/_Sefer ha Qabbalah_ (504 pages)

Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon & Samuel Rosenblatt 1927, 1938 _The High Way to Perfection_/_The High Ways to Perfection_ (440+ pages)

Henry Abramson 2012 _Reading the Talmud: Developing Independence in Gemara Learning_ (266 pages)

Frater Achad 1996 _Melchizedek Truth Principles_ ()

Peter R. Ackroyd 1968 _Exile and Restoration_ (290 pages; 749KB)

Cyrus Adler 2012 _The Ketubah or Jewish Marriage Contract_ (11 pages; 277KB)

Elkan Adler 1930 _Jewish Travellers_ ()

Morris Adler 2007 _The World of the Talmud_ ()

S.Y. Agnon 1965 _Days of Awe_ ()

James Agresti _Rational Conclusions_ ()

Jacob B. Agus 1966 _The Vision and the Way: An Interpretation of Jewish Ethics_ (350 pages)

Y. Aharoni & A.F. Rainey 1979 _The Land of the Bible_ ()

Sydney E. Ahlstrom 1972 _A Religious History of the American People_ ()

Na'im Akbar 1994 _Light from Ancient Africa_ (Mind Productions; Tallahassee, FL)

Akiba ben Joseph 1923, 2019-09-25 _Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Formation_ (65 pages; 16.4MB; 1684223962/ 9781684223961; Martino)

Rainer Albertz & David Green 2003 _Israel in Exile: The History and Literature of the 6th Century BCE_ (450 pages)

(45) ►Katherine Albrecht 2014 _I Won't Take the Mark: A Bible Book and Contract/Covenant for Children_ (40 pages; ILL request)◀

William Foxwell Albright 1968, 1994 _Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan: An Historical Analysis of 2 Contrasting Faiths_ ()

William Foxwell Albright 1946 _Archaeology and the Religion of Israel_ ()

William Foxwell Albright 1963 _The Biblical Period from Abraham to Ezra: An Historical Survey_ (110 pages)

William Foxwell Albright 1957, 2003 _From the Stone Age to Christianity: MonoTheism and the Historical Process_ (350 pages)

P.J. Alexander 1958 _The Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople: Ecclesiastical Policy and Image Worship in the Byzantine Empire_ ()

Jonas E. Alexis 2013 _Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: An History of Conflict between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism from the Early Church to Our Modern Time_ ()

Andrew Alfoldi & Harold Mattingly 1948, 1969, 1998 _The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome_ ()

Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2015 _Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now_ (297.272)

John L. Allen 2013 _The Global War on Christians_ ()

John Marco Allegro _The Treasure of the Copper Scroll_ ()

Ronald Allen 1998 _Patterns of Preaching: A Sermon Sampler_ ()

Gedaliah Alon & Gershon Levi 1989 _The Jews in their Land in the Talmudic Age 70CE-640CE_ (824 pages)

Robert Alter 2009 _The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel_ (430 pages; 2.2MB)

Avraham Amarilo 8888 _Sefer Brit Avraham_ ()

Daniel G. Amen 2008 _Healing the Hardware of Your Soul: How Making the Brain-Soul Connection Can Optimize Your Life, Love, and Spiritual Growth_ (304 pages; 3.1MB)

Karin Anderson 8888 _Qumran and Jacob's Ladder_ ()

Shimon Apisdorf 2002 _Israel: An Easy-to-Use Guide for People Who Are Long on Curiosity, But Short on Time_ (160 pages)

Willa Appel 1983 _Cults in America: Programmed for Paradise_ ()

Thomas Aquinas & Stephen F. Brown 1999 _On Faith and Reason_ ()

Thomas Aquinas 1993 _The Light of Faith: The Compendium of Theology_ (412 pages; 230.2; Main)

Thomas Aquinas _Summa Theologica_ (230.2 T454)

Thomas Aquinas et al. 1964 _Summa Theologiae_ (vol13 part1 question96 pg125)

Thomas Aquinas & James F. Anderson _Summa Contra Gentiles_ ()

A.J. Arberry 1964 _The Koran Interpreted: A Translation_ ()

A.J. Arberry 1950 _Sufism: An Account of the Mystics of Islam_ ()

Gidon Ariel, Bob O'Dell, Anne Severance & Mel Cohen 2015 _Israel First!: The Key to Understanding the Blood Moons, Shemitah, Promises to Israel, the Coming Jubilee, and How it all Fits Together_ (288 pages)

Bill T. Arnold & John H. Choi 2003 _A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax_ (235 pages; 13.5MB)

Bill T. Arnold & Brent A. Strawn 2016 _The World around the Old Testament: The People and Places of the Ancient Near East_ (550 pages; 40.6MB)

Yehudah Lev Ashlag, Mark Cohen & Yedidah Cohen _In the Shadow of the Ladder: Introductions to Kabbalah_ (273 pages)

Reza Aslan 2013 _Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth_ (296 pages; 2.4MB; 232.901)

Polymnia Athanassiadi & Michael Frede 1991 _Pagan MonoTheism in Late Antiquity_ ()

Harold W. Attridge, Gohei Hata, William Adler et al. 1992 _Eusebius, Christianity, and Judaism_ (790 pages)

Augustine of Hippo & Henry Chadwick 1998, 2009 _Confessions_ (340 pages; 1.1MB)

Augustine & Marcus Dods 1993, 2010 _City of God_ (630 pages; 5.2MB)

Augustine, Bernard Bombast & Alphonse Kalb 1955 _Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina: vol48 De Civitate Dei_ ()

Augustine, Gerald G. Walsh, Demetrius B. Zema, Grace Monahan & Daniel Honan 1958 _City of God_ (555 pages; 239.3)

Roger David Aus 2003 _My Name Is Legion: Palestinian Judaic Traditions in Mark 5:1-20 and Other Gospel Texts_ ()

Nathan Aviezer 1990 _In the Beginning: Biblical Creation and Science_ ()

Nathan Aviezer 2002 _Fossils and Faith: Understanding Torah and Science_ ()

Michael Avi-Yonah 1976 _The Jews of Palestine: A Political History from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab Conquest_ ()

Michael Avi-Yonah 1984 _The Jews Under Roman and Byzantine Rule: A Political History from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab Conquest_ (275 pages)

Michael Avi-Yonah 1993 _Dig This: How Archaeologists UnCover Our Past_ (64 pages)

Michael Avi-Yonah & Anson F. Rainey 2002 _The Holy Land: An Historical Geography from the Persian to the Arab Conquest 536BCE to 640CE_ (240 pages)

Michael Avi-Yonah & Yoram Tsafrir 2003 _Model of Ancient Jerusalem at the Time of the Second Temple_ (32 pages)

Michael Avi-Yonah 2016 _Understanding the Jewish World from Roman to Byzantine Times: Mishnah, Talmud, the Sages, an Introductory Atlas_ (40 pages)

Dov ben Avraham 2012 _Bnei Avraham Ahuvecha: Gerim in Chassidic Thought_ ()

  - - - - - B

Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda & Daniel Haberman c. 1050, 1996 _Duties of the Heart_ (920 pages)

Joel S. Baden 2012 _The Composition of the Pentateuch: Renewing the Documentary Hypothesis_ (392 pages)

Joel David Bakst & Miriam Leah ben-Yaacov 2013 _The Secret Doctrine of the Gaon of Vilna: Mashiach ben Yosepg and the Messianic Role of Torah, Kabbalah, and Science_ (275 pages)

Lewis Baldwin 1991 _There Is a Balm in Gilead: The Cultural Roots of Martin Luther King ii_ (348 pages; 323.092)

Stephen Baldwin & Mark Tabb 2006 _The UnUsual Suspect: My Calling to the New HardCore Movement of Faith_ (280 pages; 277.3)

Shelby M. Balik 2014 _Rally the Scattered Believers: Northern New England's Religious Geography_ (305 pages; 3.9MB)

John M.G. Barclay 1996, 2001 _Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora: From Alexander to Trajan 323BCE-117CE_ (530 pages)

R' Joel H. Baron & R' Sara Paasche-Orlow 2016 _DeathBed Wisdom of the Hasidic Masters: The Book of Departure and Caring for People at the End of Life_ (235 pages)

Dan Barker & Richard Dawkins 2008 _Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading Atheists_ ()

Weston la Barre 8888 _Ghost Dance: The Origins of Religion_ ()

(43) Dave Barry, Alan Zweibel & Adam Mansbach 2017 _For This We Left Egypt?: A PassOver Haggadah for Jews & Those Who Love Them_ (126 pages; ISBN 9781250110213; FlatIron; 296.45371 Bar; Main)

George A. Barton 2013 _Archaeology and the Bible_ (700 pages; 19.4MB)

John Barton 2007 _Oracles of God: Perceptions of Ancient Prophecy in Israel after the Exile_ (325 pages)

Mary Barton 2011 _Experience Tomorrow Today: Dreams That Come True_ (175 pages; 411KB)

Leora Batnitzky 8888 _Idolatry and Representation: The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig ReConsidered_ ()

Mark Batterson 2011 _Be a Circle Maker: the Solution to 10K Problems_ ()

Mark Batterson 2013 _All In: You Are 1 Decision Away from a Totally Different Life_ ()

(50) Mark Batterson 2017 _Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God_ (210 pages; 248 Bat; E)

(50) Mark Batterson 2016 _Chase the Lion: If Your Dream Doesn't Scare You_ (214 pages; 248.4 Bat; BLPerry)

(50) Mark Batterson 2017 _Play the Man: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be_ (209 pages; 248.842 Bat; Main)

Richard Bauckham, James Davila & Alex Panayotov 2013 _Old Testament PseudEpiGraphia: More NonCanonical Scriptures_ (830 pages)

Walter Bauer, Robert A. Kraft & Gerhard Krodel 1996 _Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity_ (315 pages)

Adam H. Becker & Annette Yoshiko Reed 2007 _The Ways That Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages_ (395 pages; 6.2MB)

Bede & C.W. Jones 1967 _Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina: vol118A Opera Exegetica: Libri Quatuor in Principium Genesis_ ()

Moshe Behar & Zvi Ben-Dor Benite 2013 _Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought: Writings on "Identity", Politics, and Culture 1893-1958_ (270 pages; 606KB)

Juan Bejarano-Gutierrez 2016 _What Is Kosher?: An Introduction to the Laws of Kashrut_ (84 pages; 644KB)

Samuel Belkin 1960, 1979 _In His Image: The Jewish Philosophy of Man as Expressed in Rabbinic Tradition_ ()

Samuel Belkin 1956 _Essays in Traditional Jewish Thought_ ()

H. Idris Bell 1934 _Jews and Christians in Egypt_ ()

Robert Neelly Bellah et al. 1985, 1996 _Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life_ (973.0)

Robert Neelly Bellah 1991 _Beyond Belief: Essays on Religion in a Post-Traditionalist World_ ()

Robert Neelly Bellah 1992 _The Broken Covenant: American Civil Religion in Time of Trial_ ()

Robert Neelly Bellah & Phillip E. Hammond 1980 _Varieties of Civil Religion_ ()

Robert Neelly Bellah et al. 1991 _The Good "Society"_ (973.92)

Mindy Belz 2017 _They Say We Are Infidels: On the Run from ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate with Persecuted Christians in the Middle East_ (335 pages; 12.7MB)

Jeff A. Benner 2004 _The Ancient Hebrew Language and Alphabet: Understanding the Ancient Hebrew Language of the Bible Based on the Ancient Hebrew Culture and Thought_ (228 pages)

Jeff A. Benner 2005 _Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible: Hebrew Letters, Words and Roots Defined within Their Ancient Cultural Context_ (616 pages)

Jeff A. Benner 2009 _Ancient Hebrew Dictionary: 1K Verbs and Nouns of the Hebrew Bible_ (212 pages)

Jeff A. Benner 2010 _Ancient Hebrew Torah_ (354 pages)

(55) ►Chaim BenTorah 2021-07-06 _A Hebrew Teacher Looks at StarGates, Time Travel, and Alternate Universes: Biblical Word Studies with Chaim BenTorah_ (156 pages; ISBN 9781953247438; True Potential; ILL request)◀

Michael Berg 2007 _The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual TransFormation and Fulfillment_ (260 pages; 1MB)

Joseph Berger 2014 _The Pious Ones: The World of Hasidim and Their Battles with America_ (384 pages)

R' Meir Tzvi Bergman & R' Nesanel Kasnett 1990 _Gateway to the Talmud_ ()

Eliezer Berkovitz 1959, 1965 _God, Man and History: A Jewish Interpretation_ ()

Eliezer Berkovitz 1974 _Major Themes in Modern Philosophies of Judaism_ ()

Adele Berlin & Marc Zvi Brettler 2004 _The Jewish Study Bible_ ()

(55) David Berlinski 2008 _The Devil's Delusion: Atheism & Its Scientific Pretensions_ (237 pages; CrownForum; 215 Ber; Main)

(50) Robin E. Berman, Arthur Kurzweil & Dale L. Mintz 2006 _The HaDassah Jewish Family Book of Health and Wellness_ (ethics; medicine; 503 pages; 613.2088 BER; Main)

Jose Bernal 2013 _The Truth about The Harbinger: Addressing the Controversy and Discussing the Facts about the Prophetic Message_ (256 pages)

Julius A. Bewer 1938, 1951, 1962 _The Literature of the Old Testament_ ()

David Biale 2018 _Gershom Scholem: Master of the Kabbalah_ (245 pages; 1.1MB)

Hayim Nahman Bialik, Yehoshua Hana Ravnitzky & William G. Braude 1992 _The Book of Legends: Sefer Ha-Aggadah: Legends from the Talmud and Midrash_ (897 pages; ISBN 9780805241136; OCLC 2376728; Schocken; R.A.Gray, UF/HogTown, Auburn, Stetson, Emory, UCF/Orlando, Rollins/Winter Park, Florida Southern/Lakeland, New College of Florida/Sarasota, Ave Maria, Palm Beach State College/Lake Worth, FAU, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, FIU/Miami, Barry U/Miami, U of Miami, Louisville, Mt.St.Mary's Seminary/Cincinnati, CHPL/Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College/Cincinnati, Indiana U/Bloomington, U of Dayton, Cedarville U, Ohio State U, UIUC)

Ezra Bick & Yaakov Beasley 2012 _Tora MiEtzion: New Readings in Tanach: Shemot_ (Shemuth/Exodus)

Mark Biltz 2016 _God's Day-Timer: The Believer's Guide to Divine Appointments_ (200 pages; 1.1MB)

Avraham Biran 1977, 1981 _Temples and High Places in Biblical Times_ ()

Walter Birks & R.A. Gilbert 1987 _The Treasure of Montsegur: Study of the Cathar Heresy and the Nature of the Cathar Secret_ (170 pages)

(40) Philip Birnbaum 2003 _The PassOver Haggadah_ (296.437 large)

Bradley J. Birzer 2019 _Seeking Christendom: An Augustinian Defense of Western Civilization_ (290 pages; 1.6MB)

Barry C. Black 2011 _The Blessing of Adversity: Finding Your God-Given Purpose in Life's Troubles_ (240 pages; 2.8MB)

Henry T. Blackaby, Richard Blackaby & Claude King 2004, 2014 _Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God_ (337 pages; 1MB; 248.2)

Joseph L. Blau 1964 _Modern Varieties of Judaism_ ()

Benjamin Blech 1992 _Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed & Creed_ (365 pages; 3.5MB)

R' David Blech & Elaine Blech 2012 _Your Name Is Your Blessing: Hebrew Names and Their Mystical Meanings_ (315 pages; 77.2MB)

Joseph Blenkinsopp 1996 _An History of Prophecy in Israel_ (300 pages; 644KB)

Joseph Blenkinsopp 1977, 2018 _Prophecy and Canon: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins_ (220 pages; 999MB)

J. David Bleich 1983 _With Perfect Faith: The Foundations of Jewish Belief_ ()

(45) Nicholas Blincoe 2017 _Bethlehem: Biography of a Town_ (271 pages; 5.8MB; 956.942 Bli; NE)

Daniel I. Block 2008 _Israel: Ancient Kingdom or Late Invention?_ (368 pages)

Harold Bloom 1992 _The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation_ ()

Harold Bloom 1996 _Omens of Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, and Resurrection_ (250 pages; 291.23; )

David R. Blumenthal 1984 _Approaches to Judaism in Medieval Times vol1_ (180 pages)

David R. Blumenthal 1985 _Approaches to Judaism in Medieval Times vol2_ (180 pages)

Gabriele Boccaccini 2001, 2002 _Roots of Rabbinic Judaism_ (240 pages; 2.5MB)

Markus Bockmuehl 2003 _Jewish Law in Gentile Churches: Halakhah and the Beginning of Christian Public Ethics_ ()

Hans Jochen Boecker 1980 _Law & the Administration of Justice in the Old Testament_ ()

R' Moshe Bogomilsky 2000 _VeDibarta Bam: And You Shall Speak of Them_ (81 pages; 300KB)

Ben Zion Bokser & Baruch M. Bokser 1989 _The Talmud: Selected Writings_ ()

Thorleif Boman 1970 _Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek_ (224 pages)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer 8888 _The Cost of Discipleship_ ()

Pat Boone 8888 _Questions About God_ ()

Peder Borgen, Richard E. Whitaker & Roald Skarsten 1999 _The Philo Index: A Complete Word Index to the Writings of Philo of Alexandria_ (380 pages)

Eugene B. Borowitz 1991 _ReNewing the Covenant: A Theology for the Post-Modern Jews_ ()

R' Shmuley Boteach 2011 _Kosher Jesus_ (272 pages; 356KB)

R' Shmuley Boteach 2010 _Renewal: A Guide to the Values-Filled Life_ (240 pages; 381KB)

Maristella Botticini & Zvi Eckstein 2012 _The Chosen Few: How Education Shaped Jewish History 70CE-1492CE_ (330 pages; 7.1MB)

John Bowden 2018 _Who Says So?: Let the Bible Speak for ItSelf Concerning Its Inspiration and Authority? (145 pages; 280KB)

Danial Boyarin 1994 _A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity_ ()

Danial Boyarin 2009 _Socrates and the Fat Rabbis_ (404 pages; 998KB)

Danial Boyarin 2011 _Border Lines: The Partition of Judaeo-Christianity_ (393 pages; 1.121MB)

Danial Boyarin & Jack Miles 2012 _The Jewish Gospels: The Story of the Jewish Christ_ (224 pages; 334KB)

Harold Brackman 1994 _Ministry of Lies: The Truth behind the Nation of Islam's "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews"_ ()

Gregg Braden 2001, 2009 _The Isaiah Effect: DeCoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy_ (300 pages; 1MB; 001.9)

P.D. Bramsen 2009 _One God, One Message: Discover the Mystery, Take the Journey_ (420 pages; 2.6MB)

William G. Braude 1968 _Pesikta Rabbati: Homilectical Discourses for Festal Days and Special Sabbaths 1 & 2_/_Pesikta Rabbati: Discourses for Feasts, Fasts and Special Sabbaths_ ()

Sandee Brawarsky & Deborah Mark 1998 _Two Jews, Three Opinions: A Collection of 20th-Century American Jewish Quotations_ (565 pages)

R' Dovid Nissan Bressman 2015 _Mezuzah: Divine Protection and Blessing: The Halachos of Mezuzah_ (320 pages)

John Bright 1976 _Covenant and Promise: The Prophetic Understanding of the Future in Pre-Exilic Israel_ (200 pages)

John Bright 2000 _An History of Israel_ (570 pages; 10.9MB)

Brian Britt 2004 _ReWriting Moses: The Narrative Eclipse of the Text_ ()

David Brody & Scott Lamb 2018 _The Faith of Donald J. Trump: A Spiritual Biography_ (395 pages; 937KB)

Rice Broocks 2013 _God's Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of UnCertainty_ (304 pages; 1MB)

Ellis R. Brotzman & Eric J. Tully 2016 _Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction_ (265 pages; 3.9MB)

Charles Reynolds Brown 1906 _The "Social" Message of the Modern Pulpit_ ()

Erica Brown & Misha Galperin 2009, 2012 _The Case for Jewish Peoplehood_ (215 pages; 967KB)

Erica Brown 2011 _In the Narrow Places: Daily Inspiration for the 3 Weeks_ (145 pages; 350KB)

Erica Brown 8888 _Leadership in the Wilderness: Authority & Anarchy in the Book of Numbers_ (265 pages; 1.6MB)

Erica Brown 2017 _Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet_ ()

Michael L. Brown, PhD 2015 _OutLasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide_ (337 pages; 1.2MB)

Michael L. Brown, PhD 2012 _The Real Kosher Jesus: Revealing the Mysteries of the Hidden Messiah_ (274 pages; 1.019MB)

Michael L. Brown, PhD & Paul W. Ferris ii 2017 _Jeremiah, Lamentations: The Expositor's Bible Commentary_ (1,000 pages; 5.5MB)

Peter Brown 2014 _The Cult of the Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity_ (215 pages; 2MB)

Peter Brown 1967, 2000, 2013 _Augustine of Hippo: A Biography_ (550 pages; biography)

William Brown 1996 _The Tabernacle: Its Priests & Its Services_ (310 pages; 232.1MB)

Lewis Browne 1949 _The Wisdom of Israel_ ()

Walter Brueggemann 1978, 2001, 2012 _The Prophetic Imagination_ (150 pages; 404KB)

Walter Brueggemann 1986 _The Hopeful Imagination: Prophetic Voices in Exile_ (160 pages)

Walter Brueggemann 1977, 2002 _The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith_ (245 pages; 3.6MB)

Walter Brueggemann 2015 _Chosen: Reading the Bible Amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict_ (110 pages; 631KB)

Walter Brueggemann 2017 _Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now_ (145 pages; 890KB)

Martin Buber & Maurice Friedman 1958, 2015 _Hasidism and Modern Man_ (150 pages; 3.2MB)

Martin Buber 1958 _The Origin and Meaning of Hasidism_ ()

(58) Martin Buber & Olga Marx 1947, 1975 _Tales of the Hasidim: vol1 The Early Masters_ (2 volumes; 296 Bub; Main)

(58) Martin Buber & Olga Marx 1947, 1975 _Tales of the Hasidim: vol2 The Later Masters_ (2 volumes; 296 Bub; Main)

Martin Buber 1962 _The Tales of Rabbi Nachman_ ()

Mark Buchanan 2007 _The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath_ (240 pages; 573KB)

Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge 1934 _From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt_ ()

Richard W. Bulliet 2004 _The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization_ ()

Irving M. Bunim 1977 _Ever Since Sinai: Essays on the Valued, the Vanishing, and the EverLasting in American Jewish Life_ (400 pages)

Dillon Burroughs 2006 _Misquotes in Misquoting Jesus: Why You Can Still Believe_ ()

F.C. Burkitt 1925 _The Religion of the Manichees_ ()

Todd Burpo, Sonja Burpo, Cotton Burpo & Lynn Vincent 2011 _Heaven Is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back_ (206 pages; 1.2MB)

Nathan Bushwick 1989 _Understanding the Jewish Calendar_ ()

Jon Butler 1990 _Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People_ ()

  - - - - - C

Jonathan Cahn 2014 _The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3K-Year-Old Mystery that Holds the Seret of America's Future_ (288 pages; 231.745)

Jonathan Cahn 2019 _The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries UnVeiled_ (280 pages; 3.4MB)

(49) Roberto Calasso & Tim Parks 2021 _The Book of All Books_/_Libro di Tutti i Libri_ (450 pages; ISBN 9780374601898; on order 2022-02-11 Cal; NE+Woodville)

Patricia Caldwell 8888 _The Puritan Conversion Narrative: The Beginnings of American Expression_ ()

Robert W. Caldwell iii 2017 _Theologies of the USA Revivalists from Whitefield to Finney_ (250 pages; 5.3MB)

Tim Callahan 2002 _Secret Origins of the Bible_ (460 pages)

John Calvin 2000 _Sermons on Melchizedek & Abraham_ (284 pages)

Theodore Caplow, Howard M. Bahr & Bruce Chadwick 1983 _All Faithful People_ ()

Nina Caputo & Liz Clarke 2016 _Debating Truth: The Barcelona Diisputation of 1263: A Graphic History_ (friar Paul vs. RamBaN at court of James i of Aragon in Barcelona; 245 pages)

Patrick W. Carey 1987 _People, Priests, and Prelates: Ecclesiastical Democracy and the Tensions of Trusteeism_ (350 pages)

Robert Cargill 2016 _The Cities That Built the Bible_ (340 pages; 6.6MB)

R' Aryeh Carmell 1975 _Aids to Talmud Study_ ()

R' Aryeh Carmell 1986 _Aiding Talmud Study_ (92 pages)

David M. Carr 2011 _The Formation of the Hebrew Bible: A New ReConstruction_ (544 pages)

David M. Carr 2008 _Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of the Scripture and Literature_ (348 pages)

Richard Carrier 2014 _On the Historicity of Jesus_ ()

(48) James Carroll 2011 _Jerusalem, Jerusalem: How the Ancient City Ignited Our Modern World_ (418 pages; 956.9442)

(59) ►James Carroll 2002 _Constantine's Sword: The Church & the Jews: An History_ (770 pages; 1.7MB; ILL request)◀

Stephen L. Carter 1993 _The Culture of DisBelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion_ ()

Stephen L. Carter 1998 _The Dissent of the Governed: A Meditation on Law, Religion, and Loyalty_ ()

Umberto Cassuto & Israel Abrahams 1951, 1967 _A Commentary on the Book of Exodus_ ()

ChaBaD 2021-03-14 _The ChaBaD Haggadah: For a Meaningful, Fun, & UpLifting PassOver Seder_ (95 pages; ISBN 9788713119980)

Henry Chadwick 2010 _Augustine of Hippo: A Life_ (190 pages; 454KB)

Henry Chadwick 1993 _The Early Church_ (305 pages; 801KB)

Henry Chadwick 2003 _East and West: The Making of a Rift in the Church from Apostolic Times until the Council of Florence_ (310 pages; 3.9MB)

Henry Chadwick 1991 _Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Early Church: The Making of a Rift in the Church from Apostolic Times until the Council of Florence_ (340 pages)

Chafetz Chaim/Israel Meir & Leonard Oschery 1967, 1994 _Ahavath Chesed: The Love of Kindness_ (225 pages)

(49) ►John W. Chalfant 1996, 1999 _Abandonment Theology: The Clergy & the Decline of USA Christianity_ (ethics; religion; crime; 238 pages; ISBN 9780965607407; OCLC 43968343/ 39213244; American--A Call to Greatness; ILL request)◀

Stephane Charbonnier 2016 _Open Letter: On Blasphemy, Islamophobia, and the True Enemies of Free Expression_ (305.697; )

R.H. Charles 8888 _Apocrypha and PseudEpigrapha of the Old Testament_ ()

James H. Charlesworth 1983, 1985 _The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: vol1 Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments_ (1,000 pages)

(27) James H. Charlesworth 1983, 1985 _The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: vol2 Expansions of the Old Testament and Legends, Wisdom, and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms, Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works_ (1,000 pages; ISBN 0385096305/ 0385188137; Doubleday; 229 Old vol.#2; Main)

James H. Charlesworth 1992 _The Messiah: Developments in Earliest Judaism and Christianity_ ()

James H. Charlesworth 1992 _Jesus & the Dead Sea Scrolls_ (370 pages; 232)

Conrad Cherry 1998 _God's New Israel: Religious Interpretations of American Destiny_ (448 pages)

(50) Gilbert Keith Chesterton 2011, 2015 _St. Thomas Aquinas_ (biography Thomas)

Theresa Cheung, Julia Mossbridge, Dean Radin & Loyd Auerbach 2018 _The Premonition Code: The Science of PreCognition, How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life_ (215 pages; 1.4MB)

Brevard S. Childs 1974 _The Book of Exodus_ ()

Abraham Chill 1978, 1999 _The Minhagim: The Customs and Ceremonies of Judaism, Their Origins and Rationale_ ()

Abraham Chill 1974, 2000 _The Mitzvot: The Commandments and Their Rationale_ (500 pages)

William C. Chittick 8888 _Vision of Islam_ ()

William C. Chittick 8888 _Sufi Path of Love_ ()

William C. Chittick 8888 _The Self-Disclosure of God_ ()

Pierre Chuvin & B.A. Archer 1990 _A Chronicle of the Last Pagans_ ()

Marcus Tullius Cicero & Philip Freeman 2019 _How to Think about G0D: An Ancient Guide for Believers & NonBelievers_ (165 pages; 648KB)

Daniel B. Clendeenin 1995, 1996 _Many gods, Many Lords: Christianity Ecounters World Religions_ (185 pages)

Eric H. Cline 2012 _From Eden to Exile: UnRaveling Mysteries of the Bible_ (245 pages; 11.2MB)

Bill Cloud 2016 _Esau Rising: Ancient Adversaries and the War for USA's Soul_ (190 pages; 627KB)

Kevin Coe 8888 _The G0D Strategy: How Religion Became a Political Weapon in USA_ (230 pages; 2.5MB)

Mordechai Cogan 2001 _I Kings_ (576 pages; book 10 of Anchor Yale bible Commentaries series)

Mordechai Cogan & Hayim Tadmor 1988 _II Kings_ (371 pages; book 11 of Anchor Yale bible Commentaries series)

Abraham Cohen 1949, 1990, 1995 _EveryMan's Talmud: The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages_ (464 pages)

Alfred S. Cohen 1983, 1985 _Halacha & Contemporary "Society"_ (300 pages)

Arthur A. Cohen & Paul Mendes-Flohr 1987 _Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought: Original Essays on Critical Concepts, Movements, and Beliefs_ ()

Hermann Cohen & Simon Kaplan 1919, 1995 _Religion of Reason: Out of the Sources of Judaism_ (530 pages)

Joel Cohen 2003 _Moses: A Memoir_ ()

Mark R. Cohen 2017 _Maimonides and the Merchants: Jewish Law and Society in the Medieval Islamic World_ (240 pages)

Norman J. Cohen 2007 _Moses and the Journey to Leadership: Timeless Lessons of Effective Management from the Bible and Today's Leaders_ ()

Norman J. Cohen & Robert Seltzer 1995 _The Americanization of the Synagogue_ ()

Samuel S. Cohen 1971 _Jewish Theology: An Historical and Systematic Interpretation of Judaism and Its Foundations_ ()

Samuel S. Cohen 1948 _Judaism: A Way of Life_ ()

Shaye J.D. Cohen 1999, 2001 _The Beginnings of Jewishness_ (450 pages; 5.7MB)

Shaye J.D. Cohen 2014 _From the Maccabees to the Mishnah_ (300 pages; 1.6MB)

Simcha Bunim Cohen 1995 _Shabbos Home: A Comprehensive Halachic Guide_ (240 pages)

Simcha Bunim Cohen 1991 _Shabbos Kitchen: A Comprehensive Guide to Preparation of Food and Other Kitchen Activities on Shabbos or Yom Tov_ (240 pages)

Norman Cohn 1993 _Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of the Apocalyptic Faith_ ()

Norman Cohn 1970 _The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages_ ()

Shaye J.D. Cohen 2006 _From the Maccabees to the Mishnah_ (272 pages)

Shaye J.D. Cohen 1999 _The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties_ (450 pages; 5.7MB)

E. Colle & H. Colle 2014 _The Bahir/The Brightness: English-Hebrey Edition_ (sefer bahir/book of brightness; 140 pages)

E. Colle & H. Colle 2013 _Sefer Yetzirah/The Book of Formation_ (335 pages)

John J. Collins 1995, 2010 _The Scepter and the Star: Messianism in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls_ (320 pages)

John J. Collins & Daniel C. Harlow 2013 _Early Judaism: A Comprehensive OverView_ (52 pages; 5.165MB)

John J. Collins 1999 _Between Athens and Jerusalem: Jewish Identity in the Hellenistic Diaspora_ (340 pages; 5.2MB)

John J. Collins 2014 _A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible_ (325 pages; 20.8MB)

Steven Collins 2012 _Let My People Go!: Using Historical Synchronisms to Identify the Pharaoh of the Exodus_ (160 pages)

Stephen Compton 2010 _Exodus Lost_ ()

Michael David Coogan 2014 _The 10 Commandments: A Short History of an Ancient Text_ (192 pages)

(50) Michael David Coogan 2019 _God's Favorites: Judaism, Christianity, and Divine Chosenness_ (170 pages; 296.31172 Coo; Main)

David Cook 8888 _Understanding Jihad_ ()

Michael Cook 8888 _The Koran: A Very Short Introduction_ ()

Vernon O. Cook 2014 _The Time of Jacob's Troubles: The History and Destiny of the People o Israel_ (440 pages; 1.1MB)

Moshe Cordovero 2007 _Pardes Rimonim/Orchard of Pomegranates vol1_ (Hebrew, Aramaic, English; 330 pages)

Robert Cornuke 2014, 2015 _Temple: Amazing New Discoveries that Change EveryThing about the Location of Solomon's Temple_ (180 pages; 732KB)

Thomas L. Cossette 2003 _The Way of Melchizedek_ (220 pages)

Wayne L. Cowdrey, Howard A. Davis & Arthur Vanick 205 _Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?: The Spalding Enigma_ (558 pages)

Daniel Crane 2018 _7 Books That Rocked the Church_ (175 pages; 2.2MB)

Frank Crane 2011 _The Lost Books of the Bible_ (414 pages)

Brian Croft 2014 _Visiting the Sick: Ministering God's Grace in Times of Illness_ (90 pages; 580KB)

John Dominic Crossan 1994, 2009 _Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography_ (256 pages)

Franz Valery Marie Cumont 1911, 1956, 2011, 2015 _Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism_ (250-330 pages; 521KB)

Robert Cushman et al. 1999 _American Sermons: The Pilgrims to Martin Luther King ii_ (930 pages; 252 reference)

  - - - - - D

Michael Ellias Dallen 2003 _The RainBow Covenant: Torah and the 7 Universal Laws_ (392 pages)

Joseph Dan 1996 _Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Ethics_ ()

Avraham Danzig c. 1800 _Chaye Adam_ ()

Avraham Danzig c. 1800 _Chokhmat Adam_ ()

John Dart & Ray Riegert _The Gospel of Thomas_ ()

David ibn Zimra 8888 _Magen David_ ()

David Davidovitch 1985 _The Ketubah: Jewish Marriage Contracts through the Ages_ (115 pages)

Nigel Davies 1981 _Human Sacrifice: In History & Today_ (176 pages)

Philip R. Davies 1992 _In Search of "Ancient Israel": A Study in Biblical Origins_ (176 pages)

Samuel Davies _Sermons_ (at least 3 volumes)

Samuel Davies, Thomas Gibbons & Samuel Finley 2012 _Sermons on Important Subjects_ ()

W.W. Davies 2003 _Codes of Hammurabi & Moses_ ()

James Davila 8888 _Old Testament PseudEpigraphia More NonCanonical Scriptures vol1_ (containing translation of "Treatise of Vessels"/"Massekhet Kelim"/"Massechet Qelim"; )

R' Avrohom Davis & R' Yaakov Y.H. Pupko 2001 _The Metsudah 5 Megillos (with Rashi)_ ()

Philip G. Davis 1998 _Goddess UnMasked: The Rise of NeoPagan Feminist Spirituality_ (418 pages)

John Day 2002, 2017 _Yahw** and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan_ (290 pages; 8.9MB)

Maximillien de la Fayette 2014 _The Origin of the Name of G0d and His True Identity: Synopsis and Translation of the Phoenician, Ugaritic, Canaanite, Sumerian, Akkadian, and Assyrian Tablets_ (42 pages; 681KB)

C.J. den Heyer 1998, 2000, 2012 _Paul: A Man of 2 Worlds_ (330 pages)

Geoffrey W. Dennis 2017 _Sefer ha Bahir: Selections from the Book of Brilliance, the Classic Text of Early Kabbalah_ (260 pages)

Roland de Vaux & John McHugh 1997 _Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions_ (600 pages)

William G. Dever 2006 _Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From_ (280 pages)

William G. Dever 2017 _Beyond the Texts: An Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah_ (760 pages; 48.2MB)

William G. Dever 2012 _The Lives of Ordinary People in Ancient Israel: When Archaeology and the Bible Intersect_ ()

William G. Dever, Adam Zertal, Norman Gottwald, Israel Finkelstein, P. Kyle McCarter ii, Bruce Halpern & Hershel Shanks 2013 _The Rise of Ancient Israel_ (166 pages; 2.5MB)

William G. Dever & S. Gitin 2003 _Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age Through Roman Palestine_ (596 pages)

J. de Vries 1963 _La Religion des Celtes_ ()

Maneckji N. Dhalla 1938 _History of Zoroastrianism_ ()

Anita Diamant 1998 _Choosing a Jewish Life: A HandBook for People Converting to Judaism and for Their Family and Friends_ (245 pages)

reverend Patrick J. Dignan 1933, 1935 _An History of the Legal Incorporation of Catholic Church Property in the USA 1784-1932_ (280 pages)

E.J. Dionne ii, Jean Bethke Elshtain & Kayla M. Drogosz 204 _One Electorate Under God?: A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics_ ()

Cyril Domb 1980, 1982, 1992 _Maaser Kesavim: Giving a Tenth to Charity_ (190 pages)

Jean Doresse 1960 _The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics_ ()

Elliot N. Dorff 1998 _Matters of Life and Death: A Jewish Approach to Modern Medical Ethics_ ()

Elliot N. Dorff & Arthur Rosett 1988 _A Living Tree: The Roots and Growth of Jewish Law_ ()

Jack Doueck 1998, 2000 _The Hesed Boomerang: How Acts of "Kindness" Can Enrich Our Lives_ (Chesed; 325 pages)

Daniel L. Dreisbach 2016 _Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers_ (420 pages; 1.9MB)

Michael Drosnin 2010 _Bible Code 3: Saving the World_ (225 pages)

Simon Markovich Dubnow & Israel Friedlaender 1916, 2012, 2013 _History of the Jews in Russia and Poland: vol1 from the earliest times until the present day_ (306 pages; 595KB)

Simon Markovich Dubnow & Israel Friedlaender 1916, 2007, 2011 _History of the Jews in Russia and Poland: vol2 from the death of Alexander i until the death of Alexander iii_ (126 pages)

Simon Markovich Dubnow & Israel Friedlaender 1920, 2012 _History of the Jews in Russia and Poland: vol3 from the accession of Nicholas ii until the present day_ (420 pages)

William Duggan 2015 _The 7th Sense: How Flashes of Insight Change Your Life_ (190 pages; 1.1MB)

James D.G. Dunn 1992, 2006 _The Partings of the Ways: Between Christianity and Judaism and Their Significance for the Character of Christianity_ (430 pages)

Khalid Duran & Abdelwahab Hechiche 8888 _Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Islam for Jews_ ()

  - - - - - E

Herbert N. Eaton, Henry Ward Beecher & Benjamin F. Butler 1879, 2017 _An Hour with the American Hebrew_ (100 pages)

(50) Diana L. Eck 2001 _A New Religious America: How a "Christian Country" Has Become the World's Most Religiously Diverse Nation_ (404s pages; 200.973; Main)

John Eckhardt 2015 _Prophet, Arise: Your Call to Boldly Speak the Word of the Lord_ (192 page; 2.6MB)

John Eckhardt 2011 _God Still Speaks: How to Hear and Receive Revelation from God for Your Family, Church, and Commuity_ (238 pages; 834KB)

John Eckhardt 2014 _Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Living Free_ (272 pages; 3MB)

Alfred Edersheim 2011 _Jewish Angelology and Demonology & the Fall of the Angels_ ()

Alfred Edersheim 2016 _Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ_ (220 pages; 3.7MB)

Betsalel Philip Edwards & R' Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Isbitza _Living Waters_ (based on Leiner's _Mei Ha-Shiloach_)

Jonathan Edwards, Wilson H. Kimnach, Kenneth P. Minkema & Douglas A. Sweeney 1999 _The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards_ ()

Jonathan Edwards, Theodore Parker, Lucretia Mott & Dwight Moody 2006 _Great American Sermons_ ()

Jonathan Edwards et al. 2005 _Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and Other Puritan Sermons_ ()

Jonathan Edwards et al. 2011 _Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God_ (32 pages; 126KB)

() Bart D. Ehrman 2011 _Forged: Writing in the Name of God: Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are_ (307 pages; 981KB; 225.1 Ehr; Main)

Bart D. Ehrman 2011 _The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: The Effect of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament_ (400 pages; 99999.99999)

Bart D. Ehrman 2010 _Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don't Know about Them)_ (292 pages; 225.486 EHR; NE+E)

Bart D. Ehrman 2005 _Lost Scriptures: Books That Did Not Make It Into the New Testament_ ()

(55) Bart D. Ehrman 2003 _Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew_ (294 pages; 229.9206 Ehr; NE)

(56) Bart D. Ehrman 2014 _How Jesus "Became God": The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee_ (400 pages; 232 Ehr; Main)

(59) Bart D. Ehrman 2018 _The Triumph of Christianity: How a Forbidden Religion Swept the World_ (335 pages; 270.1 Ehr; E)

(88) Bart D. Ehrman 2018 _Jesus Before the Gospels: How the Earliest Christians Remembered, Changed, & Invented Their Stories of the Savior_ (310 pages; 849KB)

(63) Bart D. Ehrman 2007 _Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why_ (225.486 EHR; NE+E+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden) (see also books by Timothy Paul Jones & Dillon Burroughs)

Zevi Hirsch Eichenstein & Louis Jacobs 1995 _Turn Aside from Evil and Do Good: An Introduction and a Way to the Tree of Life_ (190 pages)

Arnold M. Eisen 1983 _The Chosen People in America: A Study in Jewish Religious Ideology_ ()

Yosef Eisen 8888 _Miraculous Journey_ ()

Ronald L. Eisenberg 2012 _The 613 Mitzvot_ (390 pages; 1.1MB)

Robert H. Eisenman 1996, 1998 _James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to UnLocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls_ (James=Jacob/Yaaqeb; 1,100 pages; 9.1MB)

Robert H. Eisenman 1992 _The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered_ (296.155)

Cozmo El 2015 _The Moabite Key to Kemetic, Arabic, and Hebrew: Introduction to the Moabite Script: a Phenomenological and Grammatical Approach_ (70 pages; 1.8MB)

Daniel Elazar 1981 _Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses_ ()

Mordechai Yosef Elazar of Radzin 8888 _Tiferet Yosef_ ()

Ismar Elbogen 1993 _Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History_ ()

John Eldredge 2009 _Fathered by God: Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You_ (230 pages; 654KB)

John Eldredge 2011 _Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul_ (260 pages; 1.5MB)

John Eldredge 2016 _Walking with God: How to Hear His Voice_ (225 pages; 923KB)

John Eldredge & Stasi Eldredge 2011 _Captivating: UnVeiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul_ (245 pages; 847KB)

Mircea Eliade 8888 _Patterns in Comparative Religions_ ()

Mircea Eliade 1954 _The Myth of the Eternal Return_ ()

sir Charles Eliot 1921 _Hinduism and Buddhism: An Historical Sketch_ ()

Ivan Engnell 1943 _Studies in Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East_ ()

Roland Enmarch 2009 _A World UpTurned: Commentary and Analysis of the Dialogue of Ipuwer and the Lord of All_ ()

Epiphanius 8888 _De Mensuris et Ponderibus_ ()

Epiphanius 8888 _Adersus Haereses_ ()

Epiphanius 8888 _Anabathmoi Jacobou_/_The Ascents of James_ ()

Louis M. Epstein 2012 _Ketubah: The Jesish Marriage Contract: A Study of the Status of the Woman in Jewish Law_ (325 pages)

Louis M. Epstein 1927, 2005 _The Jesish Marriage Contract: A Study of the Status of the Woman in Jewish Law_ (300 pages)

Perle Epstein 1988 _Kabbalah: The Way of the Jewish Mystic_ ()

Yechiel Michel Ha-Levi Epstein 8888 _Arukh Ha-Shulchan_/_Laying the Table_ ()

Immanuel Etkes 1993 _Rabbi Israel Salanter & the Mussar Movement_ (395 pages)

Immanuel Etkes & Jeffrey M. Green 2014 _Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady: The Origins of Chabad Hasidism_ (Chasidism; 355 pages; 953KB)

Eusebius 8888 _Ecclesiastical History_ ()

Michael D. Evans 1997 _Jerusalem Betrayed: Ancient Prophecy and Modern Conspiracy Collide in the Holy City_ (280 pages; 749KB)

  - - - - - F

Marcia Falk, R' Sue Levi Elwell, R' Naamah Kelman, R' Dalia Marx & R' David Ellenson 2017 _Book of Blessings: New Jewish Prayers for Daily Life, the Sabbath and the New Moon Festival_ (424MB)

Joseph Farah 2016 _The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians, and the End of the Age_ (260 pages; 2.7MB)

John Farina 1986 _The Early Kabbalah_ ()

William R. Farmer 1957, 1982 _Maccabees, Zealots, and Josephus: An Inquiry into Jewish Nationalism in the Greco-Roman Period_ (230 pages)

J.N. Farquhar 1915 _Modern Religious Movements in India_ ()

Steve Farrar 2006 _King Me: What Every Son Wants and Needs from His Father_ (250 pages; 610KB)

Karen Farrington 1998 _History of Religion_ ()

Karen Farrington 2002 _Historical Atlas of Religions_ ()

Jessica Fechtor 8888 _Stir: My Broken Brain and The Meals That Brought Me Home_ ()

Bill Federer/William J. Federer 2006 _The Original 13: A Documentary History of Religion in America's First 13 States_ (400 pages)

Bruce S. Feiler 2005 _Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of 3 Faiths_ (222.11092 + audio)

Bruce S. Feiler 2006 _Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the 5 Books of Moses_ (220.91 large + DVD)

R' Avraham Feld & OvadYah Avrahami 2013 _Jewish Secrets Hidden in the New Testament_ ()

David Michael Feldman 1987, 1998 _Birth Control in Jewish Law_ (340 pages)

Louis H. Feldman & Gohei Hata 1987 _Josephus, Judaism, and Christianity_ (430 pages)

Louis H. Feldman & Gohei Hata 1989 _Josephus, the Bible, and History_ (460 pages)

R' Chaim Feuer 1986 _Light of Life: A Compendium of the Writings of Rabbi Chaim ben Attar_ ()

Lawrence Fine 2003 _Physician of the Soul, Healer of the Cosmos_ ()

Lawrence Fine & Louis Jacobs 1984 _Safed Spirituality: Rules of Mystical Piety, the Beginning of Wisdom_ (220 pages)

Jack Finegan 1952 _The Archaeology of World Religions_ ()

Jack Finegan 1946 _Light from the Ancient Past: The Archaeological Backgrounds of Hebrew-Christian Religion_ ()

Shimon Finkelman & Yitzchak Berkowitz 1995 _Chofetz Chaim: A Lesson a Day: The Concepts and Laws of Proper Speech Arranged for Daily Study_ (Chaffetz Chayyim; 450 pages)

Louis Finkelstein 1960 _The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion_ ()

Charles Finney 2000 _Experiencing the Presence of God_ ()

Reuven Firestone/Reuven Feuerstein 1990 _Journeys in Holy Lands: The Evolution of the Abraham-Ishmael Legends in Islamic Exegesis_ (275 pages)Michael Fishbane 1989 _The Garments of Torah: Essays in Biblical Hermeneutics_ ()

Michael Fishbane 1985 _Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel_ ()

Priscilla Fishman 1973 _The Jews of the USA_ ()

Edmund Fleg 1995 _The Life of Moses_ ()

David Flusser 1987 _Jewish Sources in Early Christianity_ ()

David Flusser 1988 _Judaism and the Orgin of Christianity_ ()

Shawn W. Flynn 2018 _Children in Ancient Israel: The Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia in Comparative Perspective_ (260 pages)

F.J. Foakes-Jackson 1891, 1927 _The History of the Christian Church from the Earliest Times to 461CE_ ()

(45) Jonathan Safran Foer 2012 _Haggadah: English & Hebrew_ (ISBN 9780316069861; Little, Brown; 296.45 Hag; Main)

Michael P. Foley 2015 _Drinking [in Moderation] with the Saints: The Sinner's Guide to a Holy Happy Hour_ (500 pages; 23.3MB)

Michael P. Foley 2018 _Drinking [in Moderation] with Saint Nick: Christmas Cocktails for Sinners and Saints_ (215 pages; 9.8MB)

Richard C. Foltz 1999, 2010 _Religions of the Silk Road: PreModern Patterns of Globalization_/_Religions of the Silk Road: OverLand Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the 15th Century_ (190 pages)

R' Binyamin Forst & R' Aaron D. Twerski 1989 _The Laws of Brachos: A Comprehensive Exposition of the BackGround and Laws of Blessings_ (400 pages)

R' Binyamin Forst 1999 _The Laws of Kashrus: A Comprehensive Exposition of their UnderLying Concepts and Application_ (440 pages)

R' Binyamin Forst 2009 _The Kosher Kitchen: A Practical Guide_ (555 pages)

Raymond E. Fowler 2001 _Melchizedek Connection_ ()

Marvin Fox 1975 _Modern Jewish Ethics: Theory & Practice (250 pages)

Robin Lane Fox 1986, 1987, 2006, 2010 _Pagans and Christians_ (3 volumes; )

Robin Lane Fox 1986, 1987, 2006, 2010 _Pagans and Christians: v?_ (3 volumes; v? 790 pages)

Robin Lane Fox 1986, 1987, 2006, 2010 _Pagans and Christians: v? In the Mediterranean World from the 2nd Century BCE to the Conversion of Constantine_ (3 volumes; v? 790 pages)

Matt Fradd 2016 _Pints with Aquinas: 50+ Deep Thoughts from the Angelic Doctor_ (120 pages; 805KB)

R' Yissocher Frand 8888 _Shalom HaGalil_ ()

Derek Frank 8888 _Escaping the Great Deception_ ()

Yitzhak Frank 1991, 2016 _The Practical Talmud Dictionary_ (295 pages)

Yitzhak Frank 2003 _Grammar for Gemara & Targum Onkelos: An Introduction to Aramaic_ ()

Ellen Frankel & Betsy Patkin Teutsch 1995 _The Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols_ (250 pages; 4.7MB)

Estelle Frankel 2005 _Sacred Therapy: Jewish Spiritual Teachings on Emotional Healing and Inner Wholeness_ ()

Marvin E. Frankel 1994 _Faith and Freedom: Religious Liberty in the USA_ (342.73; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Henri Frankfort 1948 _Kingship and the Gods_ ()

Tamar Frankiel 2001, 2003 _The Gift of Kabbalah: Discovering the Secrets of Heaven, Renewing Your LIfe on Earth_ (250 pages; 2.9MB)

Tamar Frankiel & Judy Greenfield 2000 _Entering the Temple of Dreams: Jewish Prayers, Movements, and Meditations for the End of the Day_ (190 pages; 4.1MB)

Paula Fredriksen 2018 _When Christians Were Jews: The First Generation_ (260 pages)

(57) Harry Freedman 2016 _Murderous History of Bible Translations: Power, Conflict, and the Quest for Meaning_ (248 pages; 220.4)

(52) Samuel G. Freedman 2000, 2007 _Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry_ (400 pages; 296.09773 Fre)

Eileen Elias Freeman 1994 _The Angels' Little Instruction Book: Learning from God's Heavenly Messengers_ (146 pages)

R' Tzi Freeman 8888 _Bringing Heaven Down to Earth_ ()

G.S.P. Freeman-Grenville 1977 _The Muslim & Christian Calendars_ ()

Alexander Freinsilver 1980 _The Talmud for Today_ ()

William H.C. Frend 1964, 1982 _The Early Church_ (275 pages; 7.1MB)

Geral Friedlander 2005 _The Jewish Sources of the Sermon on the Mount_ ()

Matti Friedman 2012 _The Aleppo Codex: The True Story of Obsession, Faith, and the Pursuit of an Ancient Bible_ ()

Richard Elliot Friedman 2003, 2009 _The Bible with Sources Revealed_ (385 pages; 2.6MB)

Richard Elliot Friedman 2017 _The Exodus: How It Happened and Why It Matters_ (290 pages; 972KB)

Richard Elliott Friedman 1987, 1989 _Who Wrote the Bible?_ (304 pages; 222.1066)

Richard Elliot Friedman 2012 _Commentary On the Torah_ (690 pages; 170MB)

Timothy Fry, Timothy Horner, Imogene Baker & St. Benedict 2018 _RB 1980: The Rule of St. Benedict_ (600 pages; 1.6MB)

Tikva Frymer-Kensky, David Novak et al. 2000 _Christianity in Jewish Terms_ ()

Tikva Frymer-Kensky 200 _Reading the Women of the Bible_ ()

Lawrence H. Fuchs 2000 _Beyond Patriarchy: Jewish Fathers and Families_ ()

Robert C. Fuller 2004 _Religious Revolutionaries: The Rebels Who ReShaped American Religion_ ()

Ross Fuller 1995 _Brotherhood of the Common Life and Its Influence_ (370 pages)

(47) Steven Furtick 2016 _UnQualified: How God Uses Broken People to Do Big Things_ (212 pages; 248.4 Fur; NE)

  - - - - - G

Richard Gabriel 2005 _Jesus the Egyptian_ ()

Joseph Gaer 1962 _How the Great Religions Began_ ()

Carl Gallups 2013 _The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the EndTime_ (272 pages)

Carl Gallups 2016 _When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time_ (290 pages; 3.7MB)

Yaffa Ganz 1994 _Sand and Stars: The Jewish Journey through Time_ (258 pages)

Solomon Ganzfried & Hyman E. Goldin 1924, 1961, 1963 _The Code of Jewish Law_/_Kitzur Shulkhan Aruk_ (680 pages)

Solomon Ganzfried 1991 _Kitzur Shulchon Oruch_ (English; 785 pages)

Richard Garbe 1959 _India and Christendom: The Historical Connections between Their Religions_ ()

Laurence Gardner 2003 _Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark_ (390 pages; 296.493)

Martin Gardner 8888 _Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery_ ()

Jay Garfinkel 2000 _Wanderlust: 20 ExtraOrdinary Travel Adventures: 500 Years of Travel Writing by Explorers of Jewish Origin_ (350 pages; 910.89924 WAN; BLPerry)

Theodor Herzl Gaster 1976 _The Dead Sea Scriptures in English Translation_ (221.4; )

Edwin Scott Gaustad 1962 _Historical Atlas of Religion in America_ ()

Edwin Scott Gaustad & Leigh Schmidt 1990, 2015 _The Religious History of America_ (470 pages; 1.6MB)

Edwin Scott Gaustad & Mark A. Noll 2003 _A Documentary History of Religion in America to 1877_ (595 pages; 9.8MB)

Edwin Scott Gaustad & Mark A. Noll 2003 _A Documentary History of Religion in America since 1877_ (760 pages; 10.6MB)

Edwin Scott Gaustad & W.R. Hutchinson 1992, 1993 _A Documentary History of Religion in America: vol1 to the Civil War_ (545 pages)

Edwin Scott Gaustad & W.R. Hutchinson 1992, 1993 _A Documentary History of Religion in America: vol2 since 1865_ (550 pages)

Edwin Scott Gaustad 1990, 1992, 1993 _A Religious History of America: vol1 to the Civil War_ (545 pages)

John D. Gay 1971 _The Geography of Religion in England_ ()

Peter Gay 1968 _Deism: An Anthology_ ()

Armin W. Geertz 1994 _The invention of prophecy: continuity and meaning in Hopi Indian religion_ ()

David Geffen 1992 _American Heritage Haggadah: The PassOver Freedom Experience_ ()

Fawaz A. Gerges _Islamists & the West_ ()

Gesenius, E. Kautzsch & A.E. Cowley 2006 _Hebrew Grammar_ (615 pages)

Hutton Gibson 1988 _Is the Pope Catholic?_ ()

Sam D. Gill 1982 _Native American Religions_ ()

Chester Gillis 1999 _Roman Catholicism in America_ ()

Neil Billman 2003, 2012 _The Jewish Approach to God: A Brief Introduction for Christians_ (190 pages; 779KB)

Sharon Gilor 2013 _Israel in a NutShell_ (49 pages; 1.3MB)

H.L. Ginsberg 1946 _The Legend of King Keret: A Canaanite Epic of the Bronze Age_ (50 pages)

Louis Ginzberg 1909 _Legends of the Bible_ ()

Louis Ginzberg, Henrietta Szold & Paul Radin 1911, 2016, 2017 _The Legends of the Jews Complete_ (455-775 pages; 2.8MB)

Louis Ginzberg 1943, 2017 _Students, Scholars, and Saints_ (300 pages)

R' Aaron Glatt 2003 _Women in the Talmud_ ()

Nahum N. Glatzer 1953 _Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought_ ()

Nathan Glazer 1957 _American Judaism_ ()

Mark S. Glickman 2010 _Sacred Treasure: The Cairo Genizah: The Amazing Discoveries of Forgotten Jewish History in an Egyptian Synagogue Attic_ (288 pages; 3MB)

Lewis Glinert 2017 _The Story of Hebrew_ (280 pages; 492.409; NE)

Leonard R. Glotzer 1992 _The Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism: The Book of Creation and Its Commentaries_ ()

S.D. Goitein 1951 _Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts Through the Ages_ ()

S.D. Goitein 1983 _A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza_ (4 volumes)

R' Avie Gold 1986 _Bircas Kohanim: The Priestly Blessings_ (95 pages)

R' Moshe Goldberger 2001 _100 Brachos: Counting Your Blessings 100 Times a Day_ (190 pages)

Hyman E. Goldin & William Siegel 1929 _The Book of Legens: Tales from the Talmud & Midrash_ ()

Judah Goldin 1957, 1984 _The Living Talmud_ (235 pages)

Shalom Goldman 2004 _God's Sacred Tongue: Hebrew and the American Imagination_ ()

Shalom Goldman 1993 _Hebrew and the Bible in America: The First 2 Centuries_ ()

Yonason Goldson 2015 _Proverbial Beauty: Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages_ (227 pages; 882KB)

Yonason Goldson 2010 _Dawn to Destiny: Exploring Jewish History and Its Hidden Wisdom_ (496 pages; 967KB)

R' H. Rafael Goldstein 2009 _Being a Blessing: 54 Ways You Can Help People Living with Illness_ (220 pages)

Jonathan A. Goldstein 2007 _I Maccabees: A New Translation_ ()

Jonathan A. Goldstein 1995 _II Maccabees: A New Translation_ ()

Rebecca Goldstein 2006 _Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity_ (biography Spinoza)

James W. Goll & Sid Roth 2009 _The Coming Israel Awakening: Gazing into the Future of the Jewish People and the Church_ ()

Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough & Jacob Neusner 1989 _Jewish Sybols in the Greco-Roman Period_ (315 pages)

Micah Goodman & 2018 _Catch-67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the 6-Day War_ (255 pages; 1MB)

Percival Goodman 1947 _Communitas: Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life_ ()

Edgar J. Goodspeed & Moses Hadas _The Apocrypha_ ()

Robert Gordis & Ruth B Waxman 1973 _Faith and Reason: Essays in Judaism_ ()

R' Alon Goshen-Gottstein 2000 _The Sinner and the Amnesiac: The Rabbinic Invention of Elisha ben Abuya and Eleazar ben Arach_ ()

Lester L. Grabbe 2008 _Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It_ (328 pages)

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Lester L. Grabbe 2007 _Ahab Agonistes: The Rise and Fall of the Omri Dynasty_ (360 pages)

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Rod Gragg 2018 _The Word: The History of the Bible and How It Came to Us_ (310 pages)

Robert M. Grant 1959 _Gnosticism and Early Christianity_ ()

Madeleine Gray 2003 _The Protestant Reformation: Belief, Practice and Tradition_ ()

Rebecca Gray 1993 _Prophetic Figures in Late Second Temple Jewish Palestine: The Evidence from Josephus_ (245 pages)

Solomon Grazel 1957 _An History of the Jews_ ()

Natasha Grbich 2013 _Repentance: Cleansing Your Generational BloodLine_ (150 pages; 598KB)

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Blu Greenberg 1985, 2011 _How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household_ (520 pages; 3.7MB)

Moshe Greenberg 1955 _The Hab/piru_ ()

Sidney Greenberg 1999 _A Treasury of Favorite Sermons by Leading American Rabbis_ ()

Margaret R. Greer, Maureen Quilligan & Walter D. Mignolo 2008 _ReReading the "Black Legend": The Discourses of Religious & Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires_ (465 pages; 6.2MB)

Brad S. Gregory 2012 _The UnIntended Reformation_ (580 pages; 2MB)

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Henri Gross/Henry Gross/Heinrich Gross 1897, 2010, 2011 _Gallia Judaica: Geographical Dictionary of France from the Rabbinical Sources_ (literary history; 755 pages)

Erich S. Gruen 1998 _Heritage and Hellenism: The ReInvention of Jewish Tradition_ (340 pages; 4.9MB)

G.C.F Grumbine or J.C.F. Grumbine 2014 _The Secret Doctrine of the Order of Melchizedek in the Bible_ (64 pges)

Rene Guenon 2004 _Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta_ (180 pages; 539KB)

Rosemary Guiley 2004 _The Encyclopedia of Angels_ ()

(50) Os Guinness, Ginger Koloszyc & Karen Lee-Thorp 2001 _The Great Experiment: Faith and Freedom in the USA_ (261.72; Main)

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Yisroel Gukovitzky 1992 _Ma'aseh Oreg: A Guide to Weaving and Spinning in the Times of the Hazal (Talmud)_ ()

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Jeffrey S. Gurock 1996 _America Jewish Orthodoxy in Historical Perspective_ ()

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Norman C. Habel 1964 _Yahw** vs. Baal: A Conflict of Religious Cultures_ ()

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Bernard Haisch 2009 _The God Theory: Universes, Zero-Point Fields, and What's Behind It All_ (175 pages; 538KB)

Moshe Halbertal 2013 _Maimonides: Life and Thought_ (393 pages; 1.172MB)

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Abraham Halkin & David Hartman 1985 _Crisis and Leadership: Epistles of Maimonides_ ()

Henry R. Hall 2018 _The Ancient History of the Near East_ (420 pages; 2.6MB)

Manly P. Hall 8888 _Melchizedek & the Mystery of Fire_ ()

Henry H. Halley 2012 _The Time between the Old and New Testament: A Zonderan Digital Short_ (34 pages; 2.7MB)

William W. Hallo 1997 _The Context of Scripture: vol1 Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World_ ()

Ken Ham, Jeff Kinley & Britt Beemer 2015 _Ready to Return: Bringing Back the Church's Lost Generation_ ()

Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe 1996 _Charles G. Finney and the Spirit of American Evangelism_ ()

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali & Michael E. Marmura 2000 _The Incoherence of the Philosophers_ ()

Reuven Hammer 1998 _Entering the High Holidays_ ()

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Vernon B. Hampton 1932 _Religious Background of the White House_ ()

Lowell K. Handy 1994 _Among the Host of Heaven: The Syro-Palestinian Pantheon As Bureaucracy_ (210 pages)

Kenneth Hanson 2004, 2006 _Secrets from the Lost Bible_ (248 pages)

Kenneth Hanson 2004 _Kabbalah: The UnTold Story of the Mystic Tradition_ (288 pages; 2.371MB)

John E. Hare 2000 _God's Call: Moral Realism, God's Commands, and Human Autonomy_ (120 pages; 1.2MB)

George W. Harper 2016 _From Before Ur to Babylon: A Non-Theological Study of the Origins of the Hebrew People and the Jewish Faith_ (410 pages)

Sam Harris 2005 _The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason_ (349 pages; 607KB)

Sam Harris & Majid Hawaz 2015 _Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue_ (144 pages; 398KB)

David Hartman 1997, 2013 _A Living Covenant: The Innovative Spirit in Traditional Judaism_ (355 pages; 1.2MB)

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Nathan O. Hatch 1989 _The Democratization of American Christianity_ ()

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Martin R. Hauge 2001 _The Descent from the Mountain: Narrative Patterns in Exodus 19-40_ ()

G.R. Hawting 1999 _The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to History_ ()

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Ronald Hendel & Jan Joosten 2018 _How Old Is the Hebrew Bible: A Linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study (230 pages)

Daid E. Henderson & Frank Kirkpatrick 2016 _Constantine and the Council of Nicaea: Defining OrthoDoxy and Heresy in Christianity 325CE_ (80 pages; 958KB)

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Basil F. Herring 1984 _Jewish Ethics and Halakhah for Our Time_ (295 pages)

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Abraham Joshua Heschel & Susannah Heschel 1996 _Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity: Essays_ ()

Susannah Heschel 2011 _Abraham Joshua Heschel: Essential Writings_ (200 pages)

J.N. Hillgarth 1985 _Christianity and Paganism 350-750: The Conversion of Western Europe_ (220 pages)

Shmuel Himelstein 1993 _Words of Wisdom, Words of Wit_ (255 pages)

John R. Hinnells 8888 _Religious Reconstruction in the South Asian Diaspora_ ()

Ammiel Hirsch & Yaakov Yosef Reinman 2003 _One People, Two Worlds: A Reform Rabbi and an Orthodox Rabbi Explore the Issues That Divide Them_ ()

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Aris M. Hobeth 2002 _Moses in the 12th Dynasty Egyptian Literature_ (235 pages; 15.8MB)

Marshall G.S. Hodgson 8888 _The Venture of Islam_ ()

Samuel N. Hoenig 1993 _The Essence of Talmudic Law and Thought_ ()

Sidney Benjamin Hoenig 2012 _The Great Sanhedrin: A Study of the Origin, Development, Composition, and Functions of the Bet Din Ha-Gadol During the Second Jewish CommonWealth_ (310 pages)

Joel M. Hoffman 2014 _The Bible's Cutting Room Floor: The Holy Scriptures Missing from Your Bible_ (220.1; Main+NE)

Lawrence A. Hoffman, Yoram Bitton, Annette M. Boeckler, Marc Zvi Brettler, Lawrence A. Englander, Edward Feinstein, Solomon B. Freehof, Eric L. Friedland, Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, Edwin Goldberg, Andrew Goldstein et al. 2013 _May God Remember: Memory and Memorializing in Judaism: Yizkor (Prayers of Awe)_ (300 pages; 11.2MB)

Lawrence A. Hoffman, Marc Zvi Brettler, Elliot Dorff, David Ellenson, Ellen Frankel, Joel Hoffman, Yoel Kahn, Lawrence Kushner, Nehemia Polen & Daniel Landes 2013 _Birkhot HaShachar: Morning Blessings_ (230 pages; 7.5MB)

Lawrence A. Hoffman 2010 _My People's PrayerBook: The Shemaa and Its Blessings_ ()

Roald Hoffman & Shira Leibowitz 1997 _Old Wine, New Flasks: Reflections on Science and Jewish Tradition_ ()

Roald Hoffman _Indigo: A Story of Craft, Religion, History, Science and Culture_ ()

R. Joseph Hoffman 1996 _The Secret Gospels_ ()

James K. Hoffmeier 2011 _Ancient Israel in Sinai: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition_ (384 pages)

James K. Hoffmeier 1999 _Ancient Israel in Egypt: Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition_ (280 pages)

James K. Hoffmeier 2015 _Akhenaten and the Origins of MonoTheism_ (312 pages; 46.4MB)

Meir Holder 1986 _History of the Jewish People from Yavneh to Pumbedisa: 9 Centuries from the Destruction of the 2nd Temple to the End of the Geonic Period_ (Javne, Pumbeditha, Gaonic; 320 pages)

E. Brooks Holifield 2003 _Theology in America: Christian Thought from the Age of the Puritans to the Civil War_ ()

(50) Richard Holloway 2016 _A Little History of Religion_ (244 pages; 200.9 Hol; Main)

Barry W. Holtz 1986, 2008 _Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts_ (435 pages; 2.7MB)

William Hone 1979 _Apocryphal Books_/_The Lost Books of the Bible_ (293 pages; 229.9)

Andrew Hopkins & Maria Wyke 2006 _Dialogue of Ipuwer and the Lord of All_ ()

William Horbury 2012 _Jewish Messianism and the Cult of Christ_ ()

Stanley M. Hordes 2005 _To The End of The Earth: A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico_ ()

Erik Hornung & David Lorton 2001 _Akhenaten and the Religion of Light_ (180 pages)

Ahron Horovitz 2009 _Jerusalem: FootSteps through Time: 10 Torah Study Tours of the Old City_ (345 pages)

Jacob Hoschander 2012 _The Book of Esther in the Light of History_ (326 pages)

Larry Huch 2009 _The Torah Blessing: Revealing the Mystery, Releasing the Miracle_ (210 pages; 584KB)

James Hudnut-Beumler 1994 _Looking for God in the SubUrbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics 1945-1965_ ()

Colleen Hughes 8888 _Angels on Earth_ ()

Michael B. Hundley 2013 _Gods in Dwellings: Temples and Divine Presence in the Ancient Near East_ ()

Alice Hunt 2006 _Missing Priests: The Zadokites in Tradition and History_ (210 pages)

Robert J. Hutchinson 8888 _When in Rome: A Journal of Life in Vatican City_ ()

  - - - - - I

Moshe Idel & Joseph Dan 1986 _The Early Kabbalah_ (220 pages)

Moshe Idel 1986, 1987 _The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia_ (250 pages)

Ignatius of Loyola & Elder Mulan 2017 _The Spiritual Exercises_ (165 pages; 1.3MB)

Dominique Iogna-Prat & Graham Robert Edwards 2002 _Order and Exclusion: Cluny and Christendom Face Heresy, Judaism, and Islam 1000-1150_ (432 pages)

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Irenaeus of Lyons & John Keble 1872 _5 Books of S. Irenaeus bishop of Lyons against Heresies_ ()

H.A. Ironside 2014 _The 400 Silent Years from Malachi to Matthew_ (105 pages; 1.2MB)

rabbi Ronald H. Isaacs 1993 _Becoming Jewish: A HandBook for Conversion_ (130 pages)

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Steve Israel & Seth Forman 1994 _Great Jewish Speeches ThroughOut History_ ()

  - - - - - J

Benno Jacob & Walter Jacob 1940 _The Second Book of the Bible: Exodus_ ()Walter Jacob 2014 _The Internet Revolution & Jewish Law: Privacy, Temptations, Intellectual Property, Worship in the Cloud_ (155 pages; Solomon B Freehof Institute of Regressive Halakhah)

Jill Suzanne Jacobs 2003 _Hebrew for Dummies_ (350 pages)

Louis Jacobs 1957 _We Have Reason to Believe_ ()

Louis Jacobs 1964 _Principles of the Jewish Faith_ ()

Louis Jacobs 1976 _Jewish Mystical Testimonies_ ()

Louis Jacobs 2004 _Jewish Preaching: Homilies and Sermons_ ()

Louis Jacobs 2000 _A Tree of Life: Diversity, Flexibility, & Creativity in Jewish Law_ (335 pages)

Immanuel Jakobovits 1975 _Jewish Medical Ethics: A Comparative and Historical Study of the Jewish Religious Attitude to Medicine and Its Practice_ (465 pages)

Stanley L. Jaki 1988 _The Savior of Science_ ()

David W. Jamieson-Drake 2009, 2011 _Scribes and Schools in Monarchic Judah_ (240 pages)

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Johannes J.G. Jansen _The Dual Nature of Islamic Fundamentalism_ ()

Marcus Jastrow 1902 _Dictionary of the Talmud_ ()

Philip Jenkins 2007 _God's Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis_ (353 pages; 1.037MB)

Alan W. Jenks 1977 _The Elohist and North Israelite Traditions_ (164 pages)

Timothy R. Jennings 2013 _The God-Shaped Brain: How Changing Your View of God Transforms Your Life_ (245 pages; 732KB)

David Jeremiah 2015 _Agents of Babylon: What the Prophecies of Daniel Tell Us about the End of Days_ (360 pages; 224.5015; )

Jerome/Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus c. 323 _Lives of Illustrious Men_/_De Viris Illustribus_ (200 pages)

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Jerome/Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus c. 323 vulgate translation of Christian Bible ()

Leon Jick 1976 _The Americanization of the Synagogue 1820-1870_ ()

Joan Johnson 1984 _The Cult Movement_ ()

Ken Johnson 2006 _Ancient Seder Olam: A Christian Translation of the 2000-year-old Scroll_ (230 pages)

Paul Johnson 1996 _The Quest for God: A Personal Pilgrimage_ (239)

Paul Johnson & Richard John Neuhaus 1987 _UnSecular America_ ()

Paul Johnson 1995 _An History of Christianity_ ()

Paul E. Johnson 1994 _African-American Christianity: Essays in History_ ()

Nathan Johnstone 2018 _The New Atheism, Myth, and History: The "Black Legends" of Contemporary Anti-Religion_ (315 pages; 619KB)

Hans Jonas 1958 _The Gnostic Religion: The Message of the Alien God and the Beginnings of Christianity_ ()

Iris F. Jones 8888 _Great Melchizedek_ ()

Timothy Paul Jones 2007 _Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's "Misquoting Jesus"_ ()

Jenna Weissman Joselit 1990 _New York's Jewish Jews: The Orthodox Community in the InterWar Years_ ()

Jenna Weissman Joselit 2017 _Set In Stone: USA's Embrace of the 10 Commandments_ (220 pages; 15.5MB)

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Flavius Josephus _Jewish War_/_Bellum Iudaicum_ ()

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Flavius Josephus & Charles M. Woolf 2012 _A Synopsis of the Works of Josephus from the Beginning of the Hasmonean Period to the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans_ (324 pages)

Flavius Josephus & William Whiston 1987 _The Works of Josephus: Complete and UnAbridged_ (925 pages; 909.0492)

Raphael Jospe & Stanley M. Wagner 1981 _Great Schisms in Jewish History_ (250 pages)

Paul Joueon & T. Muraoka 2011 _A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew_ (820 pages)

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  - - - - - K

(59) Otto Kaiser 2004 _The Old Testament Apocrypha_ (229.061)

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Ephraim Kanarfogel 2012 _The Intellectual History and Rabbinic Culture of Medieval Ashkenaz_ (600 pages; 7.294MB)

G.A.S. Kapelrud 1952 _Baal in the Ras Shamra Texts_ ()

R' Aryeh Kaplan 1979 _The HandBook of Jewish Thought_ ()

R' Aryeh Kaplan 1997-05-01 _Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation (in Theory and Practice)_ (350-424 pages; 16.4MB; ISBN 0877286906/ 9780877286905; Weiser)

R' Aryeh Kaplan 1981 _The Light Beyond: Adventures in Hassidic Thought_ ()

R' Aryeh Kaplan 1993 _Waters of Eden: The Mystery of the Mikvah_ (90 pages)

R' Aryeh Kaplan 2001 _The Bahir: Illumination_ (260 pages; 15.1MB)

R' Aryeh Kaplan 1974 _The Aryeh Kaplan Anthology_ (at least 2 volumes)

(50) R' Aryeh Kaplan 1985 _Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide_ (165 pages; 296.72 Kap; Main)

Mordecai Kaplan 1934 _Judaism as a Civilization: Toward the ReConstruction of American-Jewish Life_ ()

Mordecai M. Kaplan 1937, 1994 _The Meaning of God in Modern Jewish Religion_ ()

Mordecai M. Kaplan 1971 _The Purpose and Meaning of Jewish Existence: A People in the Image of God_ ()

Joseph Karo/Joseph Caro _Shulchan Arukh_/_Set Table_ ()

Abraham J. Karp, Mordecai Manuel Noah & W.G.D. Worthington 1975 _Beginnings: Early American Judaica: A Collection of 10 Publications, in Facsimile, Illustrative of the Religious, Communal, Cultural & Political Life of American Jewry 1761-1845_ (493 pages)

Abraham J. Karp 1964 _An History of the United Synagogue of America 1913-1963_ ()

Efraim Karsh 2006, 2007 _Islamic Imperialism: An History_ (304 pages; 325.32)

Efraim Karsh & Inari Karsh _Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East 1789-1923_ ()

Abraham I. Katsh 1954 _Judaism and Islam: Biblical and Talmudic Backgrounds of the Koran and Its Commentaries_ ()

Michael Katz & Gershon Schwartz 1997 _Swimming in the Sea of Talmuc: Lessons for EveryDay Living_ (360 pages; 4.5MB)

Shlomo Katz & Shlomo Carlebach 2014 _The Soul of Jerusalem_ (200 pages; 621KB)

Othmar Keel & Christoph Uehlinger 1998 _Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God in Ancient Israel_ (480 pages)

Arthur Berriedale Keith 1925 _The Religion and Philosophy of the Vedas and Upanishads_ ()

Menachem Kellner 1999 _Must a Jew Believe Anything?_ ()

Menachem Kellner 1986 _Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought_ ()

John Norman Davidson Kelly 1978, 2003 _Early Christian Doctrines_ (230.09)

Glenn Kimball _Hidden Politics of the Crucifixion_ ()

Glenn Kimball & David Stirland 1998 _Hidden Politics of the Crucifixion_ (163 pages)

Glenn Kimball 1997 _Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus_ (96 pages)

Timothy Kimberley 2016 _Top 10 Biblical Discoveries in Archaeology_ (90 pages; 1.4MB)

Karen King 8888 _Gospel of Mary of Magdala_ ()

(50) Daphne Rose Kingma & Dawna Markova 1993 _Random Acts of "Kindness"_ (159 pages; 177.7 RAN; NE)

(50) Adam Kirsch/Adam Hirsch 2016 _The People and the Books: 18 Classics of Jewish Literature_ (405 pages; 809.88924 Kir; Main)

(20) ►Jonathan Kirsch 1998 _Moses: A Life_ (415 pages; ILL request)◀

(10) Jonathan Kirsch 2004, 2005 _God against the Gods: The History of the War between MonoTheism and PolyTheism_ (336 pages; 291.14 Kir; Main)

Jonathan Kirsch 2000, 2009 _King David: The Real Life of the Man Who Ruled Israel_ (375 pages; 1.1MB; 10 disks; CD-spoken 222.4092)

K.A. Kitchen 1966 _Ancient Orient and Old Testament_ ()

K.A. Kitchen 1993 _Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated_ ()

Francine Klagsbrun 1980, 1986, 1989, 2001 _Voices of Wisdom: Jewish Ideals & Ethics for EveryDay Living_ (545-580 pages)

Hans Josef Klauck 2003 _Matic and Paganism in Early Christianity: The World of the Acts of the Apostles_ (140 pages; 1.8MB)

Isaac Klein 1979, 1992 _A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice_ ()

Ralph W. Klein 1979 _Israel in Exile: A Theological Interpretation_ (160 pages)

Simcha Kling & Carl M. Perkins 1999 _Embracing Judaism_ ()

Gary N. Knoppers 2013 _Jews and Samaritans: The Origins and History of Their Early Relations_ (340 pages)

Ronald Knox 1949 _On Englishing the Bible_ ()

Ludwig Koehler, Walter Baumgartner, et al. _The Hebrew & Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament_ ()

Craig R. Koester 1989 _Dwelling of God: The Tabernacle in the Old Testament, InterTestamental Jewish Literature, and the New Testament_ ()

Menachem Kohen 2007 _Prophecies for the Era of Muslim Terrorism: A Torah Perspective on World Events_ (215 pages)

John R. Kohlenberger 9999 _Parallel Apocrypha_ ()

Alfred J. Kolatch 2002 _Masters of the Talmud: Their Lives and Views_ ()

Alfred J. Kolatch 1988 _This Is the Torah_ (222.1)

(80) Alfred J. Kolatch 1987 _The Concise Family Seder_/_Haggadah, English & Hebrew_ (296.437 Hag; Main)

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Abraham Isaac Kook & Alter B.Z. Metzger 1978 _The Lights of Return_ ()

Dede Korkut 2001 _Life Alert, The Medical Case of Muhammad_ (200 pages)

Andreas J. Kostenberger & Michael J. Kruger 2010 _The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How Contemporary Culture's Fascination with Diversity Has ReShaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity_ (245 pages; 679KB)

Joel L. Kraemer 2008 _Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds_ (621 pages; 1.3MB)

Ross Shepard Kraemer 1998 _When Aseneth Met Joseph: A Late Antique Tale of the Biblical Patriarch and His Egyptian Wife ReConsidered_ (384 pages; 31.7MB)

Robert A. Kraft & George W.E. Nickelsburg 1986 _Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters_ (480 pages)

Joshua Kramer 2004 _Matzoh Ball Soup: A Collection of Personal Stories, Poems, and Rabbinical Sermons to Inspire the Jewish Spirit..._ ()

Donald B. Kraybill 2014 _Renegade Amish: Beard Cutting, Hate Crimes, and the Trial of the Bergholz Barbers_ (225 pages; 1.6MB)

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Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt & David L. Weaver-Zercher 2010 _The Amish Way: Patient Faith in a Perilous World_ (289 pages; 509KB; 248.4897; NE)

Peter Kreeft 2004 _The God Who Loves You_ (231.6; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Howard Kreisel 2003 _Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy_ (650 pages)

Hans Kueng 8888 _On Being Christian_ ()

James L. Kugel 8888 _How to Read the Bible_ ()

James L. Kugel 2017 _The Great Shit: Encountering God in Biblical Times_ (490 pages; 7.5MB)

Timur Kuran 8888 _Islam and Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism_ ()

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  - - - - - L

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Maurice Lamm 1969, 2000 _The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning_ (300 pages)

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Maurice Lamm 1979 _From Life To Life: Death and Mourning in the Jewish Tradition_ (DVD)

Norman Lamm 1971 _Faith and Doubt: Studies in Traditional Jewish Thought_ ()

Brent Landau 2010 _Revelation of the Magi: The Lost Tale of the Wise Mens's Journey to Bethlehem_ ()

George M. Landes 2018 _Building Your Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary: Learning Words by Frequency and Cognates_ (1.9MB)

Edward J. Larson 1997 _Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion_ ()

Cleophus J. LaRue 2011 _I Believe I'll Testify: The Art of African American Preaching_ ()

Jacob Lassner 2017 _Medieval Jerusalem: Forging an Islamic City in Spaces Sacred to Christians and Jews_ (255 pages; 1.7MB)

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Binyamin Lau 2013 _Jeremiah: The Fate of a Prophet_ (250 pages; 1.3MB)

Anson Laytner 1990 _Arguing with God: A Jewish Tradition_ ()

Nehama Leibowitz 1980 _Studies in Devarim_ ()

Yeshayahu Leibowitz & Eliezer Goldman 1992 _Judaism, Human Values and the Jewish State_ ()

Yeshayahu Leibowitz 8888 _Accepting the Yoke of Heaven_ ()

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Jean Yves Leloup & Joseph Rowe 2004 _The Gospel of Philip: Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Gnosis of Sacred Union_ (170 pages; 229.8; E)

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Wolf Leslau 1951 _Falasha Anthology: The Black Jews of Ethiopia_ ()

Ralph Lerner 2000 _Maimonides's Empire of Light: Popular Enlightenment in an Age of Belief_ (221 pages)

Jon Levenson 1993 _The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son_ ()

Jon D. Levenson 1993 _The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, and Historical Criticism_ ()

Jon D. Levenson 1985 _Sinai & Zion: An Entry into the Jewish Bible_ ()

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Meyer Levin 1959, 1985 _Classic Hassidic Tales: Marvelous Tales of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov and of His Great-GrandSon, Rabbi Nachman, ReTold from Hebrew, Yiddish, and German Sources_ (357 pages; 892.4 Lev; Main)

Yigal Levin 2012 _War and Peace in Jewish Tradition from Biblical Times to the Present_ ()

Aaron Levine 1987 _How to Perform the Great Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim: Visiting the Sick_ ()

R' Aryeh Levine 8888 _The Tzadik of Yerushalayim: A Tzadik in Our Time_ (or is it about Aryeh Levine?)

Naomi Levy 2018 _Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul_ (338 pages; 202.2 Lev; Main)

Richard N. Levy 2000 _On Wings of Light: The Hillel Siddur for Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat Evenings_ ()

Alan Lew 2003 _This Is Real and You Are Completely UnPrepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of TransFormation_ ()

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Clive Staples Lewis 1943 _The Abolition of Man_ ()

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Y. Lewis & Nabi Moshe _Ancient Mysteries of Melchizedek_ ()

Conrad E. l'Heureux 1979 _Rank Among the Canaanite gods: El, Baal, & the Rephaim_ (240 pages)

Joe Lieberman & David Klinghoffer 2011 _The Gift of Rest: ReDiscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath_ ()

Joshua Loth Liebman 1946 _Peace of Mind_ ()

Hanx Lietzmann 1950 _From Constantine to Julian: An History of the Early Church_ ()

Neil R. Lightfoot 2003 _How We Got the Bible_ (225 pages; 3.2MB)

Jack N. Lightstone & Frederick B. Bird 1995 _Ritual and "Ethnic Identity": A Comparative Study of the "Social Meaning" of Liturgical Ritual in Synagogues_ ()

Timothy H. Lim 2013 _The Formation of the Jewish Canon_ (304 pages)

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Joseph B. Lumpkin 2011 _Banned from the Bible: Books Banned, Rejected, and Forbidden_ (820 pages)

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C.H. MacKintosh 8888 _The Life and Times of David_ (190 pages; 528KB)

Moses Maimonides & Henry Abramson 2012 _Moses Maimonides on Teshuvah: The Ways of Repentance, a New Translation and Commentary_ (146 pages)

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Moses Maimonides   Menachem Marc Kellner 1977 _Maimonides and Gersonides on Mosaic Prophecy_ ()

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Claude F. Mariottini 2013 _ReReading the Biblical Text: Searching for Meaning and Understanding_ ()

Jean Markale 2003 _Montsegur and the Mystery of the Cathars_ (300 pages)

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Ernest L. Martin 1994 _The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot_ ()

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Cotton Mather 1695 _2 Brief Discourses_ ()

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Ann Elizabeth Mayer 8888 _Islam and Human Rights: Traditions and Politics_ ()

Harvey K. McArthur & 2014 _Robert M. Johnston 2014 _They Also Taught in Parables: Rabbinic Parables from the First Centuries of the Christian Era_ (210 pages)

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Barbara A. McGraw & Jo Renee Formicola 2005 _Taking Religious Pluralism Seriously: Spiritual Politics on America's Sacred Ground_ ()

John T. McGreevy 2003 _Catholicism and American Freedom: An History_ ()

Philip McGuinness, Alan Harrison & Richard Kearney 1997 _John Toland's "Christianity Not Mysterious": Text, Associated Works and Critical Essays_ ()

Steven L. McKenzie 2005 _How To Read the Bible: History, Prophecy, Literature -- Why Modern Readers Need to Know the Difference, and What It Means for Faith Today_ ()

Scot McKnight 2017 _The Hum of Angels: Listening for the Messengers of God Around Us_ (200 pages; 3.7MB)

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Theophile James Meek 1960 _Hebrew Origins: The Origins of the Hebrew People, Law, God, Priesthood, Prophecy, MonoTheism_ (230 pages)

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R' Yaakov Menken 8888 _The Everything Torah Book: All You Need To Understand the Basics of Jewish Law and the 5 Books Of The Old Testament_ ()

Fatima Mernissi 8888 _Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim Society_ ()

Eugene H. Merrill 2008 _Kingdom of Priests: An History of Old Testament Israel_ (550 pages; 2.5MB)

Bruce M. Metzger & Michael D. Coogan 1993 _The Oxford Companion to the Bible_ ()

Bruce M. Metzger 2001 _The Bible in Translation: Ancient and English Versions_ (195 pages; 432KB)

Jason C. Meyer 2009 _The End of the Law: Mosaic Covenant in Pauline Theology_ (352 pages)

Marvin W. Meyer _The Gospel of Thomas_ ()

Marvin W. Meyer _Secret Teachings of Jesus: 4 Gnostic Gospels_ ()

Marvin W. Meyer 8888 _The Ancient Mysteries: A SourceBook of Sacred Texts_ ()

Marvin W. Meyer 8888 _Q Thomas Reader_ ()

Marvin W. Meyer 8888 _Ancient Christian Magic_ ()

Marvin W. Meyer 8888 _Ancient Magic & Ritual Power_ ()

Marvin W. Meyer 8888 _Magic & Ritual in the Ancient World_ ()

(55) Marvin W. Meyer & Wolf-Peter Funk 2008 _The Nag Hammadi Scriptures_ (844 pages; 299.932; Main; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Jay Michaelson 2009 _Everything is God: The Radical Path of Non-Dual Judaism_ (280 pages; 1MB; 9999.999)

Richard Michelson & Karla Gudeon 2017 _The Language of Angels: A Story about the ReInvention of Hebrew_ (32 pages; youth; 18.6MB)

Anthony C. Miesel & M.L. del Mastro 1975, 2010 _The Rule of Saint Benedict_ (130 pages; 365KB)

Jack Miles 1995 _God: A Biography_ ()

Genie Milgrom 2012 _My 15 GrandMothers_ (160 pages)

D.M. Miller 2017 _Half-Jew: Searching for "Identity"_ (145 pages; 2.5MB)

Patrick D. Miller 2000 _The Religion of Ancient Israel_ (325 pages)

Joel Miller & Kristen Parrish 2010 _The Portable Patriot: Documents, Speeches, and Sermons That Compose the American Soul_ ()

Lisa Miller 2010 _Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination with the AfterLife_ (331 pages; 202.3 Mil; NE)

Moshe Miller 1993 _The Palm Tree of Devorah_ ()

Robert Millett 8888 _Magnifying Priesthood Power_ ()

Abraham Ezra Millgram 1964 _Great Jewish Ideas_ ()

Jerome Mintz 1968, 1995 _Legends of the Hasidim: An Introduction to Hasidic Culture and Oral Tradition in the New World_ (462 pages)

Sharon Liberman Mintz & Gabriel M. Goldstein 2006 _Printing the Talmud: From Bomberg To Schottenstein_ ()

Norman R. Mirsky 1978 _UnOrthodox Judaism_ ()

John F. Mitchell 2003 _Traveller's Guide to Sacred England_ (100 pages)

Alan L. Mittleman, Robert Licht & Jonathan Sarna 2002 _Jewish Polity and American Civil Society: Communal Agencies and Religious Movements in the American Public Sphere_ ()

Alan L. Mittleman, Robert Licht & Jonathan Sarna 2002 _Jews and the American Public Square: Debating Religion and Republic_ ()

Alan L. Mittleman 1996 _The Politics of Torah: The Jewish Political Tradition and the Founding of Agudat Israel_ (195 pages)

Robert Mnookin 2018 _The Jewish USA Paradox: Embracing Choice in a Changing World_ (310 pages; 1.3MB)

Joseph Meleze Modrzejewski & Robert Cornman 1997 _The Jews of Egypt from Rameses ii to emperor Hadrian_ (290 pagess)

Wendy Mogel, PhD 2001 _The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Timeless Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children_ (290 pages; 766KB)

Connell Monette 2008 _The Medieval Hero: Christian and Muslim Traditions_ ()

Megan Bishop Moore & Brad E. Kelle 2011 _Biblical History and Israel's Past: The Changing Study of the Bible and History_ (542 pages)

James P. Moore 2005 _One Nation Under God: The History of Prayer in the USA_ (510 pages; 248.32)

R. Lawrence Moore 1986, 1987 _Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans_ (265 pages; 4.9MB)

Alan Morinis 2011 _EveryDay Holiness: The Jewish Spiritual Path of Mussar_ (364 pages; 691KB)

Patrick Morley 2013 _How God Makes Men: 10 Epic Stories, 10 Proven Principles, 1 Huge Promise for Your Life_ (200 pages; 3.6MB)

Jonathan Morris 2011 _God Wants You Happy_ (210 pages; 248; )

Terry Mortenson 2016 _Searching for Adam: Genesis & the Truth about Man's Origin_ (590 pages; 3MB)

Candida Moss 2013 _The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom_ (315 pages; 618KB)

James Hope Moulton 1911 _Early Religious Poetry of Persia_ ()

James Hope Moulton 1913 _Early Zoroastrianism_ ()

Ernest P. Moyer 8888 _The Birth of a Divine Revelation: The Origin of the Urantia Papers_ ()

Elijah Muhammad 1965 _Message to the BlackMan in America_ ()

Elijah Muhammad 1957 _Supreme Wisdom: Solution to the So-Called Negro Problem_ ()

Wayne Muller 2013 _Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives_ (250 pages; 1.9MB)

Lewis Mumford 1951 _The Conduct of Life_ ()

Frederick J. Murphy 2006 _Early Judaism: The Exile to the Time of Jesus_ (480 pages)

John Courtney Murray 1960 _We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition_ ()

Jeff Myers, Ph.D. & David A. Noebel, Ph.D. 2015-09-01 _Understanding the Times: vol2 A Survey of Competing WorldViews_ (640 pages; ISBN 9781434709585; OCLC ; David C. Cook)

Jeff Myers, Ph.D. 2017-03-01 _Understanding the Culture: vol3 A Survey of "Social Engagement"_ (576 pages; ISBN 9781434709899; OCLC ; David C. Cook)

Jody Myers 2003 _Seeking Zion: Modernity and Messianic Activism in the Writings of Tsevi Hirsch Kalischer_ (270 pages)

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Claudia J. Nahson 1998 _Ketubbot: Marriage Contracts from the Jewish Museum_ (64 pages)

Abba Zvi Naiman 8888 _The Elucidated Derech HaShem_ ()

Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul 1982 _Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey_ (430 pages; 297.095)

Bernard Nathanson 1996 _The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind_ (280 pages)

Joseph Naveh 2012 _Early History of the Alphabet_ (245 pages; 18.6MB)

Chaim Navon 8888 _Perashos: A New Look at the Portions of the Week_ ()

(59) ►Eric Nelson 2010, 2011-10-15 _The Hebrew Republic: Jewish Sources & the Transformation of European Political Thought_ (229-240 pages; ISBN 9780674062139; OCLC 960929429; Harvard; ILL request)◀

Thomas Nelson & Richard Lee 2010 _NKJV, The American Patriot's Bible: The Word of God & the Shaping of the USA_ (5275 pages; 21.8MB)

Richard D. Nelson-Jones 2009 _The Double Redaction of the Deuteronomistic History_ (185 pages)

Jonathan Neumann 2018 _To Heal the World?: How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel_ (270 pages; 6MB)

Jacob Neusner 2002 _3 Faiths, 1 God: The Formative Faith and Practice of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam_ (300 pages)

Jacob Neusner 1978, 2003 _From Politics to Piety: The Emergence of Pharisaic Judaism_ (210 pages)

Jacob Neusner 2003 _God's Rule: The Politics of World Religions_ (260 pages; 3.7MB)

Jacob Neusner 2008 _An History of the Jews in Babylonia: part1 The Parthian Period_ (265 pages)

Jacob Neusner 1966 _An History of the Jews in Babylonia: part2 The Early Sasanian Period_ (325 pages)

Jacob Neusner 2008 _An History of the Jews in Babylonia: part3 from Shapur 1 to Shapur 2_ (400 pages)

Jacob Neusner 2008 _An History of the Jews in Babylonia: part4 The Age of Shapur 2_ (480 pages)

Jacob Neusner 2008 _An History of the Jews in Babylonia: part5 Later Sasanian Times_ (470 pages)

Jacob Neusner 2008 _Judaism & Christianity in the Age of Constantine: History, Messiah, Israel, & the Initial Confrontation_ (235 pages; 2.8MB)

Jacob Neusner 2002 _Judaism When Christianity Began: A Survey of Belief & Practice_ (200 pages)

Jacob Neusner, Bruce D. Chilton & R.E. Tully 2013 _Just War in Religion and Politics_ (385 pages; 1.8MB)

Jacob Neusner 1962 _A Life of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai c.1CE-80CE_ ()

Jacob Neusner 1993 _The Rabbinate in America: ReShaping an Ancient Calling_ ()

Jacob Neusner 2002 _Rabbinic Judaism: The Theological System_ (260 pages)

Jacob Neusner 1991 _Rabbinical Political Theory: Religion and Politics in the Mishnah_ (270 pages)

Jacob Neusner, Alan J. Avery-Peck, Amila Buturovic, Bruce D. Chilton, Elliot R. Wolfson, Emil Homerin et al. 2010 _Religious Foundations of Western Civilization: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam_ (670 pages; 2.8MB)

Jacob Neusner 1993, 2003 _The Way of Torah_ (325 pages)

Andrew Newberg & Mark Robert Waldman 2010 _How God Changes Your Brain_ ()

Aryeh Newman 1956 _The Festival: Pesach, Rosh HaShanah, Sukkot_ ()

John Philip Newman 2006 _America for Americans!: The Typical American ThanksGiving Sermon_ ()

Louis I. Newman 1963 _The Hasidic Anthology_ ()

Isaac Newton 1773 _Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John_ (78 pages; 2MB)

Reinhold Niebuhr 1932 _Moral Man & Immoral Society_ ()

Martin P. Nilsson 1950 _The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and Its Survival in Greek Religion_ ()

Arthur Darby Nock 1963 _Early Gentile Christianity and Its Hellenistic Background_ ()

Mark A. Noll 1992 _An History of Christianity in the United States and Canada_ ()

Mark A. Noll, Nathan O. Hatch & George M. Marsden 1989 _The Search for Christian America_ ()

Mark A. Noll 1989 _Religion & American Politics from the Colonial Period to the 1980s_ (416 pages)

(45) ►Mark A. Noll 1989, 2000, 2004 _Princeton and the Republic 1768-1822: The Search for a Christian Enlightenment in the Era of Samuel Stanhope Smith_ (340 pages; ISBN 9781573833158/ 9780691047645/ 0691047642; OCLC 54691997/ 906523355/ 490041027; LC classification LD4609 .N65 1989; LCCN 88039309; Dewey 378.749/67; PrincetonU/Regent; ILL request)◀

John T. Noonan ii 1998 _The Lustre of Our Country: The American Experience of Religious Freedom_ ()

John T. Noonan ii & Edward McGlynn Gaffney ii 2001 _Religious Freedom: History, Cases, and other Materials on the InterAction of Religion and Government_ (duplicate entry under law & criminology)

Pippa Norris & Ronald Inglehart 2004 _Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide_ ()

Martin Noth 1972 _An History of Pentateuchal Traditions_ (296 pages)

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Vanessa L. Ochs 2007 _Inventing Jewish Ritual_ (276 pages; 296.4)

John O'Donohue 2008 _To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings_ (235 pages; 560KB)

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Kerry A. Olitzky 1996 _The American Synagogue: An Historical Dictionary and SourceBook_ ()

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Origen 8888 _Commentarium in Evangelium Mattheum_ ()

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(35) R' Adin Steinsaltz 1984, 2006, 2010 _The Essential Talmud_ (334 pages; ISBN 9781592642984; Maggid; 296.1206 Ste; Main)

Adin Steinsaltz 1987 _Teshuvah: A Guide for the Newly Observant Jew_ (180 pages)

Andrew Henry Stern 1987 _Southern Crucifix, Southern Cross: Catholic-Protestant Relations in the Old South_ (265 pages; 2.4MB)

Ira F. Stone 2013 _A Responsible Life: The Spiritual Path of Mussar_ (310 pages; 1.5MB)

Perry Stone 2013 _Breaking the Jewish Code: 12 Secrets that Will Transform Your Life, Family, Health, an Finances_ ()

Joseph Stoutzenberger 2003 _Morality: A Response to God's Love_ (296 pages)

H. Strack & G. Stemberger 1991 _Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash_ ()

Stephen E. Strang 2017 _God and Donald Trump_ (245 pages; 30.6MB)

Michael Strassfeld 1985 _The Jewish Holidays_ ()

A.W. Streane 1891 _A Translation of the Treatise Chagigah from the Babylonian Talmud_ ()

Lee Strobel 2010 _The Case for Faith_ (306 pages; 1MB)

Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann 2001 _The Cambridge Companion to Augustine_ ()

Bernard Susser & Charles S. Liebman 1999 _Choosing Survival: Strategies for a Jewish Future_ ()

Edmond Bordeaux Szekely 8888 _The Teachings of the Essenes_ ()

  - - - - - T

Anthony G. Tainton & Jonathan Carl Murphy 2011 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to White Guilt: A Biblical Guide to White Guilt, Political Correctness, the Search for Truth, and the Reasons Underyling the Development of Nations_ (366 pages)

Ellen Gunderson Taylor 8888 _Melchizedek_ ()

Joan E. Taylor 2012 _The Essenes, the Scrolls and the Dead Sea_ ()

Avigdor Tcherikover/Victor Tcherikover 1966, 2001 _Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews_ (550 pages)

Hanoch Teller 1990 _And from Jerusalem, His Word_ ()

(50) Joseph Telushkin 2010 _Jewish Literacy_ (804 pages; 1.3MB; reference 296; Main)

(18) Sandra Teplinsky 2004 _Why Care about Israel: How the Jewish Nation Is the Key to UnLeashing God's Blessings in the 21st Century_ (287 pages; 231.76 Tep; Main)

(50) St. Teresa of Avila & Mirabai Starr 2003, 2004 _The Interior Castle_ (299 pages; 248.482 Ter; Main)

Carsten Peter Thiede 2001 _The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Jewish Origins of Christianity_ (245 pages)

Edwin R. Thiele 1984, 1994 _Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings_ (245 pages)

Matthew Thiessen 2018 _Contesting Conversion: Genealogy, Cirumcision, and "Identity" in Ancient Judaism and Christianity_ (250 pages)

Thomas a Kempis or Gerard Groote & Aloysius Croft & Harold Bolton 2012 _The Imitation of Christ_ (135 pages; 1MB)

Thomas a Kempis or Gerard Groote 2015 _The Imitation of Christ_ (150 pages; 1MB)

Thomas a Kempis or Gerard Groote & James Watkins 2016, 2017 _The Imitation of Christ_ (170 pages; 708KB)

Thomas a Kempis or Gerard Groote & William C. Creasy & Dennis Billy 2017 _The Imitation of Christ_ (250 pages; 2MB)

Thomas a Kempis or Gerard Groote & William Benham 2009, 2017 _The Imitation of Christ_ (125 pages; 500KB)

Gary L. Thomas 2015 _Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?_ (260 pages; 1.8MB)

Michael Thomas 2017 _Change Your Business Career with God: 40 Days to Step into the Path of Life_ (120 pages; 3.1MB)

Keith Elijah Thompson 2008 _How to Dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High God_ ()

Travis Thrasher 2016 _God's Not Dead 2_ ()

Bassam Tibi 8888 _The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political Islam and the New World DisOrder_ ()

Chanan Tigay 2016 _The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the World's Oldest Bible_ (365 pages; 928KB)

Ptolemy Tompkins & Bernard Haisch 2017 _Proof of God: The Shocking True Answers to the World's Most Important Question_ (250 pages; 2.9MB)

Grigori Tomski 2017 _Tangrism: Religion of Attila and Genghis Khan and Its Modern Versions_ (tengrism, Jenghis; 1.9MB)

Elizabeth Tooker 1979 _Native American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands_ ()

Karel van der Toorn 2009 _Scribal Culture and the Making of the Hebrew Bible_ (416 pages)

Abraham Eliyahu Ki Tov, Nachman Bulman, Dovid Landesman & Joyce Bennett 1997 _Sefer Ha-Toda'ah_/_The Book of Our Heritage: The Jewish Year and Its Days of Significance_ ()

T.W. Tramm 2015 _2015: The Final Jubilee?_ (104 pages)

James Traub 1994 _City on a Hill: Testing the American Dream at City College_ (370 pages; 378.7471)

Antonia Tripolitis 2001 _Religions of the Hellenistic-Roman Age_ (175 pages; 2.3MB)

Amram Tropper 2004 _Wisdom, Politics, and Historiography: Tractate Avot in the Context of the Graeco-Roman Near East_ ()

Benyamim Tsedaka 2017 _Understanding the Israelite-Samaritans from Ancient to Modern_ (40 pages)

Benyamim Tsedaka & Sharon Sullivan 2013 _The Israelite-Samaritan Version of the Torah_ (550 pages)

Paul Turner & Kerr Breedlove 2014 _Guide for Cantors_ (95 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 1997 _Do Unto Others: How Good Deeds Can Change Your Life_ (180 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 1989 _10 Steps to Being Your Best: A Practical HandBook to Enhannce Your Life_ ()

Abraham J. Twerski 2017 _I've Gotta Get Out of My Way: Eliminating the Obstacles to Success_ (195 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 2015 _Without a Who Am I?: ReBuilding Your Self You've Lost Your Job, Home, or Life Savings_ (140 pages; 857KB)

Abraham J. Twerski & Charles M. Schulz 1995 _When Do the Good Things Start?: A Therapist Looks at Life's Ups and Downs_ (125 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 1998 _Spirituality_ (325 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 1988 _Living Each Day_ (400 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 1992 _Growing Each Day_ (355 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 1992 _Living Each Week_ (455 pages)

Abraham J. Twerski 2001 _Angels Don't Leave FootPrints_ (230 pages)

Ariel bar Tzadok 2017 _Aliens, Angels, and Demons: ExtraTerrestrial Life in Judaism/Kabbalah & Its Relevance for Modern Times_ (365 pages)

Ariel bar Tzadok 2007 _Walking in the Fire: Classical Torah/Kabbalistic Meditations, Practices, & Prayers_ (460 pages)

Ariel bar Tzadok 2013 _Protection from Evil: Exposing & Neutralizing Harmful Spiritual Forces in Light of Torah & Kabbalah_ (370 pages; 574KB)

  - - - - - U

Ruth M. Underhill 1965 _Red Man's Religion_ ()

Urantia Foundation _The Urantia Book_ ()

Ephraim E. Urbach 1975, 1979, 1987, 2012 _The Sages: Their Concepts and Beliefs_ (1,000 pages; 22.3MB)

  - - - - - V

Judith Valente 2018 _How to Live: What the Rule of St. Benedict Teaches Us about Happiness, Meaning, and "Community"_ (215 pages; 747KB)

Kris Vallotton 2014 _School of the Prophets: Advanced Training for Prophetic Ministry_ (240 pages; 4.4MB)

Kris Vallotton, Bill Johnson, James W. Goll, Jack Taylor, Myles Monroe, Heidi Baker & Steve Shultz 2017 _The SuperNatural Ways of Royalty: Discovering Your Rights & Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God_ (230 pages; 1.6MB)

Andrew G. Vaughn & Ann E. Killebrew 2003 _Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period_ (488 pages)

Dennis R. Venema & Scot McKnight 2017 _Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science_ (230 pages; 4.7MB)

Geza Vermes 1995, 2012 _The Dead Sea Scrolls in English_ (675 pages; 1.8MB)

Geza Vermes 1983 _Jesus the Jew: An Historian's Reading of the Gospels_ ()

Geza Vermes 2011 _Jesus in the Jewish World_ (280 pages; 552KB)

Moulie Vidas 2014 _Tradition and the Formation of the Talmud_ (238 pages; 1.563MB)

Burton L. Visotzky 2016 _Aphrodite and the Rabbis: How the Jews Adapted Roman Culture to Create Judaism As We Know It_ (245 pages; 296.3992)

Miroslav Volf 2011 _Allah: A Christian Response_ (339 pages; 984KB)

Gerhard von Rad 1966 _The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays_ ()

  - - - - - W

Martha Lynn Wade 2003 _Consistency of Translation Techniques in the Tabernacle Accounts of Exodus in the Old Greek_ ()

Nicholas J. Wade 2009, 2010 _The Faith Instinct: How Religion Evolved and Why It endures_ (310 pages; 976KB)

(20) Steven Waldman 2009 _Founding Faith: How Our Founding Fathers Forged a Radical New Approach to Religious Liberty_ /_Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom_ (277 pages; 323.44 Wal; Main+NE)

Steven Waldman 2019 _Sacred Liberty: USA's Long, Bloody, and OnGoing Struggle for Religious Freedom_ (395 pages; 18.1MB)

Dave Walker 2011 _God in the ICU: The Inspirational Biography of a Praying Doctor_ (175 pages; 380KB)

Daniel B. Wallace 2011 _ReVisiting the Corruption of the New Testament: Manuscript, Patristic, and Apocryphal Evidence_ ()

Philippe Walter 2014 _Christian Mythology: Revelations of Pagan Origins_ (220 pages; 850KB)

Bruce K. Waltke & Michael Patrick O'Connor 1990 _Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax_ (770 pages)

John H. Walton 2006 _Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible_ (360 pages; 1.2MB)

John H. Walton & J. Harvey Walton 2017 _The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest: Covenant, Retribution, and the Fate of the Canaanites_ (255 pages; 3.6MB)

Eric Wargo 2018 _Time Loops: PreCognition, RetroCausation, and the UnConscious_ (525 pages; 1MB)

Michael Warner 1984, 1999 _American Sermons: The Pilgrims to Martin Luther King ii_ ()

Arthur Waskow 1995 _GodWrestling, Round 2: Ancient Wisdom, Future Paths_ ()

Asher Wasserman 8888 _The Concise Chofetz Chaim_ (Chaffetz Chayyim)

Jaime L. Waters 2015 _Threshing Floors in Ancient Israel: Their Ritual and Symbolic Significance_ (215 pages; 1.2MB)

Diane Watt 2001 _Secretaries of God: Women Prophets in Late Medieval and Early Modern England_ (200 pages)

W. Weber 1921 _Josephus and Vespasian_ ()

Berel Wein 2014 _Teach Them Diligently: The Personal Story of a Community Rabbi_ (161 pages)

Berel Wein 2010 _Vision & Valor: An Illustrated History of the Talmuc_ (255 pages)

Berel Wein 1995 _Echoes of Glory: The Story of the Jews in the Classical Era_ (333 pages)

Berel Wein 1993 _Herald of Destiny: The Story of the Jews 750-1650_ (333 pages)

Herbert Weiner 1969, 1997 _9.5 Mystics: The Kabbala Today_ (420 pages)

Jacob J. Weinstein 1973 _Solomon Goldman: A Rabbi's Rabbi_ ()

Bernard A. Weisberger 1958 _They Gathered at the River: The Story of the Great Revivalists and Their Impact upon Religion in America_ ()

Steven R. Weisman 2018 _The Chosen Wars: How Judaism Became an USA Religion_ (360 pages; 15.6MB)

Trude Weiss-Rosmarin 1943 _Judaism and Christianity: The Differences_ ()

Trude Weiss-Rosmarin 1967 _Toward a Jewish-Muslim Dialogue_ ()

Julius Firminger Wellhausen 1890, 1957, 2008 _Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel_ (546 pages)

Gordon J. Wenham 2015 _Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Pentateuch_ (215 pages; 3.6MB)

Jack Wertheimer 1987 _The American Synagogue: A Sanctuary Transformed_ ()

Jack Wertheimer 1993 _A People Divided: Judaism in Contemporary America_ ()

Jack Wertheimer 2018 _The New American Judaism: How Jews Practice Their Religion Today_ (390 pages; 2MB)

Caroline White & St. Benedict of Nursia 2008 _The Rule of Benedict_ (160 pages; 2.9MB)

Cynthia White 2007 _The Emergence of Christianity_ ()

A.R. Whitham 1954, 2015, 2018 _The History of the Christian Church to the Separation of East & West_ (370 pages)

R' Norman Whybray 1987 _The Making of the Pentateuch: A Methodological Study_ (272 pages)

Dan Wickwire 2016 _Has the Bible Been Changed?: The Reliability of the Scriptures According to Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Sources_ (120 pages; 334KB)

Elie Wiesel 1976, 1977, 1985, 2013 _Messengers of God: Biblical Portraits and Legends_/_Messengers of God: A True Story of Angelic Presence and the Return..._ (240 pages; 2.9MB; 221.9; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Elie Wiesel 2009 _Rashi: A Portrait_ (107 pages; 296.1092 WIE; Main)

Elie Wiesel & Marion Wiesel 1972, 1993, 2013 _Souls on Fire: Portraits and Legends of Hasidic Masters_ (268 pages; 4.6MB; 296.833; Main)

Leon Wieseltier 1998 _Kaddish_ ()

Simon Wiesenthal, Harry James Cargass & Bonny V. Fetterman 1998 _The SunFlower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness_ (289 pages; 179.7 Wie; NE+E)

S. Michael Wilcox 8888 _Power & the Promise_ ()

Aaron Wildavsky 2005 _Moses as Political Leader_ (320 pages)

Aaron Wildavsky 2001 _Assimilation versus Separation: Joseph the Administrator and the Politics of Religion in Biblical Israel_ (230 pages)

David Wilkerson 1978 _Sipping Saints: A Challenge to Drinking Christians_ (125 pages)

James B. Williams & Randolph Shaylor 2016 _God's Word in Our Hands: The Bible Preserved for Us_ (420 pages; 3.6MB)

Joseph Williams 1930 _Hebrewisms of West Africa: From Nile to Niger with the Jews_ ()

Juan Williams & Quinton Dixie 2003 _This Far by Faith: Stories from the African American Religious Experience_ ()

Ronald J. Williams & John C. Beckman 2007 _Hebrew Syntax_ (255 pages)

Garry Wills 2002 _Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit_ (336 pages; 626KB)

Garry Wills 2006 _What Jesus/Joshua/Yahushaa Meant_ (170 pages; 231KB)

Ian Wilson 1991 _Holy Faces, Secret Places_ ()

John Frederick Wilson 1979 _Public Religion in American Culture_ (200 pages)

Marvin R. Wilson 1990 _Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith_ (395 pages)

Gershon Winkler & Lakme Batya Elior 1994 _The Place Where You Are Standing Is Holy: A Jewish Theology on Human Relationships_ (220 pages)

R' Pinchas Winston 8888 _Redemption to Redemption: The Very Deep & Intricate Connection Between the Holidays of Purim and Pesach_ ()

R' Pinchas Winston 8888 _Perceptions_ ()

R' Pinchas Winston 8888 _Deeper Perceptions_ ()

R' Pinchas Winston 2014 _2016: World of Change_ (85 pages; 429KB)

R' Pinchas Winston 2013 _Survival Guide for the End of Days_ (148 pages; 270KB)

R' Pinchas Winston _If Only I Could Stay_ ()

R' Pinchas Winston _The Equation of Life: Making Your Life and History Add Up_ ()

(69) Michael Wise, Martin Abegg ii & Edward Cook 1996 _The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation_ (500 pages; 296.155)

Michael Owen Wise 2015 _Language and Literacy in Roman Occupied Judaea: A Study of the Bar Kokhba Documents_ (535 pages)

Larry Witham 2008 _A City Upon a Hill: How Sermons Changed the Course of American History_ ()

John Witte ii 2012 _From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion, and Law in the Western Tradition_ (400 pages; 2.8MB)

(44) Laibl Wolf 2000 _Practical Kabbalah_ (256 pages; 296.712 Wol; Main)

Gordon Wolfe 2008 _Family, Farm and Faith: 2 of God's "Peculiar People"_ ()

Al Wolters 1996 _The Copper Scroll: OverView, Text and Translation_ (230 pages)

Leonard C. Woolley 1936 _Abraham: Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins_ ()

Kenneth L. Woodward 2001 _The Book of Miracles: The Meaning of the Miracle Stories in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam_ (430 pages)

Roland H. Worth ii 2005 _Messiahs and Messianic Movements through 1899_ (263 pages)

Herman Wouk 1959, 1988, 2008 _This Is My God_ (345 pages; 835KB; 296)

David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman & Avi Hurvitz 1995 _Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law and Literature_ ()

G.E. Wright 1965 _Shechem: The Biography of a Biblical City_ ()

Robert Wright 2009 _The Evolution of God_ (567 pages; 1.7MB; 200.9; Main+E+Jax+BLPerry)

Robert Wright 2000, 2001 _NonZero: The Logic of Human Destiny_/_NonZero: History, Evolution, & Human CoOperation_ (440 pages; 3.9MB; 303.4)

Michael Wyschogrod 1983 _The Body of Faith: Judaism as Corporeal Election_ ()

  - - - - - X

Xin Xu 2003 _The Jews of Kaifeng, China: History, Culture, and Religion_ ()

  - - - - - Y

Leon Yarden 1971 _The Tree of Light: A Study of the Menorah, the 7-Branched LampStand_ ()

Ada Yardeni 2010 _The Book of Hebrew Script: History, Paleaography, Script Styles, Calligraphy, & Design_ (355 pages)

Ada Yardeni 2015 _Understanding the Alphabet of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Development, Chronology, & Dating_ (40 pages)

Leah Yehudah & Judah Chokmah 2017 _For a Sign and a Wonder: Handy Scriptural References to Aid the Newly Awakened Israelite_ (445 pages; 1.1MB)

R' Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev & Gary Thaller 2001 _Kedushat Levi, Sefer Beresheis: Commentary on Torah, Tanach, Talmud, and Zohar_ (380 pages; 654KB)

rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona & Yaakov Feldman 1999 _Shaarei Teshuvah_/_Shaari Teshubah_/_Gates of Repentance_ (360 pages; 2.3MB)

rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona, Yosef Liebler & David Kahn 2014 _Shaarei Teshuvah_/_Shaari Teshubah_/_Gates of Repentance_ (500 pages)

Brad H. Young 2007 _Meet the Rabbis: Rabbinic Thought and the Teachings of Jewsus_ (256 pages)

Toni Young 1999 _Becoming American, Remaining Jewish: The Story of Wilmington, Delaware's First Jewish Community 1879-1924_ (380 pages)

  - - - - - Z

R.C. Zaehner 1961 _The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism_ ()

Perez Zagorin 2003 _How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West_ ()

Eliphaz Levi Zahed 8888 _Histoire de la Magie_ ()

Chaim Ephraim Zaitchik 8888 _Sparks of Mussar_ ()

rabbi Schneur Zalmano of Liadi & Nissen Mangel 2003 _Siddur Tehillat HaShem: With Annotated English Translation_ (Hebrew+English; 1,180 pages)

rabbi Schneur Zalmano of Liadi, Menachem Schneerson, Zalman I. Posner, Jacob Immanual Schochet & Nissan Mindel 2014 _Tanya: Likutei Amarim_ (Hebrew+English; 1,140 pages)

Irving M. Zeitlin 1984 _Ancient Judaism_ ()

Karin Hedner Zetterholm 2012 _Jewish Interpretations of the Bible: Ancient and Contemporary_ ()

Shlomo Yosef Zevin 1999 _The Festivals in Halakhah_ ()

Ziony Zevit 2001 _The Religions of Ancient Israel: A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches_ (840 pages)

H. Zimmels 1958 _Ashkenazim and Sephardim: Their Relations, Differences, and Problems as Reflected in Rabbinic Responsa_ ()

Thomas D. Zweifel & Aaron L. Raskin 2008 _The Rabbi and the CEO: The 10 Commandments for 21st Century Leaders_ (310 pages; 2.3MB)


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