2012 March

3rd month of the 1st quarter of the 23rd year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-01-09

  "the dynamic through which Euro-Islam would be promoted resembles that of Israeli-Arab peace negotiations, which center on the idea of 'land for peace'.   The Western side gives up something (land) that is concrete, quantifiable, and irrevocable, once given.   In exchange the Muslim side givs up something (peace) that is vague, subjective, and revocable by a change of mood.   Europe can move to create a 'Euro-Islam' only by altering its institutions.   What it gets in return is an assurance from moderate Muslims that radical Muslims will be less ill-disposed toward it.   No one has defined with any precision what a 'moderate Muslim' is, or whetherthat term should be understood politically or religiously." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg284  

2012 Mar
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  "at first ambiguously, through the oratory of a few fire-brand politicians in the 1960s, then explicitly through hard-line legislation against immigration in the 1970s.   Decade in, decade out, the sentiment of Western European publics, as measured by opinion polls, has been resolutely opposed to mass immigration...   The revocation of Europe's invitation to immigrants, no matter how explicit it became, did little to stem their arrival.   As the years passed, immigration to Europe accelerated." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg4  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2012 March

3rd month of the 1st quarter of the 13th year of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama economic depression



Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
Andrew Breitbard died shortly after midnight
Aaron Goldstein
Quin Hillyer
Jeffrey Lord
Tucker Carlson: Daily Caller
Alex Pappas: Daily Caller
KGO San Francisco CA/AP
Joel Pollak: Breitbart.tv
Larry Solov: Big Journalism

Alexis Levinson _Daily Caller_
rejections of sketchy visa applications for cheap, pliant labor with flexible ethics has sky-rocketed, hurting executives
"[Cheap, pliant labor with flexible ethics] -- particularly Indian nationals -- have had a dramatically harder time acquiring visas in recent years, primarily because of government adjudicators' formal requests for additional information, known as Requests for Evidence (RFEs).   Those requests often result in the delay or outright denial of pending visa applications...   Denials of L-1B visas rose sharply from 7% to 22% from 2007 to 2008, and remained at similarly high levels in the following years: 26% in 2009, 22% in 2010 and 28% in 2011.   RFEs also skyrocketed during this period.   In 2007, only 17% of petitions were 'at least temporarily denied or delayed' due to these requests, according to the study.   By 2011, that number had risen to 63%...   11% were denied in fiscal year 2007, but by 2009 that number jumped to 29%.   The rate eventually fell to 17% in 2011.   The trend was less dramatic for L-1A visas: Denial rates increased only slightly from 8% in 2007 to 14% in 2011.   RFEs for L-1A applicants increased substantially, however, rising from 4% in 2004 to 24% in 2007.   The figure stood at a whopping 51% in 2011.   Indian-born applicants in particular faced a significant increase in denials and delays.   Denial rates for L-1B visas for Indians went from 2.8% in 2008 to 22.5% in 2009." And so they should.   If you want to claim they're "best" or "brightest" then there should be high standards, FCOL!...jgo

Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
"What is the value of a green card?" -- UNR study
In the mathematician community (my past-life field), there is a term "soft analysis proof".   No, the word "soft" here doesn't mean that the proof is hand-waving, not quite valid.   Instead of connoting that the proof is less rigorous, the message is that it is more elegant.   In just a few lines, invoking just the right principles, a soft analysis argument can provide a tight proof of some theorem.
One of the 2 soft analysis proofs I've offered over the years on the H-1B issue is that one can show the H-1Bs are on average paid less than comparable Americans -- without needing to use any data!
As I wrote in my 2003 article in the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform (pdf):
An H-1B cannot move around freely in the open market to achieve the best salary, nor can she negotiate a better salary from her current employer by threatening to leave.   Thus economic principle alone shows that on average the H-1Bs make less than they would on the open market.
QED. :-)
Now professor Sankar Mukhopadhyay has actually quantified that effect of nonmobility -- it costs the average foreign worker who is waiting for an employer-sponsored green card about $11K in lower salary.
Professor Mukhopadhyay's analysis is much more direct than most in this field.   Instead of performing regression analysis and then trying to infer the under-payment of H-1Bs, he does statistical matching of immigrants to immigrants, pairing those without green cards to those who have them but are otherwise similar.   Note that he does focus on those receiving employer-based green cards.
I must point out, as I always do, that this type of salary savings (I call it Type I) accrued by hiring the foreign workers is actually NOT the major issue.   Instead, the core issue is Type II savings: hiring young H-1Bs in lieu of hiring older (age 35+) Americans.   That is the real motivation that Intel et al have for pushing congress to liberalize H-1B and green card policy.
Yes -- AND green card policy.   Professor Mukhopadhyay's proposed remedy is to speed up the green card process, say by increasing the yearly allotment.   As many of you know, the main proposals along these lines currently are to give automatic green cards to new foreign graduates of U.S. university STEM programs.   That's well meaning, but it ignores the Type II savings issue.   Most new graduates are YOUNG, so such proposals would be just as harmful as the H-1B program, as they still would flood the labor market with young people, bringing the same harm to U.S. citizens and permanent residents as H-1B does.
If I were giving this as a talk instead of as an e-news-letter, someone at the back of the room would by now be piping up, "So, what is your OTHER soft analysis proof regarding H-1B?"   Thank you for asking; here it is, in 3 easy steps:
1.   The legally required minimum wage for H-1B and green cards, the "prevailing wage", is typically much lower than the real market wage.*
2.   The PERM data, for employer-sponsored green cards, show that most sponsorees are paid only the prevailing wage (or very near it).
3.   Therefore, most green card sponsorees are paid below-market wages.
Note by the way that the PERM data essentially exclude the Indian [and Chinese and American and Ghanaian and Bahamian] "bodyshops", i.e. IT staffing services, the "rent-a-programmer" companies.   Senator Schumer, representative Lofgren have been outrageously scape-goating such firms, claiming that they abuse the H-1B program while the main-stream U.S. firms do not.   Yet the bodyshops almost never sponsor workers for green cards (see Ron Hira's research), so the PERM data really are restricted to the main-stream U.S. firms.
IOW, my "theorem" above has a corollary -- under-payment of foreign workers is commonplace in the mainstream U.S. firms, NOT just with the bodyshops.   This is really a corollary of the first theorem too, since the economic principle in question applies across the board.
An article about the Mukhopadhyay study is enclosed below, as is a foot-note corresponding to the asterisk above.
*   This has been recognized by the GAO, and even by staunch [excessive, low-standards] H-1B advocate representative Zoe Lofgren, and you can see it yourself, as follows.
The employers claim they hire H-1Bs because they possess some "hot" technlogical skill that is in short supply among Americans.   Well, such skills command a premium on the open market, but they are NOT factored into prevailing wage determination.   Just go to the DoL On-Line Wage Library (the "safe harbor" way of determining prevailing wage, in that DoL will automatically approve), and go through the steps.   Nowhere is the employer asked to give information on special qualities such as "hot" skill sets, e.g. Android development today.   So the employer gets an Android programmer for the price of a generic programmer.
Claudene Wharton: What is the value of a green card?: Economics researcher calculates increase in income
2010-06-01: Matloff: value of a green card
2009-10-28: Matloff: soft analysis proofs
2008-04-25: Matloff: H-1Bs Still Not the Best and the Brightest
Beryl Lieff Benderly: AAAS Science

2012-03-01 05:30PST (08:30EST) (13:30GMT) (15:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 331,906 in the week ending February 25, a decrease of 14,717 from the previous week.   There were 353,797 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.1% during the week ending February 18, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week's unrevised rate.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,878,695, a decrease of 131,789 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.5% and the volume was 4,344,862.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending February 11 was 7,498,613, an increase of 11,933 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending February 11.   States reported 2,904,556 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending February 11, an increase of 1,347 from the prior week.   There were 3,653,267 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Jeffrey Lord _American Spectator_
While campaign roars, sales of Mark Levin's _Ameritopia_ soar

Anthony Watts
Follow the money. Cui bono?

Ray Hartwell _PJ Media_
by the leftists' standards, Abe Lincoln is a Tea Pary stalwart

2012-03-01 06:45PST (09:45EST) (14:45GMT) (16:45 Jerusalem)
Edward R. Kreinheder ii _Baltimore MD Sun_
illegal aliens should be deported
"arrested by police for driving without a license... he decided to over-stay his tourist visa 4 years ago...   Nor did the story say who was employing him or whether he is getting government benefits.   Isn't that illegal?   And who pays for any accidents he may be involved in?...   Why is it when you write such articles you don't include all the facts?"

Roger Harris _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_Scripps_
Tax Foundation reports burden of government extortion by state
"Tennessee's best rankings are 17th for new distribution centers and 19th for mature business centers.   New research and development centers face the highest tax burden in the state, according to the study.   Tennessee ranks 44th in this category.   'The main cause for this ranking is the state's sourcing rules for services -- which expose 100% of the operation's income to state taxes -- and the nation's highest sales taxes for this type of firm', the study says.   The 10 states with the most favorable business tax burdens are in Wyoming, which ranked first, followed by South Dakota, Georgia, Nevada, and Ohio.   States with the highest tax burdens are Pennsylvania, which ranked 50th, followed by Hawaii, West Virginia, Kansas, and Rhode Island."
contact Roger Harris

Thomas Sowell _Town Hall_
Super Tuesday
"If a clear winner with a commanding lead emerges, the question then becomes whether that candidate is someone who is likely to defeat Barack Obama.   If not, then the fate of America -- and of Western nations, including Israel -- will be left in the hands of a man with a lifelong hostility to Western values and Western interests."

Rob Gutro
tornado out-break tracking

Nigel Calder
"Yet another trick of cosmic rays"

Andi Cockroft
Climate "science" and special relativity

IlDefonso Ortiz _Brownsville TX Herald_/_Monitor_
fire-fight with smugglers along the Rio Grande

Chuck Baldwin _News with Views_
Remembering the Alamo

Isadora Rangel _Treasure Coast FL Palm_
Raising livestock teaches 4-H members many valuable life lessons

Mark J. Perry
World Bank says poverty fell from 2005 to 2010

Mark J. Perry
comparing financial performance of House vs. Senate barber-shops

Mark J. Perry
light vehicle sales showing signs of recovery to early 2008 levels

William L. Anderson
Heading for double-digit inflation?   Should you believe your own lying eyes as you shop or my phony-baloney price index?

Colorado grand jury has indicted long-term care facility operators on H-1B fraud
"The indictment alleges that the individual defendants were involved in a scheme to fraudulently secure H-1B visas for FNs by claiming that they would work in this country as nurse instructors or supervisors at a fictional university.   Once the FNs arrived, the defendants would force them to work for the Foreign Healthcare Professional Group, a business that the defendants controlled, which contracted out the FNs to long-term care facilities as staff nurses."

Dice Report: 85,838 job ads

body shop36,992
full-time temp52,005
part-time temp1,821


2012-03-01 (5772 Adar 07)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
outraged by Mormon proxy baptism? Not this Jew

2012-03-01 (5772 Adar 07)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
War crimes and punishment
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Of the 375M people in Western Europe [EU-15], 40M are living outside their countries of birth.   In almost all Western European countries, the population of immigants and their children approaches or surpasses 10%.   Even the historically poor and backward countries of peripheral Catholic Europe, such as Ireladn (14.1% immigrant) and Spain (11.1%), have become cross-roads.   Between 2000 and 2005, Ireland's foreign-born population was increasing at an average annual rate of 8.4% and Spain's at 21.6% a year." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg9  



1836-03-02: Texas Declared Independence

Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
Benderly wins award
I've praised (and something been quoted in) Beryl Lieff Benderly's writings on the STEM job market, such as:
AAAS Science
the post-doc gauntlet
with not a leg to stand on, Obummer insists there is a shortage
I was thus delighted to learn last night that Beryl has recently won an award for her writings.
The piece that inspired the award.
Beryl writes for prominent, thoroughly main-stream publications.   So why are the White House people unaware of -- or, I fear outright ignoring, out of political expediency -- what she is saying?

Michelle Malkin _Town Hall_
Obummer's campaign bully brigade rides again

2012-03-02 02:52PST (05:52EST) (10:52GMT) (12:52 Jerusalem)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Science and engineering employment has stalled

2012-03-02 05:16PST (08:16EST) (13:16GMT) (15:16 Jerusalem)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
55th Annual Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair awards presented Saturday

Anthony Watts
numbers of sun-spots falling when they were expected to rise

Ed Runyan _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Kevin Harris sentenced to 7 years for Ponzi scheme: Socialist Insecurity Abomination perpetrators are left at large

2012-03-02 08:14PST (11:15EST) (16:15GMT) (18:15 Jerusalem)
August J. Nicastro _Baltimore MD Sun_
When will the Baltimore Sun acknowledge that illegal immigration is a crime?
"Interestingly enough the writers talked about the crime being a minor one, and some of the people they interviewed didn't even consider what they did was a crime.   However in all the cases the words used by the illegals were, 'afraid of being caught'.   They were worried about being stopped and not being able to produce proper documentation because they were here illegally.   They know that they are breaking the law but feel like it is not for them to follow this law.   How convenient for them, maybe all of us should do the same.   If we feel like the law is more of a nuisance then just ignore it.   And if our legislators also believe this way...   he broke federal law by coming into this country illegally, and he broke Maryland by driving without a valid license and also not having any insurance.   A citizen found to have broken the same state laws is in for a world of grief...   we are being told that we should also want to be paying for people in this country illegally because they have been here for years with no problems recorded, and driving with no insurance.   I guess the police should not bother arresting a felon who after breaking out of prison has not been caught committing another crime, so he should not be prosecuted.   This is not ethical government."

Jeri Clausing _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Albuquerque registered dog to vote to demonstrate ease of election fraud
"'It is very disheartening that someone would attempt to present fraudulent information to test a system that the state legislature has intended to foster participation in the voting process.', Oliver said.   'I would warn those individuals who think this type of activity is a joke or a gotcha that, regardless of their intentions, they have broken the law and will therefore have to be subject to due process of law.'   State law does not require county clerks to verify birth dates, [Socialist Insecurity numbers, SINs] or other information submitted with voter registration applications, Oliver's office said...   he saw a voter registration booth on the University of New Mexico campus a few weeks ago and decided to see how easy it would be to register his dog.   He said he signed up Buddy as a Democrat."

Josephd d'Aleo
GA Tech study of arctic glaciers and cold spells
Albedo, dust, snow and ice

Tom Tancredo _World Net Daily_
Obummer turns his back on American workers
"Yet, despite these complaints by Democratic law-makers and cheap-labor lobbyists, Obama has been completely blind to the plight of American engineers, computer programmers and other Americans whose jobs are being displaced by H-1B visas...   As Steve Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies notes, according to the government's own numbers there are 101K American engineers who are looking for engineering jobs, 244K who have left the labor market and 1.47M who left the engineering field.   That's 1.8M Americans with engineering degrees who do not have engineering jobs.   Just 2 days before Obama mentioned this speech, the Bay Area edition of the New York Times noted that 'Cisco Systems, a maker of computer networking equipment...laid off 1,331 workers last year', and 'The semiconductor sector...has lost 4,600 jobs since 2008.'...   [Immigration] lawyers make it their policy to get visas approved that should not make it.   In a presentation for fellow immigration attorneys, Lawrence Leibovitz explained his racket 'Our goal is clearly not to find a qualified U.S. worker...our objective is to get this person a green card.'   He advised his fellow immigration lawyers, 'Clearly we are not going to find a place where the applicants are most numerous, we're going to find a place where -- again we're complying with the law -- and hoping and likely not to find qualified worker applicants.'   [After which one of his colleagues added] 'If someone looks like they are very qualified, if necessary schedule an interview; go through the whole process to find a legal basis to disqualify them.'   Even Bill Clinton's secretary of labor, Robert Reich, testified to Congress in 1995 that under the program, a 'U.S. employer can now lay off U.S. workers and replace them with H-1B workers' and that the 'H-1B program does almost nothing to encourage U.S. employers to develop domestic workers to perform the jobs for which they are seeking non-immigrants, or to limit their dependency on a non-immigrant workforce.'...   Nothing was done to address these concerns, and the problem has gotten worse...   between 1999 and 2005, 332,660 new computer jobs were created by the economy, while the government issued 330,524 H-1B visas for computer workers.   IOW, 99% of all job growth in the computer sector went directly to foreign workers.   That was poor policy during times of economic growth, but it's sheer insanity in a recession."

Paul Joseph Watson _InfoWars_
Breitbart's video shows Obummer fraternizing with terrorists: Weather Underground friends wanted communist dictatorship set up in America
"According to former FBI agent Larry Grathwohl, who was assigned to infiltrate the Weather Underground's Central Committee, the organization run by Bill Ayers carried out bombings targeting the Pentagon, the State Department, as well as police stations and federal buildings, in an attempt to cause the United States government to collapse and open the door for Cuban, North Vietnamese, [Red Chinese] and Russian troops to occupy the country.   Grathwohl stated that Ayers and his group planned to deal with Americans who would try to resist this take-over by 'establishing re-education centers in the south-west'.   Asked what he would do with those who still refused to convert to communism, Ayers said that they would have to be eliminated, as in 25M Americans would be killed in concentration camps.   Grathwohl points out that most of the people advocating this brutality had 'graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers', and relates the shock it was to listen to these people 'figure out the logistics for the elimination of 25M people -- and they were dead serious'.   Although Obama's links with Bill Ayers and other radicals from the era has been well documented for years, after all it was Ayers who helped launch Obama's political career, for him to be seen on video palling around with terrorists who wanted to set up a brutal Communist dictatorship inside the United States would have represented a public relations nightmare going into the election."

Nick de Santis _Chronicle of Higher Education_
badges for knowledge
Digital media and learning competition

Allan Roth _CBS_
10 painful, irritating ways to save money
6 ways...

Mark J. Perry
male vs. female unemployment rates
Proposed Bills 2012

S&P 500(SPX)1,369.63
10-year US T-Bond(UST10Y)1.98
crude oil(CLJ2)$106.70/barrel
reformulatedgasoline(RBJ2) $3.27/gal
dollarindex (DXY)79.428
yenperdollar (USDYEN)109.06
dollarspereuro (EURUSD)$1.3197
dollarsperpound (GBPUSD)$1.5841
swissfrancsperdollar (USDCHF) 0.9142
indianrupeesperdollar (USDINR) 49.5255
mexicanpesosperdollar (USDMXN) 12.7565

I usually get this info from MarketWatch.
Proposed Bills 2011

  "Net migration into Europe from elsewhere is at record levels, at around 1.7M new arrivals a year...   In the middle of the 20th century, there were virtually no Muslims in Western Europe.   At the turn of the 21st, there were between 15M and 17M Muslims in Western Europe, including 5M in France, 4M in Germany, and 2M in Britain." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg12  



1865-03-03: battle of Natural Bridge, Florida

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
MT State U research break-through in fighting bacteria and fungus could be marketed in 2013
"University researchers have discovered a way to turn on a plant's immune system, enabling it to fight diseases that would normally be fought with chemical pesticides...   Plant diseases brought on by fungus and bacteria cost American farmers billions in chemical pesticide treatments and diminished harvests.   Ultimately, [tax-victims] shoulder a share of the burden as federally subsidized crop insurance is tapped to cover losses...   Jacobsen and other researchers noticed a few select plants that seemed to fight off the disease.   Studying 300 types of bacteria present on the healthy plants, Jacobsen discovered a helpful bacterium, Bacillus mycoides isolate J, or Bmj.   The Bmj had activated the plant's NPR1 gene, which triggered a range of immune responses allowing the plant to fight off disease.   The plant began generating hydrogen peroxide [which attacks bacteria] and the other components that cause cell walls to thicken, making them harder for the bacteria to attack.   The plant then produces enzymes to attack the fungi and bacteria.   Viruses also were battled back...   Jacobsen used Bmj to combat white mold, a constant problem that can claim 5% to 8% of a farm's seed potato crop annually...   [Stopping the mold could increase] yields by as much as 1,500 pounds per acre..."

Obummer DoJ refused to deport illegal aliens who disrupted NC state legislature hearing

2012-03-03 David Middleton
Why some warmists are wrong

Andi Cockroft
Fundamental questions on isostacy and mean sea-level

Carmen Daye Irish _Billings MT Gazette_
Chicks in Science packs the gym

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Harrisburg area science and engineering fair winners

Mark J. Perry
natural gas production
Keystone XL pipe-line map
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Only 19% of Europeans think immigration has been good for their countries.   More than half (57%) say their countries have 'too many foreigners'.   The more immigration a country has had, the higher the antipathy to immigration grows: 73% of French people think their country has too many immigrants, as do 69% of the British.   The argument is not over how much immigration Europeans desire but over how much they will tolerate." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg14  



2012-03-04 Anthony Watts
study shows clear millennial solar impact

Mark J. Perry
inflation-adjusted residential natural gas prices

Mark J. Perry
Wind-farm scam
Proposed Bills 2012

  "A society that maintains a 1.8 total fertility rate will be 80% as large at the end of a century [a good thing]; a society with total fertility of 1.3 (Italy, Spain, Eastern Germany, and the Baltic nations are such societies) will fall to a quarter of its size [excellent! Not too many; not too few; but just right.   And all voluntary!]." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg16  



Incredible elasticity of US science and engineering labor force

Anthony Watts
Putting wind towers off-shore doubles costs

Rob Chaney _Missoulian_/_Billings MT Gazette_
Long odds face drillers seeking oil
"Only 1 wildcat well in 9 hits petroleum.   And just one in 20 drills into a deposit big enough to make money.   So the companies spending roughly $9M for each exploratory well drilled along the Rocky Mountain Front this winter have placed some serious bets."

2012-03-05 09:32:25PST (12:32:25EST) (17:32:25GMT) (19:32:25 Jerusalem)
Brandon Bailey & Jeremy C. Owens _San Jose CA Mercury News_
more Yahoo! lay-offs this month, could reach thousands
David Louie: KGO

2012-03-05 09:40PST (12:40EST) (17:40GMT) (19:40 Jerusalem)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Keep working America, illegal aliens are depending on you for hand-outs

Willis Eschenbach
Argo data on latitude and day of year, and Reynolds interpolation

Hannah Meisel _Daily Illini_
Cray computer beginning testing at NCSA NPCF, aiming for 11.5 peta-FlOPS by end of year

William L. Anderson
rationalizations for pattern of rising prices

Mark J. Perry
images of East Germany's recovery from communism

Mark J. Perry
gorgeous images of earth from space

Mark J. Perry
percentages of college degrees earned by women by major

Mark J. Perry
Milton Friedman on the economics of health care

2012-03-05 (5772 Adar 11)
Joshua Mitnick _Jewish World Review_
Is Israel's calculus on Iran shaped by leaders' youth in military?

2012-03-05 (5772 Adar 11)
Jason Koebler _Jewish World Review_
hackers ask US copyright office legal blessing on modification of video-game systems
"University professors, amateur hobbyists, and big-time scientists realized the potential of the Playstation 3's computing power.   The United States Air Force networked 1,700 PS3's to form one of the most powerful super-computers in the world.   A researcher at the University of Massachusetts used a grid of 8 PS3s to simulate gravitational waves.   Thousands of amateur game makers began to create home-brewed software that could be played on modified Playstation or Xbox systems."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "In some European countries, the percentage of people who are either immigrants or the children of immigrants is bumping up toward a quarter.   Of the 9M people in Sweden, 1.5M are either immigrants or their children [not good].   The same is true of 3M of the 16M Dutch -- including two-thirds of the students in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague.   Projections are that by 2050, 29% of Dutch people will have at least one foreign parent.   Some of these will be from other European countries, but most -- about 2.7M, or close to a fifth of the Dutch population -- will be of non-Western background...   In 2050, Britain will have 7M 'non-whites' even if migration comes to an absolute halt, acording to the Oxford demographer David Coleman, and 16M if migration continues at a 'high' level of 108K per year.   (But even this high level may under-estimate immigration pressures.   In the middle of the first decade of the century, Britain was receiving about 500K new immigrants -- equivalent to 1% of its population -- every year.) By mid-century, in most of the major European countries, foreign-origin populations will be between 20% and 32% [very bad, as it would be bad if 32% of Argentines or Brazilians were not from South America]." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg17  



Mark Hladik
the Permian-Triassic extinction

2012-03-06 04:40PST (07:40EST) (12:40GMT) (14:40 Jerusalem)
Mike Pare _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Whirlpool has started operations on new assemly line at $200M plant in Cleveland, TN
Chattanooga TN Times Free Press
"The Benton Pike plant will replace Whirlpool's existing Cleveland cooking appliance manufacturing facilities, a hodgepodge of buildings which the company plans to exit within a year as operations shift to the new facility.   Larry Venturelli, chief financial officer of Benton Harbor, MI-based Whirlpool, said the company's Cleveland-made premium brands are some of its fastest growing...   Whirlpool traces it roots back 101 years, and Klyn said Cleveland's cooking appliance history stretches back even further to 1879 when Hardwick Stoves started manufacturing."

2012-03-06 12:22PST (15:22EST) (20:22GMT) (22:22 Jerusalem)
"Tara Servatius_
Obummer admin working hard to keep criminal illegal aliens out of Charlotte NC jails
"Suppose you don't have a driver's license or auto insurance.   You get behind the wheel of a friend's car, which you've borrowed, and you drive recklessly, sideswiping a car and injuring a passenger.   Realizing what you've done, you drive off in a panic.   The police catch up to you and arrest you.   You don't have any ID on you.   What do they do? If you are an American citizen, they take you back to the jail, where they have plenty of options to identify you.   But what if you are an illegal immigrant?   In Mecklenburg County, they use the 287g program, which was pioneered in our jail, to ID you and possibly deport you.   But that may soon end.   Without a positive ID, charging you becomes difficult.   That apparently is the goal of the Obama administration, which is seeking to defund 287g, despite the success of the program (18,572 illegal immigrants have been identified since 2006, pundithouse.com reports and of that number, 11,494 were placed in removal proceedings.)"

2012-03-06 13:57PST (16:57EST) (21:57GMT) (23:57 Jerusalem)
Michael Coley _Fayetteville GA Citizen_
immigrants are making no effort to assimilate into USA culture

Mark J. Perry
businesses leaving California in record numbers

Mark J. Perry
economics may favor US manufacturing come-back

_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
biometric ID system for tracking visa over-stays is "almost ready"
Americans for Legal Immigration
"36 people who over-stayed visas have been convicted of terrorism-related charges since 2001."

2012-03-06 (5772 Adar 12)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
The romance of the empty rhetoric

2012-03-06 (5772 Adar 12)
Richard Serrano & Andrew R. Grimm _Jewish World Review_
Holder asserts authority to kill citizens merely deemed to be terrorists

2012-03-06 (5772 Adar 12)
Melissa Healy _Jewish World Review_
progress in cancer immunotherapy
"Researchers drew blood from patients and scoured it to find the rare type of immune cell -- a melanoma-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell -- that specifically homes in on proteins expressed by the cancer.   Then they put their harvest -- as few as a few hundred cells -- into a test tube and cloned them, creating millions.   The last step was to infuse the resulting army of cancer-fighting clones back into the patient...   Yee's group showed that by choosing T cells more selectively, patients can get by with much lower doses of interleukin-2, making the treatment less toxic."

2012-03-06 (5772 Adar 12)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
James Q. Wilson b: 1931 d: 2012
"Prior to 1960, murder rates in the United States had been going down for decades.   Even the absolute number of murders declined, while the population grew by millions.   Despite the addition of 2 new states -- Hawaii and Alaska -- in 1960, the number of murders in the 50 states was less than it had been in the 48 states 30 years earlier.   The murder rate in 1960 was just under half of what it had been in 1934...   The best-known product of this 1960s revolution in the criminal law was the famous Miranda warning, 'You have the right to remain silent', etc.   It is as if we are engaged in some kind of sporting contest with the criminal, and must give him a chance to beat the rap, even when he is guilty.   In the aftermath of this revolution in the criminal law, promoted by the intelligentsia in academia and in the media, the long downward trend in murder suddenly reversed.   By 1974, the murder rate was more than twice what it had been in 1961.   Between 1960 and 1976, a citizen's chances of becoming a victim of a major violent crime tripled.   So did the murder of policemen.   People clever with words sought all sorts of ways of denying the obvious fact that the fancy new developments in the criminal law were catastrophically counter-productive.   That was when James Q. Wilson's writings on crime burst upon the scene, cutting through all the fancy evasions with hard facts and hard logic...   He noted that 'the work force was at an all-time high at the same time as were the welfare rolls'.   Nor were minorities frozen out of this economy.   By 1969, 'the non-white unemployment rate had fallen to 6.5%', he pointed out.   By systematically confronting the prevailing notions and rhetoric with undeniable facts to the contrary, James Q. Wilson began to wear away the prevailing social dogmas of intellectuals behind the counter-productive changes in law and society.   It was much like water wearing away rock -- slowly but continually.   The common sense that had once produced and sustained declining crime rates began to reappear, here and there, in the criminal justice system and sometimes prevailed."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The late Yassir Arafat, considering the 7-fold increase in Palestinian population over 1 generation (from 450K in 1967 to 3.3M in 2002), called the wombs of Palestinian women the 'secret weapon' of his cause." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg19  



2012-03-06 18:00:08PST (2012-03-06 21:00:08EST) (2012-03-07 02:00:08GMT) (2012-03-07 04:00:08 Jerusalem)
Anthony Watts
strong solar flare: high potential CME will come earth's way 2012-03-06 21:23PST (2012-03-07 00:23EST) (2012-03-07 05:23GMT) (2012-03-07 07:23 Jerusalem)
Thomas Thoren _Daily Illini_
increase in already vastly excessive numbers of foreign students in USA

_American Freedom Watch Radio_
UN Agenda 21 Today

Anthony Watts
Solar storm continues, geomagnetic effects expected
Andy Smith: Ziff Davis/CBS

Mark J. Perry
tapping shale oil and gas is the energy equivalent of the Berlin wall being removed

Mark J. Perry
inflation-adjusted commercial natural gas prices returning to 2002 levels

Mark J. Perry
Landsburg: Fluke's position deserves to be ridiculed, mocked, and jeered. To treat it with respect would be a travesty.

Mark J. Perry
ND becomes #3 oil producing state

2012-03-07 (5772 Adar 13)
R' Y.Y. Rubinstein _Jewish World Review_
Is your child a sufferer... are you?
"A whole raft of treatments that used to work, for example, anti-biotics, are proving themselves less and less able to deal with bugs that have become resistant and new conditions that appear from time to time...   Like so many such conditions like ADD and ADHD, it is known by its acronym, B.O.Y...   Researchers have found convincing evidence that B.O.Y. may in fact not be a new condition after all but an old condition, which has been ignored or forgotten...   But we knew modern therapies were useless against B.O.Y and we had committed to this new program...   Dr. King told us to do something that was so shocking to us, that at first we could not believe what he said.   He said we should tell Micky if he didn't stop screaming (he had now kicked Michael 6 times and called him a Pig) we would...spank him!...   I was able to enlighten her, B.O.Y. stands for Boisterous, Ordinary, Young.   It is closely related to another condition called G.I.R.L. Gregarious, Insistent, Robust and Loud."

2012-03-07 (5772 Adar 13)
Emily Sohn _Jewish World Review_
The secret to better memory: Can't find your keys? Eat a little fat
"When digesting fats that contain oleic acid -- a 'good' mono-unsaturated fatty acid found in olive oil, fish, nuts and soybeans -- the small intestine produces a molecule called oleoylethanolamide (OEA).   OEA binds to a receptor in the gut, which sends signals to the brain.   One of these signals ends up in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, where it conveys a satisfying sense of fullness.   A second message, according to the study, winds up in the amygdala, the almond-shaped center of the brain where emotionally charged memories are cemented into long-term memories..."

2012-03-07 (5772 Adar 13)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
It just ain't so
"The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 2011 manufacturing output grew by 11%, to nearly $5T.   Were our manufacturing sector considered a nation with its own gross domestic product, it would be the world's fourth-richest economy.   Manufacturing productivity has doubled since 1987, and manufacturing output has risen by one-half.   However, over the past two decades, manufacturing employment has fallen about 25%.   For some people, that means our manufacturing sector is sick.   By that criterion, our agriculture sector shares that 'sickness', only worse and for a longer duration.   In 1790, 90% of Americans did agricultural work.   Agriculture is now in 'shambles' because only 2% of Americans have farm jobs.   In 1970, the telecommunications industry employed 421K well-paid switchboard operators.   Today 'disaster' has hit the telecommunications industry, because there are fewer than 20K operators.   That's a 95% job loss...   When I spend $100 at the grocery, my capital account (money) goes down by $100, but my goods account (groceries) increases by $100.   My grocer's goods account decreases by $100, while his capital account increases by $100.   There's a trade balance, whether my grocer is down the street, in another state or in another country."

2012-03-07 (5772 Adar 13)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Iran and Obummer
"That kind of cynical miscalculation was made by France back in 1938, when it threw its ally, Czechoslovakia, to the wolves by refusing to defend it against Hitler's demands, despite the mutual defense treaty between the two countries.   Less than two years later, Hitler's armies were invading France -- using, among other things, tanks manufactured in Czechoslovakia...   Early in Hitler's career as dictator of Germany, the Western powers -- indeed, France alone -- had such overwhelming military superiority that an ultimatum to Hitler to stop rearming would have left him little choice but to comply.   But the price of stopping him went up as time went by and he kept on rearming.   When Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland in 1936, in defiance of two international treaties, he knew that Germany at that point had nothing that would stop the French army if it moved in.   But France was too cautious to act -- and caution can be carried to the point where it becomes dangerous, as France discovered when a stronger Germany conquered it in 1940.   Churchill warned, 'Do not let us take the course of allowing events to drift along until it is too late.'   But that is what expediency-minded politicians are always tempted to do."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "coping with the fall-out from immigration is the main problem in every country in Western Europe, and it is the same problem in all of them.   If you understand how immigration, Islam, and native european culture interact in any Western European country, you can predict roughly how they will interact in any other -- no matter what its national character, no matter whether it conquered an empire, no matter what its role in WW2, and no matter what the provenance of its Muslim immigrants." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp22-23  



2012-03-08 05:30PST (08:30EST) (13:30GMT) (15:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 365,754 in the week ending March 3, an increase of 31,513 from the previous week.   There were 407,299 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.1% during the week ending February 25, unchanged from the prior week's unrevised rate.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,979,563, an increase of 97,038 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.6% and the volume was 4,460,146.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending February 18 was 7,387,648, a decrease of 111,222 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending February 18.   States reported 2,929,210 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending February 18, an increase of 24,377 from the prior week.   There were 3,600,522 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

_US Senators_
Grassley and Durbin raise concerns about "specialized knowledge" standard in L-1 visa programs
Charles Grassley of IA

_News Daily_/_Reuters_
CGC: 51,728 planned lay-offs announced in February
Bond Buyer/Market News International
Chicago Tribune
CGC video
Randy Tucker: Dayton OH Daily News/Cox
CBS Chicago IL
transportation: 14,065
consumer products: 13,856
5,566 Ohio

Anthony Watts
U of IN scientists link tornadoes and vibrations reported by seismic instruments

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
E-3 would be doubled -- with 10,500 for Australians, 10,500 for Irish -- and E-2 for Israelis

Mark J. Perry
a visit to Williston, ND during boom

Mark J. Perry
America's excessive focus on college degrees

Mark J. Perry
wind energy industry gets unofficial license to kill birds, but oil and gas do not

Mark J. Perry
How Obummer's energy policy is killing jobs

William L. Anderson
Sean Rosenthal on British "austerity"

2012-03-08 (5772 Adar 14)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
sick and tired of the Middle East (with cartoon map)

2012-03-08 (5772 Adar 14)
Kimberly Palmer _Jewish World Review_
10 tips on building wealth
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Gunnar Heinsohn wrote sarcastically but correctly, 'Now all the OECD states, and even the Slavic countries of Eastern Europe have their own Suessmuth reports.   And all of them courageously declae, in ignorance of the others, their willingness to receive qualifid and easily assimilable high-tech geniuses in every greater numbers.'" --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg23  



Anthony Watts
Manchester Guardian engages in knowingly inaccurate reporting

Anthony Watts
Is David Suzuki trying to block the process of science?

Pope denounces "gay marriage" lobby

Andi Cockroft
Kiribati is movinn, not sinking
Willis Eschenbach: So many people... so little rain

Theodore White
the historical ideological basis of climate claims

David Louie _KGO San Francisco CA_
economists warn that restoring huge pool of unemployed and under-employed to full employment will take years

William L. Anderson
the government-driven higher education price bubble

Mark J. Perry
government extortion preference schemes for various types of energy

Mark J. Perry
bodyshopping vs. manufacturing over-time

Mike Lennon _Security Week_
US-China Economic and Security Review Commission released report on Red Chinese capabilities for cyber operations and espionage
"'It's getting harder and harder for [Red China's ruling thugs] to claim ignorance and innocence as to the massive electronic reconnaissance and cyber intrusions activities directed by [Red Chinese] interests at the U.S. government and our private sector.'...   [Red Chinese] capabilities in computer network operations have advanced far enough to pose 'genuine risk to U.S. military operations' in the event of a conflict...   'The People's Liberation Army (PLA) leaders have embraced the idea that successful warfighting is based on the ability to exert control over an adversary's information and information systems.'"

Brenda Walker _V Dare_
House sub-committee on Border and Maritime Security held hearigs on visa over-stays and terrorists
Houston TX Chronicle

_Seeking Alpha_
324 years of estimates of gold/silver price ratio
Only Gold: historical gold price estimates
Macro Trends: graphs of historical gold price estimates, gold/oil, gold/silver, S&P 500/gold, Dow/gold, platinum prices, etc.
2015-10-30: David Michaud: 911 Metallurgist: the mercury-free gravity-borax method of gold refinement
David Michaud: 911 Metallurgist: refine gold using corn-starch
2013-05-14: Megan Fellman: NorthWestern U: refine gold using corn-starch
2013-05-15: James Urquhart: Royal Society of Chemistry/Chemistry World: refine gold using the sugar from corn-starch
Proposed Bills 2012

  "By the late 1950s, Britain had 55K Indians and Pakistanis and 125K West Indians, and immigration was accelerating.   Using the most recent national census, Britain has 2,083,759 people of South Asian descent (Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalis) and 1,148,738 'Black British', as the UK census calls them, half of whom are from the Caribbean.   Something similar happened in France.   In a speech on 1945 March 3, Charles de Gaulle bemoaned France's 'lack of manpower' as the 'main obstacle to our recovery'.   It was estimated that at least 1.5M workers were needed.   France at first sought workers from Poland and the Netherlands...   The govenor of Algeria suggested recruiting 100K Muslim workers, an offer that France rejected out of hand on the grounds of 'health, social, and moral risks'.   Over the next 3 decades, France would get 7 times that many Algerians, through less formal channels...   For a period in 1962, they were arriving at the rate of 70K a week.   By 2004, there were 4.3M foreign-born people living in France, of whom about a third had acquired French nationality." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg29  



Justin Pulliam
Monckton vanquishes greens too yellow to admit they're really reds at Union College
"The Versailles consensus of 1918 imposed reparations on the defeated Germany, so that the conference that ended the First World War (15M dead) sowed the seeds of the Second.   The eugenics consensus of the 1920s that led directly to the dismal rail-yards of Oswiecim and Treblinka (6M dead).   The appeasement consensus of the 1930s that provoked Hitler to start World War II (60M dead).   The Lysenko consensus of the 1940s that wrecked 20 successive harvests in the then Soviet Union (20M dead).   The ban-DDT consensus of the 1960s that led to a fatal resurgence of malaria worldwide (40M children dead and counting, 1.25M of them last year alone)."

Clair Johnson _Billings MT Gazette_
Many complaints are filed against judges, but few lead to so much as a reprimand, let alone effective disciplinary action
"Steven Lubet, a legal ethics professor at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago, said most complainants are unhappy litigants who have had cases before a judge.   A 2006 report by Supreme court justice Stephen Breyer on the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act found that the majority of complaints are dismissed on first reading by the chief judge in the circuit in which a complaint is filed, Lubet said...   According to the 2010 Annual Report by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, a total of 1,448 complaints were filed that year against judges, which was a decrease of 7 percent from the previous year.   Of the total, 812 complaints were against district judges.   Almost all of the complaints were terminated by either the chief judge or the judicial council.   Chief judges dismissed 1,277 complaints, mostly because the complaint was related to the merits of the decision in a case or to a procedural ruling, the report said.   The report also showed no remedial action was taken against any judge during the 12-month period ending 2010 Sept. 30, for complaints filed after 2008 May.   Remedial action could have included censure or reprimand, suspension of assignments or other discipline.   The complaints covered a range of issues from misconduct, personal bias against the party or attorney, racial, religious or ethnic bias to wrong decisions and conflict of interest.   Only congress, through impeachment by the House and a trial in the Senate, can remove a [federal] judge."

Apple to add 3,600 jobs over next decade at new $304M campus in Austin, TX
Slash Dot discussion

Mark J. Perry
Canadian and ND oil help explain lower gasoline prices in the midwest

2012-03-10 14:29PDT (17:29EDT) (21:29GMT) (23:29 Jerusalem)
Justin Sceck & Evan Perez _Wall Street Journal_
FBI traced spy ring to Red China
"The box, according to prosecutors, contained documents outlining a more than decadelong plot to steal DuPont company corporate secrets and sell them to a [Red Chinese] government-owned company...   filed criminal espionage charges against a state-owned foreign company.   The company, Pangang Group...based in Panzhihua in Sichuan Province...   Mr. Liew—a 54-year-old Malaysian-born naturalized U.S. citizen who worked in Silicon Valley as an electrical engineer..."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "There were 329K Gastarbeiter in 1960, 1M by 1964, and 2.6M in 1973...   Those who came first were lagely single men, living in hostels (Wohnheime) and working in mines and steel plants of the Rhine and Ruhr.   They were diligent, upstanding, and a bargain, and were supposed to be rotated in and out, going back to their native countries once their 2-year stints were up.   Three-quarters of the 18.5M who came to Germany between 1960 and 1973 did just that.   But the gap between what natives understood the Gastarbeiter invitation to mean and what the workers themselves understood it to mean widened steadily." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp30-31  



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Winchester, VA and setiments... Secesh vs. Unionism...

Nicola Scafetta
prediction widget update

Christine Bednarz _Daily Illini_
Engineering open house at UIUC (with picture gallery)

Brian Brady & Kunal Dutta _Independent_
45K caught over last 3 years cheating in exams and course-work at Britain's universities
"Over the past 3 years, more than 45K students at 80 institutions have been hauled before college authorities and found guilty of 'academic misconduct' ranging from bringing crib-sheets or mobile phones into exams to paying private firms to write essays for them.   Some 16K cases were recorded in the past year alone, as university chiefs spent millions on software to identify work reproduced from published material, or simply cut and pasted from the internet.   [As a test, we bought an essay and had a professor grade it.]   Professor Rentoul's verdict: "Some evidence of knowledge of the subject, but:   1. Very poor grammar and style, unintelligible in places (reads as if it has been translated by Google from another language);   2. Very poor sources and sourcing.   All 4 books cited are polemical anti-war works.   No primary material cited at all;   3. Argument, analysis and narrative weak and unsupported by evidence.   Much too polemical rather than historical in style.   The question needs to be defined and then the evidence for and against needs to be cited and weighed. Please see me for further advice." Mark: 42 (Third Class marks: 40-49)"

Hillel Zaremba _PJMedia_
PA state agency colludes with CAIR
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
UK's Journal of Medical Ethics publishes "medical ethics" article advocating post-natal abortions

Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
the real entitlement mentality

Emil Protalinski _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Red Chinese spies used fake FB profile of U.S. Navy admiral James Stavridis to "friend" NATO officials
"If you feel like the name is familiar, it should be.   Stavridis happens to be the current Commander, U.S. European Command (USEUCOM), and NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).   It's really no coincidence he was chosen as the one to fake..."

William L. Anderson
in the face of piles of evidence to the contrary, Keynesians still believe we can and should over-spend ourselves to prosperity

Mark J. Perry
GasBuddy map: gasoline prices by county

Mark J. Perry
price of oil in ounces of of gold 1971 to 2012
"In terms of judging whether the price of WTI is high or low, here is the price that truly matters: 0.0602 ounces of gold per barrel (which can be written as Au0.0602/bbl). What this number means is that, right now, a barrel of WTI has the same market value as 0.0602 ounces of gold."

Mark J. Perry
inflation-adjusted price of natural gas 1994 to 2012
Proposed Bills 2012

  "By 2006, Germany had a 'foreign population' of 7,289,149." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg32  



Donna Healy _Billings MT Gazette_
SIFE helps graduating students Suit Up for job interviews

Anthony Watts
PNAS report suggests meteorite impact(s) associated with start of Younger Dryas

Adam Turner _PJ Media_
Free speech vs. violent Muslims: Why the West is losing

Benny Peiser
return to energy sanity begins in UK

_Information Week_
Historic Arlington Cemetery Gets Digital Make-Over
"Digital mapping system, grave-site data-base, and other tools should improve accountability and management, Army's cemeteries director says."

Anthony Watts
blizzard strikes Pacific NW

Barry Rubin _PJ Media_
Muslims inclined to initiate force maneuvre propaganda to try to turn "bad guys" into "good guys" by pretending they're "moderate guys"
"There are 2 types of revolutionary Islamists in the Middle East today: the Muslim Brotherhood and the 'Salafists'.   Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood is in fact a Salafist group, in the sense that it wants to use Islam as it can be most strictly and repressively interpreted and create a dictatorship based on a radical interpretation of Sharia law.   And that is the first important point to understand.   The difference between Brotherhood and 'Salafists' is purely tactical.   The Brotherhood has learned how to maneuver politically, an advance similar to what Lenin instituted for the Marxists of his day.   You can't just declare a revolution and change everything overnight.   No, the Communists argued a century ago and the Brotherhood advocates now, instead the road to victory is to create a disciplined movement, build a mass base, construct front groups, create (temporary) alliances that split your opponents, and march step by step to total power.   Just as Lenin planned to get the capitalists to sell him the rope with which to hang them, the Brotherhood plots to get the infidels to do it.   So far, the Brotherhood has been pretty successful.   In contrast, the Salafists are less elegant.   They put it all on the table: total Islamism now through direct action and violence."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Jonathan Spyer _PJ Media_
Islamic Jihad's attacks, Hamas's dilemma

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
attractions and challenges of rural life today

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
Eric Holder supporting the al-Qaeda vote

Richard Fernandez _PJ Media_
the student debt bomb

Mark J. Perry
Conference Board's employment trends index

Mark J. Perry
shale gas bringing prosperity to Appalachia

Mark J. Perry
manufacturing picking back up in Michigan
"[Red China's] cost advantages are shrinking due to rapidly rising costs there for wages, inputs, and commercial real estate, along with higher oil prices that have increased shipping costs.   Then you add in quality issues (Collegiate Bead was rejecting up to 30% of the Chinese-made products), delivery delays, time and language differences, poor safeguards for intellectual property rights and American manufacturers are finding that [Red China] is not such a great deal any more, and manufacturing goods for the U.S. market at home now makes more sense than in a generation."

Mark J. Perry
Kalifornia declares war on "raw dairy" farmers: torture alleged

Mark J. Perry
housing crash consequence of government housing policy that under-wrote unsustainable economic activity
"federal housing agencies drastically under-reported the number of high-risk mortgages on their books"

Mark J. Perry
has real estate market bottomed out?

2012-03-12 (5772 Adar 18)
Alexandra Zavis _Jewish World Review_
Syrian Christians fear for survival of their congregations there

2012-03-12 (5772 Adar 18)
Mark Clayton _Jewish World Review_
In Rutgers spy-cam trial defense may turn the tables on prosecution
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Aside from the invasions of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes that started in the 4th century CE -- and which brought, at the very most, 250K new settlers to Britain over a period of several centuries -- British 'stock' has changed little.   Only about 10K people arrived with the Norman Conquest.   Tens of thousands more Huguenots came after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 [and some of them moved on to America].   But, all told, three-quarters of the ancestors of contemporary Britons and Irish were already present in the British isles 7,500 years ago.   DNA from people who arrived after that makes up only 12% of the Irish gene pool.   Describing the countries of Britain as nations of immigrants is absurd, unless you are describing processes that began not just before modernity but before civilization... the Guardian... 'Britain's 700K years of immigrants: Ice ages defeated 7 attempts at colonisation'." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg33  



Anthony Watts
Climate craziness of the week: Eugenics is making a comeback with climate optimized human engineering

Anthony Watts
Cooling trend, disclosure of their frauds lead warmists to grasp at rationalizations

J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
Some Texas pols and bureaubums seem to be "all hat and no cattle" when it somes to voter ID

Mark J. Perry
natural gas vs. energy-equivalent oil prices

Mark J. Perry
Institute for Justice challenges federal extortionists' illegal licensing scheme

Mark J. Perry
felonious law school deans: comparing financial reporting regulations with law school ratings

Mark J. Perry
USA is world's #1 producer of natural gas

Mark J. Perry
ND oil boom is visible from space

William L. Anderson
caste non-sense: 3rd party payments

2012-03-13 (5772 Adar 19)
Ben Lynfield _Jewish World Review_
Plan for green-belt around old city Jerusalem: "Palestinian" occupiers complain

2012-03-13 (5772 Adar 19)
Jacon Koebler _Jewish World Review_
anti-terror app

2012-03-13 (5772 Adar 19)
Meg Handley _Jewish World Review_
millennials remain optimistic despite on-going Bush - Clinton - Shrub - Obummer economic depression
"Only 54% of adults between 18 and 24 are currently employed, according to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, the lowest since the government started collecting the data in 1948.   Wages for that age group have also dropped 6%, more than any other age group over the past 4 years...   Almost 30% of adults 35 and older say they don't anticipate making enough money down the road.   Even young people who are unemployed still see a brighter future -- 75% of those who say they don't have enough income now believe they will have enough money in the future...   About 60% of young adults polled expect their children to be better off financially than they are, compared with just 43% among the 35-and-older set."

2012-03-13 (5772 Adar 19)
Larry Gordon _Jewish World Review_
Plagiarists beware
"In [UCLA at Anderson's] first review of essays from potential MBA candidates this year, Turnitin found significant plagiarism -- beyond borrowing a phrase here and there -- in a dozen of the 870 applications, Ainslie said.   All 12 were rejected...   Two years ago, the Oakland-based firm developed a service for admissions decisions, allowing large numbers of essays to be reviewed quickly and creating a data-base of students' essays.   The service shows sections of essays next to the possible source and calculates a percentage of possibly copied material."

2012-03-13 (5772 Adar 19)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the big hoax
carpe diem
"There have been many frauds of historic proportions -- for example, the financial pyramid scheme for which Charles Ponzi was sent to prison in the 1920s, and for which Franklin D. Roosevelt was praised in the 1930s, when he called it 'Socialist Security' [Socialist Insecurity].   In our own times, Bernie Madoff's hoax has made headlines.   But the biggest hoax of the past two generations is still going strong -- namely, the hoax that statistical differences in outcomes for different groups are due to the way other people treat those groups...   'Due process' rules that are essential for courts can readily become undue process in a school setting, when letting clowns and thugs run amok, while legalistic procedures to suspend or expel them drag on...   Now Secretary Duncan and Attorney General Holder want to play the race card in an election year, at the expense of the education of black students.   Make no mistake about it, the black students who go to school to get an education are the main victims of the classroom disrupters whom Duncan and Holder are trying to protect."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The great wave of Latin American immigration began in the 1970s [after Hart-Celler-Kennedy IANA1965].   The bulk of America's 35M foreign born -- including both high-skilled and menial workers -- came in the last quarter-century, after the United States was well launched on its transition to a post-industrial economy." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp35-36  



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
From gray to blue... Hagerstown's Thomas C. Suter

Ion Mihai Pacepa _PJ Media_
Wake up, Leon Panetta: the UN and USA have opposing interests
"In 1988 when I became an American citizen, I ended the few words I said as a sign of my gratitude with the last paragraph of William Tyler Page's creed: 'It is my duty to my Country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.'   I also have good reason to believe that the UN is not interested in defending the United States.   In my other life, when I was one of the top members of the Soviet bloc espionage community, one of our main assignments was to turn the UN against the United States.   We in the Soviet bloc poured millions of dollars and thousands of people into that gigantic project.   Virtually all UN employees and representatives from the communist countries -- comprising a third of the world's population -- and from our Arab allies were secretly working for our espionage services.   Our strategy was to convert the centuries-old European and Islamic animosity toward the Jews into a rabid and violent hatred for the United States..."

Claudia Rosett _PJ Media_
tyranny of the UN collective

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
Holder favors voter fraud

Mark J. Perry
$7 iPad app replaces $15K, 20 pound device for the physically impaired

Mark J. Perry
increased car sales drive increased parts sales in Michigan

Mark J. Perry
supply, demand and required pricing for college classes

Mark J. Perry
percentages of natural gas vs. oil drilling rigs

Mark J. Perry
Michigan has most-improved economy since 2010... which isn't saying much

_Sacramento Bee_/_bodyshopper lobbyist group TechServe Alliance_
USCIS chief Mayorkas declares that it's fine to abuse H-1B visas for bodyshopping

Peter Ferrara _American Spectator_
Keynesian non-sense sustains economic depression, just as it did in the 1930s

_Washington Times_
illegal alien charged with 42 sexual predations, released by ICE
Michael Volpe: Daily Caller

2012-03-14 (5772 Adar 20)
Mark Clayton _Jewish World Review_
The new cyber arms race

2012-03-14 (5772 Adar 20)
Sharon Salomon _Jewish World Review_
Behing the buzz on resveratrol
"The substance is found in foods like red wine, grapes, peanuts, berries, juices, a Japanese tea called Itadori, soy, and even chocolate...   it's produced by the plant in response to stress, injury, ultraviolet radiation, and fungal infection...   For example, if the whole grape -- skin, flesh and seeds -- is used, the end product will be higher in resveratrol.   For that reason, red wine, which uses grape skins in its production, is a much better source of resveratrol than white wine, which excludes grape skins in production.   Purple grape juice production also uses the entire grape, because it is made by a hot extraction process that recovers the resveratrol."

2012-03-14 (5772 Adar 20)
Joanne Jacobs _Jewish World Review_
concurrent HS/college enrollment

2012-03-14 (5772 Adar 20)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
fall-out from racial quotas

2012-03-14 (5772 Adar 20)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Compliant Americans
"Part of the problem is that people who act as instruments of government do not pay a personal price for usurping parental authority.   The reason is Americans, unlike Americans of yesteryear, have become timid and, as such, come to accept all manner of intrusive governmental acts."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The Harvard economist Martin Feldstein has considered the case of Spain.   over the next 50 years, Spain's population will stay the same -- around 44M -- but its ratio of workers to retirees will fall from 4.5:1 to below 2:1.   Feldstein asked what the effect would be of taking in 2M foreign workers -- a 54% increase in the number of foreign born already there...   Thowe new-comers would constitute only a 10% increase in the work-force.   Adn since immigrants tend to occupy the lower reaches of the economy, the increase to labor compensation -- out of which the taxes that pay for the [illfare] state are drawn -- would be well under that.   Feldstein's estimate of the rise in labor compensation -- 'about 8% or less' -- sounds generous.   Out of that 8% or less, one must subtract the (high) cost of immigrant health care and education.   Once you do that, the relief immigrants bring to the [illfare] state is unlikely to match their [cumulative life-time] claims on it." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg48  



2012-03-15 05:30PST (08:30EST) (13:30GMT) (15:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 337,713 in the week ending March 10, a decrease of 30,719 from the previous week.   There were 371,721 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.0% during the week ending March 3, a decrease of 0.2 percentage point from the prior week's revised rate of 3.2%.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,841,622, a decrease of 147,268 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.4% and the volume was 4,296,805.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending February 25 was 7,424,040, an increase of 36,392 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending February 25.   States reported 2,875,795 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending February 25, a decrease of 53,415 from the prior week.   There were 3,541,942 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Marc Levy _Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_AP_
PA gets reasonable voter ID law; those favoring voter fraud going nuts

David Archibald
Solar cycles update

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
The Obummer economy: blacks, hispanics hardest hit (with graph)

Robert Wargas _PJ Media_
US will lead the world to freedom

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
"Pressed", drafted, and conscripted -- a quick note

William Tucker _American Spectator_
election year math... with inverted colors

Merrill Matthews _American Spectator_
people who have opted out of the Socialist Insecurity Abomination have done better than those forced into it

Mark J. Perry
phony baloney housing affordability index

Mark J. Perry
fossil fuel production on federal lands lowest in 9 years

Mark J. Perry
government innovation (cartoon)

Katharine E. Stewart _Chronicle of Higher Education_
negotiating with "scientific eyes"
"My father was an engineer and an analytical problem solver.   He taught me a lot about how to be a scientist, including how to see with 'scientific eyes'.   For Dad, that meant seeing what was in front of him: not what he wanted to see, not what was implied, but what was there.   'If you're not sure what you're seeing, start asking questions.', Dad would say."

Michael A. Riley _Business Week_
espionage by Red China robbing US and European firms
"Devens, MA-based AMSC had been using the turbine, manufactured by the company's largest customer, [Red China's] Sinovel Wind Group company, to test a new version of its control system software.   The software was designed to disable the turbine several weeks earlier, at the end of the testing period.   But for some reason, this turbine ignored the system's shut-down command and the blades kept right on spinning.   The AMSC technicians tapped into the turbine's computer to get to the bottom of the glitch.   The problem wasn't immediately clear, so the technicians made a copy of the control system's software and sent it to the company's research center in Klagenfurt, Austria, which produced some startling findings...   The Sinovel turbine appeared to be running a stolen version of AMSC's software.   Worse, the software revealed Beijing-based Sinovel had complete access to AMSC's proprietary source code.   In short, Sinovel didn't really need AMSC anymore...   What McGahn says happened to AMSC may be incredibly brazen, but it's hardly exceptional.   There have been a large number of corporate spying cases involving [Red China] recently, and they are coming to light as president Barack Obama and the U.S.A., along with Japan and the European Union, have filed a formal complaint to the World Trade Organization over [Red China's] unfair trading practices.   The complaint includes the hoarding of rare earths...   This campaign has been in the works for years and targets a swath of industries: biotechnology, telecommunications, and nanotechnology, as well as clean energy.   One U.S. metallurgical company lost technology to [Red China's] hackers that cost $1G and 20 years to develop, U.S. officials said last year.   An Apple Inc. global supply manager pled guilty in 2011 to funneling designs and pricing information to [Red China] and other countries; a Ford Motor company engineer was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 2010 for trying to smuggle 4K documents, including design specs, to [Red China]...   'I used to be a Sinophile.', McGahn said..."

2012-03-15 (5772 Adar 21)
Seera Frenkel _Jewish World Review_
Tweets of misleading photos feed Israeli-Palestinian feud

2012-03-15 (5772 Adar 21)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
A guide for the perplexed Fareed Zakaria
Proposed Bills 2012

  "In the Netherlands, for instance, 40% of immigrants get some form of government assistance...   while native Germans between the ages of 20 & 65 pay out more in taxes than they collect in services, Turks do that only between the ages of 28 & 57...   the number of foreign residents in Germany rose steadily between 1971 and 2000 -- from 3M to about 7.5M -- but the number of employed foreigners in the work-force dd not budge.   It stayed rock steady at roughly 2M people.   In 1973, 65% of German immigrants were in the work-force; in 1983, a decade later, only 38% were...   In 1994 in France, just 29% of all immigrants came for work purposes...   Those admitted for work included 70% of arrivals from other European countries, and 7% of those from North Africa.   By 1997, only 12% of immigrants arriving in Britain from what used to be called the 'New Commonwealth' (the non-white parts of the former British empire) were coming for work.   Just 45% of non-European immigrants in Denmark are in the work-force..." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg49  



William F. McClenney
End Holocene, or how to make out like a "Madoff' warmist insurer

Willis Eschenbach
volcanic disruptions

SAIC agreed to pay $500M in settlement with NYC
"Deal allows government out-sourcer to escape criminal fraud charges in connection with HR system that ran millions over budget."

2012-03-16 13:35:51PST (16:35:51EST) (20:35:51GMT) (22:35:51 Jerusalem)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
National Socialist Radio retracts story on Foxconn factory in Red China for "numerous fabrications"
"Mike Daisey [says] what he does is theater, not journalism."
Ziff Davis/CBS

2012-03-16 13:46:55PST (16:46:55EST) (20:46:55GMT) (22:46:55 Jerusalem)
Nick Wingfield & Somini Sengupta _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_NYT_
Congress-critters and Obummer conspire again to reduce privacy
"His career will soon get back on track.   A new federal law, signed by president Barack Obama on Tuesday, compels the Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] to allow drones to be used for all sorts of commercial endeavors -- from selling real estate and dusting crops, to monitoring oil spills and wildlife, even shooting Hollywood films.   Local police and emergency services will also be freer to send up their own drones...   The market for drones is valued at $5.9G and is expected to double in the next decade, according to industry figures.   Drones can cost millions of dollars for the most sophisticated varieties to as little as $300 for one that can be piloted from an iPhone."

John Hayward _Human Events_
Cut, Cap, and Balance returns

Jim Kouri _Examiner_
Holder seeks to ensure illegal aliens get housing at cost to tax-victims

Laurie Roth _News with Views_
we need a fearless, principled and oath-keeping president for a change

William L. Anderson
natural-born economy killers

Mark J. Perry
bachelor degrees in IT and cyber security under $10K in Texas

Al Lewis _Fox_
Challenger thrives in challenging economy
"Challenger, 56 years old, is chief executive of Chicago's Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc., which bills itself as the nation's oldest out-placement firm.   His team is often the first to arrive at the scene of a mass lay-off, aiding the wounded with everything from counseling to job-interview coaching."

Shobhana Chandra _Bloomberg_
UMich consumer sentiment index from 75.3 in February ot 74.3 in early March
St. Louis Fed

2012-03-16 (5772 Adar 22)
Richard Z. Chesnoff _Jewish World Review_
inconvenient truth about refugees
"Some 700K Palestinian Arabs fled their homes during the war that Arab armies launched to prevent Israel's birth in 1947-48.   Some were forced from their homes and villages by Israel's young army.   Many more simply fled in fear of war or because they had been convinced it would soon end with total Arab victory.   It never worked out that way.   More than 60 years and several generations later, 'Palestinian refugees' now number close to 4M.   And throughout the Arab world, because nations have systematically ignored their plight, they remain refugees...   Compare that with the fate of the 800K Sephardic Jews who in the years that followed 1948 were either deported or forced by anti-Jewish law and pogroms to flee the Arab world.   They and their millions of descendants were not indefinitely kept in refugee camps as political pawns."

2012-03-16 (5772 Adar 22)
Sharon Salomon _Jewish World Review_
keeping cancer at bay with diet?
"The cancer death rate in this country has declined steadily since the 1990s.   The overall survival rate for all cancers for 5 years is about 65%, even more for breast and prostate cancers.   There are now over 12M survivors in the United States -- most looking at a variety of strategies to help keep cancer at bay...   approximately one-third of cancer deaths in the U.S. are related to poor nutrition, physical inactivity and excess weight...   14% of deaths from cancer in men and 20% in women are due to over-weight or obesity."

2012-03-16 (5772 Adar 22)
Gloria Goodale _Jewish World Review_
knights of on-line privacy strike back at data-mining empires
"the problem of how to get on-line companies to respect consumers' privacy rights...   More than 580 different technologies are being used to track personal data, he notes.   Indeed, 73% of people using the Internet consider it an invasion of privacy for a search engine to keep track of searches and use that information to personalize future search results, according to a poll by the Pew Research Center released this past week.   Only 38% of the poll's respondents had a general idea of what to do about data about them being collected on-line...   'CloudCapture's mantra is Block, Capture, Control', says founder Alex Huf."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Applicants for permanent residence [in Canada] get ranked on a100-point scale that measures education (25 points), language skills (24 points), job experience (21 points), age (10 points), employment contacts (10 points), and 'social adaptability' (10 points).   There are additional financial, medical, security, and criminal background checks.   It was Canada's selectivity, not the size of its immigrant flow, that was held up for emulation.   When European countries began looking carefully at their immigants' qualifications, certain countries had a head start.   By 2000, a third of the doctors in Britain (33.7%) were foreign born.   Ireland (35.3%) and Switzerland (28.1%) get a lot of foreign doctors, too.   These percentages are rising as populations age.   Britain passed a Highly Skilled Migrant Program in 2002, and added further inducements to educated immigrants 3 years later...   The sociologist Gunnar Heinsohn, confronted by the claim that Germany would need 700K immigrants in coming years, replied: 'We would need 700K highly qualified immigrants.   We are gettingn people we don't need, while those we do need go to the USA or Canada.'" --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg53  



It has now been 4 years (2008-03-17) since Tata opened their office in Milford, OH, promising that they would hire 1K US citizens.   How many native US citizens have they actually hired?   How many were born in the Greater Cincinnati area?   How many were born in Ohio?   How many of these US citizen STEM workers are over the age of 35, 40, 50, 60?

Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
vaccine for shingles, released in 2006, is in high demand
"Depending on where you get it, it can cost anywhere from $189 to $225 or more.   The vaccine is covered by most insurance companies.   Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox.   Only someone who has had the chickenpox, or has gotten the chickenpox vaccine, can get shingles.   The virus stays in your body.   It can reappear many years later to cause a case of shingles.   Shingles is not contagious, according to St. James.   However, a person who has never had chickenpox, or the chickenpox vaccine, could get chickenpox from someone with shingles."

Denise Dick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Vindy spelling bee is a family tradition
Canfield 7th grader won

Mark J. Perry
February industrial production
Proposed Bills 2012

  "According to a World Bank internal document, a quarter of a trillian dollars [$250G] in remittances were wired around the world in 2006; if you add unrecorded flows, they account for more funds than all the foreign direct investment in the world, and are more than double the level of international aid.   Transfers to El Salvador, mostly from the United States but also from Spain, now make up a sixth of that country's economy, and Moroccans, mostly in Europe, sent 3.6G euros home in 2003.   In the Spring of 2007, Western Union, once a telegraph company but now primarily a place where migrants wire money, opened its 300Kth agency -- in India, where it has 36K already." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg56  



Anthony Watts
The fact that those alarmists still can't distinguish right from wrong tells us more about the climate debate than anything else

Anthony Watts
warmism + world governance == red scheme == hell for liberty-lovers

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
Leftist illiberalism

Rand Simberg _PJ Media_
the left's long-time war on women

Mark J. Perry
Red China's 30M cave dwellers

Mark J. Perry
$1.7G in tax-victim subsidies to NCAA March Madness

Mark J. Perry
Coase theorem as applied to fracking noise

John Hill _Stand with Arizona_
Obummer admin offers amnesty and "work permits" to some 300K illegal aliens
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Two-thirds of French imams are on welfare.   So are many British ones: Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, the head of Britain's 'Muslim Parliament', told a conference in Birmingham in 2005, 'Our mosques are largely tribal and controlled by old men on the dole with no understanding of the changing world around them.' Most French and British citizens do not think of welfare checks as a do-it-yourself subsidy for religion, nor would they suppot them through taxes if they did." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg59  



Jerome R. Corsi _World Net Daily_
Bill Ayers's parents put foreign student Barack Obama through college
The Obummer File
Citizens 4 Freedom

Dennis L. Cuddy _News with Views_
The power elite, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the NAFTA super-high-way part 10
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

William L. Anderson
government-administered medical care is not exactly a low-cost panacea

2012-03-19 (5772 Adar 25)
Richard A. Serrano _Jewish World Review_
prime target of "fast and furious" scam was caught and released by FBI, BATFE and DEA
"Celis-Acosta continued slipping back and forth across the border, authorities say, illegally purchasing more U.S. weapons and financing others. He was not arrested until 2011 February, a month after Fast and Furious closed down."

2012-03-19 (5772 Adar 25)
Sharon Palmer _Jewish World Review_
summary of current beliefs about nutrition from registered dieticians

2012-03-19 (5772 Adar 25)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
political inevitability and other myths
"Inevitability has a very unreliable track record.   Within living memory, totalitarianism was considered to be 'the wave of the future'.   During the primary season, people should vote for whomever they prefer, on their own merits, not because pundits have pronounced them inevitable."

2012-03-19 (5772 Adar 25)
Joe Newby _Examiner_
Chicago policeman tells reporters: "Your 1st amendment rights can be terminated"
Proposed Bills 2012

  "While some countries worried about being swamped by Slavs after EU enlargement, Europe's 3 most market-oriented countries -- Britain, Ireland, and Sweden -- left their borders open.   Britain braced itself for an estimated 5K to 13K new arrivals.   It got 627K.   The Republic of Ireland got so many immigrants after Polish accession in 2004 that, by the end of 2005, its 164K new-comers from the East bloc accounted for more than 4% of the country's population." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp62-63  



2012-03-20 05:52PDT (08:52EDT) (12:52GMT) (14:52 Jerusalem)
Larry Dignan _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
super-computer purchases up 8.4% in 2011
"Super-computers are defined as HPC systems going for more than $500K.   Work-group HPC systems are sold for less than $100K."

Anthony Watts
tree ring bias

Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
H-1B visas take American Jobs
World Net Daily
"The U.S. Census Bureau reports that, counting only U.S.A.-born individuals, there are 101K with an engineering degree who are unemployed, another 244K who are not working or not looking for work and therefore not counted in unemployment statistics, and an additional 1.47M who have an engineering degree but are not working as an engineer [similar numbers exist for scientists and computer programmers]...   Created in 1990, the H-1B program was [sold as a way] for employers to import foreign H-1B workers to fill various high-tech jobs only when Americans could not be found, and the law was supposed to make it illegal for an employer to replace an American with an H-1B worker.   However, the big corporation lobbyists succeeded in fuzzying up the law so there [has never been an] effective rule to prevent employers from firing American job-holders and replacing them with H-1B aliens...   A good example of how the H-1B visa system works was described in a law-suit filed against Molina Healthcare Inc., which handles Medicaid and Medicare paper-work for the government, and Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., which recruits H-1B workers in India.   On 2010 Jan. 14, one day after the Department of Labor approved Molina's application for 40 H-1B workers, Molina fired approximately 40 competent U.S. programmers, managers and analysts and hired 40 H-1B replacements imported by Cognizant from India."

Brett French _Billings MT Gazette_
work on high voltage lines from helicopter requires line-men to be well-grounded: reflectors to lines avoid avian collisions
"As if working from a hovering helicopter isn't difficult enough, there is also the electricity complicating the operation.   'Electricity, all it wants to do is go to ground.', Perry said.   'As soon as we get close to the line, it will jump to us.'   To deal with that danger, the line-man touches the line with a long wand as the helicopter hovers closer.   Then, a clamp can be attached to the wire so the lineman, helicopter and pilot are all the same potential voltage.   If the crew's potential is lower than the line's, then the charge would carry to the crew.   'When you're all in the same potential, electricity sees you as part of the wire.', Perry explained.   To protect himself, Canella wears a jump-suit that is 75% Nomex, a fire-resistant fabric, and 25% stainless steel fibers."

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Leftists and Reps in congress engaged in fierce budget fight that only goes a fraction of the way to balance

Lamar Smith _Fox_

Mark J. Perry
Numbers of Americans taking law school admissions test plummeting in response to depressed job prospects
"A team of lawyers representing disgruntled law-school graduates has filed 15 law-suits against law schools for allegedly publishing inflated data on the jobs and salaries of their graduates.   The lawyers recently announced plans to sue 20 more schools if they round up enough plaintiffs to pursue class-action law-suits, and to continue cranking out batches of suits every few months."

Mark J. Perry
important things for which you're required to have a picture ID (cartoon)

Mark J. Perry
architectural billings and new project inquiries

Thomas E. Brewton
Britain is facing economic reality WRT medical care

Federal Reserve's $2.9T monetization of federal government debt

2012-03-20 (5772 Adar 26)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Race and Rhetoric
"n old yellowed copy of the New York Times dated July 24, 1992.   One of the front-page headlines said: 'White-Black Disparity in Income Narrowed in 80's, Census Shows'.   The 1980s? Wasn't that the years of the Reagan administration, the 'decade of greed', the era of 'neglect' of the poor and minorities, if not 'covert racism'?   More recently, during the administration of America's first black president, a 2011 report from the Pew Research Center has the headline, 'Wealth Gaps Rise to Record Highs Between Whites, Blacks and Hispanics'.   While the median net worth of whites was ten times the median net worth of blacks in 1988, the last year of the Reagan administration, the ratio was nineteen to one in 2009, the first year of the Obama administration.   With Hispanics, the ratio was 8 to 1 in 1988 and 15 to 1 in 2009.   Race is just one of the areas in which the rhetoric and the reality often go in opposite directions.   Political rhetoric is intended to do one thing -- win votes.   Whether the policies that accompany that rhetoric make people better off or worse off is far less of a concern to politicians, if any concern at all."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "In 2000, 60% of Germany's vast foreign population had arrived after 1985.   Plenty of immigrants are full members of the society of their new homeland, with full claims on it.   Just as many are not." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg73  



Anthony Watts
energy use by source... as usage increases

Jaime Daremblum _PJ Media_
mullahs in the Americas

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
another Obummerite "green" firm, Serious Energy, in death spiral with Bank of India and UE

2012-03-21 10:11PDT (13:11EDT) (17:11GMT) (19:11Jerusalem)
Philip A. Janquart _Court-House News_
temporary guest-workers sue Wells Fargo for severance pay

Tom de Weese _News with Views_
senator Rand Paul steps up to defend property owners

_Manchester Guardian_/_AP_
Former NASA scientist pled guilty to trying to sell top secret info to what he though was an Israeli spy
Pete Yost: Comcast/AP

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
weak leadership

Rakesh Kochhar _Pew Hispanic Center_
US population continues to out-race employment opportunities

Mark J. Perry
world trade and industrial production in 2000 to 2012

2012-03-21 (5772 Adar 27)
Clare Byrne & Alexandra Mayer-Hohdahl _Jewish World Review_
captured French terrorist reveals motives

2012-03-21 (5772 Adar 27)
Mark Clayton _Jewish World Review_
Obummer admin ups tariffs on solar panels from Red China
"Amid an ongoing investigation, Commerce determined that Chinese producers and exporters have received subsidies ranging from 2.90% to 4.73%, a smaller advantage over US manufacturers than many analysts had expected.   Commerce will now direct tariffs to be collected on Chinese imports.   The Obama administration argues that dumping of under-priced solar panels is a violation of World Trade Organization [WTO] rules that has come at a high cost to US panel manufacturers."

2012-03-21 (5772 Adar 27)
Melissa Healy _Jewish World Review_
Robotic exo-skeleton may soon enable some paralyzed to walk

2012-03-21 (5772 Adar 27)
Howard LaFranchi _Jewish World Review_
US government's dysfunctional education system is a national security threat
"The US is not producing enough foreign-language speakers to fill key positions in the Foreign Service, in intelligence agencies, and in America's increasingly global companies...   'We have the shortest learning day and the shortest learning year practically of all [countries] in the industrialized world.'...   The task force's 3 main recommendations: Putting more emphasis on children learning science, technology, and foreign languages, in addition to reading and math.   Preparation by the states, in conjunction with the federal government, of what the report calls a 'national security readiness audit'.   This would measure how schools are doing at teaching 'the skills and knowledge necessary to safeguard America's future security and prosperity'.   Increasing school choice and competition, namely by charter schools and vouchers -- within an environment of 'equitable resource allocation'...   several members offering dissenting views at the end of the report...   Spending on K-12 education tripled from 1960 to 2010..."

2012-03-21 (5772 Adar 27)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Political rope-a-dope
"According to an American Community Survey, by the USA census bureau, the 10 poorest cities with populations more than 250K are Detroit, with 33% of its residents below the poverty line; Buffalo, NY, 30%; Cincinnati, 28%; Cleveland, 27%; Miami, 27%; St. Louis, 27%; El Paso, Texas, 26%; Milwaukee, 26%; Philadelphia, 25%; and Newark, NJ, 24%.   The most common characteristic of these cities is that for decades, all of them have been run by Democrat/Red/Leftist...administrations...   if one is strategizing on how to help poor people, he wants to leave off his list of objectives Democrat/Leftist/Red and black political control of cities...   Blacks are 13% of the population but are more than 50% of murder victims.   About 95% of black homicide victims had a black person as their murderer."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Those liberals who defend Islam do not know Islam.   Islam is the seamless union of the spiritual and the temporal, it is the reign of dogma, it is the heaviest chain mankind has ever borne.   In the early Middle Ages, Islam tolerated philosophy, because it could not stop it.   It could not stop it because it was as yet disorganized, and poorly armed for terror...   But as soon as Islam had a mass of ardent believers at its disposal, it destroyed everything in its path.   Religion terror and hypocrisy were the order of the day.   Islam has been liberal when wehak, and violent when strong.   Let us not give it credit for what it was merely unable to suppess." --- Ernest Renan 1883 _L'Islam et la Science_ pp38-39 (quoted in Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg114)  



2012-03-21 20:19PDT (2012-03-21 23:19EDT) (2012-03-22 03:19GMT) (2012-03-22 05:19 Jerusalem)
Ned Hibberd _Fox_
over 50 illegal aliens flee motel as ICE and Houston police raid smuggling stop-over
John Perera: Fox

2012-03-22 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 315,636 in the week ending March 17, a decrease of 24,441 from the previous week.   There were 354,457 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.0% during the week ending March 10, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week's revised rate of 3.1%.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,804,840, a decrease of 57,489 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.4% and the volume was 4,277,092.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending March 3 was 7,281,541, a decrease of 142,499 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending March 3.   States reported 2,851,483 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending March 3, a decrease of 24,312 from the prior week.   There were 3,627,654 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Anthony Watts
Medievel Warm Period was global

2012-03-22 08:00PDT (11:00EDT) (15:00GMT) (17:00Jerusalem)
Christopher S. Rugaber _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
Conference Board: leading economic indicators up 0.7%

270K more IT jobs headed off-shore
"Off-shore out-sourcing will continue at brisk pace for next four years, then ease up as automation replaces off-shoring as a way for companies to save money, a new study says."

Anthony Watts
record snow-fall in Oregon and Washington

R. Emmett Tyrell ii _American Spectator_
Over-extended America

Anthony Watts
solar storm dumped giga-Watts into earth's upper atmosphere
"'This was the biggest dose of heat we've received from a solar storm since 2005.', says Martin Mlynczak of NASA Langley Research Center."

Mark J. Perry
USA could soon surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia in petroleum production
move over OPEC

Mark J. Perry
Conference Board's leading economic indicators
more graphs

Mark J. Perry
manufacturing as a percentage of claptrap continues "inevitable" decline

William L. Anderson
paranoia, leftists desirous of inflation, and the speculators

Phyllis Schlafly _Wake Up America_
Tech unemployment: Obummer doesn't "get it": H-1B visas take American jobs

2012-03-22 (5772 Adar 28)
Eryn Brown _Jewish World Review_
researchers are closer to a test to predict heart attacks
"The team studied blood samples from 50 patients with confirmed heart attacks and 44 healthy control patients.   First they established that the heart attack patients had more circulating endothelial cells in their blood -- 19 cells per milliliter, on average, versus four in healthy individuals.   The researchers next explored whether there were differences between the circulating endothelial cells of healthy people and those of heart attack patients.   There were: Cells from the heart attack group were clustered together and large, and had multiple nuclei (organelles in the cell that hold the DNA)."

2012-03-22 (5772 Adar 28)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah Al al-Sheikh declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches in the Arabian Peninsula"
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Citizens of other countries make up 26% of Swedish prison in-mates.   Among those serving sentences longer than 5 years -- which in Sweden are given out for only serious crimes like major drug dealing, murder, and rape -- about half are foreign citizens, and these figures exclude [naturalized] Swedes.   Among immigrants, Muslims are especially prone to get in trouble." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp135-6  



1775-03-23: Patrick Henry delivered his "Give Me Liberty" speech (best known as reconstructed by William Wirt) to the Virginia assembly meeting in St. John's Episcopal church, Richmond, VA.

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_AP_
Keller TX city manager says he's not needed, lays himself off after 32 years on the job
Susan McFarland: Ft. Worth TX Star-Telegram

2012-03-23 09:25PDT (12:25EDT) (16:25GMT) (18:25 Jerusalem)
Nick Heath _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Off-shoring leveling off as execs run out of jobs to eliminate here
"Analysts predict that by 2022 major US and European businesses will have run out of IT roles to send off-shore.   The number of European and US IT jobs sent off-shore will decline from 2014, as businesses begin to run out of roles that can be carried out abroad.   Within the next 10 years the flow of IT jobs off-shore is likely to cease, as there will be few roles left suitable for moving to low-cost countries like India and [Red China], research by The Hackett Group found.   By 2016 almost 1.1M IT jobs will have been sent offshore, according to the research, which examined data on 4,700 companies with annual revenue over $1G head-quartered in the US and Europe."

Thomas E. Brewton
Bernanke explains to Wash U students that sound money would impair socialists' designs for grabbing power

_Tifton GA Gazette_/_AP_
GA illegal alien population 6th largest of states

2012-03-23 14:32PDT (17:32EDT) (21:32GMT) (23:32 Jerusalem)
Charles Krauthammer _Investor's Business Daily_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: costs, unconstitutionality and contraception

Mark J. Perry
advances in drilling are increasing petroleum output
"Now, a well that might have taken 30 days to drill can be drilled in just 10, for a savings of $500K a well."

2012-03-23 (5772 Adar 29)
Lauren Fox _Jewish World Review_
Should special funding of DNA testing of prisoners be continued?
"Since 1989, when DNA evidence first became available, 289 prisoners in the United States, including Haynesworth, have been exonerated of their crimes.   In 139 of those cases, the real suspects were identified."

2012-03-23 (5772 Adar 29)
Robert Shmerling _Jewish World Review_
5% to 10% of people with psoriasis develop back pain
"It's odd, but when the nails are involved with psoriasis, the chances of having psoriatic arthritis go up as high as 50%."

2012-03-23 (5772 Adar 29)
Brierley Wright _Jewish World Review_
what kind of yogurt is the "healthiest"
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Muslims make up 50% of the population in many French jails, and up to 80% in certain prisons near the banlieus.   A prison official estimates that 45% of in-mates in the jails in Turin are foreigners (Moroccans, Tunisians, Algerians, and Albanians occupy the top 4 slots) and that rate of foreign in-mates is below Italy's national rate (47%).   A huge influx of Romanians over the past decade has been the focus of political controversy, but in private conversation North Africans are more often singled out." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg136  


2012-03-24 2012-03-23 21:54PDT (2012-03-24 00:54EDT) (2012-03-24 04:54GMT) (2012-03-24 06:54 Jerusalem)
Mike Glenn _Houston TX Chronicle_
Nearly 50 illegal aliens found by Houston police and ICE in Houston home

Anthony Watts
Australian voters coming to their senses

Ray G
Royal Society climate meet short on physicists, chemists, statisticians, meteorologists, oceanographers and long on singers, bureaucrats, song writers, PR flacks

Anthony Watts
Green Climate Fund seeking diplomatic immunity

Claudia Rosett _PJ Media_
UN diplomatic immunity, corruption, waste and fraud

Russ Lemmon _Treasure Coast FL Palm_
FPL's privacy-violating idiot meters facing more resistance

Mark J. Perry
numbers of motor vehicle miles increasing, but gasoline consumption down
Proposed Bills 2012

  "By 2002, European Union statistics showed that France had 4,244 crimes per 100K residents annually, making it a higher-crime society than even the long-belittled United States.   Again, much, if not most, of that crime was committed by immigrant minorities and their children" --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg139  



Robert L. Smith _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Obummer phase of Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression has been devastating to aging baby-boomers

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
beware of the mob

Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
the incivil CNN

Mark J. Perry
if media, internet, and political free speech were to get into Cuba, the regime would not survive
Proposed Bills 2012

  "There were 2 basic regimes of citizenship in Europe.   Under jus soli ('right of soil'), which was favored in France, not to mention the United States, all those born on national territory were automatically citizens, no matter where their parents came from.   Under jus sanguinis ('right of blood'), traditional to Germany, they were not.   You got citizenship if -- and in most cases only if -- your parents were Germans.   So those born to Algerians in France could call themselves French, but the German-born children of Turks were not Germany by law." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg149  



Walter Russell Mead
How green gullibility, hyper-partisanship are wrecking the "climate movement"

Encarnacion Pyle _Youngstown OH Vindicator_/_Columbus OH Dispatch_
Over-50 set, locked out of job markets, returning to college
Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Gannett
"But the 51-year-old Hilliard resident also never expected to get laid off 3 years ago after 25 years as a civil engineer...   The number of students age 50 to 64 increased 17% nationwide between 2007 Fall and 2009 Fall, according to the latest data available from the National Center for Education Statistics...   Last year, about 36% of workers said they expected to keep working past age 65, compared with 20% in 2001, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.   'It's a different world today where 50 to 70 is considered the new middle age.', Crossley said."

Kate Giammarise _Youngstown OH Vindicator_/_Toledo OH Blade_
Boomers strain to gain footing in Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economy
San Antonio TX Express-News
Newark NJ Advocate
Cleveland OH Plain Dealer
Chillicothe OH Gazette
Toledo OH Blade

Mary Pickett _Billings MT Gazette_
Billings Foreign Friends helps international students

2012-03-26 04:43PDT (07:43EDT) (11:43GMT) (13:43 Jerusalem)
Gret Miliates _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
tactics to boost your compensation

2012-03-26 08:06:24PDT (11:06:24EDT) (15:06:24GMT) (17:06:24 Jerusalem)
Mike Swift _San Jose CA Mercury News_
new FTC Internet privacy violation standards introduced
"By the end of this year, Leibowitz said, the FTC expects that consumers will have effective Do Not Track features [once again getting it totally backwards] available in their web browsers, as Apple, Google, MSFT and Mozilla continue to develop browser features to allow users to block the collection of data about their online history.   If the industry fails to act on its own accord, Leibowitz warned Monday, it will almost certainly face Do Not Track legislation from Congress next year.   Another possible step, the FTC said, would be to set up a web-site that would show consumers what is being collected about them by data brokers and what is being done with that information."

2012-03-26 10:53:47PDT (13:53:47EDT) (17:53:47GMT) (19:53:47 Jerusalem)
Betsy Blaney _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Pink slime production cut back in face of public disgust
"Craig Letch, director of food quality and assurance for Beef Products, declined to discuss financial details, but said business has taken a substantial hit since social media exploded with worry over the ammonia-treated filler and an on-line petition seeking its ouster from schools drew hundreds of thousands of supporters.   The U.S. Department of Agriculture has decided school districts may stop using it and some retail chains have pulled products containing it from their shelves.   Federal regulators say the product, which has been used for years and is known in the industry as 'lean, finely textured beef', meets food safety standards...   The lower-cost ingredient is made from fatty bits of meat left over from other cuts.   The bits are heated and spun to remove most of the fat.   The lean mix then is compressed into blocks for use in ground meat.   The product is exposed to ammonium hydroxide gas to kill bacteria, such as E. coli and salmonella...   Other processors make similar 'lean beef trimmings' for inclusion in ground beef that are instead treated by citric acid."

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
US House eyes cuts in ag subsidies
"Vince Smith, a Montana State University economist. He has long argued against subsidized agriculture, in which the government not only grants farmers levels of protections other businesses live without but also pays exorbitant administrative costs to private insurance companies that deal with crop losses.   The House Budget Committee called for $30G in cuts to farm programs, a savings most agree can't be realized without cuts to federally subsidized crop insurance.   The cut was at least $7G more than leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture committees were considering...   By Smith's account, crop insurance costs American [tax-victims] $7G to $8G annually and covers roughly two-thirds of U.S. farm crop insurance premium costs, with the largest farms getting the most coverage.   Total costs for Montana crop insurance in 2009 was more than $915M...   roughly half [$3.5G to $4G] goes not to crop losses but to administrative costs.   Trimming the amount by half could save the [tax-victims] $20G over the next decade without affecting the coverage offered to farmers, Smith said."

Mike McNally _PJ Media_
Obummer seeking campaign contributions from Russian government?
"President Obama: 'On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space.'   President Medvedev: 'Yeah, I understand.   I understand your message about space.   Space for yoy...'   President Obama: 'This is my last election.   After my election I have more flexibility.'   President Medvedev: 'I understand.   I will transmit this information to Vladimir.'   Obama is implicitly linking his ability to pursue the policies Russia would like him to pursue with regards to missile defense to the requirements of the election campaign -- specifically the requirement to 'sound tough' on national security issues.   He's not saying 'give me time because I don't have time to schedule the necessary meetings and talk to the relevant people'.   He's asking for political wiggle room...   this is surely the first time that an American president has asked the leader of a corrupt, hostile and thuggish nation to tacitly support his campaign."

David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
Catholic-Jewish solidarity for religious freedom

J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
How many crimes did the New Black Panthers commit in Florida?

Andrew Klavan _PJ Media_
leftist con men
"Do lefties really fall for garbage like that? Why? Everything about that argument is meant to make you stop thinking."

Mark J. Perry
airports in ND and TX are booming

Mark J. Perry
US manufacturing firms reported record after-government-extortion profits set record (graph 1993-2011)

Kevin Carey _Chronicle of Higher Education_
high-prestige credential mills
"elite colleges sell prestige, not education.   Education is just the occasional byproduct...   there was once a common misconception that newspapers were in the business of selling news stories to news readers, when they were in fact in the business of selling advertising to grocery stores and H.R. departments.   They did the first thing in order to be able to sell the second thing...   [Stanford executives, administrators and lawyers] were perfectly willing to let [Sebastian Thrun] give the teaching away for free, but adamant about the credits and degrees...   'During the fall term, the Stanford students taking CS221 preferred watching the KnowLabs videos.   Thrun says this improved their performance.   In previous years his students averaged 60% on the mid-term; this time around they did much better.   Thrun swears the exam was tougher than any other he's given at Stanford.   My on-line class-mates averaged 83% overall.'...   The higher-education business depends on selling a certain kind of credential in a certain kind of way, and anything that threatens that will be perceived accordingly."

2012-03-26 (5772 Nisan 03)
Jason Koebler _Jewish World Review_
AI pioineer Judea Pearl claims we can build "robots with morals"

2012-03-26 (5772 Nisan 03)
Tom A. Peter _Jewish World Review_
too much foreign aid

2012-03-26 (5772 Nisan 03)
Tom A. Peter _Jewish World Review_
should elderly people live alone or with their families?

2012-03-26 (5772 Nisan 03)
Tom A. Peter _Jewish World Review_
myths and half-truths predominate in Martin/Zimmerman case

2012-03-26 (5772 Nisan 03)
Juan O. Tamayo _Jewish World Review_
business/calling cards RIP
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Before the age of mass immigration, assimilation was an imperative, because not assimilating meant ostracism, loneliness, and non-participation in the economy.   If the need to assimilate was never spelled out legally, this was only becaus it was too obvious to have to be.   Just as there were 2 models for becoming European according to the letter of the law (i.e. citizenship), there were 2 models of becoming European according to the spiit of the law (i.e. assimilation).   There was a French model of assimilation, which held that immigrants shuld become French in their cultural loyalties.   And there was a more multi-cultural British model, which held that one could keep one's culture as long as one obeyed the law of the land.   In the age of massive, heavily Muslim [immigration], neither had a particularly good record of keeping the peace or producing jobs for ethnic minorities." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg151  



Pat Frank
Question to National Center for Science Education: When is purported science not science?
"Einstein's statement about theory and observation is recounted by Karl Popper in his autobiographical 'Unended Quest'.   Popper goes on to say that Einstein's critical observation was a revelation, and opened the way to his own career-spanning argument that science is the inter-play of falsifiable theory and empirical results (conjectures and refutations).   Theory must produce unique and falsifiable predictions by way of analytical deductions.   Data, replicable by any and by all, pronounces its verdict.   Only those two activities together constitute valid science.   Either apart, is not science.   A corollary to this relationship is that the meaning of empirical data is found only within the context of a falsifiable theory.   This is true, even if the meaning is that the data contradict the prediction and refute the theory.   Only a falsifiable physical theory distinguishes the meaning of lightning away from the hand of god.   Only the capacity of falsification produces a unique prediction and provides an unambiguous meaning to the data."

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
"Conservative Caucus" announces plan to fart around for at least 5 more years before balancing the federal government budget

Mark J. Perry
Laffer curve holds true in England: higher taxes = more avoidance = lower revenues

Mark J. Perry
American Bodyshopping Association index shows that bodyshopping is the worst it's been since 2008

Eric Hoover _Chronicle of Higher Education_
ACT and SAT security increasing to fight cheating

2012-03-27 05:52:06PDT (08:52:06EDT) (12:52:06GMT) (14:52:96 Jerusalem)
Eric Kurhi _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_Oakland CA Tribune_
bill-board campaign objects to Chinese steel in Bay Bridge project
"The steel in the signature suspension structure, they said, should have and could have come from the United States instead of a factory near Shanghai, [Red China].   It would have been a boon for this country's economy and labor market, been more environmentally friendly and not supported exploitative labor practices over-seas, said Scott Paul of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, which mounted the campaign.   Paul placed the blame on former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for looking at foreign sources of steel to cut costs on the project, currently estimated at $1.7G."

2012-03-27 10:33PDT (13:33EDT) (17:33GMT) (19:33 Jerusalem)
Janet Fang _Smart Planet_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
one drug could defeat 7 different cancers by thwarting their resistance to your immune system
"drugs that block CD47 can eliminate tumors in mice with leukemia and lymphoma...   They exposed tumor cells to immune cells called macrophages and anti-CD47 molecules in a petri dish.   They also transplanted human tumors into the feet of mice, and when they treated the mice with anti-CD47, the tumors shrank and didn't spread to the rest of the body...   while many normal cells in the body also have CD47 to avoid being destroyed, cancer cells have higher levels of CD47 than healthy cells."

2012-03-27 10:36:07PDT (13:36:07EDT) (17:36:07GMT) (19:36:07 Jerusalem)
Anne d'Innocenzio _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
drop in Conference Board's consumer confidence index ascribed to rising gasoline prices
"Those saying jobs are 'plentiful' increased to from 7.0% to 9.4%, while those stating jobs are 'hard to get' also rose, from 38.6% to 41.0%."

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
designed for privacy violation: tools allow corrupt cops without warrants to bypass iPhone and Android pass-codes
"XRY works by first jailbreaking the handset.   According to Micro Systemation, no back-doors created by Apple used, but instead it makes use of security flaws in the operating system the same way that regular jailbreakers do.   Once the iPhone has been jailbroken, the tool then goes on to 'brute-force' the pass-code, trying every possible 4 digit combination until the correct password has been found.   Given the limited number of possible combinations for a 4-digit pass-code -- 10K, ranging from 0000 to 9999 -- this doesn't take long.   Once the [phone] has been jailbroken and the pass-code guessed, all the data on the [phone], including call logs, messages, contacts, GPS data and even key-strokes, can be accessed and examined."

Jeffrey Lord _American Spectator_
Angelo Carusone and the great left-wing conspiracy's strategy to root out all but the most radical leftist media

W. James Antle iii _American Spectator_
Obummercare defense train-wreck

2012-03-27 14:15PDT (17:15EDT) (21:15GMT) (23:15 Jerusalem)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
NASSCOM says India-based bodyshops are employing few more US workers, as they demand lower standards on and more guest-work visas
"India's largest IT trade group [NASSCOM], citing figures from a study it commissioned, says the Indian IT industry employs 107K people in the U.S.A., almost twice the 56K it employed in 2006.   Of that latest number, [only] 35K are U.S. citizens or [foreigners with green cards].   The remaining 72K are holders of either H-1B or L-1 work visas, according to the New Delhi-based National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM)...   MindTree Ltd. is an example.   It employs about 11K people worldwide, including about 850 in the U.S.A. [less than 8%, but they're not saying how many are US citizens], and it plans to increase its U.S. hiring.   Most of MindTree's U.S. workers aren't on visas, said Scott Staples, president of the Americas division of the company, which is 'co-head-quartered' in Warren, NJ, and Bangalore, India.   [Since 'US workers' lumps together US citizens and green card holders, that means only 49.99999% are guest-workers or green card holders.]   MindTree said on Tuesday that it's opening a development center in [Hogtown], FL [which, now that I think of it, only seems kind of like Kolkata], that will hire about 400 people over the next 5 years...   Infosys employs 145K people, Wipro has 137K workers, and Tata Consultancy Services employs 227K [worldwide, the vast majority of them are Indians in India in every case]...   The Hackett Group recently reported that out-sourcing to low-wage nations has led to a substantial decline in the number of U.S. jobs in finance, human resources, procurement and IT.   By 2016, the number of jobs available in these fields in the U.S.A. and Europe will have fallen to about 4.5M from 8.2M at the start of 2002, according to Hackett."

Chris Nerney _IT World_/_IDG_
Every major US company has been hacked into by Red China to steal defense and commercial secrets
"Clarke claims, for instance, that the manufacturer of the F-35, our next-generation fighter bomber, has been penetrated and F-35 details stolen. And don't get him started on our supply chain of chips, routers and hardware we import from Chinese and other foreign suppliers and what may be implanted in them -- 'logic bombs', trap-doors and 'Trojan horses', all ready to be activated on command so we won't know what hit us. Or what's already hitting us."

Colin Clark _AOL_
Red China attacked RSA
"Alexander said that [Red China] stole some of RSA's 'underlying software' during the early March theft.   The attack means that if China 'can do it against RSA that means almost all companies are vulnerable', Alexander told the committee.   In his written testimony, Alexander said that attackers in general are shifting from botnets and are now targeting security companies such as RSA, as well as smart-phones and relying on phishing e-mails."

Jen DiMascio _Aviation Week_
Red Chinese parts with trojan features keep on flowing
"GAO purchased 16 different parts from 13 [Red Chinese] suppliers. All 16 of those parts, including 7 used on aircraft such as Boeing's F-15 fighter and the Bell-Boeing V-22 tiltrotor, were counterfeit."

Phyllis Schlafly _GOP USA_
spying and stealing by Red China
World Net Daily
Town Hall

2012-03-27 (5772 Nisan 04)
Warren Richey _Jewish World Review_
Supremes say courts should decide over designation of US citizens born in Jerusalem in dispute between executive, legislative and judicial branches
"The case, Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky v. Clinton (10-699)...   The clash of governmental titans came to a head in a law-suit filed by Menachem Zivotofsky's parents.   The young Mr. Zivotofsky was born in 2002 in Jerusalem to Naomi and Ari.   Since both parents are US citizens, Menachem is also a US citizen.   The dispute arose when Mrs. Zivotofsky sought to obtain a US passport and overseas US birth certificate for her son.   She asked that the documents reflect that her son was born in Israel...   In 2002, Congress attached a provision to the foreign relations budget requiring US officials to list Israel as the place of birth for US citizens born in Jerusalem whenever the citizen or a legal guardian requested such a listing."

2012-03-27 (5772 Nisan 04)
David Zucchino _Jewish World Review_
tele-soldiers feel effects of life "in" the combat zone

2012-03-27 (5772 Nisan 04)
Danielle Kurtzleban _Jewish World Review_
young students and older boomers competing for internships as Bush-Clintoon-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues
"9M people between the ages of 44 and 70 are currently in the midst of 'encore careers'... of people over 45 in encore careers who had made significant career changes, 21% say they made the change because they wanted more income, making it the top reason given; 17% said they had been laid off or fired. Meanwhile, 17% wanted a job with more meaning or purpose, and only 7% 'just wanted a change'... The labor force participation rate for Americans 65 and older has risen steadily over the last decade, from 13.2% in 2002 to 17.9% in 2011. Thus far in 2012, that rate has been at or over 18%. In contrast, the participation rate for the population 25 and older has dropped off slightly, from 67.2% a decade ago to 65.8% last year."

2012-03-27 (5772 Nisan 04)
Danielle Kurtzleban _Jewish World Review_
credential inflation as MBAs flood market and prompt more doctorate B-school programs

2012-03-27 (5772 Nisan 04)
Andy Coghlan _Jewish World Review_/_New Scientist_
Murder trial puts spot-light on vitamin deficiency
"In the United Kingdom, cases of childhood rickets have leapt from 147 in 1997 to 762 in 2010.   The story may be similar in the United States: A study published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, found that only 5% to 13% of breastfed infants and 20% to 37% of formula-fed babies got enough vitamin D to meet the recommended daily dose of 400 international units (IUs) -- or 10 micrograms (Pediatrics).   The American Academy of Pediatrics came up with this figure in 2009 and it was endorsed in 2010 by the U.S. Institute of Medicine."

2012-03-27 (5772 Nisan 04)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_/_New Scientist_
Back to the future?
"When a 1942 Supreme Court decision that most people never heard of makes the front page of the New York Times in 2012, you know that something unusual is going on.   What makes that 1942 case -- Wickard v. Filburn -- important today is that it stretched the federal government's power so far that the Obama administration is using it as an argument to claim before today's Supreme Court that it has the legal authority to impose [ObummerDoesn'tCare] mandates on individuals.   Roscoe Filburn was an Ohio farmer who grew some wheat to feed his family and some farm animals.   But the U.S. Department of Agriculture fined him for growing more wheat than he was allowed to grow under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which was passed under Congress' power to regulate interstate commerce.   Filburn pointed out that his wheat wasn't sold, so that it didn't enter any commerce, interstate or otherwise.   Therefore the federal government had no right to tell him how much wheat he grew on his own farm, and which never left his farm.   The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution says that all powers not explicitly given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people.   So you might think that Filburn was right.   But the Supreme Court said otherwise...   Once it was established that the federal government could regulate not only interstate commerce itself, but anything with any potential effect on interstate commerce, the Tenth Amendment's limitations on the powers of the federal government virtually disappeared.   Over the years, 'interstate commerce' became magic words to justify almost any expansion of the federal government's power, in defiance of the Tenth Amendment."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "In early 2007, the think tank Policy Exchange released a troubling study.   It found that nearly a third (31%) of British Muslims thought they had more in common with the Muslims in other countries than with their fellow citizens.   Only half referred to Britain as 'my country'.   The sense of belonging to Britain was higher among those over 45 (55%) than among those 18 to 24 (45%).   Military enlistment offers another clue to how 'British' young British Muslims feel.   In 2007 February...It emerged that the targeted soldier was 1 of only 330 Muslims in the British armed forces, a number that not even dogged recruiting officers have sufficed to raise.   Britain's Muslims were joining the military at roughly one-twentieth [about 5%] the rate of other Britons." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp156-157  



Anthony Watts
mystery cloud on Mars reported by amateur astronomer

Alec Rawls
latest EPA insanity would block all new coal-electric generating plants

Anthony Watts
2011 tornado severity indistinguishable from those of 1974

2012-03-28 08:18PDT (11:18EDT) (15:18GMT) (17:18 Jerusalem)
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
durable-goods orders were up 2.2% in February

Darlene Storm _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
every major US firm has been hacked by Red Chinese

Alan Caruba
EPA energy wrecking ball

Clayton E. Cramer _PJ Media_
concealed carriers are far less likely to commit crimes than the general population

Rand Simberg _PJ Media_
White House and media defense of the unconstitutional Obummercare

David Louie _KGO San Francisco CA_
VCs pouring funds out of Sili Valley and into Brazil, Russia, India and Red China

Jason Mick _Daily Tech_
NSA says Red China is destroying US economy via hack attacks

2012-03-28 (5772 Nisan 05)
Michal Ish Shalom _Jewish World Review_
tomb-stones that were "re-purposed" in Red China

2012-03-28 (5772 Nisan 05)
Mohannad Sabry _Jewish World Review_
non-extremists boycott drafting of new Egyptian constitution
"A stand-off between Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and the country's military rulers deepened Tuesday as dozens of non-Islamist politicians said they would boycott the writing of a new constitution because Islamists dominate the panel selected to draft the document."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2012-03-28 (5772 Nisan 05)
_Jewish World Review_
Co-Occupation: raising a sign to reveal one's ignorance
"Humus isn't enough! I want a civil state"

2012-03-28 (5772 Nisan 05)
Bart Clarke _Jewish World Review_
benefits of osteopenia medication continue after use is discontinued

2012-03-28 (5772 Nisan 05)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Geraldo's point
"There is no point in dressing like a hoodlum when you are not a hoodlum...   Have we forgotten the Jim Crow era, with courts making decisions based on the race of the defendants, rather than the facts of the case?   That is part of the past that we need to leave in the past, not resurrect it under new racial management."

2012-03-28 (5772 Nisan 05)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Hizb ut-Tahrir, the radical off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood founded in Jordan in 1953, aims at the restoration of the Muslim caliphate, which was abolished along with the Ottoman Empire in 1924.   its members take a solemn oath to 'carry out even those decision of the party leaders that I find objectionable'.   Yet, since Hizb ut-Tahrir does not explicitly authorize assaults on European states, European countries have differed on how to address it, just as they differed on hwo to address membership in the Communist Party half a century ago.   Russia and Germany ban Hizb ut-Tahrir (bot due to alleged anti-Semitism); the Netherlands, Denmark, and Britain have discussed banning it; but most permit it to operate legally." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp165-166  



professor Gerald L. Boerner
photographer's tips: Charles Baudelaire

2012-03-29 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 319,349 in the week ending March 24, a decrease of 33 from the previous week.   There were 357,457 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.9% during the week ending March 17, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week's unrevised rate of 3.0 percent.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,683,943, a decrease of 129,932 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.3% and the volume was 4,131,066.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending March 10 was 7,153,252, a decrease of 131,488 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending March 10.   States reported 2,809,365 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending March 10, a decrease of 43,018 from the prior week.   There were 3,588,816 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

2012-03-29 08:47:41PDT (11:47:41EDT) (15:47:41GMT) (17:47:41 Jerusalem)
Kevin Drew _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_NYT_
Apple CEO Tim Cook visited Foxcon plant at Zhengzhou, Red China this week

Peter H. Milliken _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
detailed census data to be released Monday: So much for protestations of confidentiality
"'Many of us have parents who did not appear in a census until the 1940 census, so it will be interesting to see how families were situated in 1940.', said Tim Seman, genealogy and local history librarian at the main library of the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning county...   In 1940, some 120K census enumerators conducted face-to face interviews with someone from every household, asking questions about employment or unemployment status, occupation, income, participation in [Raw Deal] programs such as the Works Progress Administration, and the respondents' place of residence 5 years earlier...   The 1940 census, which asked 34 questions of every respondent, pegged the U.S. population at 132.2M and Youngstown's population at 167,624.   In contrast, the 2010 census, which was conducted by mail and asked only 10 questions of every respondent, employed 635K census-takers to visit those who didn't respond by mail.   It pegged the national population at 308.7M and Youngstown's population at 66,982.   The 1940 count cost $67.5M, compared with $12.4G for 2010.   In the 1940 census, 91.3% of Youngstown's population was white and 8.7% was black.   By contrast, the 2010 census showed Youngstown's population to be 47% white and 53% black and other minorities.   Of the city's population over age 25 in 1940, some 33.4% had completed 7 or 8 years of [education], 14.3% completed high school and only 3.9% completed 4 or more years of college.   The 2010 census showed 78.8% of the city's respondents over age 25 graduated high school and 10.5% had bachelor's degrees or higher.   Some 60.9% of respondents owned their own homes and the median annual household income was $24,318.   Some 79.8% of the people in the city's labor force in the 1940 census were employed in work other than public emergency work...   Only 17.8% of families reported making $2,500 or more in 1939."

Marc Parry _Chronicle of Higher Education_
For-profit New Charter U sets $199-a-month tuition for on-line bidness and criminology courses
"New Charter University sets the low tuition rate so that students shouldn't need to borrow, and they can take as many classes as they can finish in 4 weeks...   Students are flocking to Western Governors University, driving growth of 30% to 40% each year.   You might expect that competitors would be clamoring to copy the nonprofit online institution's model, which focuses on whether students can show 'competencies' rather than on counting how much time they've spent in class.   [At Western Governors, there are] 'course mentors' who help students master the material, and graders who evaluate home-work but do no teaching...   New Charter University, led by Sal Monaco, a former Western Governors provost—sidesteps the loan system by setting tuition so cheap that most students shouldn't need to borrow.   The price: $796 per semester, or $199 a month, for as many classes as they can finish...   The project is the latest in a series of experiments that use technology to rethink the economics of higher education, from the $99-a-month introductory courses of StraighterLine to the huge free courses provided through Stanford and MIT...   New Charter is nationally accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council, and is considering seeking regional accreditation...   Students, whether paying or not, start each class by taking an assessment to establish whether they're ready for the course and what material within it they need to work on.   Based on that, the system creates a pathway to guide them through the content.   They skip stuff that they already know."

CDCP says 1 of 88 children are autistic, 1 of 54 boys
Mike Stobbe: Cumberland PA Sentinel/AP
"The latest data estimate that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum disorder.   That's a 78% increase compared to a decade ago, according to the report...   In 2000 and 2002, the autism estimate was about 1 in 150 children.   Two years later 1 in 125 8-year-olds had autism.   In 2006, the number was 1 in 110, and the newest data -- from 2008 -- suggests 1 in 88 children have autism...   Girls: 1 in 252; up 63% from 2002.   Non-Hispanic white children: 12 in 1K; up 70% from 2002.   Non-Hispanic black children: 10.2 in 1K; up 91% from 2002.   Hispanic children: 7.9 in 1K; up 110% from 2002."

Paul Hsieh _PJ Media_
Obummercare constitution and privacy violations

Roger Morse _PJ Media_
Cass Sunstein's mis-direction on regulatory burdens added by the Obummer administration
"[Shrub] finalized 915 new significant rules while Obama has finalized 1,234...   Regarding regulations considered to be economically significant -- defined in law as having an impact of more than $100M -- Obama has had much more of these.   In [Shrub's] first 3 years, he finalized 151 new rules that cost at least $100M; in contrast, Obama has finalized 230 new regulations costing at least $100M...   CEI now puts the cost to our economy of the regulatory burden at $1.7T per year, which is up from $1.2T in 2007."

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
headlines control the narrative

Anthony Watts
potential for large solar flares and CMEs may be with us again soon: AR1429 still active

_CBS 60 Minutes_
7K employees dumped from Kennedy Space Center

2012-03-29 09:37:43PDT (12:37:43EDT) (16:37:43GMT) (18:37:43 Jerusalem)
Jeremy C. Owens & Peter Delevett _San Jose CA Mercury News_
CafePress e-commerce site for small businesses sell their goods, raised $85M

2012-03-29 13:16:57PDT (16:16:57EDT) (20:16:57GMT) (22:16:57 Jerusalem)
Peter Svensson _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Apple-commissioned audit finds Foxconn workers in Red China work more than set over-time hours
Rachel King: Ziff Davis/CBS
Priyanka Boghani: Global Post
David Trifunov: Global Post: Foxconn promises raises

2012-03-29 15:05PDT (18:05EDT) (22:05GMT) (2012-03-30 00:05 Jerusalem)
Joe McKendrick _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Hackett Group bodyshoppers, which recommended cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring, say that IT workers bore brunt of off-shoring over the last decade
Smart Planet/Ziff Davis/CBS
"That's the word from The Hackett Group, which just released new research that measures the movement of service jobs from North America and Europe to emerging markets over a 15-year period that started in the year 2002.   In total, the conclusions are startling: only about 4.5M of the 8.2M business services jobs (including IT, along with procurement, HR and finance) located in North America and Europe at the start of 2002 will still exist in 2016.   IT departments in larger companies bore the brunt of the off-shoring and overall decline in business service jobs, the report finds.   About 1.8M IT-related jobs will have been lost during the 15-year time period... The researchers calculate that between 2002 and 2016, 3.7M of all business service jobs will have been eliminated through a combination of productivity improvements (3.2M, or 39%) and off-shoring (2.1M/25%), partially offset by 1.6M jobs (20%) created through economic growth. This represents a net decline of 45% over the 15-year period."
2010-01-27: Toni Bowers: Tech Republic/Ziff Davis/CBS: The Hackett Group is advising companies to not hire back U.S. and European IT workers who have been laid off; instead they recommend filling any needs over-seas

Thomas E. Brewton
Obummer's treason: assuring those who have declared they're enemies of the USA of continued dismantling of our national defense capabilities
Pravda praises fellow socialist

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
Max Baucus proposed crop insurance plan that assures federal aid for farmers kicks in "only when needed"

Kristin Deasy _Globa Post_
Iranian female ninja assassins suing Reuters for saying they're assassins

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
and the best of the proposed budget plans is Paul Ryan's, as profligate as it is
"Ryan's budget, which cuts spending [by only] $5T [more] over the next decade compared to President Obama's plan, passed 228-191...   The Congressional Regressive Caucus [proposal] which had a $2.9T spending hike supported by $6.8T in new taxes over the next decade, got just 78 'yes' votes..."

Ira Mehlman _Immigration Reform_
Moonbeam Brown admin asks supremes to overturn SB1070 because it works

Manu Joseph _NYTimes_
reality doesn't support the myth of Indian STEM genius
"NASCOM was involved in intense behind-the-scenes dialogues with politicians, businessmen and journalists...   It is impossible to know when exactly the Indian out-sourcing industry was born.   According to Mr. Karnik's book, however, a meeting at a New Delhi hotel in 1989 was a significant moment.   Jack Welch, who was then chief executive of General Electric, was in India to persuade the country to place an order for G.E. aircraft engines.   Present at the meeting was Sam Pitroda, a technology adviser to the Indian prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi...   Pitroda said, 'Fine, but first we want you to out-source $10M of I.T. software work to India.'...   [Jack Welch] finally said, 'Fine. Done.'...   following the economic overhauls of 1991 [move away from socialism, according to Gurcharand Das], urban India began to transform at a rapid pace.   NASSCOM helped persuade the government to adopt policies that would make it easy for foreign companies to out-source work to Indian firms.   There were hundreds of thousands of engineering and science graduates in the country, and the software industry sucked them in at various rungs, offering them unprecedented salaries and a chance to work in the United States.   The brightest Indians joined the industry, and they made it appear that India had a deep pool of exceptional software talent.   NASSCOM, says Mr. Karnik, played a crucial role in promoting the idea of a republic filled with young geniuses...   NASSCOM took a more surreptitious tack, trying to convince influential Americans that Indian out-sourcing was valuable to the U.S. economy...   A country that has not invested in education cannot sustain the myth of its talent for long.   Beneath the surface of what is considered gleaming Indian talent is an ocean of unemployable graduates...   India's software industry found the quality of Indian graduates so poor that they considered only 25% of engineering graduates and 15% of other graduates employable...   India's supremacy is being threatened by 'more efficient countries', like [Red China] and the Philippines.   Some Indian companies themselves now out-source work to the Philippines..."

2012-03-29 (5772 Nisan 06)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
the diplomats' dilemma: despots need to know freedom-lovers are prepared for more than talk

2012-03-29 (5772 Nisan 06)
Linda Geddes _Jewish World Review_
lab-grown blood may reduce need for blood banking

2012-03-29 (5772 Nisan 06)
Heidi McIndoo _Jewish World Review_
gum problems may lead to heart and kidney problems
"Eat a balanced diet and adequate calories... Include omega-3 fatty acids as a regular part of your diet... Eat enough vitamin C to help maintain healthy collagen... Consume calcium and vitamin D every day... Be sure your daily diet includes foods rich in vitamin A."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "In America it's called slavery.   Here it's called Gastarbeiter." --- Turkish rapper (quoted in Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg172)  



2012-03-30 08:03PDT (11:03EDT) (15:03GMT) (17:03 Jerusalem)
Nicole Bremer Nash _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Creating an ADA-compliant web-site

2012-03-30 06:13PDT (09:13EDT) (13:13GMT) (15:13 Jerusalem)
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Richard Clarke warns that hardware imported from Red China leaves the USA open to cyber-attacks
"He was the man who failed to get the White House to act on his warnings that al-Qaeda were planning an attack on American soil.   Later, during his testimony to the 2001-09-11 Commission he delivered his famous apology: 'Your government failed you.'"

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Cable network AMC developing show on Carlisle Indian Industrial School famous for alumnae like Jim Thorpe and Glenn Scobey "Pop" Warner

John Hawkins _PJ Media_
7 ways wildly successful people have failed
"Spend money frivolously... break the law... don't mind your health... marry poorly... give up... withdraw into mental illness... surrender to drugs"

Bob Owens _PJ Media_
Appleseed Project: history, character, and rifles
"By all accounts, farmer Samuel Whittemore wasn't looking for trouble.   The 80-year-old veteran of 3 American wars had fought his battles and earned his peace, settling down in Menotomy, MA.   Still, on a day made famous for the battles in Lexington and Concord and Paul Revere's Ride, the grizzled warrior ambushed the Grenadiers of the 47th Regiment from behind a stone wall.   The octogenarian killed 1 Grenadier with his musket, then drew his dueling pistols and fired, killing 2 more before the Redcoats over-ran his position with fixed bayonets.   One Grenadier leveled his musket at close range and fired, blasting a 0.69 caliber musket ball through Whittemore's cheek.   The musket ball tore away part of the old man's face and threw him violently to the ground.   Bleeding profusely from the horrible wound, the old man drew his saber -- taken from the body of a French officer more than 30 years before -- and fought the Regulars hand-to-hand before falling under the butt-stroke of a Grenadier's Brown Bess.   Whittemore was bayoneted 13 times and left for dead in a pool of blood.   Samuel Whittemore would have been the oldest Colonial fatality of the entire Revolutionary War -- but he refused to die.   Horribly scarred but immensely proud, he lived to 98, as an American citizen.   The home range of the Revolutionary War Veterans Association (RWVA) lies just off the intersection of a pair of narrow country roads, amid the rolling green hills, cattle farms, and forests of Ramsuer, NC.   Down a gravel path lies a 500-yard centerfire rifle range that stretches from the crest of one hill down through a valley and up the other side.   A smaller well-used rimfire rifle range lies just beyond it.   At this shorter distance range, I and almost three dozen showed up on a wet and muddy morning last week to learn of our shared American heritage that began on that day in 1775 April 19 through the Appleseed Project.   We were also interested in learning the skills that made Timothy Murphy the most famous marksman of his day and helped create the legend of Morgan's Riflemen."

_PJ Media_
J Street conference: Obummer admin Valerie Jarrett
Peter Beinart
Ehud Olmert and Barukh Binah

Barbara Jorgensen _EBN_/_UBM_
H-1B critics outline some of the program's flaws

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
White House proves again they're clueless about STEM job markets

2012-03-30 07:01PDT (10:01EDT) (14:01gMT) (16:01 Jerusalem)
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index changed from 75.3 in late February to 74.3 in early March to 76.2 in late March
St. Louis Fed

2012-03-30 11:04:45PDT (14:04:45EDT) (18:04:45GMT) (20:04:45 Jerusalem)
Joe McDonald & Michael Liedtke _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Foxconn reforms may trim profit margins for several firms
"Foxconn, owned by Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, promised to limit hours while keeping total pay the same...   IHS iSuppli analyst Thomas Dinges believes China's communist [ruling thugs] also realize that the country's economic evolution requires raising the standards of living so more factory workers assembling the devices will eventually be able to buy them."

2012-03-30 12:23:48PDT (15:23:48EDT) (19:23:48GMT) (21:23:48 Jerusalem)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_Reuters_
Yahoo! expected to begin laying off thousands this coming week

Claudia Assis _MarketWatch_
farmers expected to plant most maize in 75 years
Tom Lutey: Billings MT Gazette
"The department estimated corn plantings for 2012 at 96M acres..."

Roy W. Spencer
more evidence that urban heat island effect distorts CRUTem3 data

Thomas E. Brewton
the left's Orwellian double-speak about Obummercare

Amy Levin-Epstein _CBS_
To get deserved promotion, manage the appearance of your productivity

Paul Greenberg _Town Hall_
the cynicism of it

2012-03-30 (5772 Nisan 07)
Rebecca Searles _Jewish World Review_
how your "nerves" shape your character
"Researchers at the University of Dresden tested people's sensory thresholds and mapped their findings onto subjects' Big Five personality traits. They uncovered links between what we detect and personality characteristics. Explains researcher Ilona Croy, 'It makes sense that people who are able to detect others' emotions become more social and those who are sensitive to signs of danger see the world as a threatening place.'"

2012-03-30 (5772 Nisan 07)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the death of Mrs. G
"She encouraged my work, celebrated my advancement and, where necessary, criticized my shortcomings. All of it helped me."
Proposed Bills 2012

S&P 500(SPX)1,408.47
10-year US T-Bond(UST10Y)2.22
crude oil(DLK2)$103.02/barrel
reformulatedgasoline(RBJ2) $3.3081/gal
dollarindex (DXY)78.973
yenperdollar (USDYEN)82.84
dollarspereuro (EURUSD)$1.3341
dollarsperpound (GBPUSD)$1.6012
swissfrancsperdollar (USDCHF) 0.9025
indianrupeesperdollar (USDINR) 50.8755
mexicanpesosperdollar (USDMXN) 12.8065

I usually get this info from MarketWatch.
Proposed Bills 2011

  "Islam may have 1.3G adherents, but Europe's own religion, Christianity, has 2G.   Christianity is growing faster than Islam and, indeed, faster than any major religion in the world.   There were 9M Christians of all denominations in Africa in 1900; by 2005 there were 393M.   One key factor in halting the spread of militant Islam through Africa has been a growing Christianity that is sometimes equally militant (a phenomenon that is not without its own problems).   There exists little evidence of such growth in Europe, and no such counter-force." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg176  




Yom Shabbat



Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
Thibodeau weblog on Biden remark
In a recent radio interview, vice president Joe Biden was asked about the H-1B program, with the tone of the question being one of suggesting that the program is too big.   Biden then responded with industry-standard misinformation (or disinformation, for you skeptics out there).   He stated that (a) H-1B has an American recruitment requirement, and (b) there is a shortage of "computer engineers", thus a need for H-1Bs.
As the enclosed blog by Computerworld's Pat Thibodeau explains, Biden is demonstrably wrong on (a) (the H-1B-dependent category is an exception, but it's minuscule), and a number of statistics familiar to readers of my news-letter show Biden's wrong on (b) as well.
As Thibodeau points out, Biden's blithe, unqualified defense of H-1B is odd given the embarrassing incident his boss had with Jennifer Wedel a couple of months ago.   But Biden's statements are even odder in light of the fact that his own former chief economist and economic policy adviser, Jared Bernstein, has spoken negatively about H-1B on various occasions.   Bernstein has said, for instance, "[The tech industry wants] all the engineers they can get at the lowest price.   They say they can't find enough talent, but what they really mean is that they can't find enough people at the rate they want to pay." (Washington Post, The Fact Checker, 2012 February 6)   This quote is especially apropos, as it applies to Biden's claim (b) above.
Indeed, one might wonder whether one of the reasons Bernstein left the Obama administration is that his bosses simply didn't want to hear statements like the one above.   Or worse, they understand what he said only too well, and don't want such statements coming out under their imprimatur.
The blog appears below (printed with the permission of the author).
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG: White House proves again they're clueless about STEM job markets
Wedel video

Willis Eschenbach
EPA's mercurial madness

Andrew Bolt _Herald Sun_
"What's important to these extremists is not the evidence but the scare."

Thomas E. Brewton
John Dewey catechizing the leftist religion on the tax-victims' dime
Peter Berkowitz: Wall Street Journal: How Kalifornia's Kolleges indoctrinate students

Michael Volpe _Daily Caller_
DHS has detention space for only 10% of illegal aliens apprehended... so, they want to reduce detention facilities and arrest fewer
"'ICE only has 34K detention beds and over 300K individuals in removal proceedings.', said an ICE official who requested anonymity.   The rest are given bonds or tracking devices, or simply released on their own recognizance.   In a February 23 op-ed, Texas Republican representative Lamar Smith responded to the proposed cut in ICE's capacity to keep suspected illegal aliens in custody.   'Under his budget for 2013, Mr. Obama reduces the number of detention bed spaces by 1,200 beds -- from 34K to 32,800.', Smith noted.   'The administration proposes using the resulting funds to enhance its alternatives-to-detention programs.   But these programs result in higher levels of illegal immigrants disappearing into American communities.'   But Department of Justice records, Smith insisted, 'reveal that since 1996, 40 percent of all non-detained illegal immigrants in removal proceedings simply became fugitives'."

2012 Spring
Gene A. Nelson _Social Contract_
how record immigration levels robbed American high-tech workers of $10T
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Since modesty is enjoined on women in the Koran and Sunna, all Muslim cultures have historically had some form of 'veil', or head covering.   This can be a loose scarf, of the sort worn in Turkey.   More conservative women wear the hijab, which covers all the hair.   The niqab, which reveals only the eyes, is what you see on women in Saudi Arabia, along with the big, black abaya, to cover the body.   The notorious burqa, common in Afghanistan when the Taliban were in power, covers absolutely everything." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pg231  


Proposed Bills 2012

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population

  "Gunnar Heinsohn... Men between the ages of 15 and 30 are the most violent part of any society...   By Heinsohn's calculation, violence is almost inevitable when 15- to 30-year-olds make up more than 30% of the male population -- as they do in most of the Muslim world.   There are 67 countries with youth bulges now and 60 of them are under-going some kind of civil war or mass killing...   Heinsohn noted that if Germany had had the same rate of population growth as Gaza (9 children per woman) since the 1960s, it would now have 550M people, including 80M young men aged 15 to 30.   'Do you think these 80M young Germans would be 10 times as pacifist as the 7M we have today?... Or is it not much more likely that they would be throwing bombs in Prague and Gdansk and Wroclaw and -- just like the Palestinians -- saying: This is our land, and it was taken from us for historical reasons that we had nothing to do with.'" --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp274-275  

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