2013 October

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 24th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2021-01-05

  "The essence of wisdom is to realize how far from wisdom you are." --- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (son of R' Simcha & Feiga; grand-son of R' Nachman of Horodenka/Gorodenka and R' Yechiel Mikhl Ashkenazi of Tulchin & Udel/Udl/Adil; ggs of R. Yisrael ben Eliezer/the Ba'al Shem Tov/Israel Baal Shem Tov/Besht and Baruch Ashkenazi; 2ggs of Eliezer & Sara) b: 1772-04-04 (5532 Rash Chodesh Nisan) in Bedzhybizh, Ukraine d: 1810-10-16 (5571 Tishrei 18) at Uman, Ukraine  

2013 October
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  "The highest recorded inflation in history was in Hungary in 1946 July, when princes increased by 4.19P per cent (4.19 followed by 16 zeroes)." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg108 note  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2013 October

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 14th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



Thomas Sowell _Town Hall_
destroying household jobs, harming the ill and elderly
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
"Despite evidence from around the world that minimum wage laws can price low-skilled workers out of jobs, the U.S. Department of Labor is planning to extend minimum wage coverage to domestic workers, such as maids or those who drop in from time to time to do a few household chores for the sick and the elderly.   This coverage is scheduled to begin in 2015 January -- that is, after the 2014 elections and nearly two years before the 2016 elections.   Politicians show a lot of cleverness in protecting their own interests, even if they show very little wisdom as far as serving the public interest.   If making household workers subject to the minimum wage law is expected to produce good results, why not let those good results begin early, so that voters will know about them before the next election?   But, if this new extension of the minimum wage law opens a whole new can of worms -- as is more likely -- politicians who support this extension want to insulate themselves from a voter backlash.   Hence artfully choosing 2015 January as the effective date, to minimize the political risks to themselves.   The reason this particular extension of the minimum wage law is likely to open a can of worms is that both household workers and those who employ them will face more complications than employers and employees in industry or commerce.   First of all, ill or elderly individuals who need someone to help them from time to time are not like employers who have a business that regularly hires people and may have a personnel department to handle all the paperwork and keep up with all the legal requirements when government bureaucrats are involved.   Often the very reason for hiring part-time household workers is that some ill or elderly individuals have limited energy or capacity for handling things that were easy to handle when they were younger or in better health.   Bureaucratic paper-work and legal technicalities are the last thing they need to have to add to their existing problems.   The people being hired to do household chores also have special problems.   Often such people have limited education, and may also have limited knowledge of the English language.   Why make it harder for ill or elderly people to get some much-needed help in their homes, and harder for low-skilled people to get some much-needed jobs?"

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
firm that IRS knows has about 40K per year suspected illegal aliens on pay-roll... and DHS does nothing about it
"Similarly, there's another large employer, a different one, also known to the government, that has 98% of its employees in the probably illegal category; again, nothing is being done about it."

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
the belt-way lies of the ObummerDoesn'tCare war
World Net Daily
"Twice in the last week House Republicans have voted unanimously to fund the U.S. government.   If national polls are to be believed, those House Republicans are doing exactly what America wants.   A majority of Americans oppose a government shut-down.   And a majority oppose [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Who, then, is preventing the government from being funded?   Harry Reid [and Nancy Pelosi] and Barack Obama.   Neither will accept any continuing resolution that does not contain [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Both will shut down this city rather than accept any such CR."

David Limbaugh _Town Hall_
GOP losership, you've tried surrender many times; let's try fighting for a change
World Net Daily
Jewish World Review

Jeff Poor _Daily Caller_
neuro-surgeon Ben Carson was first attacked by IRS shortly after National Prayer Breakfast, when he criticized ObummerDoesn'tCare
News Max
Cliff Sims: Yellow Hammer News
Douglas Ernst: Washington DC Times

Cal Thomas _Town Hall_
misplaced faith in government
Jewish World Review

Sean Barron _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
16th annual Raider Regatta

Tim Phillips _Town Hall_
exempt me, too!
"if [ObummerDoesn'tCare] isn't good enough for the law-makers who voted for it, why should our families have to be stuck with [it]."

Patrick Carlberg
confidence tricks between UN IPCC AR4 and AR5
"It rain'd all night the day I left, the weather it was dry; The sun so hot I froze to death; Susanna, don't you cry."

David Dohbro
if climate data were a stock, now would be the time to sell
"within such type of larger scale trends smaller scale trends (prices increase and decrease) occur, and financial decisions to either buy, sell or hold assets based on these trends of different time scales need to be made to ensure maximum profits and minimal losses.   A rather important task considering we are talking about a daily multi-trillion dollar industry where having accurate and reliable decision tools are obviously paramount.   The Moving Average Convergence-Divergence (MACD) indicator was therefore developed as an additional tool for investors to provide easy-to-interpret (buy and sell) signals, as well as the direction of the price-trend over time.   It is a trend-following signal indicator based on 3 exponential moving averages (EMAs)."

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
in just one more sign of federal government bloat, there are 12,400 federal government employees in Montana
"Billings has 1,689 federal government employees, the second only to Helena...   The U.S. Department of Agriculture is Montana's largest federal government agency, with more than 3K employees."

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
federal district court judge rejects Holder's petition to dismiss House Oversight committee's Fast and Furious law-suit
World Net Daily
Cheryl K. Chumley: Washington DC Times

Steve McIntyre
UN IPCC's switching the pea under the thimble

Stephane Rogeau
what would the UN IPCC have written if there had been 12 or 17 years of rapid warming?
"the 15+ years period of no temperature increase is, according to the IPCC, a non-event, barely worth mentioning...   The question about whether those models had foreseen this so-called 'hiatus' is just irrelevant: [There's nothing to see here.   M]ove along!   But let's just imagine for a while that since around 2000, the world had seen a warming bigger than everything the IPCC had ever predicted.   I mean a situation just opposite to what we have been experiencing until now with regard to model forecasts.   What would have been the analysis proposed by the IPCC in its SPM report?"

John Ransom _Town Hall_
it is too bad GM has to sell cars that only Obummer could love
"'Ford had a 6% gain.', writes Ted Reed in the Street.com.   Ford sales were led by the popular F-150 which has seen the most robust sales since 2006.   Just imagine what would happen if Ford was free to sell cars Americans wanted.   Oh that's right, It's GM that's hampered by government intervention.   GM sales fell in September by 11%.   Ford is trading about 9.8 times trailing earnings, on revenue of $142.5G.   Analysts expect Ford's earnings to grow by 15% next year, but only by about 3% over the next 5 years.   Our Ransom Note Trend-Line says stay neutral on Ford."

David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
let pres. Obummer force a constitutional crisis

_NY Sun_
pres. Obummer's umbrage
"Is it the case that [ObummerDoesn'tCare] had been funded and that the congress was taking away money that's already been authorized and appropriated?   It strikes us that the more accurate way to put things would be not that congress was de-funding [ObummerDoesn'tCare] but that congress was refusing to fund [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in the first place.   Or even that the Congress was refusing to borrow money to fund [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in the first place.   Our fiscal crisis, of course, involves more than [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   It is a case of [a long line of congresses and presidents] getting ahead of [their] sources of funding."

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
Davy Crocket, and government "shut-downs"
"our elected officials are arguing about how much of our money to spend [and how much more to borrow to spend], and on what."

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
maybe the real lesson is that it is best to shut down the federal government before new fiscal year begins

Bobby Jindal _Daily Caller_
GOP governors getting positive results

Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
leftist senate rejects 3rd compromise from GOP House

Alex Pappas _Daily Caller_
leftist Dems celebrate as federal government "shuts down"
"Nancy Pelosi... Harry Reid, SEIU president Mary Kay Henry and AFSCME president Lee Saunders..."

2013-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Laura Ingraham _Jewish World Review_
where GOP has big edge
"people understand that [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is a wrecking ball to the economy and see the inherent unfairness in the system that gives big biz delays and subsidies while the working class is left to carry the bag (again).   Certainly the media obviously prefer the spin of the 'heartless, fractious GOP shutting the government down'...   it is Harry Reid and Barack Obama who refuse to sit down with House speaker John Boehner.   Independents also know that on issue after issue the '[DC] Establishment' has flunked a basic competency test...   if only the GOP could get out of its own way."

2013-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
Why should congress get a special exemption from ObummerDoesn'tCare?
"Republican senator David Vitter...is determined to force his fellow senators to do something many don't want to do: Vote on whether the law, specifically [ObummerDoesn'tCare], applies to members of congress and their staff...   Grassley's amendment simply required lawmakers, staff, and some in the executive branch to get their insurance through the exchanges, too.   To every Republican's amazement, Democrats accepted the amendment...   In any event, Obamacare -- the law of the land, as supporters like to say -- now requires Congress to buy its health care coverage through the exchanges...   Right now, all lawmakers and staff are entitled to enjoy generously-subsidized coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits plan.   Why give up that subsidy and go on the exchanges like any average American?   But that's the law.   It could be amended...   So over the summer Democrats asked president Obama to simply create an [ObummerDoesn'tCare] exception for Capitol Hill.   Not long after -- presto! -- the Office of Personnel Management [OPM] unveiled a proposed rule to allow members of congress, their staff, and some executive branch employees to continue receiving their generous federal subsidy even as they purchase coverage on the exchanges.   No ordinary American would be allowed such an advantage...   Harry Reid, aided by some Republicans, has done everything he can to make sure there will be no vote.   When Vitter tried to attach his amendment to an energy bill, Reid at first resisted and finally pulled the legislation rather than allow a vote.   Vitter also tried to add the amendment to continuing resolutions to fund the government.   The response: No way, no how.   Democrats have also circulated drafts of legislation to actually punish Vitter for his temerity...   If there's anything that drives voters crazy, it is congress exempting itself from the miseries it imposes on the American public.   Someday, as [ObummerDoesn'tCare] becomes a difficult reality in everyday life, Vitter will get his vote."

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
every senate Dem voted in favor of exempting themselves from ObummerDoesn'tCare
World Net Daily
Alexander Bolton: Hill

Joanne Butler _Daily Caller_
how to make the most of federal government "shut-down"

_Town Hall_
stock market traders don't seem to care about federal government "shut-down"

_World Net Daily_
veterans went over or around or removed Obummer regime's Barrycades at war memorials...
Oliver Darcy: Blaze
Jason Howerton: Blaze: White House & DoI had turned them down
...2013-10-02: National Park employees doing extra work installing more barricades
"Is your government really about to arrest 96-year-olds who fought at Guadalcanal because this bit of sub-moronic shut-down theater is too precious to them to forfeit? Stay tuned."
Michael Schaus: Town Hall: Obummer-style "shut-down"

Naomi Creason _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
aviation safety inspectors declared "non-essential", furloughed as part of federal government "shut-sown"

Michael Scotto _YNN Rochester, Time Warner Cable_
Obummer and the rest of the left refuse to compromise as federal government "shut-down" continues

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
ObummerDoesn'tCare web site is defective
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily
eHealth CEO says gov't will fail at ObummerDoesn'tCare exchanges
John Ransom: Town Hall: "the system is down"
Jason Howerton: Blaze

Anthony Watts & Tom Nelson
seeing sausage or climate policy being made can be disgusting

Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
Border Patrol union says DHS is cooking the books on illegal immigration
"'This all started when Janet Napolitano said the border was safer than it's ever been.   People were told to get in line, and they've done a number of tricks to limit our effectiveness and our ability to accurately determine how many people are illegally entering the US, so that the numbers look right.', he said...   He offered specific insights into how the bureaucrats from the Department of Homeland Security have trickled down into the various agencies under their control: 'Our core duties have been restricted.', he said.   'Most illegal aliens and smugglers do not have vehicles and have historically attempted to use public transportation to get from the border into the interior of the U.S.A., and our best results in Border Patrol have come from transportation checks, where we check buses and the like.   It was late 2011 or early 2012 when the leadership in U.S. Border Patrol put out a specific memo declaring that we could no longer check buses unless we had specific actionable intelligence indicating illegal aliens would be on certain avenues of transportation.', Moran explained.   'Even though this was one of the most productive ways for us, they said Border Patrol was no longer allowed to do the checks.   The [official] numbers are down because they are not allowing us to check the places where we know illegal aliens are.', he said...   'Each station has an intel officer, they go out and they collect info on where people are crossing and how many.   We look for foot-prints and such, the entire length of the border.   If we found foot-prints for 50 people, we would put that in the intel report and the numbers would be recorded.', he said.   'Now if we put that number in, they reduce the number to 30...   Some of our advanced surveillance reveals that we are about 45% effective, meaning we are not even catching half of the illegal aliens or drug smugglers who enter our nation.', Moran claimed.   'Now the politically-appointed leadership of U.S. Border Patrol and of U.S. Customs and Border Protection [BP's parent agency] have effectively grounded that system of surveillance after the numbers did not match what their public numbers were.'   He added that there have also been numerous sensors the bureaucrats have ordered turned off...   The release included assertions that Border Patrol agents' lives were being placed in jeopardy...   U.S. Border Patrol and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency were keeping information from the public about the criminal histories of illegal aliens... and that the federal government was refusing to prosecute violent illegal aliens who attack U.S. law enforcement officers."

Scott Sonner _Real Clear Politics_
Harvey Whittemore sentenced to 2 years in prison, $100K in fines for illegally funneling $130K into Harry Reid's campaign in 2007
"Prosecutors said Whittemore gave money to family members and employees in 2007 to make contributions he had promised to Reid while concealing himself as the true source to skirt campaign finance laws... Whittemore was convicted in May on 3 felony counts related to his use of conduit, or straw donors, to take money he gave them and in turn write checks totaling more than $133K to Reid's 2007 re-election campaign. The jury dead-locked on a fourth charge of lying to the FBI."

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Northeast Utilities to dump half of "IT" employees, contract with Infosys & Tata
"NU says it employs some 400 IT workers, and 'will retain about half of those employees' after turning some operations over to out-sourcers Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services, 2 of India's largest IT firms...   U.S. Dept. of Labor [US DoL] filings indicate that Infosys has been bringing foreign H-1B workers to an NU job site for the last 2 years...   John Miano, a programmer and attorney who founded the Programmers Guild, said that when he started following IT offshoring in mid-1990s, 'most of the (news) coverage was over incidents like this (NU's move) and there was shock...   The sad thing is these companies don't save any money doing this.', said Miano.   'The problem is there [are] no management consulting dollars for telling people the risks and why nots of off-shoring.'"

Arthur Laffer & Stephen Moore _American Spectator_
Obummernomics RIP

Marjorie Romeyn-Senabria _Daily Caller_
it's time for Inter-Generational Financial Obligations Reform

Steven Emerson _World Net Daily_
the sordid world of CAIR (videos)
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

William Pannapacker _Chronicle of Higher Education_
Why do so many students decide to seek PhDs, even knowing what they know about the academic labor system?
"We hear the word all the time in discussions of graduate school: 'Only go if you love your subject.', which is about the same as saying, 'Only do it if you are willing to sacrifice most of your rational economic interests.'   You are, arguably, volunteering to subsidize through your labor all of the work that is not defined as 'lovable'."

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
House Dems block GOP bills to fund veterans services, national parks

_Tea Party Nation_
John Boehner is being primaried in 2014
Neil W. McCabe: Human Events
Proposed Bills 2013

  "in 1997 scientists from the University of Munich managed to extract and analyze some DNA from the arm bone of the original Neanderthal man, and this time the evidence stood up.   The Munich study found that the Neanderthal DNA was unlike any DNA found on earth now, strongly indicating there was no genetic connection between Neanderthals and modern humans [but they were wrong]." --- Bill Bryson 2003 _A Short History of Nearly Everything_ pp462-463  



1187-10-02: Saladin, a Kurdish Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, captured Jerusalem after 88 years of Crusader rule
1938-10-02: Tiberias massacre: Practitioners of that "religion of peace" murdered 20 Jews.
1948-10-02: The Jewish state of Israel was re-founded.
1944-10-02: Nazi troops, ym"sh, crushed the 2-month-old Warsaw Uprising, during which a quarter of a million people were killed
source: _Jewish World Review_

Drew Angerer _National Journal_
Steve King may be able to stop immigration perversion
World Net Daily
"The Iowa Republican has organized a small but growing number of conservatives who are committed to voting against any House immigration bill because they fear that the senate will inevitably find a way to add amnesty [for illegal aliens] to the equation...   Lobbyists say it's somewhere between 20 and 70 members.   Even at the low end of that range, it's enough to prevent any Republican-led immigration [perversion] bill from passing.   King's immigration whip team began in January, when he learned that a group of House Republicans and Democrats were secretly negotiating an immigration bill that he was certain included [yet another] path to citizenship [for illegal aliens]...   'I say to the sponsors, Paint for me a scenario by which any of these 5 pieces of legislation could become law without sacrificing the rule of law.   They're answer to me is, You're to help with that.   You're to solve that.', he said...   Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, says there are a 'significant number of members who are really concerned that anything that they come out with would be hijacked as a vehicle to push amnesty'.   There has been no indication that the House will vote on any immigration legislation this fall beyond the statements of House Budget committee chairman Paul Ryan, R-WI, who said in July that the House would vote on immigration in October...   From King's perspective, that's great.   'Each day that has passed without floor action has been good for the rule of law and good for the rule of sovereignty.', he said...   illegal immigrants harm the country and contribute to crime...   many children of illegal immigrants are forced to work in the drug trade...   The Homeland Security Committee's border security bill could bring some Democratic votes, particularly because [it is weak]...   King, for his part, is proud of his ability to give voice to concerns...   'If something cries out for attention and people are ignoring it, I will step up and do my best to turn it into an issue.', he said."

Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
what are the constitutional limits on the federal government?

Alex Leary _Tampa Bay FL Times_
House leftists try to push yet another immigration perversion bill (HR15)
Minneapolis MN Star Tribune
Bridget Johnson: PJ Media
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
"The proposal would strip out the Corker-Hoeven amendment to the controversial senate bill [S744]... In pressing ahead on immigration, the Democrats seemed intent on [increasing] the angry rhetoric of recent weeks."

House to try again to pass 3 emergency funding bills
"The House of Representatives will make another attempt Wednesday to pass 3 emergency funding bills after each failed to obtain the required two-thirds majority Tuesday.   The House Rules committee is scheduled to meet at 10:15 Wednesday to consider the 3 measures backed by House Republicans, which are aimed at reopening parks and monuments, continuing veterans' benefits and allowing the municipal government of the District of Columbia to function.   Unlike on Tuesday, the latest bills will not be treated by House GOP leaders as suspension bills, which means they only need a simple majority vote to pass.   On Tuesday, each measure needed 286 votes to pass.   The parks funding bill went down by a tally of 252 for, 176 against; the veterans programs by 264 for, 164 against; and the DC government funding by 265 for, 163 against."

Becket Adams _Blaze_
Harry Reid's chief-of-staff, Mike Sommers, leaked Boehner's chief-of-staff's e-mail messages
"Speaker may have coordinated with senate-majority-leader Harry Reid to exempt congress from [ObummerDoesn'tCare]...   The leaks, which are a major taboo in Washington, show Boehner (R-OH) worked behind the scenes earlier this year to address confusion over a provision in [ObummerDoesn'tCare] that would force members of congress and their aides into the exchanges.   In fact, if one were to go by the leaks, which were first published by Politico, it appears that the offices of Boehner and Reid regularly coordinated to exempt congress from the health care law.   But given that Boehner is now apparently against congressional [ObummerDoesn'tCare] exemptions, the emails make him look inconsistent and hypocritical -- which may have been the point of their leaking...   One e-mail message even appears to show that Boehner's office discussed how it would disguise a planned meeting on the subject with president Barack Obama as a meeting on immigration [perversion], National Review reported...   'I guess this is part of Harry Reid's plan: He refuses to talk with Republicans so I guess his chief of staff figures he doesn't need to be able to do so either.', a GOP aide told National Review."
Glenn Beck irate: defund the GOP losership
"Glenn Beck was incensed Wednesday over reports of leaked e-mail messages that indicated House speaker John Boehner coordinated with senate-majority-leader Harry Reid to exempt congress from [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   'This is John Boehner.   This is your speaker of the House.   This is exactly what we've been saying they are doing.', Beck said with disgust on radio.   'They are making special deals behind closed doors.   They are one part and parcel with the Democratic Party.   They are in bed with them and they are lying to you.'   Beck urged his audience to call the Republican Party and say they won't contribute 'another cent' to the party at large.   'Individual politicians, you bet.', he added.   'But here's how you do it.   You go find people like (Texas Congressman) Louie Gohmert [and back such candidates].   There's no reason why we have somebody like (Texas senator) John Cornyn.   No reason why we have him in Texas.   None.   This next election needs to be the last election for these kind of people.   They all need to be kicked out.'...   'I'm saying I am for somebody going to Washington and fighting against this system in their own party, and across the aisle and linking arms with anyone on any side that wants the same.   I guarantee John Boehner would step down today -- today -- if the big donors would actually come to the plate and say, I've given my last dime to the Republican Party.', he added.   'Until John Boehner steps down, steps down … not as speaker of the House.   Steps down, resigns.   Until that happens, you don't get a dime from me.'   He proceeded to urge 'everybody who has ever given any money' to do the same.   'Otherwise, I can tell you your future.', Beck said.   'If you don't come off of this road now, you are going to have a GOP that is just like the Democrats.   And you will continue to get the choices...(but) that choice will then be Chris Christie or Hilary Clinton.   Which one you want?   I don't want either of them.'   Beck said the time to create that 'real choice' is right now, and once again urged his audience to contact the GOP and their elected officials.   'You are a steward of your money.', he said.   'You are supposed to do the right thing.   Do you really believe giving your money to the GOP and to John Cornyn and to John Boehner, to have them decide who is going to protect the Republic's freedom, do you really think (that's best)?   I ask you to pray on it...   not a dime from me.'"

Nicole Bailey _Town Hall_
feminist web logger, Hanna Rosin, slammed for being sane

Colin Balfe _Blaze_
why "made in the USA" matters
"In addition to high-quality items, The Marketplace looks for quality people -- entrepreneurs who are living their own version of the American dream.   Each of these shops are U.S.A.-owned and operated, with products made in America for Americans.   These are people who have built their small businesses with hard work and integrity, with a goal of improving the nation.   By refusing to outsource, they drive our nation's economy by creating jobs, paying taxes, giving to charities and keeping the American spirit alive.   A lot of things can change in 100 years, but Georgia Chair has been family-owned and operated with the same commitment to American-made quality and excellent service since 1914.   At Georgia Chair, faith in God and family tradition are infused into their products, allowing them to transform fine-grained oak heartwood into some of the most beautiful solid-oak furniture on the market.   Using a manufacturing process that blends old-fashioned, hand-crafted methods of woodworking with modern industrial techniques, every piece of furniture is heirloom quality.   All of the wood Georgia Chair uses grows within 300 miles of the company headquarters to ensure top quality while staying rooted in American greatness.   Meco Grills has been producing American-made grills since barbecue grilling became an American tradition.   From their beginning in 1969, Meco has continuously manufactured grills from their factory in east Tennessee while standing for 'honesty, integrity and fun' as a family-owned business... Patriot Outlet... Minuteman Watches..."
Blaze: MarketPlace: Made in America

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
federal government "shut down"; nobody cares

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
everything you need to know about the meaningless partial federal government "shut-down"

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
shut more of the federal government down and then re-open parts we actually need
"I am not the least bit concerned about the federal government shut-down. My worry is that it might open back up. All of this could have been avoided if Washington politicians didn't have the budgeting skills of an Ole Miss frat boy.   Most of the media and the government yell like stuck pigs about a pending government shut-down.   Headlines like 'A Crisis' and 'An Historical Calamity' abound.   Aside from not being true, the government had one of these shut-downs 17 years ago [and many more before that]...   [Let's] reorganize our financial priorities.   Washington, where most of these government moochers live, is in a tizzy...   I read the list of 'services' that will be halted during this shut-down: not the few essential tasks of government like defense, the courts and roads.   Mostly the national parks will be closed to teach us a lesson.   Americans will be forbidden to go into the woods at our national parks during the shut-down.   As enforcement, 10K more park rangers will be hired.   If Washington fully shuts down, who will spy on us?   Who will collect our cell phone records or hassle charities that disagree philosophically with the current administration?   Who will sic IRS agents on us if we do not buy the government's health 'insurance'?   Who will audit our tax returns or invade and occupy other countries based on faulty intelligence?   Who will promise voters future payments in the form of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing and pensions that cannot possibly be paid?   And the biggest question: How would we know?   The feds act like it is such a catastrophe if they have to live within their means.   You know, spending only the money they bring in -- like you and I have to do each day.   Somehow some great social injustice is done if they cannot borrow to wastefully spend forever.   This president speaks of the 'greed of the rich' at a $25K-a-plate campaign fund raiser.   Remember when Obama sent his henchmen cabinet secretaries to the podium to tell us how awful it would be for us if we had the 'sequester'? That was the 2.2% cut in growth of 'non-essential' government services.   I'm amazed by what the government considers 'services'.   Remember, 'IRS' [supposedly] stands for the Internal Revenue Service.   It shows the government has a sense of humor.   Our petulant President cut the minor cost of White House tours for school children and then left on a $1M trip to play golf with Tiger Woods in Florida.   The cost of that trip alone would have funded White House tours for years.   He gets away with it because his base does not understand finance.   Those people think 'sequestration' means removing sequins from Elton John's costumes."

John Gizzi _News Max_
It's past time for Obummer and his senate leftists to compromise

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
shut-down, schmut-down
"In life, context is everything; in Washington, leverage is everything else... "

Brent Bozell _Town Hall_
the old media vs. the new sheriffs
"Once again, we've reached a government shutdown over irresponsible government spending.   Once more, the media are proclaiming the world is coming to an end...   They are working hand in glove with the Never Enough Government lobby that dominates Washington, without a shred of shame...   There are new sheriffs in Washington who won't be intimidated and are willing to fight this Wild West of government excess."

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
federal government not-so-shut-down: Obummer flying off to Indonesia and Brunei, but not visiting neighboring Malaysia or Philippines

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
guess who's still getting paid during the "shut-down"
"'There's at least one constant in a government shut-down: The 532 members of congress continue to be paid -- at a cost of $10,583.85 per hour to [tax-victims].'...   There's something profoundly wrong about Washington law-makers collecting 6 figure salaries while at the same time their underpaid staffers are losing their pay-checks and/or continuing to serve [unpaid]."

Guy Benson _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare delays, bugs, glitches, missed dead-lines, frustration

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
big brother is speaking
"President Obama is taking a page out of George Orwell's _1984_.   Just like Big Brother in Orwell's famous novel 1984, Obama uses words to mean the opposite...   On domestic matters, Obama repeatedly takes to the podium to give a fictional account of 'our constitutional system'.   On Tuesday, as the government prepared to close down nonessential services, Obama said he did not have to negotiate with the Republican majority in the House of Representatives to get a temporary spending bill through Congress and onto his desk for signing.   'I shouldn't have to offer anything.', he said.   That's not how it works, Mr. President.   The House holds the power of the purse.   All bills for raising revenue must originate there (Art 1, Sect 7).   The founders gave the House that exclusive power, because its members are elected every 2 years and presumably are closest to the people.   The Constitution's chief architect, James Madison, explained in Federalist 58 that withholding funding is the 'most effectual way' to resolve any grievance the public might have.   Fast-forward.   Since 1980, there have been 11 shut-downs when the president and the House were controlled by different parties.   8 of these shut-downs occurred under president Ronald Reagan.   Each time, Reagan had to go head-to-head with speaker of the House Tip O'Neill, a Democrat, who attached conditions to every stop-gap spending measure.   Each time, Reagan came to the negotiating table to end the shut-down.   Reagan and O'Neill disagreed bitterly over numerous ideological issues, including building midrange missile systems, expanding welfare and funding the Nicaraguan contras.   But they compromised.   Obama refuses to and argues in Orwellian fashion that it is out of the ordinary and wrong for the House to attach conditions to its stop-gap bill.   On Monday, when House speaker John Boehner proposed a conference to bring the parties together, both Obama and senate-majority-leader Harry Reid refused."

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Seedco: ObummerDoesn'tCare's fraud-stained navigators
Town Hall
"[If appropriations are approved] U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius controls a $54M slush fund to hire thousands of 'navigators', 'in-person assisters' and counselors, who are now propagandizing and recruiting [ObummerDoesn'tCare] recipients into the government-run exchanges.   As I warned in May, the Nanny State navigator corps is a serious threat to Americans' privacy.   Background checks and training requirements are minimal to non-existent.   A history of fraud is no barrier to entry.   Case in point: the seedy nonprofit Seedco.   This community-organizing group snagged lucrative multimillion-dollar navigator contracts in Georgia, Maryland, Tennessee and New York.   The New York Post reports this week that the outfit 'is partnering with dozens of agencies, such as the Gay Men's Health Crisis, Food Bank for New York City and the Chinese American Planning Council, in each of (the Big Apple's) 5 boroughs'.   They'll have access to potential enrollees' income levels, birth-dates, addresses, eligibility for government assistance, [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] and intensely personal medical information.   Given the enormous responsibility to handle sensitive data in a careful, neutral manner, combined with the overwhelming pressure to boost Obamacare enrollments, you'd think the feds would only choose navigators with the most impeccable records.   Yet, less than a year ago, Seedco agreed to settle a civil fraud law-suit 'for faking at least 1,400 of 6,500 job placements under a $22.2M federally funded contract with the city'...   '"Taking credit for a job candidate's prior employment as job placements;   Reporting job placements when the job candidates remained unemployed;   Falsifying dates of job placements;   Using other Seedco programs to collect information on clients in order to falsely report job placements; and   Reporting job placements for people who were not Seedco clients and had not been placed in their jobs by Seedco.'"

Bob Barr _Town Hall_
texting bans are mostly a new-found source of government revenue
"Michael Bloomberg's Nanny State Fever is spreading like a bad virus across America.   Texting bans have become a new and favored tool in local and state government arsenals, with which to control citizenry and raise revenue... Worse still, these tickets are virtually impossible to defend against. Issued at the discretion of the officer, a driver's only defense often is his word against the word of police; after all, how do you prove you weren't looking at a music playlists or GPS screen. It doesn't take a Matlock to know who judges most often side with in such contests. Thus, these tickets often go uncontested; making it easy-money for local governments facing budget short falls. City council members and law enforcement officials claim these texting bans are all about 'public safety', not raising revenue; therefore, citizens should trust that these new police powers will not be abused."
Of course, this is the same line abused in lowering speed limits, increasing the age of ethanol consumption ban, the incremental worsening nannyism of seat-belt requirements, helmet mandates, mandates for location pin-pointing and reporting by mobile devices, roll-out of "intelligent transportation systems", and surveillance camera (including "red light camera") deployments.   And the de facto, empirically observed goal was the same in every case: manipulate each lever to reduce liberty and privacy, and to maximize government power and revenues...jgo

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Emily Alpert _Jewish World Review_
when Judaism is secularized, Jews push it aside
"Scholars say that the Jewish people have long seen themselves as more than a religious faith, also defining themselves as Jewish through culture or ancestry.   Only 15% see being Jewish as 'mainly a matter of religion', a new survey of nearly 3,500 Jewish Americans shows...   Younger Jews are much more likely to shrug off religion than their elders...   Such Jews feel less connected to the Jewish community and rarely belong to Jewish organizations, Pew found.   Among parents and guardians, two out of three 'Jews of no religion' are not raising their children Jewish in any way.   Yet at the same time, retention rates seem to be improving among Orthodox Jews, who have much bigger families than other Jewish Americans."

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
escaping government schools
Town Hall
News Max
"public school -- government school is a better name -- is one of the worst parts of America.   It's a stultified government monopoly.   It never improves.   Most services improve.   They get faster, better, cheaper.   But not government monopolies.   Government schools are rigid, boring, expensive and more segregated than private schools.   I call them 'government' instead of 'public' schools because not much is 'public' about them.   Members of the public don't get to pick their kids' schools, teachers, curriculum or cost.   By contrast, supermarkets are 'private' yet open to everyone.   You can stroll in 24 hours a day.   Just try that with your kid's public school.   You might be arrested...   Not all the alternatives work, but with competition, bad alternatives die and good ones grow.   This will help all kids...   University of Arkansas education professor Jay Greene examined school classrooms and found that public schools were more likely to be almost entirely white or entirely minority.   He also looked at who sat with whom in school lunch-rooms.   At private schools, students of different races were more likely to sit together...   Don't they notice that cellphones, cars and air conditioning keep improving yet poor people are able to buy them? No.   They don't understand that market competition helps everyone, especially the poor."

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
unpunished for genocide, dictator Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan tries to address UN general assembly in NY

Anthony Watts
UN IPCC flip-flop on year 2100 temperature projections

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
EPA lets loose with another attack in their war on coal

Tim Ball
UN IPCC AR5 is a product of lies, accursed lies and statistics built on inadequate and flawed data

Heather Ginsberg _Town Hall_
6.6% (or fewer) of EPA employees are "essential"
"According to an EPA guidance, which Reuters obtained, the agency said it only had 1,069 of its 16,205 employees listed as 'essential'."

Al Lewis _MarketWatch_
Merck CEO, Kenneth Frazier, paid $15M, promised to dump 8,500 more employees
"he put out a press release promising to lay off 8,500 more people.   On top of a previously announced plan to slash 7,500 employees, this represents a 20% trim to Merck's current work-force of about 81K.   Merck had more than 100K employees after its $41G merger with rival Schering-Plough Corp. in 2009...   Merck expects its latest round of cuts to result in $2.5G a year in cost savings -- but not until the end of 2015.   It estimates $1G in savings by the end of 2014.   Meantime, it's shelling out as much as $3G, mostly in cash, to sever ties with employees and move out of some real estate."

legislative update: GOP "leaders" plan immigration bill push after debt ceiling debate; biometric ID proposal does little to secure borders; Obummer regime sees signs evil S744 may be pushed through; immigration reform opponents plan October push; ICE: murder by illegal alien preventable

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration policy decision-making by those insulated from the down-side
"The elite establishmentarians who make immigration policy -- senators, foundation heads, ranking federal officials, corporate CEOs, and their ilk -- are totally out of touch with the mass of Americans who are impacted by those policy decisions.   And the former's mas-migration decisions reflect this.   The policy-makers' kids and grandkids, of course, do not compete with international migrants for jobs at the bottom of the labor market.   Likewise, the policymakers typically do not experience first-hand the impacts of over-population by, say, riding the New York subways...   Every month 49 of the 50 states are listed, and only one is not, because it has 9 or fewer applicants [for Obummer amnesty].   That state is Vermont, home of Patrick Leahy (D), the chair of the Judiciary committee who worked so hard and so successfully this spring to move the huge immigration bill through his committee.   We can be sure that any amnesty will not have much impact on him and his neighbors...   in another example of one place getting the money and another the aliens, there is birth tourism in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory just north of Guam, as I described in an earlier web log.   In this case the Chinese families have the baby in CNMI, a boon to the local economy, then leave and some 20 years later the baby -- now-grown and raised entirely abroad -- moves to the American Mainland.   While we cannot deny a Vermont senator a vote on immigration matters just because illegal aliens shun his state, it would be appropriate if immigration policy decision-makers were in better touch with the U.S. people who will be impacted by their decisions."

R' Avraham Shmuel Lewin _PJ Media_
rabbis call for an end to ceding lands of Israel
"New Israeli concessions and the resumption of talks with the Palestinian Authority are tragedies, replays of the Oslo process of the 1990s and the Gaza disengagement.   Both of those events not only failed to bring peace, but simply made matters worse.   Many rabbis have since called on the Israeli government not to give in to concerted international pressure.   The rabbis plea is not merely strategic: it is based upon [Jewish common law] -- Halacha -- and centers around an explicit ruling in perhaps the most authoritative text on contemporary Jewish law.   The Shulchan Aruch rules against giving away land in border communities that are under attack.   In Orach Chaim [Aurech Chaim/Manner of Life by R' Jacob ben Asher] (329:6), the section dealing primarily with the laws of the Sabbath and festivals, the Shulchan Aruch [Shulchen Aaruk/Set Table by R' Yosf Karo] tackles the question of whether Jewish communities anywhere in the world that find themselves under siege or attack on the Sabbath can violate the holy day to wage war...   IOW: if you are under attack and will continue to be so, don't make concessions, especially those that weaken further self-defense.   The prior 20 years of Israeli history is a testament to how adherence to this ruling could have saved Jewish lives over and over again."

Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
7 stupid things the federal government has been spending money on during the "shut-down"
"1.   Federal agencies created new web-sites to tell visitors that they don't have enough funding to run their old web-sites...   2.   The feds shut down the parking lot of Mt. Vernon, but not the park itself...   3.   The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal is closed and had all the pumps taken off of it...   4.   Angry moms launch full-scale assault to re-open DC turtle park...   5.   Not closing parks near Democratic senators' houses...   6.   Posting park rangers at the [privately-funded] WW2 memorial to prevent rogue veterans from getting in...   7.   The DoD is postponing the Navy-Air Force football game."

Ted Nugent _World Net Daily_
keep the fedzilla beast shut down
"I hear you, Mr. President, and I know exactly what it is that I am hearing.   I hear the deceit and lies of the Chicago ACORN community disorganizing scam artist from hell, feeding the low-information voters more pap and anti-American propaganda in your feeble and disingenuous attempt to bribe more votes for the declaration of dependency society.   Fundamental transformation indeed.   You are so cocksure of the ignorance of your constituency that you dare to brag that the federal government is America's largest employer.   That is nothing to be proud of and in fact contrary to the Founding Fathers' vision of this experiment in self-government where we the people were supposed to be the ones in charge, not a runaway power-abusing, bloated, fraudulent monster like the slobbering, gluttonous Fedzilla beast of the New Deal and not so Great Society scams.   The 1970s Chrylser automobiles that wouldn't run couldn't hold a candle to the engineered obsolescence of [Socialist Insecurity], Medicaid, Medicare, the laughable U.S. post office, the jackboot indecency of the EPA, the ESA, OSHA, USFW, USDA, NPS, USFS, NEA, FDA, BLM and the sundry Fedizillacrat alphabet-soup agencies blow-torching untold Americans' hard-earned tax dollars without a hint of accountability or oversight by their bosses: we the people.   Who the hell came up with the government providing school lunches, food stamps, cell-phones, rent, fuel, wars on drugs, wars on poverty, mismanaging forests, running parks, collecting taxes based on political affiliation, shutting down guitar companies and flooring companies based on the Lacey Act scam?   Go ahead, do us all a huge favor, and put the brakes on the America that never should have been..."

Todd Beamon _News Max_
Harry Reid: Why would we mean and ugly leftist Dems want to help children who have cancer?
GOP: Who is paying the price for Democrats' obstruction? Cancer patients and veterans
Washington DC Compost
Becket Adams: Blaze
"Dana Bash: 'The House is presumably going to pass a bill that funds at least the NIH.'... Harry Reid: 'Listen, [Illinois] senator [Dick] Durbin explained that very well, and he did it here, did it on the floor earlier, as did [New York] senator [Chuck] Schumer. What right did they have to pick and choose what part of government is going to be funded?'   [It is their responsibility to make such decisions according to sections 8 & 9 of article 1 of the US constitution.]   Dana Bash: 'But if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn't you do it?'   Harry Reid: 'Why would we want to do that?'"
exchange with CNN reporter Dana Bash (video)
The Washington Free Beacon
David Freddoso: Conservative Intelligence Briefing

Peter Ferrara _American Spectator_
it's pres. Obummer's fault

Todd Beamon _News Max_
John Boehner: After 4 House compromise bills there is still no agreement.   The president reiterated, one more time, that he wouldn't negotiate.
Dan Robinson: Voice of America
"Democrats also have blasted efforts by House Republicans to fund specific parts of the government during the shut-down, including providing pay for military personnel and financing the National Institutes of Health so that cancer patients could continue getting specialized treatment."

Chuck Casson _Cincinnati OH Enquirer_
Obummer, Dems, leftists holding usA hostage
"The American people are being held hostage by president Barack Obama, senator Harry Reid and the Democratic Party.   A majority of us don't want [ObummerDoesn'tCare], and yet they continue to ram it down our throats, resulting in a government 'shut-down'.   Has anyone noticed that the only thing these so-called leaders are successful at doing is getting things that benefit them and to heck with the rest of us?   Case in point: Many Democrats were against this health care until Obama gave them a subsidy, resulting in their conveniently fighting for something they weren't completely favoring.   Incidentally, this subsidy will be paid for by us, the taxpayers.   On the other hand, most Republicans are putting up a fight to stop something being pushed on us that they don't want themselves."

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Obummer regime ordering hundreds of privately-funded, privately-operated parks for NPS to close

Phyllis Schlafly _Eagle Forum_
lost generation betrayed by Obummer

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
arms are not the problem
Town Hall
"By 1910, the National Rifle Association had succeeded in establishing 73 NRA-affiliated high-school rifle clubs.   The 1911 second edition of the Boy Scout Handbook made qualification in NRA's junior marksmanship program a prerequisite for obtaining a BSA merit badge in marksmanship.   In 1918, the Winchester Repeating Arms Company established its own Winchester Junior Rifle Corps.   The program grew to 135K members by 1925.   In New York City, gun clubs were started at Boys, Curtis, Commercial, Manual Training and Stuyvesant high schools.   With so many guns in the hands of youngsters, did we see today's level of youth violence?   What about gun availability? Catalogs and magazines from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were full of gun advertisements directed to children and parents.   For example, 'What Every Parent Should Know When a Boy or Girl Wants a Gun' was published by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.   The 1902 Sears mail-order catalog had 35 pages of firearm advertisements.   People just sent in their money, and a firearm was shipped.   For most of our history, a person could simply walk into a hardware store, virtually anywhere in our country, and buy a gun...   Why -- at a time in our history when guns were readily available, when a person could just walk into a store or order a gun through the mail, when there were no FBI background checks, no waiting periods, no licensing requirements -- was there not the frequency and kind of gun violence that we sometimes see today, when access to guns is more restricted?   Guns are guns.   If they were capable of behavior, as some people seem to suggest, they should have been doing then what they're doing now.   Customs, traditions, moral values and rules of etiquette, not just laws and government regulations, are what make for a civilized society, not restraints on inanimate objects.   These behavioral norms -- transmitted by example, word of mouth and religious teachings -- represent a body of wisdom distilled through ages of experience, trial and error, and looking at what works.   The benefit of having customs, traditions and moral values as a means of regulating behavior is that people behave themselves even if nobody's watching.   IOW, it's morality that is society's first line of defense against uncivilized behavior."

2013-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Hannah Barnes _BBC_
how many red-heads are there in the world?
Proposed Bills 2013

  "The...town library was a two-and-a-half-block walk through the dense Georgia heat...   It was no cooler in Atlanta.   When I got out of the car, the heat felt like it could be cut into squares and used to build a wall." --- Robert B. Parker 2000 _Hugger Mugger_ pg177  



2013-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 29)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
governments which look for witches will find or fabricate them

2013-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Bonnie Erbe _Jewish World Review_
government surveillance cameras are extremely annoying and invasive
"From the moment of my first encounter, I have detested with unfathomable fury those so-called speed and red-light cameras.   I abhor that they generate much higher ticket fees than before they existed, and that a chunk of the fines goes to the private companies hired by municipalities to run the camera systems.   I loathe officials' [transparently disingenuous] claims that the cameras are set up to improve public safety.   That is pure malarkey: They decrease public safety and stick government hands deeper into citizens' pockets...   [They spawn] new forms of police and local government corruption...   The New Orleans inspector general released a report in June about a police district commander who violated police and city rules by forming his own company to profit from red-light cameras.   Apparently, city police must verify the shots taken of people running lights or tickets cannot be issued.   The police chief told the city his staff didn't have time.   So the district commander paid off-duty police to verify the speeding tickets -- and made thousands of illicit dollars in the process...   The firms operating red-light cameras and speed cameras in Washington, DC, [Chicago, IL, San Diego, CA], and Maryland suburbs are working to suppress evidence that could prove the innocence of a photo-enforcement ticket's recipient, reports TheNewspaper.com, a self-described 'journal of the politics of driving'.   In Washington, the Arizona-based vendor American Traffic Solutions has repositioned cameras and cropped photos making it impossible to determine whether another object or vehicle happens to be within the radar unit's field of view.   Then, there's the public safety issue.   The Florida senate is investigating reports that some yellow lights at red-light camera intersections were shortened to increase the number of people who run those lights [as was previously found by judges to have been done in California] -- and the resulting fines, ClickOrlando.com reported in May.   A yellow light lasting fewer than 3 seconds violates federal standards.   Yet some lights in Chicago have been shortened to 2.75 seconds.   Traffic accidents rise exponentially when yellow lights are shortened, because drivers speed up to beat a red light...   The U.S. Public Interest Research Group, a consumer advocacy organization, reports that some contractors require local officials to make the cameras profitable for them."

2013-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
game changers
Town Hall

2013-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
What is pres. Obummer willing to give up?
"The insightful James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal coined the Taranto Principle when he noticed that the Democrats and the left in general are encouraged to act absurdly by the fawning main-stream media...   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is increasingly loathed and feared by the American people...   For powerful special interests, he offers subsidies and exceptions for a year.   Why not offer a similar delay in the whole law for the average American? It sounds reasonable to me.   The answer resides with the Taranto Principle.   The president and his allies on the Hill do not read the conservative press.   They do not encounter any counsel that does not agree with them.   They do not associate with conservatives or independents.   They know only people who think like them.   The rest of us do not exist.   When confronted with the House of Representatives' alternative to prevent congressional lawmakers and staff from receiving subsidies for entering health-care exchanges, Reid had a tear-jerking answer.   He said: 'This time the House has attached a poison pill that would punish 16K Congressional staff.'   Punish them?!?   It is only treating them as the average American is being treated.   Only the self-absorbed senate-majority-leader would speak of the elite on Capitol Hill as though they were all 'Little Orphan Annie'."

Barry Brill
UN IPCC climate hysteria talking points

2013-10-03 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 252,092 in the week ending September 28, a decrease of 3,018 from the previous week.   There were 301,054 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 1.9% during the week ending September 21, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,518,557, an increase of 55,408 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.2% and the volume was 2,821,233.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending September 14 was 4,002,455, an increase of 81,089 from the previous week.   There were 5,088,619 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending September 14...   States reported 1,470,027 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending September 14, an increase of 121,501 from the prior week.   There were 2,143,049 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

G. Stephen Barr _US DoL_
Due to suspension of federal government services, this web-site is not being regularly updated
"Due to the lapse in funding, the Employment Situation release which provides data on employment during the month of September, compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS], will not be issued as scheduled on Friday, 2013 October 4.   An alternative release date has not been scheduled.   The Employment Situation release includes the unemployment rate (from the household survey) and pay-roll employment (from the business establishment survey)."

Sara Carter _Blaze_
back-room deals may push through a variant of S744 without border security
"Back room deals are underway in the House of Representatives to advance a number of immigration bills to the senate before the end of October.   But a growing number of law-makers and border security experts say passing any bill now may derail efforts to get border security measures enacted.   Why? Because it will open the door for closed-door 'conference' negotiations that are expected to focus on amnesty for nearly 11 million illegal immigrants and gut or weaken border security measures.   How? It all comes down to timing.   5 separate immigration-related bills are progressing through the Republican-controlled House, with only 1 addressing border security, and some law-makers fear that they may be bundled into a package that will face off against the Democrat-controlled senate's versions.   Critics such as representative Steve King (R-IA) expect such a face-off to lead to a compromise that could strip out the border provisions to make it more likely to be signed into law by president Barack Obama [the worst of all seemingly possible results]...   Over the past several months immigration overhaul has found its way back into official and not-so-official meetings on the Hill.   House Republicans, like House Judiciary committee chairman Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia, majority-leader representative Eric Cantor of Virgina, representative Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin and McCaul are all pushing for some resolution on their bills on immigration reform/perversion...   The worst thing that could happen is the Democrats and Republicans get together in conference and pass an Obama style monstrocity, like the mammoth [ObummerDoesn'tCare] package.', said Krikorian...   The [pseudo-Republican losership], however, has 'drunk the Kool-aid regarding the Hispanic vote believing they will get more votes by getting this issue off the table and Republican leadership, under enormous pressure from corporate lobbyists -- also want to increase foreign labor through the visa program'."

Eddie Scarry _Blaze_
Rand Paul & Mitch McConnell caught in candid conversation on hot mic talking about likely effects among electorate of federal government "shut-down"
Hot Air
Daily Caller
"'I just did CNN and I just go over and over again We're willing to compromise.   We're willing to negotiate.', Paul is seen on-camera telling McConnell, who is standing by for his own interview remote from DC.   'I don't think they (Democrats) poll tested we won't negotiate.   I think it's awful for them to say that over and over again.'   'Yeah, I do too and I -- and I just came back from that 2 hour meeting with them and that, and that was basically the same view privately as it was publicly.', McConnell said back.   Paul continued, saying he believed Republicans are in a good position.   'I think if we keep saying, We want to defund it (ObummerDoesn'tCare).   We fought for that. and that we're willing to compromise on this, I think...   We're gonna win this, I think.'...   The exchange was captured by the mic and camera of NBC affiliate WPSD 6 in Paducah, KY."

Rand Paul _Washington DC Times_
Obummer says just "shut up" over left's "shut-down" of federal government

Grae Stafford _Daily Caller_
Issa criticized closing of privately-funded WW2 memorial; "every day counts" for aging veterans
"Issa, who as chairman of the House Oversight committee has launched an investigation of the incident, said, 'I think it really shows the punitive nature of how they want to work this.'"
Charles C. Johnson: Daily Caller: Why is Obummer oppressing WW2 veterans?

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
House listening on debt limit

Caroll Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
Harry Reid's history of mean and ugly remarks

Dave Urbanski _Blaze_
for ObummerDoesn'tCare hot-line dial 1-800-F...Y
Daily Caller (best illo)

Ken Blackwell _Town Hall_
mayors don't support Bloomberg agenda
Daily Caller

Kyle Olson _Town Hall_
Baltimore superintendent of schools acknowledged that Communist Corpse is a catastrophe
Eric Owens: Daily Caller: Arizona unveils plan to fool parents by changing Communist Corpse name

Jennifer Viegas _Discovery_
journalist gets fake "scientific" paper accepted by 157 "journals"
"The fake paper was part of a sting operation orchestrated by John Bohannon, a contributing news correspondent to the prestigious peer-reviewed journal AAAS Science...   To switch up the affiliations, for example, he randomly combined Swahili words and African names with generic institutional words and African capital cities...   To position himself as a foreigner writing in his non-native language (the papers were all submitted in English), he translated the paper into French with Google Translate and then translated the result back into English, correcting the worst mistranslations.   To ensure that the versions of the paper 'were both fatally flawed and credible submissions', he had 2 independent groups of molecular biologists at Harvard University review the paper to fine-tune the scientific flaws so that, as Bohannon described, the mistakes 'were both obvious and boringly bad'.   He then submitted the versions of the paper, at a rate of about 10 per week, to 304 peer-reviewed, open-access journals around the world.   Despite the paper's incredible flaws, 157 of the journals accepted it for publication.   Only 36 of the journals solicited responded with substantive comments that recognized the report's scientific problems.   What's more, Bohannon discovered that some of the journals are not based in the countries they claim.   Although many had American or European-sounding titles, several of these publications were actually based in India."
Paul Basken: pay-walled journals have same problems
"The controversy has made for 'a painful 24 hours', Mr. Bohannon said on Friday.   'I worked in secrecy for an entire year on this project, it generated important results, and so far the loudest voices have been from people who don't seem to have even read the article.'...   One finding is that while it was clear that many journals automatically accepted the fraudulent paper without analyzing it, some accepted it even after they had actually put it through their peer-review process.   The second alarming finding, he said, was that some journals published the study even after he immediately wrote back in the name of the faux author, as part of his study protocol for handling any acceptances, asking for it to be withdrawn...   Those at PLoS, Hindawi, BioMed Central, and other publishers, which together represent about 80% of open-access journals, all rejected it...   And at least one of those journals caught in the sting was published by Elsevier, a leading provider of subscription publications."

Michael Knowles _Daily Caller_
a dispatch from the front-lines of the "shut-down"
"My very dear Sara, It has been a long time since I had an opportunity of writing to you, and I gladly avail myself of the present one.   Communication outside Washington, DC, has become tedious and I suppose uncertain.   The indications are very strong that your NIH e-mail address will continue to be unavailable for days, perhaps a week.   Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel compelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.   Tuesday morning, the senate failed to pass the House's continuing resolution to fund the federal government and briefly delay funding for an unpopular law that the president himself has in part unilaterally delayed, resulting in a shutdown.   Our shut-down may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure -- and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me.   Not my will, but thine God's, be done.   If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for a slightly quickened funding of Obamacare, deprived of all services of non-essential federal employees, I am ready.   I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in, the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter...   I know how great a debt we owe to those who went before us, through the blood and suffering of ramming through a bloated stimulus bill, as it grew putrid with pork..."

Lisa Barron _News Max_
Reince Priebus says the obvious: ObummerDoesn'tCare is a lemon

Chris Edwards _Daily Caller_
income extortion: a week was too much, a century is outrageous
"Alexander Hamilton won [so far].   As Treasury Secretary in the 1790s he championed an array of 'internal' taxes to supplement federal revenues from import tariffs.   Thomas Jefferson despised Hamilton's internal taxes as assault on liberty, and when elected in 1800 he made sure that they were abolished.   The Jeffersonian view held sway for decades, but by the late 19th century the growth in government and concerns about high tariffs led to calls for new revenue sources.   The first income tax was imposed to fund the Civil War and lasted until 1872.   Another income tax was imposed in 1894, but it was struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.   At the turn of the 20th century, the rise of [leftism] and the Democratic opposition to high tariffs generated support for an income tax.   [RINO] president William Howard Taft proposed a constitutional amendment for an income tax in 1909.   It was passed by the House and senate, and then ratified by the states in early 1913.   Congress got to work on legislation, and the modern income tax was signed into law by [leftist] president Woodrow Wilson exactly 100 years ago today, 1913 October 3...   The number of pages of federal tax rules soared from 400 in 1913 to 73,954 today, according to CCH Inc.   Unlike a product in the marketplace that improves over time -- like the century-old automobile -- the government's income tax has become ever more inefficient and damaging."

Jim Huffman _Daily Caller_
House Republicans have every right to use the constitutional tools at their disposal
"Republicans hold a substantial majority in the House.   They are, by definition, the representatives of a majority of American voters and as such have every right, indeed the responsibility, to represent those who elected them."

_News Max_/_AP_
left still refusing to negotiate

Green Scholar's Initiative announced acquisition of Hebrew prayer book dated at about 840CE
"The text includes 100 Jewish blessings and discusses topics such as the apocalyptic tale of the End Times and the Passover Seder...   Jerry Pattengale, executive director of the Green Scholars Initiative [said], 'This Hebrew prayer book helps fill the gap between the Dead Sea Scrolls and other discoveries of Jewish texts from the ninth and tenth centuries.'"

Don J. Easterbrook
UN IPCC AR5: facts vs. fictions

Anthony Watts
Roger Pielke ii agrees that "extreme weather to climate connection" is a dead issue

Walid Shoebat & Ben Barrack
did Obummer's cousin, Musa Ismail Obama, admit to aiding al-Shabaab?

Erica Ritz _Blaze_
government is building a thugocracy

Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
punitive leftism

Wesley Pruden _Washington DC Times_
DC cheap tricks
"the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association.   The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial.   The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies.   The rangers are from the government, and they're only here to help.   'It's a cheap way to deal with the situation.', an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment.   'We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can.   It's disgusting.'"
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Israel, a start-up nation, now is filled with start-up companies and second only to the [United States of America] in the number of new companies it pioneers.   As a result [or perhaps cause], more venture capital dollars are invested in Israel than in anywhere outside the Silicon Valley." --- Limor Nakar 2001 January _Chicago IL Sun-Times_ (quoted in Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pg220)  



Claudia Assis _MarketWatch_
USA produces most oil and methane
"The EIA estimated combined U.S. petroleum and gas production this year will hit 50 quadrillion British thermal units [50P BTUs], or 25M barrels of oil equivalent a day, out-producing Russia by 5P BTUs."

Bob Tisdale
UN IPCC AR5 CMIP5 models still look bad

Anthony Watts
U of CO at Boulder use climate model to map global atmospheric conductivity/voltages

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Anita Kumar _Jewish World Review_
Obummer spy panel -- Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies -- is loaded with the regime's insiders
"The members of the review group are Richard Clarke, the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council for Clinton who later worked for Republican president George W. Bush; Michael Morell, Obama's former deputy CIA director; law professor Geoffrey Stone, who has raised money for Obama and spear-heads a committee hoping to build Obama's presidential library in Chicago; [left extremist] law professor Cass Sunstein, administrator of information and regulatory affairs for Obama; and Peter Swire, a former Office of Management and Budget [OMB] privacy director for Clinton."

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
USA and the "good psychopaths"

Joe McKendrick _Protection Racket Networking News_
survey: main-frames are here to stay
"A new survey of 1,184 IT executives and managers, conducted by BMC, a main-frame and IT services vendor, finds many companies have plans for their main-frames, especially as a repository and processing engine for big data initiatives.   The majority (93%) say that the main-frame is a long-term business strategy.   One-half of the respondents believe that the main-frame will grow and attract new workloads, similar to last year at 49%.   Many insurance companies run main-frame systems, and it's likely they will do so for some time to come -- there is a lot of key 'business logic' in these machines.   For starters, about a third, 30%, report that main-frame data acts as a big data analytic engine or run in the main-frame's Linux partition.   Another 37% report employing main-frames for on-line processing [OLTP] support, representing a significant departure from the machine's original batch mode deliveries."

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
veterans at the World War 2 memorial closed by the Obummer regime show us what it means to be American

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
mothers of Camp Bastion soldiers have their own call of duty

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
no back-pay for furloughed federal government employees
"If the government is closed, it's closed.   People shouldn't get paid for work they didn't do, even if the closure is not their fault.   (Those who are deemed essential and therefore working during the 'shut-down' should be paid.)   And while it may cause some pain for government workers, there is a substantial offsetting benefit to the public in terms of cost.   Back pay for those workers is debt burden on my children.   Private sectors workers should wonder (again) why government employees, the most difficult people on earth to fire (Lois Lerner being a great case in point), continue to get treatment that an ordinary citizen would never expect to receive in the private sector yet which is being paid for with our money."

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Larry Kudlow _Daily Caller_
Obummer's reckless default fear-mongering
"no Republicans have ever said they favor defaulting on the nation's debt...   This is negativism to a fault.   The people in the White House and Treasury know better.   But apparently they know no political bounds."

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Elizabeth Harrington _Washington DC Free Beacon_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: your privacy will be violated

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
USCIS warns of EB-5 immigrant investor fraud
"The 'Investor Alert' was, in effect, an admission of something that EB-5 watchers have known for a long time: that there is a lot of promoter fraud in the program...   Alien investors were given a detailed checklist of matters to examine before they put half a million dollars -- the usual investment amount -- into the schemes that can lead to a fistful of green cards for investors and their family members...   Further, the warning was not simply an alert to the possibility of fraud, it was supported by reports of SEC actions against fraudsters in Chicago who had put together a massive scheme to steal money from Chinese investors, as we reported earlier, and of more recent SEC and FBI moves against a smaller EB-5 scandal, in this case a Ponzi scheme in South Texas, also the subject of an earlier web log...   It is not native English-speakers who are taken in by fraudulent offers in this program, it is primarily Mandarin speakers, as the vast majority of EB-5 investors are from China."

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
_Slash Dot_
Lockheed Martin to furlough 3K, United Technologies 2K as part of left's government "shut-down"... more being dumped

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Josh Blackman _Daily Caller_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's 4-year federal government "shut-down"

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Kris Anne Hall
truth about the federal government "shut-down" is that it's a symptom of addiction to power and over-spending

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Mark Steyn _Investor's Business Daily_
too much of the federal government that should be shut down cannot be shut down

2013-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
who "shut down" the federal government?
"There is really nothing complicated about the facts.   The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going — except for [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   This is not a matter of opinion.   You can check the Congressional Record.   As for the House of Representatives' right to grant or withhold money, that is not a matter of opinion either.   You can check the Constitution of the United States.   All spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, which means that Congressmen there have a right to decide whether or not they want to spend money on a particular government activity.   Whether [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion.   But it is a matter of fact that members of the House of Representatives have a right to make spending decisions based on their opinion.   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is indeed 'the law of the land', as its supporters keep saying, and the Supreme Court has [perversely and irrationally] upheld its Constitutionality.   But the whole point of having a division of powers within the federal government is that each branch can decide independently what it wants to do or not do, regardless of what the other branches do, when exercising the powers specifically granted to that branch by the Constitution.   The hundreds of thousands of government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies -- unless they are in an agency that would administer [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Since we cannot read minds, we cannot say who -- if anybody -- 'wants to shut down the government'.   But we do know who had the option to keep the government running and chose not to.   The money voted by the House of Representatives covered everything that the government does, except for [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   The senate chose not to vote to authorize that money to be spent, because it did not include money for [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Senate-majority-leader Harry Reid says that he wants a 'clean' bill from the House of Representatives, and some in the media keep repeating the word 'clean' like a mantra.   But what is unclean about not giving Harry Reid everything he wants?   If senator Reid and president Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run [ObummerDoesn'tCare], that is their right.   But that is also their responsibility.   You cannot blame other people for not giving you everything you want.   And it is a fraud to blame them when you refuse to use the money they did vote, even when it is ample to pay for everything else in the government...   Tax money keeps coming into the Treasury during the 'shut-down', and it vastly exceeds the interest that has to be paid on the national [government] debt.   Even if the debt ceiling is not lifted, that only means that government is not allowed to run up new debt.   But that does not mean that it is unable to pay the interest on existing debt."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Finally, and most importantly, without easy credit creation a true bubble cannot occur." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg123  



Sol Stern _City Journal_
the closing of Diane Ravitch's mind

Anthony Watts
hidden message in AWS Anchorage AK forecast?

David Archibald
wheat production in Norway

Willis Eschenbach
cloud radiative effect, take 2

Fred F. Mueller
who benefits and who is harmed by climate hysteria?

Willis Eschenbach
clouds, albedo, and temperature

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
the lawless Obummer regime... episode 27
"Despite my exhortation yesterday, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill authorizing back pay for furloughed federal workers.   In my view, this is a big mistake, and a typical unforced error by Republicans."

Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Harry Reid's government "shut-down": what's his motive?

Ryan McMaken _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
do tax-victims want to pay for those "shut-down" government "services"?
Proposed Bills 2013

  "A tropical hurricane can release in 24 hours as much energy as a rich, medium-sized nation like Britain or France uses in a year." --- Bill Bryson 2003 _A Short History of Nearly Everything_ pg261  



AnnaMaria Andriotis _MarketWatch_
even students on "full" scholarships still pay thousands

Ed Runyan _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
economic impact of manufacturing losses in Mahoning valley
"The Youngs-town area made national news in 1977, Black Monday, when Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company announced it would close its Campbell Works, eliminating 4,100 jobs.   About 35K more Youngstown-area steel-related jobs were lost over the next 5 years, according to the Center For Working Class Studies at Youngstown State University.   By 2001, Mahoning county had only 12K manufacturing jobs of any kind left, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS].   Trumbull county, however, still had two large steel makers (the former Copperweld and the former WCI), plus General Motors Lordstown and Packard Electric in Warren.   The 4 together employed about 17K in high-paying jobs...   Manufacturing nationwide continued to decline in the 2000s and beyond, causing more job losses in Trumbull county than in Mahoning.   Today, Mahoning county has about 9K manufacturing jobs, a loss of 3,045 jobs (25%) since 2001, while Trumbull has about 12,500 manufacturing jobs, a loss of 15,728 jobs (56%)...   Mahoning county's poverty rate is 17.1%, which is higher than Trumbull county's 16.4%, but Trumbull's rate increased more over the decade (6.1%) than in Mahoning county (4.6%) or statewide (4.5%)..."

Phillip Mulholland
that inconvenient carboniferous warm period

"Just the Facts"
global sea ice over-view

Indira A.R. Lakshmanan & Brien Wingfield _BusinessWeek_
more positive news: "shut-down" hindering trade deals said USTR Michael Froman

Roger Kimball _PJ Media_
the anglosphere and the future of liberty

Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
Iran's continuing nuclear weapons development requires harsher sanctions

Allen West _PJ Media_
stewardship and "shut-down"

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
Obummer as chaos

Sandy Fitzgerald _News Max_
Rand Paul notes that leftist Dems' stubbornness is keeping government "shut-down"
"'We have been trying to fund the government.', the Kentucky senator said NBC's 'Meet the Press'.   'We've been trying to re-open the government, and at every point, [senate-majority] leader Harry Reid says no, he doesn't want to open the government.'...   Further, Paul said that the attempts to pass bills funding veterans' and other federal programs are the way lawmakers have always passed funding measures, and that approach is 'historically the way it's always been'.   'You pass small appropriation bills so you can look at them individually.', said Paul.   'It's actually a much better way to run government, because right now you're sticking everything into one bill, and that's why the leverage of shutting the government down occurs.   But if you did things appropriately and you passed appropriation bills one at a time, no one would be able to shut down government ever.'...   'The House Republicans said they would fund all of government, and they did.', Paul said.   'They funded all of government short of one program [and then they compromised again, funding even that one program, so long as its mandate is delayed by one year].   So they really were never wanting to shut down government over this, they were wanting to fund government, and then have a debate.'...   'When you say the president wants 100% of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] or he will shut down the government, that's exactly what happened.', said Paul.   'If he [Obama] doesn't get 100% of his way -- his way or the highway -- then they won't do any spending bills that don't include everything that he wants.   That's him unwilling to negotiate, that's him being unwilling to compromise.'"

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Americans cross Obummer's parkway barriers
"The state 'has clarified areas where the federal procedures are over-reaching', said an e-mail message from Cathy Stepp, secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.   In contrast, the administration's progressive officials were unapologetic about their massive resistance to public access of the federal parks and memorials...   'We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can.', a park ranger told The Washington Times.   'It's disgusting.'...   On the southern end of the riverside parkway, several small overlooks remained blocked by plastic fences, and the Civil War-era Fort Hunt Park was padlocked...   TheDC, however, did find a parking ticket on a car that was parked behind the ersatz gates of a government-owned lot at Mount Vernon, the home of the nation's first American president."
Kaite McHugh: Daily Caller: Obummer and Jarvis shut down isolated, privately owned and operated inn along Blue Ridge parkway
World Net Daily
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Twitchy: Families throww off the cones at Badlands SD, Rushmore, Zion
Washington DC Free Beacon
Christine Rousselle: Town Hall: home-owners forced out of their homes, accessible only through federal park lands, due to "shut-down"
Proposed Bills 2013

  "the ancient Mungo people of western New South Wales.   In early 2001, Thorne and his colleagues at the Australian National University reported that they had recovered DNA from the oldest of the Mungo specimens -- now dated at 62K years -- and that this DNA proved to be 'genetically distinct'.   The Mungo Man, according to these findings, was anatomically modern... but carried an extinct genetic lineage.   His mitochondrial DNA is no longer found in living humans, as it should be if, like all other modern people, he was descended from people who left Africa in the recent past." --- Bill Bryson 2003 _A Short History of Nearly Everything_ pg463  



John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
replacing Americans
"Byron York noticed the great paradox of the cheap labor efforts of American business.   York observed last week that Merck plans to lay off one-fifth of its workers.   Yet its VP of human resources sent a letter to House speaker John Boehner and minority-leader Nancy Pelosi demanding Congress allow more foreign labor into the country...   Companies are able to fire the technology workers they have, find foreign replacements, and still claim there is a worker shortage.   It is also worth noting that congress has been aware that Americans are being replaced by H-1B workers for nearly 20 years and that congress has acted affirmatively to ensure that replacing Americans remains legal."

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
why pres. Obummer's dual-track -- amnesty + increased visas -- immigration strategy failed, part 1 (with graph of illegal aliens with criminal conviction who were removed)
"He needed to convince the public that he was serious about immigration enforcement so that he would have the legitimacy to propose a large-scale amnesty.   As Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security in the George W. Bush administration, wrote in the Washington Post about President Obama's immigration legislation prospects, 'The specter of ongoing cycles of amnesty and illegal migration fueled deep opposition to reform in 2007 and will do so again if not taken seriously.'...   In 2007, the year preceding the first term of Mr. Obama's presidency, the number of removals was 102,204.   In 2008, that number was 114,415.   In 2009 it was 136,483.   In 2010, it was 195,772.   In 2011, it was 216,698, and in 2012 it was 225,390...   In 2003, the criminal deportation figure was 81,636.   In 2004, it was 89,852 and three years later, it had jumped to 102,024.   By 2008, the year president Obama took office that number had reached 114,415.   The Obama deportation figures, therefore, rested on that expanded base, reaching 225,390 criminal removals, of various types in 2012...   An analysis by the Christian Science Monitor found that, 'The problem is that immigration court statistics obtained by TRAC show that actual criminal deportation proceedings have dropped below Bush administration levels.'...   Moreover, the Washington Post reported that, 'For much of this year, the Obama administration touted its tougher-than-ever approach to immigration enforcement, culminating in a record number of deportations.   But in reaching 392,862 deportations U.S. Immigration and Customs enforcement included more than 19K immigrants who had exited the previous fiscal year, according to agency statistics.   ICE also ran a Mexican repatriation program 5 weeks longer than ever before, allowing the agency to count at least 6,500 exits that, without the program, would normally have been tallied by the U.S. Border Patrol.'"

Tom Quirk
UN IPCC AR5 confirms that their computer models fail to resemble reality

2013-10-07 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
"hostages" of a constitutional system that is working
Town Hall
"the brilliant architects of the U.S. Constitution provided many checks and balances and a multitude of channels through which the will of the people may, at all times, be expressed.   The move by the Republican-controlled House to pass a bill to authorize spending for the federal government, but to withhold spending authorization for the health care law, is totally legitimate, appropriate and constitutional.   The Constitution vests the power of the purse in Congress.   Here is what James Madison, who drafted the U.S. Constitution, had to say: 'The power of the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effective weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining redress of every grievance, and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure.'   The [great] news is the system is working.   Ironically, those like Post columnist Applebaum tell us that Republicans, who are boldly exercising their responsibilities and authority under our Constitution, are undermining democracy.   And, ironically, our president refuses to sit down and negotiate with Republicans who are constitutionally representing popular sentiment...   if Republican leaders cave in, the country is lost.   We need principled and courageous leadership now.   The tea party is the solution, not the problem."

2013-10-07 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
shutting down the leftist Dems: They have more to lose than they might think

2013-10-07 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
manning the Barrycades of punitive leftism
John Ransom: Town Hall: civil disobedience under way as citizens storm Barrycades
Jackson MS Clarion-Ledger

2013-10-07 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Matthew Schofield _Jewish World Review_
Jihad tourism is surging

Anthony Watts
WUWT climate/weather hot sheet

leftist geography prof at U of WI at La Crosse, Rachel Slocum, railed about federal government "shut-down"
Eric Owens: Daily Caller

Brendan Brodelon _Daily Caller_
non-essential Dodd-Frank CFPB abomination remains in operation
"'The CFPB doesn't like to advertise it's a part of the Fed', John Berlau, a researcher at the free market Competitive Enterprise Institute, told The Daily Caller News Foundation, 'but it is, and it has some of the same Fed issues with lack of transparency and accountability.'   Berlau pointed out that while intelligence agents and law enforcement personnel are furloughed, CFPB analysts continue to collect mountains of financial data on millions of everyday Americans without their consent.   At a House hearing last July, the bureau's deputy director told law-makers his agency was monitoring the transactions of 900M separate credit card accounts -- around 80% of the U.S. credit card market.   But many other questions about the data program remain unanswered.   'It's too bad that the shut-down isn't preventing the CFPB from continuing the assault on privacy, transparency and entrepreneurship.', Berlau said.   'These outrages have to be furloughed.'"

Dan Stein _FAIR US_
if they were consistent US DoJ would be suing California for attempting to have their own immigration laws which conflict with federal immigration laws

Neil Numro _Daily Caller_
Obummer regime approves illegal aliens' march for immigration law perversion: Mall still closed to veterans, tourists, wheel-chair users
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
Charlie Spiering: Washington DC Examiner
the Right Scoop
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart

Tad DeHaven _Town Hall_
the federal government non-shut-down

Michael Tanner _Town Hall_
"shut-down" problems brought to you by Big Government
"'The problem...is the government taking hostage far too much of the American economy.'"

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
debunking the leftist Dems' default dramatics
"Default means the inability of the U.S. government to service its debt, to make principal and interest payments on outstanding bills, notes, and bonds (the difference among those being their time to maturity).   This is not to be confused with payments due to others, whether contractors, vendors, or recipients of entitlement programs, each of whom would have a serious issue were cash flow to cease but none of which is the same as a true national default...   If the debt ceiling is not raised, it does not mean the government has defaulted, but rather than it must immediately balance its budget -- a Herculean task given that the government borrows nearly 40 cents of every dollar it currently spends.   But default should not even be on the radar.   Monthly interest expense on Treasury debt is typically about $25G, with larger sums due (about $95G in 2012) in both June and December.   Although revenue inflows are 'lumpy', with larger tax receipts in some months than others, the Treasury should take in roughly $175G in October, slightly less in November, and about $250G in December based on current trends.   In other words, the government takes in about seven times as much in revenue as it pays out in interest on the national debt...   Part of the administration's consternation is the liberal view that a dollar owed to a bond-holder is deserving of no greater priority than a dollar 'owed' to a food-stamp recipient.   Their view represents both a moral and legal confusion, but one which is highly resistant to logic and law.   It also explains why Democrats wave around the shiny object of the false 'catastrophe' of default whereas the true catastrophe facing the nation is our national debt...   Boehner [is including] spending cuts and other Republican aims [in negotiations]...   A senior House staffer [pointed out] 'the Administration wants to scare...Americans, in the run up to the [debt ceiling dead-line on October] 17.   I've never seen public figures fear-monger like this.'"

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
make-believe debt limit hysteria
"It appears that the government 'shut-down', which technically is a battle over annual appropriations legislation for so-called discretionary spending [in the absence of a federal government budget], is going to drag on for a while.   The [Obummer regime] has shown zero willingness to negotiate, even though Republicans have made a series of offers to resolve the conflict...   The Obama Administration is deliberately trying to blur the difference between defaulting on the debt, which would have real consequences, and 'defaulting on obligations', which is a catch-all phrase that includes mundane and uneventful matters such as postponing a Medicare payment to a hospital or delaying a grant disbursement to a state government.   The Treasury report repeatedly says bad things 'could' happen and 'might' happen, but never that they 'will' happen...   The White House wants people to believe genuine default is likely even though tax receipts this fiscal year are expected to be more than $3T and interest on the debt is projected to be only $237G.   IOW, the Treasury will collect more than 12 times as much revenue as needed to pay interest on the debt [the minimum required].   [They're also trying to obscure the difference between blocking taking on increased federal government debt and paying debts coming due.]"

Dan Holier _Town Hall_
do-nothing senate: "shut-down" edition
"33.75. The number of hours Harry Reid's senate has been in session since the government shut down.   This may be what passes for full-time work in the Obama economy -- and it is actually defined as full time under [ObummerDoesn'tCare] -- but for most Americans it falls woefully short.   And even when the senate was in session, Americans tuning into C-SPAN 2 looking for leadership were frequently greeted by the infamous Quorum Call.   By comparison, the House logged more than 50 hours during the first six days of the shutdown.   10. The number of funding bills the White House has threatened to veto since the government shutdown began.   President Obama 'would veto' 'appropriations legislation that restores only very limited activities' because it 'is not a serious or responsible'.   Of course, the president was in favor of piecemeal bills before he was against them, having signed the 'Pay Our Military Act', which ensured our troops would be paid during the 'shut-down', on October 1.   8. The number of bills passed by the Republican-controlled House and ignored by Harry Reid's senate...   1. The number of roll call votes conducted in Harry Reid's senate has been in session since the government shut down.   To be clear, that vote did not come after 30+ hours of debate on an issue, but rather at 09:35 on October 1.   Minutes after convening on Day 1 of the 'shut-down', the senate voted along party lines to reject yet another attempt by the Republican-controlled House to fund the government."

Terry Paulson _Town Hall_
Obummer still refuses to negotiate
"President Obama seems comfortable negotiating with president Assad in Syria, president Putin in Russia, and president Rouhani, the newly elected 'moderate' from Iran.   As Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security advisor, has said, "We're always open to diplomacy if we believe it will advance our objectives.'   The president talks of 'trust but verify', but he's open to meeting our enemies halfway.   President Obama campaigned on bringing a 'bipartisanship' to Washington, but looking for a 2014 mid-term election edge, the triumvirate of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have sent a clear message.   There's NO NEGOTIATION with the GOP over the budget, Obamacare or the deficit impasse in the face of deficit limit 'blackmail'!   In spite of the House's Constitutional mandate to manage the purse springs, it's the President's way or the highway!   When has president Obama negotiated with Republicans?   A bipartisan House group, meeting in secret to craft a comprehensive immigration bill, has collapsed.   It boils down to trust and president Obama's poor track record in enforcing laws that are passed.   Republican representatives John Carter and Sam Johnson explained: 'The administration's practice of handpicking what parts of laws they wish to enforce has irrevocably damaged our efforts to fixing our broken immigration system.   If past actions are the best indicators of future behavior, we know that any measure depending on the president's enforcement will not be faithfully executed.'   President Obama hates any thought of delaying or negotiating changes to [ObummerDoesn'tCare] with the GOP but has no trouble making changes by executive order."

Darren Goode _Politico_
Obummer's federal government "shut-down" vexing greens, not industry

Sandy Fitzgerald _News Max_
book about Obummer regime's BATFE "Fast and Furious" still held up in court
The article erroneously claims that F&F started during the Shrub admin, but that is not true.   There was a different operation during the Shrub admin which tracked arms by serial numbers, but did not distribute them...jgo
John Solomon: Washington DC Times

Daniel McConchie _Daily Caller_
Obummer closing the great out-doors: "shut-down" politics and my wheel-chair
"The National Mall, which runs through the heart of the city and lies between the Capitol and 14th Street, is a place frequented both by tourists and regular businesspeople alike.   Given its location many of us in town on business regularly use the Mall as a transit point to get from one place to another.   Even though there are no fences or buildings bordering the Mall itself, the Department of Interior instructed the National Park Service (NPS) to 'close' it, notwithstanding the fact that the Mall is not regularly guarded anyway.   How exactly you close an open park that is 13 blocks long and is bordered by open streets? The answer is of course that you don't really close it, you just pretend to.   To comply with the Interior Department's edict, NPS placed barricades in front of many of the disabled access ramps that lead up from the street.   By blocking these ramps, they even block access to the sidewalk that surrounds the park.   This picture is from one such spot near 7th Street and Jefferson SW near the Hirshorn Gallery -- a blocked ramp amusingly surrounded by open handicapped parking spots..."

Jim Treacher _Daily Caller_
furloughed federal employees who check e-mail are "criminals"
"Just because the untrammelled growth of government is going to destroy the greatest nation in the history of the world, that doesn't mean our employees' current temper tantrum isn't good for a few laughs...   So: A useless government agency threatens its own employees with criminal prosecution for checking e-mail during a government 'shut-down' caused by the Obama administration's refusal to listen to advocates of smaller government."

Steve Goreham
climate dominated by water cycle, not CO2
Washington DC Times

Bob Tisdale
UN IPCC still delusional about CO2

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is even worse in rural areas
Mark Hillman: What ObummerDoesn'tCare means for rural Colorado

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
GOP senator challenges Veterans' Admin to justify blowing $562K on art
"'At a time when the nation's crushing debt threatens the well-being of our veterans and all Americans, and when spending across the government is being reduced, I fail to comprehend the reason why this purchase was authorized...   If the overall fiscal stability of our country is not of sufficient concern, then the VA should have at least prioritized service to veterans who continue to wait inordinate lengths of time to receive decisions on benefit claims.'   Veterans Affairs staff had been working 20 hours of over-time a week to push the number of back-logged claims -- pending for more than 125 days -- under 500K, working toward the goal of clearing the backlog by 2015.   In 2011 alone, 20K veterans died waiting for their claims to be processed...   In the appeals process sit 250K claims with an average processing time of 1,200 days...   These funds also would have been better spent filling positions in Community Based Out-patient Clinics in Kansas and other rural states where staffing remains an acute problem...   Last month, PJM reported that the VA medical facility on the island of St. Thomas has been without a doctor for almost a month -- one of the more extreme examples of doctor shortages that have been experienced across the system."

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Obummer regime's FAA has halted all aircraft sales because of their "shut-down"?!?

Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
ObummerDoesn'tCare promotional meeting lacked attendance as optimism continues that ObummerDoesn'tCare will be abolished

Sarah Jean Seman _Town Hall_
5 examples of how federal gov't thinks it owns everything

Jason Stverak _Daily Caller_
worst of DC on display in "shut-down"

Robert Ariail _Town Hall_
he took the bait!
Michael Ramirez: new WW2 memorial statue
Eric Allie: I will not negotiate, so it's his fault for being stubborn
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Between 1950 and 1985, US government grants to Israel totaled approximately $21G, a level of aid far exceeding that provided to most other countries.   (The 2 largest recipients of USA aid today are Israel and Egypt, which receive $3G and $2G, respectively, per year.)   Over the same period, financial contributions from world Jewry totaled roughly $9.4G.   Meanwhile, between 195 and 1965, West Germany paid the government of Israel $780M in Holocaust reparations.   In addition, between 1950 and 1985 it paid Israeli citizens $7G in personal reparations." --- Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pg221  



James H. Walsh _News Max_
beware the Obummer immigration law perversion blitz
"The estimated cost to [tax-victims] for illegal immigrants is $446G annually and rising.   Education and free health-care are among the escalating costs...   daily accounts of murders and crimes committed by illegal aliens, many of whom are members of criminal gangs that benefit from 'prosecutorial discretion' and 'deferred deportation' provided not by law but by bureaucratic fiat.   Such Department of Justice [DoJ] programs reflect the Obama administration's lenient stand on illegal aliens.   For political reasons, law enforcement agencies give a pass to Mexican Drug Cartel (MDC) gangs running wild through USA cities.   Chicago is the murder capital of the nation; Washington, DC, is second; and gang members injured in shoot-outs receive free medical care..."

John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
abolish employment-based green cards
"We have seen that the Washington establishment is committed to not reforming immigration.   'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' has become a euphemism for 'amnesty for illegal aliens' plus 'more foreign labor' plus 'all the goodies lobbyists can throw in'.   The result is a 1K+ page bill that allegedly reforms a system created in 120 pages.   When you read the bill, you find a key piece is missing: reform...   Let the potential immigrant be in complete control of his immigration application."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
forced weddings are the worst kind of immigration/marriage fraud
"Routinely, the unwilling member of the wedding is a young U.S. citizen woman who belongs to a deeply conservative immigrant family; the usual groom is an alien of similar ethnic background, but he is older and at least a bit richer than his spouse and, though it is probably politically incorrect to say so, usually everyone involved is a Muslim.   And the U.S. government -- unlike those in the U.K. and Australia -- is usually doing nothing about it although the young woman's rights are trampled upon, as is the immigration law...   In the U.K., the Cameron government has created a Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) that is part of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.   It offers a wide variety of services to those within Britain who are threatened with forced marriages, and its services even extend beyond the nation's borders to include interventions managed through the nation's diplomatic posts overseas.   This is particularly useful in the many countries that used to be part of the British Empire...   analysis by the U.K.'s FMU of the 1,485 individual complaints it received in 2012.   The distribution of them among immigrants from various nations, Muslim and non-Muslim, is shown in the table [included in the article]."

Eric Owens _Daily Caller_
Communist Corpse assignment to 6th-graders: scrap the Bill of Rights

_News Max_
the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies shows gap between USA's high and low academic achievers
Voice of America
Portland ME Press Herald
Quincy IL Herald-Whig
Daniel Doherty: Town Hall
"In math, reading and problem-solving using technology [average] American adults scored below the international average on a global test, according to results released Tuesday.   [Average adults] in Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland and multiple other countries scored significantly higher than [the average of adults tested in the United States of America] in all 3 areas on the test...   Researchers tested about 157K people ages 16 to 65 in more than 20 countries and sub-national regions...   The [USA] Education Department's [National] Center for Education Statistics [NCES] participated.   The findings were equally grim for many European countries -- Italy and Spain, among the hardest hit by the recession and debt crisis, ranked at the bottom across generations.   Unemployment is well over 25% in Spain and over 12% in Italy...   The median hourly wage of workers scoring on the highest level in literacy on the test is more than 60% higher than for workers scoring at the lowest level, and those with low literacy skills were more than twice as likely to be unemployed...   The top 5 [average] scores in the areas were from Japan, Finland, Australia, Sweden and Norway, while the [average] U.S.A. score was on par with England, Estonia, Ireland and Poland.   In nearly all countries, at least 10% of adults lacked the most basic of computer skills such as using a mouse.   Japanese and Dutch adults who were ages 25 to 34 and only completed high school easily out-performed Italian or Spanish university graduates of the same age.   In England, Germany, Italy, Poland, and the [United States of America], social background has a big impact on literacy skills, meaning the children of parents with low levels of education have lower reading skills...   Japan, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Flanders-Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and Korea all scored significantly higher than the [United States of America] in all 3 areas on the test.   The average scores in literacy range from 250 in Italy to 296 in Japan.   The U.S.A. average score was 270.   (500 was the highest score in all 3 areas.)   Average scores in 12 countries were higher than the average U.S. score.   The average scores in math range from 246 in Spain to 288 in Japan.   The U.S.A. average score was 253, below 18 other countries.   The average scores on problem solving in technology-rich environments scale for adult ranged from 275 in Poland to 294 in Japan.   The U.S.A. average score was 277, below 14 other countries."
Michael Barone
OECD PIACC publication

_Slash Dot_
Alcatel-Lucent planning to dump 10K employees

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
Boehner expected to readily surrender to rapidly increasing federal government debt

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
GOP must hold the line against imposition of ObummerDoesn'tCare

_CBS 5 Miyami_
accused Hialeah ballot broker/boletera takes plea deal: merely 1 year of probation after years of conning more than 500

Barry Brill
taxonomy of climate opinion

Anthony Watts
WUWT climate/weather hot sheet

Richard Lindzen
understanding the UN IPCC AR5 climate assessment

Willis Eschenbach
long-wave radiation over the ocean

Thomas Sowell _Town Hall_
inarticulate Republican politicians
American Spectator
Jewish World Review
"Boehner was not unique in having a blind spot when it comes to recognizing the importance of articulation and the need to put some serious time and effort into presenting your case in a way that people outside the Beltway would understand.   On the contrary, he has been all too typical of Republican leaders in recent decades.   When the government was shut down during the Clinton administration, Republican leaders who went on television to tell their side of the story talked about 'OMB numbers' versus 'CBO numbers' -- as if most people beyond the Beltway knew what these abbreviations meant or why the statistics in question were relevant to the shut-down [OMB=White House Office of Management and Budget; CBO=Congressional Budget Office].   Why talk to them in Beltway-speak?   When speaker Boehner today goes around talking about the 'CR', that is just more of the same thinking -- or lack of thinking.   Policy wonks inside the Beltway know that he is talking about the 'continuing resolution' that authorizes the existing level of government spending to continue, pending a new budget agreement.   But, believe it or not, there are lots of citizens and voters outside the Beltway.   And what is believed by those people whom too many [Republican politicians] are talking past can decide not only the outcome of this crisis but the fate of the nation for generations to come."

Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
Lois Lerner & others at IRS abused personal e-mail to transmit confidential tax-victim data to White House
Patrick Howley: Daily Caller
"So far, the attitude of being above the law seems to be a continuing theme in this investigation.   As C.J. Ciaramella points out, these transmissions would violate both IRS regulations and federal law on their own.   There is also the issue of obstructing Congress by not providing this data under the original sub-poenas, which adds felony charges..."

Brahma Chellaney _Washington DC Times_
world over-population, over-crowding driving water wars
"In an increasingly water-stressed world, shared water resources are becoming an instrument of power, fostering competition within and between nations.   The struggle for water is escalating political tensions and exacerbating impacts on ecosystems.   The Budapest World Water Summit, which opens Tuesday, is the latest initiative to search for ways to mitigate the pressing challenges...   Scarce water resources generate conflict.   After all, the origin of the word 'rival' is tied to water competition.   It comes from the Latin word, 'rivalis', or one who uses the same stream...   The World Bank has estimated the economic cost of [Red China's] water problems at 2.3% of its gross domestic product.   [Red China], however, is not as yet under water stress -- a term internationally defined as the availability of less than 1,700 cubic meters of water per person per year.   The already water-stressed economies, stretching from South Korea and India to Egypt and Morocco, are paying a higher price for their water problems.   Water is a renewable but finite resource.   Nature's fixed water-replenishment capacity limits the world's renewable freshwater resources to nearly 43T cubic meters per year.   But the human population has almost doubled since 1970 alone, while the global economy has grown even faster."

Rebecca Ballhaus, Laura Meckler & Miriam Jordan _Wall Street Journal_
DC Mall protestors want amnesty for illegal aliens back in spot-light
Neil Munro: Daily Caller: Pelosi exults at demonstration against immigration reform
"Following the rally on the Mall, protesters marched to the U.S. Capitol for an act of 'civil disobedience'.   There, police arrested 208 protesters, including [congress-critters] Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Joseph Crowley (D-NY), Al Green (D-TX), John Lewis (D-GA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).   This marks Mr. Lewis's 45th arrest, according to his Twitter feed...   Ahead of the rally, senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) who opposed the senate bill [S744, pointed out that] the legislation would hurt American workers.   'There's something odd about House leaders like Nancy Pelosi protesting on the Mall to get jobs for illegal aliens and pushing legislation to reduce job opportunities for U.S. citizens.', he said in a statement...   Several Republican members of Congress have accused the administration of hypocrisy for allowing this protest but resisting access for National World War II memorial, which is closed to tourists during the government shutdown.   Typical was this tweet from the Twitter account of representative Darrell Issa (R-CA): '@NatlParkService denies veterans access to WWII Memorial but Oks immigration rally on the National Mall???'"

_Washington DC Times_
Obummer continues to violate oath of office, US constitution

Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
Obummer and his regime disobey the law of the land
"Any federal law can be changed, repealed, amended or defunded by our legislative branch of government, congress.   [It is the House's delegated and enumerated power and responsibility to initiate bills regarding taxing, spending and debt.]   The Republican House wants to deal with the controversial huge 'continuing resolution' bill in separate pieces, giving the OK to worthwhile federal spending purposes while leaving others (like [ObummerDoesn'tCare]) without funds.   Obama refuses to negotiate and demands a [dirty] (blank-check) bill; his position is all or nothing-at-all...   many times he has unilaterally messed with other matters that are clearly the law of the land.   He has frequently refused to enforce other laws of the land he doesn't like, and he pretends to legislate laws that congress declined to pass.   Welfare reform is truly the law of the land; it was passed by Congress in 1996 and signed by president Clinton to 'end welfare as we know it'.   But in violation of the law's explicit language, Obama unilaterally carved out (in effect, repealed) the 'work' (or training for work) requirement for persons receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).   Obama's use of waivers from various laws of the land is notorious.   He has given waivers from the No Child Left Behind law of the land to more than half of the states.   Obama has even picked pieces out of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   He gave a one-year deferral of its insurance employer mandate to large employers, and he exempted congress and government staff from the requirement on individuals to buy compulsory insurance or pay a significant penalty."

Hughey Newsom _Daily Caller_
pres. Obummer's portfolio of fear-mongering

Dan Weil _Money News_
economist Brian Wesbury says talk of "default" is a political scare tactic
"'In October we will take in $200G in tax receipts, and we only owe $25G in interest payments...   As long as the Treasury targets the revenues that are coming in to pay interest, we will never default on a bond the U.S. [government] has outstanding.', Wesbury added...   'If you can't [continue to borrow more and more], there's a lot of the government that would have to shut down because you can't afford it.'   The [federal] government borrows 30 to 40 cents out of every dollar it spends, Wesbury says.   As for the government 'shut-down', 'this thing could easily last a month or 2 or 3 without any major impact on the economy.', he said."

Peter Morici _News Max_
raising the federal government debt ceiling is a fool's journey
"House Republicans, by refusing to raise the debt ceiling until they obtain budget reforms, may be the country's last hope to avoid financial ruin.   Each month, the government collects $250G in taxes and pays $23G in interest to public bond-holders.   If [DC] can't borrow more money, it will not be able to spend all that it has planned...   By not raising the debt ceiling, congress is not reneging on bills already racked up.   The existing debt, which can be serviced by paying the interest due, covers those obligations.   Raising the debt ceiling simply permits Congress to run up new bills."

_News Max_
Boehner notes that there has never been a president who refused to negotiate on federal spending and debt
It is the executive's responsibility to keep spending less than appropriations.

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
some parts of feral federal government should be shut down forever

Herman Cain _News Max_
count on ObummerDoesn'tCare to be a mess

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
is the political conflict irreconcilable?
"'Democrats are determined to destroy health-care to secure their control of goverment [and people]'...   Consider the bile dumped upon Tea Party Republicans [and Tea Parth non-Republicans] by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and their camp followers in the national press...   Three times in a fortnight [make that at least 5], the House has voted to fund every department, agency, and program of the government -- except [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Who, then, is truly shutting down the government?   What we are witnessing here is the unfolding of the Big Lie -- the constant repetition of a transparent falsehood -- to persuade a pliable public not only to believe it, but to recite it, as in Orwell's _1984_...   But does not congress have the power of the purse to fund or defund any program it chooses?   Is that not in the Constitution?   And have not the last 3 years exposed glaring flaws in [ObummerDoesn'tCare]?   Have not severely adverse consequences turned up in widespread lay-offs and a reversion to part-time help?   Did not the Cleveland Clinic say it will have to let 3K people go?   Why then is the House's exercise of its constitutional authority to defund Obamacare, which polls show a majority of Americans favor, such a moral outrage?   This brings us to the underlying conflict.   The [ObummerDoesn'tCare] battle is part of a larger struggle between a party of government and a conservative party that [recognizes] America [has been] heading down a road traveled by Greece, Italy and Spain."

David Limbaugh _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare must be stopped
Jewish World Review
"The apparent panic of the mainstream media liberals is another good barometer...   President Obama flat-out refused to negotiate, and House Republicans have sent him bill after bill authorizing the funding of government, with each one being summarily rejected by his First Person-ness...   Congress had sent the senate no fewer than 6 clean bills, which it could have approved as is and sent to president Obama for his signature...   'We've been offering compromise after compromise.', said Paul.   'But you hear from the president and his men and his women, No negotiation.'"

John Ransom _Town Hall_
Obummer and the art of the artificial, contrived and transparent crisis

Cathy Burke _News Max_
ObummerDoesn'tCare violates personal info security and privacy

Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
House leftist Dems reject super-committee talks over ObummerDoesn'tCare, federal gov't spending cuts, reductions in federal gov't debt, "shut-down"

Lisa Barron & John Bachman _News Max_
Dems need to negotiate

Seth McLaughlin & Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer continues to refuse to negotiate over ObummerDoesn'tCare, federal spending, increase of federal government debt

Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime denies funeral expenses to families of US troops

Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Obummer regime using "Al Capone" tactics
"'But we know he is willing to spend money just to inflict hurt...and it has more to do with Chicago thuggery.   You know, Al Capone was willing to make people hurt if they didn't go along with the proposals.', he said Tuesday...   'There's no such thing as a clean CR [continuing resolution].   We know there are vast amounts of waste, fraud and abuse every year.', he said.   'And so, for the president to demand you give me my big sack of cash, you don't put any requirements on it, as the Constitution says -- we're supposed to decide what we fund, what we do not fund.   He just wants his big sack of cash.   And forget the Constitution...   Well, the Constitution attaches strings.   But there's plenty of pork, there's plenty of lard.   There is no such thing as a clean CR.   It will be a dirty, nasty, porkified budget or appropriation, and so we have an obligation to try to do what we can to cut some of the waste, fraud and abuse.'"

Matt Potter _San Diego CA Reader_
wealthy leftists and right-wingers battle in San Diego political arena

David Steinberg & Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Obummer regime's leftist cronies, anti-immigration reform activists getting slush funds to promote ObummerDoesn'tCare
Magaly Olivero: Hartford CT Courant

Charles Hurt _Washington DC Times_
Obummer, Reid and Boehner agree on shafting the citizenry
"when it comes to their deep disdain for us suckers paying all the bills around here, a hot case of venereal bipartisanship breaks out all over the place. Over the weekend, the House held a vote and agreed -- without a single exception -- that when this government 'shut-down' is all over, all these 'non-essential' government bureaucrats who have been loafing around at home all this time will be given back pay for work they did not perform. So instead of getting a little taste of the furloughs, layoffs and firings actual American workers have been suffering for years in this nasty economy, these federal bureaucrats would be granted extended paid vacations."

"Liberator" _Before It's News_
super-rally against the left and ObummerDoesn'tCare is in the works
"The Million Vet March on the Memorials has announced plans for an event Sunday, Oct. 13, at 09:00 Eastern at the World War 2 memorial on the National Mall, the location where rangers under orders from the White House tried, unsuccessfully, to prevent vets from visiting in recent days.   Announcement said 'Special Operations Speaks' will be taking the action because, 'The Obama administration is using the government shutdown as an excuse to keep our veterans from acknowledging the debt owed to them and their predecessors.   This is unforgivable.   It is also unjustified, as no [tax-victim] funds are spent by keeping these shrines open.   We will open them ourselves, if that's what it takes.'"

Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Obummer's refusal to negotiate is symptom of power-madness

new info about Ashkenazi Jew origins: men from Middle East, women from southern and western Europe
Archeogenetics Research Group at U of Huddersfield

Michael Ramirez _Investor's Business Daily_
White House office of competence, compromise & caring has been closed for quite some time
Proposed Bills 2013

  "I took heart in what I'd read about the Arts and Crafts movement's liberal line on mistakes: 'There is hope in honest error', one designer had declared, 'none in the icy perfections of the mere stylist.'   Small mistakes in the finished product revealed the hand of the worker; perfection was opaque." --- Michael Pollan 1997 _A Place of My Own_ pg258  



Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Nike sprints back to on-shore developers
IT News

2013-10-09 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
citizens storm the Barrycades
Town Hall
"Across the country, ordinary Americans are rising up in revolt against the old [DC] tactic of closing [the most popular] public parks and memorials during selective government 'shut-downs' to score political points.   Tax-paying tourists are tossing off the orange traffic cones and Barrycades.   Enough is enough.   The movement started with waves of World War 2 veterans who flew to DC last week as part of the Honor Flight Network...   The vets and volunteers breached the fences last week, exposing the tone-deaf tactics of [president Obummer's] Spite House.   Honor Flight visits continue this week, and more vets vowed to defy the cynical closures.   They are not alone.   At Gettysburg National Military Park, tourists broke through barriers and posed for pictures on the battlefields with notes reading, 'Catch us if you can'.   One visitor reported that motorists formed impromptu caravans as rangers chased them.   'Strength in numbers', they tweeted.   At Mount Rushmore and in the Badlands of South Dakota, families barreled over hazard cones.   Their photos went viral on FB.   In Wisconsin, GOP governor Scott Walker defied the National Park Service and opened state parks that [Obummercrats] wanted closed...   the Democrats' over-reach has finally back-fired.   The explanation for this ridiculous Obama obstructionism can be summed up in one word: Control.   Control of the people.   Control of the partisan narrative.   Monument Syndrome, perfected under the Clinton administration, is about inflicting the most visible pain on citizens to demonize political opponents.   Big-government advocates in the media enabled the manipulators.   For decades, [tax-victims] were passive pawns in this gamesmanship.   No more.   Monument Syndrome, R.I.P."

Nick Nichols _Town Hall_
tear down those Barrycades!
"I have been observing the government 'shut-down' circus over the past few days.   I watched media coverage of World War 2 veterans trying to visit their memorial.   I observed families trying to gain entrance to the VietNam Memorial to touch the names of their loved ones on the wall.   On Tuesday I watched 20K protestors [against] immigration reform exercising their First Amendment rights on the National Mall.   Support the Obama agenda and the barriers are lifted!   House minority-leader Nancy Pelosi thanked the president for the special treatment."

2013-10-09 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
shut-down theater
News Max
Town Hall
"If the public starts noticing that life goes on as usual without all 3.4M federal workers, we might get dangerous ideas, like doing without so much government.   Politicians don't want that...   Farmers don't need bureaucrats to teach them how to make a profit, and Americans can buy first homes without HUD helping a chosen few.   Americans would make more profit and afford better homes if they didn't have to spend a third of national income on federal taxes.   Bureaucrats, acting like bullies, protest the partial closures by doing things like cutting off access to public parks -- even privately funded ones...   The federal government spends almost $4T! The government cup-board overflows!   We fund entire cabinet departments that are worse than useless.   The Labor Department interferes with actual labor.   Commerce would flow more smoothly without Commerce Department bureaucrats channeling money to their cronies...   AT&T cut 40K workers.   Sears cut 50K.   IBM: 60K...   Over the past 12 years, median income in the U.S.A. dropped about 6.5% -- but not in DC!   There, it rose 23%.   4 of the 5 richest counties now surround Washington, DC."

Bob Barr _Town Hall_
Obummer's petty actions in causing and sustaining the "shut-down" are tyrannical

Myra Adams _PJ Media_
$17.7T "debt ceiling"; $125.7T unfunded liabilities

Laura Ingraham
Obummer wants you! While federal government is "shut-down", they're recruiting for thousands of propagandists, etc.
Jack McElhatton: Washington DC Times
"More than 4K job postings remained active on the federal government's hiring site as of Tuesday.   Although many ads first ran before the shutdown began, nearly 500 posts were placed in the past three days.   The vacancies include some high-priced positions: a media relations officer job paying up to $155K at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the agency in charge of implementing [ObummerDoesn'tCare], and a senior communications and marketing specialist for the Patent and Trademark Office, making up to $136K.   The newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau placed an ad Friday for a chief of staff to the chief information officer, a position that advertises a salary of $121K to $224L."

Drew Ryun _Investor's Business Daily_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is the most urgent policy problem: Republicans must eradicate it now

Jonah Goldberg _Town Hall_
ObummerDoes'tCare's next round
"libertarian economist Robert Higgs. In his book _Crisis and Leviathan_, Higgs describes how the state takes on massive new powers during a crisis, usually wars.   When the crisis subsides, the state relinquishes some of those powers, but it never gives them all back.   This is how the state grows over time.   But the concept has broadened in recent years.   On both the right and the left, there's agreement that once you give people a new entitlement, they won't want to let go of it.   Government programs become so ingrained, even [some] Tea Party protesters can hold signs saying 'Keep government out of Medicare!' [while others chant "Free USA from Medicare, Medicaid and the Socialist Insecurity Abomination!"]... popularity alone doesn't justify a program..."

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
Obummer wanted to cause pain for National Guard

Thomas E. Brewton
the deadly fruit of Keynesian pseudo-economics
Keith Weiner: Forbes: the erosion of Americans' compensation is an ugly story
"Workers' wages buy less and less.   In fact, workers have lost purchasing power during the past half-century.   Comparing prices to wages, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose more than 6 times from 1965 to 2011 -- while the minimum wage rose less than 5 times.   Professionals also suffered.   According to the Engineering Workforce Commission, a senior engineer's salary has gone up about five and a half times.   In short, workers work longer to earn money to buy the same goods.   Today's minimum wage employee works 12% longer to earn a gallon of milk compared to 1965, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.   Today's senior engineer works almost twice as long to buy a gallon of gasoline, according to the Department of Energy.   So, in real terms, wages have fallen.   The drop is larger than it appears.   Look at costs to see why...   as fewer labor hours go into producing goods, workers work longer to buy the goods...   By switching to gold, we can measure both wages and prices on an absolute scale -- in ounces -- and we can make precise comparisons.   To convert the price of anything to gold, just divide the price by the current gold price.   For example, in 2011 if a big-screen TV was $785, then divide that by the gold price of that year; the television set cost half an ounce of gold.   The bottom line is that, in terms of gold, wages have fallen by about 87%.   To get a stronger sense of what that means, consider that back in 1965, the minimum wage was 71 ounces of gold per year.   In 2011, the senior engineer earned the equivalent of 63 ounces in gold.   So, measured in gold, we see that senior engineers now earn less than what unskilled laborers earned back in 1965.   That's right: today's 'highly skilled' professional is making less in real, comparative terms than yesterday's 'unskilled' worker...   But measured in gold—and this is crucial to understanding why we need a gold standard—we see reality with clarity.   Incomes are about one-tenth [10% of] what they were in the 1960s.   Prices are down too, but not as much.   People who work for a living -- those who produce every good and service -- are being steadily and severely marginalized."

Liz Peek _Fiscal Times_
Tea Partiers have always been right about ObummerDoesn'tCare
"Concern about the nation's finances, and about the steroidal growth of government are not only reasonable, but widely shared.   A recent Gallup poll put concern about the federal government's out-sized role at a record level, with 60% thinking that Washington [DC] has 'too much power'.   A NBC/WSJ poll from one month ago (before the recent shutdown hysteria) showed Americans opposed to raising the debt ceiling/, by a margin of 2-to-1.   The Tea Party, on such issues, does not stand alone."

Carol Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
why is pres. Obummer so afraid of even mildly tough questions?

Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
representative Michele Bachmann: civil disobedience against Obummer's anti-constitutional thuggery
"Speaking with conservative talk-show host Rusty Humphries in a tea party town hall teleconference, Mrs. Bachmann, Minnesota Republican and head of the House Tea Party Caucus...   'I think here we could be on the cusp of seeing some civil disobedience, and I am not saying that I want civil disobedience, but people aren't going to take the thuggery of this president much longer.'"

Michael Ramirez _Investor's Business Daily_
Harry Reid wants Americans to suffer from "shut-down"

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
Paul Ryan tries to assure liberals he is not backing down on eradicating ObummerDoesn'tCare, reducing federal government spending and debt

Jim Meyers & Kathleen Walter _News Max_
Mike Lee points out that ObummerDoesn'tCare mandate can be eliminated

Alexander E.M. Hess & Michael B. Sauter _24/7 Wall Street_
10 USA companies dumping most employees

John Stossel _News Max_
yet another Obummer cousin is Tea Party candidate for US senate in KS
"Milton Wolf, a Tea Party activist and distant cousin of president Barack Obama, will challenge 3-term Kansas U.S. senator Pat Roberts in the 2014 Republican primary election, Wolf's campaign said on Tuesday.   Wolf, 42, a radiologist, will make the formal announcement on Tuesday evening, according to his web-site.   Campaign manager Ben Hartman confirmed his candidacy.   'If you think that the career politicians in both parties have failed America, join us.', Wolf said on his web-site.   'We are building the Wolf Pack -- an Army of Davids to defeat the Goliaths...'   Wolf did not respond to a call or e-mail seeking comment.   Wolf said on his web-site that he is related to Obama through the president's mother, Ann Dunham, who was born in Kansas.   Obama's grand-mother, Madelyn Dunham, who had a major role in raising the president, is Wolf's mother's cousin, he said.   Roberts, 77, is the latest senate Republican incumbent to get a challenge from the right in the primary campaign.   The others are Michael Enzi of WY, Mitch McConnell of KY, Lamar Alexander of TN and [RINO Lindsey Grahamnesty of SC].   Enzi's challenger is Liz Cheney, daughter of former vice-president [and Obummer cosin] Dick Cheney...   'It will be pretty hard for anyone to get on the conservative side of Pat Roberts.', said Towns."

Bob Tisdale
UN IPCC AR5 contained what may be a realistic illustration of temperature measurements by ocean depth

Anthony Watts
link between solar magnetic field and earth weather patterns
Tim Ball: commentary

Emily Miller _Washington DC Times_
DC police gave Dianne Feinstein "illegal" so-called "assault weapons"

_News Max_
attack on graves in Jerusalem unnerves Christians
Laura Ingraham
"Christian leaders in Israel are up in arms over what they say is a string of relentless attacks on church properties and religious sites -- most recently the desecration of a historic Protestant cemetery where vandals toppled stone crosses from graves and bludgeoned them to pieces.   The attack in the Protestant Cemetery of Mount Zion, one of Jerusalem's most important historic graveyards, has struck a particularly sensitive nerve because some of the damaged graves belong to important figures from the 19th and 20th centuries, a key period in Jerusalem's history.   Among them are a German diplomat, the founder of a local orphanage who was a key contributor to modernizing the city, and a relative of the owners of a prominent Jerusalem hotel...   Police arrested 4 young Israeli settlers from the West Bank last week, 2 of them minors, in connection with the cemetery attack, said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.   But Rosenfeld said the four were subsequently released until further questioning.   No charges have been filed, and they are not under house arrest, he said.   Two of the suspects had been banned from entering the West Bank because of their connections to the 'hilltop youth', a movement of young Jewish extremists blamed for a spate of attacks in recent years on mosques, Christian sites and Israeli army property to protest government policy...   Clergymen often speak of being spat at by ultra-Orthodox religious students while walking around Jerusalem's Old City wearing frocks and crosses.   Christian citizens of Israel, including Roman Catholic and Orthodox streams of Christianity, make up less than 2% of its nearly 8M people.   About three-quarters of them are Arabs, and the others arrived during a wave of immigration from former Soviet Union countries that began 20 years ago.   Tens of thousands of Christian foreign workers and African migrants also live in Israel.   Over the past 3 years, 17 Christian sites in the Holy Land have been reported vandalized, according to Search for Common Ground, a non-governmental group that monitors press reports of attacks on local holy sites...   [Rosenfeld] said police are carrying out more patrols around holy sites and are considering installing security cameras to protect them.   He said the numbers of attacks against Christian sites, compared to other attacks on Arabs and their properties, were low...   The Rev. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, one of the Roman Catholic church's top officials in the Holy Land, said such attacks 'have become routine and target not only Christians.   They're conducted by extremists and go against the spirit of tolerance.   But it's also true that they're strongly condemned by the Jewish community, by people opposed to them.'   Rev. Naoum, the cemetery caretaker, said a group of 150 Jewish religious figures will be paying a solidarity visit to the cemetery this week."

2013-10-09 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Ronald S. Lauder _Jewish World Review_
crack-down on neo-Nazis in Europe (with cartoon)

_News Max_
emotional compatibility, happy marriage controlled in part by genes
"The team found a link between relationship fulfillment and a gene variant, or allele, known as 5-HTTLPR.   All humans inherit a copy of this gene variant from each parent, they said.   Study participants with 2 short 5-HTTLPR alleles were found to be most unhappy in their marriages when there was a lot of negative emotion, such as anger and contempt, and most happy when there was positive emotion, such as humor and affection.   By contrast, those with 1 or 2 long alleles were far less bothered by the emotional tenor of their marriages.   The study involved 100 married subjects, with researchers studying their genotytpes and observing the subjects with their partners over a period of 13 years...   'Individuals with two short alleles of the gene variant may be like hot-house flowers, blossoming in a marriage when the emotional climate is good and withering when it is bad.', said researcher Claudia M. Haase.   'Conversely, people with 1 or 2 long alleles are less sensitive to the emotional climate.'"

_News Max_/_Agence French-Presse_
DNA tests rob "French king" of his head
"Scientists revealed genetic data Wednesday they said disproved the authenticity of macabre relics attributed to two French kings: a rag dipped in Louis XVI's blood and Henri IV's mummified head.   A DNA analysis of 3 living relatives of the Bourbon kings found no link with genetic traces from the grisly souvenirs, according to a study in the _European Journal of Human Genetics_...   Cassiman and his team tested the DNA of 3 Bourbon descendants of Henri IV's son Louis XIII, who lived from 1601 to 1643.   The 3 were Axel of Bourbon-Parma (born in 1968), his cousin Sixte-Henri of Bourbon-Parma (born 1940) and Joao of Orleans-Braganza.   'Sixte-Henri, Axel and Joao have the same Y chromosome', replicated through the male line from Louis XIII downward, said Cassiman.   This 'true' Bourbon variant did not match the DNA found in the 2 relics.   Charlier responded that drawing up a Bourbon genetic family tree is fraught, given uncertainty about the paternity of several kings.   He said his own study had found 23 'morphological arguments', both anthropological and historical, 'to allow authentication of the head as belonging to Henri IV beyond reasonable doubt' -- which had in turn allowed drawing a genetic link with the blood."

Daniel Simmons-Ritchie _Billings MT Gazette_/_Rapid City Journal_
Friday's blizzard killed thousands of cattle in SD
"While South Dakota ranchers are no strangers to blizzards, what made Friday's storm so damaging was how early it arrived in the season.   Christen said cattle hadn't yet grown their winter coats to insulate them from freezing wind and snow.   In addition, Christen said, during the cold months, ranchers tend to move their cattle to pastures that have more trees and gullies to protect them from storms.   Because Friday's storm arrived so early in the year, most ranchers were still grazing their herds on summer pasture, which tend to be more exposed and located farther away from ranch homes.   Ultimately, Christen said, she believed that more than 5% of the roughly 1.5M cattle in Western South Dakota had been killed.   'It's much higher than that.', she said.   'But I'm not sure where that number is going to land.'...   which will mean fewer calves this Spring."

2013-10-09 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
racial trade-offs (part 1)
Town Hall
"Trade-offs apply to our economic lives, as well as our political lives.   That means getting more of one thing requires giving up something else...   There's no question that these black public officials are getting something in return for their support of teachers unions and others who benefit from the educational status quo.   The question not addressed by black people is whether what black politicians are getting for their support of a failed educational system is worth the sacrifice of whole generations of black youngsters, educationally handicapping them and making many virtually useless in the high-tech world of the 21st century...   While living in Chicago, Barack Obama sent his daughters to the prestigious University of Chicago Laboratory Schools.   When he moved to Washington, president Obama enrolled his daughters in the prestigious Sidwell Friends School.   According to a report by The Heritage Foundation, 'exactly 52% of Congressional Black Caucus members and 38% of Congressional Hispanic Caucus members sent at least one child to private school'.   Overall, only 6% of black students attend private school.   It's not just black politicians who fight tooth and nail against parental school choice and have their children in private schools.   When president Obama's White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel resigned and became mayor of Chicago, he did not enroll his children in the Windy City's public schools.   He enrolled his son and two daughters in the University of Chicago Lab Schools.   And members of Congress, regardless of race, are 3 to 4 times likelier than the public to send their children to private schools.   According to a 2004 Thomas B. Fordham Institute study, more than 1 in 5 public school teachers sent their children to private schools.   In some cities, the figure is much higher.   In Philadelphia, 44% of the teachers put their children in private schools; in Cincinnati, it's 41%, and Chicago (39%) and Rochester, NY (38%), also have high figures.   In the San Francisco-Oakland area, 34% of public school teachers enroll their children in private schools, and in New York City, it's 33%.   Only 11% of all parents enroll their children in private schools...   I don't think anything that black politicians get from the NEA, the AFT, the NAACP (many members are teachers), the National Urban League or others who have a vested financial interest in a failed educational system is worth committing whole generations of black youngsters to educational mediocrity.   The prospects for a change are not good, particularly in light of the new fact that the NAACP is being wooed to join the AFL-CIO."

Betsy McCaughey _Daily Caller_
pres. Obummer's power-madness

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
list of legislation passed by the House to avoid/end federal government "shut-down"

Chris Edwards _Daily Caller_
Tea Party Republicans stand up against DC hazing from leftists and RINOs
"The political establishment is trying to haze fiscal conservatives in congress.   End the 'shut-down' [by abject surrender], they say, and allow president Obummer to administer the paddle."

Michael Ramirez _Investor's Business Daily_
suicide-vest wearing Obummer: "I refuse to negotiate with terrorists"
Proposed Bills 2013

  "price-to-earnings ratio... A ratio of stock prices divided by earnings including dividends.   The long-run average (since 1871) of the price/earnings ratio in the USA is 15.5.   Its maximum was reached in 1999: 32.6.   It currently [2008 April] stands at 18.6 (figures for the Standard and Poor's 500 index, as extended back in time by Global Financial Data)." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg125  



Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
GOP losership caved in on federal government debt limit, as they did on ObummerDoesn'tCare...
News Max
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
...and many liberals haven't chastised them vigorously enough for caving

2013-10-10 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Who owns the USA government?
Town Hall
"In the current fight over the government 'shut-down', Republicans are simply representing the views of the American people.   Americans didn't ask for [ObummerDoesn'tCare], they don't want it...   Contrary to Obama's promises, it turns out: You can't keep your doctor, you can't keep your insurance -- you can't even keep your job.   [It attacks your life, liberty, property and privacy.]   IOW, it's a typical government program, but this one wrecks your health care...   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is the largest tax hike in U.S. history...   The left thinks the government is their car and the people's representatives are obstreperous teenagers trying to borrow the government.   Which belongs to [extreme leftist] Democrats...   If you are in the minority of Americans not already unalterably opposed to [ObummerDoesn'tCare], keep in mind that the only reason the government is shut down right now is that Democrats refuse to fund the government if they are required to live under [ObummerDoesn'tCare]."

2013-10-10 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
power-mad Harry Reid thinks concern about run-away federal spending and power is "anarchy"
Town Hall

2013-10-10 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
before you rejoice...
Washington DC Times
"In America today, to paraphrase Voltaire, criminals are punished for their crimes, except when they commit them to the sounds of official rejoicing."
From Global Post: "It's been a busy morning for Libya's prime minister.   No sooner was the world alerted that Ali Zeidan had been snatched at gunpoint from a Tripoli hotel than the news came that he was free.   Confused? Well, so are the people who took him.   A group of former rebels -- now paid by the interior ministry to provide security, or at the very least not to sow insecurity -- says they were ordered to do it by the prosecutor general, after it came out that Zeidan's government had known about the US raid to capture a Libyan terror suspect in Tripoli at the weekend.   The justice ministry swiftly denied that was the case; though interior ministry officials said Zeidan was being held at the ministry's anti-crime department.   His release was apparently secured when other former rebels went to the site and began firing their guns."

Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
Obummer regime spent $634 and counting on defective ObummerDoesn'tCare web site
"'The exact cost to build Healthcare.gov, according to U.S. government records, appears to have been $634,320,919, which we paid to a company you probably never heard of: CGI Federal.   The company originally won the contract back in 2011, but at that time, the cost was expected to run up to $93.7M -- still a chunk of change, but nothing near where it ended up.'...   CGI Federal isn't much of a player in political fundraising.   A review of FEC records at OpenSecrets shows a total of slightly under $65K in donations over 3 cycles, mostly to an industry PAC.   The other donations get split between Republicans and Democrats, including smallish soft-money checks to the party committees and smallish hard-money checks to candidates...   The amount of money spent on this system was seven times its initial estimate of just 2 years ago...   'The contract to build Federal Exchange was awarded by CMS' Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight.   It has a 2-year base value of $55.7M with 3 one-year options.'   So the base value was $55.7M was through 2013.   That would make the system cost 11 times the initial estimate."
There's no word about what fraction of CGI Federal's web weavers are US citizens (it's based in Canada, and has several failed projects for the Canadian government), but they did a dandy job on their own company's web-site, too:

Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
94 House members charge NPS is making up rules to bar access to memorials, parks, and museums
"The National Park Serviceps closure of the World War 2 and other memorials violates rules requiring them to stay open, 94 House members charge in a letter to the agency.   Led by Michigan Republican representative Bill Huizenga, they claim that Park Service director Jonathan Jarvis is simply making up closure rules to punish the public during the government 'shut-down' and they question the costs of the random closures in Washington where not all memorials are being closed.   'The National Park Service continues to act in an arbitrary and punitive manner to exclude veterans from memorials built in their honor and the American people from many of our country's national treasures.'"

Scott Erickson _Town Hall_
the on-going economic destruction being caused by ObummerDoesn'tCare

Peter Schiff _Town Hall_
hello, Yellen; good-bye dollar

Stan Robertson
the sun does it: now go figure out how

Ira Glickstein
animated look at UN IPCC AR5

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
big government is the disease that facilitates corruption

Chris Freind _News Max_
a path to ditch socialist government illfare

Pete Hegseth _Daily Caller_
pres. Obummer tells veterans and military families that he wants them to feel the pain
"everyone has a reason to be 'mad as hell' about the [federal] government 'shut-down'...   In order for the president to enhance his bargaining position for the government shutdown and upcoming debt ceiling showdown, he has intentionally blocked World War Two veterans from open-air memorials, he has scared veterans and the public into believing veterans will not receive their benefits, and most outrageously, he is now denying death payments to the families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan.   To that last point, the president -- and those doing his bidding at the Department of Defense -- made a conscious decision to not pay families after their soldiers were killed in action in Afghanistan.   The families of the fallen are literally not receiving the money we promised them in order to bury their heroes and continue with their lives.   The money could be shifted from elsewhere in the DoD budget, but it's not.   The administration knows this will make people angry, and we are.   But the president is banking on the fact that this anger will be channeled toward those mean Republicans, not him.   He believes that by allowing this blood-boiling circumstance to continue (which he, and he only, could instantly rectify), he has more leverage to beat up on Republicans and end the shutdown on his terms.   IOW, veterans and military families are simply pawns in the president's negotiations.   He wants them to feel the pain so he can win.   It's shameless, shallow, and shocking."

2013-10-10 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
PM Benjamin Netanyahu and the end of days
Town Hall
"After World War 2, the survivors of the Holocaust envisioned Israel as the last-chance refuge for endangered Jews.   Iranian extremists have turned that idea upside down...   Centuries before nuclear weapons, entire peoples have sometimes perished in war without much of a trace -- or much after-thought.   After the Third Punic War, Carthage -- its physical space, people and language -- was obliterated by Rome.   The vast Aztec Empire ceased to exist within two years of encountering Hernan Cortes.   Byzantine, Vandal and Prussian are now mere adjectives; most have no idea that they refer to defeated peoples and states that vanished.   The pessimistic Netanyahu also remembers that there was mostly spineless outrage at Hitler's systematic harassment of Jews before the outbreak of World War 2 -- and impotence in the face of their extermination during the war.   Within a decade of the end of the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel throughout the Middle East had become almost a religion...   Again, ask the Tutsis of Rwanda...   We [the USA] can be wrong about Hassan Rouhani without lethal consequences.   Mr. Netanyahu reviews history and concludes that he has no such margin of error."

Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
California suffers from over-population and excessive immigration (along with over-taxation and over-regulation)
"Annually, our U.S. Congress pumps 1.0M legal immigrants into the United States, decade in and decade out.   Result: America grew from 194M in 1965 to a 'Human Katrina' onslaught of 300M by October of 2007.   'U.S. Population Projections' by Fogel/Martin as well as the PEW Research Center stated that the United States expects a low of 138M additional citizens by 2050—a scant 37 years from now.   California leads the list of the most immigrant-settled states in America.   Its current 38M citizens as well as non-citizens tax California's water, environment and quality of life beyond measure.   Even more sobering, according to these demographic reports, California expects to add 20M residents by 2050.   To add 20M people to a state already gridlocked, air polluted and overwhelmed by environmental disasters—sobers the calmest of minds to think that California can handle a total of 58M people and still climbing after the mid century.   If the S744 amnesty bill passes in its current form, which is to increase legal immigration from 1.0M annually to 2.0M, the projections for California's population run a 'High trend' of 70,146,000 and a 'Low Trend' of 65,656,000...   Instead of more babies that result in excessive demographic overload, we need less immigration, less population growth and less of an out-moded and dangerous [population] 'growth paradigm' [and, instead, an economic growth and liberty paradigm]."

Sara Carter _Blaze_
Obummer regime still rubber-stamping visa and naturalization applications, continues to put national security at risk
"Pressure from the Obama administration to rubber-stamp citizenship applicants and the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to properly train personnel and give them the tools to vet those applications have jeopardized U.S. national security, federal law enforcement officials and a Homeland Security union leader told TheBlaze.   Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council, the union representing 12K United States Citizenship and Immigration Services officers and staff, told TheBlaze Congress needs to investigate why his agency has been left without proper tools to screen applicants and made the nation vulnerable.   Palinkas said employees are required by administrative orders 'to grant immigration benefits to those who, under law, are not properly eligible'.   Further, approval quotas placed on adjudicators -- personnel that conduct the interviews of prospective citizens -- emphasize clearing applications faster than they can be vetted and lead to a majority of prospective applications being approved for entry into the U.S.A.   'USCIS adjudications officers lack the mission support to safely screen and review applicants for immigration benefits.', Palinkas said in a press release obtained by TheBlaze in advance of planned distribution on Thursday.   'This includes the inability to conduct in-person interviews, the failure of our software system, the lack of training and office space, and pressure to rubber-stamp applications.   We have become an approval machine.'...   'These plans are being pursued before first reforming the very agency -- USCIS -- that will be charged with reviewing these tens of millions of green card, temporary visa and citizenship applications.', Palinkas said.   'Advancing such measures without first confronting the widespread abuses at USCIS would be to invite disaster.   Why aren't USCIS officers being consulted on this compromise offer?'...   Homeland Security officials said they opted out of training most adjudicators on how to access the terrorist data-base...   'More than 6 years since the first hearings and nothing is different -- not really.   How many House hearings in between and it's business as usual until [another] one of the applicants we've allowed into the country successfully launches another terrorist attack inside the U.S.A.'"

John Ransom _Town Hall_
who really cares? not leftists

2013-10-10 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 336,849 in the week ending October 5, an increase of 84,616 from the previous week.   There were 329,919 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 1.9% during the week ending September 28, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,478,333, a decrease of 36,220 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.2% and the volume was 2,785,230.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending September 21 was 4,028,411, an increase of 25,956 from the previous week.   There were 5,044,649 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending September 21...   States reported 1,442,484 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending September 21, a decrease of 27,543 from the prior week.   There were 2,106,072 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Sean Bisceglia _Staffing Stream_
why the right recruiter fills a job quickly
"[Competent] Recruiters understand the industry and the job requirements...   [Competent] Recruiters know the candidate pool."

Carol Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
White House and IRS conspire in war against Judeo-Christianity

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
USA federal government debt already exceeds "debt limit" by at least $48G

Leonard Downie ii _Committee to Protect Journalism_
the Obummer regime and the media; surveillance

_Polling Report_
job ratings of congress
job ratings of pres. Obummer
Real Clear Politics: latest polls
Rasmussen: daily job ratings of pres. Obummer
Gallup: rating pres. Obummer
Gallup: rating pres. Obummer
Proposed Bills 2013

  "the Arab states have an unusually large number of skilled and educated individuals, often with advanced degrees, who are currently unemployed.   Second, the populations of the Arab states include groups famous the world over for their 'entrepreneurialism'.   As [Fareed Zakaria] notes, 'The Palestinians, tragically, have long been the region's best merchants and would probably respond fastest to new economic opportunities if they could put the intifada behind them.'   Finally, again unlike most 'developing' countries, the Arab states generally do not face the 'problem' of an internal market-dominant de-stabilizing at the national level.   Thus, with certain optimistic assumptions, markets can be a key to long-term Middle Eastern reform, both economically and politically." --- Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pp 225-226  



Stephanie Overby _CIO_/_IDG_
LCA site "shut-down", DoL turning back paper applications, likely to delay processing of a few new H-1B visa applications

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
increasingly, your "IT" co-workers are bodies shopped
"The percentage of contract workers on 'IT' staffs reach 17% last year and 15% this year in large organizations -- the highest level of contractors to staff since the late 1990s, according to Computer Economics...   There's a [desire] for developers to work on mobile applications and big [privacy violation] initiatives, and it may also be a sign that 'IT' shops 'remain reluctant to hire permanent employees due to economic uncertainty', the research group said...   About 20% of the firms surveyed increased 'IT' staff head-count during the fourth quarter, and 29% increased staff work hours, [John Longwell] said...   The research group also said the insurance rules in [ObummerDoesn'tCare] may be having some influence on hiring and a shift to contractors."

Caroline Craig _InfoWorld_/_IDG_
tech sector shrugs as federal government "shut-down" continues

2013-10-11 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Morgan Housel _Jewish World Review_
why many people are so bad with their money
Motley Fool
"Grace Groner was born in 1909 in rural Illinois.   Orphaned at age 12 and never married, she began her career during the Great Depression.   She became a secretary, lived in a small cottage, bought used clothes and never owned a car.   When Groner died in 2010, those close to her were shocked to learn she was worth at least $7M.   Even more amazing, she made it all on her own.   The country secretary bought $180 worth of stocks in the 1930s, never sold and let it compound into a fortune.   She left it all to charity.   Now meet Richard Fuscone.   He attended Dartmouth and earned an MBA from the University of Chicago.   Rising through the ranks of high finance, Fuscone became Executive Chairman of the Americas at Merrill Lynch.   Crain's once included Fuscone in a '40 under 40' list of successful businesspeople.   He retired in 2000 to 'pursue personal, charitable interests'.   Former Merrill CEO David Komansky praised Fuscone's 'business savvy, leadership skills, sound judgment and personal integrity'.   But Fuscone filed for bankruptcy in 2010 -- the same year Groner's fortune was revealed -- fighting to prevent foreclosure of his 18,471-square-foot, 11-bath-room, 2-pool, 2-elevator, 7-car-garage New York mansion.   This was after selling another home in Palm Beach, FL, following a separate foreclosure.   'My background is in the financial-services industry and I have been personally devastated by the financial crisis.', Fuscone's bankruptcy filing allegedly stated.   'I currently have no income.'...   fairly often -- that same country secretary can out-finance a Wall Street titan...   the link between financial education and financial outcomes is surprisingly elusive.   A paper released last week by a trio of economists looked at 168 separate studies analyzing the effectiveness of financial literacy programs.   To sum up their findings: It doesn't work...   Lauren Willis at Loyola Law School has shown that financial literacy programs can actually be harmful to people's financial well-being.   High school students who took part in a financial literacy course went on have more problems with their finances than students who skipped the course.   Low-income consumers who took a class on money management 'were less likely to plan and set future financial goals at follow-up than they were at baselines' one year later...   As Willis wrote, 'financial education appears to increase confidence without improving ability, leading to worse decisions'."
The most interesting thing in this story -- and many which talk about huge financial success or loss -- is that many important details are missing.   Do financial reporters and columnists not know about the need for digging several layers beneath the surface.   How did she land that secretarial job?   How much did the cottage cost when it was purchased?   How did it compare with quality and costs of similar homes in the area?   Were there restrictive building codes or zoning in effect at that time and place, or did some family member or developer just build it as seemed economical and resonable at the time?   What was the buyer's income at the time?   How did that compare with national family, household, and per capita median incomes?   Did a close associate or family member contribute to the available wealth?   If so, how did that person happen to earn or get that wealth?   Why didn't the firm where she worked jump on the down-sizing and bodyshopping and/or off-shoring fads that have been devastating the US economy since the 1980s?   Sure, assume she was a conscientious worker, but how did she manage not to be down-sized?   How was she able to avoid having to cash out her stock during various recessions?   How much can and should people scrimp and save?   Which scrimping impairs health and performance to such an extent as to hamper life-time financial success?   How should one make such choices; what exactly must be weighed?...jgo

2013-10-11 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer insanely forced Netanyahu to apologize to Turkish ruler for stopping a terrorist-manned terrorist weapons and supply shipment to Palestine/Gaza in 2010, but who should be embarrassed?
Town Hall

George Jarkesy _Town Hall_
Shut-down?   We don't see no stinking "shut-down"

Jerry Bowyer _Town Hall_
Gregory Alan Thornbury's _Book of Revelation_ is Hayekian (interview)

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
How does US federal government debt stack up globally?
Global Economic Analysis: graphs from Lacy Hunt
"When I look around (globally), and see a glut of labor, a dearth of jobs, and pressure on wages.   People are still deleveraging...   Global Picture: Glut of labor - nearly everywhere;   Dearth of jobs - nearly everywhere;   Pressure on wages - nearly everywhere;   Consumer attitudes towards borrowing and going into debt have soured - US and Europe;   Demographics of Aging Boomers - US, Japan, Europe;   Student loans turn kids fresh out of college into debt slaves - US;   Low household formation - Many countries including US;   Household deleveraging - US and Europe;   Property bubbles in [Red China], Australia, Canada, UK;   Credit explosion in [Red China];   Massive overbuilding of infrastructure in [Red China];   Massive problems, inefficiencies, and hidden debt related to SOEs in [Red China];   Technology trends suggest more layoffs in widespread industries - everywhere;   European banks leveraged to the hilt in their own sovereign bonds;   European banks in worse shape than US banks;   Abenomics - Japan;   Insufficient retirement savings[/inability to build retirement savings] -- everywhere."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
hearts, flowers, and violins for an illegal alien's sturdy father

Ken Blackwell _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's launch vs. D-Day
"The [Obummer regime] had deliberately allowed for 3.5 years for the launch, 2013 October 1.   That's a long time.   It's 1,288 days.   You would think in that length of time, we could have brought a system online that would not be bedeviled with 'glitches'.   And more glitches.   By comparison, FDR had 912 days from the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941 December 7, to D-Day, 1944 June 6, the Allied invasion of Normandy.   The D-Day Museum at Portsmouth, England maintains a web-site that offers some idea of what was involved in mounting the invasion.   While most of the soldiers who landed on June were British or American, there were still great numbers of Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Free French, Poles, Czechs, Belgians, Dutch, and Norwegians.   In all, some 156K members of what has been called 'the greatest generation' hit the landing beaches on D-Day.   By the end of D+5, June 11, 1944, the Museum's web-site tells us, 'some 326,547 troops, 54,186 vehicles and 104,428 tons of supplies had been landed on the beaches'.   Everything did not go according to plan then, either.   The Norman city of Caen was supposed to have been taken in the first week of the invasion.   It took more than a month for Caen to fall.   Still, we can look back to the American effort in World War 2 as a great success."

Michael Schaus _Town Hall_
with time, ObummerDoesn'tCare gets worse

Mona Chare _Town Hall_
political fights well worth having

David Limbaugh _Town Hall_
to the GOP losership: stop surrendering, fight harder, stay the course

Jonah Goldberg _Town Hall_
Obummer's confessions of indifference over what his policies/actions do to Americans
"He ordered Cabinet secretaries not to do their jobs -- i.e., to manage as best they could under spending restraints -- but instead to find ways to make the [reduced rates of increase in spending] needlessly painful for innocents caught in the Beltway crossfire...   On Oct. 8, Obama was asked by Mark Knoller of CBS if he was 'tempted' to sign the numerous funding bills passed by the GOP-controlled House that would greatly alleviate the pain of the 'shut-down'.   Republicans have voted to reopen parks, fund cancer trials for children at the NIH, and to keep FEMA and the FDA going through this partial 'shut-down'.   But Obama has threatened to veto any such efforts, effectively keeping the senate from considering the legislation.   'Of course I'm tempted', to sign those bills, Obama explained.   'But here's the problem.   What you've seen are bills that come up wherever Republicans are feeling political pressure, they put a bill forward.   And if there's no political heat, if there's no television story on it, then nothing happens.'   Obama's answer dragged on, as all of Obama's answers do.   But the point was made.   For the first time in American history, a president confessed to deliberately hurting his country to [try to] score points against his enemies."

Michelle Malkin _Town Hall_
another man's ObummerDoesn'tCare nightmare

Carol Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
IRS/ObummerDoesn'tCare conspirator visited White House 155 times

Alex Pappas _Daily Caller_
heckling sparks stream of one-liners from Ted Cruz at Values Voter Summit

Alex Pappas _Daily Caller_
Rand Paul chides leftist media for ignoring worldwide war against Judeo-Christianity

UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 77.5 in late September to 75.2 in early October
Dick Lepre: Bass Point
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
Trey Goudy to NPS: Why are you blocking veterans and not "occupy" and illegal alien protestors?

Justin Paulette _Daily Caller_
reaching the debt ceiling does not mean failure to pay debt as it comes due
"The debt ceiling needn't be feared as a doomsday gateway to default.   The Republicans' greatest failure over the past weeks has been their almost complete inability to convey this simple truth to American citizens and global markets.   Let's start with a short recap.   The debt limit is a product of congressional acts in 1917 and 1939 which relieved Congress of the burdensome responsibility of authorizing every individual case of federal borrowing.   Instead, these laws established an aggregate limit on total federal borrowing.   The limit is continuously raised as the U.S. [government] accrues ever-increasing debt.   And the opposition party often extracts concessions (sometimes of a completely non-fiscal nature) in exchange for higher spending limit.   When then-senator Obama opposed George W. Bush's request to raise the debt ceiling as 'a failure of leadership', national debt stood at $8.1T.   The debt ceiling to be reached on October 17th has doubled to $17T.   Spurred by Tea Party demands for fiscal responsibility, Republicans are refusing to allow another debt increase without concurrent budget reforms...   fears of a default are unfounded.   There is no reason for America to miss payments on a single bill.   If Republicans refuse to raise the debt limit when the government has reached its borrowing limit, Congress will simply be forced to live within its means by rerouting current spending to previously accrued debt.   The situation is analogous to an individual spending in excess of his income and putting the difference on a credit card.   When the card's limit is reached (and requests to increase the limit are finally denied), he must either 1) reduce present spending to pay past debts or 2) continue spending and default on his bills.   The latter option leads to the lights being turned off, the car being repossessed and, eventually, bankruptcy.   The reasonably responsible person will, therefore, choose to reduce spending."

Jeff Poor _Daily Caller_
Pete Sessions, rules committee chair, vows to continue to resist bad deals from pres. Obummer, Reid, Pelosi
"Sessions said Republicans won't make a “bad deal” just for the sake of those payments.   'Only if it is a good deal.', Sessions replied.   'The House Republicans are not going to agree to a bad deal.   And this is no threat.   This is reality.   House Republicans recognize that the president of the United States has within his wherewithal like he did at the World War 2 Memorial, like they did at burial sites, Normandy, other places as well as paying the family members upon the death of their loved one who are soldiers.   The president has enormous latitude and he is trying to make this as difficult as he can on us.   And shame on anyone that does not do the right thing.   We have passed the bills to the senate.   We have given Harry Reid an opportunity to approve them.   Normal, common sense operational things should and must be done.   They are trying to force our hand.'   'So the question is, will we be for a bad deal just to get [their] people paid?', he continued.   'Sorry, that's their problem.   We will not back down.'"
Here we are, the vicious evil leftist barbarians, because of a long series of appeasements and surrenders, of failure to make use of process-points at which they could have been checked, have backed us up to the collectivist cliffs... and, once again, instead of using our tools and armor, the GOP losership leaps backward and grovels.
I respect that the leftists are dishonest and evil; it's not as though they haven't been telling us that they are since the first half of the 1800s.   I respect that every one of their programs since federal regulation of food and drugs, since income extortion, has wreaked destruction on the USA, cost us lives, liberty, property and privacy.   I respect that the RINOs like McCain and Grahamnesty are a tiny minority.
I respect that we still have effective tools in our kits.   I'm thorougly disgusted that the losership is refusing to even lift a finger to use them.   I'm disgusted that they were extremely eager to surrender on 2012-11-07 (after having carefully and not so surreptitiously manuevered to put another wimp at the head of the party ticket), announcing it with seeming relish through every possible media.
We won't let them drag us down.   We can't wait a year or a month or a week.   They must be stopped and turned around now.
Eradication of ObummerDoesn'tCare is not an option; it's mandatory.   Reduction of federal government spending is not an option; it's mandatory.   Reduction of federal government debt is not an option; it's mandatory.   Elimination of unconstitutional leftist programs from the federal government is not an option; it is mandatory.   We must actively defend what we know is right while we still live.
For our children, for our cousins, for our co-workers, for our friends, we must stop these foaming-at-the-mouth extreme leftists now...jgo

Proposed Bills 2013

  "Every report is historical and cannot avoid being so." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg6  



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
the Dixon-Maddux shooting(s), and ties (maybe not so much) to Southern Unionism

Erica Ritz _Blaze_
liberals remove some of the trash, rake the leaves in DC

Brenda Walker _V Dare_
Swiss set February 9 referendum on reducing immigration, railroad infrastructure, abortion
The Local
Proposed Bills 2013

  "In a certain sense, all men are historians...   Most men...speak only to narrate." --- Carlyle (quoted in Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg6)  



Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
Big Sky Honor Flight veterans disgusted by "shut-down" of American monuments
"'I was privileged to walk up there.', said the defiant A.L. Frederick, 90, of Billings.   'I was defending America -- again.   I see my freedoms being nibbled away.'   Frederick's father met Abraham Lincoln in 1862 and sat on Lincoln's lap while he was campaigning.   He named his son after the slain president, so visiting the namesake Memorial held special meaning."

Jim Kouri _Albany OR Tribune_
former Border Patrol agents warn about Obummer immigration scam
"While the [Obummer regime Barrycaded] a World War 2 memorial in order to deny veterans access to its National Mall location in Washington DC, illegal aliens and their supporters, including several Democrat law-makers, were permitted to hold a rally demanding 'rights' for illegal immigrants, according to an Examiner news story on 2013 Oct. 10.   The press, the elite political establishment and president Barack Obama and his administration are subjecting the American people to a steady and intense diet of political deception concerning Immigration reform, officials from the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers said on Friday.   About one year ago, the Naco Border Patrol Station, in eastern Arizona, was renamed for Agent Brian Terry, who was murdered by weapons allegedly provided to drug cartels by the Obama administration.   Since then, in Cochise County, AZ, the law enforcement community and America lost Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Ivey and Sheriff Larry Dever.   'Within this time frame there was a Congressional Border tour sponsored by our group, NAFBPO.   Field agents reported to the delegation that 30% of the Border was unpatrolled on a monthly basis and they estimated that they were apprehending less than 3% of what they knew was crossing the border illegally in the 70% of the border that they did patrol.', said the retired border agents.   Prior to that operation, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and her subordinates would regularly claim that Border Patrol Tucson Sector was apprehending or turning back south 3 out of 4 illegal aliens that they knew crossed the border, according to NAFBPO.   However, when the newly purchased Vadar Radar system was used 24/7 for an extended period of time, 7533 illegal crossers were counted and 410 were apprehended, of which 52 or 35% were drug smugglers.   The actual metric was not 75% apprehended, but 5.4% apprehended.   And the Homeland Security Secretary boasted about Vadar being 100% accurate, according to the former border officers.   'Since 2006, the annual percentage of illegal aliens apprehended that were reported in Tucson Sector has varied between 15-30% that al-ready have criminal records inside the United States.   Charitably, that means that in the last 8 years approximately 4M criminal aliens may have come into the United States illegally through Tucson Sector alone.   The truth is that nobody knows.', stated the organization's officials."

Anthony Watts
my ObummerDoesntCare experience

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
ObummerDoesntCare is a great advertisement for libertarianism
"Forget Hayek, forget Rand, forget even the California Department of Motor Vehicles, the best advertisement for libertarianism ever is [ObummerDoesntCare].   No organization, legislation or plan in memory makes a stronger argument for the inferiority of government to the private sector than the black comically named Affordable Care Act...   Yes, it's grim, but we can look upon [ObummerDoesntCare] as a gift.   If it is as bad as we think it is, it should be relatively easy to expose.   It will be an albatross around the neck of the Democratic Party, an albatross that could be lethal in 2014.   We must be sure though to publicize that.   A campaign of ridicule should be non-stop and begin now.   Every misstep must be trumpeted, if possible with humor.   Mockery can change minds.   The defunding campaign may have failed, but the path to a full repeal is clear And that is electoral victory in 2014 and 2016.   Toward that end, [it is] time for the right to learn a skill they have long neglected -- public relations."

_Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
costly, unconstitutional MT Medicaid computer project contracted to Xerox is behind schedule

Ruffin Prevost _Billings MT Gazette_/ yellowstonegate.com
enironmental whackoes and Constitution-quoting small-government advocates protest Barricades

2013-10-13 _UPI_
Israeli army found another terror-supply smuggling tunnel close to Gaza/Palestine border with Israel
Jeffrey Heller & Nidal al-Mughrabi NBC/Reuters
Louisa Loveluck: Global Post
News Max/Agence French-Presse

Brenda Walker _V Dare_
illegal alien confessed to having murdered his 4-year-old cousin in 1991
David Seminara: Center for Immigration Studies: implications

Greg Richter _News Max_
Bob Schieffer of "Face the Nation" says Boehner is in danger of losing speakership if he keeps on surrendering to the left

_Town Hall_
veterans deliver disassembled Barrycade panels back to White House
Becket Adams: Blaze
Katie Pavlich: pictures
Bryan Preston: PJ Media: more photos
Daily Caller: more photos
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Couples who considered themselves married gave little attention to how they got that way.   As [Richard Godbeer] puts it, 'The very reason so many couples saw pre-marital sex as unproblematic was that they considered private declarations to be more signifiant than public confirmation of their relationship.'   They sontinued to feel that way until eastern institutions of law and order overtook them." --- Edmund Sears Morgan 2004 _The Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America_ pg23  


2013-10-14: Columbus Day observed

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
start-up founders, patents, lies, accursed lies, statistics, and government immigration policy
"Miano's response was that the founders-claim thesis related to the fact that, yes, some successful start-ups did have some immigrants among their founders, but, more importantly, a hidden statistical sleight-of-hand was at work.   I quote: 'Let's take 4 U.S. companies and their founders: MSFT (Paul Allen, Bill Gates); HP (William Hewlett, David Packard); Google (Larry Page, Sergey Brin, an immigrant); Intel (Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore).   The percentage of immigrant founders in this sample (13%) is roughly the same as in the population.   The percentage of immigrant-founded companies is 25%.   Wow we need immigrants!   What they do is count any company with a single immigrant founder as being immigrant-founded.   Notice this works both ways.   The number of native-founded companies in this sample is 100%.   Wow, we don't need immigrants.'   Miano goes on to point out that as the total number of founders per start-up rises, so does the statistical likelihood of one of them being an immigrant.   Further, sometimes those working with these numbers go beyond the actual signers of the corporate papers to early employees, making the pool that much larger, and the claims of immigrant contribution seemingly more dramatic...   The irony is, of course, that most of those using the 'start-up founders are immigrants' argument -- the MSFTs and the Chambers of Commerce -- want neither more entrepreneurs nor more start-ups.   What they really are seeking is more non-immigrant (H-1B and L-1) high-tech workers to lower the wages within the engineering operations of their own companies...   They are much more numerous than successful start-ups; in fact, the Patent Office approves an average of about a quarter of a million of them a year.   Securing a patent sometimes is a reflection of a truly remarkable invention, and other times it is little more than a legal confirmation of the registration of a relatively minor tweak to an existing process, drug, or machine.   Further, patents are a measure of success in only a rather small segment of our life as a nation; physicians save lives, authors get copyrights for books, politicians win elections, legislators pass bills, judges make decisions, hedge fund managers make (or lose) billions, actors, producers and directors create movies, but none of the work in any of these fields -- positive though it may be -- is reflected in the award of a patent.   The Economist, incidentally, in its quotation earlier uses the concept of a 'striking number', an absolute number, apparently, regarding the migrants' production of patents.   Given the huge total number of the patents, and the fact that the foreign-born constitute about 13% of the U.S. population, if the foreign-born were filing only their share of patents, they would have some 30K-35K of them a year, which can easily be described as a 'striking' number.   The more pertinent question is: did they file a disproportionate percentage of the patents?...   Matloff...'In summary, the former [foreign] computer science students apply for somewhat fewer patents than do their American peers, and also are awarded fewer patents that are eventually commercialized.   In the case of electrical engineering, the foreign and American groups have the same mean numbers of patent applications, both general and commercialized.   Again, the data do not show a best and brightest tendency among the former foreign students.'   A commercialized patent, apparently, is one that can make money for its owners."

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
STEM lobbyists seem quieter as conflict over ObummerDoesn'tCare, spending, budget, debt take priority
IT News
"The valley may vote overwhelmingly Democratic in elections, but it has a very strong libertarian streak -- it doesn't want Washington interfering with its business and start-up culture.   Rogers argued that the politics of Washington are antithetical to Silicon Valley's core values.   'The very way it works, Washington undermines the free minds and free markets that are the corner-stone of Silicon Valley's success.', said Rodgers, in a speech that raised issues with both political parties.   'The metric that differentiates Silicon Valley from Washington does not fall along conventional political lines: Republican versus Democrat, conservative versus liberal, right versus left.', Rogers said...   The issues Rodgers worried about -- government surveillance and Internet taxation, among others -- have only grown as as tech industry concerns today...   For the most part, though, if Silicon Valley leaders go public at all about something political, it is about a narrow policy issue...   The tech lobby has interest in a long list of issues, including patents, copyright, and Internet taxation, that are now on hold.   The leading issue for many in Silicon Valley, arguably, is immigration [with a few hundred executives generally on one side and millions of other STEM professionals generally on the other]...   The industry's lobbying spending grew from $40M in 1998, when Rodgers gave his speech, to $133M last year, according the Center for Responsive Politics."

how the 0.0001% made its money

2013-10-14 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Rick Jensen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer, the federal government "shut-down" and _Rules for Radical [Leftists]_
"While conservatives are reading Russell Kirk, Edmund Burke, [George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison] and William F. Buckley, [leftists] read Saul Alinsky...   Recently, we've witnessed Obama and other Democrats exhibiting the lesson taught as 'Rule number 12' in Alinsky's seminal work, Rules for Radicals, which is: 'Destroy the Individual: RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.   Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.   Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.   (This is cruel, but very effective.   Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)'   So, while president Obama negotiates with terrorists, he refuses to negotiate with fellow Americans."

2013-10-14 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
federal government excessive spending and debt have their roots in erosion of values
Town Hall
"As a tea partier, I'd like my neighbors to agree with me that personal responsibility, traditional values and limited government is the best way to build a healthy and prosperous personal life and nation.   If they don't agree, they can do what they want.   But the world according to the big-government, morally relative left is much different.   In this view, yes, nobody is forcing me to agree that personal responsibility and traditional values don't matter.   But in their view, it's also only fair that I pick up the massive costs of their failures.   Take, for instance, poverty.   We all agree that we want to get as many people out of poverty as possible.   The evidence abounds that a life-style that reflects personal responsibility and traditional values -- like traditional sexual attitudes and marriage and family -- reduces dramatically chances that an individual will wind up in poverty.   I hope people live according to these values.   But if they don't want to, that's their business."

_KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
half of older workers, impoverished, delay retirement plans for economic reasons

Andria Cheng _MarketWatch_
WM stores in Louisians picked during EBT/SNAP/food-stamp card malfunction
"Shelves at WM's Springhill and Mansfield stores were picked clean in short order after a Xerox-operated Electronic Benefits Transfer system, which allows beneficiaries to use the card to make certain purchases, went hay-wire in 17 states...   Xerox said in an e-mailed statement there's an 'agreed and documented process for retailers like Walmart to follow in response to EBT outage.'   It said as long as that process was followed, Xerox will reimburse WM and other retailers up to the dollar amount limit in any given state.   WM has the biggest share, or about 20%, of the U.S. EBT and other related spending, estimated consultant Craig Johnson of Customer Growth Partners.   The percentage of U.S. households on food stamps program, or so-called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [SNAP], has risen to 13.6% last year from 8.6% in 2008, according to USA Today, citing the Census Bureau data.   WM U.S., through 4K plus stores, generated $275G of the retail giant's total sales last year."

2013-10-14 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
wise men recall that "elevator men know their buildings", but congress-critters do not
"'You always took care of the elevator operators on your beat, and they'd take care of you.', legendary Chicago newspaperman Bernard Judge told me the other day."

Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
bungling Obummer regime bureaubums dole out billions in tax credits to illegal aliens

2013-10-14 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
if a government shuts down in the forest and nobody hears, that's the sound of liberty dying

Greg Richter _News Max_
Aaron Schock says Republican senators need to grow a back-bone

2013-10-14 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Paul Richter _Jewish World Review_
will the West cave in to terrorist Iran the way the GOP losership has been caving in to the leftists here?

Reza Kahlili _Daily Caller_
yet another top Iran cleric says Israel must be destroyed

2013-10-14 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Christa Case Bryant _Jewish World Review_
archaeologists delve into kingdoms of David and Solomon

Tim Ball
another reason UN IPCC predictions fail: AR5 continues to seek to use unscrupulous means to achieve ends

Roy Spencer
90 climate model projections versus reality

Anthony Watts
the other divergence problem is climate communications... and tactics straight from Saul Alinsky

Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
private firms violating our privacy
"Condé Nast's Self.com, Fool.com, Investopedia.com, and Time Inc.'s Health.com...   The evolving, but little-known industry, is now worth $300G per year and employs 3M people in the U.S.A. alone...   Equifax...   The Acxiom Corporation, one of the largest data-brokerage firms in the world, unveiled last month a free website where U.S. consumers can view some of the information the company has collected about them.   Acxiom reportedly has information on about 700M active consumers worldwide, which helped the company record $1.1G in sales last year...   Aboutthedata.com..."

Mark Baisley _Town Hall_
education today: those who can do, and those you haven't (yet) teach
"But the lovefest among the dreamers came to an abrupt pause during one planning session.   The state university was hosting a session of about 100 enthusiastic entrepreneurial spirits when one elbow-patched professor suggested that private industry require that all their new-hire engineers hold a new degree in nano-technology...   The immediate and earnest response from the professor was, 'How else will you know if they are qualified to perform the work?'   The hushed reaction from everyone in the room was quieter than if Professor Patches had just farted in church.   The small business CEO eventually broke the silence with, 'This is our area of expertise.   I think we will be able to assess whether an applicant knows the work.'   That awkward exchange provides a glimpse into the incestuous culture of education...   teachers need to get out more...   The established life path for teachers is the K-12 campus, then the college campus, and back to the K-12 campus until retirement.   Imagine being qualified to provide emerging adults with the tools to thrive in the harsh yet rewarding world of free enterprise without ever having worked in a competitive, non-union environment.   Imagine being able to convey an appreciation for liberty when your only adult employer has been a government agency...   If you are an 'IT' professional, demonstrate how mobile devices and cloud computing are accelerating information sharing and employee effectiveness.   If you are an aerospace engineer, explain how chemistry relates to propulsion and how geography relates to orbits."

2013-10-14 Eric Owens _Daily Caller_
NY educationism commissioner John King shut down town halls, after being grilled by the citizenry over Communist Corpse
"many of the parents who attended the Poughkeepsie event asked questions and expressed stridently critical opinions King didn't want to hear.   The atmosphere was generally raucous -- sometimes incredibly raucous.   It included a lot of clapping after individual attendees of the meeting voiced their concerns...   Among much else, parents said the Common Core focuses too heavily on mandatory testing, stifles creativity and hampers teachers...   The [Communist Corpse] standards demand that students know certain things by certain grade levels, but do little to describe how teachers should impart those skills [which sounds OK on the surface, but down underneath...]."

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
reading among the ruins
"The miscreants had already dumped their trash: chemical drums, paints, solvents, oils, concrete, tires, garbage, and lots of broken fluorescent glass tubes -- something a bit worse than the usual toxic brew that is left on San Joaquin Valley property.   How strange that the California legislature can pass all sorts of new laws over the last 6 months — transgendered access to either boy or girl restrooms in the public schools, the banning of lead bullets, driver's licenses for illegal aliens -- but it cannot go after the epidemic of destroying the ecology of the San Joaquin Valley countryside.   If only there were a spotted toad or a lavender newt native to the vineyard, perhaps the Bay Area intelligentsia would change their views about unchecked illegal immigration.   I think the rationale of the dumpers is that there are always enough law-abiding citizens left to pick up after the casual law-breaking of the fewer.   But are the fewer still the fewer?"

Ryan Young _Daily Caller_
how the federal government "shut-down" is impacting over-regulation
"For the seventeenth time since current budgeting rules were adopted in 1976, the federal government is 'shut down'.   Seventeen years of relative peace have devolved to business as usual.   Roughly 800K federal workers are sitting idle.   Despite the reduced workforce, the 'shut-down' began with a bang on the regulatory front.   During the 'shut-down's' first week, the Federal Register, the government's daily journal where all new rules are published, contained 113 new regulations, more than any other week so far this year.   In fact, the first two days of the shutdown were among the year's busiest.   The Register's weekly page count topped 2K pages for just the third time all year...   As the late Nobel-winning economist Ronald Coase wrote, 'An economist who, by his efforts, is able to postpone by a week a government program which wastes $100M a year (what I would consider a modest success) has, by his action, earned his salary for the whole of his life.'"

Charles C. Johnson _Daily Caller_
Cory Booker, candidate for NJ seat in US senate, never lived in Newark
"Booker, who filed to run for the U.S. senate from a P.O. Box in Newark, is registered to vote at 435 Hawthorne Avenue but his next door neighbors told this reporter and film-maker Joel Gilbert on camera that they haven't seen Booker in years and that he doesn't live there.   'Does he still live here?', Gilbert asked Booker's neighbor...   'He never did.', she replied.   'His security guards live here.'"

Horace Cooper _Daily Caller_
Cory Booker is a self-hating bigot

Daniel Martin Gray _Washington DC Times_
Allen West criticized the slippery slope of Obummer's contempt for the US constitution

Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
senator John Barrasso criticized leftist Dem "spendaholics"

John Tate _Daily Caller_
federal over-spending and excessive debt
"Lew and his fellow cheerleaders for more debt fail a chief test of sound economic policy by ignoring the obvious: the United States already cannot pay its bills.   I can give you nearly 17T reasons why our nation has been in default for a long time.   By its very nature, raising the debt ceiling means acknowledging our inability to make good on the checks we've written...   During Lew's testimony, common sense briefly fought its way to the fore.   If the ceiling is not raised by October 17, and the federal government loses its borrowing authority, Lew noted, 'we will be left to meet our country's commitments with only the cash on hand and any incoming revenues'...   And for daring to question this system, limited government activists are [called] 'radicals'?...   Not only are future generations going to pick up the tab, but the burden of out-of-control government falls hard on all of us right now, as skyrocketing prices, limited opportunities, and denied dreams demonstrate."

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
White House ObummerDoesn'tCare official at center of IRS privacy violations
"The White House official who exchanged confidential [tax-victim] information with the IRS is a longtime Obama advisor and progressive activist who is currently the most powerful official on [ObummerDoesn'tCare] implementation within the White House. Jeanne Lambrew"

Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Reid rejects yet another GOP losership surrender
Washington DC Compost: left's bull-headedness throughout the concurrent "shut-down" and debt limit "crises"

Austin Hill _Town Hall_
another reason ObummerDoesn'tCare is bad: doctors fired, administrators hired

Charlie Martin _PJ Media_
I told you so (ObummerDoesn'tCare edition)

Katie Kieffer _Town Hall_
war memorials belong to veterans

Michael Volpe _Daily Caller_
ObummerDoesn'tCare "navigator" in KS has outstanding arrest warrant

Ron Radosh _PJ Media_
Obummer's extreme leftist terrorist buddy Bill Ayers spews propaganda with the help of MSFTNBC

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Uncle Joe BiteMe side-lined as Obummer tries to block deal-making on ObummerDoesn'tCare, budget, federal government spending, debt

Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
if the median US family spent like the federal government

Christopher Bedford _Daily Caller_
how Cruz, Lee and Paul shut down Obummer's agenda; Obummer shut down the federal government
"the reality is these 3 conservative Republicans, aided by friends in the senate and the House, have dragged the president's ambitious agenda to a complete halt, throwing both him and Democrat senator Harry Reid on their heels and adding policy paralysis to the president's long list of post-election woes.   While Republican [losership] in the House was [not very] loud when scandals from Benghazi to the IRS unfolded, over the last year conventional wisdom in Washington has held that sequester would never happen; amnesty for illegal immigrants was a done deal; no sane Republican would stand against an assault-weapons ban after Sandy Hook; the GOP would bless a charge into Syria; and, well, fill in the blank: student loans? Climate change?..."

Brenda Walker _V Dare_
poll: two-thirds of Britons want immigration reduced
Joey Jones: Sky

James Fulford _V Dare_
Joel Kotkin's piece on California's new feudal society leaves out excessive immigration (legal and illegal)

Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
Montana veterans defy closure, tour WW2 memorial
Honor Flight drivers threatened with arrest at FDR memorial

Eliana Osborn _Chronicle of Higher Education_
the future of contingent employment (in academia and the real world)
"The comments section of my recent post was an accurate microcosm of how charged the issue of contingent labor is.   Some suggest leaving academe, as though other jobs are just waiting to be filled.   This is particularly amusing to me since I live in the county with the highest unemployment rate in the country.   Others preach a depressing strain of 'resistance is futile'.   Still other readers talk of how they have made adjuncting profitable, though I can't believe that this group has many members.   As a person who cares about education [or software design, mechanical engineering, scientific research, construction, brick-masonry, precision machining...], I'm frustrated and angry not just on my own behalf.   The current system is not sustainable.   That means hard, painful choices, and changes are going to have to happen."

Brett French _Billings MT Gazette_
American bison tear down Barrycades at Grand Teton
Cybercast News Service

Herman Cain _News Max_
leftist Dems striving to turn federal government "shut-down" into a disaster

2013-10-14 Stan Veuger _Daily Caller_
Republicans should stand and fight over the "shut-down"... instead of continuing to surrender

Ron Paul _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
the government's education monopoly increases prices and destroys choice
Proposed Bills 2013

  "It is obvious that no researcher can know all subjects.   Life is too short to master so many extensive disciplines.   But we must know how to use adequately the results supplied by others." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg12  



John Hawkins _Town Hall_
5 "Republicans" who deserve to lose their jobs for their back-stabbing, turn-coat behavior

2013-10-15 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Obummer and the NYTimes editors believe the USA has always sucked
Town Hall
"The article largely concerned a former paramilitary member of the Irish Republican Army, and as such was informative.   But when it ventured into a larger discussion of evil, the moral confusion and contempt for America that characterize leftism were on display.   The article contains a breath-taking paragraph that exemplifies both qualities...   This paragraph is noteworthy for its use of false moral equivalence to justify its anti-Americanism.   Let's begin with the moral equivalence -- equating how the Hutus viewed and treated the Tutsis, how the Nazis viewed and treated the Jews, and how the Japanese viewed and treated the Chinese with the Americans' views and treatment of the Germans in World War I and VietNamese during the VietNam War...   What do any of those examples have to do with Americans fighting in World War I or in VietNam? Nothing.   Absolutely nothing about these other 3 examples applied to America in World War 1 or in VietNam...   Unlike any of the other examples, Americans did not have a term that -- by definition -- meant that Germans or VietNamese were not members of the human race...   Being largely godless itself, and aiming for a godless West, the left detested the right's calling Communism 'godless' -- even though Communists were vocal and proud of their godlessness.   Lumping America's actions in those two wars with the other 3 examples is typical of the left's defamation of America and of its facile use of false moral equivalence.   But that is how a generation of Americans who have attended college -- including most likely the Times author herself -- have been taught to think."

Deroy Murdock _News Max_
Republicans are not to blame for federal government "shut-down"
"The House has passed at least 20 measures that would re-open the government fully or partially without defunding [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   The House Republican Study Committee's Shutdown Tracker details these bills and is an outstanding resource for those who want to learn how the House GOP has proposed compromise after compromise, only to be rebuffed by stubborn senate Democrats who either vote them down or simply refuse to consider them."

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Obummer regime shut down Flight 93 memorial in PA

2013-10-15 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
time for GOP to stop kicking the can down the road
Town Hall
"Why don't [the leftists] ever join us in expressing concern over the inevitable financial collapse that will result from their policies?   We always seem to hyper-ventilate over these mini-crises involving the temporary 'shut-down' of small parts of the precious federal government, while we totally ignore the real financial catastrophe we're [in] unless we begin to move in the direction senator Ted Cruz and other congressional Republicans are insisting on in these budgetary battles -- defunding [ObummerDoesn'tCare], reining in spending and reforming unsustainable entitlements...   Every single time Republicans try to take meaningful action to honor their mandate against the further unfolding of these federal government train wrecks, they are slandered as irresponsible.   But who is more responsible, those driving the United States over the fiscal cliff or those willing to allow us to drive over a small hill in order to stop the guaranteed financial free fall awaiting us if we don't begin to put on the brakes today?...   Well, if opposition to [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and our current unsustainable level of spending and entitlements makes us extremists, then God bless the extremists.   In fact, those who are trying to fight the current lawless assaults on our liberty and our health care system are quite the opposite of extreme.   Rather, it is those who are behind the policies guaranteed to destroy the nation who are extreme -- unless you think it's extreme to want to preserve this nation as the greatest nation in world history...   The establishment line is that Cruz et al. have no strategy.   To the contrary, they know that grass-roots conservatives (and many other Americans who have no voice) are frustrated and feel disenfranchised.   They want to know that their votes matter and that they have representatives in Washington who'll fight for them.   The Cruz-ers aren't guaranteeing short-term victory, but by fighting fiercely and drawing attention to Obama's excesses and recklessness, they are increasing their chances to stop him eventually...   But I can't help but wonder how much progress we could make if instead of [going] soft on Obama [the GOP losership] would unite with us in going to the mat against Obama now (not 1 year, 2 years or 3 years from now) and let the chips fall...   The stakes are too high not to draw the line today."

Naomi Lopez Bauman _Daily Caller_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is an on-going privacy violation
"the health and financial information of millions of Americans are housed in a massive federal government data-base called the 'Data Hub'.   That data-base will provide information to each state's health care exchange, where individuals and small businesses are expected to purchase insurance plans on-line.   But even though the state-based exchanges are operating at various levels of functionality, there's already been a disturbing security breach.   In September an employee of MNsure, the Minnesota [ObummerDoesn'tCare] health insurance exchange, sent the email addresses, [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)], and other identifying information of hundreds insurance brokers to another agent."

_The Local_/_Agence French Presse_
deal with OECD ends banking privacy in Switzerland

2013-10-15 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
why immigration law perversion could spell doom for the GOP
Town Hall

_Daily Caller_
Rush Limbaugh bolsters case for Cruz, Lee and Paul
"'Contrary to what [media would have people] think, Obama is really not having the cake-walk that everybody thought he was going to have.', Limbaugh agreed.   'There are giant obstacles in his way, and there ought to be rallies of massive support for the people accomplishing this...   You ought to see the faces on the other side of the glass looking at me...   It's Cruz and Mike Lee, and the people that have decided to throw in with them, who are running things now.', Limbaugh continued.   'That's why [the extreme left is] so ticked off, folks! [In their opinion, we] were supposed to have amnesty by now.   I'm sure you know that.   It was supposed to be done.   There wasn't going to be any Republican opposition to it.   There was going to be massive new ground gained by the Democrats on gun control.'"

Herbert London _News Max_
violent Islamics are not fighting for freedom

Ken Blackwell _Daily Caller_
over 40 years of OPEC manipulation

Frank Gaffney _News Max_
it is time to shock OPEC
Washington DC Times

_News Max_
Mexico's cholera epidemic spreads
"A cholera outbreak in central Mexico has risen to 159 confirmed cases and spread to four states as well as the capital, the country's health minister said on Monday."

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
Rockefeller vs. Goldwater redux
"Yet, the truth is the Republicans House has voted 3 times to keep open and to fund every agency, department and program of the U.S. government, except for [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   And they voted to kill that monstrosity but once.   [They offered a series of at least 7 extremely generous compromises to the leftists.]   Republicans should refuse to raise the white flag...   Goldwater had glibly hinted he would privatize [the Socialist Insecurity Abomination], sell the Tennessee Valley Authority and 'lob one into the men's room at the Kremlin'...   his defeat of Nelson Rockefeller in the California primary assured his nomination...   America is at a turning point.   If she does not stop squandering hundreds of billions on [leftist] agenda items like [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and if she does not end these trade deficits sucking the jobs, factories and investment capital out of our country, we will find ourselves beside Greece, Spain, Illinois, [California] and Detroit.   Even if America disagrees, as in 1964 when it embraced LBJ's Great Society plunge to social and economic disaster, Republicans need to stand up -- current polls and corporate Republicans be damned.   If the right is right, time will prove it, as it did long ago."

2013-10-15 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
frying an egg-head on a hot stove
Washington DC Times
"Why are intellectuals, sometimes the most intelligent among us, so dumb?...   How could he not be clueless about his native land, when he absorbed anti-American venom in his tender and formative years as a child in the Third World? He was deprived of the instincts and cultural intuitions that are the native son's birthright.   No other American president in anyone's imagination would instruct the National Park Service to evict veterans of World War 2, many arriving in wheel-chairs and on moving with unsteady gait on walkers and walking canes to see the memorial to the celebration and sacrifice of their unselfish generation.   The veterans had run afoul of the instructions to the Park Service rangers to 'make life as difficult for people as we can'.   Then, only days later, thousands of illegal aliens were invited to rally for privilege and amnesty on the very soil where the veterans, American citizens all, were forcibly told they were not welcome...   The fraud and misrepresentation recognized years ago by Joe Sixpack and his buddies is writ so large now that even an egg-head can read it."

_One Old Vet_
water stations help barbarian invaders move through Texas
Mark Collette: Columbus IN Republic/Corpus Christi TX Caller-Times/Scripps

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
wind-power is costing tax-victims billions

Kanina Foss _U of Witwatersrand_
can lightning strikes erode mountains?

Grea Stafford _Daily Caller_
Why is there a US AH-64 Apache helicopter gunship on a flat-bed truck in Red China?

Carol Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
Obummer regime trying to smear American Family Association
Billy Hallowell: Blaze

Jim Treacher _Daily Caller_
Obummers can't/won't/don't tend their own garden
"'Due to the shut-down, garden maintenance has been reduced considerably and only being watered as needed.', a White House official confirmed, speaking on background.   That's right: Obama can barricade war memorials and kick people out of national parks, but he can't tend his own garden.   Who needs metaphors?"

Lawrence Hurley _Reuters_
Supremes to hear challenge of Obummer regime EPA on climate
Erika Johnsen: Hot Air
News Max

Stephen Lawson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
ethernet's 400Gb/s challenge is a good problem to have
"Years ago, birthing a new generation of Ethernet was relatively straightforward: Enterprises wanted faster LANs, vendors figured out ways to achieve that throughput and hashed out a standard, and IT shops bought the speed boost with their next computers and switches.   Now it's more complicated, with carriers, Web 2.0 giants, cloud providers and enterprises all looking for different speeds and interfaces, some more urgently than others.   FB, for example, said in 2010 that it already had a need for Terabit Ethernet in its data centers [and their privacy violation farm].   That's what the IEEE 802.3 400Gbps Study Group faces as it tries to write the next chapter in Ethernet's history.   With billions of Ethernet devices in use on networks around the world, it's harder to define a specification that satisfies everyone...   The complexity of the task has only grown since the last standard-setting process, which produced the 802.3ba standard that covers both 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet, D'Ambrosia and others at the event said.   That project started out focused solely on a 100Gb/s standard, which service providers wanted, but expanded to include 40Gb/s because enterprise servers weren't ready for the higher speed.   If the 802.3ba experience is any guide, the next standard -- to be called 802.3bs -- will probably not be ratified until the first half of 2017, D'Ambrosia said."

Sarah Hoyt _PJ Media_
it's time to get the federal government out of beer

Arnold Ahlert _Front Page Magazine_
IRS has been funnelling billions to illegal aliens

Charles Hurt _Washington DC Times_
no excuse for lectures from debt-driving pres. Obummer

Brenda Walker _V Dare_
illegal aliens and their backers demand an end to all deportations

Hughey Newsom _Daily Caller_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's ID restrictions and leftist "voting rights" hypocrisy

Mary Katharine Ham _Hot Air_
Chicago IL Tribune hammers ObummerDoesn'tCare

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
illegal alien hired as chief ObummerDoesn'tCare "navigator" in NY
One Old Vet
James Fulford: V Dare
James R. Edwards ii: Center for Immigration Studies

supporters of immigration reform are sticking to their guns... and Torahs
"Dan Holler, spokes-man of the conservative Heritage Action for America...'Any sort of immigration reform plans that includes amnesty is going to be a non-starter.   It's not a fair thing to do.'...   Policy experts who [support] the immigration legislation provided other opinions why they believe such [perversion of immigration laws] is not in the best interests of Americans.   'It has a detrimental effect on Americans who are job seekers.', said Kristen Williamson, spokes-woman for the conservative Federation of American Immigration Reform [FAIR US].   '22M Americans are un-employed or under-employed.'   Americans looking for work should be the priority for members of Congress...   Williamson further said illegal aliens have broken the law and should be held accountable, as citizens would be.   'Enforcement and technology to track people when they come and when they leave are not being utilized properly.', Holler said about border security.   'Then, maybe in 10 years, we can deal with the folks that are here illegally.'   Williamson from FAIR agreed the borders must be made more secure.   Citing an alleged uptick in the number of undocumented people living in the United States since the recession, Williamson posed a question: 'The Obama administration claims they are doing a lot of enforcement and the borders are secure so why is illegal immigration increasing?'"

_One Old Vet_
of course I'll respect your immigration laws in the morning
Mark Krikorian: National Review
Center for Immigration Studies

_One Old Vet_
George Soros behind deportation bus blockers
Aaron Klein: World Net Daily

Neil Gaiman _Manchester Guardian_
why our future depends on libraries, reading and day-dreaming

Mark R. Levin
coup by the executive branch
"what President Obama is really doing -- seizing the power of the purse from congress and taking away their ability to control funding in the government.   In essence, this has been a coup by the Executive.."
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart: Constitutional crisis if House continues to cave in to the left
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner: ObummerDoesn'tCare introduces $12,600 deductibles, 40% co-pay, zero competition
John Hayward: True Blue Republican State: power and obedience

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
hospitals suffering from mass lay-offs... thanks to ObummerDoesn'tCare

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
Louie Gohmert responds to leftist harangue on ObummerDoesn'tCare
"'There's no statute of limitations on doing what's right.', Gohmert said.   The Texas congressman went on to argue that deficit spending president Barack Obama has increased from $160G in former president George Bush's last year to $1.6T the following year.   Gohmert maintains that spending is out of control.   He also said the Obama administration has stolen Americans' [and our doctors'] rights under [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Gohmert said conservative lawmakers are only asking for the Obama administration to delay the individual mandate in Obamacare to match the 1-year delay that the president illegally extended to big businesses.   'How is it right for Harry Reid to say, no, no, no, no?', he added...   Gohmert went on to say that it's not too late to get a vote on delaying the individual mandate in [ObummerDoesn'tCare] if Republicans stand firm."

2013-10-15 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Fed will continue to stupidly follow Keynes
Town Hall
News Max
"The Federal Reserve has become such a major player in the American economy that it needs far more scrutiny and criticism than it has received, regardless of who heads it...   Janet Yellen represents the Keynesian economics that once dominated economic theory and policy like a national religion — until it encountered two things: Milton Friedman and the stagflation of the 1970s.   At the height of the Keynesian influence, it was widely believed that government policy-makers could choose a judicious trade-off between the inflation rate and the rate of unemployment.   This trade-off was called the Phillips Curve, in honor of an economist at the London School of Economics.   Professor Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago attacked the Phillips Curve, both theoretically and empirically.   When Professor Friedman received the Nobel Prize in economics -- the first of many to go to Chicago economists, who were the primary critics of Keynesian economics -- it seemed as if the idea of a trade-off between the inflation rate and the unemployment rate might be laid to rest.   The ultimate discrediting of this Phillips Curve theory was the rising inflation and unemployment, at the same time in the 1970s, in what came to be called 'stagflation' -- a combination of rising inflation and a stagnant economy with high unemployment.   Nevertheless, the Keynesian economists have staged a political comeback during the [Obummer regime].   Janet Yellen's nomination to head the Federal Reserve is the crowning example of that comeback...   [Yellen] The former economics professor is certainly asking the right questions -- and giving the wrong answers.   Her first question, whether free market economies can achieve full employment without government intervention, is a purely factual question that can be answered from history.   For the first 150 years of the United States, there was no policy of federal intervention when the economy turned down.   No depression during all that time was as catastrophic as the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the Federal Reserve System and presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt intervened in the economy on a massive and unprecedented scale...   unemployment never reached double digits in any of the 12 months that followed the 1929 stock market crash.   Unemployment peaked at 9% in 1929 December and was back down to 6.3% by 1930 June, when the first major federal intervention took place under Herbert Hoover.   The unemployment decline then reversed, rising to hit double digits 6 months later.   As Hoover and then FDR continued to intervene, double-digit unemployment persisted throughout the remainder of the 1930s.   Conversely, when president Warren G. Harding faced an annual unemployment rate of 11.7% in 1921, he did absolutely nothing, except for cutting government spending.   Keynesian economists would say that this was exactly the wrong thing to do.   History, however, says that unemployment the following year went down to 6.7% -- and, in the year after that, 2.4%.   Under Calvin Coolidge, the ultimate in non-interventionist government, the annual unemployment rate got down to 1.8%.   How does the track record of Keynesian intervention compare to that?"

_Town Hall_ Lisa Benson: would you like to pay with cash>
Glenn McCoy: Obummer wants his debt binkie
Chip Bok: king Obummer
Ken Catalino: no way I coulda caught that
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Always wear a smile.   The gift of life will then be yours to give." --- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (son of R' Simcha & Feiga; grand-son of R' Nachman of Horodenka/Gorodenka and R' Yechiel Mikhl Ashkenazi of Tulchin & Udel/Udl/Adil; ggs of R. Yisrael ben Eliezer/the Ba'al Shem Tov/Israel Baal Shem Tov/Besht and Baruch Ashkenazi; 2ggs of Eliezer & Sara) b: 1772-04-04 (5532 Rash Chodesh Nisan) in Bedzhybizh, Ukraine d: 1810-10-16 (5571 Tishrei 18) at Uman, Ukraine  



Bob Barr _Town Hall_
the gulf between Obummer regime's USA and the real USA widens

Neal Boortz _Town Hall_
how to talk to Harry Reid if you can't avoid it
"Unfortunately the Yellow Pages are going to be of no help if you find yourself trying to make sense out of, or talk sense into, Harry Reid...   We would hope that Mitch McConnell would have long ago delivered a good verbal spanking to the hero of the Las Vegas unions, but it hasn't happened yet...   and McConnell doesn't look or sound like someone you would bet on in a verbal prize fight.   So I'm here to help...   The first thing you want to do when someone starts tossing around terms like 'anarchist' is to ask for a definition.   I never tire of asking someone to define the term 'racist'.   No matter what they say, you can always counter with: 'OK, now tell me the difference between a racist and a bigot?'   Blank stare.   Stuttering.   Stammering.   'Uh... er... ummm... uh...' (Picture Obama with a broken teleprompter.)   An anarchist would be someone who supports anarchy.   So far even Harry can understand this.   But what is anarchy? [Go to your _Merriam-Webster Thesaurus_: 'The absence of effective government or the resulting social disorder...   synonyms: chaos, lawlessness, mobocracy, ochlocracy'.   Go to _Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: 'absence of government...   a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority...   a utopian society having no government'.]   Go to Wikipedia and you get 'a society without a publicly enforced government'.   Dictionary.com gives us 'A state or society without government or law.'   So this is what Harry Reid thinks the Tea Partiers are all about?   Tea Partiers want a society without a publicly enforced government?   Tea Partiers want a society without laws?   Without government?   You can see here that once you've brought Harry face-to-face with the actual definition of the word 'anarchy' he's already lost his composure, the argument, and the battle.   Here, Harry, is why Tea Partiers are not anarchists.   Tea Partiers, in fact, believe even more strongly than you and most of your Democrat pals in the rule of law.   Not a society without laws, but a society with laws that are equally and evenly enforced on behalf or against the fast food burger-flipper as with the most privileged of the Beltway's political class.   You might want to ask Harry if he is familiar with James Madison's Federalist paper #62.   He should be.   That particular Federalist Paper is titled 'The Senate'.   So, Harry, tell us what it says? You're the HDWIC in the senate...so educate us on Federalist 62.   Oh...you can't?   Well maybe you'll read it later, but for now I'll just give you an excerpt: The Federalist #62 Wednesday, 1788 February 27 'The Senate': 'It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow.   Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?'   Now let me tell you, Harry dear, just what the Tea Partiers think when they read Federalist 62.   They're thinking about the so-called health care reform package you slipped into law when the public was clearly against it.   The Tea Partiers heard your House counterpart Nancy Pelosi say that the law had to be passed so that we could see what is in it.   Now that sounds like a '...law so voluminous that (it) cannot be read, or so incoherent that (it) cannot be understood' to the Tea Partiers.   This makes them anarchists? Plus, with the delays and waivers being constantly issued by Obama, how can a man '...who knows what the law is today even guess what it will be tomorrow?'   Do these people who simply want the [US constitution and compliant] law to be enforced as it was written, and who are seeking a delay in implementation until this is done, be written off as anarchists?   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] isn't the only concern of the Tea Partiers.   They want taxes lowered.   They want worthless and counterproductive government regulations repealed...   The congress, Mr. Reid, IS doing its job.   It is doing exactly what it was designed to do.   The Republican members House of Representatives heard the head of Obama's transition team say 'we will be ready to RULE from day one', and they said 'not on our watch'.   We didn't elect a ruler, Harry.   We thought we were electing a [president, a presider], and now it is the job of the House to act as a check and balance against the abuses being heaped on the American people by a lawless Executive branch, a clueless Judicial branch (et tu, Justice Roberts?) and a compliant U.S. senate.   This is exactly what our founders designed the congress to do.   Well, almost.   The senate, which you now rule (Obama language there), was originally supposed to represent the interests of the State governments in the congress...   It would be fascinating, Harry, to hear you address the rather odd state of affairs in Washington where we have the government of the country of Mexico [and India and Red China and Saudi Arabia...] having official representation before our federal government, but the [governments of the States of Alabama, Arizona, New Mexico, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Kentucky... do] not.   The House of Representatives was not designed to sit idly by and rubberstamp every piece of legislation sent their way by the senate, especially legislation passed on a straight party line vote under the spurious policy of reconciliation.   Checks and balances, Mr. Reid.   The true function of the 2 legislative branches.   The congress is, in fact, doing it's job."

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Anita Kumar _Jewish World Review_
how Obummer regime shut-down plan put USA at risk
"After weeks of planning, the nation's spy chief sent home nearly three-quarters of the workers at the government's intelligence agencies when faced with the partial shut-down.     The move, James Clapper later admitted himself, put the United States at greater risk of terrorist attacks...   A review by McClatchy finds that law-makers, former intelligence officials and national security experts say they were shocked that the administration furloughed the bulk of federal workers at 16 intelligence agencies, many of them tasked with the most important job in the government: safeguarding lives.   'It's difficult for me to understand.', said Leon Panetta, who served as the director of the CIA and the secretary of defense under president Barack Obama.   'People that are involved in our intelligence are critical.   You can't possibly put 70% on furlough and not harm national security.'..."

Bob Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Is USA media gullible about CAIR?
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
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Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
how the left created the "debt limit crisis"

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
rain causes beet sugar farmers to take a break from harvest
"Every passing day brings farmers closer to the inevitable hard freeze, but the rain this month has been relentless...   fields are too muddy...   mud in the beet pile leads to spoilage...   Overall, Western Sugar Cooperative members are about 40% harvested, said Randall Jobman, agricultural manager.   Farmers feeding the Lovell, WY, sugar refinery have had easier weather.   Farmers feeding the refinery in Billings haven't...   In the Sidney area, farmers harvesting beets for American Crystal Sugar were shut down by wet weather Monday, but were 90% harvested already, thanks to a long dry spell...   Steinbeisser said the beet harvest has been good this year, though the amount of sugar in each beet is down.   Several farmers were repeatedly clobbered by hail this summer.   When hail shreds the leaves on a sugar beet, the plant puts its energy -- and the sugar it has accumulated -- into growing new leaves."

Caroline B. Glick _Town Hall_
our world: the bothersome, annoying truth

Anthony Watts
70-year-old conundrum of hot solar corona may be solved says paper from Columbia U

Anthony Watts
WUWT climate/weather hot sheet

Dennis M. Mitchell & David R. Legates _Investor's Business Daily_
climate hysterics seek shelter from public storm

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
former ACORN agitators are now ObummerDoesn'tCare "navigators"

Billy Hallowell _Blaze_
Hannity's fiery clash with Dem congress-critter over debt ceiling
"Sean Hannity was joined by representative Adam Smith (D-WA) and representative Steve King (R-IA).   The 3 clashed intensely over budgets, deficits and the national debt.   While Hannity argued that the debt ceiling dead-line is artificial, Smith disagreed and warned that a default would leave the U.S. government unable pay some of its obligations [a totally garbled response, since failure to pay obligations is default, while the debt ceiling is a pro forma limit on the amount of obligations the federal government can take on].   There would be enough money coming in to handle the interest on debt already incurred, Smith said, but other needs would simply not be met...   The host admitted that some cuts might need to be made, but noted that not all of the government's functions are essential and that living temporarily without the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for instance, wouldn't derail the nation...   'Every time you borrow money [to over-spend], you're robbing from our children and grand-children.', Hannity responded.   Smith obviously found this 'insulting'."

Tim Cavanau _Daily Caller_
the 2 times the US federal government defaulted: during Madison and Carter admins
"The first default took place in 1814 November, during the administration of James Madison, America's tiniest chief executive.   Just a few months after the British conquest of Washington, DC during the War of 1812, the Treasury was unable to move enough precious metal to service its debt, and missed interest payments on bonds.   Boston bond-holders, according to Wayne State College history professor Don Hickey, were paid off in short-term interest-bearing treasury notes or more bonds.   These debt service troubles, and the war, were resolved within a few months.   A more recent default came in 1979 under President Carter, who, until Obama, held the record for presiding over the country's longest post-World War 2 period of economic stagnation.   Cass attributes the 1979 default to 'a back-office glitch that ended up costing [tax-victims] billions of dollars'.   She writes, 'The Treasury Department blamed the mishap on a crush of paper-work partly caused by lawmakers who -- this will sound familiar -- bickered too long before raising the nation's debt limit.'   The Carter default is potentially more relevant because it occurred under the 14th Amendment, a post-Civil War change to the Constitution that declared the 'validity of the public debt...shall not be questioned'... default would not automatically result if congress failed to hike the U.S. borrowing limit [for instance, by cutting spending and paying down the debt]... Americans were assured of a global financial meltdown during the real estate correction of 2007 and 2008. This did not happen, although the government's 'solution' -- multi-trillion-dollar bail-outs and stimuli, coupled with a quadrupling of the U.S. monetary base -- inflicted persistent, low-level, widespread economic agony that has so far stretched over half a decade, with no end in sight... This spring, Americans were warned that the sequester -- a slight decrease in the rate of growth in government spending -- would cause large-scale economic turmoil. This too occurred, without causing any noticeable damage to the already anemic U.S. economy... The 'shut-down' is now well into its third week and [American life and] the economy [continue] to function... Sound money advocates, including former Texas congressman Ron Paul, have long argued that inflation itself is a form of default -- and specifically that the federal government's abandonment of the [gold money] during the Depression ripped off creditors who got paid in depreciated dollars rather than in specie... [Because] prioritization is a familiar process to individuals and families who routinely curb spending and tighten budgets in order to avoid missing car, credit card or mortgage payments, neither Lew nor Sperling [are being] laughed at for making this wild claim."

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
TX lieutenant-governor David Dewhurst joins those calling for impeachment of pres. Barack H. Obummer

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Joel Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Israel warns West of historic mistake, outlines Iran expectations

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Paul Richter _Jewish World Review_
Iran won't nuke missile program

Roger Stone _Daily Caller_
man wounded at JFK assassination won't be at 50th anniversary ceremony
"The city has closed Dealey Plaza for one week prior to the 50th anniversary ceremony and for one week afterwards.   A limited number of tickets are being given out to dignitaries who won't 'disrupt' a 'Celebration of JFK's Life' sponsored by the City of Dallas.   Dealey Plaza won't be open to protesters or researchers or contrarians.   The media was carefully screened.   Media credentials are limited.   The alternative [media] can't get in."

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
_Jewish World Review_/_Harvard Health Letters_
food-borne illnesses
"Just 100 years ago, in fact, large numbers of Americans were contracting tuberculosis from contaminated milk, typhoid fever and cholera from tainted water, and trichinosis from infected meat.   These life-threatening problems have been all but eliminated, thanks to pasteurization of milk, improvements in canning and refrigeration, better sanitation, and disinfection of water supplies.   Despite all this progress, food-borne illnesses have stayed with us, and in recent decades, the problem has taken on new dimensions.   Many factors contribute to the renewed concern about food safety.   Agriculture and food processing have grown enormously in scale, and foods are shipped large distances within the U.S. -- and into the U.S. from around the world.   Contamination in one place can produce illnesses at great remove, making it difficult to recognize an outbreak quickly and even harder to track down its source.   Large-scale ranching and farming practices mean that animals are often crowded together, so harmful bacteria can spread quickly.   Because antibiotics are routinely added to animal feed, [the surviving] bacteria are increasingly drug-resistant.   As eating habits change, Americans are dining at restaurants more often, thus losing control over food handling and preparation...   some 76M food-borne infections in the U.S. each year, 350K of which are serious enough to require hospitalization and 5K of which are lethal.   And food-borne illnesses add $7G to America's annual health care costs...   food becomes contaminated by a bacterial pathogen, usually a Staphylococcus, Clostridium, or Bacillus species.   The bacteria produce a toxin, which remains in the food.   Subsequently, cooking knocks off the bacteria without destroying the toxin..."

Ann Coulter _Daily Caller_
don't speak ill of fellow Republicans... with the following exceptions
"Instead of imitating the Democrats' good points -- winning elections -- sometimes it seems as if Republicans have adopted only their bad traits, such as mob action.   We [historically] don't want slogans and catch-phrases.   What we're looking for is facts.   It's supposed to be [leftists] who are driven by envy, running off on wild enthusiasms, pushing causes that appall most Americans, and making decisions based on notions rather than evidence.   Republicans don't vote for a bill just because the media call it an 'anti-rape bill'.   We read the bill to see that it's actually a 'trial lawyers' full employment bill'.   Conservatives aren't cowed by the argument that 'all scientists' (i.e., lawyers and actresses) believe in global warming.   We look at the facts.   We don't think shibboleths -- 'academic freedom', 'free speech', 'torture', 'extremist', and 'diversity' -- are trump cards.   We don't engage in politics in order to feel like we belong to something larger.   So why do so many conservatives suddenly adopt all these [leftist] behavioral patterns during presidential primaries?...   Republicans have got to stop with the [collectivist] groupthink...   Any Republican who took money from Freddie Mac ought to drop out of public life immediately, and explain that he's an alcoholic and was abused as a child...   Being pro-life and anti-amnesty [and against state and federal meddling in health care insurance beyond the usual measures against initiation of force and fraud] in Massachusetts tells us a lot.   That's like going to an AA meeting during Mardi Gras."

Brenda Walker _V Dare_
Obummer promises to ram through amnesty for illegal aliens after government "shut-down" (with pic of Obummer addressing the National Council of the Racists)
One Old Vet
Tony Lee: Breitbart
Amanda Munoz: Town Hall

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
supremes declare students are not living under the US constitution
"I was furious to see this headline from civil liberties guardian the Rutherford Institute last week: 'U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case of Student Subjected to Random Lockdown and Mass Search by Police in Public School.'   I was furious, but not shocked because, as I'll explain, this has happened before.   Furthermore, there has been hardly any media attention to the out-come of this case, Burlison v. Springfield Public Schools, which Rutherford's founder and president, constitutional lawyer John Whitehead, says has 'long-term ramifications of treating young people as if they have no rights'.   Here are the facts of the case: 'On 2010 April 22, the principal of Central High School (in Springfield, MO) announced over the public address system that the school was going into lock-down and that students were prohibited from leaving their class-rooms.   'School officials and agents of the Greene county sheriff's department thereafter ordered students in random class-rooms to leave all personal belongings behind and exit the class-rooms (despite the previous order).   Dogs were also brought in to assist in the raid.   Upon re-entering the class-rooms, students allegedly discovered that their belongings had been rummaged through.'   Mellony and Doug Burlison, the parents of 2 kids enrolled in Central High School, sued the school district for violating the Fourth Amendment and the Missouri Constitution.   (The Rutherford Institute, as usual, provided lawyers to the Burlisons at no charge to present their case.)   These searches were conducted without any individually cited suspicions of wrong-doing by any of the students, not to mention total disregard of due process...   In his dissent of the Supreme Court's decision, Justice Brennan roared: 'Schools cannot expect their students to learn the lessons of good citizenship when the school authorities themselves disregard the fundamental principles underpinning our constitutional freedoms.'   I hope that teachers who read Brennan's role in that case will encourage class discussions and arguments on what it means for this nation's future now that the Supreme Court has, again, gotten away with treating our young as constitutional non-entities."

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Homeland Insecurity alert: dry ice and dry runs
Town Hall
"It's been more than a year since watchdogs warned Capitol Hill that our massive homeland security bureaucracy was neglecting these very areas of our nation's airports.   Grandmas, babies and war heroes are routinely groped, manhandled and humiliated in the name of transportation safety.   But untold numbers of ground personnel still have easy, breezy access to airplanes and luggage.   In August, 7 baggage handlers at Kennedy Airport were arrested after being videotaped stealing jewelry, cash, watches and computers from passenger luggage.   In June, a baggage handler at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport was arrested after using his credentials to bypass airport security and carry backpacks containing what he believed were drugs and guns onto commercial flights."

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
longing to be a victim
Town Hall
"Give me a break.   America was founded by people who were the opposite of victims, by people with grit.   Overcoming obstacles is the route to prosperity -- and happiness, too...   It changes the way people calculate their options.   Despite improved medical care and the work-force's dramatic shift from physical to mental labor, the number of Americans claiming disability keeps growing.   You start to feel like a sucker if you're not one of them...   Since the 1980s, there has been a 300% increase in disability claims for hard-to-prove illnesses like back pain, stress and other 'non-exertional restrictions'.   Over the past two decades, the number of people receiving [Socialist Insecurity] disability benefits grew from 4M to 11M...   Private charities are pretty good at separating real victims from malingerers.   But government is not.   Its one-size-fits-all rules encourage people to act like victims...   America is full of success stories.   But if we obsess over stories about victimhood, that is what we'll get."

Sarah Hofmann _Daily Caller_
Mexican soccer announcers praise USA... after it defeated Panama to sustain Mexican team's standing

L. Brent Bozell iii _Town Hall_
the new nexus: leftist media and leftist "Republicans" (i.e. anti-liberal media and anti-liberal "Republicans")
Investor's Business Daily

John Ransom _Town Hall_
Yellen means more currency, more inflation, more stock market highs, more poverty

_One Old Vet_
75% of centrist Americans oppose citizenship for illegal aliens

_One Old Vet_
too much illegal immigration
Alan Caruba: Renew America

Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
summary and bill text of dirty pork-packed continuing resolution debt deal unconstitutionally initiated by stone-walling senate
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart: House and senate, while wailing disingenuously about "default", want to give $174K in tax-victim and bold-holder funds to Lautenberg's millionairess widow
Guy Benson: Town Hall
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Richard Cowan, David Lawder & Jackie Frank: Town Hall/Reuters
Alex Pappas: Daily Caller: $174K pork deal for millionairess
Iowa Dawg: $3G for projects in KY
Town Hall/AP
Alex Pappas: Daily Caller: raw budget deal blows through sequester spending limits
Becket Adams: Blaze: aide says "everyone gave their consent" to roll Lautenberg and lock & dam pork into deal (includes senate roll-call vote tally)
House roll-call (by state)
Beware, in the list linked, below, the inverted color coding with the reds blue and the true blue painted red, but then quite a few were flying false colors for this one:
House roll-call vote
senate roll-call vote

Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
moments after debt ceiling was increased, Obummer showed up with a list of things to spend on

Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Lonegan campaign investigating reports of closed polling places and other voter disenfranchisement in NJ
"the New Jersey Department of State web-site's on-line polling locator failed to work for many trying to use it for most of the day."

Andrew C. McCarthy _PJ Media_
in US senate contest in NJ, Lonegan fought the odds without help from the GOP losership
"The National Republican Senatorial Committee -- the GOP's fundraising arm for senate campaigns -- has given Lonegan no help, while Booker (helped by national Democrats, Oprah, Mark Zuckerberg, Steven Spielberg, Ben Affleck, et al.) has outraised him at an 8-to-1 clip.   Yet, Lonegan has run a spirited, highly effective campaign, fueled by the Tea Party and such conservative stars as Mark Levin, Sarah Palin and Rick Perry.   He easily bested Booker in the sparsely watched debates and has cut deeply into the Democrat's once seemingly insurmountable lead."

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
a tale of 2 senators: Rob Portman & Chuck Schumer... and 3 decades of congressional failure to enact effective enforcement provisions
"From those positions, the two men observed the assaults on worker verification proposals [work permit kkkards to be required of aliens and citizens alike] by an unusual right-left coalition that represented employers looking for access to low-wage workers, Hispanic leaders who are wary of job discrimination, and civil libertarians who warned of Big Brother intrusiveness [while actually securing the borders and actively tracking those on temporary visas have always been opposed by the feral federal government]...   Reagan said IRCA's employer sanctions program, which was built on a foundation of worker verification [work permit kkkards to be required of aliens and citizens alike], was the law's 'key-stone and element'."

Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
GOP losership is crazy if they keep surrendering to leftists on immigration
"Representative Raul Labrador (R-ID)... 'If the president is going to show the same kind of good faith effort that he's shown over the last couple of weeks, then I think it would be crazy for the House Republican leadership to enter into negotiations with them on immigration.', Labrador said.   'And I'm a proponent of immigration reform.   So, I think what he has done over the last two and a half weeks -- he's trying to destroy the Republican Party.   And I think that anything that we do right now with this president on immigration will be with that same goal in mind, which is to destroy the Republican Party and not get good policies.   Like I said earlier, we agree on things on tax reform, we agree on things on entitlement reform, there are things that we are on the same page about and if he is unwilling to negotiate on those things I don't see how he could in good faith negotiate with us on immigration.'"

Republicans say budget show-down worth the effort, blast unconstitutional, pork-packed senate bill
"The short-term senate deal would end the partial 'shut-down' and raise the debt ceiling, but do very little in the way of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Conservatives blasted the final product.   'This is a terrible deal.', Cruz said on the floor...   conservatives vowed to keep up the fight against [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   'This fight is not over.   It's really only just begun.', senator Marco Rubio, R-FL, said.   Lee said the law is a 'slow-rolling train wreck' that ultimately will have to be dealt with, pointing in part to problems with the federal government's main web-site for insurance enrollment.   Lee also blasted the senate 'deal' as 'Washington at its worse'...   'This debate and this fight will continue in the months ahead.', the Tea Party-backed Cruz told a swarm of reporters.   'Had senate Republicans united and supported House Republicans, the outcome would have been different.   People all over this country are losing the health care insurance [and privacy] they wanted and they liked.', he said."

Mark Sussman _Washington DC Times_
leftist media, lopsided dialogue and leftists drown out non-leftists' voice

Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
government over-spending and USA's spiritual illness

Don Barnett _Center for Immigration Studies_
would S744 create a whole new asylum category for the "stateless"?

John Miano, esq. _Center for Immgration Studies_
immigration reform: it shouldn't take a lawyer to apply for a visa
And it also should not require a lawyer to start a business or voluntary association...

Breanna Deutsch _Daily Caller_
Pew confirms what we've known for nearly a century: 2nd generation immigrants tend to commit more crimes than their parents

Clenard H. Childress _Renew America_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is the epitome of hypocrisy

Craig Bannister _Cybercast News Service_
spineless Republican losership needs a cure
"As [the Republican losership] agreed to end the government 'shut-down', fund [evil unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare] and raise the debt ceiling [which should be lowered], the urgent need for a charity to help shore up their ailing back-bones was brought to light.   Every 8 seconds, a conservative Republican gives in to the Socialist demands of a fanatical Democrat due to a missing, or weakened, back-bone.   But, now there's hope.   Now, there's a charity specifically dedicated to providing weak-willed [pseudo-Republicans] with the strong back-bones they need to stand up to liberal name-calling -- The Republican Spinal Fund's 'Brace for the Cure'."

_Investor's Business Daily_
reformist Republicans should make no apologies, continue to prepare victories in 2013 and 2014
"The real villains of the battle of the budget and debt ceiling are John McCain, Susan Collins and Bob Corker in the senate and Peter King in the House, not senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and not the House's Tea Party Republicans."

Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
layman's logic
"I said all that to emphasize the fact that, while I lay no claim to being an expert on the subject, I know in fact I learned in a very traumatic fashion, the simple truth that you can't spend more than you take in no matter what manner of forty dollar words and fiscal projections and computer models you use to rationalize it.   Actually, there is no verbal or theoretical mumbo jumbo that can change the fact that, when you run out of money, you're broke.   And, when you borrow to cover the short-fall, you go into debt -- and, when you borrow to pay interest on the debt, you go farther into debt.   And, no matter how long you're able to put it off, a day of reckoning is looming and inevitable.   Kick-the-can has long been the game of choice in Washington as parties and politicians seek temporary financial fixes and makeshift delays to keep the news that would reflect badly on them from surfacing before an election.   Well, the can is worn out, as well as the excuses, the blame game and the veil that have been pulled across America's eyes so many times by both parties.   There is an unavoidable day of pain coming and, the longer the politicians can put it off, the more painful it's going to be."

judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Washington DC Times_
a rising torrent of over-spending, debt, and destruction
World Net Daily
Jewish World Review
"From 1917 April to 1919 November, when president Woodrow Wilson borrowed $30G to pay for World War 1, he was able to do so because of the promise he made to lenders that the commitment to repay them would be backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.   At the time, the government's total debt was about $14G, so Wilson's painful gambit tripled it [and total spending from 1789 to that date was in the neighborhood of $20G, according to the census bureau's _Historical Statistics_].   In reality, it was not the full faith and credit of the federal government that promised to repay; it was not the creditworthiness of the federal government at stake; it was not the federal government that paid back the money that was borrowed.   That's because the government has no credit or creditworthiness or disposable wealth.   Only the [tax-victims] have that...   [Today] The lenders are quick to make their loans, because the feds have never failed to extract the cash from [tax-victims] or borrow more in their names to pay the debt service.   Presidents and congresses don't worry about paying back the principal or paying the debt service as long as they can continue to borrow more in order to do so.   As absurd as it sounds, the federal government borrows money in order to pay the debt service on money it has already borrowed and spent.   Is it any wonder that today the [federal] government's debt has reached $17T [about 17 times the total federal government spending from 1789 through 1902]?"

2013-10-16 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
racial trade-offs (part 2)
Town Hall
"Today white teen unemployment is about 20%, while that for blacks is about 40% and more than 50% in some cities.   In 1948, the unemployment rate of black 16-year-old and 17-year-old males was 9.4%, while that of whites was 10.2%.   Up until the late 1950s, both black teens and black adults were more active in the labor market than their white counterparts.   In fact, in 1910, 71% of black males older than 9 were employed, compared with 51% for whites.   As early as 1890, the duration of unemployment among blacks was shorter than it was among whites, whereas today unemployment is both higher and longer-lasting among blacks than among whites.   It would be sheer lunacy to attempt to explain these more favorable employment statistics by suggesting that during earlier periods, blacks faced less racial discrimination.   What best explains the loss of teenage employment opportunities are increases in minimum wage laws.   There's little dispute within the economics profession that higher minimum wages discriminate against the employment of the least skilled worker.   Such a demographic is disproportionately represented by black teenagers...   During the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act legislative debates, quite a few congressmen expressed their racist intentions, such as representative Miles Allgood, D-AL, who said: 'Reference has been made to a contractor from Alabama who went to New York with bootleg labor.   This is a fact.   That contractor has cheap colored labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country.'   Representative John Cochran, D-MO, said he had 'received numerous complaints...about Southern contractors employing low-paid colored mechanics getting work and bringing the employees from the South'.   Representative William Upshaw, D-GA, spoke of the 'super-abundance or large aggregation of Negro labor'.   American Federation of Labor president William Green complained, 'Colored labor is being sought to demoralize wage rates.'   Though today's Davis-Bacon supporters don't use the same language, the racially discriminatory effects are the same."

_Town Hall_
Steve Kelley: "Washington Redskins" vs. "Washington Red Inks"
Michael Ramirez: being offended

Christopher Westley _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
pro-union, crony-socialist thinking dooms another employer

The Republican losership once again, over the emphatic objections of their base, snatched total defeat from the jaws of victory.
Proposed Bills 2013

  "The closest thing there is to a world democratic government is the UN General Assembly, where each member state gets a vote and where, as a result, the Third World commands a substantial majority of the votes.   (Of course, the national representatives to the General Assembly are usually not democratically elected.)   And indeed, one finds in the General Assembly precisely the anti-USA and anti-market reactions that America's market-dominance would be expected to produce.   These reactions range from Resolutions #3281 in 1974, which purported to expand the authority of member states to 'regulate', 'supervise', and 'expropriate' mult-national corporations within the jurisdiction (the vote was 120 to 6, with the dissenters being 5 Western European countries and the USA), to the 2001 May ouster of the USA from the UN Commission on Human Rights (while Sudan [which still has slavery] and Sierra Leone, for example, remain members)." --- Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pp238-239  



David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration problems through the looking glass -- USA and Belize
"So here we have a cabinet member, Godwin Hulse, ineffectively, trying to limit illegal immigration to his Third World country, but many members of his staff are not cooperating.   Meanwhile, here, in the First World, we have exactly the opposite situation: the field staff of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], as represented by their unions, want to enforce the current immigration law and the political [losership] is moving in the opposite direction.   For example, see these statements by Chris Crane, head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] workers' union, and Kenneth Palinkas, who holds a similar position with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] officers' union.   They want to enforce the law as it stands, and oppose efforts to change it via [reprehensible immigration law perversion]."

Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
pres. Obummer wants to ram through citizenship for illegal aliens and more exessive legal immigration

Romina Boccia _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt congressional deal corrects nothing

John Ransom _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is stupid

Larry Elder _Town Hall_
what schools do public school teachers' own children attend?
World Net Daily
Investor's Business Daily
Jewish World Review
"About 11% of all parents -- nationwide, rural and urban -- send their children to private schools.   The numbers are much higher in urban areas.   One study found that in Philadelphia a staggering 44% of public school teachers send their own kids to private schools.   In Cincinnati 41%, and in Chicago 39% of public school teachers pay for a private school education for their children.   In Rochester, New York, it's 38%.   In Baltimore it's 35%, San Francisco is 34% and New York-Northeastern New Jersey is 33%.   In Los Angeles nearly 25% of public school teachers send their kids to private school versus 16% of Angelenos who do so."

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
un-taxed and over-paid IMF bureaubums recommend that over-taxed Americans pay even more

Grae Stafford _Daily Caller_
Syrian forces captured US sat-comm gear from terrorists, but why was it there? Who authorized it?

Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Cruz: "lousy deal"; Lee: "missed opportunity"

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer: my refusals to negotiate and extremist vitriol show value of bi-partisan harmony

2013-10-17 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 357,041 in the week ending October 12, an increase of 20,902 from the previous week.   There were 362,730 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 1.9% during the week ending October 5, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,418,329, a decrease of 56,979 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.2% and the volume was 2,753,759.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending September 28 was 3,928,697, a decrease of 82,725 from the previous week.   There were 5,001,985 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending September 28...   States reported 1,379,118 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending September 28, a decrease of 46,366 from the prior week.   There were 2,098,793 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
"defining down" immigration law enforcement

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's useful idiots... and crony socialist slush fund beneficiaries

"Iowa Dawg"
How ObummerDoesn'tCare cheats the "working class": Republican losership falls for this every blasted time

Liz Klimas _Blaze_
mothers object to Communist Corpse privacy violations and "big business" intrusions in schools

Billy Hallowell _Blaze_
assigned to write about their "idol", student's rejected paper about God raised 1st amendment conflict

Erica Ritz _Blaze_
leftist propaganda machine seeks to re-write history, indoctrinate children (with video)
"two groups, the first called 'Imagining America' and the second called 'The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture'.   The latter isn't actually a body of the United States government...   Among the topics the individuals were caught on tape discussing was the fair redistribution of wealth...   Imagining America was created by Bill Clinton, and that its membership now includes roughly 90 universities including Columbia University, Brown University, the University of Chicago, and more.   Many receive funds from the Soros-linked Tides Foundation,...in addition to various government grants...   [Beck noted] 'The facts that we have shown you tell you that you already were indoctrinated, but now we're going to take this to a whole new level...   We have got to start putting our best minds together and look for a big picture.   We're talking about, Can we save the sequester of 2%.   They're talking about changing the world!...   the answer is not going to come from Washington [DC].'...   Pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)... 'My message is the pulpit is responsible, like Charles Finney said it very clearly -- he was one of the leaders in the Second Great Awakening -- if evil prevails in the halls of Congress, the pulpit is responsible for it.   If we have moral decay in our society, the pulpit is responsible for it.   As shepherds, we have a greater responsibility to be leaders, not to be following.'   But despite the challenges, Cruz said he is not discouraged and referenced a verse in the book of Proverbs that says though the righteous falls seven times, he gets up again."

shocked leftist researcher at Yale found Tea Partiers & religious know as much or more about science than leftists & non-religious
Tal Kopan: Politico
Erica Ritz: Blaze
Dan Kahan: Cultural Cognition: some data on education, religiosity, ideology, and comprehension of science

Matt Ridley
why climate change is good for the world

Kip Hansen
when does trend predict future values?

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Infosys is settling visa abuse dispute, faces new class action suit
"In the class action suit, 4 IT and sales people broadly claim that Infosys, an India-based IT services provider, has a U.S. work-force that consists of roughly 90% South Asian, primarily Indian, citizens.   The lopsided work-force is a result of 'intentional employment discrimination', the law-suit alleges.   The plaintiffs use their own experiences to make the case.   The class action law-suit was originally filed in August by Wisconsin IT professional Brenda Koehler, who claims she was discriminated against when Infosys hired a Bangladeshi worker over her.   The law-suit was recently amended, adding 3 other workers who allege discrimination in some manner.   Although filed as a class action, the law-suit has not yet been certified by the court as one.   One of them, Layla Bolten was employed by Infosys to work on the District of Columbia's $49.5M health benefit exchange system for [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   lnfosys won a contract for the project.   Bolten was hired as a tester, a lesser position than a test lead post.   The 'vast majority of test lead positions were filled by South Asian workers, individuals with 'considerably less experience with software testing', the law-suit alleges.   Bolten sought a job promotion on multiple occasions, but says Infosys promoted, South Asian workers instead, it says.   The vendor also brought in less experienced visa holders to work on the project, the law-suit alleges.   Bolten was 'harassed because she was not Indian, and her supervisors excluded her from work conversations by speaking Hindi', the law-suit charges."

2013-10-17 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Ecclesiasted on a bicycle

2013-10-17 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Obummer has again failed to follow good advice

2013-10-17 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
the problem is the federal government debt, not the debt ceiling (with graph and a cartoon)
"For [70] years, under Republicans and Democratics alike, congress has repeatedly chosen to [not have or] to lift the federal debt limit rather than control spending and decrease the [federal government] debt.   investors -- or for that matter anyone with a Mastercard or a home-equity line of credit -- know perfectly well that the Treasury is not going to welsh on its debt obligations.   Hitting a credit-card limit doesn't mean a borrower has become a dead-beat; it means he has to pay down some of the principal before making new charges on that card.   The more of his debt he pays off, the more his credit score improves.   In similar fashion, the federal government will not be forced to stiff its bond-holders if congress doesn't raise the statutory debt limit this week.   Granted, it will only be able to spend what it collects in taxes.   But the IRS takes in around $2.3T per year, or about 10 times the amount needed to 'service' the nation's nearly $17T national debt...   The real threat to America's national interest isn't a debt ceiling that won't go up.   It's a national debt that won't stop going up."

Shawn Ritenour _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
government "shut-downs", the "debt ceiling", and the USA federal government's mountain of debt
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Between the first notion of [your subject] and the final draft you will probably modify your conception more than once." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg15  



David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
corporate founders and bogus statistical procedures

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Infosys reports possible losses from biased hiring policies

Mark Davis _Americans for Legal Immigration PAC_
10 biggest lies the media told us during the latest ObummerDoesn'tCare/federal government budget show-down
Town Hall

_Conservative HQ_
amnesty may be the GOP losership's next betrayal of the base and US citizens in general (with cartoon)
"To defeat the push to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens limited government constitutional conservatives and others who wish to preserve American exceptionalism must be prepared to double or triple the effort they made to stiffen the spines of Capitol Hill Republicans during the recent budget battle."

Liz Klimas _Blaze_
WM employee fired for defending woman being assaulted in WM parking lot?
USA Today/Gannett/AP
"A spokeswoman for the company told the Associated Press they understand Oswald had good intentions, but he still violated the company's policy against violence."
London Daly Mail
"Mr. Oswald said he was in his car on his break from his job stocking shelves about 02:30 Sunday when he saw a man grabbing a young woman.   It appeared that he was trying to stop her from leaving the parking lot, Mr. Oswald said.   He said he asked her if she needed help and the man started punching him in the head and yelled that he was going to kill him."

2013-10-18 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Yochonon Donn _Jewish World Review_
Republican candidate's visit to Congregation Shomer Shabbos synagogue causes storm among leftist media
"As he walked through Boro Park's business district on Wednesday afternoon, Lhota, having just come from meeting a Chassidic delegation where the same 'booted' women participated, made an impromptu stop to take a peek at a neighborhood land-mark, Congregation Shomer Shabbos.   The store-front synagogue -- they have those in Brooklyn -- is truly unique in it offers prayer services nearly around the clock.   Out of respect -- and of his own volition -- Lhota voluntarily decided to don a yarmulke.   When he walked in, there were no stares.   The shul's approximately dozen denizens were all davening (praying).   Along with Lhota and his mostly male entourage, were a female NYPD officer, a female aide and Erin Durkin, a New York Daily News reporter.   Since the congregation was at prayer, the group were politely asked to separate for a few moments until after Lhota emerged.   Apparently given the nature of the unscheduled peeking and the candidate's limited schedule there wasn't sufficient time for the women to go to the lady's section."

2013-10-18 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
pres. Obummer seems positively giddy about genocidal, nuclear weapons-developing mullocracy of Iran
"The statements from the Obama administration and the EU following the closing of the first round of talks all made clear that Geneva 2013 is Munich 1938...   The only problem with all these exciting developments is that all the 'serious Iranian proposals' would result in the same outcome: a nuclear-armed Iran.   There was nothing in the Iranian proposals that could give anyone any reason whatsoever to believe that Iran is serious about stopping its nuclear weapons development program.   Indeed, the only thing we learned this week is that like the Allied powers in 1938, the Obama administration and the Europeans have no stomach for a confrontation and are willing to dress up appeasement of a dangerous foe as 'peace' and 'progress'.   The Iranians have given no indication that they would be willing to suspend all uranium enrichment."

Paul Homewood
Mark Walport's UK energy fantasy does not add up

Willis Eschenbach
area of snow extent, weekly

David Lordkipanidze, Marcia S. Ponce de León, Ann Margvelashvili, Yoel Rak, G. Philip Rightmire, Abesalom Vekua, Christoph P. E. Zollikofer _AAAS Science_
skull found in Dmanisi republic of Georgia and evolutionary biology
Natasha Pinol: AAAS EurkAlert
Science News
Dina Spector: Slate (pictures)
Manchester Guardian (video)
"excavations at the archaeological site at Dmanisi, Georgia, have revealed hominin fossils from the earliest Pleistocene, soon after the genus Homo first dispersed beyond Africa...   documenting the presence of Homo outside Africa around 1.8M years ago...   the differences between these Dmanisi fossils are no more pronounced than those between 5 modern humans or 5 chimpanzees...   early, diverse Homo fossils, with their origins in Africa, actually represent variation among members of a single, evolving lineage—most appropriately, Homo erectus...   'Had the brain-case and the face of Skull 5 been found as separate fossils at different sites in Africa, they might have been attributed to different species.'...   Given their diverse physical traits, the fossils associated with Skull 5 at Dmanisi can be compared to various Homo fossils, including those found in Africa, dating back to about 2.4M years ago, as well as others unearthed in Asia and Europe, which are dated between 1.8M and 1.2M years ago...   The braincase of Skull 5 is only about 33.3 cubic inches (546 cubic centimeters), however, which suggests that this early Homo had a small brain despite his modern human-like limb proportions and body size...   Skull 5 seemingly indicates that, rather than several ecologically specialized Homo species, a single Homo species—able to cope with a variety of ecosystems—emerged from the African continent.   And accordingly, our classification system for these early human ancestors may never be the same."
2009-09-09: Andy Coghlan: New Scientist

Joseph F. Cotto _Washington DC Times_
threat of legislated amnesty for illegal aliens is back
"Californians for Population Stabilization [CAPS] executive director Jo Wideman told The Washington Times Communities earlier this year 'Excessive immigration is responsible for unemployment, under-employment and depressed wages and working conditions, not just for the working class (e.g., janitors, dry-wall hangers, gardeners and construction workers) but increasingly, for high-tech professions, such as IT and engineering, as well.'...   Dan Stein, the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform [FAIR], explained to TWTC last summer.   'In reality, immigration laws exist to protect the vital interests of the people of the United States and, only then, to ensure the orderly admission of people we choose to open our doors to.'   Illegal immigration hurts America.   It is almost impossible not to see the obvious, but personal biases often lead us away from our best interests.   Hopefully enough constituents will make their voices heard so that House Republicans reject the Gang of 8's B.S. without hesitation.   What could be more in line with the American Way?"

Olga Khazan _Atlantic_
what's behind the notoriety of the "bad Indian coder"
"Of course, there's a reason that Indian code always seems to be the target: The country dominates as a destination for Americans' out-sourced 'IT' work -- taking up 65% of the U.S. out-sourced 'IT' market in 2008 -- all carried out by an educated, English-speaking young people who toil for 30% to 40% of the cost of an American developer.   Some estimates hold that IBM now has more workers in India than in the U.S.A."

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
GOP grass-roots unite to block immigration disaster
"An Oct. 17 letter from more than 100 conservative leaders and tea party activists...says the senate bill is so flawed that it would create a disaster for Americans, even if it is merged with a perfect House immigration bill.   'We ask you to make a public commitment that the House of Representatives will not conference any House immigration bill with any version of the senate immigration, or engage in any informal negotiations to do so.', reads the one-page letter, which is accompanied by three pages of signatures from conservatives, tea party leaders and immigration reform groups...   The signers include Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots, Mike Needham from Heritage Action, and Phyllis Schlafly from the Eagle Forum.   The immigration groups who signed the letter include NumbersUSA and the Federation for American Immigration Reform [FAIR]."

_News Max_/_Agence French Presse_
British government sends 40K messages to illegal aliens, telling them to leave
"It recalled a similar Home Office campaign in July in which posters were displayed in London asking: 'In the UK illegally?   Go home or face arrest.'"

Rand Paul _Washington DC Times_
the real problem remains: a $17T debt and a president who continues to pile on new debt at a rate of $1M a minute

Mark Steyn _Investor's Business Daily_
without a meaningful course correction back from ObummerTopia to constitutional principles, the USA is doomed
Proposed Bills 2013

  "If government resting on consent is Lockean, 17th-century New England fits the description not only better than the Chesapeake but better than most of the Western world, including England, at the time." --- Edmund Sears Morgan 2004 _The Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America_ pg49  



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
What does this have to do with the Civial War or the Shenandoah Valley?
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Jan Pieterszoon Coen, a bellicose young man who had no illusions about the relationship between commerce and coercion.   As Coen himself put it: 'We cannot make war without trade [to supply, equip and pay the troops], nor trade without war [to defend our ships and other transportation or to destroy those of our competition].'" --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg135  



Katie McHugh _Daily Caller_
ObummerDoesn'tCare seeks to segregate patients and doctors by race

Wynton Hall _Breitbart_
congress-critters abuse slush funds to bank-roll lavish life-styles
"On Sunday, a 60 Minutes investigative report by veteran CBS reporter Steve Kroft and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer revealed how 'leadership PAC' loop-holes allow members of congress to convert campaign cash into lavish life-style up-grades for themselves and their family members...   Representative Rob Andrews (D-NJ), for example, tapped his wife, a lawyer and an associate law dean at Rutgers School of Law-Camden, to be a PAC compliance officer for his leadership PAC.   She approved the use of donor dollars to fly her, representative Andrews, and their two daughters to Edinburgh, Scotland for a wedding at a posh resort.   Andrews's leadership PAC paid $16,575 in airfare.   His campaign committee picked up the rest of the tab, which was slightly under $14K.   Schweizer says Andrews's leadership PAC even paid for the wedding gift, which was china from Bloomingdale's.   Andrews and his wife even merged a campaign event with their daughter's graduation party, allowing them to combine the costs of the two events, even though the PAC did not pick up the entire bill...   Representative Gregory Meeks (D-NY) attempted to use $6,230 in campaign funds to pay for a personal trainer.   Meeks's staff claimed using campaign money for a fitness instructor is a legitimate expense, because gym visits alleviate stress from Meeks's 'official duties'.   The investigation also revealed that Meeks has used $35,000 from his leadership PAC on NFL games.   senator Saxby Chambliss's (R-GA) leadership PAC dropped $107,752 at the Breakers resort in Palm Beach during the 2012 election cycle.   That is over 3 times as much money as he gave the National Republican Senatorial Committee to get fellow Republicans elected.   One year, Chambliss spent nearly one-third of his entire leadership PAC funds on golf, limos, and at least one private jet ride.   His leadership PAC also picked up a $26,814 dinner tab at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and $10,344 at Pebble Beach."

"Just the Facts"
Antarctic sea ice didn't get the memo that it was supposed to melt

Philip Mulholland
the oceanic central heating effect

Michel Garfinkiel _PJ Media_
exodus of Jews from France

Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
families of SEAL team 6 members suspect helicopter crash was an inside job
"the father of one of the 30 Americans who died 2011 Aug. 6, in the flash of a rocket-propelled grenade, asks himself whether his son, Michael, was set up by someone inside the Afghan government wanting revenge on Osama bin Laden's killers -- SEAL Team 6."

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
Ted Cruz receive 8-minute standing ovation from Texans
"Cruz registered a 74% favorability rating against an 8% unfavorability rating among Tea Party Republicans, and a 56% favorability rating among non-Tea Party Republicans, according to a Pew Research Center poll released last week."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "You must keep seeing [your subect] at every moment of fact-gathering and of composition." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg15  



Matthew Vadum _Front Page Magazine_
George Soros's illegal alien guerrilla activists

Joe Saunders _Biz PAC Review_
ICE council leader turns up heat on Obummer immigration scandal
"Crane said president Obama's selective enforcement of the law -- halting deportations of illegal aliens who meet certain conditions -- is a scandal on par with the IRS targeting of conservative groups and the coverup of the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi."

Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
conservative Madison Project PAC launches ad criticizing Mitch McConnell for caving in to the left

Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
60% of Americans say John Boehner must go
"The survey, a CNN/IRC International poll conducted between Friday and Sunday...   [OTOH], 54% of respondents aren't happy that the GOP controls the House"

Linda M. Linonis _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Conservative Rebba, Naomi Levy, founder of Jewish out-reach group to speak in Youngstown

2013-10-21 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
would today's extreme leftist Dems embrace JFK?
Town Hall
"The 35th president was an ardent tax-cutter who championed across-the-board, top-to-bottom reductions in personal and corporate tax rates, slashed tariffs to promote free trade, and even spoke out against the confiscatory property taxes being levied in too many cities.   He was anything but a big-spending, welfare-state liberal.   'I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort.', Kennedy bluntly asserted during the 1960 campaign.   It was a message he memorably restated in his inaugural address: 'And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.'   One of his first acts as president was to institute a pay cut for top White House staffers, and that was only the start of his budgetary austerity.   'To the surprise of many of his appointees', long-time aide Ted Sorensen would later write, he 'personally scrutinized every agency request with a cold eye and encouraged his budget director to say no.'   OTOH, he was a Cold War anti-communist who aggressively increased military spending.   He faulted his Republican predecessor for tailoring the nation's military strategy to fit the budget, rather than the other way around.   'We must refuse to accept a cheap, second-best defense.', JFK said during his run for the White House.   He made good on that pledge, pushing defense spending to 50% of federal expenditures and 9% of GDP, both far higher than today's levels.   Speaking in Texas just hours before his death, he proudly took credit for building the US military into 'a defense system second to none'."

Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
GOP losership should not have surrendered to Obummer, notes Tom Delay

Elliot Jager _News Max_
corrupt GOP losership should not have conspired with Obummer
"Disloyal Republicans are enabling president Barack Obama to march the country toward socialism while denouncing senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and tea party-aligned House members who have been trying to defund [ObummerDoesn'tCare], Palin charged.   Establishment GOP politicians failed to use the power of the purse to halt Obamacare's implementation.   Instead, 'they balked, waved the white flag, and joined the lapdog media in trashing the good guys who fought for us', Palin wrote.   She challenged the Republican establishment to unite behind conservative grassroots efforts to block [ObummerDoesn'tCare] before it is too late.   She warned that [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is part of a phased plan toward socialized medicine and raised the prospect that the system's much-lamented computer glitches could be part of a purposeful scheme to accelerate that process.   According to Palin, radical and unprecedented, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] for now manifests itself as a form of corporatism -- a collusion of big government with big business -- but the ultimate destination is socialized medicine.   Run by faceless bureaucrats, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is designed to ignore actuarial data, offer fewer choices, fewer doctors, at inflated costs, with high deductibles and sky-rocketing premiums even for those who can dodge [ObummerDoesn'tCare] exchanges...   Palin declared that the conservative grassroots [is] rising up against corruption in support of economic freedom and limited government.   She challenged the GOP establishment to join the battle or be swept aside."

2013-10-21 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
USA (and especially Obummer and the Republican losership) is going in the wrong direction
Town Hall
"A recent Gallup poll shows 18% of Americans satisfied with the way the country is being governed.   For a little perspective, this stood at 26% in mid-1973 in the midst of the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of the president of the United States.   Early in 2009, shortly after president Barack Obama was elected, 56% expressed satisfaction with our government.   It's just been downhill since then.   According to a new Economist/YouGov poll, 15% say the country is going in the right direction and 74% say it is on the wrong track.   Americans may have different opinions about what is wrong with the country.   But there is plenty of agreement that the patient is sick.   Broad opposition to the health care law continues.   A new Associated Press/GFK poll finds 28% favor the health-care law and 38% oppose.   16% strongly support and 29% strongly oppose."

2013-10-21 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
business as usual resumes, and that is the problem
"Everyone knew the Republican [losership] were going to fold.   Folding is what [recent] Republican [loserships] do.   John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are so good at folding Obama should hire them as White House valets."

2013-10-21 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
James A. Fussel _Jewish World Review_
SF inspires technological development

2013-10-21 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Jonathan Rosenblum _Jewish World Review_
Orthodox Jews worry about others drifting away, inter-faith marriages

John Ransom _Town Hall_
news highlights

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Obummer/Holder DoJ gives grenades to Mexican drug cartels
"Late last week news broke of a connection between grenades illegally trafficked from the U.S.A. into Mexico by Jean Baptiste Kingery and the murder of Mexican police officers...   BATFE agents had a full confession from Kingery stating that he was supplying grenades to Mexican cartels after trafficking parts to build them once inside the country.   BATFE agents had plenty of evidence, wanted him prosecuted and even described him as a terrorist.   'At no point did BATFE ever knowingly let this guy walk grenades.   He never had live grenades while he was under surveillance.   The stuff he had is not illegal in the United States.   The only time it is illegal is when it's crossing the border.', special-agent Peter Forcelli said.   'They were just parts, they weren't whole grenades.'   At one point, Kingery was arrested by BATFE agents as he tried to cross into Mexico, but the case was dropped by the Department of Justice under orders from former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke and former Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Hurley...   ' Eventually, Kingery was arrested by ATF agents as he tried to cross into Mexico with grenade parts and components packed in his tires.   Forcelli received a full-blown confession from Kingery.   The suspect reportedly admitted that he had been making grenades for the cartels and smuggling explosives across an international border.   Instead of a prosecution from Burke of Hurley, they dismissed the case and Kingery went free.'...   'Despite the existence of 'probable cause' in many cases, there were no indictments, no prosecutions, and criminals were allowed to walk free.   In short, their office policies, in my opinion, helped pave a dangerous path.'...   DoJ attorneys Burke and Hurley set him free and ignored the case for years, resulting in the murders of multiple Mexican police officers last week.   Kingery is now being held and prosecuted in Mexico by Mexican authorities after his grenade mill and factory was located near Mazatlan.   After a search warrant was executed, authorities found Kingery had trafficked enough material to build 800-1K grenades.   He's facing 40 years in a Mexican prison.   The Office of the Inspector General [OIG] is conducting an investigation into how the Kingery case was handled, it's expected to be released soon."

Terry Paulson _Town Hall_
end the 80 years of fiscal insanity... and the century of monetary insanity

Rich Galen _Town Hall_
sell the UN

Larry Kudlow _Daily Caller_
Republicans must oppose Obummer's insane, hard-line extreme leftist fiscal strategy

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Marianas Variety reported "fire Americans first" action at Guam ShipYards
"Guam Shipyard employs 233 U.S. workers and 70 H-2 [guest-workers].   The 151 workers laid off were U.S. citizens and permanent residents."

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Tom Donohue & US Chamber of Crony Socialists want an increase in harmful and already vastly excessive immigration
We already have about 140 times the reasonable levels of immigration and guest-work and foreign students, and they want to increase that to 400 times what is reasonable...jgo

Chris Yakymyshyn
do the math on solar panels

Karl Leif Bates _AAAS_/_EurekAlert_
babies' innate number sense predicts future math skill

Peter Brimelow _V Dare_
Why Americans aren't allowed to talk, publish, communicate via mass media about excessive immigration

_Conservative HQ_
immigration and environmental hypocrisy
"The next video in our Short Course on the dangers and cost of amnesty and open borders explains how unchecked immigration is undermining the quality of life for American citizens and how it conflicts with environmental goals."

Julia Fridman _Ha Aretz_
wealth of kings varied over time in ancient Canaan: archaeologists found large, surprisingly ascetic palace at Tel Kabri (premium content)
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Likewise, while political favoritism is a frequent, exacerbating problem in societies with a market-dominant minority, such favoritism tends to be more the consequence than the cause of market dominance.   Most market-dominant minorities, whether the Bamileke in Cameroon or Indians in Fiji, are disproportionately economically successful in every level of society, including small traders, retailers, and shop-keepers with no political connections whatsoever.   Further, many market-dominant minorities have been successful notwithstanding long histories of official discrimination against them.   This is certainly true of the Chinese in SouthEast Asia, Lebanese in West Africa, and Jews almost everywhere." --- Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pg265  



Terry Ponick _Washington DC Times_
joblessness in ObummerNation
more graphs
civilian, non-institutionalized, working-age population 2013 Sep (M = millions)
LNU00000001 (men): 118.807M
LNU00000002 (women): 127.361M
LNU00000006 (blacks): 30.452M
LNU00000000 (total): 246.168M
employed/population ratios
LNU02300001 (men): 64.6% (35.4% not employed)
LNU02300002 (women): 53.3% (46.7% not employed)
LNU02300006 (blacks): 53.1% (46.9% not employed)
LNU02300000 (total): 58.8% (41.2% not employed)
LNU01300001 LFPR (men): 69.7% (labor force participation rate)
LNU01300000 LFPR (total): 63.2%
NILF (total): 90.632M (not in labor force)
jobs deficit based on historical employment/population ratios
men: 24.4M
women: 5.6M
blacks: 9.9M
total: 30.0M

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
S744 can't be redeemed (part 1)

Willis Eschenbach
journal editors/publishers not following their announced data policies: trust, don't verify is the de facto rule in many cases
Judith Curry
2013-10-19: Economist: to an alarming degree "science" as practice is not self-correcting
2013-10-19: Economist: how science goes wrong

2013-10-22 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer the irresponsible

2013-10-22 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
race-hustling results (part 1)
Town Hall
News Max

John Bachman & Nick Tate _News Max_
chocolate protects against Alzheimer's
"people who drank 2 cups of hot cocoa a day had improved memory and blood flow to the brain...   18 of the 60 participants had impaired neurovascular coupling problems at the start of the study, but after drinking the high-potency coco, it had improved by 8.3%.   They also scored better on memory tests.   Dr. Small notes that chocolate isn't the only source of antioxidants.   Many vegetables and fruits -- including strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables -- are packed with the beneficial compounds."

Tim Ball
lack of data, for all phases of water, guarantees that UN IPCC projections will be incorrect

Anthony Watts
NASA announced new record increase in Antarctic sea ice extent

Chuck Norris _Town Hall_
slavery must still be fought
World Net Daily
"Reuters reported last week, 'Some 30M people are enslaved worldwide, trafficked into brothels, forced into manual labour, victims of debt bondage or even born into servitude.'   A percentage is represented in all 162 countries, with almost half being in India...   almost 300K American children are at risk for trafficking...   In July, however, the FBI conducted raids in 76 cities, arrested 150 pimps and rescued 105 children from their sexual and abusive rings -- the youngest of whom was only 9 years old.   The Blaze reported that 'Detroit saw the most pimps arrested, while the largest numbers of children rescued were in San Francisco, Detroit, Milwaukee, Denver and New Orleans.'"

Mark Krikorian _National Review_

"President Obama and the Democrats think they have momentum to browbeat the House into passing some version of the Schumer-Rubio[Corker-Hoeven] amnesty [S744] that was approved by the senate in June...   That Trojan-horse legislation is HR1417, the Border Security Results Act of 2013, authored by representative Mike McCaul (R-TX), chairman of the committee.   But the first sign of trouble comes when you note one name on the list of the bill's original co-sponsors: representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), a vice chairman of the Congressional [Radical Leftist] Caucus."

John Hawkins _Town Hall_
the Republican losership hand-book

John Ransom _Town Hall_
Obummer's extortion scheme, ObummerTerror
"This abuse by all politicians, is, in a nut-shell, the reason why our Republic, based upon limited government, is supposed to, you know, limit the powers of the government."

John Ransom _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is death panel for the American Dream

Rand Paul _News Max_
expensive ObummerDoesn'tCare insurance plans hurt Americans

Robert Higgs _Daily Caller_
federal government over-spending and regime uncertainty

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
IRS erroneously paid out $132.6G in tax credits since 2003, $13.6G in FY2013
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Kenric Ward: Biz PAC Review: IRS paid illegal aliens $4.2G

Barry Farber _World Net Daily_
why senator Ted Cruz so inflames the left (and the GOP losership)

Christopher Monckton _World Net Daily_
sound money to replace Fed scrip

Tom Breen _U Conn Today_
spread in range of academic excellence is growing among American students
"highest-performing American students are disproportionately white and wealthy... The report, which uses data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress and state assessments, shows that while the percentage of white students scoring at the advanced level in Grade 4 mathematics increased from 2.9% to 9% between 1996 and 2011, the percentage of high-scoring black students barely budged, reaching 1.1%^ in 2011. The changes in math scores based on economic background were even more dramatic, with students who were ineligible for free or reduced-price lunches improving from 3.1% in the advanced range in 1996 to 11.4% in 2011. Less affluent students, meanwhile, went from 0.3% scoring in the advanced range to 1.8%."
U of CT center for education policy analysis

Sarah Mancoll _AAAS_/_EurekAlert_
spacial, written language skills predict math competence

David A. Patten _News Max_
Richard Viguerie predicts wide-spread defeat of GOP losership in 2014 elections
"Movement-conservative icon, author, and direct-market pioneer Richard Viguerie threw down the gauntlet to establishment Republicans and the GOP leadership Tuesday, charging that conservatives 'have been betrayed, abandoned by our leaders, and that includes Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy, [and] Reince Priebus at the Republican National Committee'...   Republicans who voted to end the 'shut-down' on terms favorable to president Barack Obama and the Democrats will face major primary opposition in 2014...   'We need to primary every single one of these big government Republicans', he said, 'including Lamar Alexander, Mitch McConnell, [and] Thad Cochran down in Mississippi is being challenged.   I hope John Cornyn in Texas is primaried, and of course John Boehner is going to be primaried.   I predict Eric Cantor will receive...[a] limited government, constitutional-conservative challenge, [and] maybe [House majority-whip] Kevin McCarthy, a key person there, [and possibly] Pete Sessions from Texas."
Richard Viguerie's Conservative HQ

Michael W. Cutler _Californians for Population Stabilization_
the negative impact of immigration law perversion on STEM professionals
"Most news organizations have created the impression that [S744] is strictly about providing millions of illegal aliens with amnesty.   I have noted on many occasions how Comprehensive Immigration [Perversion] would undermine national security by providing millions of illegal aliens with identity documents even though their true identities cannot be verified.   This violates the findings and recommendations of the 2001/09/11 Commission and common sense...   The bottom line is that by importing hundreds of thousands of additional high-tech workers the wages of all workers in those industries would be reduced.   The outrage is that Greenspan referred to highly skilled Americans as the 'privileged elite' who were, in his opinion, earning unacceptable 'wage premiums'.   Comprehensive Immigration [perversion] would deliver what Greenspan asked for and then some.   S744 also contains a provision that would, for the first time, permit the dependents of H-1B foreign workers to be granted full employment authorization in the United States in any job or industry that they have qualifications to work in.   This would provide these foreign workers with an equal standing in the overflowing labor pool with American and lawful immigrant workers.   Countries that send us their workers receive billions of American dollars in remittances.   Last year India reportedly received approximately $60G in remittances from countries, including the United States, and they seek to increase this windfall in the coming years.   Comprehensive Immigration [Perversion] will make this goal a reality, increasing un-employment and under-employment of American workers and leading still more money to be siphoned off of the U.S. economy, increasing our national debt and deficits.   A couple of year ago 'Dan Rather Reports' focused on the practice of American companies firing their American 'IT' workers, replacing them with 'IT' worker from India in an eye-opening, hour-long program entitled: 'Dan Rather Reports: No thanks for everything'.   In his report, Rather noted that the DHS has no real idea as to how many foreign workers with H1-B visas are currently working in the United States.   Estimates, according to Rather, range from 600K to 1M.   Even if more jobs are ultimately created in the United States, Comprehensive Immigration Reform will all but guarantee that they will be filled by foreign workers.   The only thing exceptional about these workers is that they are willing to work for exceptionally low wages."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "As a metaphor it is not susceptible to empirical confirmation.   The 'social historians' who have attempted to deal with New England's past by counting births, marriages, and deaths, by comparing tax lists and church records and court cases, will find little here with which they can make contact, just as they have found little in Miller to interest them and have attempted to supersede his work by ignoring it.   But it is at the level of metaphor and unprovable insight that intellectual history becomes most exciting to those who see in it a way of understanding ourselves." --- Edmund Sears Morgan 2004 _The Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America_ pp38-39  



425-10-23: Valentinian III is elevated as Roman emperor, at the age of 6
1642-10-23: battle of Edgehill: first major battle of the First English Civil War
1861-10-23: president Abraham Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus in Washington, DC, for all military-related cases
1983-10-23 practitioners of that "religion of peace" use a a truck bomb to attack the U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut, killing 241 U.S. Marines. Also: A French army barracks in Lebanon is also hit that same morning, killing 58 troops

2013-10-23 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
loving and hating the USA
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"As I've documented in the past, many leftist teachers teach our youngsters to hate our country.   For example, University of Hawaii Professor Haunani-Kay Trask counseled her students, 'We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is.   The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it.'   Some universities hire former terrorists to teach and indoctrinate students.   Kathy Boudin, former Weather Underground member and convicted murderer, is on the Columbia University School of Social Work's faculty.   Her Weather Underground comrade William Ayers teaches at the University of Illinois at Chicago.   Bernardine Dohrn, his wife, is a professor at Northwestern University School of Law.   Her stated mission is to over-throw capitalism..."

Sara Carter _Blaze_
only 5% of Americans believe federal government has or will try to secure our borders

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
S744 can't be redeemed (part 2)

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
must the "best and brightest" foreign students actually finish their home-work?
"During the OPT time these workers are particularly attractive to U.S. employers because the employer does not have to pay FICA and other payroll taxes.   That means the hiring corporation can save as much as $10K by choosing the F-1 OPT worker rather than a citizen, even though both are paid the same basic salary, something we noted in an earlier report...   USCIS decided, as it nearly always does, that the definition of a legal foreign worker, an OPT in this case, should be expanded to cover the ABDs...   The USCIS interim policy memorandum is bad public policy for two reasons: 1) within the labor market, it makes it easier for a larger population of foreign graduates to take jobs that should be open to citizens, and 2) within academia it will just tend to stretch out the already slow process of completing one's graduate work."

_Town Hall_
Boehner notes stagnant wages, economy not creating jobs, ObummerDoesn'tCare hanging over the economy like a wet blanket
"Employers are scared of what they can and cannot do under the new legislation, they are also scared to add new employees due to [ObummerDoesn'tCare], Boehner explained."

2013-10-23 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
broke US government resumes over-spending
World Net Daily
Town Hall

Megan Jones _Daily Illini_
higher education is needed to fill skilled job deficit
"As 140K 'high-skilled' jobs go unfilled in Illinois each year, governor Pat Quinn pushes 60% of the state population to hold post-secondary credentials or a degree by 2025...   Now, according to the OECD's 2012 report, the U.S.A. ranks 14th in the world in the percentage of 25 to 34-year-olds with higher education.   The odds that someone will obtain higher education if their parents do not have a secondary education are 29%, which is the lowest among the countries ranked by the organization."

Robby Soave _Daily Caller_
George Washington U caught in another fib
"For years, George Washington University has waitlisted students because they need financial aid -- and lied about the policy...   'It's misleading.', said Vedder, an economics professor at the Ohio University and director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity.   'Need-blind would mean, We don't pay a bit of attention to financial considerations in making admissions decisions., and GW clearly does.'...   As recently as Saturday, admissions counselors were still telling prospective students at the university is need-blind, according to NPR.   This is not the first time GW has been accused of severe deception.   The university was recently removed from U.S. News and World Report's college rankings after officials admitting to inflating incoming students' credentials in reports."

Jeff Poor _Daily Caller_
John McAfee points out that ObummerDoesn'tCare "is a hacker's wet dream"

Sandy Fitzgerald _News Max_
Kathleen Supercilious continues to refuse to testify

Hugh Hewitt _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare contractors to be questioned
"Does the theft of any of the data being inputed into these systems seem likely to you?   Have you provided any member of the government with any warnings about the security of the data being inputted into the system by American citizens?   If you did provide such warning, to whom did you give it and when?   Was it in writing?   Are you involved in the Spanish language web-site roll-out?   Did you receive any instructions to slow that site down for any reason?   If so, why?   If not, why is it not yet open?   Who are your primary contacts at the Department of Health and Human Services?   Did you ever have any contact at all, via e-mail or phone, with the White House staff?   The president announced a 'Tech Surge' to repair the damage you have done. Have you been contacted by any new team members?   Who are they?   Do you have an opinion on their credentials and skills sets?   The president asserted a 24/7 effort to salvage your work is under-way. Do you know where that is occurring?   Is it 24/7?   Are you being paid for your contributions to that effort?   Have your lawyers advised you with regards to any potential question or subject matter area to invoke the protections of the Fifth Amendment?..."

Hughey Newsom _Daily Caller_
Obummer refuses to take lumps for ObummerDoesn'tCare fiasco

Michelle Malkin _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare electronic medical privacy violation mandate impedes doctors from taking care of patients

Andrea Billups _News Max_
socialist illfare spending has cost $3.7T over the last 5 years

2013-10-23 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
act of brazen cultural aggression in DC after "miracle"
Front Page Magazine
Jerusalem Post
"The National Archives is now exhibiting restored holy books and communal documents that belonged to the Jewish community of Iraq.   In 1940, the Iraqi Jewish community numbered 137K people.   Jews made up more than a quarter of the population of Baghdad.   A 2,500-year-old community, Iraq had for centuries been a major center of Jewish learning.   The Babylonian Talmud was written there.   The rabbinical academies in Karbala and Baghdad were considered among the greatest in the world.   According to Dhiaa Kasim Kashi, a Shi'ite Muslim interviewed in the 2008 book _Iraq's Last Jews_, by the 1930s, the Jews of Iraq had become leaders in every field...   The German ambassador to Iraq, Fritz Grobba, cultivated Nazi sympathizers in the Iraqi military and organized a pro-Nazi military coup in 1941 April.   On 1941 June 1, as Jews celebrated the festival of Shavuos, which commemorates the giving of the Torah at Sinai, the pro-Nazi government carried out a massive pogrom.   Estimates place the number of Jews murdered at anywhere between 180 and 900.   900 Jewish homes were destroyed.   Hundreds of Jewish shops and businesses were looted and burned.   The pogrom, which came to be known as the Farhud, or 'violent dispossession', marked the beginning of the end of the Iraqi Jewish community.   Iraq was 1 of the 5 Arab states that invaded Israel on 1948 May 15...   But as Harold Rhode, a recently retired US Defense Department cultural expert, reported in August at PJM Media, in 1985 Saddam Hussein sent his henchmen to the synagogue with several trucks.   They stole the documentary history of the community in broad daylight...   Rhode was the first American official informed of the existence of the archive.   It was stored in the cellar of the headquarters of Saddam's mukhabarat, or secret police.   When Rhode arrived at the building with a small detail of soldiers and New York Times reporter Judith Miller, the building had just been flooded by an unexploded shell that had punctured the water main.   When he realized the dimensions of the archive, now largely under-water, Rhode moved heaven and earth to save it.   Due to Rhode's action, and the support he received from Iraqi leader Ahmed Chalabi, vice-president Dick Cheney and defense-secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the archive -- which included everything from school records to 500-year-old copies of the Bible -- was saved on Shavuos 2003 and sent to the USA.   Once the archive was safely in the USA, the State Department spent $3M restoring the 2,700 books and tens of thousands of documents.   In the meantime, back in Iraq, there are still hundreds of Torah scrolls languishing in a government cellar, inaccessible to the public, and in a horrible state of disrepair...   But if nothing changes, on 2014 Shavuos, the miracle will come to a tragic and scandalous end.   In an act of cultural aggression, [the Obummer regime] has promised to return the Jewish communal archive -- stolen from the Iraqi Jewish community by the Iraqi government -- to the Iraqi government by 2014 June."
Harold Rhode: PJ Media
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily
JoshuaPundit: Before It's News
Stewart Ain: NY Jewish Week
"bataween: JewishRefugees: returning archive is rewarding larceny
Third Estate Sunday Review
Lyn Julius: Jewish Care
2010: Ilan Evyatar: Jerusalem Post
Tracing the Tribe: 2010-05-05
Anne's Opinion

David Solway _PJ Media_
women are different from men

Anthony Watts
WUWT weather/climate hot sheet

Christopher Monckton
Ben Santer's 17 year test: no global warming for 16 years 11 months

Melissa Clyne _News Max_
Sheldon Adelson says Iran needs to get a huge explosion in their desert as a warning, then obliterate Teheran if they don't behave
"The largest donor to the Republican party, Adelson is chairman and CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation.   His numerous holdings include an Israeli daily newspaper."

Jim Duffy _IT News_/_IDG_
Juniper to slash work-force by 3%

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
Kathleen Supercilious has been in charge of failed web-sites before

Bill Whalen _Daily Caller_
John Boehner should either step down or grow a spine before next budget talks

Thomas Sowell _World Net Daily_
black mobs and the coming race war: government and media try to cover it up

Thomas Sowell _Town Hall_
results of race-hustling (part 2)

J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
Ted Cruz won

Jikumar Vijayan _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
ObummerDoesn'tCare contractors had security lapses in the past: hackers exposed data on 123K people at one, another put personal data of 6M Medicare beneficiaries at risk
"Quality Software Services (QSSI) and Serco"

Kevin Glass _Town Hall_
IRS contractors allegedly owe millions in back taxes

Anita Hoge _News with Views_
Communist Corpse global communion
"The [Communist Corpse] Standards aligned to funding in federal legislation, HR5 and S1094, will ultimately have total control of education, nationalizing education in the United States of America.   [Communist Corpse] will be used to TRACK individual students to meet individual standards.   By stopping the [Communist Corpse] Standards in your state, the federal government will not have the legal authority to access your child for tracking individual workforce plans and funding attached to your student."

Stephen Lawson _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Broadcom to dump 1,150 employees in re-structuring

Betsy Mccaughey _American Spectator_
Schmucky Schumer's dangerous, unconstitutional idea

Sara Carter _Blaze_
Obummer regime purging military leaders
"Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the [Obummer regime] this year, leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is under way.   Retired generals and current senior commanders that have spoken with TheBlaze say the administration is not only purging the military of commanders they don't agree with, but is striking fear in the hearts of those still serving."

Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
2 nations deal with excessive immigration and over-population: Which one is being serious?
Proposed Bills 2013

  "In 1929, Einstein protested, 'Philosophers play with the word, like a child with a doll...   It does not mean that everything in life is relative.'   To Einstein's chagrin, the number of people trying to tap into the resonance of 'relativity' began to exceed the number of peopel who were trying to understand relativity." --- Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2007, 2008 _Made to Stick_ pg172  



Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer pushing for more Americans to be jobless, more immigration
News Max/AP
Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times
"The event will be intensively covered by Spanish-language TV and media outlets, such as Univision and Telemundo, all of which favor an increased population of Spanish-speakers.   By giving the speech, Obama can distract the media from [ObummerDoesn'tCare], show [leftists] and Latino groups that he's pushing for the immigration increase, and proclaim his sympathy for the Latino voters he needs in the 2014 mid-term election.   In mid 2012, Obama decreed a part-amnesty for younger illegals, greatly boosting his Latino support in the 2012 election.   He can also increase pressure on the GOP from Democrats, GOP donors, the media, plus local business and agricultural lobbies.   But 'it doesn't seem like it's going to have any impact in Congress', said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which urges a reduction in the current immigration level of [1.4M green cards and a similar increase of illegal aliens] per year.   Amid widespread public opposition, a wave of GOP legislators, including several who previously backed an immigration rewrite, have recently declared that Obama can't be trusted to negotiate any deal, or to enforce portions he does not like...   Only 10% to 15% of the immigrants are expected to have the work-place skills to allow them to pay more in taxes that they'll receive in government services, welfare, medical care and retirement."

_News Max_
ObummerDoesn'tCare web-site cost exceeds $1G mark

2013-10-24 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 310,814 in the week ending October 19, a decrease of 49,905 from the previous week.   There were 345,226 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 1.9% during the week ending October 12, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,471,524, an increase of 33,215 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.2% and the volume was 2,815,723.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending October 5 was 3,856,740, a decrease of 71,957 from the previous week.   There were 4,923,220 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending October 5...   States reported 1,324,967 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending October 5, a decrease of 54,151 from the prior week.   There were 2,052,957 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

2013-10-24 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
race-hustling results (part 3)
Town Hall

2013-10-24 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Obummer in wonderland
Town Hall
News Max
"'Why, sometimes I've believed as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast.' -- The White Queen, 'Alice in Wonderland'   The more President Obama talks...the more he resembles a political Mad Hatter, devoid of reason, absent logic and ignorant of facts."

2013-10-24 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
hang one, to encourage the others
Town Hall
"'bubonic plague' is polling higher than [ObummerDoesnt'Care]...   Unlike every other idiotic government program ever foisted on us by the Democrats, this time Republicans are not rolling over on this illegitimately passed, disastrous legislation.   Give [non-leftist] Republicans a veto-proof majority in the senate, America, and they will rid us of this plague."

2013-10-24 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
a government of secrecy and fear
Washington DC Times

2013-10-24 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare for Kookistan first

2013-10-24 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
if they can't bring themselves to cut the small stuff from federal government spending...

2013-10-24 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
beware the hidden costs of beautifully mis-named laws
Town Hall

Ken Gregory
epic failure of the Canadian climate model

Anthony Watts
most Antarctic sea ice in 30 years

_News Max_/_Reuters_
Atlantic hurricane season was queitest in 45 years

Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
words matter in human development
News Max
"Children with professional parents hear '30M more words by age 3 than children from low-income households', the study found."

John Ransom _Town Hall_
the bipartisan leftist effort to saddle us with ObummerDoesn'tCare

John Ransom _Town Hall_
Obummer hearts crony socialism
"If one thing has become apparent in the [Obummer regime], it's that they love giving special treatment to their friends."

Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
power-mad leftist EPA's war on coal and civilization continues

Ed Martin _Daily Caller_
health-care reform must involve less government

Nancy Mace _Daily Caller_
the real fight is between the political class and the working class: the ruling elites are entrenched on one side, and the American people are taking the punches on the other
"It's time the American people fight back.   Americans are tired of out of control government and the double talk that comes from career politicians who have put us in this fiscal tail-spin.   For 59 years, 2 men have occupied the senate seat now held by South Carolina's senior [senator Lindsey Grahamnesty].   In fact, the end of his current term will mark his 20th year in Washington.   Of course, 20 years of 'service' isn't enough for Graham, as he has already announced his intention to stay in the belt-way for at least six more years.   The question I have for those who have served in Washington for as long as he has is simple: how do you effectively represent people you haven't worked with or lived beside for more than 20 years?   It has not always been that way.   State legislatures around the country chose their senators until 1913.   The 17th Amendment ushered in the direct election of senators in an effort to give the people a voice.   However, it also gave rise to powerful special interests and gave us the lifetime politician.   Some have suggested we simply return to the pre-17th Amendment model of legislative appointments to the U.S. senate."

_News Max_
violent crime up 15% in USA
"the property crime rate rose 12%...   In the earlier FBI report, violent crime reported to police rose 1.2% last year compared to 2011.   The number of property crimes reported to authorities declined 0.8%.   But that report doesn't include crimes not reported to authorities.   Less than half of violent crimes were reported to police last year, and only about a third of property crimes were reported.   Crime rates had been declining since 1993, with an up-tick in 2006 the only exception.   From 1993 to 2011, the rate of violent crime declined by 72%."

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
guess who is lying about the existence of a gun show loop-hole in VA
"None of the mass shooters mentioned [in Bloomberg's ads] purchased their guns at gun shows and many of them passed background checks."

Dan Weil _News Max_
37% of "middle-class" Americans say they will never be able to retire
"34% of them think they will work until at least the age of 80...   That's up from 25% in 2011 and 30% in 2012...   Meanwhile, a 59% majority of the middle class say paying monthly bills is their chief day-to-day financial concern.   That's up from 52% last year...   Overall, 42% say saving for retirement and paying bills concurrently is impossible.   Thus 48% don't have confidence that they will be able to save enough for a comfortable retirement...   45% say 'the stock market doesn't benefit people like me'."

Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
post-shut-down budget talks to focus on continued punting of the problem of excessive federal government spending and debt

_News Max_
Bank of India to dump another 1,300 employees

Kimberly Hefling _WBZ CBS Boston MA_
MA 8th graders average highest in USA in math and science: "most states above average in school scores"
Seattle WA Times
Picayune LA Item
Leslie Postal: Orlando FL Sentinel
Quincy IL Herald-Whig
Noel K. Gallagher: Portland ME Press Herald
"Researchers took 8th-grade test results in math and science from the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) to predict performance on the international comparative study test known as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).   Nine states participated directly in TIMSS.   NAEP includes the scores of students tested with accommodations, such as extra testing time for a student with a disability; TIMSS does not.   Buckley said statistical modeling was used to account for that difference.   South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan were the top scorers in math followed by Massachusetts, Vermont, Minnesota, New Jersey and New Hampshire.   In science, Massachusetts was behind the top scorer, Singapore.   Taiwan was next, followed by Vermont.   The top 10 also included South Korea, Japan, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Maine and Minnesota."
read the NAEP-TIMSS report (pdf)

Roman Loyola _IT News_/_MacWorld_/_IDG_
Where to buy an old Mac Pro

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
political distractions cover a mountain of unfinished business, needed corrections to past leftist political fiascoes

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
the less you know, the better the ghost story: the real Corbin cabin of Nicholson hollow (with video)
Proposed Bills 2013

  "reading, writing, and thinking are the 3 activities of research." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg18  



2013-10-25 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
immigration perversion could help GOP losership, harm the base

2013-10-25 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare, Utopia, and the US Constitution
"Senate-majority-leader Harry Reid doesn't seem to know what the House of Representatives is supposed to do, and president Obama doesn't seem to know the way 'checks and balances' are supposed to work.   Either way, We the People are in danger until more leaders with an affinity for the U.S. Constitution are elected.   Reid first.   Throughout the 'shut-down', House Republicans passed 'mini' spending bills to fund key government functions, each of which Reid blocked from coming to a senate vote.   This was the Democrats' 'all or nothing' strategy.   They kept 'all' of the government closed so that 'nothing' ([ObummerDoesn'tCare]) would be subject to compromise.   In other words, no matter what those talking heads, headlines and microwaves targeting your brain tell you, the Democrats were the Mr. No's of this 'shut-down'.   Rankled by House votes to open parts of the government, Reid asked: 'What right do they have to pick and choose what part of government gets funded?'   What right? The answer is 'they' -- House members -- have every right; in fact, it's their job! Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution says: 'All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.'   Of course, we never think of congress 'raising revenue' to spend as they go, item by item.   They just seem to fund everything.   But not this time, not for 16 days.   House Republicans, who were returned in the majority in 2012 to defund [ObummerDoesn'tCare], tried, along with their conservative counterparts in the senate, to hold the line for their constituents.   It didn't work.   There are still too many tax-and-spend [leftists] in Republicans' clothing in Washington: GOP legislators who have less in common with senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) than with Harry Reid, not to mention Barack Obama.   Washington's crocodile tears over the 'cost' of the 'shut-down' (the figure $24G is flying around) shouldn't fool anyone -- not when the Congressional Budget Office projection for [ObummerDoesn'tCare's] first decade is $1.8T, and this same establishment doesn't bat an eye.   And what about that 'debt ceiling' they refuse to bring any closer to earth?...   Aside from the fact that 'checks and balances' is exactly what the founders set in place, is self-government a 'gift' in the sense that it is something that may be taken away? 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all mean are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'   As history shows us, socialists, statists, Marxists and the like always want to regulate and constrain our Creator-endowed rights, rendering them, in fact, not unalienable.   Interposing ever-expanding governments between men and their Creator, they seek to become keeper and dispenser of rights.   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is another such Utopia by a different name.   Like all Utopias, it won't work.   But, in Utopia, neither will our Constitution."

2013-10-25 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Deroy Murdock _Jewish World Review_
on ObummerDoesn'tCare, Cruz et al., can we say "We told you so"?
"One year from today -- and perhaps much sooner -- senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and other Republican 'extremists' will [still] look like heroes...   According to Kaiser Health News, Pittsburgh's Highmark insurance and Philadelphia's Independence Blue Cross are canceling 'guaranteed issue' policies, mainly for those with pre-existing conditions.   In California, Blue Shield ended coverage for 119K individuals, and Kaiser Permanente tossed 160K people.   Florida Blue terminated 300K men and women or 80% of its individual market.   '16M people are now receiving letters from their carriers saying they are losing their current coverage.', explained Robert Laszewski, president of Health Policy and Strategy Associates.   Corporate greed?   Nope.   Federal diktat..."

2013-10-25 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
diplomats decking serving soldiers is the least of it

2013-10-25 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
where are all of Obummer's technology czars?
Town Hall
"Let's start with the 'federal chief information officer'.   In 2009, Obama named then 34-year-old 'whiz kid' Vivek Kundra to the post overseeing $80G in government 'IT' spending.   At 21, Kundra was convicted of misdemeanor theft.   He stole a handful of men's shirts from a J.C. Penney's department store and ran from police in a failed attempt to evade arrest.   Whitewashing the petty thief's crimes, Obama instead effused about his technology czar's 'depth of experience in the technology arena'.   Just as he was preparing to take the federal job, an FBI search warrant was issued at Kundra's work-place.   He was serving as the chief technology officer of the District of Columbia.   Two of Kundra's underlings, Yusuf Acar and Sushil Bansal, were charged in an alleged scheme of bribery, kickbacks, ghost employees and forged timesheets.   Kundra went on leave for five days and was then reinstated after the feds informed him that he was neither a subject nor a target of the investigation.   As I noted in my 2009 book, _Culture of Corruption_, city and federal watchdogs had identified a systemic lack of controls in Kundra's office.   Veteran DC newspaper columnist Jonetta Rose Barras reported that Acar 'was consistently promoted by his boss, Vivek Kundra, receiving with each move increasing authority over sensitive information and operating with little supervision'.   Yet, Team Obama emphasized that Kundra had no idea what was going on in his work-place, which employed about 300 workers.   A mere 29 months after taking the White House job, Kundra left for a cushy fellowship at Harvard University.   In 2012 January, he snagged an executive position at Salesforce.com, which touted his 'demonstrated track record of driving innovation'.   In 2011, Obama appointed former MSFT executive and FCC managing director Steven VanRoekel to succeed Kundra.   At the time, he promised 'to make sure that the pace of innovation in the private sector can be applied to the model that is government'.   Mission not accomplished...   Aneesh Chopra...   Todd Park...   David Blumenthal...   Farzad Mostashari...   'nationwide health information exchange'...   Those who can, do.   Those who can't, waste our money screwing things up and then run back to academia to train the next generation of incompetent technocrats."

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
population and work-force by age
Global Economic Analysis

Carol Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
the Obummer regime's smear strategy

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
Kathleen Supercilious: a queen in ObummerLand

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
for all of today's fiscal policy questions spending restraint is the correct answer

Suzanne Fields _Town Hall_
super-hero disappears in the high-tech world

Humberto Fontova _Town Hall_
so when did the Cuban missile crises become "Kennedy's Victory"?

John Rhodes _Center for Immigration Studies_
vie la France: the idea of immigration vs. the reality of immigration

Patrick Thibodeau _IT News_/_IDG_
1 in 6 "IT" projects exceed cost estimates, severaly damaging bugs
"Approximately 1 out of 5 or 6 'IT' projects face exploding costs, according to Alexander Budzier, a researcher at the Said Business School at the University of Oxford.   Budzier and Bent Flyvbjerg, a professor at Oxford's business school, have gathered data from 4,300 worldwide IT projects in the private and public sectors whose typical costs range between $1M and $10M.   'IT' projects perform worse than physical projects, such as large dam construction, where one-in-ten may see cost blow-outs, said Budzier.   In 'IT', 18% of projects turn into outliers that 'really run out control, and that's a usually high rate', he said.   An 'IT' project with a cost overrun of 150% or more is in the 'black swan' category.   Such projects seriously disrupt businesses and costs some workers their careers, he said."

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
S744 can't be redeemed (part 3)

_Australia Broadcasting Corp._
Ill-Begotten Monstrosities quietly dumping Australian employees, moving work off-shore, just as they did from the USA and UK
Brisbane Diary
"Focus changed from 'people to profit', former staffer says Intelligent Business Research Services (IBRS) analyst Alan Hansell said the company's 'professional standards' had slipped in recent years.   He says IBM is no longer winning the big services contracts it once did and is shedding staff in response.   'The focus has changed from people to profit.', said Mr Hansell, whose career at IBM spanned 3 decades.   Talk of mass redundancies at IBM has been circulating for months, but it appears the number of lay-offs is greater than previously thought.   Former staff have criticised the appraisal system where managers rank workers in each section of the company.   Staff said those with the lowest scores were 'first off the rank' during the next round of redundancies...   Some point to the use of foreign workers on 457 visas to further drive down costs in the industry more broadly.   They see a correlation between a spike in the number of 'IT' workers across Australia employed on 457 visas and falling wage growth.   The number of 457 visas issued to 'IT' workers rose by 68% between 2008 and 2012, yet the average 'IT' wage fell by $4400 a year over the same period.   A source has told the ABC that IBM's use of third-party providers makes it difficult to know the number of its workers employed on 457 visas."

Heather Ginsberg _Town Hall_
at current spending pace, US government debt will reach $22T by February
"it seems clear that the U.S. government is behaving no better than a teenage girl at the mall with a limitless credit card...   if we keep on spending at the same rate we have in the last week, the new number for U.S. public debt would be $22.70T.   We just managed to reach over $17T this week.   That means spending over $5T in the next 4 months!"

Nate Kelley _Economy_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 77.5 in late September to 73.2 in late October
Doug Short: Before It's News
Shane Ferro: Reuters (with graphs)
Briefing (with graphs)
U Mich
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

Nicolas Cachanosky _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
economies are not destroyed in a day

Michael Balter _AAAS Science_
DNA tests of 24K year old bones in Siberia related to modern Amerindians & Western Asians/Eastern Europeans (abstract)
Proposed Bills 2013

  "In their own minds, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Serbia's Sobodan Milosevic, and Rwanda's Hutu Power leaders were all conducting a form of 'affirmatie action' on behalf of a long-exploited and humiliated majority." --- Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pg273  


Proposed Bills 2013

  "Today [2008], around 37M American individuals and couples claim the deduction on mortgages up to $1M, at a 'cost' of $76G to the US treasury." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg253 note  



Willis Eschenbach
long green at the UN "Green Climate Fund"

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
those new, "gentler" Iranians are busy hanging, stoning, and biting their people
"There's a difference between us, after all.   Obama wants a deal.   The Iranians want us dead or dominated.   They want to treat us the same way they treat their own."

P. David Hornik _PJ Media_
10 worst purveyors of anti-semitism: #6 the fascist Jobbik party of Hungary
Proposed Bills 2013

  "In 1974... [in _Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery_, Robert W. Fogel & Stanley L. Engerman] used a statistical economic analysis to portray [plantations] as enlightened business [enterprises]: under masters guided by cost-effectiveness, slaves enjoyed somewhat better conditions of life than fre workers, and lived in nuclear families headed by husbands." --- Edmund Sears Morgan 2004 _The Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America_ pg109  



1538: the first university in the New World, the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino, is established
1636: a vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony establishes the first college in what would become the United States, today known as Harvard University
1775: during the American Revolutionary War: A British proclamation forbids residents from leaving Boston
1886: president Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty
1893: Tchaikovsky's Symphony #6 in B Minor, Pathetique, premiered in St. Petersburg, only 9 days before the composer's death
1919: congress passes the Volstead Act over cresident Woodrow Wilson's veto, paving the way for Prohibition to begin the following January
1922: Italian fascists led by Benito Mussolini march on Rome and take over the Italian government
1929: Black Monday, a day in the Wall Street crash of 1929, which also saw major stock market upheaval.

2013-10-28 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
what's not being said: the political class is in disrepute
"many of the principals in the spending and debt crisis will be back -- and will be here, in New Hampshire, site of the first presidential primary, in 2016...   should be prompting deep introspection about what America wants and what it needs...   The next election is 36 months [make that less than 10 months for congress] away but already the contours of the next campaign are evident.   It is not up-lifting or illuminating.   Here's the dreary libretto of what awaits us...   16 years that, as Churchill, borrowing from the Book of Joel, might have said, the locusts ate?..."

_Slash Dot_
London Telegraph contributor Willard Foxton claims software developmetn is for "exceptionally dull weirdoes"
Willard Foxton: London Telegraph: The Government wants to teach all children how to "code". Here's why it's a stupid idea
I Programmer

2013-10-28 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Dale McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
why much of Europe's indignation is surely feigned for domestic consumption

2013-10-28 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
marriage and abortion are also economic issues

2013-10-28 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
sense may be in short supply, but that gives us plenty to write about

2013-10-28 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
this is way cooler than the decline and fall of the Roman empire
"the failure is not the insignificant enrollment numbers, but the vaporization of the existing health plans of 119K Pennsylvanians, 160K Californians, 300K Floridians, 800K in that tech Tweeter's New Jersey."

2013-10-28 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jessica Anderson _Jewish World Review_
least expensive cars to own over the long-run

2013-10-28 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Simon Roughneen _Jewish World Review_
Malaysian court rules that that the word "Allah" can only be used by the country's Muslim majority, over-turning a previous decision
"'Allah' has been used in Christian worship among Malay speakers for centuries, much as it's used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Christians in Indonesia, where the national language is a close cousin of Malaysian, without any controversy.   The word passed into local languages over 6 centuries ago, as Arab traders plied Southeast Asia's seas."

Paul Driessen & Dennis Mitchell
do the math, count the cash, cui bono?

Agam Shah _IT News_/_IDG_
Calxeda's 64-bit ARM chip will be available a year from now

Anthony Watts
BBC's Paul Hudson says there's a real risk of a repeat of the Maunder minimum, i.e. another "Little Ice Age"
"It's known by climatologists as the 'Little Ice Age', a period in the 1600s when harsh winters across the UK and Europe were often severe.   The severe cold went hand in hand with an exceptionally inactive sun, and was called the Maunder solar minimum."

Anthony Watts & Jan Zeman
Solar spectral irradiance, UV, and declining solar activity -- a Maunder minimum mechanism for cooler temperature?

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
the launch of the "Freedom Academy"
PJ TV Freedom Academy book club and videos

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
questions rarely asked and never answered
"What does it take to warn Americans about unchecked pension growth, socialized medicine, vast increases in entitlements, higher taxes, and steady expansion of government?   IOW, what is it about Detroit, Italy, or Greece that we do not understand?"

Gregg Keizer _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
free iWork down-grade angers Mac users

Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Californians shocked by health insurance premium increases and dropped coverage

David Spady _Town Hall_
EPA gone crazy: endangered school-children in bus-stop cages

_Town Hall_
thousands turned out to protest against government violations of privacy

Michael Schaus _Town Hall_
Communist Corpse indoctrinates 2nd graders to be union comrades

John Ransom _Town Hall_
the Federal Reserve was a bad idea

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Islamic vandals destroy graves of Britis Christians and Jews in Benghazi cemetery
Greg Richter & Elliot Jager: News Max: British warned US government of likely terrorist attack well ahead of time
Jack Kelly: Jewish World Review
"Lara Logan...shows it was very clear Al Qaeda had a strong and open presence in the city up to a year before the attack which left four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, dead.   The warning signs previewing an attack on the United States came after multiple attacks on the British and the Red Cross.   One of those attacks came in June of 2012 when an assassination attempt was made against British Ambassador Dominic Asquith.   Another forgotten attack came on 2012 March 3, when Christian and Jewish graves in a British military cemetery were destroyed by Islamic terrorists."

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
1st and 4th amendments being violated by government
Global Economic Analysis

_Town Hall_
do you even need health insurance?

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
<schools adopting radical leftist propaganda piece as "history text"

Lee Culpepper _Town Hall_
armed teachers are better protection for students than politically correct feeeelings
"Make no mistake about it -- political correctness is the impetus of gun-free zones.   It is also destroying the minds of America's children while leaving them physically vulnerable.   Incredibly, teacher unions and other [leftists] hail this indoctrination in public schools as an advancement in education...   As a recovering high school English teacher, I do not find this tragedy or any of the other school shootings surprising at all.   Compelling teachers to focus on feelings, self-esteem, and gay rights leaves teachers with little time to teach students about critical thinking and fact analysis -- you know, skills students will probably need in life, particularly should they ever be confronted with a murderer at school."

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
Michelle's Princeton pal is VP at CGI Federal
"Michelle Obama's relationship with Princeton class-mate Toni McCall Townes-Whitley, whose company earned the no-bid contract to design the disastrous Healthcare.Gov [ObummerDoesn'tCare] web-site, continued after the Obamas moved into the White House.   Townes-Whitley and her husband even enjoyed 'Christmas with the Obamas' at the White House in 2010 December, according to a FB album created by Townes-Whitley."
Michelle and Toni belonged to student group that hosted pro-terrorist speaker Hassan Rahman
"'The OBU met with Jewish students to discuss the event, and Hillel leaders affirmed Rahman's right to speak on campus...   Before Rahman had said a word, hopes of a congenial atmosphere were dashed.   For the question-and-answer session, OBU monitors took down the names of those wishing to ask questions.   No questions could exceed one minute, and follow-up questions were not allowed.   Because of time restraints, only the first person on each list was recognized.'"
Jennifer G. Hickey: News Max: ObummerDoesn'tCare web-site company had ties to Obummer fund-raising and Michelle

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
both immigration reform advocates and opponents scorn Marco Rubio
"'Moron.', said a morning tweet from Philip Wolgin, a senior policy analyst on immigration at the Center for American [Regress], which backs the senate bill [S744]...   Ali Noorani, director of the National Immigration forum, which is partly funded by [leftist] donor George Soros.   Noorani's group helped organize the fly-in of business [executives]...   'the question is not whether he can win the White House in 2016, but whether he can hold his senate seat.', said Ben Winograd, an immigration lawyer and a former lawyer at the American Immigration Council...   If approved by the House, it would bring in 1 immigrant and 1 guest-worker for every American man and woman who turn 18.   Overall, the bill would award roughly 33M green cards to illegal immigrants and new immigrants over the next decade, in a time of accelerating automation, high unemployment and declining wages...   the senate bill [S744] is unpopular among swing voters, and especially among GOP-leaning voters...   A September poll by Public Policy Polling, for example, showed that Rubio had only 43% approval in the state. He faced 45% disapproval."

Elliot Jager _News Max_
Soros-backed group is targeting GOP immigration reform advocates
"A network of donors that pumped $30M into president Barack Obama's re-election campaign is poised to spend up to $20M in the 2014 mid-term elections to defeat House members who [favor] immigration reform, The Washington Post reported.   The Latino Victory Project, which has the backing of labor unions and groups associated with billionaire George Soros, says it is prepared to campaign against 10 law-makers, whose districts include significant Latino populations, and who [favor reforming] laws [instead of creating yet another] path toward citizenship for individuals who arrived in the country illegally [i.e. barbarian invaders, and visa over-stayers].   Up to $2M would be spent in each targeted district, first with the aim of persuading the law-makers to back immigration [perversion]; and if that doesn't work, the goal would switch to defeating them.   Some House members, such as Republican Jeff Denham of CA, have already modified their positions to inoculate themselves against the threat, the Post reported.   Cristobal Alex, a former program officer at the Ford Foundation, has been appointed president of the Latino Victory Project.   He said the group wanted to 'build political power in the Latino community so that the faces of Latinos are reflected not just in every level of government but in the policies that drive the country forward'.   The Project joins an existing array of [anti-immigration reform] groups, unions, religious leaders, law enforcement officials, and some in the business community that have been pushing -- along with the Obama White House -- [against] immigration reform, the Post reported."

Glenn Jacobs _Daily Caller_
end the devastation-wreaking Fed

Ryan Mauro _Daily Caller_
DHS senior advisor Mohamed Elibiary's links with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
sure, ObummerDoesn'tCare privacy violations will be used to target US citizens who disagree with the regime, but not illegal aliens

_News Max_
Red China is practicing for invasion of Taiwan Republic of China

Deroy Murdock _News Max_
ObummerDoesn'tCare really is an evil, unconstitutional abomination

Herman Cain _News Max_
ObummerDoesn'tCare attempts to contract economic reality

Sandy Fitzgerald _News Max_
DHS whistle-blower declared that USCIS skimps on background investigations of visa applicants
"U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] is skimping on its background checks into companies wanting green cards for high-profile foreign investors, claims a Department of Homeland Security [DHS] whistle-blower...   The whistle-blower, an analyst in the department's citizenship-services division, reported tracking more than 30 applications filed from U.S. companies that wanted to participate in the green-card program.   Their average approval time was less than a week, rather than the weeks or even months such background checks should take...   In all, 7,641 EB-5 visas were issued in 2012, with more than 75% going to Chinese investors and their families, government figures show, raising security concerns in Washington."

Dennis L. Cuddy _News with Views_
manipulators of Americans

Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
interview of Heather MacDonald on California in decline

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Greg Abbott criticizes DC, launches "Working Texans" plan

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
a look at the Fed's balance sheet: new tools, more bank gains

Nick Sorrentino _Town Hall_
black boxes are yet another government privacy violation scheme

Allison M. Vaillancourt _Chronicle of Higher Education_
tools HR clones abuse to violate privacy of job-seekers to find pretexts to declare even the genuinely best, brightest, and most eager to be "unqualified"
"Employment-related screening tools were the focus of conversation last week in the human-resources class I teach.   As I expected, there were plenty of questions about how employers use Internet searches to make decisions about applicant suitability and a fair amount of outrage about how completely unfair employers are when it comes to [abusing] digital content to make hiring decisions."

Steve Sailer _V Dare_
judge approves class-action suit against Sili Valley's Apple, Intel, Google, Adobe for limiting STEM pros from moving from jumping ship
Steve Johnson: San Jose CA Mercury News
"local executives [conspired] to limit the workers' pay by barring them from moving from one company to another.   In granting class-action status to the suit Thursday, U.S. district judge Lucy Koh in San Jose cited what she termed 'considerable, compelling common proof' that the Silicon Valley companies engaged in [trust] behavior by agreeing not to try to lure away each others' employees...   The ruling also is likely to put pressure on the companies to reach a financial settlement with the workers, as 3 other companies -- Pixar, Lucasfilm and Intuit -- did in July, said Stephen Hirschfeld, CEO of the Employment Law Alliance..."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the problems created by legislative bundling
"Similarly, in the bill passed by the senate earlier this year (S744) there is the 'staple' provision to grant green cards to all aliens in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) who have advanced degrees from U.S. institutions.   This grouping would include people who have labored for 5 years or more in [both disreputable and highly reputable] universities to secure [PhDs whose value has been rapidly decreasing due over-supply], and other aliens who have just skimmed by in [lesser and greater institutions] to get 2-year's master's degrees.   (That the PhDs already tend to stay in America under current law has been ignored by the senate.)   The mas migration people are constantly telling us that we must import more talent, more of the world's Best and Brightest, but when you examine the fine print of their legislation, you discover that what they want are workers by the droves, so that big business can drive down wages.   What we as a nation get, as we show below, is a mix of a few of the best, and many of the banal...   How much unusual talent did the EB-1 visas produce in FY2010-FY2012?...   Ratios of EB-1 appeals to the AAO to 100 USCIS approvals FY2012...   the most elite of the nation's visa classes, no more than 1 out of 5 aliens admitted has unusual talent...   many of the catch-all categories that would be created (e.g., the 'stapling' provision) would bring us, in fact, a few very talented people, and many, many others with lesser skills or none at all."

David Seminara _Center for Immigration Studies_
State Dept. OIG report highlights rampant fraud in diversity visa applicants from Ukraine

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
S744 can't be redeemed (part 4)
"Three Roper polls in 2011 June, 2011 September, and 2012 June found overwhelming support for decreasing immigration levels or keeping them the same.   Those numbers were 77% in 2012, 73% in 2011 September, and 78% in 2011 June.   A CBS/New York Times poll conducted late 2001 found that 88% of the public wanted immigration decreased or kept at their present levels.   A CBS news poll in 1996, found 85% wanted to keep immigration level steady or decrease them...   when Americans uniformly say they want immigration levels to 'remain the same', they are most likely not aware of the real numbers of legal immigrants who enter the country -- approximately 1M/year..."

Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
top 10 laws ICE may or may not be enforcing
"The news release should be called 'Top 10 excuses for not enforcing immigration law'.   And pathetic excuses at that.   Sure, we're all against Child Exploitation, Chemical Weapons Proliferation, Extrajudicial Killings, Genocide, Import Dumping, and Use and Recruitment of Child Soldiers.   We must not ignore the Lacey Act either.   You're not familiar with the Lacey Act, USC Title 16 Chapter 53? It is an obvious linch-pin in our homeland security enterprise that protects animals and plants by banning the buying, selling, transporting or trading wildlife and vegetation that have been illegally obtained.   One item caught my attention: Importation of Aliens for an Immoral Purpose...   I could not help but think of the many thousands of not only illegal aliens, but also foreign exchange students, technology workers, teachers and nurses who are lured the United States each year on guestworker visas for what I consider to be the immoral purpose of avoiding hiring Americans.   But instead of arresting illegal employers and removing illegal workers, ICE is grasping about for anything else to do..."

Kenric Ward _Talk Radio News_
Harry Reid is blocking House bill to curb illegal IRS tax credit checks going to illegal aliens

Mike Ciandella _Media Research Center_
George Soros boasts of spending $100K on US immigration law perversion push

Michael W. Cutler _Californians for Population Stabilization_
criminals, terrorists, war-criminals hide in plain site through immigration fraud

Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
What America will look like in 2050? (part 1)

Mark O'Connell _Slate_
15 novels to make you a better person
_Atlas Shrugged_ by Ayn Rand, _The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress_ by Robert A. Heinlein, _Probability Broach_ by L. Neil Smith, _Les Miserables_ by Victor Hugo, _Early Autumn_ by Robert B. Parker

Anita Bruzzese _45 Things_
#1 reason employers can't find the right talent
"[Quickly peruse the net], and you'll find experienced, smart, driven people looking for work.   There are currently 4M people who are now considered long-term unemployed, meaning they have been looking for work for more than 6 months.   A recent Urban Institute study finds that these long-term jobless are better educated than the other unemployed Americans..."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "IOW, one must from the very beginning play with the subject, take it apart and view it from various sides in order to seize on its outward connections." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg19  



2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
throw the rascals out (part 1)
Town Hall
"It is certainly understandable that the voters would like to 'throw the rascals out'.   But there is no point in throwing the rascals out, if we are just going to get a new set of rascals to replace them...   Those we call 'public servants' have in fact become public masters.   And they act like it...   During the 1920s, the national debt was reduced and the role of government scaled back.   Unemployment went as low as 1.8%.   President Calvin Coolidge, with every prospect of being re-elected in 1928, declared simply: 'I do not choose to run.'   Later, in his memoirs, he explained how dangerous it is to have anyone remain too long in the White House, surrounded by flattery and insulated from reality.   What a contrast that attitude is with the attitude of the current occupant of the White House!...   The United States was not founded by career politicians but by people who took time out from their regular professions to serve during a crucial time in the creation of a new nation, and a new kind of nation in a world ruled by kings and emperors.   In the 19th century, there was a high rate of turn-over in members of congress.   Many people went to Washington to serve 1 term in congress, then returned to their home state to resume their lives as private citizens.   The rise of the permanent political class in Washington came with the rise of a vast government apparatus with unprecedented amounts of money and power to control and corrupt individuals, institutions and the fabric of the whole society.   The first giant steps in this direction were taken in the 1930s, when the Great Depression provided the rationale for a radically expanded role of government that Franklin D. Roosevelt [FDR] and his followers had believed in before there was a Great Depression."

_Conservative HQ_
oppose big business fly-in for amnesty for illegal aliens (with cartoon)

Patrice Hill _Washington DC Times_
in their push for more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics, big business declares war on tea party
"Judson Phillips, the founder of Tea Party Nation, called business leaders who oppose the tea party RINOs (Republicans in name only) and [crony socialists' who are 'feeding at the government trough' and are interested only in 'making the trains run on time' rather than changing the unsustainable course of government spending."

_Conservative HQ_
arm yourself to defeat amnesty for illegal aliens: the corrupt influence of globalist pressure
"House Republicans must wake-up to the threat to the future of this country and their own political futures posed by the false urgency behind the passage of S744 (the [Obummer/Rubio/Schumer/Klobuchar/Ayotte/Corker/Hoeven] amnesty bill) or a similar House amnesty proposal.   The real priorities of American voters and their families remain jobs and the economy, and you can learn more about the negative effects of amnesty and illegal immigration by watching the next video in our Short Course on amnesty and illegal immigration."

Nicole Bailey _Town Hall_
new grads are unaware of how unprepared they are for the work-place
Inside Higher Ed
bridge that gap (pdf)
"only 50% of college students think they are prepared for the workplace, but...only 39% of employers say that the students are prepared...   77% of students, but only 50% of hiring managers believed that students were capable of 'prioritizing' -- an extremely basic job skill.   70% of students, but only 44% of managers believed they could communicate with authority figures/clients.   52% of students believed they were prepared to create a budget or financial goal, but only 30% of employers agreed -- making that the lowest ranked skill overall...   93% of hiring managers want to see that the graduates they hire have demonstrated the initiative to lead.   91% of hiring managers hope to see that applicants they hire have participated in extra-curricular activities related to their field of study.   82% think the recent graduates they hire should have completed a formal internship before graduating from college."

Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin is glad Rubio now opposes S774
"'Tea Party Patriots are glad to see senator Rubio has finally listened to his constituents and understands the 1,200 page comprehensive immigration bill the senate passed is not the right path for our country.', Martin said in an e-mail [message].   'We hope those elected representatives in the House pushing for immigration overhaul understand Rubio's arguments and will prevent any steps that lead to conference committee with the senate bill.'...   [Regressive] media outlets have reacted negatively to Rubio's stance, printing a litany of complaints now that the senator has rejected the platform of pro-amnesty special interests currently campaigning in Washington, DC...   The powerful grass-roots response to this legislation—including the Black American Leadership Alliance's DC 'March for Jobs', protesting the bill's effect on workers—showed Republicans that even once-Tea Party darlings like Rubio could become vulnerable if they were not faithful to the voters who put them into power."

Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Grover Norquist sides with leftist media in attacks on Ted Cruz
"Norquist's staffers have engaged in a deliberative Twitter campaign against Cruz and the Tea Party movement.   Ryan Ellis, the tax policy director for Norquist's downtown Washington, DC, organization, recently attacked the National Review's Andrew Johnson on Twitter."

Timothy Birdnow _Conservative HQ_
grass-roots defend Richard Viguerie: Jonah Goldberg is going to the dark side

"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
Steny Hoyer has admitted: We knew that not everyone would be able to keep their health care insurance

Anthony Watts
satellite imagery of bush-fires in New South Wales, Australia

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
cure for ignorant voters is very small governments
"58% of Americans cannot name the 3 branches of government; 70% cannot name their state's senators; 72% cannot name 2 or more of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment...   This is because the cost, in time and effort, of becoming an informed voter is fairly high.   And what do you get for it? Precious little.   It isn't polite to say so, but votes usually matter only in the aggregate.   Your 1 vote in, say, a presidential election will have almost no chance of changing the out-come, and therefore roughly zero effect on your life personally.   Hence, Somin writes, 'For most people, the benefits of devoting more than minimal time and effort to learning about politics are greatly out-weighed by the costs.'...   partisan activism is, in important ways, even worse than disengagement.   Partisans may know more, but their knowledge is often selective.   On top of that, they use it in highly biased ways -- primarily to re-inforce their existing views and reject new information that challenges their cherished dogmas.   And they often tune in to news sources ([Fox News, MSFTNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, Comedy Central]) that facilitate close-mindedness...   It also leads partisans to reject truths that do not square with their partisan leanings."

Larry Kudlow _Town Hall_
Paul Ryan points out that ObummerDoesn'tCare is not workable

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
1946: a tale of 2 cities

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Peter Funt _Jewish World Review_
scamming HS students and their parents

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the president who has done the most damage
Town Hall

_Conservative HQ_
House conservatives holding Kathleen Supercilious responsible for ObummerDoesn'tCare web-site disaster

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
GOP must get out of bed with leftists on ObummerDoesn'tCare, federal government budget, immigration...
Town Hall

"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
insane Dianne Feinstein defends illegal NSA violations of US citizens' privacy is "outraged" that USA is spying on foreign heads of state

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
patterns of deception are emerging

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's false promises about ObummerDoesn'tCare

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the lack of a GOP leadership
Town Hall

2013-10-29 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
IRS tax-credit corruption
Town Hall
Human Events

John Hawkins _Town Hall_
I lost my health care insurance because of ObummerDoesn'tCare

Bob Tisdale
UN IPCC has adjusted model-predicted near-term warming downwards

Anthony Watts
WUWT climate/weather hot sheet
"There is so much pollution in [Red China] and India that it is causing computer motherboards to fail due to corrosion."

Norman Page
common sense climate science and forecasting after UN IPCC AR5

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Jay Carney berates insurance companies for complying with ObummerDoesn'tCare

Chuck Norris _Town Hall_
how do US children become slaves? (part 2)

Hugh Hewitt _Town Hall_
What Obummer said and Hillary didn't do: The left knows and the left doesn't care

Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Virginians explain why they're voting for Ken Cuccinelli

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
brave new world

Todd Starnes _Town Hall_
Washington DC Times journalist's home was target of pre-dawn para-military attack by USCG, MD State Police, DHS for... potato gun and notes about flaws in Federal Air Marshal program
"But instead of taking the potato gun, agents seized unrelated government documents and notes from the former Washington Times journalist.   Agents took Hudson's records during a search for guns and related items owned by her husband, a civilian Coast Guard employee.   They also confiscated her legally registered firearms, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press.   The armed agents held Hudson and her husband in the kitchen as they searched their home.   At some point, one of the agents asked if she was the same person who had written a series of stories critical of the Federal Air Marshal program in the mid-2000s.   Hudson did indeed author those stories for The Washington Times.   'Those stories were embarrassing to the agency.', she told me...   'The search warrant did not allow them to walk out with those documents.   They clearly violated the search warrant.'   It appears the agents were on a fishing expedition.   Hudson tells me her home is filled with boxes and boxes of files.   'But they only took 5 files -- and all 5 had to do with the Federal Air Marshal stories.', she said."

Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
US tax-victims pay $33.10 for every visitor of Clinton birth-place

only about 2,150 US military deaths in Afghanistan since 2001
"1,782 military service members have died in Afghanistan as a result of hostile action...   131 more members of the U.S. military died in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.   Of those, 11 were the result of hostile action."
compare with historical war casualties

Elizabeth Shield _Breitbart_
Conference Board: US consumer confidence plunged from 79.7 down to 71.2
Consumer confidence fell from 80.2 in September to 71.2 (1985=100).   The Present Situation Index decreased from 73.5 to 70.7.   The Expectations Index fell from 84.7 last month to 71.5.   Those saying jobs are "plentiful" was virtually unchanged from from 11.4% to 11.3%, while those saying jobs are "hard to get" increased from 33.6% to 35.8%.

2013-10-29 Robert Moore _Cenantua_
mark the day: 1812 June 4... as the end of the world

_Slash Dot_
genome/genealogy hacker builds 13M-member family tree
Heidi Ledford: Nature
Erlich lab
Erika Check Hayden: Nature: privacy protections on genetic data

Sharon Meers _MarketWatch_
working 24/7 may be macho, but it is not optimally productive: balancing work and family is good for the company too
Alison Diana: Internet Evolution

Erika Check Hayden _Nature_
Jonathan Rothberg is seeking a genetic basis for math genius

Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mark Shurtleff, board member of National Immigration Form, advocates prosecuting, deporting illegal aliens based on children's Soocialist Insecurity Numbers (SINs), because of identity thefts

Gordon G. Chang _PJ Media_
why is the US government helping Red China militarize space?
"analyst Rick Fisher, referring to the [Red Chinese] military by its initials [PLA, told] PJ Media. 'Knowledge of deep space dynamics and operations is viewed by the PLA as necessary for space control.'   Marcy may know much about the heavens -- he is said to be in line for a Nobel Prize, after all -- but he could use a brush-up on China.   'There is no such thing as a non-military related space program or non-military affected space researcher in [Red China].', notes Fisher, a senior fellow of the International Assessment and Strategy Center and widely followed [Red China] military expert.   'If the PLA wanted to use any of the insights that [Red Chinese] scientists gained from the Kepler Conference, those [Red Chinese] scientists would comply immediately.'   [Red China], not surprisingly, is trying to seize the high ground of space for military purposes, but what is of special concern is that it is willing to use aggressive tactics to do so.   Since at least 2006, for instance, the PLA has lasered American reconnaissance satellites to blind them, acts constituting attacks on the U.S.A...   As a geodesist at [a university in Red C/hina], speaking anonymously to the South China Morning Post, said, 'We can't talk about space science without satellites, and we can't talk about satellites without military-related technology.'"

Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
Dick Turban, Ted Cruz and Louie Gomert disagree over self-defense

Nick Sorrentino _Town Hall_
supporters of Orwellian police state (video)

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
what are USA government's interests in Egypt?

Scott DesJarlais _Nooga_
granting illegal aliens amnesty will increase costs for hard-working Tennesseans
Cleveland TN Daily Banner
"The non-partisan Federation for American Immigration Reform [FAIR] estimates the illegal immigration population of Tennessee at 120K...   Before we add to the mess of immigration laws, we need to stop turning a blind eye when current laws are violated right in front of us.   In fact, our own local law enforcement officials have been explicitly denied the ability to enforce standing laws.   When Sherriff Jimmy Jones of Knox county attempted to do the job he was elected to do by requesting his officers be provided with the training necessary to enforce federal immigration laws when applicable, he was denied [by the federal government].   The [Obummer regime] has been doing the same to other law enforcement officials across the country.   The senate immigration bill actually increases our illegal immigration problem by sending a signal that anyone who comes to our country illegally will eventually be allowed to stay.   This acts as a disincentive to legal immigration, which is the exact opposite of what the government should be aiming for.   Further, while we should welcome with open arms those who come to this country respecting its laws and traditions, encouraging illegal immigration makes it harder for all citizens to compete in the labor market, driving down wages and growing the tax burden...   We need a sensible approach to immigration, one that prioritizes keeping our borders safe and allows for enforcement of current laws."

_Numbers USA_
cross-border bodyshop Infosys to pay $34M for visa fraud
PC World/IDG
John Ribeiro: ComputerWorld/IDG
Seeking Alpha
Sebastian Robertson: WFAA abc Dallas-Ft. Worth TX
Slash Dot
another Slash Dot thread on the same topic
"Opportunist" wrote: This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we don't get any kind of respect in management.   Because that's what they see in us: The computerized equivalent of plumbers and bricklayers.   The fact that they couldn't wrap their feeble minds around a tenth of what we have to understand intimately doesn't matter.   What matters is that we're notoriously bad at marketing.   Self-marketing, too.
I guess I'm not the only one who is amazed again and again how simple, trivial concepts can be impossible to grasp for allegedly intelligent people.   And of course I consider what I can do fairly trivial because, well, let's be honest, it is.   Still, there is an amazingly small subset of the human species that can even begin to understand what I'm actually doing.   My move to management was quite an eye opener, and it showed me just HOW much people at the C-Level don't really understand about their company.
But they're good at self marketing.   They're great at selling their ability, [their ability] that parallels the feat of being able to eat your lunch without spilling half of it on your [tie, as though it were] the biggest achievement in human history.   Because, well, in a nutshell, "management skills" are trivial, at best.   I was at first very intimidated by the idea that I should now "manage".   [It turns] out it's not that much different from what you have to do anyway while you actually should be programming, just leave out doing some sensible work and you [have] got it.
And that's simply what it boils down to: Techs are really bad at self marketing.   We still mostly rely on getting the job done and getting it done well and hoping that people will notice [and appreciating our accomplishments and rewarding us accordingly].   Bullshit, people don't care.   People only listen to the loudmouth who keeps tooting his own horn.


cartoons _Town Hall_ Glenn Foden: if you like your constitution you can keep it
Glenn McCoy: only you can prevent pants fires
Eric Allie: couldn't put ObummerDoesn'tCare together again
Robert Ariail: nobody told me
Henry Payne: iCarpets
Proposed Bills 2013

  "It may even be that we are now [2008] living through the painful deflation of a multi-decade 'super bubble'." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg344  



2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
throw the rascals out (part 2)

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
is there a way out?
"Between two-thirds and three-quarters of federal spending, in contravention of the U.S. Constitution, can be described as congress taking the earnings or property of one American to give to another, to whom it does not belong.   You say, 'Williams, what do you mean?'   Congress has no resources of its very own.   Moreover, there's no Santa Claus or tooth fairy who gives it resources.   The fact that congress has no resources of its very own forces us to recognize that the only way congress can give one American one dollar is to first -- through intimidation, threats and coercion -- confiscate that dollar from some other American through the tax code.   If any American did privately what congress [and the IRS do] publicly, he'd be condemned as an ordinary thief.   Taking what belongs to one American to give to another is theft, and the receiver is a recipient of stolen property.   Most Americans would suffer considerable anguish and cognitive dissonance seeing themselves as recipients of stolen property, so congressional theft has to be euphemized and given a respectable name.   That respectable name is 'entitlement'...   For example, I am entitled to walk into the house that I own.   I am entitled to drive the car that I own.   The challenging question is whether I am also entitled to what you or some other American owns.   Let's look at a few of these entitlements.   More than 40% of federal spending is for entitlements for the elderly in the forms of [Socialist Insecurity], Medicare, Medicaid, housing and other assistance programs.   The Office of Management and Budget [OMB] calculates that total entitlement spending comes to about 62% of federal spending.   Military spending totals 19% of federal spending.   By the way, putting those two figures into historical perspective demonstrates the success we've had becoming a handout nation.   In 1962, military expenditures were almost 50% of the federal budget, and entitlement spending was a mere 31%.   The Congressional Budget Office [CBO] estimates that entitlement spending will consume all federal tax revenue by 2048..."

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Ted Roberts _Jewish World Review_
how my buddy Herbie and I mastered comparative religion at age 12

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Dennis Ross, Eric Edelman & Michael Makovsky _Jewish World Review_
memo to the Washington weak: how not to become Iran's fool

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Matt Pearce & Melanie Mason _Jewish World Review_
suicides raise worries about anti-bullying campaigns

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Eoin O'Carroll _Jewish World Review_
does altitude determine the way we speak?

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
end the Fed

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare problem is hubris

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: always a pile of lies
Daily Caller

2013-10-30 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the thuggery of ObummerDoesn'tCare Czarina Kathleen Supercilious

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 promoter found dead in SD: heart attack?   murder?   hunting accident?   feud with neighboring Sioux?   disgruntled investor?   relative?

Douglas J. Keenan
statistical analyses of surface temperatures in the UN IPCC AR5

Greg Richter _News Max_
Marco Rubio acknowledges that insurance policy cancellations were apparently an intended part of ObummerDoesn'tCare

Sarah Hurtubise _Daily Caller_
Ted Cruze notes that Obummer has a disturbing pattern of abusing power

Timothy Lee _Daily Caller_
Americans should support copyright protections

judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Washington DC Times_
Is Obummer a power-mad, megalomaniacal liar?

_Washington DC Times_
the cruelty of not cutting federal government spending

Emily Miller _Washington DC Times_
ObummerDoesn'tCare aim was always totalitarian federal government control of health care

Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
Kathleen Supercilious says "ObummerDoesn'tCare is for thee but not for me"

Ion Mihai Pacepa _PJ Media_
how Leftist leaders conceal their pasts: Lenin, Stalin, Ceausescu, Obummer

Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
since Bubbles Bernanke, inflation has increased 43%, more under Obummer than Shrub

_One Old Vet_
deportations have plummeted in 2013
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
to be buried alive...

_Le Monde Juif_
Israel: les grottes prehistoriques du mont Carmel classees au patrimonie mondial
"Les quatre grottes du mont Carmel (Tabun, Jamal, el-Wad et Skhul) et leurs terrasses sont regroupées les unes à côté des autres le long du côté sud de la vallée de Nahal Me'arot."

cartoons _Town Hall_
Chip Bok: what Obummer meant
Gary Varvel: Obummer's blinders
Michael Ramirez: Obummer has no knowledge
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Gary Klein... says that, in the environments he studies, stories are told and retold because they contain wisdom.   Stories are effective teaching [and propaganda] tools." --- Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2007, 2008 _Made to Stick_ pg205  



Stephanie Overby _CIO_/_IDG_
Infosys visa fraud settlement could impact "IT" cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring schemes
"'$35M is a big number for Infosys and will frighten the life out of their Indian competitors, which are also exploiting the gray areas around the visa rulings.', says Phil Fersht, CEO of outsourcing analyst firm HfS Research...   The conclusion of the investigation also sheds a light on the increasing dependence on so-called 'landed resources' -- off-shore employees brought on-site -- to make today's out-sourcing model work, not just for Indian or Indian-centric out-sourcers, but multi-nationals like IBM and Accenture.   Experienced out-sourcing customers are demanding a greater percentage of on-shore support, but have grown accustomed to off-shore prices...   'Off-shore IT companies have been circumnavigating visa legislation for decades.', says Ken Behrendt, CEO of Eden Prairie, MN-based Eagle Creek Software Services.   'I formerly led an off-shore IT services company [i.e. domestic bodyshop] and saw countless examples of companies manipulating or simply breaking the law in regards to visa policy.   A fine of this size will serve as a deterrent for other companies and will likely impact the way they attempt to bring foreign workers into the U.S.A.'   Obtaining temporary visas had already become more challenging.   'Immigration policy is being enforced at entry now, which is causing more confusion and disruption for clients.', says Esteban Herrera, partner with out-sourcing consultancy Information Services Group (ISG).   'We have many anecdotal stories of resources assigned to client engagement not being allowed in the country because of visa status or not having a work-place address.'   [Work-place is a determinant of 'prevailing wage' requirements, and many firms have engaged in fraud by declaring that work will be done in a low-cost/low-pay location, and then shipping the guest-workers to high-cost/high-compensation locations to actually do the work.]...   The finding against Infosys could also fuel those factions that were supporting the tougher immigration laws and general sentiment against offshoring."

2013-10-31 Charlie Martin _PJ Media_
the arithmetic absurdity (and ethical repugnance) of ObummerDoesn'tCare

Cornelis de Jager
paper suggests the sun's magnetic field controls earth climate over the long term

Anthony Watts, Andrew Revkin, Yair Rosenthal, Braddock K. Linsley & Delia W. Oppo
another paper, in AAAS Science, shows Medieval Warm Period was global

2013-10-31 Anthony Watts & Jim Cripwell
blind faith in climate models

2013-10-31 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
citizen activists finally being empowered by judges

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
"the most damnable, vraisemblable, horrible, hair-lifting, shocking, ingenious..."
"So wrote Philip Pendleton Cooke (you remember...John Esten Cooke's older brother), in 1846 August, when sharing his thoughts with Edgar Allan Poe regarding Poe's _The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar_."

Frank Munger _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
hackers into DC Dept. of Energy system in July stole personal info of hundreds of employees at Oak Ridge National Lab

Marc Parry _Chronicle of Higher Education_
What mutants can teach about big privacy violation: How to abuse faculty, staff, and students

John Ransom _Town Hall_
stupid is the new normal among government officials

Victor Davis Hanson _Town Hall_
presidential deception
Jewish World Review

Naomi Creason _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Apple may employ 400 for hardware repair center in South Middleton PA

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
Keynesian doctrine is the left's perpetual motion machine
"You build a model that assumes government spending is good for the economy and you assume that there are zero costs when the government diverts money from the private sector.   With that type of model, you then automatically generate predictions that bigger government will 'stimulate' growth and create jobs.   Heck, sometimes you even admit that you don't look at real world numbers.   Which perhaps explains why Keynesian economics has a long track record of failure.   It didn't work for Hoover and Roosevelt in the 1930s.   It didn't work for Nixon, Ford, and Carter in the 1970s.   It didn't work for Japan in the 1990s.   And it hasn't worked this century for either Bush or Obama.   But politicians love Keynesian theory because it tells them that their vice is a virtue.   They're not buying votes with other people's money, they're 'stimulating' the economy!"

Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
8 special forces operators were in Tripoli the night the Benghazi consulate was attacked
Rowan Scarborough: Washington DC Times
"'8 special operators -- mostly Delta Force and Green Beret members -- were in Tripoli the night of the attack, on a counterterrorism mission that involved capturing weapons and wanted terrorists from the streets and helping train Libyan forces. When word of the Benghazi attack surfaced, 2 members of that military unit volunteered to be dispatched along with 5 private security contractors on a hastily arranged flight from Tripoli to rescue Americans in danger...'" <>2013-10-31
Terrence Moore _Town Hall_
Communist Corpse looks at "literature"

Jim Huffman _Daily Caller_
the costs of federal government "shut-down" are nothing next to the costs of excessive regulation and mal-regulation

Cliff May & Bill Roggio _Town Hall_
drone drama: the U.S. government still lacks a coherent plan for neutralizing al-Qaeda and its now-multiplying affiliates

Lisa Barron _News Max_
Obummer regime has been intimidating insurance companies to stop criticisms
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

2013-10-31 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
spying on the president

2013-10-31 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Cheri Jacobus _Jewish World Review_
Obummer will delay individual mandate until after mid-terms, to try to protect leftist Dems

2013-10-31 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
crony socialism: the 1960s generation's legacy

2013-10-31 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
senator Bullhead Dick Turban is hooked on outrage

Elliot Jager _News Max_
chair of House Homeland Security committee Michael McCaul says he only weakly backs immigration reform, opposes reprehensible immigration law perversion
"'I've been against amnesty my entire career.', McCaul he said.   'I'm simply interested in getting the security piece done.', referring to his own bill aimed at preventing would-be illegal border-crossers from entering the country.   'We are not going to conference with the senate on this.   We're not going to conference with the senate -- period.'   Three Republican House members have now backed Democrats in backing a broad immigration bill roughly in line with the senate's proposal [S744], though without border security enhancements -- 20K more Border Patrol agents and [a mere] 350 miles of additional fencing."

_BorderLand Beat_
Tijuana-San Diego tunnel discovered containing 3 tons of pot
"Tijuana Municipal Police and Mexican Army discovered a new functioning drug tunnel on the border of Tijuana and San Diego."

Paul Kersey _V Dare_
how the ruling class wants us to live
"Two years ago, I argued on VDARE.com that the ultimate test for whether you live in a good neighborhood: can children Trick-Or-Treat safely?   The point: 'our' federal government is now moving to use refugee resettlement and diversity quotas to break apart the safe communities that the historic American nation created. [HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. by Susan Jones, CNS News, 2013 July 22]   Once these communities are destroyed, 'trick or treating' will be a thing of the past."

Michael Connelly _One Old Vet_
Veterans Admin threatens to ban veterans from ever owning firearms if they are so much as late with a payment
Sonoran AZ News
Red Flag News

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
God, likes, and Obummer: an American form of taqiyya, a leftist form of taqiyya

record visa fraud fine: tech execs still want more visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign STEM labor with flexible ethics
"Tech [executives] have lobbied aggressively [against] immigration reform to allow more [low-skilled] foreign workers to enter the U.S.a. to 'increase America's global competitiveness'."

John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
Infosys fine highlights needed immigration reforms

Liberty county FL sheriff Nick Finch acquitted
Fort Mill SC Times
96.5 Central Florida news
San Francisco CA Chronicle

cartoons _Town Hall_ Eric Allie: I admit it. We have a flat tire
Ken Catalino: ObummerDoesn'tCare is potent enough to choke the economy
Steve Breen: ghosts of Obummer's past
Lisa Benson: empty suit
Glenn McCoy: Obummer's monster
Jerry Holbert: no one really knows what's in it

2013 October
Claire Wolfe _BackWoods Home_
yes, you can work without a Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN)

Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe (1849)
Poe Stories
Romantic Lyrics
Proposed Bills 13

  "Ballot boxes brought Hitler to power in Germany, Mugabe to power in Zimbabwe, Milosevic to power in Serbia -- and could well bring the likes of Osama bin Laden to power in Saudi Arabia." --- Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pg275  


Proposed Bills 2013

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "In 2001, [Stephen Denning] wrote a very insightful book called _The SpringBoard_. Dening defines a spring-board story as a story that lets people see how an existing problem might change. Spring-board stories tell people about possibilities." --- Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2007, 2008 _Made to Stick_ pg233  

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