Proposed Bills 2013 - jgo economic news bits

updated: 2015-12-29

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House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

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Ratings Scale
Excellent, why hasn't this already been done?
pretty good
Has a tiny bit of merit buried in there.
very bad
Evil, Wicked, Mean, Corrupt & Nasty

jgo's opinions are subject to change without notice.

House Bills
HR15Joe Garcia of FLreprehensible immigration law perversion based on S744 only worse
HR21James P. Moran of VAfirearms safety
HR22Ted Poe of TXforeign counterfeit merchandise
HR23Paul C. Broun of GAforeign counterfeit merchandise
HR24Paul C. Broun of GAFederal Reserve transparency
HR25Rob Woodall of GA"fair" government extortion
HR33Steve Stockman of TXaudit the Federal Reserve
HR34Bobby L. Rush of ILprivacy violation of arms owners
HR35Steve Stockman of TXrepeal unsafe schools act
HR36Charles W. Dent of PAhealth care meddling
HR40John Conyers ii of MIsustaining racism
HR41Scott Garrett of NJincrease federal government debt to prop up unconstitutional FEMA and flood insurance
HR45Michele Bachmann of MNrepeal unconstitutional national socialist health care perversion popularly known as ObummerDoesn'tCare/PPACA
HR46Michele Bachmann of MNrepeal Dodd-Frank Wall Street fraud promotion and consumer scamming act
HR49Don Young of AKenergy independence
HR50George Miller of CApromote fraudulent and corrupt elections practices
HR51Michael G. FitzPatrick of PAemployment/unemployment vouchers
HR52Michael G. FitzPatrick of PAterminate retirement coverage for congress-critters
HR53Michael G. FitzPatrick of PAbar former congress-critters from lobbying for 2 years
HR54Michael G. FitzPatrick of PAno raises for 113th congress
HR55Michael G. FitzPatrick of PATo prioritize the payment of pay and allowances to members of the Armed Forces and Federal law enforcement officers in the event the debt ceiling is reached or the funding gap continues
HR56Marsha Blackburn of TN1% cuts in non-defense, non-homeland-security, and non-veterans-affairs discretionary spending
HR57Marsha Blackburn of TN15% cuts in non-defense, non-homeland-security, and non-veterans-affairs discretionary spending
HR58Marsha Blackburn of TN10% cuts in non-defense, non-homeland-security, and non-veterans-affairs discretionary spending
HR59Marsha Blackburn of TN5% cuts in non-defense, non-homeland-security, and non-veterans-affairs discretionary spending
HR65Sheila Jackson Lee of TXchild arms danger and arms access prevention
HR67Marsha Blackburn of TNadd counties to "Appalachian region"
HR69Madeleine Z. Bordallo of Guamfederal government over-regulation of fishing
HR70Sheila Jackson Lee of TXissuance of oil and gas leases
HR72Sheila Jackson Lee of TXdeploy more DEA and BATFE along the border to try to clean up some of the mess created by the BATFE
HR73Paul C. Broun of GAabolish the Federal Reserve Board
HR74Sheila Jackson Lee of TXcollect and report data on traffic stops near the borders
HR75Paul C. Broun of GAwithdraw from UN and withdraw permission to be based in USA
HR77Paul C. Broun of GArepeal "legal tender" statutes, prohibit taxation on coins and certain bullion, and allow free competition in currencies
HR79Donna M. Christensen of the Virgin Islandsextending unconstitutional Medicare's unfairness to more victims
HR81Donna M. Christensen of the Virgin Islandsextending unconstitutional national socialist health care perversion popularly known as ObummerDoesn'tCare/PPACA
HR97Gerald E. Connolly of VApromote fraudulent and corrupt elections practices
HR100John Conyers ii of MIprotect employees and retirees in business bankruptcies
HR140Steve King of IAclarify birth-right citizenship
HR150Kevin Yoder of KSshave pay of congress-critters
HR270David E. Price of NCunconstitutional federal gov't intrusion in campaign funding
HR332Adam B. Schiff of CAinsane climate hysteria
HR347Thomas E. Petri of WIunconstitutional federal meddling in local education
HR419Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of FLTaiwan policy
HR423Mike Coffman of COterminate congressional pensions
HR431Jackie Speier of CAmore violations of 2nd amendment
HR437Carolyn McCarthy of NYmore egregious violations of 2nd amendment
HR457Darrell E. Issa of CAimpose mandatory sentencing ranges with respect to aliens who reenter the United States after having been removed
HR459Darrell E. Issa of CASTEM visas
HR466Michael E. Capuano of MAstop release of Socialist Insecurity Numbers via death master file
HR477Gingrey of GAreduce family-based chain immigration
HR484Duncan D. Hunter of CAput more emphasis on reporting U-5 unemployment rate
HR519Jerrold Nadler of NYhomosexuals, pseudo-marriage, and chain immigration
HR556Sam Johnson of TXrefundable child tax credit eligibility verification reform
HR575Steve Stockman of TXprohibit violation of 2nd amendment via UN or international treaties or agreements
HR577Steve Stockman of TXadjudicating mental competency
HR590Ed Pastor of AZamnesty for specific illegal alien
HR591Ed Pastor of AZamnesty for specific illegal alien
HR633Jason Chaffetz of UTmore visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics
HR714Jason Chaffetz of UTstart-up 3.0: more visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics
HR778Darrell E. Issa of CAtrade-mark theft
HR779Darrell E. Issa of CAgovernment info security
HR803Virginia Foxx of NCunconstitutional, totalitarian federal micro-management, bureaucratization, and low skills act to reduce liberty, property, and privacy, and sustain low levels of employment and high durations of unemployment, and reduce individual initiative and independence, and spread money and corruption to politicians' families and friends
HR807Tom McClintock of CA, Jeb Hensarling of TX & 104 othersTreasury secretary must prioritize obligations, paying back bond-holders before paying "benefits" and such
HR828Tom Price of GAdecrease federal government spending microscopically
HR906John R. Carter of TXclassify human trafficking in part 1 violent crimes
HR940Diane Black of TNrestriction on ObummerDoesn'tCare/PPACA to respect religious liberty
HR954Suzanne Bonamici of ORidiotic mal-investment act
HR965Luis V. Gutierrez of ILunconstitutionally making poor people defenseless
HR969Tom Price of GAprohibit conditioning licensure of a health care provider upon participation in a health plan
HR1163Darrell E. Issa of CAgovernment info security
HR1211Darrell E. Issa of CAFOIA changes encouraging replacement of paper delivery by electronic, ignoring the electronic divide
HR1232Darrell E. Issa of CAfederal digital information management micro-management
HR1248Robert P. Casey ii of PAflexible work terms and conditions
HR1264Robert P. Casey ii of PA"clean energy" boondoggle
HR1309Tom Price of GAexclude pathologists from incentive payments and penalties under the unconstitutional Medicare and Medicaid relating to the meaningful abuse of electronic health records
HR1406Martha Roby of ALvoluntary comp time off in lieu of over-time pay
HR1407Robert P. Casey ii of PAmisguided, unconstitutional federal grants for CS education when we have millions of able and willing computer wranglers unemployed
HR1417Michael T. McCaul of TXrequire DHS to report "operational control" of borders and improvement plans
HR1440Billy Long of MOdiscourage evasion of import duties
HR1613Jeff Duncan of SCpetroleum + gas exploration off outer continental shelf
HR1663Darrell E. Issa of CApermit patent violation through knock-off auto parts
HR1771Edward R. Royce of CAenforce sanctions against North Korea
HR1772Lamar Smith of TXlegal work-force act, e-verify
HR1892Zoe Lofgren of CAcopyright protection
HR1965Doug Lamborn of COencouraging oil and gas exploration (delete sub-title B section 121 and it would be a lot better)
HR2009Tom Price of GAprohibit the Secretary of the Treasury from enforcing unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare/PPACA
HR2061Darrell E. Issa of CAdisclosing direct Federal agency expenditures and linking Federal contract, loan, and grant spending information to programs of Federal agencies
HR2131Darrell E. Issa of CAmore low-skill H-1B visas to worsen undermining of USA STEM professionals' careers
HR2217John R. Carter of TXDHS expropriations
HR2220Ted Poe of TXsecure borders (too much discretion left to DHS secretary. taking too much time. too few guardsmen. too much pork/crony socialism.)
HR2221Eric A. Crawford of ARadditional web site for OIG reports
HR2231Doc Hastings of WAcoastal energy
HR2247Cynthia Lummis of WYban State Dept. "permission" to exercise 2nd amendment rights WRT collectible curio and relic arms
HR2278Trey Gowdy of SCimmigration reform (sec. 206 is weak; sec. 403 should eliminate visa waivers; sec. 505 dispense with idiotic "notices to appear"; sec. 606 100 miles is excessive)
HR2300Tom Price of GAsubstitute for unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare/PPACA
HR2582Michael M. Honda of CAremove sequestration from US PTO
HR2584Andre Carson of INrequire colleges and universities to provide students with job placement and BLS info
HR2587Gerald E. Connolly of VAencourages federal government employees to boost STEM education
HR2592Michael M. Honda of CAunconstitutional grants for state networks on STEM education
HR2602Ted Poe of TXpenalties for countries which refuse return of their citizens illegally in the USA (too much discretion given to secretaries of State and DHS.)
HR2605Allyson Y. Schwartz of PAtax breaks for bringing new/renewed patent based products to market
HR2630Lou Barletta of PAtransparency of 1986 amnesty for illegal aliens
HR2631Lou Barletta of PAtransparency of 1986 amnesty for illegal aliens
HR2766Darrell E. Issa of CASTOP act transitional program for covered business method patents to assist financially under-resourced resellers, users, implementers, distributors, or customers of an allegedly infringing product or process
HR2822Betty McCollum of MNglobal "food security", USA tax-victim subsidies to "developing countries"
HR2909Timothy H. Bishop of NYrequire the secretary of Labor to maintain a publicly available list of all employers that relocate a call center over-seas, to make such companies ineligible for federal grants or guaranteed loans, and to require disclosure of the physical location of business agents engaging in customer service communications
HR3121David P. Rose of TNunconstitutional federal government meddling in health care, and repeal unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare/PPACA (introduced 2013-09-18)
HR3141Candice S. Miller of MIbiometric entry/exit
HR3210UNKNOWNpay troops; enacted; signed by pres. Obummer
HR3223James P. Moran of VApay federal government employees for time when they're not working
HR3230Harold Rogers of KYcontinuing appropriations resolution to pay National Guard and Reserves for training
HR3273Harold rogers of KYcreates a bipartisan, bicameral working group charged with beginning negotiations, resolving the differences between the House and senate, and helping re-open the government and reduce federal government spending and debt
HR3350Fred Upton of MIkeep your health plan
HR3611Scott Perry of PADHS Immigration Accountability and Transparency
HR99999jgo of USAreduce E-3 visas to 500 per year, F visa to 50K per year, H visas to 2K per year, J visas to 3K per year, L visas to 20K per year; and reduce the term of H and L visas to 9 months, terms of J visas to 2 months, terms of E visas to 1 year, and OPT eligibility for F visa holders to 3 months
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Bills
S169Orrin G. Hatch of UTI-Scre*ed USA's STEM professionals
S293Mike Lee of UTmore green cards for cheap, young, pliant, low-skiled foreign labor with questionable ethics
S310Jerry Moran of KSstart-up 3.0: more green cards for cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics
S392Tom Udall of NMunconstitutional federal meddling in local school PE
S518Mark Begich of AKcheap foreign labor for sea-food industry
S691Frank R. Lautenberg of NJunconstitutional federal government power-madness
S703Mazie K. Hirono of HIwaive visa requirements for people from Hong Kong
S744Charles E. Schumer of NY and the 8 gangstersreprehensible immigration law perversion
S1037Rand Paul of KYelectronic communications privacy
S1090Marco Rubio of FLconsolidate education income extortion credits
S1542Marco Rubio of FLallow incentive/performance pay
S1666Marco Rubio of FLamend the unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare to pretend to do something to reduce privacy violations
S1726Marco Rubio of FLdelete section 1342 of ObummerDoesn'tCare
S99999jgo of USAreduce E-3 visas to 500 per year, F visa to 50K per year, H visas to 2K per year, J visas to 3K per year, L visas to 20K per year and reduce the term of H and L visas to 9 months, terms of J visas to 2 months, terms of E visas to 1 year, and OPT eligibility for F visa holders to 3 months
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

House Concurrent Resolutions
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

House Joint Resolutions
HJRes59Harold Rogers of KYcontinuing appropriations resolution as passed in the House (the frown is because it permits excessive spending, and was made worse by senate amendments)
HJRes70Michael K. Simpson of IDexcessive continuing appropriations resolution for NPS, Smithsonian, art gallery, holocaust memorial
HJRes71Ander Crenshaw of FLallows DC government to continue operations using its own funds
HJRes72John Abney Culterson of TXcontinuing appropriations resolution for veterans benefits
HJRes73Jack Kingston of GAexcessive continuing appropriations resolution for NIH
HJRes75Robert B. Alberholt of ALexcessive continuing appropriations resolution for WIC
HJRes77Robert B. Alberholt of ALexcessive continuing appropriations resolution for FDA
HJRes84Harold Rogers of KYexcessive and unconstitutional continuing appropriations resolution for ineffective Head Start
HJRes85John R. Carter of TXexcessive continuing appropriations resolution for FEMA
HJRes89John R. Carter of TXexcessive continuing appropriations resolution paying federal gov't employees not working, requiring OMB report, establish bicameral working group on deficit reduction
HJRes104Jim Bridenstein of OKrepeal 16th amendment, eliminate income extortion
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

House Resolutions
HRes368UNKNOWNfund the government running at current vastly excessive spending levels (-); ensure there's no special treatment for congress under the president's health care law (+); delays ObummerDoesn'tCare's/PPACA's individual mandate, providing all Americans with the same relief the president has given big businesses (+one-half); and requests a formal House-senate conference to resolve differences (-)
HRes411Pete Olson of TXimpeach Eric Holder
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Joint Resolutions
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Resolutions
SRes269Marco Rubio of FLnamby-pamby resolution opposing Iran developing nuclear weapons
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Concurrent Resolutions
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change / ad hoc Working Group on Long-term Co-Operative Action/2009/INF.2

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  "The guiding principle that a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy remains as true today as it was in the 19th century." --- Friedrich A. Hayek 1944, 1963 _The Road to Serfdom_ pg240  

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