2014 January

1st month of the 1st quarter of the 25th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-03-14

  "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of America." --- preamble  

2014 January
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5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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26 27 28 29 30 31  

  "I've got the whole plan of it in my head -- all that remains is to write the words." --- Menander writing c. 300BCE but frequently heard among screen-writers, computer science and engineering students and practitioners in the 20th and 21st century (quoted in Mary Ellen Snodgrass 1988 _Cliffs Notes on Greek Classics_ pg246)  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2014 January

1st month of the 1st quarter of the 15th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
was New Year's Day 1864 a bad day for Uncle Joe Lake McKinney?

Steve Johnson _Reporter Herald_
HP job cuts to hit 34K
San Jose CA Mercury News
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2014-01-01 (5774 Tebet 29)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
the American Dream can be reclaimed
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2014-01-01 (5774 Tebet 29)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the gifts of Jahi
Town Hall
Cybercast News Service
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please help find Marizela

2014-01-01 (5774 Tebet 29)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
Communist Corpse: the government's plan to try to bring "the same standard" to every government-run school
Town Hall
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2014-01-01 (5774 Tebet 29)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoes'tCare's biggest whopper
Town Hall
World Net Daily
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2014-01-01 (5774 Tebet 29)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
comments on the commentary on what Phil Robertson said that diverted from "Officially Approved Leftist Opinion"
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2014-01-01 (5774 Tebet 29)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
parting company
Town Hall
Cybercast News Service
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Jim Steele
another conservation success story hijacked by warmist hysterics

Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
Virginia organic farmer produced world's biggest maize harvest of 454 bushels per acre

Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
7 out of 10 conicted felons are registered Democrats
"in some states, felons register Democratic by more than 6-to-1.   In New York, for example, 61.5% of convicts are Democrats, just 9% Republican.   They also cited a study that found 73% of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat."

Anthony Watts
Australian Maritime Safety Authority Rescue Coordinating Center: helicopter rescue of 52 passengers aboard Akademik Shokalskiy likely to start shortly
"All 22 crew members are expected to remain with the vessel...   The first 5 flights will rescue passengers and the remaining 2 flights will transfer luggage and equipment.   Each return flight is expected to take about 45 minutes."

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
bye bye, Harry Reid
"Democrats are defending 7 senate seats in states Mitt Romney won in 2012...   can Republicans win the 6 seats needed to take control of the upper chamber in 2014?"

Bob Barr _Town Hall_
our founding fathers were not afraid of impeaching and we ought not to be either

Terence P. Jeffrey _Town Hall_
free exercise of virtue is prohibited in the USA as of today
Cybercast News Service

Eric Boehm _Town Hall_
the 14 most important election contests of 2014
Florida Watch-Dog

John Gizzi _News Max_
Kerry Bentivolio facing primary challenge in Michigan's 11th congressional district
"voted to extend the debt ceiling [but] More recently, he spoke out against any U.S. action in Syria and was 1 of 62 House Republicans to oppose the Ryan-Murray bipartisan budget [fiasco]."

Jerome R. Corsi _World Net Daily_
Obummer continues to slither to new leftist world order: protest planned against Trans-Pacific Partnership (with table/graph)
Before It's News
leaked copy of the TPP draft (pdf)

Ryan Young _Washington DC Times_
stop the money presses!

_World Net Daily_
blue/purple tekhelet dye
"Murex trunculus, a snail...   fringes...riband...   a mollusk that was over-harvested by Roman royalty, which adopted the color as its own.   It became a crime for Jews to wear garments dyed with the color or made in Luz, the ancient Israeli city identified with the manufacture of the fabric.   The Talmud mentions two Jews captured by the Romans for the crime of having 'items made in Luz', the Israeli city identified with the manufacture of tekhelet...   the commandment to wear tzitzit -- the ritual fringes worn on the 4-cornered prayer shawls...   Tekhelet was one of the few permanent dyes of the biblical era, made from a glandular secretion of the Murex snail called di-bromo-indi-rubin, which, after 5 to 10 minutes of exposure to air and sunlight, turns what's called 'biblical blue', say Jewish scholars."
Garments of Salvation
C. Westley & K. Benkendorff: NIH: sex-specific Tyrian purple genesis
"Intermediates tyrindoxyl, tyrindoleninone, and tyriverdin were detected in female hypobranchial glands, along with 6,6'-dibromoindigo [blue], while males contained 6-bromoisatin and 6,6'-dibromoindirubin [purple]."
Tyrian Purple: Turkish Cultural Foundation
Zvi C. Koren: Springer: archaeo-chemical analysis of royal purple on a Darius i stone jar
"The major colorants identified in the purple pigment are 6,6′-dibromoindigo, 6-monobromoindigo, and 6,6′-dibromoindirubin, with negligible contributions by indigo and 6-bromoisatin.   This analysis establishes that a marine mollusk was the source of the purple pigment, which is the famous Royal Purple or Tyrian Purple of the ancients.   A comparison with the relative dye compositions of various Muricidae species (Hexaplex trunculus, Bolinus brandaris, and Stramonita haemastoma), and with their newly formulated Di-Mono Index values, suggests that the biological provenance of this ancient pigment was probably an indigo-deficient Hexaplex trunculus sea snail."
1997: R.J.H. Clark & C.J. Cooksey: Wiley: bromoindirubins: the synthesis and properties of components of Tyrian purple...

_World Net Daily_
fewer American workers can retire

Christopher Monckton
UN IPCC silently cut its global warming predictions in AR5 final draft

Willis Eschenbach
ocean heat content variations -- satellites vs. oceanographers

Timothy McGrath _Global Post_
15K new species recorded in 2013: my favorite 12

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
* 2014: the world without the USA... or is it? *
"Obama is basically having fun.   Hollande and the royal family are basically doing strategy.   They are designing actions to advance their interests in the new world..."

_Global Post_/_Agence France-Presse_
al-Qaeda moving into Ramadi and Fallujah
"Fighting began in the Ramadi area Monday, when security forces removed the main anti-government protest camp set up after demonstrations broke out in late 2012 against what Sunni Arabs say is the marginalisation and targeting of their community.   Anger in the Sunni Arab minority remains high, helping to fuel the worst violence to hit Iraq in 5 years.   Fighters from the Al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which operates in both Iraq and neighbouring Syria, advanced amid early morning clashes into areas of central Ramadi and deployed snipers on one street, a police captain said.   A police colonel said the army had re-entered areas of Fallujah, between Ramadi and Baghdad, but that a around a quarter of it remained under ISIL control...   Prime-minister Nuri al-Maliki had long sought the closure of the protest camp near Ramadi, dubbing it a 'head-quarters for the leadership of Al-Qaeda'..." 2014-01-01
Christopher S. Rugaber _Fort Wayne IN Journal Gazette_
Conference Board: consumer confidence rose to 78.1 in December, up from 72 in the previous month. November's figure was revised up from 70.4
Kathleen Madigan: NASDAQ
Jeffry Bartash: MarketWatch
Hispanic Business/UPI
Jeff Brown: CNBC
"The board's present situation index [for October was revised up from 72.0 to 73.5] and increased to 76.2...   the future expectations index advanced from 71.1 to 79.4...   The board's survey showed 12.2% of consumers this month think jobs are 'plentiful', up from 12.0% thinking that in November.   Those who think jobs are 'hard to get' fell from from 34.1% in November to 32.5% in December..."

Sharona Schwartz _Blaze_
professor Gershon Galil has deciphered 3K year old engraving.. a label for cheap wine?
Nir Hasson: Ha Aretz
Times of Israel
"The carving was discovered on a clay jug in the Ophel area, near the southern wall of the Temple Mount...   Galil contends that the first of the eight letters on the inscription was the last letter of a word that had been broken off which he believes referred to the date.   The middle letters referred to the low quality wine, and the final portion referred to the place of the wine's origin [COOL].   Due to letters having broken off at the end of the message, it is unknown where the wine was produced."

Andrew C. McCarthy _PJ Media_
an 11th-hour victory for religious liberty

Steve Chabot
my predictions for 2014

Sean Higgins _Washington DC Examiner_
DoL's shift on visa fraud smells of immigration politics
"It was a curious announcement in light of the Infosys settlement and the previous year's 'top management concerns' reports from the inspector general's office.   In that report, the office said that '[I]nvestigations continue to uncover schemes carried out by immigration attorneys, labor brokers, and trans-national organized crime groups.'...   It is noteworthy, though, that the 2013 report is the first one since Thomas Perez took over as labor secretary in July.   Perez is a former top civil rights enforcer with the Justice Department and a staunch advocate of more open immigration..."

1863-01-01: Emancipation Proclamation executive order signed

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

1699-01-01: John Jacob Bucher (son of John Jacob Bucher & Elzabeth Steiner; gs of John Bucher & Maria Burtin; ggs of John Bucher & Barbara Ryschacker) b: 1699-01-01 d: 1788 m: 1725-12-13 to Dorothea Burgauer.

1765-01-01: Anne Meaux Thornton (daughter of John Thornton & Sarah Mynn Thruston; gd of John Thruston & Sarah Mynn; ggd of Robert Mynn & Sarah Cary; 2ggd of James Cary & Sarah Reade) b: 1770 d: before 1810 m: Richard Meaux b: 1765-01-01 d: c. 1826.

1785-01-01: Mary Anderson/Polly Anderson (daughter of James Anderson iii & Margaret Chambers; gd of James Anderson ii & Ruth Bayley; ggd of James Anderson & Suit Garland) b: 1785-01-01 d: 1804-09-06 buried: Silvers Spring, Cumberland county PA.

1787-06-01: Joseph Barnett (son of James Barnett & Mary Allen) b: 1787-06-01 at "Barnett's Conquest", Hanover twp Dauphin county PA d: 1870-01-01 at Franklin, Warren county buried: Woodlawn cem, Franklin county OH OH m: 1817-04-29 to Sarah Harrison (daughter of Isaac Harrison & Sarah Stevens; sister of general John Harrison) b: 1789 d: 1834-12-12 buried: Woodlawn cem, Franklin county OH.

1831-01-01: Mary Brent Sewall (daughter of doctor Robert Sewall & Mary Brent/Polly Brent; gd of Nicholas Lewis Sewall & Mary Darnall) b: 1808 September d: 1831-01-01.

1865-01-01: Mary Lile Ayres (daughter of John Ayres & Matilda Scott; gd of William Ayres & Mary Elizabeth Bucher; ggd of John Ayres & Jane Lytle; 2ggd of William Ayres & Mary Kean) b: 1865-01-01.

William Kilgore b: 1796-07-18 near King's creek, VA d: 1877-01-01 in Steubenville, OH (1815 moved to Steubenville, OH. merchant. 1854 built Jefferson Iron Mills. president of Jefferson National Bank.) m: 1824-09-16 at Steubenville, OH (reverend Charles C. Beatty officiating) to Anna Hill (daughter of Samuel Hill & Nancy Beatty; gd of James Beatty & Ally Ann Irwin; ggd of William Beatty & Mary McKee; 2ggd of James Beatty & Agnes UNKNOWN; 3g-grand-daughter of John Beatty) b: 1798-12-19 at Harrisburg, PA d: 1872-10-08 at Steubenville, OH.
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The liberal intellectuals of the 1930s & 1940s believed that the general populace is too stupid to understand the intricacies of running a country.   Instead a select group of well-meaning intellectuals needs to determine the best course of action & then 'manufacture consent' of the citizens for things they don't want, but that are in their best interest." --- Douglas Rushkoff 1994 _Media Virus!_ pg 22 (citing Walter Lippmann who was quoted in Noam Chomsky 1991 _Media Control_)  



2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Rex Huppke _Jewish World Review_
evil buzz-words
"For some, these terms become part of the lexicon, a way of sounding important or, at the very least, in-the-know. But for others, they serve only to obfuscate."
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
the simple gesture of comforting others
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Betsy Hart _Jewish World Review_
what parental love trumps
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the year of the dud
Town Hall
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
woman of the year
Town Hall
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
are heroes of the US constitution bringing it back?
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
reality matters
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
on "vacation", in his lame-duck term, Obummer continues soliciting campaign money
Investor's Business Daily
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
the do-too-much congress
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the "war on poverty" at 50
Town Hall
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
the Republican "agenda" and the youth vote
Town Hall
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
the Benghazi backfire
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2014-01-02 (5774 Shebet 01)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
political ignorance: the cost of voters' inattention to politics, and the burden of over-extensive government
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Dan Sewell _Port Clinton OH News Herald_
Tea Party activists Ted Steenot and Brenda Mack running for governor, lieutenant-governor
Sharon Coolidge: Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star/Gannett

Bob Tisdale
questions policy-makers should be asking "climate scientists" who receive government funding

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
did Alexis de Tocqueville not spend enough time assessing the South?

Anthony Watts
new record low set in coldest continental USA city: much of USA headed for a cold wave

Anthony Watts
now that ship of fools has been rescued from Antarctic ice tough questions need to be answered

Joshunda Sanders _Chronicle of Higher Education_
teaching "controversial subjects"
"Shannon Gibney, a black professor at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, recently received a formal reprimand from campus administrators after 3 white male students lodged a complaint...   By ['teaching'] 'structural racism' in an October communications class, the students said, she had created a 'hostile learning environment'...   Earlier this year, Michigan State University professor William Penn was asked to take a leave of absence for the Fall semester after he was filmed telling students in a humanities course that Republicans 'don't want to pay taxes, because they have already raped this country and gotten everything out of it that they possibly could', among other comments."

Tim Ball
severe limitations on UN IPCC understanding and explanation of monsoons as mechanisms of massive energy transfer

Anthony Watts
rescue ship Aurora Australis crawling through ice toward open water

Anthony Watts
the cause of Akademik Shokalskiy getting stuck in Antarctica -- delay from sight-seeing mishaps and dawdling by passengers

Anthony Watts
rescue ship Aurora Australis told to hold position to potentially assist Chinese vessel Xue Long

Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
Europeans debate defense policy

_Conservative HQ_
2 resolutions to make and keep in 2014
"The first is to do everything, and we do mean everything, humanly possible to defeat the passage of legislation granting amnesty to illegal aliens.   The second is to work to make sure every office...has a limited government constitutional conservative candidate filed and running a real campaign.   We put defeating amnesty for illegal aliens at the top of our list of New Year's resolutions because amnesty is the radical Leftist goal that, once accomplished, will ensure the rapid remaking of American society, and the irreversible destruction of American exceptionalism.   And, thanks to the Republican establishment, their cheap labor allies in the business community, and such Republican members of congress as Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, they've never been closer to accomplishing that goal...   Speaker Boehner, House majority-leader Eric Cantor and Republican whip Kevin McCarthy fear the conservative voter back-lash against those Republicans who vote for amnesty if they hold the vote before their members have faced the voters in the 2014 Republican Primary elections.   They intend to keep their bill under wraps, and hold-off on the vote, until after the bulk of the Republican primary elections have been held..."

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
road-kill dear on I-99 in Bedford county had chronic wasting disease

_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
insane Californian government granted law license to illegal alien
Christine Rousselle: Town Hall
Cynthia Fagen: News Max
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
Howard Mintz: San Jose CA Mercury News
World Net Daily
Cybercast News Service
Jason Howerton: Blaze

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
11 Republican attorneys-general challenge unconstitutional and extra-legal ObummerDoesn'tCare "fixes"
Cynthia Fagen: News Max

Guy Benson _Town Hall_ keep your doctor, change your senator
"Dr. Monica Wehby -- a Republican medical doctor vying [for a senate seat] in Oregon [this year]..."
Paul Steinhauser & Leigh Ann Caldwell: CNN: 5 senate contests to watch in 2014
"Matt Bevin [in KY]...   Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan...and Joe Miller [in AK]...   Rob Maness [in LA]...   Phil Gingrey, Jackson Kingston and Paul Broun [in GA]...   Scott Brown [in NH]..."

John Ransom _Town Hall_
and the dopes took charge at midnight

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
another Crony New Year in DC
the Export-Import Bank would be at the top of my list.   The [ObummerDoesn'tCare] hand-outs for Big Insuranceand Big Pharma obviously belong on the list as well.   But don't forget the corrupt TARP give-aways to Wall Street, the hand-outs for GM (though at least we got some good parody from that farce), the corrupt H&R Block collusion with the IRS, and the sleazy ethanol hand-outs to agri-businesses...   [incandescent light bulb ban]..."

Douglas MacKinnon _Town Hall_
the most important story of 2013 was the one the main-stream media took pains to avoid

Tori Richards _Town Hall_
shadowy funders build leftist war-chest to un-seat WI governor Scott Walker
"Nearly 75% of the money funneled into the Center for Media and Democracy during 2011 and 2012 came from just a few donors whose names have been redacted from tax forms obtained by WatchDog."

Greg Richter _News Max_
Ron Paul notes that ObummerDoesn'tCare is so bad people will opt out in any way they can
Brendan Brodelon: Daily Caller

_News Max_
State Dept. officer's mother says "My son's blood is on Hillary's hands"

Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Walter E. Williams says USA must return to our constitution

_World Net Daily_
car-bomb killed at least 4, injured 77 in southern Beirut, Lebanon
Mohammed Jamjoon, Laura Smith-Spark, Nic Robertson, Mohammed Tawfeeq & Larry Register: CNN
Cheryl K. Chumley: Washington DC Times
"The district, Haret Hreik, is known as a Hezbollah stronghold...   the car bomb exploded near Al-Jawad restaurant, about 50 meters (55 yards) from a building used by Hezbollah...   Among those killed in that blast was Mohamad Chatah, a former Lebanese finance minister and ambassador to the United States.   He was an outspoken critic of Hezbollah and the Syrian regime.   Hezbollah, a Lebanese-based, Iranian-backed Shiite militia that is better equipped than Lebanon's army, has been supporting government forces in neighboring Syria's civil war...   The UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon is due to begin the trial this month of 4 Hezbollah suspects in the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.   He was also killed in a car bomb attack."

_News Max_/_Reuters_
suspicions increase that Palestinians oppose peace
"on the question of borders, security, refugees, and the status of Jerusalem, leaders from both sides have sounded far apart this week."

_World Net Daily_
hundreds of protestors outside the hotel of the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, demanding release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from American custody
Times of Israel

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, gets an earful from Netanyahu about unabated incitement against Israel

Joel Himmelfarb _News Max_
nearly 50% of freed Palestinian terrorists initiate additional violence
"nearly half of the 13K terrorists Israel has released since 1985 have returned to the battlefield...   Israeli authorities say the high terrorist recidivism rate is because many of those released have long had a strong ideological belief in violence, and that this is reinforced by a culture of officially sanctioned anti-Israel incitement in both the West Bank and Gaza.   Earlier this month, for example, terrorists convicted of murdering Israelis received certificates of citation at a cultural event hosted by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.   They were released from prison several months ago, according to veteran Israeli journalist Nadav Shragai, author of the Israel Hayom piece.   Footage of the event depicts a gun battle in which members of Hamas and Abbas' Fatah organization unite to kill a group of 'Israelis' opposing them..."

_News Max_/_Reuters_
thousands march in Hong Kong in escalating battle to get the Red Chinese ruling thugs to respect indiviual rights

_News Max_
FB sued over some of its privacy violations

_World Net Daily_
physicians are running for political office to challenge ObummerDoesn'tCare
Noah Bierman: Boston MA Globe
"More than 30 medical doctors are running for congress, at least 24 of whom are Republicans...   'It's like if you have a bridge collapse, who do you want to put it back together?', said Dr. Monica Wehby, a pediatric neuro-surgeon in Portland, OR, who resigned from the AMA board to seek the Republican nomination...   Surpassing 20 doctors in the 2014 election might require upset victories, in some cases from conservative candidates who are running against establishment Republicans.   But some candidates without mainstream backing say they feel emboldened by the success of senator Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist from Kentucky, and other Tea Party favorites..."

Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iran steps up its campaign against Christians by targeting Farsi-speaking Christians who are thought to be more likely to be converts from Islam
"Mohabat News said churches in Iran are coming under pressure to stop all activities in Farsi, including sermons."

Adam Andrzejewski _Cybercast News Service_
state and local governments get millions in federal farm subsidies

Robby Soave _Daily Caller_
only in leftie-loonland: tow-truck driver attacked by robber, tried to run away, fell, fights back, and is charged with murder

Robby Soave _Daily Caller_
NYC schools chancellor Carmen Farina vows to push extreme leftist agenda

Paul Leaf _Daily Caller_
5 thins USA should do to counter Red Chinese aggression

Sarah Westwood _Washington DC Times_
the truth about minimum wage laws

2014-01-02 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 443,513 in the week ending December 28, an increase of 25,875 from the previous week.   There were 490,099 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.2% during the week ending December 21, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,860,902, a decrease of 131,772 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.6% and the volume was 3,284,594.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending December 14 was 4,458,816, an increase of 179,532 from the previous week.   There were 5,408,010 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending December 14...   States reported 1,391,297 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending December 14, an increase of 57,965 from the prior week.   There were 2,065,706 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

Mike Opelka _Blaze_
off-label uses: Dorito kindling, tooth-paste head-light cleaner, use fork to dunk Oreos
food diggity
Tutorial Geek
Money Talks: How to Open Vibra-welded Plastic Packages (video)

Wesley Pruden _Washington DC Times_
sports: where greed (and big-head syndrome) has not been good

Kenneth R. Timmerman _Washington DC Times_
journalistic malpractic over the attack on US consulate at Benghazi

Sharona Schwartz _Blaze_
Obummer's step-brother Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo reveals first meeting in Kenya and that they talked about "heroes of Western culture"
NY Magazine: Obummer's extended family
Conservative Edge: Obummer's cousin, Musa Ismail, admits aiding al-Shabab
World Net Daily: Obummer family behind shariah push
Shoebat: family member admits Obummer's wahhabi connection
Shoebat: confirmed, Obummer's brother in bed with man wanted by international criminal court
City Data: Obummer's family funding shariah effort
Newser: inside Obummer's extended family

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
5 myths propping up the Obummer presidency

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
Glenn Greenwald criticized Washington Compost columnist for expressing opinion that Snowden should be prosecuted, and DNI James Clapper removed from office for lying

Fred Lucas _Blaze_
Trail Life USA aims to be Christian renaissance of Boy Scouts

Wayne Allyn Root _Blaze_
what does an historic freedom fighter have to do with the Tea Party? he blazes the way
"'Braveheart' is the story of America today -- the middle class fighting for its very survival.   'Braveheart' is the story of Scotland's battle for freedom and self-determination against the powerful British empire [trying to impose its foreign culture by force and fraud].   It's the same battle America's middle class and small businesses are fighting today against Washington DC...   tyrants love the masses of poor folks.   Ironically, keeping them helpless, hopeless and clueless makes them dependent on government -- the very group that destroyed their middle class life in the first place...   It's exactly how Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, or the former Soviet leaders stayed in power for so long.   Keeping the people helpless, hopeless, desperate and dependent is the perfect mix for how corrupt tyrants, tin pot dictators and arrogant kings stay in power.   The only group a tyrant can't abide is the middle class.   It has to go..."

Erica Ritz _Blaze_
Vodaphone accused of being in cahoots with Muslim Brotherhood
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Robert Akinson _Information Week_/_UBM_
corrupt tech execs should have a single corrupt lobbyist to promote "innovation", and otherwise divert funds into their own pockets

Michael Ramirez _Investor's Business Daily_
federal government debt

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

918-01-02: Baldwin ii count of Flanders king of Jerusalem (son of Baldwin i & Judith of France; gs of Charles ii king of France & Ermantrude of Orleans; ggs of emperor Louis i the fair of France & Judith of Altdorf; 2ggs of HRE Charlemagne & Hildegard) b: c. 865 d: 918-01-02 m: Aelfthryth of England/Aelfthryth of Wessex/Elftrudis/Elftrude/Elfrida (daughter of Alfred the great & Ealhswith).

1641-01-02: captain William Ball (son of colonel William Ball & Hannah Atherall/Hannah Atherold) b: 1641-01-02 in England d: 1694-09-30 (1680 justice of Lancaster county VA. For some years between 1682 & 1688 burgess from Lancaster county VA. 1687 appointed to lay off boundary between Lancaster county VA and Cumberland county VA.).

1670-01-02: James McKinley/James the Trooper (son of John McKinlay/Ian MacKinlay; gs of Donald McKinlay) b: 1670-01-02 at "The Annie", Callender, PerthShire, Scotland d: between 1710 & 1765 in county Antrim, Ulster, Ireland.

1671-01-02: Ann Addison (daughter of William Addison; gd of Jeffery Addison & Mary) b: 1671-01-02 d: before 1719-11-14.

1682-01-02: John Wyeth (son of Nicholas Wyeth & Rebecca) b: 1655-07-15 d: 1706-12-13 m: 1682-01-02 to Deborah Ward (daughter of John Ward).

1687-01-02/1688: Catherine Hollingsworth (daughter of Valentine Hollingsworth & Anne Rae; gd of Henry Hollingsworth and Nicholas Rae & Ann) b: 1663 July in county Armagh, Ireland d: 1746-08-29 in Newark, DE m: 1687-01-02/1688 in Newark, DE to George Robinson ii (son of George Robinson & Ann Curtis) b: 1666 in Ireland d: 1738-11-08 in New Castle, DE.

1692-01-02: Shubael Smith (son of Samuel Smith & Elizabeth Pierce; gs of John Smith & Susannah Hinckley; ggs of Samuel Hinckley & Sarah Soole/Sarah Soule) b: 1692-01-02 d: 1769-05-31 m: Prudence FitzRandolph (daughter of Samuel FitzRandolph & Mary Jones; gd of Nathaniel FitzRandolph & Mary Holley; ggd of Joseph Holley & Rose Allen) b: 1696-08-20 d: 1766-09-12 (ancestors of pres. Barack Obama; cousins of pres. Gerald R. Ford and of Sarah Palin.).

1693-01-02/1694: sir James Scott earl of Dalkeith (son of James Scott 1st duke of Monmouth & Anne Scott 1st duchess of Buccleuch) b: 1674-05-23 d: 1705-03-14 m: 1693-01-02/1694 to Henrietta Hyde (daughter of Laurence Hyde 1st earl of Rochester & Henrietta Boyle) b: c. 1677 at Hindon, WiltShire d: 1730-05-30.

1702-01-02: Deborah Penhallow (daughter of Samuel Penhallow & Mary Cutt; gd of Chamond Penhallow and John Cutt; ggd of Richard Penhallow) b: 1702-01-02 m: William Knight.

1703-01-02: Ephraim Farnsworth (son of Jonathan Farnsworth & Ruth Shattuck) b: 1703-01-02 at Harvard, Worcester county MA m: 1727-09-18 to Deborah Beaman b: 1706 or 1707.

1703-01-02/1704: Hermanus Kester (son of Johannes Kuster & Elizabeth Cassell; gs of Paulus Kuster & Gertrude Doors and Johannes Peter Cassell & Mary) b: 1703-01-02/1704 in Germantown, Philadelphia county PA d: after 1780-05-11 in Hunterdon county NJ m: 1732 December in Chesterfield MM, Burlington county NJ to Ann Large.

1707-01-02/1708: Maria Elizabeth Hite (daughter of Hand Justus Heydt/Yost Hite/Joist Hite & Anna Maria Merckle) b: 1707-01-02/1708 in Keizersgracht, Germany d: 1770 in Frederick county VA m: 1731 in Berks county PA to George Bowman/George Bauman.

1711-01-02: lady Elizabeth Hamilton (daughter of James Hamilton 6th earl of abercorn & Elizabeth Reading) m1: 1711-01-02 to William Brownlow of Lurgan d: 1739-08-278 m2: 1741 to Marton comte de Kearnie.

1722-01-02: Eva Barbara Boertlein b: 1722-01-02 in Geusfeld, Unterfranken, Bayern d: 1795-12-29 m: 1753-02-19 in Geusfeld, Unterfranken, Bayern to Martin Haenfling b: 1732-03-16 in Geusfeld, Unterfranken, Bayern d: 1798-10-11.

1725-01-02/1726: John Sanford (son of Richard Sanford & Elizabeth Coggeshall; gs of William sanford & Hope Sisson; ggs of Samuel Sanford & Sarah Wodell) b: 1725-01-02/1726 in Portsmouth, Newport county RI.

1725-01-02/1726: Abigail Belden b: 1725-01-02/1726 m: William Scott (son of James Scott & Hannah Hyatt) b: 1731-06-14 d: 1815-01-22.

1726-01-02/1727: Mary Rogers (daughter of John Rogers & Rachel Eastham; gd of Giles Rogers) b: 1726-01-02/1727 in King & Queen county VA d: 1800-10-25 in Granville county NC.

1740-01-02: colonel Robert Clark (son of Ann Brownfield) b: 1740-01-02 d: 1821-01-23 m: 1765-08-20 to Sarah Hutchison (daughter of John Hutchison) b: 1745-06-07 d: 1820-08-19.

1744-01-02: colonel John Baylor (son of John Baylor & Lucy Todd) b: 1705-05-12 in King William county VA d: 1772-04-16 in Caroline county VA m: 1744-01-02 in York county VA to Frances Walker (daughter of Jacob Walker & Courtney Tucker) b: c. 1725 in Elizabeth City county VA d: 1783-07-09 in Caroline county VA.

1746-01-02: judge Benjamin Waller b: 1716-10-01 d: 1786-05-09 m: 1746-01-02 to Martha Hall b: 1728-01-03 d: 1780-08-04.

1753-01-02: Frances Brewton (daughter or Robert Brewton & Milicent Bulloch) b: 1733-01-11 near Charleston, SC d: 1795-04-04 in Charleston, SC m: 1753-01-02 to colonel Charles Pinckney (son of William Pinckney & Ruth Brewton) b: 1732 d: 1782.

1757-01-02: Isabella Magill (daughter of John Magill & Magdalene Dickson) b: 1757-01-02.
1760-01-02: Joseph Coleman (son of Daniel Coleman & Patience Thompson) b: 1760-01-02 d: before 1806-08-30.
1767-01-02: Lodema Sackett b: 1767-01-02 in Warren, CT d: 1857-12-05 in Warren, CT m: 1785-03-30 in Warren, CT to Augustine Curtiss b: 1761-11-07 in Warren, Litchfield county CT d: 1832-09-16 in Warren, CT.
1775-01-02: James Madison was elected chairman, and Francis Taylor was elected clerk of the Orange county VA Committee of Safety.
1777-01-02: Lucy Grymes Nelson (daughter of governor Thomas Nelson & Lucy Grymes) b: 1777-01-02 d: 1863-01-05 buried: "The Fork", Cumberland county VA m: 1799 to major Carter Page (son of governor John Page & Jane Byrd) b: 1758 at North End d: 1825 April buried: "The Fork", Cumberland county VA.

1778-01-02: Eva Catherine Stoever (daughter of ?Christopher Ulrich & Julianna Umberger?) b: 1778-01-02 m: 1801-12-22 in Lebanon county PA to Michael Ulrich b: c. 1774 in Annville, Lebanon county PA.

1781-01-02: "The General Assembly of Virginia, being well satisfied that the happiness, strength and safety of the United States depend, under Providence, upon the ratification of the Articles for a Federal union between the United States, heretofore proposed by Congress for consideration of the said States, and preferring the good of their country to every object of smaller importance-- Do Resolve, That this Commonwealth will yield to the Congress of the United States, for the benefit of said Unite States, all right, title and claim that the said Commonwealth hath to the territory northwest of the river Ohio, upon the following conditions, to-wit: That the territory so ceded shall be laid out and formed into States containing a suitable extent of territory, and shall not be less than one hundred nor more than one hundred and fifty miles square...".

1783-01-02: major Isaac Hite ii (son of Isaac Hite & Eleanor Eltinge; gs of Hans Justus Heydt/Yost Hite/Joist Hite) b: 1758-02-07 d: 1836-11-24 m1: 1783-01-02 to Nellie Conway Madison (daughter of James Madison i & Nellie Conway) m2: 1803-12-01 to Ann Tunstall Maury (daughter of reverend Walker Maury & Mollie Grimes).

1784-01-02: Ruth Bayley (daughter of Thomas Bayley & Mary) b: 1722 d: 1784-01-02 m1: 1741-03-05 to James Anderson ii (son of James Anderson & Suit Garland) b; 1721-05-14 in NY baptized: 1721-05-28 d: 1790-06-01 at Anderson's Ferry, Lancaster county PA buried: Donegal church, Lancaster county PA.

1786-01-02: Asahel Wright (son of Daniel Wright & Sarah Freeman; gs of Benoni Wright & Eliza Smith and Edmund Freeman & Sarah Portre) b: 1786-01-02 in Hanover, NH d: 1842-10-23 in Miami county OH m: 1820-09-14 to Martha Sweeny.

1786-01-02: Ann Snodgrass (daughter of Robert Snodgrass & Susannah Rawlings; gd of William Snodgrass & Catherine Patterson and Stephen Rawlings & Elizabeth Taylor/Elizabeth Tyler) b: 1768-01-13 in Frederick county VA or Berkeley county VA d: 1820-10-14 m1: (per family Bible) 1786-01-02 to Isaac Evans m2: 1806-01-09 in Berkeley county VA to John Evans.

1787-01-02: Henry Peck (son of George Peck ii & Mary Lancisco; gs of George Peck) b: 1787-01-02 in Moorefield, Hardy county VA d: 1868-08-06 in Pickaway county OH m: Hagar Carr b: 1788-11-16 d: 1874-12-11.

1788-01-02: John Cutright b: 1754 or 1755 near Moorefield, Hampshire county VA (now Hardy county VA) d: 1850-03-08 m: 1788-01-02 (Isaac Edwards, DD officiating) to Rebecca Truby (daughter of John Truby).

1790-01-02: Isaac Coles (son of John Coles & Mary Ann Winston; gs of Walter Coles & Alice Philpot and Isaac Winston ii) b: 1747-02-25 in Richmond, Henrico county VA d: 1813-02-25 at "Coles hill", Pittsylvania county VA (lived at "Coles Hill.) m1: 1771-04-01 to Elizabeth Lightfoot (Eliza Lightfoot) (daughter of William Lightfoot & Mildred Howell; gd of Philip Lightfoot ii & Mary Armistead and John Howell & Mildred Lewis; ggd of Phillip Lightfoot i & Alice Corbin and William Armistead & Anna Lee and James Howell and John Lewis iv & Elizabeth Warner/Isabelle Warner; 2ggd of John Lightfoot i & Elizabeth Phillips and Henry Corbin & Alice Eltonhead; 3ggd of Richard Eltonhead & Ann Sutton; 4ggd of William Eltonhead and Edward Sutton & Theodosia Harington; 5ggd of Edward Sutton & Jane Stanley; 6ggd of John Dudley Sutton & Cicely de Grey; cousin of pres. Barack Obama) m2: 1790-01-02 in NY to Catherine Thompson.

1790-01-02: governor St. Clair on his way to the Wabash and Mississippi established the new county which John Cleves Symmes named in honor of Alexander Hamilton, while St. Clair changed the name of the town to Cincinnati.

1791-01-02: Amerindians attacked Big Bottom and Wolf's creek settlements.

1791-01-02: Rebecca McHenry (daughter of William McHenry & Mary Stewart) b: 1791-01-02 d: 1880 near McSherrysville, York county PA m: Isaac Michener.

1792-01-02: David Vance (son of David Vance & Priscilla Brank; gs of Samuel Vance & Sarah Colville and Peter Brank) b: 1792-01-02 in Sahville, Bucks county NC d: 1844-01-14 in Lapland, Marshall, Madison county NC m: 1825 to Mira Margaret Baird b: 1802-12-22 in Bucks county NC d: 1878 in Ontario, Canada.

>1796-01-02: Peter Dicks b: c. 1720 in Chester county PA d: 1796-01-02 in Guilford county NC (1753 owned a mill.) m: Elizabeth.

1796-01-02: Sara Caquelin (daughter of Sebastien Caquelin & Marie Jeanne Benzet) b: 1727-01-05 in Waldersbach d: 1796-01-02 buried: Bright cem. Berks county PA m: c. 1740 in PA to David Brecht/David Bright b: 1719-09-08 in Schriesheim, Mannheim, Baden, Germany.

1797-01-12: Grey Bynum Fancher/Grey B. Funsher (son of Richard Fancher & Sarah Grey Journegin/Sarah Jernigan; Thomas Journegin/Thomas Jernigan & Mary Bynum) b: 1797-01-12 in Stokes county NC d: 1876-01-02 in Palo Pinto, TX m: 1826-06-15 in Clay county IL to Sarah Elizabeth Daniel (daughter of Bazel Daniel/Basil Daniel/Barswell Daniel) b: 1803 in SC d: before 1870-07-18 in Hill county TX.

1797-01-02: Nancy Daniel Jackson b: 1797-01-02 in Wilkes county GA d: 1857-04-15 in Autauga county AL m: 1813-09-17 in Baldwin county GA to Lunceford Long (son of Evans Long & Lucy Apperson; gs of Reuben Long & Mary Harrison; ggs of Richard Long & Elizabeth; 2ggs of Gabriel Long & Margaret Harrison) b: 1792-08-10 in Twiggs county GA d: 1864-02-24 in Millbrook, AL.

1798-01-02: Mary Hite (daughter of Isaac Hite & Eleanor Eltinge; gd of Hans Justus Heydt/Yost Hite/Joist Hite) b: 1748-08-25 d: 1798-01-02.

1799-01-02: Margaret Ferguson Gregg (daughter of Thomas Gregg & Jane Awl; gd Jacob Awl & Sarah Sturgeon; ggd of Jeremiah Sturgeon) b: 1799-01-02 in Harrisburg, PA d: 1864-08-24 in Cincinnati, OH m1: 1817 to William D. Clarie d: 1822 m2: 1825-04-07 to William Henry Skerrett (son of Joseph Skerrett & Mary Eva Humbert) b: 1792-02-04 d: 1864-07-17 in Cincinnati, Hamilton county OH.

1800-01-02: Eliza Wilson m: reverend William Henry Foote b: 1800-01-02 in Berkeley county VA d: 1835-04-20 in Romney, VA.

1800-01-02: John W. Scott ii b: 1800-01-02 in Beaver county PA d: 1876-03-01 (1828 Winter to 1845 Spring taught math and science at Miami U. in 1826 professor Sparrow was replaced with William H. McGuffey, a graduate of Washington College, PA, who stayed until 1836 Fall.) m: Mary P. Neal (daughter of John Neal).

1802-01-02: William Samuel Peachey b: 1763-11-09 d: 1802-01-02 at Fleur-de Hundred/Flower-de-Hundred/Flower-Dew-Hundred along the James river, VA buried: at Flower-de-Hundred, VA m: 1787-11-22 to Mary Monro Cary (daughter of colonel Wilson Miles Cary & Sarah Blair) d: 1836-11-16 at Williamsburg, VA, age 72.

1804-01-02 John Gillum d: 1804-01-02 (tanner.) m: 1799-10-29 to Elizabeth Kelker (daughter of Anthony Kelker & Mary Magdalena Meister) b: 1766-04-01 near Lebanon, PA d: 1825-07-30 in Harrisburg, PA buried: Harrisburg, PA.

1804-01-02: Mason county VA formed from Kanawha county and named for George Mason.

1804-01-02: Lucy Fitzhugh Grymes (daughter of Benjamin Grymes ii & Ann Nicholas; gd of Benjamin Grymes & Elizabeth Landon Fitzhugh; ggd of colonel John Grymes & Lucy Ludwell and colonel Henry Fitzhugh) b: 1781-02-11 d: 1808-01-30 m: 1804-01-02 in King George county VA to Abram Barnes Hooe (Abraham Barnes Hooe) b: 1784-09-04 d: 1841-06-16.

1806-01-02: Catarina Ulrich (daughter of Michael Ulrich & Eva Catherine Stoever) b: 1806-01-02 in N. Annville, Lebanon county PA m: 1829-04-16 in Lebanon county PA to Jonathan Thomas.

1809-01-02: Elsie Fleming (daughter of John Fleming & Susannah Harton) b: 1809-01-02 d: 1844-02-22 m: Jesse Gardner.

1809-01-02: Elizabeth Daniel (daughter of James Daniel & Sarah Cocke/Sallie Cocke) b: c. 1789 in NC m: 1809-01-02 in NC to James McCain (went to Trigg, KY).

1809-01-02: Hawes Coleman (son of Mary Colemen/Molly Coleman) b: c. 1779 d: before 1838-11-23 m: 1809-01-02 to Maria Woolfolk (daughter of John G. Woolfolk) b: c. 1781.

1810-01-02: Sallie Brown (daughter of judge William Brown) b: c. 1784 d: 1810-01-02, age 26 m: 1802 December to William Plunket Maclay (son of Samuel Maclay; grand-son of Charles Maclay; g-grand-son of John Maclay; 2g-grand-son of Charles Maclay) b: 1774-08-23 in Buffalo Valley, PA d: 1842-09-02 in Milroy, Mifflin county PA (1808 appointed prothonotary of Mifflin cunty PA. 1814, 1816 & 1818 elected to US House. 1837-1838 member of constitutional convention; refused to sign it because it barred blacks from voting.).

1810-01-02: Elsie Fleming (son of John Fleming & Mary Jackson; grand-son of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1791-07-21 at Romulus, NY d: 1816-04-10 m: 1810-01-02 to Josiah Jacobus d: at Lodi, MI, age 85y.

1815-01-02: Martin Thomas (son of Jacob Thomas & Mary Bear; gs of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; ggs of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 2ggs of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1815-01-02 in Manallen twp Adams county PA (now Butler twp Adams county PA) m: 1836-02-26 (reverend Daniel Gotwalt officiating) to Susan Eicholtz (daughter of Jacob Eicholtz & Catherine Rife/Catharine Rife) b: 1806-07-16 in Menallen twp Adams county PA (now Butler twp Adams county PA) d: 1879-01-26 in Adams county PA.

1815-01-02: Nathaniel Holmes (son of Samuel Holmes & Mary Annan; grand-son of Deacon Nathaniel Holmes & Catherine Allison and David Annan & Sarah Smith; great-grand-son of Nathaniel Holmes & Elizabeth Moore; descendant of Nathaniel Holmes) b: 1815-01-02 in Peterboro, NH d: 1901-02-26.

1815-01-02: Martin Thomas (son of Jacob Thomas & Mary Bear; gs of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller and Jacob Bear & Catherine Zimmerman/Catharine Zimmerman) b: 1815-01-02 m: Susan Eicholtz.

1816-01-02: R' Shmuel Salant b: 1816-01-02 in Bialystok, Russia d: 1909-08-16 (Ab 29) buried: Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel (rabbit of Jerusalem.) m: Toiva Zundel (Yonah Zundel) (daughter of R' Yosef Zundel of Salant).

1817-01-02: Stephen van Rensselaer iii (son of Stephen van Rensselaer ii & Margarita Schuyler/Margaret Schuyler; grand-son of Stephen van Rensselaer i & Catherine Livingston) b: 1789-03-29 in Albany, NY baptized: 1789-04-26 in Albany, NY d: 1868-05-25 in Albany, NY m: 1817-01-02 in NY, NY to Harriet Elizabeth Bayard (daughter of William Bayard ii & Elizabeth Cornell; grand-daughter of William Bayard i & Catherine McEvers) b: 1799-02-12 in NY, NY.

1817-01-02: William S. Grove (son of Adam Grove) b: 1796-02-26 probably in Frederick county VA d: 1869-04-13 m: 1817-01-02 in Frederick county VA m: Susan Buzzard b: 1794-07-16 probably in Frederick county VA d: 1877-09-15.

1818-01-02: doctor Simon Morgan Cartmell (son of David Morgan Cartmell & Nancy Morgan; grand-son of captain Simon Morgan & Sarah Wallace) b: 1818-01-02 in Charleston, VA (1822 moved to KY) m: Lucretia Taylor Wood d: 1896 in Maysville, KY.

1819-01-02: Jean Ferguson/Jane Ferguson (daughter of David Ferguson & Jean Henderson/Jane Henderson) b: 1787-12-27 d: 1819-01-02 m: John Graham (son of of Hugh Graham & Mary Wallace; gs of Robert Wallace & Mary Clyde).
1823-01-02: George Mason vi (son of George Mason v & Elizabeth Mary Ann Barnes Hooe) b: 1786-08-11 d: 1834-08-21 at "Gunston Hall", Fairfax county VA m1: 1813-02-17 to Elizabeth Thomson Mason m2: 1823-01-02 in Washington, DC to Eleanor Ann Clifton Patton.

1823-01-02: John Gross b: 1749 November near Hudson river in Western MA d: 1823-01-02 in what is now Middle Paxtang twp Dauphin county PA (his parents were Huguenots from the Palatinate. c. 1775 moved to what is now Montgomery county PA. 1776-01-05 1st-lieutenant in colonel Arthur St. Clair's 2nd PA battalion. captain in 3rd PA battalion. 1777 July colonel Joseph Wood resigned. John Gross moved to what is now Middle Paxtang twp Dauphin county PA.) m: c. 1778 to Rachel Sahler (daughter of Abraham Sahler & Elizabeth duBois) b: 1756 in Ulster county NY d: 1828-08-16 buried: Dauphin county PA.

1823-01-02: Eleanor Maclay (daughter of William Maclay; grand-daughter of Charles Maclay; g-grand-daughter of John Maclay; 2g-grand-daughter of Charles Maclay) b: 1774 at Harris's Ferry, PA d: 1823-01-02 at Harrisburg, PA buried: Paxtang church grave-yard m: 1806 (reverend Nathaniel Snowden officiating) to William Wallace (son of Benjamin Wallace & Elizabeth Culbertson) b: 1768 October in Hanover twp Dauphin county PA d: 1816-05-28 buried: Paxtang church grave-yard (graduated from Dickinson college. studied law under Galbraith Patterson at Harrisburg, PA. 1792 June admitted to bar. Harrisburg & Presqu' Isle Land Company. 1800 moved to Erie, PA. 1810 returned to Harrisburg, PA. partner with his brother-in-law John Lyon at PA Furnace. 1813 nominated by Federalists for US House. 1st president of Harrisbug Bank.).

1826-01-02: William Gillmor (son of William Gilmor & Elizabeth Cowden) b: 1826-01-02 d: 1855-01-29.

1829-01-02: Francis Alexander Frost Horlbeck Ramsey (son of James Gettys McGready Ramsey & Margaret Barton Crozier; gs of Francis Alexander Ramsey & Margaret McKnitt Alexander) b: 1829-01-02 in Knox county TN.

1832-01-02: Robert Slaughter (son of Thomas Slaughter & Frances Robinson; gs of Robert Slaughter ii & Mary Smith; ggs of Augustine Smith; 2ggs of Lawrence Smith ii & Mildred Reade) b: 1747 d: 1832-01-02 m: Sarah Stanton d: 1834-11-17.

1834-01-02: Adeline Camilla Scott (daughter of Winfield Scott & Maria Dhart Mayo; gd of William Scott & Ann Mason; ggd of James Scott & Sarah Elizabeth Pegram; 2ggd of Walter Scott and Daniel Pegram & Sarah; 3ggd of George Pegram) b: 1834-01-02.

1841-01-02: doctor Richard Manning Moore Page (son of doctor Mann Page xi & Jane Frances Walker) b: 1841-01-02 at "Turkey Hill", Albemarle county VA m: 1874-04-30 at Memorial Episcopal church of the Holy Trinity, Westport, Fairfield county CT to May Elizabeth Fitch (daughter of Stephen Fitch; widow of Richard Henry Winslow).

1844-01-02: Nathaniel Madison Cartmell (son of Nathaniel Cartmell & Rebecca D. van Meter) b: 1817-11-24 d: 1889-04-04 m: 1844-01-02 to Mary Lofland (daughter of David Holmes Lofland) b: 1799-09-20 at block-house at Marietta.

1845-01-02: Nancy Ainsworth (daughter of John Ainsworth & Margaret Mayes) b: 1767-01-08 d: 1845-01-02 m: 1790-03-18 (reverend J. Snodgrass officiating) to William Allen (son of Samuel Allen; grand-son of William Allen) b: 1767-05-16 in Hanover twp Lancaster county PA d: 1844-11-14.

1845-01-02: Martha Newberry (Patty Newberry) b: 1832-08-20 in Brownhelm, Lorain county OH d: 1917-09-23 in Parowan, Iron county UT m: 1845-01-02 in Parowan, Iron county UT to John Smith Hyatt b: 1832-08-12 in Hudson, Columbia county NY (lived next to Sally Ann Newberry in Parowan, Iron county UT; 1874 lived in Panaca, Lincoln county NV; moved back to Parowan, based on letters & James Newberry journal).

1851-01-02: colonel Joseph Vance (son of major William Vance & Mary Colville Gilkerson) b: 1750 d: 1832-03-06, age 82 m1: Anne Vance (daughter of David Vance & Sarah Colville) b: 1751 d: 1788-04-17 at Cross Creek, Washington county PA buried: Cross Creek cem., Washington county PA m2: Anna Glass m3: Mary Moore b: 1783 in PA d: 1851-01-02 buried: Cross Creek cem., Washington county PA.

1852-01-02: Sarah McCormick (daughter of James McCormick & Rachel Nisonger) b: 1824-11-14 d: 1852-01-02 m: Brubaker (lived in Wood county OH.).

1853-01-02: James W. Adams (son of Hugh Adams & Amanda J. McCormick) b: 1853-01-02 in Rockbridge county VA.

1862-01-02: Margaret Mary Egle (daughter of George Boyd Egle & Martha Kauffman Kerr; gd of John Egle and James Kerr & Jane Atkinson; ggd of Valentine Egle; 2ggd of Casper Egle; 3ggd of Marcus Egle) b: 1862-01-02 d: 1864-02-06.

1867-01-02: Hannah Pensyl (daughter of George L. Pensyl & Mary Magdalena Keller) b: 1826-10-26 in Northumberland county PA d: 1867-01-02.

1867-01-02: Benjamin F. Dragoo (son of Andrew Dragoo & Nancy Curtis) b: 1843-07-19 in OH d: 1896-12-06 in IN, ge 52 m: 1867-01-02 in IN to Mary F. Frazier b: 1845-10-27 in VA d: 1889-03-12.

1868-01-02: Mary Elizabeth Murray (daughter of Joseph Alexander Murray & Ann Hays Blair; grand-daughter of George Murray & Mary Denny) b: 1848-02-11 m: 1868-01-02 to Charles F. Himes b: 1838-06-02 in Lancaster county PA (1855 graduated from Dickinson college. teacher until 1860. 1860 to 1863 professor of math at Troy U. 1863 to 1865 scientific study at U of Giessen, Germany. professor of natural science. professor of physics. PhD.).

1868-01-02: doctor David P. Morgan (son of Jacob M. Morgan & Elizabeth Waldo; gs of Jacob Morgan & Sarah McDonald) b: 1844-02-28 in Winfield, Marion county VA (now WV) m: 1868-01-02 at Adamsville to Annette R. Shinn (daughter of Abel W. Shinn & Elizabeth Ann Gawthrop) b: 1847-10-25.

1870-01-02: Florence Sullivan (son of Florence Sullivan & Ellen Rouan) b: 1836-05-04 in county Cork, Ireland (1849 arrived in Boston, MA aboard ship "Bridalbin", passage took 5 weeks 3 days. moved to Rutland, VT. 1851 lost his legs "by the cars". harness-maker. 1854 opened his own harness-making shop in Aurora, NY. made harnesses for US army during Civil War. 1870-11-03 arrived in Mansfield, Piatt county IL. 2 years on village board.) m: 1870-01-02 to Margaret McCarty.

1873-01-02: Randolph Stewart 9th Earl of Galloway (son of George Stewart & Jane Paget) b: 1800-09-16 d: 1873-01-02 m: 1833-08-09 to Harriet Blanche Somerset b: c. 1811 d: 1885-05-25 (daughter of Henry Charles Somerset 6th Duke of Beaufort).

1875-01-02: Harriot Keziah Hunt (daughter of Joab Hunt & Keziah Wentworth; grand-daughter of Joab Hunt & Sarah Adams) b: 1805 in Boston, MA d: 1875-01-02 in Cambridge, MA.

1878-01-02: Eliza Kinloch Nelson (daughter of Philip Nelson & Frances Antoinette Effinger) b: 1878-01-02 m: Taliaferro Thompson Jones.

1880-01-02: John Baldwin Hay (son of Isaac Hite Hay & Ann Maury Baldwin) b: 1846-10-18 in Jefferson City, MO d: 1912-04-05 in Jaffa, Syria buried: Beirut, Syria m: Cornelia Holmes Badger (daughter of Samuel Badger & Cornelia Elizabeth Holmes) b: 1845-04-25 d: 1880-01-02 buried: Beirut, Syria (now Lebanon).

1882-01-02: John Cornell (son of Benjamin Cornell & Rosanah Foley) b: 1802-08-06 in Hardy county VA (now WV) d: 1882-01-02 in Carthage county MO m: 1827-01-25 in Clark county OH to Jane Humphreys.

1883-01-02: reverend Charles Porterfield Krauth b: 1823-03-17 in Martinsburg, WV d: 1883-01-02 in Philadelphia, PA buried: Laurel Hill cem., Philadelphia, PA.

1887-01-02: Elizabeth Richardson (daughter of George Richardson & Christina Ballentine) b: 1808 in Scotland d: 1887-01-02 in Port Clinton, Bay twp Ottawa county OH m: 1832-12-07 in Scotland to John McRitchie (son of William McRitchie & Janet McPherson) b: 1801-04-15 in Scotland d: 1888-12-15 in Port Clinton, Bay twp Ottawa county OH.

1888-01-02: Sophie Fuellgrabe (daughter of Carl Ernst Fuellgrabe & Fredericke Caroline Elise Sommermann; gd of Johannes Fuellgrabe & Anna Martha Sommermann and Peter Sommermann & Maria Carolina Elise Beckmann) b: 1888-01-02 in Weidenhausen d: 1888-11-05 in Weidenhausen.
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Any account, report, or other piece of serious factual writing is intended to take effect on someone at some time.   It must consequenty meet that someone's demands...   Is the account true, reliable complete?   Is it clear, orderly, easy to grasp and remember?   All the devices and methods that the researcher combines under the name of technique exist to satisfy these requirements...   the writer must be sure of what his subject is." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg14  



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-03 (5774 Shebet 02)
David Muhlbaum _Jewish World Review_
10 weird state government extortion schemes
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2014-01-03 (5774 Shebet 02)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the NYTimes criticized Obummer's foreign affairs strategies
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2014-01-03 (5774 Shebet 02)
R' Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
creature feature: the most important lesson I learned from my grand-father
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

Anthony Watts
Duke U study claims local factors cause dramatic spikes in coastal ocean acidity

Anthony Watts & Benny Peiser
EU tells UK to end wind and solar subsidies

Bob Tisdale
funding and non-funding of warmist hysterics and skeptics
retiring from climate issues to work to be able to pay the bills

Anthony Watts
2013 December global temperatures

Anthony Watts
Xue Long stuck in ice, Aurora Australis heading to Casey base

Geoffrey Cain _Global Post_
Seoul South Korea tech and architecture
"almost 10M people.   They find endless fun in its pulsating night-life, surfeit of palaces and temples, and cheap vodka-like booze called soju...   It's renowned for its blazing fast mobile speeds.   And like Tokyo 20 years ago, it's the place where the technology for your refrigerator, smart phone, microwave and washing machine might have been thought up.   The city was a setting in the 2012 sci-fi epic Cloud Atlas, re-fitted as the post-apocalyptic dystopia called 'neo-Seoul'."

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
what could go wrong with military robotice?
"The notion that an armed, autonomous drone equals 'scientific progress' reminds us all too much of the celebrations of the technical achievements involved in the NSA's as yet uncharted ability to eavesdrop on virtually any form of communication.   Yes, it represents an astonishing level of scientific and technical knowhow, but is it constitutional? [Is it ethical?]   We are extremely skeptical that armed autonomous drones will save money or make America safer.   Until the scientific and technical geniuses behind the idea of autonomous armed drones also equip them with a fool-proof 'Constitution chip' we remain opponents of the deployment of such technology."

_Conservatie HQ_
is the ObummerDoesn'tCare contraception and abortifacient mandate permanently kaput?
Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times: Obummer regime urges supremes to reject nuns' appeal
In politics, no decision is final.

Becket Adams _Blaze_
7 strange and wasteful federal government projects
David Martosko: London Daily Mail

Sarah N. Stern _Blaze_/_EMET_
prisoner releases are dangerous for Israel and the USA

_Washington DC Times_
US Marines evacuated embassy personnel from South Sudan

Liz Klimas _Blaze_
northern Californians claim to have seen UFOs on New Year's Eve

Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
insane power-mad Californians say Mississippi state flag must go

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
the party of the rich says they oppose income inequality

Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
US government wasted $7.45G in 3 years sending aid to help other countries deal with non-existent global warming

Michelle Malkin _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's Afghanistan mess
Town Hall
please help find Marizela

Guy Benson _Town Hall_
was ObummerDoesn'tCare designed to fail?

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
the latest way the Obummer/Holder DoJ is wasting your money
"In 2013, we learned [tax-victims] have shelled out more than $4M for attorney-general Eric Holder's travel during his tenure and now, DoJ will spend more than a $500K to 'better its brand' on the professional [privacy violation] site LinkedIn..."

Patrick J. Buchanan _
Obummer should go to Sochi, to, uh, show solidarity
Town Hall

Michael Barone _Town Hall_
liberty, property, privacy and peace pushed farther away in Red China

David Limbaugh _Town Hall_
answering leftist race exploitation and fixation

Mona Charen _Town Hall_
impervious to evidence, leftists ride again

Ken Blackwell _Town Hall_
buried away in defense authorization act was repeat of constitutional guarantee for free exercise of religion by troops

Linda Chavez _Town Hall_
illegal aliens say amnesty is not enough

David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Texas State U criminologists say 90% of shooting rampages could be stopped by quick-thinking civilians
"Almost half of the active shootings are over before additional help can arrive, the study said, and potential victims actually stopped the attacker in 17 such cases."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a different sesquicentennial reflection -- the fall of the Southern Literary Messenger

Thomas E. Brewton
Holman W. Jenkins ii in WSJ strips away ObummerDoesn'tCare's hypocrisy

Seth Mandel _Commentary_
basic economic principle debunks ObummerDoesn'tCare claim

Laurie Roth _News with Views_
stand firm through the battles ahead
"What will conservatives do with the wins in 2014?   Will they load their guns with real bullets and [eliminate ObummerDoesn'tCare] or keep shooting on the 50-yard line with their Obama-provided cap guns?   I believe they will win big in the 2014 elections but that will only put Conservatives and the GOP in the big boys' ring to enact real change and fix things, or blow it...again...   Conservatives MUST restore our Constitutional freedoms and Conservatives MUST lead and represent the people not their careers and egos! Bring America back.   We have faced tyrants hiding in all kinds of costumes before -- tyrants who hide in the political, financial and spiritual realms, who seduce the desperate and needy masses.   The desperation and neediness Obama has created, as with all dictators so they can ride in on their tyrannical white horse to 'save' the day..."

Joseph N. DiStefano _Philadelphia PA Inquirer_
engineers from India: filling USA tech shortage or merely cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics?
"'Based on figures from the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and Current Population Survey [BLS CPS] data, they estimate that 160,755 foreign workers were given H-1B or other work visas for 'IT' jobs in 2011, out of 483,692 jobs that went to candidates with a bachelor's or master's degree', while half of U.S. math, science and engineering grads are not working in their fields, the story added.   'It has nothing to do with any lack of American workers.', professor Ron Hira of Rochester Institute of Technology told Global Post's James Tapper.   'It is simply that the foreign workers will work for less.'"
2014-01-03: James Tapper: Global Post: the Indian tech worker H-1B visa scam
"More than 1 in 3 US tech jobs go to foreigners.   Americans, and many foreigners, get cheated in the process...   why would Indian newspapers, TV stations and financial web-sites be interested -- arguably more interested than most USA media -- in the announcement by New Jersey-[and Bangalore-]based IT firm Cognizant Technology Solutions that it will create 10K new American jobs? The short answer is that most of Cognizant's 166,400 staff are based in India.   Only 29K work in the USA, mostly at the firm's [US] head-quarters in Teaneck, NJ...   'The firms bank visas -- keep people back in India on the bench and then utilize them when needed.   Also, they rotate workers in the US to ensure they don't establish roots, and rotate them back and forth to India.   These firms are growing so fast that they [like to have] a bank [or stable] of visas to meet any new growth.'"
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Black illiteracy decreased to 16.4% in 1930, from 45% in 1900.   Fewer black babies died at birth -- by half.   Black life expectancy was rising.   Most important, blacks were able to find work at about the same rates whites did.   Data from the 1930 census would show black unemployment nationally standing slightly below white unemployment.   Coolidge of the party of Lincoln was not content with this.   He wanted to see an end to lynchings in the South but was not clear whether congress had the authority to reach over the states and do so.   In 1923 December, he said that 'the congress ought to exercise all its powers of prevention and punishment against the hideous crimes of lynching'.   But congress was not inclined to act..." --- Amity Shlaes 2007 _The Forgotten Man_ pg43  



This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
wheat prices have been falling for 3 months
"cash prices [have fallen] a dollar a bushel since September..."

Anthony Watts
USA Coast Guard asked to rescue Akademik Shokalskiy & Xue Long
"The Polar Star has been en route to Antarctica since 2013 December 3 -- weeks prior to the MV Akademik Shokalskiy being beset by ice in Commonwealth Bay.   The intended mission of the Polar Star is to clear a navigable shipping channel in McMurdo Sound to the National Science Foundation's Scientific Research Station.   Resupply ships use the channel to bring food, fuel and other goods to the station.   The Polar Star will go on to undertake its mission once the search and rescue incident is resolved..."

Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
when goverments break the law

Richard Winchester _American Thinker_
looking forward to November election
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The first balloon-frame structure in the world was St. Mary's Catholic church in Chicago, erected by 3 men in 3 months in the year 1833.   Speed and expedience appear to have been the motive forces.   Though fewer than 1K people lived in Chicago at the time, the infant boom-town was already running short of big trees suitable for timber framing.   It did have steam-driven saw-mills, however, and logs could be floated down along Lake Michigan from the vast white pine forests of Michigan and Wisconsin.   The new builing method -- which for many years was called 'Chicago construction' -- allowed the city to be built, if not quite in a day, then in something less than a single year." --- Michael Pollan 1997 _A Place of My Own_ pg150  



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Willis Eschenbach
new CERES data and ocean heat content

Anthony Watts
what happens when a squirt gun hits the air at -42 degrees Fahrenheit

Zach Benoit _Billings MT Gazette_
many ZooMontana animals seem most at home in winter's cold

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
I-81, North... to Scotland

Bernie Becker _Hill_
Ron Johnson to sue over ObummerDoesn'tCare exactions, special treatment for congress-critters and their staffers

Joseph Lawler _Washington DC Examiner_
Rand Paul notes that one single warrant should not be abused to grab everyone's mobile device communications

Rick Moran _PJ Media_
GOP losership's advisers urge them to wimp out even worse when it comes to federal government spending, deficits, and debt

Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
How the government, academia, and media try to stifle speech and often violate the 1st amendment

John Griffing _World Net Daily_
John Cornyn facing primary challenger Steve Stockman

Steve Peacock _World Net Daily_
while US federal budget continues to bleed red ink, Obummer regime and contractors seek to keep $1.2G flowing to Nigeria

Barry Rubin _PJ Media_
the Middle East at the beginning of 2014

Eamonn Fingleton _Forbes_
Boeing sells its secrets cheap to Japan, and Red China, and Russia

Tom Tillison _Biz PAC Review_
actor Steven Seagal pondering run for governor of AZ; defends Maricopa county sheriff Joe Arpaio
Proposed Bills 2014

  "By the late 1930s this emphasis on personal perfection helped make heavily Mormon Utah first among the states in its per capita percentage of graduate scientists as well as one of the leaders in education and other fields.   A half century later [1941], this leadership continued, with Utah ranking first among the states in median years of education, college test results and overall literacy." --- Joel Kotkin 1992 _Tribes: How Race, Religion, and Identity Determine Success in the New Global Economy_ pg246 (citing E.L. Thorndike 1943 May "The Origin of Superior Men" _Scientific Monthly_ pp425-426; UT Dept. of Community and Economic Development 1991 "Utah: America's Choice")  



1838-01-06: Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail demonstrate a telegraph system using dots and dashes (this is the forerunner of Morse code)
1853-01-06: president-elect of the United States Franklin Pierce and his family are involved in a train wreck near Andover, MA
1907-01-06: Maria Montessori opens her first school and daycare center for working class children in Rome, Italy
1931-01-06: Thomas Edison submits his last patent application
1936-01-06: the Supreme Court of the United States rules that the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act was unconstitutional in the case United States v. Butler et al. It restricted production during the New Deal by paying farmers to reduce crop area. (source: Jewish World Review)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-06 (5774 Shebet 05)
R' Steven Pruzansky _Jewish World Review_
religion, politics, past & present
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2014-01-06 (5774 Shebet 05)
R' Steven Pruzansky _Jewish World Review_
Palestinian envoy in Prague accidentally kills himself... and reveals arsenal
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2014-01-06 (5774 Shebet 05)
George F. Will _Jewish World Review_
politics by the numbers: evaluating 2016
Lowell Sun
Delaware News Journal/Gannett
Anchorage AK Daily News
Portland ME Press Herald
Atlantic City NJ Press
St. Louis MO Post-Dispatch
Deseret UT News
"In an October poll, 60% favored voting out of office every congressional incumbent.   The poll was taken just 11 months after voters reelected 90% of House and 91% of Senate incumbents.   Democrats are more likely to lose control of the Senate than gain control of the House.   93% of Republican House members represent districts Mitt Romney carried, 96% of Democratic members represent districts Barack Obama carried..."
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Frank Lansner
the "original temperatures" project

_Conservative HQ_
neo-cons and RINOs criticize Rand Paul for upholding his oath of office

_World Net Daily_
Airbus pilot reported UFO over BerkShire at 34K feet
Tomas Jivanda: Belfast Telegraph
SunShine Coast Daily

Tsvi Sadan _World Net Daily_
pres. Obummer's Jewishish brother
Israel Today
Akiva Novick: Shalom Life
"Mark Obama went on to marry Liu Xuehua and has been living in China for the last 12 years.   He is an accomplished pianist and published the semi-autobiographical novel, _Nairobi to Shenzhen: A Novel of Love in the East_.   Mark, who has adopted China as his home country, is a vivid testimony of the complexity of Jewish identity.   Born to a black Muslim father and a white Jewish mother, raised in Kenya but educated in the United States..."
2014-01-02: Sharona Schwartz: Blaze
NY Magazine: Obummer's extended family
Conservative Edge: Obummer's cousin, Musa Ismail, admits aiding al-Shabab
World Net Daily: Obummer family behind shariah push
Shoebat: family member admits Obummer's wahhabi connection
Shoebat: confirmed, Obummer's brother in bed with man wanted by international criminal court
City Data: Obummer's family funding shariah effort
Newser: inside Obummer's extended family
2012-07-30: Ancestry: pres. Obama related to first documented slave in Virgina
Ancestry: documents, etc.

Matt Ridley
cherry-flavored clima-psycho-tamiflu-gate Full story (subscription required)

Anthony Watts
Springer Environmental Chemistry Letters: using water to curb Red China's haze.   Yes, but what about all that extra UHI the water vapor will cause?

Willis Eschenbach
on the stability and symmetry of the climate system

Brian Mathews _Chronicle of Higher Education_
the harm of booklessness
The whole topic neglects the importance of redundant storage of information you want to preserve and keep widely accessible... and the more massively redundant, the better...jgo

A.W.R. Hawkins _Breitbart_
firearms sales skyrocketed in 2013, breaking previous record

Larry J. Sabato _Politico_
Republicans could win majority in House and Senate this year

Devvy Kidd _News with Views_
Let's talk about ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies

Jed Babbin _American Spectator_
so many intolerablee lies from Obummer and his regime

Bruce Thornton _Front Page Magazine_
the inequality smoke-screen

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
why non-leftists support real immigration reform (part 2)

Charles D. Ellison _Root_
immigration debate tends to ignore black highly-skilled and/or STEM professionals

Jeffrey Poor _Breitbart_
on CSPAN2/BookTV, Mark Levin laid out plan for curbing federal government excesses in _Liberty Amendments_: "Thank God for the Tea Party"

Jeff Sessions _National Review_
excessive immigration has been crowding out US workers

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
intelligent populism vs. mindless leftism
"the Republicans have not been able to explain to the country either the illiberal nature of liberalism or its hypocrisies...   An entire array of issues is going to have to be reformulated.   Take illegal immigration.   It is a gift for wealthy employers and La Raza elites, but an anathema for entry-level laborers of all races whose wages are destroyed by off-the-books illegals.   Strapped [tax-victims], not big business, pay for the impact on schools, infrastructure, and the legal system when 11M cross the border illegally.   More gun control is an elite musing: it does nothing to rid us of illegal [abuse of] weaponry, but much to aggravate the middle-class hunter and home-owner, while exempting well-armed security of the elite class.   Zero interest rates have made banks flush with cash that they pay no interest on, while hardly reducing credit card interest rates and ensuring that play-by-the-rules middle class passbook savers lose money.   Quantitative easing [i.e. devaluation of the currency] and the Federal Reserve have ensured a rush to the stock market that booms while unemployment remains high.   The world of Larry Summers, Jack Lew, or Peter Orszag benefits -- not the retired teacher with his life savings earning nothing.   The farm bill is still a giveaway to wealthy agribusiness at a time of record farm prices..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "And uh, I remember him looking at me, very sadly and kind of sweetly, and condescendingly and saying, 'You know, you still got the disease, honey.   I know you think you're cured, but you're not cured.   You talking, now you sitting there talking and I know it's nice and I know you a good man.   Talking about giving me this and giving me that right.   You talking about giving me something I was born with just like you was born with it.   You can't give me the right to be a human being.   I was born with that right.   Now you can keep me from [exercising] that if you've got all the policemen and all the jobs on your side, you can deprive me of it, but you can't give it to me, cause I was born with it just like you was." --- man interviewed by John Henry Falk (quoted in Edmund Sears Morgan 2004 _The Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America_ pg103  



1451-01-07: Glasgow U founded at request of king James ii & bishop Turnbull
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why some deluded people believe the USA is the "greatest threat to peace"
"For those of us who believe the opposite -- namely, that the United States is the world's greatest force for peace (and liberty) -- an explanation of this poll is called for...   Much of the world's moral compass is broken..."
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the expansion of dependence on government is never cause for rejoicing
"Just last month, dozens of Russian diplomats -- yes, non-citizens -- were charged with bilking Medicaid of $1.7M over the course of 9 years...   But research on Oregon's program, published in the journal Science, found the reverse to be true.   Tracking 25K enrollees for a period of 18 months, researchers found that Medicaid patients used emergency rooms 40% more than similarly situated adults who lacked health insurance.   Having a Medicaid card did not divert people away from emergency rooms and into primary care.   The number of ER visits for nonemergency matters increased.   There was no change in the number of visits for non-preventable emergencies..."
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
Obummer on the minimum wage -- then and now
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
ideology vs. reality
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
revenge of the goose-killer
" He's a perfect fit in the scurvy precincts of Gotham's radical left-wing politics...   de Blasio does not understand how the welfare state, when left without the supervision and restraint of grown-ups, undermines initiative and erases the dignity of responsibility...."
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer vs. the Little Sisters
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
about the people who serve us
"Problems in service are usually the fault of the employer, not the employee.   Computers attached to exotic chains of command are intended to cut costs to the bone.   But should the slightest thing go wrong, the system falls apart..."
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the left's latest propaganda campaign: income inequality
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George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Nebraskan non-leftist Ben Sasse is making the leftists squirm
"In fact, 13 of the top 30 richest counties [in the USA] form a continuous circle around Washington, DC...   the economy of Washington, DC is based on what economists call rent-seeking -- tapping into the economic value created by someone else, rather than creating new value...   'The lobbyists, consultants and defense contractors building some of those mansions in McLean and Potomac are doing so, in effect, with government dollars from military or Medicare or other budgets.   As most of the country continues to struggle through an agonizingly slow recovery, Washington DC uncomfortably calls to mind the rapacious Capitol in Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games series.'...   Washington, DC is where you find the work of telling other people what to do, and of course influencing those who tell other people what to do..."

Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
prosecutorial discretion and its abuse

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
2 different EB-5 cases in which Asians apparently conned other Asians

_Conservative HQ_
non-leftists seek to oust GOP losership in primaries
"Our friend Tony Lee has a great article posted on Breitbart about how the Empire is striking back in Texas by funding independent expenditures on behalf of pro-Big Government candidates in Republican Primaries.   Lee reports that 'The Texas Future Business Alliance', which is described as a 'mix of 10 major business groups, including the chemical industry, bankers, builders and contractors', is reportedly 'sending out mailers and providing other support on behalf of GOP candidates' who favor more government spending and want to take on the Tea Party.   Michael Quinn Sullivan, president of the fiscal-hawk group Empower Texans, said, according to Lee, 'the Texas Future Business Alliance' is an 'anti-Ted Cruz movement [that] is nothing but a group of big-money interests wanting [tax-victim] dollars to flow into their pockets'.   Designating them a 'fake group', he also said they 'want people who will vote for cronyism and corporate welfare'.   These...organizations are typical of the Big Business consultant-driven tactics inspired by such professional political operatives as Karl Rove.   A year ago Rove announced the '[Anti-Conservative] Victory Project', which judging by its goals and Rove's record of 22 losses to 9 wins in 2012, is neither conservative nor likely to lead to victories in 2014.   The US Chamber of Commerce, another major player and motivator of Big Government Republicanism has announced that it will spend $50M in a project to advance the candidacies of Big Government candidates and to oppose candidates who identify as limited government constitutional conservatives."
Tony Lee: Breitbart: GOP losership's war against Tea Party comes to Texas
"the institutional left's efforts to turn Texas purple or blue will only be aided by 'moderate' establishment Republicans like the Texas Future Business Alliance's efforts to undermine conservatives."

Kevin Scholla _Breitbart_
American Heritage Girls offers religious patriotic alternative to decaying Girl Scouts
"AHG was founded in 1995 in West Chester, Ohio by a group of parents wanting a wholesome program for their daughters.   One of those parents was Patti Garibay, who's now the group's executive director...   Fast forward to today and there are troops in 49 states and 6 international countries.   (Only Joe Biden's home state of Delaware has yet to form a troop)..."

Anthony Watts
watch the USA in "polar vortex" deep freeze (live)
"Polar Vortex" the movie

Anthony Watts
Akademik Shokalskiy & Xue Long have broken free of ice and are moving toward open water (twits)
press release

Anthony Watts
X class solar coronal mass ejection, particle-storm heade toward earth

Patrick J. Michaels
some peer-reviewed journals purvey the flashiest "science" instead of the most carefully and objectively conducted science
"I reviewed 13 months of both Science and Nature, and sorted every article or story about climate change or its impact into 3 piles: worse, better, or neutral compared with previous studies.   Of the 115 entries, 23 made the 'neutral' pile, 83 were in the 'worse' stack, and 9 were in the 'better'.   The probability of the journals not having a bias is as likely as a coin being flipped 92 times and showing heads or tails fewer than 9 times.   The number is: 100,000,000,000,000,000 (1017).   You can look this up in a binomial probability table, which shows the average number of times you have to flip a coin 92 times to get this result.   The obvious 'publication bias' by these 2 journals is very troubling, because the resultant public funding and tenure could have some pretty nasty consequences..."

"Just the Facts"
a sober look at the northern polar vortex

Willis Eschenbach
up-welling solar energy, up-welling long-wave: CERES

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Taliban commander in Afghanistan sent his 10-year-old sister out in a suicide jacket

Jim Puzzanghera _Los Angeles CA Times_
consumer confidence up
"The public opinion firm's economic confidence index rose to minus-19 in December from minus-25 in November... "

Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
Gotham and Grantham
"Inter-familial intrigue is reminiscent of the current insistence on the part of our new mayor that his candidate, Melissa Mark-Viverito, be selected for Speaker of the City Council.   Apparently the Bronxites disagree and are championing Daniel Garodnick, the lady's rival.   This may have been exacerbated by the revelation tht Ms. Mark-Viverito failed to disclose the rental income that she derived from her Manhattan condo on the appropriate city financial forms that she was given...   We shall see whether our mayor drops his support of the candidate who fudged her finances in favor of the gentleman who did not...   Hard-working Gothamite couples with annual incomes of $500K must hope that their mayor may come to see them with the same elastic attitude that he extended to his new school-chancellor, Carmen Farina, who is earning a salary of $212,614 at the same time that she collects her annual pension of $200K."

Cliff Kincaid _News with Views_
Obummer, the Federal Reserve Board, and the phony claims of economic recovery

Cameron Joseph _Hill_
Cantor may be ousted by David Brat

Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
10 most corrupt politicians in DC

Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
poverty sets 50-year record high under Obummer regime, 35.1%

Mark Thornton _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
Fed doesn't understand what happens as a result of "quantitative easing" (i.e. increasing quantity and devaluation of the currency)
Jonathan Spicer, Jason Lange & James Dalgleish: Reuters
"Yet 'we still don't have well-developed macro-models that incorporate a realistic financial sector.', William Dudley, president of the New York Fed, told an economics conference.   'We don't understand fully how large-scale asset purchase programs work...'"

2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the "trickle-down" lie
"While there have been all too many lies told in politics, most have some little tiny fraction of truth in them, to make them seem plausible.   But the 'trickle-down' lie is 100% lie.   It should win the contest both because of its purity -- no contaminating speck of truth — and because of how many people have repeated it over the years, without any evidence being asked for or given.   Years ago, this column challenged anybody to quote any economist outside of an insane asylum who had ever advocated this 'trickle-down' theory.   Some readers said that somebody said that somebody else had advocated a 'trickle-down' policy.   But they could never name that somebody else and quote them...   Let's do something completely unexpected: Let's stop and think.   Why would anyone advocate that we 'give' something to A in hopes that it would trickle down to B? Why in the world would any sane person not give it to B and cut out the middleman? But all this is moot, because there was no trickle-down theory about giving something to anybody in the first place.   The 'trickle-down' theory cannot be found in even the most voluminous scholarly studies of economic theories -- including J.A. Schumpeter's monumental _History of Economic Analysis_, more than a thousand pages long and printed in very small type..."
Stephen Kruiser: PJ Media
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2014-01-07 (5774 Shebet 06)
Susan Scutti _Medical Daily_
anti-convulsant valproate helps adults acquire perfect pitch, learn new languages
"researchers found that valproate, an anticonvulsant which is used to treat epilepsy, PTSD, and mood disorders, helped adult volunteers learn to identify pitch significantly better than those who trained in the same program while taking only a placebo.   'This study provides the proof-of-concept for the possibility to restore [brain] neuroplasticity'...   As children, our developing brains are saturated with new information that must be sorted and processed to make sense of the world and so our brains form new connections between cells, strengthen existing ones, and prune others, all part of the learning process, a process referred to by scientists as synaptic plasticity.   As we age this plasticity or ability for the brain to modify itself is lost -- and so too is the ability to effortlessly learn...   critical periods close when a particular enzyme, HDAC, acts as a brake on plasticity...   HDAC enzyme-inhibitor valproate...   after the two-week training period had elapsed: Those who took valproate scored much higher on pitch tests than those who took a placebo...   Perfect pitch...rare in the U.S.A. and Europe, with an estimated prevalence of less than 1 in every 10K people.   Yet, a team of researchers led by psychology professor Diana Deutsch of U of CA at San Diego found a strong link between speaking a tone language -- such as VietNamese -- and having absolute pitch...   In Mandarin, for instance, the word 'ma' has 4 distinct meanings depending on how it is pronounced: 'mother', 'hemp', 'horse', and 'scold'...   'In Mandarin speakers, perfect pitch appears to be not rare, but rather a readily acquired ability.', Deutsch said..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The average American's life-time risk of death from exposure to forces of nature, including all kinds of natural disaster, has been estimated at 1 in 3,288.   The equivalent figure for death due to a fire in a building is 1 in 1,358.   The odds of the average American being shot to death are 1 in 314.   But he or she is even more likely to commit suicide (1 in 119); more likely still to die in a fatal road accident (1 in 78); and most likely of all to die of cancer (1 in 5)." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pp184-185 (citing National Safety Council "What are the Odds of Dying?" http://www.nsc.org/lrs/statinfo/odds.htm For cancer statistic, see National Cancer Institute "SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2004" table I-17; http://srab.cancer.gov/devcan/ The precise life-time probability of dying from cancer in the USA between 2002 and 2004 was 21.29%, with a 95% confidence interval.)  



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer and the haughty John Kerry who served in VietNam are abusing limitless leverage to destroy Israel
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Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
as I was saying about ObummerDoesn'tCare...
"it was simply a way station on the way to full-on socialized medicine, known euphemistically as 'single-payer'...   they're all on the record early and often calling for 'single-payer' and urging 'patience' to their followers.   Socialized medicine will come, they said, but first we need to seize government control of the entire health care system, have the Obamacare way station collapse on itself, and then move rapidly to 'single-payer'..."

2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
equality vs. liberty
Town Hall
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2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
in today's mail
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2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: more work-place disasters ahead
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Tony Lee _Breitbart_
US chamber of crony socialists supports Communist Corpse

2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Communist Corpse and the EduTech abyss
Town Hall
V Dare
"the EduTech boondoggle is no boon for students.   It's more squandered tax dollars down the public school drain...   Cui bono?   In North Carolina, the Guilford County public school district withdrew 15K Amplify tablets last Fall.   Pre-loaded with Common Core apps and part of a federal $30M Race to the Top grant program, the devices peddled by News Corp. and Wireless Generation were rendered useless because of defective cases, broken screens and malfunctioning power supplies...   Google can collect student/family data to target ads through related services outside the GAFE suite, such as YouTube for Schools, Blogger and Google Plus.   These are not covered under the already watered-down federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.   Under the [Obummer regime], Grand Canyon-sized loop-holes in FERPA have already opened data mining to third-party private entities...   Let's be clear: I am not opposed to introducing kids to 21st-century tools.   My 13-year-old daughter taught herself Java, HTML and Photoshop.   My 10-year-old son mixes music on Logic Pro.   I support competent, focused and practical instruction exposing school kids to coding, 3D design and robotics..."
But if you would believe the tech execs, no US citizen could possibly learn to program unless they had at least a bachelor's degree, and preferably a master's, and certainly no US citizen under the age of 20 or over the age of 35 could possibly grasp this kind of work... but here in the real world...jgo
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please help find Marizela

Anthony Watts
could this study on honesty/dishonesty and government service/disservice explain the EPA climateer fraud and climategate?
2013-11-18: Emily Alpert Reyes: Los Angeles CA Times: Cheating students more likely to want government jobs, researchers from Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania found in a study of hundreds of students in Bangalore, India
NBER: dishonesty and selection into public service

_Town Hall_
Bloomberg gave $2.5M to senate leftists

Anthony Watts
polar vortex brought 6 times as many cold records as warm

Anthony Watts
chain reaction of drainage of surface lakes led to break-up of Larsen B ice shelf in 2002

Anthony Watts
Obummer regime gets into spinning "polar vortex" for political purposes

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
EPA announces new attack in their insane war against coal

Katie Marzullo _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
12 in CA have died from influenza, 18 hospitalized
"The vaccine was scarce during the 2009-2010 flu season and 657 Californians died from swine flu."

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
creation of chaos to drive the public along the path to single-payer

Abraham H. Miller _PJ Media_
the abuse of terror in Europe, the USA, and Israel to control the public/media agenda continues

2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
inequality of language: leftists/dems fighting for poverty and dependency
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David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
a supreme court immigration ruling that's not worth waiting for

_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership are taking "30 pieces of silver" in push for immigration law perversion
"Haley Barber, the Republican super-lobbyist, who never really hung-up his cleats while he was governor of Mississippi, is back at his lobbying firm and has signed-on as a co-chairman of the 'Immigration Task Force' at the 'Bipartisan Policy Center', which supports Gang of 8–style [reprehensible immigration law perversion]...   Alabama's principled conservative senator Jeff Sessions got it right..."

Tom Steward _Town Hall_
local AFSCME reports abusing thousands in tax-victims funds designated for training for
"Two LM-2 annual financial reports filled out by AFSME Council 5 in 2011 and 2012 show $33,300 in taxpayer money from Ramsey County DHS -- Department of Community Human Services -- were categorized as an 'organizing reimbursement' and apparently spent on organizing for a controversial child-care providers' union...   'We are unclear as to why the LM-2 findings would show anything different from what is specified in our contract and have not been consulted or involved in filling out those forms.', said Dave Haley, executive assistant in the Ramsey County Community Human Services Department.   '...Organizing is not one of the activities, nor is it expected to be.'..."

Guy Benson _Town Hall_
vulnerable House moderate leftist Mike McIntyre announced resignation

Brian Wingfield & Julie Bykowicz _Bloomberg_
US Chamber of Crony Socialists doubls down on war against Tea Party and American workers

Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Rep and Dem loserships are driving voters away
"Gallup said Wednesday that its polls from 2013 showed that 42% of Americans described themselves as independents, the highest percentage since it started asking the question more than 2 decades ago.   The number of people that identified as Republicans, meanwhile, sank to a recorded low of 25%, while 31% of the respondents said they were Democrats..."

Rick Moran _American Thinker_
released Gitmo detainee participated in attack on US consulate in Benghazi
Town Hall
"Meanwhile, the latest report on recidivism by Guantanamo detainees shows that 29% of those released have gone back to what they know best -- being terrorists..."

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
DC's over-compensated shadow bureaucracy and the real income-inequality problem (with map)
"Almost all of the loot that winds up in the pockets of highly paid lobbyists, contractors, bureaucrats, politicians, cronyists, and other insiders ultimately comes from [tax-victims] in the rest of the country..."

Ken Blackwell _American Thinker_
leftists will lie to your casket
"they continue to make ludicrous distinctions between 'core' al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda in the Mahgreb (AQIM) and outfits like Ansar al-Sharia...   when Iranian-backed suicide bombers hit the Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983.   241 Marines and Navy corpsmen were murdered as they slept.   Reagan responded with force.   He ordered the USS New Jersey to shell the Iranian-backed Hizb'allah [Hezbullah] training camps in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon..."

Bob Barr _Town Hall_
a lesson learned as Chicago's gun laws fall
"Chang's ruling was just one of many since 2010 that have struck down, blow by blow, key parts of Chicago's gun ban that made it one of the most unfriendly cities in America for gun rights -- and, by no coincidence, among the most dangerous for its citizens..."

Bruce Deitrick Price _American Thinker_
educationist establishment is giving their all for gold, glory and the gospel of leftism
"Professors of education make excellent salaries without having special abilities or skills, other than being enthusiastic enforcers of the party line...   Education, in its [regressive] forms, attracts people who think that making a Brave New World is an accomplishment -- never mind how much you have to hurt people when forcing them into their new roles...   [Their 'gospel' is] the progressive doctrine according to John Dewey.   He provided the tools for a Marxist transformation of society..."

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's war against economic mobility

Wynton Hall _Breitbart_
Leftists/Dems cannibalize each other over ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
have we entered a new historical period and just don't know it?
"Graham Allison, Harvard professor and Defense Department consultant, hears 'echoes of 1914' in 2014.   So does the military historian sir Max Hastings...   The turmoil in the Middle East today reminds her of the turmoil in the Balkans in 1914, said British professor Margaret MacMillan, who wrote a book about _The War that Ended Peace_.   War has been as common a source of human misery as poverty and disease.   On average, there've been at least 3 'major' wars going on every year for the last 4K years, calculates biologist Antonio Casolari...   There've been just 3 periods of relative peace: the Pax Romana, the Pax Britannica (1815 to 1914), and the Pax Americana (1945 to the present)."
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Ellen Messmr _"IT" News_/_IDG_
NSA privacy violations are spooking STEM pros in USA, UK and Canada, too

Liz Klimas _Blaze_
GAO report says privacy violating car companies hedge on fessing up to the ways they abuse the data
Daily Mail
full GAO report (pdf)

Antone Gonsalves _"IT" News_/_IDG_
WoW hack highlights weakness in 2-factor authentication
Lucian Constantin: CSO
"The malware sets up a classic man-in-the-middle attack used to by-pass 2-factor authentication."

Erica Ritz _Blaze_
what did the Fed do with Germany's gold?
"'When the countries [gave] their gold...to the Federal Reserve [under the] full faith and credit in the United States...they gave it to the Federal Reserve and each of them marked their gold.', Beck said on his radio program.   '...And in this case, it says Bundesbank, Germany.'   Germany has had billions of dollars worth of gold in the Federal Reserve for decades, but announced last year that it would like at least a percentage of it returned by 2014, and more in subsequent years.   The initial request [and the Fed's demurral] generated massive international speculation, but the actual return so far has been less publicized.   Beck referenced a report from Zero Hedge indicating the initial gold returned to Germany by the United States 'didn't have the stamp on it'.   The Federal Reserve reportedly said it had to melt down the gold for transport.   But one other explanation, Beck noted, could be that the Federal Reserve has already used or sold Germany's gold, and is now scrambling to replace it..."

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
Elsie Arntzen considering run for US House

_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
Macy's is dumping 2,500 employees
Cumberland PA Sentinel

Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter-
salaries for new CS grads down again
Happy New Year, everyone.
I haven't had much to comment on recently, but now have 2 items, one concerning the latest NACE report and the other involving a recent
DoL announcement about the training programs funded by the H-1B user fees.   This latter is a can of worms, so I'll leave it for a different post.
That's interesting.   I don't see that announcement on the DoL Public Affairs press release page, nor does it turn up with the search facility they have there...jgo
So, let's look at NACE, the National Association for Colleges and Employers, an organization that tracks starting salaries and other data concerning jobs for new graduates.   I've cited their data many times in the past.
The summary of the latest NACE report, just out today.
It shows that starting salary for new Computer Science majors is DOWN a bit, -0.2%.   That's a minuscule change, of course, subject to sampling variation, but it certainly doesn't jibe with the industry lobbyists' claims of a desperate labor shortage.
Furthermore, NACE points out that their last survey, in September (pdf), new CS grads had already found a -2.5% change [in new grads' salary offers].
They did say that in the current survey, some sub-fields of CS actually had an increase, but only 0.5% [much much less than inflation].
This once again shows, as have past NACE reports, that we simply don't have a shortage of new CS grads.
And yet, senator Moran has, ironically, added an amendment to the bill on unemployment benefits that would give an automatic green card to all foreign STEM students with new graduate degrees.
Even more ironically, Moran's green cards would be conditional on the foreign student finding work within a year.   If we have a "desperate STEM labor shortage", why do these students need a year to find a job?   [If there were a shortage, 90% of new grads would have job offers before graduation.   Instead, only between one-third and one-half of new STEM grads in the USA have landed STEM work within a year after graduation.]

Tony Lee _Breitbart_
president of US chamber of crony socialists wants Tea Party to "feel some heat"

Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
16 House Republicans tell Obummer: amnesty for illegal aliens is the final economic blow to American workers
Sara Carter: Blaze
Kristina Peterson: Wall Street Journal
"16 House Republicans led by representative Mo Brooks (R-AL) are demanding president Barack Obama get unemployed Americans back to work before granting amnesty to illegal aliens or bringing unprecedented levels of new immigrants to take jobs away from American workers [disgustingly suggesting they'd go along with it afterwards].   'We write to you today on behalf of the 21M Americans who can't find a full time job.', the GOP members of the House wrote to President Obama Wednesday.   'We write to you on behalf of the 6M young Americans who are neither working nor in school.   We write on behalf of the countless American workers whose wages today are lower than they were more than a decade ago.   We write on behalf of the 90M Americans over 16 -- including early retirees, college grads living at home, and those living on welfare -- who are not part of our nation's work-force.'   Because of massive and perpetual unemployment statistics, the GOP congressmen argued that Obama should stop pushing for a large immigration bill that would contain amnesty -- any legal status for any illegal alien -- and a massive increase in legal immigration.   'That is why we reject your call for the House to get an immigration bill to your desk that would permanently displace American workers.', they wrote.   The senate immigration bill [S744], which the White House helped craft and you personally endorse, would double the number of guest workers brought into this country at a time of crippling joblessness and falling incomes.   On top of that, the senate immigration bill [S744] would also add millions more permanent immigrant workers through green cards -- handing out permanent residency to more than 30M immigrants over the next decade.   This represents a tripling of the normal green card rate.   In addition to Brooks, representatives Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI), Lou Barletta (R-PA), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Walter Jones (R-NC), Phil Gingrey (R-GA), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), John Fleming (R-LA), Steve King (R-IA), Ted Yoho (R-FL), Joe Wilson (R-SC), Steve Stockman (R-TX), Lamar Smith (R-TX), Steven Palazzo (R-MS), Mike Rogers (R-AL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC), each signed the letter...   Tom Donohue announced Wednesday morning that the Chamber is planning a massive push to try to get immigration legislation passed out of the House, which would result in more cheap labor for its clients...   They also cited a recent report from Byron York in the Washington Examiner showing how companies that have been begging for new workers from over-seas have laid off thousands of American workers in recent months..."
Byron York: crony socialist executives push for immigration law perversion even as they dump American workers

Why I oppose amnesty for illegal aliens (mp3)
World Net Daily lead-in page

Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
Obummer regime EPA, DoJ, DoI over-ride USA constitution, federal and state statutes, hands over town to Amerindian tribes

Jim Edwards _Business Insider_
corrupt Ford exec: we can know everyone who "breaks the law' thanks to our privacy violating GPS units
Jaikumar Vijayan: "IT" News/ComputerWorld/IDG: Al Franken asks for details

Brenda Walker _V Dare_
my LTE in Washington DC Times, about unemployment and amnesty for illegal aliens

Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
FAIR protests against big-donor corruption of GOP losership

legislative update

Eamonn Fingleton _American Conservative_
Boeing execs sell their industry to Japan and Red China and Russia one part at a time
"In the early days of Japan's rise, Ford and other American auto companies had been famously helpful to information-gathering Japanese engineers.   Know-how gleaned at the Rouge evidently proved particularly valuable..."

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
the meaning of the capture of Fallujah and Ramadi by al-Qaeda

John Ransom _Town Hall_
the worst defeat for the USA since 2001-09-11

Jake Coyle _Breitbart_
"Lone Survivor" is a tribute to Navy SEALs
Erica Ritz: Blaze: "They portray the guys brilliantly.", said Marcus Luttrell
mini-gun video

2014-01-08 (5774 Shebet 07)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
politics and minimum wage
Town Hall
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Proposed Bills 2014

  "Nancy Lowry and David W. Johnson studied a [class-room]... With one group, the discussion was led in a way that fostered a consensus.   With the second group, the discussion was designed to produce disagreements about the right answer.   Students who achieved easy consensus were less interested in the topic, studied less, and were less likely to visit the library to get additional information. &bsp; The most telling difference, though, was revealed when teachers showed a special film about the discussion topid -- during recess! &bsp; Only 18% of the consensus students missed recess to see the film, but 45% of the students from the disagreement group stayed for the film.   The thirst to fill a knowledge gap -- to find out who was right -- can be more powerful than the thirst for slices and jungle gyms." --- Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2007, 2008 _Made to Stick_ pg89  



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
witing for picket duty... Loudoun Heights (with pictures, video)

2014-01-09 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 486,033 in the week ending January 4, an increase of 34,384 from the previous week.   There were 557,724 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.5% during the week ending December 28, an increase of 0.3 percentage point from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,295,112, an increase of 451,828 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.9% and the volume was 3,730,220.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending December 21 was 4,193,749, a decrease of 265,067 from the previous week.   There were 5,356,419 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending December 21.   Initial claims for UI benefits filed by former Federal civilian employees totaled 1,199 in the week ending December 28, a decrease of 669 from the prior week.   There were 1,208 initial claims filed by newly discharged veterans, a decrease of 789 from the preceding week.   There were 20,705 former Federal civilian employees claiming UI benefits for the week ending December 21, a decrease of 2,003 from the previous week.   Newly discharged veterans claiming benefits totaled 28,567, a decrease of 3,430 from the prior week.   States reported 1,287,037 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending December 21, a decrease of 104,260 from the prior week.   There were 1,991,454 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   The highest insured unemployment rates in the week ending December 21 were in Alaska (5.3%), Pennsylvania (3.4%), New Jersey (3.3%), Connecticut (3.2%), Illinois (3.1%), Montana (3.0%), Puerto Rico (2.9%), Wisconsin (2.9%), California (2.8%), Nevada (2.8%), Oregon (2.8%), and Rhode Island (2.8%).   The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending December 28 were in Michigan (+16,056), Pennsylvania (+10,601), New Jersey (+7,345), Ohio (+7,036), and Iowa (+5,369), while the largest decreases were in California (-14,635), Texas (-6,723), Florida (-3,738), North Carolina (-2,694), and South Carolina (-2,184).   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

Anthony Watts
U of TX at Austin: symbiotic fugi have major impact on atmospheric CO2

2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Mary Schmich _Jewish World Review_
another year, another time to marvel at existence
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
spying on congress

2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
a bad apple for the big apple
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
the great inequality debate
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
rather than focusing on inequality, we should be seeking to make the best of opportunities
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
bye, bye Phil Everly
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
define "income inequality"
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
why the out-of-work vote Republican and Libertarian and Constitution
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
let Tea Party principles spur GOP to victory and internal reform in 2014
"In a righteous world, Obama would have lost to Romney in 2012.   It was many of our opinions that a can of tomato soup could have beat him...   We have now witnessed 5 of the worst governed years in America's history...   Tea Partiers -- STAND TALL, BE PROUD.   YOU ARE AMERICA'S SALVATION."
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2014-01-09 (5774 Shebet 08)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
is Red China copying the old imperial Japan?
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Matt Hamblen _"IT" News_/_IDG_
even tougher Corning Gorilla Glass 3 and Tech21 orange polymer called D30 on display at CES

Caleb Shaw
an English major's musings on the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation, author of its own demise

Barry Brill
the UN IPCC discards its models

Barry Brill
the solar storm has arrived, weaker than expected

Anthony Watts
Australian government's ocean rescue service seeking to recover costs of Akademik Shokalskiy & Xue Long rescue

Anthony Watts
warmist hysterics start to eat their own over "CleanTech Crash"

Paul Driessen
risking lives to promote (sustain) warmist hysteria: 52 co-believers on the Akademik Shokalskiy

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer's "operation choke point" plan to render more citizens helpless dependents on feral, power-mad government
Michael Patrick Leahy: Breitbart: Obummer's "operation choke point" aims to destroy sectors of private lending industry
"The members of congress warned Holder and Gruenberg that these actions were undertaken by their respective agencies without statutory authority.   'Your actions to choke off short-term lenders by changing the structure of the financial system are outside your congressional mandate.', they wrote.   'With the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, congress acknowledged the need for short-term credit products and did not try to limit on-line lender's or storefront operators' ability to offer such products.'   Congress, they wrote, actually wanted to limit these type of actions.   'Dodd-Frank also included a specific provision designed to prohibit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from imposing rate limitations on short-term loans.   Neither Dodd-Frank, nor any other legislation passed by congress, has given the DoJ/FDIC or any other federal agency the authority to take away the very air that on-line lenders need to survive.'..."

Kerry Picket _Breitbart_
Obummer regime considered Benghazi consulate attacker "an ally" in over-throw of Qaddafi
"Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu, a former Gitmo detainee for more than 5 years who The Washington Post reports the [Obummer regime] says was involved in the 2012 September attack on the U.S. [consulate] in Benghazi, was once considered an ally to the current administration during the toppling of Libyan president-colonel Moammar Qaddafi."

John Nolte _Breitbart_
Mark Udall (D-CO) asked Colorado Division of Insurance to cook the books on ObummerDoesn'tCare

Jonathan M. Seidl _Blaze_
Glendale AZ may charge 61-year-old former Marine after he stopped robbers

Liz Klimas _Blaze_
decorated AF colonel has 3 master's degrees, former Pentagon aide, great references, can't get a job and living in a mini-van in King of Prussia PA
Julie Zauzmer: Philadelphia PA Inquirer
Daily Mail
"For 6 hours a day on a computer at the public library, Freniere fills out job applications with no luck yet, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported earlier this week.   Staring at the computer screens is difficult for him though.   He has dyslexia, according to the newspaper...   'With all his experience, especially in intelligence, there's got to be a spot for him.', admiral James Hogg said."

Jeffrey Lord _American Spectator_
GOP losership's National Republic Senatorial Committee's war with Mark Levin and the Senate Conservative Fund
"I hold the NSRSC and... Jim Moran... responsible."


sleep may be necessary for long-term learning
"synaptic homeostasis hypothesis... 'Sleep allows the brain to reset, helping integrate, newly learned material with consolidated memories, so the brain can begin anew the next day.'"


a Yale University study found attractive men earn 9% more than their average counterparts and attractive women earn 4% more
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The first virtue required is ACCURACY...   2. Next comes the LOVE OF ORDER...   3. It might be thought that orderliness would also imply LOGIC... its ready and practical application...   4. Elsewhere HONESTY may be the best policy, but in research it is the only one...   5. Some persons are honest as far as they can see, but they do not see far enough; in particular they do not see around themselves.   They lack the virtue of SELF-AWARENESS.   The searcher needs it first, in order to make sure that he is not unwittingly dishonest and, second, in order to lessen the influence of bias by making his standards of judgment plain to the reader...   The only protection against this source of constant error is for the writer to make his assumptions clear...   6. Everybody is always urging everybody else to have IMAGINATION, and this is indeed good advice.   But perhaps the hint should not so much laying in a stock as releasing what we have." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pp 44-47  



 Number Employed
jobs deficits

_Investor's Business Daily_
How bad is Obummer's jobs record?
"6.3M: Net new jobs created since Obama's recovery started in 2009 June.   13.8M: New jobs that would have been created had Obama's kept pace with the average of the previous 10 recoveries.   3.6%: Growth in private jobs since Obama took office.   43%: Growth in the number of temp jobs.   91.8M: Number of people not in the labor force as of December.   525K: Increase since November.   11.2M: Increase since Obama took office.   6.7%: Jobless rate 54 months into Obama's recovery.   5.1%: Unemployment rate 54 months into George W. Bush's 'jobless' recovery.   13.1%: Jobless rate in Dec. using a broader measure -- U6 -- which includes people marginally attached to labor force or working part time for economic reasons.   9.2%: Average U6 rate in Bush's 8 years in office.   26%: Share of adults who say at least one household member is unemployed, based on IBD/TIPP Poll data.   10%: Share who say a household member had work hours cut because of [ObummerDoesn'tCare]..."

Shelley Phillips Kimel _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
largest Knoxville area employers
"More than 145K people work at one of the Knoxville area's 100 largest employers.   That's almost 40% of the work-force in the Knoxville MSA..."

Sara Haimowitz _Alliance for American Manufacturing_/_Trade Reform_
weak December jobs numbers for manufacturing

Marc Kovac _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Ohio officials launch new human-trafficking campaign

John Hayward _Human Events_
Ted Cruz weighed in against Obummer's latest wealth redistribution scheme "Promise Zones"

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
45 minutes skirmish, and the long road to Andersonville GA
C. Armour Newcomer: Emmitsburg Area Historical Society: Cole's Cavalry
war record of James A. Scott
letter of James A. Scott published 1893-12-05 in the Adams Star Sentinel

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
tomorrow's sesquicentennial event of "today's" skirmish at Loudoun Heights, Purcellville VA
part of Loudoun Heights skirmish site is now part of a state park (with map)
wait, perhaps Mosby evaded the pickets/sentinels to take Cole's camp by surprise (with 2 more pictures)

Anthony Watts, Barnes, Dunn-Sigoui, Masato & Woollings
no pattern found in Northern Hemisphere atmospheric blocking and weather extremes

Robby Soave _Daily Caller_
experts slam Obummer/Holder DoJ letter telling schools to implement race-based punishments

Ben Pimentel _MarketWatch_
8 examples of prototyper/additive manufacturing/3-D printing creations at CES

Jeff Bertolucci _InformationWeek_/_UBM_
8 robots at CES will wash windows, vacuum carpets, watch aging parents, patrol warehouses, and entertain kids

Barbara Kollmeyer, Sayres, Lohmueller & Nielsen _MarketWatch_
Natural selection reduced diversity on human Y chromosomes
PLOS Genetics
Science Daily
"The Y chromosome's puny size -- it contains 27 unique genes versus thousands on the other chromosomes -- is a sign it is lean and stripped down to essentials...   She used whole genome data from 16 men whose DNA had been sequenced by the Mountain View-based company Complete Genomics Inc., which has the most accurate sequences of the Y chromosome.   The company was recently acquired by BGI, the Bejing Genome Institute."

2014-01-10 (5774 Shebet 09)
Batsheva Sobelman _Jewish World Review_
Israeli peaceniks' utopian bubbles burst on West Bank of the Jordan river
"Palestinian protesters disrupted a citizens peace conference in Ramallah on Thursday, throwing stones at the meeting site until Palestinian Authority police were forced to intervene and usher the activists to safety."
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Jean Kaufman _PJ Media_
you only thougth you wanted to keep your hospital but ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-01-10 (5774 Shebet 09)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
sadly, "Arab Spring" is still in the air
"As Ofir Haivry, the vice president of the Herzl Institute explained in an important article in Mosaic online magazine, Arab nationalism was born in pan-Arabism-an invention of European powers during World War I which sought to endow the post-Ottoman Middle East with a new identity.   The core of the new identity was the Arabic language.   The religious, tribal, ethnic and nationalist aspirations of the peoples of the Arabic speaking region were to be smothered and replaced by a new pan-Arab identity.   For the Christians of the former Ottoman Empire, pan-Arabism was a welcome means of getting out from under the jack-boot of the Islamic Laws of Omar, which reduce non-Muslims living under Muslim rule to the status of powerless dhimmis, who survive at the pleasure of their Islamic rulers..."
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Mary K. Pratt _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
10 free tech MOOCs

John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Infosys profit increased $2.1G in 2013Q4 on cost cutting and off-shoring

Samantha Madison _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Carlisle airport may become government-controlled, tax-victim funded
"Every week, one airport in the United States closes down, said Jimmy Kingsborough, the operations officer at the Carlisle Airport...   Jonathan Bowser, CEO of Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation, said when an airport is privately owned, there is a limit to the amount of funds they can receive, while a [government] entity is able to get federal funds."

2014-01-10 (5774 Shebet 09)
Melissa Healy _Jewish World Review_
DNA sequencing device raises doctors' hopes for personalized medicine
"The Illumina MiSeqDx can [run an individual's complete DNA sequence] in about a day for less than $5K -- and the results will be more accurate, 2 of the nation's top physicians gushed in the NEJM...   The Illumina MiSeqDx platform works by breaking down, rebuilding and recording the entire sequence of a person's DNA in a massively parallel fashion, completing the job in a matter of hours.   The company intends to market the machine to diagnostic labs, medical centers and private practices, at a price slightly more than $125K...   Instead of checking for the 6 mutations most commonly linked to the disease, the new tests are able to discern a total of 139 genetic variations that give rise to cystic fibrosis.   They will also tell doctors whether a patient is among the 4% who has a mutation that's targeted by a specific, costly drug..."
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Robert E. Scott _EPI_
is fast-track legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership DOA?
"...(...TTIP) with the European Union...   Fast Track is a terrible idea because it's a proven job killer.   It gives the president the right to send treaty implementing legislation to congress for a vote without any opportunity to amend or improve it.   Setting enforceable job creation goals or creating effective mechanisms to deal with currency manipulation, for example, will be impossible if the legislation is fast-tracked.   NAFTA, which was fast-tracked in 1993, and which was the prototype for more than a dozen U.S. trade and investment deals negotiated over the past decade, resulted in growing trade deficits with Mexico that eliminated nearly 700K U.S. jobs by 2010.   More recently, president Obama pushed through a new trade deal between Korea and the United States (the KORUS deal), which resulted in the loss of 40K jobs in the first year alone."

Sara Wolfe _Global Post_
the 10 wealthiest members of congress: for the first time a majority are millionaires

2014-01-10 (5774 Shebet 09)
Monte Morin _Jewish World Review_
scientists experiment with dry-cleaning scrip using super-critical CO2, ultra-sound
"In a study published Wednesday in the journal Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, scientists wrote that effective cleaning of bank-notes could reduce the annual global cost of replacing the bills, which now approaches $10G...   In the United States, it costs [only] 5.5 cents to produce a new $1 bill, and [only] about 12.6 cents to produce a new $100 bill, according to the authors.   The world average replacement cost is about $65 per 1K bank-notes...   central banks have to dispose of nearly 150K tons (of) shredded banknotes annually..."
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George F. Will _Investor's Business Daily_
to leftists, gestures mean more than reality

2014-01-10 (5774 Shebet 09)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
beware the leftist (and leftist-funded) "Republicans"
V Dare
Town Hall
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please help find Marizela

Beryl Lieff Benderly _Jewish World Review_
2 funny things happeed on the way to the alleged "STEM skills shortage"
"Funny thing #1 is a drop in the average starting salaries of new college graduates with computer science, engineering, and chemistry degrees...   Funny thing #2 is an amendment offered by senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) that would provide a green card to any foreign student earning a STEM degree in the United States...   'Even more ironically', Matloff noted, 'Moran's green cards would be conditional on the foreign student finding work within a year.   If we have a desperate STEM labor shortage, why do these students need a year to find a job?'   Maybe some of the nation's nearly 4M long-term unemployed -- some of them scientists and engineers laid off from large pharma and tech companies -- can explain."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Each year, 60M people enter the country on more than 675K commercial and private flights, and 370M enter by land.   In addition, 116M vehicles cross the land borders.   More than 90K merchant and passenger ships dock at US ports.   They carry 9M containers with 400M tons of cargo.   Another 157K smaller vessels call at US harbors.   The notion that a government agency, even with 186K employees, can seal such a porous border in this era is challenging...   Robert Hutchings, who headed the CIA's National Intelligence Council between 2003 and 2005, put it to me bluntly: 'It can't be done.'" --- Moises Naim 2005 _Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and CopyCats Are Hijacking the Global Economy_ pp179-180 (citing Ted Carlson 2004 June "Eye in the Sky" _Flight Journal_; Rovert Hutchings 2004-10-01)  



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Edwin S. Rubenstein _V Dare_
half of total job growth needed to absorb las month's immigration (with tables, graph)
Rubenstein's graph

Anthony Watts
WUWT climate/weather hot sheet

Willis Eschenbach
Marion King Hubbert meets the US Energy Information Agency

Cole Moreton _London Telegraph_
flooing of Somerset Levels: village of Muchelney is now an island in the middle of the English countryside

Hunter Lewis _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
new fed chair Yellen starts with yet another unrealistic forecast

Joseph Cress _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
aerospace engineer turned farmer: farming has become more capital-intensive, higher barriers to entry
"The Reading-area native had graduated from Penn State University with a degree in aerospace engineering and was in a high-paying job inspecting satellite components.   Yet the work was unfulfilling and repetitive for him -- hardly the challenge for which he was hoping or an outlet of creativity such as he experienced in the university lab...   'Two generations ago, a 22-year-old farmer could begin dairy farming with 15 cows.', [David Swartz, county officer for the Penn State cooperative extension] said.   'Now to support a family you need 100 cows.'..."

Dave Gibson _Examiner_
illegal alien with long criminal history stabbed Texas woman to death near San Antonio

Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer vows his 6th year will be full of evil action

Derek Thompson _Atlantic_
more attractive people are paid more
"good-looking CEOs are paid more handsomely, but also that they're actually better for their companies in surprising ways.   Attractive CEOs have 'a positive and significant impact on stock returns' when they first appear on television, according to a working paper by Joseph T. Halford and Hung-Chia Hsu at the University of Wisconsin.   'Our findings suggest that more attractive CEOs have higher compensation because they create more value for shareholders through better negotiating prowess and visibility.', they said.   When better-looking execs appear on TV, their stock gets an exaggerated bump.   Comely CEOs also snag better terms in mergers with other companies...   ''Mature-looking CEOs are presumed to be more competent, according to another study by John R. Graham, Campbell R. Harvey and Manju Puri...   According to Daniel Hamermesh, an economist who spent two decades researching the financial effects of being a hottie, the top third of attractive men earn 4% more than intellectually similar (but average-looking) men.   The ugliest guys make 13% less.   For the typical worker, that would add up to $230K 'beauty premium' over a career...   Cute students are rated as smarter than uglier students, older-looking people seem more mature, and taller people seem more authoritative...   Enrichetta Ravina found that pretty women, in particular, get cheaper loans, despite being more likely to default..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "[Inflation is] a kind of imperceptible tax." --- Benjamin Franklin (quoted in Ralph V. Harlow 1929 "Aspects of Revolutionary Finance 1775-1783" _American Historical Review_ vol 35 pp 62-63; quoted in Jack N. Rakove 1996 _Original Meanings_ pg 217)  



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Neil Steinberg _Political Mavens_
business card culling is harder than it looks

Brendan Bordelon _Daily Caller_
Darrell Issa: Obummer regime is waging war against arms with rogue BATFE operations, Milwaukee, Wichita, Portland, Pensacola, Albuquerque (video)
John Diedrich & Raquel Rutledge: Milwaukee WI Journal Sentinel

Latarsha Gatlin _Science Daily_
caffeine enhances memory for at least 24 hours
Deborah Netburn: Jewish World Review

Emmalee C. Torisk _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
1918 pre-fab steel-reinforced concrete home becomes museum

Anthony Watts
BBC's 6-year cover-up of secret, government-funded "green" propaganda training for their own top executives

Ira Glickstein
global warming is real but not a big deal

Willis Eschenbach
more fun with oil and gas

Thomas E. Brewton
the extreme left has plans for you
Lloyd Billingsley: Forbes: LBJ's "War on Poverty" proven a total failure... at reducing poverty, but a successful political fraud

Paul Nachman _V Dare_
the innumeracy of refugee peddlers

Eamonn Fingleton _Forbes_
American creativity
"Of course no one disputes the fact that America's past record of inventiveness has been extraordinary.   Probably close to one-third of all the major inventions of the last 100 years have been American.   The question is where this enormous burst of creativity came from.   Most Americans assume it sprang from a supposedly uniquely creative American culture [and economic system] -- a culture that is thus considered an inexhaustible source of economic out -- performance going forward.   The truth is more prosaic...   What really made the difference was that, thanks to factors that were to prove all too transitory, 20th-century Americans had greater opportunities for invention.   Because they were richer, far more of them studied advanced engineering and science [except that a lot of prolific American inventors and those with the most significant inventions had not studied 'advanced engineering and science'].   Moreover, taking the century as a whole, America's huge corporations greatly out-spent [and out-employed] foreign rivals in research and development.   The problem is that other nations are now not only catching up but in some cases drawing ahead [after the USA and UK and Europe have been transferring their tools and methodologies to other countries]...   The Japanese, for instance, developed such path-breaking innovations as the Mitsubishi Zero, which proved the most lethal fighter plane in the air in the early days of World War 2...   Just ask any of the thousands of brilliant Western European scientists and engineers who -- in a phenomenon known as the brain drain -- [immigrated to] the United States in the 1950s and the subsequent decades.   [Some were seeking freedom, others to retain it, and] they wanted to work with the most advanced equipment and the largest research budgets...   It is hardly news that the United States has been in relative economic decline since the 1960s...   In retrospect, we can see that America's era of greatest relative inventiveness was in the 1930s through the 1960s.   In the 1930s alone [during the Great Depression], American inventions included nylon, the helicopter, the electron microscope, the automated teller machine, and the plain paper copier.   Then in the 1940s came the bazooka, the atomic bomb, the microwave oven, and the transistor.   The 1950s brought the nuclear reactor, industrial diamonds, the computer [disk and drum drives, the laser], the integrated circuit, the video cassette recorder, and the communications satellite, followed in the 1960s by the computer mouse, and light-emitting diodes...   Of course, the United States continues to enjoy a surplus in patent royalties and other intellectual property payments.   But the flow is far thinner than Americans realize.   As of 2004, America's intellectual property surplus with the rest of the world came to a mere $29G -- a drop in the bucket compared to a current account deficit of $668G..."

John Fund _National Review_
we have proof that voter fraud is easy
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Ultimately, Glass-Steagall was as much an attempt to punish the banking industry as it was a measure to reform it.   It was Main Street striking back at Wall Street, rounding out the 1929 disaster.   The bill also had supporters among small investment banks eager to exclude large commercial banks from their domain.   Many economic historians have pointed out the tenuous link between the crash & the subsequent bank failures.   Bank failures were concentrated among thousands of country [rural] banks across America, while big Wall Street banks with securities affiliates withstood the Depression relatively well." --- Ron Chernow 1990 _The House of Morgan_ pp 375-376  



1808-01-13: Salmon Portland Chase (son of Ithmar Chase & Janet Ralston; nephew of bishop Philander Chase) b: 1808-01-13 in Cornish, NH d: 1873-05-07 in NY, NY buried: Oak Hill cem Washington, DC and remains later moved to Spring Grove cem Cincinnati, OH m1: Katherine Jane Garmiss d: 1835 m2: Eliza Ann Smith d: c. 1845 m3: Sarah Bella Dunlop Ludlow.
1910-01-13: radio pioneer and electron tube inventor Lee Deforest arranged the world's first public radio broadcast, a performance by the New York Metropolitan Opera.
1915-01-13: an earthquake in Avezzano, Italy killed 29,800.
1942-01-13: Henry Ford patented a plastic automobile, which is 30% lighter than a regular car (source: Jewish World Review)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

_Cincinnati Tea Party_
Warren county Tea Party meeting at 19:00 in county municipal building

Sheila McLaughlin _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
challenging the GOP losership
Columbus OH Business Journal
PR NewsWire/UBM
West Chester Buzz
"Liberty township businessman Eric Gurr filed his petitions for candidacy...   J.D. Winteregg, a high school teacher from Troy, and Joseph Buchheit, who ran unsuccessfully for a Fairfield school board seat last November..."
Gurr for Congress
J.D. Winteregg

Scott Wartman _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
United KY Tea Parties plan large ground-game in support of US senate candidate Matt Bevin

Mike Dennison _Billings MT Gazette_
Tea Party Republicans challenging the GOP losership in primaries
"'I have raised enormous sums of money to participate in these races.', says [MT state senator] Jason Priest, R-Red Lodge, a leader of the conservatives who also faces a primary challenge.   'There is a lot of money out there that wants to see conservatives elected to the Senate.'   Priest and his allies say the [leftist pseudo-Republicans] voted for more government spending and expanding [ObummerDoesn'tCare] during the 2013 Legislature and those votes will be part of the primary campaign...   'All you have to do is look at the voting records and see who's conservative and who isn't.', says [MT state senate majority leader] Art Wittich, a Bozeman Republican who's also likely facing a primary challenge.   'They adopted Democrat priorities as their own (at the 2013 Legislature) and crossed over to grow the budget more than three times the rate of the private economy.   It sounds to me like, if they want to vote with Democrats, they ought to become a Democrat.'...   Barry Usher, the owner of Beartooth Harley-Davidson, who often hosts Republican events at his Billings store...   'Ours is less government, less spending, trying to give money back to the citizens as we can.'"

Stephen Green _PJ Media_
jobs and DC's addicition to Uncle Ben and Aunt Yellen's funny-money

2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Lee Lawrence _Jewish World Review_
has bachelor's degree lost its value?
"In 1950, some 34% of adults had completed HS; today, more than 30% have completed a bachelor's.   In 2009, colleges and universities handed out more than 1.6M bachelor's degrees, a number the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) expects will grow to almost 2M by 2020.   Spiraling degree inflation is what Richard Vedder, professor of economics at Ohio University and adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, calls it.   The danger he sees is that growing numbers of Americans will be unnecessarily saddled with hefty student loans..."
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
universities abandon the "Renaissance Man"s for "Robot Man"
"The universities are bloated with administrators at the expense of professors, process people whose emphasis is more on expanding perks within the system -- luxury dorms, accessible gyms, great athletic teams -- than on focusing on what the professors should teach.   The University of Michigan, for example, has 53% more full-time 'administrators and professionals' (9,652) than full-time professors (6,305).   The Chronicle of Education reports that this is an accelerating trend...   Shakespeare's birth, alas, was ill-timed, coinciding as it did with the expansion of the British Empire (bad).   Milton's anti-royalist sympathies inspired Thomas Jefferson's republicanism, but most of the works of the Bard and Milton go unread today.   We don't burn books, we bury them, preferring to dogpaddle deep in the shallows of ideological victimhood..."
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Erin Burt _Jewish World Review_
10 job-hunting myths
"1.   Finding a job after college will be quick and easy.   No matter the state of the economy, don't expect the job offers to come rolling in...     2.   The Internet is the best place to look for a job...   Only about 15% to 20% of all job openings are ever publicly advertised in any medium, and only about 5% of job seekers end up getting jobs through ads, Hansen says...     3.   I'll make a fortune at my first job out of college...   The typical grad with a bachelor's degree and less than 5 years of experience makes $44,700...   The best college majors for your career include fields of study such as nursing (starting salary: $51,100), computer science ($58,400) and finance ($47,700).   Low-paying majors include art history ($36,400), social work ($33,100) and mass media ($34,400)...   A $40K annual salary is reduced by about one-quarter once federal, [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare taxes are taken out.   That's not counting state taxes and any money you might have withheld from your paycheck for benefits.     4.   There's no room for negotiation with an entry-level salary...     5.   The person who gets hired is the one who can do the job best...   Not so, says Hansen.   More often than not, it comes down to interviewing skills and your rapport with your interviewers.   Your 'qualifications', education and experience will usually get you an interview, but then 'you need to prove why you are the best person to fill the job'...     6.   A well-designed resume will boost my chances of getting noticed...   many won't open resume attachments either out of laziness...     7.   What I think of an employer doesn't matter as much as what s/he thinks of me...     8.   If I plaster the web with my resume, I'll receive more interviews...     9.   If a company isn't currently hiring, I can't get an interview...     10.   If I don't know what I want to do after graduation, I should go to graduate school..."
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
"laugh often" and 19 more rules to live by
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Andrew Armstrong _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime calls Joe BiteMe a "leading statesman of his time", LOL
Investor's Business Daily
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Supremes could curb Obummer's power-grab by insisting on adherence to the US constitution
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
political means don't achieve moral ends
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
congressional extortion
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2014-01-13 (5774 Shebet 12)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
one more action eroding the public trust
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Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Bob Goodlatte reversed statement on amnesty for illegal aliens... again
"The restored language is a small symbolic defeat for the [leftists] and business groups pressuring the GOP to help sharply increase the supply of cheap immigrant labor, and comes just 9 days before a critical GOP strategy meeting..."

Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
KY GOP wants DoJ investigation of Dem senate primary
Sam Youngman: Lexington KY Herald-Leadere

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
AZ Republicans censure John McCain for working with the leftists for leftist legislation
AZ Daily Independent
Adam Longo: KPHO CBS
"The vote was 1,150 for the censure and 351 against."

Tim Ball
circum-polar vortex, polar vortex, jet streams, zonal flow, meridional flow, and PR deception

Anthony Watts
Akademik Shokalskiy back in port, warmist fools still in Antarctica

Jim Puzzangheria _San Jose CA Mercury News_
17% of US employees expect to be dumped in 2014, they tell Federal Reserve Board survey

Thomas E. Brewton
while Obummer slept
Peter Wehner: Commentary: ringing the alarm in the night
Weekly Standard

Anthony Watts
another weather channel; competition is good

Raymond Ibrahim _PJ Media_
Armenian Christians being pressured to convert to Islam

Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
leftists' determination to get early control of children

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Benghazi documents show that after Stevens et al. were killed, Obummer and Clinton lied

Karen DeYoung _Washington DC Post_
Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade indicted on visa fraud, abuse of servant, fled to India

Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
John Fund on vote fraud
National Review: under-cover agents were able to vote as dead people, so election officials are attacking the agents

Steve Sailer _V Dare_
AZ law to curb illegal immigration worked

James Fulford _V Dare_
some legislators understand the need to cut immigration and discourage illegal immigration

Bill Ottman
artificial gill extracts oxygen from water
"Jeabyun Yeon... extracts oxygen under water through a filter in the form of fine threads with holes smaller than water molecules..."

Richard A. Epstein _Defining Ideas_
how Democrats kill jobs

John Steele Gordon _Commentary_
school punishment based on race rather than behavior: more diktat from our racist in chief

Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Jim Cramer: take care of US citizens before guest-workers, immigrants and illegal aliens
"The United States needs to focus on getting jobs for U.S. citizens instead of hiring immigrants and making deals with other nations for cheap labor, says Jim Cramer, host of CNBC's 'Mad Money'.   'Can we just help people get jobs who live here?'...   'We have a series of trade deals that we've made with trading partners, including...major countries -- Korea, Mexico -- where we've gotten completely pantsed.'"

Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
GOP losership's myths about conservative candidates
"Linda McMahon (CT), Denny Rehberg (MT), Tommy Thompson (WI), George Allen (VA), Connie Mack (FL), Heather Wilson (NM), Josh Mandell (OH), Pete Hoekstra (MI) and Linda Lingle (HI).   These 9 candidates had the 'moderate' records [only a leftist could love]...   They each had enormous resources to wage successful campaigns.   Had these 'electable candidates' won, the GOP would be in the majority now with 54 seats...   the GOP establishment lost 11 [seats].   One could easily argue that the Tea Party needs to step-up its involvement in primaries to prevent the Republican party from continuing to nominate 'moderate' candidates who can't win.   The last 2 GOP presidential nominees have been [squishy wimps eager to go along with the extreme left] who so failed to inspire actual voters that they lost very winnable races...   The Republican [losership] squandered more than $1G on the most winnable presidential race in modern history.   They had a deep slate of 'electable' senate candidates who all went down to defeat."

Daniel Newhauser _Roll Call_
GOP negotiator John Carter: no immigration changes this year (with video)

John Gizzi _News Max_
why non-leftists don't trust Obummer on immigration

Kent Cooper _Roll Call_
donors bundle money to back H-1B increases and laxity
"Representative Sheila Lee Jackson, D-Texas, reported receiving $16K in campaign contributions from Texas employees of Harmony Public Schools, which has 15% if its employees in the United States on H1-B work visas, most from Turkey...   Representative Jackson also reported $35K from physicians in the Houston area.   Representative Jackson has been a strong supporter of the visa programs, including those for foreign medical students, physicians and high-tech workers.   Representative Jackson sits on the House Judiciary committee and its sub-committee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement..."

Max Fisher _Washington DC Post_
40 world GIS maps
Proposed Bills 2014

  "customs duties accounted for over 90% of Federal receipts in most years prior to the Civil War.   Excise taxes became an important & growing source of Federal receipts starting in the 1860s.   Estate & gift taxes were levied & collected sporadically from the 1860s through World War 1, although never amounting to a significant source of receipts during that time." --- OMB 2003 Budget of the US Government Historical Tables pp 16-17 (pdf pp 20-21)  



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_Cincinnati Tea Party_
Hamilton/Butler county Tea Party meet 18:30 at Wilks Conference Center, Miami U at Hamilton

2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
Mark Patinkin _Jewish World Review_
questions for our time
"If India's economy passes us by, will we have to get customer support jobs and pick phone names like Sanjay and Deepak to help them make their plane reservations?"
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Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
law-suit against Oracle for discrimination
As many of you know, I have found that abuse of the H-1B visa and employer-sponsored green cards is rampant throughout the industry, including the "mainstream U.S. firms".   For that reason, I object to the notion that the abuse occurs primarily in the Indian out-sourcing firms, and thus have generally not covered news stories here that focus on those latter firms.   A case in point is the suit last year against Infosys.
Well, here is a suit against a "main-stream U.S. firm": 2014-01-13: Chris Kanaracus: "IT" World/IDG: Law-suit: Oracle Called $50K 'Good Money for an Indian'".
If the allegations are true, they certainly don't surprise me.   I've shown statistically that the big firms tend to under-pay their H-1Bs.   See
page 11 of my paper in _Migration Letters_ (pdf).
And of course I hear things about those firms (sometimes from managers themselves).   Once I was even approached to serve as an expert witness in a suit to be brought by an H-1B against Oracle, and the (Indian) plaintiff seemed to possibly have a plausible case, based on the little that was presented to me.   (I turned down the engagement, as I have been doing for several years now, due to lack of time.   As far as I know, the suit was never filed [but here's a new one].)
Free Republic
Slash Dot discussion

2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummernomics is killing jobs; GOP losership fiddles
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2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the immorality of leaving Iraq and Afghanistan

2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
our crazed sexuality standards

2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
MTV and teen pregnancy

2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
last of the old lions: scenes from a life and death

2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
politics versus education
Town Hall
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Robert Bradley ii
not matter if it is a climatic "pause" or "jolt", there is still no evidence of global warming: leftist word-games continue
1974-12-11: Frierich August Hayek: The Pretence of Knowledge

Robert Bradley ii
do super-tides kick-start inter-glacials?

Chrissie Thompson _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
more Tea Party candidates interested in running for Ohio governor
"Youngstown veterinarian Donald Allen was gathering signatures to get on the ballot to challenge Kasich, with Warren county Tea Party chairwoman Kelly Kohls as his running mate..."

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
investigation confirms White House wanted to make sequestration "as painful as possible" for rural schools

_Conservative HQ_
have your called your congress-critters to oppose amnesty for illegal aliens? to oppose excessive student, exchange, guest-work, and permanent visas?
"The House Republican [losership] thinks that they can postpone the vote on amnesty until after the bulk of the Republican Primary elections have passed and that somehow that will insulate them from the wrath of those voters who expect their representative in congress to defend the rule of law and American exceptionalism from the tide of illegal immigration that is drowning our country..."

Julia Preston _Lede_
Republican losership could push amnesty for 6.5M illegal aliens

Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
House to vote on 1,582 page omnibus over-spending bill after less than 48 hours of its disclosure
"Jenny Beth Martin, the national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, says there is no way lawmakers can read that large bill before voting on it.   'While Americans suffer the consequences of [ObummerDoesn'tCare], congress is trying to rush through another massive bill before reading it.', Martin said in a statement Tuesday.   The Omnibus bill, a 1,582-page monstrosity with a price tag of $1.1T, was quietly introduced under the cover of darkness on Monday night, and is being rushed to a vote before Congress can read it."

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
Sarah Palin's father has been repeatedly attacked and harassed by corrupt Obummer IRS

_Right Scoop_
Mark Levin: We are witnessing a gradual, quiet coup!
Investor's Business Daily

2014-01-14 (5774 Shebet 13)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
corrupt extreme leftist Obummer/Holder FBI says it can't find anything wrong with IRS attacking non-leftists
Investor's Business Daily
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David J. Theroux _Patheos_
Robertsons' vs. the secular theocracy (part 1)

David E. Sanger & Thom Shanker _NYTimes_
NSA fessed up about software and radio path-way to snoop on computers
Christian Science Monitor
Stephen Rex Brown: NY Daily News
Japan Times
"The National Security Agency has implanted software in nearly 100K computers around the world that allows the United States to conduct surveillance on those machines and can also create a digital highway for launching cyber-attacks."

Thomas E. Brewton
the crushing power-abuse of our collectivist political state

Thomas E. Brewton
the Fed's quintessential "trickle down" economics as they devalue the currency
Proposed Bills 2014

  "At a meeting of a British learned society in the mid-1930s, the renowned scholar R.H. Tawney declares with some impatience: 'What historians need is not more documents but stronger boots.'   The implication, as another noted historian put it, is that 'history, when it is written from documents alone, is dead stuff and probably more false than true'.   Without the experiencing mind, the searcher after truth cannot bridge the gap between the lifed occurrence and the mute record." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg 38 (citing W.H. Hancock 1954 _Country and Calling_ pg95; W.C. Sellar & R.J. Yeatman 1931 _1066 and All That_ pg vii)  



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2014-01-15 (5774 Shebet 14)
R' Yaakov Asher Sinclair _Jewish World Review_
the winter of our content: Tu be Shebet, New Year for Trees
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2014-01-15 (5774 Shebet 14)
John Rossomando _Jewish World Review_
radical Syrian cleric Sheik Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi given US visa despite endorsing suicide bombings, targeted murders
"A Syrian sheik who labeled all Jews as legitimate targets for suicide bombers and who supports the death penalty for homosexuals is the latest extremist Muslim cleric raising money for Syrian-American groups supporting dictator Bashar al-Assad's ouster.   Sheik Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi is in the middle of an 11-city tour across America on co-sponsored by the Syrian American Council (SAC) and the Wylie, Texas-based Shaam Relief..."
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Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
the fall of Fallujah is just the beginning -- al-Qaeda virus is spreading

2014-01-15 (5774 Shebet 14)
John Rossomando _Jewish World Review_
history lesson for the president

2014-01-15 (5774 Shebet 14)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
when "people of color" love, think and live "the wrong way"
Town Hall
"What Mowry experienced is just a small taste of what the intolerance mob dishes out against 'people of color' who love, think and live the 'wrong way'.   I've grown so used to it that I often forget how hurtful it can be...   Young actresses in the 21st century forced to defend their love lives because their marital choices are politically incorrect?..."
please help find Marizela

2014-01-15 (5774 Shebet 14)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Christie, Hillary and Obummer
Town Hall
"For reasons unknown, most Republican leaders seem to pay very little attention to articulation -- certainly as compared to leading Democrats, who seem to pay little attention to anything else..."

2014-01-15 (5774 Shebet 14)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
income inequality
Town Hall
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Anthony Watts
GA Tech: high levels of molecular chlorine found in Arctic atmosphere

Bob Tisdale
the rise and fall of global media coverage of "global warming" and "climate change"

Brandon Shollenberger
warmists never recognize that they're wrong, even when supporting genocide

Peter Sayer _"IT" News_/_IDG_
massive, egregious privacy violator Google is appealing $205K French fine
"On January 9, the French National Commission on Computing and Liberty (CNIL) fined Google for introducing new privacy policies breaching French data protection laws.   It also ordered Google to post the decision against it on the home-page of google.fr within 8 days of receiving formal notification of the ruling, and to keep the post up for 48 hours..."

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the Talladega economy
"The creation of 74K jobs (many in the government sector we might add) is the equivalent of filling the stadium for the Michigan State Spartans -- but falls far short of a capacity crowd of over 100K for the University of Michigan Wolverines or Ohio State Buckeyes.   And this level of job creation doesn't even begin to make a dent in the number of people who have been unemployed for more than 6 months (nearly 4M) or who have left the workforce entirely..."

_Conservative HQ_
Manchester U: religion cuts crime

J.D. Tuccille _Reason_
US economic freedom keeps slip-sliding away
Daniel J. Mitchell: Town Hall

Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
government is the #1 problem in the USA
Washington DC Free Beacon

_Slash Dot_
Sili Valley workers may pursue salary-fixing law-suit
Jonathan Stempel: Reuters
Howard Mintz: San Jose CA Mercury News

_Slash Dot_
race/ethnicity/nationality/body-language bias in STEM fields
Philip Guo: Slate

Anthony Watts
new FOIA e-mail messages show EPA in cahoots with eco-fascist groups, giving them special access
Lachlan Markay: Washington DC Free Beacon

Anne d'Innocenzio & Mae Anderson _San Jose CA Mercury News_
J.C. Penney to dump 2K employees, close 33 stores
"Penney has 116K staffers and operates more than 1,100 stores."

Guy Benson _Town Hall_
bipartisan senate report: attacks on US consulate in Benghazi were preventable
Investor's Business Daily
Bryan Preston: PJ Media

Ann Coulter _Town Hall_
Christie, Brawley, Obummer: which is the least believable?
Jewish World Review
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Sarah Jean Seman _Town Hall_
Americans for Prosperity roll out ads pointing out some of the many faults of ObummerDoesn'tCare
Tom Lutey: Billings MT Gazette

Bob Barr _Town Hall_
US auto-makers, Google, FB, LinkedIn, Oracle, Siemens, GE and NSA are peas in a pod

Terry Jeffrey _Town Hall_
chair of pentagon joint chiefs of staff says DoD is not authorized to go after Benghazi terrorists
"When can President Barack Obama use military force against Libyans without prior authorization from Congress and when can he not?   General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a closed session of a House Armed Services subcommittee in October that the military cannot kill the terrorists who attacked the State Department and CIA compounds in Benghazi, Libya, because Congress has not authorized the use of force against those terrorists..."

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
happy happy happy: check out Duck Commander's new Mossberg shot-guns and rifles

Donald Lambro _Town Hall_
tighten you seat-belts, we're in for a bumpy ride

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
Heather Grant up 42/41 in polls Thom Tillis 43/42, Greg Brannon 43/41, Mark Harris43/41, and Bill Flynn 44/42 over the incumbent in NC contest for US senate

Sharon Machlis _"IT" News_/_IDG_
60+ resources to improve your R data analysis skills

_Investor's Business Daily_
Holder is shaking down "racist" banks for nearly $1G

L. Brent Bozell _Investor's Business Daily_
media bias is showing again in lack of coverage of Benghazi and Obummer regime abuse of IRS to attack political rivals
"During the 2012 presidential campaign, somehow each and every Republican presidential contender had a sink thrown at him (or her)...   Every time a Republican rose in the polls, the media tried to knock him or her down..."

Danya Perez-Hernandez _Chronicle of Higher Education_
US News & World Report rankings of on-line degree programs

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
BBC documentary on immigration: elites vs. ordinary Brits: growth uber alles

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Aracely Garcia Granados of Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together says era of mass immigration is over, seeks to harness Mexicans' talents for economic development in Mexico

Deirdre Shesgreen _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
SW Ohio and northern KY representatives voted against federal omnibus over-spending bill
"The [evil, mean-spirited] measure passed easily by 359 to 67."

Iain Murray _National Review_
Obummerloans: how Obummer plans to take over the financial industry

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
the voice of Iranian dissent

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Obummer is inviting further disasters by neglecting the expanding al-Qaeda strong-holds, affiliates are spreading like wild-fire

"DAN" _Riehl World View_
GOP losership is running scared

Emily Miller _Washington DC Times_
NRA vs. GOA candidate ratings
"Gun owners are stuck doing extensive legal research to travel, but they can still get caught in the thicket.   Mr. Cornyn said, 'There are some jurisdictions [that] like to play gotcha.'   That is exactly what just happened over New Year's when Maryland police held a Florida man at a traffic stop for 3 hours to search his car because records showed he had a carry permit.   John Filippidis didn't even bring his gun when he drove his wife to a family wedding in New Jersey.   But Mr. Filippidis told The Tampa Bay Tribune that he was treated 'like a criminal' in anti-gun Maryland for having a gun permit, and he wasn't even cited for a traffic violation."

Robert Romano _Forbes_
retires don't account for drop in aggregate labor force participation rates
"Since 2008, the civilian non-institutional population [16 and older, or CNIP16+, or simply CNIP for short] has jumped by 11.9M, yet the civilian labor force [employed + unemployed actively seeking work=CLF16+ or simply CLF] has only increased by 1.1M, according to annual figures published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS]...   [LFPR=CLF/CNIP] dropping from almost 66% throughout 2008 to its current level of 62.8%, the lowest it's been since 1978.   If the LFPR had held steady at its 2008 level, unemployment would be 11.2% instead of the current reported rate of 6.7%...   'since 2000 the labor force participation rates of workers 55 and over have been rising steadily, and the LFPRs of workers between 16 and 54 have been declining'...   Since 2003, those 65 years and older have seen their LFPR rise from 13.99% to 18.7%.   Those aged 55-64 saw their LFPR rise from 62.44% to 64.36%...   [LFPRs of] those aged 16-24 dropped from 61.56% in 2003 to 55.05% in 2013, and for those aged 25-54, it dropped from 82.98% to 82.01%...   Specifically, 16-24 year olds failing to enter the labor force alone took 1.29% off the overall LFPR.   25-54 year olds took a whopping 5.24% off the [aggregate LFPR].   Meanwhile, these losses were offset by 55-64 year olds adding 2.39% back to the LFPR, and 65 years old and above adding another 1.13%...   if older Americans were not working longer -- in the process adding 2.79M to the civilian labor force [CLF] -- participation would be even lower than it already is at about 61.7%, instead of the 62.8% LFPR reported."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "[T]otal losses by depositors in banks that failed from 1929 through 1933 were just $1.413G.   Adjusting for inflation, the losses to [tax-victims] caused by deposit insurance in the 1980s were at least 20 times higher than all the losses from bank failures during the Great Depression." --- James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg 1994 _The Great Reckoning_ pg 397  



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_Harrison OH Regional Tea Party_
meetings tonight and every 3rd Thursday at 19:00 at Capital Concepts; 9676 Dry Fork Road

2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the cowardice of the new anti-Semitism
"why do the professors focus on Israel and not Saudi Arabia, which denies women the right to drive and only recently granted them the right to vote?   Why not Russia, which has been accused of suppressing free speech, or India, which has passed retrograde anti-homosexual legislation?   The hip poet Amiri Baraka (aka Everett LeRoi Jones) recently died.   He was once poet laureate of New Jersey, held prestigious university posts and was canonized with awards -- despite being a hateful anti-Semite..."
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2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the UK's NHS: dogma vs. experience
Town Hall
"While the [Obummer regime] offers life support to its [ObummerDoesn'tCare], in the UK a growing number of people are asking whether it's time to pull the plug on the National Health Service (NHS), which is in critical condition..."
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2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
NY's leap off the leftist cliff likely to have a hard landing
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2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
tyranny from a clueless "constitutional expert"
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2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
spinning al-Qaeda
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2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
to live a 1980s an 1990s life in the "Promise Zone"
"For 5 years Barrack Obama has been president.   For 5 years he's demonstrated -- with amazing consistency -- that he has no clue what we need to get out of the ditch and back on the road to real economic recovery..."
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2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
USA vs. the politicians
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2014-01-16 (5774 Shebet 15)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Communist Corpse
"The 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the original federal intrusion into this state and local responsibility, said 'nothing in this act' shall authorize any federal official to 'mandate, direct, or control' schools' curricula.   The 1970 General Education Provisions Act stipulates that 'no provision of any applicable program shall be construed to authorize any' federal agency or official 'to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction' or selection of 'instructional materials by any' school system.   The 1979 law creating the Education Department forbids it from exercising 'any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum' or 'program of instruction' of any school system.   The ESEA as amended says no Education Department funds 'may be used...to endorse, approve, or sanction any curriculum designed to be used in' grades K-12..."
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Ken Gregory
CERES satellite data and climate sensitivity

Anthony Watts
Yale: more Americans reject global warming assertions

Anthony Watts
NOAA reports that average temperature of contiguous USA fell 2.9℉ in 2013

Anthony Watts
Ohio SuperComputer Center: analysis of historical data shows Arctic cyclones are more common than previously believed

Anthony Watts
DC not only a source of hot air, but now "planet killing methane" too

_Billings MT Gazette_
Matt Freeck & Dana Gleason stitch together durable bag and back-pack business, Willie Gear & Mystery Ranch BackPacks

_Conservative HQ_
Lamar Alexander
"Our friend Michael Patrick Leahy, co-founder of Beat Lamar, today called-out Tennessee's [losership] Republican senator for his phony and disingenuous TV commercial on [ObummerDoesn'tCare]...   At every significant step since its passage, Lamar Alexander has in reality served as the number one enabler of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in the Republican Party...   Lamar Alexander posed for the television cameras that day with President Obama, but since its passage he has done nothing in four years to stop Obamacare.'   Noting that Alexander failed to stand with Ted Cruz when he opposed the adoption of a new budget unless Obamacare was defunded this past fall, Leahy said that 'Lamar Alexander simply does not have the willpower, the energy, or the desire to stand up for conservative values...   he voted with the [extreme leftist, oath-breaking] president 62% of the time...'."

_Conservative HQ_
Republican porker hall of shame and...
Hugh Hewitt: those deserving praise... this time

Michael Dorstewitz _Biz Pac Review_
senator and federal judge trying to halt DHS smuggling of illegal alien children into the USA

Sarah Jean Seman _Town Hall_
UK military advisor confirms Obummer has no idea what he is doing: Total. Strategic. Failure.

Hugh Hewitt _Town Hall_
as House Republicans prepare for their "retreat" in Cambridge MD, they should listen to citizens outside of DC

Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
both parties might want to use the new year to reconsider their priorities and plans based on real information -- from Americans

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
Gallup poll: Americans say #1 problem is government, #2 is the economy, #3 is unemployment, #4 is health-care, #5 is federal deficits and debt, #6 is ethics, #7 is lack of money, #8 is wealth gap, #9 is poor education, #10 is poverty, #11 is foreign affairs, #12 is immigration and illegal aliens, #13 is lack of respect, #14 is illfare

Ken Blackwell _Town Hall_
pres. Obummer is trying to quench USA's sacred fire

Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Ed Gillespie running for US senate

_Town Hall_
State Dept's Spox was unaware of Red China's ultra-sonic missile test (video)

_Town Hall_
immigration and border security

Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
Tim Coburn acknowledges that the wasteful spending problem is the US government -- congress, executive, judiciary

Frank Munger _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Oak Ridge, Lawrence Livermore and Argonne national labs conspire on super-computer acquisitions

Richard Eisenberg _MarketWatch_
Josh Kaufman says basics of new skills can be learned in 20 hours
"For his new book, Kaufman, a business adviser in Fort Collins, CO, decided to teach himself a smorgasbord of skills in the course of 1 year: the ukulele, windsurfing, yoga, computer programming, a faster way of touch typing and the ancient Chinese board game, Go.   Not only did he learn all 6, Kaufman picked up each skill in fewer than 20 hours.   Yoga took just 3..."

David J. Theroux _Patheos_
Robertsons' vs. the secular theocracy (part 2)

Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Communist Corpse is not rigorous, not competitive, not research-based, and shady
"Stotsky has spoken and written extensively about Common Core math standards' inability to prepare students for STEM fields.   Earlier in the month, she penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal in which she quoted Jason Zimba, author of the math standards: Yet the basic mission of Common Core, as Jason Zimba, its leading mathematics standards writer, explained at a video-taped board meeting in 2010 March, is to provide students with enough mathematics to make them ready for a nonselective college -- 'not for STEM', as he put it.   During that meeting, he didn't tell us why Common Core aimed so low in mathematics.   But in a September 2013 article published in the Hechinger Report, an education news website affiliated with Columbia University's Teachers College, Mr. Zimba admitted: 'If you want to take calculus your freshman year in college, you will need to take more mathematics than is in the Common Core.'   Stotsky said that, while Zimba served as Common Core lead math standards writer, David Coleman, the so-called 'architect' of the Common Core, became the lead writer of the English Language Arts standards, along with Susan Pimentel.   Neither Coleman nor Pimentel had any experience teaching English, said Stotsky...   Historically, as EAG News reported, Zimba and Coleman were co-owners of a pilot program called Grow Network which was based in New York.   In 2001, Grow Network negotiated a contract with the Chicago Public Education Fund, created in 1998 by then-state senator Barack Obama and radical [leftist terrorist bomber] Bill Ayers on behalf of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), which was headed at the time by current U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan..."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
confederate sons, post-war, and "manifest destiny"

2014-01-16 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 534,431 in the week ending January 11, an increase of 51,190 from the previous week.   There were 556,621 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.8% during the week ending January 4, an increase of 0.3 percentage point from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,638,564, an increase of 354,387 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.0% and the volume was 3,867,784.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending December 28 was 4,703,499, an increase of 508,309 from the previous week.   There were 5,873,824 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending December 28...   States reported 1,350,663 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending December 28, an increase of 63,626 from the prior week.   There were 2,059,438 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

Jennifer Guiliano _Chronicle of Higher Education_
digital history, public history, historan job market

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
35K EE jobs were lost last year
"Despite an expanding use of electronics in products, the number of people working as electrical engineers in the U.S.A. declined by 10.4% last year.   The decline amounted to a loss of 35K jobs and increased the unemployment rate for electrical engineers from 3.4% in 2012 to 4.8% last year, an unusually high rate of job losses for this occupation.   There are 300K people working as electrical engineers, according to U.S. Labor Department data analyzed by the IEEE-USA.   In 2002, there were 385K electrical engineers in the U.S.A...   The number of employed software developers, the largest 'IT' occupation segment, increased by only 1.75%, to 1.1M, a gain of 19K.   The unemployment rate for developers last year was 2.7%, which is still elevated, according to Hira.   Jobs for computer systems analysts increased by 35K, to 534K, an increase of 7%, but Hira said it is the most common H-1B occupation and that nearly all those gains went to H-1B visa holders..."
Slash Dot discussion

Andrew C. McCarthy _PJ Media_
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed prison communiques: international terrorists back to being treated as "criminal defendants"

"Let's first consider the insanity of permitting enemy combatants to communicate with the outside world while the war ensues -- and though the administration rarely speaks or acts as if there is a war going on, and while the public pays it scant attention, we still have forces in harm's way pursuant to a congressional authorization of combat operations; we are still killing and capturing enemy operatives pursuant to the laws of war, which is only permissible during war-time..."

Bill Hoffman _News Max_
Ann Coulter: The country has not voted to turn the USA into Mexico
"Out-spoken conservative Ann Coulter says law-makers' proposals for amnesty, school tuition and drivers' licenses for illegal immigrants must stop because 'the country has not voted to turn itself into Mexico...   How many times do these Republicans have to try pushing amnesty and in-state tuition and drivers' licenses then, suddenly, they discover, oops, the dogs don't like it?   They try to back pedal but no one trusts them anymore anyway because it is just such a God-awful idea...   We're a country.   We are not a department store.   We have to have some control over who comes into this country...   the vast majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanics, mostly Mexican, and you have to love them, they're such hard workers, and it's out of no animosity toward them...   I don't want this country to be Japan or Sweden either.'..."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Administrative Appeals Office down-plays significance of its own decisions

Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
out of the mouths of babes: Asylumist suggests camps
"Mr. Dzubow made a suggestion with which I completely agree: We need accurate statistics about who is seeking asylum and why.   Asylum statistics, frankly like most immigration and naturalization statistics, are rudimentary at best and leave many open questions that deserve answers.   It is regrettable that the government does not apply to the immigration system, as a whole, the rigor with which it attends census matters.   Capturing data about each individual passing through that system, in sufficient detail to amalgamate intelligent and intelligible extracts, would I suspect lay to rest many contentious issues for which there is now only anecdotal information..."

Kathy Shaidle _PJ Media_
Canada is becoming a proving-ground for eco-terrorism

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
"Lone Survivor" shunned in Oscar nominations
"The most obvious and revealing thing about a movie review is most often the bias of the reviewer -- something all of us have and some reviewers have in spades.   I was thinking about that this morning while perusing the Oscar nominations for this year.   As an Academy member, I had voted but did not see my number one selection for Best Picture -- 'Lone Survivor' -- anywhere on the list of the 9 nominees.   I can't say I was surprised.   'Lone Survivor' is a patriotic film and patriotism isn't high on the list of [what those in] Hollywood [consider to be positive traits] these days, except perhaps to that group of once-secret outliers known as the Friends of Abe.   In fact, 'Lone Survivor', a big audience success, has raised the particular hackles of some of our more [leftist critics]..."

_Investor's Business Daily_
Michael Ramirez: Obummer on Afghanistan
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Interest payments on the federal debt are the third largest item in the budget -- roughly $38G this year [1976] -- following defense spending and human resources payments.   As the debt grows larger ($623G is authorized for 1976) the interest payments grow along with it.   As interest rates rise, the amout the government has to pay in interest rises more rapidly than the total debt itself.   With big spenders in control of congress, there is no end in sight...   But what is the outcome of this scheme?   No [leftist] congress will ever choose to pay the bill from preceding years.   Each one will decide to borrow more from [tax-victims] farther in the future...   The record of 1975 is not surprising: The congress decided to authorize an increase in the 'debt ceiling' (above which the Treasury cannot [unilaterally] raise the public debt [by selling more bonds]) 3 times during the year (in February, June, and November).   At the beginning of 1975, the ceiling was [a vastly excessive] $495G; the latest increase, in November, raised the limit to $595G (see vote 7 table 1).   A few days earlier, the congress had refused a ceiling of $597G... their real sentiments on controlling thir spendign are shown by their decision to raise the ceiling... (see vote 8 in table 1) which declared that for the quarter beginning 1976 July 1st, a debt limit of $641G is 'appropriate'.   Ultimately, the dead weight of the federal [government] debt [and private debt] reduces the viability of the nation's economy and the standard of living of the American people.   Problems associates with large budgets and deficits are aggravated by inaccurate government accounting practices...   There are other debts (to be paid in future years) which the government incurs, but does not record." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_  



1595-01-17: Henry iv of France declared war on Spain
1608-01-17: emperor Susenyos of Ethiopia surprised an Oromo army at Ebenat; his army reportedly killed 12K Oromo at the cost of 400 men
1648-01-17: England's Long Parliament passed the Vote of No Addresses, breaking off negotiations with King Charles i and thereby setting the scene for the second phase of the English Civil War
1806-01-17: the first baby was born in the White House, James Madison Randolph, the grand-son of U.S. president Thomas Jefferson
1871-01-17: Andrew Hallikie received a patent for a cable car system that went into service in San Francisco in 1873
1893-01-17: queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii was deposed in a bloodless revolution and a provisional government established, with annexation by the United States as its aim
1912-01-17: sir Robert Falcon Scott reached the South Pole, one month after Roald Amundsen
1917-01-17: the United States paid Denmark $25M for the Virgin Islands
1929-01-17: Popeye the Sailor Man, a cartoon character created by Elzie Segar, first appeared in the Thimble Theatre comic strip. ALSO: Inayatullah Khan, king of the Emirate of Afghanistan abdicated the throne after only 3 days into his reign
1982-01-17: "Cold Sunday": In the United States temperatures fell to their lowest levels in over 100 years in numerous cities (source: Jewish World Review)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

_San Jose CA Mercury News_
Tessera Technologies to shut down manufacturing, dump 300 from DigitalOptics

Anthony Watts
NASA has revised their model of earth's radiation budget

2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
R' Warren Goldstin _Jewish World Review_
missing the message: The Divine is speaking to you. Now. You need not be Moses to listen. But there could be a good reason why you won't
"Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, heard everything that G-d had done for Moses and the Jewish people -- the 10 Plagues and the splitting of the sea.   The name of this week's reading is unusual given that it features the most important event of Jewish history: G-d's revelation and the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, where we heard the 10 Commandments directly from Him on the 6th of Sivan, 3324 years ago...   VaYishma, 'and he heard'..."
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
allies don't let allies destruct
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Sharon, Israel and Jewish wrydonate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
your baby is affected by what you eat: both parents' diets can control gene expression in their children
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the question that haunts the West
"There's no understanding of history in the nooks and crannies of this administration, the understanding that United States does not retreat from 'operating in dangerous over-seas locations'.   The day it does the nation is finished.   Not so long ago everyone understood that, and gloried in the determination that such a day would never come.   Stonewall Jackson [brigadier-general Thomas Jonathan Jackson] warned soldiers to 'never take counsel with your fears'.   Now this administration enthrones fear..."
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime is mandating racism in schools
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
the secrets of Katyn Forest: What is really buried there?
"Nowhere is this moral impact [of the Soviet Union on the USA] more evident than at Katyn..."
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
how in good conscience?
"By early 2011, writes former defense secretary Robert Gates, he had concluded that President Obama 'doesn't believe in his own [Afghanistan] strategy, and doesn't consider the war to be his'.   Not his? America is at war and he's America's commander in chief.   For the soldier being shot at in the field, it makes no difference under whose administration the fighting began.   In fact, three out of 4 Americans killed in Afghanistan have died under Barack Obama's command.   That's ownership enough.   Moreover, Gates's doubts about Obama had begun long before.   A year earlier, trying to understand how two senior officials could be openly working against expressed policy, Gates concluded that 'the most likely explanation was that the president himself did not really believe the strategy he had approved would work'.   This, just 4 months after Obama ordered his 30K troop 'surge' into Afghanistan..."
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry, Jihad coddler
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please help find Marizela

2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
doctor Ben Carson _Jewish World Review_
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2014-01-17 (5774 Shebet 16)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
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Sharon Gaudin _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Lawrence Livermore National Lab research the possibilities of additive manufacturing

Michael Kan _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Linux-based OS developed in Red China aims to compete with Android and Windoze

"Bow-tied Steve Jobs, standing on the Flint Center stage on 1984 Jan. 24, [reached] into a bag and [pulled] out a rectangular all-in-one personal computer called Macintosh.   'Hello, I am Macintosh.', the squat machine's robotic voice [said].   'It sure is great to get out of that bag!'...   Steve Jobs on that stage in Cupertino marked the moment that the tools of the digital age were offered to all of us [who had plenty of cash to spend]...   it was a computer that almost anyone could operate without going to school to become an expert..."

Jeremy C. Owens _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Intel to dump 5K employees as revenues on kludgey chips stagnate

Michelle Quinn _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Obummer's proposed NSA reforms don't go anywhere near far enough

Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
privacy: Obummer vs. Rand Paul

_Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer is blocking Pentagon from hunting Benghazi attackers

_Investor's Business Daily_
Canadians and US citizens are getting miffed at Obummer's Keystone XL pipe-line delays (with map of existing pipe-lines)

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Communist Corpse: the elite's war against citizenship

Richard K. Vedder _Investor's Business Daily_
federal government has declared war against employment
"A smaller proportion of working-age Americans works today than when the recession officially ended 4.5 years ago (2009 June)...   The decline in work has been going on since at least 2000, under both Republican and Democratic administrations.   Suppose today we had the same proportion of Americans working that we did in 2000 -- the end of the Clinton administration.   We would have 14.6M more workers in America -- 4M more than the number of unemployed..."
And the total jobs dearth, based on historical BLS employment/population ratios, is running about 30.5 million...jgo

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
why congress and pres. Obummer are held in contempt
Lew Rockwell
World Net Daily

Alexander Bolton _Hill_
Obummer to leftists/Dems: Boehner will ram through reprehensible immigration law perversion in 2014
"...Senior Republicans, such as representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), are working on plans to grant legalization through existing channels, such as H-1B visas, agricultural worker permits and family connections...   Left-leaning advocates of immigration [law perversion] say a proposal that would use existing processes to grant citizenship to a greater number of [illegal aliens] could serve as a viable alternative..."

Erik Wasson _Hill_
Rogers, Boehner, Mikulski are most porkful in omnibus over-spending bill

Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
USA is going to pot-holes
"on average, State gasoline taxes are 31.4 cents a gallon, and Federal gas tax is 18.4 cents.   In other interviews, I heard LaHood express a desire to raise the Federal tax an additional ten cents, saying also, that it's been 20 years since the last hike...   The mere fact that the tax hasn't been raised doesn't deplete the 'trust fund'...   [Gasoline cost $0.25 to $0.32 in the 1960s and early 1970s.]   Gasoline has gone up from $1.60 per gallon to $3.30 since Obama was elected, and has peaked even higher; the price of food has also gone up sharply, (gee, during the Obama administration, too) and has anyone seen the price of health-care?...   But Neil came prepared, and rattled off the different ways that the Federal and State governments take your money for roads.   Neil: $85G in fed and state taxes, $12G in tolls, $10G in property tax assessments, $14.5G in ancillary fees, the $62G in combined oil taxes..."

Matt Vespa _Cybercast News Service_
Brent Bozell blasted $1.1T over-spending bill

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
post-script to BBC documentary on immigration: Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine

Jerry Hirsch _Los Angeles CA Times_
after decades of concept cars, aluminum vehicles going into mass production

UMich consumer sentiment index down from 82.5 in late December to 80.4 in early January
Steve Goldstein: MarketWatch
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Proposed Bills 2014

  "London.   Minds were doubtless focused by the Great Fire of 1666, which destroyed more than 13K homes.   14 years later Nicholas Barbon established the first fire insurance company.   At around the same time, a specialized marine insurance market began to coalesce in Edward Lloyd's coffee house in London's Tower street (later in Lombard street).   Between the 1730s and the 1760s, the practice of exchanging information at Lloyd's became more routinized until in 1774 a Society of Lloyd's was formed at the Royal Exchange, initially bringing together 79 life members, each of whom paid a 15 pound subscription." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pp187-188  



This Date in History
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On This Day
Dates In History

David Deming
another year of global cooling
Washington DC Times

Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
insane/evil federal Election Assistance Commission rejects preventing non-citizens from voting
"The EAC's decision is almost certain to end up back before the federal courts and could go all the way to the Supreme Court...   'Congress does not have the authority to prevent a state from requiring proof of citizenship, according to Article I of the Constitution.   And Congress cannot create an agency to exercise a power that Congress itself is constitutionally prevented from exercising.', Mr. Kobach told The Washington Times..."

Bob Tisdale
comments on the Nature article "Climate Change: The Case of the Missing Heat" by Jeff Tollefson

Anthony Watts
How warmist hysterics have abused tax-victim funding, continue to attempt to suppress debate, and strive to prevent release of the data

Anthony Watts
California's drought in pictures and graphs... what a difference a year makes
"...Plus, California population has increased dramatically while water storage has not.   That's a testament to poor planning and the hands of environmentalists and their campaigns to stop new water storage systems..."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a day after (the official) Robert Edward Lee - Thomas J. Jackson Day... reflections on Stonewall
"it was a small quote on a mug that compelled me to re-examine Jackson during the 1850s: 'Of all of the places...this little village is the most beautiful.'...   The letter was addressed to Jackson’s sister… Laura Jackson Arnold...   I encourage readers to take the time to look through the same letters..."

Mike Ferguson _Billings MT Gazette_
teaching students how to think like a scientist or engineer
"Before a crowd of about a dozen students and their parents at the Billings Public Library, Lowthian described, step by step, the scientific method, including the question, hypothesis ('[a tentative] educated guess you make based on all the knowledge you have learned in your life' [or think you've learned], she said), material-gathering, the procedure itself, the results [analyzing them, and your more or less tentative conclusions]...   Pulasky told students that if their project involves creating something new, they'll want to follow the steps of the engineering design project.   Similar to the scientific method, the process includes building a prototype; testing and redesigning, if necessary; and communicating the results..."

Grae Stafford _Daily Caller_
teachers were instructed to propagandize that all right wing people are "extremist" and "fascist"
"'Then on top of that, and this is in a leading text book they have five and a half pages, two more pages than the words you get from Mary Shelley, five and a half pages of a skit from Saturday Night Live on Frankenstein...   In the margin of the teachers edition, the teacher is instructed to explain the term fascist [left-wing collectivism] to the students and to point out that the term fascist is now applied to all right-wing extremist groups.'"

J. Robert Smith _American Thinker_
1.1T reasons to dump Boehner, McConnell, Ryan, Southerland, Yoho, Rogers, McCain, Reid, Pelosi, Lofgren, Boxer, Feinstein, Mikulski, Gutierrez, Schumer...

lieutenant-colonel Bill Cowan USMC retired _Live Stream_
Michael Cutler's address to the Tea Party Patriots

William Kerns _Lubbock TX Avalanche-Journal_
"The Arroyo" delivers drama
Proposed Bills 2014

  "If prosperity cured crime, there would be less crime now than a century ago.   In fact, there is more.   In 1900, the murder rate was about 1 per 100K people.   By 1930, it rose to about 10 per 100K.   During the Depression, it plunged to about 5 per 100K & stayed there until the 1960s.   Since then -- a period of constant, if interrupted, economic growth -- it has risen again to about 10 per 100K." --- Robert J. Samuelson 1995 _The Good Life & Its Discontents_ pg 59  



This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Alec Rawls
BBC showed 6 excellent minutes of coverage of correlation between low solar activity (few sun-spots + coronal mass ejections) and cool periods on earth
"'Solar lulls coincide with bitterly cold winters...'"

William K. Alcorn _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Re: Roger Ailes from Warren OH
"Warren native Roger Ailes...took himself out of this small Northeast Ohio town to a national stage.   But the values absorbed growing up in this once-thriving industrial city in the Mahoning Valley stayed with him and helped define his life.   Ailes, a 1958 graduate of Warren G. Harding High School who grew up on Belmont Avenue Northeast...   'In my travels over the years, I've always taken Ohio with me.   Everywhere I've traveled, I've taken the traditions...the values I've learned in this town [Warren].   It's a part of everything I've done...'...   'In the 1940s and 1950s when he grew up, Warren was thriving and presented an idyllic face of post-war American prosperity.   Ailes imbibed the values and the frustrations of Americans who live in heartland towns like Warren.'...   Ohio University and then landing a job as a $68-a-week prop boy with the Mike Douglas Show shortly after it began to air in Cleveland in 1961...   It also was an example of the culture he grew up with in Warren...   Manufacturing is a straightforward business and creates a direct and plain-speaking culture...."

"Just the Facts"
Antartic sea ice has grown rabbit ears, or a V for victory sign in the Weddell Sea

Anthony Watts
Copernicus Publications -- Pattern Recognition in Physics fiasco: predictable and preventable

Barbara Simpson _World Net Daily_
Communist Corpse is rotten

Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
wingnut leftist publication would have you believe that World Net Daily controls the GOP... if only

Pamela Geller _World Net Daily_
Islamic indoctrination in Communist Corpse schools

Jack Minor _World Net Daily_
Tea Parties still attracting black supporters, voters

Rowan Scarborough _World Net Daily_
Jihadists from at least 4 al-Qaeda groups participated in attack on USA consulate in Benghazi

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
the last generation of the West and the thin strand of civilization
"What we take for granted -- our electrical power, fuel, building materials, food, health care, and communications -- all hinge on just 144M getting up in the morning to produce what about 160M-170M others (the sick, the young, and the retired who need assistance along with the 90M idle) consume..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "You may have a hypothesis which is shattered by the new fact, but that is what hypotheses are for -- to be destroyed and remodeled closer to the reality.   The troublesome fact may go against your purpose or prejudice, but nothing is healthier for the mind than to have either challenged.   You are a searcher after truth, which shoudl reconcile you to every discovery." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pp45-46  



This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Jordan Cohen _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
another bodyshop failure

Bob Tisdale
Our Climate Models Are Aglow with Whirling, Transient Nodes of Thought Careening through a Cosmic Vapor of Invention

Tim Ball
scientific dichotomy over climate

Ira Glickstein
no clue haiku -- temp rise past due

Paul Driessen
Iditarod on 12K calories a day
"It's equivalent to jogging from Chicago to Tampa or from Washington, DC to Kansas City -- with temperatures ranging from a 'balmy' 10 or 20 degrees F (-7 to -12 C) above to a bone-rattling and deadly minus 50 (-46 C) or lower for the entire trip..."

Viv Forbes
Australian heat-waves are nothing new

2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's addiction to his own speechifying: the more speeches he makes the less people believe him
Investor's Business Daily
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2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
the erosion of public trust
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2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
"I take full responsibility; now leave me alone to continue my corrupt ways"
"After taking 'full responsibility' she did absolutely nothing, just like a lot of other pols who 'take full responsibility' and then go about their business as if nothing happened.   Taking 'full responsibility' and 'suffering consequences' [suffering penalties], apparently, have nothing to do with each other..."
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2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
racial profiling is not the issue
"Now, Holder plans to prohibit federal investigators from considering not only race, but also sex, religion, national origin and sexual orientation.   What's more, Holder is expected to broaden federal prohibitions on profiling beyond criminal justice to include counterterrorism investigations, surveillance and immigration enforcement..."
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2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
would you trust the system if your child were on trial?
"Last year, the American Civil Liberties Union reported that more than 2K federal in-mates were serving life without parole for non-violent offenses.   How can a non-violent first-time offender be sentenced to life without parole?   Their biggest mistake, after their crimes, was not pleading guilty.   'Prosecutors give drug defendants a so-called choice.   In the most egregious cases, the choice can be to plead guilty to 10 years or risk life without parole by going to trial.', Human Rights Watch adviser Jamie Fellner says.   She has a term for it: 'the trial penalty', which can deliver longer time than drug dealing itself.   When a case goes to trial, the prosecutor gets to pick the sentence by choosing the amount of drugs for which a defendant is charged.   A federal judge had to sentence Aaron to life because he was convicted of conspiracy to traffic 23 kilograms of crack and powder cocaine.   The crazy part is that prosecutors got to 23 kilograms by charging Aaron for a 9-kilogram deal that did happen and a 15-kilogram deal that did not..."
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2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
and when I die
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2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
leftists will be against this new war for prosperity
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2014-01-20 (5774 Shebet 19)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
government should not force people into unions, not to financially support unions
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George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
re-branding Communist Corpse to sell the lie: "Flawed Standards"
Ginni Thomas: Daily Caller: interview of Terrence Moore (with video)
"'Classical education is based on the idea of the great, the idea of heroism, the idea of pursuing virtue, and understanding what love means, understanding what heroic action really looks like, understanding sacrifice.', he said.   'And that's done at many different levels.'   Classical education imparts, he says, the value of human language, art, music, logic, history and great stories that will ennoble students' souls."

_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership set to join Obummer to destroy the USA through reprehensible immigration law perversion
"a recent Quinnipiac University poll that shows voters trending against candidates who back amnesty by 9 points overall and by a whopping 39 points among Republican voters, they see that amnesty is deeply unpopular among Republican primary voters.   This, by the way, is a shift of 14 points or 50 percent from the results of the same poll conducted in May of 2013.   In May of 2013 24% of voters said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supported amnesty, now the number is 38%...   The Chamber's $50M budget to steam-roll politicians who try to stand in their way could be matched or exceeded by Mark Zuckerberg.   Last Fall, the FB founder announced plans to spend $50M (his own and other tech titans') to get an immigration bill through the House.   Other billionaires, including George Soros, Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg, also stand ready to open their wallets..."

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
after firing CGI Federal, ObummerDoesn'tCare site is no-bid to firm that developed Obummer's campaign software
"Rayid Ghani, chief scientist of the Obama for America data analytics team, came to the Obama campaign in 2011 after a long stint directing the analytics research group at Accenture Technology Labs, where he engineered new ways for companies to [violate consumers' privacy]...   Accenture has 80K Indian workers, 35K in the Philippines and only 40K in the United States.   Over 40% of their worth comes from out-sourcing [cross-border bodyshopping]."

_Conservative HQ_
Rand Paul & Mark Levin are correct, congress is failng USA

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
conversation with world shooting champion Julie Golob (part 1)

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
closed-minded leftists cancel screening of pro-fracking film at MN festival

John Ransom _Town Hall_
the perverted "science" of global warming gets dirtier
Michael Schaus: UN chief advocates communist eco-fascism

Star Parker _Town Hall_
why warmist hysterics and abortion advocates oppose free speech

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
Obummer's dismal record on employment

_Town Hall_/_AP_
Red China's GDP increased by 7.7% from 2012 to 2013

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: majority of schools and universities severely restrict speech
"58.6% of the 427 schools surveyed have speech codes that clearly and substantially restrict protected speech...   Another 35.6%...over-regulate speech on campus."

Mark Baisley _Town Hall_
secularists need to accomodate themselves to religion

Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
those who wage war against USA today are different from those of the past: ther will be no reliable truce or amistice

Richard A. Vigurie _Conservative HQ_
success of the conservative movement starts with you: we're hiring

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Amnesty for illegal aliens in American Samoa: register first, write the law later?!?!?!

John Gizzi _News Max_
Chris McDaniel running for US senate from Mississippi
"McDaniel said that he 'would have stood with' GOP senators Ted Cruz of TX, Mike Lee of UT, Rand Paul of KY, and Pat Toomey of PA [to de-fund ObummerDoesn'tCare]..."

Mike Needham _Federalist_
conservative reformers need to make DC listen

Lucy McCalmont _Politico_
Sarah Palin: "in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all who commit to ending any racial divide, no more playing the race card"

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
Walter Duranty prizes for journalistic mendacity are back
Proposed Bills 2014

  "'Unique' used to mean one of a kind.   'Unique' was special.   The researchers used a data-base to examine every newspaper article in each of the top 50 newspapers in the United States over a 20-year period.   During this time, the percentage of articles in which something was described as 'unique' increased by 73%.   So either there's a lot more unique stuff in the world today or the 'uniqueness bar' has been lowered [just like the 'best and brightest" bar, the 'highy-skilled' bar, etc.]...   But at the sam time that the word 'unique' was rising in popularity, the word 'unusual' was falling.   In 1985, articles were more than twice as likely to use the word 'unusual' as the word 'unique'.   By 2005, the 2 words were about equally likely to be used.   Unique things should be a subset of unusual things...   So if there really were more unique things today, we should see more 'unusual' things as well...   What we used to call 'unusual' we now stretch and call 'unique'." --- Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2007, 2008 _Made to Stick_ pg173  



763-01-21: the Battle of Bakhamra between Alids and Abbasids near Kufa ends in a decisive Abbasid victory.
1077-01-21: German king Heinrich iv petitions pope Gregory vii for forgiveness.
1189-01-21: Philip ii, Henry ii and Richard Lion-hearted initiate 3rd Crusade.
1276-01-21: Pierre de Tarantaise elected Pope Innocence v.
1324-01-21: Zen Buddhist religious debate between Tendai and Shingon.
1522-01-21: head inquisitor Adrian Florisz Boeyens elected pope.
1525-01-21: The Swiss Anabaptist Movement is founded when Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George Blaurock, and about a dozen others baptize each other in the home of Manz's mother in Zürich, breaking a thousand-year tradition of church-state union.
1535-01-21: Following the Affair of the Placards, French Protestants are burned at the stake in front of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris.
1542-01-21: parliament passes bill of attainder against queen Katherine Howard
1604-01-21: tsar Ivan iv defeated False Dmitri, who claims to be the true tsar.
1664-01-21: count Miklos of Zrinyi sets out to battle Turkish invasion army.
1677-01-21: 1st medical publication in America (pamphlet on smallpox), Boston.
1720-01-21: Sweden and Prussia sign the Treaty of Stockholm.
1732-01-21: Russia and Persia sign treaty of Riascha.
1749-01-21: The Teatro Filarmonico in Verona is destroyed by fire. It is rebuilt in 1754.
1789-01-21: The first American novel, _The Power of Sympathy or the Triumph of Nature Founded in Truth_, is printed in Boston, Massachusetts.
1793-01-21: After being found guilty of treason by the French Convention, Louis xvi of France is executed by guillotine and Prussia and Russia sign partition treaty (Poland divided).
1799-01-21: Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccination is introduced.
1812-01-21: the Y-bridge in Zanesville, OH, was approved for construction.
1813-01-21: Pineapple introduced to Hawaii.
1818-01-21: Keats wrote his poem "On a Lock of Milton's Hair".
1821-01-21: Paramaribo Suriname catches fire, 4 died.
1824-01-21: Thomas Jonathan Jackson (Stonewall Jackson) b: 1824-01-21 in Clarksburg, WV; Ashantees defeat British at Accra, West Africa.
1827-01-21: Freedom Journal, 1st Black paper, begins publishing.
1830-01-21: blacks were forcibly deported from Portsmouth, Ohio.
1840-01-21: Jules Dumont d'Urville discovers Adélie Land, Antarctica.
1846-01-21: 1st edition of Charles Dickens' "Daily News".
1853-01-21: Envelope-folding machine patented by Russell Hawes, Worcester, MA.
1861-01-21: American Civil War: Jefferson Davis and 4 others resigned from the United States senate.
1864-01-21: The Tauranga Campaign begins during the Maori Wars.
1903-01-21: "Wizard of Oz" premiered in New York City, and Harry Houdini escapes police station Halvemaansteeg in Amsterdam.
1924-01-21: Soviet leader Vladimir Llyich Lenin died; Joseph Stalin began a purge of his rivals for the leadership of the Soviet Union.
1953-01-21: John Foster Dulles appointed as Secretary of State.
1954-01-21: 1st gas turbine automobile exhibited (New York City); Nautilus, the first atomic-powered submarine, was launched in Groton, CT.
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
nearly extinct political species
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
"Lone Survivor"
"None of this is remotely controversial material.   How could anyone be offended by a movie about a Navy SEAL fighting with everything he has to save himself and his buddies and improbably surviving an epic ordeal?   Yet the brickbats have been flying from the snotty left..."
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
in year 6 does Obummer finally own the economy?: GOP losership's "jobs" agenda
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
does whether an extremist statement is slander depend on who said it?!?
Town Hall
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
intimidation by leftists
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the West formally surrendered to Iran Monday: does anyone have any grit?
Ryan Lucas: Cybercast News Service/AP: UN rescinded Iran's invitation to conference
Town Hall
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
conservative Latinas need not apply in San Francisco; you will be harassed by illegal alien activists
Town Hall
Valentine Powell: Web Pro News
Brandon Mercer: CBS SF
Sumayah Aamir: I4U
Fox LA
Sarah Fruchtnicht: Opposing Views
Humberto Fontova: Front Page: Che Guevera si!   Liberty no!
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the shame of the attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi and the ham-visted attempts at cover-up
Town Hall
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the latest from ObummerDoesn'tCare central
Town Hall
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2014-01-21 (5774 Shebet 20)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
fact-free leftists (part 1)
Town Hall
"Someone summarized Barack Obama in 3 words -- 'educated', 'smart' and 'ignorant'.   Unfortunately, those same 3 words would describe all too many of the people who come out of our most prestigious colleges and universities today.   President Obama seems completely unaware of how many of the policies he is trying to impose have been tried before, in many times and places around the world, and have failed time and again..."
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Vincent Gray
the scientific method and climate "science"

_Conservative HQ_
VA delegate Bob Marshall introduces remedies for property rights violations, regulatory takings

Matt Vespa _Cybercast News Service_
EPA decree takes 100M acres from Wyoming

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
conversation with world shooting champion Julie Golob (part 2)

Chuck Norris _Town Hall_
Obummer bullying nuns (part 3)

Michael Schaus _Town Hall_
clueless California Dem reveals his ignorance by decrying "30 caliber magazine clip guns"

Kenric Ward _Town Hall_
Harry Reid abused influence in getting EB-5 visas for his son's clients: EB-5 program widely abused

Ralph Benko _Town Hall_
regressive totalitarians are among us

Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
Wells Fargo official said bankers won't start lending until they see stability and certainty in tax policy, immigration law perversion, health care, and debt management
"So, is Wells Fargo holding billions of dollars in reserves in order to show solidarity with a key portion of its customer base rather than helping create jobs for millions of unemployed Americans?"

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
5 reasons why your "IT" job search is getting more difficult
15K EEs were unemployed in 2013, but the numbers employed dropped by 35K.   Bodyshopping continues to increase and is at its highest since 1998.   All hiring has slowed.   Salaries have not been keeping up with inflation.   Requirements lists in job ads continue to lengthen and spread to include non-computing areas.   Some firms froze hiring hoping to get more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics via an expansion of H-1B and L-1 guest-work visas and green cards.   The president of Cognizant -- a dual USA- and India-based cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring operation -- said they will add 10K US workers (i.e. citizens plus green card holders) over the next 3 years.   Few cross-border bodyshops report the numbers of US citizens in their stables...     My paraphrase and clarification...jgo

Jim Steele
how the American Meteorological Society tried to justify publishing half-truths
sensationalizing "for the greater good"
the man behind "climate nuremberg" explains why he things sensationalizing climate claims and making personal attacks rather than sticking to the facts is "justified"

_Conservative HQ_
can federalism protect us from government UAVs?
"The need for federal legislation to rein-in the use of drones by government agencies is becoming all the more pressing now that it has been revealed that federal, state and local law enforcement agencies are increasingly borrowing border-patrol drones [which they're apparently not using to stop barbarian invaders] for domestic surveillance operations..."

Anthony Watts
eastern USA cold blast could last 2-3 weeks while left coast will be slightly warmer than usual

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
tracking down owners/readers of Southern Literary Messenger

Anthony Watts
Made in Red China -- USA air pollution tied to exports from China

Willis Eschenbach
sun-spots and sea level

Joan Z. Shore _Political Mavens_
caveat scriptor -- let the writer beware

Avan ben Schoten _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Kevin Sell to again challenge Steve Pendery for Campbell county KY judge-executive

Sharon Coolidge _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Hamilton county OH Board of Elections split on whether to move to former Mercy Hospital in Mt. Airy
"'The real concern is about the people who vote at the Board of Elections, who tend to be African Americans.', said Board of Elections Chairman Tim Burke, who is also the Hamilton county Democratic Party Chairman.   'We cannot afford to do anything to make them feel like we're trying to disenfranchise them.'   The board's Republicans are for the move, calling it good government because it will consolidate operations and add free parking.   'The Democrats lined up supporters to oppose it for political reasons.', said Elections Board Member Alex Triantafilou, who is the Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman.   'They want to keep it right in the midst of strong Democratic territory.'   The Board is located Downtown [at 824 Broadway Street west of Eggleston Ave, a couple blocks WE of the county court-house and about 4 blocks East of the county library], near the Over-the-Rhine [and Pendleton district] border.   In the 2012 general election, 24K people voted at the Board during 35 days of early voting."
2014-01-23: mayor Cranley and legislator Reece suggest old Shillito's complex as alternative

Joel Gehrke _Washington DC Examiner_
retired admiral Mike Mullen to Concerned Veterans for America: too many Americans forget our troops who die in our dirty little wars
"Mullen and his wife met regularly with Gold Star families, only to find that 'the support for them was stunningly thin because the main line of connection was the military member who [had] passed away'."

Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
"actual" unemployment is 37.2%, misery index is the worst it's been in 40 years
"David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2%, not the 6.7% advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.   Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest...   They added that 'officially-reported unemployment numbers decrease when enough time passes to discourage the unemployed from looking for work.   A decrease is not necessarily beneficial; an increase is clearly detrimental...   These tricks, along with a host of other dubious accounting schemes, underreport inflation by about 3%.'"

Jan Murphy _Central PA Patriot-News_
state House candidate Chris Nelson joins others in asking for state convention to propose amendments to US constitution
"An East Pennsboro township man who is advocating a revival of the U.S. Constitution to rein in the federal government's spending habits and halt its attacks on individual liberties has announced his candidacy for the state House...   in Enola [just NW of Harrisburg], embraces ideas espoused by constitutional scholar and nationally syndicated radio show host Mark R. Levin in his book, _The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic_.   Levin calls for such amendments as imposing term limits for Congress and for the Supreme Court, abandoning the direct election of U.S. senators and returning to having them elected by state legislatures, and capping federal spending and taxation among other ideas.   'People are fed up with the Republican [losership] in congress and electing more [such] Republicans hasn't fixed the problem.', Nelson said...   [The legislatures of three-quarters] of the states [or three-quarters of conventions of the states] would have to ratify any proposed amendments coming out of [conventions called by at least two-thirds of the states]."

_Numbers USA_
repeat of rioting by guest-workers in Singapore reflects discontent over high numbers of guest-workers, rapid population increase
Economist: Trouble in Little India
Imelda Saad: Channel News Asia: calibrated measures aimed at maintaining public order in Little India
"[Guest-workers rioted in 1969, and now, again 2013-12-09.]   Out of its total population of 5.4M, only 3.84M are citizens and permanent residents.   Among the guest-workers, about 700K work in construction while 200K others are employed as domestic helpers.   The nation's population grew by about 25% (1.2M people) in the last 10 years.   A government report released in 2013 January projected Singapore's population will grow from 5.4M to 6.9M by 2030, with half the population being guest-workers...   In 2012, Government adjusted its Dependency Ratio Ceilings, which specify the maximum proportion of foreign workers a company can hire.   The percentage for manufacturing companies was lowered to 60% from 65% and the service industry percentage was reduced to 45% from 50%.   As of this month, the government raised the minimum salary that an employer must pay guest workers.   And as of 2014 August, an employer must advertise a job vacancy locally before requesting a guest worker, although this does not apply to 'unskilled workers'."

J. Christian Adam _Front Page Magazine_
stop giving Obummer extremists the benefit of the doubt

Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
the Left's betrayal of the civil rights movement

Kris Anne Hall
whence come the federal governments fabricated exceptions to the 4th amendment?
"There is no language in the 4th Amendment that says: 'no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, UNLESS it is a matter of national security or the government has a compelling interest in safety or security to do otherwise.'"

Alex Zielinski _KCDB_
Kenny Maines stars in "The Arroyo", playing at Premiere Cinemas
Proposed Bills 2014

  "In 1991, 68% of black births were to un-wed mothers, up from 35% in 1970 & 22% in 1960; among whites, the figure was 22%, up from 6% & 2%." --- Robert J. Samuelson 1995 _The Good Life & Its Discontents_ pg 59  



1905-01-22: Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg, beginning of the 1905 revolution
1917-01-22: during World War I: President Woodrow Wilson of the still-neutral United States called for "peace without victory" in Europe. (By April, however, America also was at war.)
1927-01-22: Teddy Wakelam gave the first live radio commentary of a football match anywhere in the world, between Arsenal F.C. and Sheffield United at Highbur
1946-01-22: the Central Intelligence Group was founded, forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency
1957-01-22: Israel withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula.
1968-01-22: Apollo 5 lifted off carrying the first Lunar module into space. ALSO: Operation Igloo White, a US electronic surveillance system to stop communist infiltration into South VietNam began installation
1984-01-22: the Apple Macintosh, the first consumer computer to popularize the computer mouse and the graphical user interface, was introduced during Super Bowl XVIII with its famous "1984" television commercial
1991-01-22: during the Gulf War: Three SCUDs and one Patriot missile hit Ramat Gan in Israel, injuring 96 people. Three elderly people die of heart attacks
1995-01-22: the Beit Lid massacre: In central Israel, near Netanya, two suicide bombers from the Gaza Strip, practioners of that "religion of peace", blow themselves up at a military transit point killing 19 Israelis (source: Jewish World Review)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Jessica Bock _Jewish World Review_
home-work doesn't always help academic learning
"It's a switch that seeks to move away from rewarding students merely for completing work, and instead bases grades on mastery of a subject. Swept away are points for finished homework assignments, or good behavior and class participation. Instead, grades are more heavily based on exam results and the quality of work. 'There are kids that are good at playing the game of school.', said Julie Williams, principal of Lincoln Elementary, which began to overhaul grading along with other St. Charles elementary schools in 2008. 'If you don't ever do well on tests, but you raise your hand every time, those kids can score well in the traditional system. But when they are tested on a state tests, it exposes the weaknesses.'... Who doesn't think grades should be based on what kids are actually learning?... There are no zeros. Moreover, students can redo assignments multiple times and even retake tests..."
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Evan Halper _Jewish World Review_
surprising advocate for spy agencies
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Reuven Berko _Jewish World Review_
lies in the movie "Lawrence of Arabia" continue to put the West in peril
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
doctor Ben Carson _Jewish World Review_
a physician's view on the sanctity of life
Washington DC Times
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
leftists'/Dems' failure factories
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
why school choice is still right
"(a) charter schools are public, not private, schools and (b) 'a study published earlier this year shows that the typical New York City charter student learned more reading and math in a year than his or her public school peers'.   This is according to...the New York Times editorial page...   The White House has opposed the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program, which provides vouchers to poor children.   Meanwhile, the Justice Department has relentlessly attacked a voucher program in Louisiana..."
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
chill out
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the dream
"The bar-tenders were Arkansas girls. (Ar-kan-sas. n. The name of an American state derived from a French corruption of Quapaw, the down-stream people.)   The guest of honor was French but somehow Asian. VietNam? Cambodia?   Like my native Louisiana, which once included what became Arkansas, Indochina was once French, too.   La Belle France has many children..."
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
a NY state of mind: what passes for values among the illiberal leftists
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2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
lessons for shove gov Andrew Cuomo
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please help find Marizela

2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
fact-free leftists (part 2)
"Words seem to carry far more weight than facts among those liberals who argue as if rent control laws actually control rents and gun control laws actually control guns.   It does no good to point out to them that the two American cities where rent control laws have existed longest and strongest -- New York and San Francisco -- are also the two cities with the highest average rents.   Nor does it make a dent on them when you point out evidence, from both sides of the Atlantic, that tightening gun control laws does not reduce gun crimes, including murder.   It is not uncommon for gun crimes to rise when gun control laws are tightened.   Apparently armed criminals prefer unarmed victims.   Minimum wage laws are another issue where the words seem to carry great weight, leading to the fact-free assumption that such laws will cause wages to rise to the legally specified minimum.   Various studies going back for decades indicate that minimum wage laws create unemployment, especially among the younger, less experienced and less skilled workers.   When you are unemployed, your wages are zero, regardless of what the minimum wage law specifies..."
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2014-01-22 Thomas Sowell _Front Page Magazine_
leftists are for which people?
"years of research in that field repeatedly brought out the inescapable fact that many leading thinkers on the left had only contempt for 'the people'.   That has been true from the 18th century to the present moment.   Even more surprising, I discovered over the years that leading thinkers on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum had more respect for ordinary people than people on the left who spoke in their name.   Leftists like Rousseau, Condorcet or William Godwin in the 18th century, Karl Marx in the 19th century or Fabian socialists like George Bernard Shaw in England and American Progressives in the 20th century saw the people in a role much like that of sheep, and saw themselves as their shepherds..."

2014-01-22 (5774 Shebet 21)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
OK to feel sorry
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Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
Abdel Fata al-Sisi takes control in Egypt: Obummer regime sacrifices USA's security and individual rights

Derrick Morgan _National Interest_
amnesty for illegal aliens is still a bad idea

Anthony Watts
claim: Arctic warmth unprecedented in 44K years

Willis Eschenbach
riding a mathemagical solar cycle

Anthony Watts
U Mich: cold winter may cause water levels to rise in and around the Great Lakes

Michael Jackman _Detroit MI Metro Times_
Immigrants create jobs...except when they're on H-1B visas... so, hey, let's expand that destructive program!

Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, fights to save illegal alien cop killer from Texas death row

Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
American blood is on Iranian hands
"'The worst part for me is that nobody remembers.', Mark Nevells said last year on the anniversary of the Hezbollah bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut..."

Arnold Ahlert _Front Page Magazine_
USA's dying economic freedom

Doug Henschen _Information Week_/_UBM_
Ill-Begotten Monstrosities to continue dumping employees, moving jobs
"The bad news is that things are going to get worse before they get better, with an anticipated $1G work-force action expected in IBM's historically weak first quarter.   A similar $1G effort in the second quarter of 2013 eliminated 6,500 to 8K positions across IBM's massive global work-force of more than 430K employees...   IBM is counting on its Software and Global Business Services [cross-border bodyshopping] units for growth in 2014.   The highly profitable (88% margin) Software unit saw revenue increase 2% year over year to $25.9G in 2013.   Analytics, mobile, big data [privacy violation], and security-related software led growth, according to Schroeter.   Global Business Services revenue was down 1% in 2013, but the business turned up in the second half of the year and had a healthy back-log of systems integration business going into 2014..."

Phil Elmore _World Net Daily_
are your appliances sending malicious e-mail messages?
"'[A security study] reported that more than 750K malicious email messages were sent out from more than 100K household gadgets, including a fridge, between 2013 Dec. 23, and 2014 Jan. 6.', Edwards reports.   He quotes a Computer Sciences professor named David Skillicorn, who is deeply suspicious of his home machinery.   'Skillicorn said he wouldn't trust a thermostat or garage door opener that can be turned on and off from a cell-phone.', he writes..."

Chrissie Thompson _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
leftist+libertarian bipartisan effort to allow recall elections in Ohio
"Clermont county representative John Becker, R-Union township, and representative Robert Hagan, D-Youngstown, want to put on the ballot the question of recall elections...   Under the law-makers' proposal, voters would be able to call for a recall election after officials have served at least a fourth of their terms.   To start the recall process, voters from a town or county -- or from the whole state -- would need to gather enough signatures to equal 15% of the votes cast from that area in the last presidential or gubernatorial election [which is a huge threshold which would require a lot of people and money to reach].   Putting a new candidate on the ballot would then take the number of signatures required by law for independent candidates -- for instance, 5K signatures for a gubernatorial candidate...   House speaker Bill Batchelder, R-Medina, has not supported past efforts to put recall elections into Ohio's constitution."

Aaron Klein _World Net Daily_
Benghazi: State Dept. relied on al-Qaeda-linked group for part of its security in Libya
"The new detail raises the question of why the State Department, headed at the time by Hillary Clinton, would continue to employ the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade, an al-Qaida-linked organization, to provide external security to the U.S. facility.   The 88-page senate report, reviewed in full by WND, states the U.S. Benghazi mission 'had been vandalized and attacked in the months prior to the September 11-12 attacks by some of the same guards who were there to protect it'...   The 17th of February Brigade operates under the Ansar-Al-Sharia banner.   Ansar al-Sharia, tied to al-Qaida, has been implicated in carrying out the attack..."

Cameron Joseph _Hill_
Chris McDaniel raised $500K in 10 weeks

Jack Minor _US Finance Post_
Michele Bachmann: Obummer legacy is one of lawlessness

Drew MacKenzie _News Max_
federal extortionists attacking non-leftists in Hollywood
"A conservative group in Hollywood, shrouded in secrecy for fear of a back-lash from powerful movie industry [leftiss], is being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service after applying for tax-exempt status.   Friends of Abe has attempted to stay under the radar and is fiercely determined to protect the identity of its 1,500 members..."

Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
Tea Parties continue to grow
"The study identifies those who are 'sympathizers'...   The report defines another group as 'supporters' of the tea party, estimating it numbers 6M to 8M.   Then there are 'members', who make 'a powerful statement in a low-commitment culture'.   They 'make calls, knock on doors, organize meetings, recruit new members, become leaders, and more', the report said.   It identifies [only 5 of the] groups leading the national movement: FreedomWorks, Tea Party Patriots, Patriot Action Network, Tea Party Nation and Tea Party Express..."

Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
Tea Parties expand influence in leftist/Dem districts: many Republicans are Tea Partiers
"Republicans in swing districts and facing competitive races voted with the Tea Party 81% of the time in 2013.   On average, Republicans in Democratic-leaning districts voted with the Tea Party 76% of the time in 2013.   Republicans in districts won by Obama in his 2012 re-election voted with the Tea Party 75% of the time."

Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
8 things in DC that could hit your wallet this year

Carl Rowan ii _Washington DC Times_
why Debo Adegbile is unfit to be DoJ assistant AG for civil rights

_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Colgate-Palmolive plans $25M expansion in Morristown TN
Lakeway/Morristown TN Citizen Tribune
"Tennessee Economic and Community Development commisioner Bill Hagerty along with Colgate-Palmolive announced today the company will build a new manufacturing plant to make oral care products in Morristown.   Colgate-Palmolive, one of the world's leading consumer products companies, will invest $25M in manufacturing equipment and building and infrastructure improvements, and create 75 new jobs in Hamblen county...   Its brands include some of the most recognizable consumer products in the world including Colgate toothpaste, Palmolive detergent, Murphy Oil Soap, Ajax and Speed Stick.   The company is supported by a global staff of more than 30K employees...   Colgate sells its products in over 200 countries and territories around the world under such internationally recognized brand names as Colgate, Palmolive, Mennen, Softsoap, Irish Spring, Protex, Sorriso, Kolynos, elmex, Tom's of Maine, Sanex, Ajax, Axion, Soupline, and Suavitel, as well as Hill's Science Diet and Hill's Prescription Diet..."

Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
how corrupt tech execs are spending billions in DC
"The biggest tech [executives] -- and their fast-growth start-up counterparts -- certainly pumped enough money into K Street to gain significant influence in Washington...   FB plowed more than $6.4M into lobbying [in 2013, on top of] $3.8M in [2012]...   Twitter...spent a total of $90K for influence in Washington...   the Internet Association, which, in its inaugural year last year, spent $1.6M..."

Kris Anne Hall
Article V Conventions or Nullification ~ An ADULT Conversation
Proposed Bills 2014

  "An important consequence of all this is that we must not allow the distinction between attack and defence to become blurred.   We must insist upon this distinction, and support and develop social institutions (national as international) whose function it is to discriminate between aggression [initiation of force or fraud] and resistance to aggression." --- Karl Raimund Popper 1962 _Conjectures and Refutations_ pg480  



393-01-23: Roman Emperor Theodosius i proclaimed his 8-year old son Honorius co-emperor.
638-01-23: coincides with start of Islamic calendar.
971-01-23: in China, the war elephant corps of the Southern Han are soundly defeated at Shao by crossbow fire from Song Dynasty troops.
1002-01-23: Otto iii, Holy Roman Emperor b: 980 d: 1002-01-23.
1180-01-23: Eberhard i count of Berg-Altena/Eberhard i von Altena b: 1140 d: 1180-01-23 buried: Altenberg m: Adelheid von Arnsberg van Cuyck (daughter of Heinrich i graf von Arnsberg & Ermengarde/Irmgard von Freusburg) d: 1200.
1199-01-23: Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, Moroccan caliph b: 1160 d: 1199-01-23.
1265-01-23: 1st English Parliament formally convened (some authorities).
1323-01-23 or 1324-01-23: Fulk le Strange (son of Robert le Strange & Allanore de BlankMinster/Eleanor de Blancminster) b: c. 1267 d: 1323-01-23 or 1324-01-23 (first Lord Strange of Blackmere) m: c. 1295 to Eleanor Giffard (daughter of John Gifford & Maud de Clifford) b: 1275 d: before 1323-01-23 (baroness Strange).
1368-01-23: in a coronation ceremony, Zhu Yuanzhang ascends to the throne of China as the Hongwu Emperor, initiating Ming Dynasty rule over China that would last for three centuries.
1467-01-23: Jiajing Emperor of China b: 1507 d: 1467-01-23
1490-01-23: 1st printing of Moshe ben Nachman's _Sha'ar ha-Gemul_ (Gate of Reward, Gate of the Deserved).
1492-01-23: 1st printing of the Pentateuch (Genesis/BeRashith/InTheBeginning, Exodus/Shemuth, Leviticus/VaYiqra/AndHeSaid, Numbers/BaMidbar/InTheWilderness, Deuteronomy/Debrim/Decrees).
1516-01-23: Ferdinand ii of Aragon b: 1452 d: 1516-01-23.
1542-01-23 or 1543-01-23: Roger Gifford (son of John Gifford & Agnes Winslow) b: 1463 in Middle Claydon, Begbroke, OxfordShire, England d: 1542-01-23 or 1543-01-23 in England m: 1490 in England to Mary Nanseglos b: c. 1466 d: after 1542.
1546-01-23: having published nothing for 11 years, François Rabelais publishes the Tiers Livre, his sequel to Gargantua and Pantagruel.
1552-01-23: 2nd version of Book of Common Prayer becomes manditory in England.
1556-01-23: as many as 830K died as a result of the Shaanxi, China earth-quake.
1570-01-23: James Stewart, 1st earl of Moray, regent for the infant king James vi of Scotland, was first person assassinated by firearm, starting a Civil War.
1571-01-23: the Royal Exchange, founded by Thomas Gresham, opened in London.
1579-01-23: the Union of Utrecht forms a Protestant republic in the Netherlands.
1597-01-23: Thomas Pelham (son of Herbert Pelham & Elizabeth West; gs of Anthony Pelham & Margaret Hall and Thomas West lord de la Warre & Anne Knowles/Anne Knollys) b: 1597-01-23 at Chichester, Sussex, England m: 1621-09-04 at Salisbury, DorsetShire, England to Blanche Eyre.
1654-01-23: Nichola Hannay m: 1654-01-23 to sir George Acheson 3rd baronet b: 1629 d: 1685.
1656-01-23: Blaise Pascal published the first of his Lettres provinciales.
1669-01-23: colonel John Page (son of Francis Page) b: 1627? in England d: 1669-01-23, age 65 (c. 1650 moved to VA.) m: Alice Luckin d: 169?-06-22, age 78 at Williamsburg, VA.
1681-01-23: Nathaniel Perry b: 1654 in Fairfield, Fairfield county CT d: 1681-01-23 in Fairfield, Fairfield county CT, age 27 m: 1673-04-12 in Fairfield, Fairfield county CT to Hester Lyon b: 1659 in Fairfield, Fairfield county CT d: 1699 in Fairfield, Fairfield county CT, age 40.
1719-01-23: The Principality of Liechtenstein is created within the Holy Roman Empire.
1729-01-23: Mary Nowell b: 1643-05-26 in Charlestown, Suffolk county MA d: 1729-01-23 in Charlestown, Suffolk county MA m: 1666-08-14 in Charlestown, Suffolk county MA to Isaac Winslow b: 1644 in Boston, Suffolk county MA d: 1670-08-29 in Port Royal, Jamaica.
1729-01-23 or 1730-01-23: James Taylor ii (son of James Taylor i & Frances Walker) b: 1674-03-14 or 1675-03-14 in New Kent county VA or Accomac county VA d: 1729-01-23 or 1730-01-23 in Bloomsbury, Orange county VA m: 1698-02-23 or 1699-02-23 in VA to Martha Thompson b: 1679 in VA d: 1762-11-19.
1730-01-23: William Hayne (son of John Hayne ii & Mary Edings) b: 1730-01-23 d: 1764-11-26 m: Mary Bulline (daughter of Thomas Bulline & Susannah Stone) b: c. 1735.
1732-01-23 or 1733-01-23: Josias Holland b: 1732-01-23 or 1733-01-23 in Anne Arundel county MD d: 1776 in Frederick county MD.
1735-01-23: Abigail Doane (daughter of John Doane & Ann) b: 1631-01-13 in Plymouth, MA d: 1735-01-23 in Norwich, CT buried: Norwict, CT burial ground m: 1690 in Eastham, Barnstable county MA to honorable Samuel Lothrop (son of reverend John Lothrop/John Lathrop & Hannah House; widower of Elizabeth Scudder) b: 1622 or 1623 in Egerton, Kent, England d: 1700-03-01 in Norwich, New London, CT.
1736-01-23: Peter Josef Duerr b: 1736-01-23 in Neibsheim d: 1737-01-25 in Neibsheim.
1737-01-23: John Hancock (son of reverend John Hancock; grand-son of reverend John Hancock; nephew of Thomas Hancock) b: 1737-01-23 in Quincy, MA d: 1793-10-08 at Quincy, MA (1st Governor of state of Massachusetts.)
1738-01-23: Charles Vance was named in will of cousin James Vance, along with Hannah Vance m: John Kilpatrick, George Vance, Alexander Vance, and an uncle Alexander Vance.
1743-01-23 or 1744-01-23: Stephen Mendenhall (son of Mordecai Mendenhall; grand-son of John M. Mendenhall) b: 1743-01-23 or 1744-01-23 in Guilford county NC d: 1822 in Clinton county OH m: 1769-10-18 in New Garden, Guilford county NC to Elizabeth Rich b: 1751-06-26 in PA d: 1835 in IN.
1756-01-23: William Harris (son of John Harris & Elizabeth McClure) b: 1756-01-23 d: 1764-07-03.
1757-01-23: reverend Francis McHenry b: 1710-10-18 in county Antrim, Ulster, Ireland d: 1757-01-23 in Bedminster, Bucks county PA buried: Deep Run Presbyterian church cem, Bedminster, Bucks county PA m: Mary Ann Wilson (daughter of Hugh Wilson & Sarah Craig; grand-son of Thomas Wilson) b: 1729-05-21 at Cootehill, county Cavan, Ireland d: 1793-10-19.
1758-01-23: Sarah Venable (daughter of Charles Venable & Elizabeth Smith) b: 1758-01-23 d: 1809-03-15 m: c. 1778 to Peyton Glenn (son of Ann Coleman) b: c. 1755 in Prince Edward county VA d: 1813-02-05 in Prince Edward county VA.
1760-01-23: James Roosevelt (Jacobus Roosevelt) (son of Isaac Roosevelt & Cornelia Hoffman; 2g-grand-son of Claes Martenzsen Rosenvelt/Claes Martenzsen van Rosenvelt) b: 1760-01-10 baptized: 1760-01-23 in NY, NY d: 1847.
1763-01-23: Edmund Berkeley iii (son of Edmund Berkeley ii & Mary Nelson; gs of colonel Edmund Berkeley & Lucy Burwell and Thomas Nelson) b: 1730-12-05 m1: 1757-11-05 to Judith Randolph (sister of Thomas Mann Randolph) m2: 1763-01-23 to Mary Burwell (daughter of Charles Burwell).
1764-01-23: Stephen van Rensselaer i b: 1742 in Albany, NY baptized: 1742-06-02 in Albany, NY d: 1769-10-19 in Watervliet, NY m: 1764-01-23 in NY, NY to Catherine Livingston (daughter of Philip Livingston & Christina TenBroeck/Christiana TenBroeck).
1765-01-23: Elizabeth Nourse (daughter of James Nourse & Sarah Fouace/Sarah Force/Sarah Furse) b: 1765-01-23 in London, England d: 1846-09-09 in Clark county MO m: Jeremiah Chapline (son of Joseph Chapline & Ruhamah Williams) b: 1760 in All Saints, Frederick county MD d: 1809-03-01 in Sharpsburg, Washington county MD.
1772-01-23: John Winston (son of James Winston & Barbara Overton) b: 1724 in St. Paul's parish Hanover county VA d: 1772-01-23 in St. Paul's parish Hanover county VA m: 1746-02-03 in Hanover county VA to Alice Bickerton b: 1730 in Hanover county VA d: 1773-06-16 in Woodbury, Hanover county VA.
1777-01-23: Thomas Fleming (son of William Fleming & Ann Hudson?) b: 1777-01-23.
1781-01-23: George Hoge (son of Solomon Hoge & Mary Nichols) b: 1781-01-23 d: 1782-06-06.
1782-01-23: Martha Maria Smith (daughter of general John Smith & Anna Bull/Animus Bull/Quinis Bull; grand-daughter of John Smith & Mary Jaquelin and general John Bull & Mary Phillips; ggd of Augustine Warner Smith & Sarah Carver and Edward Jaquelin & Martha Cary and John Bull; 2ggd of John Jaquelin & Elizabeth Braddock) b: 1782-01-23.
1783-01-23: Annie Clingan (daughter of William Clingan & Jane Roan; gd of Thomas Clingan & Margaret and reverend John Roan & Anne Cochran; ggd of Archibald Roan) b: 1783-01-23 d: 1867-04-19 m: 1812-03-19 to Joseph Lawson.
1784-01-23: Elizabeth Strother (daughter of Benjamin Strother & Catherine Price) b: 1784-01-23 d: 1822-11-12 m: 1805-10-31 to Benjamin Pendleton (son of Elizabeth Fargeson; grand-son of Benjamin Fargeson; great-grand-son of Anne Brown; 2g-grand-son of Elizabeth Coleman) b: 1781-11-19 d: 1853-03-14 in Hancock, MD.
1785-01-23: Matthew Stewart, Scottish mathematician b: 1717 d: 1785-01-23; and Moses Russell m: 1785-01-23 in Berkeley county VA (Hugh Vance officiating) to Mehitabel Noland (Note that Charles Russell m: Elizabeth Noland. These were sisters.)
1787-01-23: doctor David Ramsay (doctor David Ramsey) (son of James Ramsey & Jane Montgomery; brother of William Montgomery Ramsay & Nathaniel Ramsey) b: 1749-04-02 in Oxford, Drumore twp Lancaster county PA d: 1815 m1: 1775-02-10 to Sabina Ellis (daughter of William Ellis) m2: 1783-01-23 to Francis Witherspoon m3: 1787-01-23 to Martha Laurens (daughter of Henry Laurens & Eleanor Ball).
1788-01-23: Benjamin Goosley (son of William Goosley & Ludwell Harrison; gs of Ephraim Goosley & Cary and Benjamin Harrison v of Wakefield & Susannah Digges) b: 1788-01-23 d: 1789-02-25.
1788-01-23: Ludwell Lee (son of Richard Henry Lee & Ann Aylett; grand-son of Thomas Lee & Hannah Harrison Ludwell; g-grand-son of Richard Lee ii & Letitia Corbin/Laetitia Corbin; 2g-grand-son of Richard Lee & Ann) buried: at "Belmont" near Leesburg, VA m1: 1788-01-23 to Flora Ludwell (daughter of Philip Ludwell & Elizabeth Steptoe) buried: at "Shooter's Hill" near Alexandria, VA (tomb was destroyed during Civil War.).
1789-01-23: Georgetown College, the first Catholic University in the United States, was founded in Georgetown, MD (in what is now a part of Washington, DC).
1789-01-23: Johann Heinrich Fuellgraf b: 1789-01-21 baptized: 1789-01-23 (Pate Johann Heinrich Ibensen) d: 1789-07-17.
1793-01-23: Second Partition of Poland.
1793-01-23: Dorothy Grove b: 1772-11-06 in Hagerstown, MD d: 1837-03-29 in Fairfield, Greene, OH m: 1793-01-23 in Hagerstown, Greene, OH, Samuel SHOUP [3397], b: 1771-10-11 in Frederick, MD d: 1812-07-18 in Fairfield, Greene, OH.
1794-01-23: Abraham Goodnight (son of Hans Michael Goodnight/John Michael Goodnight & Mary Landers; grand-son of Michael Gutknecht) b: c. 1772 in Mecklenburg, NC d: c. 1833 in Shelbyville, Simpson county KY m: 1794-01-23 in Lincoln county KY to Mary Hanna (Mary Doak Hanna) (daughter of John Hanna & Martha Doak; grand-daughter of of Andrew Hanna & Elizabeth).
1794-01-23: Jacob Harmer II (son of Jacob Harmer) b: 1794-01-23 in Philadelphia, PA d: 1868-03-08 in Winchester, Frederick county VA m: Eliza Tyson Ham (daughter of Peter Ham).
1796-01-23: Judah Dodge b: 1796-01-23 in Windham, VT buried: New California cem., Jerome, Union county OH.
1797-01-23: Samuel Harrington Gordon (son of Nathaniel Gordon & Mary Gordon; gs of colonel James Gordon i & Mary Harrison and John Gordon & Lucy Churchill) b: 1797-01-23 d: 1850-08-02 m: Anna Hame.
1800-01-23: doctor Edward Pegram Scott b: 1800-01-23 at Lauren Branch, Dinwiddie county VA m: 1832-11-30 to Elizabeth Binns Wilkins (daughter of Joseph Wilkins & Elizabeth Jones).
1803-01-23: Arthur Guinness, Irish brewer b: 1725 d: 1803-01-23.
1810-01-23: Maria Margaretha Rapp b: 1810-01-23 in Rosswag, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg.
1830-01-23: Elizabeth Taylor (daughter of John T. Taylor & Mary Magdalene McGehee) b: 1830-01-23 in IN m: 1846-08-12 in Vanderburg county IN to James Rose b: 1822 d: 1860-12-18.
1831-01-23: Frances Susan Maxwell (daughter of John Maxwell & Eleanor Pendleton) b: 1831-01-23 in Hagerstown, MD baptized: (reverend Nathaniel Pendleton officiating) d: 1892 m1: 1846-02-25 in St. Thomas, PA to Lewis H. Shade (Lewis R. Shade) d: 1854-01-06 by falling tree m2: 1863-12-22 in Lexington, IL to Malcolm Magill d: 1892.
1806-01-23: William Pitt the Younger, English politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom b: 1759 d: 1806-01-23.
1808-01-23: Jacob Thompson Coles (son of Isaac Coles & Catherine Thompson) b: 1808-01-23 m: Catherine Patton (daughter of doctor James Dodridge Patton).
1815-01-23: William B. Craghill (William B. Craighill) m: 1815-01-23 in Berkeley county WV to Mary Griffith.
1821-01-23: colonel Robert Clark (son of Ann Brownfield) b: 1740-01-02 d: 1821-01-23 m: 1765-08-20 to Sarah Hutchison (daughter of John Hutchison) b: 1745-06-07 d: 1820-08-19.
1823-01-23: Jacob Scott m: 1823-01-23 to Rachel Goodnight.
1824-01-23: William E.B. McMath (son of Samuel McMath & Mary Fleming; gs of John Fleming & Mary Jackson; ggs of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1821-07-22 d: 1824-01-23
1825-01-23: Phebe Scofield m: 1825-01-23 to Abram Clark (who lived at Darien, CT).
1825-01-23: Peter Hupfeld (son of Johannes Hupfeld & Anna Christina Hieronimus) b: 1802-12-10 in Weidenhausen m: 1825-01-23 in Weidenhausen to Anna Martha Fuellgrabe (daughter of Johann Nicolaus Fuellgrabe & Anna Elisabetha Groeger) b: 1807-01-22 in Weidenhausen d: 1868-05-10 in Weidenhausen.
1826-01-23: Benjamin Allen b: 1745 in Winchester, Frederick county VA d: 1826-01-23 in Liberty, Casey county KY buried: Allen cem., Casey county KY m: Margaret Wahab b: 1749 in Frederick county VA d: 1831 in Casey county KY.
1835-01-23: Hannah Peckham Gifford b: 1835-01-23 in Dartmouth, Bristol county MA d: 1911 m: Thomas W. Ladd b: 1832-12-04 d: 1882-12-12 in Brooklyn, Kings county NY (or Wapello county IA).
1838-01-23: John Preston Self m: 1838-01-23 in Morgan county IL to Susan Martin.
1838-01-23: Henrietta Fancher (daughter of James F. Fancher & Elizabeth Carlock; gd of Richard Fancher & Sarah Jernigan) b: 1838-01-23 in Overton county TN d: 1867-11-07 in Osage twp Carroll county AR m: Robert Temple Dickson.
1844-01-23: John William Bowers (son of Henry Bowers & Ann Gill) b: 1844-01-23.
1844-01-23: John Bensyl (son of John Bensyl & Mary) b: 1808-12-05 in Pickaway county OH d: 1844-01-23 (soldier in BlackHawk War in 1832 first under captain James Parmer & later under captain Jesse B. Brown; discharged 1832-06-23) m1: 1838-12-27 in Pickaway county OH (Walter Roads JP officiating) to Elizabeth Corray (daughter of Isaac Corray & Elizabeth) b: 1820-01-29 in OH.
1845-01-23: the U.S. congress decided all national elections would be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
1846-01-23: Jacob Blickensderfer d: 1846-01-23.
1847-01-23: Edmund A. Pendleton ii (son of Edmund Pendleton & Mildred Pollard; grand-son of John Pendleton & Phoebe James and Joseph Pollard & Priscilla Hoomes; g-grand-son of Henry Pendleton & Mary Bishop Taylor) b: 1774-04-18 d: 1847-01-23 in Caroline county VA m1: 1794-08-23 to Jane Burwell Page (daughter of governor John Page & Frances Burwell) m2: Lucy Nelson (daughter of Hugh Nelson; grand-daughter of William Nelson & Elizabeth Burwell).
1848-01-23: Juliana Scherle (daughter of Johann Adam Schaerle & Johanna Weber) b: 1848-01-02 in Tereblestie 176, Bukovina, Galicia baptized: 1848-01-23 in Tereblestie 176, Bukovina, Galicia.
1849-01-23: Elizabeth Blackwell is awarded her M.D. by the Geneva Medical College of Geneva, New York, becoming the United States' first female doctor.
1853-01-23: David C. Daniel (son of Wiley Blunt Daniel, grand-son of Jeremiah Daniel, great-grand-son of Jeremiah Daniel, 2g-grand-son of Joseph Daniel?) b: 1853-01-23 in IL d: 1925-07-03 in AR buried: Brushy cem. 0.25 miles W of Joe Giles house, site of old Brushy School-House, Carroll county AR m1: c. 1875 in AR to Frances L. Hudspeth b: c. 1850 in AR d: c. 1900 in AR m2: before 1920 in Carroll county AR? to Mary L. b: c. 1850
1855-01-23: the first bridge over the Mississippi River opened in what is now Minneapolis, Minnesota, a crossing made today by the Hennepin Avenue Bridge.
1855-01-23: Nannie Elizabeth Hughson b: 1855-01-23 in Louisa county VA d: 1889 March in Louisa county VA m: 1876-02-08 in Louisa county VA to David Mickelborough Daniel.
1855-01-23: William Walker (son of John Walker & Isabella McCormick; grand-son of William Walker & Elizabeth Hoge; g-grand-son of John Hoge & Gwenthleen Bowen Davis; 2g-grand-son of William Hoge & Barbara Hume) b: 1784-02-12 d: 1855-01-23 m: 1800-09-18 to Isabella Blaine b: 1781 d: 1815-05-29.
1857-01-23: Nancy Deliverance Lester (daughter of Jonas Baldwin Lester & Sarah Ann Hannah; grand-daughter of David Hannah) b: 1857-01-23 in Mahomet, Champaign county IL d: 1893-12-30 in Mahomet, Champaign county IL buried: Shiloh cem., Mahomet, Champaign county IL m: Michael L. Hinton.
1858-01-23: Jane Alcorn (daughter of John Alcorn & Jane; grand-daughter of John Alcorn & Jane Breckenridge; great-grand-daughter of George Breckenridge & Ann Doak; 2g-grand-daughter of James Samuel Doak & Elizabeth; 3g-grand-daughter of reverend Samuel Doak) b: 1815 in IN m1: William Cochran (son of John Cochran ii & Martha Ralston/Patty Ralston) b: 1805-10-14 d: 1853-01-04 m2: 1858-01-23 in Grant county IN to Membrance Milton Blue b: 1803-09-21 in VA d: 1886-02-24 in Holton Jackson, KS buried: Holton cem., Holton, Jackson county KS m3: after 1858-01-24 to Summers.
1858-01-23: John Wyeth (son of Ebenezer Wyeth ii & Mary Winship; grand-son of Ebenezer Wyeth & Susanna Hancock; g-grand-son of John Wyeth & Deborah Ward; 2g-grand-son of Nicholas Wyeth & ?Rebecca Demaris Craddock?) b: 1770-03-31 at Cambridge, MA d: 1858-01-23 at Philadelphia, PA.
1863-01-23: Henry McWhorter (son of Thomas McWhorter & Delila Stalnaker; grand-son of Henry McWhorter & Mary Fields and Samuel Stalnaker) d: 1863-01-22 or 1863-01-23 near midnight in a battle at the Gibson house on Greenbrier river, Pocahontas county WV (commissary sergeant in company E 3rd WV volunteer cavalry.) m: Hannah Jones.
1865-01-23: Samuel Ullery (Samuel Ulrich) (son of Stephen Ullery & Susanna Rench) b: 1794 in Huntingdon county MD d: 1865-01-23 at Ft. McKinley, Montgomery county OH m: c. 1814 to Mary Miller b: c. 1795 d: c. 1820 in Montgomery county OH.
1865-01-23: Alexander Scott Withers (son of Enoch Keane Withers & Janet Chinn; grand-son of Thomas Withers and Thomas Chinn & Janet Scott/Nennet Scott) b: 1792-10-12 at Green Meadow, near Warrenton, Fauquier county VA d: 1865-01-23 at Parkersburg, WV (1831 wrote _Chronicles of Border Warfare_) m: 1815 August to Malinda Fisher.
1865-01-23: Benjamin Harrison (son of John Scott Harrison & Elizabeth Irwin; grand-son of William Henry Harrison & Anna Symmes; great-grand-son of Benjamin Harrison & Elizabeth Bassett) b: 1833-08-20 at North Bend, OH d: 1901-03-13 in Indianapolis, IN (1865-01-23 given brevet promotion to brigadier-general of volunteers "for ability and manifest energy and gallantry in command of brigade".)
1868-01-23: Johanna Dennis (daughter of S. Dennis and B.) d: 1868-01-23, aged 5 days.
1882-01-23: Judith Page Walker (daughter of Francis Walker & Jane Byrd Nelson; gd of doctor Thomas Walker & Mildred Thornton and colonel Hugh Nelson & Judith Page) b: 1802-03-24 at "Castle Hill", Albemarle county VA d: 1882-01-23 at "Castle Hill", Albemarle county VA m: 1819-03-24 to William C. Rives (US senator).
1883-01-23: George Taylor Pendleton i b: 1824-12-18 d: 1883-01-23 m: Catheine Anne Magruder b: 1830-10-24.
1887-01-23: Elizabeth Mayo Atkinson (daughter of Robert Atkinson & Mary Tabb Mayo) b: 1799-12-06 at "Mansfield", Dinwiddie county VA d: 1887-01-23 at "Linden", Clarke county VA m: William Byrd Page (son of John Page & Maria Horsmanden Byrd; gs of Robert Page & Sarah Walker and William Byrd iii & Mary Shippen Willing) b: 1787 at "Pagebrook", Frederick county VA d: 1828-09-01 at "Pagebrook", Frederick county VA.
1891-01-23: Johannes Ruehling (son of Johann Werner Ruehling & Catharine Margareta Thomas) b: 1827-04-02 in Fretterode d: 1891-01-23 in Bliecherode m: 1856-09-23 in Bleicherode to Christiane Friederike Pauline Marschall b: 1835-04-21 in Bleicherode.
1894-01-23: Mary Haw b: 1825-05-24 in Everton, England d: 1894-01-23 in Cincinnati, OH m: 1843-11-26 to Arthur Livermore Fogg (son of Nathan Fogg; grand-son of Phineas Fogg) b: 1813-08-24 in Centre Harbor, NH d: 1849-02-22 in Cincinnati, OH (Dix & Fogg, proprietors of Fountain Hotel in Baltimore, MD.).
1907-01-23: Charles Curtis, of Kansas, began serving in the United States senate, the first American Indian senator (resigned in 1929 March to become U.S. vice-president to president Herbert Hoover).
1943-01-23: Duke Ellington and the band played for a black-tie crowd at Carnegie Hall in New York City for the first time, ad the British captured Tripoli from the Nazis.
1950-01-23: The Knesset resolved that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
1957-01-23: American inventor Walter Frederick Morrison sells the rights to his flying disc to the Wham-O toy company, which later renames it the "Frisbee".
1964-01-23: the 24th amendment to the US constitution to be ratified banned poll taxes.
1971-01-23: in Prospect Creek Camp, AK, the lowest temperature ever recorded in the U.S.A. was reported as minus 80 degrees.
1974-01-23: Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" opened the credits of the movie, "The Exorcist".
1977-01-23: the TV mini-series "Roots" began airing on ABC.
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
fact-free leftists (part 3)
Town Hall
"What the war on poverty was intended to end was mass dependency on government.   President Kennedy said, 'We must find ways of returning far more of our dependent people to independence.'   The same theme was repeated endlessly by president Johnson.   The purpose of the 'war on poverty', he said, was to make 'tax-payers out of tax-eaters'.   Its slogan was, 'Give a hand up, not a handout.'   When Lyndon Johnson signed the landmark legislation into law, he declared: 'The days of the dole in our country are numbered.'   Now, 50 years and trillions of dollars later, it is painfully clear that there is more dependency than ever..."
part 1
part 2
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
the totalitarians of NY
"New York City mayors excel at banning everything from salt to carriages, but they are not very good at cleaning up the streets after a snow-storm..."

Matthew Vadum _Front Page Magazine_
al-Qaeda in Jerusalem

Anthony Watts
"robust models" predicted Antarctic sea ice increase, but the ice defies the models

Anthony Watts
Hydrological Sciences Journal: changing land-use to blame for increased flood risks

Bob Tisdale
2013 GISS temps 7th warmest, NCDC 4th warmest since 1880

Anthony Watts
NASA & NOAA confirm global temperature stand-still continues

2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Robert Gates and the taint of the insider tell-all
Town Hall
"Much of _Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War_ is the ordinary stuff of public service.   What little gossip in the book that may be controversial -- revelations that both senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama cynically opposed the successful Bush-era surge in Iraq on political grounds, or that vice-president Joe Biden is a buffoonish blow-hard -- was already common knowledge to many Americans..."
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2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
treasuring the beautiful messes of childhood
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2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
bike lane indignados
"Sociologists point to crime rates, suicide rates, the incidence of divorce, even the frequency of customers leaving the lights on in public rest-rooms.   Economists point to economic growth rates, unemployment rates and the University of Michigan's monthly economic outlook for the United States.   One of my own personal favorites is the sudden transformation of the republic's healthy, happy, rosy-cheeked bicycle riders into a mob of angry cranks.   It happens every few decades and is a sure sign of an unhappy society..."
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2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
getting everything wrong about media
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2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Does "race" even matter?   Be well
World Net Daily
Town Hall
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2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
marriage matters, in France and in Texas
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2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
false heroism
Town Hall
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2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
tackling human trafficking at the Super Bowl
Town Hall
"Dallas police and federal authorities arrested 133 minors for prostitution during the 2011 Super Bowl, and according to Forbes Magazine 10K prostitutes were transported to Miami for the Super Bowl in 2010.   A United States Department of Justice investigation from 2008 January to 2010 June discovered that 40% of human trafficking incidents involve child prostitution or the sexual exploitation of a child.   UNICEF estimates there are nearly 2M children in the commercial sex trade, and major sporting events have become a nexus for sexual predators and a haven for sex trafficking.   January is 'National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month', and according to the U.S. State Department, social scientists estimate there are 27M victims of human trafficking in the world today...   The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 17,500 people are trafficked INTO the United States each year.   A total of 300K children in this country are at risk of being trafficked sexually right now...   With just one phone call to the human trafficking hotline at 1-866-347-2423 (toll free), each of us could help save a human life and bring us that much closer to a victory over human trafficking."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
for a perverse judiciary passivity is inconsistent with the USA
"America's defining value is not majority rule but individual liberty..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-23 (5774 Shebet 22)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
presidential placebo
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
"The Washington Post has reported that the NSA hacks into 500K American buddy lists and 600K American address books every day, and the Guardian of London reported last week that the NSA seizes 200M American text messages every day..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
in the wake of Robert Edward Lee - Thomas J. Jackson Day: more insight into "Stonewall"

_Conservative HQ_
the real Obummer economy (part 1)
"Our friends over at NewsMax turned us on to a commentary to clients by David John Marotta, president of Marotta Wealth Management in Charlottesville, VA and colleague Megan Russell that documents the true unemployment rate standing at a whopping 37.2%, rather than the 6.7% calculated by the government for December...   Obama inherited a misery index of 7.83, which Democrats claimed was the worst economy in 30 years.   Obama's misery index now stands at 8.20 and has averaged 10.26 over the course of his presidency...   In their analysis the United States economy needs to add a minimum of 127K jobs per month just to account for our annual population increase [down from the 150K that was believed to be required in the late 1990s through 2010]...   Now they use a 'hedonic deprecator'.   If the quality of a commodity increases more than its price, the quality increase is counted as deflation.   [But how do they count the falling quality with rising prices we've been seeing for the last several decades?]   And because consumers use 'creative substitution', switching from an expensive good to a similar but cheaper good [of lower quality], the government argues that only a portion of price increases should be counted as inflation.   These tricks, along with a host of other dubious accounting schemes, under-report inflation by about 3%.   Today, inflation is officially 1.24%.   According to John Williams' Shadow Stats, which computes the old way, it is closer to 4.5%.   Think of that 4.5% of actual inflation as a tax on anyone who is storing their money in dollars say Marotta and Russell.   And since 1997 that 3% annual under-reporting has had the effect of cutting [Socialist Insecurity] benefits by a cumulative 40%.   Today, the misery index would be 7.54 using official numbers.   Using Heidi Shierholz's measurement including discouraged workers (10.2%) referenced above and the historical method of calculating inflation (4.5%), the current misery index is closer to 14.7, worse even than during the Ford administration conclude Marotta and Russell..."
should we wallow in the rising stock market

2014-01-23 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 411,678 in the week ending January 18, a decrease of 121,020 from the previous week.   There were 436,955 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.8% during the week ending January 11, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,563,268, a decrease of 65,558 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.9% and the volume was 3,711,100.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending January 4 was 3,706,087, a decrease of 1,003,734 from the previous week.   There were 5,659,482 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2013.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending January 4...   The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired on 2014 January 1, and under current law no EUC payments will be made for weeks of unemployment after this date.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
Heritage Foundation is not shifting away from its demands for even more excessive immigration, lower standards, but opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens
"'Research has shown that amnesty is costly, unfair, and won't solve our immigration problems. Heritage has always advocated for pro-growth immigration reform that improves our legal system and helps the millions waiting in line to come to the U.S. lawfully.'..."

Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
mind-blowing life-saving research
"I've often wondered, what genetics, life-styles and triggers can make a difference in the cause of cancer?...   Females, having two X-chromosomes, shut down one of the chromosomes at a cellular level.   Which X-chromosome is shut down varies by cell -- in some it's the one passed down by the father, in others it's the chromosome that is passed down by the mother.   OK -- so scientists have known about this for over 5 decades, and it's just now coming to my attention -- but why the press now?..."

John Ransom _Town Hall_
another day in Chicago: more threats toward citizens by the Obummer regime2014-01-23
Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison _Town Hall_
our fierce urgency of now

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
the best state in the USA is...

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare kills more health plans for workers

"Night Watch" _Town Hall_
Hamas continues to barrage Israel with rockets; Netanyahu says Israel will retaliate: Red China growing more aggressive

Matt Towery _Town Hall_
proposed change in GOP nomination process may be smarter than many politicians
"the bad news: Some politicians still don't get that the public, even those actively involved in politics, 'get it' as to the way they operate...   myopic 'friendships' with individuals based purely on donations and not on merit...   political bullying using state resources...   The Democrats control the [repeatedly shown to be corrupt] Justice Department and they rule, as best one can tell, with an even heavier political hand than any GOP bully these days...   The fact is that if any bully pulpit should exist, it should be one of ideas, advocacy and persuasion..."

Greg Hengler _Town Hall_
Krauthammer: The purpose of ObummerDoesn'tCare was to destroy the relationship between employers and employees

Jim McElhatton _Washington DC Times_
firm that runs security clearance background investigations being sued
"The company that performs the bulk of background checks for federal agencies -- and which drew scrutiny for its work in the cases of Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis and leaker Edward Snowden -- cheated the government out of millions of dollars by claiming it completed still-unfinished investigations, the Justice Department has charged. The scheme, which was known as 'flushing' or 'dumping' inside background-check company USIS, involved releasing background investigations to the government as complete when they hadn't yet received a quality review..."

_Investor's Business Daily_
Timothy Geithner teaches Standard & Poor's the evil Chicago way
"Hell hath no fury like an administration embarrassed by a top credit-rating agency stating the obvious..."

Dan Moren _"IT" News_/_IDG_
iWork updates restore features

_Billings MT Gazette_
shale oil fracking drew 18K people to ND in 2013; 12,200 people in 2012 and 6,900 in 2011

Ricardo Lopez _San Jose CA Mercury News_
48% of low-wage workers in 1968 had HS diploma when min-wage was $9.40 (after inflation adjustment); 79% of low-wage workers had HS diploma in 2012 with min-wage $7.25
Los Angeles CA Times (with graph)

Don Lee _San Jose CA Mercury News_
US income mobility hasn't changed much in recent decades
"The study found, for example, that a child born in 1971 to households in the bottom fifth [the bottom quintile or bottom 20%] of income distribution had an 8.4% chance of reaching the top fifth of earners. That compared to a probability of 9% for those born in 1986. Similarly, the study said: 'Children born to the highest-income families in 1984 were 74.5 percentage points more likely to attend college than those from the lowest-income families. The corresponding gap for children born in 1993 is 69.2 percentage points, suggesting that if anything mobility may have increased slightly in recent cohorts.'   The researchers also looked at geographical differences in mobility rates. They found children in some places had a much higher chance of moving up the income ladder -- as high as 12.9% for Salt Lake City and San Jose -- than their peers in such cities as Charlotte and Indianapolis, where the probability of climbing from the bottom fifth to the top fifth was as low as 4.4%."
Harvard income mobility
Fly-over country has greater upward mobility than the SE, DE, DC, NY, MI, Chicago, AZ and north-western NM, southern NV, north-eastern ME, parts of OH, IN, CA, OR, TX, HI, and northern and western AK.

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Lou Barletta as launched campaign for re-election to PA's 11th district

Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
House conservatives plan take-down of GOP losership's schemes for amnesty for illegal aliens

Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
Schmucky Schumer in a speech to the Center for American Regress pushes scheme to wipe out Tea Partiers through non-partisan blanket primaries

Oleg Atbashian _PJ Media_
demonstration in Ukraine over whether they should be closer to EU or Russia

Claudia Rosett _PJ Media_
UNESCO: building bigotry in the minds of men and women

Kris Anne Hall
government attempts to revise history
Proposed Bills 2014

  "One engineer riddle asks how you can tell an [engineer is extroverted].   The answer is that she is the one who looks at your shoes during a conversation with you." --- Henry Petroski 2010 _The Essential Engineer: Why Science Alone Will Not Solve Our Global Problems_ pg38  




Yom Shishi



This Date in History
139-07-10: emperor Hadrian/Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus (son of Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer & domitia Paulina/Palunia Major; gs of Aelius Marullinus & Ulpia) b: 76-01-24 at Italica, Hispania d: 139-07-10 Baiae buried: Puteoli and gardens of Domitia and Hadrian's mausoleum, Rome m: 100CE to Vibia Sabina (d of Lucius Vibius Sabinus & Salonina Matidia; gd of Gaius Salonius Matidius Patruinus & Ulpia Marciana; ggd of Marcus Ulpius Trajanus/Trajanus Pater & Marcia) b: 83CE d: late 136CE or early 137CE.
1425-01-24: Catherine of Burgundy (daughter of Philip the bold/duke Philip ii of Burgundy/count Philip ii of Flanders/count Philip iv of Artois/count-palatine Philip iv of Burgundy & countess Margaret iii of Flanders/Margaret of Dampierre; grand-daughter of king John ii of France & Bonne of Luxembourg/Bohemia and count Louis ii of Flanders) b: 1378 April at Montbard d: 1425-01-24 at Gray, Haute-Saone m: duke Leopold iv of Austria.
1551-01-24: John Randall (son of John Randall) b: 1505 in Lewes, Sussex, England d: 1551-01-24 in Lewes, Sussex, England m: c. 1541 to Johanna Webbe (daughter of William Webbe) b: 1508 d: 1577.
1635-01-24: Barnabas Brenton (son of governor William Brenton & Dorothy) baptized: 1635-01-24.
1653-01-24/1654-01-24: John Thruston (son of John Thruston & Mary Perry; gs of Malachias Thruston) b: 1653-01-24/1654-01-24 in Bristol, Gloucester, England baptized: 1653-01-28/1654-01-28 in Bristol, Gloucester, England d: 1656-05-26 in Bristol, Gloucester, England buried: 1656-05-28 in Bristol, Gloucester, England.
1675-01-24: Mary Dudley (daughter of Samuel Dudley & Mary Byley; gd of Thomas Dudley & Dorothy Yorke) b: 1648-01-06 or 1649-01-06 at Salisbury, Essex county MA d: 1713 in MA m: 1675-01-24 to Samuel Hardy.
1683-01-24/1684-01-24: Elizabeth Reading (daughter of sir Robert Reading baronet of Dublin & Jane Hannay; gd of sir Robert Hannay 1st baronet of Mochrum, county Kirkcudbright & Jane Stewart; ggd of Alexander Hannay of Sorbie) b: c. 1668 d: 1754-03-19 m: 1683-01-24/1684-01-24 to sir James Hamilton of Donalong 6th earl of Abercorn d: 1734-11-28 buried: duke of Ormond's vault, Henry vii chapel, Westminster Abbey.
1693-01-24: Hans Martin Ulrich b: 1648-11-15 in Buchig, Germany d: 1694-01-07 in Germany m1: c. 1678 to Maria Catharina UNKNOWN d: 1691-08-30 in Blankenloch, Rhineland, Germany m2: 1693-01-24 in Germany to Regina Bullinger.
1717-01-24: William Gordon of Shirmers d: 1717-01-24 m: Jean Gordon (daughter of William Gordon 6th viscount of Kenmure & Marion MacCulloch) d: 1695-02-04.
1720-01-24: colonel Archibald Cary (Old Iron) b: 1720-01-24 d: 1786 September m: 1744-05-31 to Mary Randolph (daughter of Richard Randolph & Jane Bolling; grand-daughter of John Bolling & Mary Kennon).
1721-01-24 or 1722-01-24: Elizabeth Weed b: 1702-09-26 in Stamford, CT m: 1721-01-24 or 1722-01-24 in Stamford, CT m: James Scofield.
1724-01-24: Jacob Cozad b: 1724-01-24 in Bound Brook, Somerset county NJ d: 1812-01-26 in Mt. Olive, Morris county NJ buried: Mt. Olive cem Mt. Olive, Morris county NJ m: 1742 in Somerset county NJ to Elizabeth Sutton (daughter of David Sutton & Elizabeth Cox; gd of John Sutton & Elizabeth Conger; ggd of William sutton & Damaris Bishop; 2ggd of Richard Bishop & Alice Martin) b: 1724-10-24 in Basking Ridge, Somerset county NJ d: 1758 in Morris county NJ buried: Mt. Olive cem Mt. Olive, Morris county NJ.
1730-01-24: Mann Page (son of colonel Matthew Page & Mary Mann; gs of John Page of Bruton, York county VA & Alice Luckin and John Mann & Mary; ggs of Francis Page) b: c. 1690 at "Rosewell" d: 1730-01-24, age 40 (Councilor) m1: 1712 to Judith Wormley (daughter of Ralf Wormley/Ralph Wormeley) d: 1716-12-12 03:00 buried: at "Rosewell" m2: 1717 or 1718 to Judith Carter (daughter of Robert Carter/King Carter who called his farm "Corotoman" & Judith Armistead; gd of John Carter & Sarah Ludlowe).
1732-01-24/1733-01-24: Peleg Sanford (son of Restcome Sanford/Rest Come Sanford & Elizabeth Lake; gs of Samuel Sanford & Deborah Manchester; ggs of John Sanford ii & Mary Gorton; 2ggs of John Sanford & Elizabeth Webb) b: 1732-01-24/1733-01-24 in Tiverton, Newport county RI d: 1736-12-10.
1738-01-24: John Frederick Cassel i b: 1738-01-24 d: 1823-02-02 in Lancaster county PA buried: Hummelstown grave-yard Hummelstown, Dauphin county PA m: c. 1769 to Elizabeth Berst d: after 1823.
1744-01-24: captain Edmund Pendleton i (son of judge John Pendleton & ?Phoebe James?) b: 1744-01-24 in King & Queen county VA d: 1827-07-04 in Caroline county VA m: 1764-08-14 in Goochland county VA to Mildred Pollard (Millie Pollard).
1748-01-24: William Adam (son of John Adam & Helen Cranstoun) b: 1689-10-30 d: 1748-01-24 m: 1716 to Mary Robertson (daughter of William Robertson of Gladney).
1753-01-24: Richard Wibird Penhallow (son of John Penhallow & Sarah Wentworth; gs of John Penhallow & Elizabeth Butler and Hunking Wentworth & Elizabeth Wibird; ggs of lieutenant-governor John Wentworth & Sarah Hunking and Richard Wibird & Elizabeth) b: 1753-01-24 d: 1785 May m: Millicent Hardy.
1756-01-24: Sarah Mendenhall (daughter of Stephen Mendenhall & Sarah C. Martin; gd of John M. Mendenhall & Susannah Pierson/Susannah Pearson; ggd of John M. Mendenhall & Elizabeth Maris) b: 1756-01-24 in Guilford county NC.
1770-01-24: Goodrich Lightfoot Slaughter (son of Reuben Slaughter & Elizabeth Ann Poindexter; gs of colonel Francis Slaughter & Anne Lightfoot and John Poindexter & Christine Gissedge) b: 1770-01-24 in Culpeper county VA d: 1833-07-03 m: 1797-05-16 to Hannah van Bibber (daughter of captain John van Bibber & Chloe Standiford) b: 1778-11-23 in Kanawha county VA (now WV) d: 1858-06-28 in Kanawha county VA (now WV).
1770-01-24: Thomas Gill (son of Joseph Gill & ?Ann Hannah?) b: 1770-01-24 in VA d: 1841-06-10 in Berkeley county WV buried: Morgan chapel cem., Bunker Hill, Berkeley county WV m: 1795-12-10 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) to Hannah Patterson b: 1778-02-20 in VA d: 1841-10-06 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) buried: Morgan chapel cem., Bunker Hill, Berkeley county WV.
1774-01-24: Francis Stubbs Taylor (son of Edmund Gibson Taylor & Sarah Stubbs/Sally Stubbs; gs of Francis Stubbs & Martha Haynes; ggs of Herbert Haynes & Sarah Mynn; 2ggs of Robert Mynn & Sarah Cary; 3ggs of James Cary & Sarah Reade) b: 1774-01-24 m: Sarah Lindsey d: before 1824.
1778-01-24: John Noble Cumming Schenck (son of reverend William Schenck & Anna Cumming) b: 1778-01-24 in Bucks county PA d: 1867-10-25 in Warren county OH m: 1802-09-02 in Warren county OH to Sarah Tapscot b: 1787-08-21 in ?Warren county OH?.
1787-01-24: John Addison (son of John Addison & Susannah Wilkinson) m: 1787-01-24 to Lucy Watkins.
1789-01-24: Nathaniel Burwell (son of Carter Burwell & Lucy Ludwell Grymes) b: 1750-04-15 d: 1814-03-29 in Clarke county VA m1: 1772-11-28 at "Brandon", Middlesex county VA to Susannah Grymes (daughter of Philip Grymes & Mary Randolph) b: 1752-03-04 at "Brandon", Middlesex county VA d: 1788-07-24 at "Carter's Grove", James City county VA m2: 1789-01-24 at "Mansfield", Spottsylvania county VA to Lucy Burwell Page (daughter of Mann Page & Anne Corbin Tayloe) b: c. 1764 at "Rosewell", Gloucester county VA.
1789-01-24: David Updegraff (son of Nathan Updegraff i & Ann Lupton; gs of Joseph Updegraff & Susanna Hussey) b: 1789-01-24 in Winchester, Frederick county VA d: 1864-12-20 in Mount Pleasant twp Jefferson county OH m: 1812-04-12 in Jefferson county OH to Ann Rebecca Taylor.
1792-01-24: Nathan Patterson (son of Thomas Patterson & Mary Tannyhill; grand-son of James Patterson & Mary Hamilton) b: 1784-02-20 in Little Britain twp Lancaster county PA d: 1792-01-24.
1792-01-24: Matthew Lyle Dixon (son of Sankey Dixon & Anna Cochran; gs of John Dixon and George Cochran & Anna Henry; ggs of James Dixon) b: 1792-01-24 in Rockbridge county VA d: 1836-09-30 at Talladega, AL (studied medicine.   1812-1814 surgeon's mate.   practiced medicine in Talladega, AL.).
1794-01-24: Thomas Kennedy (son of William Kennedy & Marian Henderson/Mary Henderson; gs of reverend Gilbert Kennedy; ggs of Gilbert Kennedy; 2ggs of Gilbert Kennedy; 3ggs of Gilbert Kennedy; 4ggs of Gilbert Kennedy; 5ggs of lord Kennedy et 4th earl of Cassillis) b: 1729 d: 1794-01-24 m: Janet.
1796-01-24: Alexander West (son of Edmund West) b: 1760-08-11 in Aconach county VA (Accomac?) d: 1834 June buried: Broad Run Baptist church, Lewis county VA (1777 May enlisted in captain James Booth's company of rangers and spies and served 13 months as a scout in what was Monongalia county VA.   1781 May he volunteered in captain George Jackson's company which marched to Fort Pitt.) m2: 1796-01-24 (Joseph Cheuront officiating) to Mary Straley.
1799-01-24: Johann Christian Fremd (son of George Ulrich Fremd & Christina Dorothea Alsesser) b: 1799-01-24.
1799-01-24: Thomas Hampton Fancher (son of Richard Fancher & Sarah Journigin/Sarah Journegin/Sarah Jernigan) b: 1799-01-24 in Stokes county NC d: 1884-04-05 in Fancher Mills, White county TN m1: Margaret Officer m2: Susannah Officer m3: Eliza Hannah Bryan.
1799-01-24: James P. Fancher (son of Richard Fancher & Sarah Journigin/Sarah Journegin/Sarah Jernigan) b: 1799-01-24 in Stokes county NC.
1805-01-24: Moses Graham (son of Hugh Graham & Mary Wallace; gs of Robert Wallace & Mary Clyde) b: 1805-01-24 m: 1834 to Mary Ryan.
1806-01-24: Ann Eliza Scott (daughter of colonel James Scott & Martha Pegram) b: 1806-01-24 at Laurel Branch in Dinwiddie county VA m: 1825 to James McFarland.
1807-01-24: Rebekah Scott/Rebekiah Scott m: 1807-01-24 in Wayne county KY to James Murray.
1807-01-24: Spencer Hestand (son of Abraham Hestand & Susan Cummins) b: 1807-01-24 in Cumberland county KY m: 1828 in Monroe county KY to Elizabeth Baxter (who lived in DuBois county IN).
1808-01-24: Jacob Metzger (son of Jacob Metzger & Mary Puterbaugh) b: 1808-01-24 in Bedford county PA d: 1884-01-18 m: Esther Cripe Ulrich b: 1813-08-05 d: 1896-05-26.
1808-01-24: James Steptoe Johnston i (son of Charles Johnston & Elizabeth Prentiss Steptoe; grand-son of Peter Johnstone & Martha Butler and James Steptoe) b: 1808-01-24 in Richmond, VA m: Louisa Clarissa Bridges Newman b: 1813 in Adams, MS.
1810-01-24: Elizabeth Neville (daughter of Presley Neville & Nancy Morgan; gd of general John Neville & Winifred Oldham and general Daniel Morgan; ggd of Richard Neville & Ann Burroughs) b: 1789-11-18 m: 1810-01-24 to James O'Hara ii.
1810-01-24: Maria Youmans (daughter of Peter Youmans & Sarah Perigo) b: 1810-01-24 in Sussex county NJ d: 1888-12-12 in Morgan twp Butler county OH buried: New London cem., Shandon, Morgan twp Butler county OH m: 1827-08-30 Morgan township Butler county OH to James Dearmond son of Alexander DeArmond & Elizabeth Huff) b: 1807-10-20 in Franklin county IN d: 1882-04-24 in Morgan twp Butler county OH buried: New London cem., Shandon, Morgan twp Butler county OH.
1812-01-24: William C. Keller (son of John Peter Keller & Catharine Schaeffer; gs of Carl Andrew Keller & Barbara Judith Bigler; ggs of Johann Peter Keller & Anna Maria) b: 1812-01-24 at Harrisburg, PA m: Camilla Lochman.
1814-01-24: William Heath b: 1737-03-07 in Roxbury, MA d: 1814-01-24 in Roxbury, MA (general, senator, judge).
1814-01-24: Jesse Enlow ii (son of Jesse Enlow & Anna Highfill) b: 1814-01-24 in Harrison, IN d: 1898-06-11 in Crawford county IN buried: Fairview cem. Crawford county IN m1: 1841-03-27 in Crawford county IN to Catherine Ferguson b: 1814 in Harrison, IN d: 1857-03-29 in Crawford county IN m2: 1859-02-23 in Crawford county IN to Sarah Catherine Montgomery b: c. 1818 in Crawford county IN.
1814-01-24: Lewis French (son of Asa French & Sarah Benham) b: 1814-01-24 in Troy, OH (1840 graduated from Denison University.   teacher 10 years.   1858 graduated from U of Cincinnati Law School and practiced until 1882.) m: Jane Mary Clarie (daughter of William D. Clarie & Margaret Ferguson Gregg; gd of Thomas Gregg & Jane Awl; ggd Jacob Awl & Sarah Sturgeon; 2ggd of Jeremiah Sturgeon) b: 1820-05-11 in Chillicothe, OH.
1816-01-24: Helen Robertson (son of reverend William Robertson ii & Eleanor Pitcairn) b: 1734-02-05 d: 1816-01-24.
1817-01-24: Alfred Kirkpatrick (son of Samuel Kirkpatrick & Jane Steele; grand-son of Francis Kirkpatrick & Hannah Award; g-grand-son of James Kirkpatrick & Mary Newton; 2g-grand-son of Alexander Kirkpatrick & Elizabeth; 3g-grand-son of George Kirkpatrick of Knock & Isabella Woods; 4g-grand-son of lord William Kirkpatrick) b: 1817-01-24 in Jackson county TN d: 1905 in Platte county MO (aide to president James K. Polk.) m: 1839-08-22 in Jackson county TN to Mahala Bland b: 1821-06-17.
1818-01-24: William Daniel (son of Basel Daniel/Bazel Daniel/Basil Daniel/Barswell Daniel) b: c. 1800 in Pendleton district SC m1: 1818-01-24 in White county IL to Patsy Morris b: 1800 d: 1836 in AR m2: 1837-06-29 in Shelby county IL to Martha Rodgers b: 1800 in KY.
1821-01-24: Robert Hanna (son of John Hanna & Mary Ervin; grand-son of Robert Hanna; g-grand-son of Alexander Hanna; 2g-grand-son of Alexander Hanna; 3g-grand-son of John Hanna) b: 1744-12-10 at Buffles church, Prince Edward county VA d: 1821-01-24 in Brookville, Franklin county IN (battle of Cowpes at farm of his son Joseph Hanna & Sarah Adair.   battle of Kings Mountain.   battle of Guilford county court-house.   battle of Eutaw Springs.) m: between 1760 & 1765 in Prince Edward county VA to Mary Parks (daughter of James Parks & Mary Fulton Littlejohn) b: 1744-04-10 in Prince Edward county VA d: 1834-06-01 in Brookville, Franklin county IN.
1822-01-24: Stephen Lewis Hite b: 1799 d: 1828 m: 1822-01-24 to Patsy Awbrey Pendleton (son of colonel James Pendleton & Sarah Bell) b: 1798-03-01 d: 1830-03-15.
1822-01-24: Jane Ferrell b: 1822-01-24 in NC d: 1899-03-08 in Independence county AR m: 1843-08-14 in Orange county NC to William Patterson Montgomery (son of John Montgomery; grand-son of William E. Montgomery i & Hannah Jane Patterson; great-grand-son of James Patterson & Mary Hamilton) b: 1822-12-29 in NC d: 1907-08-02 in Independence county AR.
1823-01-24: Cornelia Paterson van Rensselaer (daughter of Stephen van Rensselaer iii & Harriet Elizabeth Bayard; gd of Stephen van Rensselaer ii & Margarita Schuyler/Margaret Schuyler and William Bayard ii & Elizabeth Cornell; ggd of Stephen van Rensselaer i & Catherine Livingston and William Bayard i & Catherine McEvers) b: 1823-01-24.
1824-01-24: Isaac Flick b: 1824-01-24 in Orange county IN d: 1918-02-10 buried: Cane Creek cem. Orange county IN m1: 1844-08-02 in DuBois county IN to Elizabeth Beatty (daughter of David Beatty & Mary UNKNOWN) m2: 1866-08-09 in Orange county IN to Mary Jane Baxter (daughter of William Baxter & Pricilla Bradley).
1825-01-24 Zephaniah Woolsey b: in Wash / Smyth county VA m: 1825-01-24 in Greene county TN to Rachel Harrison.
1825-01-24: Laura Kiziah Hall (daughter of William C. Hall & Elizabeth Oulrey) b: 1825-01-24 d: 1894-10-16 in Chetopa, Wilson county KS m: 1842-07-17 in Monticello, Piatt county IL to Elias Babcock.
1826-01-24: John Topp Ridley (son of Vincent Marr Ridley & Lydia Everett; gs of captain George Ridley & Sarah Vincent and John Everett & Lydia Hardemann) b: 1806-06-22 in Smith county TN d: after 1884 in Hempstead, TX m: 1826-01-24 in Maury county TN to Lavena Klyce b: c. 1809 in Rockbridge county VA d: c. 1884 in Hempstead county TX.
1826-01-24: Anna Maria McMechen (daughter of William McMechen & Eleanor Bowles Armistead; gd of William Armistead & Maria Carter; ggd of William Armistead & Mary Bowles and Charles Carter & Anna Byrd; 2ggd of Henry Armistead & Martha Burwell and James Bowles; 3ggd of John Armistead & Judith and Charles Burgess; 4ggd of William Armistead & Anne; 5ggd of Anthony Armistead & Frances Thompson) d: 1829 July m: 1826-01-24 to Thomas Taylor Byrd b: 1796-02-16 d: 1840.
1826-01-24: William Daniel b: 1826-01-24 on Deal's Island, Somerset county MD d: 1897 (1884 Prohibition Party candidate for VP.)
1830-01-24: Georg David Rapp b: 1753-04-09 in Nussdorf, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg d: 1830-01-24 in Nussdorf, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg (school-master) m: 1776-02-06 in Nussdorf, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg to Anna Maria Collmer b: 1755-08-14 in Nussdorf, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg d: 1835-08-06 in Nussdorf, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg.
1831-01-24: Charles Edward Buxton (son of Edwin Buxton & Sarah Jessup) b: 1831-01-24 in Stamford, Fairfield county CT d: 1909-01-11 in Stamford, Fairfield county CT m: 1865-12-07 in Stamford, Fairfield county CT (E.G. Andrews officiating) to Mary Ann Weed b: 1847 in New Canaan, Fairfield county CT.
1832-01-24: Moses McWhorter ii (son of Moses McWhirter/Moses McWhorter & Margery Marlin; gs of Hugh McWhorter & Jane Gillespie?; ggs of Alexander McWhorter ii; 2ggs of Alexander McWhorter) b: 1744 in Washington county PA d: 1832-01-24 in Washington county PA m: Jean Finley Morrison.
1833-01-24: Joseph Hannah Misener (son of Christian Mizener/Christopher Mizener & Elizabeth Mizener Hannah) b: 1833-01-24 probably in Ottawa county OH d: 1908-10-02 in Portland, OR.
1833-01-24: Thomas Washingon Fancher (son of James F. Fancher & Elizabeth Carlock) b: 1833-01-24 in Overton county TN d: 1892-08-31 in Osage, Carroll county AR (1838 moved to Osage Valley AR with father James Fancher; lieutenant in Howell's Battery of the Confederate Army during Civil War) m: 1857-06-08 to Elizabeth B. Sneed b: 1839-11-13 in Osage, AR d: 1916-12-20 (picture)
1833-01-24: John Grove (son of David Grove & Mary Stagger) b: 1833-01-24 in OH.
1833-01-24: Mildred C. Woolery (Milly Woolery) (daughter of Henry A. Woolery & Nancy Corum; grand-daughter of Lawrence Woolery & Margaret Horn/Peggy Horn) b: 1814-11-14 or 1816-11-14 at Bunceton, Cooper county MO d: 1882-11-03 in Cooper county MO m: 1833-01-24 in Cooper county MO to Pleasant George Oglesby.
1834-01-24: Marguerite Josephine Leclere (daughter of Jean Maurice Leclere & Reine Demange) b: 1834-01-24 in Bruly, Meurthe et Moselle, France m: 1851-09-10 in Bruly, Meurthe et Moselle, France to Jean Charles Lamotte b: 1826-08-31 in Lorraine.
1835-01-24: school-house lot conveyed to Frederick county VA trustees by M.B. Cartmell.
1836-01-24: Alice Ann Urie (daughter of colonel George W. Urie & Elizabeth Murray; gd of Solomon Urie & Elizabeth and Patrick Murray; ggd of colonel Thomas Urie) b: 1836-01-24 in Ashland, OH m: 1852-05-08 (reverend Thomas Beer officiating) to Thomas Milton Beer (son of Richard Beer & Jane Anderson) b: 1837-03-02 near Ashland, OH.
1837-01-24: Jacob Ulmer b: 1837-01-24.
1838-01-24: Sarah S. White (daughter of Shelton White & Mildred Clark) b: 1799-03-29 in Oglethorpe county GA d: 1838-01-24 in Oglethorpe county GA m: 1814-09-29 in Elbert county GA to Hugh McGehee (son of Micajah McGehee & Nancy Scott) b: 1793-01-04 in Oglethorpe county GA d: 1855-01-24 in MS.
1839-01-24: Sarah Fields b: 1786 in Trenton, NJ d: 1839-01-24 at Perez, NY m: Edmund Wright b: 1760 in county Tyrone, Ireland d: 1849-06-06.
1842-01-24: John Wilson (son of Hugh Wilson & Sarah Craig; gs of Thomas Wilson & Elizabeth Hays and William Craig & Elizabeth Wilson; ggs of Hugh Wilson b: 1689 & Sarah Craig; 2ggs of Thomas Wilson) d: 1842-01-24 m: UNKNOWN Stevenson.
1844-01-24: Susannah Elizabeth Orr b: 1766 d: 1844-01-24 m: Leven Powell ii (son of William Harrison Powell & Sarah Green; gs of Leven Powell & Sarah Harrison; ggs of William Powell ii & Eleanor Peyton) b: 1772-08-04 d: 1807-12-19.
1844-01-24: Anna Maria Reid b: 1771-10-09 in Eberdingen, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg d: 1844-01-24 in Eberdingen, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg m: 1795-07-07 in Eberdingen, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg to Gottlieb Duerr b: 1772-10-22 in Eberdingen, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg d: 1858-08-05 in Eberdingen, Vaihingen, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg.
1848-01-24: Johann Erdmann Heinrich Otto b: 1848-01-24 at Tanunda, South Australia.
1849-01-24: Daniel Miller (son of David Miller & Magdalena) b: 1765-05-05 d: 1849-01-24 m: 1790-05-25 in PA (moved to Montgomery county OH.) m: Susannah Bowman (daughter of John Bowman & Esther) b: 1769-02-18 d: 1851-12-10.
1849-01-24: Celia C. Hill (daughter of Bryant Hill & Ruth Daniel) b: 1849-01-24 in Habersham county GA d: 1889-01-06 in Habersham county GA m: 1868-02-13 Montville Taylor Wood b: 1847-05-16 in NC d: 1919-12-07 in Franklin, GA buried: in Franklin, GA.
1852-01-24: W. John Hay (son of William Hay & Elizabeth Cary) b: 1776-01-18 d: 1852-01-24 m: Mary Stith Maury (daughter of Walker Maury & Mary Stith Grymes) b: 1777-06-07 d: 1834-02-05.
1854-01-24: James Franklin Park (son of William Chester Park & Sarah Ann Grundy) b: 1854-01-24 in OH d: 1918-05-26 in Lansing, Ingham county MI buried: section D2, Mt. Hope cem., Lansing, Ingham county MI m: Anna M. Ferrenburg (daughter of James A. Ferrenburg & Catherine E. Park) b: 1860-02-12 in Huntingdon county PA d: 1927-07-01 in Fremont, Sandusky county OH buried: Oakwood cem., Fremont, Sandusky county OH.
1855-01-24: Lillie Powell O'Neal (daughter of James O'Neal & Rachel Powell) b: 1855-01-24 m: James Downey Houseman ii (son of James Downey Houseman & Emily Watson; gs of Daniel Houseman & Rebecca Beatty and Thomas Watson & Sarah Hannis; ggs of James Beatty & Ally Ann Irwin; 2ggs of William Beatty & Mary McKee; 3ggs of James Beatty & Agnes; 4ggs of John Beatty) b: 1851-02-08.
1856-01-24: William Griffith Mills (son of Thomas Griffith Mills & Eliza Diana Humphreys) b: 1812-11-05 d: 1856-01-24 m1: 1837-07-12 to Mary Azema Herbert b: 1721-07-05 d: 1853-09-25 m2: 1854-05-25 to Jane E. Campbell.
1856-01-24: Elmira S. Grove (daughter of Henry R. Grove & Elizabeth H. Spengler) b: c. 1831 m: 1856-01-24 in Shenandoah county VA to Joseph S. Zea (son of Joeph Zea & Mary) b: c. 1831.
1857-01-24: Elizabeth Washington Gamble (daughter of colonel Robert Gamble & Catherine Grattan) b: 1784-01-30 in VA d: 1857-01-24 in Annapolis, Anne Arundel county MD buried: Congressional cem., Washington, DC m: 1802 to William Wirt b: 1772-11-08 in Bladensburg, prince George's county MD d: 1834-02-18 in Washington, DC buried: range 50, site 169, Congressional cem., Washington, DC.
1857-01-24: William Nelson Scott (son of Archibald Scott & Frances Ramsey) b: 1789-03-04 in Augusta county VA d: 1857-01-24 at Lunice Creek (1809-1810 studied under William Calhoun at Washington College, VA.   1811-1814 studied under William Calhoun at Hampden-Sydney college.   studied under Moses Hoge. 1814-04-23 licensed by Lexington Prebytery.   1815-04-30 candidate at Bethel church.   1815-04-20 "dismissed to" Winchester Presbytery, VA.   1818-04-25 ordained at Winchester, Frederick county VA.   1814-1815 missionary in KY of Synod of VA.   1816-1821 taught at girls' school in Martinsburg, Berkeley county VA.   1821-1857 supply to Back Creek and Hancock, VA and Williamsport, MD, missionary and teacher in Hardy county VA.   1825-04-16 organized Union church of Hardy county VA.   1837-07-22 to 1854-10-27 organizer and pastor of Mt. Zion, Moorefield and Ft. Pleasant.) m: 1814 or 1816 to Nancy Daniel.
1860-01-24: James Pollard Espy (son of James Espy; gs of George Espy; ggs of Josiah Espy) b: 1786-05-09 in Westmoreland county PA d: 1860-01-24 buried: Harrisburg cem., Harrisburg, PA (during his teens taught.   c. 1807 graduated from Transylvania U in Lexington, KY.   taught at a classical academy in Cumberland, MD.   admitted to the bar at Bedford, PA.   4 years practiced law in Xenia, OH.   1817- c. 1827 taught at Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA.   studied and published pamphlets on meteorology.   1841 published _The Philosophy of Storms_.   1840 September presented paper to British Association.   Corresponding member of Smithsonian Institute.   1843 employed at Washington Observatory of the War Dept.   1860-01-17 while visiting Cincinnati, OH had a stroke.) m: Margaret Pollard b: 1795-09-28 d: 1850-05-30 buried: Harrisburg cem., Harrisburg, PA.
1863-01-24: Sarah Catharine Pore/Sarah Catherine Pore (daughter of George Pore & Martha Thomas; gd of John Thomas & Mary Renninger; ggd of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; 2ggd of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 3ggd of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1839-05-09 d: 1865-01-04 m: 1863-01-24 to George A. Richert b: in Stark county OH d: 1884.
1864-01-24: Ada Frances Phelps (daughter of George Phelps & Julia Ann Fast; gd of Elisha Phelps & Jane E. Kniffin and Eli Fast & Elizabeth Cazier; ggd of William Cazier & Susannah Murray; 2ggd of Patrick Murray) b: 1864-01-24.
1864-01-24: Fleming Saunders m: 1864-01-24 in Henry county VA to Sallie Louisa Hairston b: 1838-04-08 at Marrowbone, Henry county VA.
1864-01-24: William J. Schooy d: 1864-01-24 aged 21 years and 5 days.
1877-01-24: Robert McCormick (son of James McCormick; gs of James McCormick; ggs of Thomas McCormick; ggs of James McCormick) b: 1805-02-06 in Cumberland county PA d: 1877-01-24 in Chariton, IA m: 1829 to Susan Ulp d: 1847.
1878-01-24: Susan Fitzhugh Gordon (daughter of John Gordon & Marion Brown) b: 1806 March d: 1878-01-24 m: Alexander Gordon b: 1797 in Lochdougan, Kirkcudbright, Scotland d: 1832 in Fredericksburg.
1886-01-24: Nancy Ann Jarvis (daughter of John Jarvis & Susanna Armistead; gd of Richard Armistead; ggd of Robert Armistead & Catherine Gwathmey; 2ggd of Ralph Armistead ii & Ann; 3ggd of Ralph Armistead; 4ggd of Anthony Armistead & Frances Thompson; 5ggd of Roger Armistead) b: 1813-03-20 in Mathews county VA d: 1886-01-24 in Mathews county VA m: after 1845 at Giggleswick, YorkShire, England to Thomas B. Hudgins.
1887-01-24: Fleming Payne Thornton (son of Benjamin T. Thornton ii & Nancy Fleming Payne) b: 1820-05-22 in Elbert county GA d: 1887-01-24 in Elbert county GA m: 1842-10-03 in Elbert county GA to Harriet F. Adams.
1888-01-24: John Steele Hunter (son of James Hunter & Martha Marshall) b: 1826-11-15 in Morgan county OH (now Noble county OH) d: 1888-01-24 in Huntsville, McArthur twp Logan county OH m: 1850-03-14 to Mary Lucretia Barton (daughter of Robert Barton & Rebecca Wallace) b: 1827-10-10 in Smith twp Washington county PA d: 1894-07-03 17:00 near Huntsville, Logan county OH buried: section D, row 21 N-S, Huntsville cem., Huntsville, Logan county OH.
1888-01-24: William Thomas Chaplin (son of James Chaplin & Elizabeth Mogg) b: 1869 m: 1888-01-24 to Louisa Ann Fullgrabe b: c. 1871.
1893-01-24: Benoni Swearingen m: 1893-01-24 in WV to Hester Goding.
1893-01-24: Rachel Stamper (?daughter of William Stamper & Emily Polly) b: 1803-02-20 in Letcher county KY d: 1893-01-24.
1893-01-24: William Edward McMurtrie (son of David McMurtrie) b: 1817-02-13 in Petersburg, PA d: 1893-01-24 in Huntingdon county PA m: 1840-02-13 in Huntingdon county PA to Margaret Whittaker (daughter of captain John Whittaker & Elizabeth Grove) b: 1817 d: 1899 in Huntingdon county PA.
1898-01-24: Charles Leander Daniel (son of Jesse Everett Daniel & Nancy Jane McClain) b: 1872-09-27 in Jefferson county IL d: 1964-04-04 in Marlow, Stephens county OK m: 1898-01-24 in Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (OK) Willie M. Gibson b: 1881 October in TX.
1904-01-24: Isabell Gullett b: 1887-04-25, Randolph county Arkansas d: 1916 September in Randolph county Arkansas m: 1904-01-24 to Matt Nelson.
1906-01-24: America Flick b: 1819-09-04 in Orange county IN d: 1906-01-24 buried: Cane Creek cem. Orange county IN m: 1838-03-26 in Orange county In to Jefferson Drake (son of William Drake & Ann Hooten).
1906-01-24: David G. Webster b: 1837-01-14 d: 1906-01-24 m: Permelia H. Daniel (daughter of David Daniel & Margaret) b: 1846-10-12 d: 1911-06-02 buried: Capron cem. Boone county IL.
1907-01-24: Sally Ann Newberry (daughter of James Newberry & Mary Smith; gd of John Newberry & Jemima Benedict) b: 1821-06-19 in Hanover, York county PA d: 1907-01-24 in Parowan, Iron county UT m: Calvin Crane Pendleton (son of Job Pendleton & Betsy Crane) b: 1811-08-25 in Hope, Knox county ME d: 1873-04-21 (lived in Parowan, UT; gun-smith).
1917-01-24: Sarah Jane Donathan (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Donathan & Sarah Jane Lloyd) b: 1855-04-03 in AR d: 1917-01-24 in Blue Mountain, Logan county AR m: c. 1873 in AR to Thomas Roland Daniel (son of Reuben Daniel & Harriett James) b: 1850-08-08 in IL d: 1886-11-01 in Magazine, Logan county AR.
1942-01-24: Heinrich Wilhelm Christian Fuellgrabe (son of Johann Heinrich Fuellgrabe & Johanne Caroline Louise Engelke; gs of Johann Andreas Fuellgrabe & Johanne Marie Friedricke Friedhof and Heinrich Friedrich Engelke & Hanne Dorothea Elizabeth Engelke) b: 1855-10-10 in Upper Sturt, South Australia, Australia d: 1942-01-24 at Mt. Eagle, South Australia, Australia m: 1879-12-25 at Adelaide, South Australia, Australia to Margaret Elizabeth Chaplin b: 1862-02-17 in Koppio, South Australia, Australia.
1961-01-24: lady Diana Frances Spencer (daughter of Edward John Spencer & Frances Ruth Burke Roche/Frances Shand Kydd) b: 1961-01-24 at Norfolk d: 1997-08-31 in Paris, France m: Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor.
1965-01-24: PM sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (son of Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill & Jennie Jerone/Jeannette Jerome; gs of John Winston Spencer-Churchill & Frances Anne Emily Vane; ggs of George Spencer-Churchill 6th duke of Marlborough & lady Jane Stewart of Galloway) b: 1874-11-30 d: 1965-01-24 m: Clementine Ogilvy Hozier.
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
economic mobility

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
fact-free leftists (part 4)
Town Hall
fact-free leftists (part 1)
fact-free leftists (part 2)
fact-free leftists (part 3)

Ed Runyan _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
GE lamp plant in Warren OH shut down
"the building, at the corner of North Park and Dana streets, was built in 1890 by William D. Packard and James W. Packard, who started Packard Electric in 1890 and built the first Packard automobile in 1899 at that location.   Packard Electric started out manufacturing incandescent light bulbs.   By 1899, it also had built the first Packard automobiles 'in a corner' of the Packard Electric light-bulb building at the site of the current Ohio Lamp Plant, said Charles Ohlin of the National Packard Museum of Warren...   The brothers sold their Packard Motor Car Company in 1902 and began Packard Electric's focus on the wiring business, selling it to National Electric Lamp in 1902, according to a Packard Electric history published by the company in 1990.   GE purchased the light-bulb business from National Electric in about 1916.   Meanwhile, Packard Electric's wiring business grew dramatically on Dana and Griswold streets, where it established its world head-quarters, then expanded along North River Road in Howland and Bazetta townships until it employed 11K people by 1974.   A 1898 newspaper article says the Packard brothers' light-bulb company, called the New York and Ohio Company, was the first light-bulb businesses in the United States and the second-largest one in the country at the time.   Warren had the distinction of being the first town in America to light its streets with incandescent light bulbs in 1911, because of the Packard brothers, the National Packard Museum says..."

Christopher Monckton
World Economic Form hijacked by climate hysterics

Anthony Watts
benefits of "carbon" out-weigh costs by 50 to 1

Willis Eschenbach
how scientists study cycles

Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
the enemy within: really big, intrusive, power-mad, profligate government

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Canadian PM Harper is latest to fill leadership vacuum, the world -- including DC -- be damned
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer angers USA's friends, but his bid to ruin relations with Canada is doomed

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Hey, Obummer, stop trying to kick Canada around

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
R' Hillel Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the Bible/Torah and slavery

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
big-time government grifters versus small-fry

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
government over-reliance: the devil is in the details

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
our big-boy president takes to trash-talking al-Qaeda
Investor's Business Daily

Sharon Gaudin _"IT" News_/_IDG_
rover "Opportunity" found more evidence of water on Mars

2014-01-24 (5774 Shebet 23)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the US Chamber of Crony Socialists versus the USA
National Review
Town Hall
"These fat cats do not represent the best interests of American entrepreneurs, American workers, American parents and students, or Americans of any race, class or age who believe in low taxes and limited government.   The chamber's business is the big business of the Beltway, not the business of main-stream America...   Last year, the chamber poured more than $52M into K Street lobbying efforts on behalf of illegal alien amnesty, Fed Ed [Communist Corpse] programs and increased federal spending.   This year, chamber bigwigs are paving the perilous pathway to GOP capitulation.   The left hardly needs to lift a finger against tea party candidates and activists who are bravely challenging the big government status quo.   The chamber has already volunteered to spend $50M subsidizing the Republican incumbency protection racket and attacking anti-establishment conservatives..."
please help find Marizela

_Conservative HQ_
how stupid can the GOP losership be?
"House Republican [losers] including speaker John Boehner, majority-leader Eric Cantor, majority-whip Kevin McCarthy and Budget committee chairman Paul Ryan, are pinning their hopes for an immigration [law perversion] bill on informal negotiations with Democratic representative Luis Gutierrez (IL-4), a hard-core leftist who has been at the forefront of the push for amnesty for illegal aliens..."

_Conservative HQ_
the real Obummer economy: Food Stamp dependency keeps rising

Hugh G. Willett _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
code-nazis harass Farragut businessman for his military truck with logo on sides

Carol Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
left/Dems' clumsy attempts to demonize validates non-leftists' critique of mal-government
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Around 90% of [Japan's] population had graduated from high school in the mid-1970s, compared with just 32% in England.   Japan was also a much more equal society than any in the West, with the sole excpetion of Sweden.   And Japan had the largest state pension fund in the world, so that every Japanese who retired could count on a generous bonus as well as a regular income throughout his (generally rather numerous) years of well-earned rest.   The welfare super-power was also a miracle of parsimony.   In 1975 just 9% of national income went to [socialist insecurity], compared with 31% in Sweden.   The burden of tax and [illfare] was roughly half that in England." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg210  




Yom Shabbat



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1016-01-25: Hedwig/Advisa countess of Auxerre (daughter of king Robert ii of France the pious/the wise/le sage & Constance of Arles; gd of Hugh Capet & Adelaide of Aquitaine and William i of Provence) b: c. 1003 d: after 1063 m: 1016-01-25 to count Renauld i of Nevers.
1237-01-25 or 1238-01-25: Richard de Clare (earl of Gloucester) (son of Gilbert de Clare; gs of Richard de Clare; ggs of Roger de Clare; 2ggs of Richard de Clare; 3ggs of Gilbert de Clare; 4ggs of Richard de Tonebridge de Glare fitz Gilbert & Rohese Giffard; 5ggs of Gilbert de Brionne & Gunnora d'Aunou and Walter Giffard & Agnes Ermentrude Fleitel) b: 1222 d: 1262 m: 1237-01-25 or 1238-01-25 to Maud de Lacy b: c. 1223 d: before 1289.
1299-01-25: Engelbert ii of the Mark (son of Eberhard ii count of the Mark & Irmgard of Berg; gs of Engelbert i count of the Mark/Engelbert i graf von der Mark & Cunigonde/Kunigunde of Blieskastel and Adolf vii of Berg; ggs of Adolf i count of Altena-Mark/count of the Mark/comte de la Mark/graf von der Mark und Krickenbeck; 2ggs of Frederick/Friedrich i count of Berg-Altena & Alveradis of Krickenbeck; 3ggs of Eberhard i count of Berg-Altena/Eberhard i von Altena & Adelheid von Arnsberg van Cuyck) d: 1328-07-18 m: 1299-01-25 to Mechtild of Arenberg (daughter of Johann of Arenberg & Katharina of Juelich) d: 1328-03-18.
Aubrey d: 1303-01-25 m: Hugh fitz Henry (son of Henry fitz Ranulf; gs of Ranulf fitz Henry & Alice de Staveley; ggs of Henry fitz Hervey & Alice fitz Walter and Adam Staveley & Alice Percy) d: 1384-03-12.
1551-01-25: John Randall b: 1505 at Lewes, Sussex, England d: 1551-01-25 at Lewes, Sussex, England m: Johanna Webbe (daughter of William Webbe) b: 1508 at Hamsey, Sussex, England.
1582-01-25: David Dunbar (son of Gavin Dunbar of Baldoon & Janet Cunningham; gs of Archibald Dunbar of Baldoon & Janet Mure; ggs of sir John Dunbar of Mochrum & Janet Stewart; 2ggs of sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield & Isobel Sutherland and sir Alexander Stewart 3rd earl of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) b: 1582-01-25 d: c. 1641.
1591-01-25: Elizabeth Andrews (daughter of Philip Andrews) b: c. 1545 in Wellington, Somerset, England d: 1591-01-25 m: c. 1564 to sir Thomas Flood (son of John Flood & Ann Bonner) b: 1545 in Morton-Shalop, ShropShire, England d: 1607-05-30.
1637-01-25/1638-01-25: Alice Carpenter buried: 1637-01-25/1638-01-25 at Shalbourne, WiltShire, England.
1641-01-25: William Ball (son of William Ball) b: 1641-01-25 at Barkham manor, Barkham, BerkShire, England d: 1694-09-30 at St. Mary's, Lancaster county VA m1: 1670 to UNKNOWN Harris (daughter of William Harris & Joane Dudson) b: c. 1642 m2: 1675 to Margaret Downman (daughter of Rawleigh Downman) b: c. 1652 at "Morattico", Lancaster county VA.
1655-01-25/1656-01-25: David Taylor (son of Robert Taylor & Patience Margaret Palmer; gs of Thomas Taylor & Margaret Swinderby; ggs of Thomas Taylor & Elizabeth Burwell) b: 1631-10-20 in England m: 1655-01-25/1656-01-25 to Rachel Stevens.
Anne Hyde (daughter of Laurence Hyde 1st earl of Rochester & Henrietta Boyle; gd of Edward Hyde 1st earl of Clarendon & Frances Aylesbury and Richard Boyle earl of Burlington et Cork & Elizabeth Clifford) d: 1684-01-25/1684-01-25 m: James Butler 2nd duke of Ormonde.
1686-01-25/1687-01-25: John Sanford ii (son of John Sanford & Elizabeth Webb) b: 1633-06-04 in Boston, Suffolk county MA d: 1686-01-25/1687-01-25 in East Greenwich, Kent county RI m1: 1654-08-08 to Elizabeth Spatchurst d: 1661-12-06 m2: 1663-04-17 to Mary Gorton d: after 1688.
1687-01-25: Henry Grove baptized: 1687-01-25, Hales Owen, WorcesterShire, England m: 1709-02-19 in Hales Owen, Worcester, England to Jane Roden.
1699-01-25: John Hedge b: 1673-04-15 m: 1699-01-25 to Thankful Lothrop/Thankful Lathrop (daughter of Barnabas Lothrop/Barnabas Lathrop & Susanna Clarke or Susanna Ring; gd of reverend John Lothrop/John Lathrop & Ann) b: 1679-05-26 in Barnstable, MA d: 1752-06-02 (ancestors of FDR and Sarah Palin).
1710-01-25/1711-01-25: Judith Hunt b: 1710-01-25/1711-01-25 in Amesbury m: 1735-04-09 to Nathaniel Leach b: 1710-08-16 d: 1740 (son of Nathaniel Leach & Magdalene Williams; gs of James Leach & Jane Turpin and Paul Williams & Catherine LeComah).
1715-01-25: doctor Thomas Walker (son of Thomas Walker ii & Susanna Peachy?/Susan Preachy; grand-son of Thomas Walker) b: 1715-01-25 in King & Queen county VA d: 1794-11-09 m1: 1741-06-22 in Louisa county VA to Mildred Thornton (daughter of colonel Francis Thornton ii & Mary Taliaferro; gd of colonel Francis Thornton & Alice Stafford Savage; ggd of William Thornton iii & Elizabeth Rowland; 2ggd of William Thornton ii & Frances Robinson; 3ggd of William Thornton & Barbara Westby; widow of Nicholas Meriwether ii) b: 1721-03-19 at Snow Creek, Essex county VA d: 1778-11-16 at "Castle Hill", Albemarle county VA buried: "Castle Hill", Albemarle county VA m2: 1781-01-14 to Elizabeth Gregory/Elizabeth Thornton in some accounts (daughter of Rodger Gregory & Mildred Warner Washington; gd of Richard Gregory ii and Lawrence Washington & Mildred Warner; ggd of Richard Gregory & Katherine Mayfield?; 2ggd of John Gregory & Elizabeth Bishop/Elizabeth Bishopp?)
1718-01-25: Johann Michael Branstetter (son of Andreas Sigismund Brandstetter & Appollonia Engle Dosenbaum; gs of Sigismund Brandstetter & Catharina Johanna Eichbauer) b: 1693-05-16 at Aachen/Aix la Chappelle, Bayern/Bavaria d: 1785 at Pirmasens m: 1718-01-25 at Froschen, Pfalz/Palatine to Anna Maria Katharina Gamfer (daughter of Johannes Junger Gampfer & Maria Margaretha Stegner; gd of Oswald Stegner & Maria Salome Seegmuller) b: 1697-09-11 at Gersbach d: 1778-12-08 at Alt-Froschen, Pfalz.
1720-01-25: Mary Emery (daughter of John Emery & Mehetable Short/Mehitabel Short; gd of John Emery iii & Mary Sawyer and Henry Short & Ann Sewall; ggd of Henry Sewall & Jane Dummer) b: 1720-01-25.
1726-01-25: Robert Daniel iii (son of governor Robert Daniel ii & Sarah; gs of Robert Daniel & Anne Allenson) b: 1675 d: 1726-01-25 in Charleston SC.
1734-01-25: Katherine Ladd d: before 1764-05-09 in Philadelphia m: 1734-01-25 to John Howell (son of Jacob Howell & Sarah Vernon; grand-son of John Howell & Sarah and Francis Vernon; great-grand-son of James Vernon; descendant of William lord de Vernon) d: 1765 at John Ray's, near Savannah, GA.
1737-01-25: Peter Josef Duerr (son of Hans Karl Duerr & Elisabeth Fraij) b: 1736-01-23 in Neibsheim d: 1737-01-25 in Neibsheim.
1737-01-25: David Daniel (son of Eleazer Daniel & Mary Holbrook; gs of Joseph Daniel & Mary Fairbanks; ggs of Robert Daniel & Elizabeth Morse; 2ggs of Samuel Morse & Elizabeth Jasper) b: 1710-07-05 d: 1776-05-21 m: 1737-01-25 Huldah Taft (daughter of Israel Taft & Mercy Aldrich) b: 1718-06-28.
1742-01-25: Henry Walker b: 1742-01-25 in Prince George county VA d: 1792-01-04 in Mecklenburg county VA m: 1766-08-10 in Chesterfield county VA to Martha Bolling Eppes (daughter of Richard Eppes & Martha Bolling; gd of colonel Francis Eppes iv & Sarah Kennon and Robert Bolling ii & Anne Mary Cocke) b: 1746 May in Chesterfield county VA d: 1810-12-10 in Mecklenburg county VA.
1745-01-25: Francis Willis (son of John Austin Willis & Mildred Smith; gs of colonel Francis Willis & Anne Rich and Augustine Smith & Sarah Carver; ggs of Francis Willis; 2ggs of Henry Willis and colonel Augustine Warner & Mildred Reade; 3ggs of John Willis; cousin of pres. George Washington) b: 1745-01-25 at Beddingfield Hall, Brunswick county VA d: 1829-01-25 or 1829-04-03 in Montgomery, Maury county TN, age 84y 2m 16d(!?) m: 1769 to Elizabeth Edwards b: 1740-12-29 d: 1807-08-27 (lived in St. Andrew's parish Brunswick county VA, then at "Shannon Hall" on the Shenandoah river in Berkeley county VA in an area which later became part of Jefferson county VA. 1784 moved to GA.   1792 US House from GA.).
1748-01-25/1749-01-25: Lydia Wright (daughter of deacon Samuel Wright iii & Rebecca Sykes; gd of sergeant Samuel Wright ii & Elizabeth Burt) b: 1721 at Lebanon, New London, CT m: 1748-01-25/1749-01-25 to Elijah Goodrich.
1749-01-25/1750-01-25: Hannah Ludwell (daughter of Philip Ludwell & Hannah Harrison; gd of Philip Ludwell governor of Carolina & Lucy Higginson and Benjamin Harrison & Hannah) b: 1701-12-05 d: 1749-01-25/1750-01-25 m: Thomas Lee.
1750-01-25: Isabella Taylor (daughter of John Taylor ii & Catherine Pendleton; gd of James Taylor i & Mary Gregory and Philip Pendleton & Isabella Hurt; ggd of John Taylor & Elizabeth and captain John Gregory & Mary Elizabeth Bishop; 2ggd of Thomas Taylor & Margaret Swinderby; 3ggd of Thomas Taylor & Elizabeth Burwell; 4ggd of doctor reverend Rowland Taylor & Margaret Tyndale; 5ggd of John Taylor & Susan Rowland) b: 1725-06-26 m: 1749-01-25/1750-01-25 to doctor Samuel Hopkins.
1750-01-25: Hannah Harrison Ludwell (daughter of Philip Ludwell ii & Hannah Harrison) b: 1701-12-05 in Westmoreland county VA d: 1750-01-25 buried: Burnt House Fields on the Lee familty estate, Coles Point, Westmoreland county VA m: 1722 May at "Greenspring", James City county VA to colonel/governor Thomas Lee (son of Richard Lee ii & Laetitia Corbin) b: c. 1690 at "Mount Pleasant" along the Machodoc river, Westmoreland county VA d: 1750-11-14 at "Stratford Hall", Westmoreland county VA.
1751-01-25 - Friday: Christopher Gist visited Salt Lick Creek [later site of the Scioto Salt Works in Ross county OH]...
1757-01-25: Anna Dorothee Bremer b: 1757-01-25 in Lonau, Harz m: 1781-12-27 in Lonau, Harz to Christian Fuellgrabe b: 1753 in Lonau, Harz.
1757-01-25: Johann Henrich Otto (son of Johann Ebert Otto & Agnes Jung; gs of Johann Henrich Jung & Maria Elisabeth Klaus) b: 1757-01-25 in Unglinghausen.
1757-01-25: Hannah Scofield (daughter of Richard Scofield & Ruth Brundish/Ruth Brundage) b: 1700-11-14 m1: before 1720 (Marriage not proven) to John Beachgood m2: 1757-01-25 in Stamford, CT to Joseph Whiting ii b: c. 1692 in Southampton. LI, NY d: 1757-08-08 in Stamford, CT.
1762-01-25: Maria Magdalena Cassel (daughter of John Frederick Cassel & Elizabeth Berst) b: 1762-01-25 in Lancaster county PA m: Henry Ischopp.
1765-01-25: Magdalena Long (daughter of Joseph Long & Elizabeth Good; gd of Johannes Lang/John Long & Anna Schnebele and Jacob Guth & Barbara; ggd of Johannis Lang & Anna Elizabeth Korlen and Johan Jacob Schnebele) b: 1765-01-25 in Lancaster county PA.
1768-01-25: major Joseph Allen iii (son of Joseph Allen ii & Jane Riddle; grand-son of Joseph Allen and James Riddle & Janett; g-grand-son of William Allen) b: 1768-01-25 in Hanover twp Lancaster county PA d: 1839-10-01 buried: Hanover grave-yard m: 1794-05-06 (reverend James Snodgrass officiating) to Eleanor McEwen b: 1769-09-12 d: 1834-02-01 buried: Hanover grave-yard.
1769-01-25: Robert Lewis (son of colonel Fielding Lewis & Betty Washington/Elizabeth Washington; gs John Lewis iii & Frances Fielding and Augustine Washington & Mary Ball; grand-nephew of pres. George Washington) b: 1769-01-25 d: 1829-01-16 m: Judith Carter Browne.
1772-01-25: Dorothea Ashby/Dolly Ashby b: 1772-01-25 d: after 1812-01-18 m: Robert Jones (son of Gabriel Jones ii & Martha Lightfoot Slaughter; gs of Lawrence Slaughter & Susannah Winston; ggs of Robert Slaughter ii & Mary Smith; 2ggs of Augustine Smith; 3ggs of Lawrence Smith ii & Mildred Reade; 4ggs of Lawrence Smith i & Mary Dedman; 5ggs of Christopher Smith & Elizabeth Townley) b: 1767-03-14 d: 1837-02-05.
1775-01-25: Zurviah Newberry (daughther of Jonathan Newberry & Elizabeth Knapp) b: 1775-01-25.
1777-01-25: Jacob Grosh b: 1777-01-25 d: 1860 November at Marietta (11 years in state legislature. twice associate judge of Lancaster.).
1777-01-25: Johanna Orth (daughter of Adam Orth & Catharine Kucher; gd of Balthazar Orth & Anna Catharine/Anna Catherine and Peter Kucher & Barbara) b: 1777-01-25.
1779-01-25: William Pendleton (son of James Pendleton ii & Catherine Bowie; gs of James Pendleton & Elizabeth Coleman and John Bowie & Judith Catlett; ggs of John Catlett & Mary Elizabeth Taliaferro;2ggs of John Catlett & Elizabeth Gaines; 3ggs of George Gaines & Elinor Brown; 4ggs of Bernard Gaines & Martha Taylor; 5ggs of Daniel Gaines & Margaret Bernard; 6ggs of Thomas Gaines & Blance Kemis) b: 1779-01-25 in Culpeper county VA d: 1824 m: 1799-06-04 to Nancy Strother (daughter of captain John Strother & Helen Piper) b: 1784-11-20 d: 1819.
1780-01-25: Joseph Fulton (son of Richard Fulton & Isabel McChesney) b: 1759 d: 1787-01-28 m: 1780-01-25 (reverend John Elder officiating) to Elizabeth.
1782-01-25: William Woolsey (son of Zephania Woolsey & Sarah Woolsey; gs of John Woolsey & Mary Sammis) b: 1782-01-25 d: 1846-05-14 in Greene county TN m: 1802-05-18 Sarah Woolsey (daughter of William Woolsey & Sarah Lewis) b: 1747-08-25 in Marlborough Ulster county NY d: 1834-12-13.
1783-01-25: William Colgate (son of Robert Colgate; grand-son of John Colgate; g-grand-son of reverend Stephen Colgate) b: 1783-01-25 at Hollingbourne, Kent, England d: 1857-03-25 at #22 E 23rd St, NY, NY (Baptist deacon in NY, NY.   founder of Colgate & company.) m: 1810-04-23 in NY, NY to Mary Gilbert (daughter of Edward Gilbert) b: 1788-12-25 in London, England.
1784-01-25: Samuel Penhallow (son of John Penhallow & Sarah Wentworth) b: 1757-06-09 d: 1805-04-20 m: 1784-01-25 to Hannah Sherburne (daughter of Henry Sherburne).
1785-01-25: John Philip Greenawalt ii (son of John Philip Greenawalt & Catharine Shaffner) b: 1783-05-02 d: 1785-01-25.
1791-01-25: Sarah W. Galbraith/Sally W. Galbraith (daughter of Andrew Galbraith & Barbara Kyle; gd of James Galbraith ii & Elizabeth Bertram; ggd of James Galbraith & Rebecca Chambers; 2ggd of John Galbraith) b: 1791-01-25 d: 1853-05-02 in Carlisle, PA m: 1810 to John Bannister Gibson (son of colonel George Gibson) b: 1780-11-08 in Shearman's Valley (now Perry county PA) d: 1853-05-02 in Philadelphia, PA buried: Carlisle, PA (graduated from Dickinson College.   studied law with Thomas Duncan.   1803 March admitted to Cumberland county PA bar.   1810 elected to PA legislature.   1812 appointed presiding judge for 11th district, composed of Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna & Luzerne counties PA.   1816 appointed by governor UNKNOWN Snyder to PA supreme court.   resigned when new state constitution was adopted and was immediately re-appointed by governor UNKNOWN Ritner.   1851 elected to PA supreme court.).
1793-01-25: Andrew Crook m: 1793-01-25 (D. Young officiating) to Mary Matin.
1796-01-25: Robert McCormick (son of John McCormick; grand-son of Thomas McCormick; g-grand-son of Thomas McCormick; 2g-grand-son of James McCormick) b: 1796-01-25 d: 1874-09-10 in Milton, PA m: 1830-05-19 to Elizabeth Montgomery.
1805-01-25: Hannah Fleming (daughter of John Fleming & Susannah Harton; gd of John Fleming & Mary Jackson; ggd of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1805-01-25 m: John Gilliland.
1805-01-25: Robert Hanna (son of John Hanna & Mary Prior/Polly Prior; gs of Andrew Murray-Prior & Frances Morres) b: 1805-01-25 in KY d: 1851-07-29 at 46 years of age buried: Hanna Farm cem. Hawthorne twp White county IL m: Judy UNKNOWN b: 1812-06-01 d: 1839-01-03 at 26 years of age buried: Hanna Farm cem. Hawthorne twp White county IL.
1809-01-25: Charlotte Hill (daughter of Samuel Hill & Nancy Beatty; gd of Arundel Hill & Charlotte and James Beatty & Ally Ann Irwin; ggd of William Beatty & Mary McKee; 2ggd of James Beatty & Agnes; 3ggd of John Beatty) b: 1795-09-25 d: 1809-01-25 at Harrisburg, PA.
1809-01-25: Eliza Geehr/Eliza Gheer (daughter of Jacob Geehr/Jacob Gheer & Anna Margaret Thomas; gd of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; ggd of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 2ggd of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1809-01-25 d: 1828-05-31 buried: Frieden's Kirche grave-yard, near Shiremanstown, PA.
1811-01-25: Effy Allen (daughter of William Allen iii & Rebecca Green; grand-daughter of William Allen ii & Elizabeth and colonel Timothy Green) b: 1783-10-19 d: 1811-01-25 m: 1804-02-16 (reverend James Snodgrass officiating) to Robert Rogers.
1813-01-25: Robert White Kennon b: 1813-01-25 d: 1881-01-01 m: 1844 June to Elizabeth Julia Mills (daughter of Thomas Griffith Mills & Eliza Diana Humphreys) b: 1809-01-19 d: 1867-11-18.
1815-01-25: Abram Addams Anderson (son of Thomas Anderson & Mary Addams; gs of James Anderson iii & Margaret Chambers and Abraham Addams) b: 1815-01-25 d: 1841-12-29.
1815-01-25: Anthony Bowsher ii (son of Anthony Bowsher & Christine Reichelderfer) b: 1792-03-07 in Beaver twp Northumberland county PA d: 1861-07-28 in Circleville, Pickaway county OH buried: Bowsher cem Wyandot county OH m1: 1815-01-25 to Sarah Reeder b: 1793-09-23 in Pickaway county OH m2: 1836-02-04 to Harriet Orrison b: 1792 d: 1861.
1822-01-25: John Grove m: 1822-01-25 in Berkeley county WV to Sarah Burke.
1822-01-25: John Groff m: 1822-01-25 (George McFry officiating) to Sally Burke.
1826-01-25: George Glaze (son of Erhardt Glaze/Ehrhardt Kloess/Earhart Leonard Glaze & Eve Bromsey) b: 1746-01-10 or 1747-01-10 in PA d: 1826-01-25 in Pickaway county OH.
1827-01-25: John Cornell (son of Benjamin Cornell & Rosanah Foley; gs of John Foley & Emilia Ashby; ggs of James Foley and Robert Ashby & Mary Farrow; 2ggs of John Foley; 3ggs of Thomas Foley) b: 1802-08-06 in Hardy county VA (now WV) d: 1882-01-02 in Carthage county MO m: 1827-01-25 in Clark county OH to Jane Humphreys.
1829-01-25: canal from Cincinnati to Dayton was opened and first boats made the trip.
1830-01-25: Francis L. Daniel b: 1830-01-25 d: 1855-10-28 m: Joshua Caldwell.
1830-01-25: Isaac Grove (son of Henry Grove & Eve Hamaker; gs of Jacob Grove & Nancy Anna Kneisley) b: 1830-01-25 m: 1851-06-05 in Sangamon county IL Lucinda Alexander (daughter of Henry Alexander).
1832-01-25: chartered Franklin, Springboro & Wilmington RR to run from Franklin to Wilmington.
1837-01-25: William D. Peters (son of John Peters & Rachel Pownall; gs of James Peters and Reuben Pownall & Effie Bird) b: 1790-03-05 in Philadelphia county PA d: 1837-01-25 in Pike county OH.
1838-01-25: William Steel McCormick (son of William McCormick & Mary Steel; gs of Robert McCormick; ggs of Thomas McCormick; 2ggs of James McCormick) b: 1804-05-29 d: 1884 at Patterson, MO m: 1838-01-25 to Rebecca Crow.
1840-01-25: Adams Campbell b: 1840-01-25 buried: Donegal church grave-yard, Lancaster county PA m1: 1827-04-19 at Harrisburg, PA (reverend William R. DeWitt officiating) to Mary S. Elder (daughter of Samuel Elder; grand-daughter of John Elder; g-grand-daughter of Robert Elder) b: 1798 d: 1882-04-17 at Carlisle, PA.
1840-01-25: Charles Selden (son of John Armistead Selden & Maria A. Pemberton; gs of colonel Miles Cary Selden & Martha Bland Allen and captain Thomas B. Pemberton; ggs of colonel Miles Cary Selden & Elizabeth Armistead; 2ggs of reverend Miles Selden & Rebecca Cary Selden; 3ggs of Joseph Selden and Miles Cary & Hannah Armistead; 4ggs of Samuel Selden) b: 1840-01-25.
1842-01-25: Edmund Pendleton b: 1774-04-18 in Caroline county VA d: 1842-01-25 m: 1798-05-16 in York county VA to Lucy Nelson (daughter of colonel Hugh Nelson & Judith Carter Page; gd of John Page & Jane Byrd) b: 1776-03-16 in York county VA d: 1848-08-10 in Clarke county VA.
1842-01-25: Martha Elisabeth Hupfeld (daughter of Johannes Hupfeld & AnnaChristina Hieronimus) b: 1818-09-30 in Weidenhausen d: 1842-01-25 in Weidenhausen m: 1835-01-30 in Eschwege to Johann Ernst Heinrich Eduard Fuellgrabe (son of Johann Nicolaus Fuellgrabe & Anna Elisabeth Groeger) b: 1812-06-07 in Weidenhausen (ein gewesener Wirt).
1844-01-25: Jacob Rohr Grove (son of George Schultz Grove & Nancy Ann Rohr) b: 1844 in Saline county MO d: 1918-01-21 in Mansfield, PA m: 1864-12-13 to Elizabeth Ann Rohrbough b: 1844-01-25 in Buckhannon, Upshur county WV d: 1873-02-22 in Kinmundy, IL.
1846-01-25: Rosannah Swan (daughter of Richard Swan & Margaret Boal Sturgeon; gd of Richard Swan and Jeremiah Sturgeon & Jane Moorhead; ggd of Moses Swan; 2ggd of Richard Swan) b: 1840-08-21 d: 1846-01-25.
1847-01-25: Sarah Elizabeth Fleming (daughter of Robert Jackson Fleming & Sarah Ann Poor; gd of Samuel Fleming & Sarah Becket and Charles Merrill Poor & Elizabeth Karg; ggd of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1847-01-25 d: 1850-07-18.
1848-01-25: Johanne Henriette Louise Korber (daughter of Jurgen Heinrich Reinhold Korber & Henrietta Catherine Marie Knochen/Knoche?) b: 1848-01-25 in Hope Valley, South Australia d: 1918 at Houptoun, Victoria, Australia m: 1869-12-09 at Hahndorf, SA to Heinrich Wilhelm Ludwig Fullgrabe (son of Johann Heinrich Fullgrabe & Johanne Caroline Louise Engelke; gs of Johann Andreas Fuellgrabe & Johanne Marie Friedricke Friedhof and Heinrich Friedrich Engelke & Hanne Dorothea Elizabeth Engelke) b: c. 1840 d: 1914 in Houptoun, Victoria, Australia.
1850-01-25: Catharine Shaffner (daughter of Jacob Shaffner & Elizabeth) b: 1760-03-17 d: 1850-01-25 at Lebanon, PA m: 1782-04-17 to John Philip Greenawalt (son of Philip Lorentz Greenawalt & Maria Margaret Foeser) b: 1756-06-17 near Ephrata, Cocalico twp Lancaster county PA d: 1834-07-18 at Lebanon, PA (founding commissioner of Lebanon county PA.).
1854-01-25: Jefferson Scott Polk (son of Jehosephat Polk & Sallie Moore; ???*g-grand-son of Ephraim Polk & Elizabeth Williams; ???*g-grand-son of Ephraim Polk iii & Rhoda Ann Morris) b: 1831 in Scott county KY m: 1854-01-25 to Julia Ann Herndon (daughter of John Herndon).
1854-01-25: James Y. Daniel (son of Matthew Daniel) b: 1854-01-25.
1855-01-25: Mariah Virginia Vance d: 1925-02-03 m: 1855-01-25 to James Andrew Davis d: 1920-12-11.
1858-01-25: John Pendleton Downer (son of Benjamin Downer ii & Emily Louisa Pendleton; gs of Benjamin Downer & Elizabeth Slaughter) b: 1858-01-25.
1858-01-25: Nancy Daniel (son of Aaron Daniel & Rachel Osborne) b: 1858-01-25.
1861-01-25: Hannah S. Grove (daughter of Henry Grove ii & Martha Ann Fleming; gd of Henry Grove i & Sophia) b: 1836-03-31 in OH d: 1903-03-19 in McCool Junction, York county NE m: 1861-01-25 in Circleville, Pickaway county OH to John Neeley Valentine/John Neeley Voluntine b: in Fairfield county OH.
1862-01-25: Juliet Fleming d: 1862-01-25 m: reverend Samuel Fleming (son of Robert Fleming & Lettce Smith; gs of John Fleming & Mary Jackson; ggs of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1816-05-09.
1863-01-25: Lizzie Kate Hunter (daughter of Andrew Jackson Hunter & Susannah Murray; gd of John Murray & Elizabeth Urie and John Hunter & Sarah Price; ggd of Patrick Murray) b: 1863-01-25 in Downeyville, Jackson county IL.
1867-01-25: Herman Alricks McCormick (son of James McCormick & Mary Wilson Alricks; gs of James McCormick and Herman Alricks & Mary Wilson Kerr; ggs of William McCormick; 2ggs of James McCormick; 3ggs of Thomas McCormick; 4ggs of James McCormick) b: 1860-06-03 d: 1867-01-25.
1867-01-25: William Douglas Bagnall (son of Richard Bagnall & Sarah Hancock Selden; grand-son of reverend William Selden & Mary Ann Hancock; great-grand-son of John Selden & Grace Boswell; 2g-grand-son of Samuel Selden & Rebecca Yeo) b: 1803-10-26 d: 1867-01-25 m: 1835-05-11 to Elizabeth Daingerfield Stark b: 1816-04-06.
1867-01-25: Hugh Davidson (son of James Davidson & Margaret Bell) b: 1782-04-15 in county Antrim, Ireland d: 1867-01-25 in Wayne twp Darke county OH buried: English cem Darke county OH m: 1808 in county Antrim, Ireland to Elizabeth Allen (daughter of Robert Allen & Nancy English) b: 1780 in county Antrim, Ireland d: 1875-08-06 in Wayne two Darke county OH buried: English cem Darke county OH.
1868-01-25: John Lyon (son of Benjamin Lyon; grand-son of James Lyon) b: 1782-08-11 in Tuscarora Valley, Juniata county PA d: 1868-01-25 in Allegheny City, PA buried: Allegheny cem., Allegheny City, PA (iron-master.   head of Lyon, Shorb & Company with works in Huntingdon, Centre, Blair, Clarion and Allegheny counties PA and HQ in Pittsburgh, PA.   lived at PA Furnace.   he was big, vigorous, erect in carriage, dignified, courteous, positive, fearless in speech, terse and concise, well-cultivated mind, hospitable, generous.) m1: 1808-04-29 in Harrisburg, PA (reverend UNKNOWN Sharon officiating) to Jane Maclay (daughter of William Maclay) b: c. 1783 d: 1809-04-30, age 26 buried: Paxtang grave-yard m2: 1814-09-7 to Ann Patton/Nancy Patton (daughter of general John Patton) b: c. 1791 d: 1817 May, age 26 buried: Bellefonte cem. m3: 1820-07-20 to Margaret E. Stewart (daughter of Samuel Stewart) d: 1835-05-26 buried: First Presbyterian church-yard, Pittsburgh, PA.
1868-01-25: Elizabeth A Grove (daughter of Matthew H. Grove & Catharine Haffner) b: 1868-01-25 in Astoria, Fulton county IL.
1868-01-25: Elizabeth Lattimore (daughter of Elijah Lattimore & Christina McRitchie; gd of John McRitchie & Elizabeth Richardson) b: 1868-01-25.
1870-01-25: Emily Elizabeth Nowlin (daughter of Silas Nowlin & Martha Jane Hargitt; gd of Thomas Hargitt & Ann) b: 1850-08-04 m: 1870-01-25 to Enoch W. Jackson d: 1920-11-23.
1871-01-25: William McKinley ii (son of William McKinley & Nancy Campbell; gs of James S. McKinley & Mary Rose/Polly Rose and Abner Allison & Ann Campbell) b: 1843-01-29 at Niles, OH d: 1901-09-14 in Buffalo, NY, assassinated by Leon Czolgosz buried: Westlawn cem., Canton, OH reinterred: McKinley National Memorial, Canton, OH (1861 private 23rd OH volunteer infantry. 1864 major.   1867 admitted to bar.   1876 US Houe.   1891-1893 governor of OH. 1896 president of USA.) m: 1871-01-25 in Canton, OH to Ida Saxton (James Saxton & Catherine Dewalt) b: 1847-06-08 d: 1907-05-26.
1872-01-25: Abraham Enslow (son of James Enlow; gs of Abraham Enlow & Jemima Elliott) b: 1802-06-18 d: 1872-01-25 m1: 1823-11-10 Sophia Bell b: 1806-04-14 d: 1828-05-23 m2: 1828 Mary Jane Payne b: 1813.
1875-01-25: John Hoge Walker (son of John Walker & Isabella McCormick; grand-son of William Walker & Elizabeth Hoge; g-grand-son of John Hoge & Gwenthleen Bowen Davis; 2g-grand-son of William Hoge & Barbara Hume) b: 1800-02-09 in East Pennsboro twp Cumberland county PA d: 1875-01-25 in Erie, PA (graduated from Washington college.   1824 began to practice law at Erie, PA.   1833, 1834 & 1835 elected to PA legislature from the Anti-Masonic party.   chair of Ways & Means.   1849 PA senate.   1873 president of PA constitutional convention.) m: Catherine Dudley Kelly (Catharine Dudley Kelly) b: 1811-04-14 d: 1860-11-08 in Erie, PA.
1875-01-25: Daniel U. Moyer (son of Frederick Moyer & Katie Ulrich; gs of George Ulrich) b: 1831-03-14 at MillCreek, Lebanon county PA d: 1875-01-25 (farmer, iron-worker) buried: Corner church m: Sarah Painter (daughter of Jacob Painter & Barbara Hossler).
1876-01-25: Mary Alice Cohea (daughter of John Riley Cohea & Mary Ellen Gamble; gd of James C. Cohea & Didema Dunham) b: 1876-01-25 in Effingham county IL m: Abe W. Huntzbeger.
1877-01-25: Ellen Bucher (daughter of John Conrad Bucher & Ellen Isett; gd of John Jacob Bucher & Susannah Margaret Hortter and Jacob Isett; ggd of John Conrad Bucher & Mary Magdalene Hoch/Mary Magdalena Hoke; 2ggd of John Jacob Bucher & Dorothea Burgauer; 3ggd of John Jacob Bucher & Elizabeth Steiner; 4ggd of John Bucher & Maria Burtin; 5ggd of John Bucher & Barbara Ryschacker; 6ggd of John Bucher & Elizabeth Lutzen; 7ggd of Claus Bucher & Dorothea Zeller) d: 1877-01-25 in Harrisburg, PA.
1878-01-25: Charles Chauncey Woodyard (son of Jacob Fautley Woodyard & Sarah F. Boggs; gs of Francis Chapman Boggs & Harriet Frame; ggs of David D. Frame ii & Sarah Harris; 2ggs of David D. Frame & Elizabeth Hanna; 3ggs of James Hanna ii & Anne Johnson; 4ggs of James Hanna; 5ggs of Patrick Hanna ii; 6ggs of Patrick Hanna; 7ggs of Robert Hanna ii; 8ggs of Robert Hanna; 9ggs of Donald Hannay) b: 1878-01-25 in Wood county WV d: 1958 in Parkersburg, Wood county WV m: 1904 in Washington county PA to Nina Black b: c. 1878.
1879-01-25: Margaret Hamilton Stewart (daughter of Samuel Calhoun Stewart & Margaret Sample; gd of David Stewart and doctor N.W. Sample & Sarah Steel; ggd of Samuel Stewart; 2ggd of Samuel Stewart; 3ggd of Robert Stewart; 4ggd of John Stewart) b: 1879-01-25 at Tyrone Forges, Blair county PA.
1882-01-25: Margaret Penelope Byerly (daughter of William Byerly & Ann Elizabeth Hamilton; gd of John Hamilton & Amanda Jane Thomason; ggd of Hugh Hamilton & Rosanna Boyd; 2ggd of John Hamilton & Margaret Alexander; 3ggd of John Hamilton & Jane Allen; 4ggd of James Hamilton & Katharine) b: 1882-01-25.
1884-01-25: Frederick Campbell Colston (son of Frederick Morgan Colston & Clara Campbell; gs of Josiah Colston & Eliza Pendleton Tutt and judge John A. Campbell; ggs of Charles Pendleton Tutt & Ann Mason Chichester; 2ggs of Benjamin Tutt & Elizabeth Pendleton and Richard McCarty Chichester & Anne Thomson Mason) b: 1884-01-25.
1885-01-25: George Kunkel (son of Jacob Kunkel & Rebecca Stine; gs of Christian Kunkel & Catharine Hoyer and Daniel Stine & Elizabeth; ggs of John Christian Kunkel) b: 1823 in Greencastle d: 1885-01-25 at Baltimore, MD (actor.) m: 1864 to Ada Proctor.
1885-01-25: Amanda McCormick (daughter of Hugh McCormick & Esther Barbara Kumbel; gd of James McCormick and William Kumbel; ggd of Hugh McCormick; 2ggd of Hugh McCormick; 3ggd of James McCormick) b: 1805-08-29 d: 1885-01-25.
1887-01-25: Joseph Martin (son of Jacob Martin & Caroline Bramlage; gs of Jacob Martin & Marie Anna Schmitt and Joseph Bramlage & Elizabeth Hyker) b: 1887-01-25 d: 1887-06-26.
1890-01-25: Isaac Sharp (son of William Sharp & Catherine Graves) b: 1799-11-08 d: 1890-01-25 m: 1818 Sarah A. Ferrell.
1891-01-25: Sarah Cartmell (daughter of John Cartmell & Fanie S. Cartmell; gd of Nathaniel M. Cartmell & Ellen Moore Sydnor) d: 1891-01-25 buried: Mt. Hebron cem Frederick county VA.
1894-01-25: Hettie Ester Buckmaster (daughter of Joshua Buckmaster & Mary Daniels) b: 1804-07-27 in Mercer, PA d: 1894-01-25 in Holmes, OH m: James Pyers.
1905-01-25: Robert Johnston (son of David Johnston & Susanna Raile; gs of Robert Johnston and John Riale) b: 1817-12-05 in Doyleston twp PA d: 1905-01-25 m: Wilhelmina McHenry (daughter of William McHenry & Mary Stewart) b: 1818-04-06 d: 1848-07-14 buried; New Britain Baptist church cem, New Britain, Bucks county PA.
1905-01-25: William Slaughter Scott b: 1832-08-09 d: 1905-01-25 m: 1854-08-17 to Sarah Jane Ament b: 1833-03-23 d: 1925-06-26.
1906-01-25: Florinda b: 1837-04-26 d: 1906-01-25 buried: Farnsworth cem., Gilmer county WV m1: John S.W. Farnsworth b: 1818-02-13 d: 1879-02-18 buried: Farnsworth cem., Gilmer county WV m2: Isaac Ward.
1906-01-25: Thomas Barbour Bryan b: 1828 d: 1906-01-25 in Washington, DC buried: 3001 R Street; lot 694, Reno Hill, Oak Hill cem, Washington, DC 20007 m: Jennie Byrd Page b: 1829 d: 1898 buried: 3001 R Street; lot 694, Reno Hill, Oak Hill cem, Washington, DC 20007.
1926-01-25: James Cooksey Earp (son of Nicholas Porter Earp & Virginia Ann Cooksey; gs of Walter Earp & Martha Ann Early and James Cooksey & Elizabeth Smith) b: 1841-06-28 in Hartford OH county KY d: 1926-01-25 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles county CA buried: San Bernardino county CA m1: Nellie Bartlett m2: Bessie.

Bob Tisdale
HADCRUT4 data through 2014

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
grain, whiskey and a question of sovereignty in the Shenandoah Valley 1864 January

Anthony Watts
Greenpeace trying to make one of its co-founders disappear, much like _The Commisar Vanishes_ in Soviet Russia

Werner Brozek
another year, another nail in the CAGW coffin

Caleb Shaw
a retrospective: fun with sea-ice

"Just the Facts"
when did "global warming" begin?

Willis Eschenbach
sunny spots along the Parana river
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Together, the [United States of America], Canada, and the United Kingdom annually throw about 170K new titles in English into the sea of printed literature...   The principal book-producing countries publish around 600K titles each year, Germany providing more than a tenth of them.   With new titles expected by the year 2000 to roll off the presses at the rate of 100K a year in the [United States of America] alone, and each year's harvest taking up about 8 miles of shelves, no library-building program will be adequate to the need and no present system of retrieval will be either adequate or affordable.   The cost of merely buyng, cataloguing, and storing books is now above $80 apiece." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pp52-53  




Yom Rishon



This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Edith (daughter of king Edward the elder i of England & Elfreda; gd of king Alfred the great of England & Ealhswith and Ethelheim lord of Meopham et Cooling et Lenham/Ethelhelm) d: 946-01-26
1003-01-26: Rosele/Susanna princess of Italy queen of France (daughter of Berenger the 2nd king of Italy & Willa princess of Tuscany) b: c. 0945 in Luxembourg d: 1003-01-26 in Gent, Flanders m1: before 0988-04-01 to Robert the 2nd of France "the Pious" king of France (son of Hugues Capet king of France & Adelaide princess of Aquitaine) b: 0972-03-27 in Orleans, France d: 1031-07-20 in Melun, France buried: St. Denis, France m2: to Arnold the 2nd of Flanders count of Flanders (son of Baudouin the 3rd count of Flanders & Mathilde princess of Saxony countess of Flanders) b: c. 0941 in Flanders, France d: 0987-03-30.
1057-01-26/1058: William comte d'Eu b: c. 972 d: 1057-01-26/1058 m: Leseline de Turqueville/Leseline de Turqueville d: 1057-01-26/1058.
c. 1287-01-26: Richard de Brus (son of Robert de Brus 5th lord of Annandale et Hartlepool/Hartness in county Durham et Writtle et Hatfield Broadoak in Essex & Isobel of Gloucester et Hertford/Isabella de Clare; gs of Robert de Brus 4th lord of Annandale & Isabella/Isobel of Huntingdon and Gilbert de Clare 4th earl of Hertford 5th earl of Gloucester & Isabel Marshal; ggs of William de Brus 3rd lord of Annandale & Beatrice/Cristina de Teyden and David 8th earl of Huntingdon & Matilda de Kevilloc of Chester) d: c. 1287-01-26.
1430-01-26: Catherine of Cleves (daughter of Adolph i duke of Cleves & Marie of Burgundy; gd of Adolph iii count of Mark & Margaret of Juelich; ggd of Gerhard vi of Juelich count of Berg et Ravensberg & Margaret of Ravensberg; niece of Philip the good) b: 1417-05-25 at Schwanenburg castle, Cleves d: 1479-02-10 at Lobith m: 1430-01-26 to Arnold duke of Guelders/Gelderland.
1618-01-26: Thomas Axtell (son of William Axtell & Thomasine) baptized: 1618-01-26 d: c. 1645 in Sudbury, MA m: Mary/?Mary Rice d: after 1672.
1649-01-26: Mary Wyeth (daughter of Nicholas Wyeth & Rebecca) b: 1649-01-26 d: 1698 May or June.
1661-01-26: Laurence Washington b: c. 1635 in Twig, BedfordShire, England baptized: 1635-06-23 d: 1677 in VA m1: 1661-01-26 in Luton, England to Mary Jones (daughter of Edmund Jones) d: c. 1664 m2: Joyce.
1661-01-26/1662: Caroline Blis b: 1661-01-27/1662 m: Robert McFarland b: 1661-01-26/1662.
1675-01-26/1676: Joseph Janney (son of Thomas Janney & Margery Heath; gs of Thomas Janney & Elizabeth Worthington; ggs of Randle Janney & Ellen Alred; 2ggs of Thomas Janney & Jone Worthington; 3ggs of Randle Janney; 4ggs of Thomas Janney) b: 1675-01-26/1676 d: 1729 m: 1703-09-18 at Falls Monthly Meeting, Bucks county PA to Rebecca Biles b: 1680-12-27.
1699-01-26/1700: William Sanford (son of Samuel Sanford & Sarah Wodell; gs of John Sanford & Elizabeth Webb) b: 1676-05-21 in Portsmouth, Newport county RI d: in Dartmouth, Bristol county MA m: 1699-01-26/1700 to Hope Sisson b: c. 1675 d: 1751-01-21/1752.
1702-01-26/1703-01-26: Robert Coleman iii (son of Robert Coleman ii & Ann Spilsbe; grand-son of Robert Coleman & Elizabeth Grizzell and John Spilsbe) b: 1680 in New Kent county VA d: before 1748-05-13 in Picadilly, Caroline county VA (painter) m: 1702-01-26/1703-01-26 to Mary Clayton (daughter of Samuel Clayton & Susannah) b: c. 1682 d: c. 1735.
1706-01-26: John Elder (son of Robert Elder & Eleanor Gillespie) b: 1706-01-26 in Edinburgh, Scotland d: 1792-07-17 in Paxtang twp Dauphin county PA buried: Old Paxtang church burying-ground Dauphin county PA (graduated from U of Edinburgh.   1732 licensed by Presbyterians.   1736 or 1737 moved to America.   received by New Castle Presbytery.   1737-10-05 received by Donegal Presbytery.   1738-04-12 accepted call to Paxtang congregation.   1738-11-22 ordained and installed with reverend Samuel Black officiating.   after George Whitefield "great revival" split he took charge of the "old side" of the Derry congregation.   became captain in French & Indian War, of a company of scouts/mounted rangers called the "Paxtang Boys".   1763-07-11 promoted to colonel; commanded block-houses and stockades from Easton to the Susquehanna river; fellow officers included Bay at York, Steel at Conecocheague/Conococheague, Griffith at New Castle, Burton at Carlisle and Thompson at Carlisle. wrote "Letter from a Gentleman in one of the Back Counties to a Friend in Philadelphia" and was replaced by major Asher Clayton.   was in same Presbytery as John Roan, Robert Smith & George Duffield.   he had blue eyes, was portly, long, straight, over 6 feet tall, large frame, heavy legs.) m1: 1740 to Mary Baker (daughter of Joshua Baker of Lancaster, PA) b: 1715 in county Antrim, Ireland d: 1749-06-12 in Paxtang m2: 1751-11-05 to Mary Simpson (daughter of Thomas Simpson & Sarah of Paxtang) b: 1732 in Paxtang d: 1786-10-03 06:00.
1707-01-26/1708: Peletiah Whitemore (son of Peletiah Whitemore & Margery Peperell; gs of colonel William Peverell/William Pepperell & Margery Bray; ggs of John Bray) b: 1707-01-26/1708.
1712-01-26: Sebastien Caquelin b: 1686-05-10 in Waldersbach d: 1751 in Cocalico, Lancaster county PA m: 1712-01-26 in Waldersbach to Marie Jeanne Banzet d: 1733-04-15.
1726-01-26/1727: Nathaniel Daniels (son of Thomas Daniels and Hester) b: before 1690-12-18 in London, England d: 1759 in Bristol, England m: 1726-01-26/1727 in Bristol, England to Hester Merryweather (daughter of John Merryweather and Hester Page) b: c. 1705 possibly in Bristol, England d: 1733-06-01 in Bristol, England.
1726-01-26/1727: John Denison (son of John Denison & Mary Noyes; gs of James Noyes & Anne Sanford; ggs of Peleg Sanford & Mary Coddington; 2ggs of John Sanford) b: 1726-01-26/1727 m: 1750-12-19 to Eunice Stanton b: 1728-07-01 in Stonington, New London county CT.
1727-01-26: Ruth Barnum (daughter of Samuel Barnum & Rebeckah Cornell; gd of Francis Barnum & Deborah Hoyt and John Cornell & Mary Starr) b: 1727-01-26 in Fairfield, Fairfield county CT d: 1798-05-20 in Floyd, Oneida county NY.
1734-01-26: Maria Margarethe Otto b: 1734-01-26 d: 1794-11-27 m: 1763-04-05 to Johann Adam Stueber (son of Johannes Stueber & Anna Christina Forschmann) b: 1735-09-15 in Bacharach d: 1795-07-11.
1739-01-26: George Spencer 4th duke of Marlborough marquess of Blandford b: 1739-01-26 d: 1817-01-29 m: lady Caroline Russell (daughter of John Russell 4th duke of Bedford & Diana Spencer).
1743-01-26: John Austin Willis (son of colonel Francis Willis & Elizabeth Harrison or Ann Rich) b: 1719-09-22 in Gloucester county VA d: 1769-01-26 in Beddingfield Hall, Brunswick county VA (will dated 1764-11-07 in VA Vital Records #1 Cd#174 1600-1800s) m: 1743-01-26 to Mildred Smith (daughter of Augustine Warner Smith & Sarah Carver) b: in Middlesex county VA d: 1769 in Beddingfield Hall, Brunswick county VA (will dated 1769-10-24 in VA Vital Records #1 Cd#174 1600-1800s).
1746-01-26/1747: Ana Chesebrough (daughter of Nathan Chesebrough & Bridget Noyes; gd of James Noyes & Anne Sanford; ggd of Peleg Sanford & Mary Coddington; 2ggd of John Sanford) b: 1746-01-26/1747 m: Elijah Palmer b: 1742-09-12 in Stonington, New London county CT.
1749-01-26: Thomas Lewis (?son of John Lewis & Margaret Lynn?; ?gs of William Linn & Margaret Patton?) b: 1718-04-27 in Ireland d: 1790-01-31 at his home along the Shenandoah river, 3 miles from Port Republic, Rockingham county VA (Augusta county VA surveyor.   1745-1767 House of Burgesses with some lapses. 1775 delegate to Colonial Congress.   myopia.   had extensive library.) m: 1748-01-26/1749 to Jane Strother (daughter of William Strother & Margaret Watts) b: 1731 in King George county VA d: 1820-09-19 in Rockingham county VA.
1750-01-26: Paul Sylvestre Lamotte (son of Nol Lamotte dit Larame & Marie Joseph Sylvestre) b: 1750-01-26 m: 1777-02-20 at Pointe aux Trembles to Lisabeth Aug-Augers.
1758-01-26: corporal William Beain enlisted 1758-01-26 in captain James Patterson's company PA militia.
1759-01-26: Elizabeth Ann Poindexter (daughter of John Poindexter & Christine Gissedge; grand-daughter of Thomas Poindexter & Sarah Crafford and Richard Gissedge & Sarah Shelton) b: 1739 in Louisa county VA d: 1800 m: 1759-01-26 to Reuben Slaughter (son of colonel Francis Slaughter & Anne Lightfoot) b: 1733 in Culpeper county VA d: 1803 in Bedford county VA buried: in KY.
1762-01-26: general James Robertson (son of doctor William Robertson iii & Mary Nesbit/Mary Nisbet; gs of reverend William Robertson ii & Eleanor Pitcairn and James Nesbit & Mary Pitcairn; ggs of William Robertson of Gladney et Brunton & Margaret Mitchell and David Pitcairn & Mary Anderson; 2ggs of William Robertson of Muirton & Isabele Petrie and doctor David Mitchell; 3ggs of Gilbert Robertson of Muirton & Janet Reid; 4ggs of John Robertson & Margaret Crichton) b: 1762-01-26 d: 1845-03-29.
1774-01-26: William Winship (son of John Wyeth & Deborah Ward; gs of Nicholas Wyeth & Rebecca and John Ward) b: 1691 d: 1774-01-26 m: 1716-12-06 to Thankful Wyeth b: 1696 baptized: 1697-04-18.
1785-01-26: Johann Michael Garlinger/Michael Guerlinger (son of Johann Heinrich Garlinger) b: 1748-04-01 in Weitersweiler, Alsace d: 1793 September in Philadelphia, Philadelphia county P buried: St. Michael Zion, Philadelphia, Philadelphia county PA m: 1785-01-26 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia county PA to Marie Graeffe b: c. 1765.
1790-01-26: James F. Fancher (son of Richard Fancher & Sarah Journegin/Sarah Jernigan; gs of David Fancher & Hannah) b: 1790-01-26 in Stokes county NC d: 1866-06-08 in Osage, Carroll county AR buried: Fancher-Seitz cem., Osage, Carroll county AR m: Elizabeth Carlock (daughter of Isaac Carlock & Sarah Rockman) b: 1800-03-18 in Stokes county NC d: 1891-06-08 in Lead Hill, Boone county AR.
1791-01-26: William Scott (son of John Scott; gs of John Scott) b: 1786-12-01 d: 1848-04-21 m1: 1814-05-21 in Hardin county KY to Catherine Ament (daughter of Anthony Ament) b: 1791-01-26 d: 1841-05-15 m2: 1842-10-17? to Rachel Ament (daughter of Anthony Ament).
1791-01-26: John Hostetter (son of Abraham Hostetter & Elizabeth Strickler) b: 1791-01-26 in Lancaster county PA d: 1866-10-05 in Adams county PA m1: Maria Bair b: 1795-09-13 d: 1817-01-17 m2: Anna Keagy b: 1794-08-02 d: 1876-08-17 in Adams county PA.
1792-01-26: Solomon Cartmell (son of Nathaniel Cartmell & Sarah Russell) b: 1770 in Frederick county VA d: before 1804 in VA m: 1792-01-26 in VA to Elizabeth Raife (Elizabeth Reiff, Elizabeth Ralph).
1792-01-26: Nathaniel Sherburne (son of Nathaniel Sherburne & Elizabeth Lear; gs of John Sherburne & Eleanor Mendum and Tobias Lear & Elizabeth Hale) b: 1764-10-08 d: 1794 m: 1792-01-26 to Elizabeth Warner (daughter of Samuel Warner & Elizabeth Wentworth; grand-daughter of Hunking Wentworth).
1793-01-26: Mary Grant Sterne b: 1793-01-26 d: after 1890 m: Baylor Banks ii (son of Baylor Banks & Anna Slaughter; gs of Lawrence Slaughter & Susannah Elizabeth Field; ggs of Robert Slaughter ii & Mary Smith; 2ggs of Augustine Smith; 3ggs of Lawrence Smith ii & Mildred Reade; 4ggs of Lawrence Smith i & Mary Dedman; 5ggs of Christopher Smith & Elizabeth Townley) b: 1793-05-01 d: c. 1825.
1793-01-26: Abraham Enlow (son of Isom Enlow/Issum Enlow/Isham Enlow & Mary Brooks/Mary Larue) b: 1793-01-26 d: 1861-12-14 buried: in Red Hill cem. Hodgenville, KY.
1795-01-26: Elizabeth Gwynn Burwell (daughter of colonel Nathaniel Burwell & Lucy Burwell Page; gd of Carter Burwell and Mann Page & Anne Tayloe) b: 1795-01-26 at "Carter's Grove", James City county VA d: 1855-04-13 in Millwood, Clarke county VA.
1797-01-26: Mary Cary/Polly Cary (daugher of colonel Archibald Cary & Mary Randolph; gd of Richard Randolph & Jane Bolling; ggd of John Bolling & Mary Kennon; 2ggd of Robert Bolling & Jane Rolfe; 3ggd of Thomas Rolfe & Jane Poythress; 4ggd of John Rolfe & Pocahontas/Matoaka) b: 1766-12-04 d: 1797-01-26 buried: Presque Isle, in the James River, VA m1: 1783-04-12 at "Tuckahoe", Goochland county VA to major Carter Page (son of governor John Page & Jane Byrd) b: 1758 at North End d: 1825 April buried: "The Fork", Cumberland county VA.
1799-01-26: Robert Parke (son of John G. Parke & Jane Gardner) b: 1799-01-26 d: 1883-05-20.
1801-01-26: Frances Taylor Madison (daughter of James Madison & Eleanor Rose Conway/Nellie Conway; grand-daughter of Ambrose Madison & Frances Taylor; g-grand-daughter of James Taylor ii & Martha Thompson; 2g-grand-daughter of James Taylor & Frances ; 3g-grand-daughte of John Taylor & ?Elizabeth Nin?; sister of president James Madison ii) b: 1774-10-04 at "Montpelier", Orange county VA d: 1823-11-05 m: 1801-01-26 in Orange county VA to Robert Henry Rose (son of Hugh Rose & Caroline Matilda Jordan; gs of Robert Rose & Ann Fitzhugh b: 1721-03-08 in VA) b: c. 1770 in VA d: 1833 in Madison co AL.
1803-01-26: Isabella Doak (daughter of Samuel Doak & Jane Mitchell; grand-daughter of James Samuel Doak & Elizabeth; g-grand-daughter of Samuel Doak) b: after 1753 in Greenville, Augusta county VA d: 1803-01-26 in Lincoln county TN m: 1786-09-28 in Augusta county VA to John Milliken b: c. 1751 in county Down, Ireland d: 1814-12-26 in Lincoln county TN.
1804-01-26: Deborah Butcher (daughter of Samuel Butcher & Hannah Drake; gd of Thomas Drake & Uree Humphrey; grand-niece of colonel Thomas Humphrey) b: 1804-01-26 m: Hiram Pribble.
1804-01-26: Richard Cornell (son of Benjamin Cornell & Rosanah Foley; gs of John Foley & Emilia Ashby; ggs of James Foley and Robert Ashby & Mary Farrow; 2ggs of John Foley; 3ggs of Thomas Foley) b: 1804-01-26 in Clark county OH d: 1879-02-11 in White county IN.
1805-01-26: James Beverly Daniel (son of James Daniel & Ann Venable) b: 1805-01-26 in Granville county NC m: 1832-12-12 to Jane Eliza Read b: 1817-08-14 in Brookland, Granville county NC d: 1874-12-07 in Charlotte county VA.
1808-01-26: doctor William Allen Selden (son of colonel Miles Cary Selden & Martha Bland Allen; grand-son of colonel Miles Cary Selden & Elizabeth Armistead; g-grand-son of reverend Miles Selden & Rebecca Cary Selden; 2g-grand-son of Joseph Selden and Miles Cary & Hannah Armistead; 3g-grand-son of Samuel Selden) b: 1808-01-26 (lived at "Cedar Hill".   lived at "Kittiewan", Charles City county VA.) m1: Sarah Riddle (Susan A. Riddle, Sarah A. Riddle) (daughter of Joseph Riddle) m2: Jane Douthat.
1808-01-26: William Nathaniel Craighill (son of William P. Craighill/William Price Craighill & Elizabeth Little/Eliza Conrad Little) b: 1808-01-26 in Jefferson county VA (now WV) d: 1887-09-06 m: Sarah Elizabeth Brown (daughter of James Brown & Eleanor Rutherford) b: 1811-08-10 at Shepherdstown, Jefferson county VA (now WV) d: 1887-09-25 at CharlesTown, Jefferson county WV.
1811-01-26: Karoline Adolfine Friedrike von Dette (daughter of Klemens August von Detten & Arnoldine von Borggrave; gd of Klemens August Heinrich Xavier Detten & Katharine Richmodis von Lindenhampf) b: 1811-01-26 in Muenster d: 1899-01-01 in Breslau m: Franz Joseph Friedrich von Schlebruegge b: 1797-07-08 in Muenster d: 1884-07-25 in Breslau.
1812-01-26: Jacob Cozad b: 1724-01-24 in Bound Brook, Somerset county NJ d: 1812-01-26 in Mt. Olive, Morris county NJ buried: Mt. Olive cem Mt. Olive, Morris county NJ m: 1742 in Somerset county NJ to Elizabeth Sutton (daughter of David Sutton & Elizabeth Cox; grand-daughter of John Sutton & Elizabeth Conger; great-grand-daughter of William sutton & Damaris Bishop; 2g-grand-daughter of Richard Bishop & Alice Martin) b: 1724-10-24 in Basking Ridge, Somerset county NJ d: 1758 in Morris county NJ buried: Mt. Olive cem Mt. Olive, Morris county NJ.
1812-01-26: John Hannah b: c. 1778 in Ireland d: 1871-12-16 at Old Luce buried: Glenluce Old KirkYard m: 1812-01-26 in Glenluce to Mary McMaster (daughter of James McMaster & Christina McDowall) b: 1794-05-15 in Stranraer, WigtownShire, Scotland baptized: 1794-05-17 in Stranraer, WigtownShire, Scotland d: 1867-10-25 in Old Luce buried: Glenluce Old KirkYard.
1816-01-26: Richard Humphreys Mills (son of Thomas Griffith Mills & Eliza Diana Humphreys) b: 1815-08-17 d: 1816-01-26.
1816-01-26: Samuel McCord Robinson (son of Thomas Robinson & Mary McCord; grand-son of George Robinson; g-grand-son of Philip Robinson; 2g-grand-son of Thomas Robinson) b: 1816-01-26 m: 1838-08-14 to Nancy Townsend.
1818-01-26: Peter (son of Phylis; brother of Tom) b: 1818-01-26.
1822-01-26: William Fontaine Carrington (son of William Carrington & Sarah Scott) b: 1822-01-26 in Charlotte county VA d: 1883-09-14 in Hot Springs, AR m: 1845-05-28 at "Longwood", Prince Edward county VA to Elizabeth Goodridge Venable (daughter of Nathaniel E. Venable, grand-daughter of Samuel Woodson Venable, Nathaniel, Martha Davis, Mary Hughes, Princess Nicketti, Opecancanough Powhatan, Algonkian Chief) b: 1823-07-21 at "Longwood" Prince Edward county VA d: 1874-02-01 in Prince Edward county VA.
1822-01-26: John R. Grove (son of John Grove & Hannah Lackey; gs of Henry Grove and Richard John Lackey & Sarah Harlan) b: 1822-01-26 in Pickaway county OH.
1824-01-26: Mary b: 1754 d: 1824-01-26 in Winchester, Frederick county VA m: 1775-03-08 in Frederick county VA to Enoch Marple (son of Enoch Marple & Sarah; gs of Thomas Marple & Susannah Northrop) b: c. 1758 (1814-06-02 moved to and bought property at Back Creek, Frederick county VA).
1825-01-26: Alice Ann Barber (daughter of John Barber & Susannah Murray; gd of Augustus Barber & Elizabeth Smith and Patrick Murray) b: 1825-01-26 in Ashland county OH d: 1846 July in DeKalb county IN m: 1842-11-10 to Jonas H. Roe.
1826-01-26: Julia Boggs Dent b: 1826-01-26 in St. Louis, MO d: 1902-12-14 in Washington, DC m: 1848-08-22 to pres. Ulysses Simpson Grant/Hiram Ulysses Grant (son of Jesse Root Grant & Hannah Simpson; gs of Noah Grant & Rachel Miller/Rachel Kelly; ggs of Noah Grant & Susannah Delano; 2ggs of Noah Grant & Martha Huntington and Jonathan Delano & Amy Allen Hatch; 3ggs of Samuel Grant & Grace Miner; 4ggs of Samuel Grant & Mary Porter; 5ggs of Matthew Grant & Priscilla) b: 1822-04-27 at Point Pleasant, Clermont county OH.
1826-01-26: John Gilmer (son of Peachy Ridgeway Gilmer & Mary House; gs of Thomas Gilmer; ggs of George Gilmer ii & Lucy Walker; 2ggs of George Gilmer & Mary Peachy Walker and Thomas Walker; 3ggs of William Gilmer) b: 1826-01-26 in Liberty d: 1845-04-16.
1826-01-26: Mary Ann Roades b: 1826-01-26 m: 1843-12-07 to Samuel Gross (son of reverend Jacob Gross & Anna Moyer; grand-son of Jacob Gross) b: 1818-10-15 at Beamsville, Ontario, Canada (lived in Landisville, Atlantic county NJ.).
1826-01-26: Richard Swan (son of Richard Swan; grand-son of Moses Swan; g-grand-son of Richard Swan) b: 1796-12-04 in Paxtang twp Dauphin county PA m: 1826-01-26 to Margaret Boal Sturgeon (daughter of Jeremiah Sturgeon & Jane Moorhead) b: 1805-09-03.
1828-01-26: Samuel Waters Allerton (son of Samuel Waters Allerton & Hannah Hurd; gs of doctor Reuben Allerton & Lois Atherton; ggs of Isaac Allerton & Lucy Spaulding; 2ggs of John Alleton & Elizabeth; 3ggs of Isaac Allerton; 4ggs of Isaac Allerton ii & Elizabeth; 5ggs of Isaac Allerton & Fear Brewster; 6ggs of Edward Allerton & Rose Davis; 7ggs of William Allerton) b: 1828-01-26 in Amenia, Dutchess county NY m1: 1860-07-01 to Pamilla W. Thompson b: c. 1881 in NY m2: 1882-03-15 to Agnes C. Thompson.
1829-01-26: William McKinley (son of James Stevenson McKinley & Mary Rose/Polly Rose; grand-son of David McKinley & Sarah Gray) b: 1807-11-15 along Wolf Creek, Pine twp Mercer county PA d: 1892-11-24 d: 1897-12-12 in Canton, Stark county OH m: 1829-01-26 in Lisbon, Columbiana county OH to Nancy Campbell Allison (daughter of Abner Allison & Ann Campbell; gd of Gavin Allison and Obadiah Campbell) b: 1809-03-08 in New Lisbon, Columbiana county OH.
1833-01-26: John Bucher Johnson (son of David M. Johnson & Susan Dorothea Bucher; gs of John Jacob Bucher; ggs of John Conrad Bucher; 2ggs of John Jacob Bucher) b: 1833-01-26 in Harrisburg, PA d: 1871-06-24 in Harrisburg, PA (attended captain Partridge's military school.   1852 graduated from Washington college.   civil engineer.   captain of Pittston, PA company in 11th PA regiment under colonel Jarrett.   1861-05-14 commissioned 1st-lieutenant in 6th cavalry US army.   brevet-major.   brevet-lieutenant-colonel.   ?1865-02-03 regular promotion to captain.   staff of general Hancock at Baltimore, MD and New Orleans, LA.   stationed in TX.   1870 April moved back to Harrisburg, PA.).
1836-01-26: Mary Montgomery (daughter of Henry Montgomery & Mary Howard/Polly Howard) b: 1816-07-18 in OH d: 1884-01-28 in Franklin county IN m: 1836-01-26 in Butler county OH to Abial Shaw.
1838-01-26: Henry Enlow b: 1775-05-22 d: 1838-01-26 Washington county m: 1804 Eleanor Atkinson (daughter of Thomas Atkinson) b: 1786-01-20 d: 1849-05-05.
1825-01-26: Margaret Patterson (daughter of William Patterson; gd of William Patterson & Elizabeth Brown; ggd of James Patterson & Mary Hamilton) b: 1825-01-26 d: 1825-01-28.
1826-01-26: Esther Hanna (daughter of David Hanna & Margaret Wilson; gd of James Hanna iii & Elizabeth Gillian; ggd of James Hanna ii & Anne Johnson; 2ggd of James Hanna; 3ggd of Patrick Hanna ii; 4ggd of Patrick Hanna; 5ggd of Robert Hanna ii; 6ggd of Robert Hanna; 7ggd of Donald Hannay) b: 1826-01-26 in Greenbrier county VA (WV) d: 1853-09-05 in Greenbrier county VA (WV).
1835-01-26: John Alexander Straith b: 1835-01-26 in Jefferson county VA (now WV) m: 1864-08-25 in Alexandria, VA to Jean Charlotte Alexander (daughter of doctor William Fontaine Alexander & Anna Maria Thomasine Blackburn Washington; gd of Charles Alexander & Mary Bowles Armistead and John Augustine Washington & Jane Charlotte Blackburn) b: 1835-01-28 in Alexandria, VA d: 1885-04-08 in Augusta county VA.
1839-01-26: Stephen van Rensselaer iii (Old Patroon) (son of Stephen van Rensselaer ii & Catharine Livingston; gs of Stephan van Rensselaer i & Elizabeth Groesbeck and Philip Livingston & Christina TenBroeck; ggs of Kiliaen van Rensselaer & Maria van Cortlandt) b: 1764-11-01 d: 1839-01-26 (1782 graduated from Harvard.   1791-1796 state senate.   1795 & 1798 elected lieutenant-governor.   1808-1810 state assembly.   major-general.   1812-10-13 battle of Queenstown Heights.   1818 state assembly.   1821 state constitutional convention.   1823-1829 US House.   regent & chancellor of NY State U.   president state Agricultural Society.   1820 president of Albany Savings Bank.   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY was named after him.) m1: 1783 to Margarita Schuyler (daughter of general Philip Schuyler & Catherine van Rensselaer) b: 1758 d: 1801.
1842-01-26: Mary Ellen Dearmond (daughter of James Dearmond & Maria Youmans; gd of Alexander Dearmond & Elizabeth Huff) b: 1842-01-26 m: Denison.
1845-01-26: Mary Kutch b: 1845-01-26 in Moultrie county IL m: William Zook b: 1845-10-03 in IN (1863 enlisted in Union army, 143rd IL volunteer infantry.   JP of Bethany, IL).
1846-01-26: Abbie Celia McKinley (daughter of William McKinley i & Nancy Campbell Allison; gd of James Stevenson McKinley & Mary Rose/Polly Rose and Abner Allison & Ann Campbell) b: 1845-06-01 at Niles, OH d: 1846-01-26 at Niles, OH buried: Union cem., Niles, OH.
1846-01-26: Mary Isabella Fleming (daughter of James Fleming & Catharine B. Parks; gd of James Fleming & Jane Glen; ggd of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1846-01-26 m: 1867-11-27 to Martin G. Parks (he lived at Nesponsit, IL.).
1848-01-26: Henry Scudder Toph ii (son of Henry Scudder Toph; gs of William Henry Toph & Phoebe M. Scudder) b: 1848-01-26 d: 1860-08-08.
1849-01-26: Susan UNKNOWN b: 1791-10-03 d: 1849-01-26, age 57y 3m 23d buried: Tuscarora Presbyterian church cem., Martinsburg, Berkeley county VA (now WV) m: William O. Lyle b: 1786-02-23 d; 1844-11-20, age 58y 8m 28d buried: Tuscarora Presbyterian church cem., Martinsburg, Berkeley county VA (now WV).
1851-01-26: William W. Alexander b: 1851-01-26 in Flint, MI m: 1870-12-04 to Harriet Lycetta Egle (daughter of George Egle & Elmira Lycetta Wright; gd of William Egle; ggd of Casper Egle; 2ggd of Marcus Egle) b: 1853-01-09 in Flint, MI.
1854-01-26: Andrew Y. Bostic m: 1854-01-26 to Virginia Vance.
Nathaniel Burrus (son of Edmond Burrus & Mary Wisdom; grand-son of Jacob Burrus) b: 1762 d: 1855-01-26 m: Mary Thrailcal b: 1768 d: 1853-10-10.
1855-01-26: Martha Anna Ford (daughter of Joseph Ford & Isabel S. More; gd of Joseph Ford & Catherine Snell) b: 1855-01-26 in OH.
1856-01-26: Sarah Latshaw (daughter of John Landis Latshaw & Margaret Thomas; gd of Peter Latshaw & Susanna Landis and Jacob Thomas & Mary Bear; ggd of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller) b: 1856-01-26 d: 1856-02-10.
1858-01-26: Charles William Gill (son of John Wallace Gill & Rhoda Abigail Smith; gs of Joseph Gill & Nancy Ann Hannah and David Campbell Smith & Harriet Byron Mitchell) b: 1858-01-26 d: 1924-01-31 in Galveston, TX m1: 1882-11-08 in Galveston, TX to Esther Wells League b: 1863-11-09 in Galveston, TX d: 1907-09-01 in Galveston, TX m2: 1908-12-31 in Galveston, TX to Tommie Hodges b: 1878-12-22 in Gonzalez, TX.
1858-01-26: Charles Lyttleton Lyon (son of Alexander Parker Lyon & Eliza T. Denniston; gs of George Armstrong Lyon; ggs of Wlliam Lyon; 2ggs of John Lyon) b: 1858-01-26 m: Annie Reed (lived in Pittsburg, PA.).
1859-01-26: Ellen Elizabeth Parker (daughter of Andrew Parker & Ann Eliza Doty; gd of Andrew Parker & Margaret Williams; ggd of James Parker & Mary Eleanor Boyd) b: 1854-12-11 d: 1859-01-26.
1863-01-26: Joseph Ross b: 1798-07-14 at Elizabethtown, PA d: 1863-01-26 at Middletown, PA m: 1822-09-19 (reverend George Lochman officiating) to Catharine Kunkel (daughter of Christian Kunkel & Anna Maria Elizabeth Welshofer; grand-daughter of John Christian Kunkel) b: 1803-12-22 in Harrisburg, PA.
1866-01-26: Isabella Pottenger m: 1866-01-26 in Kosciusko county IN to Joseph M. Warner (book C pg287).
1867-01-26: Lafayette Scott (son of Samuel Scott & Rebecca Tabor; gs of William Tabor & Nancy Harrison) b: 1836-03-27 d: 1867-01-26.
1867-01-26: Talbert R. Thurman (son of John Thurman & Nancy Robins; gs of Nathan Thurman sr & Rebeckah Fanny Jennings) b: 1794-05-10 in Campbell county VA d: 1867-01-26 in New Philadelphia, Story county IA m1: 1815-08-03 in Fleming county KY to Milly Arnold b: c. 1795 in Halifax county VA m2: c. 1840 in KY to Nancy J. Plummer b: c. 1815 in KY.
1867-01-26: Mary Bledsoe (daughter of David Bledsoe) b: 1827 d: 1867-01-26 m: 1848-08-24 John Bonham.
1871-01-26: Caroline M. Ballard (daughter of Oren Ballard & Margaret) d: 1871-01-26, age 43 m: 1854-03-12 to Solomon Ulrich (son of Adam Ulrich & Christina Spitler) b: 1834-03-10 in Bristol d: 1889-04-14, age 55.
1873-01-26: Marshall W. Ogden (son of van Buren Ogden & Marcy E. Talkington) b: 1873-01-26 m: 1901-06-16 to Lelia Hawker (daughter of Thomas Hawker & Amanda).
1873-01-26: Martha Annah Bynum (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Bynum & Charity Henrietta; gd of Hampton Bynum & Mary Coleman Martin; ggd of Gray Bynum & Margaret Hampton; 2ggd of John Bynum & Mary Evans; 3ggd of John Bynum & Ann Grice) b: 1857-04-19 in NC d: 1873-01-26.
1873-01-26: Joseph Bensyl (son of Baltzer Bentzel & Rebecca Blacker; gs of Leonard Bentzel; ggs of Johann Philip Bentzel) b: 1849-03-12 in Pickaway county OH d: 1941-12-31 in Monticello, Piatt county IL m: 1873-01-26 in Piatt county IL to Mary Alice Hubbard.
1873-01-26: James Byron Espy (son of Frank Espy & Effie F. Harding; gs of James Espy & Mary A. Miller; ggs of John Espy and Barnett Miller & Mary deWitt; 2ggs of George Espy; 3ggs of Josiah Espy; 4ggs of George Espy; 5ggs of Josiah Espy) b: 1873-01-26.
1874-01-26: Mary Buehler Robinson (daughter of James Fisher Robinson ii & Mary Wolf Buehler; gd of James Fisher Robinson & Susan D. Mansell and Henry Buehler & Anna Margaretta Wolf; ggd of Jonathan Robinson & Jean Black; 2ggd of George Robinson; 3ggd of Philip Robinson) b: 1874-01-26.
1876-01-26: Brainard Warner Parker (son of Edmund Southard Parker & Mary Isabella Wilson; gs of Andrew Parker & Ann Eliza Doty; ggs of Andrew Parker & Margaret Williams; 2ggs of James Parker & Mary Eleanor Boyd; 3ggs of Richard Parker & Janet) b: 1876-01-26.
1878-01-26: Joseph P. Hannah (son of David Ford Hannah and Frances Elizabeth Oulrey; gs of Hugh Vance Hannah & Rebecca A. Ford and Nicholas Oulrey & Rebecca Glaze) b: 1873-11-23 in Piatt county IL d: 1878-01-26.
1879-01-26: Sarah Eleanor Madison Hite (daughter of George Hite & Deborah Rutherford; gd of Robert Rutherford & Mary Daubein) b: 1795-05-09 d: 1879-01-26 buried: Zion church-yard Charlestown, WV m: Richard Marmaduke Barns Beckwith (son of sir Jennings Beckwith; nephew of major Laurence Butler) d: 1818 at St. Louis, MO (lived at "The Retreat", Westmoreland county VA.   served in US army.).
1879-01-26: Susan Eicholtz (daughter of Jacob Eicholtz & Catherine Rife/Catharine Rife) b: 1806-07-16 in Menallen twp Adams county PA (now Butler twp Adams county PA) d: 1879-01-26 in Adams county PA m: 1836-02-26 (reverend Daniel Gotwalt officiating) to Martin Thomas (son of Jacob Thomas & Mary Bear; gs of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; ggs of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 2ggs of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1815-01-02 in Manallen twp Adams county PA (now Butler twp Adams county PA).
1880-01-26: Joseph A. Hannah became lord of the admiralty.
1885-01-26: Charles George Gordon defeated by Muhammad Ahmad at Khartoum.
1886-01-26: Euphemia Hunsicker (daughter of Henry Hunsicker & Maria Paul) b: 1809-07-20 in Northampton county PA d: 1886-01-26 in Northumberland county PA m: Henry Miller Paul (son of John Jacob Paul & Elizabeth Miller; gs of Nicholas Paul & Anna Barbara Fass/Fox/Fuchs) b: 1804-03-25 in Lebanon or York county PA d: 1886-10-26 in Northumberland county PA.
1890-01-26: David Weiford (son of John Weiford) b: 1809-02-22 in Staunton, Augusta county VA d: 1890-01-26 in Jasper county MO m: Sarah b: 1812 in VA.
1891-01-26: Nikolaus August Otto (son of Phillip Wilhelm Otto; brother of William/Wilhelm Otto) b: 1832-06-14 at Holzhausen an der Heide bei Nassau/Taunus (Rhein, Lahn, Kreis) d: 1891-01-26 at Heumarkt square, Cologne (Koeln) buried: Melaten cem. Cologne m: 1886 May to Anna Katherina Gossi-Rouply b: 1839-10-02 in Wallerfangen, Saar d: 1914-12-16.
1892-01-26: Solomon Young (son of Jacob Young & Rachel Goodnight; grand-son of John Young & Ann) b: 1815-04-24 d: 1892-01-26 in Grandview, Jackson county MO m: 1838-01-09 in Shelby county KY to Harriet Louisa Gregg (daughter of David Gregg & Sarah Scott) b: 1818-10-15 d: 1909-12-09 in Grandview, Jackson county MO.
1893-01-26: Ann Thryza Thomason (daughter of Moses Kelly Thomason & Thryza Ann Campbell) b: 1832-08-01 d: 1893-01-26.
1894-01-26: doctor Edmund Monroe Pendleton (son of Coleman Pendleton & Martha Gilbert; gs of Philip Pendleton and Benjamin Gilbert & Hannah Butler; ggs of Elizabeth Coleman) b: 1815-03-19 d: 1894-01-26.
1898-01-26: James O. Zirkle m: 1898-01-26 in Menard county IL to Lizzie Engel.
1898-01-26: William Henry Gold (son of Daniel Gold) b: 1820 in Frederick county VA d: 1898-01-26 in Frederick county VA m1: Margaret R. Wood (daughter of William Wood) m2: 1868 to Viola L. Pitman (daughter of Philip Pitman).
1899-01-26: Myrtle Turnipseed (daughter of Newton Christopher Turnipseed & Elizabeth A. Moxley) b: 1881-08-25 in Summerset, Warren county IA d: 1899-01-26 in Des Moines, Polk county IA.
1908-01-26: Peter Marion Chandler (son of James Louis Chandler & Catherine Daniel) b: 1846-05-19 in Lawrence county KY d: 1908-01-26.
1911-01-26: Frances Ann Grove (daughter of Henry Grove & Martha Fleming) b: 1832-03-04 in OH d: 1911-01-26 in Piatt county IL buried: Piatt county IL m: 1850-05-21 in Pickaway county OH to Edward McKinley (son of Andrew McKinley & Ann Flood) b: 1827 in Ireland d: 1863-09-24 in South Bloomfield, Pickaway county OH buried: Pickaway county OH (burial recorded by reverend Joseph Roof of St. Paul's Lutheran church.) (naturalized in PA, #2041.).
1911-01-26: Jacob Ulery (son of John Ulery & Elizabeth Habecker/Betsy Habecker; gs of George Ulery & Anna and John Hawbaker sr & Magdalena Dierdorff) b: 1835-12-05 probably in Springfield, Clark county OH d: 1911-01-26 in Springfield, Clark county OH.
1940-01-26: Jane Wyman/Sarah Jane Fulks m1: 1937-06-29 to Myron Futterman m2: 1940-01-26 in Glendale, Los Angeles county CA to Ronald Wilson Reagan (son of John Edward Reagan & Nelle Wilson/Clyde Wilson).

Bob Jackson _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Cub scouts' annual Freeze-Out draws hundreds
"the Freeze-Out is intended to teach the youths team-building and other life lessons, as well as just providing them with an outlet to have fun outdoors..."

Bob Tisdale
*** why aren't global temperature data produced in "absolute" form (as opposed to anomaly from a base period)? ***
"For those who are interested: To convert the absolute surface temperatures shown in Figure 2-1 into the anomalies presented in Figure 2-4, you must first choose a reference period.   The reference period is often referred to as the 'base years'.   I use the base years of 1950 to 2010 for this example..."
HADCRUT4 monthly temperatures in Kelvin
speculative graph of earth temperature in Kelvin over 4.4G years

Garth Paltridge
"scientists" violating the scientific method for their political goals could harm science's reputation

Anthony Watts
_AAAS Science_ is demanding reproducibility of experiments up-front

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
civil liberties in the Shenandoah Valley 1864 January
"'We have been under the impression that we have been expending our treasure and spilling the life's blood of thousands of our best citizens to preserve the inestimable boon of liberty, and have been so unsophisticated as to believe that the way to preserve intact the right of each individual.   There can be no liberty for the county when individual personal rights are disregarded and trampled in the dust.   Our motto Is Liberty and Independence; for independence without liberty is not worth the price we are paying.'"

Neil Steinberg _Political Mavens_
the state vs. Orestes, regarding the death of Clytemnestra

Quin Hillyer _National Review_
Republicans may rue Reince's rules: condensing primaries aimed at disenfranchising grass-roots, increases likelihood of nominating bad candidates

Daniel Horowitz _True Blue State_
this is what the GOP losership thinks of you
"Update: We all strongly believe in the rationale for a viable second party.   We can't function with an oligarchy.   That is why we must all spend the next 4-7 months fully engaged in the primaries.   This is our party and it's time to take it back.   Here are some candidates we can support and send a big message in the primaries:   Kentucky US senate: Matt Bevin (
donate here).   Kansas US senate: Milton Wolf (donate here).   Mississippi US senate: Chris McDaniel ( donate here).   Louisiana US senate: Rob Maness (donate here).   Idaho congressional district 2: Bryan Smith (donate here).   Georgia US senate: Paul Broun (donate here)..."

Devvy Kidd _News with Views_
it's war: stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership & Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Area

Emma Atwood _GWU Hatchet_
career center bends over backwards to help foreign students, little help to US citizens

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
eating our young (wow! another great movie poster)

Tia Ghose _Live Science_
c. 5KBCE human bones of dark-skinned, blue-eyed Spaniard
Proposed Bills 2014

  "In recent years, the US National Academy of Engineering has elected about 65 new members annually, and in a typical class approximately 1 in 4 does not have a single engineering degree.   These members received their under-graduate and graduate education in such fields as chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science, but they have accomplished outstanding achievements in engineering.   They have, in many cases, worked in industry, making significant contributions to manufacturing and communications.   (It goes without saying, that a degree in science is not a pre-requisite to becoming a member of the National Academy of Sciences.)...   Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, has been referred to as 'one of Silicon Valley's most creative engineers'." --- Henry Petroski 2010 _The Essential Engineer: Why Science Alone Will Not Solve Our Global Problems_ pg62 (citing Albert Love & James Saxon Childers 1965 _Listen to Leaders in Engineering_ pg39; National Academy of Engineering 2006 _Directory of Members and Foreign Associates_ pp320-321; Ashlee Vance 2009-02-04 "Wozniak Accepts Post at a Storage Start-Up" _NYTimes_ pgB3)  




Yom Sheini



2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
Judi Light Hopson, Emma H. Hopson & Ted Hagen _Jewish World Review_
psychobabble: sending out the proper signals to attract the right people
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
Paul Richter _Jewish World Review_
US government under fire from MidEast
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
David G. Savage _Jewish World Review_
supremes bar enforcement of ObummerDoesn'tCare's abortifacient/contraception mandate... pending 10th circus consideration
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
_Jewish World Review_
Muslim-Christian irritation continues in Malaysia
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
Obummer angers friends of the USA, both foreign and domestic, but his bid to ruin relations with Canada is doomed
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
children, arms and defending against initiated force and fraud
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the death of the editorial (in a conference room with a dull knife)
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
if you want to make politics less toxic, start by discounting left/Dem posturing on inequality
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-27 (5774 Shebet 26)
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
the paradox of secrecy
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

Andy West
warmist bias in academia

Ryan Scott Welch
Dallas Cowboys stadium seating and atmospheric CO2

Anthony Watts
picture of effects of green-house gas is "cloudy"

Joanne Curcio
ozone from Quangzhongand environs pollutes Hawaii and the Left coast and across the Rockies into the plains

Stephen Green _PJ Media_
bored congress-critters can create more trouble than sailors on leave (another great movie poster)
"The 113th Congress was publicly chided by Washington's chiding classes for not getting much done last year -- that is, for not passing very many laws.   Indeed, 2013 was the 'least productive' Congress in 66 years.   Isn't it nice to read some good news for a change?..."

_Conservative HQ_
left GOP losership striving to divide the conservative coalition
"House Republican [losers] including Speaker John Boehner, majority-leader Eric Cantor, Republican whip Kevin McCarthy, and Budget committee chairman Paul Ryan are preparing to unveil a major package of immigration bills this week that is backed by the US Chamber of [Crony Socialists] and the cheap labor wing of the business community.   We can pretty well tell that this is going to be a cave-in just by looking at the way it is being sold; 'immigration reform', not border security..."
Michael Dorstewitz: Biz PAC Review
Alexander Bolton and Russell Berman: Hill: immigration battle centers on conservatives
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart: GOP losership's power-play likely to imperil 2014 elections

_Conservative HQ_
impeach Virginia AG Mark Herring
"Following the lawless example of [corrupt, oath-breaking] president Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder, Virginia's [leftist/Dem] attorney-general Mark Herring has decided to simply stop enforcing some of Virginia's laws..."

Stephanie Simon _Politico_
even NY teachers object to Communist Corpse

Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz says pres. Obummer should be honest about his disastrous policies

Michael Cutler
reprehensible immigration law perversion ignores common sense and 2001-09-11 commission's findings

Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Tea Parties to celebrate 5 years of victories
"...The movement, which also despised the big-government domestic policies of the Bush administration, congealed after CNBC's Rick Santelli went on his rant on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on 2009 February 19 against a federal government that he said promotes bad behavior with bail-outs for its cronies while leaving [tax-victims] holding the bag..."

Quentin Fottrell _MarketWatch_
the only occupations with rising home-ownership over the last few years

Alexandra Jaffe & Rebecca Shabad _Hill_
crowded field
"Republicans expect a large field to take shape, rounded out by a cast of familiar names to the district.   Among them, former representative Connie Mack is interested, as is Chauncey Goss, son of former House member and CIA director Porter Goss.   Former state representative Paige Kreegel, who has a deep-pocketed super-PAC already boosting him in the race, had already announced his intentions to run...   Many Republicans say state senator Lizbeth Benacquisto would also be a formidable contender, as a young, female candidate and proven fund-raiser.   She's been using money from her state Senate campaign coffers to air ads in the area to boost her profile, which has drawn attacks from the super-PAC backing Kreegel...   Naples vice-mayor Gary Price, who has long been considering the race..."

Phyllis Schlafly _World Net Daily_
Obummer's pen vs. the US constitution

Jerome R. Corsi _World Net Daily_
scrambling to block Trans-Pacific Partnership & Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

John Rocker _World Net Daily_
the left's intolerance

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
will pres. Obummer continue the assault against science during his SOTU?

_National Review_
House GOP should do nothing on immigration

Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
amnesty for illegal aliens will not help the US economy
"A new report shows that Texans spend about $12.1G annually for services for illegal aliens, who generate only about $1.27G in taxes, and the proposal in Congress [for] amnesty...would do little to change that..."

Balint Szlanko _Journeyman Pictures_
Christians fight back in Syria
"'They said they'd chop our heads off if we stayed.   They said we were supporting the regime and they burnt one of my cousins.', MJ, a local Arab man, says of the oppression of rebel groups with ties to Al Qaeda.   But now the Kurds have taken this region, which is split between Christians, Muslims and Kurds.   For the Christians, the most vulnerable group, it is a god-send.   Elsewhere in the country an estimated 450K have been displaced.   'The extremists said the Christians and the Kurds were infidels and had to be killed!', M, an elderly Christian, explains as he reveals the devastation wrought on an Orthodox church.   This fanaticism is why so many Christians oppose the revolution, fearing it is controlled by radical and foreign interests.   Now under Kurdish leadership, a fragile but tolerant haven has opened up here.   F, a young Christian, has thrown his lot in with the Kurdish police, because they offer a freedom that no one else can.   'I have come to work with them because they are working to secure my life-style.   I just want to have freedom.'"

Rebecca Morelle _BBC_
hunter-gatherer European had blue eyes and dark skin
"The lead author, Dr Carles Lalueza-Fox, said: 'One explanation is that the lighter skin colour evolved much later than was previously assumed.'...   The early European would have subsisted on a diet of mainly protein, and his DNA reveals that he was lactose-intolerant and unable to digest starch.   The ability to ingest dairy projects and starchy foods came after agriculture was adopted and people changed what they ate..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1443-01-27: John Tiptoft/John Tybetot (son of sir Payn Tybetot & Agnes Wroth) b: c. 1375 d: 1443-01-27 m: between 1421-02-28 & 1421-07-08 to Joyce Cherleton (daughter of Edward Cherleton & Eleanor de Holland;
gd of John Cherleton lord Cherleton et Powis & Joan de Stafford;
ggd of sir Thomas ii de Holland & Alice fitzAllan;
2ggd of Richard fitzAllan earl of Arundel & Eleanor of Lancaster;
3ggd of Joan of Kent & sir Thomas de Holland;
4ggd of Edmund of Woodstock & Margaret and Robert de Holland & Maud la Zouche/Maude la Zouche;
5ggd of Edward i/long-shanks/law-giver & Margaret of France and John Wake 1st baron Wake of Lidell & Joan and sir Robert de Holand & Elizabeth de Samlesbury and Alan de la Zouche lord Zouche of Ashby & Eleanor de Segrave;
6ggd of Henry iii & Eleanor of Provence and William de Samlesbury and Robert le Zouche & Ela;
7ggd of John/lackland/softsword & Isabella and Raymond Berenger iv count of Provence & Beatrice of Savoy and Stephen de longespee/long-sword & Emeline de Ridelsford;
8ggd of Henry ii/fitzEmpress/curmantle/curtmantle/short-coat & Eleanor and Aymer Taillefer comte d'Amgouleme & Alice de Courtenay and William longepee/long-sword 3rd earl of Salisbury & Ela FitzPatrick;
9ggd of Geoffrey Plantagenet & Adelaide/Mathilde and William x duke of Aquitaine & Eleanor de Rochefoucauld and king Henry ii of England m: Ida de Toeni;
10ggd of Fulk v/Foulques v comte d'Anjou & Aremburga/Erembourge de Fleche and Henry i/beauclerk/lion of justice & Matilda and king Henry i of England/beauclerk/lion of justice & Edith of Scotland;
11ggd of William i/William the conqueror & Matilda of Flanders and Malcolm iii king of Scotland & St. Margaret of Wessex;
12ggd of Robert i duke of Normandy & Herlette/Harleva/Herleve of Falaise and Baldwin v count of Flanders & Adela;
13ggd of Robert ii of France and Baldwin iv count of Flanders & Otgive and Richard ii & Judith;
14ggd of Arnulf count of Flanders & Susanna/Rosela of Ivrea and Frederick count of Luxemburg;
15ggd of Baldwin iii count of Flanders & Mathilde Billung and Willa of Arles & Berenger ii king of Italy markgraf of Ivrea;
16ggd of Boso count of Arles markgraf of Tuscany & Willa and Adalbart of Ivrea & Gisela of Italy;
17ggd of Theobald of Arles & Bertha of Lorraine;
18ggd of Lotharius ii/Lotharingen ii & Waldrada;
19ggd of Lotharius i & Ermengarde;
20ggd of HRE Louis i the pious & Ermengarde and Hugo ii/Hugues ii/Hugh ii of Tours;
21ggd of Charlemagne & Hildegard and Ingram count of Hasbaye;
22ggd of Gerold i count of Vinzgouw & Imma of Allemania) b: c. 1403 d: 1446-09-22 buried: Enfield.

1445-01-27: David Lindsay (son of Alexander of Lindsay & Marjory Dunbar; gs of George Dunbar & Christina Seton; ggs of Patrick Dunbar & Isabel Randolph; 2ggs of Thomas Randolph 1st earl of Moray & Isobel Stewart/Isabel Stewart of Bonkyll/Bonkyl/Bonkill; 3ggs of Thomas Randolph & Isabel de Brus; 4ggs of Thomas Randolph and Robert de Brus 6th lord of Annandale & Margaret of Carrick/Marjorie of Carrick; 5ggs of Niall 2nd earl of Carrick) b: c. 1405 d: 1445-01-27 in Scotland m: Marjory Ogilvie.

1625-01-27: Elizabeth Pettingale (daughter of John Pettingale who lived at Swardiston, Norwich, Norfolk, England) b: 1582 in Swardiston, Norwich, Norfolk, England d: 1625-01-27 in Norwich, Norfolk, England buried: 1625-01-27 at St. Stephen's, Norwich, Norfolk, England m: 1579-07-29 at St. Peters Mancroft, Norwich, Norfolk, England to George Pendleton ii (son of George Pendleton i; gs of Thomas Pendleton) b: c. 1558 d: 1603 buried: 1603-10-27 at St. Stephen's, Norwich, Norfolk, England.

1650-01-27: Elisabeth Hofsommer (daughter of Martin Hofsommer & Gela Fullgrabe) b: 1650-01-27.
1661-01-27/1662: Caroline Blis b: 1661-01-27/1662 m: Robert McFarland b: 1661-01-26/1662.
1673-01-27: Johann Georg Duerr (son of ??Friedrich Duerr & Anna Jaeger or Georg Duerr & Margaretha Riedlinger??) b: 1621-03-21 in Eningen d: 1673-01-27 in Eningen m: 1647-11-17 in Eningen to Anna Hummel (daughter of Conradt Hummel & Maria Jaeger) b: 1620-01-06 in Eningen d: 1701-03-05 in Eningen.

1675-01-27/1676: colonel John Bolling (son of colonel Robert Bolling & Jane Rolfe; gs of lieutenant Thomas Rolfe & Jane Poythress; ggs of captain John Rolfe ii & Matoaca/Pocahontas/Rebecca and lieutenant William Poythress) b: 1675-01-27/1676 at "Kippax", Charles City county VA d: 1729-04-20 (called his farm "Cobbs", along the Appomattox river, down-stream from Petersburg. House of Burgesses.) m: Mary Kennon (daughter of doctor Richard Kennon & Elizabeth Worsham).

1684-01-27: Anna Cathartina Nagel b: 1684-01-27 in Buchig, Germany m: 1705-11-10 in Germany to Hans Georg Ulrich (son of Hans Martin Ulrich & Maria Catharina) b: 1680-03-17 in Buchig, Germany d: 1731-04-15 in Blankenloch, Rhineland, Germany.

between 1694-01-27 & 1694-03-01: Robert Zane (son of Robert Zanes & Wilmot) b: 1642 baptized 1643-03-29 at Church of St. John the Baptist at Yarcombe, DevonShire, England d: between 1694-01-27 & 1694-03-01 in Newton twp Gloucester cunty NJ (1673 or 1675 immigrated to America.) m1: 1664 September in Dublin, Ireland to Margaret Hammon (daughter of Thomas Hammond & Grace) b: 1641 in Medlam, YorkShire, England d: 1678-02-10 aboard ship m2: 1678-02-10 to Alice Alday b: c. 1640 in Burlington, NJ d: c. 1680 m3: 1681 to Elizabeth Willis (daughter of Henry Willis & Mary Pease) b: 1658 in Devises, WiltShire, England d: 1700-08-08 in Philadelphia, PA.

1701-01-17/1702: Martha Thompson Taylor (daughter of James Taylor ii & Martha Thompson; gd of James Taylor & Frances Walker and colonel William Thompson; ggd of John Taylor & Elizabeth Horton and Thomas Walker; 2ggd of Thomas Taylor ii & Margaret Swinderly) b: 1701-01-17/1702 at Rapidan, Orange county VA d: 1782-11-11 m: 1724 to colonel Thomas Chew (son of Larkin Chew & Hannah Roy; grand-son of Joseph Chew & Ruth Larkin) b: 1700 in VA d: 1782 in VA.
1704-01-27: James Daniel (son of William Daniel & Jochabed Smith) b: 1680 in Christ Church, Middlesex county VA d: 1748 in Christ Church, Middlesex county VA m: 1704-01-27 in Christ Church, Middlesex county VA Margaret Vivian b: 1684-04-02 in Christ Church, Middlesex county VA d: 1750-05-05 in Christ Church, Middlesex county VA.
1710-01-27: Dudley Digges b: c. 1663 d: 1710-01-27, age 47 m: Susannah Cole (Susannae Cole) (daughter of William Cole/Gulielmi Cole) b: c. 1673 d: 1707-12-09, age 34.
1725-01-27: Sarah Smith (daughter of Zachariah Smith & Huldah Hand; gd of Thomas Smith & Sarah Fleet and Joseph Hand & Esther Wilcox) b: 1725-01-27 in Huntington, Suffolk county NY.
1728-01-27/1729: Sarah Grymes (daughter of colonel John Grymes & Lucy Ludwell; gd of John Grymes & Alice Towneley) b: 1728-01-27/1729 in Middlesex county VA.
1732-01-27: Lisabeth Graf (daughter of Heinrich Graf & Anna Enzler) b: in Rebstein, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland baptized: 1732-01-27 in Rebstein, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland m: 1755-10-07 in Rebstein, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland to Hans Jacob Graf (son of Pauli Graf & Anna Suter) baptized: 1632-02-07 in Rebstein, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland.
1736-01-27/1737: Maria Barbara Koenig b: 1736-01-27/1737 at Hoffen Reformed KB, Hofen, Alsace, Germany m: 1753-10-08 at St. Matthew's Lutheran church, Hanover, York county PA to Johann Rhinehard Replogle b: 1720-12-08 in Soultz Sous Forets, Bas-Rhin, France d: 1796 in Woodberry twp Bedford county PA.
1739-01-27: Phillip Penn (son of Joseph Penn & Mary Taylor; gs of George Penn & Elizabeth Ann Madison and John Taylor & Isabel Catherine Pendleton) b: 1739-01-27 in St. George's parish, Spottsylvania county VA.
1741-01-27: Sarah Berkeley (daughter of Edmund Berkeley ii & Mary Nelson; gd of Thomas Nelson & Margaret Reade) b: 1741-01-27/1742.
1746-01-27: Anna Maria Stover (daughter of Johann Caspar Stoever ii & Maria Catarina Merckling) b: 1746-01-27 in PA d: 1835-07-23 m: c. 1765 to Peter Yetter.
1751-01-27: John Carter Byrd (son of colonel William Byrd iii & Elizabeth Hill Carter; gs of colonel William Byrd ii & Maria Taylor) b: 1751-01-27.

1755-01-27: Ambrose Madison (son of James Madison & Eleanor Rose Conway/Nellie Conway;
gs of Ambrose Madison & Frances Taylor and Francis Conway;
ggs of John Madison ii & Isabel Minor and James Taylor ii & Martha Thompson;
2ggs of John Madison i & Maria Ambrose and James Taylor & Frances Walker;
3ggs of Isaac Madison & Mary Councilor and James Ambrose and John Taylor & Elizabeth;
4ggs of Thomas Taylor & Margaret Swinderby;
5ggs of Thomas Taylor & Elizabeth Burwell;
6ggs of doctor reverend Rowland Taylor & Margaret Tyndale;
7ggs of John Taylor & Susan Rowland; brother of pres. James Madison) b: 1755-01-27 Monday night between 9 and 10 o'clock, and was baptized by the reverend Mungo Marshall, 1755-03-02, and had for god-fathers Mr. James Coleman and Colonel George Taylor, and for god-mothers Mrs. Jane Taylor and Alice Chew m: 1779-11-11 in Fauquier county VA to Mary Willis Lee (daughter of Hancock Lee & Mary Willis; grand-daughter of Hancock Lee & Sarah Allerton and Henry Willis/Harry Willis & Ann Alexander) b: c. 1754 d: 1798-03-14.

1762-01-27: Marh Thomson Mason (daughter of George Mason iv & Ann Eilbeck; gd of George Mason iii & Ann Thomson and colonel William Eilbeck) b: 1762-01-27 d: 1806.
1763-01-27: reverend William Marshall b: 1735 in Washington parish Westmoreland county VA d: 1809 in Eminence, Henry county KY m: 1763-01-27 in VA to Mary Ann Pickett (daughter of William Pickett & Elizabeth Cooke).
1764-01-27: Lazarus Lowrey (son of colonel Alexander Lowrey & Mary Waters; gs of Lazarus Lowrey) b: 1764-01-27 m: Holliday (daughter of captain John Holliday) (they moved to Blair county PA.).

"1764-01-27: "Our worst fears had been realized; these Indians who had been housed and fed as the pets of the province were now proved to be our secret foes...   Two of the Indians killed in Lancaster were recognized as murderers."...   The reverend mister [John Elder] mentioned in the preceding statement was a Presbyterian minister and held the commission of a colonel.   In a letter on this subject addressed by him to governor John Penn, dated 1764-01-27...   "The storm which has been so long gathering, has, at length, exploded.   Had Government removed the Indians, which had been frequently, but without effect, urged, this painful catastrophe might have been avoided.   What could I do with men heated to madness?   All that I could do was done.   I expostulated; but life and reason were set at defiance.   Yet the men in private life are virtuous and respectable; not cruel, but mild and merciful.   The time will arive when each palliating circumstance will be weighed.   This deed, magnified into the blackest of crimes, shall be considered as one of those ebullitions of wrath, caused by momentary excitement, to which human infirmity is subjected...   The bodies were collected and buried in one grave at the corner of Chestnut & Duke streets in Lancaster.   Peter Maurer told I. Daniel Rupp that he saw them buried in the same place where workmen, engaged in making excavations for the railroad, dug them up in 1833 May" (Rupp's _History of Lancaster county_ pg 360; quoted in Jacob Isidor Mombert 1869-05-27 _An Authentic History of Lancaster County, in the State of Pennsylvania_ pp188,395; 207,416 in pdf) (Joseph Shippen ii was the equivalent of secretary of state at the time.)

1765-01-27: Margaret Hamilton b: 1765-01-27 d: 1842-04-03 m: 1787-01-03 in Guilford county NC to John Doak Hanner (son of John Hanna & Martha Doak; gs of Andrew Hanna & Elizabeth; ggs of Patrick Hanna; 2ggs of James Hanna) b: 1764-12-25 in Lancaster county PA d: 1834-12-07 in Pope county IL.
1767-01-27: lady Philippa Hamilton (daughter of James Hamilton 6th earl of Abercorn & Elizabeth Reading; gd of sir Robert Reading 1st baronet of Dublin & Jane Hannay; ggd of sir Robert Hannay 1st baronet of Mochrum county Kirkcudbright) d: 1767-01-27 m1: reverend Benjamin Pratt d: 1721-12-06 m2: Michael O'Connell.

1768-01-27: Augusta Murray (daughter of John Murray 4th earl of Dunmore & Charlotte Stewart;
gd of William Murray 3rd earl of Dunmore & Catherine Murray and Alexander Stewart 6th earl of Galloway & lady Catherine Cochrane;
ggd of James Stewart 5th earl of Galloway & lady Catherine Montgomerie;
2ggd of James Stewart 3rd earl of Galloway & lady Mary Douglas;
3ggd of James Stewart 2nd earl of Galloway & Nicola Grierson;
4ggd of Alexander Stewart 1st earl of Galloway & Grizel Gordon;
5ggd of Alexander Stewart 6th earl of Garlies & Christian Douglas;
6ggd of Alexander Stewart of Garlies the younger & Catherine Herries;
7ggd of Alexander Stewart 5th of Garlies & Margaret Dunbar;
8ggd of Alexander Stewart 4th of Garlies & Elizabeth Kennedy;
9ggd of Alexander Stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas;
10ggd of sir William Stewart 2nd of Dalswinton et Garlies) b: 1768-01-27 in London, England d: 1830-03-05 m: 1793-04-04 at Hotel Sarmiento, Rome, Italy to Augustus Frederick duke of Sussex (son of king George iii).

1769-01-27: William Lowther ii (son of William Lowther & Sudna Hughes; gs of Robert Lowther & Aquilla Rees and Thomas Hughes; ggs of William Lowther; 2ggs of Henry Lowther) b: 1769-01-27 at Moorefield, Hardy county WV.
1771-01-27: Christian Long (son of Joseph Long & Elizabeth Good; gs of Johannes Lang/John Long & Anna Schnebele and Jacob Guth/Good & Barbara; ggs of Johan Jacob Schnebele) b: 1771-01-27 in Lancaster county PA d: 1848-12-04 in Huntingdon county PA m: 1794-04-19 to Elizabeth Baker.
1782-01-27: Uree Butcher (daughter of Samuel Butcher & Hannah Drake; gd of Thomas Drake & Uree Humphrey; niece of colonel Thomas Humphrey) b: 1782-01-27 m: 1801 in Randolph county VA to Richard H. Reeder.
1787-01-27: George Washington Hancock (son of John Hancock & Dorothy Quincy; gs of reverend John Hancock; ggs of reverend John Hancock) d: 1787-01-27, age 9y.
1788-01-27: Elizabeth Patterson (daughter of colonel Robert Patterson & Elizabeth Lindsay; gd of William Lindsay) b: 1788-01-27 d: 1827-12-25 m: 1806-02-20 to James I. Nisbet.
1793-01-27: Solomon G. Krepps (son of John Krepps) b: 1793-01-27 in Washington county PA d: 1833-07-14 (lived in Brownsville, PA.) m: 1816-11-03 to Cassandra Speers b: 1796-11-14 d: 1855-02-19 in Brownsville, PA.
1795-01-27: Mary Currie Maitland (daughter of David Maitland & Susanna Poythress) d: 1795-01-27, aged 4 years.
1796-01-27: Rahode Renfrow (Rahode Rentfro, Rahode Renfro) (daughter of Hickman Hensley Renfrow/Renfro/Rentfro & Elizabeth/Lizzie) b: 1796-01-27 in Buncombe county NC d: c. 1890 in Effingham county IL m: c. 1812 in Murry county TN to John Hickman Lankford.
1797-01-27: Walter Clark (son of William Clark & Elizabeth Roan; gs of reverend John Roan & Anne Cochran; ggs of Archibald Roan and James Cochran & Anne Rowan) b: 1797-01-27.

1800-01-27: Maria Magdalena Bucher (daughter of John Jacob Bucher & Susannah Margaret Hortter; gd of John Conrad Bucher & Mary Magdalene Hoch/Mary Magdalena Hoke and John Valentine Hortter; ggd of John Jacob Bucher & Dorothea Burgauer; 2ggd of John Jacob Bucher & Elizabeth Steiner; 3ggd of John Bucher & Maria Burtin; 4ggd of John Bucher & Barbara Ryschacker; 5ggd of John Bucher & Elizabeth Lutzen; 6ggd of Claus Bucher & Dorothea Zeller) b: 1800-01-27 in Harrisburg, PA d: 1801-04-27.
1802-01-27: Lewis Burwell Williams (son of William Clayton Williams & Alice Burwell) b: 1802-01-27 in Fredericksburg, VA d: 1880 (c. 1808, when he was 6 years old, they moved to Richmond, VA. attended school at Richmond, VA. c. 1816, age 14, entered Princeton. studied law. began to practice in Culpeper county VA. 1825 moved to Orange county VA. 1833 VA legislature. 1831-1880 commonwealth attorney. opposed secession. member of St. Thomas Episcopal church. senior warden; represented church in Diocesan councils.).
1803-01-27: Leonard Hill Maury (son of Walker Maury & Mary Stith Grymes; gs of reverend James Maury & Mary Walker and Ludwell Grymes & Mary Stith) b: 1780-12-04 m: 1803-01-27 to Virginia Campbell.
1806-01-27: Richard Mott Janney (son of Abijah Janney & Jane McPherson) b: 1806-01-27 d: 1874-12-12 in Baltimore, MD (Quaker. Baltimore Meeting. "relief for convicts and freedmen". president of Baltimore, MD colored normal school.) m: 1829-05-08 to Sarah Janney Hopkins (daughter of Samuel Hopkins & Hannah Janney).
1807-01-27: John Daniel (son of Edward Daniel & ?Milly Duncan?) b: 1782 VA m: 1807-01-27 in Brunswick county NC to Hannah Grange d: before 1880 in Grainger county TN.
1812-01-27: Esther Parke (daughter of Timothy Parke & Esther Shipton) b: 1812-01-27 (twin)
1812-01-27: Elendar Parke (daughter of Timothy Parke & Esther Shipton) b: 1812-01-27 (twin)
1816-01-27: Ohio legislature enacted law prohibiting issuance and circulation of unauthorized bank paper; required state charter of incorporation.
1816-01-27: Sarah Daniel/Sally Daniel (daughter of Edward Daniel & ?Milly Duncan?) b: 1795 in VA m: 1816-01-27 in Grainger county TN to Thomas Houston Mayes d: in Sumner county TN buried: Sumner county TN.
1816-01-27: Conrad Fremd (son of George Ulrich Fremd & Christina Dorothea Alsesser) b: 1816-01-27.
1820-01-27: Caroline Bruner b: 1820-01-27 d: 1890-09-15 m: William Duckwall b: 1808-08-15 (lived near Dayton, OH.).
1820-01-27: Louisa Laura Foley (daughter of Absalom Foley & Susanna Bishop; gd of John Foley & Emilia Ashby; ggd of James Foley and Robert Ashby & Mary Farrow; 2ggd of John Foley; 3ggd of Thomas Foley) b: 1820-01-27 in Clark county OH d: 1884-09-23 in Clark county OH.
1822-01-27: Abigail Scofield (who lived at Darien, CT) m: 1822-01-27 to Holly Bell (who lived at Darien, CT).
1824-01-27: Samuel Davenport Torrey (son of William Torrey & Anna Davenport; gs of Seth Davenport & Chloe Daniel; ggs of David Daniel & Huldah Taft; 2ggs of Eleazer Daniel & Mary Holbrook) b: 1789 d: 1877 m: 1824-01-27 Susan Holman Waters b: 1803 d: 1866 (grand-parents of William Howard Taft).
1825-01-27: Thomas Harrison January b: 1763-10-15 d: 1825-01-27 m: Mary Buckner Thruston (daughther of John Thruston & Elizabeth Thruston Whiting/Eliza Whiting; gd of Charles Mynn Thruston & Mary Buckner; ggd of John Thruston & Sarah Mynn; 2ggd of Malachi Thruston & Martha Porter; 3ggd of Robert Mynn & Sarah Cary; 4ggd of James Cary & Sara Reade) b: c. 1783.
1825-01-27: James Muirson Pendleton (son of Nathaniel Pendleton & Susan Bard; gs of John Bard & Suzanne Valleau) b: 1825-01-27 m: Margaret Jones.
1826-01-27: Isabel Wallace (daughter of Moses Wallace & Jean Fulton; grand-daughter of Robert Wallace & Mary Clyde) b: 1826-01-27 m: 1806-05-08 to Alexander Wills (son of James Wills & Mary Lawson) b: 1780 d: 1853-04-18.
1826-01-27: Thomas Vance (son of Matthew Vance & Barbara McVeigh) b: 1800-11-11 in Greenville county SC d: 1851-08-15 in Yancy county SC m: 1826-01-27 in Lenior, Burke county NC to Elizabeth Blalock.
1828-01-27: Mary White (daughter of William White & Sarah Holtry; gd of Peter White & Remp) b: 1828-01-27 m: Charles Eben.

1831-01-27: Teresa Griffin b: 1831-01-27 in NY, NY d: 1906 buried: Pere Lachaise cem, Montmartre, France m1: 1850 in NY to Egbert Ludovicus Viele (son of John L. Viele & Cathalyntje Knickerbocker/Kathlyne Knickerbocker; grand-son of Ludovicus Viele & Effie Toll and Johannes Knickerbocker ii & Elizabeth Winne; g-grand-son of Johannes Knickerbocker & Rebecca Fonda; 2g-grand-son of Johannes Harmense Knickerbocker & Anna Quackenbos; 3g-grand-son of Harmen Jansen Knickerbocker m: Lysbet Janse Bogaert; 4g-grand-son of Jan Laurensen Bogaert & Cornelia Evertse) b: 1825-06-17 in Waterford, NY d: 1902-04-22 in NY, NY buried: West Point.

1832-01-27: Teresa Griffin b: 1832-01-27 in NY d: 1906-10-20 in Paris, France m: 1850-06-03 in NY to general Egbert Ludovicus Viele (son of John L. Viele & Kathalyntje Knickerbocker/Cathlyne Knickerbocker) b: 1825-06-17 in Waterford, Saratoga county NY d: 1902-04-22 in NY, NY.
1833-01-27: doctor Francis Walker Pendleton (son of Edmund Pendleton & Lucy Nelson; gs of colonel Hugh Nelson & Judith Carter Page) b: 1808-12-07 in Caroline county VA d: 1856 in Richmond, VA m: 1833-01-27 to Sarah Frances Turner b: c. 1810 in Caroline county VA.
1833-01-27: Joseph Park (son of William Park & Jane Anderson/Jean Anderson) b: 1833-01-27 in Jefferson county, IN d: 1864-02-10 in Hanover twp, Jefferson county, IN.
1834-01-27: Albinos Reger Marple (son of John Weaver Marple & Ruth Reger; gs of John Abram Marple & Barbara Weaver) b: 1834-01-27 in Lewis county VA d: 1908-09-20 along Hacker's Creek m: 1855-02-01 in Upshur county VA to Mary Jane Post b: 1831-10-22 near Post Mills, Lewis county VA d: 1909-01-20 buried: McVaney cem.
1837-01-27: Susan I.B. Sewall/Susan L.B. Sewall (daughter of doctor Robert Sewall & Mary Brent/Polly Brent; gd of Nicholas Lewis Sewall & Mary Darnall) b: 1803 d: 1837-01-27.
1837-01-27: Robert Bebb (head-stone 133) (son of Ewd & Margaret Bebb) d: 1837-01-27, age 10m.
1837-01-27: Mary Barnett (daughter of John Barnett & Nancy Morrison; gd of John Barnett & Rachel Crosby; ggd of Samuel Barnett; 2ggd of John Barnett ii & Margaret Roan; 3ggd of John Barnett & Jennett) b: 1837-01-27 m: Thomas Barnett Elder.

1841-01-27: the bill passed to create Piatt county IL.
1841-01-27: Eliza Sydnor Cosby b: 1797 d: 1841-01-27 m: Charles Mynn Thruston (son of John Thruston & Elizabeth Thruston Whiting/Eliza Whiting) b: 1793-02-26 d: 1854-01-07.
1841-01-27: Samuel Heisler Pendleton (son of James Lawrence Pendleton & Annalethia Carter) b: 1841-01-27 d: 1918-09-27 (lived in Richmond, VA & NY, NY) m1: 1864 to Sallie Ann Pendleton (daughter of Philip H. Pendleton of Port Royal, Caroline county VA).
1842-01-27: Mary Matilda Bensyl (daughter of John W. Bensyl ii & Elizabeth Corray; gd of John W. Bensyl & Mary and Isaac Corray & Elizabeth) b: 1842-01-27 in Champaign county IL d: in NV.
1843-01-27: Anne Pendleton Patterson (?daughter of William Patterson of VA & his 2nd wife Hannah Vance; half-sister of William Patterson ii?) b: 1780-02-16 d: 1843-01-27 m: 1801 September to Moses Caton Moorehead (son of Joseph Moorehead & Louvisa Chapline; grand-son of Ferguson Moorehead and Moses Chapline & Janet Caton) b: 1777-09-28 d: 1858-03-17.
1844-01-27: William Polk b: c. 1775 d: 1844-01-27 m: Susanna Gambill.
1848-01-27: William Fancher (son of Grey Bynum Fancher & Sarah Daniel) m: 1848-01-27 in Buffalo, Henderson county TX to Sarah Daniel (daughter of William Daniel & Martha/?Martha Rodgers?).
1848-01-27: Sarah Elizabeth Daniel b: 1829-02-23 in IL d: 1889-05-04 in Baylor county TX buried: Old Seymour cem., Seymour, Baylor county TX m: 1848-01-27 in Henderson county TX to William Fancher (son of Grey Fancher & Sarah Daniel) b: 1828-08-28 in Clark county IL d: 1902 in Baylor county TX buried: Old Seymour cem., Seymour, Baylor county TX.

1849-01-27: captain William McKissack d: 1849-01-27 (US Army.) m: Gwenthleen Greene (daughter of colonel John Greene & Gwenthleen Criswell;
gd of Samuel Criswell & Gwenthleen Wallace;
ggd of Joseph Wallace & Abigail Hoge;
2ggd of John Hoge & Gwenthleen Bowen Davis;
3ggd of William Hoge & Barbara Hume).

1850-01-27: Maria Williams (daughter of Benjamin Williams & Cornelia Hall; gd of John Williams & Abigale Ayers) b: 1828? m: 1850-01-27 John Geralds.
1853-01-27: Mary Elizabeth Lobingier (daughter of John Lobingier & Elizabeth Smith; gd of John Lobingier & Sophia Moyer; ggd of Christopher Lobingier ii & Elizabeth Mueller; 2ggd of John Mueller; 3ggd of Rudolph Mueller) b: 1831-04-22 d: 1854-02-21 m: 1853-01-27 to Henry Freed.
1853-01-27: William B. Chenoweth (son of Joseph Chenoweth & Margaret Heath; gs of Elijah Chenoweth & Rachel Foster and Amos Heath) b: 1831 April in Franklin county OH d: 1901-04-13 in Harrisburg, Franklin county OH m1: 1853-01-27 in Madison county OH to Rebecca Jane Johnston b: 1833-09-30 in Oh d: 1867-05-06 in Franklin county OH m2: 1868-12-23 in Muskingum county OH to Jame E. Helmick b: 1845 March in OH d: 1901-04-07 in Harrisburg, Franklin county OH.
1859-01-27: R. Menachem Mendel Morgenstern (the Kotzker Rebbe) (son of Leybush Morgenstern & Elka) b: 1787 in Goraj near Lublin, Poland d: 1859-01-27 (5619 Shvat 22) buried: at Kotzk.

1860-01-27: Joseph M. Fleming (son of John Fleming & Eliza McClurg; gs of James Fleming & Jane Glen; ggs of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1839-04-25 m: 1860-01-27 to Isabel Mercer.
1861-03-20: Cintha Hubbs (daughter of Willis Hubbs & Francis Luttrell) b: 1861-01-27 in Orange county IN d: 1861-03-20 buried: Cane Creek cem. Orange county IN.
1861-01-27: Catherine McIver (daughter of Kenneth McIver & Elizabeth Cox) b: 1840 m: 1861-01-27 to John W. Nicholson.
1862-01-27: Anna R. Thomas (daughter of George Thomas & Martha Lamar) b: 1862-01-27 near Urbana, Champaign county OH buried: Ferncliff cem. m1: Ulery m2: Murphy.
1863-01-27: Jackson Davis Brandenburgh (son of Samuel Brandenburgh & Alverda Murray; gs of Jonathan Brandenburgh & Mary Smith and John Murray & Elizabeth Urie; ggs of Patrick Murray) b: 1863-01-27.
1864-01-27: Daniel Harrison McKinnon (son of Daniel McKinnon & Nancy Harrison; gs of William Harrison & Sarah Crawford/Sally Crawford; ggs of Lawrence Harrison & Catherine Marmaduke and colonel William Crawford & Hannah Vance) b: 1791-12-27 d: 1864-01-27.
1866-01-27: Martha Chaires (daughter of Benjamin Cadwalladar Chaires & Sarah Powell/Sara Powell) b: 1829 d: 1866-01-27 in Tallahassee, Leon county FL buried: SE corner, St. John's Episcopal church cem. Tallahassee, Leon county FL m1: 1858-06-07 to captain Robert Howard Gamble b: 1815-09-22 in Botebourt county VA d: 1887-12-14 in Tallahassee, Leon county FL buried: SE corner, St. John's Episcopal church cem. Tallahassee, Leon county FL.

1872-01-27: Oliver Peter Hart (son of Abraham Hart & Hannah Mary Hartzel; gs of Abraham Hart & Elizabeth Comfort and Joseph Hartzel & Mary Thomas; ggs of Jacob Thomas & Mary Bear; 2ggs of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; 3ggs of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 4ggs of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1872-01-27.
1872-01-27: Minnie Rebecca Walker (daughter of Samuel Walker & Matilda Lobaugh; gd of John Anderson Walker & Elizabeth Sears and John Shultz Lobaugh & Margaret Gheer/Margaret Geehr; ggd of Jacob Geehr/Jacob Gheer & Anna Margaret Thomas; 2ggd of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; 3ggd of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 4ggd of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1872-01-27.
1874-01-27: Lucy Gilmer Fry (daughter of Joshua Fry & Peachy Walker) b: 1788-03-23 d: 1874-01-27 m: 1808 to judge John Speed d: 1840-03-30.
1876-01-27: Charles E. Hanna (son of John Smith Hanna & Handley Gillespie; gs of John Hanna & Elizabeth Smith; ggs of James Hanna iii & Elizabeth Gillian; 2ggs of James Hanna ii & Anne Johnson; 3ggs of James Hanna; 4ggs of Patrick Hanna ii; 5ggs of Patrick Hanna; 6ggs of Robert Hanna ii; 7ggs of Robert Hanna; ;8ggs of Donald Hannay; 9ggs of Patrick Hannay; 10ggs of John Hannay & Margaret Stewart or Elizabeth Stewart) b: c. 1847 m: 1876-01-27 to Elizabeth C. Young b: c. 1858.
1880-01-27: Malinda Whitmore m: 1880-01-27 to William Peter Latshaw (son of John Landis Latshaw & Margaret Thomas; gs to Peter Latshaw & Susanna Landis and Jacob Thomas & Mary Bear; ggs of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; 2ggs of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 3ggs of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1849-04-14.
1880-01-27: Elsie Margaret Stauffer (daughter of Henry Stauffer & Hannah Elizabeth Thomas; gd of Henry Stauffer & Margaret Gladfelter and George Bear Thomas & Catherine Ebert; ggd of Jacob Thomas & Mary Bear; 2ggd of Martin Thomas & Ursula Mueller; 3ggd of Martin Thomas & Barbara; 4ggd of Theodorus Thomas & Anna Schaeffer) b: 1880-01-27.

1884-01-27: Callie O'Daniel (daughter of Alexander O'Daniel & Mary) b: 1864-02-20 d: 1884-01-27.
1887-01-27: Beverly Reid Thurman b: 1887-01-27 in Memphis, Shelby county TN m: 1908 to Huella G. Bedford (daughter of Benjamin Watkins Bedford iii & Grace Gibson; gd of Benjamin Watkins Bedford & Sarah Mildred McGehee; ggd of Hugh McGehee & Sarah S. White; 2ggd of Micajah McGehee & Nancy Scott; 3ggd of Edward Thomas McGehee/Edward Thomas MackGehee & Katrenia Elizabeth deJarnette; 4ggd of Thomas McGehee & Ann Baystrop).
1892-01-27: Elvira Flick (son of Thomas Flick & Letitia Williams) b: 1856-12-23 in Orange county IN d: 1892-01-27 buried: Cane Creek cem. Orange county IN m: 1875-09-16 to Thomas W. Kellams.
1896-01-27: Aaron Montgomery (son of Henry Montgomery & Mary Howard/Polly Howard) b: 1828-02-06 in Butler county OH d: 1896-01-27 in Rush county IN m: 1858-08-30 to Fannie Adams b: 1837-12-01 in Hamilton county OH.
1902-01-27: Matilda Radford b: 1820-03-08 in Buncombe county NC d: 1902-01-27 (1864-03-17 moved to NE of Pierson, Unity twp Piatt county IL to join a cousin. 1866 moved to Douglas county IL. c. 1867 returned to Unity twp Piatt county IL.) m: Joseph Ponder b: 1816-05-23 in Buncombe county NC d: 1892-12-08 at Hammond, IL.
1967-01-27: Virgil Ivan Grissom/lieutenant colonel Gus Grissom (son of Dennis Grissom & Cecile) b: 1926-04-03 in Mitchell, Lawrence county IN d: 1967-01-27 at Cape Canaveral, FL buried: Arlington National cem. Arlington, VA.
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Within the congress...there develops what John Randolph [Thomas Jefferson's and John Marshall's cousin] called the legislative itch.   On the body politic a rash is seen; it must be scratched.   Statutes tumble upon statutes...and these laws must be administered...interpreted, construed, amplified, extended and enforced.   Enter the regulator.   He is a decent man but his passion is to regulate.   It becomes a consuming passion." --- James J. Kilpatrick (quoted in Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg52)  




Yom Shlishi



_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Youngstown State U engineering program ranked in the top 25%
"YSU is 45th out of 203 schools in the ranking of under-graduate engineering programs authorized by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology among those that do not offer a doctoral degree.   There are more than 500 ABET-accredited schools in the world.   Placing first in the rankings is Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, followed by Harvey Mudd College and the U.S. Military Academy.   Ranked with YSU at 45th are Northern Arizona University, New York Institute of Technology, University of Arkansas-Little Rock, California State University-Northridge and Loyola University Maryland, among others..."

Anthony Watts
no new continent-wide average hottest temperature records have been set since 1978

Anthony Watts
Arctic was warmer during Medieval Warm Period

Anthony Watts
BBC meteorologist says UK Met office global forecasts were too warm in 13 of last 14 years

2014-01-28 (5774 Shebet 27)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
what pre-occupies the left? what pre-occupies the right?
Town Hall
"North Korea continues to be an affront to the human species.   That North Korea, whether or not it had nuclear weapons, is not a central concern is an indictment of humanity.   That the West, with the noble exception of Canada under Stephen Harper, is appeasing the dictators of Iran, is an indictment of the West.   Add to this list the UN's and the world's ignoring of the [Red Chinese] government's continuing suppression of all dissent and its decades-long violent eradication of Tibet's unique and ancient culture.   Then add the slaughter of millions in Congo over the last decade, the 100K-plus killed in Syria just last year, most of them civilians killed by their own government, and the blowing up, burning alive, and throat-cutting of untold numbers of innocent people by violent Islamists on a daily basis.   In other words, if what bothers you most is evil -- the deliberate infliction of cruelty on people by people -- North Korea, Congo, China, Syria and radical Islam will bother you more than anything else on the world scene.   So, then, what was the subject of the meeting convened Friday by the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights?..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-28 (5774 Shebet 27)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
it is later than men think
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-28 (5774 Shebet 27)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
the political retributionist case for limited government
"Campaign finance laws are making [political] retribution easier...   the harm government agents can do is directly proportional to the scope of their power."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-28 (5774 Shebet 27)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
immigration over-simplification
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-28 (5774 Shebet 27)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
cousin Obummer needs to do less finger-pointing and more apologizing
Town Hall
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-28 (5774 Shebet 27)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the inequality bogeyman
World Net Daily
Town Hall
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
Montanans are split on Trans-Pacific Partnership, TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Sharon Gaudin _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Va Tech developing sugar-powered batteries
"These new sugar-based batteries could run smartphones, tablets and video games in three years, according to Y.H. Percival Zhang, an associate professor of biological systems engineering at Virginia Tech..."

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
SOTU: the economy is weak
"The national debt, at $17.27T as of January 22, has increased by a jaw-dropping $6.6T since he was first inaugurated.   That this year's deficit will be less than half of the official $1.4T recorded in fiscal 2009 means, in his mind, that we can ramp up spending again...   The above National Association of Counties map shows us that 15 states have seen fewer than 20% of their counties achieve employment recovery, and that four of those have failed to get to even 10%.   Given this situation, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the former Census Bureau employees who now run Sentier Research reported last week that real median household income hasn't budged in 2 years, and is stuck at over 7% below its early 2008 peak.   The situation would be even worse but for the fact that many states have improved their economies by doing the opposite of what the Obama administration has been doing and advocating.   One example: States which have been right to work during all of the past 7 years are far closer to recovering the jobs lost since peak employment (within 0.78%) than non-right to work states (1.71% shy).   Indeed, 650K more Americans would have jobs today if the rest of the nation had matched the performance of the right to work states...   No one has to recite any of the statistics noted above to the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists] and its friends in Washington.   They know, and they obviously don't care.   If they did, they wouldn't be pushing mightily to make 2014 their make-or-break year to pass economically ruinous illegal-immigrant amnesty.   But to their eternal shame, they are..."

Timothy Furnish _PJ Media_
Obummer regime/Eric Holder put Muslims above suspicion for terror
"No more instruction about jihad, and Islam is to be considered a 'race'.   From 2008 to 2011, I was a guest lecturer at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (the primary DHS training facility, located in coastal Georgia) and at Joint Special Operations University (which brings foreign officers to learn of U.S. irregular warfare, located in Tampa).   At both venues I was asked to lecture on the history of terrorism.   I did so in an even-handed and comprehensive manner, exploring the issue across place (Europe to East Asia), time (ancient Assyria to al-Qaeda), and ideology (religious: pagan, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and Muslim; and political: right-wing, left-wing, anarchist, environmentalist, etc.).   Only 14 of the 44 PowerPoint screens in my presentation dealt with Islamic terrorism, although several of those actually mitigated against the concept.   Nonetheless, in 2009 June I was told that I could no longer lecture at FLETC, because the edict had come down from the new [Obummer regime] that 'no trainer who uses the term jihad shall henceforth be used'.   (This was over 2 years before the [Obummer regime] was openly hostile to realistic training about Islam.)..."

Jaime Fuller _Washington DC Post_
even leftist media admit that polls show support for Tea Parties remains steady

David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Steve King: congress needs to stop Obummer's "unconstitutional behaviors"

Lisa Barron _News Max_
GOP lining up against Boehner losership's immigration plan

_Conservative HQ_
Frank Roche running in NC district 2 congressional primary
Frank Roche for congress site

John Hawkins _Town Hall_
why excessive immigration/amnesty for illegal aliens are desperate to pass immigrtion law perversion this year
"At first glance, it makes no sense whatsoever...   why wouldn't Republicans want to write a tough immigration bill on their terms in 2015 and force Obama to either sign on to it or veto a bill that the public supports?...   [pres. Obummer] has made absolutely clear that he has no intention of enforcing immigration law; so how do you make any kind of deal that relies on his implementing even tougher rules?..."

John Ransom _Town Hall_
Obummer squirms from war against nuns to burning down towns with crude oil

Caroline B. Glick _Town Hall_
International Holocaust Memorial Day's fatal flaw

Ed Fuelner _Town Hall_
the need for economic freedom

Bob Beauprez _Town Hall_
freedom of the press trampled by Obummer regime's Interior secretary Sally Jewell and Colorado governor John Hickenlooper

Bob Beauprez _Town Hall_
the Obummer regime's war against the dead and wounded of the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood

Bernie Woodall _Reuters_
Honda exported more cars assembled in USA than were imported into USA from Japan
David Shepardson: Detroit MI News
Jerry Hirsch: San Jose CA Mercury News
Brent Snavely: Detroit MI Free Press
"The auto-maker exported 108,705 U.S.A.-made Honda and Acura vehicles last year while importing 88,537 vehicles from Japan to the U.S.A...   In 2013, nearly 95% of the vehicles Honda and Acura sold in the U.S.A. were produced in North America, including factories in Alliston, Ontario, and El Salto, Mexico.   Honda will open another plant in Celaya, Mexico, next month to make its Fit sub-compact.   Honda invested $12.3G in the U.S.A. between 1982 and 2013, and employs more than 26K Americans."

David Williams _Town Hall_
senators must ask ExIm bank head tough questions, withdraw funding

Scott Wartman _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Brandon Voelker, Republican Deb Sheldon, Wil Schroder ii running for KY state senate

Carrie Blackmore Smith _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
corrupt local government officials threaten to sue local tax-control group over ownership of FQDN registrations
"When Springfield Township's new non-profit Arts and Enrichment Council tried to buy the domain name 'startslocal.org' recently, leaders were surprised to find the web address, as well as 'startslocal.net' and 'startslocal.com', already taken -- by the anti-tax group fighting the township's effort to pass a new earnings tax this May.   As of late Tuesday afternoon, all 3 addresses directed online traffic to the web-site for 'Stop the JEDZ!', created by the [tax-control group]..."

Bill Whittle, Scott Ott & Stephen Green _PJ Media_
Executive Lawlessness: Obummer continues to violate US constitution in pursuit of power (video)

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Idaho firm which survived attacks by Obummer EPA now being assaulted by Army Corps of Engineers

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
photo: pres. Obummer's brother, Malik, wearing kaffiyeh declaring "Jerusalem is ours. We are coming!... From the River to the Sea!"
Walid Shoebat & Ben Barrack
Jason Howerton: Blaze

Brenda Johnson _PJ Media_
of mad-men, pens in action, and al-Qaeda: the state of Obummer's regime

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
ICE officer criticized Obummer for inviting illegal aliens to the state of the regime imposture
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
"reiterated his concerns about Obama's 'continued demonstration of contempt for immigration officers and his blatant disregard for Congressionally-enacted law...   ICE officers are forced every day to release violent offenders back into the streets; we are prohibited from enforcing immigration violations and document fraud and from cracking down on illegal employment; we are prohibited from enforcing public charge law to protect [tax-victims]; and we are forced to catch-and-release illegal aliens who are not priorities even when officers believe there is a threat to public safety.', he said..."

Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
if the House passed S744 it would be disastrous; it's insane

Brenda Johnson _PJ Media_
Los Angeles employment agency owner sentenced to 2 years in prison for visa fraud
Leslie Berestein Rojas: KPCC Southern California Socialist Radio
"Lilia Tabafunda, 58 -- owner of People's Resources International Services -- faces deportation when her sentence in completed, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [USICE] said Tuesday in a news release.   Tabafunda pleaded guilty in July to charges resulting from an ICE investigation that began in 2007 after ICE received a tip Tabafunda was filing suspicious H-1B non-immigrant visa petitions, ICE said.   Prosecutors alleged in court documents Tabafunda used names of non-existent companies and non-profit organizations for 10 years in submitting fraudulent employment-based, non-immigrant visa petitions to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] and the Department of Labor [DoL]..."

Sara Carter _Blaze_
how illegal aliens are thwarting attempts to enforce immigration laws... with the Obummer regime's collusion
"Law enforcement officials say they are left with their hands tied, unable to enforce current laws, and that the push by lawmakers to deliver what they say is an amnesty plan this year is contributing to the ongoing dangers presented by the nearly 2K-mile U.S. border with Mexico.   'Right now, entire families -- groups -- show up at the border and turn themselves in.', said a Department of Homeland Security official who works along the Arizona border with Mexico.   'It's only getting worse.   They bring their children with them and they know they will not be turned back -- the majority are given a free ride into the U.S.A.   This is out of control and passing immigration reform without enforcing current laws will make it worse, not better.'   Human smugglers are using the 'promise of immigration reform' among those desperate to immigrate to the U.S.A.   from over-seas, a Texas Border Patrol agent said..."

_RTT News_
Conference Board: consumer confidence up
"The Conference Board said its consumer confidence index climbed to 80.7 in January from a downwardly revised 77.5 in December...   Consumers saying business conditions are 'good' rose from 20.2% to 21.5%, while those claiming conditions are 'bad' edged down from 23.2% to 22.8%.   The assessment of the labor market also improved, as those saying jobs are 'plentiful' ticked up from 11.9% to 12.7%, while those saying jobs are 'hard to get' dipped from 32.9% to 32.6%..."

Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
politics of hate and envy
Jewish World Review

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
814-01-28: Charlemagne/Karl der grosse/Karolus Magnus (son of Pepin the short & Bertrada/Bertha of Laon) b: 742-04-02 at Aachen d: 814-01-28 at Achen/Aix la Chappelle m1: Himiltrude m2: c. 770 to Desiderata/Sibilla m3: 771 to Hildegarde de Souabe/Schwabia und Vintzgau/Vinzgouw) (daughter of Gerold i count of Vinzgouw & Imma of Allemania) b: 758 d: 783-04-30 m4: c. 773 to Gersuinda (concubine) m5: c. 774 to Madelgard m6: c. 784 to Fastrada m7: Amaltrud of Vienne m8: c. 794 to Luitgard m9: c. 800 to Regina m10: c. 804 to Ethelind.

1284-01-28: Alexander prince of Scotland (son of king Alexander iii of Scotland/Alaxandair mac Alaxandair/Alasdair mac Alasdair & Margaret of England; gs of Alexander ii & Marie de Coucy and king Henry iii of England & Eleanor of Provence) b: 1264-01-21 at Jedburgh d: 1284-01-28 at Lindores abbey buried: Dunfermline abbey m: 1282-11-14 at Roxburgh to Margaret of Flanders (daughter of Guy of Dampierre count of Flanders) d: 1331.

1290-01-28: Dervorguilla/ Devorgilla/ Devorguilla/ Dearbhfhorghaill/ Derborgaill/ Dearbhorghil) (daughter of Alan lord of Galloway & Margaret of Huntingdon; grand-daughter of David of Scotland 7th earl of Huntingdon and Maud of Chester) b: c. 1210 d: 1290-01-28 m: 1223 to John 5th baron de Balliol.

1457-01-28: Henry Tudor 7th (son of Edmund Tudor & Margaret Beaufort; gs of sir Owen Tudor & Catherin Valois and John Beaufort & Catherine Swynford; ggs of sir Owen Tudor & Margaret; 2ggs of Grons and Thomas & Eleanor; 3ggs of Llewellyn and Philip & Catherine; 4ggs of Ivon and Llewellyn & Eleanor; 5ggs of Griffith and Simon de Montford & Eleanor; 6ggs of Llewellyn and king John; 7ggs of Jorwerth; 8ggs of Owen Gwynedd Griffith; 9ggs of Griffith; 10ggs of Cynan) (king of England) b: 1457-01-28 at Pembroke castle, PembrokeShire, England d: 1509-04-21 at Richmond palace, Richmond, Surry, England buried: Westminster Abbe, London, England m: 1486-01-18 at Westminster Abbe, London, England to Elizabeth Plantagenet (of York).

1602-01-28: sir Thomas Kytson ii (son of sir Thomas Kytson & Margaret Donnington; gs of Robert Kytson and John Donnington & Elizabeth Pye) b: 1540-10-09 at Hengrave, Suffolk, England d: 1602-01-28 m1: 1551 in England to Joan Paget m2: Elizabeth Cornwallis (daughter of Thomas Cornwallis & Anne Jerningham) b: 1547 d: 1628-08-12.
1663-01-28/1664: Bridget Stratton (daughter of Bartholomew Stratton & Eliphal Sanford; gd of John Sanford & Bridget Hutchinson) b: 1663-01-28/1664.
1670-01-28: Archibald Campbell 9th earl of Argyll (son of Archibald Campbell 1st marquess of Argyll) b: 1629 in Dalkeith, Scotland d: 1685-06-30 executed at Edinburgh, Scotland m1: Mary Stewart (daughter of James Stuart 4th earl of Moray) m2: 1670-01-28 to Anne/Anna Seaforth d: 1707.

1685-01-28: Remember Allerton (daughter of Isaac Allerton & Mary Norris; gd of Edward Norris & Elizabeth Norreys;
ggd of Henry Norreys & Margaret Williams;
2ggd of Henry Norreys & Mary de Fiennes;
3ggd of Thomas Fiennes & Anna Bourchier;
4ggd of John de Fiennes & Alice FitzHugh;
5ggd of Henry FitzHugh & Alice Neville;
6ggd of Richard Neville & Alice Montagu;
7ggd of Thomas Montagu/Tomas Montacute 4th earl of Salisbury & Alainor de Holand/Eleanor de Holand/Eleonor Holland;
8ggd of John Montacute 3rd earl of Salisbury & Maud Montacute countess of Salisbury and Thomas Holland 2nd earl of Kent/Thomas de Holand & lady Alice fitzAlan;
9ggd of sir Adam Francis & Alice Champneis and Thomas Holland 1st earl of Kent/Thomas de Holand & Joan of Kent/Joan the fair maid of Kent;
10ggd of Robert de Holand 1st baron Holand & Maud la Zouche;
11ggd of sir Robert de Holand & Elizabeth de Samlesbury and Alan de la Zouche lord Zouche of Ashby & Eleanor de Segrave;
12ggd of Robert le Zouche & Ela) b: c. 1614 d: after 1652 m: Moses Maverick b: after 1611-11-03 d: 1685-01-28. [My eyes were starting to cross on this one, so there may be some errors...jgo]

1691-01-28/1692: sir John Page b: c. 1631 d: 1691-01-28/1692, age 60 (merchant in London. Knighted for proposing regulation and taxing of tobacco trade.).
1696-01-28 in: Barbara Hilpoltsteiner (Michael Hilpoltsteiner/Michael Helpertsteiner/Michael Hippoldsteiner & Anna Engel) baptized: c. 1678-12-04 in Altheim bei Dietersheim m: 1696-01-28 in Trautskirchen to Johann Wilhelm Billenstein.
1697-01-28: Francois Lamothe b: before 1667 in France d: 1722-09-24 in Beauport m: 1697-01-28 in Charlesbourg to Jeanne Fouillart???

1706-01-28/1707: Maria Barbara Hite (daughter of Hans Jost Hite/ Johan Justus Heydt/ Joist Hite/ Yost Hite; gd of Johannis Heyd) b: 1706-01-28/1707 in Bonfeld, Kraichgau, Germany d: 1706-03-01/1707 in Bonfeld, Kraichgau, Germany.
1712-01-28: Samuel Smith (son of John Smith & Elizabeth Jessup) b: 1712-01-28 in Greenfield, Fairfield county CT d: 1756 in Greenfield, Fairfield county CT, age 44 m: 1737-11-10 in Fairfield, Fairfield county CT to Mary Winton (daughter of John Winton & Susanna Adams) b: 1717-09-04 in Greenfield, Fairfield county CT d: 1788-12-21, age 71.

1719-01-28: Robert Daniel (son of Robert Daniel & Elizabeth Beverly) b: 1719-01-28 d: before 1771-06-24 m: Lucy Daniel (daughter of William Daniel & Ann Watts) b: 1723-04-21.

1725-01-28/1726: Content Sanford (daughter of John Sanford & Elizabeth Phillips; gd of John Sanford & Content Howland) b: 1725-01-28/1726 in Little Compton, Newport county RI.
1728-01-28: Robert Carter Nicholas (son of doctor George Nicholas & Elizabeth Carter; gs of Robert Carter) b: 1728-01-28 in Hanover county VA d: 1780-09-08 at "The Retreat", Hanover county VA m: Anne Cary b: 1735 d: 1786-12-05.

1730-01-28: Sarah Fairfax (daughter of governor William Henry Fairfax & Sarah Walker; gd of reverend Henry Fairfax & Anne Harrison and major Thomas Walker; ggd of Henry Fairfax & Frances Barwick and Richard Harrison; 2ggd of reverend Henry Fairfax & lady Mary Cholmondeley and sir Robert Barwick & Ursula Strickland; 3ggd of Thomas Fairfax & Ellen Aske and sir Henry Cholmondeley & Margaret Babthorpe) b: 1730-01-28 in Salem, Essex county MA m: 1748 in Alexandria, VA to captain-major John Carlyle (son of William Carlyle 11th lord Carlisle & Rachel Murray) b: 1720-02-06 in Carlisle, Cumbria, England d: 1780-04-05 in Fairfax, VA.

1732-01-28 or 1733-01-28: Martha Patterson (daughter of William Patterson & Hannah Peebles) b: 1732-01-28 or 1733-01-28 in VA m: to John Patterson b: 1731-12-08 in Rich Square, Northampton, NC.
1733-01-28: Ann Phoebe Marshall (daughter of William Marshall & Phoebe Farmer) b: 1733-01-28 in Bristol parish Henrico county VA m: Abner Lockett (son of Thomas Lockett & Judith).
1737-01-28: Baylor Walker b: 1737-01-28 d: 1773-04-07.
1741-01-28: James Wood iii (son of James Wood ii & Mary Rutherford; gs of captain Thomas Rutherford) b: 1741-01-28.
1747-01-28: Elias Ball/2nd Elias (son of Elias Ball & Elizabeth Harleston; gs of William Ball) b: 1709-12-22 in SC d: 1786-08-08 m: 1747-01-28 to Lydia Child (daughter of George Child; gd of James Child).
1760-01-28: James Green (son of Robert Green & Eleanor Dunn) b: 1734 in VA d: 1809 in Culpeper county VA m: 1760-01-28 in Fauquier county VA to Elizabeth Bates Jones.
1762-01-28: Benjamin Hodges (son of Welcome William Hodges & Ann Turner; gs of Henry Turner & Mary) d: c. 1768 in Goochland county VA (1768-05-17 estate inventoried & appraised, recorded in deed book 9 pp148-149.) m: 1762-01-28 in Goochland county VA to Elizabeth Stevenson.
1765-01-28: Richard Henry Moale b: 1765-01-28 in Baltimore, MD d: 1802-06-22 or 1802-07-22 m: 1797-04-16 to Judith Carter Armistead (daughter of William Armistead & Maria Carter; gd of William Armistead and Charles Carter of "Cleve" & Anne Byrd of "Westover"; ggd of Henry Armistead; 2ggd of John Armistead; 3ggd of William Armistead; 4ggd of Anthony Armistead) b: 1774-12-29.
1768-01-28: Bickerton Winston (son of John Winston & Alice Bickerton) b: 1768-01-28 in Hanover county VA d: 1834.

1771-01-28: Edward McGehee b: 1702 in New Kent county VA d: 1771-01-28 in Cumberland county VA m: Elizabeth deJarnette b: 1702 in Gloucester county VA d: 1783 in Prince Edward county VA.
1773-01-28: Thomas Pendleton (son of James Pendleton & Catherine Bowie) b: 1773-01-28 d: 1823-11-26 in Culpeper county VA m: 1794-01-29 in Culpeper county VA to Jane Farmer b: 1775-12-02 d: 1845-12-31 in Culpeper county VA.
1773-01-28: Stephen Mendenhall(son of Robert Mendenhall & Esther Metcaff/Esther Metcalf?; gs of Benjamin Mendenhall & Ann A. Pennell; ggs of Thomas Mendenhall & Joan Strode) b: 1750-05-24 in Concord, Chester county PA d: 1809-12-09 in Concord, Chester county PA m: 1773-01-28 in Concord, Chester county PA to Margaret Farlow b: 1748-02-23 or 1749-02-23 d: 1818 in Concord, Chester county PA.
1775-01-28: John Lyle (son of Robert Lyle & Mary Gilliland) b: 1752-12-02 in Forks twp Northampton county PA d: 1826-04-17 in Washington county PA m: 1775-01-28 in Northampton county PA to Elizabeth Hays (daughter of David Hays & Mary) b. 1756 probably in Forks twp Northampton, county PA d: 1849-09-07 in Washington county PA.
1763-01-28: Catherina Juliana Daniel b: 1763-01-28 in Bethel twp Berks county PA d: 1852-10-31 in Northumberland county PA m: 1782-10-29 in Tulpehochen, Northumberland county PA John Latsha i b: 1752 d: 1810.

1779-01-28: Thomas Anderson (son of James Anderson iii & Margaret Chambers; gs of James Anderson ii & Ruth Bayley; ggs of James Anderson & Suit Garland) b: 1779-01-28 at Anderson's Ferry/Marietta, Lancaster county PA baptized: 1779-02-02 d: 1850-12-29 in Silvers Spring twp Cumberland county PA m: 1811-04-15 to Mary Addams (daughter of Abraham Addams) b: 1787 d: 1840-03-08 buried: Silvers Spring church-yard, Silvers Spring twp Cumberland county PA.
1782-01-28: James Vance (son of Samuel Vance & Agness Penquite) b: 1764-09-03 probably at Wrightstown, Bucks county PA d: 1835-10-07 at Industry, McDonough county IL m: 1782-01-28 in White county TN to Margaret Renault (Margaret Reneau, Margaret Reno).
1786-01-28: Isabella M. Doak (daughter of colonel Robert Doak & Elizabeth Mitchell) b: 1786-01-28 in Buffalo Hill, Augusta county VA d: 1862-07-17 in Buffalo Hill, Augusta county VA.
1787-01-28: Joseph Fulton (son of Richard Fulton & Isabel McChesney) b: 1759 d: 1787-01-28 m: 1780-01-25 (reverend John Elder officiating) to Elizabeth.
1787-01-28: James Fleming (son of John Fleming & Mary Jackson; grand-son of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1787-01-28 at Pine Creek, Lycoming county PA d: 1870 at Rome, Lenawee county MI m: Martha Wade (she lived in Romulus, NY.).

1793-01-28: Annie Stockman (daughter of Nathan Stockman & Mary Roan; gd of John Roan & Anne Cochran; ggd of Archibald Roan) b: 1793-01-28 d: 1878 m: Mark Clark.
1794-01-28: Thomas Pendleton (son of James Pendleton & Catherine Bowie; gs of James Pendleton & Elizabeth Coleman and John Bowie & Margaret Catlett) b: 1773-07-28 in Culpeper county VA d: 1823-11-26 in Culpeper county VA m: 1794-01-28 to Jane Farmer b: 1775-12-02 near Fredericksburg, Rockbridge county VA d: 1845-12-31 in Culpeper county VA.
1798-01-28: Robert Hoge b: c. 1718 d: 1798-01-28, age 80.
1798-01-28: Josiah Ward (son of Josiah Ward & Betsy Hoyt; gs of captain Josiah Ward & Sarah Goodale; ggs of Phineas Ward & Neony; 2ggs of Joseph Ward & Abiah Wheelock; 3ggs of Samuel Ward; 4ggs of William Ward who 1639 settled in Sudbury, MA) b: 1798-01-28 in Henniker, NH d: 1863 January (lawyer practiced in Naple & Ellicottsville, NY. 1837 moved to Adrian, MI. 1851 moved to Shasta City, CA. 1853 elected prosecuting attorney of Shasta county CA. 1856 returned to Adrian, MI. 1861 returned to CA. moved to Dayton, NV.) m: Eliza C. Sutton (daughter of Jacob Sutton) d: 1880 in Port Huron, MI.

1802-01-28: Samuel-Ainsworth Andrews (son of Hugh Andrews & Elizabeth Ainsworth; gs of John Ainsworth & Margaret Mayes and James Andrews & Jean Strain; ggs of Samuel Ainsworth & Margaret Young and James Mayes; 2ggs of John Young & Margery Stewart) b: 1802-01-28 m: 1831-02-03 to Margaret Ramsey.
1803-01-28: David McDaniel m: 1803-01-28 in Randolph county NC to Elizabeth York.
1806-01-28: Joseph Baker (son of John Baker & Hannah Mackey) b: 1790 in KY d: 1850 in Pike county IL m: 1806-01-28 in Ross county OH to Martha Jackson/ Ma Jackson/ Patty Jackson (daughter of Peter Jackson & Mary Walker) b: c. 1786 in KY.
1812-01-28: Jervis Fleming (son of Robert Fleming & Lettice Smith) b: 1812-01-28 m: Amanda Crane.
1813-01-28: Maria Elisabeth DeMuth Otto (daughter of Johann Henrich Otto & Anna Katharina Zimmermann) b: 1794-08-31 at Unglinghausen d: 1828-11-27 at Unglinghausen m: 1813-01-28, Unglinghausen to Johannes Henrich Nasse (son of Johann Ebert Nasse & Anna Christine Bohn) b: 1788-07-21 at Unglinghausen d: 1852-04-08 at Unglinghausen.
1814-01-28: Benjamin Franklin Cornell (son of Benjamin Cornell & Rosanah Foley; gs of John Foley & Emilia Ashby; ggs of James Foley and Robert Ashby & Mary Farrow) b: 1814-01-28 in Clark county OH d: 1891-02-25 in Elkhart county IN.
1816-01-28: Isaac Meredith b: 1816-01-28 in Coshocton, OH d: 1895-04-19 in New Castle, Fulton county IN buried: Yellow Creek cem. Newcastle twp Fulton county IN m: 1837-08-24 in Coshocton, OH to Elizabeth Grove (daughter of John Grove & Elizabeth) b: 1815-06-07 in PA d: 1896-04-20 in Mentone, Koscluska county IN buried: Yellow Creek cem. Newcastle twp Fulton county IN.
1817-01-28: Phebe Cooper b: 1791-04-03 m: 1817-01-28 m: in Greene county TN to Zopher Johnston jr (son of Revolutionary War soldier Zopher Johnston) b: 1790-10-15 (or 1791??) in Greene county TN.

1818-01-28 or 1819-01-28: Mary McGovney/Polly McGovney (daughter of James McGovney & Agnes Crockett/Nancy Crockett; gd of James Crockett & Margaret Martin) b: 1791-12-31 in Washington county KY d: 1820-01-14 in Liberty twp Adams county OH m: 1818-01-28 or 1819-01-28 in Adams county OH to Adam McGovney b: 1789-12-14 in county Down, Ireland d: 1860-03-07 in Adams county OH.
1819-01-28: Martha Fleming (daughter of Samuel Fleming & Phebe Wade; gd of John Fleming & Mary Jackson; ggd of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1819-01-28 m: W.H. Clark.
1823-01-28: Johann Ernst Heinrich Becker (son of Johannes Becker & Anna Martha Fuellgrabe) b: 1823-01-28 in Weidenhausen d: 1877-12-16 in Weidenhausen m: 1850-09-08 in Weidenhausen to Katharina Elisabeth Schreiber (daughter of Conrad Scheiber & Anna Elisabetha Schneider) b: 1825-03-10 in Weidenhausen.
1825-01-28: Margaret Patterson (daughter of William Patterson; gd of William Patterson & Elizabeth Brown; ggd of James Patterson & Mary Hamilton) b: 1825-01-26 d: 1825-01-28.
1826-01-28: John Thruston (son of Charles Mynn Thruston & Eliza Sydnr Cosby) b: 1826-01-28 m: 1858-12-14 to Ellen Pope.
1827-01-28: Edmund Lewis Pendleton (son of Edmund A. Pendleton & Mildred Pendleton; grand-son of Edmund Pendleton & Lucy Nelson) b: 1827-01-28 m: 1850 october to Catista E. Norton.
1827-01-28: Edmund Lewis Pendleton (son of Edmund A. Pendleton & Mildred Pendleton; gs of Edmund Pendleton iii & Lucy Nelson) b: 1827-01-28 m: 1850 October to Catista E. Norton (she had lived in VT.).

1828-01-28: Mary Elder (daughter of Matthew Elder) b: 1761-01-22 d: 1828-01-28 in Sullivan county TN m: c. 1782 to William Snodgrass (son of David Snodgrass & Margaret Glenn) b: 1760-05-10 in Frederick county VA d: 1849-09-18 in Sullivan county TN buried: Snodgrass cem (fought at King's Mountain.).
1828-01-28: Isaac Moorhead (son of Thomas Moorhead & Rebecca Barnett; gs of Moses Barnett & Rebeca Green; ggs of Joseph Barnett; 2ggs of John Barnett ii; 3ggs of John Barnett) b: 1828-01-28 at Erie, PA d: 1881-06-04 at Easton Rapids, MI (merchant. conductor on Lake Shore RR. clerk of PA House of Representatives. 1880 post-master of Erie, PA.) m: 1853 September to Caroline Hoskinson.
1828-01-28: Randolph McDaniel m: 1828-01-28 Jane Chambers.
1830-01-28: Hugh Hamilton ii (son of Hugh Hamilton & Rosanna Boyd; gs of John Hamilton & Margaret Alexander; ggs of John Hamilton & Jane Allen) b: 1828-08-09 d: 1830-01-28.
1830-01-28: William Maclay Awl (son of Samuel Awl & Mary Maclay; grand-son of Jacob Awl & Sarah Sturgeon; g-grand-son of Jeremiah Sturgeon) b: 1799-05-24 in Harrisburg, PA d: 1876-11-19 in Columbus, Franklin county OH (studied medicine. graduated from Jefferson College in Philadelphia, PA. 1835 helped found Ohio Medical Association. 1837 among first directors of Ohio Lunatic Asylum, until 1850 superintendent. 1844 at AMA proposed education of the "feeble-minded". 1862 governor Todd appointed him superintendent of the State Capitol 1862-1867. physician to the Ohio Institution for the Blind.) m: 1830-01-28 to Rebecca Loughey (she had lived in Circleville, OH.).

1833-01-28: Georg Hock (son of Hans Jerik Hock/George Hock & Juliana Sophia Schwartz) b: 1754-08-18 in PA d: 1833-01-28 in Lebanon, PA m1: Susanna Margaretha Theis (Susanna Margaretha Tice) m2: Christia Zin.
1833-01-28: Maria Catherine Wagner/Maria Catharine Wagner (daughter of reverend Henry Wagner & Sarah Magdalena Wiestling; gd of Samuel Christopher Wiestling & Anna Maria Bucher; ggd of Christopher Martin Wiestling & Dorothea Elizabeth Goldman) b: 1833-01-28 d: 1834-07-09.
1835-01-28: Jean Charlotte Alexander (daughter of doctor William Fontaine Alexander & Anna Maria Thomasine Blackburn Washington; gd of Charles Alexander & Mary Bowles Armistead and John Augustine Washington & Jane Charlotte Blackburn) b: 1835-01-28 in Alexandria, VA d: 1885-04-08 in Augusta county VA m: 1864-08-25 in Alexandria, VA to John Alexander Straith b: 1835-01-26 in Jefferson county VA (now WV).
1837-01-28: Rosabella Budd Mills (daughter of Thomas Griffith Mills & Eliza Diana Humphreys) b: 1822-01-03 d: 1858-07-28 m: 1837-01-28 to John Pozenton McMillin.
1837-01-28: John Henry Wagner (son of reverend Henry Wagner & Sarah Magdalena Wiestling; gs of Samuel Christopher Wiestling & Anna Maria Bucher; ggs of Christopher Martin Wiestling & Dorothea Elizabeth Goldman) b: 1837-01-28 m: A. Josephine Withers.

1838-01-28: Thomas Kemp Cartmell (son of Mordecai B. Cartmell & Eliza Campbell; gs of Nathaniel Cartmell v & Sarah Bean; ggs of Nathaniel Cartmell iv and major Mordecai Bean) b: 1838-01-28 (author. clerk of Frederick county VA court. assistant US Marshall for SW district of TX. 1860 census superintendent. quarter-master. assistant provost marshal. cavalry private under colonel William H. Harness and general Turner Ashby. company B 17th battalion VA regiment. Bureau of Information in charge of Valley district. called his home "Ingleside".) m: 1866-11-22 at "Greenwood" (reverend William Henry Foote officiating) to Annie Glass Baker (daughter of James C. Baker & Susan E.) b: 1844 d: 1907-01-18 at Evans Hotel, Winchester, Frederick county VA buried: Mt. Hebron cem Frederick county VA.
1841-01-28: Mary Daniels m: 1841-01-28 in Pike county IL to George Rogers.
1841-01-28: Edmund Pendleton Dandridge (son of Adam Stephen Dandridge ii & Serena Catherine Pendleton; gs of Adam Stephen Dandridge & Sarah Pendleton and Edmund Pendleton & Serena Catherine Purnell) b: 1841-01-28 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) d: 1884-09-29 in Winchester, Frederick county VA m: c. 1876 to Elizabeth Pitts.
1843-01-28: Martin V. Archer b: 1843-01-28 d: 1886-03-09 buried: 1886 March in Moore's Ridge cem. French Lick twp Orange county IN m: 1863-10-11 in Orange county IN to Sarah Leonard b: 1843-02-17 in Orange county IN d: 1896-03-20 buried: 1896 March in Moore's Ridge cem. French Lick twp Orange county IN.
1843-01-28: corporal Hugh Vance Hannah jr (son of Hugh Vance Hannah & Rebecca A. Ford; gs of David Hannah & Nancy Vance and Joseph Ford & Catherine) b: 1843-01-28 in Logansville, Logan county OH d: 1864-03-27 in Andersonville prison, GA buried: grave #187, Andersonville, Sumter county GA (107th Illinois infantry company C).

1850-01-28: Virginia Nunemaker (daughter of Andrew Nunemaker & Rachel Phillips) b: 1850-01-28 in Brooke county WV m: 1868-04-23 (reverend William Saddler officiating) to John Peters (son of William Peters & Rebecca Christina Murray; gs of Edward Murray & Rebecca Christina Youngblood; ggs of Patrick Murray) b: 1846-12-29 d: 1871-07-06 in Ashland county OH.
1850-01-28: James Nathan Daniel (son of Paul Daniel & Cynthia Ramsey) b: 1850-01-28.
1852-01-28: Mary Frances Fleming (daughter of Robert Jackson Fleming & Sarah Ann Poor; gd of Samuel Fleming & Sarah Becket and Charles Merrill Poor & Elizabeth Karg; ggd of Robert Fleming & Jane Jackson) b: 1848-02-27 d: 1852-01-28.
1853-01-28: James Campbell (son of William Reed Campbell & Eliza Ball Cartmell; gs of William Campbell & Mary Johnson) d: 1853-01-28.
1854-01-28: William M. Linn (son of William Linn & Jane Morrow) b: 1831-11-22 m: 1852-03-31 to Maria Reed d: 1854-01-28.
1854-01-28: David Rose Drake (son of Jesse Drake & Jemima-Wilhelmina Julianna Rose) b: 1791-08-27 near Mt. Washington, Bullitt county KY d: 1854-01-28 in Henry county MO m: 1815-04-04 in Bullitt county KY to Catherine Burckhartt.

1857-01-28: Thomas M Gray (son of Robert Gray & Mary Rutherford; gs of John Gray & Hannah Stevenson and captain John Rutherford & Margaret Parke) b: 1798-03-17 d: 1857-01-28.
1858-01-28: professor John P. Downer (son of Benjamin Downer & Emily L. Pendleton; gs of Benjamin Downer & Elizabeth Slaughter and John Pendleton; ggs of John S. Slaughter & Susan Brown; 2ggs of John Slaughter; 3ggs of Francis Slaughter) b: 1858-01-28 near Fairview, Todd county KY m: 1884-12-23 to Jennie Kirby (daughter of David Kirby & Lydia Bohannon).
1858-01-28: Mary Unity Pendleton (daughter of doctor Edmond Strachan Pendleton & Susan Mansfield Trice) b: 1858-01-28.
1863-01-28: William T. Thornton (son of Benjamin T. Thornton & Nancy Fleming Payne) b: c. 1828 in Elbert county GA d: 1863-01-28.
1864-01-28: Charles Bailey Bradshaw (son of James Martin Bradshaw & Esther Mary Doll; gs of William H. Doll & Sarah McAllister Elder) b: 1864-01-28 d: 1866-12-12.
1864-01-28: William Kirkley Groves b: 1831-09-17 in Madison county OH d: 1864-01-28 m: Sarah Ellen Morgan.

1865-01-28: Lucy Gilmer Breckenridge (daughter of captain Cary Breckenridge & Emma Walker Gilmer; gd of James Breckenridge & Ann Selden and Peachy Ridgeway Gilmer & Mary House) b: 1843-02-01 m: 1865-01-28 at "Grove Hill", Fincastle, Botetourt county VA (reverend William McGuire officiating) to Jefferson Bassett.
1865-01-28: Josephus Daniels (son of Clifford Daniels & Susan Carraway; grand-son of Thomas Daniels) b: 1828-01-21 at Bay River, Craven county NC d: 1865-01-28 in NC m: 1856-01-21 in Washington, Beaufort couty NC to Mary Cleaves Seabrook.
1871-01-28: Charles Russell Hanna (son of Silas Clay Hanna & Martha E. Fox; gs of George Hanna & Susan Ludington) b: 1871-01-28 in Odessa, Lafayette county MO.
1873-01-28: John Grove (son of Abraham Grove) b: 1794-08-27 in PA d: 1860-12-25 in Champaign county IL m1: c. 1816 to Alice Abbott (daughter of Abijiah Abbott & Rachel Jennings) b: 1796-08-16 in Paxton, Worcester county MA d: 1873-01-28 in Dix, Ford county IL.

1874-01-28: Hermanus Alricks (son of James Alricks; gs of Hermanu Alricks; ggs of Wessels Alricks; 2ggs of Pieter Alricks ii; 3ggs of Pieter Alricks) b: 1803-08-22 at Oakland Mills, Lost Creek Valley, now Juniata county PA d: 1874-01-28 in Harrisburg, PA (1829 deputy-attorney-general. 6 feet tall; large frame.) m: 1831 to Mary Elder Kerr (daughter of reverend William Kerr & Mary Wilson) b: 1809-05-05 d: 1857-03-30 at Harrisburg, PA.
1877-01-28: William R. Grove of Monroe twp Randolph county b: 1834-03-27 Clinton county OH (son of Abraham Grove & Elizabeth Reed) d: 1877-01-28 buried: Rehoboth cemetary m1: 1863 April Mary Smith (daughter of Benjamin Smith & Margaret McDonald) d: 1872-05-30 buried: Muncie, IN m2: 1874-04-28 Sarah Jones (daughter of Nathan Jones & Temperance Thomas).
1878-01-28: Hannah Criswell Gross (son of Edward Ziegler Gross & Nancy C. Criswell; gs of Daniel Wiestling Gross & Elizabeth Kunkel and Vance Criswell & Hannah Dull; ggs of Abraham Gross & Anna Maria Wiestling; 2ggs of Samuel Christopher Wiestling & Anna Maria Bucher; 3ggs of Christopher Martin Wiestling & Dorothea Elizabeth Goldman) b: 1878-01-28.
1883-01-28: Mary Motter (daughter of Isaac Martin Motter & Ada Serene Kunkel; gd of Samuel Kunkel & Rachel Bomberger; ggd of Christian Kunkel & Anna Maria Elizabeth Welshofer) b: 1883-01-28 d: 1883-02-11.
1884-01-28: Mary Montgomery (daughter of Henry Montgomery & Mary Howard/Polly Howard) b: 1816-07-18 in OH d: 1884-01-28 in Franklin county IN m: 1836-01-26 in Butler county OH to Abial Shaw.

1890-01-28: Benjamin LeMasters Frame (son of Thomas Charles Frame & Agness LeMaster) b: 1807-03-22 in Kanawha county VA (WV) d: 1890-01-28 in Brown county IL m: 1831-06-16 in VA d: in Brown county IL to Elvira LeMasters Boggs b: 1814-11-06 in Kanawha county VA (now WV).
1891-01-28: John Hacker b: 1743-01-01 d: 1821-04-20, age 81y 3m 9d (1769 came to WV.) m: Margaret b: 1747-06-24 in Ireland d: 1832-05-08, age 84y 10m 14d (1748 immigrated to America.) (from grave-stone 1891-01-28 via H.M. Hacker letter to Lyman C. Draper).

1893-01-28: Robert Thomas Cornell (son of Benjamin Cornell & Rosanah Foley; gs of John Foley & Emilia Ashby; ggs of James Foley and Robert Ashby & Mary Farrow) b: 1817-04-02 in Clark county OH d: 1893-01-28 in Goshen, Elkhart county IN.
1893-01-28: Martha Jane Wilson (daughter of Joseph Wilson & Eliza Dick; gd of James Wilson & Nancy McClintock and Samuel Dick & Martha Allen Gillespie) b: 1816-03-17 in West Hamilton, Butler county OH d: 1893-01-28 in Glendale, Hamilton county OH m: 1832-06-28 in Hamilton, Butler county OH to John Morrow Cochran (son of William Cochran & Rebecca Morrow) b: 1808-06-18 in Adams county PA d: 1889-08-24 in Glendale, Hamilton county OH.
1894-01-28: Phebe Wine Parker (daughter of Wiliam Parker & Thankful Snow) b: 1821-01-07 d: 1894-01-28 at Brooksville, ME m: William Limeburner.
1899-01-28: David Louis Luttrell Grove (son of Francis David Grove & Minnie J. Schatz) b: 1899-01-28.
1900-01-28: Elizabeth Hanna/Betsy Hanna (son of James Hanna iv & Nancy Gillian) b: 1809-06-09 in Greenbrier county VA (WV) d: 1900-01-28 in Nicholas county WV m: 1826-08-07 in Nicholas county WV d: 1872-01-09 in Nicholas county WV to Joseph Hutchinson b: 1804-07-23.
Proposed Bills 2014

  "At the Library of Congress, which contains 13M volumes, about 77K each year become too fragile to use: within a few years almost half of the books in America's libraries will be regarded as endangered and unsuable, surely unlendable.   The statistics from abroad also tell a grim story.   The number of imperiled books in the British Library is on its way to 2M.   Considerably more than 500K volumes at the Biblioteque Nationale require immediate attention to save them from ruin." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg54  




Yom R'vi'i



2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
pres. Obummer keeps giving us reasons he should be impeached and removed
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
re-state of the union
"This is what the president should have said: 'I cannot imagine what I was thinking when I pushed [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   I now see it is folly to entrust government, which cannot balance its books and routinely loses track of billions of dollars, with even greater power over health care.   If something as simple as a web-site is too much for government to get right, imagine what government will do to complicated medical pricing and insurance plans.   Foolishly, my plan destroyed many sensible insurance plans -- some offering catastrophic-only coverage for a lower price -- exactly the insurance so many people need.   I see my fellow Democrat, representative Jim Moran of Virginia, seated nearby.   I take to heart his comments, which he can safely make now that he's retiring from Congress, about how Obamacare is economically doomed, with few young people signing up but sick old people taking money out.   The math doesn't add up.   Now that I think about it, it would be better to end government involvement in health care altogether and let people shop around for the best free-market plans, including catastrophe-only plans, depending on individual needs.   Let's try that...'"
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Hollywood, propaganda and leftist politics
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
double-think and new-speak here
"Vocabulary remains the Little Round Top of any struggle of ideas.   It's the dominating height that can decide the outcome of the entire battle.   Whoever seizes and holds it has a strategic advantage.   It matters -- a lot -- whether people call it the death tax or the estate tax, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] or the Affordable Care Act, racial quotas or affirmative action..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
high education, low return
"Since 1985, the price of higher education has increased 538%, according to a new study from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), a nonprofit, nonpartisan research group that encourages trustees and alumni to foster improvement where institutions may be reluctant to go against popular trends.   For perspective, compare tuition increases to a 'mere' 286% increase in medical costs and a 121% increase in the consumer price index during the same period, according to the ACTA..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
doctor Ben Carson _Jewish World Review_
the solution to income inequality is opportunity
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2014-01-29 Anthony Watts
homogenization...can lead to a significant over-estimate of air temperature
pictures: US weather bureau in Columbia SC c. 1915; U of SC weather station

2014-01-29 Anthony Watts
counting your penguin chicks before they hatch

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Corey Mitchell _Jewish World Review_
the battle over privacy moved to vehicles about a decade ago, and the abuses continue to escalate
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2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Antone Gonsalves _"IT" News_/_IDG_
new DoJ rules will not discourage privacy violations by government nor those by businesses
"The government's easing of data disclosure rules was used in settling privacy suits filed by 5 Internet companies [whose business models are built around massive, extreme privacy violations], FB, Google, LinkedIn, MSFT and Yahoo..."

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Alina Dain Sharon _Jewish World Review_
Pentagon's loosened restrictions are still violating religious apparel statute
The beard of the soldier depicted doesn't seem especially compatible with being able to don a gas mask...jgo

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
standing up against wealth-shaming
"The problem is wealth-shaming.   Class-shaming.   Success-shaming...   The letter-writer is Tom Perkins, a Silicon Valley pioneer with an MIT degree in electrical engineering and computer science and a Harvard MBA.   He started out at the bottom at Hewlett-Packard, founded his own separate laser company on the side and then teamed up with fellow entrepreneur Eugene Kleiner to establish one of the nation's oldest and most important venture capital firms, Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers.   A hands-on dynamo, Perkins immersed himself in the science and technology of the companies in his portfolio.   He even accompanied them on sales calls.   He poured his heart and soul into the business of business.   Perkins achieved great wealth for himself, his partners and his clients -- and the world is a better place for it.   Kleiner Perkins' ground-breaking investment in Genentech planted the seeds of the biotech revolution.   An MIT profile notes that in its first three decades, the firm 'made more than 475 investments, generating $90G in revenue and creating 275K jobs' and 'funded 167 companies that later went public, including Amazon, AOL, Genentech, Google and Netscape'.   [Well, everyone makes mistakes...jgo]..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review
please help find Marizela

2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
tax-victims get fleeced to try to make ObummerDoesn'tCare appear to be affordable
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2014-01-29 (5774 Shebet 28)
Glenn Kessler _Jewish World Review_
fact-checking the 2014 state of the union address
"The low point in jobs was reached in 2010 February, and there has indeed been a gain of about 8M jobs since then, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.   But the data also show that since the start of his presidency, about 3.2M jobs have been created -- and the number of jobs in the economy still is about 1.2M lower than when the recession began in 2007 December [at which point we had yet to fully recover from the recession that began in 2000 March, and then had not yet fully recovered from the recession of 1991]..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

religious leaders call for Virginia AG Mark Herring's resignation

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer speech brought villains of Ayn Rand's _Atlas Shrugge_ to live
"President [Obummer's] State of the Union address skillfully glossed over just what a sorry state the Union is in these days.   Obama’s address, full of deceit and the obfuscation of any facts at odds with his hard-left secular agenda, stands out in its repetition of the threat to act without Congress as perhaps the most anti-democratic public statement by an American president since Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced his plan to pack the Supreme Court when its existing 9 Justices blocked major parts of his early New Deal program...   As I listened to [pres. Obummer's] repeated statements that government was going to somehow fix what Obama calls 'income inequality' it brought to mind several of the more depressing chapters of Any Rand's novel _Atlas Shrugged_, which you recall envisioned a dystopian world in which government looters stripped society's producers, thinkers and creators of the fruits of their labor in the name of equalizing society.   The looting of the fruit of their labor provoked the producers to withdraw from society.   Without producers, thinkers and creators there was an economic implosion and society rapidly declined and fell into chaos...   Every time Obama mentioned government enforced income equality or government-led opportunity I fully expected the camera to pan to one of the villains of _Atlas Shrugged_, such as lobbyist/politician Wesley Mouch..."

Andrew Johnson _National Review_
Pat Buchanan: Boehner will lose speakership, and possibly his House seat if he continues to push reprehensible immigration law perversion

Matthew Boyle & Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
show-down: Boehner to reveal his "immigration principles': conservatives are pushing for reform, instead
"'We're going to have a very heavy discussion on illegal immigration.', representative Dana Rohrabacher told Breitbart News, adding that Boehner's critics have organized a plan to 'speak as aggressively and loudly and articulately as we can in opposing this non-sense of amnesty for 10M-20M illegals which would cause great harm to the country and destroy the Republican Party'.   The meeting is momentous enough that Senator Jeff Sessions [hand-delivered] anti-amnesty talking points to members ahead of the closed-door session."

Getahn Ward _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Beretta bringing 300 jobs to Gallatin TN

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Iran may have enough fissible material for 4 nuclear bombs by early July, under Obummer regime's deal

Richard Rubin & Brian Wingfield _Bloomberg_
Obummer and corrupt executives, including Bloomberg, seek trade deals

Becket Adams _Blaze_
Steve Stockman walked out of Obummer's ramblings, considers filing articles of impeachment
"The Texas congressman explained that he left the president's speech early because he was upset after 'hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers'..."

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
Mike Lee grilled the corrupt Eric Holder over Obummer's abuses of executive orders

Charles Q. Choi _Live Science_
at least 20% of Neanderthal DNS is preserved in modern humans
"...Neanderthals, who lived in Europe and Asia until they went extinct about 40K years ago.   The ancestors of modern humans diverged from those of Neanderthals between 550K and 765K years ago.   Recent findings revealed that Neanderthals inter-bred with ancestors of modern humans when modern humans began spreading out of Africa perhaps about 40K to 80K years ago, although some research suggests the migration began earlier.   About 1.5% to 2.1% of the DNA of anyone outside Africa is Neanderthal in origin..."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
twisted, 150 years ago this day, guerrilla warfare during the Civil War
NYTimes: law of retaliation
NYTimes: general Butler's department...
NY gov
John Griffin: 62nd GA regiment of volunteers...
Dennis Segelquist: sentenced to be hung

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "You are as good as the best and better than the rest." --- Patricia Bible  



canonical Dilbert



Yom Chamishi



2014-01-30 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 354,604 in the week ending January 25, a decrease of 59,707 from the previous week.   There were 369,480 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.6% during the week ending January 18, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,445,204, a decrease of 60,438 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.9% and the volume was 3,678,926.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending January 11 was 3,583,501, a decrease of 122,586 from the previous week.   There were 5,916,993 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2013.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending January 11...   The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired on 2014 January 1, and under current law no EUC payments will be made for weeks of unemployment after this date."   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership's political suicide equals national suicide
"If it were merely the current leaders of the Republican Party, such as Priebus, Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy and Ryan who were contemplating suicide we would be tempted to give them Dr. Jack Kevorkian's phone number.   (We know Kevorkian is dead, but you get the point.)   But in this case a Republican suicide equals national suicide..."

_Conservative HQ_
it is past time to believe pres. Obummer's extreme leftist political goals

Denise Dick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Ohio government mandates hours of time in school per year rather than days
"For half-day kindergarten, it will be 455 hours.   For full-day kindergarten through 6th grade, 910 hours will be required, and a minimum of 1,001 hours will be necessary for seventh- through 12th-graders...   Schools still are required to be in session five days per week, but the switch to hours allows districts to schedule a longer day, shorten the school year or even have longer school days a few days a week and shorter days the rest of the week...   This year, districts are required to have at least 175 days for public district schools, which includes parent-teacher conferences.   If a school day lasts 6.5 hours, that totals 1,137.5 hours for the year."

2014-01-30 (5774 Shebet 29)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the poison of post-modern lying

2014-01-30 (5774 Shebet 29)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
grand plans vs. many small, important accomplishments

2014-01-30 (5774 Shebet 29)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's self-destruct continues

2014-01-30 (5774 Shebet 29)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's statist of the union lecture

2014-01-30 (5774 Shebet 29)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
USA is in a sorry state

2014-01-30 (5774 Shebet 29)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
the double standard of politics

2014-01-30 (5774 Shebet 29)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership crafts plan to wreck the party, wreck country, and lose voters
Town Hall
Investor's Business Daily
"According to a Harris poll, 81% of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American.   Only 50% of naturalized U.S. citizens do.   While 67% of native-born Americans believe our Constitution is a higher legal authority than international law, only 37% of naturalized citizens agree.   No wonder they vote 2-1 for the Democrats..."

Rich Baehr _PJ Media_
how good could 2014 be for GOP (if we could ditch the losership)?   odds are even that Republicans could elect a majority in the senate

Eric Worrall
applying stock-market statistical tools to temperature data
"The interesting thing about moving averages is they can provide useful, actionable information, without requiring any knowledge of the nature of the underlying commodity..."

Anthony Watts & Roger Pielke ii
twits: "big climate", "big tobacco", "big NFL", "big MLB", "big EPA", "big FCC"...

Anthony Watts
Harvard: asteroid diversity suggests solar system is like a "snow globe"

Craig D. Idso
efforts to cap CO2 emissions are adverse to human health and welfare

Michael Boldin _10th Amendment Center_
"We intend to resist each and every unconstitutional act coming from this president and the next."

James O'Toole _CNN_
Zynga to dump 314 employees, 15%... investors applaud
NY Post
Ian Sherr: Wall Street Journal
WSJ: demonstrating once again that Javascript is evil
Jennifer Booton: Fox
PC World/IDG
Mike Futter: Game Informer

Cindi Andrews _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Cincinnati officials get award for budget report... not for budget
Cincinnati Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (requires evil Javascript)

_Billings MT Gazette_
92 of 50 SAC missileer officers accused of cheating on proficiency tests: 34 at Minot

Mark Hachman _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Gates and Ballmer out, "cloud chief" Satya Nadella to be CEO as MSFT continues to worsen rather than reform
PC World
Michael Endler: Information Week/UBM

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
MSNBC president issued apology for twit accusing multi-racial "right wingers" of hating bi-racial families

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_s
Ted Cruz: House GOP losership's amnesty push threatens chances to re-take the senate
Sara Carter: Blaze

Rush Limbaugh
why are the GOP losership hell-bent on destroying their party with amnesty for illegal aliens?
Jason Howerton: Blaze
Many amnesties and other relaxations of standards when it comes to getting visas have been enacted since 1986:
* IRCA1986 - Immigration Reform & Control Act; Simpson-Mazzoli; PL99-603; 100 Stat. 3359, 3474-3480; signed 1986-11-06; effective 1986-11-07 created the Visa Waiver Program, VWP; 8 USC 1187 section 217(c)); created 5K visa "diversity" lottery; 3M illegal aliens applied for amnesty and by 1993 October 88% of those (about 2.4M were granted green cards). It also, nominally, made employing illegal aliens illegal.
* In 1994 Section 245(i) Amnesty was added: A temporary rolling amnesty for 578K illegal aliens.
* In 1996 welfare reform law PL104-193 made most newly entering Legal Permanent Residents (green card holders) ineligible for federal public benefits for 5 years; after 5 years, it allowed states to continue barring LPRs from federal public benefits, including Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); but non-citizens, regardless of status, who otherwise meet the eligibility requirements for Medicaid, are eligible for emergency Medicaid.
* IIRIRA1996 - Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996; PL104-208; 8 USC 1623; "Those who are unlawfully present for more than 180 days but less than one year and who voluntarily depart the country are ineligible for admission or re-entry to the United States for 3 years.   An alien unlawfully present for one year or more who leaves or is removed from the United States is inadmissible for 10 years.   These provisions are generally referred to as the 3- and 10-year bars."   Authorized reimbursement of public hospitals and certain non-profit hospitals for emergency medical assistance to illegal aliens, and reimbursement of state and local governments for emergency ambulance services provided aliens injured while crossing USA borders while in custody.   Division C made illegal aliens ineligible for post-secondary education benefits based on state residence unless equal benefits were made available to all USA citizens regardless of state of residence.
* In 1997 Section 245(i) Extension Amnesty: An extension of the rolling amnesty created in 1994.
* NACARA1997 - Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act of 1997, an amnesty for close to 1M illegal aliens from Central America.
* HRIFA1998 Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act Amnesty (HRIFA): An amnesty for 125K illegal aliens from Haiti.
* ACWIA1998 - American Competitiveness and Work-Force Improvement Act of 1998; signed 1998-10-21; PL105-277 divisionC title4 sections411-418; 112 Stat. 2681-641 through 2681-657; Section 416(c)(2) requires USCIS to annually collect and present to the US Congress information on the countries of origin, occupations, educational attainment, and compensation paid to aliens whose employers successfully petition for their H-1B status.   Temporarily increased H-1B to 115K per year for FY1999 and FY2000, 107,500 for FY2001.
* IPPCTP1998 - Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Act of 1998 (PL108-449; 118 Stat. 3470).
* In 1998, investors and the public began to be aware that many e-commerce operations had little of substance to them and a wash-out slowly began to build, with accompanying job losses.
* In 2000 Late Amnesty: An amnesty for some illegal aliens who claim they should have been amnestied under the 1986 IRCA amnesty, an estimated 400K illegal aliens.
* 2000 LIFE Act Amnesty: A reinstatement of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty, an estimated 900K illegal aliens.
* AC21 - American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act of 2000; Hatch-Abraham-Gramm; PL106-313 sections102 and 103; 114 Stat 1251-1252; enacted 2000-10-03; signed by Bill Clinton 2000-10-17 [7 months and 3 days after the stock-market crash]; granted government functionaries amnesty for over-shooting the H-1B limit by 22,500 in FY1999 and about 30K in FY2000.   Temporarily increased H-1B numbers to 195K for FY2001 through FY2003.   Exempted all individuals being hired by institutions of higher education, as well as non-profit and government-research organizations, from the cap.   AC21, § 105, 114 Stat. 1253 permitted portability, i.e. employer/sponsor change.
* PL106-386 created T non-immigrant visa for victims of human trafficking.
* In 2002: Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002; PL107-173; authorized creation of US-VISIT system, but development has been slow and reluctantly adopted.
* PL108-7 amended the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
* United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement of 2003; PL108-77 § 402(a)(2)(B), 117 Stat. 909, 940; S1416, HR2738; passed in House 2003-07-24, passed in senate 2003-07-31, signed by executive (GWBush) 2003-06-06, ratified 2003-07-31; set aside 1,400 H-1B visas as H-1B1 for peopel from Chile, and required "highly" specialized knowledge, but no skill level requirement.
* United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement of 2003; PL108-78 § 402(2), 117 Stat. 948, 970-971; S1417, HR2739; passed in House 2003-07-24, passed in senate 2003-07-31, signed by executive (GWBush) 2003-05-06; set aside 5,400 H-1B visas as H-1B1 for people from Singapore and required "highly" specialized knowledge, but no skill level requirement.
* In 2003: Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (PL108-193) changed eligibility for T status.
* PL108-136, the FY2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 / Defense Department Authorization / "H-1B Visa Reform Act"; PL108-447, divisionJ, title4, subtitleB, sections422, 424 & 425(a), 118 Stat. 2809, 3353, 3356 ; signed into law (GWBush) 2004-12-08.   Exempted first 20K visas granted to applicants who had a master's or doctor's degree from a US college or university.   Amended military naturalization and posthumous citizenship statutes and provides immigration benefits for immediate relatives of USA citizen service-members who die as a result of actual combat service.   PL108-136 expands immigration benefits available to the immediate relatives (spouses, children, and parents) of citizens, including posthumous citizens, who die from injuries or illnesses resulting from or aggravated by serving in combat.   Such relatives would remain classified as immediate relatives of a USA citizen for immigration purposes, notwithstanding the death of the service-member, and could self-petition for immigrant status.   Certain adjustment requirements and the public charge ground of inadmissibility would be waived.   In addition, children and parents, as well as spouses, of USA citizens who die during honorable active-duty service would be eligible to naturalize without prior residence or a specified period of physical presence in the United States.   This includes survivors of posthumous citizens who died on or after 2001 September 11.
* L1VR2004 - L-1 Visa Reform (Intracompany Transferee) Act of 2004; PL108-447, divisionJ, title4, subtitleA, § 412, 118 Stat. 2809, 3351 - 52 (codified at 8 USC § 1184(c)(2)(F), barred most bodyshops from using L-1 visas.
I FY2004 Consolidated Agency Appropriations - PL108-199; Frank Wolf; $335K to study extent and implications of work-force globalization on knowledge-based industries in the USA.
* FY2004 Transportation, Treasury & Independent Agency appropriation amendments - PL108-199; Thomas & Voinovich; 2004 January; temporary restriction on doing certain federal contracts over-seas.
* L-1 Visa Reform Act 2004 - Saxby Chambliss; 2004 December; PL108-447; prohibited placement of L-1 visa holders at sites operated by unaffiliated employers, requied collection on statistics.
* AWIJPA2004 - American Work-Force Improvement and Jobs Protection Act; PL108-447; Lamar Smith; restored H-1B dependent "attestations" and training fees; prohibited placement of L-1B workers at unaffiliated work sites; established temporary H-1B & L fraud and abuse prevention fee; and exempted 20K applicants for H-1B with master's or doctor's degrees from US colleges and universities from annual "cap".
* FY2005 Commerce, Justice, State Dept Appropriations - PL108-447; Frank Wolf; 2004 December; $2M for study of effects of off-shore out-sourcing on economy and employment in USA.
* REAL ID act of 2005
* Illegal Immigration Control act of 2005 was blocked by senate.
* "Omnibus Appropriations Act of FY2005", "H and L Reform Act", "H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2004"; 2004-12-08; section 212(n)(2)(C)(vi)(II); 20 CFR 655.731(c)(9) & (10) and 20 CFR 655 sub-parts H & I; $1,500 fee for employers of 26 or more FT employees; $750 for employers of 25 or fewer FT employees including affiliates and subsidiary firms; $500 fraud prevention and detection fee applicable to all H-1B sponsor transfers and most initial applications.
* US-Australia Free Trade Agreement; 2005-05-11; created E-3 with limit of 10,500 per year.   Term of 2 years, indefinitely renewable. Also permits spouse to work in USA.
* PL111-230, § 402(b), 123 Stat. 2485, 2487; recent legislation established an additional fee of $2K for petitions filed 2010-08-13 through 2014-09-30, for sponsors with 50 or more employees in the United States and more than 50% of those USA employees on H-1B or L visas. Act of 2010 August 13.

Numbers USA

Charles C.W. Cooke _National Review_
What would the founders think of today's power-mad government?

Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
Think Regress admits that the policies it supports are killing young children in Detroit
"Detroit was reduced to Third World status by decades of [leftist] Democrat rule and public sector unions running amok..."

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
10 absolute worst taxing states

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_s
an extremely modest proposal for immigration generosity WRT the illegal alien sub-issue

Kim Zigfeld _PJ Media_
massive Russian spying on Americans and American companies, as one would expect

Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer is Mr. Inequality
"Queuetopia was Winston Churchill's word to describe what the Socialists in Britain had brought to that once-proud island.   Churchill also described the difference between free market economies and socialist centrally planned economies: 'Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.'"

Benjamin Weingarten _Blaze_
Henry Hazlitt's 1948-01-19 editorial would be an excellent response to Obummer's rant

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
growing accord among Beck, Hannity, Levin, other non-leftists
Cheryl K. Chumley: Washington DC Times

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Confederate deserters...gone bad: Shenandoah Valey 1864-01-25

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The result was 'staglfation': stagnant [econony with little or no growth] plus high inflation.   Similar problems were afflicting the USA economy, where expenditure on health, Medicare, income security and [socialist insecurity] had risen from 4% of GDP in 1959 to 9% of GDP in 1975, out-stripping defence spending for the first time.   In America, too, productivity was scarcely growing and stagflation was rampant." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg212  



2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
scaring the Jewish state straight?
Town Hall

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
R' Abraham J. Twerski _Jewish World Review_
what "doctors" of the soul grasp far better than most "mental health professionals"
"Man has the capacity to make changes in himself.   He is not an unalterable product of his genetic make-up.   There is little doubt that some people harbor inborn character traits and that there is a variation in peoples' innate emotional and intellectual endowment.   However, in contrast to animals, man is not helpless insofar as his character is concerned, and he can make salutary changes in himself, even radical changes..."

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
_Jewish World Review_
high-rise farming idea gains grown as over-population and over-crowding continue to worsen

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership's suicide strategy
Washington DC Times
"Mr. Sessions smells betrayal of American workers.   Over the past decade, he observes, more immigrants, legal and illegal, have arrived in America than in any previous decade in the nation's history.   This coincides 'with wage stagnation, enormous growth in welfare programs and a shrinking work force participation rate.   A sensible, conservative approach would focus on lifting those living here today, both immigrant and native born, out of poverty and into the middle class -- before doubling or tripling the level of immigration into the United States.'..."

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
how the GOP losership lost Middle America
Cybercast News Service
"The Fortune 500 wanted to close factories in the USA and ship production abroad -- where unions did not exist, regulations were light, taxes were low, and wages were a fraction of what they were here in America.   Corporate America [the executives, that is] was going global and wanted to be rid of its American work force, the best paid on earth, and replace it with cheap foreign labor.   While manufacturing sought to move production abroad, hotels, motels, bars, restaurants, farms and construction companies that could not move abroad also wanted to replace their expensive American workers.   Thanks to the Republican [losership], Corporate America got it all.   U.S. factories in the scores of thousands were shut down, shedding their American workers.   Foreign-made goods poured in, filling U.S. stores [with low-quality, over-priced trash] and killing the manufacturers who had stayed behind, loyal to their U.S. workers...   As those hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, fast-food shops, car washes, groceries and other service industries also relished the rewards of cheap foreign labor, they got government assistance in replacing their American workers [via guest-work visas like the H-1B, H-2B, L-1...]."

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
we're all Eloi now, except for those power-mad people turning into Morlocks, but a few still strive to be neither parasites nor prey

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the oath-breaker who would be king
Town Hall

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
hatred of the Jews is more than the banality of distant memory
Town Hall
"Anti-Semitism thrives in the Middle East, where certain politicians vie to see who can say the ugliest things about Jews, and such sentiment is surging in Europe.   Bloody pig's heads were sent to the Israeli embassy, the Jewish Museum and a synagogue in Rome on the Saturday before the commemoration.   Several thousand Frenchmen gathered on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day in Paris, chanting 'Jew go home', and gave the 'quenelle salute' -- a variation of the Nazi heil created by a popular French comedian who has many imitators on the street and on the Internet..."

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the little victims of the power-mad state
Town Hall
"The Little Sisters of the Poor is a Catholic charity providing care to the poorest elderly in a hospice-like setting.   They serve 13K people in 31 countries, and operate 30 homes in the United States.   Their faith calls them to treat every person, no matter how old, disabled or poor...   Today, they are facing harassment from the [Obummer regime].   In 1970, David and Barbara Green founded Hobby Lobby in their garage (which seems to be where all great American businesses are born these days).   The family now owns 500 of the arts and crafts stores, employing 13K.   They also own Mardel, a chain of Christian book-stores.   The Greens run their businesses according to their lights.   They don't believe in alcohol consumption, so their stores do not sell shot glasses or other drinking-related items.   They play Christian music.   They close on the Sabbath (losing millions per year).   Employees are offered free access to chaplains, other counselors and religiously oriented financial courses.   Because the Greens abjure alcohol, they lose money annually by declining to permit their delivery trucks to 'back haul' liquor.   They provide health insurance that covers 16 different contraceptives.   They draw a line, though, on providing four methods that they consider abortifacients, and that's why they have found themselves in court facing the [Obummer regime] (along with 300 other litigants challenging the Department of Health and Human Services [Kathleen supercilious] mandates)..."

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
Marine sergeant facing triple jeopardy

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Wendy Davis, Kermit Gosnell, the leftists/Dems and the inconvenient realities of abortion
Town Hall

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
reducing college costs
Town Hall
"The cost of higher education has been much on my mind lately, in part because my oldest grand-daughter is one of the estimated 22M students headed to college in the Fall.   When I was her age, I was able to pay my own freshman tuition from a part-time minimum-wage job in a department store in Denver while I lived at home...   The cost of tuition has risen dramatically in the past 50 years.   I paid about $250 per semester for tuition when I started school in 1966 as an in-state student at the University of Colorado.   If I were registering today, my tuition would be roughly $5,300 a semester for a full-time class load.   Even after adjusting for inflation, this represents a three-fold increase in tuition costs, at a time when a college degree is a pre-requisite to middle-class status..."

2014-01-31 (5774 Shebet 30)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
school choice vs. Communist Corpse: mortal enemies
Town Hall
Cybercast News Service
"Life lesson: It's not just government schools that are the problem.   Many supposedly 'elite' schools indulge in the senseless pedagogical fads that infect monopoly public schools...   We cobbled together a 5th-grade curriculum with excellent materials from the Calvert home-school series, Memoria Press and classic Saxon Math..."
please help find Marizela

Mark Hachman _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Yahoo acknowledges e-mail accounts were hacked
Katie Marzullo: KGO San Francisco CA: tips to protect yourself

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
House losership's immigration law perversion plan looks eerily similar to the 8 gangster's evil S744

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
must see debate at Dartmough: Dinesh d'Souza vs. terrorist bomber William Ayers
Jason Howerton: Blaze
Jerome R. Corsi: World Net Daily
"[Dinesh d'Souza explained]: 'I don't believe in racial rights, I don't believe in rights that accrue to groups.   I believe that individuals we have all the rights that we are entitled to under the Declaration of Independence of the Constitution, gay and lesbians included.'"

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
we need a debate about the size and proper duties of government, but it helps to understand a few basic fiscal facts
"spending is the disease and deficits are just a symptom."

John Ransom _Town Hall_
smarter than a communist, smarter than an Obummer regime "economist"

Brandon Howell _Town Hall_
FDA's double-barreled assault on US farmers

Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Pakistan poised to make death penalty compulsory for "blasphemy"

Cliff May _Town Hall_
diplomacy vs. engagement with Iran

Mark Skousen _Town Hall_
pres. Obummer needs an economics degree or MBA
"President Obama needs to read our pamphlet, 'Persuasion vs. Force'."

L. Brent Bozell iii _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer is the media's favorite autocrat

_Conservative HQ_
GOP leadership appear to have been replaced with "Nigerian Princes"

Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
is the GOP losership deliberately trying to sabotage the party's candidates in the 2014 elections?

J. Robert Smith _American Thinker_
Boehner creating GOP Civil War
GOP losership mulls seppuku

Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
DC is the most leftist place in USA: 66% more leftists than nationwide

Monica Crowley _Blaze_
immigration law perversion: the left's "fundamental transformation" of the USA

Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer calls on executives to stop turning their noses up at the long-term unemployed

Anthony Watts
better living through carbon-conversion chemistry

Anthony Watts
Economic comparison of white, green, "green", and black flat roofs in the United States
"The life-cycle costs of white roofs are less than those of black roofs.   'Green' roofs are more expensive over their life-cycle than white or black roofs.   'Green' roofs' high installation/replacement costs out-weigh their long service lives.   Per unit area, white roofs cool the globe 3× more effectively than green roofs.   Dark roofs should be phased out in warm climates for public health purposes..."

Anthony Watts
Keystone XL pipe-line gets green light from State Dept.: What excuses will Obummer fabricate to stop it now?

Scott Wartman _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Mitch McConnell has bigger war-chest than Matt Bevin... so far
"Mitch McConnell has $20M banked for his re-election...   Matt Bevin told the Enquirer recently he had raised $900K in the final 3 months of 2013, which would bring his total to $1.7M.   McConnell reported raising $2.22M in the final 3 months of 2013..."

Carl Weiser _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Ohio bri, er, uh, campaign fund-raising figures

Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
Was show-down enough to kill Boehner's open-borders, excessive visas dreams? one can hope that it did, and continue to work toward that end

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
GOP losership pressing ahead on increased numbers of H-1Bs, green cards, with intentionally muddy statement

Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
refugees revisited
"My objection was, and is, that the background checks and vetting procedures in our refugee program are inadequate to protect the country against the possibility of admitting a terrorist, as has happened before."

Bill McBride _Calculated Risk_
UMich consumer sentiment index changed from 82.5 in late December to 80.4 in mid-January to 81.2 at the end of January
RTT News
Jim Puzzanghera: LATimes
Katherine Peralta: Bloomberg
FX Street
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

Bill McBride _Movie Guide_
Rush Limbaugh top with 14M, Hannity with 13.25M, Ramsey with 7.75M, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin with 7.5M; Jim Bohannon, Mike Gallagher, Michael Medved, Michael Savage, Doug Stephan with 3.5M; Bill Bennett, Clark Howard, Laura Ingraham, George Noory with 3.25M; Andrea Tantaros with 3M; Hartmann, Dennis Miller, Ed Schultz with 2.5M; Alan Colmes, Don Imus, Stephanie Miller with 1.75M; Dennis Prager, Kim Komando, Herman Cain, Todd Schnitt with 1.5M

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 13

  "our nation's work-force is good and constantly improving.   Figures compiled by the National Safety Council show that accidental 'on the job' deaths per 100K population went from 21 in 1912 to 7 in 1971.   By 1971 the work force had doubled and the production level was 7 times [what it was] in 1912.   Supporters of the original [OSHA] legislation believed that if the federal government were to [unconstitutionally] take over the entire effort to ensure worker health and safety, the result would somehow be better than if these programs were left to state and local governments or to private enterprise.   But what was not considered was the obvious fact that business has a very practical economic stake in promoting the health and safety of its workers; accidents and lost time [and capital equipment] are costly to business." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg61  


Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2014

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "Since the 2001 [2000-2002] recession, American business executives have chronically under-invested not just in new plants, equipment, and production facilities, but also in basic research and development (R&D)." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg19  

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