2014 September

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 25th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2021-01-02

  "Immediately after they [senators] shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into 3 Classes.   The Seats of the senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Calss at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies [modified by the 17th amendment ratified, clause 2]" --- article 1 section 3 paragraph 2  

2014 September
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  "Rejoice not at thine enemy's fall -- but don't rush to pick him up, either." --- Jewish proverb (source: Jewish World Review)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2014 September

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 15th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
the reformation of manners
"On Friday I appeared on Michael Graham's radio show to discuss, among other things, the appalling revelations from Rotherham, a drab town in South YorkShire in which over the course of a decade and a half some 1,400 girls (as young as 11) were 'groomed', drugged, raped, traded and, occasionally, doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight.   All the while, the entire apparatus of the state, from the political class to the police to the 'child protection' agencies, looked the other way -- for fear of appearing 'racist' or 'Islamophobic'.   The BBC describes the predators' actions as 'brazen', which it certainly was.   They would turn up at children's homes, select the ones they wanted, and drive off with them...   So the individuals who presided over this regime destroyed the lives of 1,400 people in their care, and have paid no price for it.   Indeed, some have been promoted, and put in charge of even more children: Sonia Sharp, who was head of child services in Rotherham, is now in an equivalent position Down Under for the entire state of Victoria...   The men who raped and tortured these girls were, in Rotherham as elsewhere, mostly Muslims of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin.   And their victims were not..."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
diverse Muslim immigration has made the Britan an exporter of terror
Dale Hurd: CBN: how Britain became a global exporter of terrorism
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
the taste of government control

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
a strong clue about which political party will "prevail"

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
USA must pick and choose where it can help

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
the new face of South America

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
a labor of love

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
over-crowded planes, over-crowded neighborhoods, over-crowded states... crankier people
"Airlines are flying fuller.   Seat space has shrunk.   The more crowded planes are the crankier passengers have become..."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
10 truths about jobs

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
John Derbyshire _V Dare_
privatizing profits and socializing the costs of "compassion"
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Nick Mediati _"IT" News_/_MacWorld_/_IDG_
common reasons apps are rejected by Apple app store
"the most common reasons for rejection include issues with crashes and bugs, dead in-app links, and place-holder content that hasn't been removed.   Apple will also reject apps because of low-quality user interfaces, and apps that don't match their description are also non-starters.   In addition, apps should offer some 'lasting value', according to Apple.   Apps that are nothing more than a wrapper for a website or have little to offer users may also be rejected...   the top 10 reasons for rejection accounted for 58% of app rejections between August 21 and 28; over-all rationale accounted for over 42%."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
_"IT" News_/_MacWorld_/_IDG_
private photos of celebs, stolen from iCloud via security flaw, show some of the risks of "the cloud"
"The [Python] script, TheNextWeb reports, uses a flaw in 'Find My iPhone' to make it easier to crack a password using 'brute force' means where hackers use a piece of software to repeatedly guess a pass-word. This exploit reportedly disabled any "lockout" mechanism...also went around iCloud's security notification feature..."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
mythologies and pathologies of the California drought
"Take the Bay Area, Ground Zero of water environmentalism.   From Mill Valley to San Jose is where most of the green activists are based who have demanded, even as the snowfalls and rains ceased, that reservoir storage waters be diverted to the sea to encourage the resurgence of the delta smelt and river salmon.   The Bay Area's various earlier lobbying groups long ago helped to cancel the final phases of the California State Water Project and the Central Valley Project, and now talk about reducing world carbon emissions rather than building more storage capacity to solve California's water crisis..."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
"Theirs not to reason why...": UN troops surrender in, escape from the Golan Heights

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Joe Biteme: racism straight-up
"(On the flipside though, despite past Florsheim-in-mouth utterances on the subject by both Biden and his recently retired boss, Biden might just be the smartest, most competent man in the [Obummer regime] -- a terrifying prospect from all perspectives.)"

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
was Mark Schauer the lap dog of Jennifer Granholm during Michigan's "decade from h377"?

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
5 non-Muslims who claim they know more about Islam than the caliph of the Islamic State
"have [Karen Armstrong, John Esposito, Reza Aslan] and the rest of the white-wash crew neglected to tell Mrs. Sotloff that Islamic law allows for the taking of captives (cf. Qur'an 47:4), including non-combatants such as women who are then pressed into sex slavery (cf. Qur'an 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50), and thus the kidnapping of a male journalist is certainly within the parameters of Islamic law?...   the spurious but increasingly popular Achtiname, Muhammad's pact with the monks of St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai, in which Muhammad grants all sorts of rights and privileges to Christians that do not accord with the provisions of Islamic law, which mandates that Christians and other non-Muslims be subjugated, in accord with the Qur'an: 'Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.' (Qur'an 9:29).   This subjugation is not a guarantee that one's life will be spared, however; if one is considered to be a kaffir harbi, one's life is forfeit.   The people who have misled Mrs. Sotloff about Islam have done her a grave disservice, and given her false hope..."
Steve Sotloff has apparently been murdered by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle.

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
5 non-Muslims who claim they know more about Islam than the caliph of the Islamic State

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Connor D. Wolf _Daily Caller_
e-mail message reveals that Lois Lerner ignored political expenditures by unions
"In 2007, Lerner responded directly to a complaint that some major labor unions reported completely different amounts of political expenditures when filing with the IRS and the Department of Labor...   In 2006, the year leading up to Lerner's e-mail, the national headquarters for the AFL-CIO reported no direct or indirect political expenditures with the IRS on their 990 form, leaving the line 81a blank.   That same year, the AFL-CIO reported $29,585,661 in political activities with the Department of Labor. Also in 2006 the Teamsters Union reported no political expenditures with the IRS while at the same time reporting $7,081,965 with the Labor Department. Again in 2006, Unite-Here reported no political activity with the IRS and $1,451,002 with the Labor Department. In 2005, the National Education Association also reported no political expenditures with the IRS while at the same time reporting $24,985,250 with the Labor Department."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Obummer dithers, UK's David Cameron takes appropriate action to defend against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle
"'This is not some foreign conflict thousands of miles away that we can hope to ignore.', the U.K. prime minister said.   'The ambition to create an extremist caliphate in the heart of Iraq and Syria is a threat to our own security here in the U.K.', he said.   'We cannot appease this ideology.', he added.   'We have to confront it at home and abroad.   To do this we need a tough, intelligent, patient, comprehensive approach to defeat the terrorist threat at its source.'...   Cameron on Monday said he will force airlines to share flight-lists with security services and give police the power to confiscate passports as he set out Britain's response to the rise of Islamic State.   In a statement to parliament, Cameron also said the government will look at how it can restrict the movements of suspected terrorists in Britain and stop those who are British nationals returning to the U.K..."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Courtney Coren _Daily Caller_
UK "social worker" required to undergo "diversity training" after blowing the whistle on Pakistani sexual-abuse ring in Rotherham
"Working as a researcher for the British Home Office in 2002, the female social worker told the BBC that she was intimidated after she turned in a report documenting 270 cases of sexual exploitation involving men of Pakistani or Kashmiri heritage...   at least 1,400 girls were groomed for sex between 1997 and 2013.   In her investigation, Jay found numerous social workers who said that they were told to avoid mentioning the race and ethnicity of the predators.   The whistle-blower said that after she sent her report to the Home Office and the Rotherham Council, her office was broken into and her records were stolen..."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Anugrah Kumar _Christian Post_
senate, House Intelligence committee chairmen say ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle wants to attack USA; urge Obummer to take preventative/defensive action
Saudi king warns that Islamic terrorists could attack USA, UK, Europe within months

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Billy Hesterman _Provo UT Daily Herald_
Mia Love campaign plans to begin TV and radio advertising

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Michael S. Smith ii _Jewish World Review_
when terrorists compete and USA leadership is AWOL, Americans lose

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
Refugee Resettlement Watch's Ann Corcoran is interviewed by Daily Caller
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
back to school -- and lots of exciting new problems imported by the Obummer regime's open-borders policies and practices
"even the MSM admits that diversity brings problems [but] we aren't allowed to talk about the solutions...   Of course, 'non-Hispanic whites' are still the largest group and this does not include private schools and home-schoolers.   They are still at 49.8%.   But according to the data, Hispanic students now form about a quarter of the national student total, with 15% black and 5% Asian and Pacific Islanders...   An Hispanic, according to the U.S. government is 'A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish [or, apparently, Portuguese] culture or origin, regardless of race'.   (Source: National Center for Education Statistics)...   This artificial identity is a way to [destroy] the historic American nation because it encourages even the many white Hispanics to embrace multi-culturalism.   And people identify as such because there are societal and monetary rewards for doing so.   My own sons are native speakers of both English and Spanish.   However, they are listed as 'Hispanics', because the school is rewarded for minority representation.   The Anglo side of the family has been in the country since the 1600s -- but of course that doesn't count.   However, the situation is even more confusing because this year, schools can expect tens of thousands of 'Hispanics' who don't even speak Spanish.   [Some Speak Mayan: Illegal Alien Children Swamp Public Schools, by Leo Hohmann, WND, 2014 August 14]..."
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Yaakov Levi _Arutz Sheva Israel National News_
number of illegal alien infiltrators into Israel who are leaving has soared in August

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Drew Zahn _World Net Daily_
Rick Perry notes that Obummer is clueless about border security: he still refuses to look at the facts on the ground

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Kerry Picket _Breitbart_
malicious actors going after, gaining access to personal private health data
Yes, exactly. The first of those "malicious actors" are the 35+ departments, agencies, and offices in the Obummer regime, the contractors like GE and Siemens, who are demanding that information belonging to individuals be handed over...jgo

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Tim Ball
World Bank: "rich nations" have moral duty to help "sinking" island nations

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Bob Tisdale
alarmism warning: preliminary monthly global sea-surface temperatures at record high levels
"An 'alarmism warning' indicates alarmism is imminent.   OTOH, an 'alarmism watch' indicates alarmism might occur, but that's all the time.   We're not just talking a record high for the month of August...   we're talking a record high for any month during the satellite era..."

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Anthony Watts
new paper on "the pause" says it is 19 years at surface and 16-26 years at the lower troposphere

2014-09-01 (5774 Alul 06)
Anthony Watts
rain-water run-off from Sierra Nevada could drop 26% by 2100: tree-growth due to improved climate blamed
Proposed Bills 2014

  "If you're comfortable then you're probably not growing." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  



1898-09-02: Herbert Kitchener defeated the khalifa Abdallahi al-Taashi ibn Muhammad outside Omdurman helping stop slavery in Sudan.

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Winooski, VT and the erosion of USA's values
"Everything about this story is depressing.   First, the complaint.   The woman who wrote this totalitarian drivel is the worst combination of fake victimhood, political correctness (which itself is a PC euphemism for 'that which offends the left'), and Muslims who seek to impose sharia law on non-Muslims.   It is also highly likely this woman graduated college, probably with a major in the liberal arts.   Our universities teach non-white, non-Christian, and female students to find offense everywhere.   American students get degrees in Finding Offense.   As a Jew who refrains from eating bacon or any pork product, it would never occur to me or to Jews far more observant than I to tell a non-Jewish restaurant to take down a sign advertising bacon.   Nor would it occur to any Jew to find such an ad 'offensive'..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer invents "immigration rights", confuses natural rights with government-granted privileges
Laura Ingraham
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges
Rick Moran: American Thinker

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
dogged open-borders politicians rolled out the welcome mat for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle/al-Qaeda/Hamas/Fatah/Hizbullah terrorists
"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey recognizes our vulnerability: 'Because of open borders and immigration issues, it [ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle] is an immediate threat.', Dempsey said at a Department of Defense press conference.   In addition, according to Saudi king Abdullah, the threat posed by ISIS to the United States is imminent...   McCain has never accepted the fact that securing the southern border is a national security priority.   According to his own statements, he only allowed border control provisions to be added to the senate's Gang of 8 immigration reform bill (S744) in order to gain additional Republican votes in the Senate and attempt to get the House to pass it.   After the bill passed the senate, McCain made it clear that he never intended for the border control provisions of the Senate bill to take effect..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
a gratuitous insult from Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto
"In Mr. Nieto's mind it is apparently unethical to enforce American immigration laws."
Allan Wall: V Dare: meddling Mexican Pena Nieto calls California "the other Mexico"
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Norm Matloff's neat summary of the H-1B problem
Joe Green has relapse of foot-in-mouth disease

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
exodus of illegal aliens from Israel accelerates: border fence is working
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
"We all make mistakes, but the real question is whether we learn from them...   It is by no means guaranteed that this country will survive the long-run consequences of the disastrous decisions already made by [Barack Hussein Obummer], especially his pretense of stopping Iran's becoming a nuclear power...   President Calvin Coolidge caught everyone by surprise in 1928, by announcing that he would not run for re-election, despite a prosperous economy and his own personal popularity...   'It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion.   They are always surrounded by worshippers.   They are constantly, and for the most part sincerely, assured of their greatness.   They live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment.   They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.'"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
a rare politician with guts

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Robert Edward Lee's leadership versus his cousin Obummer

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
that "national conversation on race"
"From 1948 to 1961, there was a show called 'This Is Your Life', hosted by Ralph Edwards.   In it, an unsuspecting celebrity was lured to a place by a friend or family member where Edwards would surprise them.   People from the celebrity's past would then come out one by one and tell stories of the celebrity's early life.   A modern-day version of that program is 'Finding Your Roots', the latest in a brilliant series about race, identity and heritage hosted by Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates ii [and another is Lisa Kudrow's 'Who do You Think You Are'; both are sponsored by ancestry.com]...   'The story of America', notes Gates, 'is a patch-work of stories like these.'   This is why racism is so incredibly stupid.   To hate someone because of race -- or any other attribute for that matter -- is to hate, if not one's self, then one's ancestors.   We are all 'mixed'.   There are no 'pure-bred humans'.   Like wild-flowers, we can be seen in many different hues, shapes and origins...   'The source of their greatness was not simply in their DNA, but also in the values that their ancestors passed down to them, even in ways they had never known.'"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer looks for a horse
"The trained ears are trying now to determine what to make of the chatter about a new attack on the United States, here or abroad and perhaps co-ordinated by the Islamic State (usually called ISIS)...   We have to call it a tactic and not a strategy, since the president says he doesn't have a strategy...   He might not have the cart yet, either, and there's certainly no sign of a horse..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
let's make the final 2 years of Obummer's presidency better than it would otherwise be
"a terrorist movement does not develop naturally.   The Islamic State was brought into existence by certain human beings acting according to a certain intention, an evil and destructive intention to be sure, but an intention nonetheless.   To counter the Islamic State -- to defeat it -- we need to grasp and frustrate and overcome our enemies' intention..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
the spiral of silence
She doesn't mention that what was considered perfectly reasonable debate at one date-time, have been attacked by government, employers, etc., at a later date-time.   Cartoonists have been leaned on to eliminate exemplary bits from their work.   Movies have been withdrawn from republication for no longer being politically correct.   And nothing posted on the net totally disappears, so people can be targeted long after their opinions have changed...jgo

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
US government targeted a leader of al-Shabaab with drone strikes in Somalia

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
parents of slain Navy SEAL call for Obummer to resign: Obummer's poor leadership is costing Americans' lives
John Hinderaker: PowerLine web log
"'your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole -- not only in America's security -- but the security of the entire globe.   Your message has come across loud and clear, sir: You are not up to this job.   You know it.   We know it.   The world knows it.   Please vacate the people's house and allow a man or woman of courage and substance to seize the reigns of this out-of-control thug-fest and regain the balance we, America, have provided throughout our great history.'"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Alex Pappas _Daily Caller_
Tea Party Patriots criticize Eric Cantor over his new job at Moelis & Company
"'After Dave Brat's victory in June, many analysts accused Eric Cantor of paying more attention to Wall Street than to the people of Virginia's 7th District.', Kevin Broughton, a spokesman for the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, said Tuesday.   'He certainly didn't waste any time validating that theory.'"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Andrew Browne & Laurie Burkitt _Wall Street Journal_
USA firms are unwelcome in Red China: gov't claims to be engaged in a crack-down on monopoly pricing and corruption

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
_News Max_
relatives of missing Iraqi soldiers who are thought to have been captured by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle storm parliament in Baghdad
"Anti-riot police were trying to force out the hundreds of protesters, who were demanding to know the fate of relatives who surrendered to jihadists in June, said the official, who present at parliament..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Bernard Kerik _News Max_
stop ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle or face more violent attacks in the USA
"self-proclaimed caliphate that is now attempting to claim religious authority over Muslims across the world"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Bernard Kerik _News Max_
more than 1M displaced by Putin's invasion of Ukraine
International Business Times/Reuters

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
households see electricity prices rising at record rates
"According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, residential electricity prices -- what households pay to keep the lights on -- averaged 12.3 cents per kilowatt hour [$0.123/KWh] for the first half of this year.   This is 3.2% above the average price this time last year..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Daisuke Wakabayashi _Wall Street Journal_
cloud vulnerabilities

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
2 small bits of good news -- if you look hard enough -- have emerged recently regarding marriage-based immigration fraud

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
_Conservative HQ_
corrupt judges oppose reasonable health and safety regs on abortion
"Louisiana's principled limited government constitutional conservative governor Bobby Jindal and the duly elected state legislature in Louisiana are the latest representatives of We the People to discover that, according to some of today's federal judges, the US constitution doesn't really mean what its plain language says.   In Article 1, Section 1 the US constitution clearly states that 'All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.'   The Ninth Amendment says, 'The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.'   And the Tenth Amendment, the last Amendment included in the Bill of Rights, says, 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.'   But somehow judges have found that they do indeed have legislative powers, especially when it comes to advancing the radical feminist agenda and other left-wing social causes..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Rashed Mian _Long Island NY Press_
Steven Sotloff reportedly beheded by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle
George Brown: WREG
Los Angeles CA Times
Harold Koplowitz: International Business Times
Chicago IL Tribune

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
GOP strategist Lisa Boothe destroys Dems' arguments for executive amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
CPI vs. BEA PCE inflation index comparison (with graphs)

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
William Wan & Xu Yangjingjing _Washington DC Post_
some Red Chinese officials get a bit too creative with patented "inventions"
"When it comes to corruption, [Red Chinese] officials have proven creative and resourceful at finding ways to wet their beaks.   Amid an [alleged] anti-corruption campaign by Chinese leader Xi Jinping...   Wu Changshun -- a former chief of public security bureau in the booming city outside Beijing who is now under investigation for corruption...   owned 35 traffic patents, according to details trickling out in state media reports, and as a top official had his city rent those patents from himself for a handsome sum...   as the owner of such patents, Wu could be getting up to 5% of the revenue.   Before serving as police chief for the past 11 years, Wu was head of transportation for 11 years in the booming city.   He filed his first patent in 1999 for a traffic light design, which was soon adopted in the city, according to state media.   He then filed another 34 patents between 2002 and 2013, all of them related to 'smart transportation systems', like blood alcohol testing devices, sign boards, traffic monitoring systems, etc.   In 2002, Tianjin also just happened to become one of the first cities to serve as a pilot for 'smart transportation systems'.   One of Wu's invention -- the 'all-in-one count-down traffic light' -- was first adopted in Tianjin in 2012, and local media reported that by May, it had been installed at 721 crossings...   Wang's 'inventions' were often tweaks on existing concepts than outright novelties and ranged from the high-tech to everyday gadgets to handicrafts.   He supposedly invented a machine that could map patterns of primary brain stem injury.   A lot of his patents were police-related designs, such as boots, security guard coats, police car bumpers, rear-view mirrors for police cars, badges, police bags, uniforms, mail-box and even key chains for police use.   He also invented a banquet table for hotpot that could automatically deliver food."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Brendan Bordelon _Daily Caller_
Obummer is insulting Americans by claiming the world is "safe", USA borders are "secure"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Amish couple killed when car struck their buggy
"Troopers say 54-year-old DS and his 53-year-old wife, Mary, were killed Saturday, after a car hit their buggy from behind about 14:15.   The crash happened along U.S. Route 22 in Porter township, Huntingdon county."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Thomas E. Brewton
spiritual representation in the modern world
"[Leftists] assert that God definitely is dead and that [leftism] is the earthly embodiment of truth and power.   Under the ultimately all-encompassing power of [leftist] rule, Judeo-Christian morality is to have no role in public life, other than as an object of ridicule by intellectuals, who hubristically claim to have dethroned God and, on their own, conquered the material world.   Since the latter days of the 19th century, secularists in 'education', science, and politics have worked hard to rid society of religious belief, which they see as ignorance and, above all, a road block to political and social [regress]...   now, we have a couple of generations of Americans who have been inculcated by our 'educational' system to dismiss the idea of God and to worship the political state as the only source of beneficence and benevolence.Political leaders increasingly have ignored the restraints imposed by the Constitution...   Yale law professor Bruce Ackerman is widely cited by the [leftist] media as an 'authority' on Constitutional law.   He teaches the [false] doctrine that the writers of the Constitution 'must' have intended that changing public opinion alone effectively amends the Constitution.   The writers of the Constitution, professor Ackerman asserts, surely didn't really mean to restrict amending the Constitution to the procedures set forth in article 5 of the Constitution, because those procedures are, in the words of Princeton's Edward S. Corwin, 'well nigh impossible' to implement.   Power backed by public opinion of the moment was the only standard recognized by [leftist] icon, supreme court 'justice' Oliver Wendell Holmes..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Thomas E. Brewton
Obummer's Middle East strategy

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Stephanie Castillo _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
coffee + a 20-minute nap = almost super-human brain function
"Though coffee is a stimulant, thus capable of disrupting sleep, Vox reported it has reverse effects when immediately followed by a 20-minute nap.   In fact, this process -- known as a coffee nap -- helps to maximize caffeine and increase alertness.   When caffeine eventually makes its way to the brain, it competes to fit into receptors normally filled with adenosine, the brain molecule that makes us feel drowsy.   Vox reported adenosine is 'a byproduct of brain activity, and when it accumulates at high enough levels, it plugs into these receptors and makes you feel tired'.   Caffeine can only block some of these adenosine receptors.   And since sleeping naturally clears adenosine, napping for 20 minutes right after a cup of coffee can greatly reduce those drowsy molecules in time before the caffeine even kicks in.   Vox cited a few supporting studies, two published in the journal Psychophysiology and another in the journal Clinical Neurophysiology.   The findings of each study respectively found that those who take coffee naps commit fewer errors and have better memory than those who didn't."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
James H. Walsh _News Max_
Britain clamping down on passports to stop Muslim terrorists
"On 2014 Sept. 1, British Prime Minister, David Cameron announced temporary plans to block British jihadists with passports re-entry into Britain, and to withdraw passports for jihadists in Britain.   Cameron made it clear having a passport was not a right...   Upon entering the United States, all foreign non-immigrant travelers, except diplomats, are required to fill out an I-94 Arrival/Departure Form.   I-94W form is similar for travelers from visa-waiver countries.   An I-94 form shows the dates of entry into the United States and scheduled departure.   Since the 1980s, I-94 forms are meant to control and ensure proper departure of non-immigrant foreign visitors.   In theory, DHS should have a complete record of all foreign nationals' entries and departures.   If a foreign visitor does not leave the United States on the designated date, U.S. immigration law requires the visitor be located, detained, and deported, which rarely happens now.   More than 40% of all [illegal aliens] currently in the United States are visa/waiver over-stays.   DHS currently does very little about visa/waiver over-stays...   Consider that the [1993 Trade Center bombing,] 2001/09/11 [aerial attacks], the London Subway bombing, the Madrid train bombing, [the Times Square bombing attempt,] the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Fort Hood, Little Rock, [the 2007 killings in a Utah shopping mall, 2013's shootings in an upscale shopping mall in Kenya,] and other such shootings -- all were attacks by Islamists."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Brian Ross & Matthew Mosk _abc_
US government continues to lose track of thousands of foreign students
"The Department of Homeland Security has lost track of more than 6K foreign nationals who entered the United States on student visas, over-stayed their welcome, and essentially vanished...   The immigration agency's own figures show that 58K students over-stayed their visas in the past year.   Of those, 6K were referred to agents for follow-up because they were determined to be of heightened concern...   [senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)] said since the 2001 Sept. 11 terror attacks, [only] 26 student visa holders have been arrested in the U.S.A. on terror-related charges.   Tightening up the student visa program was one of the major recommendations made by the 2001/09/11 Commission, after it was determined that the hijacker who flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon, Hani Hanjour, had entered the U.S.A. on a student visa but never showed up for school [as had Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber, though he was granted, in turn, OPT, an H-1b visa, green card and citizenship]...   There are now more than 9K schools on the government approved list.   The list includes such top flight American colleges as Harvard and Yale, but it also includes 86 beauty schools, 36 massage schools and 9 schools that teach horse-shoeing.   Foreign students can enter the U.S.A. on a visa to study acupuncture, hair braiding, or join academies that focus on tennis and golf."
Tony Lee: Breitbart
"'the number of foreign nationals obtaining visas to study in the U.S. has grown from 662,966 in 2003 to more than 1.2M in 2012...'...   Some of the terrorists involved in the 2001/09/11 attacks and the 1993 World Trade Center attack had overstayed their student visas, but immigration officials continue to 'grant schools certification to accept over-seas applicants even if the schools lack accreditation, state certification, or any obvious measure of academic rigor'...   many of the for-profit schools may be in the business of profiting off of visas...   '80% of the foreign students enrolled at MicroPower', a career institute licensed in New York, 'had delinquent attendance, putting them out of compliance with their visas.   But the school did not report them.'...   Chris Crane, head of the ICE officers' association, and Ken Palinkas, President of the USCIS agents' association, have both repeatedly emphasized the federal government's lax enforcement of its immigration laws, especially when it comes to visa overstays.   Palinkas wrote last year that 'large swaths' of the country's immigration laws 'are not effectively enforced for legal immigrants and visa holders'..."
Melanie Batley: News Max
Stephen Green of PJMedia suggests a better way
Brenda Walker: V Dare: 6K foreign students whose whereabouts are unknown are of heightened concern
"Foreign students are compliant walking wallets in the mind of the educational industrial complex, currently adding $24G in easy money to the economy.   As a result, education administrators insist on open borders for cash-carrying foreign students...   in 2012 Saudi Khalid Aldawsari was convicted of a terror plot in Texas after entering the USA on a student visa..."
Paul Nachman: V Dare: on missing foreign students, Americans recognize that excessive immigration is bad for the USA
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Andy Milne & Michael Zennie _London Daily Mail_
Steve Sotloff was grand-son of holocaust survivors
"Sotloff's mother Shirley is the daughter of 2 Holocaust survivors who moved to Florida.   Friends say he developed a deep love for the Islamic world.   Kept Judaism secret from captors by feigning illness when he had to fast.   Reported for Time, World Affairs and the Christian Science Monitor.   Was based in Libya before he began reporting from Syria...   held joint American and Israeli citizenship -- spoke fluent Arabic and had a showed a deep love for the Islamic world..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
foreign ownership of US federal government debt passed $9T
Laura Ingraham

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
the left's cognitive dissonance on arms
"The Left would rather see you die than have the ability to defend yourself.   They fear the power of the citizenry more than they fear America's enemies.   What does that tell you about who they are?   For how is the threat posed to America by ISIS anything other than a validation of the Second Amendment and your right to keep and bear arms?   With the southern border wide open, and the PC Police refusing to answer any questions about who and what is flooding into our country, the necessity of self-defense is no longer merely theoretical...   Recall that, under the U.S. Code, every able-bodied man between the ages of 17 and 45 is automatically a member of the 'unorganized militia'.   We are all expected to fight..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
2 CNNs in 1

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Obummer sending only 350 troops to Iraq... to "protect Baghdad embassy"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Jean Kaufman _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle theater of evil and the thirst for blood

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
right of fire

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
"diversity, immigration, and multi-cultural sensitivity are our strengths", Rotherham edition: years of rape and utter contempt
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Pete Earley _USA Today_/_Garnett_
John Walker turned spying on USA for Russia into a family business which operated over a period of 18 years

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Drew MacKenzie _News Max_
parents of SEAL hero, petty-officer-1st-class Aaron Carson Vaughn, demand Obummer's resignation over lack of active response to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle war against the West
"Billy and Karen Vaughn, whose son Aaron died in 2011, wrote that they were stunned by [Obummer's] decision to go golfing directly after giving a somber speech about the beheading of American journalist James Foley by the jihadists, also known as ISIS.   'As commander-in-chief, your actions, or lack thereof, Mr. President, cost lives.', said the Vaughns, whose son was killed in action when a Chinook helicopter was shot down over Afghanistan with 30 American soldiers on board...   'your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole -- not only in America's security but the security of the entire globe.   Your message has come across loud and clear, sir: You are not up to this job.   You know it.   We know it.   The world knows it...   You have been at the helm during unprecedented national security leaks -- including, but not limited to the outing of SEAL Team 6 on the bin Laden raid, the outing of the Pakistani doctor who provided the intelligence for that raid, the outing of Afghanistan's CIA station chief, and the outing of your personal kill list to make you look tough...'"

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Sean Piccoli _News Max_
Rob Maness is one of several challengers who maintain dispute of Landrieu's residency (with video)
"Rob Maness, a retired Air Force colonel...   Acknowledging his state's reputation for down-and-dirty politics, Maness said, 'Well, it's getting spicy down here, but you know what?   It's a typical Louisiana political race, and we've got the momentum, and we're going to go in and win on Nov. 4 -- and on Dec. 6 in the run-off if we have to.'...   But the address fight also illustrates Maness' argument that [the incumbent] -- who is in a tight race -- has lost touch with her constituents and become a resident of the political establishment in Washington, DC, where she does have a home under her own name. Maness...calls both of his opponents 'Beltway insiders' who have accomplished 'nothing' for Louisiana despite 'many, many years' in office..."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
US ICE released 169 illegal aliens convicted of "homicide-related offenses"
"The ICE response said that more than 130 zip codes in the U.S. were 'associated with the detainees'.   Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, created a map using the zip code data, showing criminal aliens being released into cities across the country.   The ICE response explained the release of the 169 criminal aliens this way: 'Of the 169 ICE detainees with a homicide-related conviction who were released from ICE custody in FY2013, 131 have been issued a final order of removal.   Of the remaining 38 aliens who have not been issued a final order of removal, one was granted voluntary departure by an immigration judge and subsequently departed within the permitted timeframe.   Further, 154 of the 169 were released pursuant to court order due to Zadvydas.'   'Zadvydas' refers to the 2001 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Zadvydas v. Davis, which has been interpreted to mean that an immigrant who has not been accepted for re-entry into another country after 6 months can be released."

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Stanley Kurtz _National Review_
Madison scholar condemns College Board's AP US history redesign

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Anthony Watts & Eric Worrall
UN World Meteorological Organization propaganda stunt: climate fantasy forecasts of h377 on Earth from the future

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Anthony Watts
Global Warming Policy Foundation announced its new propaganda arm, the Global Warming Policy Forum

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Anthony Watts
inconvenient: new article finds the last inter-glacial period was warmer than today -- but this is not simulated by climate models

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Anthony Watts
U of AL at Huntsville global temperature report: 2014 August down by 0.11℃

2014-09-02 (5774 Alul 07)
Anthony Watts
extreme weather & flooding became less frequent/extreme in Southwest England
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself." --- Elie Wiesel (source: Jewish World Review)  



2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
what do people incorrectly take for granted regarding off-shore out-sourcing?
"Sadly, even the NYT buys into myth that off-shoring brings U.S. consumers big cost savings.   Generally, this is not the case.   The typical profit margin for manufactured goods is so small that the savings in labor costs accrued from off-shoring make a big difference proportionally to the manufacturer, but the difference in consumer price is small.   More generally, labor cost savings don't bring big reductions in retail price.   For instance, my UC Davis colleague Phil Martin, an agricultural economist, once calculated that consumers save about a nickel per head of lettuce grown with unauthorized-immigrant labor.   Negligible savings for the consumer, but the growers win big.   Labor is a small part of retail price even in some service industries; Card and Krueger, writing in support of raising the minimum wage, found that a 19% increase in labor costs led to only a 2% rise in fast-food prices...   Significantly, a BCG survey found that Americans are willing to pay considerable premiums for products made in the U.S.A.   In fact, the amount they are willing to pay extra actually exceeds the small savings they actually get from off-shoring...   Should more Americans go into the science research field, for example?   No, they can't get jobs as it is, as a National Institutes of Health study found a couple of years ago.   Moreover, the NIH stated that foreign-worker programs were part of the problem.   Importation of foreign labor is just like offshoring, really; whether cheap labor is used abroad or brought to the U.S.A., the losers are U.S. citizen and permanent resident workers.   UC Berkeley economics professor Clair Brown and her coauthors have found that the H-1B work visa program was negatively impacting American engineers, and the congressionally commissioned NRC report found that H-1B was adversely impacting IT wages.   (See references on NIH, Brown and the NRC in my Migration Letters paper.)..."

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
things I don't understand

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
deport the Tsarnaev sisters
National Review
V Dare
"Entry into this country is a privilege, not a right.   Nor should this privilege be irrevocable and interminable."
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges
please help find Marizela

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Chris Stirewalt _Fox_
Obummer can't "manage" a do-over on "no strategy"

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the unfinished war

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Eytan Kobre _Jewish World Review_
Ferguson and Gaza's wannabe

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer regime attacks business for engaging in "citizenship discrimination", i.e. checking whether job applicants are citizens or have work visas; IOW, they want to punish people who uphold US law
Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller
Laura Ingraham audio

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer, the president who is uninterested in other people

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer foreign policy is not working for US citizens

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the Muslim rape culture
"the criminals who committed these sickening acts were Muslims from the local Pakistani community, and noticing their depravity was considered insensitive at best, racist at worst.   The British home secretary says 'institutionalized political correctness' contributed to the abandonment of hundreds of girls to their tormentors."

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
criminalizing childhood

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Laura Ingraham
the left's/Dems' new scheme to spike voter turn-out

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Michael Zennie _London Daily Mail_
Somali-American who died fighting for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle cleaned planes for Delta at Minneapolis airport
"Abdirahmaan Muhumed, 29, had security clearances that granted him special access to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.   He left his 9 children behind to fight for ISIS in Syria this year.   ISIS has killed thousands of innocent civilians in its brutal sweep across Syria and Iraq.   The group is responsible for beheading 2 American journalists..."

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
resisting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle's demand for submission

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Deepti Hajela _Jewish World Review_
remains of soldier reported missing on 1944-07-07 have been identified
"His 82-year-old nephew DR, of Delray Beach, FL, said he was planning to be at the burial on Sept. 12 [at Arlington National Cemetery]."

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
_Conservative HQ_
is an Islamic terror attack through our borders already in motion? (with political cartoon)
"Michael Scheuer, a former Central Intelligence Agency officer, told Fox News over the weekend that it would be naive to think that Islamic State jihadists would not use the U.S. southern border to their advantage to gain an entry point into the country.   'You'd have to be silly not to take an advantage of that opportunity.   You can say many things about the Islamists, but silly they are not.', Scheuer said.   'They may be brutal, but they are not dumb.   We [the Obummer and Shrub regimes] are the dumb ones.'   Scheuer added that it's pretty common to see people from Asia and the Middle East use the U.S.-Mexico border to gain access into the country.   'We are confidently sure that every month a number of Arabs or Pakistanis come across the border illegally in the south.', Scheuer told Fox News...   Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to 'carry out an attack on the border', according to one Judicial Watch source.   'It's coming very soon.', according to another high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots..."

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
_Conservative HQ_
Fred Ryan not a Reagan Republican

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
USCIS announced re-amnesty for 20 illegal aliens from South Sudan

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Douglas Ernst _Jewish World Review_
Jihadi groups -- Muslim terrorist initiators of force -- are engaged in cut-throat competition with each other

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
corrupt EEOC signs deal with Mexican government to ensure illegal aliens can work in the USA illegally without fear of prosecution from the Obummer regime
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
FAIR estimates cost for dumped illegal alien children's education at $761 for this 2014-2015 school year
map/graph from LimitsToGrowth (png)
"While an urban Mexican child probably has attended school, speaks Spanish (rather than Kanjobal) and knows how a pencil works, the Central American kiddies may have none of those advantages.   The Centrals need to brought up to zero (if possible), and that will cost a lot of American tax dollars...   The current border-crossing kids will need lots of special services, including expensive psychological treatment for trauma, and La Raza types will demand it if adequate welfare goodies are not forthcoming..."
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
David A. Collins _V Dare_
Dem asks his party's losership to make patriotic breaking news by backing immigration reform -- instead of immigration law perversion -- for a change
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Paul Ames _Global Post_
French president blocked sale of assault helicopter to Russia: West raising the stakes over Russia's take-over of Ukraine

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Boko Haram morphing into "conventional army", poised to "explode any day"

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
how the law punishes boys who have been raped
USA Today/Gannett

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
writing on the wall
"How, the article implicitly asks, is [Obummer] going to take on 3 fronts and shrink the armed forces at the same time?   No one has the answer..."
It's obvious.   Expand the armed forces by developing the unorganized militia, National Guard, special forces, and CIA humint and operatives.   Cut ObummerDoesn'tCare, the Socialist Insecurity Abomination, Medicare, Medicaid, HHS, HUD, Fannie, Freddie, Sallie, CPB/NPR, the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities (including AFI), BLM, BIA, EPA, Dept. of Educationism (except NCES), Dept. of Energy, cut (eliminate in most cases) the appropriations for federal government department and agency SWAT teams, NPS, FERC...   Then buckle down, go full-out to annihilate the terrorists.

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
Putin's "action plan"
"Putin's 'peace' proposal would prevent Ukrainian forces from taking back any more of the east, while allowing the Russians to rebuild the damaged territories they covet."

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
why do they join the jihad?

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Dan Stein _Immigration Reform_
today's immigration head-lines

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons"

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Patrick J. Michaels & Paul C. Knappenberger
are opinions on climate change related to dependency on government money?

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Anthony Watts
cold year: 2014 USA temperature record lows out-pace record highs nearly 2-1

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Anthony Watts
coronal mass ejection video

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
Bob Tisdales
a look at the sea surface temperature data for the Gulf of Maine

2014-09-03 (5774 Alul 08)
_Hockey Schtick_
climate hysterics' propaganda war: the claim that warming is man-made is based upon climate models already falsified at confidence levels of 98%+
Watts Up With That

301-09-03: San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world's oldest republic still in existence, was founded by Saint Marinus in the Apennine Mountains -- completely surrounded by Italy. It has the the 3rd-highest GDP per capita in the world.
1189-09-03: Richard i of England (a.k.a. Richard "the Lionheart"/coeur de lion) is crowned at Westminster.
1260-09-03: the Mamluks defeat the Mongols at the battle of Ain Jalut in the Holy Land, marking their first decisive defeat and the point of maximum expansion of the Mongol Empire.
1777-09-03: the skirmish of American Revolutionary war in New Castle county, Delaware where the Flag of the United States was flown in battle for the first time.
1783-09-03: the American Revolutionary ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain. America is officially free from Britain
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The past we choose to remember may be the best reflection of any present." --- Paul Greenberg (source: Jewish World Review)  



2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Radio Shack Sales Clerk Wanted; Physics PhD Helpful
"reach for your Skeptic's Hat whenever you see a politician, academic, industry-funded researcher, industry lobbyist, immigration attorney and the like use the word 'innovation' in a STEM context...   One can't argue with that second statement by the PAs.   I know that my math background helps inform lots of things that I do in life that don't seem outwardly mathematical.   But the title of my post here, 'Radio Shack Sales Clerk Wanted; Physics PhD Helpful', is meant to convey the fact that the PAs' image of STEM degree holders happily applying their background in some non-STEM profession, in an economy-boosting manner, can be highly misleading.   On the contrary, the STEM-er in question may actually be quite unhappy in his/her job, and it may be an enormous waste of economic resources.   Actually, all of this is basically political rationalization on the PAs' part.   In order to explain, I'll first give you a brief history of the shortage shouting.   Later I'll return to the issue of tragic waste of STEM resources...   researchers Lindsay Lowell and Hal Salzman decided to check whether the STEM-shortage emperor was clothed; they found that he was not.   None of the PAs' claims really panned out.   More recently, the authors (joined by Daniel Kuehn), did a more detailed study, again finding that shortage claim was not supported by the data, and that the H-1B program was adversely impacting wages.   They found, for instance, the IT wages in 2013 were still at their 1998 level.   Recently the Census Bureau added to such research by announcing that most STEM graduates are in non-STEM jobs..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Nathan Doyle _V Dare_
dropping out of USA's colleges and universities which are controlled by cultural Marxists
"I've dropped out and have no intention of finishing my bachelor's degree...   Furthermore, if you are going to college for something that is actually practical (a blue-collar trade, something in STEM, etc.) I would say you should stick with it.   Those degrees are valuable—and barely have a political culture to them, much less a Leftist one.   However, my interests have always been lofty and impractical: history, political science, philosophy, and sociology.   And as everyone knows, those fields of study are now almost universally under the iron grip of what we call 'Cultural Marxism'...   it's important to realize that college has quietly become significantly more expensive, less obviously beneficial, and more Left-y...   The credentialism [hyper-credentialism] bubble is bursting anyway..."
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
corrupt Obummer regime removes another tool to deter and defend against illegal immigration: non-feasance
"I must have been channeling my inner [Obummer regime] official because, as outlined in an excoriating letter representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has written to attorney-general Eric Holder, Homeland Security [DHS] Secretary Jeh Johnson, and United States attorney for the district of AZ John Leonardo, it appears that Leonardo has been instructed not to accept for prosecution any criminal charges for illegal entry into the United States of America.   When considering the impact of a crime that, for a first offense is a misdemeanor, it's important to remember that the U.S. attorney's office in Arizona covers some of the most heavily trafficked illegal crossing corridors on the Southwest border.   Smuggling of humans and contraband is a daily activity, as are all of the multiplicity of additional crimes that arise from such offenses -- sexual and physical assault, murder, extortion, and holding of hostages for additional smuggling fees, you name it.   We also don't know whether the directive to U.S. attorney Leonardo was also repeated elsewhere throughout other U.S. attorney's offices all across the southern border with Mexico, since representative Gosar only discovered the fact from a local sheriff after the sheriff was briefed by Border Patrol officials, although I suspect we will find out about that in the fullness of time -- and almost certainly not by officials of this administration, who appear to work best when concealing the facts from a restive public and congress..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
war works well
"The world seems to be falling apart.   Only lunatics from North Korea or Iran once mumbled about using nuclear weapons against their supposed enemies.   Now Vladimir Putin, after gobbling up the Crimea, points to his nuclear arsenal and warns the West not to 'mess' with Russia.   The Middle East terrorist group the Islamic State keeps beheading its captives and threatening the West.   Meanwhile [Obummer] admits to the world that we 'don't have a strategy yet' for dealing with such barbaric terrorists...   Putin thinks that grabbing more of the old Soviet Republics will bring him the sort of prestige that his hero Stalin once enjoyed.   ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle wants to return to 7th century Islam when the Muslim world had more power and honor..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
sisters share pictures of happiness

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
an unhappy summer for liberty
"At the root of the chaos in the Middle East and here at home are governments that respect no limits on their exercise of power.   Public officials -- who are supposed to be our public servants -- routinely behave as if they are our masters.   They reject the confines of the Constitution, they don't believe that our rights are inalienable, and they fail to see the dangerous path down which they are leading us..."
There is much I agree with, and much I disagree with, in this one...jgo

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
words, terms, and phrases in vogue... and propaganda

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
here's how Obummer could start down a path toward respectability

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Hong Kong: 1 country, 1 system
"The promise the [Red Chinese] government made to Britain and to the world as Hong Kong reverted to Chinese control at midnight on 1997 June 30, that [Red China] would abide by the '1 country, 2 systems' plan, which would afford Hong Kong greater autonomy, except in matters of foreign relations and defense, was to last 50 years.   That promise is falling 33 years short of fulfillment.   The communist government in Beijing has been nipping at the edges of Hong Kong's freedoms for some time, but last Sunday it decided to take a bigger bite.   [Wrote] The New York Times, '[Red China's] legislature laid down strict limits ...to proposed voting reforms in Hong Kong, pushing back against months of rallies calling for free, democratic elections.'   The 'strict limits' include new guidelines for nominating candidates, which means Beijing would choose who runs the city's government...   it should surprise no one that communists and other dictators lie."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
is Obummer too cautious? clueless? or does he not care to oppose Islamic terrorism?

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
no military dog left behind
USA Today/Gannett

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Eric Holder is an even more dangerous (oath-breaking, scofflaw,) race-hustler than Al Sharpton

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
speed kills racial-profiling study
V Dare

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Putin's fascist revival carries echoes of Hitler

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
why don't economists recognize drop in standard of living as a result of excessive immigration? (with graph)
"Roodman is more concerned with incomes than with the whole equation of standard of living.   But being from Los Angeles, it's hard for me not to notice the remarkable relative decline in standard of living in the immigration capital of America over my life-time..."
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
Boko Haram vs. Rotherham: awareness raising vs. awareness lowering
"...In contrast, for many years in England, Pakistani pimps have been luring pubescent white Christian girls into sexual slavery; but the English Establishment -- police, political, and media -- responded with a long Awareness Lowering campaign.   In the first decade of the 21st Century, those who protested were ignored, censored, or sent to diversity sensitivity training.   The most prominent politician to take up the case a decade ago, Nick Griffin of the BNP, was put on trial twice for inciting racial hatred (but juries did not convict him)..."
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Help VDare.com defend US citizens' rights and privileges

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
_Arutz Sheva Israel National News_
Obummer has no strategy
"Allies and countrymen alike were stunned [and angered at Obummer's] proclamation that the US [government] doesn't have a strategy to combat the vermin which are quickly spreading and threatening to engulf Europe...   The man who has a definite strategy for employing thousands of agents to spy on innocent American citizens doesn't have a strategy vis-a-vis the butchers of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle.   For over a year, practically on a daily basis, the man who occupies the Oval Office was briefed about the growing threat of a terrorist group which is so brutal that even Al Qaeda has disavowed any connection to it.   The man who laid claim to the highest office in the world was told, warned, informed, cautioned, alerted and briefed with precise details about the rise of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle.   A former Pentagon official told Fox News that the president was given detailed and specific intelligence about the dangerous rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year prior to the group's seizing large areas in Iraq and Syria..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Trey Williams _MarketWatch_
NYFed: college not worth it for 25% of grads
"the New York Fed estimates the economic value of college degree at around $300K over the course of the average graduate's career...   The New York Fed's Jaison Abel and Richard Deitz have crunched more data.   The annual wage for the 25th percentile of those with a bachelor's degree, and that number sits closer to that of those with only a high school diploma, at below $30K per year..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
Veterans Administration OIG investigation has revealed poor care, fake reports, and nationwide systemic problems

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Rich Baehr _PJMedia_
world shudders as Israeli government says that homes will be built on 988 acres [less than 2 square miles] of Israel on the west bank of the Jordan
"Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is now by far the top choice to become the head of a unified PA-Hamas government, securing a 61% to 32% victory over Mahmoud Abbas if elections were held today.   Most remarkable is that support for Hamas has soared in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), which escaped the fighting.   Palestinians in the West Bank are demonstrating that resistance is easy to support when someone else, somewhere else is fighting and getting hit...   Muslim extremists can massacre people in one country after another in the Middle East and Muslim world, but Israel taking land it already controls to build houses...is [they claim] the ultimate threat to the survival of the world...   Daniel Greenfield, in his customary caustic fashion, describes the perceived calamity of Jewish house-building..."
If only the Palestinians would stop occupying Israel and go back to Palestine=Gaza, or move to some other Muslim-dominant country, the 2-state outcome would be achieved...but, of course, that is not what the violence-initiating Muslims want...jgo

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Obummer engages in more illegal activity than Nixon did: Nixon insider Roger Stone (video)

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Thomas R. Burke & Jonathan Segal _USA Today_/_Garnett_
Google failed in attempt to keep public from knowing how it violates users' privacy

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
_Arutz Sheva Israel National News_
IDF returns fire at Syrian army position as mortar hits Golan
"Sirens were heard throughout throughout the Golan Heights earlier, as a mortar shell had struck in an open field in the northern Golan...   It is the latest spill-over from the Syrian civil war, as rebels, among them Al Qaeda's Syrian branch the Nusra Front, have been involved in fierce clashes with pro-regime forces for control of the Quneitra area bordering Israel.   Several mortar shells have hit Israeli territory in recent weeks...   [Other reports have claimed ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle forces battling in the same town last week.]"

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Hayden Kenez _Jewish World Review_/_National Post_
20 year old well-off Scottish woman who ran off to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
meet another of the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle's French-American propagandists
"He originally left the U.S.A. to fight for al Qaeda in Iraq in 2004.   He went into the media wing, returned to the U.S.A. in 2006, was questioned by the [block-headed] FBI, and then released again..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
chopping off heads is not as rare in modern times as many believe

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
putting the Great back in Britain: interview of UKIP leader Nigel Farage

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
NATO then and now; it's become a most unserious alliance

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Reuters seems stunned that MoonBeam Brown is willing to participate in something remotely resembling a debate with Neel Kashkari

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
this means war!
"In a news release issued late yesterday, representative Frank Wolf (VA-10) announced his intention to introduce legislation authorizing the use of military force, or an AUMF, against international terrorist groups, including the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al Qaeda and its affiliates, like al Nusra, Ansar al Sharia, al Shabaab and Boko Haram, while encouraging close coordination with NATO and regional allies on any action.   (Link to the text of the legislation appears at the end of this article.)   What representative Wolf is proposing, legislation authorizing the use of military force, is the closest the United States has come to passing a constitutional Declaration of War in the post-World War 2 era...   'From the Washington Administration to the present, there have been 11 separate formal declarations of war against foreign nations enacted by Congress and the President, encompassing five different wars—the War of 1812 with Great Britain, the War with Mexico in 1846, the War with Spain in 1898, the First World War, and the Second World War.   In each case the enactment of a formal declaration of war has been preceded by a presidential request to congress for such an action, either in writing or in person before a joint session of congress.', concluded researchers for the Congressional Research Service."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
_Conservative HQ_
illegal aliens are a risk to USA security: Obumma "lost" thousands of foreign students in the USA

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Steve King pointed out that Obummer has already been violating the law for years
"'Multiple violations of that with regard to [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   We've got welfare work [requirement] suspended, we've got No Child Left Behind effectively suspended.', King said, adding the [Obummer regime] also failed to follow the law by moving forward with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program and the Morton Memos...   'So how could we imagine that a president who has an open borders amnesty agenda is going to earn our trust back?', King rhetorically asked..."
When John Boehner says there will be no immigration law perversion legislation this year, what he means is that there will be no action until the lame-duck session...jgo

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
lawyer Mark Levin pointed out that US Chamber of Crony Socialists is run by "big government statists"

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
lawyer Mark Levin pointed out that Americans joining ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle are relinquishing their USA citizenship

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Bob Brown _"IT" News_/_Network World_/_IDG_
movement to replace TCP/IP with Named Data Networking (NDN)
"The Named Data Networking Consortium members, which include universities such as UCLA and China's Tsinghua University as well as vendors such as Cisco and [VerySlime], are meeting this week at a two-day workshop at UCLA to discuss NDN's promise for scientific research.   Big data [privacy violation], eHealth [privacy violation] and climate research [fraud] are among the application areas on the table.   The NDN effort has been backed in large part by the National Science Foundation [NSF], which has put more than $13.5M into it since 2010.   Since that time, participating organizations have somewhat quietly been working on new protocols and specifications, including a new packet format, that have been put through their paces in a testbed that spans from the United States to Asia.   Their aim is to put forth an Internet architecture that's more secure, able to support more bandwidth and friendlier to app developers.   Cryptographic authentication, flow balance and adaptive routing/forwarding are among the key underlying principles...   NDN has its roots in content-centric networking, a concept that Jacobson started at Xerox PARC [Palo Alto Research Center]..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Heather Clancy _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
learning to love software development boot-camps: typical STEM pros can learn a lot in 2 weeks, let alone 12 weeks!
"'If someone is going to quit their job to do this, we owe it to them to turn them away if we don't think they're committed.', says founder Michael Choi (who also happens to be chief instructor).   'Some people just want the salary associated with these skills, but we don't think that's the best motivation.   We want to know: are you sure what you want to do, are you committed for the right reasons, do you have the analytical skill set to be successful?'...   With active locations in both Silicon Valley and Seattle, Coding Dojo offers a three-month program with 12 to 18 students at a cost of $12K, compared with the $10K average tuition cost reported by Course Report.   (It offers scholarships, including a $2K one for women.)   Its reported placement rate is also higher than the survey average: up to 92% of its 'black belt' certified graduates find a job within 60 days."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
David McCaine _Washington DC Examiner_
Christian groups come to the defense of a Muslim prisoner convicted for cutting his girlfriend's throat and stabbing her in the chest who has been required to shorten his beard
2014-03-03: Amanda Macias: Business Insider
2013-11-14: WinCountry/WNWN FM Battle Creek MI/Reuters
2014-08-14: Bronte Marsteller: Hill
2014-03-03: Scott Bomboy: Constitution Center
"An exemption for quarter-inch beards is already allowed in the case of medically diagnosed dermatological conditions."
This brings to mind the case of Orthodox Jews, possibly Chassidim, emergency medical technicians.   The government was demanding that they shave their beards so that surgical masks and gas masks would form a better seal.   The articles said that they had agreed to greatly shorten their beards and even make a place for the masks to form a seal, yet the government was adamant in violating their religious liberty on this score...jgo

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Andrew Kaczynski _Buzz Feed_
Ted Cruz criticizes Paul Ryan and the rest of the GOP losership for going along with Dems' partial shut-down of the federal government instead of standing tough for a balanced budget and defunding of ObummerDoesn'tCare
"'I will say I don't think it is beneficial when Republican [losership] throws rocks at conservatives -- at conservative activists across this country.'"

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
US Chamber of Crony Socialists endorsing leftists/Dems in key House elections
"The business [executive] group that has been pushing for amnesty [for illegal aliens] but that has often backed Republican candidates is throwing its support behind Democrats in several key House races this cycle."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
leftist senator Mary Landrieu has been sub-poenaed to defend her claim of Louisiana residence when she doesn't own or rent a home , but lives in DC
"Landrieu has listed her parents' home in New Orleans as her state residence; she owns the house with her 8 siblings and mother, the newspaper notes.   She owns a home with her husband in Washington, DC...   tea party candidate Rob Maness [is] still in the [contest]...   'she hasn't lived in Louisiana for a very long time, and people in our state need to know this' [said one of her other challengers]...   the law requires only that she be a resident of Louisiana on election day, according to LSU law professor John Baker, the Times-Picayune reports..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Oliver Darcy _Blaze_
CIA station security operators on the ground in Benghazi say they were also told to "stand down" on 2012-09-11

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Lizette Borreli _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
5 reasons why you should drink coffee all day, every day
"1. Decreases Type 2 Diabetes Risk...   2. Prevents Eye Damage..."

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Richard Winger _Ballot Access News_
bill to require open primaries and general-election run-off between the top-2, in elections for US House of Representatives (HR5334)

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Caroline Lee Smith _Washington DC Free Beacon_
poll: 73% of the public say Obummer should work with congress on immigration reforms, instead of trying unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty of illegal aliens

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
IBD/TIPP poll: 63% oppose Obummer regime's dragging their heels on finding, deporting, removing illegal aliens, and of giving them unconstitutional and illegal work permits
John Merline: Investor's Business Daily

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Anthony Watts
changing temperature powers sensors in hard-to-reach places

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Anthony Watts
1960s satellite imagery of polar ice discovers 'enormous holes' in the sea ice

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Anthony Watts
U of CA Riverside research shows declining acidity in Sierra Nevada lakes

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Anthony Watts
past temperature data in Greenland adjusted to fit new theory

2014-09-04 (5774 Alul 09)
Christopher Monckton
no global warming for the last 17 years and 11 months
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Correct yourself and, only then, correct others." --- Talmud, Baba Batra 60b (Ahhh, but will these others be aware of or appreciate one's millions of self-corrections over a life-time? Does it matter?)  



2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
R' Moshe Grylak _Jewish World Review_
fear the Lord?
"The mishnah, however, is not talking about neurotic fear, but about reverent awe, a deep sense of protocol inspired by the law and order revealed in the universe.   Here is how Maimonides understood this concept: 'When a person contemplates these things [i.e., the wonders of the universe], and recognizes all the creatures -- the angelic creatures, man, etc. -- and he sees His wisdom of in all that He formed and created, his love for the Divine increases, and his soul will thirst and his flesh yearn to love the Omnipresent, blessed be He, and he will be fearful of his own lowliness and weakness.' (Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah 4:12)..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
record 24.639M foreign-born individuals hold jobs in the USA in August, according to BLS (with graph)
"'The foreign born include legally-admitted immigrants, refugees, temporary residents such as students and temporary workers, and [illegal aliens].   The survey data, however, [intentionally] do not separately identify the numbers of persons in these categories.'"

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Edwin S. Rubenstein _V Dare_
American worker displacement reaches record high (with graphs, tables based on BLS data)
"In August: Total employment rose by 16K, or by 0.01%; Native-born American employment fell by 643K or by 0.53%; Immigrant employment rose by 659K, or by 2.76%... Over the past 12 months: Immigrant employment rose by 806K positions, a 3.4% increase; native-born Americam employment rose by 1.332M positions, a 1.1% increase. The native-born American unemployment rate fell from 7.5% to 6.4%, a drop of 14.7%; The foreign-born unemployment rate fell from 6.7% to 5.4%, a drop of 19.3%. Labor force participation rates [LFPR] fell for both native-born Americans and immigrants, but the immigrant LFPR (66.3%) remained significantly above the native-born LFPR (62.4%). The working-age population of immigrants rose by 1.092M, or by 2.9%. The comparable population growth for native-born Americans: 1.176M, or by 0.6%."
Peter Brimelow: give to VDare.com while corrupt Obummer regime will still allow you to do so

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
John Hinderaker _PowerLine Web Log_
let's NOT drive down wages, benefits and working conditions with immigration law perversion

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
_Fast Co Exist_
explosion in bodyshopping: 53M American free-lancers, 34% of work-force; up from 42M in 2006

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
a new angle in South Dakota's continuing EB-5 corruption

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
what do you have to do to have the federal government recognize that someone has relinquished US citizenship?

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer regime attempt at amnesty for illegal aliens likely during lame-duck congress period after elections

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
Does Obummer really want to defeat the violence-initiating Muslims? Can he lead such an effort?

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer gets a booster shot in Britain
"[Barack Hussein Obummer] spent Thursday in Wales, surrounded by NATO allies, and he borrowed a little courage from David Cameron, the prime minister of Britain, who is fed up with the barbarism of rogue Muslims who have established a thriving nest in his country, incubating terrorists... The venomous murderers of ISIS understand that there are no other 'countries like Britain and America', or, more to the point, no other countries like Britain and America used to be..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Egypt offered to let Palestinians immigrate.   Why did Mahmoud Abbas refuse?
"The Palestinian leader noted that the idea was first proposed to the Egyptian government in 1956, but was furiously rejected by Palestinian leaders such as PLO militant Muhammad Youssef Al-Najjar and poet Muin Bseiso who 'understood the danger of this'...   Like the rest of the Arab world, the Egyptians were never interested in resettling the refugees anywhere, let alone on a huge swath of the Sinai next door to [Gaza=Palestine].   Not even during the 19 years during which Egypt illegally occupied Gaza and Jordan illegally occupied the West Bank and part of Jerusalem did either nation seek to ameliorate the suffering of the refugees by offering them the full rights of citizenship or a home anywhere but in the State of Israel..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
where is the "nation building" in the USA?

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
a foreign legion for losers
"Rather, my point is that to a considerable extent, ISIS -- and groups like it -- is a modern foreign legion for losers.   When discussing people who openly boast of rape, murder and torture, 'loser' is hardly too harsh.   But invective is not my intent when I call them losers.   These men -- and a few women, too -- are losers in a more significant sense.   They are losers at Western Civilization..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Dems (and neo-Cons/RINOs) increasingly yearn for a utopian version of the 800s, living in the 1960s, regressive era, raw deal

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
countering "extremism" will never defeat the violence-initiating Muslims

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's disastrous foreign policy

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
where in the world is jihadi pilot Adnan Shukrijumah?
"Black caliphate flags flap in the open air.   Islamic head-choppers wreak bloody havoc around the world.   Nearly a dozen commercial airliners disappear in Libya.   And America's immigration and entrance systems remain in shambles...   Shukrijumah reportedly undertook flight training in the late 1990s or early 2000 in Florida and secured a flying license for light aircraft.   He is rumored to have acquired bomb-making expertise, as well.   Somehow and somewhere along the way, Shukrijumah obtained a legal U.S. green card...   In 2007, Shukrijumah's name surfaced in wire-taps related to a busted New York City subway bombing plot...   Law enforcement sources have placed Shukrijumah on the southern border, in Guyana, at a Trinidad jihadi compound, and at a meeting of Latin American gangs.   Shukrijumah reportedly joined high-level jihad planners in Pakistan's outlaw Waziristan province in 2004..."
please help find Marizela

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
you have to see and recognize a threat before you can have a strategy to counter it
"Some of us have been saying from the beginning that something just isn't right about [Obummer].   Something is very different about this man -- something that distinguishes him from every U.S. president in my life-time...   I have long believed he really doesn't think like an American...   he doesn't embrace the American idea...   Not only does [Obummer] have major issues with America, as founded, but he also appears to have a remarkable naivete concerning evil in the world.   As low as his boiling point is concerning conservative opposition to his agenda, he seems not to have one for Islamic terrorism...   he clearly does not get it...   How can [Obummer] possibly have a strategy to deal with ISIS when, in his heart of hearts, he doesn't fully appreciate the threat it represents? When [Obummer] went off his teleprompter, he revealed that he is just not in this fight.   He is still clinging to his dangerous belief that he can work magic with Muslim terrorists by celebrating Islam, or that no magic is needed because the threat, if it exists at all, is not that serious, is narrow, and it certainly doesn't significantly threaten the U.S. homeland..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Ukraine abandoned: Obummer and NATO's stunning passivity
Contingency plans have existed for at least 35 years.   It is the will he lacks...jgo

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the sensible and constitutional Rand Paul perspective on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle
"as he told Sean Hannity, 'I'm neither an isolationist or interventionist.   I'm someone that believes in the Constitution and believes that America should have a strong national defense and believes that we should defend ourselves, but when we do it, we should do it the way the Constitution intended.'...   as reported by Ian Hanchett of Breitbart TV: Paul argued that ISIS was at war with the United States, and spelled out how he would deal with them, saying, 'If I had been president, I would have called a joint session of congress this August, brought everybody back from recess and said this is why ISIS is a threat to the country.   This is why I want to act, but I want to do it in a constitutional manner.'..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
_Conservative HQ_
mid-term elections: is the GOP losership finally getting it? Nope!
"McCarthy then put national security, energy and 'job creation' at the top of the list for GOP floor action and messaging.   We were, however, astounded to see that nowhere in the McCarthy's memo was any mention of illegal immigration and border security, two issues at the very top of the voters' list of concerns going into the mid-terms.   Top pollster Kellyanne Conway, President & CEO of The Polling Company, recently conducted a poll that found likely voters were unequivocal in their support of immigration policies that protect the American worker...   Perhaps the most important finding of Conway's research was this data point: 75% want more enforcement of current immigration laws, including 63% of Hispanics and over 50% of Democrats..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
_Conservative HQ_
Lois Lerner's "secret research project" revealed

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Thomas E. Brewton
you don't know what's good for you, say the extreme leftist government thugs; they think only they know what's good for you

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Andrew Klavan _Front Page Magazine_
whatever leftists say, it's opposite day (video and transcript)

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
Steven Pinker: Ivy League is corrupt, and only standardized tests can repair it
Peter Brimelow: give to VDare.com while corrupt Obummer regime will still allow you to do so

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Eric Owens _Daily Caller_
stuck-up Yale leftist frets that non-leftist speakers will make campus "uncomfortable"

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Brendan Bordelon _Daily Caller_
National Council of the Racists are pushing Obummer to "fulfil his promise" to find a way to grant amnesty to illegal aliens

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Andy Patrizio _Daily Caller_
A&E's "Longmire" series set in Wyoming
"Hollywood is an inexplicable place, often behaving in ways that are downright detrimental to its business.   We saw that last week with A&E's decision to cancel 'Longmire', its second-most popular show...   Despite 3.6M viewers for its finale (and nearly 2M more who watched it on DVR)...   'Longmire' is an outstanding show, a modern day western crime drama set in rural Wyoming (but shot in New Mexico) based on a series of novels of the same name.   The titular character, sheriff Walter Longmire, is a man dealing with the grief of losing his wife not from the cancer she was battling but from a murderer, and as the series unfolded, the murder became anything but random...   'Longmire' was never hurting for commercials.   Fans had 2 basic complaints about the show: the season was too short, only 10 episodes, and there were too many commercials...   Some other entertainment writers have pointed out that A&E, which is split 50/50 in ownership between Hearst Corp. and Walt Disney Company, wanted to be rid of the show because it didn't produce the series; Warner Horizon did..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Jason Howerton _Blaze_
Megyn Kelly's interview shows more of Ward Churchill's perfidy

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Tom Tancredo _World Net Daily_
congress must declare war against violence-initiating Muslims

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Garth Kant _World Net Daily_
eye-popping twist in hunt for "missing" IRS e-mail messages, which could be stored on any one or more of 760 servers
"Jordan, who has been spear-heading a House Oversight subcommittee investigation of the IRS, announced on Friday the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, or TIGTA, has identified 760 exchange servers that could contain Lerner's missing [e-mail messages] from the critical two-year period in question.   Jordan's office released a statement pointing out this new information 'contradicts commissioner Koskinen's sworn testimony before Congress about Ms. Lerner's missing e-mail [messages]'."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
ridiculous Communist Corpse requirements spawn dreadful "home-work helper" videos for parents

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
A.W. Morgan _V Dare_
25-year-old Muslim from Nigeria beheaded 82-year-old widow from Italy in London suburb
Dominic Gover: International Business Times
"Named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, 25, he is reportedly an aspiring cage fighter and a Muslim convert.   He apparently goes by the nickname 'Fat Nick'.   Silva died in a gruesome attack in Nightingale Road on Thursday 4 September in the north London suburb, during which three other people, including a police officer, were also attacked.   Two victims fled from their home to escape a man wielding a blade, while a cat was also butchered in the incident..."
Cyrus Engineer: London Daily Star
Oliver Wheaton: Metro
Jessica Best: Mirror
Rose Troup Buchanan: Belfast Telegraph
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Any amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. Help VDARE.com stop the fleecing of America

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Dan Stein _Immigration Reform_
today's immigration head-lines

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Ira Mehlman _Immigration Reform_
10% of people employed in California are illegal aliens

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
fake cell towers allow corrupt NSA and police to unconstitutionally -- without warrants -- intercept and record your conversations and movements
"While driving around the country, CryptoPhone users plotted on a map every time they connected to a nameless tower (standard towers run by wireless service providers like Verizon usually have names) and received an alert that the device had turned off their phone's encryption (allowing their messages to be read)..."

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Anthony Watts
Matt Ridley in the WSJ: Whatever happened to global warming?

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Anthony Watts
good news from a new report: effective climate agreement not likely

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Anthony Watts
is the haughty John Kerry who served in VietNam becoming even more removed from reality? "Scriptures commands America to protect Muslims from global warming" (with C-SPAN video)

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Anthony Watts
Obummer regime dietary recommendations may be tied to increased green-house gas emissions

2014-09-05 (5774 Alul 10)
Anthony Watts
UN IPCC Chicken Littles
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Veteran of many struggles to provide for the best and the brightest, another teacher makes an impassioned statement. ‷I want more from the richest country in the world. Statistics can never measure the ideas not discovered, the diseases not cured, the problems not solved, the inventions not invented, the music not written. There areno charts of the things which die behind those bright eyes because it seems nobody cares.‴" --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg92  



2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
America's senator, Jeff Sessions, warns of post-election sell-out by the Obummer regime and GOP losership
Peter Brimelow: give to VDare.com while corrupt Obummer regime will still allow you to do so

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
UKIP founder Nigel Farage blasts multi-culturalism as destructive
Peter Brimelow: give to VDare.com while corrupt Obummer regime will still allow you to do so

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
Scott Greer _Daily Caller_
former ACORN sheister Arthur Z. Schwartz sold home for $20.89M
"quite a few pennies more than the $499,990 he bought the house for in 2003.   According to the New York Observer, Schwartz did make some significant improvements to the house, which likely drove up its value.   But the legal blog Above the Law wonders how the ex-ACORN lawyer was able to afford such a luxurious house and the ritzy upgrades to it considering his work record of primarily representing left-wing groups...   'All too many people get involved are doing it because they're saying there's something in it for numero uno.   But there are lots of people who are in it for the right reasons.   And if you had to pick someone who symbolizes that it would be Arthur Schwartz.'. [Schmuckie Schumer] said in 2003."

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
building better mole traps?

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
has NATO lost its will as well as its muscle?

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
Richard Winger _Ballot Access News_
Pennsylvania petition signature validation for candidates to get on ballot is intrinsically flawed

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
Anthony Watts
solar- and wind-power costs are huge compared with natural-gas-fired generation

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
Anthony Watts
explosive volcanic eruption with compression wave (video)

2014-09-06 (5774 Alul 11)
Eric Worrall
another would-be dictator wants to dispense with democracy
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The historical method ascertains the truth by means of common sense.   When that sense is systematically applied, it becomes a stronger and sharper instrument thatn is usually found at work in daily life.   It shows a closer attention to detail and a stouter hold on consecutiveness and order.   The exercise of these capacities turns into a new power; for the historian's common sense must be understood to mean more than common knowledge and the cliches of ordinary thought." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg159  



2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Chuck Ross _Daily Caller_
influential leftist think tanks are in the tank for foreign powers
"Numerous prominent foreign policy think tanks took millions of dollars in grants from foreign governments seeking favorable research and connections to U.S. policy-makers, raising questions over whether the organizations should have filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.   The New York Times uncovered arrangements between 28 USA think tanks -- including the Brookings Institution and the Center for Global Development -- and 64 foreign entities worth at least $92M...   Qatar, which backs the Muslim Brotherhood, paid Brookings $14.8M over four years to fund the center and for a special project to address relations between Muslims and the USA...   The Norwegian government paid the think tank $5M for their work and saw think tanks as a promising channel through which a small country like itself could promote its agenda...   The Scandinavian nation has spent at least $24M total over the last four years with think tanks...   'I am surprised, quite frankly, at how explicit the relationship is between money paid, papers published and policy makers and politicians influenced.', Amos Jones, an attorney who specializes in the Foreign Agents Registration Act, told The Times.   FARA, as the Act is known, was enacted in 1938 to protect against Nazi propaganda."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Sharona Schwartz _Blaze_
French reporter, former hostage of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, reports their connections with violence in Europe
"Henin claims that Mehdi Nemmouche, alleged killer [at] the Jewish museum in Brussels, was one of his guards when he was detained in Syria...   Nemmouche, a French citizen of Algerian descent, is scheduled to appear in court in Belgium on Friday."

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Robert Mendick & Robert Verkaik _Jewish World Review_/_London Telegraph_/_National Post_
Western women joining ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle shariah police forces

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
the orcs are winning
"So we wait behind our suburban Maginot Lines, arguing over our quarter- and half-measure responses...   Meanwhile the orcs are busy and growing and nearing the ramparts..."

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
eco-fascists are getting unprecedented access to EPA bureaubums

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
T.G. Branfalt ii _PJMedia_
Scott Brown, Jim Rubens & Bob Smith debate heading into primary for US senate from NH

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
Scott Walker going into final stretch for re-election as governor of WI

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Claudia Rosett _PJMedia_
UN RWA must come clean on Gaza=Palestine, and stop favoring the terrorists

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
Obummer's "new" "strategy"

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Alexander Hart _V Dare_
Rotherham rape scandal is the tip of the ice-berg
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Any amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. Help VDARE.com stop the fleecing of America

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Clarice Feldman _American Thinker_
leftist moral depravity

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Clarice Feldman _American Thinker_
easy meat multi-culturalism
Islam and child sex slavery (pdf)

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
6.0 earth-quake in Napa valley has released ground-water, easing drought
Peter Fimrite: San Francisco CA Chronicle

2014-09-07 (5774 Alul 12)
Rick McKee
perverse priorities (cartoon)
Proposed Bills 2014




1504-09-08: Michelangelo's towering marble statue of David was unveiled to the public in Florence, Italy.
1543-09-08: Mary Stuart, at 9 months old, is crowned "Queen of Scots" in the central Scottish town of Stirling.
1565-09-08: St. Augustine, FL founded by Pedro Menéndez Marquis.
1839-09-08: John Herschel made the first glass plate photograph.

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
immigration problems don't stop at the border
Town Hall

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's thoroughly tawdry delay of immigration law perversion action until lame-duck session

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
genes for educational attainment and IQ found?
AAAS EurekAlert
"We identify common genetic variants associated with cognitive performance using a 2-stage approach, which we call the proxy-phenotype method.   First, we conduct a genome-wide association study of educational attainment in a large sample (n = 106,736), which produces a set of 69 education-associated SNPs [Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms].   Second, using independent samples (n = 24,189), we measure the association of these education-associated SNPs with cognitive performance.   3 SNPs (rs1487441, rs7923609, and rs2721173) are significantly associated with cognitive performance after correction for multiple hypothesis testing.   In an independent sample of older Americans (n = 8,652), we also show that a polygenic score derived from the education-associated SNPs is associated with memory and absence of dementia.   Convergent evidence from a set of bio-informatics analyses implicates 4 specific genes (KNCMA1, NRXN1, POU2F3, and SCRT).   All of these genes are associated with a particular neuro-transmitter pathway involved in synaptic plasticity, the main cellular mechanism for learning and memory."
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Any amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. Help VDARE.com stop the fleecing of America

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
a tale of 2 fences: USA-Mexico & Israel-Palestine: The difference? Israel's leaders care about their citizens; USA's rulers despise theirs
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Any amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. Help VDARE.com stop the fleecing of America

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Jackie Mason _Jewish World Review_
death, extortion, and anti-Semitism

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Alexandra Zavis & Batsheva Sobelman _Jewish World Review_
friends of Steven J. Sotloff tried to scrub the net of signs of his connections with Israel and Judaism

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
how demagogues distort incidents of racism in USA's history

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Bulletin: another leftist NYT columnist hears "drums of war" and "chants for blood"

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Howard Fuller has recommendations for improving academic and economic performance of blacks

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
helicopter parents with children in college

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Mort Zuckerman _Jewish World Review_
I, too, peered into Putin's eyes; how paranoid can he get?

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
contemptible congress, contemptible president, contemptible judges
"Also remember, each rank-and-file senator and representative [is over-generously paid] $174K a year and enjoys liberal allowances for staff, travel and other amenities.   Members of the [losership get] up to $225K.   So, how are they doing? In a word: Atrociously...   As terrorists boldly beheaded an American with a camera rolling and took to the Internet with a vow to kill more of us, many members of congress [along with Obummer] were busy raising money for their [on-going] mid-term election campaigns...   The House of Representatives did pass more than 356 bills, a majority of them with bipartisan support.   But there they sit in the senate with no action taken...   There has been no definitive action to reverse the economically devastating trend of joblessness and under employment.   The nation's roads and bridges are in dire need of congressionally approved money to repair them.   The tax code is a mess, and few fully trust the IRS to be fair.   Security concerns about the country's power grid are disregarded..."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
the harder Obummer tries to prove his predecessors wrong, the deeper his disasters

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Trail Life USA has 450 troops, 14K members in 47 states, with 30 more troops in the chartering process
"At the July training session in Virginia, Trail Life USA leaders, who refer to themselves as Trailmen, said their group, unlike the Boy Scouts, has decentralized leadership.   They also said it is volunteer-driven, debt-averse and largely chartered and operated by churches..."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Phillip Swarts _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
DHS is unprepared for biological attack, unprepared to protect its own work-force let alone the citizenry

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Jessica Chasmar _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Muslim Turk hackers took over Kirk Cameron's site promoting his upcoming movie "Saving Christmas"... at least twice
Emma Koonse: Christian Post
Don Pittman: Gospel Herald
B. Alan Orange: Movie Web
Jeannie Law: BreatheCast

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
different schemes for amnesty for illegal aliens would impact profile of beneficiaries

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer adamantly opposed to the immigration reforms US citizens want, continues to strive for immigration law perversion
"But many polls showed the amnesty is very unpopular and would endanger Dem senators' chances in November.   So [Obummer] has decided to delay his executive amnesty until after the election.   Since early 2013, 'we have worked hard in painstaking fashion to cobble together this coalition of Democrats and Republicans in Washington, DC and business [executives] and labor [abusing union bosses]...in support of this [vile senate immigration] proposal [S744].', Earnest said Sept. 8...   That's a reasonable prediction because a Democratic defeat in the mid-term would have discredited the immigration campaign for many years, said Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Niger Innis _Tea Party News Network_
Border Patrol caught wanted terrorist crossing into USA, kept it quiet
"According to Texas rancher CM, Mexican drug cartel members are wreaking havoc on the ranches near the border and using death threats and textbook intimidation to drive ranchers off their land...   'The cartel is bringing across, importing people from as far away as the Mediterranean.   I've talked to agents and they picked up some characters from Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Syria -- anything that you can think of these agents are having to deal with.'...   '[They] had 6 middle eastern males on CM's property [which Border Patrol was able to catch]...   all I know is they were Muslim.   I wasn't told a whole lot of information about it.   I do know they had told me they had caught 11 of the same group, the week prior to that, that had been on our United States terrorist wanted list [for acts against the United States] -- not watch, but wanted list.   And this is the kind of stuff that they are not releasing to the public, they're not allowed to release it...   They were caught and they were turned over to Homeland Security [DHS], and everything pretty much disappeared...   They aren't allowed to speak about it...   We don't hear about the gang-bangers coming across, we don't hear about the terrorists coming across.   We don't hear about the violence going down on the border.   I had a rancher call me last week, and begging for help on 15K acres.   He had been moved off his ranch because he doesn't feel safe with his family there.   He's been shot at and threatened.   We don't hear that [on the news].'...   The Oathkeepers interview mirrors a conversation that I recently had with a lady in Arizona who lived within half a mile of the border who told me that a border agent was recently beaten by cartel members, but that nothing ever came from the incident.   The incident made no news; the cartel members were not caught and punished...   While TSA pats down grannies and scrutinizes who flies where, they overlook the porous border that allows anyone in.   The Constitution is incredibly clear.   The president, as Commander-in-Chief, is tasked with providing for the common defense of this nation.   His job is not to interpret laws, to redefine marriage, to provide 'free' health-care [at elevated cost to tax-victims and the insured alike]; his job is to help defend this nation and in this pursuit, he is not only failing, but refusing to uphold his oath."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
investigation of abuses by IRS is putting Carl Levin on the spot

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
_Conservative HQ_
Curt Clawson representing Florida's 9th congressional district
"[House losership] had no choice but to pull the bill from consideration while they worked out a compromise to win back the support of conservatives, such as Clawson, King, Bachmann and Blackburn...   Ultimately, House [losers] brought 2 bills to the floor that night -- a funding bill and a measure to defund the DACA program.   Both passed...   Clawson also voted against a temporary extension of a highway funding bill (which passed overwhelmingly) because he thought it relied on financing 'gimmicks' that the government wouldn't allow businesses to use.   And he opposed the Student and Family Tax Simplification Act because he said it could have made illegal aliens eligible for tax credit refunds...   Clawson told Ledyard King he is leaning hard toward opposing it but wants to see the language first.   He thinks the bank chooses favorites and serves too many large businesses that don't need it...   Michelle Bachmann...praised him for his efforts to cut back federal spending and oppose [Communist Corpse]..."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
_Conservative HQ_
pre-election non-leftist agenda item: let Export-Import Bank expire

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
_Conservative HQ_
what does Phil Robertson know about the GOP that you don't?
"the Republican Party needs to return to a focus on the Founders' principles, including Christianity, to improve and start winning where it counts.   Phil Robertson gave GOP leaders some valuable advice at their 2014 May Republican Leadership Conference: 'You want to turn the Republican party around, get godly.'"

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Jeff Bertolucci _InformationWeek_/_UBM_
job ads translated

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Nicholas Ballasy _PJMedia_
former Obummer regime acting director of CIA is warning against pulling troops out of Afghanistan

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
14M refugees make Levant unmanageable

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Cory Gardner (R-CO): ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle are a threat to USA which must be defeated
"Gardner, the Republican challenger, has issued a statement: 'Americans have watched in horror in recent weeks as 2 of our fellow countrymen have been brutally executed by terrorists, and it's outrageous that senator Udall would put words into the mouths of dead Americans.   Furthermore, it's deeply troubling that he views a terrorist organization like ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle as not an imminent threat to America.'"

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
regressivism/leftism and practicality/realism are mutually exclusive

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
back from recess, congress-critters unveil 1st anti-ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle bills
"The only legislation directed at ISIS filed before the five-week summer recess were bills from senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and congress-man Juan Vargas (D-CA) urging the administration to protect religious minorities from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle' rampage.   Democratic leadership in the senate did not allow a vote on Portman's bipartisan resolution before recess...   In the House today, representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) introduced the Terrorist Denaturalization and Passport Revocation Act to strip members or associates of terrorist organizations of U.S. passports and citizenship.   'Those who have joined a foreign terrorist organization have taken up arms against the United States and our very way of life.   By turning against their country, their passports should be revoked and if they're naturalized citizens, they should lose their citizenship.', Bachmann said.   'As elected officials, protecting our nation and keeping the American people safe is our highest duty.'   In the senate, Cruz filed the Expatriate Terrorist Act to 'amend the existing statute governing renunciation of United States citizenship to designate fighting for a hostile foreign government or foreign terrorist organization as an affirmative renunciation of citizenship'..."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
securing and defending USA's borders and ports is very important
"even a booming economy doesn't mean much if we all go boom.   And we very well could.   From the rise of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle to the idiotic and useless nuclear non-negotiation with Iran, we're closer to it than we ever were.   As James O'Keefe has shown us with his videos, our borders are so permeable they make the Iron Dome seem like a pair of 30-year-old sweat socks half-filled with holes.   Just about anybody can get in any time he or she wants from Mexico or Canada -- and O'Keefe hasn't even gotten to those more than 6M shipping containers entering our ports annually, nor has he dealt with the hundreds or thousands of passport-holding American and British nationals now volunteering for the Islamic State and chomping at the bit to come home and wreak havoc...   That small group of 'extremists' consists of the entire nation of Iran, much of Lebanon under Hezbollah, Hamas, Erdogan's Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, the murderous Assad regime, ISIL/ISIS/IS/Daesh/caliphate, al-Qaeda, Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Libya and on and on.   Those 'extremists' (of various stripes obviously) amount to hundreds of millions, possibly billions, of people, a number that dwarfs the Nazis and exceeds even the former Soviet Union (now being reconstituted, alas).   They are not a small exception.   There can be no true border security as long as the lie of this being some kind of minor aberration persists, as long as our government continues to perpetuate it..."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
changing the rules to strip citizenship from terrorists
"Media reports describe the ease with which Westerners, native-born or naturalized, travel to the region -- usually through Turkey and then across the porous and war-ravaged border into Syria.   The reports (often citing senior officials on background) describe the difficulty of tracking and identifying these turncoats, and then express the worrisome notion that they will be well-poised to return and wreak havoc in their home countries.   When we consider that possibility, it's well to remember that harm might come to us not just from returning radicalized Americans.   Citizens of Britain and several other European nations can travel to the United States without visa formalities under the Visa Waiver Program.   For them, our country is a short trans-atlantic flight away...   Now we need the third leg of the stool: an intelligently crafted rule that modifies the existing provisions of the visa waiver program to protect the homeland against European passport-holders who have had terrorist training and indoctrination, whether from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle or others."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Kurt Eichenwald _Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle's enemies list: 10 reasons the caliphate is doomed

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Daniel Horowitz _True Blue Republican State_
GOP's missing electoral link
"Democrat policies are not merely wrong-headed, they're destructive.   Democrats control every major city in America -- Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, New York, Minneapolis, Milwaukee -- and I could go on and on.   They've controlled these cities for 50 to 100 years.   Everything that is wrong with the inner cities of America, every policy that adversely affects the impoverished minorities who live there, Democrats are responsible for.   Democrat policies, for example, have trapped millions of poor African American and Hispanic children in schools that don't teach them, year in and year out, because they're run for the benefit of the leftwing teacher unions and the Democratic Party.   Democrats will fight to the death to keep these children from getting scholarships known as 'vouchers' that would allow them to find private schools that would teach them.   Yet Democrats, including the president himself, send their own children to private schools...   Whatever words Republicans finally use, they have to 1) Get used to the fact that politics is a no-holds-bar street fight and nice guys finish last; 2) Get used to the fact that they are going to have to actually attack Democrats and make it hurt: and 3) Frame their attacks as a moral indictment -- or else they will be pulverized by the moral indictments framed by their opponents."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Mark Flatten _Fox_
inspector-general let Veterans Affairs officials alter report to absolve agency in Phoenix deaths of veterans
Washington DC Examiner

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Hillary Vaughn _Fox_
senator Ted Cruz expressed confidence in likelihood of Marilinda Garcia win in NH

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Thomas Sowell _Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer's clear strategy to minimize his political costs
"First the strategy -- which is to get each crisis off the front pages and off television news programs as quickly as he can, in whatever way he can, at the lowest political cost...   Ineffective sanctions against Iran and Russia likewise serve a clear purpose.   They serve to give the illusion that Obama is doing something that will stop Iran from getting nuclear bombs and stop Russia from invading Ukraine.   This illusion forestalls the massive and enraged outcries there would be if the public were fully aware that he was doing nothing serious enough to prevent either of these things from happening.   Generations of Americans yet unborn may curse us all for leaving them hostage to a nuclear terrorist Iran.   But generations yet unborn do not vote, so they carry no weight with [Barack Hussein Obummer]...   If you assume that [Obummer] is trying to protect the safety and interests of the U.S.A. and its allies, then clearly he has been a monumental failure..."

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Lauren Silverman _KPBS National Socialist Television_
Texas business execs want more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Tom Huskerson _Independent Voter Network_
a brief history of voter registration in the USA

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Anthony Watts & Josh
place your petabetts now

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Paul Driessen
EPA's phony "environmental justice" caper

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Anthony Watts
Aldabra Banded Snail (Rhachistia aldabrae) claimed by warmist hysterics to be extinct found alive and well

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Anthony Watts
Nadine Unger: conversion of forest to crop-land cools the climate

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Anthony Watts
Iceland's Bartharbunga volcano is lighting up the night sky

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Anthony Watts
district attorney becomes climate corrupted, drops charges against eco-fascists who obstructed commerce by blocking a coal barge to the Brayton Point electric power plant

2014-09-08 (5774 Alul 13)
Chris Cioffi _Billings MT Gazette_
NOAA NWS has issued hazardous weather alert: freezing temperatures, snow possible by mid-week
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The fact is that full employment is a nebulous & misleading term.   There are always unemployed resources, raw materials, & unfinished goods that need to be transformed into usable tools & capital." --- Mark Skousen 1991 _Economics on Trial_ pg 52  



1513-09-09: battle of Flodden Field

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
John A
edX: Explore Statistics with R -- starts today

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Jordyn Grzelewski _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
2014 Mooney HS grad got top score on 8 AP tests
"...2 subjects that were not offered as classes at Mooney...   AP tests, which are administered by the College Board, are taken by students after completing Advanced Placement classes, which are college-level courses offered by high schools and for which colleges can give students credit.   About 4M AP exams were administered in the U.S.A. last year.   Test-takers can receive a score between 1 and 5 on the tests.   Most students who take the exams receive a score of 3, according to data released by the College Board.   In 2013, the most recent year for which data are available, nearly 59% of AP exam takers earned a score of 3, while just 14% got a 5...   Cardinal Mooney offers 12 AP classes.   Of those 12, Higham took biology and U.S. history during his junior year, and then chemistry, calculus, English literature & composition and psychology during his senior year...   He said he spent only about an hour each week from March to May studying for the human geography and European history AP exams, because he already knew a lot from reading about them as a kid.   Last year, just 12% of students in the U.S.A. who took the human geography exam got a score of 5, and the average score was 2.69."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
another case of immigration self-sabotage by Obummer

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
some accused are more equal than others in immigration law

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Rachel King _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
tech exec Marc Benioff wants more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics
"the CRM [privacy violation] giant's new pool of money was at the top of the agenda..."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
1,400 English girls raped by multi-culturalism
"It is a testament to the lack of self-awareness on the left that it experiences no cognitive dissonance.   The New York Times and other left-wing media have thoroughly reported this story and the fact that political correctness is to blame for the ongoing atrocities against these girls.   Yet they are oblivious to the fact that they are the very ones who created the moral monsters known as political correctness, multi-culturalism and diversity -- the doctrines that forbid judging non-whites, Muslims and others by the same moral standards as whites and Christians.   These left-wing doctrines made 16 years of gang rapes of English girls possible.   In 2002, a Labor Party MP from nearby Keighley, Ann Cryer, complained to the police about 'young Asian lads' raping girls in her constituency.   In her words, she 'was shunned by elements of her party'.   And note, that as is demanded by the left in the U.K., she didn't even mention that the rapists were Pakistani, lest Muslims be blamed for this evil.   They were 'Asian lads'.   And, for the record, her attempts to get local imams to intervene with the men failed; she was called a racist..."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
casinos are not a good solution

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Obummer on immigration: deja vu on didn't do

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's lame-duck immigration red line
"The president loves to say, when promoting his unilateral powers, that 'we can't wait'.   Actually, we clearly can wait when the political futures of swing-state Democrats are at stake.   Then, waiting is the only prudent course.   Waiting is wise.   Good for the country.   The -- insert furrowed brow here -- right thing to do...   What's different this time is that senate Democrats were begging him not to wield his famous pen and phone, for fear his blatantly unconstitutional act would inflame Republicans, turn off independents and cost them their senate majority.   Their collective posture is that the president should trample the separation of powers and render their institution irrelevant in 2 months' time rather than right now, when voters have an immediate recourse in the November elections...   The first step to any meaningful immigration reform is real enforcement, and as a matter of law, the president doesn't get to decide who comes here, lives here and works here on his own.   The president may not be very good at unilateral lawmaking, but it is an offense to the Constitution and self-government all the same.   His executive amnesty will be just as poisonous and outrageous come December..."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Harry Reid on why Obummer should go "real big" on immigration law violation
Mark Krikorian: Center for Immigration Studies

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Thomas O. Meehan _V Dare_
"diversity is strength" it's also Bill Pascrell (D-NJ9) trying and failing to make everyone happy in what used to be the USA
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Any amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. Help VDARE.com stop the fleecing of America

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
lowering the bar: we're supposed to believe that an unemployment rate of 5.5% constitutes "full employment"!?!?
"When they can't meet established performance standards, the left makes up excuses, lowers the standards, and, if necessary, revises history along the way.   In economics, there's hardly a better of example of this kind of deliberate responsibility avoidance than what has happened to the idea of 'full employment'.   Full employment is supposed to occur when 'all...who want to work and are allowed to work are able to find employment'.   The unemployment rate associated with full employment obviously can't be zero, because there will always be people out of work who are voluntarily or involuntarily moving from one job to another.   What unemployment rate represents full employment?   [In its Economic Report of the President, the Kennedy admin set its full employment interim target at an unemployment rate of 4%, while suggesting that it should be lower.   LBJ aimed at 4.5%, Ford at 5%.]   The architects of the Humphrey–Hawkins Full Employment Act of 1978 thought it should be 4% for Americans age 16 and over [and 3% for those 20 and over].   That bench-mark is what Richard Nixon used when presenting 'full employment' budgets during much of his time in office.   [In 1979 Carter aimed at 6%, per Lester Thurow 1980 _The Zero-Sum Society_ pg73; while Stanley Lebergott "Annual Estimates of UnEmployment in the United States, 1900-1954" _The Measurement and Behavior of Unemployment_ pg231 suggests an unemployment rate target between 2% and 3%.   See also Albert Rees "The Meaning and Measurement of Unemployment and Full Employment" in _The Measurement and Behavior of Unemployment_.]   Yes, it was a gimmicky maneuver designed to make what were then seen as horrific deficits seem more palatable; but the rate did represent the predominant economic thinking at the time.   While we're in the neighborhood, I should note that the deficits incurred during the early 1970s, considered awful at the time, were chump change, even after accounting for inflation, compared to the $1T+ annual short-falls seen during most of [Barack Hussein Obummer's] presidency."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
_Conservative HQ_
if your child is in a portable class-room thank an illegal alien

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
mob-rule economics
"While we talk about democracy and equal rights, we seem increasingly to let both private and government decisions be determined by mob rule.   There is nothing democratic about mob rule.   It means that some people's votes are to be overruled by other people's disruptions, harassments and threats...   In 1948, the year I left home, the unemployment rate among black 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds was 9.4%, slightly lower than that for white kids the same ages, which was 10.2%.   Over the decades since then, we have gotten used to unemployment rates among black teen-agers being over 30%, 40% or in some years even 50%.   Such is the price of political 'compassion'...   Life was tough when all I could get were low-paying jobs.   But it would have been a lot tougher if I couldn't get any job at all.   And a tough life made me go get some skills and knowledge."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
have Obummer's delusions been dispelled? Can we reasonably hope for positive change?

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
when boredom is not an option

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
_Diversity Alliance_
why is there such controversy over too much immigration into the UK?

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
an open letter to the main-stream media from a self-confessed "right-wing bastard"
Milo Yiannopoulos: Breitbart: a open letter to the video-gaming community from a self-confessed "right-wing bastard"

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Wisconsin Dem prosecutors are desperate for another chance to embarrass themselves by spurious attacks against Scott Walker

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
2 administrations in 1!

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Ben Ledbetter _PJMedia_
Mary Landrieu's lack of residency in Louisiana, de facto residency in DC

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
world views: "perpetually imagines a world as he wishes it were"
"The job of generals is always to turn in the lowest possible casualty bill for a given policy objective..."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
remembering S. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A
Chick-fil-A: S. Truett Cathy memorial information

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
Eric Holder's aide Brian Fallon mistakenly called Darrell Issa's office to ask for help in spinning/damage-control of IRS corruption revelations
Bernie Becker: Hill

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Hillary associate tried to quash Benghazi whistle-blowers in testimony to House Intelligence committee
"'why would that happen with the Republican dominated House Intelligence Committee?   Well, that chief of staff, the head of that staff that harassed these 3 brave men, a few months later went to work for Beacon Global Strategies.   That is a Hillary organization...   it's like a Benghazi alumni association.'...   'When he went to Benghazi in September, how many, Steve? Do you know?   9?   They had shrunk his security and that decision was made by Hillary Clinton.'"

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Alexandra Jaffe _Hill_
PACs poised to spend well over $20M to boost RINOs/neo-Cons and leftists/Dems
"Republican groups focused on House races have largely been outspent by Democrats.   The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has consistently outraised its GOP counterpart.   The cash advantage allows the DCCC to reserve about $14M more in Fall air-time than the National Republican Congressional committee, and the Democratic House Majority PAC has invested $20M in House races this cycle."

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Temporary Protected Status lite offered for Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
More evidence of Obummer regime corruption, IMO...jgo

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
Mark Zuckerberg continues to oppose immigration reform: pushes amnesty for illegal aliens in USA, at Carlos Slim event in Mexico
Tony Lee: Breitbart
"Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who has been the fiercest champion of American workers during the amnesty debate, recently blasted big-business interests for demanding more guest-worker visas even as they are laying off thousands of American high-tech workers.   'We have communities throughout America that are barely scraping by.   Tens of millions of Americans are on welfare, unemployment, and public assistance.', Sessions recently said.   'Yet the White House and their senate majority seem more concerned about the economic demands of large corporation [executives], or the citizens of other countries, than about getting our own citizens back to work into stable jobs that can support a family and uplift a community.'"
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Any amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. Help VDARE.com stop the fleecing of America

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
Israel deported aliens, criticized by "Human Rights Watch"
Peter Brimelow: V Dare: Any amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. Help VDARE.com stop the fleecing of America

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Daniel Malloy _Atlanta GA Journal Constitution_
voter registration fraud allegations leveled against the leftist/Dem New Georgia Project, which is tied to state House minority-leader Stacey Abrams, D-Atlanta; and Ebenezer Baptist Church pastor Dr. Raphael Warnock

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Kerry Picket _Breitbart_
special operator who defended US consulate at Benghazi: House Intel committee accused us of disobeying orders in defending consulate

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Stanley Kurtz _National Review_
why the College Board demoted the USA's founders

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Anthony Watts
should people in Africa kept starving in order to suppress "green-house gas" emissions?

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Anthony Watts
water levels of Great Lakes higher for 1st time in 14 years

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Matt Ridley
WSJ: Matt Ridley replied to Jeff Sachs and Bob Ward, cleaned up their "intellectual mess"
Matt Ridley web log
Matt Ridley: Wall Street Journal

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Anthony Watts
climate zombie apocalypse

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Anthony Watts
great moment in forecasting from U of Sheffield: UK winter weather is going to be mild or extremely cold, wet and story or snowy

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Anthony Watts
UN says record increase in atmospheric CO2 in 2013: no warming in sight

2014-09-09 (5774 Alul 14)
Anthony Watts
great moments in climate pseudo-science from NCAR: "we could have forecast the pause -- if we had the tools of the future back then"
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Al these distinctions need only be stated to be understood, and no one disputes them.   What is often ill understood and easily misconstrued is the role of this high common sense in matters that seem quite ordinary but are not so, matters that the plain man encouters daily in the newspaper and that the educated citizen will come across again in his casual reading of books." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg160  



1757-09-10: Gilbert du Motier marquis de la Fayette b: 1757-09-10 at Chavaniac d: 1834-05-20 at Paris, France

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
cheap politicians

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
favors and loot for sale
"During the 2012 presidential campaign, [Barack Hussein Obummer] raised a little over $1G, while Mitt Romney raised a little under $1G.   Congressional candidates raised over $3.5G.   In 2013, there were 12,341 registered lobbyists and $3.2G was spent on lobbying.   During the years the Clintons have been in national politics, they've received at least $1.4G in contributions, according to Time magazine and the Center for Responsive Politics, making them 'The First Family of Fund-Raising'..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
why Egypt offered to solve the "Palestinian problem"
"On August 31, PLO chief and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told an audience of Fatah members that Egypt had offered to give the PA some 1,600 kilometers of land in Sinai adjacent to [Gaza=Palestine], thus quintupling the size of the Gaza Strip [and] offered to allow all the so-called 'Palestinian refugees' to settle in the expanded [Gaza Strip=Palestine].   Then Abbas told his Fatah followers that he rejected the Egyptian offer..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Michael Freund _Jewish World Review_
welcome home to the Jewish people, Gwyneth Paltrow
"On 2011 April 1, on the NBC TV genealogy program 'Who do you think you are?', Paltrow went on a journey of discovery, delving into her roots with the help of researchers and academics.   Sitting in the sanctuary of the Eldridge Street Synagogue on New York's Lower East Side, she glanced at old census records and marriage documents, learning that her great-great-grand-father, Simcha Paltrovich, was a rabbi and author of a religious work named _Kesser Tzvi_ [_Kether Tzvi_?].   And his father, Tzvi Hirsh -- Paltrow's great-great-great-grand-father -- was a prominent rabbi and kabbalist in Novogrod, Poland, who is also said to have been a miracle-worker who saved his community by putting out a fire through mystical means..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
upholding USA's honor in a dangerous world

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the hollow men

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
and NFL thug's crime and punishment... with compassion

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
the blood-red tide

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
grim jobs data suggest GOP victory
"During the month of August, the economy added about 659K jobs that went to foreign-born Americans (naturalized citizens, green card holders and illegal immigrants combined).   At the same time, it lost about 643K jobs that had been held by native-born Americans.   Indeed, since president [Barack Hussein Obummer] took office, the number of foreign-born Americans who have jobs has risen by 2.9M while the number of domestically born Americans who are employed has grown by only 1.2M..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
danger under our noses
"[Obummer] still has said nothing about stopping jihadists from bringing their terror here...   Congress should reverse [president Barack Hussein Obummer] dangerous new policy of granting asylum to people with terrorist connections.   Federal law bars it, but on February 5, the administration went around congress and loosened the law to welcome asylum seekers who have provided only 'limited material support' to terrorists.   Next, congress should outlaw visas to 'study' at unaccredited institutions, which often are nothing more than visa mills.   Finally, congress needs to crack down on overstaying visas.   5 of the 19 2001/09/11 hijackers had over-stayed tourist visas, and another was on a student visa...   Since 9/11, another 26 student-visa holders have been arrested on terrorist-related charges...   at least 58K foreign students over-stayed their visas in the past year, and it has lost track entirely of about 6K over-stayers."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the jihadis' eternal plan
please help find Marizela

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Mike Lee stands almost alone for free speech

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
what Obummer won't say about ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Ed Gillespie (the GOP losership candidate) is running a lackluster campaign and running 20 points behind an extremely weak opponent in VA

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
crushed in public debate, National Republican Senatorial Committee is still pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens and other perversions of immigration law

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
_Tea Party News Network_
7 questions Ted Cruz asked the Obummer regime IRS commissioner John Koskinen about their political targeting of Breitbart with an un-called-for audit

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Matthew Burke _Tea Party News Network_
actor James Woods just challenged Eric Holder to show evidence he is not a race-obsessed coward
"Holder, who also historically went on to become the first sitting Attorney General in U.S. history to be held in contempt of Congress for lying about his knowledge of the [Obummer-Holder] gun-running operation known as 'Fast and Furious', recently admitted that rather than holding the rule of law as his guide-post, as every one of his predecessors, he proudly admitted that he was an 'activist'...   FAST FORWARD to Memphis Tennessee on Saturday, September 6.   A hate-filled, racially motivated, and brutal assault took place at a Kroger grocery store, where a live video caught on film a mob of black teens attacking white people reportedly for no reason other than their skin color..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Eric Owens _Daily Caller_
Obummer regime coerces public schools to enroll unvaccinated illegal aliens without giving them medical screenings

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
about $120M-$140M from EB-5 visas which SD was expected to get are missing
"Why moneys paid by EB-5 investors should be in the state's coffers, and why they are in some other, unknown location or locations, is an incredibly complex, South Dakota-only story that neither the local reporters nor the local politicians seem to understand very well.   And it is all happening because of a huge gap in the regulation of the immigrant investor program by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a variable no one mentions... DHS, which is very fond of this program, has never regulated the amount of fees that the middlemen can charge their clients..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Geoff Loftus _Forbes_
how to lead with blood, toil, tears and sweat
"3 days after becoming prime minister, Churchill told the House of Commons that he had nothing to offer his countrymen 'but blood, toil, tears and sweat'.   And he declared that the British goal was simple: 'Victory.   Victory at all costs.   Victory in spite of all terror.   Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.'"

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Bruce Kennedy _CBS_
as gasoline prices and consumer confidence move counter to each other

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
the nowhere man half-heartedly goes to limited, ineffectual, wasteful war
"Pity [Barack Hussein Obummer].   Our hapless chief executive must be suffering from a cognitive disorder the size of Alpha Centauri.   The poor guy grew up on the anti-imperialist mouthings of lefty poet Frank Marshall Davis, school-boy revolutionary Bill Ayers and later anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, not to mention the well-known anti-American excrescences of the reverend Jeremiah Wright, and now he has to go to war -- as an imperialist -- against the very Third World people he was told again and again we colonized and destroyed.   His head must be about to explode.   No wonder he insisted in his Wednesday night speech that the Islamic State is not Islamic -- what is it?   Hindu?   Zoroastrian?   A lost tribe of Hasidic Jews? -- and that we are fighting an amorphous 'terrorist group' (the Irish Republican Army?   Basque separatists perhaps?), not the jihadism whose violent ideology has so obviously metastasized across several continents under many guises during his administration with no end remotely in sight.   He dares not name our enemy..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
"vetted moderate" Free Syran Army commander admitted alliance with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, confirms PJMedia reporting
David Steinberg: What type of Syrian jihadist rebel are you? take this quiz

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
corrupt Obummer regime has been attacking whistle-blowers: bullying, "criminal investigaions", "witch hunts", coerced resignations
"A 2010 survey by the Merit Systems Protection Board found that abuse personally observed by federal employees is rarely reported to anyone with investigative authority.   The random survey of more than 40K federal employees showed that more than 10% of federal employees had witnessed 'illegal or wasteful activities' but only one percent of those who observed the wrong-doing reported it to the Office of Special Counsel, 1% to the Government Accountability Office, 1% to law enforcement and 5% to their agency's inspector general..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Obummer vs. ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle: lame speech, lame policy, lame actions

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Bill Whittle _PJMedia_
said something with which the corrupt Obummer regime disagrees? no insurance for you! (Choke Point Plus)

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
time for a new "church militant"?
"Saint Mike opens up a can of whuppass on Satan...   Cardinal Francis George, head of the Catholic arch-diocese of Chicago, said the levers of power in government, education, entertainment, and media are enforcing a 'public creed', a 'fake church' that requires all citizens to approve of gay marriage and related sexual anomalies or be punished by the State, just 'as Christians and Jews are fined for their religion in countries governed by Sharia law'...   'What was once a request to live and let live has now become a demand for approval.', said Cardinal George, whose arch-diocese includes about 2.2M Catholics.   The Cardinal gets it exactly right: pleas for 'tolerance' from the Left are almost always a foot in the door for their next non-negotiable pattern of demands.   Because there is no negotiating with principles antithetical to your own; even a half-step in the other direction effectively negates whatever it is you stand for.   Once a principle is on the table, it's not longer a principle but merely a policy prescription -- and you have already lost the argument..."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
gearing down for the post-Radio Shack workd
Scott Ott: Mourning in America
"...2) Sears: where my brothers and I played Pong, or fished through the discount 45s bin while Pop shopped for tools [that would last for more than a few months].   3) Radio Shack: AKA Heaven for Boys.   While the first 2 had their charms, it was Radio Shack that cast a spell on us, drawing us in at a dead run.   Gadgets and kits, lights and switches, [telegraph keys, bread-boards, nixie-tubes, triodes, transistors, resistors, diodes, cables, microphones], buzzing and whirring and crackling -- things that were cool...   Cowling my eyes with my hands, I mumble to myself 'not seeing anything, not seeing anything' until I reach the back of the store.   Here vestigial Radio Shack yet survives, like a pin-pithed dessicated frog with a faint heart-beat, but no will.   My 18-year-old son asks what I'm looking for.   It's a logical question that not one of my brothers would have asked back in the day."

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
rescuing the 21st century

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Adam Kredo _Washington DC Times_
DHS official Francis Taylor confirms ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle plans to infiltrate USA are known, but not how many have already entered
Washington DC Free Beacon
Noah Rothman: Hot Air
2014-08-29: Douglas Ernst: Washington DC Times: government officials know ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle and other terrorist groups have bases in Ciudad Juarez for operations against USA

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
James Kirkpatrick _V Dare_
Mexican drug cartel violence still encroaching into Texas
Yes, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, Hamas, al-Qaeda, Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Hizbullah, Red China, Russia, and nuclear Iran are as dangerous to USA citizens as the Mexican, Central- and South-American gangsters.   They all have agents and operatives in the USA.   Their strategies and tactics are different.   They all see the USA citizens as their enemies and are in the habit of initiating force and fraud to achieve their goals.

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Thomas E. Brewton _Spirit of 1776_
main-strea media are finally beginning to report bits of truth about Obummer

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Kris Anne Hall
the liberty to dream and act
LaValley Industries

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Benny Peiser
an overwhelming majority of conservative members of parliament are warmism skeptics

2014-09-10 (5774 Alul 15)
Ira Glickstein
a guide for those perplexed about "global warming"
Proposed Bills 2014

  "They went to work with unsurpassable efficiency.   Full employment, a maximum of resulting out-put, & general well-being ought to have been the consequence.   It is true that instead we find misery, shame, &, at the end of it all, a stream of blood.   But that was a chance coincidence." --- Joseph A. Schumpeter 1936-12 _Journal of the American Statistical Association_ pg 795 (quoted in Thomas Sowell 1995 _The Vision of the Anointed_ pg 7)  



1857-09-11: Mountain Meadows Massacre; Jimbo Wales's Wikipedia: Mountain Meadows Massacre [has an error: Christopher "Kit" Carson Fancher was one of the survivors and was raised by an uncle]; Mountain Meadows Association.
2001-09-11: failed terrorist attacks on USA by violent Muslims.
2012-09-11: violent Muslims attacked USA consulate annex at Benghazi.

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
gaming the college admissions systems

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
success or failure?
"Those people who say that [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has no clear vision and no clear strategy for dealing with the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle terrorists in the Middle East may be mistaken.   It seems to me that he has a very clear and very consistent strategy.   And a vision behind that strategy.   First the strategy -- which is to get each crisis off the front pages and off television news programs as quickly as he can, in whatever way he can, at the lowest political cost.   Calling ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle a junior varsity months ago accomplished that goal...   But there is no way of knowing whether anyone is succeeding or failing without first knowing what they are trying to do. If you assume that [Barack Hussein Obummer] is trying to protect the safety and interests of the United States and its allies [our security and economic well-being], then clearly he has been a monumental failure..."

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
few interests, fewer friends in the Middle East

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
real political extremism: leftist senators tried hard to limit the key American right to freedom of political speech
"They evidently think extremism in defense of the political class's convenience is no vice."

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
waging war

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's self-imposed immigration dilemmas (part 2)
"It was comprehensive certainly, all thousand-plus pages of it, as it sought to encompass every immigration policy wish of those 'stake-holders' who had been invited to meet behind closed doors to trade and reach agreement about its provisions [but none of the preferences of those millions of stake-holders who are locked out or ignored].   Most of its provisions were hidden behind highly technical and legally arcane language that few senators who voted for it read or of which the American public was made aware.   And the virtues that were publically touted for it -- my favorite being that soon-to-be legalized illegal migrants would have to pay 'back taxes' -- turned out to be un-true.   Most of the focus, then and now, is on the fact that the senate successfully passed the bill and the House, courageously in my view, failed to take it up.   Yet seen from another perspective, that 'success' represented the president's second immigration failure."

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
"anonymous attorney" _V Dare_
data confirm white-guilt is driving some nullification by juries
"Back in 2010 I wondered/blogged: is there a such thing as white guilt jury nullification?   By that I meant: if a criminal jury is composed mostly of whites -- but with 1 or 2 blacks -- is there a tendency for them to acquit a black defendant because they're afraid of looking racist in front of that 1 or 2 blacks?..."
Peter Brimelow: excessive immigration is a mortal threat to the USA

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
citizens are different from non-citizens, duh
Peter Brimelow: excessive immigration is a mortal threat to the USA

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
the only thing worse than an over-grown national government bureaucracy is an over-grown trans-national government bureaucracy
"The distant [EU] government is disliked by many Europeans [just as teh distant DC government is disliked by many US citizens], but remains stubbornly entrenched, passing ever more niggling laws to control behavior, not protect freedom."
Peter Brimelow: excessive immigration is a mortal threat to the USA

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Peter Brimelow _V Dare_
Mary Landrieu's TV ads lie about her opposition to border security
"Real Clear Politics... 'Landrieu herself called the fence dumb in a speech on the senate floor last year, when she expressed regret for her earlier vote in support of it.'   Landrieu, of course, like all Democrats, voted for the Gang of 8's Amnesty Immigration Surge bill [S744] in 2013.   Her current NumbersUSA rating: F...   Tea Party Republican candidate, Retired Air Force Colonel Rob Maness, endorsed by Sarah Palin. (Rob Maness to Bill Cassidy: Stand with Cruz, Sessions & Oppose Border Bill, by Tony Lee, Brietbart.com, 2014 July 30)."
Peter Brimelow: excessive immigration is a mortal threat to the USA

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
"Canadian reader" _V Dare_
Ayn Rand's Atlas may have shrugged, but he did not open the borders
"'The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breaches or fraud by the others, to settle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.'"
Peter Brimelow: excessive immigration is a mortal threat to the USA

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Rowan Scarborough _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
we'll inevitably need to use ground troops, spies and operatives to defeat Islamic initiators of force

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
David Horowitz _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
why nice guys finish last in politics: politics is war, but some GOPers just don't get it

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Douglas Ernst _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Bill Maher: "To claim Islam is like other religions is naive and plain wrong"
"The HBO 'Real Time' host on Monday blasted Mr. Rose, who tried to completely divorce the actions of groups such as [ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Fatah, al-Qaeda, Hizbullah] from their stated faith before he steered the conversation into a discussion on illiberal Christians [like Nasty Pelosi?]..."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
House armed services committee chairman Buck McKeon: "no way around it; American boots will be standing on sand"
"McKeon traveled last week through the Middle East, meeting with ministers and heads of state.   'I listened, and I asked questions.   They gave me blunt answers and some hard truths.', he said.   'Our allies are on the front lines of terrorism.   There is a genuine sense among the leaders I talked with that America is disengaging from the region and concerns about American credibility, at a time when credibility counts.   Our relationships with these allies in the region are at a tipping point.   What is also notable is that these allies are ready to bear the burden of the fight.   They know their very existence, and stability in the region, depends on defeating ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle.'   The chairman said the strategy needs to be 'one that pins ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle down and knocks them out'..."

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Dave Weinbaum
race-hustling and anti-semitism continue
Jewish World Review

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
the eternal sun-shine of the spotless mind
"But hey -- in the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind that is [Obummer's], he's just doing the job he was hired to do.   Put him in front of the TelePrompter, load it up with the latest platitudes, buzz words and poll-tested phrases, and turn him loose.   How awful it must be for him to realize that the one-trick pony act that worked so well it got him all the way from Chicago to the White House is now working against him, and has turned him from the messiah into a figure of ridicule.   His mistake -- and ours -- lay in thinking that he and we had the same notion of what being 'president' actually meant..."

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Dick Cheney takes on Obummer's lame foreign policy; + nuclear plant security

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Bob Whittle _PJMedia_
the Florida State U Seminoles are responsible for the decline of America (Members Only)
"What does Bill Whittle have to say about Florida State football and America?   What would he tell the Founding Fathers at the Constitutional Convention?"

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
_Conservative HQ_
Tea Party wins again, main-stream media silent

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer says he will play through congress on new Middle East semi-, some-what, sort of war
"Looking more like a golfer reading a teleprompter than a wartime president, last night [president Barack Hussein Obummer] announced he was taking America back to war in the Middle East without a new congressional authorization for the use of military force (AUMF), or indeed any public input at all..."

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Anthony Watts
Michael Mann caught telling a "porky" to the court (again) in legal filings

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Bob Tisdale
data reveal Florida Keys sea surface temperatures haven't warmed in 80+ years

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Bob Tisdale
microscopic diamonds suggest cosmic impact may have been responsible for Younger Dryas drought and cooling c. 12,800 years ago
"Researchers from 21 universities in 6 countries believe the key to the mystery of the Big Freeze lies in nano-diamonds scattered across Europe, North America, and portions of South America, in a 50M-square-km area known as the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) field.   Microscopic nano-diamonds, melt-glass, carbon spherules, and other high-temperature materials are found in abundance throughout the YDB field, in a thin layer located only meters from the Earth's surface.   Because these materials formed at temperatures in excess of 2200 degrees Celsius, the fact they are present together so near to the surface suggests they were likely created by a major extraterrestrial impact event..."

2014-09-11 (5774 Alul 16)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
warmist hysteria whackoes pouring cash into Florida to oppose Adrian Wyllie and that other guy
"The $10M that Democrats hope NextGen Climate will drop into Florida's gubernatorial election is just a drop in a $150M ocean of political advertising saturating the Sunshine State's media.   But every little drop adds up, right?   Tom Steyer, the California businessman and climate-change activist who is behind the NextGen Climate organization and its political action committee, has targeted Florida as one of the states where the impact of climate change will be the worst, and as a result, one of the states where his organization will spend the most.   Before retiring from the private sector, according to his bio on the NextGen website, Steyer founded Farallon Capital Management.   He also was a managing director and member of the Investment Committee at Hellman & Friedman.   Steyer and his wife, Kat Taylor, joined Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates and other high-wealth Americans in the 'Giving Pledge', a promise to donate the majority of their wealth to charitable and nonprofit activities during their lifetimes.   Part of those activities is a new organization and political action committee, NextGen Climate, launched in 2013 by Steyer.   He is using it to campaign against politicians, mostly Republicans, whom he sees as climate-change deniers..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "There is no defeat in death.   Victory comes in defending what is right while we still live." --- jgo 1997 as posted to usenet (performed by Michael Gough playing "Alfred" in "Batman & Robin")  



2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
vanquishing the angel of death

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
** of politicians and moral courage **
"Politicians are elected.   Their election in turn provides politicians with the opportunity to become leaders [or not]...   evil ignored is evil empowered.   Yet fighting evil and protecting the good is not a simple matter.   Evil has many hand-maidens.   Those who hide it away enable it.   Those who justify it enable it.   Those who ignore it enable it..."

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Amy Peterson _Jewish World Review_
I learned these lessons the hard way, dear daughter; now you won't have to

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
What Obummer's response to 2001-09-11 and 2012-09-11 reveals

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
off to war... kind of, sort of, maybe a little bit
"Douglas MacArthur got it right, 2 or so generations ago.   'In war', he said after he was sacked by president Truman for wanting to spend the blood and muscle of young Americans for something greater than stalemate in Korea, 'there is no substitute for victory.'..."

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
since the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks: protect the freedom to warn
V Dare
"the homeland security bureaucracy is as petty, vindictive, wasteful and stupid as ever."
please help find Marizela

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
the buck stops in the White House

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
presidential mal-practice

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
media-generated impressions vs. reality

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's continued ambivalence towards fighting back against Muslims who have declared war against Israel, USA, and "the West"
"But his strategic problem remains: the disconnect between (proclaimed) ends and means."

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's half-hearted war

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
calling it like it is

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
Uncle Sam needs to protect the USA, not Islamic interests

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
is ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle really un-Islamic? c'mon!

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
will executive order amnesty for illegal aliens break the Obummer regime? (part 1)
"There is, at the core, the most profound mismatch between the president's ambitions and the preferences of ordinary Americans.   They want reform; he wants transformation..."

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
ICE deportations still plummeting; catch and release continues
2014-03-12: Stephen Dinan: Fox: DHS admits cooking the books on deportations
2014-04-09: Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times: deportations down again

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
why illegal aliens are hard on the USA, and why amnesty will only make things worse
I have one correction for this and similar articles.   The number of Americans who would be employed if not for depressed and dysfunctional job markets is closer to being in a range of 28M to 32M...jgo

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
_who killed the American family?_

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummernomics harms most of his biggest supporters most

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Zach Miners _"IT" News_/_IDG_
power-mad California crony-socialist regulators say Ueber, Lyft, SideCar car-pool services are illegal

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Elizabeth Cohen _CNN_
ebola in the air: a nightmare that could happen

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Humberto Fontova _Town Hall_
communist spies target academia admits new FBI report
"When Cuba was a 'U.S. tourist playground' 263K people visited Cuba from the U.S.A.   But now that Cuba suffers from a beastly 'blockade' or 'embargo' (as the media calls it) by the U.S.A. 599,426 people visited Cuba from the U.S.A.   102.396 of these, by the way, went under 'educational and cultural exchanges' approved by the [Obummer] State Department.   In brief, [Obummer] has greatly simplified matters for Castro's Intelligence.   Used to be that for recruiting U.S. spies, Castro relied on [Obummer's] Chicago 'neighbors', Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.   You read right.   You see during the late 1960s and early 1970s the terrorist off-shoot from the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) known as The Weathermen and staffed most famously by [Barack Hussein Obummer's] future 'neighbors' Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn served as the Cuban DGI's (Directorio General de Intelligencia) top U.S. recruitment officers.   They accomplished this recruitment primarily through their sponsorship of the then famous 'Venceremos' Brigades."

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Pete Yost _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
corrupt executive agencies (with backing of corrupt congress-critters) unconstitutionally, without warrants, continue to demand that e-mail services hand over all e-mail messages
Cheryl K. Chumley: Washington DC Times
Tech News World
Detroit MI News
Jeff Stone: International Business Times
Nashua NH Telegraph
Space War/AFP
Mark Wilson: Beta News

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Kris Anne Hall
the peace of God

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Anthony Watts & Danley Wolfe
CO2 vs. global temperature

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Anthony Watts
EU leaders neutering "green" lobby

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Anthony Watts
big chill comes early as record winter blast hits northern plains

2014-09-12 (5774 Alul 17)
Tim Ball
UN global warming propanda campaign
Proposed Bills 2014

  "In the 1980s, the government of India began supporting its nascent software industry in order to encourage companies to produce software for export.   India's software exports totaled a mere $10M in 1985; by 2010 they had reached an estimated $55G.   That dramatic increase came about because the Indian government in 1986 designated information technology as a high-priority industry with tremendous growth potential.   The government then enacted incentives for attracting foreign investment and spurring industrial development 'to enale the software industries to commence their operation with a minimum gestation period', as an Indian government report put it.   In 1991 the Indian government went a step further and created software technology 'parks' throughout the country where the government provided space, electrical power, satellite hook-ups, stream-lined procedures for export, and tax exemptions...   the [Red Chinese] are rapidly trying to catch up to India and are taking the competition to a new leel.   Like the Indian government, the [Red Chinese] government is providing incentives to foster a software development industry and has selected cities to pursue the software export strategy... out-sourcing hubs..." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pp108-109  



2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
should college/university execs put some of their own money at risk when it comes to student loans? (video)

2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
voter ID resumes in Wisconsin for November general election

2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
Greg Corombos _World Net Daily_
behind Obummer's planned lame-duck amnesty of illegal aliens: doesn't want US citizens to take major action when voting
"to salvage the mid-term elections but prevent amnesty from being torpedoed as an issue for years to come, according to Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian..."

2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
Deane Waldman _American Thinker_
flushed down the sewer: UK's NHS today, USA medical care tomorrow

2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 82.1 in late August to 76.8 in mid-September
Doug Short: Before It's News

2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
Anthony Watts
new all-time satellite-era record Antarctic sea ice

2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
Anthony Watts
Weather channel losing viewers due to non-weather programming

2014-09-13 (5774 Alul 18)
Anthony Watts
professor Bob Carter warns of unpreparedness for global cooling
Proposed Bills 2014




1814-09-14: Francis Scott Key wrote poem "The Defence of Fort McHenry" now sung to the tune "To Anacreon in Heaven".

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
what exactly is reprehensible immigration law perversion?
"'Comprehensive immigration reform' -- rarely has a catch-phrase been so widely invoked and yet so little defined.   Why? If proponents of so-called reform detailed exactly what they wanted, American voters would never support their self-interested agendas.   Most Americans insist that existing federal immigration laws be enforced.   They are adamant that the border be shut tight to all unlawful entry.   And they prefer legal immigration to reflect merit, diversity and ethnically blind criteria..."

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
James Fulford _V Dare_
help VDare.com put historic America first

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
copper thief electrocutes himself at Valley Forge National Historical Park

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Clarice Feldman _American Thinker_
crazy things leftists believe

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Bill Gardner, Ben Farmer & Greg Walton _Jewish World Review_/_London Telegraph_
Manchester taxi-driver, others who thought their charity to Muslims would save them from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle have been beheaded

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
_Jewish World Review_/_Reuters_/_NewsWeek_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle has been recruiting female jihadis from USA heart-land

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Dave Boyer _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime on long-term track to waste $billions in Afghanistan
"On the 13th anniversary of the 2001/09/11 terrorist attacks, [president Obummer] used the occasion last week to remind Americans that 'our combat mission in Afghanistan will come to an end' in 3 months.   But the cost to U.S. [tax-victims] for reconstruction in Afghanistan will continue.   The U.S.A. has spent $104G to rebuild Afghanistan's security forces, infrastructure, economy, and health care and education sectors.   America is spending more on the effort this year alone than it's spending on foreign assistance for Israel, Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan combined, said John Sopko, special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction.   Congress has appropriated another $16G for reconstruction that government agencies have yet to spend, and Mr. Sopko said it's 'widely believed' that the U.S.A. will spend $5G to $8G annually in Afghanistan for years to come..."

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
looking for "moderate Syrian rebel"

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
civilization and Nasty Pelosi don't mix

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Barack Hussein Obummer's biggest lie... so far

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the mystery at Idlib: bombing of Ahrar al-Sham's leadership
"The sheer ruthlessness and ferocity of Islamic-style warfare was underscored by the decimation of ISIS’ main rival by persons unknown. 'Nearly 5- senior commanders of a major coalition of Islamic moderates opposed to ISIS in Syria have been killed by an explosion at their secret command bunker as they met to discuss strategy against the the Islamic State.', wrote Breitbart's Oliver Lane... Now that its entire leadership has been blown to glory, Bill Roggio at Long War Journal says that Ahrar al-Sham's new boss previously led a Free Syrian Army unit, emphasizing the revolving-door nature of the factions. The attack on Ahrar al-Sham provides a glimpse into the world of sub-national warfare. It's a world where, as Bill Roggio notes, 'even US-vetted Syrian rebel groups such as Harakat Hazm fight alongside the Al Nusrah Front'..."

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Scott Ott _PJMedia_
backer of unconstitutional Medicare and ObummerDoesn'tCare is dead, but his dreadful legacy lives on, dragging us back to pre-scientific ways
"You see, Rashi Fein, with all of his 'ethical and humanitarian perspectives', was, at best, a dupe of the tyrants (whether idiotic or despotic) who want to limit both your access to health care and the length of your life.   At worst, he was one of them."

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Caleb Weiss _Long War Journal_
Syrian Revolutionaries Front again supports al-Qaeda, Islamic Front, al Nusrah in Quneitra in the Golan Heights
"...The SRF, which is supplied and backed by the [Obummer regime], continues to fight alongside the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda's official branch in Syria..."

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Spencer Klavan _PJMedia_
the heroic, privileged and lowly in Homer's _Iliad_: in democracy, there are no participation trophies

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
_Conservative HQ_
northern Virginia non-leftists host 11th district congressional candidate Suzanne Scholte

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
back-logs in USA's immigration courts increased to 408,307 as of the end of August; Immigration Court judges have ordered only 82,878 individuals deported so far this fiscal year

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
why Oklahoma's 100% GOP congressional delegation aren't backing immigration reform: are they true-blue Republicans ore merely Reds in disguise?
Peter Brimelow: donate to keep VDare operating

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Thomas McGinley _American Thinker_
Francis Scott Key's 4th stanza

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Geetika Rudra _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
enterovirus D68 has spread to the NorthEast; cases in 21 states
"As of Saturday, enterovirus D68 had spread to 21 states across the Midwest and East Coast, with confirmed cases spanning from New Mexico to Montana to Delaware...   watch out for symptoms of coughs and wheezing among their children, especially if their children are asthmatic."

2014-09-14 (5774 Alul 19)
Anthony Watts
"greens" accuse Richard Branson of not coughing up enough dough
Proposed Bills 2014

  "For example, in a year-long study conducted by [Peter Navarro], the Report of the China Price Project found that cheap labor contributed a little more than 40% of the production cost advantage that [Red Chinese] enterprises have over their foreign competitors.   However, other findings of the China Price Project also raised another possibility.   That is that [Red China] runs large trade imbalances with the United States [of America] because it zealously protects its markets from USA imports een as it uses a wide range of mercantilist practices to 'beggar its neighbors'.   In fact... 5 particularly unfair trade practices collectively were just as important as cheap labor in honing [Red China's] competitive edge.   These practices included illegal export subsidies, an under-valued currency, counterfeiting and priacy, and lax environmental and health and safety standards.   In a companion study, Navarro also found that [Red China] engages in an elaborate web of protectionist and mercantilist activities that together give [Red Chinese] enterprises a formidable advantage over world rivals -- in clear violation of free trade principles." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pp105-106 (citing Peter Navarro 2006 November-December "The Economics of the China Price" _China Perspectives_; Richard McCormack, Clyde Prestowitz, Kate Heidinger, John Russo, Sherry Lee Linkon, Irene Petrick & Ron Hira 2009 _Manufacturing a Better Future for America_)  



2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
a cautionary tale in the art of movie-making
Steyn on-line

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Katie Kieffer _Town Hall_
why farmers need Keystone XL pipe-line

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
and in conclusion... there wasn't one

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
S.E. Cupp _Town Hall_
why the left is still so scared of Sarah Palin

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
San Francisco feminism: abort girls

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
Obummer's lame strategy for coping with rather than defeating Islamic initiators of force and fraud

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz's speech to Arab Christians
Town Hall
World Net Daily

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Erin Banco _Jewish World Review_/_International Business Times_
outside factors may put kabosh on Obummer's ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle plan

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Laura Ingraham
Jeff Sessions: "The 'masters of the universe' are very fond of open borders as long as these open borders don't extend to their gated compounds"
anti-reform lobbyist Joe Green with Boehner's staffer Becky Tallent

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Laura Ingraham
Zuckerberg should hire more US citizens (and stop violating millions of people's privacy) (mp3)

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Laura Ingraham
one of USA's top high-skilled immigration experts, Ron Hira, stands with Jeff Sessions: "FB is trying to drive down wages." (mp3; begins over 5 minutes in)

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Laura Ingraham
68% of "All Kids" enrollees since 2006 are illegal aliens

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
GOP moving legislation on energy, jobs, ObummerDoesn'tCare; Dems plan stunts while continuing to block reforms (video)

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP won't take majority of senate seats if they don't try

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Florida's Pam Bondi, if occasionally mistaken, is one AG who at least tries to uphold the law

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Michael S. Roth _Daily Beast_
many grads of elite universities conform, but can't think
2014-09-09: David Brooks: NYTimes
"What we have before us then, is 3 distinct purposes for a university: the commercial purpose (starting a career), Pinker's cognitive purpose (acquiring information and learning how to think) and Deresiewicz's moral purpose (building an integrated self)."

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Tom Raum _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
unconstitutionally-appointed NLRB orders CNN to re-hire or pay 300 fired workers

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
leftist utopias are He77s on earth

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
_Leftist Media Mafia_
meet the leftist media mafia
"America's news-rooms are hiding the truth about left-wing billionaires.   Since 2001, Soros has contributed more than $550M to left-wing causes, including the purchase of several news outlets.   Working alongside Soros are fellow tycoons who leverage their billions to keep a stronghold on the left-wing media."

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi's mother, Montel Wiilliams to testify before congress on his detention in Mexico

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
it was a time of catastrophe... and our Harry Flashman

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
insane House amendment would allow Obummer to arm, train "'vetted' Syrian rebels" with terrorist ties
"'The Pentagon would be required to list every individual they are recruiting, and would have to provide information on their backgrounds, including any possible links to terrorist organizations, according to the aide.   But the bill would not prohibit people with links to terrorist groups from actually participating in the program, the aide said.   Such a blanket prohibition could make it tougher to recruit people for the training program.'"
"..The term 'appropriately vetted' means, with respect to elements of the Syrian opposition and other Syrian groups and individuals, at a minimum, assessments of such elements, groups, and individuals for associations with terrorist groups, Shia militias aligned with or supporting the government of Syria, and groups associated with the government of Iran.   Such groups include, but are not limited to, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Jabhat al Nusrah, Ahrar al Sham, other al-Qaeda related groups, and Hezbollah..."

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Thomas Martel _V Dare_
Joel Kotkin wants a First World polity with a Third World population; illegal aliens are granted privileges by Obummer regime which are denied to US citizens
Hmmm, I guess, then, I must be a "color-blind" libertarian US citizen advocate for secure borders, consistent and conscientious internal enforcement against illegal aliens and their employers, and reasonable limits on numbers of guest-workers and immigrants regardless of color, race, country of origin, etc., but that we should carefully pre-examine visa applicants for proclivities to initiate force or fraud...jgo

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Casey Given _Town Hall_
DoD militarization of local police, including school guards

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Leo Hohmann _World Net Daily_
UN dumping hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into USA
"Since the early 1990s, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees has selected 200K to 250K refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States.   Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq.   Syria could soon be added to the mix...   The [Obummer regime] has been greasing the skids for the Syrian refugees for months...   In February, the State Department moved to ease the rules that protect the U.S.A. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations.   The rules were seen as 'too strict' by the refugee-resettlement groups that lobby Congress and the administration to continuously let in more Muslims from the war-torn Middle East...   Marie Harf. 'Obviously, we have several thousand in the pipe-line, and that number will continue to go up.'...   Once the refugees are relocated to an American city, they are quickly connected to an array of [tax-victim]-funded 'social services', including Medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing.   Interpreters and tutors are often provided to help bridge the language gap that refugee children will find in local public schools...   more than 90% of the money used by these religious charities for resettling refugees comes from federal grants.   They operate like government contractors in the lucrative resettlement business under the guise of providing 'charity'...   Melanie Nezer...called for the U.S.A. to accept 75K Syrian refugees over the next 5 years [more than the publicly asserted estimates of numbers of terrorists in ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle]...   'Most of the Syrian refugees in these refugee camps are Sunni Muslims; they're not Christians.', said Corcoran.   'The camps in places like Turkey and Jordan, you're not going to find a ton of Christians [nor Jews].'"

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
school yanked USA flag from students' vehicles on 2014-09-11

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
strong opposition to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal schemes to grant amnesty to illegal aliens rose from 34% last December to 44%

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
_CBS Houston TX_
Midland county TX sheriff Gary Painter notes that Qurans, Middle Eastern/Muslim garb has been found near Mexican border
Michael Allen: Opposing Views (with video)
Joseph Basco: Beaumont TX Enterprise
Laura Ingraham show interview (audio)

1821-09-15: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica jointly declared independence from Spain.

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Anthony Watts
new paper links Arctic sea ice extent to absorption of sun-light by clouds

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Bob Tisdale
NASA GISS tweaks the short-term global temperature trend upwards

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Anthony Watts
e-mail messages reveal collusion among "green" activist groups and Obummer regime EPA climate agenda

2014-09-15 (5774 Alul 20)
Tim Ball
weather, climate, arctic ice, and the John Franklin expedition
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
_Laura Ingraham_
US citizen STEM grads are at a loss
Hal Salzman: US News & World Report

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
Cato Institute/Nowrasteh attempt to challenge CIS Employment report is a non sequitur
"His efforts to refute our analysis are very odd.   In some places he does not seem to have read the report...   one of the bullet points in our report's summary states: 'Since the jobs recovery began in 2010, 43% of employment growth has gone to immigrants.'...   on page 14 of our analysis we cite 6 academic studies that have found that immigration does, in fact, reduce labor market opportunities for natives, particularly the young and minorities...   in our analysis we state that there is a debate among economists on the subject...   The central finding of our analysis is that when we look at the working-age (those 16 to 65) over the last 14 years, employment growth did not come close to matching natural population growth and the number of immigrants allowed to settle in the country.   The 16- to 65-year-old population grew 25.7M, but the number of working-age people with jobs increased only 5.6M.   Natives accounted for two-thirds of the 25.7M increase in the size of the working-age population, but none of the net gain in employment over the entire 14-year period went to natives.   As a result, the number of working-age natives not working is at or near historic highs and the share holding a job is at or near historic lows.   Further, the labor force participation rate (working or looking for work) of natives shows a nearly 14-year uninterrupted decline.   The reason this has happened is, as we state in the second paragraph of our report: 'because, even before the Great Recession, immigrants were gaining a disproportionate share of jobs relative to their share of population growth.   In addition, natives' losses were somewhat greater during the recession and immigrants have recovered more quickly from it'.   Nowrasteh does not dispute any of these facts...   the enormous number (58M total) of working-age natives of all ages and skills not working is a clear indication that potential labor is not in short supply...   Equally important, the employment rate (share of working-age people holding a job [i.e. employed/population ratio]) and labor market participation rate (share holding a job or looking for one [labor force participation rate, LFPR]) show divergent patterns for immigrants and natives, something Nowrasteh totally ignores."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
immigration chicanery
World Net Daily
"...Another pollster, the Polling Company Inc. reports that half of Americans age 65 and over support a zero immigration policy, and that three-quarters of respondents believe 'green cards' should be given to fewer than 100K immigrants per year.   The Polling Company Inc. also reports that Independents (47%) are more likely than Republicans (40%) or Democrats (37%) to want zero new immigrants allowed into our country..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Fox News' Jennifer Griffin, Justin Fishel, Lucas Tomlinson & Chad Pergram _Fox_
Obummer regime expected to deploy 3K troops to ebola epidemic areas
Bridget Johnson: PJMedia
Kevin Liptak: CNN
Jim Kuhnhenn: Detroit MI News/AP
David Martosko: UK Daily Mail
World Net Daily/CBC: virus has jumped to Canada
"The U.S. [government] has spent more than $100M responding to the out-break...   While at the CDCP, [Obummer] also will be briefed about cases of respiratory illness being reported in the Midwest, the White House said.   Public health officials are monitoring a high number of reported illnesses associated with human enterovirus 68 in Iowa, Kansas, Ohio and elsewhere."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
Obummer learns of Pearl Harbor

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
talking about pot

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Obummer forced to change course... and disillusion his base

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
prickly narcissist
Town Hall
"The president who came into office scorning the use of military power and boasting of his diplomatic prowess did not just fail by military weakness, but also by diplomatic malpractice."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
congress should vote on responding to war by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, Hamas, Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Hizbullah, al-Qaeda, Sunni, Shiite... terrorists
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Scotland the brave on the brink
Debra J. Saunders: in Scotland, "Aye" means no to England

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle offered to release either James Foley or Steven Sotloff for al-Qaeda's Aafia Siddiqui
"Siddiqui, or Lady Al-Qaeda as she is known in counter-terrorism circles, was convicted in 2010 in a Manhattan federal court of trying to kill Americans while she was detained in Afghanistan.   The 42-year-old neuroscientist, educated at MIT and Brandeis, is still waiting to appeal the 86-year sentence she is serving in the medical center of the special housing unit at the severe confinement prison at Carswell, Texas..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Bruce Fein _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer's ivory tower of unreality "war" on darkness: And no war was ever won from an ivory tower

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Kelly Riddell _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
racist Obummer regime BATFE wants to force arms buyers to declare their "race" and "ethnicity"
"With little fanfare, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in 2012 amended its Form 4473 -- the transactional record the government requires gun purchasers and sellers to fill out when buying a firearm -- to identify buyers as either Hispanic, Latino or not.   Then a buyer must check his or her race: Indian, Asian, black, Pacific Islander or white..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Matthew Mientka _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
television may impede toddlers' early language skills development
"With a television playing in the background, the number of words and phrases spoken by the parents dropped precipitously."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
who is doing what to fight ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle
"...While Turkey says it is tightening its border access to Syria, the most common way for foreign fighters to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, Erdogan's relationship with other Syrian opposition groups, including Islamist terror groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda-linked group, betrays a more complex approach to the threat of IS in Syria and Iraq..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
late-talking children
Town Hall
World Net Daily

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Massachusetts "public safety" office seeks to impede immigration law enforcement
"Andrea Cabral. One would think that Ms. Cabral should be spending her time thinking about ways to preserve and protect the public safety of the citizenry in that state, but apparently not so.   She drafted a memorandum for the Massachusetts Sheriffs' Association that many sheriffs considered intimidating, suggesting as it did that if they honored immigration detainers filed against aliens arrested for criminal offenses, they would be violating the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution and thus subject to suit..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
dispatch from "almost America"
"Over the weekend I had the opportunity to study this part of the border up close: the activities of the drug cartels, smugglers, and gangs who routinely violate it; and the impact our government's failure to secure the border has on the lives of Americans living in the border region east of El Paso, who ruefully refer to their community as 'Almost America', an exposed part of the United States that serves as a doormat for illegal border crossers.   It is not hard to see why apprehensions are so low in the El Paso sector.   Years ago the construction of a border fence within the city took care of the problem in the heavily populated areas of the sector.   Border Patrol spokesman Joe Romero was quoted in the article explaining the low numbers, saying their strategy was to deter illegal crossers and 'prompt' them to return to Mexico before they are apprehended (no apprehensions, no border problem!).   But in Hudspeth county, which lies just east of El Paso county, there is little fencing and little patrolling by the Border Patrol.   According to Hudspeth county's chief-deputy-sheriff Robert Wilson, anyone can cross the border illegally here, any time, day or night, whenever they want to, for any purpose -- and they do, every day and every night, whether to deliver loads of smuggled illegal aliens and drugs or to deliver groceries to relatives on the other side.   Hudspeth County, with a total area of 5,500 square miles (the size of Connecticut), has 98 miles of the border within its limits and less than three miles of fencing.   The fencing, constructed of 15-foot-high four-inch square iron poles, looks very formidable where it is -- until it ends abruptly...   We were told that there are 800 Border Patrol agents assigned to cover the county.   However, according to our guides (a resident and several sheriff's deputies), under orders from headquarters in Washington, DC, these agents are not permitted to patrol the area between Interstate Highway 10 and the border.   The agents reportedly are restricted to working the vehicle checkpoints on I-10, and only move into the expanse between the Rio Grande River and the highway to respond to an alert from a resident of one of the pecan, cotton, or livestock ranches that abut the river, or perhaps from a sensor tripped by illicit movement.   We were told that about 10 such alerts occur every couple of days in this area alone...   Border Patrol agents cannot possibly respond in time to apprehend illegal crossers.   The smugglers leave cars parked in the area for crossers to hop into, and they can reach either the interstate or a smaller state highway in just a minute or two..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Lois Lerner IRS attacks on political enemies and cover-up are all in the nature of power-mad government
"Our friend Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch and the editors of The Wall Street Journal have done some great work in the past few days exposing the latest twists in the targeting of conservatives by Lois Lerner and her colleagues at [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] IRS.   The latest in what WSJ writers call [Obummer's] 'spin and stall strategy' comes from the [Obummer] Department of Justice (DoJ) that astonishingly assigned a lawyer who figured as a witness in the IRS targeting investigation to handle the case for DoJ.   It turns out that attorney Andrew Strelka, the (now former) Justice Department lawyer who was assigned to a case brought against the IRS by Z Street, a pro-Israel group that says its application for tax-exempt status was delayed in 2009 because of a policy giving special scrutiny to groups whose missions conflicted with the White House line previously worked at the IRS office that handled the Z Street case.   That's right; before becoming the Justice Department's lawyer on the case, The Wall Street Journal reports, 'Mr. Strelka was a presidential management fellow working in the IRS office that handled the case, presenting a conflict of interest.   To wit: Mr. Strelka is likely to be interviewed as a witness in the discovery phase of the trial he was previously litigating.   Mr. Strelka has since resigned from the case and left the Justice Department...'...   Naturally, the suspicion now is that Strelka was intentionally assigned to the Z Street case to help spike it, but that has yet to be investigated, let alone proven..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Alexandra C. Pauley _PJMedia_
David Perdue holds narrow 2.6 point lead in Georgia election for US senate, as negative ads begin

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
T.G. Branfalt ii _PJMedia_
Scott Brown faces up-hill battle in NH election for US senate

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Rich Moran _PJMedia_
Mitt Romney: in your heart you know he's a loser

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
the great unraveling: can the threads of the USA tapestry be re-woven? (video)

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJMedia_
when is a public health emergency REALLY an emergency? and when it is merely another power-grab

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
David Solway _PJMedia_
the new occupiers; when prayer space, park space, work-space, recreation space is really encroachment
"It was not violence, but it was a violation, a transgression of the norm, remarked by several others...   they were contravening the tacit agreement of reciprocal discretion that prevailed among us, whether friend or stranger.   They were animated by a robust and incontestable sense of their own priority, a conviction of privilege...   Every immigrant group in this country has variously adapted to the heritage culture, integrating more or less seamlessly by the second generation.   However, second-generation Muslims are increasingly being radicalized, some going off to fight with jihadist militias in the Middle East and Africa, others plotting terror attacks on the very country that has offered them freedom, health care, education and the opportunity to prosper..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
Obummer's sort-of war
Victor Davis Hanson

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
Obummer skating around the W-word

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Hugh Hewitt _Town Hall_
breaking through Obummer's cocoon

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Benghazi whistle-blower: we were ordered to withhold documents from review board
Sharyl Attkisson: Daily Signal
"'She told me, Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the 7th floor in a bad light.', says Maxwell.   He says '7th floor' was State Department shorthand for then-Secretary of State Clinton and her principal advisers."
PJMedia (video)

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
_World Net Daily_
Muslim Brotherhood inter-faith charade in Omaha: Christian convert from Islam exposed influence in USA
Mark Tapson: Front Page Magazine
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
_Front Page Magazine_
Obummer-Holder DoJ caught subverting investigation of IRS

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
litigants who represent themselves want more respect from judges

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Susana Mas _CBC_
guest-worker applications to work in Canada dropped 74% after reforms

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Tom Bemis _MarketWatch_
Janet Napolitano tries to rationalize excessive numbers and low standards for foreign student admissions, yet exclusivity, extremely high taxes, tuition, fees, and bureaucracy
"This Fall's entering classes include a record number of out-of-state and foreign students, who pay much higher tuition than state residents and help offset the states failure to boost spending on higher education, Napolitano says...   Napolitano signals tuition hikes are likely in the future, noting that personnel costs make up the vast majority of expenses and the system is entering its third year with no increase...   You know, we are primarily a personnel-driven organization...   80%, 90% of our budget's all personnel.   And when you look at our institution, you're talking about faculty, you've got world experts in any number of disciplines, and then you've got the staff to support the faculty...   Student debt is now running nationwide something over $1T...   30% of our students are transfer students from community colleges...   Admission rates at the U of CA system's oldest schools are well below 20% now -- Berkeley and UCLA..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Martyn Williams _"IT" News_/_IDG_
slave labor still used in Malaysian computer hardware manufacturing
"Almost every brand-name company sourcing from the country is impacted by the practice, said a new report...   The job looks good enough that they pay a broker to apply, often borrowing money from friends and family to do so.   Upon arrival, their passport is taken by their employer and they're threatened with deportation if they don't work over-time.   Indebted at home, without access to their passport and with little knowledge of the legal process, they accept the increased work-load...   The report comes three months after the U.S. Department of State said the situation in Malaysia had worsened in its annual report on human trafficking..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Mark Steyn
the lonesomest Mann in town
Anthony Watts

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Rich Lizardo _American Spectator_
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was invited to speak at Yale; Muslims want to quash dissent

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Burgess Everett _Politico_
Reid, McConnell agree on over-spending and funding of Muslim terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda in continuing resolution

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Christopher Chantrill _American Thinker_
the primal scream of the tribal mind: Obummer's worldview doesn't fit the facts
"The consequence is that he keeps doing stupid stuff.   Here's a better idea.   We should understand the turmoil in the world as the desperation of people that have not yet made the leap from tribal collectivism to responsible individualism.   When people sense that their world is ending they first pretend it isn't happening; then when disaster strikes they lash out in impotent fury.   They even boo senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) [when he's being quite reasonable and realistic and practical]...   Rebellious sons threw off the chains of the patriarchy.   They replaced the omnipotent tribal father with the fatherhood of God, and the blood family with the congregation of the church family.   Then their grand-sons replaced the mutual-aid pact of blood brotherhood with the brotherhood of fraternal associations: Masons, OddFellows, Elk, and Moose.   They replaced the brotherly bonds of the warrior culture with road-warrior culture; they replaced the blood of the dawn raid with the bloodless corporate raid...   The problem with the Marxian ideas is that they return humans to the old days of real oppression and real collective tribalism...   [Obummer's world-view] does not improve lives in the real world.   Here's an idea for the Obamanoids: when you hear the primal scream of the folks still imprisoned in pre-modern collective hell, don't call stupid plays out of a 160-year-old Marxist play-book."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Kris Anne Hall
Christian kindness and liberty
"'Government should protect every man in thinking and speaking freely, and see that one does not abuse another...   all should be equally free, Jews, Turks, Pagans and Christians.' (John Leland, Baptist Minister 1791)..."

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Anthony Watts
and then they came for the Holocene: paper suggests "removing the Holocene epoch from the geologic time-scale"
Hockey Schtick
"'Is there any limit to the extremes some climate propagandists will go?   The Climategate team removed the warm 1940s blip, erased the Medieval Warm Period, Hid the Decline, and tortured temperature & sea level data until it confessed, but a paper published Monday in Earth's Future could take the cake by suggesting removal of the Holocene Epoch from the geologic time-scale and replacing it with the fictitious, scary-sounding geologic time-scale The Anthropocene.'"

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Bob Tisdale
2014 August global surface and lower-troposphere temperature anomaly update

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Eric Worrall
heads of state boycott climate summit in NY

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Anthony Watts
new professional society for meteorology and climatology

2014-09-16 (5774 Alul 21)
Patrick J. Michaels
wishful "science" with "cut corners" on National Socialist Radio
"It seems that negative results are systematically disappearing from science.   Those words appear in the title of a block-buster 2012 article by University of Montreal's Daniele Fanelli, more completely, Negative Results are Disappearing from Most Disciplines and Countries...   Scientists are always 'cash-strapped'.   Just ask one...   There are actually very few people formally trained at the doctoral level in this field...   there wasn't very much money from the federal government.   It was about a $50M a year operation, if that much.   We didn't have enough research dough.   Now the federal outlay is $2.3G...   So [many people in remotely over-lapping fields] hitched their wagons to this gravy train.   Today's shocker: we don't have enough research dough...   'Landis says scientists are tempted to oversell weak results.'...   'Getting a grant requires that you have an exciting story to tell, that you have preliminary data and you have published.   In the rush, to be perfectly honest, to get a wonderful story out on the street in a journal, and preferably with some publicity to match, scientists can cut corners.'   According to a research paper published earlier this year, corner-cutting turned out to be the rule, rather than the exception, in animal studies of ALS...   there has been a remarkable lack of paradigm substitution [conceptual break-throughs] in overall science as research budgets ballooned."
Proposed Bills 2014




USA Constitution Day
1730-09-17: baron Friedrich Wilhelm von steuben b: 1730-09-17 in Magdeburg.

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
a plea for constitutional literacy on Constitution Day

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Laura Ingraham
BLS: income of non-citizens rose 15 times as fast as income of native US citizens in 2013
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's self-defeating behavior WRT violence-initiating Muslims
Cagle cartoon: Obummer's policies creating jobs
"As these women's social media posts demonstrate, the act of leaving the West and joining ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle involves rejecting everything the West is and everything it represents and embracing a culture of violence, murder and degradation [and slavery]."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Linda Eyre & Richard Eyre _Jewish World Review_
why much of what our media say is a lie
"media are more and more in the business of creating trends, suggesting life-styles and remaking values and moral codes.   Media show a tiny and grossly non-representative minority but have an enormously disproportionate influence over the rest of us.   A few hundred individuals (media executives, producers, directors, moguls) influence virtually every movie or TV show we see.   Similar disproportionate influence exists in the music we hear.   And this tiny 'cultural elite' is widely removed from the main-stream.."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Georgia Lee _Jewish World Review_
tips for detecting lies

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
struggles to defend/restore free speech in academia

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
"American leadership at its best"?!?
"Standing with people who fight for their own freedom and rallying other nations are good things.   But they're not American leadership at its best.   If they were, Americans would be prouder of Lend-Lease than of D-Day.   Americans would respect the U.N. Security Council more than the U.S. Marine Corps.   We don't.   And we shouldn't."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is "rushing" into a war he doesn't want to fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Laura Ingraham
Britain's socialist NHS death panels

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's been so wrong about the Middle East that recent call to (too little, too weak, too ineffective) action is a small improvement
"I suggest that [Obummer impose] his domestic policy and destroy ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle by designing their web-site or regulating them so much that they do an inversion to flee the country."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
multi-culturalism is a disaster
"...The bottom line is that much of the Muslim world is at war with Western civilization.   There's no question that the West has the military might to thwart radical Islam's agenda.   The question up for grabs is whether we have the intelligence to recognize the attack and the will to defend ourselves from annihilation..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Harry Reid shows that leftists/Dems are often idiots
"By voting with Democrats to advance consideration of a Democrat-sponsored measure, Republicans were 'stalling' and 'obstructing', charged a flummoxed senator Reid...   The odds senator Udall's plan to gut the First Amendment could ever obtain that level of support are less than zero in the few days remaining in this legislative session.   Senator Reid knows this well, but assumes the boobs in the base don't.   He sought a floor vote on the Udall amendment to goose turn-out from the base in the mid-term elections, and to extract more campaign contributions from it..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the spread of Rocky Mountain jihad
"[Obummer regime] officials are vehemently denying plots by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle operatives to cross our borders.   But the lesson here is clear: Thanks to laptop recruitment, reckless visa policies and home-grown treachery, the U.S.A.-based jihad export-import business is and has been thriving..."
please help find Marizela

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Obummer's bootless timidity may worsen war (video)

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
why is Barack Hussein Obummer lecturing the citizens of Scotland about their independence?

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
_Conservative HQ_
who can GOP senate majority prospects be trending down?

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
why the terrorist attack on the US consulate at Benghazi matters

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Al Weaver _Daily Caller_
90%+ troops don't support Obummer
"'he's going to send 3K guys to combat Ebola, but...not going to send any to combat an actual enemy that's really threatening America [with military force]...   Absolutely, we did 2 deployments.', Higbie said.   'We did one in 2007 and in 2009.   We did this foreign international defense [training mission] over there, and it's not effective.   They don't have the accountability, and the understanding, and the actual fortitude to fight an enemy like ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle who's dedicated...   In general, we train the best of the best while we were over there, the best Iraq had to offer to train with us...   I don't think they're competent enough to take on a group like ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle...'"

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Nick Squires _Jewish World Review_/_National Post_/_Telegraph_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle has plans to assassinate pope Francis, plant jihadi flag on St. Peter's basilica

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
US House insanely passed amendment to train, equip Syrian rebels

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
suppose the UN called a warmist hysteric conference and no one attended
"Climate armageddon is a messianic cult based almost entirely on religion and faith and very little on science.   And, like the Sabbatean movement where many adherents remained devoted to Zevi no matter what he did or how he behaved, it's still thriving, somewhat, despite the many blows that it has taken lately — no warming in the last 15 years, Antarctic ice cap bigger than ever, more polar bears than ever, all kinds of leaks of fraudulent figures and fudged graphs, etc..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
next round: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle vs. Israel?
"Israeli officials have said anonymously, and foreign-minister Avigdor Lieberman has said openly, that Israel will not hesitate to help Jordan militarily if it comes under ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle attack.   Although Middle Eastern hot-spots like Iraq and Syria have been getting more attention, many observers believe Jordan is in trouble—particularly worrisome because king Abdullah ii's regime is one of the most moderate and pro-Western in the region, upholding Jordan's peace treaty with Israel and effectively preventing terror incursions across Jordan's 500-kilometer border with Israel.   Jordan, however, has been under great strain.   A country of about six million people, it has taken in well over 1M refugees from Syria.   They live in sprawling tent cities, and the burden has exacerbated Jordan’s already serious economic problems.   The economic distress, in turn, feeds radicalism..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
Obummer's CataList data-base for fundamentally destroying the USA (with graphs)
"Democrats and the institutional left, in contrast, have created a collaborative and fully integrated system that allows them to ignore the middle while extracting unprecedented turn-out from a micro-targeted, ideologically far-left base.   CATALIST is an example of the consultant, profit-driven culture of the GOP being beaten by the messianic crusader culture of the left...   Two neighbors were standing on his stoop...   matched a micro-targeted demographic (special needs service providers) with a highly motivated [Obummer] volunteer in close neighborly proximity to the target.   Then they armed the neighbor/volunteer with data to visit the target...   Imagine the Borg in Star Trek [personifications of collectivism].   Every Borg unit can see what all the other units see.   They share data [violate privacy on a humongous scale] and react in unison.   Similarly, the data feeding the central Catalist database are coming from a wide swath of sources.   Public records, pollsters, campaigns, non-profits, activist groups, unions, parties, commercial data -- scores and scores of sources are feeding the central database data.   For example, when an environmental group does neighborhood door knocking for cash, the results of those contacts are fed into Catalist...   [Obummer's] message was a leftist message, even during the debates.   The idea was to drive turnout on the far left (x axis) and to identify Americans on the far left who would usually be unmotivated to vote.   Catalist gave the campaign the tools to identify them, to understand what matters to them, to find them, and to motivate them.   The far-left campaign messaging of [Obummer] was not a mistake.   It was part of the plan...   The graphs above explain why the left is so keen to implement federal laws like Motor Voter which seek to automatically register voters populating the upper left of the graphs -- unmotivated ideological leftists.   Motor Voter has a disproportionate reach into the upper left corner of the graphs as compared to the upper right.   Automatic universal voter registration [abusing] government data-bases is the institutional left's next agenda item.   The policy ramifications for Republicans should be obvious by now.   Government policy is fully integrated into the Catalist-driven [Obummer] politics.   Instead of moderation, [Obummer] pushes policies which appeal to his far-left base.   The era of big government and big deficits is back, deliberately...   Indiana has been characterized by having multiple counties with more voters on the rolls than people alive.   Like Eric Holder before him, when Indiana attorney-general Greg Zoeller (R) needed an expert to fight against election integrity, he called on someone using Catalist data.   Enter Yale political science professor Eitan D. Hersh.   Hersh had been busy helping Eric Holder's Justice Department attack voter ID in Texas and another state.   But when the Indiana attorney-general needed a left-leaning professor using the [extreme leftist] movement's top data tool to deflect our election-integrity litigation, Hersh was the man.   Never mind that the use of Catalist to attack Texas voter ID had become a laughingstock.   There is no telling what the [tax-victims] in Indiana paid Hersh to help keep voter rolls there dirty.   Eitan Hersh is a name every political strategist and GOP consultant should know -- if for no other reason than to read his Harvard dissertation describing the internal functioning of Catalist...   'Catalist's president is the notorious Harold Ickes...'...   getting those moderate voters to vote for you costs exponentially more than motivating ideologues.   It will cost $10 to persuade an unmotivated independent while it might cost pennies to mobilize a cultural or ideological partisan."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Bethany Mandel _PJMedia_
10 good things about being Jewish

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
"Eastern Ukraine" to get local autonomy... for a while
"'The Russian government has announced it will 'protect' Russian speakers abroad, specifically mentioning the Russian-speaking population of the Baltics.   This is not the first time Russia has hinted that it would involve itself in the affairs of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia since Russian president Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine in March...'"

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
saving bootless Obummer

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Occupy fabricators are suing each other for control, exploitation of the name
"As with most things having to do with progressives, reality was the opposite of what they were saying.   I had the chance (lucky me!) to travel around the country and encounter more than one Occupy group.   Some had a heavy union presence in charge, others were run by professional organizers/agitators.   I met one in Madison, WI who rolled her eyes and laughed when I asked if she ever spent the night at the camp.   It faded out as quickly as it came into being, because it was fake..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
select committee to investigate the attack on US consulate in Benghazi gets off to a slow start
"aides hid damaging documents from her hand-picked investigative panel.   Subsequently, that panel, the vaunted 'Accountability Review Board' (ARB), did not even bother to interview Mrs. Clinton despite her pivotal roles in (a) the appalling security lapses prior to the terrorist attack that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 other Americans; (b) the administration's response on the night of the attack; and (c) [Obummer] officials' fraudulent claim that the attack was caused by spontaneous reaction to an anti-Muslim video, rather than by entirely predictable jihadist terrorism...   3 team members recount the official reluctance and indecision that delayed their response to the attack..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
if you want them to be paid more, why not just pay them more?
"Maria Shriver...   Courtyard, Residence Inn, J.W. Marriott, Ritz-Carlton, and Renaissance hotels.   The hotel chain is even suggesting how much to tip: 'Marriott International CEO Arne Sorenson says...'...   The Census Bureau reports that about half of 'maids and housekeeping cleaners' are immigrants (both legal and illegal).   You know how to raise the wages of these poor, less-educated women spending their days cleaning hotel rooms?   Cut immigration and tighten the labor market.   You'll see how fast hotel chains start competing with each other to attract staff by offering more money and better benefits.   (Tightening up welfare rules wouldn't hurt either.)"

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Obummer regime's chief Israel-Palestine negotiator Martin Indyk was paid $14.8M by Qatari government
"Qatar is known to be a fierce enemy of Israel and a staunch supporter of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle group banned in Germany rears its head in Denmark, recruits jihadis

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Robert W. Patterson _Breitbart_
desire for secure borders, higher standards for visas, enforcement could be a key issue in November general election

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
7 deported illegal alien sex criminals arrested along Arizona-Mexican border
"Rape, aggravated sexual abuse of a child, and soliciting or engaging in child prostitution were the prior charges against three of the men, who came from Mexico.   Two of the men, who hailed from Guatemala, had convictions for lewd and lascivious acts with children under 14.   Other charges the men were convicted of included assault, battery, voluntary manslaughter, aggravated domestic violence, kidnapping, and great bodily injury using a deadly weapon."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
deep pockets: leftists/Dems dominate campaign advertising

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson said CBS and the rest of main-stream media are sinister in the way they intentionally leave out of their reporting

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Jeh Johnson: ability to detect terrorists in USA is hindered by the large illegal alien population

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Abe Katsman _Breitbart_
al-Nusra seize UN weapons, equipment in Golan Heights
"'The terrorists are now using United Nations cars, which hold the emblem of the United Nations forces in the Golan.   They are using the uniform of the UNDOF, the weapons of UNDOF, the positions of UNDOF to shell on the Syrian army as well as on the civilians in villages.', Jaafari told reporters."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Tim Donnelly _Breitbart_
whacky left-coast California Dems vs. the US constitution and Declaration of Independence -- on freedom, exercise of religion, the right to own and carry arms, and the right to own property

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
sugar substitutes change gastro-intestinal bacteria, worsen glucose intolerance
"7.1 ounces to 3 pounds, your gut microbiome...   scientists recently discovered that your intestines host 500 species of microbes with 7M genes, a larger number than the total number of cellular genes you inherited from your parents.   Some expected and some unusual factors shape the exact mixture of microbes living in your gut, and playing a key role in your health.   For instance, researchers recently found gender, whether or not you were breastfed, and education (of all things) shape your bacterial community...   Compared to mice given water or even sugar water, the mice drinking artificially sweetened water developed glucose intolerance, which is an inability of the body to cope with large amounts of sugar.   Commonly doctors say this is the first step to adult-onset diabetes.   After repeating the experiment with different types of mice and different doses of sweeteners, the researchers produced the same results: induced glucose intolerance.   Next, the researchers eradicated many of the gut bacteria in a group of mice by treating them with antibiotics.   The result of this was 'sterile' mice, which showed a spontaneous reversal of the artificial sweetener-induced glucose intolerance.   Having created germ-free mice, the researchers then introduced the gut flora from mice that had consumed artificial sweeteners and could no longer properly metabolize glucose...   yes the same is true for humans...   Shockingly, many -- but not all -- of the volunteers had begun to develop glucose intolerance after just 1 week of ingesting artificial sweeteners...   Elinav believes certain bacteria react to chemical sweeteners by secreting substances that provoke an inflammatory response similar to sugar over-dose."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Paul Rincon _BBC_
Europeans drawn from 3 ancient "tribes" (with map)
"Blue-eyed, swarthy hunters mingled with brown-eyed, pale skinned farmers as the latter swept into Europe from the Near East.   But another, mysterious population with Siberian affinities also contributed to the genetic landscape of the continent...   professor David Reich from the Harvard Medical School and colleagues...   Pigmentation genes carried by the hunters and farmers showed that, while the dark hair, brown eyes and pale skin of the early farmer would look familiar to us, the hunter-gatherers would stand out if we saw them on a street today.   'It really does look like the indigenous West European hunter gatherers had this striking combination of dark skin and blue eyes that doesn't exist any more.', professor Reich told BBC News..."
2014-01-27: Rebecca Morelle: BBC: hunter-gatherer European had blue eyes and dark skin
"The lead author, Dr Carles Lalueza-Fox, said: 'One explanation is that the lighter skin colour evolved much later than was previously assumed.'...   The early European would have subsisted on a diet of mainly protein, and his DNA reveals that he was lactose-intolerant and unable to digest starch.   The ability to ingest dairy projects and starchy foods came after agriculture was adopted and people changed what they ate..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Anthony Watts
National Center for Science Education (NCSE) wants less science, more dogmatic propaganda in K-12 text-books
"My thought: this effort by the NCSE deserves an 'F'.   Not only did they not bother to proof read their own paper, they also obviously didn't perform any serious background research on the activist sourced material they provided, as the supporting evidence for their critique..."

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Anthony Watts
Sierra Club and Sierra Club Foundation accused of impermissible benefit to private interests and failure to pay taxes on unrelated business income

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Anthony Watts
vegetation continues to grow at a faster rate

2014-09-17 (5774 Alul 22)
Anthony Watts
leftist eco-fascists continue to target private vehicles
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
_NV Union_
Kris Anne Hall to speak on The Constitution and State Sovereignty
"Friday 2014 October 3; 18:30; doors open at 18:00; at Saint Candice Center, 236 Reward Street, Nevada City; Free (donations appreciated). VIP Reception 17:00 - 18:00: $20 (in advance only). Ticket includes meeting Kris Anne, beverage and appetizers, and reserve program seating. To purchase tickets, go to this illustrates the morale of our work-force

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council, warned of serious threat of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle entering USA
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart
"The union representing America's immigration case-workers warned Thursday of the 'real and serious threat' that it is a serious threat that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle 'has already or will soon slip across our porous southern border' but also may exploit the weakened interior enforcement of immigration laws to get in and attack the U.S.A...   ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle terrorists could gain entry to the United States, either by slipping through the southern U.S. border or exploiting loose and lax visa policies...   as we know from the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, from the 2001/09/11 terrorist attacks, from the Boston Bombing, from the recent plot to bomb a school and courthouse in Connecticut, and many other lesser-known terror incidents, we are letting terrorists into the United States right through our front door.   Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council, issued the warning in a written statement.   He's the latest to raise alarm that the Islamic State may be planning to infiltrate the U.S.A...   Palinkas specifically alleged the administration has made it easier for terrorists to exploit the country's visa policies and enter the homeland.   He complained that the administration has 'widened the loop-hole' they could use through the asylum system, and has restricted agents from going after many of those who overstay their visas...   His statement, though, also backed recent claims from law-makers and others that ISIS is already looking at the southern border.   Palinkas cited the threat that 'ISIS has already or will soon slip across our porous southern border'.   On Wednesday, representative Jason Chaffetz, R-UT, said at a House hearing with DHS secretary Jeh Johnson that he had 'reason to believe' that 4 individuals were apprehended trying to cross into the U.S.A. [in] Texas on Sept. 10, and that they 'have ties to known terrorist organizations in the Middle East'..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
where have all the allies gone?

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Waffle House manager kicked out uniformed, badged Texas Dept. of Public Safety officer because he was armed

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
life's big questions

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Stu Bykofsky _Jewish World Review_
"white privilege"?!? Hardly
"sharing a bed-room with my sister in a South Bronx tenement until I was 15 and she was 11.   My parents slept on a bed in the living room.   Then we moved out of a neighborhood of close scrapes and fire escapes to a Brooklyn public-housing project where we had our own bed-rooms.   We were lower class, but not poor, or at least we didn't think so.   In the early 1950s, not all that many people were rich, and I didn't know any of them.   My first full-time job was as a stock picker and packer in a greeting-card warehouse.   My situation today may be better than my black Bronx class'mates', but I don't know that for sure.   I attended the same high school as attorney-general Eric Holder, and he's done better than I..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
keep the no-ransom policy

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
anti-terrorism bloviators

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Martin Schram _Jewish World Review_
hearts and minds

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
why do some "Americans" hate the USA?
"In order to teach values, whether British or American, we must first agree on what they are.   Since the turbulent 1960s, some Americans have chosen to ignore, even oppose, values taught to their forebears.   These tenets begin with personal responsibility and accountability, hard work, capitalism, self-reliance, faith in God and patriotism..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
Dem done it, again
"By recently voicing full-hearted approval of a bill eviscerating the First Amendment guarantee of free speech, senate Democrats showed themselves to be among the most extreme, irresponsible, self-serving and historically ignorant establishment politicians of this era.   If they should actually get their way -- and they conceivably could short of voter outrage -- we could someday see a once strapping American spirit hopelessly hobbled when imperiousness comes its way..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the corrupt Obummer is again defying the US constitution, this time on going to war

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
_Jewish World Review_/_Telegraph_/_National Post_
pope Francis on persecution of Christians: WW3 has begun

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
are non-citizens being paid more than native US citizens? (video)

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
representative Tom McClintock: giving arms to "carefully vetted" Syrians is a blunder
"McClintock's line of reasoning was one we share: We know ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle is a threat, the question is not 'is it a threat?'   The question is 'what's the best and most efficient way to destroy the threat?'   And in McClintock's analysis arming the allegedly 'carefully vetted' Free Syrian Army defies our experience in Afghanistan and Iraq where so-called 'carefully vetted' local Islamic forces have turned their weapons against us...   'I respect the intentions of the supporters, but this runs a great risk of back-firing.   The FSA is a marriage of convenience among many Islamic factions that have a long history of collaborating with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle...   After I was elected, the first man killed from my district [was stationed] in Iraq, Army specialist Jeremiah McCrery, died when carefully vetted Afghan police turned their American-provided weapons on him...   We're making a big mistake.'"

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
_Conservative HQ_
Eric Holder's bizarrely PC announcement regarding "violent extremism"
"Except nowhere in the announcement could you find the words Islamic, Islamist, Muslim, jihadi or any other term that might give you the slightest idea who these violent extremists might be.   For all we know, based on the news release of this new program, Holder is right now deploying his crack 'engagement specialists' to the Irish bars of Boston to mop-up die-hard IRA sympathizers or combing the rural churches of New England for any remaining Puritan opponents of Royalist England.   To be fair, Holder does mention ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, Syria, Iraq and the 13th anniversary of 2001/09/11, but nowhere is any word used that directly associates these events with radical Islam or Muslim culture [or violence-initiating extreme leftists] as the proximate cause of the need for the program..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
_Conservative HQ_
Marilinda Garcia for NH's 2nd congressional district

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
want to lower average education level of legal US work-force?   expand Obummer's unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Australian government raids foil plot of violent Muslim to carry out random beheadings

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Andrea Billups _News Max_
USA separatists are watching with glee as Scots vote
Alaska, Texas, California, New Hampshire, Florida...

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Rachel Stoltzfoos _Daily Caller_
Charles Barron (D-NY): "all my heroes were America's enemies"
"New York City councilman and State Assembly shoo-in Charles Barron has reiterated his admiration of dictators and said he hopes to host one of them -- Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe -- in the states... again...   'I think he's a shining example of an African leader on the African continent.'...   Mugabe took control of Zimbabwe in 1983 and instituted martial law in 1987.   He rose to power after starting an ethnic cleansing in which tens of thousands of people were murdered...   Barron has expressed support for dictators around the world, including Libyan dictator Muammar el-Quaddafi and Cuba's former president Fidel Castro..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Andrea Billups _Daily Caller_
be prepared for Obummer regime EPA's push to regulate methane emissions: no beans, heat, air-conditioning, electricity, lights, power-tools, electrical appliances for you!
"Environmentalists are pushing the [Obummer regime] to crack down on methane emissions from the oil and gas industry, building on the White House's recent [insane] limits on carbon dioxide emissions...   'The [Obummer regime], in conjunction with the NRDC, is carrying out an all-out assault on America's fossil fuel resources that is unnecessarily inflating the cost of energy.', Oklahoma Republican senator James Inhofe told The Daily Caller News Foundation."
another Obummer regime official joins extremist eco-fascist group
"Another top [Obummer regime] official has joined a major environmental group that is being investigated by congress for its cozy relationship with federal regulators, sparking concerns from law-makers.   The Natural Resources Defense Council recently announced that top [Obummer regime] official Rhea Suh will become the group's new president in 2015 January, replacing current NRDC president Frances Beinecke.   Beinecke has led the organization since 2006.   Suh is assistant secretary for policy, management and budget at the Interior Department.   She was brought on in 2009 after working for major [misanthropic] foundations that have provided millions to the environmental movement...   David Vitter and fellow Republican representative Darrell Issa kicked off an investigation earlier this month into NRDC's role in crafting a major U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rule to cut carbon dioxide emissions 30% from existing power plants by 2030...   a senate report highlighting the vast sums of money being used by [eco-fascists] to campaign for onerous environmental rules..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
_News Max_
correlation between PTSD symptoms and over-eating

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Betsy Rothstein _Daily Caller_
Obummer/Holder DoJ and Media Mutters conspire to attack reporter
"In e-mail exchanges obtained by The Daily Caller in 2 separate FOIA requests, a coordinated effort to slam Breitbart News reporter Matthew Boyle emerged...   Years later, in 2013 February, Boyle wrote a story for Breitbart News about Schmaler's colluding with far left wing Media Matters to attack him, law-makers and other members of the media."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Laura Ingraham
if Republicans don't win majority in US senate, blame the RINOs (Rove, Bush, Boehner, McConnell, etc.)

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Laura Ingraham
Gallup: trust in main-stream media returns to all-time lows

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Laura Ingraham
police are searching for previously deported 14-year-old illegal alien wanted for cartel assassination attempt in Texas
Ildefonso Ortiz: Breitbart

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
memo to BBC: the "far right" did not decapitate David Haines not rape over 1K girls in Rotherham

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
leftists/Dems blocked bill to stop Americans who join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle from returning into USA

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
USA flag banned on September 11

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
law-suit: tax-victim funding and conspiracy to impose Communist Corpse is unconstitutional

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Hollywood on the tax-victim dole, raking in record profits, dumping over 1K US employees

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
multi-agency raid targeted Barrio Azteca leadership in El Paso

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
former USCIS contract employee sentenced to 26 months in prison (shorter than an OPT "internship") for stealing and selling immigration forms to aid illegal aliens

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
illegal aliens camping in Calais taunt British port guards
"Others already in Britain readily admit to enjoying British prison life because they get 3 meals a day and unlimited access to the football on Sky Sports...   a documentary due to be aired on Channel 5 tomorrow night.   'Illegals: Breaking into Britain' illustrates how the immigrants are able to stow away on vehicles to smuggle themselves across the border...."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
poll: 39% are less likely to support candidates who back amnesty for illegal aliens, 30% more likely

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
protests planned for 6 Texas border ports, 4 in AZ, 2 in NM; want Tahmooressi released, better security at ports and borders

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Kristin Tate _Breitbart_
5 convicted sex offenders arrested along rural Texas-Mexico border

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Steven Horsford (D-NV) brags, wants IRS to become even more abusive against non-leftist 501(c)(4) associations
"Horsford has posted his own attempt to get the IRS to go past what the law allows in regulating/oppressing [non-leftist] groups, during a hearing about the IRS targeting scandal on Wednesday."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Ohio teachers treaten to strike over being forced into ObummerDoesn'tCare "exchanges"

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Tim Hornyak _"IT" News_/_IDG_
mosquito-borne dengue fever epidemic in Tokyo

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
that boring meeting might make you more creative
"As David Burkus explains on Harvard Business Review, 2 recent studies found a strong link between boredom and creativity.   In short, people who were subjected to monotonous, repetitive, or otherwise uninspiring tasks (think reading the phone book) then asked to think creatively or brainstorm ideas far outperformed those who were not subjected to the drudgery."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
Apple CEO Tim Cook talks about privacy policy
"'We don't monetize the information you store on your iPhone or in iCloud.   And we don't read your e-mail or your messages to get information to market to you.'"

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
E. Jeffrey Ludwig _American Thinker_
educational "reforms" are crushing our people
"Even the wide-spread use of technology to provide the students with computers and new software to facilitate learning, while useful, merely creates an appearance of structure over a dumbing down and settling into mediocrity or worse: total contempt for and disintegration of learning and mental process for the vast majority of people.   The individual student does not have to think...   Controversy over implementation is superficial and tends to obscure the totalitarian impulse behind their machinations.   For example, Michael Bloomberg and William 'Bill' de Blasio are successive mayors of New York City.   Both are [power-mad] statists.   Both believe that the government should organize most facets of human experience and suppress individualism in the schools and other segments of society.   Both want to dumb down the schools in the context of a gung-ho spirit of 'reform'.   There is to be an illusion of progress and success despite an on-going down-grading and dilution of educational achievement and motivation..."

2014-09-18 (5774 Alul 23)
Eric Worrall
UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon responds to WUWT article
Proposed Bills 2014

  "I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your seed." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 30:19  



1796-09-19: George Washington's farewell address is printed across America as an open letter to the public (WikiPedia, Yale's Avalon project, and National Archives and Records Administration).

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
R' David Aaron _Jewish World Review_
choose good, feel great: secrets to living your best life

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the fate of STEM PhDs... and more
"...Laszlo Bock... 'in a fiercely competitive labor market, hiring managers don't need to compromise on quality.   All it takes is one small mistake and a manager will reject an otherwise interesting candidate.'...   even great workers are competing with each other for jobs, rather than employers competing to hire them...   those who bother to read the actual report will find that the NSF is counting someone as 'employed' even if they are working just part-time.   Moreover, the comparison to the national average is inapropriate, since highly-educated people tend to be resourceful types, who will find some kind of job.   But WHAT kind?   The report actually answers that question, and there the picture is not so rosy.   Let's look at computer science (CS), both because it's my field and because it is the field with the largest number of H-1Bs.   Begin with Table 2, which shows that nearly 7% of CS PhDs are either working part-time or are unemployed (but seeking employment).   That's a rather high rate, considering that the industry PR people say CS is such a red-hot field, and in light of the fact that the PR people often point to the high proportion of CS doctorates granted to foreign students by U.S. universities as a reason for hiring H-1Bs.   Things then get worse in the second half of the same table, where there is a break-down by age.   I emphasized many times that one of the major reasons employers like the H-1B program so much is that enables them to hire young H-1Bs instead of older (age 35+) Americans, and sadly, the table shows employment for PhDs declines markedly with age.   Table 3 compares, among other things, Americans to workers with temporary work visas (H-1B, L-1, F-1/OPT, J-1 etc.).   Look at the dramatic difference!   The percentage who are either working part-time or are unemployed is over 12% for U.S. citizens and permanent residents, but under 4% for the work visa people.   (Most of the unemployed in the latter group are presumably F-1s.)   Presumably a large part of this discrepancy is due to the age effect, but it is compelling in any case.   Finally, go to another NSF report, in data titled 'Table 32-2, Involuntarily Out-of-Field Rate among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers, by Occupation: 2013'.   There we see the remarkable statistic that 11.3% of CS PhDs are involuntarily working outside the field.   Again, consider this in the context I described above -- CS is supposed to be a hot seller's market for employment, especially for PhDs.   The reality is that getting a doctorate in CS is over-kill for most non-academic jobs..."

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Denise Dick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
physics professor Tom Oder 1st at Youngstown State U to be granted patent
"The patent awarded to Tom Oder is for a method that improves the reliability and performance of semiconductor devices.   It has applications in the automotive and aerospace industries as well as in deep-well drilling and electronic devices such as cellphones and computers.   What's in most electronics is made of silicone, but that material can't withstand high temperatures.   It must be cooled or it will fail.   Oder's research involves ways to improve the reliability of semiconductors at high temperatures and high voltages... YSU students -- from physics and mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering -- also participated in the research. Oder has received more than $700K in grants from the National Science Foundation to support his research at YSU."

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
will ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle votes haunt politicians in 2016?
"Though even a libertarian [non-interventionists] like senator Rand Paul favors carrying the fight to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, he and some others voted no on [arming Muslim terrorist groups in Syria]...   Like other conservatives as well as a not insignificant number of [leftist] senators, [senator Marco Rubio is] also rightly worried that the president's plans for this conflict are woefully inadequate to the situation.   More than that, along with many Republicans, he believes the president is wrong not to seek an explicit authorization from congress..."

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the challenge of stopping do-it-yourself jihadism

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
the Israelization of anti-semitism
"Fainberg asks why no one has stormed the streets when the Syrian government has massacred 160K civilians, including 1,800 Palestinians, or when Russian soldiers have killed more than a 150K Muslim Chechens between 1994 and 2003?"

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
yet another over-reaching law

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's coalition of the unwilling

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
interpreting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle's jihadi logic

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
when legislators forget USA citizens' interests
"I'm trying to look on the bright side of what passed for debate over another doomed effort to secure U.S. interests by embarking on the fruitless pursuit, cultivation and empowerment of Islamic 'moderates', this time [Muslim terrorists] in Syria.   We would get better results sending an expeditionary force after the Loch Ness sea monster.   No matter.   In deliberations resembling a stampede, we heard: The ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle is coming, the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle is coming!   Quick, leave our own borders undefended and save Saudi Arabia!...   And still our own nation's borders remain undefended.   I know I just said that, but this epic failure to protect these United States at our first and last line of defense -- the ultimate betrayal -- cannot be underscored enough.   Killers -- terrorists and disease -- have easy access to our towns and neighborhoods, and our leaders' priorities are elsewhere..."

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
letting in the wrong refugees
"Indiscriminate refugee policies turn free countries into breeding grounds for jihad.   It's the same game in America.   Soldiers of Islam have weaponized our blind generosity against us...   Last Fall, FBI agents admitted that several dozen suspected terrorist bomb-builders may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees from Iraq.   These include two al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) jihadists who were resettled as refugees in Bowling Green, KY -- and then later admitted in court that they had attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq, according to ABC News..."
please help find Marizela

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
letting in the wrong refugees
please help find Marizela

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Joseph Raskas _PJMedia_
getting real with Iran

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
ambassador Anne Patterson siding with violent Muslims in Egypt, now pushing coalition against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle
"One of the point people at the helm of the State Department's strategy against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle and coalition-building effort is the U.S. ambassador reviled in Egypt for cozying with the Muslim Brotherhood during the 2013 Summer Tamarod protests.   Both [president Obummer] and Anne Patterson were lambasted by protesters as propping up the Muslim Brotherhood and sanctioning the Islamists' abuses against the Egyptian people.   As the U.S. envoy in Cairo, Patterson discouraged the epic protests against Islamist rule and reportedly tried to dissuade Coptic Christians from taking part.   Egyptian protesters were not shy about expressing their feelings of betrayal, hoisting banners that accused [Obummer] of supporting terrorism..."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
_Conservative HQ_
Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul shame GOP losership on failure to even try to negotiate a real budget for the federal government
"Earlier this week Senator Jeff Sessions set the stage for a showdown on [Obummer's] lawless immigration policy with a great address in which he said 'the entire senate Democratic congress has surrendered the jobs, wages, and livelihoods of their constituents to a group of special interests meeting in secret at the White House.   They are surrendering them to executive actions that will foist on the nation what congress has refused to pass and the American people have rejected.   They are plotting at the White House to move forward with cxecutive action no matter what the people think and no matter what congress -- through the people's House -- has decided.' (link to the full text of senator Sessions's truly awesome address at the end of this article)   Sessions, Lee and Cruz then engaged Democrats in an epic battle over funding for...executive amnesty as debate on the CR proceeded...   He [Jeff Sessions] noted that when the 'American people learned what was in the senate amnesty bill and guest-worker bill that doubled the number of guest-workers, for which every single Senate Democrat voted, the people said no, no, no.   So I have a message today to all the special interests, the global elites, the activists, the cynical vote-counting politicians, plotters that are meeting in secret at the White house, and this message is this: You don't get to sit in a room and rewrite the laws of this United states of America.   No, sir.   Congress writes the laws...'...   Sessions also had a message for the American people: 'You have been right from the beginning.   You have justly demanded that our borders be controlled, our laws enforced and that, at long last, immigration policy serves the needs of our own people first.'..."
senate Dems have surrendered their constituents' jobs to the open-borders lobby

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Rand Paul, the corrupt DC losership and a web of lies about "moderate Syrian" terrorists

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
many are called, but few are chosen in the EB-5 program

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
James Fulford _V Dare_
"narrative collapse", fighting for injustice, and the importance of VDare.com

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
J.R. Dunn _American Thinker_
USA's left and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_
director of national intelligence James R. Clapper's off-target strategy
"a National Intelligence Strategy written for public consumption should resolve the apparent inconsistencies between what the government tells us and what we can see for ourselves.   This one doesn't...   It has to be read in the context of the massive gaps in our strategies..."

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Anthony Watts
"Tar Sands Messiah" by Tim Moen

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Anthony Watts
statement from the Open Atmospheric Society on the paper "peak tornado activity is occurring earlier in the heart of tornado alley"

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Anthony Watts
the Federalist: Neil deGrasse Tyson and the "science" of smug condescension

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Anthony Watts & Eric Worrall
Laki caused cold year in 1783; could Iceland's Bartharbunga volcano trigger another year without summer?

2014-09-19 (5774 Alul 24)
Anthony Watts
Antarctic sea ice extent sets new record, exceeds 20M square km
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
why Muslims in USA like Obummer, but other Muslims do not
"2% of Pakistanis (Sullivan's example) 'disapprove of US leadership'...   '72% of U.S. Muslims approved of the job president Barack Obama was doing as president during the first 6 months of 2014...'...   Critics allege that Obama has killed 2,400 persons, including civilians, during his term of office.   But Bill Clinton allegedly killed 500K Iraqi children from the sanctions he imposed on Saddam Hussein.   The Lancet argued that George W. Bush [a.k.a. Shrub] caused '654,965 excess deaths' by invading Iraq.   The Huffington Post claims that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle killed 1,992 Iraqis in June alone.   The UN estimates that 191K people have died in the Syrian Civil War..."

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
_Conservative HQ_
We the People convention in Columbus OH
"We the People Convention president, Tom Zawistowski said, 'This year's Convention is like none we have held before.   It will put the TEA Party movement on a positive path forward that will result in the American people re-claiming the electoral process from the monied special interests in order to restore representative governance and thus liberty and prosperity for all citizens.   As we have seen in Ohio during 2014, the two dominant political parties have once again orchestrated an election in which their will be no debate, no discussions of issues that concern the citizens of Ohio, and in effect no choice for voters on the ballot.   You can vote for anyone you want, as long as they [the left-leaning, power-mad losership] decide who can be on the ballot.   This Convention is intent on making sure that does not happen in the future starting in 2015 and 2016.'   Zawistowski went on to say, 'This year's convention has two tracks.   First, we will be training citizen candidates and citizens who can fill positions on campaign staffs, since the major parties threaten and intimidate staff professionals so they will not work with our candidates.   This part of the Convention is being taught by the Leadership Institute from Washington, DC, and they are the best in the business.   The second part of the convention features speakers like Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA who will help us understand how to get the conservative message out to high school and college students.   Dr. Tim Johnson from the Frederick Douglass Foundation will talk about how we can better reach out to minority populations.   Then Bill Norton from TEA Party Patriots will make a presentation on how we can better message to people outside of the TEA Party Movement.   Other speakers include Congressman Jim Jordan, Radio Host Ron Ponder from WHBC in Canton, Greg Lawson from the Buckeye Institute, Ted Stevenot from Ohio Rising and Ohio Representative John Adams.'   Zawistowski concluded by saying, 'While the Ohio TEA Party Movement has found this hopeful path forward for America through it's own efforts to participate in and understand the political process, and what is wrong with our electoral process, much of what will be done on Saturday is detailed in the book _TakeOver_ by Richard Viguerie...'"

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
Thomas Jackson _V Dare_
_El Norte or Bust!_ by David Stoll -- the forces behind the surge from Guatemala

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
Benjamin Aguda _American Thinker_
Enlightenment liberals vs. leftists
"the impact of the Enlightenment has been tremendous.   One area where the Enlightenment had particularly strong influence was in political theory.   Before the Enlightenment, it was common knowledge that all men were natural slaves.   We were slaves to our parents and slaves to our rulers in the same way that we were naturally slaves to God.   This ancient doctrine justified the despotic political systems that had existed in one form or another throughout most of history.   The Enlightenment changed this tradition.   Enlightenment thinkers began to see the world as dominated by physical forces put in place by a benevolent God.   Man became a naturally free and rational creature who can choose his own life.   Man has dignity; he is intrinsically and individually valuable.   He owns himself and the products of his labor.   His rational nature enables him to build a free society where he is not a slave to his rulers.   This philosophy, the belief that man has inherent dignity, is now known as Classical Liberalism, and it was the philosophical inspiration for The American Revolution.   Our founding fathers were steeped in the liberal tradition.   One classical liberal that was particularly influential to the founding of our country was an Englishman named John Locke (1632-1704).   Locke was so influential that Thomas Jefferson listed him as one of the most influential men in his own thinking and was even accused of plagiarizing Locke while writing the Declaration of Independence.   In Locke we find the arguments and ideals that inspired our founding documents.   For example, Locke famously argued that our dignity comes directly from our special creation.   We own ourselves and self-ownership entails an inviolable right to our lives, liberty, and property, which at the same time entails a prohibition from violating the rights of others...   men only create government in order to secure their [inherent, natural, God-given] rights...   government has only a few primary responsibilities, which are to settle honest disputes between citizens, to protect us from criminals, and to protect us from foreign governments.   Everything else we can take care of ourselves because we are rational and moral by our very nature.   Furthermore, the government only exists to serve the people and cannot have more power than the individuals that constitute it, and it must operate under the rule of law embodied in an original constitution.   It cannot arbitrarily take property, and it cannot give power to royal descendants or paramilitary organizations if the citizens do not consent...   the original, classical liberalism of John Locke still persists today in only one [set of groups]: the Tea Party."

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
USA and Canada intercepted 8 Russian military jets along west coast
"Officials confirmed that on Wednesday night, 2 American F-22 fighter planes intercepted several Russian military aircraft -- 2 Mig-31 fighter jets, 2 Russian Bear long-range bombers and 2 refueling tankers -- about 55 miles off the western Alaska coast-line.   A pair of Canadian CF-18 fighter jets halted 2 other Russian bomber planes roughly 40 nautical miles off Canada's coast-line early Thursday morning, around 01:30...   Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko...spoke to Canadian officials on Wednesday and to U.S. [president Barack Hussein Obummer] this past Thursday, presumably about the mounting skirmishes between Ukraine and pro-Russian militants.   NORAD has intercepted over 50 Russian fighter jets encroaching on U.S.A. and Canadian air-space in the past 5 years, according to Smith."

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
some ideas are so loopy that they could only be conceived by regressive politicians

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
Shirley Edwards _News with Views_
Rotherham -- a very common fear
"The perpetrators, all reported as being men who were largely of Pakistani heritage, mirror recent identical stories of undercover paedophile and sex trafficking rings throughout other major cities..."

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
Benny Peiser
Royal Society in trouble over false extinction claim

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
Anthony Watts
warmist hysterics throw corporate multi-million dollar fund-raiser

2014-09-20 (5774 Alul 25)
Anthony Watts
former White House science advisor Steven E. Koonin points out that science is not "settled"
Wall Street Journal
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Elise McKeown Skolnick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Fitch hosts Ohio-Pennsylvania robotics competition

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
free classes for those considering adoption
"Since 1978, NOAS has developed families for more than 1,200 children and teens."

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Claudia Rosett _PJMedia_
how many countries are members of the UN?   Obummer State Dept. gets it alarmingly wrong
What the heck; make it 195, by admitting Palestine=Gaza, and Taiwan... and then the USA should resign and defund it, making it 194, and urging the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc. to follow suit.

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
IRS surprise for some ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidy recipients

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
cowls in the hood; how to help the poor

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
"Federale" _V Dare_
abolishing the USA: 5th circuit approves law-suit from Mexico against US Border Patrol
"the effect of this decision is to give the official seal of approval to acts of violence against Border Patrol agents and any other Americans foolish or idealistic enough to believe that enforcing the law still matters to our federal government...   Meanwhile, back in the real world, even the AP article acknowledges that the Border Patrol agent argues he fired in self-defense after being attacked by rock throwers.   But the [Obummer regime] has already done its best to make sure Border Patrol agents can't defend themselves from physical attack.   And the Mexican government, which refuses to secure its side of the border and de facto supports the attacks, welcomed the decision.   [Mexico Hails U.S. Court Decision Opening U.S. Border Patrol Up to Lawsuits in Cross-Border Shootings, by John Stanton, Buzzfeed, 2014 July 1]...   Of course, law enforcement officers are not supposed to retreat or 'take cover' when they are attacked.   They are supposed to do their job -- and that means fighting back against criminals attacking them [or anyone else].   The real purpose of these court rulings and law-suits: to make it impossible for the Border Patrol to enforce immigration law..."
Peter Brimelow: a wild ride but VDare.com is almost there

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
Khorosan: jihad's latest gang
Peter Brimelow: a wild ride but VDare.com is almost there

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
raving, power-mad warmist hysterics on parade
"'Assuming that these immigrants emit carbon at the American average, the U.S. in 2050 will emit 39% more carbon than if an immigration moratorium had been imposed in 2005.'"
Peter Brimelow: a wild ride but VDare.com is almost there

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Jeffrey Folks _American Thinker_
science can never be settled, but, so far, fracking seems to be safe

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Michael Booth _American Thinker_
crony socialism and leftist desperation
"The irresolvable economic paradox is that redistribution of wealth (in all its forms: money, jobs, credit, subsidies, and on and on) either requires the substantial creation of wealth or results in the substantial depletion of wealth.   Stability is not possible..."

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Cinnamon Stillwell _American Thinker_
anti-Israel profs unite to defend Steven G. Salaita

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Leo Hohmann _World Net Daily_
nearly 2M Muslims have made their way to the U.S.A. since 1992, mostly legally
"Scholars such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Daniel Pipes have warned for years of the Muslim Brotherhood's doctrine of immigration, or 'al-hijra', as the long-term strategy to transform America into a different type of society -- one that subjugates all other religions under Islam [sort of an inversion of the Free State Project]."

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Meira Svirsky _Clarion Project_
Mohammedan "charity" in USA ("Islamic Relief USA" [IRUSA]) linked with Turkish Hamas afiliate "Humanitrian Relief Foundation" (IHH)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: al-Fatah/Fatah
Discover the Networks: Palestinian Authority
Discover the Networks: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Global Security: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Investigative Project: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Counter-Extremism Project: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad (IJ)
Christian Broadcasting Network: what is Islamic Jihad?
2016-06-13: Benjamin Weingarten: Classical Liberal Review: how to stop Islamic jihad
2016-05-27: Tower: Iran re-news relations with Palestinian Islamic jihad, pledges $70M in aid from the billions the corrupt Obummer gave them
Jordan Schachtel: Classical Liberal Review: why Hezbollah is bad
Iran/Hezbolla threaten us right here inside USA 🇺🇸
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/ Hizbollah/ Hizbullah/ Hazballah
2016-03-31: Alexander Corbeil & Amarnath Amarasingam: Foreign Affairs: Houthi Hezbollah: Iran's train-and-equip program in Sanaa, Yemen
The Religion of Peace

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Chicken Little and Chicken Little ii, 46 years apart

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Robert F. Kennedy ii among insane warmist hysterics who want others to be sacrificed to their whims (video)
Rick Moran: American Thinker
PJMedia: Leonardo diCaprio (video)

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Anthony Watts & Chip Knappenberger
if you want to play the "all weather is influenced by global warming" game, you are going to lose

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Anthony Watts
CNN goes warmist hysteric

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Anthony Watts
"paid volunteers" in the NY climate hysterics fund-raiser

2014-09-21 (5774 Alul 26)
Anthony Watts & Tim Ball
salmon, climate, and accountability
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
John Judis plays the race card

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
_Working Smarter Cafe at Kronos Inc._
Ill-Begotten Monstrosities (IBM) training program... for a 10% pay cut
"Well, a training program first reported in Computerworld that sets aside a day a week for 6 months for identified employees 'to focus on learning and development'.   In exchange for this investment in themselves, IBM will pay the employees 90% of their base salary.   If you read the comments in the Computerworld or the New York Times story, you'll see the program isn't going over too well with [the employees]....   Mark Nickson 2014 September 23, 06:48 'the half-life of an engineers knowledge is around 5 years'."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Robert Curry _View from 1776_
the Scottish renaissance in America
"The Scottish Enlightenment (it lasted from about 1730 until about 1790) was an explosion of creative intellectual energy in science, philosophy, economics, and technological innovation.   It arrived just in time to have a decisive influence on the Founders [as their teachers]..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Robert Stapler _View from 1776_
leftist knee-jerk blind spots: Obummer's Middle-Eastern strategy
"There is one further problem impeding progress here, and that is the lack of agreed upon objectives.   In fact, it is the main impediment.   Agree on objectives, and the solutions will quickly follow even should the factional distemper continue..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Thomas E. Brewton _View from 1776_
today's secularity vs. constitutional liberties
"Of particular importance was John Adams's claim for the origin of political liberty: 'Rights antecedent to all earthly government...   Rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws...   Rights derived from the great Legislator of the universe...'   Needless to say this conception stands in diametric contrast to the secular and materialistic position advocated by [leftist] government..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Antone Gonsalves _"IT" News_/_IDG_
the limits of Apple's iOS 8 privacy features

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Victor David Hanson _PJMedia_
Versailles in California; rulers divorced from realities of most citizens: water, fuel, electricity, housing, employment are all distorted by and for the hoi aristoi of the left coast

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
don't come to watch the battle, do battle

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
_The Murder of the Middle Class_ by Wayne Alyn Root

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's lawless immigration plan is a gift to the wealthiest, most power-mad 1%

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS chooses convenience for aliens over sound decision-making in L-1 + TN move
"The decision...is all too symbolic of the mind-set of the administration, which at its highest levels is not terribly interested in vigorous enforcement of immigration law...   These aliens claim they are eligible for either L-1 or TN visa status on the grounds of their job offers.   They are pampered because, unlike other white-collar, employment-based migrants, they do not have to go to an embassy or a consulate to get a visa; they can obtain these at a port of entry.   They are further pampered in that, without appointments, they can show up at any port of entry any time it is open, day or night, and seek this special service.   Finally, this is a deal available only to Canadians; Mexicans with exactly the same qualifications must get their visas at a consulate or the embassy..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Donald A. Collins _V Dare_
entry of White House illustrates elite's double-standards on immigration
"I don't understand why everyone seems so upset about an armed intruder making it through the fence around the White House. [Security breach prompts more White House security, AOL, by Josh Lederman, 2014 Sep 21]   After all, Mr. Omar Gonzalez is simply taking the president's immigration policy to its logical conclusion—and we are told he meant no harm. [White House intruder owns 'firepower', but meant no harm: Ex-stepson, Associated Press, 2014 September 21]   If it's immoral to keep people out of [the USA] why isn't it immoral to keep them off the White House lawn?   Mr. Gonzalez simply leapt over the fence like so many people south of the border do to enter our country illegally every day.   But unlike the President, ordinary Americans don't have a phalanx of armed guards or reporters screaming for more security.   Instead, we simply have the consequences of an on-going invasion..."
Peter Brimelow: a wild ride but VDare.com is almost there

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
"Federale" _V Dare_
the felonious conspiracy to aid illegal aliens: DHS and California government agree on licenses for illegal aliens
Peter Brimelow: a wild ride but VDare.com is almost there
Peter Brimelow: a wild ride but VDare.com is almost there

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Keith Edwards _American Thinker_
what wil the next president inherit from Obummer?

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Karin McQuillan _American Thinker_
schizophrenic leftists/Dems unfazed as they worsen disaster

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
John H. Watson _American Thinker_
protecting the integrity of elections

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
C. Edmund Wright _American Thinker_
meet John Feehery, perhaps the worst RINO consultant ever

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
why Ezekiel Emanuel is evil and foolish

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Politico does weepy story about poor, vicious, corrupt Lois Lerner

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
the return of national security as a campaign issue worries dovish leftist Dems

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Richard F. Miniter _American Thinker_
baboons, government and the war against science: government has a limited range of ability beyond which it cannot operate effectively
"our founding fathers were pretty smart, and we usually find that government is effective only within the range of its constitutionally authorized activities.   For example, the U.S. Marine Corps works really well, while [AmeriCorpse] doesn't...   the nineteenth century.   The greatest century that ever was.   Living standards quadrupled and quadrupled again in western Europe and North America.   Life expectancy doubled.   Families that began that century drawing water from the well, walking, or being pulled around by horsepower ended it with more and more of them enjoying hot and cold running water inside their homes, speeding across the countryside on trains, or planning to buy one of those horseless carriages that had begun rattling their way across the countryside.   The 19th century produced the first effective drugs and surgical procedures.   It brought gigantic advances in public health, anesthetics, and commercially available fertilizers.   It introduced new products like rubber and bakelite, and new inventions like the telegraph, electric light, mechanical harvesters, gang plows, and telephones.   Steel, which could cost $7/pound [$700/100 pounds] in 1800, dropped to 3 pounds for 2 cents [$0.67/100 pounds] by 1900, and 10K products -- buckets, stoves, agricultural tools, belt buckles, guns and knives and forks -- ended their 4K-year history of being made by hand out of difficult to work or short-lived materials and were now made of more durable steel in factories...costing a tenth, then a hundredth of what they had...   It was advances in science -- indeed, the invention, we might say, of science coupled with the marvelous cast of characters who applied this new discipline to our lives...   people know that science works.   Yet science is not and never has been the idiosyncratic meanderings of some angry personality.   It's the formulation of a hypothesis -- that is, a theory of how something works -- then the design of experiments to test that hypothesis that are, indeed must be, capable of replication by others..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
James Longstreet _American Thinker_
how many straws?: scofflaw Eric Holder is long over-due for impeachment

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Russ Vaughn _American Thinker_
so why are we allowing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle to export oil?
"ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle is a self-funding movement due to its control of producing oil fields in Northern Iraq.   King Abdullah of Jordan estimated the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle revenues from energy production were approximately $6M per day, a helluva lot of income for a ragtag terrorist organization.   He then went on to say that they are, in fact, bootlegging their product at well below the market price, as low as $30.00 per barrel at a time when 'legitimate' product is moving through major markets at triple that figure...   To gather production from an oilfield into a central, marketable product requires a well-engineered network of collection processes that are quite visible to aerial observation and equally vulnerable to aerial attack and destruction.   If all that black gold is moving through under-ground pipe-lines, there still must be major gathering points and trans-shipment terminals.   So why are these key targets not being bombed into oblivion by our military, thus cutting off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle' cash flow?   An age-old tenet of war is to strangle your enemy's economy.   Why then are we allowing these murderous thugs to extract, transport and sell on the international market a product that feeds their murderous atrocities?"

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Ed Lasky _American Thinker_
David Horowitz tells the truth, delves into the hypocrisy and willful blindness of the left in the USA

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
David Suissa _Jewish World Review_
are Jews losing their history?
"the 18 centuries of Diaspora history between the destruction of the Second Temple in the year 70 and the beginning of the Holocaust.   When's the last time we heard any of those stories?   Seriously, where did those 1,869 years go?"

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Susan Ferrechio _Jewish World Review_
Khorasan terrorists
I'm starting to think that the calving of Muslim terrorist groups is an effort at a DOS attack, by saturating the net with their varied names...jgo

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
Obummer's to-do list

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Ethel G. Hofman _Jewish World Review_
Rash HaShanah favorites: Old World taste, reduced calories

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
What will the October surprise be this time?

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Paul Johnson _Jewish World Review_
putting Putin in his place

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Republicans should not pander to Hispanic voters (nor to white voters, black voters, Amerindian voters, Asian voters, South Asian/Indian voters, Catholic voters, Jewish voters, Presbyterian voters, Lutheran voters, Muslim voters, Baptist voters...)

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
half measures won't defeat violence-initiating Muslims
"After 56 months of stalling in the Paris peace talks, the North VietNamese agreed to a cease fire that preserved existing borders.   We got the deal [the US government had] sought all along -- a tie -- only because of the 11 days during the U.S.A. decade in VietNam in which we used military power the way it is supposed to be used.   That was when B-52s dropped 15,237 tons of ordnance on 32 critical military and industrial targets during Operation Linebacker ii in 1972 December.   After 11 days, North VietNam's ports were blocked, its rail system was in shambles, 80% of its electric power grid destroyed [but then the US government backed off and let them rebuild and re-arm]..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
mobilization of US citizenry lacking in war against violence-initiating Muslims

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
how ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle already threatens the USA

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
_Investor's Business Daily_
USA could defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle within 90 days

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
_Investor's Business Daily_
letters between Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Saul Alinsky show her extreme leftism did not end in the 1960s
Washington DC Free Beacon

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Trotsky's curse: Barack Hussein Obummer goes to war
Richard Fernandez

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
the "immediate" thereat of Khorasan and the link with Iran
"Khorasan, on the map circulated by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, includes Iran, reaching deep into central Asia through Afghanistan and Turkmenistan and swallowing the Indian subcontinent.   The sudden focus on this name comes in the same month that Zawahiri announced a long-planned expansion into India, Burma, Bangladesh and beyond -- the Al-Qaeda Jihad Organization in South Asia..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJMedia_
how did king Richard iii of England die?
"a paper about the death of Richard iii in a recent edition of the Lancet.   His remains were found recently buried under a car park [parking lot] in Leicester, a dismal provincial town in England, one of many ruined by planned modernization.   The car park had once been a priory...   forensic pathologists and archaeologists have examined them minutely for clues as to how he died at the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485...   he had a severe scoliosis which made his right shoulder higher than his left...   Assuming that the wounds to his skull were inflicted before his death rather than after (and they were certain inflicted very near the time of his death, for they show no signs of healing), Richard could not have been wearing a helmet at the time.   OTOH, he must have been wearing body armor, for there were no signs of defensive wounds on his forearms..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Jack Dunphy _PJMedia_
Daniele Watts and the allure of racial victimhood: the myth of racial profiling lives on despite repeated evidence to the contrary

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
what is a "grand strategy"?
"[Obummer's] performance amounted to a reverse Teddy Roosevelt: Talk harshly and carry a soft stick."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
John McCain isn't very interested in helping Republicans win a majority in the US senate

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
_Investor's Business Daily_
warmist hysterics out of step with reality
"Those trying to save the planet leave trash-filled streets in advance of a U.N. climate confab that's a solution in search of a problem.   Even a former administration official thinks the Earth is fine.   Colorfully costumed zealots marched in New York and other cities Sunday in advance of Tuesday's U.N. Climate Summit.   Once again they claimed, 'The science is settled.', and blamed capitalism for non-existent weather change.   They barely noticed, as British climate-change skeptic Lord Christopher Monckton points out at Marc Morano's Climate Depot, the 'Great Pause' in global temperatures now stands at 17 years and 11 months.   Demonstrators march toward Wall Street on Sunday to demand more action on climate change and corporate greed. View Enlarged Image Monckton points out that this nearly 18-year pause in warming, which began before some of the marchers were born, is the longest since satellites began monitoring global temperatures in 1979..."

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Shawn Langlois _MarketWatch_
more warmist hysteric hypocrits in NY

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Bob Tisdale
more than 310K people -- gullible and/or with skewed priorities and/or disconnected from reality -- flooded NY

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Anthony Watts
surprising PNAS paper: CO2 emissions are not the cause of any USA left coast warming

2014-09-22 (5774 Alul 27)
Anthony Watts
Arctic sea ice extent under-going rebuilding for this annua cycle; new high sea ice record in the Antarctic
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
a failed recruitment
"'XXXX County Transportation Commission…had a recent failed recruitment for a GIS staff member...   I've been asked if I could beat the bushes for any recent graduates (under-graduate or graduate level.) with a mixture of interest in land use planning, transportation planning, and GIS skills...'...   Yes, they 'beat the bushes', but only ones that grow on university campuses...   Tim Jackson's book _Inside Intel_ reported a practice in the firm of 'bumping' (their term) out older workers.   An Intel job posted in 2013... (taken down after I wrote about it), overtly restricted to new or recent college graduates, just like the GIS job shown above...   in Dawn Kamamoto's piece in the excellent series she and Dice did last year... 'most of the H-1B workers at Intel were hired through its college recruitment efforts.   In some circumstances, the company isn't able to find a suitable candidate on campus at all.   In those cases, it resorts to other means.'...   Just as in the GIS case, it is clear that Intel's definition of 'beating the bushes' mainly involves the young...   even the industry concedes that many older workers do have the skill sets of interest to them.   If they really were beating the bushes, they'd try harder to find such workers.   In my experience, such workers are already in their data-bases, just dismissed for not being NCGs/RCGs."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
shifts in immigration
Investor's Business Daily
"The United States got high-skill immigrants in the Ellis Island period largely by happenstance.   Today, Canada and Australia profit from upward mobility because their immigration laws admit only those with high [levels of] skills.   If we want similar results, we should follow their lead."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
are there any penalties for violating immigration law?
"Francisco Aguirre isn't the first illegal immigrant to be given sanctuary by a church, but he might be the most egregious scofflaw to secure such protection.   His two-decade-long migration saga tells us just about everything we need to know about our Keystone Cops system of immigration enforcement and how scofflaws gain a sense of entitlement thanks to misguided persons and institutions who don't care about the rule of law or the message that a no-consequences and no-penalties immigration system sends to aspiring migrants around the world.   According to the Associated Press, Aguirre, a 35-year-old native of El Salvador, has lived illegally in the U.S.A. for most of the last 19 years.   He was deported in 2000 following a conviction for drug trafficking but apparently slipped back into the U.S.A. illegally. Aguirre, who has 2 children who were born in the U.S.A., apparently didn't come to the attention of the authorities again until August, when he was arrested for driving under the influence.   He was dubbed a 'priority removal' case by ICE, but when ICE agents came to his home, he didn't let them in and apparently they didn't break the door down to remove him.   (Aguirre claims they had no warrant.)   Aguirre sought and received sanctuary at the Augustana Lutheran Church in Portland, OR.   The case brings back memories of Elvira Arellano, an illegal immigrant who received sanctuary in a Chicago church for a year back in 2006 before being deported.   Earlier this year she came back to the U.S.A. and sought asylum.   She now travels the country advocating for the 'rights' of illegal immigrants..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
seeking an EB-5 success story, Turkish charter schools zapped, and the Samoan amnesty
"The Turkish Schools.   This string of charter high schools, part of a network of entities revolving around a prominent Muslim cleric, Fethullah Gulen [Fethuallah Guelen], now in residence in Pennsylvania, is organized by people of Turkish descent and got some well-deserved bad press this summer, notably in Ohio.   As we have pointed out in the past, these schools -- all supported by local and federal tax funds -- have abused the H-1B program by bringing in teachers from Turkey to displace U.S. teachers...   Here's a sample of the reporting in the Akron Beacon Journal on their operations: '...charter schools, founded by Turkish immigrants, is taking the position that the United States lacks a qualified pool of math and science teachers and is importing perhaps hundreds of Turks to fill the void...   the [schools] are related through membership, fund-raisers, and political giving to the non-profit Niagara Foundation, which provides trips to Turkey for state, local, and federal law-makers.'...   the Beacon Journal is to be commended for letting investigative reporter Doug Livingston have enough time to report in depth on this matter.   A few days after Livingston's series went to press, the Ohio State Board of Education started an investigation of the same set of schools on a different set of issues: 'sweeping allegations of test cheating, attendance tampering, improper sexual conduct, and other misdeeds', according to the Columbus Dispatch.   Unfortunately the Gulen network is quite skilled in wiggling out of such situations, and the press rarely pays much continuing attention...   Because American Samoa is subsidized by Washington, as neighboring independent country of Samoa (once Western Samoa) is not, those Samoans frequently show up illegally and in relatively large numbers in our Samoa, as we mentioned in an earlier web log.   The latest Samoa News report on this legalization program said that 4,111 people would benefit from the program, mostly former residents of Samoa.   But within this total there were also seven people from Romania, perhaps a family..."
Diane Ravitch
2014-07-05: Islamist Watch
2014-07-08: Youngstown OH Vindicator: problems connected with Guelen charter schools in Ohio continue to mount
cqrc engage: Ohio tax-victims provide jobs to Turkish immigrants through charter schools
2014-07-27: William Phillis: Highland county OH Press
2014-07-16: Catherine Candisky: Columbus OH Dispatch: 19 charter schools to be investigated for years of misconduct
Dan Mihalopoulos: Chicago IL Sun-Times: search warrants reveal details of FBI raid of Concept charter schools
Gulen charter schools in the USA

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
who wants war?
Investor's Business Daily
"In all my 84 years, I cannot recall a time when most Americans wanted war.   That is something we should be proud of.   But wars are not always optional...   The big problem is that the things that win elections are not the things that win wars...   telling your enemy in advance what you will or will not do is not the way to win wars..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Obummer and his "non-Islamic" Muslim initiators of violence
"Has he studied Islam and Islamic history and concluded that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle, Boko Haram, al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, Jamaat-e-Islami, Lashkar-e-Taiba... [Fatah, PLO, Palestinian Authority, Hizbullah]... the Muslim terror groups in Somalia, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere... Muslim Brotherhood... [Wahabis]...   Killing 'unbelievers' [and infidels, apostates, and heretics] has been part of -- of course not all of -- Islam since its inception.   Within 10 years of Muhammad's death Muslims had conquered and violently converted whole peoples from Iran to Egypt and from Yemen to Syria...   The Hindu Kush, the vast, 500-mile long, 150-mile wide mountain range stretching from Afghanistan to Pakistan, was populated by Hindus until the Muslim invasions beginning around the year 1000.   The Persian name 'Hindu Kush' was proudly given by Muslims.   It means 'Hindu-killer'.   At least 60M Hindus were killed by Muslims during the thousand years of Muslim rule.   Though virtually unknown, it may be the greatest mass murder in history next to Mao's..."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Robert Moses: exemplar of modern power-madness in NY

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
why do violence-initiating Muslims like to behead people?

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer is a leftist Johnny Bravo

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
9th circus and school bullies believe they can violate the 1st amendment
"Why didn't school officials go after the trouble-makers instead of taking the easy and cowardly path of punishing the peaceful students?   Why didn't they act like adults, let alone proud Americans, and threaten disciplinary action against the wrong-doers?   Instead, they rewarded their thuggish behavior and incentivized further acts of bullying.   The court, by approving this horrendous school decision..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
for GOP, Scott Walker's re-election for government is as important as any other contest
"This year, AFSCME, the AFL-CIO and others will spend tens of millions, perhaps more than $100M, in an effort to unseat him..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the warmist hysteric march to nowhere
"The throng would have better advised to parade in downtown Beijing, assuming the Politburo wouldn't have called out the infantry.   [Red China] is the locus of the alleged crime against the planet that is carbon emissions...   There are many things we should be attempting to persuade [Red China] to stop doing: Arbitrarily ruling over its own people.   Imprisoning and torturing dissidents.   Occupying Tibet.   Making aggressive territorial claims in its region..."
Investor's Business Daily

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Kathleen Caulderwood _Jewish World Review_/_International Business Times_
why Arab Bank was found guilty of supporting terrorist Hamas (just like the Obummer regime!) in precedent-setting case

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's all-American show in Iraq
(great cartoon by Rick McKee: Augusta GA Chronicle: No Boots on the Ground)

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Michael Ramirez _Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer's virtual reality (cartoon)

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Adam Kredo _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Hezbollah rejects USA's anti-ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle coalition

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
_Washington DC Free Beacon_
Veterans Administration, claimed veteran canceled/then re-scheduled appointment... 4 days after he had died waiting for his original appointment

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Scott Brown objects to opponent's support for amnesty for illegal aliens; surges ahead in NH polls

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
GOP losership refuses to bring national issues into the campaigns, refuses to bring national resources to non-leftist candidtates, continues to move further left of center
"Americans are angered by the idea of an unconstitutional executive amnesty and the raw political calculation behind it.   Top pollster Kellyanne Conway's research shows that 75% of Americans want more enforcement of current immigration laws, including 63% of Hispanics and over 50% of Democrats (emphasis mine).   By carefully avoiding any mention of opposition to amnesty the national GOP, beholden as it is to big business, is passing up the opportunity to recapture the 'Reagan Democrats' and put itself on the right side of an issue that has 8 to 1 support according to Conway's research.   On national security Americans are frustrated by the contempt with which dictators, such as Russia's Vladamir Putin, view America under [Barack Hussein Obummer].   Voters, particularly women, are fearful of a world where American defense spending is being cut, but their President has no strategy to confront the brutal jihadis of the Islamic State, and we face an increasingly hostile and expansionist Russia and the unknown threats presented by a porous southern border..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
_Conservative HQ_
Rand Paul rallies California GOP: Obummer violating US constitution and laws

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Agam Shah _"IT" News_/_IDG_
ARM's new processor could usher in feature-rich robots, appliances, wearables: ARM's Cortex M7 processor could make drones more agile

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Dems poll numbers are bad and worsening

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
4 reasons Israel's future looks bright as the New Jewish Year begins Wednesday evening

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Obummer regime inversion regulations don't address the real problems
"The post identifies the high corporate tax rate and the double taxation of income earned abroad as the problems that need to be addressed.   As we have mentioned here before, those options are never considered by Democrats..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJMedia_
interview of Frank Gaffney ii: willful blindness to global jihad (audio, 4 segments of 10 minutes each)

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Ricard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the rise of SPECTRE, KAOS...

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Jaqui Shine _Chronicle of Higher Education_
25 years after an infamous study predicted talent shortages, its ghosts still haunt us
"the ghost has a name, and it is 'Prospects for Faculty in the Arts and Sciences: A Study of Factors Affecting Demand and Supply 1987-2012'...   The authors of the report were William G. Bowen, president emeritus of Princeton University, and Julie Ann Sosa, a Princeton alumna and, at the time the study was published, a graduate student in economics at Oxford University.   William Pannapacker, everyone's kill-joy Daduate Adviser, wrote with 2 co-authors in 1998 that it was Bowen's and Sosa's 'predictions, widely disseminated in the popular media, that led so many current graduate students and new Ph.D.'s to abandon other careers and pursue doctoral study', only to find that those new tenure-track jobs hadn't materialized.   Yes, Bowen and Sosa were wrong.   A quarter century later, it's clear that their projections were hilariously, badly wrong...   Lynne Cheney...dissenter...   Julie Ann Sosa... By the Fall of 1990, she had abandoned her studies in economics in favor of medical school..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Thomas E. Brewton
understanding why they've decided to be our enemies
David Solway: Front Page Magazine: the qustion of "Islamic reform"
"Perhaps the major theological problem confronting the revisionist Muslim community today -- i.e., those whom we call 'moderates' or 'secular-oriented intellectuals' -- is the canonical scriptures which define their faith and without which Islam would cease to exist.   The dilemma for these 'enlightened Muslims' is the Koran itself, with its ubiquitous summons to warfare, conquest, enslavement and social and economic persecution of vanquished peoples...   once the incendiary and violent passages are expurgated from the Koran and the Hadith, and the philosophical and political curriculum appropriately bowdlerized, there is far too little left over on which to base a credible and authoritative, world-historical faith..."

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Voter Fraud expert: "We smell ACORN" in Georgia

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Willie Soon & Christopher Monckton
it is time to stop the climate scare stories

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Anthony Watts
an extra-ordinary meeting of climate scientists and warmists in Bath

2014-09-23 (5774 Alul 28)
Anthony Watts & Eric Worrall
fun diversion: How long until Antarctic ice touches South America?
Proposed Bills 2014




Erev Rash HaShana (eve of the head of the year)

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
the shofar's cry, the shofar's warning, the shofar's call, the shofar's unifying

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Joshua E. London and Lou Marmon _Jewish World Review_
indulgences for celebratory meals
"Rosh HaShanah marks the start of the Jewish civil calendar and the anniversary of the creation of the world.   It initiates the 10 Days of Awe (Yomim Noraim), also known as the 10 Days of Repentance (Aseret Yomei Teshubah), culminating at Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement..."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Libi Astaire _Jewish World Review_
crowning moments
"Although we don't know when the first crown was made, in 1961 Israeli archeologists found a copper circular object with spiked pieces pointing upward that looks like it could have sat on some ancient Canaanite's head.   Archeologists are a cautious lot, but museum publicists tend to be more exuberant.   So when this object was shown last March at New York's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, it was lauded as 'the world's oldest crown'.   Since the object dates to around the time of Methuselah..."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
time for USA Jewry to take its cues from Israel: a prayer for 5775

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration, criminal creativity, and some speculation
"I was silently speculating on whether the creation of a questionable protest agency was a one-off arrangement or a widespread practice when my informant appeared in the bar.   At first we discussed the visa mill we had both discovered; he years before I did.   He said that it was owned by Turks when he knew it; I said it was subsequently purchased by a Chinese businessman and was now inactive, though it maintained a small office for reasons that were not clear to either of us.   We grumbled to each other about the overly casual regulation that the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] provides for these marginal institutions.   As lunch progressed, his attention turned to a different Chinese-owned private, for-profit university in the suburbs, one that he suspected had far more ambitious goals than taking tuition money from F-1 students.   He said that he was pretty sure that the owner (I continue to have trouble with the notion that a university can have an owner) was very well connected with the Chinese government.   He also knew the nature of its concentration -- it offered courses in management to U.S. military officers, who often find it useful to advance their careers by securing an advanced degree, such as an MBA.   Then the speculation began: Couldn't such a school provide first-class instruction in management, market to the military, and charge reasonable fees, all with a hidden motive? That motive is reading the theses written by officers on their own management experiences.   Their work, by definition, would be in the military. Might not a collection of such papers turn up useful intelligence for a foreign power?"

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
responding to Obummer's unconstitutional immigration fiats (part 2)

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
statistical disparities don't mean there is injustice
"According to a recent study conducted by Bond University in Australia, sharks are 9 times as likely to attack and kill men than they are women...   men are 50% of the population and so are women, men are struck by lightning 6 times as often as women...   Another gross statistical disparity is despite the fact that Jews are less than 3% of the U.S. population and a mere 0.2% of the world's population, between 1901 and 2010, Jews were 35% of American and 22% of the world's Nobel Prize winners.   There are other disparities that we might acknowledge with an eye to corrective public policy.   Asian-Americans routinely score the highest on the math portion of the SAT, whereas blacks score the lowest..."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
11 reasons why ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle might be more dangerous than al-Qaeda

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the left tries to drum up the base... by making stuff up
"Women earn 57% of bachelor's degrees, 63% of master's degrees and 53% of doctorates.   They constitute the majority of the U.S.A. work-force and the majority of managers.   Single women without kids earn 8% more than single men without children in most cities.   Women make up almost half of medical school applicants and nearly 80% of veterinary school enrollees.   The recession -- a.k.a. the 'mancession' -- hit men much harder, and women recovered from it much more quickly.   When you account for hours worked and job choices, pay equity is pretty much here already..."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Hicken-Weasel: why Colorado's gutless governor is in trouble in contest with Bob Beauprez
please help find Marizela

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
cry, your privacy is being violated, and you are being extorted: some people's to dystopian efficiency over humanity

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
when they want to make it illegal to play outside
This illustrates another excellent reason most people should own and carry arms, for the defense of themselves and their families and neighbors against initiators of force and fraud...jgo

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
they're here; are we ready?
"There are about 2.6M Muslims living in America today, up from 1M in 2000, according to the 2010 U.S. Religion Census.   At least 100, perhaps as many as 300 'Americans' are fighting with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle in Syria and Iraq, 'senior U.S. officials' told the Washington DC Times.   About 40 who fought with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle have returned to the U.S.A., said representative Tim Bishop, D-NY.   Democrats blocked Sept. 18 consideration of a bill by senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, to strip citizenship from any 'American' who fights for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle.   The [Obummer regime] has 'widened the loop-holes' that permit Islamists to enter the United States, said a union representing federal immigration agents.   For every one who went overseas to fight, there could be as many as 10 ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle supporters here at home.   Former colleagues still on the job have told him 'with no uncertainty' that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle has established sleeper cells in the U.S.A., former CIA Middle East operative Bob Baer told CNN's Jake Tapper..."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
Dem and Rep party loserships both anti-liberty
"I want to try doing things my own way.   I should be able to.   As long as I don't harm someone else's body or property...   I worry more about people becoming habituated to being controlled..."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
how to seriously hamper ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
_Conservative HQ_
a revealing salute from the pro forma president

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
with his poor record, why does anyone listen to Karl Rove's advice?

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Kristin Tate _Breitbart_
massive "residential center" for illegal aliens to open in Texas

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Fiona Macrae _UK Daily Mail_
U of Sussex: gadget-using multi-tasking correlates with less gray matter in the anterior cingulate cortex

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
contrary to Ezekiel Emanuel's assertion, age is no absolute barometer for human vitality and dignity

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Christopher S. Rugaber _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
rising costs of living, stagnant pay are still putting squeeze on the "middle class"
"'An over-seas colleague characterized the situation well: [USA] is a place where the luxuries are cheap and the necessities are expensive.', said Joseph Cohen, a sociology professor at Queens College in New York."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Andrew Klavan _PJ Media_
go get 'em, Dinesh!

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Paula Bolyard _PJ Media_
Michigan governor Rick Snyder urges employers to use HS test scores when hiring

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Glenn Reynolds _PJ Media_
tech oligarchs waging war against the "middle class" (video)

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Shweta Iyer _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
multi-tasking changes the structure of the brain and reduces the amount of gray matter
"Previous studies have also shown a connection between switching through various technologies and the onset of depression and anxiety...   people who used more number of devices had smaller gray matter density in the part of the brain known as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC).   The ACC is situated in the arc-shaped region called the limbic cortex and has been implicated in cognitive and emotional processing...   'A longitudinal study is required to unambiguously determine the direction of causation.', Loh said."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
6 blood-type -- health correlations

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Anthony Watts & Eric Worrall
another force and fraud initiating eco-fascist calls for "deniers" to be jailed

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Anthony Watts & Jean S.
the "black Tuesday" of climate "science"

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Anthony Watts & "Zombie" of "zombietime" fame
NY & London watermelons vs. Oakland'ss deep reds
"At the New York event, many people noticed that gee, there sure are a lot of communists at this march.   But in Oakland -- always on the cutting edge -- the entire 'climate change' movement at last fully, irrevocably and overtly embraced communism as its stated goal.   Any concerns about 'optics' or operating in 'stealth mode' were abandoned..."

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Anthony Watts
Nic Lewis and Judith Curry, using data from UN IPCC AR5, suggest range of climate sensitivity is lower

2014-09-24 (5774 Alul 29)
Ronald D. Voisin
an engineer's questions regarding Holocene climate
Proposed Bills 2014




1789-09-25: Bill of Rights proposed by congress to the states

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Ryan Lovelace _National Review_
legal + illegal immigrant population has reached all-time high of 41.3M
Susan Ferrechio: Washington DC Examiner
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart: 2.48M from predominantly Muslim countries
"The U.S. immigrant population has doubled since 1990, while the general population has risen just over 20%; and quadrupled since 1970, while the general population has risen just over 50% since then.   The greatest increases over the last 3 years in the immigrant population over the last 3 years, between 2010 July and 2013 July, came not from Latin America but from the Middle East, Asia, and the Caribbean...   at least 7.5M immigrants have entered the country since 2007.   The states with the largest percentage increases in their immigrant populations since 2010 reportedly are North Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming...   According to CIS, the census data show that more than 13% of the population is now made up of immigrants, the highest percentage in 93 years..."

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Alicia A. Caldwell _AP_
DHS: 70% of illegal alien families are failing to appear for hearings
Mark Krikorian: Center for Immigration Studies

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
responding to Obummer's unconstitutional immigration fiats (part 3)

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Jill Reilly _UK Daily Mail_
FBI said it has identified "Jihadi John"

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Elizabeth Harrington _Washington DC Free Beacon_
WebMD received $13.9M from Obummer regime HHS to promote ObummerDoesn'tCare in crony socialist deal

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Jeryl Bier _Weekly Standard_
Border Patrol is purchasing 40K mylar emergency blankets for Texas Rio Grande valley

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Jennifer Kerns _Daily Signal_
"Square Reader" credit-card processor refusing to process arms and ammunition purchases under pressure from corrupt Obummer/Holder DoJ

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
_Laura Ingraham_
regional, national sheriffs' associations oppose amnesty for illegal aliens
Steve Garrison: Daily Times

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
haunting encounter with repeat initiator of force

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
people who don't go to college also matter
"Clearly, the blanket of protection thrown over 19-year-olds in college is not extended to 19-year-olds working full time at a Target check-out.   And they are in the majority.   Most Americans (58%) do not obtain an associate or bachelor's degree.   And half the kids who do go to college commute from home..."

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
is Ezekiel Emanuel old and in the way?: failing to learn from history

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
what proportion of the effort to counter Islamic initiators of force should be carried out through contract troops?

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
David Skolnick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
James Traficant hospitalized after farm-tractor mishap
"Traficant was driving a 1943 Ford tractor about 19:50 Tuesday at his family farm on West South Range Road. About 140 feet into a large pole barn the vehicle struck a large steel blade on the ground, said Goshen Police Chief Steven T. McDaniel. That caused the tractor to roll over backward onto Traficant still in the driver's seat, who was trapped underneath the vehicle..."

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Roger Kimball _PJ Media_
where is Hercules when you need him?
"...Just yesterday, the president of the United States -- that would be [Barack Hussein Obummer] -- stood before the United Nations and heaped praise on Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, a Muslim cleric who has endorsed a fatwa calling for the murder of U.S. soldiers.   Yep, Bin Bayyah is [Obummer's] candidate of the week for the prize of being a 'moderate Muslim'.   After all, he has had critical things to say about Islamic State and the charmingly named Boko Haram..."

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
_Conservative HQ_
extreme leftists/Dems conspire to drive advertisers away from Rush Limbaugh show
"in this case the evidence (links below) proves that only a few radicals at leftwing advocacy organization Media Matters are running and participating in this effort to intimidate both local radio stations that carry Rush, and local 'Mom-and-Pop' businesses that advertise on his show.   They have used technology to create tweets from people who don't exist, to use abuse accounts on Facebook, and to intimidate small businesses who advertise on conservative shows.   Media Matters is vicious, and dangerous to your freedom as few other domestic threats have been...   Only 10 Twitter users account for almost 70% of all StopRush tweets to advertisers, but their impact is amplified by illicit software...   How does this small group make themselves look so much bigger than they actually are? Stop Rush has deployed custom automated tweeting software..."

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
_Conservative HQ_
Republican losership are clueless; THIS is how we win

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
dosvedanya, Eric Holder: America's soviet socialist attorney-general tenders resignation (with political-cartoonish image)
Richard Fernandez: the end of Eric Holder

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
case against Eric Holder and DoJ for contempt of congress (in not responding fully and truthfully regarding "Fast and Furious") is moving forward

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Jeff Sessions: no senator should vote for attorney-general nominee who does not firmly reject Obummer amnesty for illegal aliens (by whatever name or euphemism)

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
FB appeal allowed in NY against collection of bulk user data under a gag order
"FB said in June that a New York court directed it to turn over data, including photos, private messages and other information of 381 accounts, as part of an investigation by the New York county district-attorney's office into a disability fraud case.   Of the 381 people whose accounts were covered under the warrants, 62 were later charged in the fraud case, FB said.   In its appeal, FB is asking for the return or destruction of the data and also wants a ruling on whether the warrants are in violation of the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures of property..."

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
family of US Marine imprisoned in Iran tries to get Iranian UN delegation to listen
"As world leaders converged upon New York this week for the 69th United Nations General Assembly, the sister and brother-in-law of a U.S. Marine held for more than 3 years by Iran came to town to ask members of the P5+1 for help.   Flagstaff, AZ, native Amir Hekmati was seized by the Iranian government in 2011 August while on a trip, with proper visa documents from the Iranian government, to visit relatives in Tehran.   He was originally sentenced to death in a quickie trial on charges of conspiracy to commit espionage, recently retried and sentenced to 10 years behind bars for 'collaborating' with the U.S. government...   Among the nations negotiating with Iran on its nuclear program this week, she said Germany responded to her request and talked with her a bit to hear the family's story...   the Hekmatis are stressing the humanitarian reasons to send the decorated Iraq war veteran home.   Amir's father, Ali, 63, suffers from terminal brain cancer and has had 3 strokes...   In March, Ali's doctor appealed directly to the Iranian government...   The Hekmatis' congressman, representative Dan Kildee (D-MI), also flew to New York for the UN meeting.   On Monday, Kildee sent letters to the 5 permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany to appeal for their help in pressuring Iran to release Amir...   The Hekmati family also got a chance to talk with UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who tweeted afterward, 'Met with family of Amir Hekmati today, an American who has spent over 3 years in an Iranian prison on false charges.   He must be released.'   'While Amir Hekmati has been imprisoned in Iran, his father's health has failed.', Ted Cruz (R-TX) tweeted Tuesday.   '#FreeAmir now so Amir can see him!'   Today is Amir's 1,122nd day in Iran's custody...   A Change.org petition started by Sarah, which has gathered more than 12K signatures, asks [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and secretary of State John Kerry 'to do everything they can to bring Amir home...'"

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Hassan Rouhani, president of Iran -- sponsor of Hamas, Hizbullah and several other international terrorist organizations -- says The West is to blame for global terror

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
but-outs, then and now: "Iraq War critic says Iraq withdrawal may have been the worst strategic mistake of all"

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
John Lewis says leftist policies are working as intended in Chicago & Detroit (video)

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Ezekiel Emanuel says Time to Die, Geezers! (video)
Tammy Bruce: Jewish World Review/Washington DC Times

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Kathy Shaidle _PJMedia_
"Tar Sands Messiah" director Tim Moen thanks readers for crowd-funding

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
will advances in radar make stealth jets obsolete?: a Red Queen problem

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
James Jay Carafano _PJMedia_
2 thumbs up!: Victor Davis Hanson 6-part lecture series on WW2 history
"What impresses most, however, is the quality of the content.   Military professionals divide war into three levels.   At the top are strategic matters, the stuff that busied Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Mussolini, Tojo and Hitler.   At the 'operational' level, field commanders like Eisenhower, Rommel, Zhukov, and Yamamoto plotted the campaigns to take the war to the enemy’s heartland.   At the tactical level, GIs, Tommies, and the rest of the 'grunts' fought at the sharp end of war in deserts, jungles and forests as well as on sea and in the air.   Any intelligent conversation about war must address all these levels and how they relate to one another.   And it is here that Hanson truly excels.   A master of synthesis, he weaves the story back and forth across the levels of war, from the White House and the Kremlin to field head-quarters to the front-line trenches and back.   This enables him to explain, for example, why 'good enough' technology like American tanks and planes could master more technically advanced German tanks and Japanese fighters..."

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Rob Jenkins _Chronicle of Higher Education_
FOIA "harassment"

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Christopher Monckton
warmist hysteric YouTube video claims debunked

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Sam Kazman
final legal briefs filed in climate libel case

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Anthony Watts
new research finds earth climate even less sensitive to CO2 levels than previously believed

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Anthony Watts
350.org caught up in fossil fuel "divestment" hypocrisy

2014-09-25 (5774 Tishrei 01)
Patrick J. Michaels & Paul C. Knappenberger
12 teams publish papers suggesting lower than expected sensitivity of global temperatures to CO2 levels
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
FB, H-1B and age
"Just to make matters concrete before I get to the figures, let's look at the example of my former student, whom I'll call Tom.   He has skills of great interest to FB, and is one of the sharpest students I've had.   I certainly know people at FB who are not quite as sharp as Tom.   Yet he didn't even get a phone interview from FB when he applied.   This shocked his friends, who with similar backgrounds were in strong demand.   Tom's problem, I believe, was that, in contrast to his younger friends, he was about 30 at the time he sought work at FB, as he had worked in the industry for a while before coming back for his Master's degree.   You might think that's a plus, but it basically priced him out of the market...   The [DoL Prevailing Wage 4 Level] system is complex, but Level roughly corresponds to years of experience.   Note carefully that even Level ii still is for the very young; if Tom had been an H-1B, he likely would have been at Level iii...   86% of FB's foreign software developers are younger than Tom (age 30)!   This, I submit, is why Tom didn't even get a phone interview from FB -- the firm wants the young H-1Bs instead of him.   And, as noted, they are immobile too, unlike Tom, making them much more attractive to FB even if he had been younger."

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime and some RINOs want illegal aliens to join the US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Dem/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate war against women
"Samira Salih al-Nuaimi, a well-known Iraqi human rights lawyer, was taken from her home by the radical Islamists occupying her home city of Mosul, Iraq, accused of 'apostasy', tried before an Islamic Sharia 'court', tortured for 5 days and then publicly executed.   Her crime? She posted messages condemning the destruction of religious sites..."

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
_Conservative HQ_
Obummer is set to allow illegal aliens to join US military, without background investigations

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Joel Gehrke _National Review_
Tom Coburn: Boehner, Ryan, Murray, Pelosi, Reid lied about over-spending in continuing resolution
Patrick Howley: Daily Caller

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Ken Dilanian _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Obummer regime FBI director James Comey objects to computing devices which enforce constitutional requirement for probable cause and warrant to access data

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Jazz Shaw _PJMedia_
leftist NYC mayor and the Great GroundHog Murder Caper and Cover-Up

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Donald Kagan _Wall Street Journal_
democracy requires a patriotic education

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Sarah Kendzior _Chronicle of Higher Education_
what job market recovery?
"If they were at a public university, they likely found their stipends, benefits, or resources cut.   Assuming they cleared these hurdles and managed to earn a PhD, they entered a job market in which some fields lost over 40% of their positions since the time they began their studies...   post-recession job decimation is widespread.   In science and engineering, there are now seven times more PhDs awarded than there are newly available faculty positions.   Positions in social sciences went into freefall in 2008, and while some fields have increased jobs over the past 2 to 3 years, all have failed to accommodate the glut of applicants who have been stranded since 2008, many of whom continue to adjunct to this day [and similarly, the recovery from the 2000-2001 recession had left many stranded in 2008]...   the reality might be that, in a rigged economic system, graduate school is no worse a bet than many others..."

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Greg Robb _Fox_
UMich consumer sentiment index rose from 82.5 in late-June to 81.8 in late-July to 82.5 in late-August to 84.6 in mid-September and stayed at 84.6 in late-September
Diane Swanbrow: UMich
San Mateo PA Daily Journal
Chris Rugaber: St. Augustine Record/AP
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Anthony Watts
study found global sea levels rose up to 5 meters (about 16.4 feet) per century at the end of the last 5 ice ages

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Eric Worrall
Australian government holds firm against climate bullying

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Anthony Watts
the air comes out of climate change talks
Real Clear Politics

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Anthony Watts
Friday funny: the de-evolution of climate hysteria activism

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Paul Driessen
protect the poor from government policies based on climate hysteria

2014-09-26 (5774 Tishrei 02)
Anthony Watts
DHS launches trial balloon to classify non-existent climate change as national security threat -- more dangerous than open borders, more dangerous than deadly pandemics, more dangerous than international terrorism and gangs (must be "more dangerous" in light of their actions)
"Durkovich spoke Thursday on a panel at the Rising Seas Summit, a three-day conference organized by the U.S.A.-based Association of Climate Change Officers to discuss tools and ideas on building resiliency, particularly against rising sea levels."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "More and more USA and European companies are out-sourcing (via cross-border bodyshop or off-shoring) software and 'IT' services directly to [Red Chinese] service providers." --- Duke U Off-Shoring Research Network (quoted in Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg109)  



2014-09-27 (5774 Tishrei 03)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: attorney-general nominee must publicly disavow Obumer amnesty for illegal aliens (under whatever name or euphemism)

2014-09-27 (5774 Tishrei 03)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
responding to Obummer's unconstitutional immigration fiats (part 4)

2014-09-27 (5774 Tishrei 03)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Joni Ernst
"Ernst, a 44-year-old state senator...   Ernst bemused: 'I am a woman, and I have been to war and this is not war.'   A 5-foot-2 grand-mother, she is a National Guard lieutenant colonel who served in Iraq."

2014-09-27 (5774 Tishrei 03)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
thoughts on the opening days of "the burning" of the Shenandoah Valley 150 years ago

2014-09-27 (5774 Tishrei 03)
Anthony Watts
another shabby attempt to tie tornadoes to "global warming"

2014-09-27 (5774 Tishrei 03)
Russell Cook
the merchants of smear

2014-09-27 (5774 Tishrei 03)
Eric Worrall
Manchester Guardian criticises peer review; open review yields, with the help of web loggers, better discovery of scientific flaws
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Michael Kan _"IT" News_/_IDG_
amid pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, Red Chinese ruling thugs block transmission of images, references to "tear gas"
"On Sunday, police in Hong Kong used tear gas to disperse large protesting crowds, with video and photos of the clashes immediately going on-line.   Web-sites in [Red China] have been blocking news about the events..."

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
it seems many Western heads have too little up there to be worth chopping off
"Nolen is not a card-carrying member of an officially credentialed state-recognized terrorism-provider such as ISIS or al-Qaeda.   It's true in the sense that he's not on any official US Department of Homeland Security [DHS] terror watch list, because, under the geniuses running American national security, that honor is reserved for my fellow Hillsdale cruiser Steve Hayes.   And, of course, it's also true in the sense that Mr. Nolen is a recent convert to Islam and, as David Cameron and [Barack Hussein Obummer] and many others are ever more eager to emphasize, terrorism is nothing to do with Islam.   Mr. Nolen had the Muslim greeting 'As-salamu Alaikum' -- 'Peace be upon you' -- tattooed upon his abdomen.   And he'd tried, without success, to persuade his co-workers at Vaughan Foods to convert to Islam.   So he wasn't just mildly Islamic in the nothing-to-do-with-terrorism sense, he was super-Islamic in the really-totally-no-terrorism-to-see-here sense...   the frantic insistence that Islam is no more prone to beheading than Buddhists or Episcopalians starts to sound like a psychosis..."

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Larry Mayer _Billings MT Gazette_
rail motor-car collector/restorers hold meet in central Montana
"Called railroad motor-cars, rail cars, speeders or put-puts (because of the sound they make) enthusiasts in NARCOA travel to locations where they make planned excursions on rail lines.   The cars were originally used to transport workers and for track inspection.   Today, they have been replaced by regular vehicles with retractable rail wheels.   The smaller cars can be picked up by 2 to 4 people to turn them around, but larger cars have a turn-table that extends from the bottom of the car and then turns as if it were on a lazy Susan..."

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Hilarye Fuller _Jewish World Review_
4 surprising lessons I've learned in my 20s

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Bruce Fein _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
senate should withhold confirmation from attorney-general nominees who won't make commitments under oath to investigate and prosecute through a special prosecutor the Obummer regime's rampant lawlessness

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
most Americans think Obummer and his regime are race-obsessed
"For [president Barack Hussein Obummer], the color of a man's skin is far more important than the content of his character...   Rather than talk about all that unites the races, for [Mr. Obummer], America just keeps getting worse and worse.   And that's just as he wants it to be.   For only by dividing Americans by race, sex and class can his pessimistic worldview take hold.   Then again, voters will go to the polls in little more than a month.   From all the polls the president didn't cite on Saturday night, the consensus is those Americans will vote against just the kind of divisiveness [Mr. Obummer] preaches every day."

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Valerie Richardson _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
MillionaireMatch.com: wealthy singles prefer non-leftists a potential spouses
"singles of both sexes were more attracted to conservatives than [leftists].   For women, however, the preference for right-tilting men was stronger.   40% of single women verified as millionaires surveyed said they preferred to be matched with a conservative, while 38.5% said they wanted a moderate guy.   Just 15% asked to be paired with a [leftist or very leftist] man...   37% [of the men] favored moderate or 'middle of the road' women, while 29% were most attracted to conservative women and 22% to women who were [leftist or very leftist]."

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
the fate of free speech
"...George Orwell was right when he observed that the first indispensable step towards freedom is the willingness to call things by their real names.   The cause of freedom is not aided when a director of National Intelligence says (and says with a straight face) that the Muslim Brotherhood is 'a largely secular organization'.   Nor is it aided when the USA president, his secretary of State and other underlings lie about what caused the Benghazi massacre..."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
Obummer's make-believe world

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
strike 2: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle under-estimated, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hizbullah, Iran under-estimated; Iraq army over-estimated

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
Obummer: US intelligence agencies under-estimated ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle (and Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hizbullah, and Iran)

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
some of the many moral failures of Eric Holder
"Eric Holder's left many baleful legacies: being censured by the House of Representatives; withholding subpoenaed documents, proving untruthful about a failed gun-walking caper in Mexico; failing to enforce laws on the books, from immigration to the elements of the Affordable Care Act; illegally billing the government for his own private use of a government Gulfstream jet; snooping on Associated Press reporters; giving de facto exemptions to renegade IRS politicos; and trying to create civilian trials for terrorist killers like KSM, one of the architects of the 201/09/11 attacks. But he will be known mostly for re-teaching Americans to think of race as essential, not incidental, to our characters..."

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Tim Ball
extinctions: what is natural

2014-09-28 (5774 Tishrei 04)
Anthony Watts
insurance companies not seeing posited link between "climate change" and weather disasters
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Most people don't mind criticism as long as it's about someone else." --- Suzan L. Wiener (source: Jewish World Review)  


2014-09-29: Michaelmas

1789-09-29: the U.S. War Department established a regular army with a strength of several hundred men AND: The first U.S. congress adjourned.

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Miriam Kosman _Jewish World Review_
expressing Divine love
"Anyone who's spent the evening pacing the hallway while worrying about their child, felt their stomach turn over at a PTA meeting, or found themselves irrationally upset about a relative's actions, has probably noted that love is a funny thing.   On the one hand it's the source of much of the joy in our life, on the other, it's the source of much of our misery.   Even as we try and escape the misery part, we know on some level that we can't -- they go together..."

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
when "sorry" seems to be the most difficult word

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
would you buy a used car from this EB-5 applicant?

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
don't ask for whom the terrorist trolls, er, tolls; s/he tolls for thee

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
"A" is for agitation: schools for scandal: the real issue is union control vs. pay for performance
"The JeffCo school board approved the new compensation system last week, which rewards the most highly effective teachers with 4.2% raises, effective teachers with 2.4% raises and inferior teachers with nothing.   Only 2% of teachers received no pay raises...   The chief architect of the APUSH revisions is David Coleman, a [regressive] ideologue who is also one of the prime movers and shakers behind the [Communist Corpes] standards scheme...   The debate over history standards is part of a wider battle between left-leaning militant teachers' unions, who explicitly see their primary role as Saul Alinsky-trained political agitators, and those who want to restore academic excellence, rigor and ideological balance in the schools.   While every liberal '-ism' has been incorporated into the school day -- from environmentalism and collectivism to 'social justice' activism to mandatory volunteerism, feminism and trans-genderism -- JeffCo school board members are now being mocked for simply proposing that citizenship, individualism and patriotism have a fundamental place at the school-teacher's table..."
please help find Marizela

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
"peace" protests, RIP

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
art and its discontents

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
leftist intolerance has become a growth industry

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
willful blindness to history

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
disgusting legacy of Eric Holder
"One would like to think his legacy of scandals and corruption finally caught up to him, but we have no reasonable expectation that this is the case, given this administration's agility at escaping accountability for any and all wrongdoing.   No, I doubt it's his malfeasance in connection with the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, his obstruction of the congressional investigation into the Internal Revenue Service scandal or any other of a number of legitimate reasons warranting his repentance and resignation.   Republicans and other lovers of the rule of law also have little reason for optimism as to the character of Holder's eventual successor, for anyone [president Barack Hussein Obummer] selects will doubtlessly be of the same bent -- strong on partisan politics and weak on justice..."

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
horror as an instrument of war

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Sital S. Patel _MarketWatch_
India's prime-minister Narendra Modi courts USA's CEOs
"About 65% of India's population is aged under 35, according to the country's 2011 census.   The jobless rate in India has been rising since 2011 and is expected to be 3.8% this year, according to the International Labour Organisation...   The prime minister took that message of economic progress to a crowd of 20K Indian-Americans at Madison Square Garden in New York and was met with enormous applause and enthusiasm..."

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Bruce Fein _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
intelligence community blunders

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
6 elements of "extremist Islam" that "moderate" CAIR endorsed as they condemned ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS: opposing caliphate competitors
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
is the DoJ correct to ban religious and racial profiling?
"CAIR appears to have more influence over the DoJ than national security experts do...   the feds stand set to consider white Catholic nuns as no less likely to commit acts of terrorism than Arab Muslim totalitarians."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
leftists as low-information voters
"There are a number of...intelligentsia...   well-educated professionals...   They are, increasingly, low information voters, living in willful or perhaps willed blindness...   he didn't want to know about such details...   long-held...assumptions it would be uncomfortable to question...   [Re: beheading in Oklahoma City] Islam and jihad, reiterating many details that many of us know, that...the Koran was a verbatim dictation from Allah, making reform difficult, and that the latter portions superseded the earlier more pacifistic sections and demanded violent jihad of its adherents.   This was all news to these educated people...   You would have thought they would have studied this subject a bit, but it was clear they didn't want to.   They listened politely as I talked, but I could see I was disturbing them with information they had no interest in hearing...   they are loath to see what is going on around them.   They are terrified of it...   They're just so scared of what's happening they can't think."

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
religion of peace: Iranian government to execute woman for fighting off rapist

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
how not to be poor

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
dynasty in Red China

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
George Wallace: the big lie
"Tom Wolfe once wrote that 'the greatest hoax of modern history' occurred when 'Russia's ruling socialist workers party, the Communists, established themselves as the polar opposites of their two socialist clones, the National Socialist German Workers Party (quicknamed The Nazis) and Italy's Marxist-inspired Fascisti, by branding both as the fascists', which quickly led to those 2 socialist clones as being described, per Stalin's orders, as 'right wing' for the rest of the 20th century with very little in the way of effective push-back from limited-government conservatives and libertarians until recent years.   The Democrats' ongoing efforts to off-load their shameful racist past onto the GOP has to run a close second.   Don't let them get away with it.   The Democrats were the party of Jim Crow.   Bull Connor was a member of the Democratic National Committee.   He set dogs and fire-hoses on civil rights protesters."

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Stanley Kurtz _National Review_
Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Pierre Comtois _PJMedia_
the 10 best SF titles in comics

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Eric Worrall
UN NY climate spin: putting on a brave face

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Anthony Watts
influence of solar cycles on climate during the Maunder Minimum

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Eric Worrall
new ploy: climate hysterics attack financial institutions

2014-09-29 (5774 Tishrei 05)
Eric Worrall
forget "carbon foot-prints"; the new alarmist sales pitch is "carbon hand-prints"
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: attorney-general nominee must oppose executive amnesty for illegal aliens to be confirmed
"'I think it's even bigger and broader than that.', Paul said when asked if he'd back a plan put forward by Senate Budget Committee ranking member senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to block the Holder replacement nominee if they support executive amnesty.   'I think the attorney general should, whoever the nominee is, acknowledge that they will operate independent of politics, independent of the president and under the direction of the Constitution.   The Constitution really doesn't allow the president to legislate.   It's a host of issues -- I wouldn't limit it to just immigration.   Whether it's immigration, healthcare or war, those are congressional powers.   But really with the whole separation of powers, he's had a whole host of executive orders that appear to be legislating and appear to be illegal.   So yeah I think those are important questions to ask the next attorney general.   The question I think is whether it comes up in lame duck session where they have the majority, or whether it comes up in January when hopefully the Republicans have the majority.'...   'We need someone at the Department of Justice who will restore fidelity to our national laws and boundaries.', Sessions said."
Mitch McConnell: attorney-general nominee must oppose Obummer's planned executive amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
responding to Obummer's unconstitutional immigration fiats (part 5)

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Ruben Navarrette unwittingly hits the nail on the head
"the restrictionists have been pointing out for [decades] that the American underclass is victimized by low-skilled immigration...   Navarrette's claim that the restrictionists have suddenly discovered the impact on America's poor as a reason for reducing the size of the yearly immigration flow is clearly false, and I suspect that Navarrette knows that...   Though arguably Navarrette has a point, the really salient point is that HE is the one doing the race-baiting...   Immigration keeps us from getting stagnant and complacent, but at a certain point it becomes harmful, both to the Americans and the newcomers alike.   H-1B, as I've said, is more than anything a tool to avoid hiring over-35 workers, and there are many older immigrant engineers in Silicon Valley who have trouble finding engineering work, just like the natives..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Shane O'Neill _Information Week_/_UBM_
India-based cross-border bodyshoppers continue to grow
"Yet Indian out-sourcers are still growing at a much higher rate than their Western counterparts (16% versus 0.5% between 2009 and 2012).   Lower wages, a favorable rupee/dollar exchange, and a much larger pool of [cheaper] younger [more pliant, low-skilled] programmers and engineers [with flexible ethics] make it appealing [for corrupt executives] to off-shore certain IT work-loads...   Major Indian providers such as Infosys, Wipro, and Tata Consultancy Services used to be 'traditionally on the outside, used by necessity', says Rutchik, but they can compete now with [domestic bodyshoppers] IBM, CSC, and Hewlett-Packard by using technologies that allow remote management of data center monitoring, servers, and patching...   In 2012, [Infosys] opened its 18th US office in Milwaukee.   It hired 1,200 [employees to work in the USA] in 2011 and an additional 2K [employees to work in the USA] in 2012 [but refuses to report the aggregate statistics on their nationalities]...   In 2011, Infosys was accused by [a management employee] of committing visa fraud by using B-1 visitor visas for work that required H-1B work visas [a practice documented in company memos; Boeing was caught in what appeared to be much the same scam some time back]...   Ultimately in 2013 Oct., Infosys agreed to settle the civil suit with US authorities by paying $34M...   [A new law-suit has recently been filed by the whistle-blower, because they kept him on for a while but refused to give him any work to do, then fired him.]...   As of 2014 March, Wipro Ltd, head-quartered in Bangalore, has 146K employees servicing [not serving] over 900 large enterprise and Fortune 1000 companies in 61 countries...   Wipro's global work-force consists of 98 nationalities working from 61 countries, and 8.5% of its work-force is non-Indian.   The average age of a Wipro employee is [only] 29 years old...   As of 2013 March, TCS had 199 offices in 44 countries and 124 delivery centers in 21 countries...   In the fiscal year 2012-2013, TCS hired 69,728 new staff, with 59,276 based in India and 10,452 based in other global locations [but they refuse to disclose the aggregate statistics on nationalities of their employees].   In 2012, the Tata group companies, including TCS, [used/abused the second-most] H-1B visas...."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
what the Arab world produces

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
don't say the "wrong" thing about ANYTHING... or else!

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
what women still want in a husband
"23% of men and 17% of women never married, up from 17% and 12% in 2000...   Among the never-married, 55% of men and 50% of women said they want to tie the knot someday.   (Men in this group are also more likely to believe that society is better off if marriage and children are a top priority for people.)   Among single people who have been married before, women are considerably less interested in re-marriage: Only 15% said they would like to get married again, compared with 29% of men -- while 54% of the women and 30% of the men said they definitely don't want to marry...   78% said a steady job was 'very important' in a potential spouse, outweighing even 'similar ideas about having and raising children' (70%).   Only 46% of never-married men said a steady job was very important in a future marriage partner.   Interestingly, equal numbers of women and men -- 28% -- said it was very important for a partner to have 'at least as much education' as they did...   Ironically, the Pew report also suggests that women's expectations of male breadwinning, combined with economic realities, are a barrier to marriage.   For every 100 never-married women ages 25 to 34, there are 91 employed men in that age group..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
who is this man?: Red China's slave labor camps

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's narcissism is a threat to USA's national security

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
USA at its best

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
who are you calling the party of the rich?
"[The USA economy having yet to fully recover from the recession of 2000-2001, nor even quite from the crash of 1987, with mass loss of employment in between] median American household saw its net worth decline by 36% during the Great Recession...   By 2012, the recession had been [officially 'over'] for 3-plus years, and yet the average American saw little improvement.   Average net worth continued to drift downward.   Long-term unemployment had reached record levels, and labor force participation declined [as have employment/population ratios; durations of unemployment remain very high].   More Americans had joined the disability rolls than gotten work.   Poverty was higher than at any time since the 1960s...   This year...1 in 4 working-age Americans is out of a job.   Wages have stagnated.   Debt is off the charts.   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] has increased the cost of health insurance.   Immigration reform is [still] popular [but not the immigration law perversion being pushed by the left/Dems and the GOP losership].   Inequality, supposedly the holy grail of Democrats, has increased on [Obummer's] watch.   World disorder is intensifying, while threats are multiplying.   [Obummer's] approval ratings, at 41.3%, are low.   But the approval ratings for congress are at 12.6%...   In 1998, John Boehner was among those who preferred a substantive agenda.   This year, he has offered little beyond platitudes...   Senators Mike Lee and Marco Rubio have proposed a tax reform that would offer [small] relief to parents.   Parents in effect pay twice for [the unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare: once when taxes are withheld, and again when they bear the cost of raising the next generation of [tax-victims].   The senators' proposal would provide an additional $2,500 credit for each child applicable against income and pay-roll taxes.   Their reform would also eliminate the marriage penalty and reduce the corporate tax rate, spurring economic growth...   Why are [tax-victims] being asked to foot the $4.9G bill for a high-speed rail link between Las Vegas, NV, and Victorville, CA...   The U.S. government sends nice round checks to cable providers ($7.2G as of 2012) for 'rural broadband' service.   As the CATO Institute notes, the majority of those served already have broadband...   Nicknamed 'Boeing's Bank', Ex-Im is a text-book example of corporate welfare..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
enough military force to entangle, but not enough to win
"We got the deal we'd sought all along -- a tie -- because of the only 11 days during our decade in VietNam in which we used military power the way it is supposed to be used...   B-52s dropped 15,237 tons of ordnance on 32 critical military and industrial targets during Operation Linebacker II (1972 December 18-29).   After 11 days, North VietNam's ports were blocked, its rail system was in shambles, 80% of its electric power grid destroyed.   'You had won the war.', said British counterinsurgency expert sir Robert Thompson.   'They had fired 1,242 SAMs.   They had none left.   They were at your mercy.   They would have taken any terms.'   We could have gotten that result, with fewer casualties (15 B-52s were shot down), at any time in the eight years preceding.   Most of the 47,424 Americans killed in VietNam died needlessly...   Half measures in war end badly..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a promise to defend USA on the cheap

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Obummer stands aloof from 4 of USA's foreign policy traditions

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's foolhardy "mission accomplished"

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
will mid-term victory by non-leftists break the stone-wall against the Keystone XL pipe-line?

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Rowan Scarborough _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
sailors mistrust leaders, 90% see admirals as "risk averse"

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Douglas Ernst _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Iraqi pilots mistakenly dropped supplies instead of bombs on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle terrorists

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Rusty Humphries _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
the irresponsible Barack Hussein Obummer

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Mideast policy written in blood: Obummer flip-flops on terrorism as thousands are raped and murdered
"The 2 most critical rules of warfare are to never tell your enemy what you will not do and to never be seen as a reluctant, vacillating warrior..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
in praise of Benjamin Netanyahu

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
the excellent "McArdle/Hinderaker Rule": bring your own camera to MSM appearances
"a camera, Twitter, and a colleague with a steady hand on retainer sure beats having that 'crisis management' PR firm on retainer."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
prioritizing and sorting true from false alarms

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Netanyahu: Iran still a more pressing threat than ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
vile from New York

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
brief thoughts on current events
"What a non-judgmental society amounts to is that common decency is optional -- which means that decency is likely to become less common.   The biggest issue in this fall's election is whether the [Obummer regime] will end when [Barack Hussein Obummer] leaves the White House or whether it will continue on, by appointing federal judges with lifetime appointments who share [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] contempt for the Constitution.   Whether such judges will be confirmed by the Senate depends on whether the senate continues to be controlled by Democratic majority-leader Harry Reid...   Since Illinois enacted a law permitting more people to carry concealed firearms, more than 65K people got permits to do so. Rates of robbery, burglary and motor vehicle thefts have dropped significantly, and the murder rate has fallen to a level not seen in more than half a century. If only the gun control fanatics would pay some attention to facts, a lot of lives could be saved..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Del Quentin Wilber _San Jose CA Mercury News_
contemptible power-mad, race-obsessed Eric Holder urging tech firms to make sure their 4th amendment rights can be easily violated by corrupt government thugs

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Eileen Brown _Jewish World Review_
micro-drones, dronies, nano-UAVs
fun & terrifying

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Steve Straub _Federalist Papers_
what this Democrat was just arrested for shows that vote fraud exists
New Haven CT Register
"State representative Christina 'Tita' Ayala (D-Bridgeport), was arrested on Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.   Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts [in which] she did not live, the chief-state's-attorney's office said in a press release..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
climate idiocracy on parade
"the 2006 film 'Idiocracy' that is best described by Wikipedia: a futuristic 'dystopian society wherein advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism have run rampant and dysgenic pressure has resulted in a uniformly unthinking society devoid of intellectual curiosity, social responsibility , and coherent notions of justice and human rights.'   Now doesn't that describe this bunch to a T?..."

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Anthony Watts
baseless claim from WWF: half of wildlife lost

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Bob Tisdale
the obvious failures of "climate science" that main-stream media ignore

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Eric Worrall
what California should learn from the Australian drought experience

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Eric Worrall
incitement to murder: the kill "climate deniers" theater-project

2014-09-30 (5774 Tishrei 06)
Anthony Watts
possible record low number of tornadoes in Oklahoma
Proposed Bills 2014

  "[Jacob Holdt] found Hizb ut-Tahrir's young members 'well educated and surprisingly well integrated', and Mikkelson agreed. It seems counter-intuitive, but many of Europe's most radical Muslims do indeed turn out to be among the best educated, highly fluent in the language of their country of residence as well as in English. Many have impressive technical, scientific, or computer skills; they enjoy much of what the West has to offer and are intelligent and gifted enough to make a real contribution to Western 'society'. Perversely, however, they've embraced an ideology that's violently antagonistic to the modern world and dedicated to the establishment of a caliphate modeled after the medieval Arab empire. One such Muslim is Theo van Gogh's killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, whose would-be suicide letter was compoesd not just in proper Dutch but in the distinctive poetic form used by Dutch people in their traditional Sinterklaas letters. It was neither poverty nor ignorance nor cultural isolation, then, that drove Boyeri to [initiation of force]." --- Bruce Bawer 2006, 2007 _While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within_ pp187-188  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2014

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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World + USA Over-Population Clocks
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World Atlas: states by population density


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