2014 October

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 25th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-08-12

  "No Person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the Age of 30 Years, and been 9 Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen." --- article 1 section 3 paragraph 3  

2014 October
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  "According to professor Robert J. Havighurst, ‷It seems probable that [the USA] discovers and develops no more than perhaps half of its potential intellectual talent. ‴ Information in this field changes rapidly, but at this writing only 23 states have legislation requiring special programs for gifted children. Another 20 states have legal provisions funding, but no requirement. According to estimates by the National Association for Gifted Children, approximately 35% of those identified areactually in some sort of program, but _A Nation at Risk_ [1983] claimed that less than half of our smart kids are even identified. The portion of the identified gifted who are in effective programs is not known." --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg92  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2014 October

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 15th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



BLS release of metropolitan statistical area data
1908-10-01: Henry Ford introduced the Model T automobile to the market.
1932-10-01: Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees made his supposed called shot, hitting a home run against Chicago's Charlie Root in the fifth inning of Game 3 of the World Series, won by the New York Yankees 7-5 at Wrigley Field.
1936-10-01: general Francisco Franco was proclaimed the head of an insurgent Spanish state.
1939-10-01: Winston Churchill described Russia as "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" during a radio address on the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
1949-10-01: Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China during a ceremony in Beijing.
1957-10-01: the motto "In G0D We Trust" began appearing on U.S. paper currency
1961-10-01: Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit his 61st home run to set a new record for homers in a season
1971-10-01: Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, FL.

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
Dallas ebola patient was another visa mistake

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
_Conservative HQ_
loser GOP campaign vs. winning non-leftist campaign: Thom Tillis in NC, Mitch McConnell in KY

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Josh Dawsey & Ben Leubsdorf _Wall Street Journal_
Jeff Bell notes that Fed's easy money practices have exacerbate federal government budget deficits

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Mike Lee: no attorney-general nominee should be confirmed who supports Obummer amnesty (by whatever name or euphemism) for illegal aliens
"'By announcing his plans to move forward on executive amnesty, the president is signaling to the country that the laws don't matter and the voices of the American people don't matter.   But I hope that those things do matter to our next chief law enforcement officer.', Lee said.   'The American people deserve an attorney-general who is committed to our Constitution and will faithfully follow and enforce the law.   I don't see how someone who shares those values could also support executive amnesty that ignores our laws and the democratic process the president must use if he wants to change them.   This issue will be one of the leading factors in determining my support for the nominee, so I hope he or she is prepared to answer questions on this topic.'"

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Bernie Becker _Hill_
IRS dragging heels on FOIA requests, 217 left unfulfilled in 2013, 118 at the end of 2012
"The inspector general found that, in seven of the 62 cases it looked at, the IRS potentially infringed on taxpayer rights by either withholding information or not looking hard enough for it. Those findings suggest that the IRS wrongly withheld information in around 336 of the 2,973 freedom of information requests it closed in fiscal 2013."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Obummer regime responsible for not stopping entry of people infected with ebola into USA
"President [Barack Hussein Obummer], Health and Human Services secretary Sylvia Burwell, Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson, and secretary of State John Kerry are directly responsible for allowing Ebola into the United States, the Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Studies Jessica Vaughan told Breitbart News...   INA...gives...'broad authority' to block [infectious] non-citizens..."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
CDCP spokes-clone Dave Daigle admitted screening a ports for communicable diseases is inadequate, won't ban flights from ebola epidemic areas

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Ben Stein _American Spectator_
the car is the greatest invention of mankind
"I LOVE CARS.   And I include trucks there, too, of course.   I LOVE CARS!!!!   The car is the greatest invention of mankind.   The car is what makes all of the difference in life.   Before the car, man was pretty much just an insect.   He burrowed and crept along the ground.   He moved very slowly.   He was subject to the cold and the heat and the rain and the snow and the sleet.   He was pitiful..."
This is exactly why the left doesn't want "little people" to own and drive cars and trucks and aircraft.   They don't like privacy.   They don't like independence.   They don't like other people's ability to go from where they are to where they want to be without a by-your-leave from some government thugs, and without them being tracked very closely...jgo

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
kicking the PLO habit (great cartoon)

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Kim Giles _Jewish World Review_
do you feel unappreciated?

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
will the West defend itself??

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
in some ways it's better now than it was 50, 100, 150, 200 years ago

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is in denial
"This head-in-the-sand strategy is partly willful blindness and partly a desire to avoid a terror scare before the coming mid-term elections."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's mixed messages on war

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
I'm surprised they didn't find the jumper in the Oval Office, sipping a scotch, negotiating a treaty with Vladimir Putin and trying to give himself a presidential pardon

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
pesky questions about those AWOL Afghans
please help find Marizela

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Eric Holder the great divider exits stage far left

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
making our voices heard: Americans have a civic duty to vote intelligently
"In America, the government is supposed to conform to the will of the people.   Also in most other countries, it was declared that the rights of the people were conferred by the government; whereas, our founding documents indicate a belief that our rights derive from our Creator, a.k.a. God..."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Karen Kaplan _Jewish World Review_
scientists use DNA to track Ashkenazi Jews to group of just 330 people from Middle Ages
"About 80% of modern Jews have Ashkenazi ancestry...   Only 46% to 50% of the DNA in the 128 samples originated with the group of people who were also the ancestors of the Flemish people in the study.   Those ancient people split off from the ancestors of today's Middle Easterners more than 20K years ago, with a founding group of about 3,500 to 3,900 people, according to the study.   The rest of the Ashkenazi genome comes from the Middle East, the researchers reported.   This founding group 'fused' with the European founding group to create a population of 250 to 420 individuals.   These people lived 25 to 32 generations ago, and their descendants grew at a rate of 16% to 53% per generation, the researchers calculated..."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Tim Hornyak _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Fujitsu to design Japanese exascale super-computer: may hit 1 exa-FlOPS in 2020

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
Texas girl abducted in 2002 rescued near Mexico City

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Kelly Jackson Higgins _Dark Reading_/_UBM_
yes, idiot meters can be hacked
"Researchers Javier Vazquez Vidal and Alberto Garcia Illera will reveal this month at Black Hat Europe in Amsterdam how they reverse engineered smart meters and found blatant security weaknesses that allowed them to commandeer the devices to shut down power or perform electricity usage fraud over the power line communications network.   The researchers aren't disclosing the specific smart meter manufacturer at this time -- they haven't yet disclosed anything to the vendor in question, either..."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Kristin Burnham _Information Week_/_UBM_
evil "applicant tracking systems"/"candidate management systems"
"1... federal compliance requirements...   Screening questions that many of them ask will [make a feeble, twisted, perverse attempt to] vet whether some candidates are...capable of performing a job...   'If someone needs to be able to lift 50 pounds in a warehouse, for example, recruiters will use that as a screening question so they can show that a candidate wasn't selected because they couldn't meet the requirements of the job.', Vitale explained.   'Screening questions are used to get the basics early in the process.   Candidates are still in the ATS even if they don't meet the requirements -- it's not like they get deleted.'"
Translation: "Federal compliance requirements" are a draconian, bureaucratic sham, like "legal ethics", in that they're designed with loop-holes; if you know the dance, you can sail through wreaking havoc in your path with immunity.   As a matter of fact, these applicant management systems greatly facilitate illegal discrimination on the basis of race, sex, nationality, and age.   If you don't know the dance, you can be clobbered even if you're totally innocent of any malfeasance.   In light of the on-going talent glut, and the STEM talent glut in particular, they're abused to quickly find pretexts to reject as many candidates as possible, regardless of each applicant's ability and desire to do the job.   As you say, the rejected applicants' data are kept in the black-hole, never to be seen by a conscientious hiring manager.
"2...   candidates should focus on using the 'right' key-words -- and using them 'appropriately'...   [use specifice brand-names and] use iterations of those names within your resume...   every recruiter may use different language to search for a skill"
Translation: Don't be forthright.   Don't use generic terms the tracking system isn't set up to handle.   Don't use brand-names other than the few the management system is programmed to handle.   Don't try to shift from one niche in the field to another, because the new niche "recruiters" don't know the brands and key-words from the old niche, even when those brands, those tools, accomplish exactly the same things, in nearly the same way and knowledge of one can allow you to quickly and easily shift to the other.
"3...   Applicant tracking systems often feature parsing technology that divides resumes into different fields -- such as skills, education, and experience -- to make them easier to search...   If you're a Java [or Perl, or C, or C++, or R, or Ruby, or Objective-C, or Swift, or Fortran, or Python] expert, you want the system to find that skill."
Response: These parsers don't work very well, even if you clearly use such headings and groupings in your resume.   They can't tell the Kronos operating system from Kronos, Inc., the work-time tracking systems.   In come cases, they have trouble telling a C software engineer from a nurse, or an up-and-coming candidate to be head of neuro-surgery; they have trouble telling an Objective-C software developer from a Management by Objectives B-school bozo.   As a matter of fact, the parsers tend to even shred key-terms, making what goes into the data-base indecipherable.   The web forms often don't include many of the key-words you need to enter.   Yes, you want the system, the "recruiter" and the hiring manager to see that you are highly-skilled, but these candidate mangling systems prevent that from happening.
"4.   Creativity is OK...   'You can be creative and use graphics in your resumé and -- in most cases -- not have to worry about whether your file is a doc, jpeg, or tiff...'"
Response: In your dreams!   Many of them still can't handle ASCII plain-text, get confused over common line-ending variations, and more stumble over Unicode.   Hardly any can handle a straight-forward skills table.

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
ebola in the USA
"News that Ebola has arrived in the United States from Liberia and that many people may have already been exposed to the disease was yet one more reminder that 'they' cannot completely protect everyone.   There was always the chance it would arrive.   By plane, or over open border -- but somewhow.   The spread of the disease has been modeled by the CDCP as a Markov chain which measures the probability of going from one state to the other..."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Republicans drawing up plan to force Keystone XL decision if they take back the US senate

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Obummer says he's eager for "constructive" trip to Beijing as Red Chinese thugs lay down "very firm" law against democracy in Hong Kong
"As hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents keep their protest posts in the streets, yearning, with demands for democracy and free speech that [Red China's ruling thugs have] no intention of meeting, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] met with a Chinese envoy Wednesday about the 'future potential' of bilateral relations.   National Security Adviser Susan Rice traveled to Beijing in early September to lay the groundwork for [Obummer's] visit there Nov. 10-12..."

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
intelligence community strikes back at Obummer on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
David Archibald
Test Driving the Solar Notch-Delay Model

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Anthony Watts
here has been no global warming for at least the last 18 years

2014-10-01 (5774 Tishrei 07)
Anthony Watts
Nature article suggests "Ditch the 2 degree C warming goal"
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Rabbi Judah says: Whoever does not teach his son a trade or profession teaches him to be a thief." --- Talmud  



2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
ebola, enterovirus: more blood on Obummer's hands
"Liberia is one of the hotspots in a large out-break of Ebola in West Africa, with 3,458 cases and 1,830 deaths as of September 23, according to the World Health Organization.   Other countries affected include Guinea, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.   In total, more than 3,000 people have died in those countries from Ebola, and more than 6,500 have contracted the disease, according to reporting by CNN...   Enterovirus D68 is not uncommon in Central America, but has suddenly been sending children in the United States to the hospital with severe respiratory illnesses.   It seems to be most affecting children with a history of asthma or breathing problems.   As of Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP] had confirmed 500 people in 42 states have respiratory illnesses caused by enterovirus D68.   Ebola.   Chikungunya.   Dengue.   Norovirus.   Hantavirus.   Swine flu.   Varicella.   Variola..."
2014-07-08: Judicial Watch: illegal aliens spreading TB, dengue fever, swine flue...
2014-08-05: Elizabeth Vliet: Christian Post

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
H-1B whistle-blower filed new federal law-suit

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
_Conservative HQ_
non-leftists' campaigns are vigorous, neo-cons' and RINOs' campaigns are lagging
"the reason Republican candidates who are lagging in races they should be winning are behind [is] because conservatives are not going to support them if they favor granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, weakening our national security and won't use the power the Constitution grants congress to hold [Obummer] and the Democrats accountable for their lies, lawlessness and corruption.   Republican senate candidates, who are surging right now, such as Scott Brown in New Hampshire, are doing so because they are campaigning on conservative principles.   Republican senate candidates who are lagging a month out from the election, such as Thom Tillis in North Carolina and Pat Roberts in Kansas, should take chairman Priebus' speech as their cue to start campaigning as [non-leftists and then deliver on that campaign when they get to [DC]."
Tony Lee: Breitbart: Karl Rove leaves immigration reform out of neo-con campaign plans
"Rove, who declared war on the Tea Party along with the pro-amnesty Chamber of [Crony Socialists] and vowed to field candidates to defeat conservatives, recently whined that his establishment-approved candidates are struggling in races they should be leading and not raising enough money because voters are not enthusiastic about their...candidacies [and policy goals]."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
71% of likely voters, 51% of Dems say illegal aliens should not be able to get tax-victim funded benefits & services; 68% of voters, 49% of Dems say illegal aliens should not have the same rights, privileges and "protections" as citizens

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Jennifer Burke _Tea Party News Network_
new progress in Chris Mcdaniel's challenge to corrupt primary
"Mississippi does not register voters by party, but it bans people from voting in one party's primary and the other party's run-off in the same election cycle."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration lame-duck fantasies redux (part 1)

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
Moran's morons: donors just are not willing to hitch their wagon to a clown car that will back fire on them

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Rand Paul wary of sending troops to ebola epidemic areas
"it has to be a concern about having thousands of soldiers on the same ship who could have been in contact with the deadly virus.   'You also have to be concerned about 3K soldiers getting back on a ship.   Where is disease most transmittable?   When you're in a very close confines on a ship, we all know about cruises and how they get these diarrhea viruses that are transmitted very easily.', Paul told Ingraham.   'Can you imagine if a whole ship full of our soldiers catch Ebola?'   Paul said he felt political correctness is getting in the way of government officials making sound decisions to deal with the Ebola threat..."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Greg Campbell _Tea Party News Network_
state laws in violation of 2nd amendment continue to be struck down by courtss
"...More interested in obtaining illegal voters, Democrats have betrayed those who actually respect our laws and American values.   Further, many states maintain strict laws that forbid legal immigrants from obtaining firearms.   The same Democrats who so often push for in-state tuition for illegals also frequently push for gun laws that keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding immigrants who remain in the country legally.   Earlier this month, a federal judge overruled Hawaii's law that restricts legal immigrants from owning firearms.   Judge J. Michael Seabright ruled that Australian citizen and permanent resident Steve Fotoudis of Honolulu had the right to buy and own firearms.   Fotoudis was a competitive shooter in Australia and has extensive training and knowledge in the safe use of firearms; however, state law prohibited the Australian native from purchasing such weapons legally here...   while the [Obummer regime] crusades for some alleged, fictitious 'right' of illegal immigrants to stay and enjoy the opportunities of the U.S.A. as a reward for having broken the law, many states remain unwilling to grant access to constitutional rights to those who have immigrated to the U.S.A. through legal means..."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
when USA has pounded an enemy, then just up and left

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
political differences in Europe, UK, and USA

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
more "productive" political policy discourse
"1. What are you looking to accomplish? [What are your aims and goals?]...   2. How do you know your program will accomplish that?...   3. Will/does your program create more problems than it purports to solve?...   4. Why shouldn't we consider a policy that has a better chance of working?..."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
marijuana and rights

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
terrorists air their "grievances" at the Met & Lincoln Center
"the Met has every right to put it on.   But some 'art' should be protested -- and condemned."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
making miracles in minds... in 30 minutes

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
*** how my close K-12 friend Paul became Muhammed ***

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
another awkward meeting between Obummer & Netanyahu

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
you can't keep the media's myths down

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
go big or go home: the case for non-leftist GOP boldness

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Obummer throwing James Clapper under the bus
"...Clapper is the senior intelligence officer in the federal government.   All of our civilian spies, domestic and foreign, indirectly report to him.   His job is to steal and keep secrets within the boundaries of the Constitution, which he, like the president, has sworn to defend.   Yet Clapper and his spies are more intent on spying on the American people than on those foreigners who have publicly boasted that they will cause us harm.   This is, after all, the same Clapper who committed crimes in order to insulate his domestic spies from lawful congressional inquiry when he denied under oath that the U.S. government was acquiring massive amounts of private data about hundreds of millions of Americans..."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
great leader, small country

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Salvador Rivera _Fox_
according to Fernando Benitez, sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi's defense attorney, the judge has yet to consider evidence entered into the record this week

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_AP_
enterovirus D68 case confirmed in PA
Alan Wang: KGO abc San Francisco CA: 3 cases confirmed in SF Bay area: 9 cases total in CA
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP] have confirmed more than 500 cases...   Enterovirus D68 has rapidly spread over 43 states...   alcohol-based hand sanitizers have limited effectiveness against enteroviruses."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
was Anwar al-Awlaki a terrorist leader, a potential US government informant, a US government agent, or ???
"New evidence pried from the government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) proves the point I have posited here at Ordered Liberty: The federal government willfully intervened on behalf of al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki on 2002 October 10, undoing his arrest on felony fraud charges when he was detained at JFK International Airport in New York, and allowing him to walk away with a Saudi handler...   he was a suspect -- or, at the very least, a highly material witness -- in the 2001/09/11 conspiracy that resulted in the killing of nearly 3K Americans.   He went on to become one of al Qaeda's most effective operatives.   Awlaki is suspected of involvement in or incitement of the 2009 Fort Hood jihadist attack [by Nidal Hasan] in which 13 U.S. soldiers were killed and many others wounded; the attempt [by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the underwear bomber] to bomb a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009; the attempted bombing [by Faisal Shahzad] of Times Square in 2010; and the modernization of al Qaeda's international [recruiting] practices.   In 2011, he was finally killed as an enemy-combatant by an American drone strike in Yemen..."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
required reading: Deb Filman's open letter to the women of the USA
Deb Filman

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
left's never-ending war against Israel

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
effective & ineffective armor, against projectiles and diseases

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
"it is science" has become the new "it is gospel"

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Stacey Patton _Chronicle of Higher Education_
bodyshopping in academia: adjunct at Austin Peay State University surprised to find that colleagues were teaching a course she had designed
"McArthur wondered: Was B really teaching a course she had created?   If so, why didn't she know about it? &nnbsp; McArthur had, in fact, spent 2 years developing and refining an art-appreciation curriculum, but she had never authorized other professors to use it.   Was it possible that her colleagues were pretending to be her in other virtual classrooms?...   Teaching is a core part of [adjuncts'] academic identity—in many cases, it's the only thing they're evaluated and compensated for.   Indeed, McArthur considered the creation of her courses to be an original, creative act, just like research.   But unlike scholarship, teaching isn't always protected by a widespread consensus on intellectual-property rights..."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Stanley Kurtz _National Review_
it is time to break the College Board's AP testing monopoly
"The College Board's decision to create a new, unprecedentedly detailed, and ideologically-slanted framework for its AP U.S. History (APUSH) Exam has touched off a political and cultural firestorm.   I and other critics have charged the College Board with building a strong leftward bias into its revised version of American history...   While resolving the AP U.S. History controversy will be difficult, the solution is straightforward.   We need to break the College Board's monopoly on Advanced Placement testing..."

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Anthony Watts
Psychology Today: internet trolls are narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists... and climate internet trolls are some of the worst
Jennifer Golbeck: Psychology Today

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Anthony Watts
advances in understanding of the Greenland ice sheet's melt-water channels

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Steve Goreham
a rare debate at U of Northern Iowa on the "settled science of "climate change"

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Anthony Watts
NSF: thousands of new-found sea-mounts: one wonders how many of them are pouring out how much CO2 and CH4 and SO2

2014-10-02 (5774 Tishrei 08)
Christopher Monckton
there has been no global warming for 18 years and 1 month
Proposed Bills 2014




BLS release of employment, unemployment, LFPR, employment/population ratios, duration of unemployment, etc.

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Trey Williams _MarketWatch_
what real people think about the USA jobs markets (video)
"they still believe jobs are hard to get..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
_Conservative HQ_
non-leftists: rate senate elections here

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
_Conservative HQ_
Moochelle is correct; elections are close, non-leftists need to spread the word, register to vote, and vote to save civilization, life, liberty, and economy
If non-leftists win these mid-term elections, we might possibly stop the leftists, carry out more law-suits against their corruptions, impeach them, repeal ObummerDoesnt'Care, cut over-spending, balance the federal government budget, reform visa and immigration laws and enforce them for a change, reduce draconian regulations.   The good news is that our friends at Tea Party Patriots are already at work in key states.

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP needs to stop going left

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Sarah Hurtubise _Daily Caller_
illegal alien and immigration groups claim "right" to ObummerDoesn'tCare coverage; suing
"Two immigration groups have filed legal complaints against the [Obummer regime] for kicking over 100K [ObummerDoesn'tCare subscribers] off their insurance plans without sending notices in their native language, Modern HealthCare reports... The [Obummer regime] terminated 115K [subscribers to ObummerDoesn'tCare] exchange health insurance on September 30, after customers failed to submit required documentation to prove their legal status in the U.S.A. (RELATED: Vitter: [Obummer regime bending over backwards to give ObummerDoesn'tCare to illegal aliens])"

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
revoking citizenship of terrorists and traitors is assuredly the right thing to do
"Section 349 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), codified at 8 U.S.C. § 1481, deems that an individual loses his citizenship if he takes an oath or makes an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of 18 years; or enters or serves in the armed forces of a foreign state if such armed forces are engaged in hostilities against the United States.   ISIS fighters take an oath not only to the 'caliphate' they are joining, but a personal oath of loyalty to Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry, known as Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the self-styled 'imam' and 'caliph' who is head of ISIS, and who has made no secret of his ambitions to ultimately conquer not only the Levant but also the West.   Nor is there any doubt that ISIS is engaged in hostilities against the United States of America..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration lame-duck fantasies redux (part 2)
"The [Obummer regime] is threatening the equivalent of immigration fire and brimstone if Republicans don't make a lame-duck session deal.   Yet their idea of a deal seems to be: 'Give us what we want in an immigration bill or we'll do it ourselves by executive action'..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
why does our government seek charity for your ports of entry?

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
end the crazy diversity visa lottery
"Ebola has reached our shores from Africa.   Dozens of children are reportedly suffering paralysis from a deadly virus with unknown origins.   Medical providers across the country have warned of a looming public health crisis as communicable diseases spread unmonitored and uncontrolled.   Other countries are cracking down.   But America is stuck on open-borders stupid..."
please help find Marizela

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
could Ello finally be an alternative to the privacy violating pro-illegal alien FB?
"Mark Zuckerberg is funding his anti-American escapades in Mexico, his attack on the middle-class through demands for more visas for foreign workers, and his pro-illegal alien and employer amnesty campaign with funds generated by exploiting FB users.   According to the manifesto of a new social network, Ello, today's social media magnates are buying and selling people through the data that they collect on users and then sell to advertisers.   Ello [which appears to be based in Colombia] believes that 'collecting and selling your personal data, reading your posts to your friends, and mapping your social connections for profit is both creepy and unethical' since, under the guise of offering a 'free' service, users pay a high price in intrusive advertising and lack of privacy..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
in South Dakota EB-5 case, more thought to the frills than the turkey in the oven

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
low-key conference on H-1B and related hot issues
B. Lindsay Lowell's slides (pdf)
Bill Kerr's paper (pdf)
"...I've praised the work of Bill and his co-athors before; I consider them to be among the very best among researchers who work in this topic.   Nevertheless, I often respectfully disagree with their conclusions on methodological groups (even when their conclusions jibe with my own!), and that is the case here as well.   In particular, I of course disagree with Bill's statement in his Conclusions section, 'Immigrants are of deep importance to U.S. innovation.   This is most evident in terms of their sheer quantity for STEM work in the United States, and the disproportionate number of super-stars who are immigrants speak to this.'   I pointed out in my web log that in computer science (my field and the one that is dominant among H-1Bs), that the former foreign students from U.S. universities -- the group claimed by the industry to be the most important one for innovation -- are actually LESS innovative than comparable U.S. natives, in terms of patenting.   In my EPI paper, I show this for other measures as well, finding that the foreign student numbers are less than or at most equal to those of the Americans.   In particular, my paper includes material related to Bill's point about 'super-stars'.   His word 'disproportionate' of course depends on what one takes for one's numerator and denominator.   In my paper's section titled 'Dissertation Awards Among Foreign and U.S. [Computer Science] Students', I compare the foreign students' share of awards to their percentage in the general CS PhD population, and find that 'During the period 1985–2009, 29 dissertation awards were given to students at North American universities (28 in the United States, one in Canada).   Of these, 14 went to foreign students.   This fraction, 0.48, has a margin of error of 0.19, and is not statistically different from the figures of 0.51 and 0.48 stated above for the proportion for former foreign students among CS PhDs.'   There are various 'super-star incidence rates' papers out there in the literature, and I urge anyone who reads them (including mine) to look carefully at how the numerator and denominator are defined, and to question whether they are meaningful.   Bill's 'sheer quantity' phrase also demands comment.   I've often pointed to the 1989 internal NSF report that advocated bringing in a large number of foreign STEM students in order to hold down PhD salaries.   The report forecast, correctly, that the stagnant salaries would then drive American students away from doctoral work.   This is crucial to keep in mind when considering the 'sheer quantity' of immigrant STEM researchers.   I should add, once again, that I have always strongly supported bringing 'the best and the brightest' from around the world.   But a policy that drives our own best and brightest away from STEM research is counter-productive, to say the least."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
doctor Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
balance between merit and sin

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
who will rest and who will wander
"...In just the past week, more than 150K Kurdish refugees from Syria have fled into Turkey, which was already reeling from an influx of 1.5M refugees displaced by the Syrian civil war.   At least as many Syrians have poured into Lebanon and Jordan..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
ohhhh Bummer!: pres. Barack Hussein Obummer does it yet again

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
missing tooth takes a bite out of guilt

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
the other sort of "pro-choice"

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the low probability of restoration of "civility"

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
a hidden threat: Korea's construction ICBM facility to launch nuclear war-heads

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
God, woman and free speech at Yale
"When Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the brave human-rights activist and a native of Somalia, spoke at Yale last week, 300 students turned out to listen.   Others were turned away because security was so tight.   The sponsors were almost apologetic because there was no controversy.   This is how free speech can work on a campus with bold academic leadership behind it..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
we live in an insanely globalistic world... take cover

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Ezekiel Emanuel says he hopes to die at 75. Why wait?

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
leftist women have been lying to women for decades
"There's really only one thing that [leftists] get wrong: human nature.   This leads them into error on economics, where they imagine they can micro-manage billions of individual decisions every day; foreign policy, in which they over-estimate the appeal of 'talks' and under-estimate the ferocity and opportunism of aggressors; and sex, in which, well, where to begin?..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
why winning a majority (or 60-seat super-majority) in the US senate matters for the GOP and the USA
"...Winning control of the senate would allow Republicans to pass a whole range of measures now being held up by Reid, often at the behest of the White House.   Make it a major reform agenda.   The centerpiece might be tax reform, both corporate and individual.   It is needed, popular and doable.   Then go for the low-hanging fruit enjoying wide bipartisan support, such as the Keystone XL pipe-line and natural gas exports, most especially to Eastern Europe.   One could then add border security, energy deregulation and health-care reform that repeals the more onerous [ObummerDoesn'tCare] mandates.   If the president signs any of it, good.   If he vetoes, it will be clarifying..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Tania Branigan & Jonathan Kaiman _Manchester Guardian_
pro-Red Chinese initiate violence against protestors wanting more democracy in Hong Kong

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Thomas E. Brewton
New York City, the nation's largest, overwhelmingly socialistic city, shows the way. It's all about class warfare.
Myron Magnet: strange bed-fellows make strange politics

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
Jewish people buying and building homes in Arab neighborhoods of Israel

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
USA should have stopped being a country of immigrants back in the late-1800s
"[130] years ago, this country enjoyed endless open spaces, virgin forests, clean rivers and unlimited resources.   At the time, dirt roads prevailed, farming dominated and 75M Americans called North America home.   Immigration fed our industrial revolution.   We jumped to 300M by 2007.   Such an increase of people can no longer be sustained, tolerated or endured if we hope to survive the 21st century..."

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Llad Phillips _U of CA at Santa Barbara Economic Forecast Project_
the stall in the employment/population ratio

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Eric Worrall
lunacy from British doctors: "climate change is worse than ebola"

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Bob Tisdale
California drought: a novel statistical analysis of unrealistic climate models and of a re-analysis that should not be equated with reality

2014-10-03 (5774 Tishrei 09)
Benny Peiser
UK's "green" energy fiasco deepens

1283-10-03: Dafydd ap Gruffydd, prince of Gwynedd in Wales, becomes the first nobleman executed by being hanged, drawn and quartered.
1683-10-03: the Qing Dynasty naval commander Shi Lang reaches Taiwan (under the Kingdom of Tungning) to receive the formal surrender of Zheng Keshuang and Liu Guoxuan after the Battle of Penghu.
1739-10-03: the Treaty of Nissa is signed by the Ottoman Empire and Russia at the finish of the Russian-Turkish War, 1736-1739.
1789-10-03: president George Washington made the first Thanksgiving Day designated by the national government of the United States of America.
1795-10-03: general Napoleon Bonaparte first rose to national prominence being named to defend the French National Convention against armed counter-revolutionary rioters threatening the three year old revolutionary government.
1849-10-03: Edgar Allan Poe was found delirious in a gutter in Baltimore, MD under mysterious circumstances; it was the last time he is seen in public before his death.
Proposed Bills 2014




Yom Kippur

2014-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 10)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
Obummer unwittingly makes best case against restriction of politcal speech

2014-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 10)
Kristin Tate _Breitbart_
John Cornyn demanded answers about ebola screening from Border Patrol

2014-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 10)
Bruce Schneier _CNN_
stop hysteria over data encryption, requirements for police to have probable cause and get warrants to snoop on portable phones, etc.
"The first mobile call was made on an AT&T car phone in 1946.   But owning a car phone didn't become main-stream until the 1980s...   Encryption protects against cybercriminals, industrial competitors, the Chinese secret police and the FBI.   You're either vulnerable to eavesdropping by any of them, or you're secure from eaves-dropping from all of them...   Of the 3,576 major offenses for which warrants were granted for communications interception in 2013, exactly one involved kidnapping.   And, more importantly, there's no evidence that encryption hampers criminal investigations in any serious way.   In 2013, encryption foiled the police 9 times, up from 4 in 2012 -- and the investigations proceeded in some other way..."

2014-10-04 (5774 Tishrei 10)
Bruce Schneier _CBS_
law-makers are calling for the releas and return of Marine sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Every lawyer knows that a witness...while wrong on a number of points may yet be right on others, perhaps including the essential one.   Every lawyer knows that honest and truthful witnesses may contradict themselves, particularly on questions concerning their own and other's motives and states of mind, without thereby forfeiting credibility...   Finally, every lawyer knows that in a big and complicated case there is always, at the end of it all, a residue of improbable, inexplicable fact.   You do not invalidate a hypothesis by showing that the chandes were against the occurrence of soem of the events that it presupposes: many things that happen are actually improbable, but they happen." --- John Sparrow 1968 _After the Assassination_ pp13-14 (quoted in Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pp160-161)  



2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Greg Campbell _Tea Party News Network_
we can't trust the government to stop ebola pandemic

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Nicholas Ballasy _PJMedia_
Steny Hoyer (D-MD) claims that massive security breach at the border is not a security breach or border crisis
"According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 35,209 children under 17 years of age were apprehended in 2013, compared to 66,127 so far in 2014..."

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Robert W. Patterson _Breitbart_
neo-con Karl Rove less interested in electing non-leftists and implementing non-leftist policies than positioning John E. Bush

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
_World Net Daily_
Mexican security officials conspired with gangsters in massacre of at least 34 students in SW Mexico
Dave Graham: Reuters
Laura Ingraham
Mark stevenson & Jose Antonio Rivera: abc/AP

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
_World Net Daily_
Mexican security officials conspired with gangsters in massacre of at least 34 students in SW Mexico

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
the fantastic world of Barack Hussein Obummer
"[Obummer] entered office on 2009 January 20 -- over 4 months after the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac [and HUD] that precipitated a general financial melt-down.   One would not expect [Obummer] to fault past [leftist] congressional intervention in the financial sector that in large part forced the issuance of sub-prime risky mortgages, much less the earlier deregulation of the financial industry under Bill Clinton that helped fueled the rampant speculation.   The videos of the sad congressional banter about supposedly 'insensitive' questioning of the duplicitous and corrupt Fannie head Franklin Raines, or the self-important bluster of former representative Barney Frank [and Maxine Waters and Chris Dodd], make a good 10-minute tutorial on the melt-down -- namely how Wall Street sharks, hand-in-glove with [leftist] congressional operatives and Clinton appointees, offered federally 'guaranteed' mortgages to those who had no ability to pay them back, fueling a phony real estate boom and over-valued stock market.   [Obummer] might at least admit that when he entered office the panic had largely passed.   The tools needed to deal with it that he embraced had months earlier been implemented by someone else.   Indeed, [Obummer] was president for just a few months before the recession that began in 2007 December ended in 2009 June [according to NBER] -- well before the effect of any of the policies, good or bad, could have taken effect.   Our current economic mess -- the worst post-recession recovery since World War 2, more people out of work than when [Obummer] took office, a steady decline in real family income, massive new debt -- is largely a result of his own policies of 5 consecutive $1T deficits, the [beginning of the ObummerDoesn'tCare] catastrophe, new burdensome and capricious regulations, near-zero interest rates, and the anti-business psychological climate brought on by constant hectoring of the 'you did not build that' and 'at a certain point you've made enough money' sort..."

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Suyeon Yang _Daily Illini_
U students rally for Hong Kong
"University students gathered on the Quad and chanted 'Give true democracy to Hong Kong' as part of a rally meant to show solidarity with pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong.   A booth was set up in front of the Illini Union displaying a large photograph of police officers spraying protestors with pepper spray..."

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
unscrewing the inscrutable Iran

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
GamerGate in 60 seconds (video)

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
invisibility cloak closer to deployment

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the anatomy of a surprise: ebola, ISIL, Nazi blitzkrieg, economy
"...how did Ebola spin out of control?   In the usual way, with the block being a second behind the arrival of the punch.   In the time honored way.   The collapse of a complacent bureaucracy in the face of an emergent threat usually goes through 3 phases.   Denial.   Confident half-measures.   Panic.   These psychological phases are remarkably constant throughout history...   Michael Crichton. His best selling novel _Jurassic Park_ [was about] the vanity of the elites who wrongly assumed everything was under control; that the world unfurled around them solely for their entertainment -- until emergent events show up to show them who's in charge..."

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
New York Times idiotorial board is wrestling mightily with the fact that everything they believe just happens to be untrue
"...There are plenty of comparisons among these evil groups that are quite meaningful and even revelatory.   Here's just one: none of the murderous groups mentioned by the Times maintained the principle of individual liberty as a core good.   Which raises two useful questions:   1) Does the Times editorial board maintain the principle of individual liberty as a core good?   And 2) in light of this meaningful comparison with other evil groups, would the Times editorial board perhaps like to consider changing [their minds]?..."

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
match-making: in fiction and reality

2014-10-05 (5774 Tishrei 11)
Guest Post by Werner Brozek, Commentary By Walter Dnes, Edited by "Just The Facts"
is WTI Dead? and HadCRUT adjusts up, again (now includes August data except for HadCRUT4.2 and HadSST3)
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Quarantine had been a regular measure for preventing disease as early as the biblical lepers, but it was most widely used beginning with the bubonic plague in 14th-century Venice.   Ships were forced to spend weeks anchored outside of a city until the crew showed no signs of disease among them.   Vessels and their cargo were initially intended to spend 30 days -- trentina -- in the harbor, but that later changed to 40 days -- quarantina.   Quarantines continued to rule maritime travel well into the 19th century, finding even greater cause with the trafficking of human cargo.   European ships often spent weeks moored off the coast of Africa before crossing the Atlantic.   Fever was so prevalent among the crews that one island, Sao Tome [St. Thomas], was known as the Dutchman's grave-yard." --- Molly Caldwell Crosby 2006 _The American Plague: The Untold Story of Yellow Fever, the Epidemic that Shaped Our History_ pg40  



2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
immigrant super-stars
"I should remind readers that I have always strongly supported facilitating the immigration of the super-stars (including those with outstanding promise).   But Bill's word 'disproportionate' is provocative.   While I've shown in various ways that most H-1Bs, especially those who first come to the U.S.A. as foreign students (the industry's prized group, according to the lobbyists), are not 'the best and the brightest', I haven't done much specifically on rates of super-stardom.   What I'll do here is review my work in that regard for computer science (CS), and then follow with some new data...   Accordingly, I've now done something similar to my CS dissertation analysis, this time turning the field of Statistics.   That was my original research area -- I was one of the founding members of the [U of California at Davis] Department of Statistics -- and much of my CS work has been statistical in nature.   So I know what Statistics researchers do, who is outstanding in the field, and so on...   The Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS) Presidents' Award...I limited my analysis to those who earned their PhDs in the U.S.A., again reflecting the industry lobbyists' emphasis on the foreign grad students at U.S. universities.   The results were that foreigners got 33% of the awards, but form 50% of the PhDs granted (the latter number from the NSCG data).   IOW, in the Stat field, foreigners receive a disproportionately SMALL number of awards."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
bill on transparency in foreign worker programs (HR5197) introduced

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
DHS priorities: ebola, terrorists, gangsters go right on through; bag-pipes, chocolate eggs, T-shirts, vintage cars require extreme scrutiny

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Susan Ferrechio _Washington DC Examiner_
foreign language speakers at an all-time high of 61.8M among USA residents
"1 in 5 U.S.A. residents over the age of 4 does not speak English at home."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
Turner Broadcasting and Scripps dumping employees
Re: Turner
Scripps pushing early retirement

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
non-leftist candidates should campaign like their children's lives depend on it... because they do

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Louie Gohmert could save the day
"Viguerie hopes to change that by persuading senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to coordinate with activists in an effort to nationalize the 2014 races by focusing on immigration, national security, and the culture of lies and lawlessness in [president Barack Hussein Obumer's regime], an umbrella category that covers everything from [ObummerDoesn'tCare] to the IRS...   'Cruz has the respect, the admiration, the trust of conservatives, [so] that if he wanted to provide this leadership, conservatives would fall in line.'...   former House speaker Newt Gingrich raised the same point last month...   'The local leaders that I'm in touch with understand that [president Obummer] cannot continue to have the rubber stamp from the United States senate that he has right now.', Jenny Beth Martin says."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_World Net Daily_
Democrats admit on hidden camera that their candidate is lying
Lachlan Markay: Washington DC Free Beacon
"Alison Lundergan Grimes is lying about her support for the state's coal industry according to Kentucky Democrats, including members of her campaign team, who were captured on a hidden camera video."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_World Net Daily_
explosion at Iranian nuclear weapons systems facility near Parchin, 19 miles SE of Tehran
Adam Kredo: Washington DC Free Beacon
Jack Crone: UK Daily Mail (AFP/DigitalGloben images, video)

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_Science Daily_
2014 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine: cells of our positioning sensing system
"Grid cells, together with other cells in the ento-rhinal cortex that recognize the direction of the head of the animal and the border of the room, form networks with the place cells in the hippocampus...   In patients with Alzheimer's disease, the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex are frequently affected at an early stage, and these individuals often lose their way and cannot recognize the environment..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
Obummer's gift to Republican candidates

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Mychal Massie _World Net Daily_
Obummer's faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash; "glaringly ignores" well-being of most Americans

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Phyllis Schlafly _World Net Daily_
Obummer fails/refuses to defend USA and US citizens... again

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_World Net Daily_
3 witnesses reported 2001-09-11 hijackers months before the attacks: ring-leader videoed securty check-point at Boston airport
Michael Zennie: UK Daily Mail

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
David Limbaugh _World Net Daily_
Dems will pay the price for Obummer in November

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_World Net Daily_
hundreds of illegal aliens from ebola epidemic region caught at USA border
Nadia Galinda: Fox: CDCP has issued level 3 warning for US citizens to avoid travel to epidemic area of West Africa
Laura Ingraham
Nadia Galinda: KGBT/Rio Grande Valley Central news/Chesapeake Media
"During the 2013 fiscal year, statistics from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security web-site show Border Patrol agents apprehended 112 [illegal aliens] from Guinea, 231 from Liberia and 145 [illegal aliens] from Sierra Leone, which are the 3 countries currently experiencing the most cases of Ebola."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
David McCormack & Louse Boyle _UK Daily Mail_
US troops set up first ebola field hospital in Liberia, starting with concertina wire perimeter (pictures from AFP/Getty)

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_World Net Daily_
disease plagues illegal aliens due to poor knowledge of hygiene and failure to take medications
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Jewish Worle Review

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_World Net Daily_
Obummer regime official praised violence-encouraging mosque of Oklahoma beheader
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller
Jason Howerton: Blaze

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
more ebola screening is possible for USA ports and borders
What!?! We weren't already doing that screening all along!?   Has this doctor ever looked up the origins of the term "quarantine"?   Does he know nothing of Ellis Island screenings in the late 1800s and early 1900s?...jgo
2014-08-10: Mary Chastain: Breitbart: FAA, TSA, CDCP all fail to provide information on screening for communicable diseas as people enter USA ports

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Kristin Tate _Breitbart_
TX governor Rick Perry echoes Obummer: no travel restrictions for people coming from ebola epidemic areas

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Laura Ingraham
DHS official accepted bribes in cash & egg rolls: not an isolated case
Julia Davis: Examiner
"...accepting bribes in the form of cash and egg rolls from applicants seeking citizenship and green cards.   Mai Nhu Nguyen, 48, served with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] in Santa Ana [CA] for 8 years.   She pleaded guilty..."
Michelle Moons: Breitbart

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
James Pilcher & Madison Schmidt _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Horizon Science Academy & Concept Schools abuse visas to ship in Guelen teachers from Turkey
"Concept Schools, founded by followers of a Turkish Islamic cleric secluded in the Poconos [Fethuallah Guelen], already is under federal and state scrutiny for possible irregularities in teacher licensing, testing and technology contracts.   An Enquirer investigation has found that Chicago-based Concept Schools, which runs Horizon and 17 other charter schools in Ohio, annually imports dozens of foreign teachers in numbers that far surpass any other school system in the state.   At least 474 foreign teachers, again mostly from Turkey, have arrived at Concept's Ohio schools between 2005 and 2013.   The schools are collecting about $45M in state funds annually to educate 6,600 children in kindergarten through high school...   Ohio teachers, meanwhile, say plenty of qualified teachers are available for jobs being filled by the foreigners, especially since about 40K are still without teaching jobs because of the recession.   Concept officials defend the practice.   They say it's the only way to find 'qualified' [wink wink nudge nudge] math and science instructors...   Academically, Concept students perform no better or worse than children at the nearly 300 other charter schools in Ohio.   10 of the Ohio Concept schools -- more than half -- received Ds on the state's most recent performance index, a measure of how many students passed key achievement tests.   Horizon Science Academy was one of the schools getting a D...   In Ohio, at least 80 other public districts or private schools used H-1B visas between 2005 and 2013, including Cincinnati Public Schools and systems in Columbus, Akron and Cleveland.   Those districts each use about 1 or 2 immigrant teachers a year, primarily to teach language skills.   [Cincinnati Public Schools] hired 1 teacher using an H-1B visa in 2007.   'Concept may or may not be bending any rules, but the rules were written poorly in the first place.', said Ron Hira, an immigration policy critic and professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York.   He shared with The Enquirer federal H-1B data he obtained from the Immigration Department through an open records request.   'It seems clear from the data that these schools are favoring H-1B workers from a single source country, Turkey.', Hira said.   'American workers, as well as foreign workers from other countries, did not have a legitimate shot at getting these jobs.'   Most of the Turkish teachers are assigned to high schools or technology classes; Americans primarily staff the elementary grades, Ucan said...   unlicensed teachers were common at their schools...   several teachers from Turkey entered the classroom barely able to speak English, and she was told not to ask questions about it..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Pasi Sahlberg _CNN_
Findland's schools, teaching load, hours, homework, PISA scores
"Finnish students consistently score near the top in the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, for reading, mathematics and science.   The 2012 PISA results tell us that in these 3 subjects combined Finland ranks third after Korea and Japan.   In comparison, American students' combined performance in reading, mathematics and science places the United States at 21st among 34 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] countries..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Rob Portman _CNN_
we should be actively screening travelers for ebola

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Paul Callan _CNN_
ebola, dengue, yellow fever, plague, measles, tuberculosis, influenza quarantines are perfectly legal

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Shelby Salas _Tea Party News Network_
when will sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi be released?
NY Post: bring this Marine home
Dncan Hunter makes plea for release of Marine
Free Andrew Tahmooressi

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
_Building On-Line_
Conference Board: Consumer Confidence index down from 93.4 in August to 86 in September
Christian Science Monitor/AP
Boston MA Herald
"the proportion stating jobs are 'plentiful' fell from 17.6% to 15.1%. Those believing jobs are 'hard to get' was barely changed, from 30.0% in August to 30.1% in September."
UMich consumer sentiment index rose from 82.5 in late August to 84.6 in late September

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
David Suissa _Jewish World Review_
the effectiveness of not playing victim

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
how stupid do they think we are?: Muslim who beheaded in Oklahoma City

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
house and home

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Jeff Bell: a bell-ringer for US senate

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
more proof Obummer still doesn't get the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate threat
"'There was no air-defense threat.', lieutenant-colonel Peters noted.   'If you wanted to kill terrorists, you would have hit those headquarters and compounds and logistic sites at 10 or 11 in the morning when they were crowded with leaders, staff officers, flunkies, etc.   Instead, we hit empty buildings at night.   We knocked down antennas, we blew out windows.'...   Pulling our punches may explain why, despite six weeks of bombing, IS forces -- having routed the Iraqi army yet again -- are now within a mile of Baghdad..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
learning from the Obummer presidency
"The decomposition of the [Obummer] presidency has created what [Obummer] might call a 'teachable moment'.   This is, needless to say, a loathsome phrase, reeking as it does of liberal sanctimoniousness and professorial condescension.   Still, who can resist appropriating it, if only for this one occasion?   Because it is, really, a moment.   It's a moment when minds can be opened to conservative truths, ears can be induced to hear conservative insights, eyes can be fitted with contact lenses so as better to see conservative arguments.   Are the young struck by the dashed hopes of [ObummerDoesn'tCare]?   Give them a copy of Friedrich Hayek's _The Fatal Conceit_.   They can't believe the Secret Service farce? Introduce them to James Q. Wilson on bureaucracy.   They're befuddled by the exploitation of an unfortunate incident in Ferguson?   Have them read Edward C. Banfield's _The Unheavenly City_ (especially the chapter he titled 'Rioting Mainly for Fun and Profit').   [Leftism's] domestic policies aren't working quite the way they were supposed to? Acquaint them with Irving Kristol: 'I have observed over the years that the unanticipated consequences of social action are always more important, and usually less agreeable, than the intended consequences.'..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Megan Wallgren _Jewish World Review_
10 things that can improve your child's future

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
I may be out of order, but that could be a plus

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Jacqueline Lanigan _Jewish World Review_
7 foods that whiten teeth

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
the alleged Republican war on wusses... I mean women
"real women recognize their hypocrisy of the feminist agenda...   Real women take care of this personal issue for themselves...   Real women know the truth behind [PP's] founder Margaret Sanger who was a eugenicist quoted as saying, 'The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.'   So my advice to the GOP is to continue the war on wusses and keep on fighting for real women by getting the economy back on track."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Sue Hubbard _Jewish World Review_
rubella (German measles) vs. rubeola (English measles, paramyxovirus) vs. roseola (herpes/HHV-6, HHV-7)
wikipedia: rubella
wikipedia: rubeola
wikipedia: roseola
CDCP: rubeola
CDCP: rubella
WebMD: rubeola
Mayo Clinic: rubella
Mayo Clinic: rubeola
Mayo Clinic: roseola

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Martyn Williams _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Sharp's/Qualcomm's MEMS display coming in 2015
"The screen was developed over the last 3 years with Qualcomm subsidiary Pixtronix...   LCD screens are built on a bright, white back-light that sits at the rear of the screen.   Each pixel is divided into red, green and blue sub-pixels with color filters.   Current applied to the liquid crystal in front of each of those filters allows or blocks transmission of light of that color.   In a MEMS screen, there are no red, green or blue sub-pixels.   Instead, a tiny electro-mechanical shutter allows or blocks light transmission through each pixel.   Color is provided by the back-light, which cycles rapidly through red, green and blue.   The shutters are synchronized to the backlight, moving open and shut in as little as 100 microseconds to let through light of the appropriate color..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Mildred L. Culp _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
working with "big personalities", "strong character"
"Entrepreneurs often have big personalities and/or strong character.   A client or employee with similar characteristics can [seem to be] an obstacle for them...   passion and strong personality of entrepreneurs can...lead to 'a lack of coachability'...   [X] opened his consulting company for small and high-growth businesses in 2008 with $100K in personal savings and credit cards...   [Y] Beginning with $40K in personal savings, he subsequently lent the business $400K and raised $450K in equity through friends and family.   [Could they adopt me, please!!!]   For 2013, [Y] reports $18K in gross revenue; [X], $175K..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Steve Deace _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
threat to the US constitution and the GOP
"The GOP was already struggling to maintain the loyalty of its conservative base, and one of its last, best talking points was the importance of judicial appointments.   Now that talking point has also been blown to smithereens.   The John Roberts court [forced ObummerDoesn'tCare on us], the narrowest wording possible when siding in favor of Hobby Lobby, got rid of the Defense of Marriage Act, and, on Monday, opened the floodgates for an onslaught against the First Amendment.   By deciding not to intervene in the fight it started last year, (in a divisive 5-4 ruling that justice Antonin Scalia chastised for its 'jaw-dropping assertion of judicial supremacy') the Supremes gave the green-light to a full-blown constitutional crisis, the likes of which threatens to tear the GOP apart at the seams...   Constitutionally speaking, redefining marriage and morality has already proven it will also include redefining free speech, religious liberty, and private property rights as we've known them since the dawn of the republic.   Already this year, we're seeing an unprecedented assault on these cherished traditionn..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
John R. Bolton _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime's ideological distortion of reality
"...Critically, however, voters should learn the lesson that Washington [DC] needs leaders, in the White House and in congress, whose experiences and values ground them in international reality, not merely derived from academic essays, staff briefings and abstract theorizing.   Our November elections are a golden opportunity to bring exactly such people into the House and the senate, and the 2016 presidential election will be even more important..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
after senators' requests, Obummer agrees to slightly enhanced health screening at ports

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Scott Ott _PJMedia_
Firestone helps reduce ebola spread in Liberia
"...They're accustomed to setting goals, achieving results and being rewarded based on actual accomplishments.   In addition, they're innovative, and know that one must often improvise and create rapid prototypes on the way to the ultimate product..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
must-see video: Lois Lerner, who ordered non-leftists to be grilled, dislikes being asked questions so much she tries to bull her way into a neighbor's house
"The moment when the neighbor [comes to the door] and says that he doesn't want her in his house... priceless."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
midnight in Obummer's garden of good and evil

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
unless otherwise directed

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
poll: Americans view Reid and Boehner unfavorably

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Jeremy Thomas _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Lawrence Livermore developing improvements in additive manufacturing/3D printing
"Behind the glass of an SUV-sized printer, a laser fuses fine powders of steel and tungsten, layering the material and building items from the ground up...   'Complexity is free.   It doesn't cost any more to build a complex part than it does a simple part.', said Livermore lab scientist Wayne King.   First developed in the 1970s, three-dimensional printing -- creating objects by layering plastics, metals and other materials with the aid of computer models...   With direct ink writing, a liquid mixture of polymers and metals are squeezed through a microscopic nozzle layer-by-layer...   Through a technique using ultraviolet light and a photosensitive polymer resin -- the technical name is Projection Microstereolithography -- lab researchers are finding ways to create ultralight yet super-strong materials on a microscopic scale.   The light burns a 3-D image into the liquid resin, layer-by-layer, which hardens when hit by the UV light.   The excess resin is then removed, leaving the object...   a liquid suspension of nano-particles -- ceramics, polymers and metals -- that are charged so that they assemble and stick to a pattern on a surface material wherever light comes in contact with the surface.   It's something like paint that doesn't need to dry...   called electrophoretic deposition..."

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
the Tawana truth

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
are USA and other Western countries becoming dumping grounds, refuges, or targets of invasion by "refugees" from third world

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Anthony Watts
deep ocean has not warmed since 2005

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Tim Ball
there is little or no scientific data or understanding of natural patterns and mechanisms to support claims of global warming causing extinctions

2014-10-06 (5774 Tishrei 12)
Robert G. Brown
*** real science debate is not rare ***
Proposed Bills 2014

  "On 1878 April 29, congress had finally passed the Quarantine act granting the Marine Hospital Service quarantine rights along port cities.   If local governments could not be depended upon to enforce quarantine, the military could...   For the Mississippi Valley and beyond, the delay would prove to be disastrous." --- Molly Caldwell Crosby 2006 _The American Plague: The Untold Story of Yellow Fever, the Epidemic that Shaped Our History_ pp40-41  



2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
H-1B news: whistle-blower Jack Palmer is going after Infosys again

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Obummer puts USA and Americans way down the priority scale
"Whatever the reason, or combination of reasons, that led to [president Obummer's] foreign policy disasters around the world -- with the crowning disaster of all, a nuclear Iran, looming on the horizon -- it cannot be a simple lack of knowledge or experience.   Various former members of the [Obummer regime] are telling the same story, of information and advice from knowledgeable and experienced officials being ignored by this vain and head-strong man...   It may be time to consider reorganizing the institutions of government, so that high officials who try to reassure the public about medical crises are not officials who serve 'at the pleasure of the president'.   Nor should the attorney-general, whose duty is to enforce the laws, be part of an administration whose law-breakers the Justice Department can protect from prosecution..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Sara K. Satullo _Easton PA Express-Times_
Bethlehem area school district plans closer oversight of charter schools
"When a district students enrolls in a charter or cyber school, Bethlehem pays that school tuition. Bethlehem expects to send $20M to charter and cyber schools this year..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
why the neo-con Bushies are attacking Ted Cruz
"Cruz is a foreign policy hard-liner, not an isolationist, but he is a tough-minded realist in a party contaminated by the ideological impulse to export America's political system to the Middle East..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Pete Kasperowicz _Blaze_
Ted Cruz proposing constitutional amendment to ban federal government from nullifying state marriage laws

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Matt Walsh _Blaze_
there is no such thing as "marriage equality"

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Matt Walsh _CBS_
information still being gleaned from Kennewick Man skeleton
"Discovered 18-years ago in Washington state, the 9K-year-old skeleton...   While researchers have determined his diet, his size, and uncovered various injuries he sustained, there is still much more to learn..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Robert Connelly _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
homes slated for demolition used by fire-fighters for training

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Hispanic voters and the "American Dream"

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
we need to retire Harry Reid

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
economy, job markets, ISIL, ebola, over-population, energy... Americans can handle the truth

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Dems will pay the price for Obummer in November

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Allen B. West
Obummer's half-hearted, ineffective quasi-military operation against ISIL is a farce

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
_The Right Scoop_
Mark Levin criticized neo-cons for promoting ObummerPhone program
Luke Rosiak: Washington DC Examiner
"Mary Cheney and prominent Republican consultants linked to Karl Rove, Mitt Romney...   [The ObummerPhone program's] cost doubled in 5 years to $1.75G in 2011, and in some states, the number of phones given out exceeded the total eligible population...   But loosely-knit groups of impoverished consumers don't make 6-figure ad buys...   PWUA shares the address and staff of BKM Strategies.   BKM is a Republican consulting firm comprised of Barry Bennett, who was involved in several major Republican super PACs; Kara Ahern, a fund-raiser for senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign and the RNC, and [Mary Cheney], a daughter of former vice-president Dick Cheney...   The FCC documents say PWUA's 'chief executives' are Bennett, Cheney and Joe Jansen...   The company that has received the most income from the Lifeline program is TracFone, whose CEO, F.J. Pollak, was an [Obummer] campaign fund-raiser. The company spent nearly $1M on lobbying last year..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
GMO wheat discovered in research field where it should not be, is being investigated
"Septembr 26...discovery in Montana of wheat genetically modified to survive exposure to Roundup herbicide [at Huntley]...   after a year of increased testing for genetically modified grain in U.S. wheat, with none found...   The testing started after genetically modified soft white spring wheat was discovered in a 100-acre Oregon farm field where none had ever been intentionally planted...   The Huntley facility, known as the SARC, was 1 of 2 Montana sites for USDA-approved testing of Roundup-Ready wheat from 2000 through 2003.   The other Montana site was west of Bozeman.   The experimental crops were monitored during the tests and for years afterward to make sure stray GMO wheat seeds didn't 'volunteer' and sprout on their own, according to MSU.   In July, SARC researchers spraying a field with Roundup noticed that roughly 100 wheat plants in the field seemed unfazed by the herbicide.   SARC contacted USDA's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, which launched an investigation...   In addition to 2014 sites, APHIS will test 81 field test sites active in 2012 and 2013.   Those sites are in Arizona, California, Iowa, Indiana, North Dakota, Hawaii, Nebraska, Texas and Washington..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz asked FAA 5 simple, to-the-point questions about ebola; MSM all scream in panic

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Terri Lynn Land criticized Obummer on insecure borders, illegal immigration and ISIL

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Andrea Chang _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Yahoo to dump 400 employees in India, invite over 160 to work in USA
"about 1K Yahoo employees work from Bangalore."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
ways your memory can be impaired
"Prescription sleeping pills are possibly the worst offenders when it comes to memory deficits...   benzodiazepines...   statins...   migraine patients suffered impairment in global-visual processing in the 2 days following an attack, but not in attention or working memory.   Following a migraine, some patients will experience complete amnesia lasting hours; this specific neurological disorder is known as transient global amnesia...   the cumulative incidence of dementia was 1.48 percent greater among participants suffering migraine compared to those without these headaches.   Stress...   high levels of cortisol, the infamous 'stress hormone', may be one cause for short-term memory loss...   People whose blood type is AB are known to be at greater risk of blood vessel-related conditions due to the generally higher levels of clotting protein VIII.   Now, a 3-year study finds people with type AB blood are twice as likely to experience memory problems as people with type O blood...   Vitamin B12...deficiency..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
the truth about "diversity"
"If peoples really are diverse -- if we differ not just about clothes and cuisine, but over ideas, values, interests, morality and human rights..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Thomas Claburn _Information Week_/_UBM_
US Navy testing swarms of autonomous boats
"...The USVs choose their own routes over the water for escorting and interdiction.   Any weapons, however, will not be autonomous; weapon fire needs to be authorized by the human operator overseeing the mission..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle is on NATO's door-step, but Obummer regime makes it clear that saving Kobane is not part of its strategic objectives
"...refugees flooding Turkey -- about 2M have crossed thus far...   The Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) said in an update this afternoon that, on the 22nd day of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle's offensive against Kobane, they were able to kill 67 ISIS fighters while taking 12 casualties.   'ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle mercenaries are targeting the center of the city with tanks and heavy weapons.', the YPG warned... Reporters hammered Psaki with questions about whether the U.S. is OK with Kobane falling — handing ISIS a strategic border crossing -- or whether their strategy just considers the 400K-population city collateral damage..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
mid-term money: will Dem/leftist super-PAC cabal over-power Republicans' campaigns? (video)

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Leon Panetta -- hero and villain

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Hans von Spakovsky _PJMedia_
_Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party's Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America_ by J. Christian Adams
"dams, my former colleague in the Civil Rights Division and co-writer for the PJ Media 'Every Single One' series on biased hiring at the division, left the Voting Section in protest after Eric Holder and other political subordinates ordered the dismissal of the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party for its outrageous misbehavior in Philadelphia in 2008.   The Justice Department's loss was our gain, since it freed Adams to write about not only voter fraud cases occurring around the country, but about the malfeasance of the Holder Justice Department and its war on election integrity, all of which is covered in this new book..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
are cellular phones the new cigarettes?

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
paradigm shift
"I had the idea that narrative in crisis goes through 3 phases: denial, over-confident half measures to restore normalcy and when that fails, panic.   What follows the panic is probably a paradigm shift.   It's time for one.   The current PC paradigm has been failing for some time.   The rise in terrorism and Ebola have highlighted its short-comings, although the old players are still trying to force the new situation into the same old tired talking points with ever more absurd results..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
audit your enemies, say the corrupt
"The producer of a new movie that criticizes [ObummerDoesn'tCare] has reportedly become the latest prominent conservative slapped with an IRS audit.   Logan Clements, producer of 'Sick and Sicker: ObamaCare Canadian Style', announced via press release Tuesday that he is being audited for the first time ever..."

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
voter fraud myths and truths

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
_Tallahassee Reports_
national and local home sales slowed in August (with graph)

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Robert Balic
Australia's history of hot tempers

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
watching the goal-posts bring moved

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Anthony Watts
U of AL at Huntsville temperature report

2014-10-07 (5774 Tishrei 13)
Anthony Watts
observing the Birkeland currents borne of the solar wind and earth's magnetic field
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
employers are in no hurry to hire: Dice says that in August they took a record average of 26.5 working days to hire

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Sharona Schwartz _Blaze_
Christian PLO exec says mere easier access by Jews to the Temple Mount would be a "loud insult" to Muslims
"Hanan Ashrawi, the PLO executive committee member, is herself a Christian.   'They are violating the sanctity of religious sites without consequences, which completely terminates possibilities for peace and will ultimately drag the whole region into disastrous clashes.', Ashrawi said in a statement Tuesday...   Ten of the 11 entrances to the Temple Mount are dedicated for Muslim use, while non-Muslim visitors, including Jews, may only enter through a single entrance known as the Mughrabi Gate.   Palestinian protesters regularly shout insults and intimidating slogans and have been documented spitting and throwing objects at Jews who visit the site.   A Hamas operative earlier this year told Israeli interrogators that Hamas pays monthly salaries as high as $1,440 to Arab protesters to sit near the tourist entrance and harass and throw stones at visiting Jews...   The Temple Mount is the site where both Jewish temples once stood.   It is also the third-holiest site in Islam and is home to the Al-Aqsa mosque.   Under Israeli police regulations, non-Muslims are not permitted to publicly pray on the Temple Mount...   riots are often timed by the demonstrators around Jewish holidays."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Billy Hallowell _Blaze_
the difference between critics' and viewers' scores of movie "Left Behind"

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Liz Klimas _Blaze_
chickens in 2005 grew 4 times as fast as they did in 1957
"The study authors suggested that commercial selection for certain traits resulted in a 50% reduction in the feed conversion ratio, while allowing for the propagation of bigger birds.   Breast meat size in the newer strain of chickens increased by about 80%...   However, Zuidhof said that steroids or other hormones are not the cause.   Because chickens can produce a lot of off-spring in one year, Zuidhof explained to the news station that it is easier to select for and breed the naturally bigger chickens to produce similar results in the generations afterward."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Daniel Goldstein _MarketWatch_
11 things the college admissions office won't tell you
"1. Not all grades are created equal...   an 'A' earned at one high school [or class] may only be worth a 'B' at a more rigorous one...   Grade inflation..."
11. Under federal law, state colleges and universities cannot demand that you disclose to them your Socialist Insecurity Number for purposes of admission. They can ask, but they cannot deny admission or most other rights and privileges if you refuse to disclose it. Consult a lawyer.

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Sarah Ferris _Hill_
GOP senators urge Boehner to help block bail-out for ObummerDoesn'tCare insurers

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Ralph Z. Hallow _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz & Rand Paul: their competition and cooperation is reshaping the GOP

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
_Conservative HQ_
the $40M vacation men: Obummer and BiteMe

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Ann Coulter _Town Hall_
illegal alien invasion

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
leftist/Dem lushes savage Terri Lynn Land for being a security mom

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Paul Miller _Daily Signal_
Gerry Connolly & Jim Moran (both D-VA) support funding Hamas and Palestinian terrorists
"Suzanne Scholte, Connolly's Republican challenger in November, posted the audio clip of Connolly's remarks on her YouTube page."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
is your table (or barbecue) an altar?

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
teacher indoctrination
"...The average parent and [tax-victim] has little idea of what is being taught to our youngsters...   Parents should become more involved with their children's education.   They should look at the textbooks used and examine their children's home-work.   Parents should show up en masse at PTA and board of education meetings to ensure that teachers confine their lessons to reading, writing and arithmetic and leave indoctrination to parents.   The most promising tool in the fight against teacher indoctrination and class-room misconduct is the microtechnology that enables students to secretly record and expose academic misconduct by teachers."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
how to keep ebola out of the USA

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
words from the unwise: president Obummer's remarkable dispassion

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
leftists are storming bed-rooms
"...Most libertarians are surely against racial discrimination, sexism, poor eating habits, homophobia and so on.   But their proposed remedies don't look anything like a [leftist's].   Libertarians, for the most part, do not favor racial or gender quotas.   They're against banning big sodas, campus speech codes or forcing elderly nuns to pay for birth control coverage, among other things..."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
there's a distinction between being needy and being responding to incentives to work or not work

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Zach Miners _"IT" News_/_IDG_
judges spar with attorneys about "National Security Letters" and data requests
"The hearing, held in a federal appeals court in San Francisco, focused on National Security Letters, or NSLs, a type of data request commonly used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to obtain information from companies, ostensibly for the purposes of investigating national security matters.   The government issues these data requests to telecommunications and Internet providers such as Google and Verizon without any review by a court, and the letters almost always have a gag order attached to prohibit the recipients from saying much about them..."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
US supremes approve North Carolina election integrity laws
Fox/AP: supremes block voter ID laws in WI; US district judge blocked voter ID law in TX

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
documentary critical of IRS & Lois Lerner to show in 674 theaters next week
Hollywood Reporter: I'll have a large popcorn and an audit, please

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Bob Beckel challenges Jason Mattera to a "knife fight" over video of his attempt to get Lerner to answer some questions
"...Others on the panel noted that Lerner dodged questions that Americans, other than Beckel, want answered.   Eric Bolling defended Mattera by reminding everyone that Andrew Breitbart was subjected to 'a million of these' ambush videos by the left.   Gutfeld notes that conservatives like Mattera are [merely] 'catching up to the left', and then Beckel lost his mind again..."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
Ted Cruz & Tom Coburn help Pat Roberts campaign

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
DoD admits air-strikes are not enough to save Syria-Turkey border city of Kobane

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
wondrous archaeological finds in Israel this past year
"What Shukrun actually found is a giant fortification dating back 3800 years...   a 3700-year-old Canaanite wine cellar in western Galilee...   scientific analysis of traces found in the jars...   a chisel used to build the Western Wall.   The chisel is about 6 inches long...   a Roman sword, cooking vessels...   the dramatic death of the Sicarii and their families has commanded the greatest interest.   In 1969 the state of Israel gave a full military funeral to 28 skeletons excavated at Masada...   a two-thousand-year-old lice comb that looks like an ordinary one but is made of wood rather than metal...   a shard of a clay pitcher with its owner's name, Shimon Bar-Yoezer, inscribed on it in Hebrew...   'For me it's the little things, like the child's toy we found, the Roman soldier's wage slip, the seal used by the baker to mark his loaves -- these are the things that make this place so alive for me.'"

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
some in US government behaving like gigoloes?
"A mistress seldom reflects that if she can persuade a husband to betray his wife she might someday be the next to be cheated on.   For any arrangement founded on dishonesty suffers from the danger that you may be deceived in turn.   In the context of politics the relevant question to ask is why the administration, having betrayed the Kurds, should not betray someone else...   the Turks are watching ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate destroy the Kurds, in much the same way as the Soviets stood by and let the Nazis crush the Warsaw uprising..."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Claudia Rosett _PJMedia_
capitalism and the yearning for freedom in Hong Kong
"The New York Sun proposes awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Hong Kong, where demonstrators have been defying Beijing in order to demand their promised democratic rights.   Great idea -- but it is Hong Kong that would dignify the prize, not the other way around.   Hong Kong's people have acted with courage and grace in the face of one of the world's most powerful dictatorships...   after years of evasion and delay, [Red China] this summer produced the plan: in 2017, Hong Kong's people would be allowed to vote for their chief executive -- with the cynical proviso that Beijing would, de facto, choose the candidates..."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Emily Zanotti _American Spectator_
at $32K/plate fund-raiser of wealthy leftists, Obummer slams wealthy Republicans, as he asks for support to continue destruction of the USA

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Laura Ingraham
CDCP reports that in recent years 110M Americans have some STD: 50.5M men and 59.5 women
CBS Atlanta GA
"In the United States, nearly 20M cases of new STD infections are reported each year, reports Live Science.   Since infections can persist for a long time, and because some victims are not even aware they have a disease and can easily spread it to others..."

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Eric Holder resigned because judge ordered Fast & Furious document index to be turned over

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
recent immigration polls: the good, the bad, and the ugly (part 1)

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Steve Straub _Federalist Papers_
map of voting rates across the USA
John Fund & Hans von Spakovsky: Washington DC Examiner

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Anthony Watts
Antarctic sea ice has reached a new record level

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Bob Carter & Tom Harris
Obummer misled NWU students about climate and energy

2014-10-08 (5774 Tishrei 14)
Willis Eschenbach
learning from the monsoon
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Terri Lynn Land favored by "security moms"; opposed by leftist lushes

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
_Conservative HQ_
Muslim terrorists have entered USA through un-secured borders
"Homeland Security [DHS] sources tell Judicial Watch that 4 have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
_Conservative HQ_
voter fraud alert in Virginia
"Our friends at the Virginia Voters Alliance are demanding an investigation and prosecution of 278 non-citizen voters for voter fraud by the Fairfax county prosecutor's office and attorney-general Eric Holder.   The action follows last month's announcement of the confirmed 164 double voters out of 43,893 duplicate registrations in neighboring Maryland...   As background to the story, on 2014 June 1, Hans van Spakovsky published an article in The Daily Signal that details the specific instances of non-citizen voting in Virginia and under-scores the lack of prosecution and attention paid to these violations of state and federal law...   In fact, 'falsely claiming to be a citizen on a voter registration form', the exact offense noted above, actually violates 3 federal statues, 42 U.S.C. §1973 gg-10(2), 18 U.S.C. §1015 (f), and 18 U.S.C. §911.   Violations of each of these are felony infractions, punishable by imprisonment of up to 3 or 5 years, depending on the specific statute..."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
_Conservative HQ_
Florida Family Policy Council pre-election tour

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Karin McQuillan _American Thinker_
FreedomWorks is having an effect in 2014 elections

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Jim Angle _Fox_
over a dozen states plan to cancel health care policis which are not in compliance with ObummerDoesn'tCare
"'It looks like several hundred thousand people across the country will receive notices in the coming days and weeks.', said Jim Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Fast and Furious: Judicial Watch has filed FOIA suit against Phoenix for federal docs related to arms used in 2013 gangster shoot-out: police worked with BATFE, DHS, FBI and DEA, suggesting it wasn't just local gangs

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
GOP positions on national security and immigration reform give them an edge in the election

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
ebola, electronic medical records and Epic Systems
"A Dallas hospital's bizarre bungle of the first U.S. case of Ebola leaves me wondering: Is someone covering up for a crony billionaire [Obummer] donor and her controversy-plagued, [tax-victim]-subsidized electronic medical records company?...   Epic was founded by billionaire Judy Faulkner, a top [Obummer] donor whose company is the dominant EMR player in the U.S. health care market...   Faulkner...served as an adviser to David Blumenthal.   He's the White House health information technology guru in charge of dispensing the federal electronic medical records subsidies that Faulkner pushed [president Obummer] to adopt..."
please help find Marizela

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
is the French revolution our new model?
"At the end of the 18th century, there were two great Western revolutions -- the American and the French.   Americans opted for the freedom of the individual, and divinely endowed absolute rights and values.   A quite different French version sought equality of result...   NASA might do better to ensure that our astronauts are independent of Vladimir Putin's Russian rockets rather than claiming that its primary mission is to reach out to the Muslim community..."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
why does the Obummer regime refuse to defend the USA and US citizens?

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
things leftists don't want us to say

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
life is messy, even when you mean well

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
supremes delay
"The whole notion of 'settled law', like 'settled science', can prove dubious, and should.   For patient Clio, muse of history, will not be hurried but only amused by mortals' never-ending hubris, and if ever there was a way to invite hubris, surely it is for appointed judges with lifetime tenure to decide this or that great question in haste, and then have to repent it at leisure..."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
_Chronicle of Higher Education_
bodyshopping in academia: survey of adjuncts at George Mason U
"...300 questions...   A third of respondents said they had been hired so near the beginning of a semester that they had less than 2 weeks to prepare, and a fourth reported having less than 1 week.   Nearly four-fifths said they had received no training to accommodate unique or special-needs populations such as non-traditional students, veterans, or students with disabilities.   Less than a third reported having been trained to deal with students who appeared to be threats to themselves or others..."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
fall in employment rate in September is not credible: Obummer regime policies are on the ballot

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Border Patrol Council VP Chris Cabrera says nothing is being done to secure borders, prevent continuing introductino of diseases & pests

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Seung Min Kim _Politico_
Republicans continue to criticize Obummer regime for refusal to comply with and enforce immigration laws
"...'Whether before or after the election in November, it is never acceptable for the president to re-write our laws by executive decree -- the Constitution does not give him the authority to do so.'..."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Harry Reid's body-guard attacked Jason Mattera for asking a simple, reasonable question: How did Reid, who was born in poverty, become so wealthy while working for the government?

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Alexander Bolton _Hill_
Ted Cruz rallies Kansas non-leftists in support of Pat Roberts

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Laura Ingraham
Maryland sheriff reports that Obummer regime is undermining public safety
"Jenkins told Laura that the [Obummer regime's] refusal to deport convicted criminal illegal aliens is politically motivated: 'absolutely it is political.   Let me tell you, here in Frederick ounty, for over 6 years now, I've participated with Homeland Security and ICE through the 287 program...   once they've served their sentences, they're adjudicated where we turn them over to ICE, [but] instead of deporting, they're releasing them back onto our streets...   this president, this administration is not protecting our country...   right here in Frederick county, a rural, farm county, 60 minutes from Washington.   We have a fairly significant presence of MS-13, Latin Kings, the Mexican Mafia, 18th Street.   All the gangs that you see that are embedded in our large cities, our large metropolitan areas that filtered out into our communities, our counties and they are committing crimes...   we are experiencing a heroin crisis all over the country...'"

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Peter Svensson _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
anticipated for decades, the in-home 3-D scanner + additive manufactured family statue is arriving

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Ula Ilnytzky _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Steve Wozniak-designed Apple 1, built 1976 in Steve Jobs's garage, could fetch $500K or more at auction

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
what happens if Republicans win? Will they be able to make any reforms? Do the party losership want to? What will the leftists/Dems do? Will Obummer throw a tantrum? What kinds?
"[Barack Hussein Obummer] is a man unaccustomed to losing.   Life has been exceptionally kind to him, sailing, as he did, through balmy Oahu sunsets, college, law school and career on into the presidency with scarcely a bump.   He has been a protected man beyond any in recent memory, feted and praised virtually everywhere he went until the last couple of years.   Even now, despite catastrophe after catastrophe, there are acolytes who continue to celebrate him, paying tens of thousands merely to have their photographs taken with him.   When such cosseted people are forced to confront failure, they typically do not do so with grace.   They are rarely able to admit fault..."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle fighters caught entering USA, stopping the ebola virus (video)

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle afraid of honest journalists and journalism

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
a vital book to understand how to create global peace: Angelo Codevilla's _To Make and Keep Peace Among Ourselves and with All Nations_

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
is feminist extremist hysteria infantilizing or empowering?

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
the contortions of a pro-Israel leftist Jew: Todd Gitlin

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Mark A. Kellner _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
diabetes cure is on the horizon

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
unkind, harmful, pathologically mean-spirited leftists
"...Conservatives and libertarians certainly want to see others flourish and lead happy, productive lives...   We also should ponder (though Voegeli doesn't) why so many [leftists] seem so eager to impose compassion through coercion.   The welfare state relies on confiscatory taxation, which is backed up by the threat of violence.   No matter how much private good you do, American [leftists] insist you first do good as they define it, and do it their way -- or else..."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Anthony Watts
tabloid climatology from the Max Planck Institute : "The findings show that no place is safe from 'climate change'."

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Anthony Watts
after inquiry, California moves to revoke carbon credits

2014-10-09 (5774 Tishrei 15)
Anthony Watts
from Goethe U in Frankfurt on clouds: super-glue for the atmosphere
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
airline employees strike in favor of non-leftist immigration policies: where's the GOP losership?
"Airplane cleaning staff at New York's La Guardia airport went out on strike over the [Obummer regime's] policy of allowing travelers from Ebola hot-spots, such as Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to board aircraft bound for America..."

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
_Conservative HQ_
Marilinda Garcia of NH may be the most important non-leftist GOP candidate in USA: losership is not backing her

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
Rand Paul campaigning for GOP candidates in 32 states

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Ben Kamisar _Hill_
Huckabee says he'll quit the GOP if losership continues to go along with extreme leftists on "social issues"

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Laura Ingraham
CDCP says 150 people per day enter USA from ebola epidemic countries, 4,500 per month
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Laura Ingraham
representative Walter Jones criticizes John Boehner, urges getting back to the Bible and Constitution (video)

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Laura Ingraham
Chinese buying spree; USA's trade deficit

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Tim Hornyak _"IT" News_/_IDG_
motorized suit-cases, controlled by smart-phone

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
5 College Republican women produce 6 ads; leftists throw a tantrum over an effective one featuring shopping for wedding dresses: "Say Yes to the Dress"

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Lew Rockwell_
judicial dictatorship
Cybercast News Service
"How, in little more than half a century, did the American people fall under the rule of a judicial dictatorship where judges and justices twist phrases in the Constitution to impose their alien ideology on this once-free people?"

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Peter Sayer _"IT" News_/_IDG_
group of tech execs who hate privacy opposing even EU's weak regs

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
vile Red Chinese government thugs say USA and UK are behind Hong Kong protests for democracy

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Nielsen admits software bug caused abc to be over-rated since March

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Robert Balic
I'm not so certain about the "arctic death spiral"

2014-10-10 (5774 Tishrei 16)
Anthony Watts
rain-all and floods: observations are more reliable than climate models
Proposed Bills 2014

  "We must seek the truth, like a lost child does his mother." --- Rabbinic saying (Jewish World Review)  



2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Michel Teitelbaum visited U of CA at Davis

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
campaign material thefts
"the ones she shooed from her lawn the other weekend were unusual.   They were well-dressed, plain spoken and seemed to be on a mission.   'I could see 4 of them in my driveway, a couple across the street and some were standing on the arch of my side-walk.   They were in heels and skirts, dress shirts.   They were on both sides of the street and talking to each other.', Weber said.   Weber opened her window and asked the crew to move on, which is a request she's all too used to making at 01:45 Usually her visitors wander back into the park, but these people, who appeared sober, headed deeper into the neighborhood...   When the sun came up, Weber's campaign signs were missing.   So were her neighbor's across the street and so on all the way down Parkhill and over several blocks..."

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
state government-backed cartels to be considered by supremes

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Chris Chmielenski _Numbers USA_
Obummer's suicidal amnesty for illegal aliens, open-borders, weak immigration fanaticism opposed by voters

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Anthony Watts
agricultural losses in 2014 due to cold temperatures

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Anthony Watts
Australian Labor party bails out on carbon tax

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Anthony Watts
"methane hot-spot" from natural coal-beds identified in the Four Corners area of the U.S. Southwest can be corrected with some preventative maintenence

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Bob Irvine
a comparision of green-hour gases vs. solar activity driving climate variations

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Kip Hansen
bird populations and climate

2014-10-11 (5774 Tishrei 17)
Kip Hansen
"renewables" equal death (video)
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The US government is still very interested in creating programmer jobs -- just not in this country.   In 2010, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) put up $10M to help Sri Lanka developan out-sourcing (cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring) industry.   US [tax-victim] dollars are aimed at training Sri Lankans in advanced 'IT' skills like Enterprise Java, as well as in busiess process out-sourcing and call center support.   The goal is to create 3K jobs.   According to Information Week, a similar program is being funded by USAID in Armenia to train Armenians." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pp109-110  



2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Burton Speakman _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
small steel companies are finding their niches
seeking to level the global steel markets

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
_Jewish World Review_/_International Business Times_
Kurdish women fighting against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
the haughty John Kerry who served in VietNam, promises -- without a pledge from Palestinians to stop initiating force -- to give them $212M

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime continues to unconstitutionally, no ANTI-constitutionally violate Americans' privacy

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
how anti-semitic is the Obummer regime State Dept.?
"It's hard to tell what's happening in the battle against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate...   we don't know much -- hardly anything about the bombing, who was hit, how much damage, collateral or otherwise, occurred.   Have there been civilian casualties?   How many?   Compare this to a few weeks ago and the non-stop coverage of the [war initiated by Palestine=Gaza against Israel]..."

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
Obummer confusion: from comedy to farce

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
NIH offical: "the system worked" on ebola, though "mistakes were made"

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
time waits for no one

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
uprising of facts is making management of the news cycle impossible

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
did critics attack "The Judge" for its politics? religion?

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJMedia_
how informed is "informed consent"... and does it matter?: medical ethics

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Thomas E. Brewton
too much currency (scrip), not enough value being created

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Anthony Watts
melting in West Antarctic glacier likely cause by geothermal activity

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Eric Worrall
physics is being captured by group-think

2014-10-12 (5774 Tishrei 18)
Tim Ball
separating mistakes from malfeasance when it comes to studying climate
Proposed Bills 2014

  "[Red China's] state-owned railway system... isn't allowed to use foreign technology.   The reason is a desire to build up Chinese companies into national champions...   The restrictions go beyond internal regulations.   Last week, [Red China] passed a new postal law that bans foreign companies from delivering express mail inside [Red China], a blow to FedEx Corp. of the USA and Germany's DHL Worldwide Express Inc., which have lobbied for years against the new rules.   [Red China] also maintains rules open limiting foreign investment in key sectors, such as autos, chemicals and information technologies." --- 2009-04-28 _Wall Street Journal_ "Foreign Businesses Say Red China is Growing More Protectionist" http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124082482232658755.html (quoted in Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg106)  


2014-10-13: Columbus Day

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
more data on the age issue, plus clarification on H-1B under-payment
"Basically, the magnitude of wage savings accruing from hiring the young is about 40%...   [Type 1 'savings'] involves paying H-1Bs less than what comparable Americans make (the word comparable is key), while Type 2 arises from hiring young foreign workers instead of older Americans.   My Migration Letters paper estimated the Type I savings at something like 20%, and this is what I wish to clarify...   The NRC survey found that employers admitted to giving the H-1Bs smaller raises and so on, so there is a counter factor, making the 20% figure (or its adjusted version) actually too low..."

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Obummer's H-1B visa perversion plan drawing fire from senator Charles Grassley (R-IA)

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Mark A. Kellner _Jewish World Review_
why many Christians are observing their versions of Jewish holidays this month

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Jeremy J. Siegel _Jewish World Review_
more things Thomas Pikketty got wrong

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Mrs. Grundy strikes again
"...Grandma Grundy, with her rules of prudish behavior, was a figure of fun, mocked by everyone who thought she should mind her own business.   Now her business is supervising private matters of intimacy..."

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
leftists continue attempting to repeal reality

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
no one trusts the Obummer regime

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
A GPA Harvard students parade their academic poison (and ignorance)

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
leftists'/Dems' role in mal-/over-government turning voters a against them

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
don't scare us, prepare us

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
defining threats and offering solutions appropriate to the USA
"...The main problem, though, is that deep in the minds of our elected officials and entrenched bureaucracies, the concept of a border doesn't exist.   A crisis of ideology is the real crisis.."

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's show/pretend war

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Obummer insanity in not seriously battling ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/pizzle

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
when will blacks stop buying the leftist line?

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
look who is violating your toddlers' privacy
please help find Marizela

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
bombing for show vs. effect

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Jane Lee _Daily Illini_
Electrical and Computer Engineering building dedicated at U of IL

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
Cory Gardner gaining ground in polls despite false claims

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Paul Voosen _Chronicle of Higher Education_
SF writers urge on engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs with big ideas

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
space: the totalitarian frontier

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
there are Russians in those hills (Syria is much more than a sectarian war)

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Elizabeth Weise & Jessica Guynn _USA Today_/_Gannett_
some minorities have STEM degrees, but are not hired
"A common refrain from tech companies about their woeful staff diversity figures is that there simply aren't enough African American and Hispanic programmers to fill the demand.   The numbers don't support them...   Top universities turn out black and Hispanic computer science and computer engineering graduates at twice the rate that leading technology companies hire them..."

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Raphael Satter _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
millions of voiceprints quietly being harvested

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
USMC general warns of potential ebola-driven mass illegal invasion of USA

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
_Conservative HQ_
Americans die, Obummer lies, GOP losership hides

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Paul McDougall _International Business Times_
the corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer may try to unconstitutionally side-step congress to expand H-1B visa scam, extend visa terms, while millions of bright, knowledgeable, creative, industrious US citizen STEM professionals remain unemployed or their knowledge and skills wasted in non-STEM jobs

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Anthony Watts
U of MA at Amherst: during the last ice age "icebergs once drifted to Florida"

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Anthony Watts
Owen Paterson to call for suspension of UK Climate Change Act

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Eric Worrall
the haughty John Kerry who served in VietNam, sceptiscism of impending climate catastrophe, and the mystery of Cthulhu

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Anthony Watts
warmist hysterics watch wrong weather warnings

2014-10-13 (5774 Tishrei 19)
Anthony Watts
another major misunderstood climate issue: models "under-play plant CO2 absorption"

1775-10-13: the United States Continental Congress orders the establishment of the Continental Navy (later renamed the United States Navy).
1792-10-13: in Washington, DC, the corner-stone of the United States Executive Mansion (known as the White House since 1818) was laid.
1845-10-13: a majority of voters in the Republic of Texas approved a proposed constitution, that if accepted by the U.S. Congress, will make Texas a U.S. state.
1881-10-13: revival of the Hebrew language as Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and friends agree to use Hebrew exclusively in their conversations.
1843-10-13: the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith [children of the covenant] was founded in New York City.
1884-10-13: Greenwich is established as universal time meridian of longitude.
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Who is the bravest hero?   He who turns his enemy into a friend." --- _Avos D'Rabbi Nosson_ (source: _Jewish World Review_)  



2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
MSFTNBC ratings hit new lows

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
when the patsies lose their pity, you may finally deserve it

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
perverted priorities: DoD waging war against tobacco, instead of invaders, terrorists, foreign threats to USA

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
letting no panic go to waste

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
corrupt Obummer regime rebuilding Gaza=Palestine and Hamas + Palestinian Authority for the next attack against Israel

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
evasive power-play to pervert marriage

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Tim Hornyak _"IT" News_/_IDG_
scientists harness smart-phones as cosmic ray detectors

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
election campaign money

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
5 key consequences if Baghdad falls to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate "Reports that ISIS has surrounded Baghdad and is quickly closing in on the Baghdad International Airport (armed with MANPADS [man-portable air-defense systems], no less) are troubling.   Baghdad itself has been rocked by a series of VBIED [Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device] attacks in the past 24 hours by ISIS, indicating that the battle for Baghdad has begun...   If ISIS captures Baghdad, it will be with weapons provided by the U.S. to the Iraqi army and "vetted moderate" Syrian rebel groups..."

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
more than 6 months after start of kidnappings of girls by Boko Haram, Obummer regime continues to dither

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
extreme leftist insanity continues at Janet Napolitano's UCLA: poster girl Angela Davis

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
question for Wayne Slater: why are you misleading people about Greg Abbott, Rush Limbaugh and the Republican Party

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the angel of death
"One of the most interesting things about the West African Ebola outbreak is that stopping the disease has very little to do with hospital treatment.   In fact, according to the WHO, it makes almost no difference to survival whether a West African is taken to a hospital or not.   Mortality rates outside a hospital are 70%.   'For patients who had been treated in hospital, the mortality rates were a little lower, ranging from 67% in Liberia down to just over 61% in Sierra Leone, so hospital treatment made some difference, but perhaps not as much as might have been hoped.'   What makes a difference is the culture of the people around you..."

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
WMDs confirmed found in Iraq since 2003
C.J.Chivers: NYTimes: US soldier casualties of Iraqi chemical weapons

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
declaring one refuses to do proper & effective things, but will do improper and/or ineffective things

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
why Europe is irrational about Israel and the Middle East

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
clueless Obummer

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Zach Miners _"IT" News_/_IDG_
tech pros ask court to set aside settlement in restricted recruiting conspiracy case

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Aaron Gardner _True Blue Republican State_
John Fund braced for voter fraud in CO; I'm braced for victory

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
the question for primary voters in 2016: who is standing up and leading; so far that's Ted Cruz

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
recent immigration polls: the good, the bad, and the ugly (part 2)

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
Federal Reserve Board study confirms that foreign guest-nurses have been displacing US citizen nurses
"A recently released Federal Reserve study shows that 'for every foreign-born nurse that migrates to a U.S. city there are between 1 and 2 fewer native RNs observed working in the city'...   'We find evidence of large displacement effects...over a 10-year period.'...   The people in those stiff white uniforms have a much better advocate in the American Nurses Association than the programmers do, and the nurses work in a people-serving industry that is less cut-throat in the pursuit of profits than Silicon Valley.   While I welcome the arrival of this study, I wish the authors had devoted their resources to another occupation.   Thanks to the ANA, there is relatively little current international migration of nurses through either H-1B or the employment-based permanent immigration schemes, but there was much more earlier in the 33-year period covered by this survey.   As to the small current flow of RNs, a glance at the MyVisaJobs web-site shows that 84,505 H-1B labor condition applications were filed for computer system analysts in FY2014, while there were only 494 for nurses; routinely only about one third of LCAs lead to visas, but the relative numbers are telling.   Most nurses have three-year certificates; one must have a bachelor's degree to get into H-1B, and then the hospitals would have to compete with the greedy IT industry for slots in the program.   Recently, USCIS -- always on the side of more migration -- has been offering advice on how H-1B can be used [abused] to bring in nurses with 4 or more years of education."

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Kathryn Watson _Daily Signal_/_WatchDog_
bloated voter registration rolls are a ripe target for election fraud

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Lydia Goodman _News with Views_
Pakistan should be on trial: will Asia Bibi get a new day in court?

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
old things that are new again
"Authors represented in this stack include David Hunter Strother, John Pendleton Kennedy, William Gilmore Simms (though he was neither from the Valley or writing about it… just that Strother prepared the illustrations for the book), Philip Pendleton Kennedy (brother to J.P. Kennedy), John Esten Cooke, John White Page, Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer, and Frances Courtenay Baylor.   The book at the very top was written by Rhode Islander, Hezekiah Butterworth, but focuses on Greenway Court (Lord Fairfax and George Washington in days prior to the Revolution and French & Indian War).   All the rest are Southern writers (though John Pendleton Kennedy's 'Southernness' has been questioned a few times..."

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Anthony Watts
CO2 doesn't much affect temperatures; no global crisis at hand

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Anthony Watts
water temperature of the Great Lakes is 6 degrees colder than normal

2014-10-14 (5774 Tishrei 20)
Anthony Watts
NASA study found 1934 had worst drought of last 1K years
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
R' Yonason Goldson _Jewish World Review_
revealed: Simchas Torah secrets

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
STEM employment has yet to recover to 2001 levels, let alone to reach full employment
"In 2001, the tech industry employed 6.5M people.   Then the bubble burst, and pay-rolls shrank dramatically.   That year remains the tech industry's employment high-water mark -- and it will take another 200K jobs to equal it [neglecting population increase and additions to the talent pool since then].   Tech industry employment reached 6.3M in the first half of this year, a gain of 118,800 jobs, up 1.9% compared to the first half of 2013..."

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Patrick Thibodeau _WOWT NBC Omaha NB_
$170M being wasted instead of encouraging firms to hire & train long-term unemployed US citizens

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Michael Freund _Jewish World Review_
is rebuilding Gaza=Palestine more important than halting ebola?

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
ultimatum to nurses: 1 mistake and you die
"...More than 233 doctors and nurses have caught Ebola and died in Africa this year.   Many had limited equipment and training, but the fatalities also include renowned epidemiologist John Taban Dada, medical director of the 2 largest hospitals in Liberia, UN doctors, and 2 health-care workers from the highly trained Doctors Without Borders team..."

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
officially killing Americans
Henry I. Miller: NYPost: Life-saving drugs and deadly delays

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
irresponsible "Education"
"...If those individuals who feel aggrieved could sell their American citizenship to eager buyers from around the world and leave, everybody would probably be better off.   Those who leave would get not only a substantial sum of money -- probably $100K or more -- they would also get a valuable dose of reality elsewhere..."

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Lyndsi Frandsen _Jewish World Review_
Have you ever thought about what your child's teacher would say if the teacher could speak openly and honestly, without any back-lash?

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Angie Hicks _Jewish World Review_
rid your home of welcome mats for insect invaders

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Angie Hicks _Political Mavens_
how Obummer & Hillary gave human rights the heave-ho

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
a "We the People" moment for a "can-do" nation

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
ebola is much less scary than Hollywood's "Contagion"... or is it?

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
securing individual education of students and teachers simultaneously: another co-teaching variation

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
crumbling Constitution

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the Centers for Everything but Disease Control and Prevention
please help find Marizela

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
_Daily Illini_
LED pioneer Nick Holonyak over-looked by Nobel Prize committee

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Pete Carey _San Jose CA Mercury News_
San Francisco Bay area apartment rents at record high

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
_Conservative HQ_
covering Obummers hundreds of lies

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
_Conservative HQ_
Thom Tillis's right turn resonates with voters

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz leading again: calls for ebola travel suspension; GOP losership AWOL again

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Ryan Lovelace _National Review_
Republicans against amnesty for illegal aliens are winning by defying GOP losership

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
_Washington DC Examiner_
votes for Dems/leftists are votes for Obummer

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
could it possibly get worse?

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJMedia_
how do Mohammedans determine what is "Islamic"

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
gay totalitarians in Houston TX target churches: this is the sort of government behavior that used to be confined to two-bit third-world regimes
Bryan Preston: Houston mayor's sub poenas aimed at shutting churches up, or shutting them down

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Soeren Kern _Gatestone Institute_
Holy war erupts in Hamburg

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Rebecca Boyle _Popular Mechanics_
receptors turn brain plasticity off and on
"David Bochner, a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford, and neurobiology professor Carla Shatz wanted to study a receptor called paired immunoglobulin-like receptor B (PirB).   Earlier research had found that mice lacking this receptor recovered better after strokes and didn't demonstrate memory problems associated with a mouse version of Alzheimer's...   Humans have 5 different inhibitory immunoglobulin-like receptor molecules (LilrB), which are very similar to PirB.   One of them, LilrB2, seems to be involved in patients with Alzheimer's disease."

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Mike May _Florida Sun-Sentinel_
blocking Adrian Wyllie from debate doesn't help governor's contest
"Wyllie planned to set up shop in a conference room, a production crew in tow, and answer the same questions posed to Republican governor Rick Scott and former-Republican-governor-turned-Democrat Charlie Crist.   Wyllie planned to have his crew perform some technical wizardry and re-cut the debate to make it appear as if he were onstage.   Then he planned to post it on the web.   Kind of poetic: A Libertarian taking liberties with reality to protest a debate co-sponsored by a press association that tramped down on free speech...   One day earlier, a federal judge struck down Wyllie's bid to take part.   The 2 groups sponsoring the debate (the Florida Press Association and Leadership Florida) set a 15% threshold in a September poll as the bench-mark, and Wyllie -- who's been polling as high as 12% -- fell short.   'They keep moving the bar just out of reach of third-party candidates.', Wyllie said.   'Back in 2006, it was 7%.   Now it's 15%.   If I was at 18%, I'm sure they'd move the threshold to 20%.'..."

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Laura Ingraham
why won't Obummer use "pen and phone" to keep ebola out of USA?

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Avaneesh Pandey _International Business Times_
Saddam Hussein's WMDs now under ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate control
"According to a recent report published in the journal Middle East Review of International Affairs, or MERIA, militants of the Islamic State group used chemical weapons, including mustard gas, against Kurdish fighters in the Syrian border town of Kobani during their first attempt to capture the town in July...   In June, reports emerged that the Islamic State group had captured Muthanna, a chemical weapons facility, near the city of Samarra, located 45 miles NW of Baghdad..."

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Avaneesh Pandey _KYTX CBS 19_
Shamoil T. Shipchandler awarded Meritorious Service Award by DHS for handling of visa fraud case against Infosys
"Shipchandler led a team consisting of HSI supervisory-special-agent Brian Gray, DHS special-agent Edward Koranda, DHS auditor Christina Morales, DHS attorney Judson Davis, and Department of State special-agent Timothy Forte, in the investigation and settlement of claims against Infosys Corporation, an Indian company involved in consulting, technology and out-sourcing [i.e. cross-border bodyshopping & off-shore out-sourcing] services.   According to court documents, the government alleged instances of Infosys circumventing the requirements, limitations, and governmental over-sight of the H-1B visa program by knowingly and unlawfully using B-1 visa holders to perform skilled labor in order to fill positions in the United States for employment that would otherwise be performed by United States citizens or require legitimate H-1B visa holders.   The government also alleged that Infosys did so in order to increase profits, minimize costs of securing visas, increase flexibility of employee movement, obtain an unfair advantage over competitors and avoid tax liabilities.   The unique settlement in the case involved the payment by Infosys of $34M..."

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Anthony Watts
Alexa's fishy data hits Drudge, WUWT: mostly favors leftist sites over conservative news sites

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Anthony Watts
another UN IPCC modeling failure -- so THAT's where the atmospheric methane went

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Anthony Watts
encouraging: Lockheed Martin skunk works reveals compact fusion reactor details
Richard Fernandez: PJMedia

2014-10-15 (5774 Tishrei 21)
Anthony Watts
SDSU: weather history time machine
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
_Conservative HQ_
no amnesty for illegal aliens: US citizens should get jobs

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Jessica Menton _International Business Times_
tech sector hiring trails aggregate hiring by half; talent pool remains flooded

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Margaret Harris _Physics World_
the STEM talent shortage claim paradox: in UK in 2012-2013, 8% of new bachelor's degree recipients were still unemployed 6 months later; 9% of those with physical sciences degrees; 13% with computer science degrees

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Anthony Clark _Gainesville FL Sun_
job-training agency to waste $10M instead of encouraging employers to train US citizen new-hires and retained employees in Alachua and Bradford counties in tech & health careers
"The Department of Labor awarded $170M to 23 partnerships Wednesday..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
_Conservative HQ_
congress falsified application for ObummerDoesn'tCare exchange in DC

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Dan Bongino in Maryland's 6th congressional district

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
John Ribeiro _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
privacy hating Oracle sued over alleged employee no-poaching agreement with privacy hating Google
"...in a bid to keep salaries low.   Oracle's restricted hiring agreement with Google was part of a bigger conspiracy by technology companies, located mainly in Silicon Valley, that prevented solicitation of each other's managers, according to a class action complaint from Greg Garrison, who handled sales of Oracle's Crystal Ball software from about 2008 December to 2009 June.   The tech companies put each other's employees off-limits to other companies by introducing 'do-not-cold-call' lists and required companies to inform each other before hiring the other's employees, according to the complaint Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose division..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Jeremy Kirk _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
FBI warns of cyber-attacks linked to Red China

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
_CBS Action News Jacksonville FL_
Adrian Wyllie is the only adult running in Florida gubernatorial election: Wyllie supports legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, getting rid of property taxes, cutting the state's $77G budget by 30%

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
ethnic aristocracies have no place in modern USA
George Washington was British, Scottish, Irish, French, Spanish...

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
life-time lessons I've yet to master

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
tackled by the language police

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime: we'll tell you how dangerous ebola is after the election
"If ebola was concentrated in Finland and Norway -- certainly Israel! -- we'd have had a travel ban on Day One...   What is it with [leftists] living in gated communities always telling us that fences don't work?   THAT'S WHAT A QUARANTINE IS...   When there's a vaccine, we can mail it...   The problem isn't that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it's that [Obummer] doesn't want to protect Americans.   At least he's only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic -- doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
James Clapper under the bus

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
voter ID
"It is [refreshing] to note that the vast majority of Americans from all walks of life and from every racial and ethnic group do not swallow this left-wing hokum..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
if above market minimum wage decrees are so great, why are the supporters citing transparently bogus studies?
"pay-roll records did not corroborate the verbal assertions made by employers.   New Jersey actually suffered a decline in employment relative to Pennsylvania -- just as traditional economic theory would have anticipated...   Ohio University economist Lowell Gallaway, who has written critically about the study.   Gallaway said: 'The Card-Krueger study is still cited because it is useful politically...   It still has legs because the minimum-wage notion is an idea that just will not die.   You cannot put it to rest by any amount of evidence demonstrating its problems.   Whenever people want to believe something strongly enough, any study that supports that belief -- no matter how bad it is -- will be accepted.'...   Beacon Economics, chosen by both management and labor to give an objective, nonpartisan report on the effect of a $15.37 hourly minimum wage, concluded that the effect of this 2008 wage hike was devastating.   Beacon's founding partner, economist Christopher Thornberg, said: 'The data clearly show that hotels around the airport have seen a sharp decline in employment relative to hotels in Los Angeles county overall.   Some 12% more people are employed at hotels in the county than in 2007...   But in the airport hotels covered by the law, hotel employment has declined 10%.'..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
Dem fakery
"Clinton [is] moonlighting as a party hack.   Is it possible he actually believes these candidates are leaders who make Democrats proud? No.   Grimes, for all the aid she's gotten in her race against Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, has been a disappointment to Democrats.   Crist is an empty suit.   Braley specializes in gaffes.   Pryor is a senator thanks to his family name.   Clinton's e-mail is a small part of the Democratic campaign to dress candidates in tough races in political apparel suitable for 2014.   They're no longer partisan Democrats or liberals or tied to President Obama's agenda or allies of Senate majority leader Harry Reid or House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi.   Instead, they're fakes..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
living in saddening times

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
E Pluribus Conservatibus

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
William Kristol _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
3 Kent State U employees related to person infected with ebola have been sent home

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Steve Deace _Town Hall_
Ted Cruz and the left's war against women

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Ed Whelan _National Review_
more on Houston government's harassment of preachers

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Houston's mayor back-tracks on church sub poenas, tosses her own lawyers under the bus

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
ebola latest: CDCP look like idiots... again

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Bobby Jindal unloaded on Obummer; ebola crisis is latest nightmare caused by president's incompetence

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Amy Hoak _MarketWatch_
professions with the highest (and lowest) home-ownership rates
"For example, fire-fighters, police officers, farmers and tool-makers were more likely to own a home than lawyers or judges in 2012, according to the Ancestry.com analysis of Census data.   The home-ownership rate of teachers was higher than that of economists..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
AMD to slash 7% of work-force

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
most Airbnb rentals in New York are illegal, power-mad NY attorney-general claims

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Laura Ingraham
in the war on ebola, we are Obummer's collateral damage

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Patrick J. Buchanan _World Net Daily_
ebola: political correctness could kill half of us

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Doug Wead _World Net Daily_
Houston government abuses tax-victim money to target churches

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Alan Keyes _World Net Daily_
end the tyrants' war against our prosperity

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
my 5-point plan to fight ebola

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Francesca Chambers _Daily Mail_/_AP_
Rand Paul notes ebola is "incredibly contagious" and White House is being dishonest about how easily it can spread: lab tests showed in 2012 that it could spread 3 feet through air

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
CDCP says infected nurse may have had symptoms on flight From Dallas to Cleveland

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
CAIR & a flying imam white-washed
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
_Conservative HQ_
CHQ election briefings on amnesty for illegal aliens, Obummer's lies, the violent Muslim threat and Obummer's national security failures

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Jenny Beth Martin _Hill_
electoral mandates
"These historic land-slides were not the result of timidity.   They were earned by principled conservatives who gave the nation a clear and unambiguous vision that encompassed personal freedom, economic freedom and a debt-free future; a vision that drew a stark contrast with the liberal status quo of the moment.   Today, we are living in another of those moments.   The nation is demanding tough action on illegal immigration..."

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
some countries sell citizenship, disguising their origins and putting citiznes of other nations at risk

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
Public Religion Research Institute strikes again: the "Unaccompanied Children" poll (part 1)

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
very large fees charged by South Dakota's EB-5 program

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Anthony Watts & David DuByne
ice-breaking fleet on Great Lakes may be inadequate this year

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Anthony Watts
major hurricane Gonzalo gives an "eye-opening" performance

2014-10-16 (5774 Tishrei 22)
Anthony Watts
early snow-fall on the big Island of Hawaii seen on satellite
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Laura Ingraham
maid fired because her brother worked at soup restaurant that NBC chief medical correspondent visited in violation of ebola quarantine

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Laura Ingraham
CDCP denies enterovirus link to illegal-alien kids
Jerome R. Corsi: World Net Daily

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Laura Ingraham
Drexel U study: ebola quarantine period is too short
Lizzie Parry: Daily Mail

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Michael Zennie _Daily Mail_
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital had Film Array device that can screen for ebola with 90% accuracy, but couldn't use it because it isn't FDA approved

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Laura Ingraham
List: law-makers backing travel ban

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer's gift to USA is fear

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Grant Gross _"IT" News_/_IDG_
corrupt big-tech execs like Obummer's nominee for head of patent office
"[Execs of big tech firms] have major rifts about patent policy with small inventors and pharmaceutical firms.   In general, the U.S. tech industry has pushed for legislation that would make it more difficult for patent holders -- including patent-licensing companies -- to sue for patent infringement, while many small inventors and pharmaceutical companies have resisted calls to weaken patent protections."

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Mikael Ricknaes _"IT" News_/_IDG_
speeds at up to 1Gbps will eventually be possible over copper lines
"G.fast only works over short distances, up to 250 meters, so it is only used to connect subscribers to the nearest distribution point; the rest of the network must be fiber...   Recently, British operator BT said down-load speeds of around 700Mbps and upload speeds at 200Mbps over a distance of 66 meters were achieved during a field trial."

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Brent Bozell _Fox_
if GOP losership blows November election, its anti-conservative strategy will be to blame

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
ebola, ideology and common sense

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
phony immigration "rights" for illegal aliens take a judicial hit; public right to know prevails
"Curiously, both the district and circuit courts, although arriving at diametrically opposite decisions, focused on the provisions of FOIA, rather than those in the PA [PA1974 (an amendment to FOIA; S3418/HR16373; Public Law 93-579; 5 USC 552a; 88 Stat. 1896-1909; GPO S/N 052-001-004-00439-6)] -- which limits federal privacy protections to 'U.S. persons', who are defined as United States citizens and resident aliens. Non-immigrants and illegal aliens [and corporations] are outside the scope of federal privacy law."

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
H-1B visa fraud may trigger civil asset forfeiture
"In 2013, the U.S. [government] indicted the owners of Dibon Solutions of Carrollton, Texas, and several employees for H-1B visa fraud, according to papers filed in U.S. District Court of Texas in Dallas...   paying them only when they worked.   The practice, called benching..."

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Cheryl K. Chumley _News with Views_
gay cases shopped into pro-gay 9th circus judges?
"...He's alleging, somewhat shockingly, that the process has been tainted -- that statistically speaking, 2 of the 3 judges that heard the original case of Nevada and Idaho perhaps didn't belong on the case.   That statistically speaking, these 2 judges -- judge Berzon and judge Reinhardt -- have we been appointed to far more cases involving gay rights in recent years than chance appointment would have it..."

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Bill McBride _Calculated Risk_
UMich consumer sentiment index increased from 84.6 in late-September to 86.4 in mid-October
Keris Alison Lahiff: Street
NASDAQ Tenko FX/FX Street

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Ben Shapiro _Front Page Magazine_
the myth of the "tiny minority" of Muslims who advocate initiation of force and fraud

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
KrisAnne Hall
Founding Brothers

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Jason Overdorf _Global Post_
celebrity scientist, eco-warrior turned chemist Michael Braungart wants Germans to stop recycling

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Pat Michaels & Chip Knappenberger
back-yard birds spreading in Sierra Nevadas

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Bob Tisdale
ARGO reporting wide range of warming and cooling rates in oceans at depths to 2Km

2014-10-17 (5774 Tishrei 23)
Anthony Watts
renewable energy fails protesters calling for more renewable energy
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-18 (5774 Tishrei 24)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
"Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has suggested, out loud and in all seriousness, that Jews be banned from the holiest site in Judaism."

2014-10-18 (5774 Tishrei 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Fed Up PAC

2014-10-18 (5774 Tishrei 24)
Anthony Watts
IFRC World Disasters Report for 2013 -- lowest number of catastrophies and deaths in 10 years
auf SchweizzerDeutsch

2014-10-18 (5774 Tishrei 24)
Eric Worrall
eco-fascists oppose robust economy
Proposed Bills 2014

  "since 1985, corporations have killed 84,350 pension plans -- each of which promised secure retirement benegits to dozens or hundreds or even thousands of men and women." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg161  



2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Stephen Lawson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
there's a standard in the works for 25Gbps ethernet
"For the kinds of traffic expected in those clouds a few years from now, experts are already discussing a 50Gbps specification.   And for enterprises with new, fast Wi-Fi access points, there may soon be 2.5Gbps Ethernet...   40Gbps and 100Gbps ethernet already exist."

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Stephen Lawson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Republican Ryan Zinke debated Libertarian Mike Fellows
"Mike Fellows. He called himself the lone candidate whose positions had remained consistent as he has advocated for more liberty, less government and lower taxes...   Zinke called for banning travel from the African countries where the virus had occurred to the United States and advocated shutting the U.S. southern border to prevent Ebola patients from entering the country...   Fellows said Ebola is more about education in the United States, adding that certain hospitals failed to follow their procedures intended to prevent the virus from spreading.   Zinke and Lewis both said they favor development of all forms of energy, but Zinke and Fellows said they opposed subsidizing alternative energy...   Fellows called for elimination of the U.S. Department of Energy..."

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Americans know their governments are not worthy of trust

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz talks about Obummer regime's assault against religious liberty, ebola quarantine

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer regime clandestinely plans to prepare for "surge" of 9M or more IDs for amnestied illegal aliens
Greg Richter: News Max
"Unnoticed until now, a draft solicitation for bids issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Oct. 6 says potential vendors must be capable of handling a 'surge' scenario of 9M id cards in one year 'to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements'.   The request for proposals says the agency will need a minimum of 4M cards per year.   In the 'surge', scenario in 2016, the agency would need an additional five million cards -- more than double the base-line annual amount for a total of 9M.   'The guaranteed minimum for each ordering period is 4M cards.   The estimated maximum for the entire contract is 34M cards', the document says.   The agency is buying the materials need to construct both Permanent Residency Cards (PRC), commonly known as green cards, as well as Employment Authorization Documentation (EAD) cards..."

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Alan Grayson (D-FL) called for ebola travel ban in July, perfidious Obummer "inexplicably" ignored it
"Instead, on August 15, Homeland Security's United States Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS) announced the implementation of a new policy, 'Ebola Outbreak-related Immigration Relief Measures to Nationals of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone Currently in the United States', that made it easier for citizens of these countries with visas to extend their stay in the United States, as Breitbart News reported on Friday..."

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
John Fund _National Review_
some down-sides of early voting

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
corrupt Obummer + Eric Holder + Tom Perez targeting Louisiana
"Perez's disgraceful comments reveal the moral bankruptcy of the modern civil rights movement, and particularly the abuses of power of the Justice Department Civil Rights Division.   Perez was then the assistant attorney general for civil rights, and telegraphing a desire on his part to see a series of law-suits, voluminous enough to employ dozens of lawyers and staffers suddenly with nothing to do.   His remark revealed how this administration views the balance of power between the federal government and the states when it comes to civil rights.   During the Kennedy [JFK] administration, attorney-general Robert Kennedy pursued civil rights cases in the south because it was the right thing to do.   In the [Obummer regime], attorney-general Eric Holder has pursued civil rights cases to give [corrupt] federal employees something to do..."

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Ohio Dept. of Health ordered travel restrictions on those exposed to ensure ebola monitoring compliance

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
QOTD: "Candy, we should be less concerned about giving the public the feeling that the government is on top of this and more concerned about the government actually being on top of it." --- Ted Cruz to Candy Crowley on travel ban rrom hot-zone ebola countries

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Ted Cruz _USA Today_/_Gannett_
a GOP-led congress in 2015 will pass a positive agenda, and expose the obstructionist Obummer left

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
Communist Party USA, Young Communist League USA back leftists/Dems

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Benny Peiser
Poland to veto EU's 40% CO2 reduction proposal

2014-10-19 (5774 Tishrei 25)
Anthony Watts & Brandon Shollenberger
secret post facto changes in the UN IPCC AR5 report
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Mordechai Schiller _Jewish World Review_
Holy Tongue from the other side

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
How is it possible that the world still does not seem to understand Israel?
"We did not want a war.   We kept on accepting cease-fire after cease-fire agreement, which Hamas continually rejected.   Yet, we are the ones who have lost support?..."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
why the real battle for America is over culture, not election (from )
(Buy _The Undocumented Mark Steyn: Don't Say You Weren't Warned_ at a 26% discount by clicking here or order in KINDLE edition at a 45% discount by clicking here. Sales help fund JWR)

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
1 picture said it all

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
is everything political in the Obummer regime?
"It's one thing if the members of the House or the senate act in a political way.   But, as I mentioned earlier, certain institutions are supposed to be above politics.   When they're not, they erode trust in government.   And that's never a good thing in a democracy.   Yet the FBI and the IRS and NASA and the CDCP and especially the U.S. military have all been tainted by politics on [president Obummer's] watch.   And I suspect that's just how he wants it."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the equal pay delusion

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
government malpractice

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
fascist leftists in Houston TX
"Is there no limit on the demands of radical leftists to force the rest of us to normalize their bizarre behavior?..."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
will Obummer order troops to fight ebola in Liberia clinics?
"Do you get the feeling the United States government is trying to get us all killed?   OK, not all of us.   Some of us.   I almost don't know how else to interpret the headlines, whether it's the 167K convicted criminal aliens who, despite deportation orders, remain 'currently at large', or it's the U.S. consulates in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea that are still issuing travel visas to citizens from these Ebola-stricken nations at a rate of 100 per day..."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
spreading communicable diseases vs. civil liberties
"Frieden had said that 'the care of ebola can be done safely, but it is hard to do it safely'.   Meaning: In theory, it's easy; in practice, very dangerous.   Unfortunately, that's not what he said on Day One.   When you hear it 2 weeks later, you begin to wonder..."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the next steps in Obummer's scheme to destroy the USA

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Scott Brown pointed out that Obummer's unconstitutional schemes to grant amnesty to illegal aliens makes no legal or constitutional sense

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Rob Natelson _Cybercast News Service_
the current supremes are not "conservative"
"But if a 'conservative' justice is one who consistently interprets the Constitution in accordance with traditional methods of judging—as the Founders intended for it to be interpreted—then the Court is anything but conservative.   On social issues the Court has been pushing society to the Left.   Otherwise, the best description of its jurisprudence is 'status quo' [or "statist quo"]..."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
the corrupt Solyndra's Ron Klain now ebola-czar

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
USA tax-victims funding retired nazis

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
corrupt, vile, bitter Eric Holder protecting Hamas terrorists, blocked aid to Israel

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Haitian parole decision was bad, but it could have been worse

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Marguerite Telford _Center for Immigration Studies_
protecting US citizens from ebola
"...We continue to watch as 100-150 people from Ebola-infected countries arrive daily in this country.   During a congressional hearing last week, representative Cory Gardner (R-CO) pointed out the lack of screening these individuals are receiving.   'There's 2K to 3K people...entering this country a year without checking their temperature, without having a contact sheet.', said Gardner..."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate making big push into Kurdistan

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
Obummer's contemptible path to an imperial presidency

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
Barack Hussein Obummer is plain stupid to send USA troops to ebola-ravaged Africa

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Anthony Watts
California trees' "smart response" to drought

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Anthony Watts
power-mad, dictatorial, unconstitutional FEMA to state governments: "provide a climate hysteria plan or lose unconstitutional funding"

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Anthony Watts
light-sensitive diatoms and carbon + oxyten cycles
"A rapid light change from blue light to red light and vice versa does not influence the photosynthesis output, but the metabolism is drastically reversed within 15 minutes.   'This way, cells that have grown in red light, which continue to be cultivated in a blue light environment can still perform photosynthesis, but can no longer grow.'   These 'light switches' can be used to control the carbon flow in cells..."

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Ron Arnold
slimed by Naomi Oreskes: in defense of Dr. Fred Singer

2014-10-20 (5774 Tishrei 26)
Anthony Watts
video: why "science" "reporter" Seth Borenstein at the Associated Press is more about "New Catch Phrases" and less about science
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
_Conservative HQ_
what major abominations are the White House holding back until after the election?

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Scott Brown and Frank Guinta campaign in NH against Obummer's lawlessness

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Ed Whelan _National Review_
marriage laws and sex discrimination

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
media are much scarier than ebola
"...Without mass media, none of the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century would have been possible.   Totalitarianism is a new phenomenon because mass media is a new phenomenon...   As Linda Chavez points out here, last year, about 30K Americans died of the flu, yet most Americans don't get flu shots...   According to the World Health Organization, in 2012, 627K Africans died of a disease.   But it wasn't Ebola.   It was malaria..."

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
a salute to the self-employed -- how they will save the country
"In any event, CNNMoney.com says the percentage of [bodies shopped] is soaring.   In 2005, roughly 31% of U.S. workers made their income as self-employed contractors.   Experts say that number could increase to well beyond 40% in the next 10 years.   Which would do our country [very very bad]."

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
criminalizing innocent Christian behavior

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Jennifer Pompi _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Michele Bachmann threatened by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Anna Palmer & Rachael Bade: Politico

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Houston pastors fight censorship challenge: anti-discrimination ordinance discriminates
Caroline Schaeffer: Houston TX Independent Journal Review

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Fast and Furious, ObummerDoesn'tCare, Benghazi, IRS, federal budget, Ukraine, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, Veterans Administration, ebola, resistance to secure borders, bull-headed opposition to internal enforcement of visa/immigration laws, flood of illegal immigration, enterovirus D-68: a thoroughly incredible presidency

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
does Barack Hussein Obummer care about USA citizenry, and their individual rights?

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
predatory media

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Derek Hunter _Daily Caller_
study finds leftistss are more likely to end friendships over political differences

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Derek Hunter _Daily Caller_
convert to Islam rammed 2 Canadian Armed Forces members, was chased, rolled his car, and was shot in battle with police, Surete du Quebec says

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
Public Religion Research Institute strikes again: the "Unaccompanied Children" poll (part 2)

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
other ways foreign workers adversely impact domestic workers

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
_Amarillo TX Globe-News_
rotten vote fraud has persisted for a long time
Jack Lee & Tina Grazier: NorCal web logs

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
MSFT, Ask.com and Oracle sued as law-suits over employee no-poach deal mount

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
studies show GOP can win elections by supporting immigration reform, opposing amnesty for illegal aliens in 2014: impact of Latino vote over-rated

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
_Real Clear Politics_
Mark R. Levin notes leftists/Dems need to get booted out
"These are deceitful hack politicians and the American people have to decide if they like the direction the country is going in.   Do you want chaos on the border?   Do you want immigration amnesty?   Do you want massive debt?   Do you want more redistribution of wealth?   Do you want more nationalization of healthcare?   Destruction of jobs, out-sourcing of jobs?   If you like it, then vote for your Democrat...   none of these Democrats that are running are moderates; they're all radicals.   None of them believe in small government.   They all believe in massive centralized government.   None of them believe in the working man and the citizens of this country..."

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Steve Straub _Federalist Papers_
man reported stuffing "hundreds" of ballots into the ballot box... the entire incident was caught on surveillance video

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Heather Mac Donald _City Journal_
the public-health profession is more committed to "social justice" than to sound science

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
National Socialist Radio hosts think they have solved the mystery of declining female enrollment in Computer Science
"...the reason for the decline in female CS enrollment was literally staring the NPR reporter in the face -- his graph of female enrollment (apparently measuring graduations) over time.   The graph matches quite well the ups and downs, and accelerations and decelerations, of the CS job market..."

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Anthony Watts
new paper debunks "ocean acidification" scare, finds warming increases pH

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Eric Worrall
the answer is NOT always in the data -- why data analysis is always contaminated by human value judgements

2014-10-21 (5774 Tishrei 27)
Anthony Watts & Paul Homewood
southern oceans are not getting warmer
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Amy Miller _Legal Insurrection_
James O'Keefe caught CO Dems advocating "awesome" voter fraud
"AllahPundit": HotAir
John Fund: National Review

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
_Conservative HQ_
Jeff Sessions points out that amnesty for illegal aliens will harm blacks disproportionatelyr
"In an exclusive interview conducted by our friend Matt Boyle of Breitbart, senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama argued that amnesty for illegal aliens and other immigration policies favored by [Obummer] and the Democrats will be financially devastating -- especially to African-American workers.   Sessions' passion for putting the interests of working Americans first and his commitment to conservative principles demonstrates once again why he has been steadily rising in our CHQ 2016 presidential straw poll..."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
BBC shows the way with under-cover program on foreign student cheating
"Recently a BBC Panorama program called 'Student Visa Scandal', which exposed cheating in the UK's foreign student system, was called to my attention.   It has 2 strong messages for this side of the water:   U.S.A. broadcasters: Do some investigative reporting on immigration cheating; and   U.S.A. policy-makers: do more to keep foreign 'students' from abusing our system!   The program clearly had neither of these objectives.   Auntie Beeb simply wanted to show the extent to which criminal elements have flourished by helping (for a price) foreign students outwit British authorities as they seek college admissions for which they do not qualify..."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
David Seminara _Center for Immigration Studies_
Oregon voters oppose driver's licenses for illegal aliens
"...The disconnect between what politicians and labor unions apparently want and what the public thinks is a good idea is startling, and it shows how out of step elected leaders and union officials are with their constituents..."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Kansas's Kris Kobach on lefts' enemies list for fighting voter fraud

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
_Gachi Yellow_
vote fraud: illegal aliens vote in NC
Kenric Ward: WatchDog: Obummer scam registers illegal aliens to vote
Caroline May: Breitbart

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
suspect in attack on Canada's parliament identified as a convert to Islam
Greg Richter: News Max: Mary Steyn notes that attacks are aimed at Canadian government, not "senseless violence"

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Matthew Vadum _American Thinker_
ACORN, SEIU linked to agitators around Ferguson/St. Louis
Patriots BillBoard

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
some "economists" are embarrassing to the profession
Human Events

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Heaven has arrived, or: Ecclesiastes takes a walk
"...every year it still surprises him.   The suddenness of it, the relief, the delight.   There ought to be a blessing, he thought.   Then he realized there was: 'Blessed by HaShem our G0D, king of the universe, who hath preserved us, sustained us, and allowed us once again to reach this season.'   Amen..."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer, the "virtuoso manager"
"First, in an article published in The Jerusalem Post, terrorism analyst and investigative reporter Steven Emerson revealed how the highest echelons of the administration blocked the FBI and the US [DoJ] from assisting Israel in finding the remains of IDF soldier Oron Shaul...   In August, The Wall Street Journal reported that the White House and State Department had stopped the Pentagon at the last minute from responding favorably to an Israeli request for resupply of Hellfire precision air-to-surface missiles.   The precision guided missiles were a key component of Israel's air operations against missile launchers in Gaza.   The missiles' guidance systems allowed the air force to destroy the launchers while minimizing collateral damage.   In keeping with the standard decades-long practice, Israel requested the resupply through European Command, its military-to-military channel with the US.   And in keeping with standard practice, the request was granted.   But then the White House and State Department heard about the approved shipment and spun into action.   As in the case of Oron's FB page, they didn't reject Israel's request.   They just added a level of bureaucracy to the handling of the request that made it impossible for Israel to receive assistance from the US government in real time...   On the other hand, [Obummer's] virtuoso handling of the federal bureaucracy and Congress also reveal the Achilles heel of his policies. He conceals them because he cannot defend them..."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
king Tutankhamun had ailments, deformities because his parents were siblings
"Albert Zink, scientific director of the 'Institute for Mummies and the Iceman' in Italy used genetic fingerprinting and tests on mitochondrial DNA to determine that King Tut's parents were, without a shadow of a doubt, brother and sister."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
gays are no more entitled to be intolerant than anyone else

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
what is best for USA is not what drives Obummer

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
corrupt federal persecutors
"...So was the lead prosecutor, Matthew Friedrich, finally punished? Again, no.   He took a higher-paying job at a private law firm.   Leslie Caldwell, who helped destroy Arthur Anderson, got promoted to assistant attorney general at the Justice Department.   Andrew Weissmann, who helped prosecute the Andersen and the Merrill Lynch employees, was made deputy director of the FBI.   Finally, prosecutor Kathryn Ruemmler, who helped manipulate the system to unfairly jail four Merrill Lynch employees, was promoted to deputy attorney general, then promoted again to White House counsel.   Now Bloomberg reports that she's [president Obummer's] first choice to replace [the similarly corrupt] Eric Holder!"

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Bill Schneider _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Dems opposed by "middle class"

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Hunter Biden Chronicles
"Everything you need to know about belt-way nepotism, corporate cronyism and corruption can be found in the biography of Robert Hunter Biden.   Where are the Occupy Wall Street rabble-rousers and enemies of elitist privilege when you need them?   Straining their neck muscles to look the other way..."
please help find Marizela

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Rep candidate's vote for himself was recorded as vote for his opponent by jiggered voting machine in Chicagoland
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Paul Miller: WatchDog
"'While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent.', Jim Moynihan said in a web log he linked to on Twitter.   'You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.'... Mr. Moynihan said he brought the error to the attention of a judge, who determined the machine hadn't been calibrated correctly..."
please help find Marizela

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
mid-term elections and the Idiot Vote
"_The Idiot Vote: The Democrats' Core Constituency_, the perfectly titled smart and funny e-book by my good friend Harry Stein."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the good news about off-shore oil rigs
"Never let it be said that Mother Nature doesn't appreciate irony.   A new study led by researchers at Occidental College and the University of California at Santa Barbara has found that the oil platforms dotting the California coast are fantastic for sea life.   In a 15-year study, researchers found that the ecosystems that build up around artificial rigs host 1K% more fish and other sea life than natural habitats such as reefs and estuaries..."

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_
HR Shared Services with Electronics for Imaging was paying employees from India as little as $1.21/hour to install computers in Fremont, CA

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
the Great Epidemic of "Workplace Violence"... by Muslims
Andrew C. McCarthy: PJMedia: we need to be honest, to call it Muslim terrorism

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
immoral Obummer/Kerry State Dept. urges "all sides to maintain calm" after Hamas murders baby

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
_Conservative HQ_
the vote-changing video the national GOP could run, but the GOP losership refuses to consider
Who will keep us safe? (video)

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
opportunity knocking for GOP candidates: losership opposes success

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Rachael Bade _Politico_
corrupt Obummer regime continues to try to stonewall investigation of abuses by IRS

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
audiences are laughing at Dem candidates; but will GOP losership leverage the situation or waste the opportunity?

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Laura Ingraham
the Latinos the Establishment refuses to listen to (mp3)

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Laura Ingraham
legal immigrants want an immigration policy that protects their wages (mp3)

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Anthony Watts
what would Thucydides do? How to create negative atmospheric pressure in the Ebola hot-zone

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Tim Ball
where was climate research before computer models?

2014-10-22 (5774 Tishrei 28)
Anthony Watts
sun-spot AR12192 the size of Jupiter taking aim at earth
Proposed Bills 2014

  "1964 when the Studebaker Corporation collapsed, junking the promised pensions of 4K workers not yet eligible for retirement... the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. It established minimum standards for private retirement plans and created the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to guarantee them... during the [late-1970s,] 1980s and 1990s, when another government insurer, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), was unable to keep up with a thrift industry spinning out of control [as a result of statutory changes in taxes and financial regulation in the late 1970s, 1980 and 1982, which allowed managers to benefit from risky investments, while tax-victims would insure against any losses]. The federal government eventually spent $124G. Unlike the FSLIC, which was backed by the US government, the PBGC is not... congres...whose own pensions are guaranteed by [tax-victims]. By the agency's estimate, that would translate into a 90% reduction in the pensions it currently pays -- so retirees covered by the agency would receive no more than 10 cents for every dollar that has been promised them." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pp176, 184  



2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Justin Sink _Hill_
voters appalled at Obummer's plans against immigration reform: amnesty for illegal aliens, reduced border and port security, even more excessive visas

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
former congressman Bruce Morrison (D-CT) misrepresents his own statute on immigration quotas
"The very first section of the Immigration Act of 1990, § 101 (codified at 8 U.S.C. § 1151) states that all aliens admitted into the United States for immigration fall into one of 3 categories with annual limits (unless they fit an exception described below).   Those categories are: Family-sponsored, Employment-based, Diversity immigrants.   This section of the act defines six categories of immigrants that do not have annual quotas (e.g., spouses and children of U.S. citizens), none of which apply to dependents of those receiving family-sponsored, employment-based, or diversity green cards.   Because such dependents do not fit any of the exceptions, the plain language of this section unambiguously states that some quota applies to dependent immigrants entering under the three major categories.   In Section 162(a) (codified at 8 U.S.C. § 1153) 'Treatment of Family Members', we find what quota applies to dependents.   Such a dependent is 'entitled to the same status, and the same order of consideration provided in the respective subsection, if accompanying or following to join, the spouse or parent'.   The statute unambiguously states dependents have the same status as the principal applicant.   Therefore, immigrant visas granted to dependents apply to the immigration quota..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 visa program is a nightmare for propagandists

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Cameron Moix _Colorado Springs Business Journal_
federal training grant scams continue
"...Cotter explained that the requirements stipulated that 85% of program participants would have to be long-term-unemployed (27 weeks or more) and 86% of them would need to re-enter the workforce with a salary of at least $63K.   She said that pay may be reasonable for a skilled worker entering the Denver job market, but that it would be very difficult to meet that goal with the number of applicable residents in El Paso and Teller counties..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
_Before It's News_
numerous articles this year on hundreds to tens of thousands of instances of vote fraud

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Wanda Carruthers _News Max_
rooms were full of legislators as terrorist attack at Ottawa War Memorial & Canadian parliament unfolded
Melissa Clyne: terrorist's passport had been revoked
Youngstown OH Vindicator/AP: prime-minister Stephen Harper not intimidated, will step up anti-terrorism measures
Bridget Johnson: PJMedia: prime-minister Stephen Harper not intimidated, will step up anti-terrorism measures
Conservative HQ

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
thousands of Iranians protest against recent acid attacks on women

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
_News Max_
a new ebola vaccine? thank Dick Cheney

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
_News Max_
200 Kurdish peshmerga fighters from Iraq will be allowed to travel through Turkey to aid defense of Kobani, Syria from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
our elections new missiles of October

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
"legal" != "moral"
"As I have argued elsewhere, a society with libertarian leanings is one where some unpopular behaviors are lawful.   But there is a world of difference between something being 'legal' and its being moral or admirable or even just sensible.   A libertarian society has room for criticism of otherwise legal decisions or choices.   Pastors, priests and ministers in particular are religious leaders, not lawyers.   They do not call their flocks to avoid illegality; their mission is advising followers to do what is moral.   They call people to a higher standard..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
WMDs were found in Iraq

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
the Harvard 28 to the rescue

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
attacking free speech

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Obummer regime also lied about their releast of illegal aliens who had been convicted of serious violent crimes
Brad Heath: USA Today

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
bold colors vs. pale pastels: Texas senator Ted Cruz vs. John Cornyn

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Kevin D. Williamson _National Review_
meet the new serfs: you; now, accountability is only for the little people
"...no matter how badly government screws up, fixing what's gone wrong is always your problem.   I can picture his situation precisely -- every police department, driver's-license office, tax bureau, and city licensing agency exhibits the same distinctive blind of slowly simmering hostility, smugness, contempt, and complete immunity from accountability.   We are ruled by criminals...   In a sane world, the [government] authorities would have shown up at [the victims' houses] with a check, flowers, and an apology, and a certificate exempting [them] from taxes for the rest of [their lives]..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Merrimack, New Hampshire-based GT Advanced Technologies (GTAT), maker of synthetic sapphire glass for Apple to sell furnaces in AZ, declaring bankruptcy

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
report from the UNF Academic Technology Innovation Symposium
"...Growing Interest in Visualizations and Data.   Jason Lee and Terence Cavanaugh particularly addressed the idea of personal infographics and resumes, and brought tools for building these types of visualizations in the classroom.   Among the infographic tools mentioned Piktochart, Vizualize.me, Kinzaa, and Re.vu are all free options for getting started..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
could it possibly get any worse?...   It already did!: ebola in the Big Apple and the Islamic terrorist attacks in Canada, rampaging leftists
"Meanwhile, the infected doctor, who had just returned from treating ebola patients in Guinea, had been riding the subway only hours before being diagnosed.   He had also gone bowling. Was that part of the latest CDC protocol..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
official ebola toll 5K with real number closer to 15K

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
power-mad FBI director James Comey hates the US constitution
"The [unconstitutional] Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) currently mandates telecommunication companies to build systems that can be wire-tapped.   Law enforcement agencies can then intercept communications with a court order [even without a warrant]...   mobile devices with operating systems that will encrypt all information by default, shielding documents, contact lists, and photos from the government or hackers.   The phones will automatically scramble data so that a digital key kept by the owner is needed to unlock it.   This means that the companies could not respond to a legal warrant for access to a suspect's phone because they would not be able to [quickly] break the encryption.   The new encryption, however, would not affect information obtained by wire-taps, such as phone conversations, text messages, or e-mail messages..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Sangeeta Bharadwaj Badal _Gallup_
why many new businesses fail in their first 5 years
"About 50% of new U.S. companies fail in their first 5 years. Five years of work, money, and hope -- and it all just disappears..."

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
how Adam Smith's ideas can make you happier

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
David Archibald
solar update

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Anthony Watts
Weather Channel founder John Coleman: there is no significant man-made global warming at this time

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Anthony Watts
sanity: subsidies for solar farms to be cut to help safeguard farm-land

2014-10-23 (5774 Tishrei 29)
Anthony Watts
world food production at record levels
Proposed Bills 2014

  "I'm convinced the jails are full of people who don't need to be there.   Prisons should be mainly for the truly bad guys, who commit violent crimes." --- Barry Goldwater 1994-10-23 _Chicago Tribune_  



2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
Bedeviled Spirituality

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
EFI and me

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
it's time to defeat the Jew-haters: How to do it

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
Geert Wilders' plan to save the West
"'Let them leave.', says Wilders.   'Let them leave, or detain them.   I find it incomprehensible that Western governments stop people who want to leave to fight for jihad in Syria or Iraq.'   Let them go and never let them return, he says, or with sufficient evidence, detain them.   While the West combats ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, he points out, 'nothing is being done to make our own countries safe'..."

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
doctor Joseph Cramer _Jewish World Review_
the difference between being interesting and being interested
"The more interested a person is, the more interesting he or she will become.   The greater the differences between people, the more interesting they can be.   But to know that, one has to be interested.   In the whole wide world, there is no person who is the same as another..."
Helen Smith: PJMedia

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the age of obfuscation
"...the essence of the educrats' approach to rating schools may be just the same: uncertainty.   Clarity can be the enemy of job preservation in a bureaucracy..."

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
special needs we all share

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
why narratives, stories, can sometimes be more powerful than ideas
"...We may as well be called homo relator, or story-telling man.   Ideas are surprisingly easy to let go of, if pried loose by the right story.   Stories, meanwhile, are shockingly difficult to let go of, even if they convey a bad idea..."

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the poll tax that wasn't
great cartoon from TexasLynn & Gary Varvel
Gary Varvel at Creators Syndicate
Gary Varvel at Town Hall
Gary Varvel at Daryl Cagle's Post

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer demonstrates Ronald Reagan's point

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer can't help throwing Dem Party under His bus

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
bewildered Obummer is determined to remain detached

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
where was president Barack Hussein Obummer?
please help find Marizela

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
profile or die

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Jewish World Review_
as standards of living continue to fall, vacations are becoming a relic of better times
"A new study finds that U.S. employees now average a mere 16 vacation days from work -- the lowest annual amount in the last 4 decades.   In addition to keeping their noses to the grind-stone, U.S. workers are forfeiting $52.4G in time-off benefits a year...   This is [equivalent] to employees working [un-paid] for 169M days..."

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer and the redistribution of death

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
PennDOT contracts with Plenary Walsh Keystone Partners to replace, maintain 558 bridges

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Thomas E. Brewton
we cannot afford ObummerDoesn'tCare
Chris Conover: Forbes

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Frank Newport _Gallup_
Tea Partiers are highly motivated to vote

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
are USA and other Western countries becoming dumping grounds, refuges, or targets of invasion by "refugees" from third world

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Anthony Watts
Europe commits economic suicide -- agrees massive cuts in CO2 emissions

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Bob Tisdale
new study predicts a slight cooling of North Atlantic sea surface temperatures over the next decade

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Anthony Watts
massive X class flare erupts from the sun-spot 2192

2014-10-24 (5774 Tishrei 30)
Willis Eschenbach
is NOAA wrong?
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Linda M. Linonis _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Mitzvah Day to spread good deeds across region
"Rabbi Franklin Muller cited words from the Talmud that sum up the purpose of the day: 'In the eyes of God, deeds of kindness are equal in weight to all the commandments.'..."

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
things Chinese: 1 light (Zuckerberg), 1 not (Hong Kong)

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the nastiest political tactic this year: leftist gangster government

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
voting by non-citizens may decide elections

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
the legend of the lone wolf terrorist
Andrew C. McCarthy: National Review
James Fulford: V Dare

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Tony Owusu _Street_
10 most/least religious states in the USA
"A 2012 Pew Research study conducted in over 230 countries concluded that worldwide more than eight in 10 people, or 84% of the world's 6.9G people, identify with some form of religion.   Christianity is the most popular with 2.2G adherents to the faith (32%) while Muslims (1.6G or 23%) and Hindus (1G or 15%) round out the top 3...   people [in the USA] calling themselves 'very religious' has increased over the past 6 years to 41.4% in 2013 from 40.9% in 2008..."

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Anthony Watts
LEGO advertises their Arctic Industry Collection -- pay-back for the Greenpeace "everything is awesome" smear?

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Anthony Watts
Iceland's Bartharbunga volcano is on a massive magma hot-spot

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Anthony Watts
global boom in hydro-power

2014-10-25 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 01)
Willis Eschenbach
changes in total solar irradiance
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Steve Straub _Federalist Papers_
illegal aliens voting may already have tipped at least one major election; could help leftists/Democrats keep control of the senate
"We now have evidence from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES) that non-citizens have been voting...   Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010...   More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote.   Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted.   Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4% of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2% of non-citizens voted in 2010..."

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Steve Straub _Federalist Papers_
3k voter registrations in FL list a UPS store address as their residences
Gregg Prentice: Rich Swier

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Steve Straub _Federalist Papers_
Obummer's insane border & port policies
Conservative Tribune in Defense of Western Civilization: US Border Patrol agents quit to protest Obummer's insane policies

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Christopher Monckton _World Net Daily_
will mid-term election be fair? don't bet on it

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Ben Kinchlow _World Net Daily_
Why is Obummer fast-tracking ebola-zone visas?

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Pamela Geller _World Net Daily_
4 jihad attacks in 4 days
"4 terror attacks in as many days: 2 in Canada one after the other, an ax attack in New York City and vehicular jihad in Jerusalem -- and the jihadists are just getting warmed up. Of course, in all of these jihad news stories, getting the facts from the enemedia is difficult, and at times impossible. They self-enforce the Shariah..."

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
crimes of exactly what?

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Obummer regime's "lone wolf" scam to avoid recognizing Islamic terrorist attacks

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
J. Chrstian Adams on "The Kelly File" talking about Ferguson evidence

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
NYTimes parodying itself

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
how the illiberal red=left hijacks liberality
"The modern Democrat Party is leftist.   We know that leftism is bad for people.   We know leftist welfare policies have destroyed the black family.   We see how feminism turns women into weak, quivering, delicate creatures fearful of a word or gaze.   We understand how multiculturalism empowers the most intolerant and violent of terrorist thugs.   What is it that makes nice folks attach themselves to a political position that does so much damage?..."

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
rear window

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Mark Pace _Washington DC Times_
former Redskin, Clint Didier, not tempering Tea Party views
"Larry Stickney, Mr. Didier's campaign manager, said his candidate's unapologetically conservative views play well in the district, which covers much of the center of the state, far from Seattle and more [leftist] enclaves to the west.   [Didier is] 'a combination of Davy Crockett and John Wayne...   He has a charisma that goes across the party divide.'...   He's been endorsed by former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, libertarian hero Ron Paul and FreedomWorks...   In a debate earlier this month, Mr. Didier argued that the U.S.A. needs to restore the U.S. military to the size it was in the Reagan era.   He is also outspoken that the federal government should close the borders and rein in government hand-outs.   He went as far as to turn down disaster aid he was eligible for after heavy rains ruined his crops in 2010...

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Scott Greer _Daily Caller_
Phyllis Schlafly points out that excessive immigration is bad for the economy and the American family
"They try to tell you they're very pro-family, but they have a tremendously high illegitimacy rate.', she said.   According to the author, this illegitimacy rate leads many to depend on the government for their needs, rather than the family...   'That's not the American way.   That's not what we wanted.   When we started out, we were a country of intact families and we expanded to build the greatest middle-class in the world -- prosperous and happy.   That seems to be gone now.'..."

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Derek Hunter _Daily Caller_
in addition to their other criminal activities, IRS is robbing earnings from innocent citizens without "probable cause", without warrants, without a proper jury trial

2014-10-26 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 02)
Josh Gerstein _Politico_
GOP losership still refuses to make use of available means to stop, discourage Obummer regime abuses
Proposed Bills 2014

  "[T]he time has come to recognize the UN for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become.   The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, & ask the UN to find a HQ location outside the USA that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, some place like Moscow or Peking." --- Barry Goldwater 1971-10-26 _Congressional Record_ pg S16764  



2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
DoL to cover their tracks by destroying LCA records connected with H-1B visa program
"A full year's worth of LCA data is less than 1GB."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Steve Straub _Federalist Papers_
more voting machines caught changing Rep votes to Dem... in another state
Kenric Ward: WatchDog

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Jacob Kamaras _Jewish World Review_
Torah scroll donated to US Navy chaplains by family of WW2 Army Air Corps veteran

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Morgan Housel _Jewish World Review_
iron rules of money and wealth
"Money buys things, but wealth buys freedom and security...   According to World Bank economist Branko Milanovic, 'the poorest (5%) of Americans are better off than more than two-thirds of the world population'.   Furthermore, 'only about 3% of the Indian population have incomes higher than the bottom (the very poorest) U.S. percentile'.   And those figures are adjusted for differences in cost of living...   If you want to feel rich, look at the 90% of the world that isn't American or European.   You'll realize that feeling rich is just a mental game..."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Michael de Senne _Jewish World Review_
most affordable big cities in the USA
"10. Louisville, KY.   Cost of living: 8.6% below U.S.A. average.   City population: 609,893.   Median household income: $44,111 (U.S.A.: $53,046) [17% below USA average].   Median home value: $139,400 (U.S.A.: $181,400) [23% below USA average].   Unemployment rate: 6.4% (U.S.A.: 6.1% in 2014 August).   Average commute to work: 22.2 minutes (U.S.A.: 25.4 minutes)...   2. Columbus, OH.   Cost of living: 12.8% below U.S.A. average.   City population: 822,553.   Median household Income: $43,992 [17% below USA average].   Median home value: $134,900 [23% below USA average].   Unemployment rate: 4.4%.   Average commute to work: 21.2 minutes..."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Daniel Pipes & Teri Blumenfeld _Israel Ha Yom_
defining terrorism
Counter-Jihad Report
Washington DC Times
Jewish World Review
Daniel Pipes Middle East Forum

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Herb Scribner _Jewish World Review_

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
strong horse

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
To be or Not to be... intimate: That is the Question

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
same-sex "weddings", and the right not to perform them

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
police intervention has been replacing traditional discipline in schools

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Jerry Large _Jewish World Review_
Walking alone at night.   Becoming the victim of identity theft.   Various risks of using the Internet.   Being the victim of a mass/random shooting.   Public speaking...   Identity theft on the Internet.   Corporate surveillance of Internet activity.   Running out of money in the future.   Government surveillance of Internet activity.   Becoming ill...   Tornado/hurricane.   Earth-quakes.   Floods.   Pandemic or major epidemic.   Power outage...   A couple of things stood out as predictors of fear -- having a lower level of education and watching lots of television.   Fear is necessary for survival, but it poses its own dangers when it doesn't match reality."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Jerry Large _Jewish World Review_
teaching monkeys how to gamble and other wastes of tax-victims' earnings by insane government
"Sure, Islamic terrorists make me mad.   But so do the [jerks] in our nation's capital who waste billions every year...   NIH found enough money to give Swedish massages to rabbits and to study how much women love their dogs..."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
the Dem/leftist party of the rich
"...The political fundamentals favor Republicans.   President Obummer is so unpopular that Democrat candidates avoid mentioning his name, much less inviting him to appear at their campaign events or in their TV spots.   Meanwhile, the economy is stagnant.   Foreign policy failures continue to stack up.   America's global influence fades.   Two-thirds of Americans are pessimistic about the country's future.   Democrats have few national issues they're comfortable talking about.   They have 1 significant asset: money, lots and lots of money...   [leftist] billionaire Tom Steyer is the biggest single political donor in 2014 at $58M..."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
random thoughts on ebola, Islam

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
James A. Lyons _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
**taking back the USA**

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Ernest Istook _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
**Obummer planning to devastate USA during lame-duck period: amnesty for illegal aliens, higher health insurance costs and putting thousands of convicts back on the streets early**

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer giving USA citizenry a raw deal: oligarchs benefit as the average working man and woman are being clobbered
"[President Barack Hussein Obummer] said at a $32,500-a-plate fund-raiser at the $16M Greenwich, CT, estate of a billionaire named (I'm not making this up) Rich Richman..."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
USAs economic liberty deficit

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Saturday, illegal alien Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte/Marcelo Marquez, Barack Hussein Obummer & Moonbeam Brown killed 2 sheriffs deputies, Michael David Davis ii & Danny Oliver
Bryan Preston: PJMedia
Jessica Vaughan: Center for Immigration Studies

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
GOP losership dons camoflage, tries to get the base to knuckle-under to vote for RINOs

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
USCIS union oppose Obummer's anti-constitutional amnesty schemes for illegal aliens

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Judicial Watch will monitor polls in New Hampshire on election day
"The purpose of the new Election Integrity Protection pilot program is to deter election fraud and ensure that New Hampshire's local election officials are following state and federal laws that protect election integrity...   'To put it plainly: the Left plans to sow confusion on Election Day.   Unfortunately, the [Obummer/Holder DoJ's] unhinged attacks on voter ID show that it cannot be trusted to ensure clean elections in November...'...   at least 11 states plus DC had substantially out-of-date voter rolls, with multiple counties where the number of registered voters exceeded the total voting age population...   In 2014, Judicial Watch successfully resolved lawsuits in Ohio and Indiana related to cleaning voter rolls in order to comply with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).   It has threatened NVRA law-suits in Colorado, Iowa, and the District of Columbia.   Judicial Watch has on-going NVRA investigations in Alabama, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, and West Virginia..."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
John Dale Dunn _American Thinker_
Jack Cashill's excellent book _You Lie!: The Evasions, Omissions, Fabrications, Frauds, and Outright Falsehoods of Barack Hussein Obummer_

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Jon Feere _Hill_
driver licenses given too illegal aliens quite predictably creating security and other problems
Center for Immigration Studies

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
29 GOP senators warn: corrupt, power-mad Obummer regime EPA violating constitution and laws, deceiving, lobbying, violating private property rights

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
power-mad Wisconsin government thugs violated property rights, privacy, engaged in extortion of 75-year-old man, then attacked using 24 troops, armored vehicle
This is why stories like that of William Tell strike such a deep, long-lasting chord in the hearts of people who value freedom. He, too, refused to grovel to the thugs.

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Patrick J. Buchanan _V Dare_
terrorism and the true believer

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Patricia Pierce _News Max_
Red Chinese officials enourage manufacture of fakes, forgeries, counterfeits
"The [Red Chinese] are experts at [making low-quality cheap replicas of] almost anything, including cars, trucks, art, jewelry, CDs, films, designer clothing, accessories, silver and gold coins -- and bullion, as well as antiquities, fossils, computer software, toys, sporting goods, batteries, pet food, medicine, historical monuments, and even whole towns.   Counterfeiting has become the most profitable criminal activity, thus the [Red Chinese] do not care if their practices cost companies, individuals, and countries billions of dollars in losses...   Modernist paintings...   counterfeit electronic devices, Callaway golf clubs, Kodak film, Gillette razors, bicycles, boats, motorcycles, computers and computer chips, cellphones, liquor, cigarettes, musical instruments, movies, and thousands of other products.   [Red China] produces millions of counterfeit charge cards and personal IDs... The Chinese don't care if they swindle or harm consumers"

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
mean-spirited leftists unleash angry emoticons as tech execs court non-leftists
"'When it comes to politics, Silicon Valley is a teenager that grew up too fast and doesn't understand the intricacies of the political system.', said [former cross-border bodyshop CEO] Vivek Wadhwa of Stanford Law School, according to Politico."

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Stacey Patton, Karl A. Walker, Jelani Zarif, Juan E. Gilbert, Ryan & Charles Hynd _Chronicle of Higher Education_
4 black men who have earned STEM PhDs describe their different journeys

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Devvy Kidd _News with Views_
the USA stands in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin
"The criminal impostor in the White House is planning to give amnesty to tens of millions of liars, cheats and thieves -- illegal aliens.   Some of the top dogs in the GOP like Johnny Boehner are also on board to serve their masters like the anti-American [U.S. Chamber of Crony Socialists], mega corporations and anti-American job billionaires (Mark Zuckerberg, FB) who buy their favors like hookers on a street corner.   Why, those sell-outs can hardly wait to gain control of the U.S. senate to further [abuse] highly-educated college graduates who can't find work other than flipping burgers, and experienced Americans in the high-tech industry in favor of cheap labor...   The suffering of the American people from the massive human invasion unleashed on us by [Hart, Celler, Kennedy, and LBJ in 1965, Simpson, Mazzoli and] Ronald Reagan [in 1986, Kennedy, d'Amato, Dodd, Moynihan, Simpson, and GHWBush in 1990 and 1991, Bill Clinton, Hatch, Abraham, Gramm, and others in 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 2000, Shrub and others in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004] has been documented in [countless] articles and columns over the past [50] years...   The election next week will likely (with the help of vote fraud) put 94%-96% of the same incumbents back in 'POWER'.   Vote fraud has already started which happens every 2 years while state legislatures do nothing about it except spend more money on machines that are easily rigged; challengers in races just go home..."
Tony Lee: Breitbart: GOP losership clamoring for even more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled guest-wrkers with flexible ethics if party wins US senate

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
David DuByne
winter arrives a month early in Kazakhstan and other northern regions

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Bishop Hill
Andrew Neil skewers the green blobette: weaseling out of direct questions as an art form

2014-10-27 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 03)
Bob Tisdale
misunderstandings of science at HotWhopper
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Matt Smith, Jennifer Gollan & Adithya Sambamurthy _Manchester Guardian_/_Center for Investigative Reporting_
bodyshoppers steal wages and entrap Indian tech guest-workers in USA
NBC San Francisco Bay Area
Tekla Perry: IEEE Spectrum
"About 840K people from around the world work in the United States on temporary visas, intended to help companies seek [cheap, young, pliant labor with flexible ethics] for specific jobs...   through humiliation, intimidation and legal threats.   Judgments against Indian workers sued for quitting their US jobs can exceed $50K...   From 2000 through 2013, at least $29.7M was illegally withheld from about 4,400 tech workers here on H-1B visas, US Department of Labor documents show.   And this barely hints at the problem because, in the hidden world of body shops, bad actors rarely are caught...   For some, visa fraud is a given...   Early attempts at reform...   Workers represent themselves in court...   Trail of accusations against Softech...   A clandestine pay-off...   Large firms use same tactics...   Bonding model spreads to US nationals...   Policies bar bonded labor...   Fighting labor broker in court..."

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
open borders and corrupt officials are a threat to public health

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
sugar-beet truck driver and H-2B whistle-blower fired in Minnesota
"Harper said that the company had not raised its wages lately and did little advertising outside the immediate work area -- not advertising in the Twin Cities, for instance.   It had hired some 25-30 drivers from Mexico, and used them on the night shift..."

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
voter ID myth crashes

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
random thoughts on current events

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
death wish Americans: empowering a wholly destructive force

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
help for Middle East Christians

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
heed the round mound of rebound

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Dan K. Thomasson _Jewish World Review_
Ivy League students are not the only ones who can adhere to the constitution and laws: only 3 law schools are reprerented on the US supreme court

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the scales are finally falling from Americans' eyes

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's effect on the election next Tuesday

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer's immigration perversion scheme would/will harm blacks

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Jessica Chasmar _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Georgia man was improperly ordered to remove his NRA instructor cap in voting-place

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
quarantines are reasonable... and when actually carried out, they work to stop spread of communicable diseases
"Mandatory quarantine is not a punishment.   It is a public health tool designed to protect a population from those carrying deadly infectious disease.   It is not voluntary by design.   Of course, these brave health care workers deserve four-star lodging and pay for any missed work.   And the quarantine system may need fine-tuning to differentiate among the levels of risk to which the workers were exposed..."

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime bothered, bewildered, on the ropes, but still striving to destroy USA and our rights

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Jon N. Hall _American Thinker_
ObummerDoesn'Care vs. the people

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
Michele Bachmann plans to write, speak, do think-tank work after leaving congress

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Jeff Stone _International Business Times_
Red China-backed Axiom hacked 43K computers

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Rebecca Riffkin _Gallup_
USA economic confidence index back at a recent high of -10

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Laura Ingraham
Tom Cotton shows GOP losership how to run a winning campaign
"This year should have been a GOP wave. But the [losership's] inability to make the election a referendum on immigration -- an unwillingness to directly counter the Democrats' claims that the GOP is in bed with special interests -- have instead turned the election into a nail-biter..."

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer regime, some corrupt city governments conspiring to undermine security, block deportations of illegal aliens
Brianna Lee: International Business Times
Jillian Jorgensen: NY Observer

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
Obummer is in the pocket of billionaires: plutocratic leftism pays big: What's with rich leftists who blast other people for being rich?

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Victor Davis Hanson _News Max_
"patient zero" in West Africa ebola epidemic that started 2013 December was 2-year-old living in Meliandou, Guinea: victims doubling every few weeks

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Laura Ingraham
Chicago church may have been robbed because of endorsement of Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner
Aamer Madhani: USA Today/Gannett
Derek Hunter: Daily Caller
"A high-profile African-American [endorser of] Illinois gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner says his church was the target of a politically-motivated robbery over the weekend.   Reverend Corey Brooks, who has backed Republican Rauner in his tight race against Democratic governor Pat Quinn, said about $8K was taken from a collection box from his New Beginnings Church this weekend.   The money was ear-marked to help the prominent church on Chicago's South Side establish a new community center near the congregation hall."

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Andy Pasztor _Wall Street Journal_
Orbital Sciences Corp. $200M Antares rocket carrying 5K pounds of cargo for Space Station veered off course shortly after lift-off and was destroyed
Richard Fernandez: PJMedia
James Kirkpatrick: VDare

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Fred Fleitz _News Max_
concessions only embolden Iranian government in backing terrorists, building nuclear weapons and rockets

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
John Blosser _News Max_
leftist New England is tilting GOP's way in mid-term elections

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
Jay de Lancey: vote fraud rampant in North Carolina: many non-citizens registered

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Charles Barkley ripped for telling other blacks the truth about self-destructive resistance to academic achievement

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Obummer eyes bringing foreign ebola patients into USA hospitals for treatment
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"the Pentagon is developing portable isolation units that can hold up to 12 people...   The isolation units would be used on C-17 or C-130 transport planes..."

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
_News Max_
Scott Garrett criticized Obummer regime's resistance to quarantines to contain communicable diseases

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
_News Max_
identity theft expert blasts Dems for obtaining and releasing personal private info of Rep opponent

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Joab Jackson _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
US Snail continues with other corrupt government agencies and quasi-non-governmental-organizations in unwarranted privacy violations
Jewish World Review

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Brandon Bailey _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
nearly half of California residents, 18.5M, had personal private info hacked, stolen exposed last year... and that does not even count government-approved and -executed privacy violations

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
cognitive dissonance on campus

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
RNC: Obummer regime insults of Netanyahu are "inexplicable and dangerous"
Roger L. Simon: PJMedia

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Callista Gingrich _PJMedia_
can USA recover pioneering spirit?: For 2 generations we have failed to teach American history in our schools. Today, students struggle with the very basics.

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Joab Jackson _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
HTML5 finalized
"...The HTML5 final recommendation, over 1,370 pages in length, addresses this complex environment.   HTML5 provides a way to serve multimedia content and application functionality without relying on proprietary plug-ins to the browser.   It also addresses a wide range of other uses for the Web, such as delivering scalable vector graphics (SVG) and math annotations (MathML)..."
HTML5 final recommendation

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
federal judge James Moody ii bars ObummerDoesn'tCare's violations of religious liberty

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
Conference Board: consumer confidence index up from a revised 89 in September to 94.5 in October
Lucia Mutikani: Christian Science Monitor/Reuters
Business Insider
SW PA Observer-Reporter/AP
Boston MA Herald/AP
Antoine Gara: Street
Ft. Wayne IN Journal Gazette
"...Consumers' assessment of the job market improved moderately, with the proportion stating jobs are 'plentiful' increasing marginally from 16.3% to 16.5%, and those claiming jobs are 'hard to get' declining slightly from 29.4% to 29.1%...   Those anticipating more jobs in the months ahead increased to 16.8% from 16.0%, while those anticipating fewer jobs fell from 16.9% to 13.9%.   The proportion of consumers expecting growth in their incomes rose from 16.9% in September to 17.7% in October, while the proportion expecting a drop in income fell from 13.4% to 11.6%..."

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Jonathan Emord _News with Views_
Obummer's ambivalence to USA culture and citizenry

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Cliff Kincaid _News with Views_
anti-American propaganda on ebola and AIDS

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Anthony Watts
solar eclipse shows off massive sun-spot

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Willis Eschenbach
winning slowly

2014-10-28 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 04)
Anthony Watts
insights into the physics of space weather that disrupts cell phones and creates earthly havoc
Proposed Bills 2014




PM Winston Churchill
Never never never never give up...
Winston Churchill Centre

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
corrupt senate Select Committee on Ethics, after having acknowledged receiving charges against Harry Reid and the Obummer regime, now say they haven't received them
"The Democrat-controlled senate Select Committee on Ethics said that it never received a complaint pertaining to Democratic senator Harry Reid and the [Obummer regime's] efforts to approve visas for favored investors, despite the fact that it previously confirmed having received the complaint -- and even stone-walled the press by saying that it opened an investigation.   The Daily Caller has learned that the nonprofit government accountability organization Cause of Action sent the ethics committee, chaired by Democratic California senator Barbara Boxer, a recent letter asking for follow-up on its 2013 Dec. 16 complaint, which detailed Reid's ex parte communications with then-U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] director Alejandro Mayorkas, who now serves as deputy secretary in the Department of Homeland Security [DHS].   Cause of Action said that Reid violated Rule 43 of the U.S. senate Code of Official Conduct because his conversations with Mayorkas led to approval of EB-5 visas for investors represented by Reid's lawyer son, Rory Reid..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
Obummer executive amnesty scheme is "blatantly unconstitutional" (video)

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
DoD Joint Chiefs favor 21-day quarantine for troops brought back from ebola epidemic zones

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
ObummerDoesn'tCare has increased numbers of poor uninsured in some states

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
John Morgan _News Max_
"quantitative easing" likely to have a "toxic legacy" poisoning USA economy and citizenry's well-being

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Africa: a tragic continent

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
R' Berel Wein _Jewish World Review_
people of the... disk?
"I recently received a flyer advertising a new set of CD-Rom disks that contain 15K scholarly Torah-oriented books...   The disks and the computer to run them on will cost approximately $2.5K.   15K actual books can cost close to a half million dollars!   So why do people like me continue to buy good old-fashioned books instead of going digital and modern, freeing up tons of former book shelf space for knickknacks and other such decorative items?...   I personally find it hard to read and certainly to study without a real book in my hands and before my eyes.   There is an indescribable holiness to a book, something that a CD-Rom as of yet does not possess, at least as far as I am concerned..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
how the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, empowers ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
"According to an investigative report published Friday in Yisrael HaYom, Qatar is financing the violence in the capital.   Veteran Jerusalem affairs reporter Nadav Shragai wrote that the Islamic rioters who daily attack Jewish visitors and police forces on the Temple Mount are paid by Qatar through the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
why Turkey is AWOL on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
a neuro-surgeon's diagnosis of USA's most incurable disease

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
being a grand-mother makes for twice the love and twice the vulnerability

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
saving private Due W. Turner

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
a DC cure: take difficult votes

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
is this still the USA?
"Whitehead then refers to a New York University Law Review study by professor Joanna C. Schwartz that found nearly all 'of the monies paid in settlements and judgments in police misconduct cases never come out of the officers' own pockets, even when state laws require them to be held liable'."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
down the opium rat-hole of Afghanistan

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
The Protocols of the Elders of Leftism
"The invocation of these 'protocols' by [Obummer regime] officials as they bungle the Ebola crisis is designed to shield themselves from justified fear and loathing on the part of the citizenry..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
USA's political pendulum swings very slightly away from the extreme left

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
incumbents are almost always re-elected

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
when ignored, minor crimes can lead to major crimes

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
James Fulford _V Dare_
mortgage melt-down redux: FHA to loosen credit again
Mike Whitney: Unz Review
"On Monday, the head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), Mel Watt, announced that Fannie and Freddie would slash the minimum down-payment requirement on mortgages from 5% to 3% while making loans more available to people with spotty credit.   If this all sounds hauntingly familiar, it should..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
USA, flop-house to the world: Obummer regime illfare programs may soon include advanced hospital care in USA for ebola victims from Africa and Europe (coming soon: India, Yemen, Oman...)

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
gasoline prices nudge down, boosts stock markets and consumer confidence

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Tom Murphy _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
protection rackets have cut costs and raised prices under ObummerDoesn'tCare, increasing profit expectations

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Thomas E. Brewton
what motivates leftists? cut costs and raised prices under ObummerDoesn'tCare, increasing profit expectations
William Voegeli: Imprimis: the case against leftist/regressive/illiberal cruelty, coerciveness, smugness, callousness, power-madness, impoverishing, pathological mean-spiritedness, self-preening, indifference, sustaining of suffering

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
Veterans Administration Montana Health Care System released patients' personal private information
"'I feel violated.', B said.   'They've sent my personal information out to who knows where, and who knows what they will do with it.   It is indicative of a dysfunctional system that I thought was getting better.'..."
Of course the problem is that the VA had possession of these personal private records that belong to the individual veterans instead of only that patient and the individual doctors and nurses the patient permits to briefly have some of them, and then only for as long as they are directly working on his treatment.   But that would be inconveeeenient for the doctors and meddling administrators, so they always violate people's privacy... including these secondary privacy violations some of which make it into the news.

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
massive non-citizen voting uncovered in Maryland
"The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury duty statements compared with their voting records.   The group’s investigation found that thousands of people in Frederick County who stated that they are not U.S. citizens on jury duty forms went on to cast votes in elections.   Either they failed to tell the truth when they were summoned for jury duty, or they cast illegal votes.   Both are crimes.   The same group previously found that about 40K people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland.   It is a federal crime to cast votes if you are not legally eligible to vote.   Non-citizens, whether in the country legally or not, are prohibited from voting in most local and all state and federal elections.   Yet the VVA investigation found that hundreds of non-citizens have been voting in Frederick County, Maryland..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Janet Napolitano rallies behind corrupt, anti-constitutional Obummer regime schemes to amnesty millions of illegal alien invaders

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Where in the world is the ebola czar? White House "won't rule out" letting Ron Klain talk (i.e. do some of his own obfuscating)

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
while Obummer regime officials bloviate about "settled" "science", DoD scientists fear air transmission of ebola
"...The BAA [broad agency announcement] goes on to add: 'While current science indicates the disease can only be transmitted by contact with contaminat, preliminary studies indicate that ebola is aerostable in an enclosed controlled system in the dark and can survive for long periods in different liquid media and can also be recovered from plastic and glass surfaces at low temperatures for over 3 weeks.'..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
perhaps AFT should apologize
"Isn't the real news here that seemingly for the first time since Republican founder Henry Luce permanently left the Time-Life building in 1967, Time magazine -- until recently a subsidiary of Warner-Time-Turner-CNN-HBO-DC -- has (a) actually committed journalism and (b) wrote damaging news about a key constituency of the left?   Presumably though, the shrieking freak-out response from the teachers unions will be enough to cause Time into going another half century resuming their role as de facto Democrat operatives with by-lines."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
In Praise of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's Moral Clarity (with maps)

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
pink elephant repellent... and ebola

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
_Conservative HQ_
Richard Viguerie to NewsMax: If GOP wins big, thank the Tea Party
"Viguerie expressed frustration that the national leadership of the Republican Party has been an 'abysmal failure' in conveying a national message to the American people..."

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
_Conservative HQ_
don't "duck" in Louisiana: Rob Maness

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the scary poll GOP leaders must not ignore

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
_Conservative HQ_
annoy a leftist this Halloween: #LeftistHalloweenTraditions
@PolitiBunny: #YesWeDid stand over coffins of4 murdered Americans& lie2 families in order2 steal election #Benghazi"
@_MNmisfit: #yeswedid stuff hundreds of ballots in ballot boxes. Then deny nope no voter fraud here....."
@AIIAmericanGirI: Liberals/Democrats/Socialists/Communists commit nearly all mass shootings: #yeswedid They are no.1 in the mass shooting department.
@gamma_ray239: Used a federal agency created to be fair and used it to attack & ruin groups of people who we didn't like..#YesWeDid

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
_Conservative HQ_
learning that war-mongering and incompetent, half-hearted attempts at nation-building don't work

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
National Council of the Racists propomotes guide to voting without valid ID

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Latinos turn away from leftists/Dems

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Fred Lucas _Blaze_
endangered governor Tom Corbett signs state law prohibiting local governments from violating 2nd amendment

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Michael Peroutka _News with Views_
the USA Constitution is not a self-enforcing document

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
when well-intentioned medical workers do bad

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Anthony Watts & Eric Worrall
EPA jumps the shark, banning... ARGON?!

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Anthony Watts & Eric Worrall
a future climate-science moment

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Anthony Watts
U of CO Denver: climate change not to blame for 2013 Colorado floods -- lack of infrastructure upgrades played a key role

2014-10-29 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 05)
Tim Ball
magnetism - weather inter-connections
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
some new perspectives on the age discrimination issue in tech

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
our make-it-up world: Do bothersome facts matter anymore?

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
devastating investigative report exposes 1 part of the H-1B problem

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
fences around the White House, fences along USA's borders
"the difference in attitude of many members of congress between how they approach White House fence jumpers and chief executive security and how they view border fence jumpers and homeland security is a marvel of [foolish] inconsistency..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
democracies and dynasties don't mix... certainly not with these disasters

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
the perils of a compliant media
Red Pill Report: Obummer Media Group

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
if Republicans win majority in both houses of congress, liberating reforms may result (or not, depending on how opposed to reform the GOP losership continues to be)

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Tampa Bay Times "PunditFact" and "PolitiFact" lie again
World Net Daily

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
Fannie and Freddie and Sallie and FHA and HUD must go

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime breaking submarine deal with Taiwan, giving arms to Red Chinese thugs instead; al-Qaeda target US Navy

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the not-very-Republican John E. Bush and government extortion: ready my lips part 2

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
hysterical leftist media tell us to calm down
"For decades liberals have terrified soccer moms about a slew of imaginary terrors: global warming, Alar on apples, breast implants, heterosexual AIDS, nuclear war, and Republicans 'taking away their birth control'..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
_Conservative HQ_
CHQ joins Phil Robertson in endorsing Zach Dasher in Louisiana's 5th congressional district

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer's government by "experts" is the virus of the leftist elite
"...And [Obummer's] reliance on government by 'experts' provides the even stranger result that a horse from West Africa cannot enter the United States without going through a strict 60-day quarantine against African Horse Sickness, a disease affecting only horses, not humans, that would be devastating to the American horse industy.*   However, Kaci Hickox, a traveler with known exposure to ebola, can threaten her way out of ebola quarantine on the basis that her 'fundamental human rights' are being violated -- and she should know because as a nurse and a [leftist] Democrat she is an 'expert' in both ebola and human rights apparently.   The arrogance and lies inherent in liberal 'government by experts' are now on graphic display in the [Obummer] response to the ebola crisis and the willingnes of American voters to defer to government by experts is, fortunately, rapidly eroding.   Among the many corrective actions the 2014 midterm election could and should bring about is a restoration of constitutional government that follows common sense and the rule of law..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Alexander Bolton _Hill_
war between left and right continues
"Conservatives salivating over the prospects of a huge victory on Nov. 4 are pressuring House and senate GOP leaders to go big after Election Day.   The right argues leaders should forget about playing small ball and use momentum from the mid-terms to put big checks on president [Barack Hussein Obummer's insane schemes].   'People want to see a bold vision.   They want to see a real fight [to repeal the unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare] and tax reform that takes [an industrual chain-saw] to the tax code.   They want to see real entitlement reform, not empty talk.', one conservative GOP aide said.   'The American people don't want Republicans to become appeasers and supporters of a watered down Obama agenda.'...   'This is why nobody believes Mitch McConnell anymore.', said Ken Cuccinelli, president of the senate Conservatives Fund.   'He says he wants to rip [ObummerDoesn'tCare] out root and branch but then flips days before his election and says he plans to surrender.'   Cuccinelli said a GOP senate could repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare] through a process known as budget reconciliation, which would require just 51 votes in the senate..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Kassandra D. Smith _Conservative HQ_
Jeff Sessions: Obummer's latest amnesty for illegal aliens scheme hurts US citizens, benefits a few corrupt billionaires
"...'we have more than 11M Americans with STEM degrees who don't have jobs in these fields.   Rutgers professor Hal Salzman documented that two-thirds of all new IT jobs are being filled by foreign workers.   From 2000 through today, a period of record legal immigration, all net gains in employment among the working-age have gone entirely to immigrant workers.   And now, in order to help open borders billionaires, [president Obummer] is going to deny millions of Americans their shot at entering the middle class and a better life.   The world has turned upside down.   Instead of serving the interests of the American people, the policies of [president Obummer] and every senate Democrat serve the needs of special interests and global CEOs who fail to understand the duty a nation owes to its own people.   But the citizens of this country still hold the power, and through their voice, they can turn the country right-side up again.'"

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
_World Net Daily_
Israel closes Temple Mount to both Muslims & Jews after R' Yehudah Glick was shot 3 times outside Jerusalem's Begin Center

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
_World Net Daily_
Israel closes Temple Mount after assassination attempt: Mahmoud Abbas says closure of Temple Mount & al-Aqsa mosque is a declaration of war
Times of Israel
Stuart Winer: Times of Israel: Fatah calls for "day of rage" on Friday in Jerusalem

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
_World Net Daily_
dirty Harry Reid's blocking of legislative amendments was intended to protect leftist/Dem majority in the senate
Niels Lesniewski, Humberto Sanchez, & Steven Dennis: Roll Call
"'[Dems] voted to tax working families without health insurance.'... [Dems] voted to tax wheel-chairs.'... '[Dems] voted to send oil and jobs to [Red China].'... '[Dems] voted to protect regulations on energy producers, not pocket-books.'... '[Dems] voted to raise utility bills.'... '[Dems] voted to kill jobs.'... '[Dems] voted to protect Iran's mullahs and [terrorist Hizbullah and Hamas] at the expense of Israel.'... '[Dems] voted against sanctions on Iran's plans to build a nuclear weapon.'... '[Dems] voted against auditing the Fed.'... You voted with union bosses.' [by blocking the amendment and debate process in the US senate]"

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
_World Net Daily_
Dem Delaware state senator's husband stole GOP campaign signs: arrest warrant issued after brazen act was caught on video

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
confirmed: illegal non-citizen votes boosting leftists/Dems
"The study authored by Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha and David C. Earnest, who are affiliated with Old Dominion and George Mason universities, found the number of non-citizen voters 'could range from just over 38K at the very minimum to nearly 2.8M at the maximum'.   Of the non-citizens who voted in 2008, the study found '81.8% reported voting for [Barack Hussein Obummer] compared to 17.5% for John McCain.'..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
_World Net Daily_
leftist/Dem gave what he believed to be an illegal voter advice
John Fund: National Review: James O'Keefe records party operatives advising someone to vote illegally
"But North Carolina officials shouldn't be 'fine' with Amick, who appears to be afoul of a state law making it a felony 'for any person, knowing that a person is not a citizen of the United States, to instruct or coerce that person to register to vote or to vote'..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Alan Keyes _World Net Daily_
after election, Tuesday, the test of USA's soul: God's predisposition of human will toward justice

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
how the protestant reformation failed
"It was on 1517 Oct. 31 that Martin Luther wrote to the archbishop of Mainz protesting the sale of indulgences, enclosing a copy of his 'Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences', which came to be known as the 95 Theses.   By some historical accounts, it was also the day Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Church of All Saints in Wittenberg..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Thomas E. Brewton
leftist religious oppression
George Neumayr: American Spectator

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
USA today feeling a bit like being in Berlin in 1937

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
8 reasons why Jews, Catholics & other Christians should re-think celebrating Halloween

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the man I used to be
"They've down-sized the news.   A glance shows what used to be called the big news has dropped below the fold.   It is easy to see why.   As Daniel Henninger wrote in the Wall Street Journal, big news is bad for the president...   'Want to know how to really scare a Democratic candidate...   Just slip up behind them and whisper, national security...   In New Hampshire, North Carolina, Arkansas, Iowa and Colorado, Republican challengers are spooking Democrat senate campaigns by yelling, Islamic State and ebola.'...   70 people were decapitated by ISIS.   600 prisoners were machine-gunned in a ditch.   Mali is in a new uproar..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
Hickenlooper's greatest hits and misses, except that he doesn't have any hits

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Politico violates Godwin's law

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Texas media play their gotcha games as the governor's race winds down
"Texas is facing a number of issues that the next governor will have to deal with, including in no particular order, the economy, the border and the threat of crime and even terrorism that comes with it, education, the state budget, water, windstorm issues, and so forth.   Or energy and the EPA, [Obummer's] post-election amnesty surprise, next year's legislative session, which will be governor Abbott's first as the top official in the state, the new Congress in Washington.   The point is, Abbott could have been asked to opine on any number of issues..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
the trials and tribulations of the intellectually gifted
"...According to the article, people do not understand kids who are gifted and see them as immature emotionally because they may seem overly excitable or sensitive.   A gifted kid can often see in his 'mind's eye' what he wants to do or construct but his motor skills don't allow him to do it.   He or she becomes frustrated and has a melt-down or emotional outburst and people think he/she is immature.   Judgement also lags intellect as gifted kids often feel stressed because they attempt to deal with emotions and social concepts beyond their capacity.   Sometimes experience is the only teacher and gifted kids are still just…kids.   Gifted kids also tend towards perfectionism and might avoid taking risks.   They expect much of themselves and others.   They can see possibilities, but at the same time, they see potential problems and 'consider alternatives and outcomes to such a degree that taking action is hindered'..."
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
candidates for governor of Texas tell AmerEnglish speakers one thing and Spanish speakers another
"Both are running Spanish language ads that suggest Texas Hispanics have different collective interests than Anglos.   Whoever wins the election, a critical point has been conceded: Texas is supposedly just a collection of racial tribes, rather than a real [commonwealth]..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Peter Brimelow _V Dare_
Peter Brimelow discussed Islamic immigration with Sun-TV's Michael Corener
"In the 1920s the Americans imposed an immigration law that established a national origins system that discriminated in favor of people who came from the place most Americans had come.   In 1960s they decided it was very bad and discriminatory and they abolished it.   What subsequent experience has shown is national origins actually do matter, in all kinds of ways, not just shooting soldiers, but also in academic performance and so on.   People from different countries do differently...   The interesting thing about this case is that the Muslim community in Canada has reached a critical mass where it actually refuses to assimilate...   there's a certain critical mass where you see reverse assimilation taking place..."

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Cinnamon Stillwell _American Thinker_
MESA and IIIT: violence-advocating Muslims infiltrating academia
"The 2014 annual conference of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) will host an International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) reception at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC on November 23.   The true nature of IIIT, a Virginia-based think tank, was revealed during the 2007 U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation terrorism-financing trial, which unearthed a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood memorandum naming IIIT as one of the like-minded organizations in the USA dedicated to a 'grand jihad' aimed at 'eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within' so that 'God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions'.   Middle East studies professors have long shared the podium with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), another Islamist outfit linked by the United States government to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood..."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Lee Duigon _News with Views_
politicians must learn to fear and respect USA citizenry

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Dave Daubenmire _News with Views_
What is going on with the clergy and the lesbian mayor of Houston is evidence that many Americans no longer fear and respect God

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
ebola forecast: scientists release updated projections and tracking maps

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
when Dr. Henry Ruffner gave his "bah, humbug" to German superstitions

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Bob Tisdale
new paper on sea level

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
Anthony Watts
thin area in Antarctic ozone holds steady
Proposed Bills 2014




2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
R' David Aaron _Jewish World Review_
Abraham: master of personal transformation

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
David North & Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
aliens from some nations are "more equal than others"
"Speaking generally, our immigration laws and practices are supposed to be blind and unbiased as far as national origin is concerned.   If a citizen marries a partner from overseas, we expect that the spouse will be treated the same no matter where the partner was born -- Albania or Zambia...   If a whole lot of exceptions are made, then the general rule, whatever it is, gets overwhelmed..."

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
AFL-CIO gets facts wrong on immigration

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Fatah, Hamas, UN, Obummer regime continue to attack Israel
"Yehudah Glick has spent the better part of the last 20 years championing the right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem -- Judaism's holiest site.   On Wednesday night, the Palestinians sent a hit man to Jerusalem to kill him.   And today Glick lays in a coma at Shaare Zedek Medical Center...   As Palestinian Media Watch reported Thursday, in the three days leading up to the assassination attempt on Glick, the [the Fatah Palestinian Authority occupying eastern Israel's] television station broadcast Abbas's call for attacks on Jews who seek to enter the Temple Mount 19 times...   Since Abbas first issued the order for Palestinians to attack Jews, there have been two terrorist attacks in Jerusalem.   Both have claimed American citizens among their victims.   Yet the [Obummer regime] has refused to condemn Abbas's call to murder Jews...   [The Obummer regime] have praised [Abbas] and attacked Israel and its elected leader..."

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the thinking of initiators of force and fraud: ISIL, Klan, Nazis, Bolsheviks, Stalinists, Maoists, Obummer regime, Hamas, Fatah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood...
"The fanatics of the Arab world are not so different from you and me.   They just have given way to a hatred that can inflame any of us, given the right -- or rather wrong -- set of circumstances...   Arabs spring from a society of clans and tribes in which the one over-arching ideal is The Idea, not all the trappings of the artificial divisions imposed on Arabdom by Western powers ignorant of its very essence.   Arabs, lest we forget, are a semitic people, entranced not just by words but by the Word, always ready to follow the next Prophet true or false..."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Shannon Symonds & Erin Oscarson _Jewish World Review_
standing tall: raising kids with courage to have character

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer and his corrupt regime have a "whole new kind of hell to pay" as the "what was he thinking" moments accumulate

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
crazy for cocoa... and spoilsport neuro-physiologists
"The subjects in the study who profited from the flavanol diet were given 900 milligrams a day of the stuff for 3 months.   Compare that to a typical chocolate bar, which has about 40mg of flavanols [so about 22-23 bars worth].   So the good news is, there's this stuff they found in cocoa that can counter memory loss.   The bad news is, it won't work unless you eat enough chocolate to make yourself violently ill and even if you got past the stomachaches and vomiting you would probably go into a diabetic coma or get so fat that you would have a heart attack and die.   So there.   Another wonderful study that turns out to be useless..."

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
a word about monsters, real and imagined
You're an initiator of force and/or fraud, or you're their passive prey, or you're neither, i.e. you are one who defends against initiations of force and fraud...jgo

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime has repeatedly failed since before the first day; leftists/Dems looking glaringly worse and worse

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
NYTimes war against arms-owning rape victims
"what [David Firestone] and his elitist ilk really fear are independent-thinking women who have dared to exercise their First Amendment powers to defend their Second Amendment rights [to defend themselves, their families, their friends, and neighbors and their property]...."
please help find Marizela

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
judging presidents and generals on Afghanistan (and Iraq and Iran..)

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the leftists'/Dems' Achilles' heel is the harm their programs and policies have caused blacks and Hispanics/Latinos

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Dem/leftist talking-points that are not working

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
leftist media, see the writing on the wall, trying to minimize significance of results of this election
"Perhaps one big reason the press is so eager to denounce the outcome of next week's election is that the press -- by which I mean liberal Democrats and their slavish scribes in the press -- have desperately tried to make this election about all sorts of fake 'issues' that have completely failed to gain any traction with actual voters..."

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
a collapse of trust

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Rowan Scarborough _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
DoD warns that terrorists are planning to attack US military, employees, contractors, police

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
leftists apoplectic over Joni Ernst's respect for indiviual rights

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
David J. Rusin _Jewish World Review_
* Islamist campaign donors overwhelmingly back Dems/leftists: key figures at 6 of USA's most prominent Islamist organizations have favored Dems over Reps by a ratio of 12 to 1 since the 2001/09/11 terrorist attacks *

2014-10-30 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 06)
_Conservative HQ_
Dems' job-killing amnesty for illegal aliens is fueling a surge in backing for Scott Brown in NH

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Thomas E. Brewton
moralistic rhetoric vs. application of moral principles

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
_Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
5 in Montana being monitored for possible ebola infection: governor Steve Bullock outlined protocols

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Nick Tate _News Max_
"ebola mice" developed to fast-track vaccine research

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Colin Flaherty _American Thinker_
3M HazMat suits ordered by WHO for health care workers and patients around the world to meet demand over the next 9 months

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison _American Thinker_
on 60th anniversary of beginning of rebuilding Germany, Obummer angrily opposes rebuilding of eastern Jerusalem, Israel
"Why do we attack Israel's democratic government for building housing for Jews in the city that has been the Jews' city almost since the beginning of recorded time? We have not only biblical accounts of the Jews inhabiting Jerusalem, we can look to archeological evidence and to the writings of Greek and Roman historians..."

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
"I'm Republican and I'm proud"

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Abraham Katsman _American Thinker_
principled foreign policy requires a Republican US senate

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Ron Edwards _News with Views_
CDCP owns patent on Bundibugyo (EBOBUN) ebola viruses

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Julian Close _NASDAQ_
recent economic reports are even stranger than usual

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
_St. Joseph News-Express_/_AP_/_Fox_
UMich consumer sentiment index up from 84.6 in late September to 86.9 in late October
Ruth Mantell: MarketWatch
Ruth Mantell: Fox
CDA Press/AP
Bill McBride: Calculated Risk
Doug Short: Advisor Perspectives
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Henry Ruffner's thoughts on writing for recreation

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Henry Ruffner's ghost story, "The Screech"

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Anthony Watts
satellite captures masive smoke and haze over Red China

2014-10-31 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 07)
Paul Homewood
violent tornadoes decline in USA
Proposed Bills 13

  "By 2011 the average balance in a 401(k) account was $60,329, accordint to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).   But even that modest nuber does not reveal how inadequate these accounts are for most Americans.   Their median value was [in 2011] $17,686...   Nearly 1 in 4 accounts had a balance of less than $5K.   For most Americans, the amount in their 401(k) account would pay them a retirement benefit of less than $80 [per] month for life." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg186  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2014

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density


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