2014 November

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 25th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-05-23

  "The vice-president of the United States shall be President of the senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided." --- article 1 section 3 paragraph 4  

2014 November
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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  "At the beginning of the 18th century the Texas territory had fewer than 3K sedentary colonists and, 100 years later, only 7K.   Because the Spanish crown wanted to populate and colonize the territory, in 1821, just prior to the winning of Mexican Independence, the commandant general in Monterey granted Moses Austin, an American pioneer, permission to settle some 300 Catholic families in Texas...   By 1827 there were 12K United States citizens living in Texas, outnumbering the Mexican population by some 5K.   By 1835 the immigrant population had reached 30K, while the Mexican population had barely passed 7,800.   The Mexican government originally believed that immigrants from the United States could be integrated into the Mexican community and passed a number of laws to foster this integration.   In addition to the requirement that the colonists be Roman Catholic, all official transactions were to be concluded in the Spanish language, no foreigners would be allowed to settle within 60 miles of the national boundary, and foreigners who married Mexican citizens could be eligible for extra land." --- Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ pp323-324  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2014 November

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 15th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
_Leftist Media Mafia_
meet the leftist media mafia
"America's news-rooms are hiding the truth about left-wing billionaires.   Since 2001, Soros has contributed more than $550M to left-wing causes, including the purchase of several news outlets.   Working alongside Soros are fellow tycoons who leverage their billions to keep a stronghold on the left-wing media."

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
_Conservative HQ_
8 close US senate elections: Scott Brown in NH, Dan Sullivan in Alaska, Rob Maness in Louisiana, Joni Ernst in Iowa, Pat Roberts in Kansas...

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
_Conservative HQ_
3 close US House elections: Dan Bongino in Maryland, Marilinda Garcia in NH, Suzanne Scholte in Virginia

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
NH GOP criticizes displacement of US citizen workers
"Currently, polls show that [Obummer's] immigration policies face strong opposition from roughly 50% of respondents, and only have strong support from roughly 15% of respondents.   The combined immigration and job pitch is unusual for the GOP, because many business [executives] and donors favor large-scale immigration, and large-scale [abuse] of guest-workers in [science, tech, engineering and] the seasonal tourist, recreation, fishing, forestry and farming industries...   Polls show that voters strongly favor policies that pressure companies to hire Americans instead of immigrants or guest-workers..."

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Chuck Ross _Daily Caller_
statistics on early voting in Texas
...A true apples-to-apples comparison shows that, as of the close of business for the last days of final voting for both cycles, 1.6M in-person votes had been cast early in 2010.   That's compared to 1.5M for 2014 -- which constitutes a 6% decrease between cycles.   When mail-in votes are included, 2014 saw approximately a 1% decline, from 1.732 votes in 2010 to 1.716 in 2014.   Early turn-out is also down considerably in the most populous Texas counties, which Davis and Democrats will need to carry if they hope to have any chance of defeating Abbott.   According to the Secretary of State's data, 171,243 voters from the five most populous Texas counties cast an early ballot in 2010.   Only 160,078 did so in 2014.   That is a 6.5% decline.   The poor showing comes despite an 8% increase in the number of registered voters.   In 2010, 8.3M were registered to vote compared to 8.98M in 2014..."

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Kenneth Beer _Daily Caller_
doctors, etc. working with ebola patients need to remember to "do no harm"
"'Primum non nocere.'   That's the cardinal precept for health-care workers.   It means, 'First, do no harm.'...   Until we know more about this virus we need to implement some type of quarantine for those exposed to it.   This may seem somewhat reactionary, but if we consider the risks posed by the returning healthcare worker to those who did not sign up for this hazardous duty it seems a little more measured..."

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
_News Max_/_AFP_
UN says violence in Iraq killed at least 1,273 in October

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
_News Max_/_AFP_
over 200 school-girls kidnapped by Boko Haram have been "converted to Islam" and "married off"

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Jack Curtis _American Thinker_
Communist Corpse seizes control of future internet education

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Jeffrey T. Brown _American Thinker_
many of us were raised in pre-Leftist Apocalypse USA: which will we choose? our USA or theirs?

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
James Simpson _American Thinker_
secretive RINOs threatening to subvert Maryland's least leftist county
"3 years ago, 5 newly elected commissioners in Carroll county, Maryland set precedent by taking a bold stand against Agenda 21 in this dark blue state.   They abolished the county 'Office of Sustainability' and began extricating Agenda 21 planning concepts from the county master plan.   They were also the first governmental organization to revoke membership in the UN's International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)..."

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
it is past time to revive HyperCard

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Willis Eschenbach
splicing clouds

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Bob Tisdale
on the recent Unisys sea surface temperature anomaly maps and cooling of northern hemisphere ocean surfaces

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
scientists make a good attempt to replicate the tide with 2 buckets, aquarium tubing, and a pump

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
New Zealand's record temperature challenged

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
Weather Channel co-founder John Coleman to be on CNN Sunday morning -- tune in

2014-11-01 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
same old gloom & doom from UN IPCC
Proposed Bills 2014

  "In spite of Mexico's one sad experience with foreign immigrants in Texas, laws were put on the books in the 1850s and 1860s to encourage immigration from Europe...   the 3K immigrants from western Europe, the United States, and China who began to arrive annually during the Restoration did not even offset the emigration of Mexicans to the United States.   In 1876 only about 25K people in Mexico were foreign-born, and they almost all resided in the larger cities.   Mexico City's population grew to 200K during the Restoration, and in the process the city experienced increased 'social problems'." --- Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ pp404-405  




2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
_News Max_
ebola-carrying bats may hold key to controlling epidemic
"Bats can carry more than 100 different viruses, including Ebola, rabies and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), without becoming sick themselves...   Scientists studying Ebola since its discovery in 1976 in Democratic Republic of Congo, then Zaire, have long suspected fruit bats as being the natural hosts, though the link to humans is sometimes indirect..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
_News Max_
Netanyahu urges calm as violence over access to Temple Mount continues
"It is the holiest site for Jews, who call it the Temple Mount because of the revered Jewish temples that stood there in biblical times; Muslims refer to it as the Noble Sanctuary and it is their third holiest site, after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
_News Max_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate slaughtered hundreds more innocents in recent days
Rick Moran: American Thinker

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Clarice Feldman _American Thinker_
it is time to bar "moderators" from intruding their own opinions into debates
"...the notion of Republicans continuing to allow Democrat operatives posing as newsmen and women to act as moderators in candidate debates is one of the most inexplicably stupid blunders of all..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Patricia L. Dickson _American Thinker_
what do gays really want from churches and other straights?

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate slave auction video

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Big Brother vs. carbonated beverages in Berkeley CA
"The elitists who think it is their job to tell the great unwashed what to eat and to drink are at work in my hometown of Berkeley, California, with an initiative measure on the ballot that would tax sugary soda one cent per ounce..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
good samaritan returned dropped $100-bill, hard-working young man with his food-cart, and Cory Gardner

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Janet Levy _American Thinker_
UN & Obummer: creators of a one-world monster
"In 2005, then secretary-general of the UN Kofi Annan observed that while the Un previously dealt only with governments, in the interest of global peace and prosperity the United Nations should extend its reach and partner directly with the business community, 'civil society' and international organizations.   He envisioned the elimination of state sovereignty and nationalism to make way for global citizenship, ushering in a borderless world run by a UN-centered, international bureaucracy...   Signing away of sovereignty and independence is a surefire route to tyrannical subordination of freedom and individual liberty.   One-size-fits-all precepts imposed on all nations by an international body would ignore regional needs, interests and values...   this week, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon swiftly condemned New York, Illinois and New Jersey for enforcing mandatory, 21-day quarantines for health workers returning from treating Ebola patients in West Africa.   Although more than 10K people have contracted the virus in Africa, the UN chief attacked as unjust the vigilance of USA state governments to protect their citizens..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
R' Elliot B. Gertel _American Thinker_
Hamas & Fatah continue violence

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Fay Voshell _American Thinker_
the choice before USA

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Eileen F. Toplansky _American Thinker_
her name was Chaya
"Her name means life in Hebrew but this Jewish Israeli-American infant had few precious days on this earth before the monster destroyed her and scarred her family forever.   Her last moments were at the Western Wall, where this picture of Chaya Zisel Braun was taken.   The 3-month old girl was thrown from her stroller as the Hamas terrorist's car made 'a [deliberate] hit-and-run terror attack' killing the baby and injuring 8 others..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Carol Brown _American Thinker_
another black man's journey from left to right; campaigning for Republicans in Arkansas (with video)

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Kia Rahnama _American Thinker_
memento mori - remember that you will die

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Joni Ernst surged to 7-point lead in Iowa senate election polls

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Silvio Canto ii _American Thinker_
another crisis on the eve of a presidential election

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Arnold Cusmariu _American Thinker_
Maryland is a blood-red state, having elected Barack Hussein Obummer twice: La Plata High School admin orders "study Islam or get an F!"
"Luckily for us, Kevin Wood is not afraid to speak his mind to the powers-that-be, which he did last month, as reported here and here.   A Marine veteran of the Iraq war and a Catholic, Mr. Wood blew his stack when his daughter, an 11th-grade student at La Plata High School, came home with an assignment requiring her to study Islam's 5 pillars or flunk the mandatory World History course teaching this material.   He received a no-trespass order banning him from school grounds after a phone conversation with Shannon Morris, the school's vice principal, during which he reportedly told her that 'you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white a**.'   The order claimed that Mr. Wood 'made verbal threats against the school', which he denied was his intent.   Evidently, in Democrat-controlled Maryland, expressing outrage to a public official about matters of policy is considered a threat to an entire institution..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
trade agreements kept secret from the public and not fully and openly debated and approved by two-thirds of the US senate are unconstitutional and against the public interest

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
Dem dilemmas
"Here is the problem with the old-style [Obummer] strategy of slicing and dicing the electorate into aggrieved minorities and then gluing them back together to achieve a 51% majority.   On almost every issue in this election that they should be running on, they simply cannot.   And on those that they are running on, they probably should not be..."

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
What we do -- and do not do -- for our country

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
reformatting the world

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
R' Daniel Lapin _News with Views_
baby, it's cold outside

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
reason has left the premises: UN IPCC says the world should have "zero emissions" by 2100

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Peter Wilson _American Thinker_
left's attempts to criminalize weather-related injuries and fatalities

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Bob Tisdale
the UN intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is nothing more than a...

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Anthony Watts
International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC): UN IPCC focus on stopping global warming and extreme weather is unscientific and immoral

2014-11-02 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 09)
Tim Ball
UN IPCC prediction of severe weather increase is based on fundamental error
"Claims that weather forecasts are reasonably accurate up to 48 hours are based on measured results for fair weather.   Results for severe weather, which are really what is important for people, are very poor.   The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has a worse record for both..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "It's the miracle of love that reveals how opposites that compete with each, actually complete each other." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  




2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
countering Indian-against-Indian H-1B abuse

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
National Day of Remembrance for those thousands killed by illegal aliens

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
James R. Edwards ii _Center for Immigration Studies_
it's about job opportunity, stupid

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
David G. Savage _Jewish World Review_
Supreme Court case involving child born to American Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem has Obummer defending Shrub policy he once denounced
"The case began in 2002 October when Menachem Zivotofsky was born in Jerusalem to American parents.   They asked the U.S. consulate to list Israel as his birthplace.   Officials refused, citing the State Department's policy of neutrality toward the status of Jerusalem, which Palestinians also claim as their capital.   A month before the boy's birth, however, congress had passed the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, which included a provision giving U.S.A. parents of children born in Jerusalem a right to have the child's place of birth recorded as Israel on his passport...   But upon signing the bill into law, [Shrub] issued a statement saying he would not abide by the passport provision..."

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Anne Applebaum _Jewish World Review_
a 43K square foot Museum of the History of Polish Jews costing tens of millions of dollars officially opens in Warsaw

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Ruth Sherlock _Jewish World Review_/_London Telegraph_/_National Post_
as expected, Syrian rebels "vetted" & trained by Obummer regime are defecting to al-Qaeda after receiving weapons from USA to fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate & Bashar al-Assad
Patrick Poole
"The loss of a group that had been held up as an example of Western efforts to court moderate rebel factions is a humiliating blow for [the Obummer regime]...   For the past 6 months the Hazm movement, and the SRF through them, had been receiving heavy weapons from the U.S.A.-led coalition, including Grad rockets and Tow anti-tank missiles.   But on Saturday night, Harakat Hazm surrendered military bases and weapons supplies to Jabhat al-Nusra..."

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Stacy Rapacon _Jewish World Review_
10 best USA cities to start a business

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
non-leftists must respond to leftist hate with poise and savvy, and strive against leftist vote fraud and corruption

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
non-leftists must respond to leftist hate with poise and savvy, and strive against leftist vote fraud and corruption, and other leftist policies

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Chris Erskine _Jewish World Review_
in marriage, what doesn't kill you makes you older

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
the US Snail has always violated our privacy
...and, yes, postal inspectors have long packed heat...jgo

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
well-financed Democrat/Leftist lies won't confuse Blacks this time
"Black voters are becoming more politically engaged than ever, which means they are also becoming more politically informed than ever..."

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
it is no wonder voters like a candidate like Joni Ernst who knows how to castrate hogs
"'Washington's full of big spenders.', Ernst tells viewers in the ad.   'Let's make 'em squeal.'...   Spending that Candidate X may call outrageous and profligate, Incumbent Y and Lobbyist Z are apt to defend as invaluable and essential...   voters know it isn't that hard to identify fiscal abominations...   GAO tallied more than 57K civilian employees who were put on paid 'administrative leave' [between 2011 and 2013] for at least 30 days -- hundreds of them for as much as 3 years...   The reason so many federal workers were paid not to work? Generally because they were being investigated for misconduct or criminal acts..."

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
GHWBush, Clinton, Shrub & Obummer regimes have repeatedly demonstrated that government cannot be trusted: How much has Obummer harmed the Dems/leftists
"...Earnest improvers, eager to tightly wrap the regulatory state's tentacles around the democratic process, say the republic is ruined because about $1G has been spent on ads in the 2014 cycle electing governors, senators and representatives.   Considering the enormous consequences the political class has as it sloshes trillions of dollars hither and yon, it is strange that in selecting the 2015 members of this class Americans spent less than half the $2.2G they spent last month on Halloween candy..."

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Kassandra D. Smith _Jewish World Review_
pre-election fun: Republicans spook leftists/Dems

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Kassandra D. Smith _Jewish World Review_
desperate leftists/Dems in pre-election melt-down and corruption fervor
"Democrats will say just about anything to get elected -- but several recent incidents reveal they'll do just about anything to get elected, too. Whether it's a Democrat yelling obscenities at your family or stealing your yard signs under the cover of night..."

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Amy Hoak _MarketWatch_
14 most expensive neighborhoods for renters... 3 of them in San Francisco bay area

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Thomas E. Brewton
Bank Of Japan still on the wrong path

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Chad Hatmaker _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Employee Online Privacy Act of 2014 will take effect 2015-01-01: mixed bag with little chance of enforcement

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Kay Brookshire _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
bodyshoppers serve as poor indicator of economic/job market vitality

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
corrupt FEC commissioner Ellen Weintraub launched partisan attack on election eve

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
once non-leftists have won a majority in the US House and senate, what are the leftists/Dems willing to surrender/compromise on... and by how much?
US citizens are concerned that the left have been violating the US constitution, violating our rights, hampering our liberty, crippling the economy, hampering our energy supplies, engaging in widespread corruption, refusing to secure the borders, refusing to seek out and deport illegal aliens, refusing to bring legal immigration down to reasonable and manageable levels, refusing to select foreign students, guest-workers, exchange visitors and permanent residence candidates on the basis of appropriate standards...jgo

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
how the leftist "main-stream" USA media helps Iran's propaganda offensive

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Rush Limbaugh
leftist media drive-bys and GOP losership team up in vain to try to spin election as repudiation of Tea Party

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a New York publication on the contributions of Southern writers (1860)

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Anthony Watts
100 [134] year snow records broken across the South Eastern USA on October 31st and November 01st
"It was the earliest and heaviest snow in several places since records have been kept dating as far back as 1880..."

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Bob Koss
independent review discovers that NCDC fumbles data handling in GHCN climate data
GHCN version 1
GHCN version 2
GHCN version 3

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Anthony Watts
news-bytes: the new coal boom

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Anthony Watts
claim: Berkeley Lab scientists identify a new driver behind Arctic warming

2014-11-03 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 10)
Anthony Watts
Jim Steele's "climate change" presentation to the IEEE life members
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The president replaced Marxist labor leader Vicente Lombardo Toledano with the much more conservative Fidel Velasquez.   Lombardo Toldedano's departing speech was caustic and indicated his anger at the recent turn of events.   'I leave this office a rich man.', he declared, 'Rich in the hatred of the bourgeoisie.' The press, for some time having [noted that] Lombardo Toledano [was] inordinately egotistical, pointed out that he had used the word 'I' 64 times in the farewell address and took the occasion to dub him 'the Yo-yo Champion'." --- Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ pg607  


2014-11-04: USA Election Day


2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
vote fraud, voter fraud, & voter ID
"One of these frauds involved sending out absentee ballots to people who had never asked for them.   Then a political operator would show up -- uninvited -- the day the ballots arrived and 'help' the voter to fill them out.   Sometimes the intruders simply took the ballots, filled them out and forged the signatures of the voters..."

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
leftist tactics -- a personal example

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Dems/leftists playing the whole race deck in 2014 elections

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
multi-partisan good news on election eve
"...My first vote was in a time and place where paper was the only ballot there was, and there was no 'ticking the right box'.   Ticking a box was for wimps.   The ballot instructed the voter to 'mark through the names of the candidates you do not wish to vote for, leaving your favored candidate unmarked'..."

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's untruthful economic/job-market propaganda has a limited shelf life

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
_Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
corrupt/befuddled/deluded/ignorant Virginia circuit court judge delcared that 5th amendment protects pass-words but but finger-prints

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
Barack Hussein Obummer will leave the Dems in shambles

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_/_Wasington DC Times_
how leftists/Dems tried to break the spirit of USA

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
GOP candidates won majority of seats in US House & senate, several governorships... but will they do any good?

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Scott Rigel (R-VA) reports "voting machine malfunction" which changed Rep votes to Dem at nearly 40 sites
"5 hours later, the Rigell campaign sent out another e-mail message saying 'this disenfranchisement of voters strikes at the very heart of our republic'..."

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
please help "One Old Vet" keep up his superb web site

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Lucy May & Emily Maxwell _WCPO Cincinnati OH_/_Scripps_
human trafficking in Blue Ash
"Harold D'Souza and his family came to the United States for the American Dream.   Instead, they lived the nightmare of human trafficking for more than a year...   The International Labour Organization estimated the total market value of human trafficking to be $32G in 2005.   Those profits have since ballooned to $96G globally, according to a study released by the Ricky Martin Foundation in May...   This is especially prevalent along the I-75 corridor...   Working long hours, every day of the week without pay was not the life Harold D'Souza expected when he convinced his wife to leave their home in India and move to the United States for better opportunities back in 2003.   His employer had secured an H-1B Visa for him to work in the U.S.A. as a 'business development manager' for a local manufacturing company.   He was told he would earn as much as $75K per year -- a small fortune compared to his pay in India...   The National Human Trafficking Resource Center can be reached at (888) 373-7888."

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Kristin Burnham _InformationWeek_/_UBM_
"Blur" claims to defend on-line privacy
"Blur's 3 main features include a password manager, a masking feature for sensitive information, and blocking capabilities against targeted ad networks and data collection companies...   Blur uses a method it calls masking [proxies], which creates a new e-mail address, phone number, or credit card to give a web-site for log-ins or purchases instead of using your real information.   If you give a site a masked e-mail address and they send you a message, Blur will forward it to your real e-mail address.   It works the same way with phone calls: If someone calls your masked phone number, Blur will forward that call to your real phone number..."

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Christopher Chantrill _American Thinker_
how will Dems/leftists try to divide us next?

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
undisclosed information about ebola
"In the article we discover that the virus can live in sexual fluid for as much as 90 days after people are cured of the disease.   We learn that Doctors Without Borders warns discharged patients to use condoms and other African clinics give survivors certificates that emphasize NO SEX FOR 90 DAYS in capital letters.   Apparently, here in our own country the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP] has issued similar warnings.   Why has the general public not heard of this?..."

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Marilyn Penn _Californians for Population Stabilization_
post-election survey: 80% favor jobs going to US citizens and legal immigrants already in USA

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Michael Ramirez _Patriot Post_
Obummer whispering in ayatollas' ears (cartoon)

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Anthony Watts
John Coleman fires back on the UN IPCC synthesis report

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Eric Worrall
UN IPCC lead author prof Myles Allen: "Alarmism is unhelpful..."

2014-11-04 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 11)
Anthony Watts
fun video: a bowling ball and feather fall in world's biggest vacuum chamber
"NASA's Space Power Facility in Sandusky, Ohio, is the biggest vacuum chamber in the world, measuring 30.5 meters by 37.2 meters, and has a volume of 22,653 cubic meters.   If you watched commander David Scott drop a hammer and a feather on the televised Apollo 15 mission, then you probably already know how this one ends, but that doesn't make watching it play out any less spectacular..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The 'genius' who has stopped questioning has degenerated into a fool." --- Binyamin L. Jolkovsk  



2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Mark Krikorian _National Review_/_Center for Immigration Studies_
voters on Obummer's evil, unconstitutional immigration schemes: drop dead: last night's results were a repudiation of Obummer's policies, including on immigration

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Bryan Griffith _Center for Immigration Studies_
election results show push-back against legislation, votes, Obummer regime actions aimed at giving amnesty to illegal aliens

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
leftist mourning Joe on immigration, shows no signs of repentance on part of corrupt leftists

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
James R. Edwards ii _Center for Immigration Studies_
who represents would-be working USA citizens
"Several politicians have expressed this winsome position, showing the potential to really, truly express empathy for the 20M Americans who can't find a full-time job, are underemployed, have given up on looking for work, have had to make ends meet by getting disability or other government help, or otherwise have borne the brunt of their own government advantaging new immigrants over them.   Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has emerged as the thought leader on the lower immigration-job opportunity connection.   He has urged 'a humble and honest populism' that fights for middle class and working class Americans through common-sense immigration reduction.   Senator Sessions is obviously in, but not of, Washington, DC.   Senator Sessions explains: 'In changing the terms of the immigration debate we will not only prevent the implementation of a disastrous policy [the Senate amnesty bill], but begin a larger effort to broaden our appeal to working Americans of all backgrounds.   Now is the time to speak directly to the real and legitimate concerns of millions of hurting Americans whose wages have declined and whose job prospects have grown only bleaker.'..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
_Conservative HQ_
riding the non-leftist wave

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
_Conservative HQ_
yesterday's non-leftist victory settles round 3 in GOP "civil war" with left-leaning RINOs... but several more rounds will probably be needed to totally rout them
"This morning there is no civil war in the Republican Party -- last night voters settled it by clearly saying 'NO' to amnesty for illegal aliens, 'NO' to corrupt big government and cronyism, and 'YES' to repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare], real border security and a strong national defense.   Next to Harry Reid and [Barack Hussein Obummer] last night's biggest loser was Tom Donohue and the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists]..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
all Republicans ran and won as born-again non-leftists
"This election was a rejection by the voters of both the [Chamber of Crony Socialists and Obummer's] failed agenda..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Lauren Walker _Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
Robert Hannigan, the new head of UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), complained that U.S.A. tech companies are shielding/facilitating terrorist activity

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
is GOP ready and willing to prosecute Eric Holder and hold Obummer's nominees for attorney-general to reasonable standards?
V Dare
"...Perez was explicitly hostile to race-neutral law enforcement...   Perez has used his power to conduct vengeful witch-hunts against police departments and advocates of strict immigration enforcement...   made a career putting illegal aliens above law-abiding citizens.   He is a selective enforcer of the nation's laws.   A leader of the George Soros-funded Casa de Maryland illegal alien advocacy group, Perez lobbied for in-state tuition discounts for illegal alien students, driver's licenses and tax-subsidized day labor centers..."
please help find Marizela

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
"In mid-2003, representative Dick Gephardt (D-MO), told me he spent 7 to 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, making fund-raising calls...   An estimated $4G has been spent on this dismal congressional election, about $2.4G of it on political ads..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
FIRE vs. leftist academia's attacks against the 1st amendment

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
the scholar-athlete scam

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
electing liberty

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
John Matarese _WCPO Cincinnati OH_/_Scripps_
short-cuts to reach a human
"For weeks, she's been trying to get phone help, from Cincinnati Bell...   when she tried to call for help, she says, 'you would get somebody out of the country, you could not understand them, there was so much static so that if you could hear them, you could not hear through the static or they would drop the phone call'...   check a great website called Get Human.com which lists inside numbers at hundreds of companies...   the spokeswoman explained they have contracted with out-of-the-USA call centers (like many companies), because otherwise their customer service costs would be thousands of dollars higher, and those costs would [be paid to experts living right here in the Greater Cincinnati area, helping them develop careers and boost the local economy.   But, more important from their POV, it might lower the quarterly ROI, and cut into executives' fat pay and benefits packages and golden parachutes that are much more generous than, e.g., in the days when William J. Whittaker was at the helm]..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Dana Hull _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Tom Steyer and his NextGen Climate Action superPAC poured more than $65M into Dem/leftist campaign coffers to promote warmist hysteria

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Jonathan Spyer _PJMedia_
Iran rising: Mullah-backed rebels reach Yemen's capital

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
presumptive senate majority-loser Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "sharp elbows and big egos" can be "accommodated" in GOP Caucus

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
give me a few born-again Dem hawks

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
big law's battle against Christians in Texas
"Amongst the least recognized foes of constitutional conservatism are lawyers at giant law firms.   Big Law lawyers have served as mercenaries for a wide spectrum of fringe causes.   Unlike mercenaries, however, they are doing the left's bidding for free.   In Houston, they're doing it to attack Christian pastors who speak on theological matters...   These 'pro bono' efforts by lawyers at large law firms have undermined America's energy independence, the integrity of our elections, and the security of the nation..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
Dave Brat: "That's a mandate.   I was very clear on my policies...   There was absolute clarity on our side on repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare], securing the border, paying down the debt, getting this economy growing again.   The people spoke just as clearly.   The responsibility now on the GOP is to execute immediately.   To follow the will of the people..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
Virginia US senate election results still in doubt, unofficial re-canvas on-going, re-count likely

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
leftist "main-stream" media still trying to paint Dem/leftist losses re-as victory

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Kathy Shaidle _PJMedia_
OPECHatesGays asks: Why does Barack Hussein Obummer support homophobic oil suppliers?

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
_Right Scoop_
Mark R. Levin: Republican losership just handed the power of the purse back to Obummer and the other leftists
"Mark Levin says he has a long memory and reminds us that Boehner told us that a government shut-down would hurt the Republican majority.   But it didn't.   We picked up 12 seats in the House last night.   But the whole reason Levin is even bringing it up is because McConnell today already surrendered the power of the purse..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Brandon Brown _American Thinker_
the 29 states where you can be fired for being straight
"You need a job-related reason to fire someone, regardless of their sexual orientation..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Liam Bamford _American Thinker_
other people's boots

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Shahriar Kia _American Thinker_
Iran's frantic efforts at eliminating Camp Liberty dissidents

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Bruce Robinson _American Thinker_
on de-gendering Anglo-Saxon: the perversion of text-books

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
_News Max_
VA boy donated Clovis point found on NJ beach, to Smithsonian
"Archaeology curator Dennis Stanford tells the Asbury Park Press it's the first Clovis point the museum has ever received from New Jersey.   He estimates it's 13K to 13,500 years old..."

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
_V Dare_
an Illinois self-described paleo-conservative responds to Luis Gutierrez's outrageously offensive threats of "cvil war"
"Latino Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois has now stated if amnesty is not passed before Christmas he will create a civil sar in the Democrat Party. [2014 November 3: Warner Todd Huston: Breitbart: Gutierrez Warns of 'Civil War' Among Democrats]   And yes, he is just the 'Latino' representative!   He could care less about any white or black folks in his district that was rezoned in the most bizarre possible pattern (pictured right) to benefit Democrat Hispanic [politicians]!..."
Roll Call: top 5 ugliest gerrymandered congressional districts

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
Vote Aqui is a prime example of one of the causes of failing in school; lowered expectations

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
KrisAnne Hall
is a genuine limited government now possible?

2014-11-05 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 12)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
the other Jimmy Stewart, his grand-father James M. Stewart, and a "Shenandoah"/ "It's a Wonderful Life" twist
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The border between the countries is permeable, and not only to people.   Disease, polluted water, contaminated air, to cite but a few examples, refuse to respect the artificial line drawn by 19th-century politicians to ratify the work of 19th-century generals...   Beginning in the 1970s unemployment, under-employment, persistent poverty [in Mexico], and the undeniable lure of the United States prompted hundreds of thousands of Mexican workers to cross the border illegally into the United States each year in pursuit of gainful employment.   The number of [illegal alien] workers in the United States at any given time cannot be calculated accurately, but most serious estimates range between 4M and 6M [as of 1999]...   Everyone agrees that the United States has the right to enforce its immigration laws and to regulate entries into the country.   But there is no consensus on precisely what should be done and how." --- Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ pg664  



2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
both houses of congress should defund White House if Barack Hussein Obummer tries to unconstitutionally give amnesty to illegal aliens

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
a Dem/leftist Waterloo

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
GOP -- both true blue Republicans & RINOs -- defeated the Reds... but what will result?
"here's my suggestion for what Republicans should do now that they have control of both Houses of congress.   Vote on every bill that Harry Reid wouldn't let come to the floor for a vote: the Keystone pipe-line, tax reform, and immigration policy that starts with border security.   If Democrats vote 'No', fine.   Let them become the 'Party of No'.   And if Republicans get barely enough support from the other side, but not enough to satisfy the most [leftist] president in our history, let him veto whatever they send him.   Let him use his veto pen until it runs out of ink..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
GOP -- both true blue Republican & RINO -- victors refuted what lefts' messaging

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
the elections and putting the last racists behind us

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Jay Carney admitted that Dems have been trying to cynically use the race card

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
can/will elected Republican polls make positive changes?

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
proposed legislation for the Republican-led 114th congress

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
bargaining with the Iranian government devil

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Tuesday was a tough night for the MSNBC leftist political operatives

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
first steps Republicans (true blue and RINOs) should take: George Will's proposed legislation for the Republican-led 114th congress

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Steve Kolowich _Chronicle of Higher Education_
Georgia Tech's inexpensive on-line master in Computer Science degree program

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
_Conservative HQ_
warning to GOP losership: don't betray a clear non-leftist victory

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Laura Ingraham
GOP losership rush to give Obummer even more authoritys

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Bill Kassel _American Thinker_
What next?
"This is a moment when a meaningful change could be made to our nation's downward trajectory.   Will it be?..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
Hollywood leftists suffered massive defeat

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
GOP is closing the data technology gap with Dems

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
Did you know the GOP now controls 66 of 99 state legislative houses?

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Arnold Cusmariu _American Thinker_
dictatorial government takes a beating

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
reformers win, public unions humiliated

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ben Voth _American Thinker_
5 easy pieces of a brighter future
"1.   Adopt a positive American energy policy to transform the world...   2.   Lower corporate tax rates...   3.   Return federal lands to the people...   4.   Create a national goal for a balanced budget passed by Congress in [2016]...   5.   Reassure our allies..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
"stridentconservative" _True Blue Republican State_
winning the election means nothing if we don't win the agenda

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
exit polls show demographics moving away from the left

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Daniel Horowitz _Non-Leftist Review_
top 7 observations from election night
"This was all about stopping [Obummer]...   [Non-leftists won the GOP primaries...]   After election night, there are only 7 states where Democrats control the trifecta of state government.   This provides conservatives with a great opportunity to begin forcing change from the states and push for Article V conventions to restore our Republic, as Mark Levin laid out in his compelling book, _The Liberty Amendments_...   Republicans now control roughly 85% of the land-mass in terms of House districts.   Obviously, many of these counties are sparsely populated, but it goes to show that [Obummer] has made the Democrat Party toxic outside of core urban areas..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Jeremy C. Owens _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Symantec plotting 2K lay-offs while splitting company in half
Levi Sumagaysay: Silicon Beat
"Symantec had more than 20,800 employees as of March, according to its most recent annual report, with 44% of them residing in the United States; Symantec had the 10th largest workforce among Silicon Valley tech companies in 2013. Symantec announced last month that it will split the company in 2, creating separate security and data-storage companies..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Oregon voters rejected driver license/ID for illegal aliens

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
James Morrison _News Max_
great unrest among leftists/Dems over whether Nasty Pelosi should be minority-leader in House

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Louie Gohmert hints at challenging John Boehner to become House Speaker

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Deroy Murdock _News Max_
voters reject Obummer's ueber-government

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Richard Land: GOP should put a bill per week on Obummer's desk

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Michael Reagan _News Max_
GOP should focus on leadership (not Boehner/Rove/McConnell losership)
"A beautiful [true blue Republican] tsunami swept across [the USA] Tuesday night. [Leftist/Red] pollsters and [leftist] pundits on TV refused to see the Republican wave coming and still can't believe it came..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Wanda Carruthers _News Max_
senator Tim Scott: SC voters elected me on issues, not race

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Dan Weil _News Max_
Larry Kudlow: Obummer risks creating back-lash on immigration
"'I don't think the president recognizes or wishes to admit that the votes [Tuesday] were for a change in direction of economic policy, of healthcare policy, of immigration policy, of all the policies.', Kudlow said on the air...   In his press conference, [Obummer], said he's happy to compromise on trade agreements and infrastructure spending.   But he said he will act unilaterally [and unconstitutionally on immigration law perversion], fulfilling his pre-election promise [to the National Council of the Racists]..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
_News Max_/_AP_
former Charlotte NC mayor sentenced to house arrest with electronic monitoring for voting illegally, to begin prison time for bribe-taking November 18

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
_News Max_
senator David Vitter: Obummer would be shredding US constitution with attempt at executive amnesty for illegal aliens (with video)
"'This would clearly, absolutely clearly, be going way beyond the president's authority under the Constitution.', Vitter, a Louisiana Republican, said Thursday on 'The Steve Malzberg Show' on Newsmax TV."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Al Weaver _Daily Caller_
John Boehner says no immigration law changes will be enacted if Obummer attempts unconstitutional executive amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
non-leftists vs. Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal scheme to amnesty illegal aliens
"'This is an 80-20 issue.   We've just been sent here in a historic sweep.   If we don't think we can win a debate with the White House on an 80-20 issue, then exactly what debate do we think we can win?', said a senate GOP aide...   'He just won't act.'..."
Writ of mandamus!!!

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: Obummer unconstitutional & illegal amnesty for illegal aliens is undermining US constitution and legal system
"'The president is arrogantly refusing to follow the will of the American people first and foremost, and to fulfill his duty to faithfully see that the laws of the United States are executed.', he stated...   80% of the American people in polls show [they] oppose [amnesty for illegal aliens] yet he's continuing to talk about it.   It violates the Constitutional structure and law, and it needs to be stopped...   'Congress simply has to bar the expenditure of any money to carry out such a scheme because it would be a very expensive scheme, and we do that all the time... hundreds, thousands of legislative actions throughout the years have barred the executive branch from spending money to execute policies that congress does not want to fund.'..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
John Bolton: Obummer is letting Iran have an open path to nuclear weapons & long-range missiles

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
corrupt RINO former Shrub officials want unconstitutional & illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Wynton Hall _Breitbart_
Center for Responsive Politics: leftists/Dems spent $1.64G in 2014 election cycle
"Tom Steyer...shelled out $74M, $67M of which went to bank-roll his NextGen super PAC..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
43 arrested in Pakistan for beating Christian couple to death, then throwing them into brick kiln

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
exit polls: 75% reject amnesty for illegal alens; 80% don't want non-citizens getting priority/preference for jobs and displacing US citizens

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
car-jacking survivor: When twice-deported illegal alien Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte shot me, he was smiling; 2 police killed

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
David Axelrod to Obummer: shelve scheme for executive grant of amnesty to illegal aliens

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Oregon, dominated by Reds/leftists/Dems, rejected grant of driver licenses to illegal aliens
"Measure 88 put the state's law to grant people who cannot provide proof that they are in the U.S.A. legally to obtain drivers licenses up for a popular vote.   The measure failed, 67.4% to 32.6%, according to Oregon Live...   Some 160K illegal aliens live in Oregon..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
over 40% of Latino voters in Texas & Georgia voted for candidates who support secure borders, no-amnesty for illegal aliens
"GOP Texas Governor-elect Greg Abbott received 44% of the Latino vote...   According to exit polling, Abbott won 50% of Latino men, 39% of Latinas, and 44% of the Latino vote overall.   In Georgia, GOP senate candidate David Perdue, who signed the Federation of American Immigration Reform's (FAIR) anti-amnesty pledge and ran strongly against president [Barack Hussein Obummer's] executive amnesty [scheme], received 42% of the Hispanic vote..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
election likely to leave immigration sub-committees in congress virtually unchanged

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
security requires post-mortems of immigration mistakes
"53% of NSLs (and therefore, the national security investigations of which they are the subjects [in 2007]) involve USPERS, then non-immigrant aliens, and illegal aliens such as visa over-stayers or out-of-status students, were the subject of the other 47% -- close to half of the subjects of NSLs.   Now let us assume that resident aliens constitute half of the USPERS who become the subject of NSLs (26.5%).   That may be a low figure, but if we use it, then 73.5% of all NSLs (and therefore the subjects of national security cases, the vast majority of which involve counter-terrorism) involved aliens..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Patrick J. Buchanan _V Dare_
this is no time for GOP losership to advance leftist/Obummer schemes!
"Nov. 4 was a national vote of no confidence in [Barack Hussein Obummer].   Had a British prime minister received a vote like this, he would have resigned by now.   The one issue on which all Republicans agreed, and all ran, was the rejection of [Obummer]..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
political donations since 1979 by industry of donors' employers
"the 4 businesses that serve as the Engineers of Human Souls -- entertainment, academia, Google-type tech, and the print media -- are each significantly more [leftist/Red/Dem] than any industries are [to the right/true blue Republican]..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
992 square-foot house in Palo Alto CA recently sold for $3M, over $3K per square foot
Call it 31.5 feet by 31.5 feet.

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
newly-elected GOP senators want to eradicate ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
Obummer regime stepping up efforts to cut off cash-flow to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
"ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate does not rely on 'deep-pocketed donors' for funding.   'ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's primary funding tactics enable it today to generate tens of millions of dollars per month.   Those tactics include the sale of stolen oil, the ransoming of kidnap victims, theft and extortion from the people it currently dominates, and to a lesser extent, donations from supporters outside of Syria and Iraq.', Cohen said in a speech at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
true blue Republicans have majorities in 67 of 98 state legislative chambers

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
smug Reds/leftists/Dems

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
Obummer tries to ignore Republican election victories/Dem defeats, Left eggs him on this dangerous path

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
Obummer, el perro del hortelano

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Mike Lee _Federalist_
Mike Lee's plan to repair congress

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Ira Stoll _American Spectator_
non-leftists' challenge to GOP losership
"The American people spoke loud and clear: stop [Obummer].   Period.   What they delivered Tuesday night was an unmitigated defeat for [leftism].   They want [ObummerDoesn'tCare] repealed, the economy unchained, and amnesty [for illegal aliens] opposed.   Among other things.   Yet with planted news stories from [GOP losership operatives] in both the [leftist] Washington Post and the New York Times the idea was being spread that this overwhelming rejection of [leftists] was in fact a victory for the very [power-mad] ruling class mind-set that was explicitly campaigned against by all those Republican winners...   Every single newly elected Republican senator ran on the full repeal of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   In most competitive races it was the top issue.   Over 40K ads against [ObummerDoesn'tCare] were run on behalf of winning candidates.   The Republican House and senate must now keep those campaign promises and use reconciliation to send a bill repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare] to the president [and continue pressing for its repeal until it is totally gone].   All but one of the newly elected Republican senators ran a strong campaign in favor of securing the border and opposing amnesty for [illegal aliens].   Every single newly elected Republican senator ran in support of an agenda for hard-working middle class Americans that reduces spending, lowers taxes, and balances the budget-not..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
massive GOP victories may not deter the corrupt, power-mad Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal attempt to amnesty millions of illegal aliens
"Tuesday night when a higher than average number of voters for a mid-term election showed up to repudiate [president Obummer] and his policies.   Imagine today's stunned silent majority watching the evening news night after night for the last 2 years and seeing [ObummerDoesn'tCare], Benghazi, the IRS scandal, Central Americans flooding into the United States unchecked, ISIS and Ebola with occasional cut aways to [Obummer] playing golf or lavishly vacationing, and it's easy to imagine why they renounced Democrats aligned with the president.   Defeated candidates unsuccessfully tried to distance themselves from [Obummer].   Races that pollsters had predicted would be tight weren't close at all: Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, David Purdue in Georgia, Joni Ernst in Iowa, Thom Tillis in North Carolina, Corey Gardner in Colorado and Pat Roberts in Kansas.   In Montana, Steve Daines became the state's first Republican in 100 years to retake a Democratic-held senate seat.   With results still pending in Alaska, Virginia and a January Louisiana run off scheduled, senate Republicans have picked up 7 seats for a total of 52.   In the House, the GOP added at least 12 seats and is set to reach or exceed the historic 246 achieved in 1946 during Harry S. Truman's administration 60 years ago...   One of the consistently hot button domestic issues during the [Obummer regime] has been immigration.   Since his 2009 inauguration Obama has pushed amnesty for [illegal aliens] already living in the U.S.A. and expanding legal immigration from its existing 1M annual total even though working and unemployed Americans would be harmed...   Republicans who oppose [Obummer's] legalization earned victories nationwide.   Tellingly, voters in deep [red/leftist/Dem] Oregon defeated by a 2-1 margin a referendum that would have granted driver's licenses to illegal immigrants...   Senator Jeff Sessions who ran unopposed said that the immediate emergency for the new majority will be to fight [Obummer's] disastrous planned amnesty actions..."

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
James Simpson _Accuracy In Media_
grand theft by Obummer: the biggest heist in USA history

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Heather Mac Donald _Manhattan Institute_
deliver illegal aliens to USICE... and then, unfortunately, Obummer regime USICE will simply release them

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Andy West
wrapped in Lew papers: the psychology of climate psychologization (part 1 of 3)

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Anthony Watts
recovering whales, ocean acidification, and climate horror stories

2014-11-06 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 13)
Anthony Watts
another government funded eye-roller: USGS bemoans "climate change" affecting your bird feeder
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The most unique, and ultimately the most controversial, contribution to the war effort was the mutual decision made by Avila Camacho and Franklin D. Roosevelt [FDR] to allow Mexican laborers (braceros) to serve as agricultural workers in the United States SouthWest.   The draft in the United States had depleted the work force, and the Mexicans in many ways picked up the slack as they began to harvest major crops.   The terms of the agreement were carefully spelled out: the workers were to receive free transportation to and from their homes; they were not to displace United States workers or to be used to suppress wages; minimum waes were set at 46 cents an hour [$0.46/hour] (later raised to 57 cents [$0.57/hour]); and Mexican labor officials were authorized to make periodic inspections to certify that the rules were being enforced.   By the Spring of 1943, in spite of the opposition of 'organized labor' in the United States, the program was expanded to include non-agricultural labor as well.   When the war ended, the bracero program was well entrenched as some 300K Mexicans had worked in 25 different states, some as far north as Minnesota and Wisconsin.   But innumerable difficulties had beset the program, for the regulations were not always enforced and the workers encountered deep-seated [resentment] in the United States." --- Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ pp609-611  



2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)

USA still short tens of millions of jobs: full employment may be decades off even if federal government repeals job-destroying & US citizen-displacement measures

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
USA citizenry should make DC listen: voters reject rewards for illegal aliens
V Dare
please help find Marizela

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
1 visa/degree mill owner sent to jail for 16 years, another is on trial
"Both are, or were, unaccredited for-profit entities owned by people of Chinese descent who preyed on (and conspired with) largely Indian 'students'.   That unaccredited, for-profit institutions such as these can issue the I-20 form, which leads to F-1 student visas, is one of the failures of our current immigration system..."

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
how to stop the jihadis
"In the post-mortems of the terrorist car attacks in Jerusalem, it is easy to see the writing on the wall.   Ibrahim al-Akary, the terrorist who on Wednesday ran over crowds of people waiting to cross the street and catch the Jerusalem Light Rail, was the brother of one of the terrorist murderers freed in exchange for IDF hostage Gilad Schalit..."

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
how the GOP should respond to Obummer's corruption & incorrigibility

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
neuraminidase inhibitors vs. home remedies

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
trying to be gracious on election night
Paul Greenberg

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
how the traitorous Dems/leftists & GOP losership plan to steal our election
"as America.   n polls closed, Beltway elites closed ranks [against the citizenry, against the voters, against the US constitution]...   Republicans can and should pass a bill to defund 'any agency of government that refuses to implement federal immigration law or that facilitates such refusal', as Ben Shapiro writes at Breitbart News.   If the executive branch enacts amnesty, congress must choose not to fund it..."

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
who says the camera does not lie?

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
maybe "big data" should play a smaller role in politics

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Charles Ortel _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
it does not take a trained psychiatrist to realize that Barack Hussein Obummer has lost grip on reality

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Republican Wonder Women ride the wave to DC

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the tired old leftist/Dem party

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
David Seminara _Center for Immigration Studies_
leftist pundits try to spin election results to promote amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
the Maltese actor

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
the NYTime's financial conflict of interest on immigration
"...the 2nd largest shareholder of the New York Times is Mexican telecom monopolist Carlos Slim who profits inordinately upon phone calls between the 2 countries..."

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
a party divided against itself cannot stand

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
James P. Gannon _Conservative HQ_
USA has rejected Obummer's leftward lurch, and divicive Red/Dem politics of race and sex

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Edwin S. Rubenstein _V Dare_
is displacement of US citizen workers accelerating?

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
BLS up to its usual tricks hiding grim job markets behind seemingly rosy data

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Eric Allie _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer refuses to hear (cartoon)

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
literary musings on the Shenandoah Valley... November

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Kip Hansen
"Propter nomen" — Because of the name

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Bob Tisdale
ClimateRegress's Joe Romm translated the UN IPCC's 2014 "Synthesis" Report

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Paul Homewood
warm year brought record harvests in UK

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Anthony Watts
CO School of Mines: waterless fracking promises more energy, less trouble

2014-11-07 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 14)
Christopher Monckton
on climate, the Right is right - global temperature update: the "Pause" is 18 years 1 month long
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Many cities tried to minimize pauperism -- as well as their tax money spent on the poor -- by restricting immigration.   Philadelphia, NY, and nearly all the New England towns had provisions requiring the registration, bonding, or inspection of all new-comers.   Those who had no friends or relatives to vouch for them or who lacked visible means of support were ordered away.   As the cities grew in size, however, so did the need for laborers adn the opportunity for anonymity.   By the early 1700s immigration restrictions were breaking down, and many places were openly encouraging immigration." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pp14-15  



2014-11-08 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 15)

2014-11-08 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 15)
Andy West
wrapped in Lew papers: the psychology of climate psychologization (part 2 of 3)

2014-11-08 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 15)
Cartoons by Josh

2014-11-08 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 15)
Jim Steele
the ultimate irony: Camille Parmesan argues "Texas text-books need to get the facts straight" on global warming hysteria
"Camille Parmesan and the AAAS want to force feed global warming to school children..."

2014-11-08 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 15)
Robin Pittwood
an empirical review: the core of the human caused global warming proposition is that an increasing level of greenhouse gases acts to reduce heat loss from the planet making the atmosphere here warmer
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Irish and German immigrants brought their own cultural traditions to American cities, traditions of work and leisure, spirituality and sociability, which often came into conflict with those of native-born residents.   Immigrant labor helped to build the growing cities, and immigrant cultural traditions would leave a permanent mark on city life as well." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg58  



2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: GOP losership must block Obummer's unconstitutional amnesties of illegal aliens
"'We can't allow it to happen and we won't let it happen...   I'm telling you, everything we can do to stop it we will.', Sessions said...   'We must now follow through on that commitment.'..."

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
principled young guns + Jeff Sessions vs. corrupt unprincipled losership

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Craig Jeffrey _BBC_
students in India who believe they have the right to cheat
"Students are often keen to exercise their rights but recently there has been an interesting twist -- some in India are talking about their right to cheat in university exams.   'It is our democratic right!', a thin, addled-looking man named Pratap Singh once said to me as he stood, chai in hand, outside his university in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.   'Cheating is our birth-right.'   Corruption in the university exam system is common in this part of India.   The rich can bribe their way to examination success.   There's even a whole subset of the youth population who are brokers between desperate students and avaricious administrators.   Then there's another class of student altogether, who are so well known locally -- so renowned for their political links -- invigilators dare not touch them.   I've heard that these local thugs sometimes leave daggers on their desk in the exam hall.   It's a sign to invigilators: 'Leave me alone... or else.'...   When pro-cheating rallies were held in Uttar Pradesh in the early 1990s, the state's chief minister gave in to demands and repealed an anti-copying act -- he actually allowed students to cheat..."

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Brittany Corona _Daily Signal_
it is not too late for states to reject Communist Corpse

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Andrew Klavan & Bill Whittle _PJMedia_
are cities where liberty goes to die? (video; members-only)

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
4 reasons USA-Israel defense ties stay strong

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate calling for initiation of force and fraud against Egypt, Copts

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
leftist racism and willful ignorance

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Kenneth Bae, Matthew Miller release precedes Obummer's Asia trip, follows general Curtis Scaparrotti's warning of North Korea's likelihood of attacking using NBC weapons

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Bob Jackson _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Ohio and Pennsylvania students compete in International Collegiate Programming Competition at Youngstown State U
"Other regional competitions were at Grand Valley State University (Allendale, MI), the University of Cincinnati and the University of Windsor (Windsor, Canada).   More than 200 teams competed in the entire region, while other competions also took place worldwide.   Students competed in teams of 3, trying to solve problems presented to them at the beginning of the day.   The top 3 teams from each region won the right to advance to the world finals in Morocco in May, Dr. Sharif said..."

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
KrisAnne Hall
be on notice
"This is the enemy we battle, spiritual wickedness, and it lives in government.   Knowing our enemy means we must be dedicated in the battle..."

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Tim Ball
man-made global warming is a real idea; it is not real in fact

2014-11-09 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 16)
Andy West
wrapped in Lew papers: the psychology of climate psychologization (part 3 of 3)
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Since there are only a few original people in the world, there is more uniformity than one might expect, in view of the large number who think they have something to say." --- Leo Stein (source: Jewish World Review)  



2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
law-suit: Obummer regime officials pressured prosecutors to release illegal aliens convicted of committing additional crimes
"An award-winning, career prosecutor at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) alleged in a blistering new law-suit she was punished for resisting orders to release convicted criminal illegal aliens from custody.   The allegations from Patricia M. Vroom, 59, implicate Peter Vincent, the recently-resigned top lawyer at the agency..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
Rush Limbaugh considering defamation/libel suit against Dem Congressional Campaign Committee
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
"Limbaugh retained the services of lawyer Patty Glaser and demanded that the DCCC 'preserve all records in anticipation of a lawsuit for defamation and interference' after the Democratic Party group led a campaign against Limbaugh based on out-of-context statements the host made about sexual assault.   Limbaugh's legal team delivered a letter to DCCC representatives Monday informing them of the legal threat.   Limbaugh has also demanded a public retraction and apology..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
president ouija board

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
_Conservative HQ_
RIP Phil Crane

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Andrea Peyser _NYPost_
couple persecuted by power-mad NY government for refusing to host same-sex "wedding" at their farm

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Philip Klein _Washington DC Examiner_
GOP can only win presidency by nominating a real non-RINO, non-neo-con, non-left-leaning non-wimp

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
_Washington DC Examiner_
Republican rout at state level reflects back-lash against leftist centralist federal power-madness

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Erick Erckson _True Blue Republican State_
2nd stage as Reds/leftists/Dems move to anger

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
Obummer to Boehner: You've got until the end of the year to pass an immigration bill I like or else I unconstitutionally order executive amnesty for illegal aliens
"It'd be bad enough for Republicans to pass a weak immigration bill next year, but that at least would have the virtue of giving the GOP's new crop of senators a crack at voting on it.   Trying to sneak a bill through the lame-duck session, before Cory Gardner, Joni Ernst, and the rest of the freshmen have a say, would mean all-out war at this point between [Obummer,] Boehner, McConnell, and the base..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Jillian Kay Melchior _National Review_
leftists have forced NM to delay work requirement to receive food-stamps

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Rebecca Shabad _Hill_
GOP losership is being pressed by citizenry to repeal unconstitutional costly national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare as part of budget/appropriations measures

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Krstoff Ott _American Thinker_
why millenials reject Obummer and his extreme leftist agenda

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
GOP elected remarkable female leaders

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
al-Qaeda still killing

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Anthony Rivas _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
verapamil may reverse type 1 diabetes
"Type 1 diabetes is the less-common form of the disease, comprising only 5% of those diagnosed with diabetes, and mostly appearing in kids and young adults.   Nevertheless, it's just as serious.   Patients' bodies are unable to produce insulin, cells can't get energy, and the blood is overcome with sugar.   As its sugar levels increase, the researchers found, so do levels of a protein called TXNIP.   It turns out that this protein also kills the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas known as beta cells -- the higher their levels, the more beta cells are killed.   Thus, diabetes progresses..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Stephanie Castillo _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
lactoce intolerance linked with lower cancer risk

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Linda Eyre & Richard Eyre _Jewish World Review_
3 reasons more college-educated women are embracing marriage and family

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Courtnie Erickson _Jewish World Review_
your life will improve DRASTICALLY if you STOP hoarding these 5 pieces of emotional garbage: doubt, fear, procrastination, laziness, over-analyzing

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Courtnie Erickson _Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
the woman fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate in court

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Armstrong Williams _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
what ails the culture?

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
wasting your earnings which governments have extorted
"During the past year alone, Washington has shelled out billions to give bureaucrats paid vacations in lieu of discipline; to ship coal to Germany for no reason; to design better golf clubs; and to give bunny rabbits massages -- among many other things...

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Dems must be made to realize how badly they were beaten, let GOP proceed to set the agenda

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
the Berlin wall came tumbling down

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
oh what a night: 2014-11-04
"...[GOP] now control at least 31 state houses and at least 63 out of 98 houses in state legislatures, adding control of at least 8 legislative branches..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
is it morning in USA again?
"On the O'Reilly Factor I noted that it was interesting that [Tom Brokaw] was so concerned about conservative media hammering the president in 2014, but I couldn't recall the same concern on his part during the 2006 mid-terms when president Bush was being hammered 24/7 by [leftists] in the media..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Blacks must embrace freedom, learn, and progress

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
Hispanics dueling over visa & immigration reform

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Trey Williams _MarketWatch_
"net neutrality", pay for usage
"usage-based pricing...would mean that consumers who want to be able to stream more Netflix than their neighbor, will have to pay more to do so.   This approach is similar to that of cell phone data providers.   Comcast has taken a step in this direction with caps on usage..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Grant Gross _"IT" News_/_IDG_
corrupt Obummer trying to give political cover to FCC to strangle telecomm, block competition, pay for service
Matt Hamblen: "IT" News/ComputerWorld
Richard Fernandez: PJMedia: Obummer regime trying to wreck the Internet
Stephen Kruiser: PJMedia: cable shares tank
They should be opposing today's restricted competition slow-lanes, instead of eliminating incentives for roll-out of more fast-lanes...jgo
Hornswoggled!: How Ma Bell & Chicago Ed conned our grand-parents & stuck us with the bill

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Thomas E. Brewton
leftism in our time "[Leftists/regressives/socialists/collectivists/Reds] like [president Barack Hussein Obummer] are obviously not as much concerned about glacial economic recovery as are the bulk of our citizenry.   [Obummer's] attention is riveted on broadening every possible means of regulating every person's every action, every day.   Keeping everybody, to the maximum extent, on some form of welfare support ands therefore beholden to Washington [DC]..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Michelle Fay Cortez _San Jose CA Mercury News_
FPS/3PS video-games boost ability to learn
"People who play video games...are better able to multi-task, perform cognitive tasks such as rotating objects in their minds and focus and retain information better than non-players, said Daphne Bavelier, a research professor in brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester in New York.   They also have better vision.   The reason is the games help people learn, even those who aren't regular players...   The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, explains the diverse benefits that stem from faster learning...   The benefits lasted as long as a year...   The fast-paced games, generally first- or third-person shooting video games, created better learners.   An examination of how their brains were wired showed the connectivity adapted as the games progressed..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Obummer announced unconstitutional, illegal visa scheme favoring corrupt Red China

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Jonathan Gruber, vicious architect of unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare confessed: We lied to the "stupid", gullible USA citizenry to ram ot through

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
after bloody of stabbings by vicious Muslim terrorists -- one an illegal alien, the other an occupier of Israel -- insane Obummer/Kerry State Dept. tells Israel to "de-escalate tensions"

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
Republican "wave" of electoral victories drowned leftist pollsters: if they're right from now on, it will it only be by accident

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
Why all the excitement about (yet another) Obummer note to the Iranian supreme leader?
"It's not as if it's something new, after all.   Obummer's been cuddling up to Khamenei for more than 6 years..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJMedia_
Muslim persecution of Christians

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
as war heats up, Obummer dismantles war approach to counter-terrorism
"...With nearly no one noticing, the administration transferred a long-held terrorist detainee out of Guantanamo Bay.   Fawzi al-Odah was returned to his native Kuwait, another Gulf halfway house between Gitmo and return to the jihad.   He had been detained under the laws of war for over a dozen years because he was assessed as posing a continuing danger.   Naturally, his release was instantly heralded by an al Qaeda leader in Syria -- indeed, by a top figure in what the administration refers to as the Khorasan group..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Chuck Goudie & Ross Weidner _KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_WLS_
abc7 investigators uncovered $100M fleet of luxury jets
"The planes look like mini Air Force Ones, but the I-Team reports that 'Air Force Too' is a $100M [tax-victim]-funded mission that flies military brass and government officials to meetings around the world, and sometimes people who don't even work for the government...   It's a $70M plane, based at Hickam Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.   'First class, luxury transportation.', said lieutenant-colonel Adam Lochmann.   There are 12 planes in all nationwide shown off in Pentagon videos, and YouTube plane spotters have captured the fleet flying around the world.   This weekend one delivered home hostages from North Korea.   Major Dave Ericson flies VIPs on these aircraft around the world at a cost to [tax-victims] of $17,389 an hour.   He's at down-state Scott Air Force Base where VIP fleet logistics are directed.   According to records obtained by the I-Team, the same aircraft that was at Midway [airport in Chicago] this Spring flew [first-lady Michelle Obummer] from Honolulu to Maui during her January vacation.   Another plane in the fleet took [Mrs. Obummer] and adviser Valerie Jarrett back to DC..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
insane federal judge rejects US Constitution and federal law, strikes down Arizona anti-smuggling law

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
an amnesty tailored for illegal alien parents of US citizens is not a good idea

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Jonathan Emord _News with Views_
will the Republicans seize the day?

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Michael W. Cutler _Californians for Population Stabilization_
failures, refusals to enforce immigration/visa laws leave us open to terrorists & foreign government operatives, impede finding other criminals
"For decades our nation has failed to effectively secure the borders of the United States and effectively enforce the immigration laws from within the U.S.A.   The influx of massive numbers of illegal aliens has been attributed to the 'broken immigration system'.   However, the reality is that the massive number of illegal aliens present in the U.S.A. is, in fact, the direct result of the failures of our government to deter illegal immigration by effectively enforcing the immigration laws and instilling integrity to the immigration benefits program by seeking to uncover fraud and acting against those who would defraud the immigration system.   Immigration law violations are hardly 'victimless crimes'.   Page 47 of the '2001/09/11 Commission Staff Report on Terrorist Travel' contains this paragraph: 'Once terrorists had entered the United States, their next challenge was to find a way to remain here.   Their primary method was immigration fraud.   For example, Yousef and Ajaj concocted bogus political asylum stories when they arrived in the United States.   Mahmoud Abouhalima, involved in both the World Trade Center and landmarks plots, received temporary residence under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) program, after falsely claiming that he picked beans in Florida.'   Page 98 of this report noted: 'Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition.   As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering.   In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated.   Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.'   Notwithstanding the nexus between immigration law violations and terrorism and crime, the current administration has been the worst on enforcement of our immigration laws.   The clear result is an explosion in the number of illegal aliens in the country.   While immigration fraud was identified by the 2001/09/11 Commission as being a key entry and embedding tactic of terrorists, the administration has provided hundreds of thousands of illegal alien 'DREAMERs' with lawful status and official identity documents without so much as a face-to face interview, let alone a field investigation.   These aliens, who claim to have entered the U.S.A. as teenagers, may be as old as 31 years of age when they apply to participate in this program.   It is vital to understand that, first and foremost, our immigration laws were enacted to protect American lives and the jobs of American workers.   While most attention on the immigration issue has been focused on the issue of border security along the U.S.A.-Mexican border, the reality is far different.   Undoubtedly that border must be made secure, and presently it's anything but secure.   An important, just-released documentary, 'The Border States of America', provides graphic, incontrovertible evidence that our southwest border provides little more than a speed bump to smugglers.   The subtitle of the film, 'Every State is Now a Border State', makes it clear that our nation does not have just 4 border states, but 50.   However, there are many more components to the immigration system than the border that is supposed to separate the U.S.A. from Mexico.   This was the point I made in my 2014 July 7 article for FrontPage Magazine, 'Border Security and the Immigration Colander.'...   immigration enforcement activities often lead to the identification of other crimes -- not just where formal task force investigations are concerned.   Illegal aliens who purchase false identity documents and interact with other individuals who help individuals 'operate under the radar' often become aware of all sorts of activities that are employed by criminals and terrorists..."

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Glenn Foden _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer executive action along the border (cartoon)

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Gary Varvel _Cybercast News Service_
voters make Dems walk the plank (cartoon)

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Lydia Warren & David Martosko _UK Daily Mail_/_Reuters_
DHS secretary Jeh Johnson says 4 Kurdish terrorists crossed Mexican border into Texas

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
a http/https security paradox

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
happy 239th, Marines! here's to "Chesty"... and with a Civil War tie-in

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Eric Worrall
Sierra Club bizarrely declares victory for their leftists in election

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Bob Tisdale
on the elusive absolute global mean (aggregate) surface temperature - a model-data comparison

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Anthony Watts
"climate change" -- follow the money

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Robert O'Neill
even Red China can't jump-start the electric car

2014-11-10 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 17)
Anthony Watts
claim: new global maps detail human-caused ocean acidification
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The content of public education expressed values [to which] the cultures of Catholic, [some] black, rural, southern, immigrant, and 'working-class' peoples, the very groups who held out for local community control of schools in opposition to the 'reformers'' vision of centralized, homogenized education.   Not surprisingly these were also the groups least likely to be able to attend public schools.   When Catholics in New York City lost their challenge to Protestant monopoly of public education, the Chruch decided to construct its own system of schools, an enormously costly program that took decades to complete.   After Los Angeles was incorporated as a city in 1850, its Hispanic mayor, Antonio Franco Coronel, and city council, the majority of whom were Mexican, supported the establishment of public schools that were bilingual.   When the school board failed to find teachers who could teach in both English and Spanish, the first public school opened with only English permitted for instruction." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg69  


2014-11-11: USA Veteran's Day

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
what happened: Obummer's weakness, ineptitude are by design, part of the leftist plan
Investor's Business Daily
Town Hall
"The most important thing that happened last week was that the country dodged a bullet. Had the Democrats retained control of the senate, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] could have spent his last two years in office loading the federal judiciary with judges who share his contempt for the Constitution of the United States... We dodged that bullet. But what about the rest of [Barack Hussein Obummer's] term?..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
_Conservative HQ_
Veterans Day is a caution against war, and a reminder of the necessity & costs of defending against initiators of force & fraud

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
_Californians for Population Stabilization_
defeating Obummer's amnesty for illegal aliens would help veterans land jobs
"today's job market is stuck in the deep doldrums and is even more challenging for returning veterans whose unemployment rate is higher than the national average...   If president [Obummer] 'legalizes' 5M or more [illegal aliens] as he has repeatedly promised to do, that translates into 5M work permits.   Each of those formerly unemployable aliens would join the labor force to compete with Americans, including struggling veterans for scarce jobs..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
David Walker _Conservative HQ_
the desperate fight against initiators of force & fraud

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
GOP losership falling into the Obummer-Reid trap
"the Democrats/Reds/leftists have already planned much mischief between now and when they cede control of the senate and they are counting on the GOP's desire to get out of town for Christmas to facilitate their plans..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
what can we expect from the new, majority-GOP US senate?
"The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of closing our borders, building the fence that congress approved [mandated] years ago, and rejecting admission to our country of illegal aliens and persons with awful diseases.   Instead of issuing an order that people coming from ebola-infected countries will not be allowed to deplane in the United States (which [Obummer] could easily do and would cost nothing), he is now asking congress to appropriate $6G to combat ebola in West Africa!   That's so offensive...   Republicans surely can refuse to appropriate any funds for [Obummer's] hare-brained schemes...   The senate's expert on immigration issues, Jeff Sessions (R-AL), added, 'Based on the USCIS contract bid and statements from USCIS employees, we know this executive immigration order is likely to be broader in scope than anyone has imagined.'   The Wall Street Journal also reported that Obama will especially benefit technology companies that use large numbers of foreign workers, even though 11M Americans with STEM degrees don't have jobs in those fields.   Research by Rutgers Professor Hal Salzman indicates that, since 2000, all net gains in employment among the working-age have gone entirely to immigrant workers..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
does attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch support Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens?

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Sheriffs from across USA to march on DC in protest of illegal immigration lawlessness: "We're tired of being marginalized"

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
John Hawkins _Town Hall_
how to stop being poor (easier said than done)

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
David Limbaugh _Town Hall_
smoking gun: Obummer regime lied to ram through unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare
Jewish World Review
Bryan Preston: PJMedia
"...The Daily Caller reports that in a newly surfaced video, Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, an MIT professor, made some stunning admissions concerning how the administration presented the bill and how it overtly deceived the public because the bill never would have passed otherwise..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Carl Jackson _Town Hall_
the left's theft of the American dream and the GOP's mandate to restore it

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
research shows that smaller government is more efficient government

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Greta Van Susteren: Obummer's lop-sided visa deal with Red China ignores journalists
"Student visas, he explained, would be extended to 5 years instead of the current 1 year, and business and tourist visas would be extended to 10 years...   'But, a glaring omission.   President [Obummer] did not demand that journalist Visas be part of the deal.   [Red China] has a horrible history of restricting the press -- both foreign and domestic.   If the [Red Chinese] government doesn't like a story written about [Red China], [Red China] will block the English language news web-sites delay or deny visas to journalists of the so called offending news organizations.'..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
there is something about paper
"As a platform, paper is 'portable, accessible and affordable', a story about CNET's magazine cutely notes.   Studies suggest that paper is better than a screen for reading comprehension and retaining information.   We also read faster on paper..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Carl Hiaasen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: I am NOT mopey! Yous got dat?!

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Dem/leftist/Red delirium and denial: post-election "analysis" spins every name but Obummer
"The excuses and explanations coming out of the Democrats range from the bizarre to the deluded.   At the national level, there's an organized effort to make Republican leadership think its job is now to help [president Obummer to do even worse]...

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
the unique Barack Hussein Obummer
"[Obummer] is unique.   No president has uttered more words, yet said less of importance, at press conferences.   No president has been less specific.   No president has failed as often to seize an important moment to say something significant, or quotable.   No president has filled the air during a presidential press conference with so much boiler-plate, so many cliches, and such a multitude of evasions..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
mocking the leftist media spin on Dem/leftist/Red election losses

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
extortion by leftist/Red/Dem Obummer as "conciliation"

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
silence when U of CA at Santa Barbara feminist studies professor initiated force, trashed free speech

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Dan K. Thomasson _Jewish World Review_
USA long-term survival depends on matters over-seas
Actually, the deployment of "advisors" to SE Asia began during the Truman admin, shortly after WW2.

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Bruce Fein _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
retaining & regaining constitutional congressional prerogatives
"The House and senate leadership of the next congress should establish a Joint Committee on Regaining and Defending Congressional Prerogatives and Responsibilities.   The alternative is for the United States to [continue to] be ruined by presidential [and judicial] hubris, stupidity and adventurism.   Every empire has been destroyed by a concentration of power in the executive.   Only the unschooled can fail to see the figurative iceberg ahead ready to sink the nation.   True enough, congress is not flawless.   To err is human...

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
trounced in election, insane, power-mad Obummer tells GOP: My mandate is bigger than yours

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Calvin Coolidge in 2016

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Elissa Harrington _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
US Coast Guard rescued 4-year-old boy after 225-foot fall from cliff at Bodega Head

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Ed Marcum _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_Scripps_
Alcoa workers test-drive aluminum bodied F-150 pick-up truck
Dee-Ann Durbin: San Jose CA Mercury News/AP
"...Ford has raised the price of the base model by $395 to $26,615, including destination fees..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Marley Jay _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Obummer regime make deal with Red Chinese thugs to lower US tariffs on cheap Red Chinese trash
"A trade deal between the U.S.A. and [Red China] could end tariffs on $1 trillion in global sales of semiconductors, MRI machines, GPS devices, printer ink cartridges, video game consoles and other high-tech items..."
There are no mentions of reciprocal concessions by Red China...jgo

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
James Jay Carafano _PJMedia_
10 movies that show respect for USA's veterans

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
the Sino-USA comedy of errors

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJMedia_
"A Call to Rights" -- the dangers of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and their new war against Judeo-Christians, Hindus, Zoroastrians...

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
corrupt DC police don't respect your right to own and carry arms
"Emily Miller is trying to get her concealed carry permit now that a court has forced the capital to issue them.   She reports that Washington seems to have found a way to act like it is complying with the ruling, without actually complying with the ruling.   First, the city forces applicants to prove that they have a need for a gun.   Miller has suffered a home invasion and, as a conservative female journalist, has been subjected to personal threats...   The city isn't actually abiding by the court decision.   No one can apply for a carry permit because the police haven't certified any trainers for the mandatory classes.   That might be partly because DC charges trainers $400 to be certified..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
law-suit by career ICE lawyer exposes Obummer anti-enforcement campaign

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
convicted Jamaican cocaine distributor granted derived citizenship via his absentee father

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer State Dept's presentation of "diversity visa" data is misleading

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
"Federale" _V Dare_
Politico's Garret Graff smears the Border Patrol -- in an attack on ALL immigration law enforcement

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Michael Bargo ii _American Thinker_
Obummer's strategy related to amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
Jerusalem, Israel

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
USA: refugee camp to the world (part 10)

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal: Obummer's planned executive amnesty is absurd
"'You've got a president who refuses to follow the law, refuses to follow the Constitution.   He himself said his policies were on the ballot.   The American people said loudly and clearly on election night that they were rejecting his policies.   He needs to secure the border, and he needs to work with congress and get that done.   He doesn't need to talk about it; he just needs to go do it...   he never follows the Tenth Amendment, and he doesn't follow the separation of powers.   He needs to obey the law and stop going around the Constitution and stop going around the laws.'..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Hillsdale College's charter school initiative and the reformation of classical public education
"the Barney Charter School Initiative of Hillsdale College promises that the charter schools it helps launch 'will train the minds and improve the hearts of young people through a rigorous, classical education in the liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in the principles of moral character and civic virtue'...   Kilgore said [Communist Corpse] is the latest iteration of a U.S. education system that has been deteriorating conspicuously over the last half century...   while Hillsdale's charter schools may be subject to a given state's adopted standardized test, the schools' mission to provide a classical education means that 'well-educated students will always be able to do well on state tests'...   Kilgore noted that over the last 3 years, Hillsdale has helped 8 groups obtain charters around the country, including 4 that opened in August: Atlanta Classical Academy in Atlanta, GA; Mason Classical Academy in Naples, FL; Founders Classical Academy-Leander, in Leander (Austin), TX; and Founders Academy of Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada...   'Our students revel in reading the classics.   Our children recite poetry, discuss great works of literature, learn to do complex calculations in their heads, and take Latin starting in the sixth grade.   Our school motto, that the students say every morning is, I will love the true; I will do the good; I will love the beautiful.'..."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
federal government-forced non-competition and "net neutrality" is problematic
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: R. David Edelman, Senior Advisor to Obummer for Technology and Economic Policy, excoriated for non-answers on Reddit Ask Me Anything forum

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
90% of over 20K USA soldiers wounded in Afghanistan war were during Obummer regime

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Kerry Picket _Breitbart_
Andrew Barovick has a history of making crude statements about black Republicans like Herman Cain, Michael Steele, sheriff Christopher Moss
"Barovick serves as the chairman of the Medical Malpractice Committee for The New York City Bar Association and is a partner at the Westchester and Manhattan law firm of Alegria & Barovick LLP."

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
explosives found at bridge near Arizona border with Mexico

2014-11-11 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 18)
Stan Robertson
cloud feed-back
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The mystery of human personality remains.   And in any case -- which means in every case -- explanations by means of a single cause, hidden, startling, 'scientific', is to be distrusted, if not on the face of it disallowed.   The concatenation of acts, motives, and results can only be understood and described by the intuitive skill of the historian as artist.   He will see [any historical figure] as doer." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg165  



2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
the high academic failure rate among blacks

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Jeff Stein _Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_
inside CIA's dysfunctional vetting machine for Muslim Syrian rebels

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Filippo Menczer's extreme leftist "truthy" scam
V Dare
Jai Vijayan: InformationWeek/UBM: Lamar Smith wants National Science Foundation to explain why it funded the project and whether it targeted conservative speech
please help find Marizela

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
the illiberal, Red/leftist, power-mad Obummer's false choice on Israel

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Andrea Noble _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Islam vs Judeo-Christians: school holidays

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's spiteful legacy

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
say what you need to say before it's too late

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
not only did Obummer lose (hooray US Constitution), but so did abortion

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer always puts USA on the wrong side
"Americans of most political persuasions tend to view the United Nations as corrupt and morally inverted.   An organization supposedly dedicated to the [muddle-headed] Universal Declaration of Human Rights regularly overlooks abuses by the world's worst actors (Cuba, North Korea, [Red China], just to name 3) while expending vast quantities of outrage at the efforts of one tiny democracy, Israel, to defend itself...   It has been the mark of the [Obummer regime] to join the jackals.   In 2010, when Hamas sympathizers organized a flotilla to run the [Gaza=Palestine] blockade and bring weapons and other supplies to the terrorist organization, the [Obummer regime] joined others at the UN to condemn not Hamas but Israel...   (Supplies such as food and medicine were flowing freely from Israel into [Palestine=Gaza].)..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Lizette Borreli _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
the mathematical equation that makes all "hipsters" look alike

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
"middle class" has been dragged down
"Today the middle class is distraught, apprehensive and shrinking.   And poorer.   In 1989, the median household income in America was $51,681 measured in today's dollars.   In 2012, the median household income was $51,017..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
voters want the Republicans to finally put a stop to the Obummer-era madness that has shoved the USA into rapid decline

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
political "dynasties" defeated

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the disastrous evil Obummer fix is in when it comes to North Korea & Iran & Ukraine

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
is nepotism wrong in immigration court but acceptable for admissions?

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Bruce Deitrick Price _American Thinker_
USA public schools chew up teachers and spit them out

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Robert Charles _American Thinker_
USA leadership in space -- now or never

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Gallup: public wants non-leftists to set the agenda, not Obummer, not GOP losership

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
AP calls Dan Sullivan winner in Alaska election for US senate
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Carol Brown _American Thinker_
Psaki psickens: offers condolences to families of violence-initiating Muslims
"And why are Israelis being attacked?   Because they are Jews.   Because the Koran calls for the murder of Jews.   Because the 21st-century Islamofascists are clamoring for death to all Jews, as they have throughout history.   And because the West, with [Obummer] at the helm, is emboldening Muslims, emboldening evil, and demonizing Israelis/Jews for the simple act of defending themselves..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Michael Peroutka _News with Views_
what does the Republican victory mean?

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
_Conservative HQ_
means to defeat Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
_Conservative HQ_
Priebus joins Viguerie: no GOP cave-in to Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Joel Gehrke _National Review_
Jeff Sessions: "the elites have had their day"
"'We need to help people get off of welfare, off of unemployment, and into good-paying jobs.', Sessions said.   'But the immigration bill championed by the president doubles the rate at which foreign workers are brought into the U.S.A.   What sense does it make to spend billions sustaining Americans on welfare while bringing in millions of lower-wage workers to fill jobs in their place?   Doesn't it make more sense to use the welfare office, instead of the immigration office, as a job placement center?'..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, ADAMS to commemorate genocidal jihad at DC's Episcopalian national cathedral Friday
"2014 November 14 will mark the 100th anniversary of the last sitting Caliph of the Ottoman Empire's call for jihad against non-believers.   The call for violent jihad against non-believers directly resulted in a genocide against Christian Armenian, Assyrian and Greek residents of Turkey...   the organizers...have well-documented ties to the Muslim Brotherhood -- a terrorist organization outlawed in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and dedicated to Islamic supremacism, terrorism as a means of achieving political objectives and spreading the misogynistic totalitarian ideology of Sharia Law.   According to documents seized by law enforcement and submitted as evidence in the largest terrorism finance trial in American history, the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to wage a 'grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house...'   I leave it to others to definitively identify whether that 'miserable house' should be interpreted as the Christian Church or the United States of America, but the record is that throughout the Middle East the Muslim Brotherhood has repeatedly targeted Middle Eastern Christians, most especially Egyptian Copts, for attack.   It is also especially worthy of note that the decision of the National Cathedral's leaders to allow the Muslim prayer service on the anniversary of the Caliph's Jihad Declaration came on the same day it was revealed that Der Zor memorial church, a Syrian Christian Church dedicated to the memory of the millions of Christians slain in the Ottoman Caliphate's genocide, was blown up and the bones of victims of the Armenian genocide were removed from the crypt and dumped by the side of the road.   As Breitbart News reported, Der Zor memorial church is also the site of the martyrdom of Father Petrus Terzibashian, who in 1915 was killed in front of his congregation by Turkish Islamists who then threw his body into the Euphrates River..."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Clarion Project: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Rand Paul urges fellow Republicans to block profligate omnibus bill or unconstrained continuing resolution
"'I'm against any kind of Continuing Resolution or omnibus.', Paul says, adding: 'We should do appropriations bills. If they have to do one for a month until they can tide it over—or a couple months—maybe, but even that, I'm not for spending the same amount of money we spend because the money we spend now has led to a $17.5T debt. So what I would say is -- this is what I will say in my caucus -- there are 12 appropriations bills, and we should work on all 12... That's our job.'..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
John Cornyn: Obummer defiant when GOP losership confronted him on unconstitutional & illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens
"Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), the incoming majority-whip in the 114th congress, described 'person after person' aggressively confronting the president about his plans to issue a unilateral amnesty for millions of illegal aliens at a closed-door lunch Friday. But [the corrupt, race-obsessed, oath-breaking president Barack Hussein Obummer] was unbowed, even after an electoral shellacking last week..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Louie Gohmert (R-TX): burn up the phone lines & the net against unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
AZ Sheriff: Obummer regime refuses to give us names of released illegal aliens who had committed additional crimes

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
US Navy sailors attacked, chased by Turkey ultra-nationalists

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Boehner, McConnell slam White House's green-house emissions deal with Red China

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
GOP senators meet, extremist Obummer refuses to negotiate

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
previously deported gangster caught crossing border into California

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senators David Vitter & Bill Cassidy calling to cut off funding for Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesty scheme for illegal aliens

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Perry Chiaramonte _Fox_
Border Patrol agents say recall of their rifles puts them in danger

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Perry Chiaramonte _Fox_
Republicans press to save A-10 Warthog close-support aircraft following new USAF proposal
"the Air Force is trying to reach a compromise with the current Congress that would let it shut down three A-10 squadrons, or about 72 aircraft, but keep the rest of the fleet alive...   Air Force leaders have faced an uphill battle this past year in its bid to retire the plane, which is revered by ground troops who have counted on its powerful weaponry and accuracy to take out enemy fighters on the ground...   keeping the A-10 fleet operational will risk further delay to the [Joint Strike Fighter] F-35 by making unavailable hundreds of maintainers now responsible for the A-10.   'You have to have about 1,100 maintainers by 2016 to man and maintain those airplanes.', Air Force lieutenant-general Christopher Bogdan, the JSF program manager, said last month.   'What I've learned is a combination of those 1,100 people includes new trainees and experienced maintainers from other platforms to include the A-10.   If we don't get rid of the A-10, then you don't get experienced maintainers'..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
Mahmoud Abbas urges Muslim Palestinian occupiers of eastern Israel to commit vehicular homicides against Israelis; Obummer regime demands that Israelis "make peace" with the barbarity

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Jennifer Hanin _PJMedia_
even in Beijing Obummer is still an embarrassment

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Oh yes: Republicans may get Gruber under oath
"AllahPundit": Hot Air: GOP representative Jim Jordan says maybe it's time for House hearings on Jon Gruber's ObummerDoesn'tCare remarks

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Robert Wargas _PJMedia_
What happened to East Germany's brutally effective secret police after the Berlin wall fell? Is your neighbor an ex-Stasi agent?

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Paul Nachman _V Dare_
VDare.com readers understand birth-right citizenship (jus soli) better than the main-stream media -- help educate the media!

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
meet the man who found those Jonathan Gruber videos about ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
seeking a Civil War cavalry battle-field on the back roads of Frederick county VA (part 1)
"1864 November 12... yes there was a fight at Nineveh that day, but it was only 1 part of a 2-part fight... Beginning with reports from various Federal commanders, I knew that the fight took place somewhere between Back Road and Middle Road, in Frederick County... and that 'Fawcett's Gap' was central to a good deal of activity..."

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
"climae change" in the land of Jonathan Gruber & Barack Hussein Obummer

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
corrupt & insane Obummer regime promises USA will immediately cut "green-house gas" emissions, Red China to increase emissions for another 16 years before considering cuts

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Anthony Watts
scientists, "scientists", and farmers are divided over "climate change"

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Anthony Watts
robots in the Antarctic study "rapidly melting ice"

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Anthony Watts & Jim Steele
penguins, polar bears and sea ice

2014-11-12 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 19)
Mike Alger
TLE…transient luminous event captured on video from a thunder-storm
Proposed Bills 2014

  "As immigration accelerated in the 1840s, illiteracy rose instead of declined.   More and more children were squeezed into existing class-rooms.   In 1850 Boston schools provided only 1 teacher for every 55 students." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg69  



2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
voting for immigration reform, against Obummer's depredations
Patriot Post
"One message was that so-called comprehensive immigration reform and broad amnesty have little national public support.   Polls have long shown that, but so do last week's election results...   [Obummer] apparently knows that he enjoys neither public nor congressional support for his planned executive fiat..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
elections have consequences 114.0

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
how ObummerDoesn'tCare was rammed through thanks to keeping "stupid" Americans in the dark
Laura Hollis: regressive stupidity
Cal Thomas: who are you calling "stupid"?
"Jonathan Gruber: 'The bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) did not score the mandate as taxes.   If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.   OK, so it's written to do that.   In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in -- you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed...   Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.   And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass...   Look, I wish -- that we could make it all transparent, but I'd rather have this law than not.'"
ObummerDoesn'tCare sausage
Jonathan S. Tobin: Commentary: Nasty Pelosi's "memory failures" and the lies used to ram through ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is no Bubba
"What [Obummer] 'needs to do' is listen to the American people."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
gasoline prices are down, but still nearly 3 times what they were in 1999; but where are the grand-standing politicians?

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
a potential fresh start for U.S. foreign policy
"Many events (U.S. military misadventures since 2001, the Syrian civil war, the rise of the Islamic State, the spinning centrifuges of Iran's nuclear weapons program) and one senator (Rand Paul) have reopened a Republican debate that essentially closed when Dwight Eisenhower won the party's presidential nomination in 1952. One reason he sought it was to block Ohio's senator Robert Taft [a.k.a. Mr. Republican]. Taft's skepticism about NATO and collective security was [non-interventionist]..." with some blather from Kissinger.
Eric Allie cartoon via Daryl Cagle

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Jeff Sessions: Obummer's executive amnesty is against the US constitution and laws

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer will ignore US constitution, laws and democratic process to try to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens
"In addition, the president is proposing to admit 500K technology workers and their families, despite a shortage of jobs and wage stagnation in this sector.   This move is a gift to greedy tech companies who want to bypass American workers in favor of cheaper and more exploitable (not better educated, more skilled, or more creative) workers from abroad.   Not only is the president rewarding a huge share of those who have taken advantage of our unsecured borders over the years, he is also planning to gut enforcement even further by canceling Secure Communities, one of the most successful enforcement programs ever, whose purpose was to identify illegal aliens who have been arrested for committing crimes -- a group that everyone agrees should be a priority for enforcement..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
a vote for a long-term budget or continuing resolution is a vote for unconstitutional, lawless amnesty for millions of illegal aliens

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP congress-critter Hal Rogers is Obummer's devoted ally in the attempt to undermine US constitution & national security by granting amnesty to illegal aliens
"Before the final tallies of the votes in the 2014 mid-term wave were even official Rogers announced that he was preparing an omnibus spending bill and that he had the agreement of Republican [losers] to pass the bill by the end of the year...   Setting aside the fact that such a move gives the recently defeated Democrats unprecedented power over next year's spending, it amounts to unilateral disarmament in the face of [Obummer's] announced plan to grant an unconstitutional amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.   According to CQ-Roll Call, Republican representative Matt Salmon of Arizona has already convinced more than 50 of his Republican colleagues to sign a letter asking appropriators to include language blocking [Obummer's] planned amnesty in any omnibus brought to the floor of the House..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
_Conservative HQ_
BEWARE: Boehner promising amnesty for illegal aliens as though election never happened

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
man criticized for being delivered from homosexuality

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
jet propelled 42KHP school bus goes 367mph, 600 gallons/mile
London Telegraph
Invasion America
Social Contract

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
James Fulford _V Dare_
PJMedia's "InstaPundit" notes opening shot in 2014 war against Christmas

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Jason Kissner _American Thinker_
Jonathan Gruber and Barack Hussein Obummer's university transcripts

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
ObummerDoesn'tCare architect Jonathan Gruber: Barack Hussein Obummer was in the room when the "cadillac insurance policy" extortion scheme was created

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the strategic failure of Barack Hussein Obummer

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Ethel C. Fenig _American Thinker_
private citizens are doing the job main-stream media's "invstigative reporters" won't do

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
yet another former Muslim is sounding the alarm
"Fawstin spoke the hard truth about Islam, which he describes this way: 'Islam is submission.   Islam is death and destruction.   Islam is here to control.   Islam is here to make life on earth hell.'...   last month on a program called 'The Flipside', Fawstin spoke of how he was raised in a so-called 'moderate' Muslim family -- a family where Hitler was greatly admired..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
_One Old Vet_
4 Turkish terrorists caught in Texas after being smuggled across border
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
_One Old Vet_
Republican pressure builds to block Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
James Niccolai _"IT" News_/_IDG_
corrupt Obummer regime DoJ mounting fake phone cell-towers in aircraft to spy on people, determine location within 10 feet
Liz Sheld: PJMedia
Devlin Barrett: Wall Street Journal
"Cell-phones are programmed to connect to whichever nearby cell tower has the strongest signal.   The fake cell towers trick phones into thinking they have the strongest signal, then read the devices' unique registration numbers when they connect, the Journal report says..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Brett French _Billings MT Gazette_
wildlife commission approved elk brucellosis management plan
"The plan is meant to try to keep cattle and brucellosis-infected elk separated..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
what non-leftists mean when they say they want to restore the USA
"It's not so much a time that conservatives want to bring back.   It's more of a state of mind -- a way of looking at America that breeds policies conducive to economic growth and greater opportunity, and places a greater value on individual liberty...The slow, inexorable expansion of the powers and reach of the federal government -- accelerated under [the Obummer regime] -- has led to a degrading of individual liberties, a stifling of economic activity and entrepreneurship, and a general cynicism among the citizenry that perhaps more than anything else needs to be addressed by national leaders...   The spirit that animated previous generations to perform magnificent scientific, economic, and cultural feats that awed the rest of the world is largely gone..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Red/Dem Chris Murphy (D-CT) blocking bill to require congressional approval of Obummer nuclear weapon development scheme with terrorist state of Iran, says stopping Iran would chill relations: Lindsey Grahamnesty (R-SC) counters that ayatollah issued chilling message when he outlined steps to annihilate Israel

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
likely GOP senate committee chairmen
"The committee chairs control the flow of legislation destined for the senate floor...   the 114th Congress that launches in January...   Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), the darling of the Tea Party, is expected to end up as chair of the senate Science and Space sub-committee, which he can use to toss a monkey wrench into the [Obummer regime's] global warming [hysteria] efforts...   Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who is in line to chair the senate Judiciary committee...judicial appointments [and immigration laws]...   Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) is positioned to became chair of the senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee [also overseeing visa and immigration laws]...   And it's likely that senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will make his mark as the new chair of the senate Budget committee.   Regarding other slots, it's clear that senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) will chair the senate Finance committee and senator Bob Corker (R-TN) will assume control of the senate Foreign Relations Committee.   The senate Intelligence committee likely will be handed to senator Richard Burr (R-NC), although he may instead opt to take the senate Veterans Affairs committee.   In that case, the job will probably go to senator James Risch (R-ID)..."
What makes one senator or Representative more likely than any other to become Speaker, Majority-Leader, whip, chairman of any particular committee or sub-committee?

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
AG nominee Loretta Lynch threatens to continue unconstitutional, abusive, race-obsessed, corrupt, scofflaw practices of the contemptible Eric Holder

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
justice has been served: ground and air-controller humor

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
Red China will not back off from aggressive, pugnacious, rights violations and attempts at intimidation
"[Red China's] economy and political system aren't going to collapse.   [Red China] will continue to [grab] power.   We need to worry about our own sorry state of affairs: we couldn't replicate the 1968 moon shot today.   Investment in R&D and basic science is a shadow of what it used to be, and our shrunken military budget is biased towards white elephants like the F-35.   Our [Communist Corpse] curriculum stops with algebra, while 90% of Chinese have a high school [diploma] including at least 1 course in calculus..."

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Chuck Baldwin _News with Views_
have our police been transformed from defenders into a hostile military force, whose mission is to harass, intimidate, and subjugate?

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Ashley Killough _CNN_
Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson join Bill Cassidy for US senate rally

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
John Vinson _Californians for Population Stabilization_
Switzerland will vote on measures to curb over-population

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
seeking a Civil War cavalry battle-field on the back roads of Frederick county VA (part 2)

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Bob Tisdale
7 years ago, UN IPCC lead author exposed critical weaknesses of the IPCC foretelling tools

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Jim Steele
climate hysterics continue to hijack successful walrus conservation

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Anthony Watts
claim: "golden age of climate science, models" is upon us

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Eric Worrall
watermelons sneering at liberty & democracy... again

2014-11-13 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 20)
Willis Eschenbach
Guy Stewart Callendar
"I greatly enjoy reading old science.   Back 50 years or more ago, they actually did real science, not the 'my model says it must be true' kind of thing that we are treated to today..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "European immigration to the United States is traditionally split into 2 major waves: one beginning in the 1840s, peaking in the 1880s, and ebbing thereafter; and the other beginning in the 1880s, peaking betweek 1900 and 1910, and declining in the 1920s when federal legislation closed the doors to the unrestricted influx of foreigners.   The first wave of immigrants consisted of 5 main groups: Irish Catholics, German Catholics, German Protestants, English Protestants, and Scandinavian Protestants...   Settled new-comers then built chains of migration, across which traveled relatives and friends from the Old World to join fellow countrymen in the New." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg112  



2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
grow old with me

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
do Republicans aim to thwart Obummer's unconstitutional, lawless immigration schemes and make reforms?... or not?

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
_Conservative HQ_
another Obummer attempt to crush US citizen workers

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
growing hall of shame of resident aliens and naturalized citizens involved in terrorism
"One involves the conviction of a woman of Palestinian origin, Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, who was granted shelter in the United States, became a permanent resident, and ultimately naturalized. The conviction was for naturalization fraud because she concealed her involvement in several terrorist bombings in Israel dating back to the 1960s... The pernicious nature of the bombings Odeh participated in, which resulted in death — and her involvement in the implementation of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in Illinois as part of a state contract -- are curiously missing [from the AP wire story].

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Kathleen Caulderwood _Jewish World Review_
defeat in DC: at ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate hearings, frustrated law-makers vent, admit to being bested by Jihadists
"When most people think of fighting terrorist groups such as the Islamic State, they think of covert operations, air raids and military strategy, but the U.S. government has also been fighting the battle on another front -- finance...

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Alessandria Masi _Jewish World Review_/_International Business Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate cranking up mints, scrip/counterfeiting

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Reds/Dems/leftists working through the 5 stages of grief, still in denial

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
taboos crumble, and free speech is threatened

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
Islam comes to the Episcopalian National Cathedral

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Nothing succeeds at the UN like bloody failure

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_s
congressional oversight of Obummer's half-hearted, ineffective war against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
whither now, Republicans?: government should stop getting things done and leave us alone

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Gruber confession: ObummerDoesn'tCare was sold on a pack of lies
"This was no open-mic gaffe.   It was a clear, indeed enthusiastic, admission to an academic conference of the mendacity underlying [ObummerDoesn'tCare]..."

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
the American public gets smart
"Gruber is a complete nobody to most Americans, but his face should be on a Most Wanted poster in every Post Office.   He was one of the chief architects and cheer-leaders for [unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare] that Republicans should be working over-time right now to repeal, not fix or reform..."

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
thank you for coming clean, Jonathan Gruber... albeit where you thought it would never come to light

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Susan Swann _Jewish World Review_
marriage is a partnership: How to feel confident making important decisions together
"No two of us sees a given situation in exactly the same way.   While that has the potential to produce conflict, if we work together, divergent viewpoints can help lead to better decisions.   While collaborators do not always think the same way, real collaborators are always equal partners.   In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon counsels: 'Two are better than one -- for if one falls, the other will lift him up; but if one falls alone, there is no second to lift him up.'   We work better together than separately..."

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Morgan Housel _Jewish World Review_
how to ruin your life
"It is easier and more common to be stupid than smart with your money...   If you want to get better with money, you should spend more time studying people who have failed than those who have succeeded..."

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
USA Today/Gannett admits: ObummerDoesn'tCare "accelerates demise of rural hospitals"

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
What should Republicans do if SCOTUS strikes down federal ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies? (celebrate while eradicating the rest of ObummerDoesn'tCare, Medicare, Medicaid and the Socialist Insecurity Abomination)

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Noah Rothman _Town Hall_
Reds/Dems are so desperate to hold on to the US senate, they're eager to repeal the First Amendment to do it

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Thomas E. Brewton
Keynesian aggregate statistics
David Stockman: the Federal Reserve Board's paint-by-the-numbers delusions about the labor markets
"We are now 64 months from the 2009 June bottom and the index of total labor hours in the non-farm business economy stands at about 108 -- the same level first recorded in 1999 Q3..."

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
David Stockman
congress is in a fiscal coma

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
David Stockman
it is not just Japan's economy that has failed: the flaw is the Asian statist/mercantilist model

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
most Americans make less than $20/hour; 19% make less than $12.50/hour; 30% make between $20/hour & $30/hour; 14% make between $30/hour & $45/hour

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Brenda Walker _VDare_
surveillance UAVs patrol half of USA border with Mexico

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Steve Sailer _VDare_
NYTimes: movement -- for reprehensible immigration law perversion/open borders/excessive visas -- is a fabrication

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Amber Stegall _WAFB_
alien smuggler, 6 others indicted on immigration-related charges

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
we must not surrender to amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
_Cybercast News Service_
British prime-minister David Cameron says root cause of terrorism is extremist narrative

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Thomas E. Brewton
quote of the day from Burke Beu
"We say that we are the party of the people, but 'the people' too often become a singular, monolithic concept for us.   We speak for the people, don't you know, because we can decide what is best for them so they really don't need to speak for themselves."
Wall Street Journal: this Dem is giving up on ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Danielle Trubow _Bloomberg_
UMich consumer sentiment index increased from 86.9 in late-October to 89.4 in mid-November
Doug Short: Global Economic Intersect
Ruth Mantell: MarketWatch
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Anthony Watts
400 Australians buried their heads in the sand to protest "inaction on climate change"

2014-11-14 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 21)
Bob Tisdale
we need an appropriate name for the imaginary planet simulated by climate models for the UN IPCC
Proposed Bills 2014

  "From the 1850s onward, Germans, Swedes, and Norwegians took up farming in the states of the Old Northwest and the Plains.   English, Welsh, and Scottish immigrants traveled inland to work in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Illinois.   Many new-comers followed the rivers and railroads into the new, growing cities of the West, settling in ports along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers or around the Great Lakes.   Some moved even farther, adding a foreign flavor to newer places such as Minneapolis, Des Moines, Omaha, Denver, Kansas City, and Los Angeles.   By the late 1860s, Mexican influence in western and south-western cities including Los Angeles, San Antonio, and Santa Barbara began to fade." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg112  



1777-11-15: 1st draft of Articles of Confederation

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
6 failed foreign policies Obummer regime won't stop pushing

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
GOP House + senate unlikely to trim Obummer's $6.2G funding request for efforts to counter ebola

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Brenda Walker _VDare_
Roy Beck spells out the damage that Obummer's proposed mass amnesties of illegal aliens would do to US citizen workers

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Patrick Cleburne _VDare_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty decree: have Sheldon Adelson and George Soros et al. already paid off the GOP losership to take a dive?
"Not only has it become taboo to even mention the technically appropriate response to [president Obummer's] usurpations -- impeachment -- but they are rushing to unilaterally disarm by promising not to exercise the House prerogatives over finance as Neil Munro reported in
2014/11/13: Daily Caller: GOP splits on blocking Obummer's amnesty for illegal aliens..."

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
James Lewis _American Thinker_
compelling Israel & Japan to go nuclear is another Obummer "triumph"

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Rebecca Jessup _American Thinker_
the glories of teaching classics in the inner city

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Frances Twitty _American Thinker_
ObummerDoesn'tCare -- the truth confirmed

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Charlotte Iserbyt _News with Views_
Communist Corpse's global management system: necessary for the shift from liberal education to limited learning for life-long labor
"did the citizens of Florida vote on this monumental change which would affect education forever?   Commissioner Golden was talking about the use in education of the computerized Planning, Programming, Budgeting System (PPBS), being implemented nationwide today.   However, Golden was too optimistic about [no one] figuring it out 'until we put all the parts together'...   Evidently there were many traditional administrators and teachers who had figured it out and who resisted this total shift from academics to PPBS and its Skinnerian outcomes/performance-based education!   The parts have been put together since 1985, at least.   However... still... nobody, except a handful of academically-oriented teachers and administrators, understands exactly what they are building!   Or 'wants to understand what they are building'?   How is it possible that since 1972...over a period of 52 years...nobody, except a few teachers and administrators, has yet figured 'it' out?..." ObummerDoesn'tCare -- the truth confirmed

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
David Ruben _News with Views_
socialist engineering, brain-washing, and hypnosis
"In the entire history of man, no one has ever been brain-washed and realized, or believed, that he (or she) had been brain-washed.   Inevitably all those who have been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their manipulators, claiming they have 'seen the light' ...or have been transformed by recently discovered scientific knowledge...   Stage 1 -- involves reducing our alertness (awareness) and forcing on us various kinds of sensory or information overload, confusion, or distraction.   This builds a tremendous psychological and physiological tension...   Stage 2 -- involves reducing the tension and anxiety generated in the first stage, and providing something to focus on.   This is the step where we enter 'trance', as our welcome relief.   The person temporarily becomes weak, with no strong convictions or standards about what is logical, and begins thinking in a magical, wishful way (Holt, 1964).   They become unable to distinguish fantasy from reality, dependent upon authority, basically to regress to a childlike state...   Stage 3 -- involves reinforcing the new beliefs and new sense of identification with the group/belief..."

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
_My Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi_/_AP_
big non-leftists turn out in Monroe to rally for Bill Cassidy for US senate

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
scofflaw Obummer: I'm goint to send $3G in USA tax-victim earnings we don't have to insane watermelon (red inside, green outside) climate hysteria fund

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
seeking a Civil War cavalry battle-field on the back roads of Frederick county VA (part 3)

2014-11-15 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 22)
Bob Tisdale
global surface land-ocean and lower-troposphere temperature anomaly: model vs. data differences
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Discouragement is a moral state, a failure of heart; you treat it by taking courage, not Prozac." --- David Gelernter (source: Jewish World Review)  



Jahrzeit of St. Margaret of Wessex queen of Scotland b: 1045 in Hungary d: 1093-11-16 at Edinburgh castle, Edinburgh, MidLothian, Scotland buried: Dunfermline abbey, Dunfermline, FifeShire, Scotland & at Jesuit college, Douai, France

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Oregon referendum vote against licenses for illegal aliens should serve as warning to Obummer
Albuquerque NM Journal
Access North Georgia
Jonathan J. Cooper: Minneapolis MN Star Tribune/AP
Rick Moran: PJMedia

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
leftist attempts to control the language and the debate is running up against significant enlightened opposition

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
the fantasy of the deal over Iran nuclear weapons development

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
James Kirkpatrick _VDare_
looming unconstitutional and illegal Obamnesty is just a symptom of USA's Democide

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Hal Rogers's $10K campaign donor General Dynamics stands to profit $125M from unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty
Tea Party.org
Corvette Forum
Citizens News
"In early 2013, Roll Call's Kent Cooper detailed how the General Dynamics PAC 'gave out $73K for federal candidates and committees during February' and focused its donations on House and Senate appropriators.   'House Appropriations recipients included chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY); Defense sub-committee chairman Bill Young (R-FL); Jo Bonner (R-AL); Kay Granger (R-TX); Ken Calvert (R-CA); Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL); Betty McCollum (D-MN); Peter Visclosky (D-IN); Steve Womack (R-AR).', Cooper wrote.   According to the Center for Responsive Politics, just this past election cycle, Rogers received $10K in donations from General Dynamics.   In the 2010 cycle, Rogers received $8,500 from the company..."

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
James Fulford _VDare_
Hans von Spakovsky speech: the Obummer regime's Injustice Department
"Eric Holder has lost 20 cases before the Supreme Court 9 to 0.   That's how extreme Holder is -- [even] more extreme than anyone on the Supreme Court..."

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Brenda Walker _VDare_
by an amaaaazing coincidence, big caliphate anniversary matched Muslim prayer-session at Episcopalian National Cathedral

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
"Federale" _VDare_
Red Chinese "naked officials", illegal immigration, and the war against the historic USA
"[Barack Hussein Obummer] and Xi Jinping, one an aspiring dictator, the other a confirmed Red tyrant, have, besides coming to an agreement to hobble American industry and allow continued [Red Chinese] carbon pollution, have agreed to aid and assist Chinese nationals to enter and live in the United States illegally.   For the uninitiated, a multiple entry non-immigrant visa, usually a B-2 non-immigrant visa, in this case for Chinese nationals, is important to establish a 'legal' presence, as a non-immigrant visa entitles one to access to [ObummerDoesn'tCare], driver's licenses, and an ostensibly legal status.   Previously, Chinese came to the United States on single-entry non-immigrant visas, were admitted for the standard 6 months period of admission.   If they stayed after that period of admission expired, they became illegal, subject to deportation...   'Students from [Red China] are seeing their visas extended from 1 year to a maximum of 5 years.'..."

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
S. Fred Singer _American Thinker_
a suicidal collapse of Western Civilization?

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
William Sullivan _American Thinker_
scofflaw Obummer's looming shut-down of federal government

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Emmett McGroarty _Breitbart_
Breitbart News Network, American Principles Project, and Cornerstone Action are co-sponsors of an upcoming forum centered on the principles of federalism

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
_My Arkansas Louisiana Texas_/_AP_
Sarah Palin joined Louisiana Republicans in Monroe rally for Bill Cassidy for US senate

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Melinda DesLatte _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Republicans informally promise Bill Cassidy chairmanship of energy committee if he wins election for US senate

2014-11-16 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 23)
Anthony Watts & M. Paul
new term: "Grubering" and how it applies to climate hysteria
Proposed Bills 2014

  "By 1870 the Irish were the largest foreign-born group in California.   Often the migrants settled in these cities for no other reason than that their funds ran out, and they suffered the pangs of poverty as much in the West as their counterparts did in the East.   But the western towns offered opportunities for people with skills and resources, and many immigrants achieved nominal success -- Scandinavians in construction trades, Germans in Brewing, English and Irish in jobbing and retailing." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pp112-113  



284-11-17: Diocletian was proclaimed emperor by his soldiers.
1777-11-17: Articles of Confederation was submitted to the states for ratification.
1800-11-17: the United States congress held its first session in Washington, DC.

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
how the leftists/Dems/Reds defeated themselves

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
Jonathan Gruber, voter "stupidity", and immigration
"The truly stupid ones are the American ['main-stream'] media, who refused to look at and cover the reality of the [ObummerDoesn'tCare] bill.   It is not just [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Look at how the lobbyist establishment in Washington made buffoons out of the media on S744.   They produced a convoluted, 180K-word bill that takes the tangle of immigration law we have now and makes it more convoluted.   (For comparison, the entire immigration system was set up [entirely re-designed] in 15K words in the Immigration Act of 1952 and radically transformed in 6K words in the Immigration Act of 1965.)   If the media had functional intelligence, they would have reacted in unison to a 180K-word 'reform' bill in unison: 'THIS IS NUTS'...   Gruber has taught America a class on why 'comprehensive immigration reform' does not reform immigration [but pervert it], why banking reform does not reform banking, and why campaign finance reform does not reform campaign finance..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS check-points

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Jorge Ramos & Brooke Gladstone need to look at Oregonians' rejection of driver licenses/IDs for illegal aliens

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
who might benefit from unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens?

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Rebecca Koenig _Chronicle of Higher Education_
some colleges are encouraging grads to get a second, hopefully more marketable, bachelor's degree

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Palestinian Muslims started a war, the world is giving them billions

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
vote fraud reality
"14% of non-citizens in the United States in 2008 were registered to vote and about 6% voted indicates data collected by Harvard's Cooperative Congressional Election Study, according to a study by Jesse Richman and David Earnest, professors at Old Dominion University.   Since at least 11M non-citizens were here then, it could be that as many as 660K voted...   their votes probably elected senator Al Franken, D-MN, and may have elected senator Mark Begich, D-AK...   This year, illegal votes may have re-elected senator Mark Warner, D-VA, maybe also senator Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
_Conservative HQ_
crony socialism: Hal Rogers's corrupt but legal scam with Obummer and General Dynamics/LaserCard/HID Global
"...the immigration policies of president Obummer that congressman Rogers is helping to facilitate on behalf of his campaign donor General Dynamics, help only billionaire special interests, amnesty activists, and the citizens of other countries -- while reducing jobs and pay for our own.   And there's no glossing over the fact that Hal Rogers's insistence on a long-term Omnibus spending bill facilitates [Obummer's] plan to give lifetime work permits and citizenship to over 30M immigrants over the next 10 years.   Right now the foreign-born population of the United States is at record levels, quadrupling since 1970.   Since 2000, the U.S.A. has issued nearly 30M lawful visas to foreign guest workers and permanent immigrants.   During that time, all net employment gains among the working-age went to immigrant workers..."
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart: Hal Rogers's campaign donor stands to profit from unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty
2009-08-06: IdiotCard Conspiracy: LaserCard receives $3.1M order for Green Cards
2009-08-12: Insecurity Today: LaserCard to provide additional USA Permanent Resident cards
2010-10-20: General Dynamics: $25M card production contract with USCIS
2011-03-01: HID Global: LaserCard landed $8.6M order for millions of new Green Cards
2011-04-01: Jacob Goodwin: Government Insecurity News: Kentucky facilty cranking out millions of new Green Cards

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Steve Sailer _VDare_
NYTimes has found a type of immigrant it does not want: Cuban doctors

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
James Fulford _VDare_
Barack Hussein Obummer met secretly with riot instigators -- urges them to "stay the course"
Carol Brown: American Thinker

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Robert B. Charles _American Thinker_
10 arguments against Obummer's executive amnesty of illegal aliens
"the justification for directing agencies one way or another has been to clarify a law -- never to create one...   the U.S. Supreme Court and federal appellate courts have ruled unconstitutional any Executive Order (EO) that seeks to usurp or effectively legislate where Congress has spoken or reserves the right to speak..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
there is dignity in defying death

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Greg Kratz _Jewish World Review_
it is time for men to speak up about work-life balance

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Dodd-Frank is still hampering the USA economy

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
stupid really is as stupid does

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
James Morrison _News Max_
Iranian Ayatollah Ali Movahedi-Kermani threatened USA & Israel with nuclear missile attack
"In Washington, Republicans and Democrats are warning President Barack [Obummer] against signing deal that would lift sanctions in exchange for a vague promise by Iran to stop seeking weapons-grade nuclear fuel..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Leah Perri _Jewish World Review_
better ways to compliment children

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
a murderer's warped idealism

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
4 little words could free us from ObummerDoesn'tCare: "Established by the State"

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Stephanie Castillo _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
coffee is good for you
"chlorogenic acid (CGS)... [is] a powerful antioxidant... [abundant in coffee]... certain fruits and vegetables...   CGA can improve insulin resistance and fatty livers...   coffee consumption may lower the risk for chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease...   apples, pears, tomatoes, and blueberries...   anti-inflammatory..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Armstrong Williams _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
the 2- and only 2-party system is killing the USA

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
will Episcopalian National Cathedral invite Muslims back to pray for former US Army Ranger and convert to Islam, Peter Kassig?

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Peter Morici _UPI_
Obummer's perverted views of economics, the USA constitution and law
"[Barack Hussein Obummer] has a peculiar approach to public policy.   Listen to what the radical left wants, or political expediency requires, then make up the facts, twist economics and rewrite the law to suit...   1.   ObummerDoesn'tCare...   2.   Minimum Wages...   3.   Keystone Pipeline...   4.   Immigration..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
KrisAnne Hall
il buono, il bruto, et il cattivo: The good news and the bad news and the information necessary to discern the two!

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Gallup poll: only 37% of Americans say they approve of ObummerDoesn'tCare: 56% disapprove

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison _American Thinker_
Gruber let Obummer's socialist cat out of the bag: not since the Kermit Gosnell murder trial has the main-stream media labored so diligently to ignore a hot story

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jack Cashill _American Thinker_
Joe Wilson was correct

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Molly Ball: Gruber not "on staff" but did get big bux as ObummerDoesn'tCare consultant

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
Greg Gutfeld: the debate over ObummerDoesn'tCare was "rigged" by the media and Dems/Reds/leftists working together to stifle legitimate questions

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
Obummer, Landrieu, Dems/Reds/leftists and other wannabe great deceivers

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
have you ever been grubered?

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
how the left recruits trolls to make web-site comments and drive away non-leftists

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
why converting to Islam didn't save Peter Kassig

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
Japan is sliding into its 3rd recession in 4 years
Danica Kirka: San Jose CA Mercury News: red warning lights for global economy

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jonathan W. Emord _News with Views_
"Honest dealing by an agent with, and on behalf of, a principal is essential in the law of agency.   No principal would wittingly delegate authority to act on his or her behalf to a con man, an agent who would manipulate the principal's trust to achieve personal gain at the principal's expense, yet that is precisely politics as usual in Washington among pols in both parties.   The offense is particularly pronounced in the [Obummer regime]..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
R' Daniel Lapin _News with Views_
the power of purpose

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Mark R. Levin: GOP losership chorus of impotency, who have, once again, already surrendered in advance of a fight

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jason Overdorf _Daily Caller_
Chris Pratt is pro-arms and anti-coyote

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
corrupt senate Reds/Dems tell corrupt scofflaw oath-breaker Obummer to sign an "executive amnesty" for illegal aliens

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Howard Kurtz _Fox_
Obummer over-the-top threats, non-leftist responses have media excited

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Charlotte Libov _News Max_
amyloid plaques, tau tangles, and variant forms of Alzheimer's

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Drew MacKenzie _News Max_
2 Muslim terrorist groups in USA -- CAIR & Muslim American Society -- protest inclusion on UAE terrorist organization list
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
_PR News Wire_/_UBM_
John Bolton PAC has made a $5K contribution to Bill Cassidy campaign for US senate
Bill Cassidy, M.D.
Bill Cassidy on Jimbo Wales's wikipedia
Bill Cassidy for US senate
Open Secrets: Landrieu
Open Secrets: Louisiana
Open Secrets: Louisiana 2014

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
illegal aliens flagrantly taunt US ICE officers

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
Obummer unconstitutional and illegal order of amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is imminent: what is GOP's next move?
"...Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who is expected to assume the chairmanship of the senate Budget committee, characterized the potential for an executive order on immigration as 'shocking' and is pressing the GOP leadership to seek only a short-term budget that will keep the government open only through the beginning of next year to exert pressure on the White House.   'The president cannot, having had his policies defeated at the ballot box, impose them through executive decree.', Sessions said.   'A Republican congress will defend itself and our citizens from these lawless actions.   Surrendering to illegality is not an option.   Democrats will have to choose sides -- protect the president's agenda or protect your constituents.   Americans do not want their borders erased.'   Representative Steven King (R-IA), one of the leading voices in opposition to immigration reform, volunteered that 'the audacity [offensiveness, outrageousness] of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me.   It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people.   Our republic will not stand if we tolerate a president who is set upon the complete destruction of the rule of law.'   King added that Congress 'cannot allow [Barack Hussein Obummer's] anticipated unconstitutional act to be implemented, for if it is it will destroy the pillars of American exceptionalism.   Come what may -- we must always protect the Constitution.'..."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
the obnoxious corrupt Harry Reid is terrified that Republicans might behave like they won the election

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
Obummer 2008, 2009, 2010: "if you like your health insurance plan, you can keep your health insurance plan" election; Jonathan Gruber 2009: "5M people will lose their plan"
2009-08-11: Angie Drobnic Holan: Tampa Bay FL Tribune/PolitiFact: Barack Hussein Obummer promises you can keep your health insurance, but there's no guarantee
2013-10-31: Business Insider: Obummer on ObummerDoesn'tCare
2013-12-12: Angie Drobnic Holan: Tampa Bay FL Tribune/PolitiFact: Lie of the Year: "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it"

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
ominous parallels
David Rutz: Washington DC Free Beacon: Obummer encouraged us to "pull every clip" on ObummerDoesn'tCare, so we did

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
Gruber? I don't even know her!...

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
border fences, terrorist organizations, the split-level world, and co-existence

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
parody: Hitler finds out about the Gruber videos
Debra Heine: Breitbart

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Michael W. Cutler _Californians for Population Stabilization_
"to serve and protect", but who are served and who are protected in illegal alien "sanctuary" cities?
"It should be a 'no brainer' that our nation must do as effective a job as possible to prevent criminals and terrorists from entering the U.S.A. and embedding themselves in communities here...   effective border security and immigration law enforcement can prevent the entry and continued presence of transnational criminals in towns and cities across the U.S.A...   Senator Schumer, one of the 'Gang of 8', is now proposing tough new penalties for those who would trespass on important buildings and structures, such as bridges.   Yet, Schumer is adamant about providing a 'pathway to United States Citizenship' to those illegal aliens who trespass on America and have absolutely no inherent right to be present in the country...   the sort of family re-unification I would love to see would require nothing short of divine intervention.   I would love to see those who lost family members to international terrorists, trans-national criminals and unlicensed drivers re-united with their loved ones.   Had our immigration system worked as it should, the many present in the U.S.A. to commit those violent crimes wouldn't have been able to commit them, and many Americans would still be living."

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Rizwan Jaka, in Muslim services at Episcopalian National Cathedral, said "We condemn persecution of Christians -- of any minorities in Muslim-majority countries"

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Tom Cotton: Republicans should fund all immigration and law enforcement agencies but impose funding restrictions so scofflaw oath-breaking Barack Hussein Obummer can't abuse federal money to give work permits and Social Security numbers to illegal aliens

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Spencer Irvine _Accuracy In Media_
the ObummerDoesn'tCare time-line

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
David Frum _Atlantic_
5 reasons Obummer should not attempt unconstitutional and illegal scheme to declare amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Michael Ramirez _Investor's Business Daily_
speaking of illegal

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Barry Goldwater celebrated on 50th anniversary of glorious campaign

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Tim Ball
climate perception, projection, and propaganda

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Christopher Monckton
evidence of falsehood with intent to mislead the court

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Eric Worrall
Germany abandons their climate target, as their chancellor sings to the crowd

2014-11-17 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 24)
Eric Worrall
news flash from the U of Bradford: "climate change" was not to blame for the collapse of the Bronze Age
Proposed Bills 2014

  "At no time should a reporter take what might be called a holiday from discipline.   Even great scholars will repeat campus gossip that they would scorn to accept as evidence in one of their monographs.   This very fact shows the importance of method: it is a safe-guard, a means of protecting one's mind (and reputation) from oneself.   One of the worst temptations of the gossip kind is to state a hypothesis -- often a mere suggestion of possibility -- and in the course of a longish book turning it gradually into a thing proved [without proof]." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg165  



1885-11-18: Gottlieb Daimler & Wilhelm Maybach reveal the world's first internal combustion motorcycle, the Reitwagen, driven by Paul Daimler, from Cannstatt to Untertuerkheim in Stuttgart, Germany.

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Mark Krikorian _National Review_
Obummer's unprecedented unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the legacy of leftism
"the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87% in 1940 to 47% by 1960...   Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years.   This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer vs. Us
"...[Obummer] is doing precisely what he promised during his 2008 presidential campaign, to cheering and mesmerized crowds: 'We are going to fundamentally change America' and 'We will change America.   We will change the world.'   [Obummer] is living up to those pledges by subverting our Constitution and adopting the political style of a banana republic dictator.   He showed his willingness to ignore the Constitution when he eliminated the work requirement in welfare reform laws enacted during the Clinton administration..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer + Burwell deny Gruber's confessions; facts deny Obummer + Burwell
Cybercast News Service

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
oath-breaker Obummer's unfaithful refusal to carry out the law

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
poverty does not cause initiation of force or fraud
"0.5% living under the poverty line have lost their homes and live in shelters.   75% of the poor have a car or truck.   Only 10% live in mobile homes or trailers, half live in detached single-family houses or town-houses, and 40% live in apartments.   42% of all poor households own their home, the average of which is a 3-bed-room house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage and a porch or patio.   According to a recent Census Bureau report, 80.9% of households below the poverty level have cell-phones...   They were people whose values rendered such behaviors all but impossible.   But there was another reason.   I was as certain as one could be that if I were poor in America, I wouldn't rob, rape or murder..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
Dems' path after ObummerDoesn'tCare: down, down, down

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Bruce Fein _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
is Obummer also lying about ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
if you think ObummerDoesn'tCare is affordable you are stupid

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's perverse notion of negotiation: trading abject surrender to his every whim for abject surrender to his every whim

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Andrew C. McCarthy _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
abuse of civil asset forfeiture before/ instead of due process
"Growing public alarm over the abuse of executive power spotlights some wayward prosecutorial practices that have been building for decades.   Among them is civil forfeiture.   It has devolved from a useful tool for defunding major criminal enterprises [of ill-gotten loot] to a dangerous gutting of due process for ordinary Americans..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Richard W. Rahn _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
the stupidity of experts
"The only surprising thing about Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber's revelations that the legislation was based on a series of lies and voter stupidity was that Mr. Gruber was so stupid to think no one would [(a) realize they were lies from the beginning and (b)] see the videos of him saying so..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
if you put Obummer's narcissism aside, what do you have left?

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
it happens every time: FCC move to strangle telecomm competition, discourage development and innovation... have already discouraged development and innovation

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
I have been stupid, but not THAT stupid!

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
sheriffs will march in DC on December 10 to protest Obummer's lawlessness

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer's unconstitutional ane illegal amnesty for illegal aliens will drain Socialist Insecurity funds to aid illegal aliens

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
pope Francis: union of man and woman in marriage is a unique, natural, fundamental and beautiful good for persons, communities and whole societies

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Allen West _Cybercast News Service_
defiant Obummer plans to abuse power on immigration and Keystone XL pipe-line
"It seems to me [Obummer] is under the misconception that the legislative branch works for him.   He fails to realize the U.S. House of Representatives is the 'People's House' and is elected by its constituents -- not appointed by the president.   As well, we have a Constitutional system of governance for this Republic based on the premise of coequal branches of government.   It appears that [Obummer] doesn't grasp the concept of governing, but instead thinks only of ruling -- dictating by edict and proclamation..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
records show Jonathan Gruber visited White House at least 10 times between 2009 & 2014

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Rand Paul: we should use appropriations bills to rein in scofflaw Obummer

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ron deSantis: we need to bite back and not give scofflaw Obummer the funds for unconstitutional and illegal "work-permits" for illegal aliens

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
even long-time opponent of immigration reform (and advocate for endless cheap, young, pliant, foreign labor with flexible ethics) Zoe Lofgren admits that Obummer lacks constitutional power to make illegal aliens legal

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Alan Dershowitz _News Max_
Hamas emulated ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate in attack on Jerusalem synagogue
Israel to ease arms controls

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Herbert London _News Max_
Iran benefits from MidEast violence

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Wanda Carruthers _News Max_
GOP's Lindsey Grahamnesty says not appropriating funds for executive branch actions for amnesty for illegal aliens is a "measured response"

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Armstrong Williams _News Max_
Hispanic racism against African Americans goes unreported

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Melanie Batley _News Max_
Rasmussen poll: 53% oppose Obummer's scheme to unconstitutionally and illegally give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens
"Republicans, 78%, are opposed to executive action that might end deportation for millions of immigrants, while 52% of unaffiliated voters oppose it..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Charles Payne: trouble-makers such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make quality of life worse for blacks

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Andrea Billups _News Max_
Pew: illegal aliens compose 5.1% of USA "work-force" -- 8.1M employed or unemployed and actively seeking work
"6 states, including Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Illinois and California, accounted for 60% of all [illegal aliens], as 7 states saw immigrant population increases and 14 marked decreases... Half...came from Mexico..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
_News Max_
WSJ's Bret Stephens: Obummer has made world more dangerous

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Jerome Corsi: Obummer refuses to do his constitutional duty

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Jennifer G. Hickey _News Max_
cloning may bring back woolly mammoth

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Cliff Kincaid _Accuracy In Media_
red agitators targeting St. Louis are even more militarized than the police

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Deroy Murdock _Accuracy In Media_
red agitators targeting St. Louis are even more militarized than the police
"A show-down worthy of High Noon may erupt over immigration if [Obummer], as anticipated, decrees amnesty for millions of illegal aliens via executive order.   Republicans would decry the sheer lawlessness of [Obummer's] brazen unilateralism in a nation of equal and divided powers, not least congress's explicit constitutional mandate to write laws and [Obummer's] utter absence of authority to do so.   Conservatives, and many moderates, fret about the fiscal and socio-cultural impact of a wide-open southern boundary practically decorated with a 1,989-mile-long 'Welcome!' sign.   Thus the oft-heard demand for border security as Step One in immigration reform...   According to recently released data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 5,063 individuals from nations that harbor terrorists were arrested last year trying to cross into America from Mexico.   None of these were Mexicans, Guatemalans, or Hondurans; they were citizens from far-away nations consumed by militant Islam..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Brent Bozell & Tim Graham _NewsBusters_
leftist media enabling delusional Dems/Reds/Leftists

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Tom Blumer _NewsBusters_
another Keynesian failure as Japan "unexpectedly" falls into another recession

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Jack Coleman _NewsBusters_
Rush Limbaugh compared ObummerDoesn'tCare con to the one in the movie "The Sting"

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Tom Blumer _NewsBusters_
terse 5-paragraph AP story shows they want coverage of Gruber/Obummer lies about ObummerDoesn'tCare to go away

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
oh, Jerusalem "What to say about the latest round of Islamo-carnage in Jerusalem that hasn't been said thousands of times before?   Golda Meir made it all clear in her famous 1957 speech at the National Press Club in DC: 'Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.'   IOW, basically never.   The hate culture of the Palestinians -- and almost all Arabs -- is so deeply imbued it's hard to imagine it ever changing.   After this recent incident, they danced in the street with hatchets and gave each other candy.   Lots of people have tried to make peace with them.   The supposed war-monger Ariel Sharon uprooted his own people and gave the Palestinians [Gaza=Palestine]..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Jonathan Gruber in 2009: seniors should be limited to 3 lowest cost Medicare part D plans

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
illegal alien population increased in 5 Eastern States
John McCormick: Bloomberg: Pew report says illegal aliens increased in 7 states, down in 14

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Pierre Comtois _PJMedia_
10 most influential SF stories of the 1920s

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Kathy Gilsinannov _Atlantic_
the geography of terrorism: more than 82% of last year's 17,958 terrorism fatalities occurred in just 5 countries

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
launching in 2015: a certificate authority to encrypt the entire web

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Jennifer G. Hickey _News Max_
1,360 USA cold weather records broken over the last week

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Paul Driessen
power-mad EPA's next regulatory tsunami

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Susan Crockford
Southern Beaufort sea polar bears largely recovered from a 2004-2006 decline

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Anthony Watts
orbiting carbon observatory vs. models

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Tim Buckley
below freezing temperatures in all 50 states

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Anthony Watts
GWPF calls for halt to UK low carbon international climate funding
"The Global Warming Policy Forum is today calling for the UK's new international climate finance 'contribution' to go towards helping developing countries with adaptation measures to increase their resilience, rather than the funds being allocated to low carbon development..."

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Willis Eschenbach
Get Laki, Get Unlaki: volcano vs. temperature

2014-11-18 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 25)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
earth in the Grubering
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Marriage is not a ritual or an end.   It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner." --- Amy Bloom (source: Jewish World Review)  



1493-11-19: Christopher Columbus goes ashore on an island he first saw the day before. He names it San Juan Bautista (later renamed Puerto Rico).
1776-11-19: congress pleads for the states to send more soldiers to serve in the Continental Army, reminding them "how indispensable it is to the common safety, that they pursue the most immediate and vigorous measures to furnish their respective quotas of Troops for the new Army, as the time of service for which the present Army was enlisted, is so near expiring".
1794-11-19: the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain sign Jay's Treaty, which attempts to clear up some of the lingering problems left over from the American Revolutionary War.
1824-11-19: a flood on the Neva River in Russia claims an estimated 10K lives.
1863-11-19: president Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.
1915-11-19: in one of the most exciting episodes of the air war during World War 1, the British airman Richard Bell Davies performs a daring rescue, swooping down in his plane to whisk a downed fellow pilot from behind the Turkish lines at Ferrijik Junction.
1970-11-19: the IBM 1620, marketed as an inexpensive "scientific computer", is withdrawn from the market after a total production of about two thousand units. Modified versions of the 1620 were used as the CPU of the IBM 1710 and IBM 1720 Industrial Process Control Systems.

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
racial quota misbehavior and punishment

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer "mass pardon" for identity thieves
please help find Marizela

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Steven Emerson _Jewish World Review_
murders in Jerusalem did not happen in a vacuum
"Most of the violence has centered in Jerusalem, as Palestinians continue to engage in rock throwing, Molotov cocktail attacks, and rioting in the capital and surrounding neighborhoods...   major Palestinian terrorist attacks targeting Israelis in recent weeks:..."

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Michael Freund _Jewish World Review_
pogrom by Palestinians in Jerusalem

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Tristin Hopper _Jewish World Review_
gruesome killings in synagogue ratchet up tensions

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
stupidity reconsidered, and wiping those gigantic smidgeons from Obummer and Gruber and Reid and Pelosi

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Lecia Bushak _Jewish World Review_
5 surprising correlations between eye color, health and personality

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
when liberty knocked down the Berlin wall

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
the bones and sinews of the USA liberal, non-leftist movement are Barry Goldwater's legacy

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Gruberizing the USA

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
student at BYU-Idaho charged with hacking system to change his failing grades to all-A

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Kelly Roell _About Education_
average GRE scores by intended major for 2014?

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Laura Ingraham
GOP must resist home-grown tyranny: distance themselves from the open-borders crowd and its mania for eliminating our national sovereignty

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Laura Ingraham
most voters reject Obummer's immigration scheme
"56% of Likely U.S. Voters think the U.S. government is not aggressive enough in deporting those who are in this country illegally..."

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Laura Ingraham
Brooks county TX: illegal aliens on the rise

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the trouble with State-by-State analyses of H-1B
weeks late to block vote fraud PA checks for duplicate voter registrations
"State elections officials said Wednesday they are in the process of sending lists to county elections officials of nearly 43K Pennsylvania voters who apparently have registered more recently in other states..."

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Jeremy C. Owens _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Koch Industries to acquire Oplink Communications for about $445M
"Oplink will be managed by Molex, a components manufacturer based in Illinois...   Oplink, founded in 1995, ranked #126 on the 2014 SV150 list of Silicon Valley's largest public technology companies after generating nearly $200M in sales and doubling its profits to $10M in 2013.   [Oplink's] work-force is one of the 50 largest for Bay Area tech companies, with more than 3,700 employees.   Companies focusing on fiber optics and other optical communications equipment have struggled to show enough growth to keep investors happy.   Oplink rival JDS Uniphase announced 2 months ago that it will split its company in 2, severing its core optical-networking business and focusing on software-defined networking, leading to speculation that it would seek to sell its optical business in a similar deal to Oplink's..."

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Joseph Curl _Washington DC Times_
Jewish World Review

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Eric Schener _Lucianne_
sheriff of Sacramento county CA made "social media" plea to Obummer to forgo unconstitutional, illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
Cybercast News Service
"amnesty is deferring this crisis.   It is not reform, it's simply giving up..."

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz: "We are unfortunately witnessing a constitutional crisis.   What [president Obummer's] doing is he is defying the law, he's defying the Constitution.   This is a moment of testing.   And I am hopeful we will see Republicans in congress stand up and side with the people against the lawless president...   The only person on this planet who wants a government shut-down is [president Obummer].   What I think congress should do is we should use the constitutional authority that we're given as checks and balances to rein in a despotic executive...   When we come back in January with a new congress, we need to systematically pass appropriations legislation funding the Department of Defense, funding the Veterans Administration, funding one department after another after another, and then once the vital functions are funded, we need to pass appropriations with riders specifically limiting the power of the congress and the power of the president to spend money on illegal amnesty...   If the president wants to veto it, he can shut down DHS.   That would be a wrong and irresponsible response.   But listen, a presidential temper tantrum is not a rational response.   What the Constitution requires, if you want to change immigration law -- and I think we need common sense immigration reform -- the way to do it is the president has to work with congress.   You have to compromise.   You have to reach a middle ground.   This president doesn't want to do that."

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
wannabe king Obummer the first

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Rusty Humphries _Washington DC Times_
the perfect, fool-proof ThanksGiving turkey recipe, politics included

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
_Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz: Obummer's amnesty scheme for illegal aliens is contrary to the citizenry

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
GAO: Dept. of Veterans Affairs still has weak security on veterans' personal private info; at increased risk of unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, or loss

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
in fever to grant privileges to gays religious rights of others are being trampled

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Jazz Shaw _PJMedia_
will Obummer depredations be reduced because of Gruberstorm?

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
power-mad, corrupt Prince George's county Maryland bureaubums demand ministers to preach the extreme leftist/eco-fascist gospel... or be subjected to confiscatory taxation

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
RINO John Boehner retains left-wing critic of executive power for law-suit against Obummer (and by an amazing coincidence they're cobbling together an extremely flawed case)

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Grubergate's insider problem

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
watching the Dems/Reds/leftists commit suicide

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
is the Cold War back?

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
David S. Bernstein _PJMedia_
5 leaders of the USA culture
"Check out these creative visionaries in the grass-roots reviving the traditions of what's good and right within the [USA] against philistines and self-aggrandizing criminals...   While the news might not yet have reached inside Fortress Beltway, out in the grassroots people understand that focusing exclusively on the next election cycle is a one-dimensional strategy that is ultimately doomed to fail.   Logic and argument are limited in their power to persuade; since the time of Homer and the Bible, human beings have learned primarily through storytelling.   Whether it is our own experience, or the experiences of others to which we can relate, the power of narrative is the ability to change hearts and minds..."

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Gary Varvel _Town Hall_
the oath-breaker who would be king
Creators Syndicate

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Anthony Watts
claim: "the pause" is caused by small volcanic eruptions

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Bob Tisdale
the importance of natural variability in global temperatures

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Bob Tisdale
U of OR: fossils cast doubt on climate model projections on habitats

2014-11-19 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 26)
Anthony Watts
media misled public about polar bear numbers
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The wise man questions the wisdom of others because he questions his own, the foolish man, because it is different from his own." --- Leo Stein (source: Jewish World Review)  



2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
meet the lying leftist/Red snobocrats

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
teaching hate

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
a modest proposal to my left-wing friends

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Jonathan Gruber: ObummerDoesn'tCare architect unplugged
"Economist Milton Friedman said the promotion of bad policy requires two types of advocates.   'Do-gooders', he said, act in good faith but out of ignorance in promoting counter0productive policies.   The second type are the 'special interest' rent-seekers, those who stand to personally profit from the scheme...   Gruber is a two-fer -- both a do-gooder and a rent-seeker.   Gruber, so far, has pocketed $6M advising the federal and state governments on the very law he helped design..."

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Obummer playing with Constitutional fire
"The check on the exercise of prosecutorial discretion is gross abuse, which is typically demonstrated by either improper executive motive or effective nullification of law.   I don't know what the president's motive is.   If it is political, I suspect his efforts will backfire.   He cannot grant citizenship or the right to vote [nor socialist illfare payments].   If his motive is humanitarian or moral, I understand him.   Under the natural law, people have the right to travel and live wherever they wish.   The existence of our natural rights is not conditioned upon the place where our mothers were at the times of our births.   And from a free market and historical perspective, immigrants have enhanced the economy as they move up the demographic ladder...   The Framers required that every president swear to do his job 'faithfully' to serve as a reminder to him that his job requires fidelity to the enforcement of laws with which he may disagree.   The American people, congress and the courts need to know we have a president who will enforce the laws, whether he agrees with them in his heart or not..."
3 words: Writ of mandamus.

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
federal government's repeated and continuing extreme untrustworthiness
Washington DC Times
"President [Obummer] says he wants congress to send him a 'comprehensive' immigration [law perversion] bill.   Yet the American people don't want a 'comprehensive' anything.   They know what it means: a thousand-page bill no one has read and no one understands, teetering with pet programs and unintended consequences.   And Americans recognize that such 'comprehensive' legislation is the favored device of technocrats who believe, as Jonathan Gruber said in his now-infamous comments on [ObummerDoesn'tCare], that a 'lack of transparency is a huge political advantage' and the 'stupidity of the American voter' is 'really, really critical' to passing [bad] legislation.   After the experiences of [ObummerDoesn'tCare], Dodd-Frank and the 'stimulus', the American people don't trust congress to write a 'comprehensive' bill and they don't trust the administration to implement it...   There's no excuse for the national security and humanitarian disaster that is our southern border.   There are 240K employees at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS].   There are 70K Homeland Security agents and officers.   That's enough to station 36 officers along every single mile of the U.S.A.-Mexico border.   There are, in addition, about 450K Americans serving in the National Guard (about 230 for every mile) who could be sent to the border on a temporary basis..."

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Downing street Gruber and the leftist media

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Obummer DoJ is a school-yard bully

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Rebecca Shabad _Lucianne_
Hal Rogers, corrupt bribe-taker with a personal stake in amnesty, claims defunding "impossible" for Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Sean Davis _Federalist_
Republicans can defund Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens; but the GOP losership does not want to

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Bridget Johnson _Lucianne_
Mitch McConnell: "congress will act" if Obummer goes through with unconstitutional and illegal immigration order

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
J. Christian Adams _Lucianne_
Obummer, our modern John C. Calhoun

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Francesca Chambers _UK Daily Mail_
livid GOP governors threaten legal action over Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal immigration executive order being announced tonight

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Charles Hurt _Washington DC Times_
Obummer trashing the republic in misguided to save his party with immigration perversion
Jewish World Review

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Judi McLeod _Canada Free Press_
the same chant haunts the Ego King

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
IRS is illegally monitoring comments on non-leftist fora
"The Internal Revenue Service, which claims to be so understaffed that it can't bother to collect un-paid taxes [e.g. of Charles Rangel], or search back-up tapes for Lois Lerner's 'missing' e-mail messages, apparently has plenty of time to read the comment threads on conservative blogs that have been critical of the agency (Hi there, IRS agents!).   William Jacobson, one of the best-informed and most effective critics of the agency, writes on Legal Insurrection..."

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Jon Austria _4 Corners NM News_/_Farmington NM Daily Times_
suspected illegal aliens sue over detainment by US ICE
"Somos Un Pueblo Unido [claim] the San Juan county Board of Commissioners and sheriff Ken Christesen violated the civil rights of at least 3 [suspected illegal aliens], and potentially approximately 200 other individuals, by detaining them at the county jail on behalf of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement...   Attorney Kristina Martinez said the lawsuit is meant to challenge ICE's practice of issuing nonbinding 'immigration detainers' to local jails without also filing criminal charges against the individuals detained...   'As long as they are violating the laws here in the state of New Mexico, we are going to enforce the law.', [Christesen] said...   Ricardo Olivas, 22, of Farmington, claims in the lawsuit that he was pulled over by an officer from the Farmington Police Department on Friday, 2014 July 11, for driving without a license and for failing to register his work trailer."

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
more states offering ObummerDoesn'tCare abortions: another Obummer regime lie revealed

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Caitlin Dewey _Lucianne_
everything the evil Google knows about you (and how it knows it)
Washington DC Compost
"A Google data center in Mayes county, OK...   the issue of [egregious privacy violation] has provoked renewed anxiety of late, perhaps spurred by recent investigations into personal data and search engines in Europe and Asia -- as well as the high-profile hacking of celebrities' personal data and the shadow of last year's National Security Agency [egregious privacy violation] revelations...   'They know everywhere I've been every day for several years.', one user observed.   'I do find it very interesting, but it's also very scary because I don't doubt it's possible to hold this information against me at some point.'... all this information is being stored, forever, in one centralized place..."

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Geert Wilders _Lucianne_
Islam's war against the Free West
Front Page Magazine

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
representative Randy Forbes (R-VA) confronted one witness with derogatory remarks he made about Christians, which the law-maker said exemplifies the threat to religious liberty in the U.S. Armed Forces
"Nobody is defending individuals trying to...coerce...   just because you wear a uniform doesn't mean that you no longer have your right to express your freedom [or] your faith..."
Travis Weber: DoD restrictions on religious expression are still a problem

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
drama/poll of U of CA at Berkeley: what flag is more offensive?

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Allen West _Cybercast News Service_
tonight in prime time: watch emperor Barack Hussein Obummer trample the USA Constitution over amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Elise Viebeck _Lucianne_
GOP goes after $2M federal NIH grant to Jonathan Gruber

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Jonathan Strong _Lucianne_
Steve King plans 3-step response to Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Wills Robinson & Chris Spargo _UK Daily Mail_
attacker wounded 3 in Strozier Library at Felonious State U in Tallahassee FL at about 01:30
"The library book that saved my life: Student shows off pages that stopped bullets -- as Christian lawyer alum is revealed as [attacker].   Myron May opened fire [in the Stozier library at Florida State University [a.k.a. Felonious State due to administration long-running habit of selectively violating federal laws].   Was staying at a guest house in the days leading up to the shooting.   The suspect injured 3 before being shot dead by authorities.   Was a school alumnus who graduated [in 2005] and became a lawyer.   Family he was staying with said he was preparing to file for bankruptcy.   Some students wrote goodbye messages on white boards in the building.   Jason Derfuss said he was 'targeted' by the gunman as he left the library, posted pictures of books he was carrying with bullet holes in the pages [including a biography of John Wyclif by Stephen E. Lahey]..."
Washington DC Times
KGO abc San Francisco CA: journal indicates attacker feared government

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Tom DeLay _Washington DC Times_
GOP surrender to oath-breaking scofflaw Obummer is not an option... a call to legislative arms

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz paraphrases Marcus Tullius Cicero to criticize Barack Hussein Obummer on his immigration law perversion and violation schemes

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
House GOP Foreign Affairs committee chair-presumptive Ed Royce of CA urges for US arms aid to go directly to Iraqi Kurds fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate (rather than giving them to Obummer's "vetted" al-Qaeda associates)

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's amnesty schemes are "a single-finger salute of contempt" to USA citizens and legal immigrants

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Lamar Smith (R-TX): corrupt, power-mad, race-obsessed, anti-constitution oath-breaker Obummer has declared war against the citizenry of the USA

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
voters' privacy should have been secured long ago, and should be restored

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
tax-compliance costs should be more apparent

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
e-mail message proves Obummer White House, DoJ targeted reporter Sharyl Attkisson for reporting on Fast and Furious perfidy
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Bill Whittle _PJMedia_
how private cars embody freedom (video)

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
quote of the day from Steve Hayward on leftist sex-abuse

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
required viewing of Obummer regime corruption

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
that fearful symmetry: responding or not responding to Obummer's anti-constitutional lawlessness and abuse

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
will Republican losership fight or join in Obummer's lies and unconstitutional/illegal orders for amnesty of illegal aliens?

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
the corrupt oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer: US tax-victims must pay to support illegal aliens' children
"Most households of illegals have very low income, and pay little in taxes.   For example, in 2011, roughly 22% of immigrant households -- both legal and illegal -- were classified as living in poverty.   In contrast, only 13% of American households were in poverty.   However, once illegal immigrants are enrolled in the tax system, they would be entitled to EITC payments..."

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens will add as many foreign workers as there have been new jobs since 2009

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Conference Board: leading economic index increased to 105.2 in October
North Jersey
Steve Goldstein: Fox/MarketWatch
Steve Goldstein: MarketWatch

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Carol J. Williams _Los Angeles CA Times-
5 enemy combatants from Yemen released from Guantanamo: 3 to Georgia, 2 to Slovakia
"In a Defense Department news release, the prisoners sent to Slovakia were identified as Tunisian Hisham Sliti, 48, and Yemeni Hussain Almerfedi, 36.   The three Yemenis sent for resettlement in Georgia are Salah Mohammed Al Thabbi, 42; Abdel Ghalib Hakim, 36; and Abdul Khaled al Baidani, 31.   Thabbi, who was born in Saudi Arabia, had been cleared for release a decade ago but held at the prison after authorities determined he was a Yemeni citizen..."

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Michael Zennie _UK Daily Mail_/_AP_
after 5 feet of snow-fall Monday night Buffalo NY braces for 3 more

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Michael Zennie _UK Daily Mail_/_AP_
Australian government rebukes Obummer's climate claims

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Anthony Watts
it's always something: crops to blame for increased annual variation of CO2

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Jim Steele
Hotwhopper's Miriam O'Brien -- hoisted by her own petard!

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Anthony Watts
"fountain of youth" underlies Antarctic mountains
Proposed Bills 2014

  "every observer's knowledge of the event doubtless contains some exact and some erroneous knowledge, and these 2 parts, multiplied by as many observers as may be, are all the knowledge there can be.   Only a divine being would have perfect and complete knowledge of the event -- 'as it really happened'." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg171  



2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
R' Pinchas Winston _Torah.org_
Corruption: Are You Floating or Drowning?

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
federal employees are under an obligation to adhere to US constitution and enforce laws which are constitutional and constitutionally enacted, but not to carry out illegal orders

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Matt Smith _Reveal_/_Center for Investigative Reporting_
much visa fraud in USA tech industry relies on falsified/fraudulent job letters

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Thomas E. Brewton
USA virtues being driven out under onslaught of federal government deficit spending and Federal Reserve devaluing the currency
Joerg Guido Huelsmann: Ludwig von Mises Institute: the cultural and political consequences of fiat currency

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
Friday night with grand-pa

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
responding to the slaughter
"today our appeasement-oriented elite are finding it harder to pretend away the obvious fact that we cannot placate our enemies..."

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Nate Raymond _Jewish World Review_/_NewsWeek_/_Reuters_
US district judge clears way for $1G law-suit by 11 families against PLO/Palestinian Authority for support of Hamas and al-Aqsa in 7 attacks in 2001 & 2002

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Heather Hale _Jewish World Review_
5 secrets to a happy home

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Cameron Huddleston _Jewish World Review_
11 ways to waste money during the holidays

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
tomorrow's VetiGel bandage stops bleeding instantly

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
what ObummerDoesn'tCare was really about: power-madness and reduction of freedom: if the government controls health-care, the government controls you

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
corrupt oath-breaking Obummer put the cat among the pigeons
"The president's invitation to the millions south of the border -- 'Come on in, I'll find a way to make you legal later' -- guarantees that hell on the border will continue, and probably get worse.   The hell on the Potomac will get a lot worse..."

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
giving thanks for the counter-jihad network

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists are a bunch of lying Grubers

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Rusty Humphries _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
slum-lords and sweat-shop owners rejoice: Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens to the rescue

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Grubering by Obummer continues

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
the appropriate GOP response to Obummer's outrageous, disgusting, anti-constitutional, illegal actions which punch US citizen workers and legal immigrants in the gut
"In his immigration lecture Thursday night, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] revealed himself as a man politically broken, isolated from any sense of normal reality and completely unspooled from logic..."

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's anti-constitutional lawless amnesty for illegal aliens demands he be tried and punished
"Time and time again, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] demonstrates his contempt for the Constitution and for the American people..."

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the truth about Obummer's "temporary" ebola amnesty
"[Barack Hussein Obummer] separately ordered up to 8K more executive pardons and special work passes for Liberians, Sierra Leoneans and Guineans illegally in this country...   It's not really about public health, of course.   It's about political pandering and electoral engineering.   Here's the dirty open secret: There's nothing 'temporary' about TPS benefits...."
please help find Marizela

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
pipe-line politics

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer power-madness and oath-breaking

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
corrupt GOP losership's hearts and heads are not in the fight against unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens, illegal expansion of already vastly excessive guest-work visas

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Gary Varvel _Town Hall_
Obummer threw US constitution under the limo
Creators Syndicate
Patriot Post
Association of American Editorial Cartoonists

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Scott Wong _Hill_
John Boehner: House will think about considering an exceedingly weak gesture in response to Obummer's repugnant unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens, illegal expansion of already vastly excessive guest-work visas

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
GOP losership: House will think about considering an exceedingly weak gesture in response to Obummer's repugnant unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens, illegal expansion of already vastly excessive guest-work visas

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Mark Davis _Town Hall_
non-leftists must react to Obummer's repugnant unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens and illegal expansion of already vastly excessive guest-work visas with courage and energy

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Obummer's repugnant scheme of unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens and illegal expansion of already vastly excessive guest-work visas with courage and energy
"His [schemes] have something for the employers, something for the foreign workers, but nothing to help American workers...   From my point of view, [Obummer's scheme] has 3 major elements: [illegally] Granting work rights to spouses of H-1Bs.   Further extending the Optional Practical Training (OPT) part of F-1.   OPT gives foreign students the right to work for a period after graduation.   For years, the period was 12 months, but George W. Bush [Shrub] used executive action to change that to 29 months, and there are reports that [Obummer] may change this to 48 [when it should reasonably be only 2-3 months].   Allowing green card sponsors to switch employers much earlier in the green card process.   There are obvious adverse impacts here to American workers, by swelling the labor market, thus reducing job opportunities and wages for Americans.   This is especially true in that the foreign workers are overwhelmingly young, thus exacerbating the rampant age discrimination that we already have in the tech world..."

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Dan Carrigan _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
CDCP has reported 603 measles cases in USA this year in 22 states, urge vaccination
"Health officials say the out-break is caused by international travelers in infected areas returning home and a growing number of parents who wait or choose not to get their children vaccinated..."

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_AP_
former state government supply officer charged with stealing 610 combat helmets ($5K apiece) sent from federal government to militarized local cops

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Scott Ott _PJMedia_
Obummer admitted that his just-announced amnesty scheme, lengthened OPT, extra guest-work grants... are illegal

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens could negatively impact the most vulnerable Americans

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
David Seminara _Center for Immigration Studies_
some of the many reasons Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens is foolhardy

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Mark Levon _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens (video)

2014-11-20 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 27)
Nate Hoffelder _Digital Reader_
shutting down reader comment features is a bad idea

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
the climate pact swindle

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Anthony Watts
renewable energy -- solar and wind-power: capital costs and effectiveness compared

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Anthony Watts
sea water salinity matters to sea level on long time scales

2014-11-21 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Eric Worrall
will watermelon politics (red/leftist inside, green outside) soon be a thing of the past?
Proposed Bills 2014

  "If only we were as forgiving of ourselves as God is.   God will never give up on us.   Why then would we?" --- R' David Aaron  



2014-11-22 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 29)
Rebecca Shabad _Hill_
shame on Barack Hussein Obummer, Harry Reid, Nasty Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, Luis Gutierrez, Lindsey Grahamnesty, John McCain, Marco Rubio for resisting immigration reform and pushing immigration law perversion instead

2014-11-22 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 29)
Ed van Vliet
Graph Builder on Yosemite (iOS 8 on iPad) (video)

2014-11-22 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 29)
Jonathan Spyer _PJMedia_
Sunni political Islam: engine of "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict: it's always been a religio-political conflict

2014-11-22 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 29)
Viv Forbes
climate research needs to be re-directed
"Governments are running huge deficits, but still spend billions on 'climate research' especially trying to model the effect of the atmosphere and its trace of carbon dioxide on surface temperature.   Benefits are hard to find.   It may have improved weather forecasts by a day or so, but official long-term predictions have not improved in the last 50 years.   This is because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not the main driver of weather or climate..."

2014-11-22 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 29)
Eric Worrall
Google engineers say renewable energy "simply won't work"
Investor's Business Daily

2014-11-22 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 29)
Paul Homewood
Red China's new energy plan forecasts big increase in CO2 emissions (raspberry)

2014-11-22 (5775 Mar-Cheshvan 29)
Robert Moore
not the worst, nor next to worst drought in California history
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Between 1840 and 1890, 7.5M [only 150K/year] Irish and German immigrants arrived in America; of these, 5.5M were Catholics.   These groups transformed the United States from a Protestant to a Protestant-Catholic nation.   By 1870, 40% of all church-goers in this country were Catholics...   A latent fear of popery, inherited from England in colonial times, surfaced and joined with a growing nativist sentiment in the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s to intensify criticism, prejudice, and violence.   Anti-Catholic sermons and pamphlets plus the nativist Know-Nothing party spread into several cities [elected 1 US senator by the name of Kennedy, of Scots-Irish Presbyterian ancestry, who grew up in Baltimore, MD and West Virginia, and] raising emotions to a fever pitch...   Occasionally, bloody clashes erupted, particularly sparked by tense competition for employment and the threat of immigrant political mobilization.   In 1834 a mob burned and sacked an Ursuline convent near Boston.   In 1844 Protestants and Irish Catholics fought in Philadelphia, and 13 were killed.   In 1855, 20 died in a battle between Germans and nativists in Louisville...   Other... religious groups would make their mark...Jews from Germany and Lutherans from Denmark, Sweden, and Germany." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg113  



2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
even Lindsey Grahamnesty recognizes that House Intelligence committee report on 2012-09-11 attack on US consulate at Benghazi is contrary to available evidence

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Clair Johnson _Billings MT Gazette_
Sidney R. Thomas to become chief of 9th US circus in December

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Communications Workers of law-suit against OPT extension advances
"OPT was designed (back in 1947, apparently) to supplement a foreign student's book learning with practical work experience...   (I erroneously stated in my last post that the statutory period is 12 months, but it turns out that that was simply a regulation, as was the OPT program itself, according to an immigration law expert who contacted me.   IOW, OPT was originally created by the executive branch in the first place, out of whole cloth.)   The original intent of OPT was to strengthen the foreign student's ability to help his home country, typically in the Third World..."

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
_Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
Montana scientists doing prion research
"damaged proteins...   They are called prions -- misfolded proteins that are infectious and cause fatal neuro-degenerative diseases in animals and humans...   Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease...   neither a virus nor a bacterium not a protozoan...   CJD occurs in about one per one million people, meaning about 300 Americans are diagnosed with CJD each year.   The disease causes loss of muscular coordination, personality changes, depression and insomnia, among other symptoms...   another prion disease, chronic wasting disease, that affects deer, elk and moose...   scrapie in sheep and goats and bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle, are monitored by the United States Department of Agriculture.   BSE, commonly known as mad cow disease, is rarely seen in the United States, with the last reported case in 2012...   Carlson believes Alzheimer's is a prion disease...   Dr. Deborah Cabin applies what science has learned about the prion to her research on Parkinson's disease and a protein called alpha-synuclein, which misfolds in patients who have that disease.   Likewise, the proteins amyloid-beta-peptide and tau misfold in Alzheimer's disease, causing the plaques and tangles in the brain that are the disease's hall-mark.   Everyone has alpha-beta-peptide, which makes it such a challenge for scientists to understand where the trouble comes in.   Alpha-synuclein, Cabin's protein, also is naturally occurring.   In Parkinson's patients, it seems to occur in higher numbers..."
Prion Alliance

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
_Billings MT Gazette_
Montana-size wish-bone connects birds with dinosaur (video)

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Iran: Obummer's biggest failure fails again

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
explaining away the disaster for the USA that is Obummer

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
Obummer regime capitulates to/appeases Iran... again

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
Sharyl Attkisson exposes CBS: corrupt broadcasting system

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the next gold rush: asteroid mining vs. the Carter-era Moon Treaty

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Nicholas Stix _V Dare_
Wall Street analyst estimates there are 21M-25M illegal aliens in the USA
"For a suspiciously long time, the Main Stream Media has been using the figure of 11M illegals, presumably because the current official estimate from the U.S. Census Bureau is 11M-12M.   And Steven Camarota, of the Center for Immigration Studies, tells me that, using various Census Bureau tools such as the Current Population Study, he concurs that the number is around 11M-12M...   And in 2005 January, Robert Justich and Betty Ng, analysts at the major Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns, caused a stir with an exhaustive report...   I recently spoke to Justich, now a consultant.   He told me he now thinks that there are 21M to 25M illegal aliens present on American soil.   Justich says the Census Bureau simply has no reliable methodology for determining the numbers of illegal aliens.   His experience is that illegals avoid census workers—even though there are not asked about their immigration status—and refuses to otherwise participate in the census..."

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Bob Tisdale
the region of unusual sea-level rise east of the Philippines contributes only a little to the global aggregate level

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Anthony Watts
Obummer's climate harangue drove Australia closer to Indian and China

2014-11-23 (5775 Kislev 01)
Tim Ball
more people questioning motives for massive UN IPCC deception
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Many people love falsehood.   Few love the truth.   Because falsehood can be loved truly, but truth cannot be loved falsely." --- R' Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa  



2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Indianapolis IN Star/Gannett bowed to race hustlers, pulled Gary Varvel political cartoon critical of Obummer's unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens; Jeff Taylor and Gannett thus offended millions of US citizens
You Viewed
Comics Reporter
MultiCult Classics
Unified Patriots
Steve Straub: Federalist Papers
Dave Urbanski: Blaze
The cartoon depicts illegal aliens climbing into the window as an American family of us citizens begins their ThanksGiving dinner.
B. Christopher Agee: Western Journalism: newspaper/chain face back-lash for having suggested that mustaches are "racist"

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
_Conservative HQ_
USA is a nation of pioneers and descendants of pioneers, not a nation of immigrants

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Erick Erickson _GOP USA_
Republican losership showing no will to fight Obummer's power-mad lawlessness
Nate Beeler: imperial law-breaker (cartoon)

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
David Corbin & Matt Parks _Federalist_
it is time for congress to rein in Obummer and fund constitutional government worthy of funding

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
elections matter?: UKIP vs. the GOP losership; even monarchs can't get away with the kinds of abuses in which Obummer is engaged

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Mollie Hemingway _Federalist_
leftist main-stream media reaction to House Intelligence committee's weak report on 2012-09-11 attack on US consulate at Benghazi is group-think

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
_Investor's Business Daily_
House Intelligence committee's weak report on 2012-09-11 attack on US consulate at Benghazi is a cover-up lie agreed upon
"To say that Kris Paronto, Mark Geist and John Tiegen, 3 CIA contractors who on the night of 2012 Sept. 11, battled with terrorists from the roof of the CIA's Benghazi annex building, do not agree with conclusions of the House Intelligence Committee report released Friday is putting it mildly.   In a tweet, Paronto called the report [excrement]...   [The report] flies in the face of testimony from the 3 CIA operators and Gregory Hicks, U.S. deputy chief of mission in Libya, who were on the ground in Libya on that fateful night..."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
green kkkards for millions of illegal aliens will cause longer wait-times for legal immigrants

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
even the leftist WaPo "fact-checker" shredded Obummer's lame rationalizations for executive amnesty: 4 pinocchios

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: the president who does not respect USA citizenry

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: emperor-in-chief wannabe

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's unpresidential tantrums

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Lawrence J. Fedewa _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
law-suits and line-items

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
the latest scary, aggressive, anti-constitution, anti-law Obummer

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
it is not only Jerusalem that is not negotiable

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Aaron Anderson _Jewish World Review_
what we wish every wife knew about her husband

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Kellan Howell _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
cyber-security lapses leave US government agencies open to hackers

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Israel's newest fallen hero wasn't Jewish

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Michael Ramirez _Jewish World Review_
if today's GOP losership were in charge during the 1770s
Investor's Business Daily
Investor's Business Daily: "I am not an emperor. I just wear his clothes."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Terry Jones _Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens will likely cost tax-victims $2T over 50 years

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
_Investor's Business Daily_
it is time to tell Iranian government to shove their talks and stop their efforts to make nuclear warheads and missiles

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Armstrong Williams _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
Obummer aint a brotha to the youth of St. Louis

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
egregiously one-sided White House report on Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive action
"...Two items of particular significance that CEA ignored were congressionally-commissioned reports, one by the NRC and the other from the GAO.   Both found that under-payment of H-1Bs is commonplace, and the NRC report warned that the sheer size of the H-1B IT work-force forces wages down.   And given all the research showing lack of a STEM labor shortage, that latter finding is especially significant...   I've always strongly supported bringing in 'the best and the brightest' engineers from around the world.   However, the overall average quality of the H-1Bs is lower than that of their American peers.   My EPI report, for instance shows this in the case of workers who first came to the U.S.A. as foreign students studying computer science.   Among other things, my work confirmed an NBER report that found that foreign students in the sciences tend to study at less-selective universities; and work by Jennifer Hunt of Rutgers that found that the foreign students have a lower patenting rate than comparable Americans.   (See a qualifier in my EPI article.   Also, CEA cited earlier work by Hunt, but that research did not make this comparison; in essence, it found that immigrant STEM workers file more patents than American non-STEM people, not surprising.)   When combined with the displacement issue (to be discussed below), this means a net loss for the U.S. economy, something that should alarm the CEA...   Ironically, Giovanni concedes that U.S. STEM workers are displaced by immigration...   Giovanni also agrees that immigrant (from context, he seems to mean legal) labor is cheap, and indeeds lauds it as a boon to employers..."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Josh Eidelson _Business Week_
there really is not a tech worker shortage
"'There's no evidence of any way, shape, or form that there's a shortage in the conventional sense.', says Hal Salzman, a professor of planning and public policy at Rutgers University.   'They may not be able to find them at the price they want.   But I'm not sure that qualifies as a shortage, any more than my not being able to find a half-priced TV.'   For a real-life example of an actual worker shortage, Salzman points to the case of petroleum engineers, where the supply of workers has failed to keep up with the growth in oil exploration.   The result, says Salzman, was just what economists would have predicted: Employers started offering more money, more people started becoming petroleum engineers, and the shortage was solved.   In contrast, Salzman concluded in a paper released last year by the [left-leaning] Economic Policy Institute, real IT wages are about the same as they were in 1999.   Further, he and his co-authors found, only half of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) college graduates each year get hired into STEM jobs.   'We don't dispute the fact at all that FB and MSFT would like to have more, cheaper workers.', says Salzman's co-author Daniel Kuehn, now a research associate at the Urban Institute.   'But that doesn't constitute a shortage.'   The real issue, say Salzman and others, is the [industry executives'] desire for lower-wage, more-exploitable guest workers...   'Many in the tech industry are using it for cheaper, indentured labor.', says Rochester Institute of Technology public policy associate professor Ron Hira, an EPI research associate and co-author of the book _Outsourcing America_..."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Nitasha Tiku _Gawker_
tech execs, lacking data to support their assertions, stoke fears of a talent shortage to get cheaper labor
"How is Silicon Valley supposed to stay exceptional when its belief system keeps getting debunked?   First empirical evidence proved there's no such thing as a meritocracy [in Sili Valley].   Then they had to add a disclaimer that 'change the world' may not mean for the better.   Now the shortage of tech workers -- a phenomenon used to justify both immigration policies and insane perks -- 'doesn't really exist'...   'There's no evidence of any way, shape, or form that there's a shortage in the conventional sense.', says Hal Salzman, a professor of planning and public policy at Rutgers University.   'They may not be able to find them at the price they want.   But I'm not sure that qualifies as a shortage, any more than my not being able to find a half-priced TV.'..."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Jack Lail _Government Technology_
evil, privacy- and liberty-eliminating self-driving vehicles may arrive sooner than expected
Abilene KS Reporter News/Scripps
Lame-stream media just keeps on getting worse.

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Michelle Fields _PJMedia_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal immigration order co-ordinated with SEIU/White House rally (video)

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
yet more Drudge juxtaposition genius

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJMedia_
should old people drink more ethanol and less milk?
"A new Scandinavian study suggests those over 49 would be better off with yogurt and cheese instead of liquid milk...   Women who drank 3 or more glasses of milk per day were nearly twice as likely to die as women who drank one or less glass.   They were also 60% more likely to have suffered fractures.   For men, the results were less dramatic: drinking milk did not increase their rate of fractures but did increase slightly their risk of death...   the study complies with at least some of Austin Bradford-Hill's postulates that ought to be fulfilled for an association between a risk factor and a disease to be accepted as causative, for example a dose-response curve (the bigger the dose, the stronger the association), and the existence of a biologically plausible mechanism by which the association is brought about.   Fermented milk products such as cheese and yogurt, far from having the same effect as milk, exerted a slightly protective effect and promoted longevity...   I noticed that the consumption of milk was inversely related to the consumption of alcohol: the more milk the less alcohol and vice versa.   The authors did not remark on this.   Could it be that, for women aged between 49 and 75, alcohol rather than milk is the elixir of life, the sovereign protector against fracture? As we doctors say, further research is needed."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
analysis of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens scheme and removal priorities

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer edict under-cuts Socialist Insecurity Abomination, Medicare, and US college grads in a single blow

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's immigration scheme is not worth the paper it's printed on
"Though he didn't discuss the details during his speech, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has issued a series of memos that reveal exactly why unilateral, lawless actions from him aren't worth the paper they're printed on.   His planned changes...illustrate exactly why the criteria illegal aliens must meet to obtain his amnesty are utterly meaningless and can change at any time.   In making these changes, [Obummer] highlights the deeply problematic nature of his lawless policy-making..."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
CIS fellow John Miano got interim court victory in foreign student case
Patrick Thibodeau: "IT" World/IDG
"OPT allows former F-1 students to continue to work in the U.S.A. after graduation and gives U.S. employers a bonus of up to $10K for hiring the OPT visa holder rather than a citizen or green-card worker.   The bonus comes through a little-known policy that OPT employers do not have to pay payroll taxes, as we described in an earlier report...   Miano also argued that there is no statutory authority for the OPT program (which treats former students as if they were current students), that the whole operation is based solely on regulations, and that many of them were created without the required notice-and-comment procedures.   Further, he said, that DHS had, in its 2008 ruling 'establish[ed] a STEM worker shortage solely by misrepresenting a National Science Foundation study...' which dealt with another subject...   The initial reaction of DHS was that the Alliance had no standing to sue; i.e., it and the three named workers do not have identifiable injuries.   The decision, handed down on Friday, November 21, rejected the DHS position and, in effect, ordered that the trial should continue...   All alien college grads get 12 months of work permission under OPT, and the numerous STEM grads get an extra 17 months.   Senior U.S. District Court judge Ellen Segal Huvelle ruled that WATW had convinced her that during the 17-month period that there was real injury to the 3 U.S. workers named, but that this was not evident during the 12-month period...   our workers now have a [district court recognized] right to be heard in court on foreign worker issues!...   now other law-suits on related subjects can follow, such as on the administration's proposal to allow H-1B dependents (H-4s) to work; that proposal has not yet been finalized.   The OPT period had been one year for decades, but the Bush administration extended the period in 2008 to a total of 29 months for STEM graduates.   The [Obummer regime] has defined STEM in an expanded way as it continues to operate and promote the program...   Users of PACER, the federal courts' electronic filing system, can find it at 1:2014-cv-00529."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Thomas Martel _V Dare_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty for illegal aliens is a national emergency; it's time for patriots to act

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Patrick J. Buchanan _V Dare_
Libya, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, rioting in Kiev: Hagel did not start the fire

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
US ICE guide for illegal aliens to avoid deportation in 5 easy steps
"As one might imagine, apprehended aliens theoretically facing deportation may not always provide truthful answers to these questions.   So ICE has established the robust policy of taking people completely at their word and letting someone else check it out later, should the alien ever later apply for official amnesty from the [Obummer regime]."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Kody Leibowitz _WSET abc_
DHS memo after Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive malfeasance
"He's one of more than 1.5M non-immigrants currently on student visas, according to a 2014 July report from the DHS (pdf)... Last year, [FY2013, 153,794] H-1B visas [were issued, numbers from the United States State Department, while USCIS approved over 136K applications for H-1B visas in FY2012]."
"During FY2013, there were 173M non-immigrant admissions to the United States according to DHS work-load estimates."

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
if Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty were carried out, it would cost US tax-victims $2T over aliens' life-times
"'The net cost -- which is total benefits minus total paid in -- of the amnesty recipients I estimate will be around $2T over the course of their life-time.', Rector explained in an interview with Breitbart News Monday.   He added that the calculation is based on the assumption that 4M undocumented immigrants will participate and they will live, on average, 50 years.   According to Rector -- who has published extensively on welfare, poverty, and immigration -- the cost has two components: The first is the potential to access [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare, given amnestied undocumented immigrants’ ability to obtain work permits and [Socialist Insecurity Numbers (SINs)]."

1835-11-24: the Texas Provincial Government authorized the creation of a horse-mounted police force called the Texas Rangers (which is now the Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
1874-11-24: Joseph Glidden received a patent for barbed wire, which led to the farming of the U.S.A. Great Plains.

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Paul Driessen & David R. Legates
needed: accurate climate forecasts

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Anthony Watts
quote: to be poor is to be vulnerable
Mark Lynas

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Anthony Watts
NOAA touts hurricane season forecast success

2014-11-24 (5775 Kislev 02)
Anthony Watts
British Antarctic Survey: robot sub finds much thicher than expected Antarctic sea ice
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Between 1840 and 1880 the average influx per decade numbered about 2.4M [240K per year], with a high of 2.8M in the 1870s [280K/year].   In the 1880s over 5.2M immigrants arrived [520K/year]; 8.8M came between 1900 and 1910 [880K/year]...   Less skilled than the old immigrants, those arriving from new areas brought only their willingness to work." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg114  



2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
beware of those who think they are our "betters"
"...when you hear that 'all the experts agree', that may mean nothing more than that the fix is in.   And 'all' may mean considerably less than 100% -- or even 50%...   But running through all of their actions seems to be a vision of the world, and a vision of themselves, that is a continuing danger to the fundamental basis of this country, whatever the specific issue might be...   We need to see through such arrogant elitists if we want to cling to our freedom."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
David A. Martin _Balkin_
concerns about a troubling presidential precedent and OLC's review of its validity

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
we have a moral divide, not a racial divide

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
merci America: Under president Barack Hussein Obummer, the U.S.A. ranking for personal freedom has slipped below that of France!
"It is true that America was founded on a very simple idea: liberty!   The liberal thinkers of that time distrusted government and saw its expansion as an encroachment on freedom.   When America's Founders declared their independence from Great Britain, these were their radical thoughts: 'We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.'   Our Founders believed government should defend the basic rights of the individual, so that individuals could pursue their passions freely, but should otherwise not intrude..."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
with his unconstitutional violations, and advocacy of violations of law, president Barack Hussein Obummer moves to cement his evil coalition

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
USA sabotaged by Barack Hussein Obummer

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Charles Ortel _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
examining the economic delusions of mad-king Barack Obummer the Last

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer, American Caudillo
"The president is issuing an executive amnesty for [illegal aliens] based on blatant contempt for the constitutional order that he is sworn to uphold...   The past 400 years of Anglo-American political history can be read as a successful effort to establish and maintain a system tethering the executive to the law.   What [president Obummer] is doing will undermine that achievement, both through his own lawlessness and the precedent he will create for subsequent presidents to operate by extralegal fiat..."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Hagel's out, but Obummer's extreme leftist inner circle remains to cause further damage to the USA throughout the world

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
bad news continues to roll in for the nightmare that is ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
immigration policy: How about putting Americans first?
"The framers of the U.S. Constitution sought to limit the power of government and expand individual liberty.   [President Obummer] sees it the other way...   The unemployment rate among African-Americans is twice that of whites, which is why they should be outraged by the president's action.   Don't African-Americans 'dream' of a better life?   Of course they do.   Then why hasn't the president focused on repairing their families, reducing crime in cities like Chicago where he launched his political career and allowing members of his race to escape from failed public schools that are robbing them of a future?   The conservative African-American organization (yes, one exists) called 'Project 21' has compiled some comments from conservative black leadership..."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
_Conservative HQ_
emperor wannabe Obummer and the deafening silence from GOP losership

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the Ferguson "race war"
"St. Louis county prosecuting-attorney Robert P. McCulloch's presentation on how the jury system works, the evidence gathered, the conflicting witness statements, the number of witnesses who gave testimony that conflicted with the physical evidence and the jury deliberations should have reassured everyone in America, and the world, that the investigation of Michael Brown's death was fair and that justice had been done.   But it didn't, because justice in the English common law sense that is shared by most Americans isn't really what the riots in Ferguson are all about...   the rioters weren't and aren't interested in facts -- they are interested in pay-back for what they believe is years of 'institutional racism' in Ferguson and more generally in America."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Kassandra D. Smith _Conservative HQ_
Steve King: Obummer exploits anchor babies for political gain
"The day after Obama announced his executive immigration order, representatives Michele Bachmann and Steve King traveled to Texas border town Roma.   What they saw was shocking: a deserted border town ravaged by drug cartel crime.   'This looks like it's post-World War 2, like after a bombing', Bachmann told Breitbart News during her and representative Steve King's visit to a spot on the Texas-Mexico border where illegal immigration and drug cartel crime runs rampant.   'We don't see people living here, but they told us these are stash houses for the drug cartels.   You wouldn't want to be here after dark.'   Ardent anti-amnesty conservative representative Steve King (R-Iowa) was specifically incensed by the fact that [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive order allotted amnesty and work permits to parents of legal resident or U.S.-born children.   King warned Americans not to fall for [Obummer's] false narrative of compassion, which is viewed by conservatives as simply an attempt to document undocumented illegal immigrants to swell the ranks of Democrat voters.   King even took it a step further in an interview with Breitbart saying that [Obummer's unconstitutional] executive amnesty announcement means that 'anchor babies will be an automatic human shield for the mothers and fathers of the anchor babies'.   When one views it from that perspective, [Obummer's unconstitutional] amnesty order is anything but compassionate and perhaps even exploits immigrant children for political gain.   Tony Lee of Breitbart reports: 'King laughed in disbelief that Obama actually claimed that criminals will be deported in the same speech in which he essentially ordered federal immigration agents to break the law by not deporting criminals who entered the country illegally and those who overstayed their visas.   King said it will take us weeks to unravel [Obummer's] blatant collage of lies, including the claim that illegal immigrants who are given executive amnesty will not get any public benefits.   It's pretty clear that the president does whatever he thinks he can get away with..."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Alfonzo Rachel _PJMedia_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal immigration order is unfair to Hispanic Americans (video)

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
Latin American heads-of-state praise Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal acts of injustice

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
flames of leftist/racist rioting and destruction illumate the age of Obummer

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Conference Board: consumer confidence index fell from 94.1 in October to 88.7 in November
Greg Robb: Marketwatch
Everett Rosenfeld: CNBC
"In November, the proportion of those reporting jobs as 'plentiful' eased from 16.5% in October to 16% in November. The 'jobs hard to get' index rose from 29% to 29.2%."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
wizards at cyber-war

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
responding to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive attempt to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
a few words of wisdom for Republicans

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
James Fulford _V Dare_
Schmuckie Schumer complians that Reds/Dems lost elections because the leftist main-stream media wasn't lapdoggy enough

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
James Fulford _V Dare_
Peter Brimelow, talking about Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens on Sun TV noted "it's a pack of lies"
"At one point in this interview, host Brian Lilley says 'Do you think President Obama is telling the the truth?   Do you think he has a legal leg to stand on?', and Peter Brimelow says, 'No, it's a pack of lies.'   Of course, the clip starts with John Boehner saying 'In the days ahead, the people’s House will rise to this challenge.', and as Brimelow explains, that may be a pack of lies too, unless the GOP [losership] feels the heat from the grass-roots..."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Steve Kolowich _Chronicle of Higher Education_
impatient recruiters and resume-reading robots threaten the value of "badges", "nano-degrees" and other credentials
"Hiring managers look at each resume for an average of 6 seconds, according to a 2012 study by TheLadders, a job-hunting website.   In those 6 seconds, the recruiter looks at the applicant's name, information about current and previous jobs, and education.   Then a quick yes or no, and it's on to the next one...   But the early part of the application process, when resumes are sorted based on snap judgments rather than studied comparisons, might be tougher to crack.   At some large companies, those first snap judgments are made by robots.   Human-resources software sorts resumes according to key-words, years of experience, education level, and other metrics.   The key to avoiding the early cull has gone from impressing a busy human being to gaming [a kludgy, cumbersome, unsophisticated] algorithm..."

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Robert Preidt _Gulf Bend_
ER visits rose from 130M in 2010 to 136M in 2011
Medicine Net

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Rasmussen poll: 50% oppose Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal scheme to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens; 55% recognize that Obummer's scheme will increase the number of illegal aliens in the
33% strongly oppose Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal scheme to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, only 21% support it; 30% of African-Americans strongly support Obummer's scheme, while 23% strongly oppose it

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
David Martosko _UK Daily Mail_/_AP_
62% oppose Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal scheme to grant amnesty to illegal aliens

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Anthony Watts
a first look at SURFRAD

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Bob Tisdale
Russian government thug is optimistic about global warming

2014-11-25 (5775 Kislev 03)
Anthony Watts
researchers have found a way to turn saw-dust into gasoline (beats turning it into "fiber-board" furniture)
Proposed Bills 2014

  "During more than 100 years...every [English] man has felt entire confidence that the state would protect him in the possession of what had been earned by his diligence and hoarded by his self-denial.   Under the benignant influence of peace and liberty, science has flourished and has been applied to practical purposes on a scale never before known.   The consequence is that a change to which the history of the old world furnishes no parallel has taken place in our country." --- Thomas Babington Macaulay 1899 _History of England from the Accession of James Second_ vol1 pg261 (quoted in Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg189)  



2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
elite contempt for ordinary Americans

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Iran is no China
"To be clear, [Obummer] does not seek to check Iran's rise to regional hegemony by appeasing it.   None of the actions he has taken to date with regard to Iran can be construed as efforts to check or contain Iran.   Their goal is to cultivate a US alliance with Iran..."

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Charles Poladian _Jewish World Review_/_International Business Times_
religion of pieces: teen girls kill dozens as they blow themselves up in crowded market in Nigeria

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
don't let Obummer manipulate you

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
pilgrims were also thankful for rediscovering the importance of respect for property rights
"...While property among the settlers began as an informal system, with 'tomahawk rights' to land indicated by shaving off bits of surrounding trees, or 'corn rights' indicated by growing corn, soon settlers were keeping track of contracts, filing deeds and, alas, hiring lawyers to sue each other.   Property rights don't end all conflict, but they create a better system for settling disputes than physical combat.   Knowing that your property is really yours makes it easier to plant, grow, invest and prosper.   In Brazil today, rain-forests are destroyed because no one really owns them..."

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
stupendous bounty

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's outrageously offensive immigration goals

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
ObumerDoesn'tCare + Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesty for illegal aliens will cause employers to dump more US citizens and hire illegal aliens
Stephen Dinan: Obummer's $3K per employee incentive to hire illegal aliens, dump US citizens

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
"Jim" _Conservative HQ_
American conundrums
"America is supposedly capitalist and greedy -- yet half of the population is subsidized...   We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.   Funny how that works.   And here's another one worth considering...   Seems we constantly hear about how [Socialist Insecurity] is going to run out of money.   But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money?​ ​  What's interesting is the first group 'worked for' [at least some of] their money, but the second didn't.   Think about it...   and Last but not least, Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WW2, but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens."

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
this ThanksGiving we non-leftists are like the pilgrims
"This Thanksgiving Americans have much to be thankful for: we live in a relatively free country; despite our ongoing military action in the Middle East, the World is relatively peaceful; and, for those who do have a job, it is a time of relative prosperity...   we should give thanks for the results of the 2014 election.   The results of the 2014 mid-term election preserve for us the possibility -- no guarantee -- but the possibility that, with the help of God and our fellow conservatives, we can turn our country from the road to destruction that it has traveled over the past several decades and especially over these past 6 years.   In giving thanks for God's help in retaining in America the prospect of a return to liberty under the Constitution we should give special thanks for the thousands of individuals who ran for public office and campaigned on the principles of limited government constitutional conservatism...   We should also recall that the Pilgrims didn't just give thanks for what they had; they gave thanks for the freedom to pursue what they -- with God's help -- might yet achieve...   We have achieved much simply by arriving where we are after the election.   We, and our country, have survived a long harsh 'political winter', but there's no guarantee that we will succeed in our goal of governing America according to limited government constitutional conservative principles.   To do that will require many more years of hard work.   This Thanksgiving let's give thanks for the fruits of the hard work we, and our fellow conservatives put forth to win the election; give thanks for our conservative leaders from the local precinct captains to our national leaders, like senators Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, and most importantly, let's pray for the strength to win the many battles and overcome the many hurdles that stand between us and our goal of governing America according to limited government constitutional conservative principles."

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Apple's share values make it first company valued at $700G

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Connie Sokol _Jewish World Review_
simple gratitude leads to big changes

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Katie Nielsen _Jewish World Review_
7 reasons why you never should have married him
Life is a 4-D living portrait.

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Christopher S. Rugaber & Martin Crutsinger _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
signs point to yet another economic down-turn as the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
a handful of ICE agents supervise vast numbers of foreign students: 28 agents, over 1M foreign students
"The part of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that looks after the burgeoning foreign student population, the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), has 28 people in the field.   Nationwide.   That's 39,643 foreign students for every field rep.   There are about 9K institutions licensed by SEVP to admit foreign students, so each one of the 28 staffers has about 320 entities to supervise.   There is a point to these ridiculous workloads -- the [Obummer regime] really, really is not interested in trying to control illegal immigration within the foreign student flows...   What the agents might do is to help round up and deport F-1 and M-1 visa dropouts, or close down visa mills, which provide apparently legal status in the United States without asking for actual class attendance, but such activities were not mentioned.   As described in an earlier CIS report SEVP does not rely on [tax-victim] funding.   It is completely supported by fees paid by the foreign students and could use more of these fees to enforce the law, but has chosen not to do so..."

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
James Fulford _V Dare_
leftists' war against ThanksGiving and the USA

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Jennifer Burke _Tea Party News Network_
Barack Hussein Obummer admitted again that he has been violating the US constitution (video)

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Phyllis Schlafly on Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens: "Republicans ought to show some fight"
"'The American people do not want to reward people who broke our laws.', she told CNSNews.com.   'I would start off by having televised hearings and bring a lot of legal authorities in to show chapter and verse how what [president Obummer is] doing is wrong and illegal, because the Constitution gives control of immigration to the Congress.   'And I would also cut off the money that he's spending.   Where is he getting the money?   Just simply put riders on bills saying no money can be spent for X.', she said..."

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Samuel Gregg _American Thinker_
how Jerusalem became "Islam's 3rd holiest city"

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Craig Drake _FX Street_
UMich consumer sentiment index up from 86.9 in late-October to 89.4 in mid-November to 88.8 in late-November
Steve Goldstein: MarketWatch
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

1789-11-26: a national ThanksGiving Day is observed in the United States as recommended by president George Washington and approved by congress.
1825-11-26: at Union College in Schenectady, New York a group of college students formed Kappa Alpha Society, the first college "social fraternity".
1832-11-26: public street-car service began in New York City.
1863-11-26: president Abraham Lincoln proclaimed November 26 as a national Thanksgiving Day, to be celebrated annually on the final Thursday of November (since 1941, on the fourth Thursday).
1909-11-26: Sigma Alpha Mu is founded in the City College of New York by 8 Jewish young men.
1940-11-26: the half million Jews of Warsaw, Poland, were forced by the Nazis, ym"sh, to live within a walled ghetto.
1942-11-26: during World War 2: Yugoslav Partisans convene the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia at Bihac in northwestern Bosnia; AND: "Casablanca" starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, had its world premiere at the Hollywood Theater in New York; AND: president Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered nationwide gasoline rationing.
1950-11-26: during the Korean War: Troops from the People's Republic of China [Red China] launch a massive counterattack in North Korea against South Korean and United Nations forces (Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River and Battle of Chosin Reservoir), ending any hopes of a quick end to the conflict (at various times, Korea had been claimed by Russia, China and Japan).
1965-11-26: in the Hammaguir launch facility in the Sahara Desert, France launches a Diamant-A rocket with its first satellite, Asterix-1 on board, becoming the third country to enter outer space.

2014-11-26 (5775 Kislev 04)
Willis Eschenbach
the art of art
Proposed Bills 2014

  "It has been estimated that for every 100 aliens who entered the United States between 1820 and 1870, 10 to 20 left the country.   The figures for 1870 to 1900 and 1900 to 1914 are 24 per 10 and 33 to 40 per 100, respectively." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pp117-118  


2014-11-27: USA ThanksGiving

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
an inconvenient law

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
an exceptional holiday of an exceptional polity

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
What if...
"...What if, on Thanksgiving, our gratitude is not to the government that assails our freedoms, but to the G0D who created us?   What if our gratitude on Thanksgiving is for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?   What if that for which we are truly grateful are the aspects of our humanity that are in God's image and likeness?   What if those aspects have nothing to do with the government?"

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Valerie Richardson _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
partisan smart-phone wars: even purchasing-apps hae a right vs. left divide!
"The Nashville-based company 2nd Vote offers a free app that allows consumers to check a company's score on a liberal-to-conservative scale of 1 to 5.   The ratings, which can be accessed via smartphone or the Internet, are based on the business's direct and indirect donations to advocacy groups, as well as corporate sponsorships, lobbying efforts and company policies..."

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the real turkeys in the USA

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
leftists are willing to fight to the last drop of black people's blood
V Dare

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
_Boston MA Herald_/_AP_
corrupt Massachusetts High Tech Council wants more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled, foreign STEM labor with flexible ethics

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
ObummerDoesn'tCare harms US citizens by creating financial advantage to dumping US citizem employees to hire illegal aliens

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
Bahamas detains and deports illegal aliens, why can't the USA?

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
Obummer confessed that he took unconstitutional and illegal action to change the law

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Samuel Gregg _American Thinker_
economic and religious freedom are mutually re-inforcing

2014-11-27 (5775 Kislev 05)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Stonewall Jackson's sister-in-law, Margaret Junkin Preston, on ThanksGiving
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The Watergate and Iran-Contra hearings in congress and the courts made plain to everybody, through oral testimony and sub-poenaed documents, that supposedly competent officials relied on a kind of language in which it is virtually impossible to convey clear meaning.   Sometimes this pseudo-speech was resorted to in order to evade responsibility or deceive opponents.   But most often its habitual use in transacting official business meant, besides a steady failure of communication and the absence of an accurate record, the gradual crippling of the user's mind for sharp and consecutive thought." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg237 foot-note  



2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
Obummer has never learned to negotiate; indeed, has never been punished for his repeated violations of law, of his oath of office, of the US constitution

2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
giving thanks for wonderful Americans who defy the leftist main-stream meaid's narrative

2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Revyew_/_Washington DC Times_
the on-going civil war in DC, will the GOP losership get off their duffs?

2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Tim Hornyak _"IT" News_/_IDG_
device improves mental focus
"The head-set emits near-infrared light at both sides of the forehead to measure blood volume changes in the cerebral cortex.   The changes are associated with activity in certain brain areas and are analyzed by signal-processing circuits in the forehead unit.   After analysis, the data are displayed on a Bluetooth-linked Android smartphone so users can see what their brains are doing in real time.   The headset is designed to help in applications such as 'cognitive training and learning'... around $85..."

2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Thomas E. Brewton
corrupt Obummer IRS at extreme leftist work
Robert W. Wood: Forbes: in trove of IRS e-mail messages, 2,500 appear to link White House to personal private tax-victim data abuse

2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Ben Cohen _American Thinker_
men and women, on average, are interested in different things
"...while significant numbers of women participate in STEM fields, as Steven Pinker points out, no woman has ever won a 'Darwin Award'..."

2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Edward Bernard Glick _American Thinker_
Israel has every reason to fear an Iranian nuclear weapon

2014-11-28 (5775 Kislev 06)
Willis Eschenbach
near-shore buoy temperature data, first cut
Proposed Bills 2014

  "By 1920 in Pennsylvania, 84.5% of black males aged 14 & 15 enrolled in school compared to only 72% of adolescent males of foreign-born parents.   Black adolescent girls were more likely to be in school in their mid-teens than immigrant girls.   In New York and New Jersey black attendance rates also exceeded those of immigrant children." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg119  



2014-11-29 (5775 Kislev 07)
Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
US appealing WTO ruling against Country-of-Origin-Labeling (COOL)
"Canada has created a list of U.S. products upon which it will impose tariffs if COOL doesn't end...   Billings-based Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America (RCALF)...   The Montana Farmers Union also supports COOL...   The National Cattlemen's Beef Association argues that consumers don't pay attention to COOL labeling, which makes the program ineffective as a marketing tool...   In October, U.S. senator Jon Tester, D-MT, and 31 other law-makers wrote the Senate Appropriation Committee, urging its members to leave COOL out of year-end spending legislation...   Canada has issued a list of U.S. products it will impose tariffs on if COOL is changed to meet fair trade rules.   United States cheese, beef, pork, ketchup, wine and orange juice are among the products upon which Canada says it will impose tariffs if COOL isn't changed to treat Canadian meat more favorably..."

2014-11-29 (5775 Kislev 07)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
St. Andrew White of Iraq

2014-11-29 (5775 Kislev 07)
Bob Tisdale
on ClimateLabBook guest-post on "hiatuses in temperature rise"

2014-11-29 (5775 Kislev 07)
Paul Driessen
Gruberization of government environmental policies

2014-11-29 (5775 Kislev 07)
Tim Ball
the role of the leftist main-stream media in aiding and abetting the deceptions seen among the climategate plotters
Proposed Bills 2014

  "In Cleveland 32% of the black labor force had been engaged in skilled trades in 1870, but only 11% were so employed by 1910.   Southern black males had a stronger grip on skilled trades than their northern brothers, owing to the relative absence of immigrant competition.   In New Orleans, blacks remained strong in the buildling trades well into the 20th century, and in Savannah they doubled their representation in several trades between 1870 and 1880...   higher infant mortality than for whites, higher rents for inferior quarters, and lower wages for the lowest jobs." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg119  



2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Margaret H. Roberts _V Dare_
Obummer aimes to dispossess US citizens: GOP losership surrenders

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
when some people believe the law is a drag, and that it is OK to initiate force and fraud if you feeeeel like doing so

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
will the GOP losership continue to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
please, don't take away my oppression!
"As one egregious incident of racial oppression after another turns out to be imaginary the purveyors of the racism narrative are getting desperate.   The facts may be wrong, they seem to be saying...but the narrative remains right!..."

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
media management of the narrative

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
legacy journalist inadvertently immanentizes eschaton

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Chinese-American mother says Communist Corpse is just like Education in Red China
"'Do you just want your kids to be test machiens and cheap workers for corporations?'"

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
4 ways the Hebrew language redeemed the Jewish people in our time

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Terry Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
will GOP block Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal order of amnesty for millions of illegal aliens? (video)

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Ted Belman _American Thinker_
the Temple Mount conflict

2014-11-30 (5775 Kislev 08)
Bob Tisdale
the buffering effect of the oceans on global warming

2014 November
top 500 fastest super-computers
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The city plan of 1811 set a standard lot size of 25 by 100 feet over most of Manhattan Island...   In the early 1800s one of these lots might have contained a single row house or cottage inhabited by 1 or 2 families...   By the 1860s the 25-by-100 foot lot, originally plotted to hold 1 family, now housed 8...   Property owners met population pressure from immigration in the 1860s and 1870s by razing the old houses and replacing them with 4- and 6-story tenements.   These buildings were usually 80 feet long and contained 4 apartments to a floor.   Each building could hold a minimum of 16 to 24 families.   Usually, however, tenants shared or sub-let rooms within their apartments, so a single building would often house nearly 150 people.   A 200-by-1K foot block filled with these buildings might contain 2,500 families...   In-door plumbing was almost non-existent; privies were located in cellars or along the alleys.   There were no kitchens and no heat.   A wood-burning stove was the only appliance, and it was usually provided by the tenants." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pp122-123  

  "Between 1880 and 1893 the density of New York's 10th ward, the heart of the immigrant-filled Lower East Side, increased from 432 to 702 persons per acre [276K to 450K per square mile].   By 1893 most of the ward's 75K inhabitants were packed into 1,200 tenements." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg124  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2014

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "T'he urge for familiarity and cultural identity drove immigrants to seek out their own kind.   Very quickly colonies of distinct nationalities formed, most noticeably in cities at or near ports of entry, but also in interior cities from Cleveland to Chicago to Denver.   There were Little Italys, Bohemiantowns, Jewish sections, Greek districts, and other 'ghettos', as these colonies came to be called.   The ghettos softened the shock of migration and prepared immigrants for merger into American culture.   Yet most of them were neither as stable nor as monolithic as most people thought, because the high incidence of residential mobility kept them in constant flux.   Only rarely did 1 immigrant group constitute a majority of residents in an area 0.5 to 1 square mile in size." --- Howard P. Chudacoff & Judigh E. Smith 1975, 1988 _The Evolution of American Urban Society_ pg136  

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