Economic News 2000 January

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First month of the 1st quarter of the 1st year of the Clinton-Bush economic depression

updated: 2013-12-09

2000 January
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  "The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword because the whole body of the people are armed." --- Noah Webster 1888 "An Examination Into The Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed by The Late Convention" reprinted in Paul Ford _Pamphlets on The Constitution of The United States_  


unemployment insurance weekly claims













R' Yaakov Kleiman _Aish_
the Cohanim/DNA connection
"Dr. Skorecki made contact with professor Michael Hammer, of the University of Arizona, a leading researcher in molecular genetics and a pioneer in Y chromosome research... A particular marker, (YAP-) was detected in 98.5% of the Cohanim, and in a significantly lower percentage of non-Cohanim... a particular array of six chromosomal markers was found in 97 of the 106 Cohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Hapoltype (CMH) -- the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than 1 in 10K... over 80% of self-identified Cohanim have a common set of markers."













George Giokas _Business Week_
Let Me Translate the Buzz-Words of the New Economy


David A. Penn, Robert C. Dauffenbach & John G. McCraw _U of Oklahoma Center for Economic Research & Management_
An Analysis of the Chickasha Area Labor Force (pdf)
"About 36% of the under-employed hold at least a bachelor's degree.   About 70% of the under-employed are willing to commute 20 miles or more for an increase in pay of 10% to 15%.   An employment opportunity paying $8 to $10 per hour is viewed as desirable by 47% of the under-employed...   The results demonstrate that a pool of labor exists among workers in the area who are employed but do not fully utilize their education and skills.   These workers are referred to as 'under-employed'.   In order to be counted as under-employed in this study, a worker must meet each of the following 3 conditions: feel they are under-utilized in their present employment, possess training or education that is not required by their current job, and would change jobs in order to better utilize their skills and education.   An estimated 6,526 workers in the study area, or 8.4% of all workers in the county, were identified as under-employed using these criteria.   Many of these workers are actively searching for improved job situations...   Under-employed workers in the Chickasha Area are more likely to have at least a bachelor's degree than the rest of the employed.   Persons who are not working and who want to work are much less likely to have a post secondary degree...   Of those with computer skills, 47% of the under-employed and about 50% of the rest of the employed identified word processing as their strongest computer skill.   Spread-sheet and accounting software were the next most frequently mentioned as the strongest computer skill.   The under-employed were about twice as likely to mention a programming language...   15% mentioned computer assisted design [sic]..."


Brian Knowlton _International Herald Tribune_
Consumer Confidence Hits an All-Time High: Jobs Called Plentiful
"54% describe jobs as 'plentiful'."






John Geralds _vnunet.com_ cuts staff at US HQ
"On-line book-seller has laid off 150 staff, or 2% of its 7,500 work-force, following an internal reorganisation."

Lee Copeland _ComputerWorld_
IT Industry Lags in Hiring Blacks
alternate link

Dunstan Prial _AP_/_ABC News_
Is January Precursor to 2000?: So-called 'January Indicator' Bodes Poorly for Stocks

2000 January
_Humboldt State University_
Index of Economic Activity (graph)
"Median Home Price (January) $123,500... Unemployment Rate (January) 5.6%... Help Wanted Advertising down 0.97% in January, Building Permits down 1.85%, Unemployment Claims down 11.76%, Manufacturing Orders up 2.11%...   The seasonally adjusted Index of Economic Activity for Humboldt County decreased 1.68% from a revised 119.2 for the month of November to a preliminary 117.2 for the month of December.   A month-over-month comparison with January reports from the recent past indicates that the trend toward slowing growth observed over the past several months is continuing.   The seasonally adjusted Index was up 6.45% over 1999 January, up 10.57% over 1997 January, and up 13.46% over 1996."

2000 January
_George Mason University_
Fairfax County Economic Index: Expansion Continues (pdf with graphs)
"The Fairfax County Coincident Index, which represents the current state of the County's economy, increased to 123.45 in November, for a gain of 0.69%.   This increase extends the index's upward trend to a fourth month.   During the first 11 months of 1999, the index was up for the first 3 months, then declined for 4 months, and how now registered 4 monthly gains... with an overall gain year-to-date of 4.6%...   Total employment increased for the fifth consecutive month and for the ninth time in 11 months...   The Fairfax county leading index, which is designed to forecast the performance of the county's economy 9 to 12 months in advance, increased 0.84% to 105.89 after having declined in the previous 2 months.   For the 11 months of 1999, the leading index [was] up in 5 months and down in 6... [but gained 1.04% since the beginning of 1999]."

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