Proposed Bills

updated: 2015-12-31

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Ratings Scale
Excellent, why hasn't this already been done?
pretty good
Has a tiny bit of merit buried in there.
very bad
Evil, Wicked, Mean, Corrupt & Nasty

jgo's opinions are subject to change without notice.

House Bills
113C-HR1772Lamar Smith of TXe-Verify
113C-HR2278Trey Gowdy of SCSAFE act: interior enforcement, NCIC immigration violators file, access by state+local police, transfer to federal custody, training; criminal aliens; state violations (refusal or failure) to enforce immigration laws; terrorists; amnesty for illegal aliens who invaded before 1972-01-01; de-naturalization (revocation of citizenship); background checks rather than investigations; espionage, gangsters...
113C-HR5137Jason Chaffetz of UTasylum reform
HR9Bob Goodlatte of VApatent pork for execs of large corporations
HR22Rodney Davis of ILhire more veterans, but protect the evil unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare (with Mike Lee amendment )
HR31Martha Roby of ALPrevention of Obummer's Unconstitutional and Illegal Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Act of 2015
HR38Ted S. Yoho of FLPrevention of Obummer's Unconstitutional and Illegal Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Act of 2015
HR39Marsha Blackburn of TN1% across-the-board rescissions in non-defense, non-homeland-security, and non-veterans-affairs discretionary spending, when 50% cuts are needed
HR49Marsha Blackburn of TN2% across-the-board rescissions in non-defense, non-homeland-security, and non-veterans-affairs discretionary spending, when 50% cuts are needed
HR95John Conyers ii of MIpropping up impecunious, corrupt leftist governments by worsening federal goernment debt
HR132Steve King of IArepeal unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare
HR140Steve King of IAclarify those individuals born in the United States who are nationals and citizens of the United States of America at birth
HR191Robert Aderholt of ALRepeal Obummer's Unconstitutional and Illegal Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Act of 2015
HR227Steve King of IAprohibit the use of funds for certain guest-work and immigration-related policies
HR240Harold Rogers of KYcondone Obummer's Unconstitutional and Illegal Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens as engrossed, and I do mean grossed
HR256Michael M. Honda of CAallow tax credit for investments in research-intensive small businesses
HR305David N. Cicilline of RIprevention of off-shoring (good try, but we need to encourage wealth -- in whatever form -- to be brought back into the USA)
HR399Michael T. McCaul of TXRepeal Obummer's Unconstitutional and Illegal Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Act of 2015
HR503Steve King of IArevocation of USA citizenship from terrorists and those who aid them
HR584Ron de Santis of FLterminate certain retirement benefits for members of congress, except the right to continue participating in the Thrift Savings Plan
HR603Marsha Blackburn of TNtweaks to Socialist Insecurity Abomination
HR604Jody B. Hice of GAterminate certain retirement benefits for members of congress, except the right to continue participating in the Thrift Savings Plan
HR612Steve King of IApreserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities
HR616Jared Polis of COcrony socialist EB-5 green cards in an era of hyper-excessive non-immigrant and immigrant visas... but the crony socialist "regional centers" scam should also be terminated
HR687Steve King of IAprevent States and local jurisdictions from interfering with the production and distribution of agricultural products in interstate or foreign commerce
HR699Kevin Yoder of KSallow administrative sub-poenas to unconstitutionally violate privacy
HR782John Conyers ii of MIcancel sequester act
HR821Robert E. Latta of OHpromote unlicensed spectrum use in the 5 GHz band
HR841Steve King of IAwages paid to unauthorized aliens may not be deducted from gross income
HR885James Sensenbrenner of WIgive corrupt DoJ control over election laws in Virginia, Texas, Ohio, Florida, NY, California, Louisiana...
HR899Steve King of IArequire the country of origin of certain special immigrant religious workers to extend reciprocal immigration treatment to nationals of the United States of America
HR907Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of FLUSA-HaShemite kingdom of Jordan defense co-operation
HR917Steve King of IApermit presiding judges to allow photography, audio- and/or video-recording and broadcasting of proceedings
HR987Steve King of IArepeal Davis-Bacon union wage requirements
HR997Steve King of IAdeclare English as the official language of the United States, to establish a uniform English language rule for naturalization, and to avoid misconstructions of the English language texts of the laws of the United States of America, pursuant to congress' powers to provide for the general welfare of the United States of America and to establish a uniform rule of naturalization under article 1, section 8, of the Constitution
HR1000John Conyers ii of MIestablish the National Full Employment Trust Fund to create employment opportunities for Dems'/leftists'/Reds' socialist cronies
HR1029Frank D. Lucas of OKprovide for EPA Scientific Advisory Board member qualifications, and public participation (not open enough)
HR1030Lamar Smith of TXrequire EPA to be open about data, methods before issuing regulations based on them
HR1076Peter T. King of NYdenying arms to USA citizens by leaving transfers up to arbitrary sole discretion of attorney-general: the constitutional right to due process is not a loop-hole
HR1087James F. Sensenbrenner ii of WIpermissible state and local extortion of wireless telecomm
HR1106Marsha Blackburn of TNban federal regulation of local telecomm
+-+-HR1147Lamar Smith of TXMichael Davis ii and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act
HR1148Trey Gowdy of TNMichael Davis ii and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act
HR1153Jason Chaffetz of UT"unaccompanied" illegal alien children
HR1212Marsha Blackburn of TNprohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from reclassifying broadband Internet access service as a telecommunications service and from imposing certain regulations on providers of such service
HR1365Patrick T. McHenry of NCexplicitly prohibit BATFE from banning rifle ammunition
HR1393Rodney Davis of ILpork to promote increased state and local government control of transportation and restriction of liberty and privacy
HR1398Bill Foster of ILunconstitutional science R&D pork
HR1599Mike Pompeo of KSDenying Americans the Right to Know What's In Their Food, and Where It Comes From is NOT COOL
HR1716Dana Rohrabacher of CAno socialist insecurity payments to illegal aliens
HR1746Steve King of IAanti-salting by unions
-+-+HR1806Lamar Smith of TXworsen flood of immigrants by easy conversion of E-2 to green cards, and deceptive reclassificatio nof 26-year-olds as "children"
HR1834David Jolly of FLworsen flood of immigrants by easy conversion of E-2 to green cards, and deceptive reclassificatio nof 26-year-olds as "children"
HR1968Steve King of IAmarriage is not within the jurisdiction of federal courts
HR2029Charles W. Dent of PAomnibus/consolidated over-spending (including much un-constitutional & anti-constitutional over-spending)... and there is a companion over-taxing/over-extortion bill
HR2131Darrell Issa of CAworsen flood of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with questionable ethics under the H-1B visa program
HR2484Dana Rohrabacher of CAdiscourage birth tourism
HR2546Carolyn B. Maloney of NYunconstitutionally require arms owners to make "liability insurance" extortion payments
HR2694David N. Cicilline of RIautomatic voter registration to promote vote fraud and otherwise rig elections and move toward national ID kkkards
HR2701Steve King of IArestitution from Red Chinese for violations of intellectual property rights
HR2720Steve King of IArequire institutions of higher education to report annually on the use of race, color, or national origin in the admissions process
HR2757Brian Babin of TXprohibit "voluntary contributions" to UN or UN agencies
HR2767Henry C. Johnson ii of GAunconstitutionally violate 2nd amendment by banning carrying of arms around airports
HR2777Steve King of IAbetter accounting and auditing of Socialist Insecurity abomination
HR2778Steve King of IAincrease comptroller-general and congressional over-sight of proposed regulations
HR2801Brian Babin of TXno office space shall be used for Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties for illegal aliens
HR2802Raul Labrador of ID1st amendment defense act
HR2812Steve King of IAtax deduction for health care insurance
HR2825Brian Babin of TXeliminate DHS slush funds by requiring fees to be applied only to costs of visa programs from which they come
HR2877Duncan D. Hunter of CAdesignate an existing Federal officer to coordinate efforts to secure the release of United States persons who are hostages of hostile groups or state sponsors of terrorism
HR2905Brian Babin of TXamend unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare so that only health plans made available by the Federal Government to Supreme Court Justices and staff are Exchange health plans
HR2942Matt Salmon of AZstop "catch & release", "notices to disappear" of illegal aliens arrested for additional crimes
HR2977David N. Cicilline of RIconsumer privacy... except from my evil friends
HR3009Duncan D. Hunter of CAamend section 241(i) of IANA and COPS to deny assistance to state or local "sanctuary" for illegal aliens jurisdictions
HR3011Matt Salmon of AZEstablishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry, a.k.a. Kate's Law
HR3033Lamar Smith of TXrequire the President's annual budget request to Congress each year to include a line item for the Research in Disabilities Education program of the National Science Foundation and to require the National Science Foundation to conduct research on dyslexia
HR3102John Katko of NY"improve" airport security by letting illegal aliens and parolees work at airports!?!
HR3134Diane Black of TNcease federal government funding of Planned Parenthood
HR3139Duncan D. Hunter of CArequire issue of side-arms to some military personnel for security purposes at military facilities
HR3151Mo Brooks of ALUS ICE & FBI must report arrest statistics annually including immigration status, nationality, offense as part of UCR/NIBRS
HR3185David N. Cicilline of RIprohibiting religious liberty act
HR3245Jim Bridenstine of OKprohibit the Federal Government from contracting with entities that donate or match employee donations to Planned Parenthood
HR3251Steve King of IAamend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to exclude coverage of advance care planning services under the Medicare program
HR3293Lamar Smith of TXprovide for greater accountability in Federal funding for scientific research
HR3314Brian Babin of TXsuspend the admission into the United States of refugees in order to examine the costs of providing benefits to such individuals
HR3667Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of FLUnited Nations transparency, accountability, and reform
HR3674John Conyers ii of MIlabor statistics improvement commission
HR3780Steve King of IAsunset certain penalties relating to meaningful electronic health records use by Medicare eligible professionals and hospitals (a tiny step in the correct direction, but you should, instead, flat out prohibit electronic medical records as currently conceived)
HR3785Joaquin Castro of TXperverting the language so as not to accurately reflect the nature of legal and illegal aliens
HR3829Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of FLURWA anti-incitement to terrorism, anti-terrorism act
HR3918Steve Chabot of OHundermine compensation and working conditions of US citizen seasonal/migrant agricultural workers (by lowering standards for H-2B visas)
HR3928Steve King of IAspecifically authorize the Capitol Police to enforce the immigration laws, which they should have been conscientiously enforcing all along
HR3942Dana Rohrabacher of CAsave Christians & Yazidis from genocide
HR3999Richard Hudson of NCineffective political posturing show law to "require" that the secretary of Homeland Security certify that "refugees" admitted to the United States from Iraq or Syria are not security threats to the United States prior to admission, in lieu of effective measures
HR4017Dana Rohrabacher of CAsave Christians & Yazidis from genocide
HR4038Michael T. McCaul of TXineffectual measure to require that supplemental certifications from the executive depeartments and background investigations be completed prior to the admission of certain aliens as "refugees"
HR4123Mark Walker of NCwithhold "contributions" to the regularly assessed biennial budget of the United Nations until the United Nations adopts a definition of "international terrorism" in accord with United States of America laws
HR4285Stephen Fincher of TNcombat recruiting of gangsters & terrorists in federal prisons by screening "volunteers"
HR99999jgo of USAreduce E-3 visas to 500 per year, F visa to 50K per year, H visas to 2K per year, J visas to 3K per year, L visas to 20K per year; and reduce the term of H and L visas to 9 months, terms of J visas to 2 months, terms of E visas to 1 year, and OPT eligibility for F visa holders to 3 months
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Bills
S11Roy Blunt of MOrequire executive to keep their oaths of office and faithfully execute laws
S12Roy Blunt of MOhire more veterans, but protect the evil unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare
S34Rand Paul of KYdefund foreign aid to Palestinian Authority, Fatah and Hamas
S98David Vitter of LAkeep US citizens from getting STEM jobs
S135Ron Wyden of ORprohibit Federal agencies from mandating the deployment of vulnerabilities in data security technologies
S138Ron Wyden of ORtax breaks for teachers in rural or high unemployment areas + Nuclear Terrorism Conventions Implementation and Safety of Maritime Navigation
S153Orrin G. Hatch of UTmore visas for cheap, young, pliant, "well-educated", low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics
S203Orrin G. Hatch of UTdelete ObummerDoesn'tCare mandate
S226Rand Paul of KYrequire congressional approval of rules/regulations proposed by executive
S227Lamar Alexander of TNunconstitutional federal government meddling in education
S237Ron Wyden of ORinadequate GPS location privacy, with inadequate penalties
S255Rand Paul of KYrestrictions on civil asset forfeiture to bring it in line with the 5th amendment
S264Rand Paul of KYaudit the Federal Reserve Board
S273Ted Cruz of TX of UTprohibit the intentional discrimination against a person or organization by an employee of the Internal Revenue Service
S274Ted Cruz of TX of UTprohibit the Department of the Treasury from assigning tax statuses to organizations based on their political beliefs and activities
S305Orrin G. Hatch of UTdelete ObummerDoesn'tCare mandate on employers
S356Mike Lee of UTallow NSA collection of USA citizens' e-mail and telephone calls, but require secret warrant to examine particular ones and allow unconstitutional "administrative sub-poenas" for others
S512Orrin G. Hatch of UTamend title 18, United States Code, to safe-guard data stored abroad from improper government access
S551Dianne Feinstein of CAdenying arms to USA citizens by leaving transfers up to arbitrary sole discretion of attorney-general: the constitutional right to due process is not a loop-hole
S615Bob Corker of TNanti-constitutionally disabling senate's review of and enabling Obummer's corrupt treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and rotten, USA-harming trade agreements
S673Ben Sasse of NEwinding down unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare
S735Jeff Merkley of ORrequire that any trade agreement eligible for expedited consideration by congress include requirements with respect to paying adequate wages and maintaining sustainable production methods
S754Richard Burr of NCinstitutionalizing privacy violation act
S790Rand Paul of KYfree market enterprise zones
S867Jeff Merkley of ORSTEM education
S981Rand Paul of KYprovide for a repatriation holiday, to increase funding to the Highway Trust Fund
S1019Rand Paul of KYamend the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to repeal certain provisions relating to criminal penalties and violations of foreign laws
S1043Jeff Merkley of ORinvest in USA jobs/buy made in USA
S1091Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Alfredo Plascencia Lopez
S1092Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Ruben Mkoian, Asmik Karapetian, and Arthur Mkoyan
S1093Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Jose Alberto Martinez Moreno, Micaela Lopez Martinez, and Adilene Martinez
S1094Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Javier Lopez-Urenda and Maria Leticia Arenas
S1095Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Jorge Rojas Gutierrez and Oliva Gonzalez Gonzalez
S1096Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Joseph Gabra and Sharon Kamel
S1097Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Alicia Aranda De Buendia
S1098Dianne Feinstein of CAbill for the relief of Esidronio Arreola-Saucedo, Maria Elna Cobian Arreola, Nayely Arreola Carlos, and Cindy Jael Arreola
S1132Jeff Merkley of ORin misguided effort to increase numbers of registered nurses employed, increase unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity Abomination and Medicare meddling and micro-management of purely local matters
S1138Rand Paul of KYreclassify certain low-level felonies as misdemeanors, to eliminate the increased penalties for cocaine offenses where the cocaine involved is cocaine base, to reinvest in our communities
S1165Jeff Merkley of ORmore worthless degrees (like STEM) by increased extorting of tax-victims
S1166Jeff Merkley of ORcareer and technical education exploration programs in middle schools and high schools
S1177Lamar Alexander of TNdestroy education by unconstitutional federal meddling
S1265Mike Rounds of SDlong-range bomber sustainment
S1322Edward J. Markey of MAamend FERPA1974 to weakly protect student data handled by private contractors
S1378Rand Paul of KYbonuses for cost-cutters
S1471Rand Paul of KYdeclassify docs to provide transparency to families of 2001-09-11 terrorist attack victins & survivors
S1474Edward J. Markey of MAanti-constitution, anti-liberty, anti-safety act to require all hand-guns to be sold to be manufactured or retro-fitted with idiot-technology first
S1477Mike Rounds of SDshort-range + long-range strike aircraft mix
S1518Angus King of MENOT Re-Inforcing American-Made Products... corrupt senators push for uniformly lax standards for "made in the USA" labels
S1593Ted Cruz of TXImmigration Slush Fund Elimination Act
S1598Mike Lee of UT1st amendment defense act
S1640Jeff Sessions of ALMichael Davis ii and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act
S1668Lindsey Grahamnesty of SCRestoration of America's Wire Act, while spying on innocent US citizens, mandating an evil national ID KKKard, subsidizing crony socialists, oh, and banning on-line gambling
S1787Sherrod Brown of OH"full-service community schools" federal meddling in exclusively local matters
S1836James Lankford of OKeliminate government funding of Planned Parenthood Inc.
S2123Chuck Grassley of IAsentencing "reform"
S1842Jeff Sessions of AL & Ron Johnson of WI & Ted Cruz of TX & Tom Cotton of AR & Jim Inhofe of OKProtecting American Lives from acts of illegal aliens
S1843Jeff Flake of AZreleasing illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes into the USA, but merely requiring notifications
S1858Jeff Merkley of ORopposing 1st amendment
S1881Joni Earnst of IAstop federal government funding of Planned Parenthood
S2008Jeff Merkley of ORanother effort to eradicate personal private transportation, substituting government monitored, government managed, government controlled transportation
S2115Jeff Flake of AZtargeting areas to depress wages and non-wage compensation, with a dash of crony socialism on the side
S2123Chuck Grassley of IAsentencing "reform"
S2146David Vitter of LAwithhold tax-victim funds from "sanctuary" cities, counties, states
S2230Ted Cruz of TXask DoS for a report on Muslim Brotherhood and whether they are still a terrorist organization (feebleeasily stopped by Obummerveto, easily side-stepped by Obummer/Kerry DoS by simply producing a sham report saying "they're such nice, peaceful, wunnnnderful fellows")
S2284David Vitter of LAfsuspend the admission and resettlement of aliens seeking refugee status because of the conflict in Syria until adequate protocols are established to protect the national security of the United States of America
S2302Ted Cruz of TXtemporarily restrict the admission to the United States of refugees from countries containing terrorist-controlled territory (feeble, easily stopped by Obummerveto, easily side-stepped by Obummer)
S2266Chuck Grassley of IAguest-work visa reforms
S2320Jeff Flake of AZuniversal savings accounts
S2363Ted Cruz of TXState Refugee Security savings accounts act recognizing state governments' inherent power to reject foreign invaders, including federal executive-branch sponsored "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
S2365Bill Nelson of FLmild reform to H-1B visa program
S2394Ted Cruz of TXpartial reform of H-1B, L-1, & OPT
S99999jgo of USAreduce E-3 visas to 500 per year, F visa to 50K per year, H visas to 2K per year, J visas to 3K per year, L visas to 20K per year and reduce the term of H and L visas to 9 months, terms of J visas to 2 months, terms of E visas to 1 year, and OPT eligibility for F visa holders to 3 months
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

House Concurrent Resolutions
HConRes9876John Carter of Marsblah blah blah
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

House Joint Resolutions
HJRes9123Tom Tancredo of COcongress shall make no law respecting the citizens of the United States that does not also apply to the senators and representatives
HJRes16Steve King of IArepeal the 16th amendment and income extortion
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

House Resolutions
HRes327Joaquin Castro of TXrecognizing the 3rd anniversary of the hateful, race-obsessed, anti-USA, anti-constitution oath-breaker Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
HRes410Louis Gohmert of TXexpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Corker's unconstitutional Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (S615) does not apply to Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
HRes569Donald S. Beyer ii of VAviolating the first amendment by prohibiting Aericans from expressing objections to and defending themselves against initiations of force by Mohammedans
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Joint Resolutions
SJRes6Orrin G. Hatch of UTweak balanced budget amendment
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Resolutions
SRes25Ron Wyden of ORpraising evil, unconstitutional Medicaid
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

Senate Concurrent Resolutions
Rating Scale
House bills
Senate bills
House Concurrent resolutions
House Joint resolutions
House resolutions
Senate Joint resolutions
Senate resolutions
Senate Concurrent resolutions

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  "The guiding principle that a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy remains as true today as it was in the 19th century." --- Friedrich A. Hayek 1944, 1963 _The Road to Serfdom_ pg240  

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