Economic News 1999 October

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1999 October


1999-10-01 14:10PDT (17:10EDT) (21:10GMT)
Courtney Macavinta _CNET_
After years of phony shortage whining tech firms may actually lift a finger to begin recruiting at grad schools
"The dilemma has prompted federal law-makers to push a new visa program that would make it easier for foreign students to segue into U.S.-based high-tech jobs right after graduation [anything to avoid recruiting US citizens]."

1999-10-01 14:10PDT (17:10EDT) (21:10GMT)
Neanderthals were cannibals
Robert Sanders: U of California at Berkeley: bone fragments link Neanderthals with cannibalism
2006-12-04: Andrea Thompson: Live Science: study confirmed Neanderthals were cannibals






1999-10-06 13:35PDT (16:35EDT) (20:35GMT)
Dawn Kawamoto _CNET_
Asian flu leads to record lay-offs
"The U.S. electronics industry, which includes semiconductors, has issued 69,595 lay-off notices since the start of the year through September 30, according to the report compiled by Challenger, Gray & Christmas.   That's more than 3 times the 22,008 cuts announced for all last year.   In the computer industry, 44,035 cuts were announced during the first 9 months of this year, up 47.7% from 1997, the report said.   The telecommunications industry saw its ranks thinned by 28,934 jobs during the 9-month period, a huge jump from the 10,822 positions eliminated last year...   Since 18,077 telecom positions were cut in January, the rate has continued to fall.   No job cuts were announced in September."

1999-10-06 13:44PST (16:44EST) (21:44GMT))
Mo Krochmal _TechWeb_
Ellison Evangelizes Big, Intrusive Systems
"The Internet is forcing a new model of consolidation, said Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle...   Businesses will save money & learn more by consolidating data, he said...   Oracle is consolidating its data-bases from 40 to 2 -- a primary & a backup, Ellison said.   'When you consolidate data, you can ask questions that you could not when you have data-base servers everywhere.', he said.   'You can't get information if it's fragmented & you have to query a thousand data-bases.   This is a new model of computing.'...   he said he is willing to let government have more access to phone calls & data-bases.   'Absolute privacy is a terrible idea.', Ellison said.   'Should government be allowed to snoop?   They should be, under court order.   I'm willing to give away a lot of privacy if government can use that to catch drug dealers & criminals.'"



_Missouri Division of Career Education_
CGC lay-off report
"In 1996, AT&T cut 40K jobs; the largest lay-off in 1997 was less than half of that number.   It seems lay-offs are getting lighter, according to figures from Challenger, Gray, & Christmas.   Here are the 10 largest company lay-offs announced in 1997, as well as the ten largest industry lay-offs in that same year:"
Top 10 Lay-Offs by Company
1.Eastman Kodak19,900
5.International Paper9,000
6.Fruit of the Loom7,700
7.Montgomery Ward7,700
8.Levi Strauss6,400
10.General Motors5,525

Top 10 Lay-Offs by Industry
2.Industrial Goods38,249
3.Financial Services37,159
4.Consumer Goods36,507







Michelle Mittelstadt _AP_/_Seattle Post-Intelligencer_
INS mistakenly issues high-tech visas to thousands of foreigners
"The federal immigration service mistakenly doled out as many as 20K visas to foreigners with high-tech skills during the just-ended fiscal year, prompting angry complaints from Congress.   Immigration and Naturalization Service managers notified law-makers last week that, because of a computer system miscommunication, they had exceeded the congressionally imposed cap of 115K H-1B visas for the year ended September 30 by 10K to 20K.   The mistake is the 'latest self-inflicted wound by the agency's inept management', representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee's immigration panel, said yesterday...   INS is contracting [i.e. out-sourcing] with an independent auditor to determine exactly how many extra visas were issued, agency spokes-woman Maria Cardona said yesterday.   The error occurred when visa approval numbers from the 4 INS service centers that process H-1B applications didn't get into the agency's main computer system in Washington that tracks totals, she said...   'You can't cut off that pipe-line.', said ITAA Vice President Renee Winsky, citing Labor Department projections that the industry will need 140K new workers a year over the next decade."













David Horowitz _Front Page Magazine_
reflections on the road taken and not



Kathryn Evans _iT news_/_Computer Reseller News_
Y2K bust causes drop in IT jobs
"[Recruiting] firm, Morgan and Banks' quarterly job index indicates that IT staffing with organisations will continue to decrease, after a hectic year battling Y2K issues...   The survey of 4125 employers has found that while 51.3% of IT companies plan to pick up new staff in the next quarter, this is a 4% drop on the Q2 poll...   a slow up in the numbers of contract staff is expected with 19% of firms intending to decrease their use of temporary staff."



Kathryn Evans _iT news_/_Computer Reseller News_
data-base admin beckons jobless
"Under the program, dubbed Restart IT, Oracle intends to train 36 unemployed people in data-base administration via a series of project-based assignments over 13 weeks.   Oracle has invested over $400K into the scheme and the NSW Department of Education has also kicked in $84K.   On completion of the course ten people will be selected to work at Oracle for an on-the-job traineeship which will run over a year.   With around 30K gaps in the industry and with this statistic set to grow at 9% per year according to the IT&T Skills Task Force, the government's contribution to the skills shortage may seem a 'drop in the bucket'."



1999 October
Stuart Englert _PS&P_
Job Cuts Soar
"merger and acquisition-related job cuts through 1999 September were 35% ahead of those reported in the first 9 months of 1998, according to a report by international outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc.   M&As resulted in 60,282 job cuts through 1999 September, up from 44,742 merger-related cuts announced through 1998 September.   Since Challenger et al. began tracking merger job cuts in 1995, the record was set in 1998 with 73,903 lost jobs.   With an average of 6,698 merger job cuts per month, however, 1999 is on pace to set a new record."

1999 October
_Monthly Labor Review_
1999 report on the American Work-Force

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