2015 September, week 5

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-09-11

  "The senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and pad out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to an returning from the same; for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 1  

2015 September
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2015 September, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 September, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 September, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 September, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 September, week 5 (27-30) (15KB)

  "Remember the days of old/of eternity/of the universe. Consider/understand the years of generation and generation (i.e. of generation after generation, i.e. of many generations, i.e. the many years that have passed).   Ask your father and he will declare to you.   Ask your elders and they will say it to you. (זכר ימות עולם, בינו שנות דר-ודר; {ס} שאל אביך ויגדך, זקניך ויאמרו לך {ר}) --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 32:7  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 September

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
using illegal immigration for political advantage: Shrub and Obummer regimes have imported a new more leftist electorate by the millions
Town Hall
"...announcing a national campaign by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to naturalize legal immigrants and turn them into millions of new voters by 2016.   That's right.   Tax dollars allotted to the agency responsible for safeguarding our borders and ensuring national security are being spent [instead] to facilitate a permanent political sea change next year.   Reporting on the campaign, The New York Times noted that 'about 60% of immigrants eligible to naturalize are Latino and about 20% are Asian, both groups that voted overwhelmingly for [President Obummer].   Nearly a third of legal permanent residents eligible to naturalize are Mexican.'...   J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department Voting Section attorney and a Policy Board member of the American Civil Rights Union, wrote on April 23rd in PJMedia.com that, 'DHS sources report that racial interest groups such as La Raza (translated to The Race) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association [AILA] have been playing a central and influential role in rewriting [worsening] the [Obummer regime's] immigration policies -- both the public policies as well as internal and largely unseen guide-lines.'   The National Council of La Raza's former senior-vice-president for the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation, Cecilia Munoz, an assistant to the president and director of the Domestic Policy Council, co-chairs the Task Force on New Americans...   DHS is funneling millions of tax dollars to groups that back amnesty and naturalization [of illegal aliens]..."

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
the traitorous John Boehner indicates he will continue to conspire with Dems/Reds/leftists to give tax-victim funding to Planned Parenthood

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iraq agrees to share intelligence with Russia + Iran + Bashar al-Assad government in Syria, not co-ordinated with Obummer government in USA

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: humane deportation plan for illegal aliens will work

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Alan Keyes _WND_
** Boehner resignation is a chance to save USA's sovereignty **

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
John Boehner: one of USA's failures; is Mitch McConnell the next to go?
"God is truly merciful -- John Boehner has announced he will step down as speaker of the House at the end of October!   Boehner -- like senate [majority-loser] Mitch McConnell -- has long conspired against the will of the voters.   And scrutiny of their weak and destructive deeds has intensified since the people overwhelmingly voted in a conservative majority in both the House and senate to stop [Barack Hussein Obummer's] relentless push to destroy America.   What does it say about us that we end up with leaders like John Boehner?   Boehner promised to defund [ObummerDoesn'tCare], yet funded it, as he has helped fund [Obummer's] entire wish list.   On 2014 November 21, the Hill quoted Boehner regarding [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive-order amnesty: '[T]he House will, in fact, act.'   If the House acted, apparently we all missed it.   The House provided little government oversight over Benghazi, the IRS, the Veterans Administration health-care scandal, NSA spying, Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal or anything else of importance to the American people.   In fact, it's safe to say that corruption grew under Boehner's [losership]...   I hope the American people will see that while Boehner's coming departure is great news, replacing him with another unprincipled deal-maker is not going to cut it.   We must pay close attention to our government, and choose only men and women of character to represent us.   But to do that, we ourselves must be men and women of character.   Ultimately, John Boehner is not a failure -- he is [the USA's] failure."

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Joseph Farah _WND_
GOP candidates for president should get tough, to cut federal government spending, pay down debt

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Pamela Geller _WND_
USA delights in Ben Carson's honesty on Islam

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Gina Loudon _WND_
top 6 reasons GOP wins in federal government shut-down
"As voters watch another potential government shut-down, they expect Republicans to fold.   Even though voters sent them to Washington in a historic landslide, they still didn't get the message.   The government shut down 5 times under Jimmy Carter's administration.   Democrats had control of both houses of Congress, and they apparently were afraid of a shut-down.   The government has been shut down 18 times since 1976...   Sadly, too many Washington politicians subsist so deep inside the Washington bubble that they don't hear the rumble of the conservatives marching for their heads.   Boehner was just the head of the octopus.   Americans don't understand why politicians are so afraid to shut down the government, and why any politician would support the funding of Planned Parenthood.   If there were ever an issue to warrant a shut-down, it is Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts for profit...

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Mark Levin to RINO sycophants & leftist media: Boehner is not courageous
"'You want to see courageous? You go to the Arlington National Cemetery.   That's courageous.', Levin said.   'You want to see courageous? You go to the [National Law Enforcement Officers] Memorial in Washington DC.   Go to Walter Reed.   That's where courageous is.'   Levin continued by saying, 'don't tell me some Speaker of the House who is going to retire on a 25-year pension and then go to K Street and make a million or two bucks is courageous.   One thing John Boehner is not is courageous'.   He said House majority-whip representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who many in the GOP establishment think will replace Boehner as speaker, is 'Eric Cantor with 10 less IQ points' and was 'concerned that Republicans don't learn their lesson on Capitol Hill...   We are smarter than the leaders of the Republican Party.   We are better than the leaders of the Republican Party.', Levin said.   'We understand what is going on in this country and we are sick and tired of them funding the [Obummer] agenda.'   Levin said that we need need a movement of constitutionalists, people who love the country, people who insist that the Constitution be followed, and 'if that means the government is shut down for 3 weeks, then by God the government is shut down for 3 weeks'.   'You put those bills on his desk and let him shut down the government.', Levin told GOP law-makers.   '[Obummer] may have a pen and he may have an [ObummerPhone] but we have a Constitution.   Now use it.'..."

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Peter Roskam (R-IL): Republicans have gathered enough votes for a special conference to ensure debate, slow down election of a new speaker
"...'It's clear our members believe that we need a plan, not a person, to heal the fractures within our majority', Roskam told Breitbart.   'I'm glad we'll now have a chance for an open dialogue that will help us start to unify behind the conservative solutions the American people deserve.'...   'The House Freedom Caucus has not yet decided who we will support for the office of speaker of the House, nor for any positions that could subsequently become vacant.', the House Freedom Caucus said in a joint statement...   Conservatives are asking that the House returns to following 'regular order' and that conservatives will be included in the leadership's inner circle..."

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
non-leftists send message to candidates in Republican primary not to go rogue RINO

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Camden R. Fine _Washington DC Times_
partisan shadow-boxing over Dodd-Frank as Main Street has lost patience with the noise over Wall Street
The irony is that Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, along with Maxine Waters and other financial regulation committee members helped cause the crash, and have fought any genuine reform.

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
high-tailing it out of Red/Dem/leftist states; migration is shifting the USA's economic center of gravity to the South
Town Hall

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: USA needs fair trade; NAFTA was/is a disaster

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Judith Miller _Washington DC Times_
Obummer met with Putin, snubbed USA ally Egypt

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Lebanon's shiite Hezbollah welcomed Russia to Syria, received 75 tanks from Syria's Assad government
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail server crashed: outages occurred in 2010 February, again on 2012 October 9, and then sometime during Superstorm Sandy
"...Pakistani girls' education advocate Malala Yousafzai was shot on 2012 October 9, on a bus by a Taliban gunman.   Yousafzai survived to become a globally-known activist and apparent Clinton supporter..."

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Ken Cuccinelli _NYPost_
yes, Hitlery Rotten Clinton broke the law

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Mark Levin on Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: Obummer's lasting legacy will be war

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Eureka California considering proposal by Affordable Homeless Housing Alternatives to make micro-houses for the homeless
"[ObummerVilles] of tiny houses already exist in 'Eugene, Oregon; Olympia, Washington; Madison, Wisconsin; and Austin, Texas'...   In Eugene, 35 people were housed for a cost of $100K, the organization says.   One home appears to look like a large scale version of a doll's house, while another seems to be a large barrel..."

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
alleged home imvader picked wrong house: off-duty police officer was home in Port Arthur Texas

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Breitbart's Awr Hawkins recognized as "Journlist of the Year" by Second Amendent Foundation's 30th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix, Arizona

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Brett French _Billings MT Gazette_
old bones put Wyoming in lime-light: Brontosaurus back, Babibasiliscus alxi ahead

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
John Goetz
about 92% to 99% of US Historical Climatological Network surface temperature data consists of un-altered data estimates
Time of Observation (TOBs), homogenization, discarded readings, in-fill...

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Eric Worrall
Australian government's purge of climate scientists continues

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Jane M. Orient _WND_
vaccines, climate, science

2015-09-27 (5776 Tishri 14)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "The height of the intellect is distinguishing between the real and the impossible, and submission to what is beyond one's power." --- R' ibn Gabirol  



2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Obummer plans to give jobs, and citizenship to foreign students
"...If [Obummer] succeeds, he would make life tougher for young and middle-aged American graduates, who are already facing wage-cutting competition from the roughly 1M white-collar guest-workers that the U.S. government allows to live in the United States.   The extra foreign graduates would also deter young Americans from high-tech careers, and provide the Democratic Party with more donations and more voters.   But [Obummer's] hack would also spotlight a large opportunity for any GOP 2016 candidate eager to win votes from [the USA's] young college-grads, their parents and the hard-pressed professional sector.   So far, only Donald Trump has seized the opportunity by promising to make foreign guest-workers more expensive to hire.   If he is elected, and reforms the H-1B program, he'd likely transfer roughly 600K guest-worker jobs [back] to American graduates [or at least some proportion of them]..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Pew poll: 49% of all US citizens & 67% of Republicans, 51% of citizens born in the USA want a decrease in immigration, foreign student visas, guest-work visas
"...'56% would prefer giving priority to people who are highly-educated and highly-skilled workers, even if they don't have family members in the U.S.A., over people who have family members already living in the U.S.A. [though the terms highly-educated and highly-skilled were not defined]...'..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Uriel Heilman _Jewish World Review_
German Jews fear results of welcome of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists
"They have come to this city by the tens of thousands, propelled by German chancellor Angela Merkel's pledge to welcome at least 800K asylum seekers into the country.   Many are Syrians, but there also are migrants from Iraq, Pakistan, Albania, Afghanistan and other countries...   But many Jews are watching the wave of migrants flocking to Germany with some measure of alarm, concerned with what a massive influx of Arabs could mean for Germany's Jews and the country's relationship with Israel.   'This is not yet France, this is not yet London/' said one Israeli who has lived in Berlin for about 10 years and asked not to be identified.   'Yet', he added pointedly..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
emperor Obummer's moral narcissism
"12 years ago, it was said that the western armies in Iraq would be welcomed as liberators.   (They were -- for a while.)   Today in Germany, another conquering army are being welcomed as liberators -- liberators from the residual moral stain of what remains of ethnic nationalism and cultural identity.   Watching European news broadcasts right now is like an insane demotic inversion of the Emperor's new clothes.   'To a fool these thousands of fit young Muslim men appear well dressed and well fed.   But a wise man such as Your Majesty can easily see that they are desperate starving refugees in rags.'   And so as the trains pull in to German railway stations to disgorge men who meet no known definition of 'refugees' they are greeted on the platform by volunteers offering food and second-hand clothes.   The cameras do their best to alight on a telegenic moppet or a covered woman, but, even when they do, you notice that they're surrounded by a sea of confident vigorous males -- who, according to the UN, make up 75% of the 'refugees'.   That would be an unusual demographic distortion in most emergency situations.   If 75% of the Titanic's survivors had been men who'd left their women and children back on the ship, there might have been a few disapproving comments.   But not here.   And why complain that the Syrian refugees aren't really 'refugees'?   After all, they're not Syrian either.   Only 1 in 5 of the arriving migrants are Syrians fleeing the implosion of their country.   To be sure, there are a lot of Syrian refugees.   1 in 4 people in Lebanon right now is a displaced Syrian.   That's the equivalent of America taking in 100M Mexicans -- or Canadians, if there were such a thing as 100M Canadians.   But the vast majority of those marching across the Continent to the bountiful welfare states of the north-west are economic migrants lured by western weakness..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Mort Zuckerman _Jewish World Review_
the future doesn't work: the utopian ideal may be a 21st century nightmare as job market dysfunctionality worsens
"...'high-tech' sectors like computing, software and telecommunications provided just 5% of the jobs generated between 1993 and 2013, Thompson writes..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
integrating immigration controls into daily life
"My wife and I are frequent watchers of the television show 'House Hunters International'...   Contrary to the usual obliqueness toward visas and permits exhibited by the show, the work visa was mentioned repeatedly during this episode, and for an interesting reason: In Namibia foreigners need to attach physical evidence of their legal status with their sale or rental documents to purchase or rent a home.   In fact, you can't apply for a job, open a bank account, or obtain a mobile phone without providing proof of your legal status...   Can you imagine? A nation that takes its immigration laws seriously enough that it integrates enforcement into daily living, making it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for aliens to reside and work illegally.   Here in the United States we can't even get our act together enough to require E-Verify as a means to impede aliens from working unlawfully.   And we wonder why we have a population of 11M-12M [even 30M by some estimates] aliens living illegally in the country.   Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from other nations, including those in the developing world, where they obviously care enough for the native workforce to want to protect their ability and right to live decently and raise their families without competing against individuals with no right to be in the country."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
secretive alien millionaires file EB-5 class-action case
"...Ah, but then there is Zhang v. USCIS, which is totally different from the usual class action case in that the fat cats are doing the suing and they want less, not more transparency.   It has been filed by multi-millionaire aliens wanting to buy green cards, and wanting to do so without fully disclosing the source of the moneys they plan to use in the EB-5 program.   The case is in the federal courts for the District of Columbia and is noted as 1:15-cv-00995 in the PACER filing system.   The case was filed by Huashan Zhang of Xi'an City, [Red China], and Masayuki Hagiwara of Kanagawa, Japan.   In both cases the aliens want to fund their EB-5 investments with borrowed money and USCIS said 'no', unless the applicants showed what assets of their own they plan on using to back up (collateralize) that loan.   The plaintiffs want the agency to look no further than the cash at hand when making their decisions as to the bona fides of the money that is being used in the EB-5 program..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Whole Foods to dump 1,500 employees, but has 2K open positions
"...Whole Foods said it has added more than 9K jobs in the past year and created nearly 35K jobs over the last 5 years..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Deroy Murdock _Jewish World Review_
how Obummer can get the "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists to leave
"If Dr. Jonas Salk [were Obummer], he would have spent the early 1950s crafting wheel-chairs rather than curing polio.   Similarly missing the point, [Obummer] wants to accept 100K [to 250K] Syrian and Iraqi refugees who have washed up on Europe's shores.   Alas, wheel-chairs cannot kill viruses, and refugee camps cannot erase the root cause of this humanitarian catastrophe: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and its mayhem in Syria and Iraq.   [Obummer] should lead the west in killing ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, so that these refugees can go home, and their countrymen need not dash madly across the Mediterranean.   While ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate chops heads and blasts villages, [Obummer] bears much blame for this blood-shed.   Desperate to 'end' rather than win the Iraq War, [Obummer] yanked out all American troops, failing to leave behind a stabilization force of perhaps 10K GIs -- much like those brave Americans in uniform who still help maintain the post-World War 2 peace in Germany, Italy, and Japan.   Just as dirt rushes into a vacuum cleaner, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate raced into the void created when [Obummer] prematurely withdrew from Iraq.   The ensuing battle against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate oscillates between the cosmetic and the inadequate.   '[Obummer] mostly has stiffed the Kurdish Peshmerga on armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition.', says J.D. Gordon, former Pentagon spokesman and executive director of Protect America Today.   'Even though they are the most effective ground force fighting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, the Iraqi government offers just a fraction of what Peshmerga needs.   Baghdad worries that, post-ISIS, heavily armed Kurds will declare independence.'   ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate fighters rolled into Ramadi, Iraq last May 17.   On a bright desert highway, they rode unchallenged in pickup trucks and triumphantly waved their black flags of death in broad daylight -- far from civilians and potential collateral damage.   With their two-ton Gatling guns firing 70 rounds per second, a few well-placed A-10 Warthog jets could have converted these scumbags into burger, never to bother anyone again.   What a wasted opportunity..."
What does it take for people to add 2 + 2 and realize that Obummer wants ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, wants the shiites and the sunnis to be victorious, just as Boehner and McConnell want the leftists/Reds/Dems in the USA congress to be victorious?

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
targeting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has little effect as others quickly move into those roles

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate planning nuclear mass murders and destruction
"...'The terrorists plan on killing several hundred million people.   The West is drastically under-estimating the power of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate.   ISIS intends to get its hands on nuclear weapons.', says Todenhofer, calling the group a 'nuclear tsunami preparing the largest religious cleansing in history.'..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
"Los Abandonados: un Atentado, una investigacion, un Encumbriemiento, un Asesinato" ("The Abandoned"): movie shows Argentine's treaty with Iran protected Islamic terrorists
"Part historical account and part spy novel, Los Abandonados tells the story of the death of Alberto Nisman, an Argentine prosecutor who was found dead of a gunshot to the head the day before he was to testify to congress.   He was to accuse president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of making a secret deal with the Iranian government to protect Hezbollah-linked terrorists.   The terrorists in question are the orchestrators of the 1994 bombing of the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA), the worst terror attack in Argentina's history and the worst attack on the Western Hemisphere prior to the 2001 September 11 attacks.   Nisman was found dead on 1994 January 18, and his death remains unsolved.   Nearly half a million Argentines took to the streets of Buenos Aires in February and March demanding justice, many believing that Nisman was right, and Iran was operating within their borders.   Some held signs reading 'Islamic Fundamentalists Killed Nisman'..."
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Freedom Party of Austria surging in local elections, boosted by "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist crisis

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist groups brawling with each other near Kassel and at other camps; no arrests

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Germany trying to separate Christians from other "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist groups as violence escalates
"Christian migrants in German asylum centres are living under persistent threat, with many fearing for their lives as the hard-line Sunni majority within the migrant population attempts to enforce Sharia law in their new host nation.   The situation is so bad that Christians claim they live like 'prisoners' in Germany, and some have even returned to Middle East.   In the German state of Thuringia, prime-minister Bodo Ramelow, one of the multi-culturalists driving and celebrating the 'migrant crisis', has been forced to initiate a policy of separating and segregating different cultures as soon as they arrive in Europe..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
former French minister and member of the European parliament Nadine Morano defended France's Judeo-Christian heritage, said France is a "white race" country and that immigrants, particularly Muslims, are only welcome if they are willing to adapt
"...'We must keep a balance in the country, [preserve] its cultural majority to have national cohesion.', she told TV channel France 2.   'We are a Judeo-Christian country -- as general de Gaulle said -- of white race that welcomes foreigners.   I want France to remain France; I'm not looking forward to see it become a Muslim country.'..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists are avoiding Cyprus because the island's government won't let them bring their families along after

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Pew: "whites" to acount for less than half of USA population by 2055, 46% by 2065 under current immigration and birth trends
"In the coming decades, immigrants and their direct descendants will account for 103M people, or 88% of U.S.A. population growth.   That would have an impact on both the size of the U.S.A. and its demographic make up, according to new projections from the Pew Research Center...   According to Pew, since 1965 more than half of immigrants (51%) to the U.S.A. have been from Latin America and a quarter have been from Asia.   From the mid-1800s through the early 1990s immigrants, Pew notes, were almost all from Europe..."
Pew: Asians to over-tape Hispanics as largest "identity group" of immigrants by 2065

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Thomas Sowell _WND_
the "affordable housing" fraud American Spectator Human Events Town Hall National Review Real Clear Politics
"One of the first things taught in an introductory economics course is supply and demand.   When a growing population creates a growing demand for housing, and the government blocks housing from being built, the price of existing housing goes up.   This is not a breakthrough on the frontiers of knowledge.   Economists have understood supply and demand for centuries -- and so have many other people who never studied economics.   Housing prices in San Francisco, and in many other communities for miles around, were once no higher than in the rest of the United States.   But, beginning in the 1970s, housing prices in these communities skyrocketed to 3 or 4 times the national average.   Why? Because local government laws and policies severely restricted, or banned outright, the building of anything on vast areas of land.   This is called preserving 'open space'...   Was it just a coincidence that some other parts of the country saw skyrocketing housing prices when similar severe restrictions on building went into effect?   Or that similar policies in other countries have had the same effect?   How 'complex' is that?"

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
R' Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo _Jewish World Review_
Sukkos/סֻּכּוֹת/Sekuth and the paradox of life

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
a war against college men

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
conservatives to Boehner: good riddance; don't mess things up worse on your way out

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
half-baked reflections on speaker John Boehner and the House Republicans
Yes, Obummer can veto, and a Republican House with a back-bone can come back with more cuts to chastise Obummer and the Reds/Dems/leftists. And if he vetoes that, they can subtract more from the leftists/Reds/Dems' unconstitutional crony socialist agenda... until they get the message.

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Capitol Hill GOP must clean house to unify the party
"Grass-roots conservatives watched in [reserved hopefulness] as speaker of the House John Boehner formally declared that he was resigning as speaker and from congress 'to protect this institution that we all love'.   During John Boehner's tenure as speaker, the House as an institution ceded to the president more of its institutional power -- as defined by the Constitution -- than at any other time in the history of our constitutional republic.   Boehner's squandering of the 2014 landslide victory, lack of principle and absolute refusal to stand for and defend the vital role of the House of Representatives in our three coequal branch system of government is the direct cause of the grass-roots conservative rebellion that ultimately drove him from the speaker's office.   What's more, John Boehner's lies and failures to stand for the conservative principles Republicans campaign on have caused a major schism in the Republican Party, and under his stewardship Congress has some of the lowest approval ratings since Mark Twain famously said, 'There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.'   Here are just a few examples of why the conservative grass-roots of the GOP has been threatening to bolt the Republican Party..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
savoring a small moment of happiness, storing it for later

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
an imperfect Catholic joins the opinion brigade on pope Francis

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Yebbie Booosh said he admires the traitorous John Boehner greatly

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood paid people to throw condoms at Carly Fiorina

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina to Planned Parenthood backer: I'm not against health care; I'm against butchering babies

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina on de-funding Planned Parenthood: this is something we must stand up and fight for

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: invoke 5th and 14th amendments to protect un-born babies from abortion

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Republican leaders must stop holding themselves hostage
"One of the hall-marks of John Boehner's speakership has been the complete failure of regular order in the House, despite his many promises for a 'return to regular order'.   Rather than move bills through committee, have Members move amendments and have up or down votes on those amendments there has been a closed process in the Boehner-run House -- especially on spending bills.   Bills were for all practical purposes written in the speaker's office, moved only through the Rules committee (chaired by Boehner do-boy Texas representative Pete Sessions) and then submitted at the last minute on a take it or leave it basis to reluctant House Members.   The result was not a check on the overweening ambition and lawless lust for power of [president Barack Hussein Obummer], but a legislative branch that lurched from one crisis to another, even as House establishment Republican [losers] constantly talked about the need to show voters they could 'govern'.   Yet back in 2010, just as the Tea Party wave election was about to elevate Boehner to the speakership, this is what Boehner had to say about the lack of regular order when Democrats ran congress and San Francisco [leftist] Nancy Pelosi was speaker: 'We need to stop writing bills in the speaker's office and let members of congress be legislators again...'...   Boehner in 2010 was right -- there was nothing to fear from the battle of ideas and more scrutiny from congressional committees.   Unless, that is, you are one of the special interests that benefit from the Big Government alliance between congressional insiders of both political parties and Big Business.   If you want the Ex-Im Bank to continue to operate to subsidize your exports to shady Third World dictators, if you want the 'No Child Left Behind' program (originally authored by John Boehner we note for the record) to grow into [Communist Corpse], or if you want budget busting highway and farm bills, then the last thing you want is the battle of ideas and more scrutiny from committees and Members who will uphold the Constitution, vote their conscience, and represent the 600K-odd people in their districts.   And the reason you don't want an open 'battle of ideas' process that allows Members to uphold the Constitution, vote their conscience, and represent the 600K-odd people in their districts is because more often than not under such a process the conservative ideas of less spending, less government and more liberty would win and Big Government would lose.   The only way Boehner and his Big Government [regressive] Republican [losership] team could possibly satisfy the demands of their paymasters in the Wall Street + Washington + Silicon Valley Axis was to constantly hold conservatives, and themselves, hostage to a seemingly endless series of government shutdown crises, where the only alternative given a vote was to cave in to the demands for more spending and more power for [Obummer].   This was true on the fight to de-fund [ObummerDoesn'tCare], the various debt ceiling battles, the CRomnibus, the non-fight to de-fund [Obumer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty [for illegal aliens], the Corker [anti-constitution bill to try to work around the constitutional requirement for two-thirds of the US senate to approve treaties, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons] and a host of other issues large and small.   As Republicans weigh the candidates in the coming leadership elections that will set the tone in the House for the post-Boehner era the most important quality they should look for is a commitment to regular order that will return each Member to his or her rightful status as a 'Representative', not a hostage to the special interests who benefit from government by crisis.   The first test of whether or not the new House Republican leaders are willing to abandon Boehner's policy of government by crisis and taking himself hostage is how the Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government in the post-Boehner era is handled.   If there's a short term CR that goes through the first part of 2016 January and gives Congress time to work its will and set the stage for the presidential election with a conservative spending plan for Fiscal Year 2016, then that is a sign the new leaders are ready stop holding themselves hostage, abandon government by crisis, and that the Boehner era is truly over.   If, however, the CR ends on 2015 December 11, the last day congress is scheduled to be in session before the Christmas holiday break, then you should understand that while the names may have changed, the failed Boehner government by crisis strategy hasn't, and the need for a thorough house cleaning in the top ranks of the Capitol Hill GOP is stronger than ever."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Howard Kurtz _Fox_
Boehner: a negotiator who refused to negotiate, but surrendered early and often, instead

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Laura Ingraham
poll: 72% of GOP voters are dissatisfied with John Boehner & Mitch McConnell
Mark Murray: NBC

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Laura Ingraham
Ken Cuccinelli: Rather than fighting Obummer and his leftist policies, Boehner & McConnell have embraced them and betrayed their own party's voters (mp3)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Ralph Z. Hallow _Washington DC Times_
Mitch McConnell is being urged to resign as senate majority-loser
Leon H. Wolf: True Blue Republican State: you can help Mitch McConnell get lei'd
Laura Ingraham
Neil Munro: Breitbart: state party chair-man & governor Bobby Jindal urging McConnell to resign

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
_Cybercast News Service_
Gallup poll: 52% of Americans believe most members of congress are corrupt to one degree or another; 32% believe the member who supposedly represents them is corrupt
"...only 25% said they are focused on the needs of their constituents...   47% said their own member of Congress was focused on the needs of special interests.   Only 43% said their own member was focused on the needs of their district.   79% of the Americans surveyed told Gallup they believe that members of congress are generally out of touch with average Americans.   Only 20% said they believe most members of congress are generally in touch with average Americans.   48% said their own member of congress is generally out of touch with average Americans.   Only 47% said their own member is generally in touch with average Americans...   In the [United States of America], 75% said corruption is widespread in government..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
Lois Lerner's "partners" and her "mini-me"
"Conservatives who now know about the lawless, arrogant ex-federal bureaucrat lawyer Lois Lerner may wish to know that her 'farm team' meets at the Washington Marriott Georgetown October 5-7.   Last week I wrote at American Thinker about the little-known organization called NASCO, the National Association of State Charity Officials.   NASCO consists of government bureaucrats who, like Lois Lerner, are supposed to be nonpartisan, but frequently are statist partisans who abuse government power.   They operate between conservatives and the causes they support, and too many show contempt for -- even ignorance of -- constitutional rights and the rule of law over them.   You'll find few if any conservatives among NASCO's most influential members, and they are particularly harsh on non-profit organizations that don't rely on government funding [i.e. initiated force, fraud, and crony socialism]..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Paul Cress _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
* Carlisle teachers learn to navigate "hidden rules' to help children out of poverty *

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Laura Ingraham
in interview by Jake Tapper, Nasty Pelosi continues to attempt to re-define Catholicism to suit her political opinions

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump proposes universal health care, some paid for by government/taxes, but mostly private market-based
"...Monday morning Trump unveiled some of the details of his tax plan.   The 7 current tax brackets will be cut to just 4: 0%, 10%, 20%, and 25%.   Business taxes across the board will be lowered to just 15%.   The immoral Estate Tax will be fully repealed.   The wealthy will lose many loop-holes..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Donald Trump delivers centerish-rightish-populist tax scheme; meets with mixed reviews
Donald Trump's tax plan
more on regressive socialist income extortion

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: I don't believe Marco Rubio read Obummer's TAA + TPA + TPP package before voting for it
Seth McLaughlin: Washington DC Times
"The TPP text was locked away inside a secret room in the basement of the U.S. Capitol -- as Breitbart News reported time and again -- and the only place members could read it was inside that room.   So, to have actually read it before voting for it, since TPP was around 800 pages long according to senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Rubio would have had to spend around 2 full business days [or 1 or 2 hours if he were a speed-reader] inside the room reading the bill [but even then the 'side-agreements' were supposedly never shown to anyone in the USA congress]...   What's more, Rubio's vote for TPA fast-tracked 2 other trade deals that it's impossible for him to have known what's in them -- the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP) -- since the text of those deals wasn't even available to members of congress never mind the public in the way that TPP was available to elected members of congress..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
poll: out of all the candidates running for the Republican primary for president, Yebbie Booosh is the least-liked

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
House Ways and Means committee to vote Tuesday on using "reconciliation process" to de-fund ObummerDoesn'tCare & Planned Parenthood

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
_Cybercast News Service_
Martin O'Malley: kill babies not murderers (video)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
senate voted to block debate on bill to fund unconstitutional activities through mid-December: senator Ted Cruz criticized the party losership for once again pre-emptively surrendering instead of negotiating

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
taliban have captured half of provincial capital of Kunduz, Afghanistan; released 500 jail in-mates

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
to the corrupt oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer "gay rights" are more important than freedom of religion

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
pope Francis asserts that government employees have a right to conscientious objection

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
father Frank Pavone _Breitbart_
are supremes poised to hear religious freedom case?

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
to the corrupt oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer at UN claimed success in Libya, i.e. the many gangster Muslim initiators of force is what he wanted all along

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Jordan's king Abdullah ii to UN: the struggle agains "outlaws of Islam" is a Third World War
"...'In the global Muslim community; 1.7G good men and women; a quarter of humanity; today's outlaw gangs are nothing but a drop in an ocean, but a drop of venom can poison a well.', he added...   'Today Syrian refugees alone constitute 20% of my country's population.'   Jordan has taken in more than 600K Syrian refugees, according to the United Nations..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Raymond Ibrahim _Human Events_
the corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer throws Christian refugees to the lions

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Seton Motley _Human Events_
DC's latest self-inflicted "crisis" -- federal government budget ends September 30 night

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Hassan Rouhani to UN tried to blame Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage disasters, tried to blame terrorism on USA, demanded Israel, USA, Red China, Russia, UK...give up all their nuclear weapons

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Carole Hornsby Haynes _WND_
Japan's culture and Muslims
"...Our national heritage is being destroyed and our national security is in danger.   Our constitutional republic founded on Judeo-Christian principles is totally incompatible with Islam and Shariah law...   Japan has chosen to approach Islam differently, both officially and publicly and so has avoided the problems of the West.   At the diplomatic level, senior officials in Japan rarely entertain Muslim leaders and rarely visit Muslim countries.   The relationship extends only to the Japanese importation of oil and gas products from some Muslim countries.   Muslims who go to Japan are usually employees of foreign companies, although the official policy is to deny entry to Muslims, even engineers, doctors and managers.   Japanese corporations seeking foreign workers let it be known that Muslims need not apply.   Construction workers brought in through foreign contractors keep a very low profile.."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
James Lewis _WND_
at least 3 deeply pro-USA GOP candidates
American Thinker
"We are beginning to understand the GOP field, and to me the most interesting thing is 3 front-runners who seem to be genuinely pro-American.   I don't mean that the others are not pro-American; I just don't understand them yet.   The three I feel pretty sure about are Trump, Cruz, and Carson, each one for a different reason.   As for the American left, it has reverted to its old and failed internationalism, with the secret ambition of being part of the new international ruling class.   Admiral James Lyons has spoken the final word on [Obummer].   He is 'anti-American, anti-Western, pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood'.   It's not a secret anymore, and as David Horowitz has said, the Democrat Party is just the old CPUSA -- never having learned the lessons of the Soviet breakdown..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Diana West _WND_
the need to teach the media about taqiyya, and the need for more thorough fact-checking

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
4 dead, 53 wounded in Chicago over "blood moon" week-end
"...This weekend's numbers only added to a particularly bloody year, bringing the total number of Chicagoans shot to 2,282 -- 339 of whom were killed...

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
DoJ: in 2014, identity theft affected at least 176M, cost $15.4G

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
ICANN's plan to relinquish domain name management sparks constitutional concerns within GOP

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Veterans Administration inspector-general found padding in employee relocations and salaries

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
sign at Hawaii USMC base "God bless the military, their families and the civilians who work with them" under attack by offensive, anti-religious group

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
what leftist control of schools can foster; fascism grew from leftist principles
"...the truth always ruins the leftist narrative.   My alma mater is the University of Southern California.   In a history class, the professor began to discuss the World War 2 internment camps here in the United States.   As he continued to describe the camps as a racist mechanism to enslave the Japanese, I raised my hand and noted that German and Italian Americans were also interned in the same camps, but in different sections.   Well, I might as well told the room that I hoped every kitten on earth had just been drowned.   The 'lecturer' was shocked, and said he was unaware of that fact, a somewhat surprising revelation for a history lecturer at one of the more important universities in the country.   At that point various students in the class, beginning to think I was some sort of malcontent, started shouting at me, as contradicting the narrative made me of course, a racist, too.   At some point, most everyone (but not all in the room) had been indoctrinated with the one aspect that could confirm the general [leftist] meme that [the USA] is racist and does racist things, i.e. America is bad, bad, bad..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Mairead McArcle _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: the leftists and media fear the sports team name Redskins more than they fear the Islamo-Nazi regime in Tehran?!?! (with video)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson to Kanye West: make music that might give young men a sense of responsibility (with video)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Susan Stamper Brown _Town Hall_
today's soft-on-crime, anti-police Dems/Reds/leftists... and some libertarians

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
why Obummer won't stay at the Waldorf: increasing security threats posed by Red China
Town Hall

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Mychal Massie _WND_
Rosa Parks was no hero: reaction to gotcha question

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Cliff Kincaid _WND_
the UN push for planet-wide socialism

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: creation vs. evolution controversy is a test to see if we will turn our faces away from God

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Benham brothers: There's a direct political/media assault against Christianity in the USA

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
this phase of history will only end well with Divine intervention
"[The USA] has always been known as the champion of huddled masses, the refuge for the poor and politically dispossessed, a haven of peace and safety, a land of opportunity where the poorest of immigrants could become the head of a corporation or at the least begin a successful family business to be passed down through the generations.   [The USA] -- especially in times of trouble -- has always had a, 'we're all in this together', attitude, an 'all for one, one for all' approach, that has brought us through tough fiscal times, wars and natural disasters.   For well over two hundred years, we have lived together, worked together, fought our wars together, faced down epidemics, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and the latest deadly plague, terrorism.   Being a nation of immigrants -- and a fairly new one by old world standards -- we have always welcomed other immigrants to our shores.   And although they all brought parts of their culture with them, they eventually assimilated, pledging their allegiance and their loyalty to America.   And while many are still holding on to their pride in their ethnic origins, they have folded into the mainstream of American life.   America has always been known as the great melting pot, where our differences were put aside in an effort to become and remain one people, under God, created equal and entitled to the pursuit of happiness -- whatever that happens to mean to you [so long as you do not initiate force or fraud against others]..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
_Cybercast News Service_
Ed Meese: virtuous political leadership comes from faith, morality, and integrity (with video)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: media do not serve free people, but the federal leviathan (video)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Tim Tebow in HogTown Florida: I don't know what the future holds, but I do trust Who holds my future

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz: Republican losership has been leading the onslaught in attacking non-leftists

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Gallup poll: US citizens' trust in media remains at all-time low

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail storage in lawyer's safe was not secure enuogh for classified information

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Trey Gowdy is going to interview Hitlery Rotten Clintonwithout all the documents the Benghazi Select committee is entitled to have

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Ronald D. Rotunda _Washington DC Times_
Sonia Sotomayor using unpaid interns, perhaps illegally

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
global push to increase government extortion
" you aware that there is an international effort to increase taxes, including those paid by Americans?   On Oct. 5, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will release its 'final package of measures for a co-ordinated international approach to [further pervert the system of extortion by governments] under the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project'.   In plain English, what the OECD bureaucrats are attempting to do is put in place minimum international corporate tax rates, and companies will be required to share sensitive and proprietary information with non-Americans who may misuse it.   History tells us that governments often fail in their promises to keep sensitive information confidential, and once a new minimum rate is established for a tax, it is quickly raised.   The U.S. income tax started out with a top rate of only 7%, which only affected the few millionaires back in [1912, 1913 &] 1914.   There are a few important facts that most members of the global political class willfully choose to ignore.   In most countries the individual and corporate tax rates and government spending levels are well above the revenue and welfare maximizing rates.   Much government spending is also wasteful and even harmful because the bureaucrats are spending other people's money rather than their own..."

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Anthony Watts
"wild-card" in climate models found... and that's a no-no
Joanne Nova & David Evans

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Tim Ball
the need to revisit the CRU climate-hysterics' conspiratorial e-mail messages, to counter the leftist main-stream media's suppression, and the Paris conference schemes

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
John Goetz
human error in the surface temperature record

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Bob Tisdale
tired of the claims of "warmest ever" month and year? they will continue next year

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Anthony Watts
personal note: C++ programmer needed for a small project update
Windoze-based (Win XP, Windows 7), uses CURL library; fetcher/synchronizer for web content (images, text, etc.).

2015-09-28 (5776 Tishri 15)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History



2015-09-29: Michaelmas

1789-09-29: the U.S. War Department established a regular army with a strength of several hundred men AND: The first U.S. congress adjourned.

This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Thomas Sowell, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ted Cruz, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ken Blackwell, (12) Ann Coulter, (13) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
House Freedom Caucus seeking leader who will restore regular order and encourage debate

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
pope Francis's world and the real world
World Net Daily
Human Events
Town Hall
"...Like the Scots in Britain, the Walloons in Belgium and the Italians of Veneto, they want to live apart, not together.   While the pope called on America and Europe to welcome the migrant millions of the Third World, bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose diocese stretches across the southern reaches of Catholic Hungary, says of those pouring into Europe: 'They're not refugees.   This is an invasion.   They come here with cries of Allahu Akbar.   They want to take over.'   The bishop hailed prime-minister Viktor Orban, who denounced any open door: 'Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe.   We must acknowledge that the European Union's misguided immigration policy is responsible for this situation.   We shouldn't forget that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture.   Most are not Christian, but Muslim...   That is an important question, because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.'   The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland joined Hungary in voting to reject EU quotas for migrants.   Under pressure from her allies in Bavaria, even Angela Merkel is re-imposing border controls.   A back-lash against 'refugees', 'migrants' and 'asylum seekers' from Africa and the Islamic world is sweeping Europe.   Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, the strongest anti-EU party in Europe, has called on Paris to ship all migrants back across the Mediterranean.   This was the solution Dwight Eisenhower settled on in 'Operation Wetback', when he ordered general Joseph Swing to send the million aliens in Texas illegally back to Mexico in 1954.   Swing did as ordered.   Indeed, the call to repatriate the 12M aliens here illegally has been a propellant behind the candidacy of GOP front-runner Donald Trump.   Behind this rising resistance to illegal and mass migration is human nature -- the innate desire of peoples of one tribe or nation, who share a common language, history, faith, culture, traditions and identity, to live together -- and to live apart from all the rest..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Obummer brought 1,519 known terrorists into the USA
Caroline May: Breitbart
"The [Obummer regime] allowed 1,519 terror-stained foreign refugees into the U.S.A. last year because their crimes were allegedly committed 'while under duress'.   The administration last year eased federal restrictions against terrorist activity for refugees and asylum seekers.   Under the old rules, these 1,519 foreign nationals would have been banned from entering the country because they supported terrorist causes.   But under the new rules for vetting refugees, the secretary of Homeland Security [Jeh Johnson] has 'discretionary authority' to waive certain cases of inadmissibility relating to terrorist activity.   A person could have provided shelter or sold a weapon to a terrorist, for instance, then claimed he did not know that the person being helped was a terrorist or that he was forced to provide the aid under duress.   'We've seen this discretionary authority abused in the last few years and, in fact, the administration has eliminated a zero-tolerance policy for granting asylum or residency to individuals who have provided any sort of terrorism-related support', said a release from Judicial Watch Tuesday.   The watch-dog agency said the federal government's latest available figures for granting asylum or residency to foreigners participating in terrorist causes are 'incredibly disturbing, especially since the agency charged with keeping the nation safe, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), appears to downplay the seriousness of the crimes'.   Judicial Watch obtained the numbers from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] annual report to congress on the DHS secretary's application of discretionary authority.   The biggest chunk of exemptions was processed for refugee applicants and lawful permanent resident status with 806 and 614, respectively.   The [Obummer regime] took in 70K foreign 'refugees' in FY2015, which ends Sept. 30, and [the corrupt Obummer] has decided to increase that number to 85,000 in 2016 and 100K in 2017.   In addition to the 'refugees', the U.S. takes in about 25K 'asylees' every year..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
temporary visas surge under Obummer
"The report, authored by CIS senior fellow David North and obtained in advance by Breitbart News, reveals that the number of visas issued to non-immigrants such as tourists, students, temporary workers and the like increased from 5.8M in fiscal year 2009 to 9.9M in FY2014...   'the percentage of visa-denials to all visa decisions dropped from 18.6% in FY2009 to 15.3% in FY2014, according to State Department data'...   In 2009, the government approved 707,255 border crossing cards [mostly for commuters].   By 2014 the number of border cards had increased to 1,232,884.   While the government rendered more decisions, the percentage of rejections declined from 21.2% to 17.5%..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
fresh calls for segregation of Germany's "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist camps as battles rage
"Women, children and religious minorities must be better protected in Germany's 'migrant' camps, the head of the policing union has said.   Fighting between ethnic and religious groups within the camps has intensified in recent weeks as the migrant population has swelled..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
EU's breath-takingly arrogant 'migration' chief Dimitris Avramopoulos told EU commissioners to ignore the political costs of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
German "conservatives" seek to exempt "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists from minimum wage laws for entry level or trainee positions

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Alan Gula _Town Hall_
USA voters are craving real economic and job market improvements

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
ombudsmen, sinecures, and non-enforcement (disguised or not)
"The Oxford Dictionary defines the word ombudsman as 'an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against mal-administration, especially that of public authorities'.   In theory this is an excellent concept, particularly since it occupies a gap not usually filled by watch-dog organizations like inspectors-general, which generally focus on issues such as outright malfeasance, crimes, and internal corruption rather than on poor administrative practices.   But where immigration matters are concerned, leave it to the [Obummer regime] to skew even the most fundamentally sound concepts.   It placed ombudsman positions in two key Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agencies: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which is responsible for adjudicating immigration benefits applications, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE), which handles immigration enforcement throughout the interior of the country.   The exclusive focus of each of these ombudsman offices is complaints filed by aliens and/or their attorneys.   Complaints about agency practices or biases in favor of illegal aliens and beneficiary applicants over citizens or lawful residents have been uniformly ignored.   This should not be a surprise given that the individuals were hand-picked for the jobs by White House and DHS leaders whose own focus is skewed in favor of applicants and illegal aliens.   The lopsidedness at US ICE was particularly outrageous.   Agency practices involving the release of criminal aliens, or acceptance of sanctuary practices by states and local governments also involving release of criminal aliens, resulted in recidivists hitting the streets and committing horrific crimes.   The US ICE ombudsman, Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, while oozing sympathy for aliens in detention or facing removal proceedings, turned a blind eye to the pain of victims and survivors of the alien recidivists.   As I observed in a 2014 March posting, the agency has been so callous about the rights of victims that it even denied a Freedom of Information Act request for data about an illegal alien by the citizen who was maimed by that alien, falsely claiming that providing the information would violate the alien's privacy rights.   (Illegal aliens have no privacy rights under the federal Privacy Act.)   CIS Director of Policy Studies Jessica Vaughan noted in May that, 'ICE devotes very few resources to victim assistance and notification programs, and these meager efforts are focused primarily on helping victims of human trafficking rather than those who have been harmed by alien criminals.   In fact, the only ombudsman type of position US ICE has established -- and maintained even in the face of specific congressional de-funding of the position -- focuses on aiding illegal aliens, not their victims.'   The imbalance in Lorenzen-Strait's ombudsman role was so obvious that Congress voted to abolish the position; because the vote was a rider to a budget bill, it was signed into law by the president.   But what do you do with such a faithful lapdog when his position has been eliminated? Easy-peasy! You create a new position for him.   Meet Andrew Lorenzen-Strait Version 2.0, the ICE deputy assistant director for custody programs, in which role he will be doing... well, pretty much what he was doing before: ensuring that no alien ever gets deported.   Last week Breitbart News reported that, under Lorenzen-Strait's steadfast direction, US ICE is initiating a comprehensive (translate 'expensive') new program that pairs illegal aliens with social workers, at government expense..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Oklahoma again reports increased revenue from taxes on wired remittances
"With the U.S.A. congress apparently poised to reduce fees on employers who hire massive numbers of foreign workers, a 'loss' to the government of between $100M and $250M, it is a pleasure to note that Oklahoma continues to collect increasing amounts of money from its tax on wire transfers of money made by individuals (many of whom are illegal aliens).   Oklahoma, as we report every year at about this time, collects 1% from all out-going, out-of-state, person-to-person wire transfers of money; many of these transfers are remittances from illegal aliens in Oklahoma to their relatives in their homelands.   It is the only state to do so.   The money is not, strictly speaking, a tax; it is a deduction, much like what most Americans find in their regular pay stubs.   If you pay your state income taxes, you can use these 1 percent deductions as a tax credit.   In that case the whole procedure is a wash.   But Oklahoma tax officials told us a year or so ago that 96% of the wire transfer fees are not used as income tax credits -- so the great bulk of the funds are additional revenues to the state, all taken from people who do not pay their state income taxes.   This should be a dream for politicians -- 96% of this funding source is being collected from people who are tax cheats and who cannot vote..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
illegal alien accused of gruesome executions and burning corpses in Texas

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
_Washington DC Times_
Pew poll: US citizens sharply divided on which and how many "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees" to admit into the USA

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
for decades, Libertarian and Green party candidates have sought the same participation in debates, freebie media exposure the Reps and Dems get
"The Libertarian and Green parties -- along with their respective presidential candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein -- filed a law-suit Tuesday in federal court, charging that the exclusion of 'qualified candidates' from the general election presidential debates by the Commission on Presidential Debates violates federal anti-trust laws. 'For over 25 years, the Commission on Presidential Debates has used millions of dollars in tax-deductible contributions from big corporations to rig the rules, keeping Americans from hearing from anyone but the two old parties in debates.', said Nicholas Sarwark, chairman of the National Libertarian Committee. 'If 2 teams got together to make sure that only they could make it to the Super Bowl, people would be outraged at the cheating. With this lawsuit, we're standing up for the right of Americans to have fair debates between all candidates who are on enough ballots to become president.', Mr. Sarwark noted."
Ballot Access News

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Muslim man in Germany strangled his 19-year-old daughter because she shop-lifted condoms

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
dictator Raul Castro's first UN speech shows little good-will toward USA

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
unnecessary loss of life: rules of engagement other restraints on USA military achieving reasonable goals
Jewish World Review
Human Events
World Net Daily

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Mike Adams _Town Hall_
hearts and brains and bones: the Planned Parenthood murders

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Fletcher Armstrong _Town Hall_
in the abortion debate, the facts matter

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Cecile Richards tried to defend Planned Parenthood's getting tax-victim funds at House Oversight committee hearing
"...For what it's worth, if Planned Parenthood lost its federal funds, it would still have 59% of its income.   Pro-life legislators want to see those dollars funneled to health centers [instead].   Oh and this is good timing: A new forensic analysis into the Center for Medical Progress videos has resulted in 'no evidence of manipulation'."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Cecile Richards declared she is proud of Planned Parenthood's illegal organ harvesting

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
pro-life people say Planned Parenthood is not needed for women's health

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
"streiff" _True Blue Republican State_
Planned Parenthood's shallow attempts to white-wash their abuses and criminality

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood had $127M surplus, but will fight any cut in tax-victim funding

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood got $528M in tax-victim funds, paid Cecile Richards $523K/year

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
_Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards: none of our clinics have mammogram machines (video)

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina was corret: full video posted
"The Center for Bioethical Reform, in partnership with the Grantham collection, has released the full version of a video which became a source of political controversy after the 2nd Republican debate.   The 13 minute long video shows the birth of what CBR describes as a '17.5 week fetus'.   The fetus is placed in a metal pan with a clamp attached to its umbilical cord.   A comparison demonstrates the new video is the source of the brief segment that appeared in a video produced by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life investigatory group which has produced undercover videos critical of Planned Parenthood..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards: "abortion is health-care"

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Mollie Hemingway _Federalist_
a quick and easy guide to the videos of Planned Parenthood officials behaving badly
"1) Planned Parenthood uses partial-birth abortions to sell baby parts...   2) Second Planned Parenthood senior executive haggles over baby parts prices, changes abortion methods [to harvest parts in demand]...   3) Human capital -- episode 1: Planned Parenthood's black market in baby parts...   4) Planned Parenthood VP says fetuses may come out intact, agrees payments specific to the specimen...   5) intact fetuses "just a matter of line itens" for Planned Parenthood TX mega-center...   6) Human capital -- episode 2: inside the Planned Parenthood supply site...   7) Human capital -- episode 3: Planned Parenthood's custom abortions for superior product...   8) Planned Parenthood baby parts buyer StemExpress wants "another 50 livers/week"...   9) Planned Parenthood baby parts vendor Advanced BioScience Resources (ABR) pays off clinics, intact fetuses 'just fell out'...   10) top Planned Parenthood executive: baby parts sales are 'a valid exchange', can make 'a fair amount of income'..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Mollie Hemingway _Federalist_
5 shocking scenes the Planned Parenthood video creator doesn't want you to see: a forensic audit reveals what was left on the cutting floor
"Alliance Defending Freedom commissioned its own forensic audit to look into the videos.   Instead of using a small partisan research firm, however, they used Coalfire, a third-party digital security and forensics firm with experience providing evidence for civil and criminal investigations.   Unlike the Planned Parenthood-commissioned audit, Coalfire had access to every second of released audio and vodeo investigative footage.   The Fusion report only had access to 4 full-length videos released on YouTube through August 4, and none of the source material.   Both reports assert that there is no dubbing or alteration to the audio and no evidence of misrepresentative editing...   1) Commuting...   2) Camera adjustments...   3) Bathroom breaks...   4) Meals...   5) Waiting..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz: the real story of what is happening in Washington DC
"AllahPundit": Hot Air
"Mr. President, there is a reason the American people are fed up with Washington.   There is a reason the American people are frustrated.   The frustration is not simply mild or passing or ephemeral.   It is volcanic.   Over and over again, the American people go to the ballot box, over and over again, the American people rise up and say the direction we're going doesn't make sense.   We want change.   Over and over again, the American people win elections.   In 2010, a tidal wave election.   In 2014, a tidal wave election.   And yet, nothing changes in Washington.   Mr. President, I'd like to share with you and the American people the real story of what is happening in Washington [DC].   Why is it that our 'leaders' cannot stop bankrupting this country, cannot stop the assault on our constitutional rights, cannot stop America's retreat from leadership in the world?   It's a very simple dynamic when you have two sides allegedly in a political battle.   One side that is relentlessly, unshakably committed to its principles, and the other side [whose losership] reflexively surrenders at the outset.   The outcome is fore other detained.   I will give [president Obummer] and the senate Dems/Reds/leftists credit.   They believe in principles of big government.   They believe in this relentless assault on our constitutional rights, and they are willing to crawl over broken glass with a knife between their teeth to fight for those principles.   Unfortunately, leadership on my side of the aisle does not demonstrate the same commitment to principles.   Now, how is it you might wonder that a preemptive surrender is put in place? Well, it all begins with the relatively innocuous statement there shall be no shut-downs.   That is a statement leadership in both houses, Republican [losership] in both houses has said: 'We're not going to shut the government down.'   You could understand the folks in the private sector, folks at home -- that sounds perfectly reasonable.   Except here's the reality in Washington.   In today's Washington, there are 3 kinds of votes.   There are, number one, show votes, show votes, show votes.   Votes that are brought up largely to placate the voters where the outcome is fore-ordained, where most Republicans will vote one way, Democrats will vote the other, Republicans will lose, and the conservatives who elected Republican majorities in both houses are supposed to be thrilled that they have been patted on the head and given their show vote that was destined to lose.   We had a vote like that in recent weeks on Planned Parenthood.   [Losership] told us: 'You should be thrilled.   We voted on it.   What else do you want?'   We voted on it in a context where it would never happen.   And indeed it didn't.   The second kind of vote are votes that simply grow government, that dramatically expend spending, expand corporate welfare, and those votes, Mr. President, those votes passed.   Because you get a bipartisan coalition of Republican [losership] and Democrat, both of whom are convinced that career politicians will get re-elected if they keep growing and growing government, and in particular, handing out corporate welfare to giant corporations.   Oh, boy, if you have got the lobbyists on K street pushing for something, you can get 60, 70, 80 votes in this chamber because Republican [losership] loves it, and Democrats are always willing to grow government.   And then there's a third kind of vote.   Votes on must-pass legislation.   In an era when one side, the Democratic Party, is adamantly committed to continuing down this path that is causing so many millions of Americans to hurt, must-pass votes are the only votes that have real consequence in this chamber.   They typically fall into one of 3 categories -- either continuing resolution or an omnibus appropriation bill or a debt ceiling increase.   Each of those 3 are deemed must-pass votes, and if you actually want to change law, those are the only hopes of doing so.   But I mentioned before you have got one side that has preemptively surrendered.   Republican leadership has said: 'We will never, ever, ever shut down the government.'   And suddenly, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] understands the easy key to winning every battle.   He simply has to utter the word 'shut-down', and Republican [losership] runs to the hills.   So [president Barack Hussein Obummer] demands of congress fund every bit of [the evil unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare], 100% of it, and do nothing, zero, for the millions of Americans who are hurting, millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, who have lost their health care, who have lost their doctors, who have been worsted into part-time work, millions of young people who have seen their premiums sky-rocket.   [President Barack Hussein Obummer] says you can do nothing for the people that are hurting.   Senate Democrats say: 'We don't care about the people who are hurting.   We'll do nothing for them.'   And here's the kicker.   [President Barack Hussein Obummer] promises, 'if you try to do anything on [ObummerDoesn'tcare], I, [Barack Hussein Obummer], will veto funding for the entire federal government and shut it down,’ and Republican leadership compliantly says, 'Okay, fine, we'll fund Obamacare.'   [President Barack Hussein Obummer] then -- understanding he's got a pretty good trump card here he can pull out any time -- next he says, 'Okay, Republicans, fund my unconstitutional executive amnesty.   It's contrary to law.   It's flouting federal immigration law.   But you, Republicans, fund it anyway, or else I, [Barack Hussein Obummer], will veto funding for the entire federal government and shut it down.', and Republican [losership] says at the outset, 'Okay, we'll fund amnesty.'   And now you turn to Planned Parenthood.   [Barack Obummer], this will surprise no one, says, 'Fund 100% of Planned Parenthood with [tax-victim] money.'   Mind you, Planned Parenthood is a private organization.   It's not even part of the government, but it happens to be politically favored by [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and the Reds/Dems/leftists.   Planned Parenthood is also the subject of multiple criminal investigations for being caught on [video-recordings] apparently carrying out a pattern of on-going felonies.   In ordinary times, the proposition that we should not be sending your and my father's [tax-victim] money to fund a private organization under multiple criminal investigations, that ought to be a 100-0 vote.   But I mentioned before [Baarack Hussein Obummer] is absolutely committed to his partisan objectives.   He is like The Terminator.   He never stops.   He never gives up.   He moves forward and forward and forward.   So what does he say?   'If you don't fund this one private organization that's not part of the government, that's under multiple criminal investigations, I, [Barack Hussein Obummer], will veto funding for the entire federal government and shut it down.'   And what does Republican [losership] say?   Well, it will surprise no one.   Republican [losership] says, 'We surrender.   We will fund Planned Parenthood.'   You know, [president Obummer] has negotiated a catastrophic nuclear [treaty] with Iran..."
They should have been fighting ObummerDoesn'tCare tooth-and-nail, back in 2009 and the Spring of 2010, but instead they surrendered.   They should have fought the federal over-spending every single week of every single month of every single year, but instead they surrendered.   They should have been and should continue to fight against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, every single day, every single week, every single month. They should have been opposing Obummer's appointments, every one of them, every day, but instead they surrendered.

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Cruz criticized colleagues for passing dirty spending bill

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
_Conservative HQ_
House "leadership" elections update: Dennis Ross, Daniel Webster, Tom Price

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Tim Huelskamp _Town Hall_
it is time to listen to the USA citizenry

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Jeff Duncan _Breitbart_
House must select a non-leftist speaker

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: John Boehner's resignation is a good thing

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Brian Darling _Human Events_
lessons learned from John Boehner's terrible speakership
"...First -- the new speaker has to show that he is willing to dig in and fight the [Obummer] agenda.   Second -- Republicans have to show that they have an agenda.   They need to launch a new Contract with America and make sure the speaker does not schedule votes on issues that don't have the support of a majority of the Republican caucus.   The senate leadership should take note and should also propose a set of ideas that consist of a conservative agenda.   They should also set down a conference rule that the majority-leader will be forced out of office through a vote of no confidence if he schedules a vote on any matter that does not have majority support of the senate Republican caucus..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Star Parker _Human Events_
a leadership lesson for John Boehner... and his successors

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
this is about more than John Boehner
"...Back in 2014 May, when Dave Brat shocked [the RINOs and GOP losership] by resoundingly defeating sitting majority-leader Eric Cantor, the GOP empire moved with swift agility and within 24 hours had blithely rallied around the 'next in line'.   There was no period of introspection or regard for what had just occurred...   Now the House [Republican] conference has a second chance to right the ship.   It's time for their colleagues across the Capitol in the senate to heed the same lesson...   what [Boehner] lacked is the same thing McConnell and Kevin McCarthy lack -- a desire to fight for issues concerning conservatives [i.e. liberal -- classical liberal -- Republicans].   In many respects Mitch McConnell has been worse than Boehner this year.   He has used control of the senate to sabotae conservatives on every major battle, block conservative amendments, and undermine our leverage in an even more pernicious fashion than Harry Reid did..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
let Obummer shut the federal government down and make him own it, while continuing to press for more cuts in leftist spending
World Net Daily
Human Events
Town Hall
Jewish World Review

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Laura Ingraham
Florida Chamber of Crony Socialists poll: Trump 25%, Rubio 14%, Yebbie 13%
Adam C. Smith: Tampa Bay FL Times

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Yebbie Booosh funded by George Soros's Red Chinese business partner
"Bush is the chairman of BH Logistics, a $26M private equity fund that was incorporated in 2014 April.   Who invested in BH Logistics? Bush's firm received a major investment from HNA Group, a [Red Chinese] private equity firm.   Bush took the money from HNA Group and spent it to invest in the gas shipping company Dorian LPG, which is incorporated in the Republic of The Marshall Islands.   What is HNA Group? And more importantly, who funds it? Look no further than George Soros.   HNA Group's chairman Chen Feng is one of [Red China's] wealthiest businessmen, and he has Soros to thank for it.   Feng, chairman of Hainan Airlines, secured a $25M investment from Soros in 1995 after a personal New York City meeting.   In 2000, he formed HNA Group to become the parent company of Hainan Airlines.   Soros invested an additional $25M in Hainan Airlines in 2005..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Seton Motley _Human Events_
congress should impeach EPA head Gina McCarthy... and then a whole bunch of other bureaubums

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Nicholas Vardy _Human Events_
the sweet-tasting success of government austerity in Ireland

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Larry Kelley _Town Hall_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems makes war inevitable

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems emboldens the Iranian theocratic dictatorship

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Marvin Olasky _Town Hall_
welcome to the Center for the Babylonian Experiment

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Andre Walker _Town Hall_
"international community" action against Islamic terrorists who are residents of the UK
"The British government has demanded the addition of four of its own citizens to the UN's list of Jihadis facing international sanctions.   This is the first time the UK has asked for its own passport holders to have their assets frozen and be prevented from travelling, according to the BBC.   The UN sanction regime was first introduced to curb the expansion of the Islamic State, and the British government is known to be lobbying for more of its nationals to be added to the list.   It is rare for a country to call for its own citizens to be targeted this way and demonstrates a hardening of attitudes in London.   Estimates of the number of British citizens fighting for the Islamic State range from around 500 to 1,500, but experts accept the numbers are growing..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
interview of Scott Eyman who wrote biographies of Hollywood celebrities: why movies aren't as good today

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
rapper Azalea Banks: the big LGBT hate machine are like gay white KKKs

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has crucified, tortured thousands of Christians

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Pakistan's Christians have been warned to prepare for ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate attacks

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
House Homeland Security committee report: USA failing to stop most people who want to join ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Joel Kotkin: worseninig anti-semitism at U of CA campuses is part of a global trend

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
House Republicans advance bill to undo Obummer's unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare health destruction bill
Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times: House Ways and Means committee voted to scrap ObummerDoesn'tCare mandates

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee on Obummer: what kind of Christian attacks the Little Sisters of the Poor? (with video)

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
David Cameron tells Obummer he cannot ignore the fact that the biggest problem we have today is Islamist extremist violence
"...Mr. Cameron also said Western governments must 'root out the extremist preachers that are poisoning the minds of young Muslims in our countries'..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Barry Farber _WND_
when USA's exceptionalism was self-evident

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
fighting media bias... and winning

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Joseph Farah _WND_
never again? really?
"...Barna Research conducted the poll, asking the question: 'Think back to World War 2 when Jews in Europe were forced into concentration camps and many were killed by the Nazis.   If you were living in this time period, would you have risked the possible imprisonment and death of yourself and your family to hide Jews?'   69% said they would while 31% said they would not, with males more likely than females to answer in the affirmative.   I saw a statistic recently that blew my mind: According to the latest FBI hate-crimes statistics, Jews are consistently targeted for their faith more often than members of any other religious group, with anti-Semitic crimes accounted for roughly 60% of religious hate crimes last year.   That's in [the USA] -- in 2014.   We hear so much about supposed 'hate crimes' against Muslims in [the USA] following 2001/09/11.   Yet, by comparison, 13 percent of religious hate crimes are said to be perpetrated against Muslims -- slightly ahead of those committed against Catholics.   Anti-Semitism is alive and well in the USA.   It's truly shocking -- as is this poll.   Of course, worldwide there is, again, a movement fomented in nations like Iran, [organizations like] the Palestinian Authority and terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews.   The tentacles of this movement are global..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Linda Harvey _WND_
4 ways we're enabling, even exalting child abuse
"America has become desensitized to sexual abuse of the children we have a duty to protect.   Many Americans are now comfortable with -- or indifferent to -- the normalization and white-washing of child corruption.   Here are some recent examples I hope stir some minds and hearts.   Example #1: A full-page ad appeared in USA Today on Sept. 23 from a group that has grown in power even as its message, at its core, has become more radical and child-endangering.   GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, ran the ad to encourage support for its 'Ally Week' (Sept. 28- Oct. 2) with the headline, 'Respect My Pronouns'.   Middle- and high-school students are needed as allies to peers who are 'LGBTQ'.   Don't we really know what that means?   Pat your friend on the back and respect that growing attraction to high-risk sodomy or his/her intention to amputate healthy body parts as soon as a willing surgeon can be found.   A teen 'he' should be respected as 'she' in GLSEN's deviant world..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
"foreign policy analyst" Rula Jebreal trying to smear those who tell the truth about Islam as murderers

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Donald Trump met, prayed with 40 religious leaders in Trump Tower
"Current GOP primary front-runner Donald Trump met with 40 different religious leaders in Trump Tower on Monday to pray, and to reaffirm his support for Israel and for Christians under attack by the Left..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
argument over federal government over-spending likely to continue
"...the 3rd congress only met from 1793 December to 1794 June, and then again from 1794 November to 1795 March.   The 18th congress deliberated for 5 months in 1823-1824, and less than 90 days in 1824-1825.   Even as late as the 1880s, as squabbling over industrial and agricultural problems mushroomed, sessions averaged only about 5 months per year.   Conversely, whenever presidents in the 19th century attempted to spend too much money, congress frequently retaliated by proposing cuts to the executive branch.   It tried seven times to abolish the office of vice president.   Not only would money be saved from such action, sponsors argued, but it would also prevent the office from 'being carried into the market to be exchanged for the votes of some large states' for president...   president Chester Arthur. The 'extravagant expenditure of public money', he wrote, 'is an evil not to be measured by the value of the money to the people who are taxed for it'.   Much clearer was Calvin Coolidge's observation that 'if the federal government should go out of existence, the common run of the people would not detect the difference...for a considerable length of time'.   William McKinley wanted the government to be businesslike, with the model being 'to pay as it goes -- not by resorting to loans, but by keeping out of debt -- through an adequate income secured by a system of taxation, external or internal, or both.'   And it was Grover Cleveland who first cautioned against what government could do for [and to] the average citizen.   'The lessons of paternalism', he argued, 'ought to be unlearned and the better lesson taught that while the people should patriotically and cheerfully support their government, its functions do not include support of the people.'...   Benjamin Harrison believed that a little surplus wasn’t a bad idea..."

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Jeff Fuller _Washington DC Times_
USA military personnel should be armed to deter invasion and terrorist attacks

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Chris Truax _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton mishandled her e-mail

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Darrell Issa _Washington DC Times_
Russia, Muslim terrorists rushing in to fill power vacuum left by Obummer

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate & al-Qaeda gain in Afghanistan

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
John Dodson _Washington DC Times_
BATFE still broken 5 years after "Operation Fast & Furious" became public

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Ben Carson promotes individual empowerment

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
"killer" Africanized honey-bees have invaded San Francisco CA area

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Anthony Watts
Arctic sea ice still too thick for regular shiping route through NorthWest Passage

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Anthony Watts
the "RICO 20 letter" to Obummer asking for prosecution of those who questions warmist claims has disappeared from Jagdish Shukla's IGES web-site amid financial concerns

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
David Middleton
Royal Dutch Shell to quit petroleum exploration in USA Arctic due to unpredictable federal regulatory environment (with map/graph of USA off-shore areas off-limits vs. open to petroleum extraction)

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Eric Worrall
bizarre claim: culling dangerous sharks effects climate
James Delingpole: Breitbart

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Eric Worrall
Australia's nuclear-energy driven electricity generation industry: "renewables" won't get us across the line

2015-09-29 (5776 Tishri 16)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "Be not like a bird that sees the grain but not the trap." --- R' ibn Tibbon  



2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
"ErichTheRed" _Slash Dot_/_Dice_
guest-work visas have always displaced USA talent and facilitated off-shoring; are guest-workers and their employers racist?
"...Tata, Acenture, [GE, Siemens, Oracle, MSFT, Apple], etc. are off-shoring regular office work as well as 'IT' work..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Ann Coulter _WND_
Ted Kennedy's war against the USA turns 50
"Half a century ago, Democrats looked at the country and realized they were never going to convince Americans to agree with them.   But they noticed that people in most other countries of the world already agreed with them.   The solution was obvious.   So in 1965 -- 50 years ago this week -- senator Ted Kennedy passed an immigration law that has brought 59M foreigners to our shores, who happened to vote 8-2 for the Democrats.   Democrats haven't won any arguments; they changed the voters.   If anything, the Democrats have stopped bothering to appeal to Americans.   The new feminized Democratic Party says, 'That's too bad about those steel-workers in Ohio losing their jobs, but THERE'S A WOMAN AT A LAW FIRM IN NEW YORK CITY WHO DESERVES TO MAKE PARTNER!'   Republicans should be sweeping the country, but they aren't, because of Kennedy's immigration law.   Without post-1965 immigrants bloc-voting for the Democrats, [Obummer] never would have been elected president, and Romney would have won a bigger land-slide against him in 2012 than Reagan did against Carter in 1980.   This isn't a guess; it's a provable fact.   [Obummer] beat Romney by about 5M votes in a presidential election in which about 125M votes were cast.   More than 30M of [Obummer's] votes came from people who arrived under Teddy Kennedy's immigration law; fewer than 10M of Romney's did.   The 1965 act brought in the poorest of the poor from around the globe.   Non-English-speaking peasants from wildly backward cultures could be counted on to be dependent on government assistance for generations to come.   Kennedy and other Dems/Reds/leftists swore up and down that the new immigration law would not change the country's demographics, but post-1965-act immigrants are nothing like the people who already lived here..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Julia Gorin _Political Mavens_
Mohamed Zuckerberg
"Among the flurry of support that the latest Muslim provocateur -- 14-year-old faux-clock-bomb maker Ahmed Mohamed -- received earlier this month was a posting by facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, reading, 'Having the skill and ambition to build something cool should lead to applause, not arrest. The future belongs to people like Ahmed.'   He can say that again. The future belongs to young Muslim males making what look like bombs. That writing has been on the wall for so long, it's fading. Moral of the story: If you see something, say something. Unless of course you're a teacher and one of your students brings something that looks like a bomb to class. Then you definitely shouldn't say anything. Especially if the student has a Muslim name..."
Except that AM didn't "have the skill and ambition to build something cool"; he just took apart a clock.

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Gary Welton _Cybercast News Service_
USA living on the edge of bankruptcy, limits our ability to invest in others

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
assassination of a Libyan smuggling boss will change nothing
"A friend sent me a curious news item from the British on-line Telegraph outlining the assassination of a Libyan 'migrant' smuggler and 8 of his bodyguards.   The man was apparently at the apex of this dirty trade.   The article goes on to cite speculation that the [killing] was the 'wet work' of Italian security services in retaliation for the tens of thousands of migrants sent to Italian shores in the past several months.   I'm not one to automatically reject theories just because they skew heavily on the dark-and-sinister scale, but on the other hand probabilities must be weighed, and they mitigate against this notion.   Surely the Italians are smart enough to know that such a hit is like cutting off the Hydra's head: Two more will spring up to replace the one lost.   More likely, this was the act of a ruthless competitor or ambitious underling.   Libya is a lawless, failed state akin to Somalia, rife with extremists and out of control militias thanks to the intervention of Western powers who aided in the overthrow of strongman Muamar Qaddafi during the glorious Arab Spring -- you know, the one that brought so many flowering democracies to countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa.   (Don't you bet the Europeans wish they could put that herd of cats back in the bag.)   But one thing is a near certainty: The murders will not change by an iota the number of migrants being sent to sea in overcrowded dinghies and leaky floating garbage scows from the northern coast of Africa by profit-mongering smugglers, in no small measure because of the stunningly ineffectual collective reaction by European Union member states.   One can also guess with reasonable statistical likelihood that the EU nations will, in the fullness of time, come to rue how they have responded for many reasons.   Not least of which will be having invited jihadists into their midst, because European authorities' asylum vetting processes will prove to be as ineffectual as ours where rooting out present and future terrorists is concerned."
Andrea Vogt: London Telegraph

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
welcome to wealthy Middle Eastern thug privilege
Cybercast News Service
"The latest case of WMET privilege involves a well-connected Saudi prince arrested on Wednesday after allegedly sexually assaulting a woman at his $40M Beverly Hills rental mansion.   Witnesses reported seeing a bloodied woman screaming for help as she scrambled over an 8-foot wall surrounding the property.   LAPD officers charged 28-year-old Majed Abdulaziz al-Saud with sodomy, battery and false imprisonment.   Celebrate diversity!   (No word, by the way, on whether or how this accused brute is related to Saudi princess Buniah al-Saud, who pleaded no contest in 2002 to charges of beating her Indonesian maid in Florida.   She was fined a measly $1K and let loose.)   So, where is al-Saud now? Long gone, no doubt.   His royal benefactors forked over $300K to bail out the privileged jet-setter.   Neighbors say the estate has been evacuated.   Al-Saud has an October 19 court date.   But don't expect him to show any more respect for our laws than another fellow wealthy Middle Eastern thug who has recently gone on the lam.   Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar, owner of a Ferrari caught racing illegally through another Beverly Hills enclave, is nowhere to be found.   A driver believed to be either Al Thani or one of his drag-racing opponents bragged to a witness that he had diplomatic immunity and could get away with murder, and then spat 'F*** America' before disappearing.   Meanwhile, three other women have stepped forward to file a civil complaint against al-Saud alleging 'extreme', 'outrageous' and 'despicable' behavior by the prince at the sprawling compound.   The workers say they were 'deprived of their freedom of movement by use of physical barriers, force, threats of force, menace, fraud, deceit and unreasonable duress'.   Feckless Foggy Bottom bureaucrats at [the Obummer/Kerry] State Department, as usual, have no comment on either case..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist crisis could cost Austria 12G Euros

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
on a positive note, Germany has printed copies of the 1st 20 articles of its constitution in Arabic for "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists to learn

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
on a positive note, Germany slowly closing door to "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Hollie McKay _Fox_
Chaldean Christians from Iraq, held in Otay Mesa detention center, denied asylum in USA, facing expulsion

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 debacle in Vermont offers schadenfreude for all

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
central bank of Honduras: emigration to USA is a cause for concern

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
RFK, Theodore White, and the great debate over immigration
"...Over the past several months, as I researched the transformative 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act to write the paper we will release Thursday at the National Press Club, I thought often of Kennedy's famous quote.   The Hart-Celler Act was an expression of a [partisan] commitment to [partisan] 'ideals' that had been contradicted by the...discriminatory immigration policy congress adopted 41 years earlier.   Under that earlier legislation immigrants were admitted not according to merit, but under a system that issued visas on the basis of national origin.   As Kennedy wrote in a 1964 letter to the New York Times: 'This national origins system was conceived in a spirit of mistrust of certain racial groups, in southern and eastern Europe and elsewhere...   It violates our basic national philosophy because it judges individuals not on their [individual] worth, but solely on their place of birth.'   The Hart-Celler Act is a historic example of American leaders who saw injustice in our national civic life and took action eliminate it.   But its legacy illustrates the unintended consequences that 'reforms' can produce when they are shaped by other, less noble agendas and driven by a sense of urgency that renders advocates unable or unwilling to look beyond anticipated benefits and to probe potential costs.   Convinced of [what they believed were] good intentions and driven by idealism and political interest, the congress that passed the Hart-Celler Act and the president who signed it failed to anticipate how it would create a system of mass immigration that continues to transform the country a half century later.   In his 1964 letter to the Times, Kennedy insisted that the legislation 'would increase the amount of authorized immigration by only a fraction'.   Meanwhile, his brother, senator Edward Kennedy, who skillfully managed the bill to passage, told his colleagues, 'It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society.'   Both those predictions had proved to be erroneous by 1982, when journalist Theodore White called Hart-Celler 'noble, revolutionary -- and probably the most thoughtless of the many acts of the Great Society'.   Robert Kennedy gave poetic expression to [leftist] idealism to right [what they considered to be] historic wrongs..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Nayla Rush _Center for Immigration Studies_
"migrants", "refugees", "asylees", "invaders", and/or "terrorists"?
"The 'migrant crisis' in Europe has been making headlines lately as reports abound on the hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children crossing its borders.   These large flows of migrants (coming mostly from the Middle East and North Africa) are putting the European Union to the test as Europe faces its largest mass migration since the end of World War 2.   Public outrage escalated (especially following the picture of the drowned three-year-old boy on the Turkish shore), with calls to welcome everyone as EU leaders argue over logistics and numbers.   This migrant crisis has given rise to another type of controversy, one over semantics.   A debate over the appropriate use of words when referring to the recent influx of migrants into Europe was started by the al-Jazeera media network.   The network recently announced that it will no longer use the word 'migrant' when covering people crossing the Mediterranean...   According to the article, the news director at al-Jazeera English has decided that, since the term migrant has come to equate 'nuisance', the network will 'instead, where appropriate, say refugee'.   UNHCR joined the debate soon after, stressing the difference between a refugee and a migrant: 'Refugees are persons fleeing armed conflict or persecution.   They are defined and protected in international law.'...   UNHCR explains why this labelling distinction is crucial.   Individual countries treat migrants according to their own immigration laws and policies, whereas 'they have to deal with refugees through norms of refugee protection and asylum that are defined in both national legislation and international law'.   According to the agency, the use of the term migrant by certain governments can be politically motivated since undocumented migrants can be deported and denied protection, unlike refugees.   Going back to the correct labelling of people crossing the Mediterranean, UNHCR suggests the use of both 'refugees and migrants', as some are refugees and some migrants.   In a post titled 'Refugees are also Migrants and All Migrants Matter', Norwegian professor Jorgen Carling finds this 'two kinds of people' rhetoric troubling.   Carling stresses first the humanitarian aspect of our response to emergencies, asking: 'When people drown at sea or suffocate in lorries, our first question should not be so, which kind were they, refugees or migrants?'.   He adds that the 'two kinds of people' accounts are ironically what define many of the wars these people had to run away from.   Carling reminds us also that an international migrant is, if one is to follow the [corrupt] United Nation's recommendations, 'any person who changes his or her country of usual residence'.   Multiple factors can be behind this move, people migrate in search of a job, a better life, or to join a family member (these are not exclusive categories).   They can also leave their country because of fear of persecution or to flee a conflict zone.   A migrant, under these life-threatening circumstances, can apply for asylum and if granted, receive a refugee status.   Migration push factors are complex and often overlapping.   A person may have fled a country of war, but the decision to continue one's journey may be linked to other factors, such as job opportunities or benefits, welcoming family members or networks, a change in the host country's immigration policy, etc.   In the words of Carling, 'motivations can be blurred and over-lapping, defying neat categorization'.   Even the common and seemingly clear-cut distinction between migrants and refugees, which stipulates that the former choose to move while the latter have to move, is not as obvious.   Again, what part is pressure and part personal choice? In the midst of wars, and under the same circumstances, some stay while others leave.   Some flee immediate life-threatening circumstances while others, like Syrians in Jordan or Lebanon, might feel propelled to continue on to Europe if only because of constraining camp-life conditions that were supposed to be temporary but now appear everlasting.   Carling is right to remind us that the determination of a refugee status 'can be a messy and unpredictable process' and that each application needs to be reviewed with the utmost attention and care.   What we really need, he adds, 'is a migration policy that takes the starting point that migrants may or may not have well-founded fears of persecution'.   After all and to summarize matters for the sake of semantics, a migrant can become a refugee (or not), but all refugees are migrants.   Barry Malone, Al Jazeera's on-line editor (author of the article quoted above) told the Washington Post that the network would happily revert to using the word migrant should the perceived negative connotation be dismissed.   He added: 'In an ideal world, perhaps neither refugee nor migrant would be used or twisted...perhaps we would all just be people.'   We do agree, all migrants are human beings.   And yes, we should be driven by our humanitarian sensibility and compassion.   But what we cannot do is welcome all those who want or need to come here.   Immigration policy is not to be reduced to an immense humanitarian program.   In Carling's words: 'Unlike motivations, immigration legislation is clear-cut' [but, inreality, not so much, so as to leave huge barn-doors of width for discretion by bureaubums, and political cover for legislators].   And, even in a not-so-ideal world, immigration legislation needs to be implemented, every step of the way."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Japan pledges more money for "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists from Middle East, Turkey ≈ Africa than Saudi Arabia

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
the UN has become an unethical wasteland
"...Were it my call, the US ambassador to the United Nations would never cast a vote in the General Assembly.   The suggestion isn't original.   It was proposed in the 1960s by the political theorist James Burnham, who died in 1987.   To vote on General Assembly resolutions, he argued, is to lend them an authority which serious countries like the United States know they aren't entitled.   If that was true in Burnham's day, it is even truer now, when the General Assembly is dominated by corrupt, authoritarian, or tyrannical governments that are hostile to democratic liberties and contemptuous of human dignity.   We should not indulge the pretense that there is moral significance to any proposition merely because a majority of the UN's membership endorses it...   Look at UN today and what do you see? The world's cruelest dictatorships seated on the Human Rights Council.   A monomaniacal hostility toward Israel.   Global financial and sexual scandals.   Thundering applause for speeches by tyrants and terorrists.   The General Assembly has become a moral wasteland and a monument to hypocrisy..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
continuing corruption? or non-leftist reform in the USA congress?
Conservative HQ: House "leadership" elections update: Dennis Ross, Daniel Webster, Tom Price

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
good riddance to John Boehner!
Town Hall
National Review
World Net Daily
World Net Daily
"...Boehner's biggest problem was Boehner.   And it is a recurring Republican problem.   Nothing epitomized Boehner's wrong-headedness like an occasion when he emerged from the White House, after a conference with [president Obummer] and others, to face a vast battery of microphones and television cameras.   Here was a golden opportunity for speaker Boehner to make his case directly to the American people, unfiltered by the media.   Instead, he just walked over to the microphones and cameras, briefly expressed his disgust with the conference he had just come from, and then walked on away.   Surely Boehner knew, going into this White House conference, that it could fail.   And, surely, he knew that there would be an opportunity immediately afterwards to present his case to the public.   But, like so many Republican leaders over the years, he seemed to have no sense of the importance of doing so -- or for the time and efforts needed to prepare for such an opportunity before-hand.   Whoever the next speaker of the House is, someone should have a plaque made up to put on his desk -- a plaque reading: TALK, DAMMIT!..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
a speaker from the right
"...In 2010, Republicans took nearly 70 seats from the Democrats and elected Boehner as speaker, only to be betrayed by him over and over -- sometimes Boehner even tried to discipline those who were responsible for his election.   In 2014, they gave McConnell his majority only to be ignored again.   These Republicans do not forget that Bush 41 gave them justice David Souter and that Bush 43 put justice John Roberts on the court -- a move that allowed him to cast the deciding vote in favor of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   If the Republican leadership asks their rank and file to accept another go along, get along speaker, they will reap the fruits in bitter primary challenges from the right, challenges that all the money in the world will not be enough to defeat."
The trouble with Boehner is that he gave in to the left before the negotiations truly began.   He didn't fight for better rules nor adherence to the US constitution, but repeatedly supported bad rules that favor the left.   He went along with violations of processes specified in the US constitution.   And then he continued to surrender until the left got exactly what they wanted.   The notion of "half a loaf" was never a possibility with Boehner, so libertarians and liberal republicans [intentionally mis-labeled as "conservative" or "red" by the Reds/Dems/leftists] repeatedly got none, while the left repeatedly got all they asked for, and then repeatedly demanded more.

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
RINO Mitch McConnell calls for the destruction of the Republicn party
"The conservative indictment of the [losership] of Boehner and McConnell has been that they have regularly failed to stand for conservative policy and have all too readily caved-in to [Barack Hussein Obummer] on matters such as funding Planned Parenthood, Obummer's [unconstitutional and] illegal executive amnesty [of illegal aliens, the treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, funding of Planned Parenthood, ObummerDoesn'tCare], spending, the deficit and raising [or lowering] the national debt ceiling.   So what is Mitch McConnell's response to conservative calls for his resignation?   He called for another deal with [Obummer], this time on a 2 year spending plan.   'We'd like to settle the top line for both years so next year we can have a regular appropriations process.', McConnell said according to reporting by The Washington Examiner's Susan Ferrechio.   'The president, speaker Boehner and I spoke about getting started on discussions last week, and I would expect them to start very soon.'   The House and senate this week are expected to pass a short-term funding measure because congress has not passed the necessary appropriations bills in 'regular order' and the end of the fiscal year is upon them..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP "leadership" election update: what's going to change?

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
global recession? recovery? depression? politico-economic paradigm shift?
"...[sales to] emerging-market...are well below expectations [and always have been].   The fallout has already affected the U.S.A. economy.   Caterpillar [never on great terms with their employees] recently announced as many as 10K lay-offs through 2018, because demand for the company's earth-moving equipment -- heavily used in mining operations -- has been soft..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the leftist, phony civility crowd is trying to attack the far more genuinely civil Ben Carson
Washington DC Times

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
the cult of victimization
World Net Daily

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
in Planned Parenthood's war against women they killed about 438 baby girls per day

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT): Planned Parenthood is the new ACORN
"Chaffetz said, 'I want the American to know that the revenue to Planned Parenthood was $127M more than their expenses.   And as we go into these budget battles about should we give more [tax-victim] dollars to Planned Parenthood, they don't need the money.   They are flush with cash.   They have so much cash that they're sending that money over-seas.   They're spending it on political activities.   They're spending it on first class airfare.   They're spending that money on private planes and chartered planes.   They obviously don't need the federal [tax-victim] dollars...   I think that the American public needs to know that these funds are often going to this non-profit, are going to the very political campaigns to get out the vote.   They're using shared services.   They're using shared personnel.   They're using these same offices.   There's -- there are PACs involved.   All of this money is going to the Dems/Reds/leftists.   Why should federal [tax-victims] pay for that?...   There are more than 13K community health [centers] would love this money...'"

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT): criticized Planned Parenthood president for millions wasted on travel and parties
Judson Phillips: Washington DC Times: tackle waste by federal government, and government-funded entities with Base ReAlignment and Closure Commission-like panel

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee criticized perverse priorities as Planned Parenthood has been getting tax-victim funding, while veterals die, and federal government debt continues to soar

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
trust of media is at an all-time low

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Lucas Mearian _"IT" News_/_IDG_
lower-cost (but not quite low enough for the retail market), higher-quality (but not quite high enough for most purposes) 3D printers driving massive growth... just not in the USA
"Red China's sales of 3D printers up 172.9%... 3D printer shipments are forecast to more than double every year between 2016 and 2019, by which time worldwide shipments are expected to reach more than 5.6M, according to new research from Gartner. Last year, 106,761 3D printers were sold worldwide. This year, 3D printer shipments are expected to reach 244,533 units; next year, shipments are projected to reach 490K. The primary market drivers for 'consumer' 3D printers, with prices under $2,500, are acquisitions of low-cost devices by schools and universities... Consumer machines with prices at under $1,000-to-$2,500 range have particularly high rates of sales... sub-$1,000 3D printers make up 25.5% of the sales, but are expected to grow to 40.7% of that market by 2019. North America and Western Europe continue to dominate 3D printer sales with 66.2% of the total shipments in 2014, however, both regions will experience lower shipment growth rates compared to other regions. Historically, 3D printers were sold in the regions where they were made: North America, Western Europe, Japan and, more recently, [Red China]."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
cyber-war: USA has been pulling assets out of Red China since OPM records access
No problem.   Pull out 1K, and send 3K or 5K or 10K new spies and operatives back in.

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
about 250 US citizens have joined ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, then re-entered the USA
House Homeland Security committee report (pdf)
"...'Over 25K foreign fighters have traveled to the battlefield to enlist with Islamist terrorist groups, including at least 4,500 Westerners.'..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
USA has no clue who Russia is bombing in Syria, but it is not ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Obummer DoD deputy-assistant-secretary for Russia resigning

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Obummer's failed $500M program to train vetted Syrian rebels suspended
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
while the corrupt Obummer pulls USA troops out, taliban re-take Kunduz

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
pope Francis: USA was born on the bed-rock of religion and morality; greatest wealth is its spiritual and ethical heritage

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
pope Francis grabbing 3rd-rail of USA cultural wars: gays, marriage, religious freedom

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Melania Trump supports husband's campaign to Make USA Great Again

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
those whacky Californians: SDSU students may be expelled for displaying USA flags
"...the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which often takes up free speech cases, is not going to defend the students..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
upholders of right to own and carry arms seek to over-turn Dallas Zoo's anti-constitutional ban on arms
"...Recent complaints over the zoo's anti-gun signage are spear-headed by Texas Law Shield, a coalition of attorneys who fight to maintain the right to bear arms within the Lone Star State.   Effective earlier this year, the Texas attorney general can pursue legal action in that event that gun owners are prohibited from carrying concealed firearms on public property...

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
DHS inspector-general: Houston Riverside General hospital wasted $17.6M FEMA grant meant for re-building after hurricane Ike

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Robert Eno _Conservative Review_
1 e-mail message that perfectly sums up RINO and GOP losership hypocrisy

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Amanda Carpenter _Conservative Review_
McConnell does not want to achieve Republican goals, nor does he want any part of the federal leviathan even temporarily shut down while negotiations progress; he only wants to shut down real Republicans like Ted Cruz
"In lieu of a government shut-down to de-fund ObummerDoesn'tCare, Planned Parenthood, or [Obummer's disastrous treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems], senate [majority-loser] Mitch McConnell is opting to [try to shut down] Ted Cruz..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Jeffrey Lord _Conservative Review_
how GOP turmoil can be a good thing
"...The open contempt of wealthy GOP donors for the GOP base has been deservedly reciprocaed with the rise of GOP grass-roots support for Donald Trump [and disdain for Yebbie Booosh].   Trump, not coincidentally, is the one candidate who not only could care less for the donor class, but regularly scorns them with a heaping dose of their own condescending attitude..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Laura Ingraham
Larry Kudlow: Donald Trump has a better tax plan than Yebbie Booosh, he slashes the corporate tax rate down to 15% (mp3)

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood: "I've never heard of an aborted baby being born alive at a Planned Parenthood 'clinic'" (with video)

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
David Harsanyi _Federalist_
the only thing we learned from the Planned Parenthood hearing is that these Republicans are not serious; incompetent, uprepared, un-co-ordinated, inexcusably lazy
"An effectie showing -- something resembling a smart prosecution -- might have allayed a bit of the percolating discontent.   Yet there they were, facing a CEO whose organization performs vivisections on humans and harvests baby brains, and the best they could do most of the time was throw her soft-balls or ensure her martyrdom [in the eyes of the extreme left]...   aimless grand-standing...   finances...   'market penetration' and 'unit prices'...   Republicans brought up Richards's compensation, which was fine, as she and the fetus disposal business she manages benefit generously from [tax-victim] hand-outs.   But bring it up once..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Boehner conspired with Nasty Pelosi and other Reds/Dems/leftist to divert tax-victim funds to Planned Parenthood

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Jack Cashill _WND_
Obummer, Richards and their lies about the Muslim terrorist attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi and mammograms
"The second 2012 presidential debate, the one in which Mitt Romney faced off against [Barack Hussein Obummer] and CNN's Candy Crowley, is best remembered for [Obummer's and Susan Rice's] Benghazi lie.   The lie was so consequential people quickly forgot about [Obummer's] Planned Parenthood deceit, but first a refresher on Benghazi.   'You said in the Rose Garden the day after the attack it was an act of terror?   It was not a spontaneous demonstration, is that what you are saying?', Romney pressed [Obummer].   [Obummer] had long counted on the media to manage his corner, but this time Crowley climbed into the ring to help tag team the unsuspecting Mormon.   After a moment's hesitation, [Obummer] shouted out, 'Get the transcript.', and the camera panned to Crowley waving a piece of paper.   'He did in fact, sir, call...', said Crowley hesitantly to Romney, 'so let me call it an act of terror.'   [Obummer] jumped back in, 'Can you say that a little louder, Candy.'   She obliged, 'He did call it an act of terror.'   With that spectacular bit of media malpractice, Crowley and CNN preserved the political future of [Barack Hussein Obummer].   On the question of women's health, [Obummer] proved as deceitful as he had on Benghazi.   'When governor Romney says that we should eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood', Obummer pontificated, 'there are millions of women all across the country, who rely on Planned Parenthood for, not just contraceptive care, they rely on it for mammograms.'   [Obummer] was, if not in good company, at least in plentiful company.   This was a fraud Planned Parenthood had been feasting on for years...   Well, not entirely clean.   'We do not have mammogram machines at our health centers and we've never stated that we did.', Richards fudged...   As a 'primary source' of health care the neighborhood CVS MiniClinic serves women better than Planned Parenthood..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Rick Santorum: gay "marriage" destroys what is in the best interest of the future of the USA (with video)

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Carly Fiorina's ties to Clintons Foundation Complex are closer than previously disclosed
"...Fiorina currently serves on the boards of two non-profits that have partnered with Clinton Global Initiative.   One of the non-profit organizations, the National Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation ['innovation' being a talking point of the open-borders crowd since the 1990s], was launched at a Clinton Global Initiative event 2013 June 14, and that same year also pledged a 2-year, $3.7M commitment to Clinton Global Initiative to foster interest in entrepreneurship.   Fiorina serves on NCEI's 4-member advisory board...   Fiorina separately serves as chairman of the board of directors of 'Good360', a consortium of nonprofits with a mission statement that boasts it 'transforms lives and strengthens communities by mobilizing companies to donate critically needed goods'.   She has been on the board since 2012.   In 2013, 'Good360' partnered with Hilton Worldwide to back a Clinton Global Initiative project called 'RePurpose', which says it supports 'members of the hospitality industry in finding alternative ways to recycle, donate, or reuse waste instead of sending it to the land-fill'..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
left-wing Benghazi/e-mail protestors outside Hitlery Rotten Clinton fund-raiser at rapper Jay-Z's 40/40 Club on 25th and Broadway in Manhattan

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Vermont NEA opposes Hitlery Rotten Clinton

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Russia-linked hackers attempted to breach Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail... at least 5 times

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was also victim of hack attempt while using private e-mail and informed HRC

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Ron Brynaert _Washington DC Times_
a leftist spin on Hitlery Rotten Clinton's misuse of e-mail and the attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Maura Moynihan _Washington DC Times_
Red China has ensured Washington DC has heard nothing from Tibet, which they consider to be a vassal state

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Treasurer Jacob Lew claims federal government debt subject to the limit has been frozen at $18.112975T for 199 days
"...'As of 2015-03-16, the debt limit was increased to $18,113,000,080,959.35.'..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Ted Nugent _WND_
GOP candidates must confront ever-increasing federal government debt
"Give or take a few million here and there, with anywhere between 10M and 20M illegal aliens living in [the USA], the self-inflicted engineered scourge of illegal immigration overwhelming American today is indeed a serious issue that needs to be identified, debated and solved by the presidential candidates of both political stripes.   Remembering the words of Ronald Maximus Reagan that 'a nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation', the radars of ordinary Americans are finely tuned to the various solutions proposed by the candidates.   Where a candidate stands on the Second Amendment is also a critical political bellwether among the patriots who are proud members of the NRA [National Rifle Association], Gun Owners of America [GOA], Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership [JPFO] and numerous other national, state and local gun-rights organizations.   Tens of millions of other gun owners and those addicted to self-evident truth, logic and common sense also give a damn about this life-and-death issue, as we know full well that more gun laws won't stop the Democrat-engineered blood-bath in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and everywhere else they create unarmed and helpless victims.   The [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is a cancerous law that has already sent health-care costs sky-rocketing and will ultimately limit access to medical staff and procedures.   The tenet of ObamaScam is: First, do harm; second, lie...   America is already experiencing stagnating growth.   Real wages have fallen, and the middle class has shrunk under [president Obummer].   Things are even worse for black Americans.   Let's be honest: [To the left] Black economic lives don't matter..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
disgraced Obummer adviser Jonathan Gruber coached journalists how to promote ObummerDoesn'tCare!
"So it's only natural that Gruber was telling reporters how to report on the law at the 2013 Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) conference in Boston.   The AHCJ board of directors includes journalists from NPR [National Socialist Radio], The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Boston Globe, MedPage Today, and Kaiser Health News.   Current Vox medical reporter Julia Belluz attended the conference, according to a tweet she sent, though she did not mention Gruber.   Journalists now writing for Reuters and The Philadelphia Inquirer attended Gruber's session, among others...   'Focus on how the law affects everyone.   Be cautious when reporting individual anecdotes because they may not represent the typical experience [and opponents can probably bring up just as many harmed by the scheme as we come up with claiming it helps them].   Look for academic experts and who funds them.   Beware of experts that represent interest groups or have strong ideological positions [different from the regime's].   Chaos in the earliest stages of implementation is probably inevitable, so use caution in framing stories.   (Keep calm and carry on., he said.)   Back in 2006, the [Shrub's evil, unconstitutional] Medicare prescription drug benefit, called Part D, had a rocky launch, but is generally considered popular [by the millions deluded into thinking they're getting something for nothing or something they've already paid-in-full for].'... The Commonwealth Fund, which did research that 'helped lay the ground-work' for [ObummerDoesn'tCare], also put together a symposium in 2013 teaching business reporters from outlets including Reuters and Money magazine how to report on [ObummerDoesn'tCare]."
2007-12-13: Jeff Poor: Media Research Center: abc calls socialized medicine "system that works"; socialized medicine cheer-leaders Drew Altman of Kaiser, Gail Wilensky of Project Hope, & Karen Davis of Commonwealth Fund
2010-06-29: Michelle Malkin: Left-wing group's grant will lobby main-stream media on ObummerDoesn'tCare
2011-08-17:"SaynSumthn": George Soros's daughter-in-law is a Planned Parenthood board member
2011-10-29: Cliff Kincaid: Soros Files: Obummer's master George Soros supporting USA's enemies at home and abroad
2005-08-25: I. Whitlock: LifeTree: Soros - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation nexus (pdf)

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Phil Elmore _WND_
when parenting on-line is abusive to children: regarding video celebrating deviant sexuality

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Joseph Farah _WND_
WW3 is shaping up in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Jane Chastain _WND_
the case for doctor Ben Carson

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Erik Rush _WND_
Obummer doubling-down and poking the bear: Alinsky rule #8

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Lompico near Santa Cruz CA nearly out of water

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
3rd SF Bay area library, 2nd in Palo Alto, infested with bed-bugs

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
interview with Scott Eyman: part 2 "Blazing Saddles" would not be permitted to be made now
"...People forget this but there was no topic these older films didn't touch upon, be it adultery, incest or homosexuality.   The difference was that in order to bypass the Production Code, these issues were relegated to subtext.   And subtext is almost always richer, deeper and more satisfying artistically than text.   SE: 'They were forced into subtext and subtlety.   Lubitsch is a perfect example.   He even worked that way before the Production Code.   That was just his intellect, the way he liked to do it.   Fritz Lang was the only world class director I got to be friends with, and sometimes he would talk about his German films.   He was very proud of M -- proud that he didn’t show what Peter Lorre did to his victims.   He told me that if you show that you lose the audience.   You don't lose them because you alienate them, you lose their imagination.'..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
Bill O'Reilly's _Killing Reagan_: I didn't understand Ronald Reaan's nobility

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
congress going soft on crime in response to Ferguson & Baltimore rioting

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Massacusetts convenience store owner charged with committing $3.6M in food stamp/SNAP fraud

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
KABC-TV Glendale CA aired evening news-cast from the lawn after bomb threat

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Tomi Kilgore _MarketWatch_
DJIA down for 3 straight quarters; has happened 20 times since 1896 May

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
states competing for "data centers" extend $1.5G in tax breaks
"...The benefits are debatable.   Although they cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build and equip, the centers employ relatively few...   That means they produce little in the way of new income [extortion revenues] but could provide a surge in property [extortion] and sales [extortion revenues] -- if governments don't waive those [extortions], which many do...   Amazon subsidiary Vadata Inc. is investing about $1.1G to build 3 data centers in suburban Columbus, Ohio, lured partly by $81M in state incentives and nearly $20M of local incentives, including free land at one site.   Alabama... a $600M Google data center...with the help of $81M of incentives.   Nevada...$229M of sales and property tax breaks for data center developer Switch to get started on $3G expansions at sites in Las Vegas and Reno, one which the company claims will become the world's largest data center.."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Aleksander Vucic _Washington DC Times_
toward a strengthened Serbia-USA partnership

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
J.T. Young _Washington DC Times_
both parties suffer from power-madness, overly big government, over-spending, and why their guy should be president
Young's error is in believing that all Republicans are opposed to the major policy objectives of all Dems/Reds/leftists.   Unfortunately, over the last 2 decades, many wealthy Republicans have been siding with the Reds/Dems/leftists in opposition to the party base.

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt oath-breaker Obummer threatens to veto any bill to re-build USA's defense; demands increases in unconstitutional spending

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Anthony Watts
Leibnitz Institute "new discovery": surface layers of oceans affect climate significantly due to isoprene

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Anthony Watts
"RICO 20" back-lash: wagons being circled, climb-down and dissolution beginning

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Eric Worrall
Bank of England claims climate is a huge financial risk
"...IMO, the biggest climate related risk for owners of UK-based businesses, is the risk of lunatic political interventions, which destroy the financial viability of your business..."

2015-09-30 (5776 Tishri 17)
Tom Borelli _Conservative Review_
Obummer's latest assault on coal

2015 September
Daniel Patrick McGregor _Monthly Labor Review_
shining a light on the shadow (pdf): a review of Sandra E. Gleason 2006 _The Shadow WorkForce: Perspectives on Contingent Work in the USA, Japan, and Europe_ (345 pages)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History


Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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