2015 June, week2

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-08-12

  "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of tho-thirds, expel a Member." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 2  

2015 June
  1 2 3 4 5 6
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2015 June, week 1 (June 01 - June 06
2015 June, week 2 (June 07 - June 13)
2015 June, week 3 (June 14 - June 20)
2015 June, week 4 (June 21 - June 27)
2015 June, week 5 (June 28 - June 30)
2015 June
  "Activity can be easily mistaken for productivity.   Always ask yourself, 'Is this advancing me to my goals?'" --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 June

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Chuck Norris _WND_
is there a link between an ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorist plot and US military exercises called Jade Helm 15?

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Gina Loudon _WND_
3 simple steps to putting a non-leftist in the White House
"The list goes on, and it serves one purpose: to confuse.   The statists plan to win, and it isn't because they have a better candidate or even more money.   They plan to win by confusing their enemy.   (That's you.)...   1) The Christian vote...   2) Conservatives rally behind one candidate...   3) Eliminate voter fraud..."

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
well-paid trolls in Russia try to create chaos on the net

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Garth Kant _WND_
smoking-gun doc said to provide additional proof of ties between Obummer and Muslim Brotherhood
Bill Gertz: Washington DC Times
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Bill Federer _WND_
Andrew Jackson: the Bible is the Rock on which our republic rests

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Red Chinese hackers easily defeated secret US government security system to access personnel records of millions
"security clearance applications and background checks dating back 30 years were compromised...back to 1985...   'The breach was an embarrassing showing for the U.S. government's vaunted computer-defense system for civilian agencies -- dubbed Einstein -- which is costing $376M this year alone.', the Boston Herald reports."

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
with Michael Bloomberg's unconstitutional "gun control" there has been a nearly 20% increase in homicides in NYC

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Jason Chaffetz & Blake Farenthold assess Mexico border security after drug cartel attacked U.S. Customs and Border Protection helicopter

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Jeffrey Scott Shapiro _Washington DC Times_
Russian bomber flights buzzing USA air-space doubled last year

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
evil conspirators against light and warmth are poised to declare victory as investors, utilities flee coal

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
Barack Hussein Obummer & the haughty John Kerry are either poor negotiators or inimical to the interests of the USA... or both

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Stephen Moore & Joel Griffith _Washington DC Times_
the myth of the idle rich: prosperous families put in many more hours at remunerative work than poor ones do
"The finding that 6 out 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing.   Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?   As for rich households, 75% have 1 or more [who have remunerative work].   For the poor households, that percent is less than 5%..."

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
even non-Christians and non-Jews benefit from their virtues

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
leftists know so much that is not so... and the leftist media encourages it

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
lieutenant-colonel Jeff Fuller _Washington DC Times_
soldiers refuse to follow orders of clueles officers & civilian commanders into battle
"...A country that allows political hacks to set military operations policy has lost its way.   And we are lost, for sure."

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
congress plans to re-stock Air Force and Navy
"Congress is re-stocking the Air Force and Navy with more missiles and planes than requested in [president Obummer's] defense budget.   The back-drop: The Air Force continues to shed jet fighters, and, more troubling, over-sees 54 fighter squadrons for which less than half are fully combat-ready, says a new report from the senate Armed Services committee.   To meet lower budgets, the Air Force plans to reduce the squadron count even further -- to 49 -- by eliminating the venerable A-10 Warthog...   the Navy does not own sufficient numbers of F/A-18 Hornets...   and is short [of] radar-guided anti-aircraft rockets...   [and] in danger of running out of... Tomahawk -- before a new cruise missile is put into production...   persistent complaints from military officials that the Air Force does not fly a sufficient number of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA).   The committee increased spending on the MQ-9 Reaper to over $1G for 24 strike drones on top of the 29 requested...   310K [Air Force personnel]..."

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Obummer cheers USA's enemies

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
Asia's threats to the USA

2015-06-07 (5775 Sivan 20)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
Obummer regime fiddles with climate data while USA goes bust: no global warming for 18 years 6 months (graph)

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Historically, America's success is, I believe, based on 8 fundamental values: freedom, justice, work, education, excellence, frugality linked to future orientation, family, & community...   Work, education, excellence, frugality, & community have shown increasing signs of erosion since the 1960s." --- Lawrence E. Harrison 1992 _Who Prospers?_ pg 224  



1789-06-08: Bill of Rights proposed to congress by James Madison.

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Jonathan Rosenblum _Jewish World Review_
yes, you actually can... change
"The central question animating [Carol S. Dweck's] work is: Why do some students give up when they encounter difficulty, whereas others who are not more skilled continue to strive and learn.   Part of the answer lies in the explanations lay in individuals' beliefs about why they failed.   Those who believe that they failed because of a lack of ability and that ability is fixed develop a state of helplessness.   Mastery-oriented kids, however, think that intelligence is malleable and can be developed through education and hard work.   The students with a growth mind-set feel that learning is a more important goal in school than high grades...   Confronted with set-backs, such as a poor test grade, those with a growth mind-set, whose focus is on the learning itself, resolve to study harder or look for new strategies to master the material.   Those who have a fixed mind-set may decide never to take that subject again..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
executives are favoring foreign workers over US citizens: Disney's employees must endure the indignity of training their replacements
"Considering the fact that a record 92M Americans are out of the work-force, one would think employing our own 'best and brightest' might be a better place to start, let alone importing workers and condemning even more Americans to unending joblessness.   The latest case of the unfortunate, growing number of examples comes from 'the Happiest Place on Earth' in Orlando, FL...   In Columbia, MO, local television station KMIZ reported last month that Republican senator Charles Grassley of Iowa was investigating allegations that IBM is engaging in the firing of American workers and replacing them with H1-B visa holders.   A local ABC affiliate in Sacramento, CA, the state capital, is investigating just how many Americans have lost California state jobs to foreign HB-1 visa holders.   In response to The New York Times report on the Disney allegations, Democratic senator Bill Nelson of Florida called on the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] to investigate 'potential misuses' of the program [which Nelson's office have been repeatedly told about oveer the last 15 years].   Answers are not hard to find.   Ron Hira, a professor of public policy at Rochester Institute of Technology spoke with NPR about the issue.   'For the past decade, he's been studying how consulting firms use temporary work visas to help American companies cut costs.   He says they use the visas to supply cheaper workers here, but also to smooth the transfer of American jobs to information-technology centers over-seas', said the radio network.   'What these firms have done is exploit the loop-holes in the H-1B program to bring in on-site workers to learn the jobs [of] the Americans to then ship it back off-shore.', [professor] Hira told NPR..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Beth Kassab _Orlando FL Sentinel_
Disney displacement of US citizen STEM professionals raises concerns
"...But there's something about a [bright, knowledgeable] 40ish man at the happiest place on Earth losing his 6-figure salary to a 20-something from India who will do the job for a lot less that is particularly jarring.   The whole image disrupts the idea that Disney is one of the nation's most muscular job creators.   The company is the largest employer in Central Florida with 74K people.   And CEO Bob Iger serves on [president Obummer's] Export Council, which [disingenuously claims to be] focused on expanding job opportunities for Americans..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer bad-mouthed judge Hanen for blocking Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
courts put Obummer regime unconstitutional and illegal amnesty preparation on hold

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
with North American illegal aliens, distance does not make the heart grow fonder
"While working with DHS enforcement data for FY2010, I noticed a pattern: Among North American illegals, the number of borders one has to cross using land routes has a nice negative correlation with the numbers of deportable aliens located by authorities...   The concept 'deportable aliens located' should not be confused with deportations, a term that applies to a smaller population; many deportable aliens are granted voluntary departure and would not be included in the numbers of deportations.   Others were simply released..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
media still claiming Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal DACA amnesties are only for people "brought" here
"...In reality, DACA isn't just for 'children' and the program doesn't require that illegal aliens prove they were brought here.   Advocates of the program frame it as such because they want to make beneficiaries sound as sympathetic as possible, thereby making the program sound more justifiable.   But DACA benefits people who will start turning 34 this month.   And people who knowingly and willingly entered the country on their own volition are, in fact, eligible (provided they claim they entered before reaching 16)...   The White House could have limited the scope of DACA to people who actually were 'brought' here at very young ages, but it chose not to.   The DACA program also benefitted a man who is currently behind bars for allegedly murdering four people, including a contestant in the 'America's Next Top Model', reality show.   Using the logic of some journalists, one could describe DACA as a program 'for alleged murderers' -- after all, some recipients are alleged murderers! [And gangsters!]..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
from big mass-charges to tiny moves, the thrust is always for more immigrants
"The Green Card.   This document should offer as many protections against misuse as possible, but DHS's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has just announced that in many cases it does not need the carrier's signature.   If the person is an infant or lacks the physical ability to sign anything, that's totally appropriate.   But USCIS has just taken a backward step, as it declares in this bulletin: Since 2015 February we have been waiving the signature requirement for people entering the U.S.A. for the first time as lawful permanent residents after obtaining an immigrant visa abroad from a U.S. Embassy or consulate.   There is no explanation offered regarding the missing signature, but the new rule must make it easier, less expensive, or both to manufacture the green cards.   It is easy to outline scenarios in which the lack of a signature compromises security.   For example, a carrier of the document is stopped at one of those Border Patrol highway stations just north of the Mexican border.   The agent, suspecting something, as a preliminary, non-electronic maneuver could ask the alien to sign his or her name.   If the alien cannot do so, because of illiteracy, or signs it in a different way, that could lead to further questions.   Fee Waiver and the [SIN].   In the case above, the administration has dropped an earlier, more secure requirement.   It has done the same thing with the I-912, the application for a fee waiver.   (A list of the forms for which fees may be waived (pdf).)   I believe that in some cases USCIS fees should be waived, but the exploding amount of money lost to the government by increasingly widespread use of these waivers is, or should be, a major problem.   As I reported last month, DHS lost about $200M in 2012 in this way and the figure is probably much higher now, but that's a statistic that DHS suppresses.   Recently, I found that until 2012 aliens filing the fee-waiver form had to record their [Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN)], but that the current I-912 has dropped this feature..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
corrupt Obumer IRS protects and rewards illegal aliens

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator Charles Grassley (R-IA): Obummer regime is proposing a shadow H-1B (increase in already vastly excessive OPT time and numbers, when it should be cut to 3 months and 5% of the current numbers)
"(1) allowing foreign students with degrees in STEM fields to receive up to two 24-month extensions beyond the original 12-month period provided under OPT regulations, for a total of up to 6 years of post-graduation employment in student status; and   (2) authorizing foreign graduates of non-STEM U.S. degree programs to receive the 24-month extension of the OPT period, even if the STEM degree upon which the extension is based is an earlier degree and not for the program from which the student is currently graduating (e.g. student has a bachelor's in chemistry and is graduating from an MBA program)..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter hammers Obummer regime NIH for hiding identity & immigration status of individual from India who brought extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis into the USA
"'The patient traveled in April from India to the United States through Chicago O'Hare airport.', the CDCP told NBC News.   'The patient also spent time in Missouri and Tennessee.   7 weeks after arriving in the United States, the patient sought treatment for and was diagnosed with active TB.'..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Mallory Millett _American Thinker_
it seems the entire world is heading to the USA, and the left and RINOs denounced Ann Coulter for noticing

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Tzipi Hotovely defending Israel's right to exist
"The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people, she declared, and their claim to it is as old as the Bible.   'It's important to say this' when making Israel's case before the world, and not to focus solely on Israel's security interests.   Of course security is a profound concern, Hotovely observed, but arguments grounded in justice, morality, and deep historical rights are stronger.   She even quoted the medieval Jewish sage Rashi, who wrote that Genesis opens with God's creation of the world to preempt any subsequent charge that the Jewish claim to the land was without merit...   Though modern Zionism didn't arise as a political movement until the 1800s, the land of Israel has always been at the core of Jews' national consciousness.   Even during 19 centuries of exile, Jewish life in Israel ([it was the Roman invaders who stretched the name 'Palestine', a coastal region to Israel's SW along the Mediterranean which historically ran from between Ashqelon and Gaza down to the Sinai]) never ceased.   In all those years, no other people ever claimed the land as their country, or built it into their own nation-state..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Kimberly Giles _Jewish World Review_
do you suffer more than you hae to?
"The truth is time doesn't change anything.   You have to do the work to change how you feel yourself -- and you can do this at any time.   There are situations where some distance from the offense does lessen the pain a little and may make forgiving easier, but you are still going to have to change how you see this situation if you want to feel better..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
birth of the new

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Reg Henry _Jewish World Review_
ridiculous as it sounds, prepare for Life

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
how "higher education" gets lower all the time
Texarkana Gazette
Spokane WA Spokesman-Review
Kitsap Sun

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
no discipline, no peace

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the super-PAC minuet: "reformers" get stung by success

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
the biased focus of the media
"About the only thing most remember about the 2012 debate and Rick Perry is the 'Oops' moment when he forgot the name of the agency he wanted to eliminate.   To someone like me, senior moments like this are no big thing and even occur to the young.   But the MSM latched on to this boo-boo like a hungry dog with a bone and wouldn't let go.   I, however, became his fiercest fan after hearing his ideas about reforming the government.   What, you say?   Yes, Rick Perry mentioned tort reform, simplifying filing tax returns; called Social security a Ponzi scheme and proposed a most audacious plan about how Congress operates -- Perry proposed slashing the pay for elected officials and their staffs, and cutting the amount of time they spend in Washington in half.   Makes perfect sense to me..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
a diplomatic juggler's act

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Michael Morell's misguided defense of the Obummer regime's handling of Benghazi
"If his book is anything like his column then it is clear we still need to dig deeper as to what happened and what was done by the U.S. government."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Emily Greenhouse _Jewish World Review_
Gallup poll touted by both pro-lifers and anti-lifers, pro-abortion and anti-abortion

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Michael Smerconish _Jewish World Review_
US citizens should not be punished for depositing or withdrawing their own money
"...The law that requires the reporting was first passed as the [Orwellian-double-speak named] Bank Secrecy Act in 1970 and later amended by the USA Patriot Act.   The $10K threshold for reporting has remained constant despite the lessened value of a dollar.   Assuming that the withdrawal of $10K in 1970 was so aberrant that it warranted some type of government notification, the same cannot be said today.   (At an annual inflation rate of 4.15%, that amount today is worth $62,284.35.)   Congress should end the requirement for reporting cash transactions from one's own account to the government.   Barring such a move, at a minimum, it must raise the threshold."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
the plight of the young and the old unemployed
"NEETs refer to young people who are 'neither employed nor in education or training'.   There are roughly 39M NEETs in 33 of the world's advanced industrial countries, according to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).   I have written before about the problems of U.S. millennials -- young adults born after 1980.   They are the victims of poor timing and indifferent public policies.   Coming of age in a harsh economy, they find it hard to get work (especially work for which they're qualified).   By the millions, they're living with parents and postponing marriage, children and home-buying.   Many are burdened with heavy student loans.   Those with jobs subsidize their usually better-off elders through [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare pay-roll taxes...   In each of Britain, France and the United States, NEETs were 16% of the 15-to-29-year-old population in 2013, reports the OECD.   In South Korea and Ireland, their share was 19%; in Italy, Spain and Greece it was slightly more than 25%.   As disturbing, a quarter of those with jobs had temporary work..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Deborah Simmons _Washington DC Times_
summer job programs fail youths seeking career success

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Dick Cheney puzzled by Obummer foreign policy: I don't know what makes him tick

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
NRA: Obummer State Dept. has proposed unconstitutional gag order on talk about arms
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart
Ernest Istook: Washington DC Times: corrupt anti-constitution Obummer combines hate for free speech and private ownership and carry of arms

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Laura Ingraham
Clintons gave $100K to NYTimes Group the same year the paper endorsed her
Alana Goodman: Washington DC Free Beacon
Washington DC Times

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker riding Harley alongside senator Joni Ernst in Iowa as rivals give chase
Alexis Levinson: National Review

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Scott Walker got the headlines in Iowa, but doctor Ben S. Carson had the crowd: Walker and Perry rode motorcycles alongside Ernst, while the others met the crowd in Boone

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Carly Fiorina blasted "trade promotion authority"/"fast-track" and Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Laura Ingraham
trade agreements like TISA, TPP, and TATIP will side-line national laws, wikileaks says
Hazel Sheffield: UK Independent

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
DHS OIG: TSA failed to identify 73 aviation workers with links to terrorism
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Phyllis Chesler _Breitbart_
feminists are perversely silent about ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate brutalization of women

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
since at least 2009, UK water-park has been hosting Muslim-women-only days with extremist-linked group
"The Australian Broadcasting Corporation web-site still carries a report from 2003 that states: 'The document, obtained by Lateline, outlines a close relationship between Human Appeal International and Hamas, as well as the US-based Palestinian charity the Holy Land Foundation For Relief and Development, which was raided and shut down 3 months after the September 11 attacks.', and Wikileaks reveals that a State Department cable from 2005 stated, 'In 2003, there were indications that HAI was sending financial support to organizations associated with Hamas and that members of its field offices in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Chechnya had connections to [al-Qaeda] associates'.   It is not clear which Human Appeal organisation these reports refer to.   The GulfNews website however goes further, and continues to host a diagram linking Human Appeal (UK) to the UAE organisation, and ultimately, Hamas.   Human Appeal was banned in 2012 from hosting an event at Manchester Parrs Wood High School.   Britain's Department of Education stated: 'Since the concerns about HAI have come to light, Parrs Wood has performed further research including consulting local Jewish community representatives.   As a result they have decided not to allow HAI or other charities which appear to have links to political organisations to use the school in future.'   And Human Appeal has hosted speakers such as Haitham al-Haddad, Raed Salah, and Zahir Mahmood, who have been widely criticised for 'extremist' rhetoric..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Human Appeal International (HAI)

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
AFDI rolls out new free-speech bill-board campaign, beginning in St. Louis MO

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
break ObummerDoesn'tCare's back by not purchasing health care insurance

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Mexican cartel uses fragmentation grenades in attack that injured 4, created panic in Matamoros

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Treasury secretary Jacob J. Lew was heckled yesterday at Jerusalem Post while trying to defend Obummer regime's allowing Iran to continue development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"Ignoring the repeated leaks by the [Obummer regime] to scuttle an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
UN WHO is sending officials to South Korea as 2,300 have been quarantined over MERS out-break

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
in decision based on separation of powers, majority of supremes block congress from requiring executive branch recognition of births in Jerusalem, Israel in passports: John Roberts was highly critical of majority
Mark Sherman: Washington DC Times/AP

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Muslim cemetery in Copenhagen vandalized... then, less than 24 hours later, grave of Hans Christian Andersen

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
supremes denied certiorari on SF requirement for arms to be locked up in homes, ban on projectiles which expand on impact
"'In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), justice Samuel Alito made clear that self-defense is a the central component of the Second Amendment right.   Heller (2008) and McDonald v Chicago (2010) were seminal SCOTUS decisions that protected the amendment that protects the right to keep and bear arms...'"

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Jon Voight honored as "Hollywood Visionary" by Republic Jewish Coalition

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Howard Kurtz _Fox_
Hastert accuser appeared on abc
"...But there was Jolene talking to ABC's Brian Ross about her brother, Steve, and how Hastert had ruined his life.   She said her brother told her that Hastert had abused him throughout his high school days back in Illinois..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Noelle Nikpour _Washington DC Times_
force vs. choice

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Con Coughlin _Washington DC Times_
if Iran shows its nuclear weapons, Saudis say they will acquire or develop their own to counter them
"...Western intelligence agencies believe that the Saudi monarchy paid for up to 60% of Pakistan's nuclear programme, in return for the ability to buy warheads for itself at short notice..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
revealed Red China cyber epionage is the tip of the ice-berg
"First, it under-scores that the [Red Chinese] are waging against us what they call unrestricted warfare...   In addition to cyber-enabled intelligence collection and recruitment, these include currency manipulation and other forms of economic warfare and taking steps to control the strategic South China Sea.   Second, Americans should not be required to give the government immense amounts of personal data -- from our children's DNA and educational performance to our health histories..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Ben Kamisar _Hill_
data breach extends to records about people who never worked for the federal government
"...SF-86 forms, which are used in federal employees' background checks. Those forms include data on character references, including the worker's family and friends..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Joseph Curl _Washington DC Times_
hateful oath-breaker Obummer bitter over legal challenge to unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare exchanges and subsidies

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership defeated in election of NC GOP chairman

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Trans-Pacific Partnership and world government -- our perspective
"from the perspective of our modest suburban DC office building the continued erosion of American sovereignty -- which has accelerated to a dizzying pace during the [Barack Hussein Obummer] presidency -- can only be stopped in one place: the House Republican Conference.   As our friend Alabama's principled limited government constitutional conservative Jeff Sessions recently observed, '...the United States is a country—not an economy.   And a country's job is to protect its citizens—whether from military attacks, or from unfair trade policies that threaten the economic well-being of its own people.'   What's more says Sessions, 'Under fast-track, congress transfers its authority to the executive and agrees to give up several of its most basic powers.   These concessions include: the power to write legislation, the power to amend legislation, the power to fully consider legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote.'...   In addition to appointing officials (and Supreme Court Justices) who believe 'international law' can and should trump the U.S. Constitution, [corrupt Obummer regime] officials have also embraced a whole series of international treaties that undermine American sovereignty.   The model for these pernicious attacks on American sovereignty is the Law of the Sea Treaty [and the similar Moon Treaty] which transfers jurisdiction over the high seas to a new United Nations entity (the Seabed Authority) that would be self-governing without an American veto power over its actions.   By imposing taxes on mineral production it will provide an endless stream of revenue for all kinds of international mischief and corruption, mostly at the expense of American companies as Jeffrey B. Gayner, Chairman of Americans for Sovereignty noted in remarks to CPAC back in 2010..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
sheriff Joe Arapio: I want to go to Mexico to work with officials there to help stop the flow of drugs

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Clintons Foundation got millions from fiercely anti-gay African church (with video)

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
James N. Roberts _Washington DC Times_
entrepreneurs build transportation infrastructure better than government

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
global tax increasers: OECD would destroy prosperity

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
showing the Export-Import Bank the exit
"Congress does 2 things well: nothing and over-react.   Well, I have some good news: Doing nothing when it comes to the Ex-Im Bank is exactly what we need right now...   To get rid of this poster child for [crony socialism], law-makers don't have to lift a finger..."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
dangerous cyber-warfare: no regime today plays the industrial espionage game more skillfully and persistently than Red China
"...The newest [Red Chinese] fighter, the J-31, bears an uncanny resemblance to our latest stealth jet, the F-35.   The reason: [Red Chinese] espionage is like a gigantic vacuum cleaner, trolling not only for our secret stealth technology but also ready to pilfer anything that might convey strategic advantages.   In late 2011, computers at the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists] inexplicably began printing Chinese characters.   Security experts later determined that the [Red Chinese] penetration was so thorough that hackers controlled not only the chamber's computers but also their fax machines and even their thermostats.   Their probable take: U.S. trade policies and industrial secrets...   2013 commission on the loss of U.S. intellectual property, chaired by Jon Huntsman, former U.S. ambassador to [Red China], and admiral Dennis Blair, former head of the U.S. Pacific Command.   Both men are highly respected public servants who know [Red China] well.   They compiled shocking evidence that [Red China] was annually stealing $300G in U.S. intellectual property -- 70% of the global total and representing millions of lost jobs..."
Ken Allard's only mistake is in believing that cyberwar with Red China, and industrial espionage and plain old-fashioned spying by them can be avoided. It has been going on for several decades. The issue is how effectively we can defend ourselves, and whether those in the US government have the will to defend ourselves.

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
new Obummer regime EPA regulations: 6,552 times as long as the US constitution, 46 times as long as the Gutenberg Bible: 3,373 new regulations, 29,770 pages, about 29.8M words (with graph)

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senior Muslim imams say they oppose terrorism... but there have been disagreements among them, and dubious records

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Russ _BroadView Net_
company in each state with the highest revenues
company in each state with the highest revenues

Anneta Konstantinides: London Daily Mail
Archer Daniels Midland was replaced by Boeing in IL... Cargill was replaced by United Health Group in MN... Sprint in Kansas was replaced by Koch Industries... Sanderson Farms was replaced by Koch Foods in Mississippi (both chicken farms).

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Andrea Shea King _WND_
"moonscape" in Israel

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Sid Roth _WND_
from 0 to 3K miracles
"the only thing necessary for a life of miracles is the presence of God.   [Each of needs] to stop seeking miracles and start seeking God Himself, since He’s with us all the time."

2015-06-08 (5775 Sivan 21)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
USA and UK lead the world in challenging religious climate hysteria

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: USA is being driven into climate insanity by dishonest, power-mad leftists

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies." --- Groucho Marx (source: Jewish World Review)  



1772-06-09: British revenue schooner HMS Gaspee ran aground and was taken by Rhode Islanders.

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer regime claims they've complied with judge Hanen's injunction, stopped work related to unconstitutional and illegal amnesty and other unconstitutional and illegal visa and immigration measures

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
expert: Disney rewards productive employees for record profits by replacing them with cheap, young, pliant foreign guest-workers with questionable ethics
"The contractor Disney hired to replace the laid off employees, HCL, according to Hira, was the sixth largest recipient of H-1B visas in 2013 with 1,713 visas.   'Like most top H-1B employers, government data reveal that HCL uses the program for cheap, temporary labor rather than as bridge to permanent immigration.   In fiscal 2013 it applied for only 128 green cards, compared to its 1,713 new H-1B workers, or 7% of the H-1Bs it hired that year (because H-1B visas are valid for up to 6 years [up to 3 years initially, another 3 year renewal, then an unlimited number of year-to-year extensions], HCL's total H-1B work-force is much larger, but it does not disclose this information)...   According to government data acquired through a Freedom of Information Act request, the median wage HCL paid those 1,713 H-1B workers was $61,984, which is essentially the entry level wage for an information technology (IT) worker, and more importantly, a 25% discount on the median wage of $82,710 for Computer Systems Analysts in the United States.   Moreover, it's almost certain that Disney's 25 percent H-1B discount is an understatement, because many of the laid off Disney workers I spoke with were earning approximately $100K, and had been employed there for many years, so they had also earned and accumulated benefits packages based on their seniority.'... [All perfectly legal under the current 'prevaling wage' definitions and requirements.]"
2015-06-05: et tu Mickey Mouse?: Disney pads profits by replacing US workers with cheaper H-1B guest-workers
articles by Ron Hira at EPI
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal alien murderer
"...The [Obummer regime] has refused to consider even illegal aliens for deportation until blood has been shed, let alone legal ones.   The Washington Times report notes that only about 3% of ICE detainer requests in recent years have been for LPRs..."

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
French police crack down on illegal alien camps; leftists defend more illegal alien invasion (just as many of them do in the USA)

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
illegal alien from Honduras sent Border Patrol agent to hospital after assault near Sullivan City

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
James H. Schirtzinger & Lawrence Stephey _Orlando FL Sentinel_
TSA incentives, H-1B visas jeopardize American STEM professionals
"The poor performance of Transportation Security Administration baggage checkers is inevitable for this repetitive-type job...   What is needed to make a difference in this type of setting is to create an incentive to make individuals more aware.   For example, how much closer might workers search if they knew there would be fake FBI weapons periodically planted that carried a $1K bonus if found? I've always found that one gets better performance when there is a positive incentive involved and more-interested employees...   H-1B visas jeopardize American IT workers.   After Saturday's article associating Disney CEO Robert Iger with a leadership role in seeking more H-1B visas ('Nelson wants Disney visa program examined'), the Sentinel was quick to run on its web-site that afternoon a blog post praising Iger for his role in making Disney a more profitable company.   However, the connection between the 2 was not acknowledged.   Companies such as Disney have been arguing for years that they have had difficulty in obtaining employees with necessary technical skills to run the business.   So they have sought and been granted access to foreign nationals who enter the country through the H-1B visa program with these 'missing' skills to work in American companies.   But the [
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas issued in FY2014; the over 2,589,226 H-1B visas FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports is still insufficient to please them]; they want to increase that number.   As the recent Disney episode has shown, this is particularly troublesome for information-technology [and science and engineering] careers.   With the decline in American manufacturing positions, the 'IT' job path remains a primary way for Americans to enter and stay in the upper middle class.   But many of these positions [have long been] under attack with H-1B replacements.   And why? I maintain that the top 1-percenters, such as Iger, use the H-1B program to enrich their positions, reduce the middle class to lower economic status and foster class conflicts.   Rather than praise for Iger (and people like him), he should be vilified for his hypocritical stance of claiming to need more technically skilled people from abroad, and at same time firing Americans who are doing the job with excellent results."

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Laura Ingraham
50 hospitals in USA mark up prices 1000% (ie. 10x) for some patients
"50 hospitals in the United States are charging uninsured consumers more than 10 times the actual cost of patient care, according to research published Monday. All but one of the facilities are owned by for-profit entities and the largest number of hospitals -- 20 -- are in Florida. For the most part, researchers said, the hospitals with the highest markups are not in pricey neighborhoods or big cities, where the market might explain the higher prices."
There is some very important ambiguity on display, here.   Are people with cash-in-hand being charged 10 times as much as the "insured"?   Or is it the people who simply cannot pay, i.e. where the hospital is relying on government footing part of the costs?

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Laura Ingraham
hateful Obummer shows his back to Iraqi prime-minster Hayder al-Abadi as he was trying to converse
Real Clear Politics (with video)

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
evaluating Obummer's presidency: 3 points of view

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
_Conservative HQ_
Mike Flynn garnered Louie Gohmert endorsement -- opponent hiding from debates

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
who lost Iraq?

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
propaganda has been driving USA leftward down the abyss for over a century; here's how we can defend ourselves
"Many on the right seem to believe that being right, in the sense of being logically correct, is sufficient to win, and that if we conservatives can logically demonstrate that our candidates are of higher character and our ideas are logically sound then voters will agree that conservative policies would be better for our country, and somehow victory will fall into our deserving hands like a ripe fruit from a tree.   The left almost never relies on logic to support their ideas and policies, which are almost all based on feelings and emotions -- and their candidates win by appealing to those great motivators of human conduct.   This is how, for example, Dems/Reds/leftists can claim to support equal rights for women and homosexuals at the same time they actively work to bring millions of Muslim immigrants to America, who engage in female genital mutilation and would execute homosexuals by throwing them off buildings [or stoning], as they do in ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, if they could.   The logic of not allowing immigrants in who oppose everything liberty under the Constitution stands for is completely eclipsed by the emotional appeal of helping the allegedly oppressed people from the war-torn Middle East.   And this is also why political correctness, 'hate' speech labels and laws and other attempts to limit free expression and First Amendment liberty is essential to the left's agenda...   'The totalitarian mind is like the schizophrenic individual; it has a contempt for reality.   Think for a moment of Lysenko's theory and its denial of the influence of heredity.   The totalitarian mind does not observe and verify its impressions of reality [i.e. use the scientific method]; it dictates to reality how it shall behave, it compels reality to conform to its fantasies.'..."

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
differences between left and right (part 3): "does it do good?" vs. "does it feeeeel good?"

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Stuart Rothenberg _Jewish World Review_
GOP's history of losership picks could be over

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
shorter road ahead for hideously evil driverless, privacy-less, freedom-less cars

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Robert W. Merry _Jewish World Review_
the error of judging historical figures by left's/Reds' perverted standards
Washington DC Times

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime still has no strategy to defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Washington DC Times

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
spare us from evil unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare: the supremes and congress should just finish it off

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
UK teachers frightened to report violence-initiating Muslims as required by law for fear of being smeared as Islamophobic

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
support for "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and Trans-Pacific Partnership collapsing in House despite losership push, as representatives take heat from constituents

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Obummer unleashes anti-USA agenda

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
Jerusalem is Israel's capital

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
DC appeals court rejected law-suit against Obummer regime EPA's attack on power plants... because regulations have not yet been finalized

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Rebecca Hagelin & Kristin Carey _Washington DC Times_
assist persecuted Christians

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
representative Mark Meadows (R-NC-11) _Washington DC Times_
trade agreements should not reward human rights violators

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
congress takes aim at Iran's missiles

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) urge Red Chinese president Xi Jinping to release political prisoners

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
_Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate: they know what they're doing; they're fighting a war (video)
Emily Richards

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Iran's ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei: USA and Israel support ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and al-Qaeda; crowd response: "Death to America!", "Death to England!", "Death to hypocrites and non-believers!", "Death to Israel"

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Red China is a grave threat to the USA

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Alveda King _Cybercast News Service_
leftist race-baiting is tired, sagging, and out-dated
"Dr. Mays would say: 'No one can ride your back unless it is bent.'   Granddaddy always taught us to 'stand up straight and walk tall because God is on our side'...   As a survivor of the 20th Century Race Wars, my back remains unbent, and I move forward for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all who were created equal in God's eyes.   In my book _KING RULES_, I write about the 'Beloved Community' our legacy embraces.   I write about Acts 17:26, where we discover that the human race is born of 'one blood'.   So we are not even 'separate races'.   This reminds us that what Uncle ML said is true: 'We must all learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish as fools.'..."

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Richard Rives _WND_
10 commandments/aeret ha dibrot are written in stone for a reason

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
reverend Franklin Graham steps up opposition to stores and corporations that advance anti-biblical principles
"...Rather, he's targeting businesses 'that use share-holders' advertising dollars to promoting homosexuality', and therefore, 'a godless life-style', Graham went on.   'A bank should be promoting the best interest rates they're going to give me and what they can do for me as a business.', he said.   'But they should not be trying to get into a moral debate and take sides.'"

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
obstinately corrupt, anti-constitution oath-breaker Loretta Lynch is trying to expand global prosecution powers, still refusing to prosecute illegal aliens who commit additional federal crimes

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Star Parker _WND_
Rick Perry

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Scott Lively _WND_
corrupt, deranged "king Obummer" has no authority over the church: Magna Charta lasted 800 years

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Antonin Scalia was correct, again

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
does anything really matter anymore?: self-aborption & apathy

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
2 suicide bombers, struggle, blow themselves up near Khayam Chowk in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
Jenny Stanton: London Daily Mail

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
doctor Ben S. Carson _WND_
the citizenry's healthy suspicion of government

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Bill Federer _WND_
US Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Chelsea Schilling _WND_
some at Marquette U want to honor convicted murderer Joanne Deborah Chesimard (a.k.a. Assata Shakur, Joanne Byron, Barbara Odons, Joanne Chesterman, Joan Davis, Justine Henderson, Mary Davis, Pat Chesimard, Jo-Ann Chesimard, Joanne D. Byron, Carolyn Johnson, Carol Brown, Josephine Henderson), Black Panther, Black Liberation Army

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
over $12M in "IMPACT" teacher bonuses and incentives have not improved test scores in DC public schools

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Mitch McConnell evasive when pressed on trade promotion authority and Trans-Pacific Partnership; Why not process it as the constitution requires with two-thirds of the senate required to ratify? Why not make it public?

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Houston Texas police officer shot in back following traffic stop

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has confirmed that Customs and Border Protection helicopter was fired on from Mexico

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Regina Garcia Cano _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
world's best young archers meet at Yankton SD

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Betsey McCaughey _Washington DC Times_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's loss would be USA's gain

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
_Cybercast News Service_
Obummer: trade deal is needed to advance climate agenda (video)
Penny Starr

2015-06-09 (5775 Sivan 22)
Drew Johnson _Washington DC Times_
environmental whackoes' criticisms of Keystone XL pipe-line unfounded

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Once again, the mundane reality is that productivity creates wealth, so that trade with and investment in more productive countries is a far more important source of wealth than 'exploitation' of the Third World, however that elusive term might be defined. Striking changes in productivity among peoples can often be traced to transfers of cultural capital from others -- from the English to the Scots, from Western Europeans to Eastern Europeans, from China to Japan in an earlier era, or from the Islamic world to Europe in medieval times." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg333  



2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Laura Ingraham
Disney black-listed Florida workers from tech jobs, replacing them with foreign guest-workers
Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller
"The American tech workers Disney laid off in January after forcing them to train their foreign replacements were put on a 'black list' that disqualified them from hire by any contractor that works with Disney, e-mails obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation between one of the laid off workers and a recruiting firm show. The worker, who asked to remain anonymous because he is waiting on legal advice, learned of the black list when he sent his resume and performance review to a local 'IT' recruiting firm that wanted to place him with a company contracting with Disney. He had plenty of past experience doing similar work for Disney contractors, and had received the highest possible rating on his performance review, so he thought he would be a top candidate for the job. But in an e-mail sent last week and obtained by [Daily Caller], the recruiting firm informed him that he is out of the running because he is on a black list, since he is one of the hundreds of tech workers Disney displaced in January... 'Any Disney employee who leaves Disney or has a contract end (after being on 18 Months) unless it is a unique circumstance, has to wait a certain amount of time before they can be eligible for re-hire.', the recruiter said in the e-mail. 'Usually that time frame is a year to a year and a half. In this situation it was indeed a year.'   [Meanwhile, many firms, and many employment agencies who work with STEM professionals refuse to consider or refer anyone who has been out of work for 2 months or more.]   A spokeswoman for Disney denied the current existence of a black list that includes those workers 'impacted by the reorganization'...   Florida senator Marco Rubio and former Florida governor Jeb Bush are both proponents of dramatically expanding the [H-1B visa] program...   Nearly 75% of Americans with STEM degrees are not working in STEM Fields, according to Census data, and only 3.8M Americans with STEM degrees actually hold STEM jobs..."
2015-05-19: Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller: As Floridians Are Displaced, Marco Rubio Demands More Foreign Workers
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Rachel Stoltzfoos _Daily Caller_
Carly Fiorina slammed Disney... then admitted she used/abused H-1B via program at HP
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
important new book by Michelle Malkin, disastrous OPT proposal, and so on

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Laura Ingraham
releasing illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes puts US citizens' lives in danger
"...A 21-year-old working in a convenience store was murdered in Mesa, Arizona.   The illegal alien arrestedfor the murder had previously been in ICE custody for a drug- and gang-related felony burglary conviction, but rather than detaining the illegal alien, he was released on bond.   A 19-year-old illegal alien and member of a violent gang with an arrest record for drug possession, was charged with four counts of first degree murder in North Carolina.   He had been in the deportation process, but that was halted when he became a DACA recipient despite knowledge of his being a gang member and having an arrest for possession of drugs.   Darron Wint has been charged with the murder of 4 people, including a 10-year-old boy whom he tortured.   While in the U.S.A., as a legal permanent resident (LPR), Wint had over 30 encounters with the law, including domestic abuse, stabbings, assault, theft, and even appearing in his workplace with a gun, all prior to the murder charges he now faces..."
Ildefonso Ortiz: Breitbart: illegal alien sent Border Patrol agent to hospital
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller: murderer was slated for deportation, unconstitutionally and illegally amnestied by Obummer

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
GOP moves to cut immigration, climate out of trade talks

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
where has all the "refugee resettlement" money gone?!? can you say "crony socialist pork and graft"? I knew you could.

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
improving the education of blacks
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, sometimes called the Nation's Report Card, nationally, most black 12th-graders' test scores are either basic or below basic in reading, writing, math and science.   'Below basic' is the score received when a student is unable to demonstrate even partial mastery of knowledge and skills fundamental for proficient work at his grade level.   'Basic' indicates only partial mastery.   Put another way, the average black 12th-grader has the academic achievement level of the average white seventh- or eighth-grader.   In some cities, there's even a larger achievement gap.   Black students and their parents believe that their high-school diplomas are equivalent to those received by whites.   Therefore, differences in employment or college admittance outcomes are likely to be seen as racial discrimination.   The fact of business is that if seventh- or eighth-graders of any race compete with 12th-graders of any race on civil service exams or the SAT, one should not be surprised by the outcome..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the professional leftist agitators of "Teach for America", "Organizing for Action", SEIU, "Obummer Against America"
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"'Between 2000 and 2013', researchers at the National Educational Policy Center reported, 'TFA's yearly operating expenditures increased 1,930% -- from $10M to $193.5M.   Of those expenditures, TFA annual reports show that about a third of operating costs are borne by the public [tax-victims].' Individual TFA chapters have raked in millions in federal [AmeriCorpse] grants, supported by leaders in both political parties.   Large corporations (including $100M donor WM), philanthropic foundations, and individuals have pitched in nearly $500M in tax-deductible 'charitable' private donations...   Teach for America spends copious amounts on advertising, lobbying and public relations...but its record on producing benefits for students is mixed...   But those concerns pale in comparison to the divisive, grievance-mongering activities of the group's increasingly radicalized officials and alumni...   In Durham, North Carolina, two 'Teach for America' officials led costly traffic blockades over the Ferguson, MO, shooting last December.   North Carolina blogger A.P. Dillon identified protester Rachel Schankula as a TFA executive coach and program director dating back to 2001.   Protester Robert Terrell Stephens, cited by police for attempting to incite a riot, is currently TFA's director of 'alumni teacher leadership' and also served as a 'community organizer' for [Obummer against America].   Deray McKesson, described by TFA as a 'protestor'...   He briefly taught sixth-grade math for the program before graduating to full-time racial rabble-rousing...   This week, McKesson scurried to McKinney, Texas, along with the National of Islam, New Black Panther Party, and assorted rent-a-mob professionals, to turn a pool party fight into an international incident...   When a government-funded outfit abandons education as its mission in favor of social agitation, it's time to cut off the [tax-victim] pipe-line."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_News Max_
Real Clear Markets' John Tamny: we could certainly use economic optimism, Reagan and Thatcher style
"'Government is a problem today, and it's the source of relatively slow economic growth for both countries.', he writes.   'Taxes are too high, regulations are too intrusive, trade could be freer.'   Government spending also is a problem."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
supremes let Obummer deny reality

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Kristen Grieshaber _Jewish World Review_
102-year-old finally got PhD denied by Nazis: studied diptheria
Times of Israel

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Emily Cummings _Jewish World Review_
why over-busy children are not happier
"Just like you, children need to time to decompress to avoid feelings of stress and fatigue.   But this valuable free time is impossible to have with an over-booked schedule...   my three kids didn't know how to handle down-time...   free time can teach valuable skills...   kids will learn how to behave well without constant entertainment.   This flexibility teaches patience...   Free time also allows for creativity..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
why Turkey voted against authoritarianism, for a chance for freedom
Doug Bandow: Conservative HQ
Frank J. Gaffney ii: Washington DC Times
"...[Red Chinese] president Xi Jinping...   Vladimir Putin...   Egypt's popularly elected strongman, president Abdel Fatah al-Sissi...   Erdogan failed to get his mandate because he challenged a culture of checks and balances and the institutions that give Turkish democracy its resilience."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Stuart Winer _Times of Israel_
Egypt & Saudi Arabia trying to unite Fatah & Hamas
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_Times of Israel_/_AP_
suicide bomb attack on ancient Karnak temple in Luxor... 3 attackers, 1 suicide, 2 foiled and arrested
Haggag Salama: Cybercast News Service
"The attack was the first to target world-famous attractions in Luxor since 1997 November, when Islamic militants opened fire on tourists at the city's 3,400-year-old Hatshepsut Temple on the west bank of the Nile, killing 58..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_Conservative HQ_
support for Export-Import Bank crashing; senate banking committee chair now opposes

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz stands consistently against coerced Islamization of the USA, violence-initiating Muslim terrorists

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Benjamin Netanyahu: "nobody in this region believes this deal [Obummer's with Iran] will block Iran's path to the [nuclear] bomb"

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
how Shrub empowered Obummer to erode the US constitution

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
on Bilderberg conference agenda in Telfs-Buchen, Austria: USA elections, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, chemical weapons threats, current economic issues, European strategy, globalization, Greece, Iran, Middle East, NATO, Russia, terrorism, UK

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Dr. Tim Hunt, Nobel laureate in Medicine, raised storm when he mentioned that having men and women work together in labs can result in romantic entanglements and harm science
James Delingpole: Breitbart
"He told BBC radio on Wednesday that he was 'really, really sorry I caused any offense'.   Then he added: 'I did mean the part about having trouble with girls...   I have fallen in love with people in the lab and people in the lab have fallen in love with me and it's very disruptive to the science.'"

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
UN accusing Obummer of hiding Iran's violations of restrictions on their development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Guy Taylor: Washington DC Times
"...'The UK government informed the Panel on 2015 April 20 that it is aware of an active Iranian nuclear procurement network which has been associated with Iran's Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA) and Kalay Electric Company (KEC).', the report said in April, according to Reuters..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
bad supreme court decision setting hundreds of Cuban, Liberian, Red Chinese, Guatemalan, Honduran, Salvadoran criminals free to roam USA
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP or TTIP) vote suspended in face of public back-lash from both left and right; Nigel Farage says "EU is running scared"

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Curtis W. Ellis _Breitbart_
don't drink the kool aid: trade promotion authority (TPA) and Obummer's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP), and Trade in Services (TISA) agreements are poison
"Whether the competition is from [illegal aliens and] foreign guest-workers at home or cheap foreign labor over-seas, working Americans [will be abused]...   In case these pols are too busy at fund-raisers to get the picture, we've put together a 'Your Name Could Be Here' spot (video) showing what's in store for them next year."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
poll: majority of Americans oppose trade promotion authority (TPA) and Obummer's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP), and Trade in Services (TISA) agreements; they would harm American workers

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Alex Swoyer & Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
secret immigration chapter in Trans-Pacific Partnership revealed, and it is extremely bad; Trade in Services

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
wikileaks released more on Obummer Trans-Pacific Partnership and Trade in Services Agreement draft altering ObummerDoesn'tCare, halting Medicare reform...
Mike Krieger: Free Republic
Tyler Durden: Zero Hedge
Mike Krieger: Liberty BlitzKrieg

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
not only is draft Trans-Pacific Partnership being kept secret, but so is the log of which congress-critters have read it

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
amidst hateful Obummer regime secrecy, Rick Perry retracts support for fast-track/trade promotion authority and Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
UK jihadis traveling via Canada

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Calais is a battle-field: knife-wielding illegal aliens threaten to kill truckers if they don't smuggle them into UK

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Michael Oren's book to expose Obummer regime's abuse of Israel

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Iran cozying up to North Korea and Red China
"[President Obummer's] eagerness to set his Iranian partners-in-peace up with a fully functional economy and functional nuclear weapons is not generating much reciprocal affection from Tehran.   Iran's Fars news agency reports that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's top adviser for foreign affairs, Ali Akbar Velayati, declared his country 'is keen to build closer military ties with [Red China], welcoming Beijing to expand its naval presence worldwide'..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer's limp languid surge: 450 non-combat troops to Iraq
News Max

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_News Max_/_AP_
US citizen Keith Broomfield has been killed fighting with Kurds against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate in Syria
John Hayward: Breitbart

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
"diverse" San Francisco has been driving out blacks, Latinos, and Asians for decades

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Border Patrol agents arrested 144 ilegal aliens found in way-station houses near border

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
children of illegal aliens sue for in-state tuition in SC

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_News Max_
Bernard Kerik: Obummer threw DoD under the bus on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate war-plan

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Betsey McCaughey _News Max_
license plate censorship
Investor's Business Daily

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Israel may have been sensibly listening/watching Obummer-Iran deal-making

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
American Conservative Union to weigh votes on patent law perversion bill in next score-card
"...The ACU and other conservatives argue that the House bill imposes overreaching standards on patent litigation that would make it difficult for innovators to protect their property rights...   Texas senator Ted Cruz, a member of the Judiciary committee and 2016 GOP presidential hopeful, voted against the bill, saying 'I think we need to be particularly solicitous of protecting inventors, protecting the little guy, protecting those who are asserting their rights protected by the United States Constitution to develop new innovations and I fear that if we lean too far against the small patent holder that in turn will hamper innovation in our economy.'   Mr. Cruz earned a 100% rating from the ACU this year and was the only GOP presidential candidate to do so..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
without the complicity of an heretical or gullible Catholic nun ObummerDoesn'tCare could not have been imposed

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
religious coalition will continue to oppose same-sex "marriage" regardless of power-mad Obummer regime's and supremes' perfidy

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
through Clinton, Shrub, Obummer regimes increasing numbers of American have been renouncing US citizenship
"Between 2015 January and March, a record 1,336 Americans renounced their U.S. citizenship...   The list includes long-term permanent residents who are considered American citizens under the [Orwellian] Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA), the IRS noted.   The previous record was 1,130 in the second quarter of 2013, according to Treasury Department data.   A record total of 3,415 Americans renounced their citizenship last year, according to the 'Quarterly Publication of Individuals Who Have Chosen To Expatriate'.   In a survey conducted by the University of Kent between 2014 December and 2015 January, 1,546 U.S. citizens and former citizens were asked why they no longer wanted to be Americans.   Survey participants stated that high taxes were the primary reason for renouncing their citizenship...   In 2014, the government raised the fee for those wishing to formally relinquish their U.S. citizenship from $450 to $2,350.   But nearly a third of those surveyed say they are still thinking about doing it anyway.   'Of the US citizen respondents, 31% have actively thought about renouncing US citizenship and 3% are in the process of doing so.', the survey [report] noted..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Pew poll: 60% of Americans who attend church/synagogue weekly oppose same-sex "marriage"

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Ali Mayer _Cybercast News Service_
Austin Scott (R-GA): "the system is set up where the harder you wor, the less you have"

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt senators push for uniformly lax standards for "made in the USA" labels
"The [NOT] Reinforcing American-Made Products Act of 2015 is sponsored by Senators Angus King (I-ME), Susan Collins (R-ME), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Deb Fischer (R-NB).   The bill would give the federal government control over country-of-origin labels rather than the states.   'It is critical to do everything that we can to protect the intent of this standard, which allows for products to be labeled Made in the USA even if a small piece, such as a screw or a shoelace [or 90% of the rest], is sourced from a foreign country.', senator Collins said in a press release.   This common sense legislation will ensure a uniform standard across the nation and avoid unnecessary and costly hardships for companies who choose to support American jobs rather than ship them over-seas.'   'The Made in USA label carries a great deal of importance and influence and many companies strive to boast that their products meet the country's rigorous standard.', according to a statement by senator Lee.   'Without weakening the standard [wink wink nudge nudge], my colleagues and I hope to make use of the label less complicated, thus supporting American manufacturing jobs, limiting frivolous law-suits, and strengthening the U.S. economy.'   Increasing American manufacturing is a bipartisan goal.   According to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report, 77% of Americans fear losing manufacturing jobs to other countries.   Last month, CNSNews.com reported that manufacturing jobs in the United States have declined by 37% since they peaked in 1979, according to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS].   There are now 7.2M fewer manufacturing jobs in the U.S.A.   The proposed congressional legislation would allow the 'Made in America' label to be used on a product if a 'substantial part' of it is 'of domestic origin'.   It was filed in response to a California state law which only allows 'Made in USA' labels to be placed on items that are 100% produced in the United States."
Why not be honest?   Why not label something assembled in the USA from parts and material imported from Red China, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. as "assembled in the USA; parts and materials 80% from Red China, 5% from Singapore, 4% from Malaysia..."?   The answer, of course, is that the weasels don't want to be honest, don't want customers in the USA or UK or whereverk to know the states, provinces and countries of origin of what appears on retail shelves.

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Bob Unruh _WND_
secret immigration power transfer from congress to executive in Trans-Pacific Partnership and TISA
Laura Ingraham
"'The existence of these 10 pages on immigration in the Trade [in] Services Agreement make it absolutely clear in my mind that the administration is negotiating immigration -- and for them to say they are not -- they have a lot of explaining to do based on the actual text in this agreement.', Jenks told Breitbart News.   She was referring to [Obummer's] Trade in Services Act, or TISA, one of several deals that could be fast-tracked if Republicans in the U.S. House agree.   Along with TISA, the administration has negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [TATIP or TTP]..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Bob Unruh _WND_
Obummer regime trying to evade responsibility for unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Ted Nugent _WND_
soulless, mindless, heartless leftist "Make a Wish Foundation" denies children's final requests
"Adam was just 15 years old and was fighting the battle of his young life.   Like way too many youngsters in the world, stricken with the dreaded disease of cancer, he showed courage beyond measure as he trooped like a warrior through his agonizing chemo and radiation treatments.   Losing his hair, bloated, suffering and weakened to the point where he could barely walk, he knew deep down inside that all the powerful love and positive daily gush of encouragement from family, friends and doctors was a façade and that the inevitable end was near.   Adam was a hunter, a fisherman and a gungho outdoorsman, so before his time was up he wanted one more hunt to take with him to the big spirit campfire in the sky.   In my estimation, there is only one disease worse than cancer, and that would be the self-inflicted curse of political correctness.   And if you want to know just how soulless, mindless and heartless those that have chosen this curse can be, I give you the Make A Wish Foundation, which denies dying children's last wish for legal hunting trips..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Bill Federer _WND_
Dr. Joseph Warren: stripped, bayoneted, shoved in a ditch for the USA
"...Dr. Joseph Warren continued: 'May this Almighty Being graciously preside in all our councils.   May He direct us to such measures as He Himself shall approve, and be pleased to bless.   May our land be a land of liberty, the seat of virtue, the asylum of the oppressed, a name and a praise in the whole earth, until the last shock of time shall bury the empires of the world in one common undistinguishable ruin!'"

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Marisa Martin _WND_
few artists remember Syria's Christians

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
PA public school teachers and administrators indoctrinated to bow to Allah, celebrate Islam

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Jack Cashill _WND_
if only GOP candidates would say this

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan (R-WI) trying elaborate ruse to obfuscate immigration perversions in Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP or TTIP), Trade in Services (TISA) scam

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America_
CNN's Nic Robertson corrected his report on the history of Gaza
"The video now more accurately states: 'In 1947, the UN created a plan to split [Israel] into two countries, one for Jews and one for the Arab people.'   Unfortunately, though, the amended text, though now technically accurate, is incomplete because it does not inform readers that Gaza[=Palestine], and the rest of [the Levant], were a British Mandate at the time of the 1947 partition plan.   That is essential history for CNN's viewers to understand.   In fact, the segment about 'The history of Gaza' does not at all mention Britain's nearly 3-decades long presence in the territory, a serious flaw...   Israel unilaterally pulled its forces out of Gaza[=Palestine] in 2005 (not 2006, as reported), before Hamas gained control of the Gaza Strip[=Palestine].   Again, in response to CAMERA's request, the on-line video was amended and now correctly reports: 'Israel pulled its forces out of Gaza[=Palestine] in 2005.   In 2006, Hamas, a group that wants to destroy Israel, and listed by the United States and European Union and others as a terrorist group, won a landslide victory in Palestinian legislative elections'..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
"Voice of Reason" _Before It's News_
what makes the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) so bad
"The Guardian Reports: A decade in the making, the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is reaching its climax and as Congress hotly debates the biggest trade deal in a generation, its backers have turned on the cash spigot in the hopes of getting it passed.   'We're very much in the end-game.', US trade representative Michael Froman told reporters over the weekend at a meeting of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum on the resort island of Boracay.   His comments came days after TPP passed another crucial vote in the senate.   That vote, to give [Barack Hussein Obummer] the authority to speed the bill through congress, comes as the president's own supporters, senior economists and a host of activists have lobbied against a pact they argue will favor big business but harm US jobs, fail to secure better conditions for workers over-seas and undermine free speech on-line...   How about this doubling the amnesty [for illegal aliens] thing?...   Republicans are about to make a huge mistake.   They are moving to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership fast track legislation favored by [Obummer].   [Obummer] must be laughing his ass off at how easy it is to fool the morons in the senate.   You see, there is a clause in the agreement with Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and VietNam that allows those countries to send workers into this country at will, much like the agreement that's causing so much havoc in the EU countries.   Basically it would open our borders up to unlimited immigration. To make matters worse, and something the average citizen may not realize is that the treaty actually trumps US laws [because US presidents conressmen have already repeatedly caved in to similar boards such as the WTO]..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Jason Russell _Washington DC Examiner_
personality analysis of Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul...

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
"green" lies about SeaWorld
World Net Daily

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Human Extinction Movement
"In an interview with the Big Issue magazine, 'Les U Knight' (pseudonym assumed) said that the extinction of humanity would be a good thing for the planet and that humans need to reduce their numbers before they run out of resources.   Mr. Knight, who in his day job is a substitute teacher in Portland, Oregon, said that his main motivation for wanting to see the extinction of his own species was 'preservation of Earth's biosphere'..."

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Michael Reagan _News Max_
wettest May fails to end California drought
"The rest of the story only served to rub it in (and a dry rub at that).   Colorado had the rainiest May ever.   For Arkansas, Nebraska, and Utah it was the second rainiest month.   '14 states had one of their 10 rainiest Mays on record, all of them west of the Mississippi River and east of California.'"

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: the Obummer EPA is assaulting you (video)
Abigail Wilkinson: Levin: EPA pretends to be green when in fact it is red

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
another Dept. of Interior & EPA power-grab for control of hundreds of millions of acres of other people's land

2015-06-10 (5775 Sivan 23)
streaming of Heartland Institute's 10th annual international conference on climate

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1190-06-10: Frederick Barbarossa drowned during 3rd Crusade.
1610-06-10: governor of VA, lord de la Warre (Delaware), arrived.
1735-06-10: John Morgan born.
1776-06-10: committee appointed to write Declaration of Independence.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "What do all these [gifted] people have in common? They have a large capability for seeing patterns, a restless drive to enlarge their world and to know, know, know." --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pp4-5  



2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
when everything seemed impossible: one reason why WW2 did not end much sooner
Town Hall

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
I'm impressed by the coolness and steadiness of our media in suppressing any news about immigration
Town Hall
World Net Daily
Human Events
"I'm impressed by the coolness and steadiness of our media in suppressing any news about immigration.   It's as if they've built a triple-layer fence with border guards around immigration topics.   And guess what?   Their fence is working!   How many thousands of news stories have there been on Ferguson, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, Chris Christie's 'Bridgegate' or men becoming women?   But the media will never tell you about Mexicans gang-raping a lesbian in Richmond, California, an Indian immigrant in San Francisco importing 12-year-old girls he bought from their parents for sex, or 3 children being beheaded by Mexicans in Baltimore.   Don't Americans have a right to know about the cultures flooding into our country?   This isn't a natural transformation.   It is purely the result of government policy.   But our media don't care to discuss the issue.   In fact, they get mad whenever Americans find out what they're doing with immigration.   When Americans do think about immigration, they're against it.   In polls earlier this year, more Americans had a favorable opinion of North Korea than wanted to increase immigration.   That's why the media's approach to immigration is to never talk about it.   Three times in the last decade, Democrats and Republicans conspired to grant illegal aliens amnesty.   All 3 times, the American people rose up in blind rage and shut it down.   The only way they were tipped off to the proposed amnesties was through the hard work of about 3 bloggers, 4 talk-radio hosts and the Drudge Report..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Rachel Stoltzfoos _Daily Caller_
DoL to investigate H-1B program abuse
Laura Ingraham
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
higher minimum wage killing entry-level job opportunities

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
tribal chiefs in American Samoa hang onto their power; unlike Puerto Rico, no automatic US citizenship for Samoans, and only a new law can change that

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
preventing terror through deportation
"...I'm told that tracking a single individual 24/7 takes up to 30 agents.   As shocking as this may be to many, it doesn't seem overly high, given the need for three shifts to maintain close physical surveillance and concurrently track the subject's telephonic and on-line activities.   But with the large number of terrorists and sympathizers abroad in the land, there just aren't enough FBI agents nationwide to do that for everyone, and there never will be.   And though they have force multipliers in their Joint Terrorism Task Forces, those resources are also finite...   The resolve -- and the speed -- of the Canadian government in Ansari's case has been remarkable.   Just a few days ago, it was reported that he will be deported within the month.   Proceedings from arrest to a final appellate adjudication by Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board took a bit longer than 4 months...   Nor is Ansari's case the only one moving through Canada's immigration and appellate review bureaucracy with due speed.   Jahanzeb Malik, another Pakistani, who was charged with plotting to blow up American diplomatic facilities in Canada, has also been ordered deported on national security grounds.   Our Canadian friends seem to have learned the important lesson that deportation can be a viable alternative in cases involving terror and national security.   Is it a perfect solution?   No.   But it's far preferable to a perpetual game of playing chicken with would-be jihadists, trying to catch them just at the cusp of the act, but before anyone really gets hurt..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
lies the government is telling you

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
American millennials re-think abortion, for good reasons

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the Federal Reserve Board in Wonderland
Town Hall
"...It was Friedrich August Hayek, a real-life economist with a real-life perspective on economics who explained: 'The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.'   Q.E.D."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Obummer loves private schools... but only for himself, his family, and those of a few privileged friends
Town Hall
World Net Daily
Investor's Business Daily
"[Barack Hussein Obummer ii], for his own education, never set foot in a public school.   When he was 10 years of age, his mother shipped him back from Indonesia to his grand-parents in Hawaii so that young Barack could get a first-class American education.   He entered Punahou, the expensive and most prestigious prep school in the islands.   From there, despite his admittedly indifferent grades, [Obummer] was admitted to Occidental, an elite private college in Los Angeles.   He spent two years there, after which he transferred to Columbia University, one of the private Ivy League schools.   After Columbia, Obama attended Harvard Law, another private Ivy League school.   What about Michelle, then Michelle Robinson?   Doesn't she often brag that she attended public schools?   But her public school cheerleading requires an asterisk.   True, Michelle attended a public high school.   But it was Chicago's first magnet school, and admission was a selective and highly competitive process.   Michelle spent close to three hours each day on a bus to escape her subpar local public school.   So Michelle, in essence, attended an exclusive high school, an option available to her because of her proactive, pro-education parents and her willingness to sacrifice the time to go to and from this superior school...   Sidwell Friends...   Polls show 80% of inner-city parents want vouchers.   In Philadelphia, 44% of public-school teachers with school-age children send their kids to a private school.   In Chicago, it's 39%.   Nationwide, about 11% of all parents enroll their children in private schools; only 6% of black parents do so..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
something very strange, if not bordering on insidius, is being done in the USA
Town Hall

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
latest hack into federal government computers may actually be a blessing
"...All of these can involve sizable costs and inconvenience for those directly affected.   The victims of identity theft are tortured both financially and psychologically.   Companies that have lost proprietary information may suffer profit declines..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
Ashton Carter's remarks suggest an Obummer policy shift on Red China; Red Chinese general's visit protested; State cyberfraud warning
Washington DC Times
"...Paul Heer, who for years held the influential post of national intelligence officer for East Asia, retired recently, a spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence [DNI] said.   From his position as the most senior intelligence official on [Red China], Mr. Heer was known for a steadfast bias that sought to play down the various threats posed by [Red China] in favor of more conciliatory views.   His influence also is said to have extended to personnel appointments within the CIA's analytical section, which critics say resulted in 'groupthink' on [Red China].   A second major personnel change was the departure last week of the White House's senior [Red China] specialist, Evan Medeiros, who left after a reported dispute with White House National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice.   Ms. Rice has a reputation as a prickly manager known for swearing profusely at subordinates.   Mr. Medeiros was regarded by critics as among the most [pro-Red China] policy-makers in the White House's highly centralized foreign policy and national security power structure...   Amid all the controversies of recent actions from Beijing, a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee is criticizing the Pentagon for hosting [Red China's] top general.   People's Liberation Army general Fan Changlong, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, the ultimate military authority within the communist system, on Monday visited the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan in San Diego, and then stopped at Boeing Company in Seattle -- despite the fact that [Red Chinese] military hackers have carried out what U.S. officials say were major cyber-attacks against U.S. defense firms in the past...   Rick Fisher, a China affairs analyst with the International Assessment and Strategy Center, noted that [Red China] frequently down-grades military ties with [Washington DC] to express anger over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.   'Now [Washington DC] has plenty cause to downgrade these ties over [Red China's] invasion of the South China Sea, [arms] proliferation and hacking.', Mr. Fisher said.   '[Red China] is invading the South China Sea and is at cyberwar with the world, but general Fan gets generous intelligence visits to an aircraft carrier and Boeing.   This is very wrong.'   The State Department is warning American embassies and companies over-seas that cybercriminals are using fake social media sites to pose as U.S. ambassadors who then offer ambassadorships to the United Nations for a fee..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Bill Schneider _Jewish World Review_
divide and conquer

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
letter from child torn by parents' divorce is a columnist's gift

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
_Conservative HQ_
how many of your senators and representatives belong in jail for fraud?
"Did you know that 'ongress claims it is a 'small business' and that as a consequence members of the House and senate, and their staff, are able to obtain [ObummerDoesn'tCare] benefits contrary to the [statute]?   And what's more, your representative and senators refuse to say who organized and perpetrated this fraud on the American [tax-victim].   What's more, if you or I claimed benefits under [ObummerDoesn'tCare] to which we were not entitled, it would most certainly be considered a crime, but so far no one in Congress or on the congressional pay-roll has admitted to submitting the false documents claiming that congress is a 'small business' and a DC court recently halted attempts by our friends at Judicial Watch to pry the information out of the [corrupt Obummer regime].   The District of Columbia defines a 'small business' as 50 employees or less.   Congress has nearly 16K.   According to the documents disclosed by Judicial Watch in a [tax-victim] law-suit challenging this scam, the House and Senate filed false applications with the DC Health Benefits Exchange claiming they each were a 'small business' with '50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees'."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
non-leftists cave on "social issues", then lose; the left will never be satisfied, will keep pushing every day to an ever more extreme position

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
non-proliferation expert Robert Jordan: Obummer's deal to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is an historic blunder, a strategic mistake

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
former intelligence chief, retired lieutenant-general Michael Flynn, ways Iran has every intention to build an ICBM and nuclear weapons

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
House voted against truth in labeling; that's NOT COOL
Mary Clare Jalonick: My Way
"Under threat of trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico, the House has voted to to repeal a law requiring country-of-origin labels on packages of beef, pork and poultry.   The World Trade Organization rejected a U.S. appeal last month, ruling the labels that say where animals were born, raised and slaughtered are discriminatory against the 2 U.S. border countries.   Both have said they plan to ask the WTO for permission to impose billions of dollars in tariffs on American goods.   The House voted 300-131 to repeal labels that tell consumers what countries the meat is from -- for example, 'born in Canada, raised and slaughtered in the United States' or 'born, raised and slaughtered in the United States'.   The WTO ruled against the labels last year.   The [corrupt Obummer regime] has already revised the labels once to try to comply with previous WTO rulings.   Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has said it's up to congress to change the law to [counter] retaliation from the 2 countries...   Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), said repeal would be premature, adding, 'Our people deserve a right to know where their food is produced and where it comes from.'..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
power-mad Obummer HUD wants to "regulate diversity" insuburbs through "federal neighborhood engineering"

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Laura Ingraham
Texas Sentinels Foundation gave home to Army medic who saved hundreds of lives

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Laura Ingraham
Paul Ryan's Pelosi-esque moment: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP) & Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) will be declassified and made public only after Obummer regime and congress have agreed to it he told House Rules committee
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: shariah should be inferior to civil law in USA and all countries that cherish and respect freedom and liberty

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
anti-constitution, anti-liberty, anti-safety Ed Markey (D-MA) & Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) want all hand-guns to be sold to be manufactured or retro-fitted with idiot-technology first

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Herbert W. Titus & William J. Olson _Cybercast News Service_
for supremes to condone gay "marriage" is not bad law, it is not law at all

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
the perverse Bob Corker (RINO-TN): USA should definitely form a free-trade zone with dictatorial communist VietNam
How much did Intel execs pay him for that one?

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Why does GOP losership assis in Obummer's diabolical anti-constitution, anti-liberty, anti-free-markets agenda? (video)

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Sylvia Burwell: we extreme leftists are implementing unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare exactly as we intended to from the beginning, not as it was written

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
treasury secretary Jacob Lew and Rudy Giuliani agree that Iran cannot be trusted to refrain from further developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems (video)

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Wayne Allyn Root _Town Hall_
what just happened in Las Vegas NV could destroy the GOP; GOP won, let leftists control the agenda
"...Republican cowards in congress are back-stabbing their own voters -- the same loyal base that handed them the biggest victory in modern American political history.   Or have you noticed any progress in stopping or even slowing [Obummer's] agenda since that landslide?   Have you seen congress cutting any spending? Cutting even one tax?   Starving the funding for [ObummerDoesn'tCare]? An end to the border crisis?   Any attempt by Congress to stop Obama's amnesty for illegals?...   Like the rest of America, the Nevada the GOP enjoyed a landslide victory last November.   We won EVERYTHING.   governor, lieutenant-governor, all 5 constitutional offices, the state senate and the state assembly.   This is the first time the GOP has controlled all of those offices since the 1920s.   The voters spoke loudly.   They wanted smaller government, lower taxes and less spending.   Not only that but a ballot referendum supporting a business margins tax on corporations was voted down by a 3 to 1 margin.   THREE-TO-ONE.   This was the anti-tax, anti-big government sweep of a life-time.   Historic.   Revolutionary.   You'd think the party that WON would understand the message, right? WRONG.   So what did the Nevada GOP do with such a magnificent mandate?   They rewarded the same conservative anti-tax voters who had just given them a mandate to hold down the size of government and taxes...with a proposal for the biggest tax increase in Nevada history.   Yes, I said tax increase.   And with the help of a Republican Senate and Republican Assembly, it passed last week.   Our Nevada business taxes just grew by $1.5G...."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Daniel Davis _Town Hall_
NC legislature upheld religious liberty over governor Pat McCrory's veto

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Laura Hollis _Town Hall_
what's wrong with academia

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
corrupt Obumer regime US embassy in Indonesia re-scheduled USA Independence day to June 4 to accommodae Ramadan

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions warns that "trade promotion authority" sets the stage for ramming through a number of bad trade agreements without constitutional two-thirds requirement
"'Promoters of fast-track executive authority have relied on semantic obfuscation in an effort to deny the obvious: the president's top priority is obtaining fast-track authority because he knows it will expand his powers and allow him to cement his legacy through the formation of a new political and economic union.', Sessions said...   'The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for 6 years.   Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote.   Legislation [the treaties and agreements] cannot even be amended.'..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions shows GOP how to win, while Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell actively strive to lose

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
"streiff" _True Blue Republican State_
Obummer has corrupted the US Army, too
"It is really a shame. Under the regime of [Barack Hussein Obummer], the US Army has become a festering pustule of moral corruption and ethical blindness..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Alan Keyes _WND_
some supremes' homosexual prejudice threatens our rights
"What purports to be a movement for so-called homosexual 'rights' is in fact intended to discard, once and for all, the idea of God-endowed unalienable rights, inherent in the Creator's information of all human beings (i.e., our human nature).   The transcendent authority of 'the laws of nature and of nature's God' is the source or origin from which certain natural penchants or inclinations derive their special claim of right.   Without reference to it, as the authoritative first principle of unalienable right, the logic of democratic, republican self-government collapses..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Joseph Farah _WND_
are Christian churches too rapture-dependent?
"The Christian church in America lies quiet, paralyzed, apparently moribund in the face of a wildfire of anti-Christian cultural and political trends sweeping the nation..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Bar-Ilan U: "gay pride" is like pedophilia
Adam Withnall: UK Independent

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Thomas Massie (R-KY-4): Obummer's gun restrictions by executive order may be his waterloo

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
lieutenant-colonel Jason Amerine: there is a good deal of evidence that the corrupt Obummer regime not only negotiated with terrorists but paid ransom for apparent deserter sergeant Bowe Bergdahl

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
priceless antique Syrian artifacts looted by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate are appearing for sale on FB

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
California college counselor advises students to "be less Asian" as colleges set higher standards for some races/ethnicities than others
"The Wall Street Journal recently dubbed Asians 'The New Jews of Harvard Admissions', referring to the antisemitism the school practiced in order to keep Jews out of the school during the early 2oth century.   'I try to do things [to] steer away from the stereotype of the piano-playing, tennis-playing Asian applicant.', James Chen, the founder of Alameda-based Asian Advantage College Consulting, said in an interview with Sacramento-area ABC News affiliate News10.   His services cost parents of college-bound students close to $15K if they start during the child's sophomore year of high school..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
5 reasons free trade supporters should oppose TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP and TISA

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Angelo M. Codevilla _Washington DC Times_
tough talk is no substitute for a big stick or rock: USA needs a better missile defense, better defense against back-pack nukes

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
Flag Day and patriotic piety

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
just say no to fast-track/TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, and TISA

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Daniel Costa & Ron Hira _EPI_
TISA: a secret trade agreement that will usurp USA authority to make immigration policy
Free Republic

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
David B. Rivkin ii & Elizabeth Price Foley _Wall Street Journal_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's unconstitutional and illegal scheme to over-rule voter-ID laws

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Al Weaver _Daily Caller_
senator Jeff Sessions: Obumer was never before interested in trade; he wants another monumental trans-Pacific organization to impair USA
"''The threat is mostly to working Americans.   That's where the damage might be from an unwise agreement.', Sessions told Ingraham.   '[President Obummer], I believe, has never been really interested in trade.   I think what his legacy vision is -- he's created another monumental trans-Pacific organization that has Australia, the sultan of Brunei, VietNam all in this, and it has the ability to add new members, and he's even talked about adding [Red China] into this agreement...   We ought to know everything there is to know about it.   Lawyers ought to explain every word that's in it [before it is debated in committee, and long before a vote is taken on the floor of each house of congress].'"

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Philip Klein _Washington DC Examiner_
Tom Coburn critiques Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz... (video)

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
_Before It's News_
Mark Levin interviewed senator Jeff Sessions on TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA scheme
Right Scoop
Obummer admits they will allow him to push his nefariously draconian "climate" regulation schemes

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Mark Levin
the dumbing-down of the article 5 constitutional process for convention of states to amend constitution
"Three-fourth's of the states must ratify any proposed amendment from a convention of the states; the exact threshold required to adopt amendments proposed by congress.   The idea that 13 red-state legislatures (with just one house controlled by Republicans) would embrace the left's radical agenda, should crazy amendments be proposed at a convention of the states, is absurd..."

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Howard Hyde _American Thinker_
climate: where is the scientific method?

2015-06-11 (5775 Sivan 24)
Bronze Age DNA gives clues to how modern Eurasia was formed

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015


"Terri Steger was a systems analyst for AT&T and one of its contractors for 35 years in Milwaukee before her 'IT' job and the jobs of her co-workers were shipped to India in 2009.   She soon found herself in an orientation class sponsored by the local TAA [Trade Adjustment Assistance] office in Milwaukee to help her and others who had lost their jobs decide on their next career.   Steger said that one of the federal officials suggested to the group that they consider information technology.   'We raised our hands and said, ''Wait a minute, you might want to re-think that, because we're all in information technology and our jobs are in India right now.''', she said." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg259




2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
R' Dr Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
are we all imposters?

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
why the USA condemns the GOP losership - Obummer agreement package (trade promotion authority/TPA, Trans-Pacific Partnership/TPP, Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership/TATIP, Trade in Services Agreement/TISA)
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
Human Events
Rasmussen Reports
Panama City FL News Herald
Liberty News
"The [corrupt, hateful Obummer regime], House GOP [loser] John Boehner and senate [majority-loser] Mitch McConnell have sold out American sovereignty.   Their so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission will have sweeping authority over trade, immigration, environmental, labor and commerce regulations [just as the evil WTO has consistently hobbled the USA, and honest trade, for that matter].   As alert watch-dogs U.S. senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), chairman of the Sub-Committee on Immigration and the National Interest and U.S. representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), warn: 'By adopting fast-track, congress would be formally authorizing the President to finalize the creation of this Pacific Union and will have surrendered its legislative prerogatives.   Before a word, line, paragraph, or page of this plan is made public, congress will have agreed to give up its treaty powers...   In effect, one of the most sweeping international agreements seen in years will be given less legislative scrutiny and process than a Post Office reform bill.'..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
_Times of India_
H-1B visa row is an attempt to make public the widespread abuse of the visas to displace able and willing US citizen STEM professionals, and NASSCOM resents it going public
"Such efforts [to reduce the abuses] would have 'serious detrimental impact' on the [benefits to India and their business executives] Chandrashekhar [said].   The US, which is preparing for presidential elections in 2016, is the largest market for the $140G+ Indian IT services industry.   Exports account for over $98G.   NASSCOM [lobbies] in the USA on behalf of the Indian 'IT' sector... [and] it is 'stepping up' efforts to engage with the American government and law-makers to highlight contribution of Indian out-sourcers to the [Indian] economy [while continuing to strive to cover up the devastation wrought by them on the USA economy in general and job markets in particualr]."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a bipartisan betrayal of the USA citizenry

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
USA firms created 16 times as many jobs in Mexico as Mexican firms created in the USA
"U.S.-majority-owned multi-national enterprises employed 1,106,700 in Mexico in 2012 (the latest year on record), according to data released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis [BEA], but Mexican-majority owned enterprises employed only 68,800 in the United States that year.   That means that U.S.-controlled multi-nationals employed 1,037,900 more people in Mexico than Mexican-controlled multi-nationals employed in the United States... 49% of the jobs -- 546,500 of 1,106,700 -- that U.S.-controlled multi-nationals maintained in Mexico in 2012 were in manufacturing, according to the BEA..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
DoL plans H-1B investigation
"The U.S. Department of Labor plans to investigate whether H-1B workers can be used to replace U.S. 'IT' workers, according to U.S. senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL).   Both lawmakers have been leading a call for a probe of the controversial program...   Initially, Labor officials told the senators that the department couldn't initiate an investigation in the absence of a complaint by an employee.   It now has at least one complaint by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 47, which was made public by Bright Future Jobs, a group that represents tech workers and advocates for H-1B reforms..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Leslie Berestein Rojas _KPCC 89.3 Southern California Socialist Radio_
DoL plans H-1B investigation of Southern California Edison

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer wants to expand OPT for alien graduates, Grassley to rein it in a tiny little bit

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
establishing accountability at DHS
"federal law provides for disciplinary sanctions against Department of State consular officers ("conoffs") who screw up in particular ways during the visa vetting and issuing process.   The staffer wondered why there were no similar provisions for Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officers and agents working the spectrum of immigration benefits-granting and enforcement.   The provision the staffer was referring to is embedded in Public Law 105-236, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1994-95.   Section 140(c) requires conoffs to certify in writing that they have checked alien applicants against all applicable lookout systems and that no basis exists in any system to believe the alien is excludable; it further says that if the conoff fails to do so, a record will be made of the failure and adversely affect performance evaluations...   What has also become painfully obvious during the course of this administration's two terms is that, where DHS and its subordinate agencies are concerned, such a law would also have to encompass leaders up to the highest levels of the department, given their propensity to meddle in cases, reverse benefits denials to achieve political or personal aims, or order inappropriate releases of criminal aliens from detention and the public welfare be damned.   With this in mind, we created a draft DHS accountability bill.   This language is, of course, only one of many ways to skin the cat..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the ball is in DoL's court and an age-old elephant in the room

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
fast track authority/trade promotion authority is bribery as usual in DC
"...So what is the [losership] doing to try and pass this bill? It is buying votes.   In congress, when leadership wants a member's vote and the member doesn't want to give it to them, they buy it.   Leadership offers the member something they want.   Unfortunately, members of Congress seem to be very much like Charlie Brown.   Lucy holds out the football for him to kick and every time, she pulls it away and Charlie Brown goes flying on his back.   Members of congress who are thinking about selling their votes and ignoring the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose fast track authority for [TPP, TATIP & TISA] should think about the past.   In 2010, in order to pass [ObummerDoesn'tCare], then-senators Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu famously sold their votes.   Mr. Nelson's was called the 'Cornhusker Kickback' and Ms. Landrieu's as the 'Louisiana Purchase'.   Both lost their elections later that year and neither got the benefit of their bargain.   In 2005, Alabama representative Robert Aderholt was pressured to vote for the Central America Free Trade Agreement.   He wanted protection for sock manufacturers in his district.   He got the promise, gave his vote and never got what he asked for.   Ten years later, he is still waiting and the sock manufacturers in his district are gone.   In the 1990s, when then-president Bill Clinton was pushing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), congressman Sam Farr asked for protections in the NAFTA agreement for the cut flower industry in his district.   He voted for NAFTA and imports from Mexico exploded, destroying that industry in his district..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Peter Morici _Town Hall_
Obummer's Trans-Pacific Partnership (and TATIP and TISA) sells out American workers
"Free trade deals can [theoretically] permit Americans to earn higher wages by exporting more goods and services that require highly skilled workers and R&D -- like pharmaceuticals and software -- [only if they require open competition and honest trade, not if they allow less obvious barriers and dishonesty].   Even workers displaced by imports [might be able to] find better jobs if exports grew as much as imports and instigated faster growth with more emphasis on spending for skills-focused education...   [Unfortunately, the record of the last 25 years and more suggest the results of such agreements are not so rosy.]...   Imports from South Korea are up $3.6G, U.S. exports are down marginally and the U.S. trade deficit with the Asian nation has swelled to $5G.   That free trade deal alone has killed about 25K American jobs—mostly in high paying manufacturing activities—and added to downward pressures on wages and worsened income inequality.   President Clinton negotiated a complex bilateral deal to permit [Red China's] entry into the World Trade Organization [WTO, which just cheated Americans, again], but American companies like GM, GE and MSFT still must manufacture, form joint-ventures with local companies and undertake product development in the Middle Kingdom, and American intellectual property still gets ripped off...   [Executives of] U.S. multi-nationals, like GE and IBM, would still profit from the TPP by moving production to Asia to advantage labor and other resources made cheaper by manipulated currencies but ordinary working Americans would face more unfairly advantaged foreign competitors, unemployment and even lower wages.   As the president has framed the TPP negotiations, it is simply a bad deal for ordinary Americans."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senate Republicans warn that the Obummer regime may be violating injunction, pushing forward unconstitutional and illegal amnesties of illegal aliens at Crystal City facility

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Donald Lambro _Town Hall_
phony "jobs boom"
Washington DC Times
"In 1983, after a severe recession when unemployment climbed to more than 10% at one point, the Reagan economy created 1.1M jobs just in September. That's a jobs boom. But this isn't. Not when 'there are still more than 8.6M workers without jobs who want them', says the Business Insider web site [and we're running about 30M below historical full employment proportions]..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
preventing terror through deportation

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Tom Tancredo _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter's _Adios, America!_ will shake up presidential debates
"...Instead of bringing a knife to a gun flight in typical Republican fashion, Ann Coulter brings a howitzer..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
al-Qaeda is out, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is in!?!?
Town Hall

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Elaine Ganley _Jewish World Review_
1 of hundreds of Guantanamo "grads" steers youths away from jihad

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
existential threats to the USA
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
Human Events
World Net Daily

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
clueless & planless

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
David Blankenhorn _Jewish World Review_
we need to develop wisdom -- both individually and culturally
"Wisdom is like a peak performance.   It's arguably the highest state of knowledge and its development.   As a vital source of social capital, don't we under-value it today at our peril?   Wisdom is hard to define succinctly, in part because it's not one trait so much as the blending of a number of traits.   For me, wisdom might be best understood as the use of reason to make and encourage good decisions.   Researchers Paul Baltes and Jacqui Smith describe everyday wisdom as 'good judgment and advice about important but uncertain matters of life'..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Amy Wilkinson _Jewish World Review_
why "successful" people get ahead faster than the rest of us; focus on goals and means to get around barriers

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton criticized supremes' ruling setting aside law which recognizes that Jerusalem is in Israel on the basis of executive privilege

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton noted Obummer's unhealthy penchant for granting unilateral concessions to enemies of the USA (video)

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer regime doesn't want to directly and effectively defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, doesn't want to supply effective arms and ammunition to Kurds to defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, and doesn't want USA citizen volunteers to fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate... nor to aid Ukraine against Russian invasions, either

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Michael Barone _Town Hall_
in Turkey & Mexico, voters try to strengthen electoral democracy
Human Events

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Heather Kays _Town Hall_
Nevada legislators push to put parents in control of education

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Brian McNicoll _Human Events_
new technology is disrupting and upsetting old travel business model
"...Commerce is changing in America.   As any protectionist politician will tell you, our manufacturing sector is largely gone.   What they don't tell you is it's not coming back, no matter how high the market barriers they erect.   The second generation -- making products that make other products better -- is fading as a source of jobs and growth as well...   The bigs are protecting bigness, and bigness is not the future..."
So, McNicoll wants to cut down big hotel, and big transportation... in favor of even bigger, more monopolistic, less competitive and responsive, less respectful of privacy big on-line hotel and big on-line transportation.

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Bill Tatro _Town Hall_
education fraud!

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Harry R. Jackson ii _Town Hall_
Obummer's professional insigators are building up to initiate mid-Summer riots across the USA

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Linda Chavez _Town Hall_
we should be backing Iranian resistance to the imams, mullahs and ayatollah
"...In an interview this week, Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the NCRI, told me, 'We have to tell the U.S. government that if you do not want to see the clerical regime equipped with a nuclear bomb, stop appeasing it.'..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Ken Blackwell _Town Hall_
Turkish voters reject Obummer's apology policy

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Scott Rasmussen _Town Hall_
happy 800th birth-day, Magna Carta!

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Laura Ingraham
governor John Sununu (R-NH): TPA, TPP, TATIP, TISA are a very bad deal

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Laura Ingraham
there is no off switch for trade promotion authority
Jeff Poor: Breitbart
"On today's program, pro-American worker patriot and defender of U.S. sovereignty, representative Michael Burgess M.D. (R-TX) slammed speaker Boehner and Paul Ryan (R-Red China) for working to give our lawless president more authority with TPA and TPP.   BURGESS: 'Paul Ryan, Leadership treated my constituents' concerns dismissively...   I'm Chairman of a Sub-Committee that's Commerce and Manufacturing and Trade and I couldn't get anyone to talk to me for months on what was going down with this.'   Burgess claimed Paul Ryan's so-called 'off-switch is exactly identical to the off-switch we had on the DHS appropriation.   It's only useful if you pull it.   And, we wouldn't.'..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer regime says congress should be willing to lose their jobs over "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" (TPA), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP), and Trade in Services (TISA)
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Cheryl Chummley _WND_
Iraq veterran defiant at HOA order to remove USA flag

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
AK governor Sarah Palin: Obummer trade deals are another case of "we don't dare consider passing it until we know what's in it!"

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Rich Tucker _Breitbart_
live updates on sequence of trade deal votes: "Trade Promotion Authority" approved in House; "Trade Adjustment Assistance" (TAA) voted down in House, but beware that it will probably be brought back Tuesday just like...
Matthew Boyle
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
...ebola cases increasing again in Guinea and Sierra Leone, Africa

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
experts warn that there is little doubt that "trade promotion authority" and the rest of Obummer's trade deals in the works constrain congress' regulation of USA immigration and policy (just as was confirmed by WTO's ruling against truth in labeling of meats)
Daniel Costa & Ron Hira: EPI: TISA: a secret trade agreement that will usurp USA authority to make immigration policy

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
representative Filemon Vela (D-TX) fires back at critics of 2 Black Hawk helicopters being sent to defend USA borders

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
_Cybercast News Service_
Allen West on Obummer's military blunder in Iraq (video)
Barbara Hollingsworth

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
_Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee: all Americans have benefited from our unique commitment to religious liberty (video)
Kathleen Brown

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Margaret Knapp _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer regime is in full cover-up mode over Red Chinese hacking (video, transcript)
"'The [Obummer regime] is in full cover-up mode as it always is.   It's in full cover-up mode, it's in full propaganda mode, as it is whether it's [ObummerDoesn'tCare], as it is whether it's illegal immigration [and legal immigration], as it is whether it's the Freedom of Information Act, the nukes that the IslamoNazis in Tehran are getting -- full cover-up mode.', Levin stated...   'But this is huge.   This is an act of war.   I say it over and over again: this is an act of war by the communist police state in China...   you've all been hacked by the Red Chinese.   And...the federal government, failed to put in place the necessary, the effective tools to prevent it and to alert them to it in a timely manner.   And I don't want to hear anymore that they don't have enough money.   They waste over $120G a year [the rest of the government wastes and abuses more like $1T/year].   Now: the rest of us.   You need to understand that the Internal Revenue Service has an enormous amount of information on we the people.   Bank accounts, credit card information, family information, charitable information, you name it.   More than that.   Under [ObummerDoesn'tCare], the federal government is centralizing data information on the most personal aspects of your health.   And I can assure you that a government that can't create a web-site, can't protect the data...'"

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Tricia Miller _Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America_
Christian Zionism: The Antidote for the World's Oldest Hatred
New English Review

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
anti-semitism rampant at California's/Janet Napolitano's universities
Emmakristina Sveen: Daily Caller

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Martyn Williams _"IT" News_/_IDG_
problems hit Consular Consolidated Data-Base

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
George J. Tenet: Clinton regime bankrupted USA intelligence agencies and refused to let CIA prioritize anti-terrorism efforts in the late 1990s

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
_Rasmussen Reports_
68% of Americans prefer living in neighborhoods where citizens own arms

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
_Conservative HQ_
Mike Flynn earnes endorsement from Steve King, opposes trade promotion authority and Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
4th amendment ideological blinder of the week
"John Wesley Hall is a Fourth Amendment expert and blogger for whom I normally have tremendous respect.   I don't know his politics, but he's obviously not a conservative.   Otherwise he would know that conservatives in the grassroots and even some in Congress such as senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz have been outspoken in protecting Fourth Amendment rights (although even these constitutionalist senators lag a bit behind grassroots conservatives).   Mr. Hall makes an unfortunate attack on CHQ's piece promoting better Fourth Amendment protections..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Paul Ryan has gone from balanced-budget champion to just another ugly face of the GOP losership

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
Socialist Television gives lesson plan for "gay marriage" constitutional amendment and despotism
"PBS has a section with 'News for Students and Teacher Resources 7–12 Grade Level'.   Today's lesson plan...written by a social studies teacher and published by PBS gives 'one to two class periods, plus extended activities' about amending the Constitution -- not neutrally or generally, but specifically for same-sex 'marriage'...   Oh, and if you are as worried as I about how the Fourth Amendment will be abused for Orwellian, thuggish, and despotic purposes against religious liberty, the lesson plan suggests this Bill of Right is too limited, and the executive branch may need even more power to conduct investigations and arrests..."

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
federal extortion revenues for FY2015 from Oct-May reached record $2.1T... but they still over-spent by more than $365G

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Eric Odom _Liberty News_
Obummer, Boehner, McConnell, Scott Walker oppose US citizens on TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Eric Odom _Liberty News_
what we think happened with TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA today, and why we think it will be worse

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
_Investor's Business Daily_
does Obummer know there is a CyberWar going on?

2015-06-12 (5775 Sivan 25)
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index rose from 90.7 in late-May to 94.6 in mid-June
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "in the 19th century, guns were freely available in both London and New York City, and yet the murder rate in NY was several times what it was in London. Early in the 20th century, severe gun control laws were passed in NY State before such laws were imposed in England -- and yet NY City continued to have several times as high a murder rate as London. Eventually, Britain's gun control laws were tightened far more so than those in the USA, especially after the Second World War. Yet Britain's crime rates in general, and murder rates in particular, rose as these gun control laws became ever tighter in the latter part of the 20th century. However, because NY's murder rate continued to be far higher than that in London, and that in the USA far higher than that in Britain..." --- Thomas Sowell 2004 _Applied Economics_ pg49  



2015-06-13 (5775 Sivan 26)
Miriam Jordan & Sean McLain _Wall Street Journal_
DoL investigating Infosys & Tata on use/abuse of H-1B visas
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-13 (5775 Sivan 26)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
588-year path to limited government: Magna Carta

2015-06-13 (5775 Sivan 26)
Phyllis Schlafly & Alex Newman: if parents want their children to be skilled readers, they should keep them out of school

2015-06-13 (5775 Sivan 26)
under-cover video shows extreme Dems/Reds/leftists bad-mouthing left-leaning supreme Anthony Kennedy
"On the video is representative Barney Frank, an openly homosexual former member of congress, saying, 'Kennedy has actually written 3 very good LGBT decisions...but I'd still like to replace him.'   A woman identified as California state senator Isador Hall said, 'Let's kick his a**.'   Another unidentified activist took a turn toward the macabre, saying, 'I was just praying that he dies.'   A woman identified as Kings county, California, Democrat Central Committee chairwoman Cathy Jorgensen said, 'Then you string him up.'..."

2015-06-13 (5775 Sivan 26)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
James Madison and Alexander Hamilton discuss Barack Hussein Obummer

2015-06-13 (5775 Sivan 26)
Paul Austin Murphy _American Thinker_
leftist hypocrisy about crony socialism

2015-06-13 (5775 Sivan 26)
_Free Republic_
union bosses or independents can sink TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA in under 48 hours; here's how

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Esoteric theories seeking to explain why 'the world's income' is so unequally 'distributed', as if there were some central pot from which wealth was being ladled out in a discriminatory manner, often ignore the plain fact that (1) real income consists of things that are produced, that (2) much of this real income or output is not distributed at all, but is consumed where it is produced, and that (3) its production is radically different from place to place and from people to people, as has been the case throughout history. Nor are these necessarily differences between racial or ethnic groups. In 1994, it was estimated that the 36M 'over-seas Chinese' scattered around the world produced as much wealth as the 1G people living in China itself. Among SouthEast Asian nations, annual output per capita in 1996 ranged from $107 in Myanmar (Burma) to $30,860 in Singapore... when Britain alone produced more than 40% of the major inventions, discoveries and innovations in the world from the mid-18th century to the first quarter of the 19th century, this clearly was a key indicator of its economic advancement and of the cultural capital behind that advancement. The same would be true of the USA in a later area, when it alone produced more than 80% of the major inventions, discoveries, and innovations in the middle of the 20th century." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg330 (citing Andrew Tanzer 1994-07-18 "The Bamboo Network" _Forbes_ pp138-145; 1997-07-19 "The Tigers' Fearful Symmetry" _The Economist_ pg35; Mark Casson 1983 _The Growth of International Business_ pg106)  

2015 June, week 1 (June 01 - June 06
2015 June, week 2 (June 07 - June 13)
2015 June, week 3 (June 14 - June 20)
2015 June, week 4 (June 21 - June 27)
2015 June, week 5 (June 28 - June 30)
2015 June

Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "Among all the war-horses so highly prized by the Assyrians, none was more sought after than the famous thoroughbreds from the region of Kush, south of Egypt, along the upper Nile.   These Kushite horses were considered the best for chariots and are mentioned in Assyrian texts -- as gifts or purchases -- from the days of Tiglath-pileser iii to Ashurbanipal.   Starting in the late 8th century BCE, when Assyrian commercial centers had been established in Philistia, along the southern coastal plain, the Assyrians obtained their Kushite horses by direct trade with Egypt.   A few decades later Egypt was at least nominally conquered by Assyria, and the great Assyrian kings of the 7th century BCE -- Esarheddon and Ashurbanipal -- obtained their Egyptian horses not through trade but through the imposition of an annual horse tribute.   However, in an era before official Assyrian presence in the cities of Philistia and later in Egypt, the long-distance horse trade between Egypt and Assyria -- so vital for military purposes -- would have been indirect.   Here we may have the link between the Megiddo stables, the Assyrian records, and the Solomonic tradition.   Throughout most of the 8th century BCE, it seems probable that the northern kingdom of Israel gained great prosperity by being the main importer and intermediary between the famed Egyptian -- and especially Kushite or Nubian -- horses and Assyria.   The horses were bred and trained at the stable complex at Megiddo, the largest known anywhere in the ancient Near East, and were then sold to Assyria and possibly to other clients during the reign of Jeroboam ii.   By the time of Manasseh there is no evidence of horse trading in Judah." --- Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman 2006 _David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition_ pp164-166  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


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