2015 August, week 3

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2016-04-05

  "Neither House, during the Session of congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than 3 days, nor to any other Place than that in which the 2 Houses shall be sitting." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 4  

2015 August
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2015 August, week 1 (1)
2015 August, week 2 (2-8)
2015 August, week 3 (9-15)
2015 August, week 4 (16-22)
2015 August, week 5 (23-29)
2015 August, week 6 (30-31)
  "Any government, like any family, can for a year spend a little more than it earns, but you and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poor house." --- FDR 1932-07-30  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 August

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
here is a case of bespoke immigration/marriage fraud

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
bussed-in astroturf hard left extremists attacked Yarls Wood illegal alien detention camp

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer DHS PR campaign to discourage illegal immigration

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Pamela Geller _WND_
the world laughs at Obummer's 50-rebel force and $500M training and equipment

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
many blacks won't rebuke Farrakhan terror threats

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
where is the out-cry over rapes, murders of 19 girls?
"What am I talking about? The Mosul 19.   For the unenlightened, or those who may not have already guessed, this recent lead paragraph from the Clarion Project sums up the situation fairly simply: '[ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate] executed 19 women in Mosul, Iraq for refusing to sexually submit to the terror organization's jihad fighters, according to reports by the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the city.'   Now I know every women's rights activist group is going to be up in the air about this, and there will no doubt be marches and calls for the elimination of ISIS worldwide, and especially here in America.   Besides, religion is involved -- and we know how anti-religious many of these groups are.   Here is a summary of the root cause of the situation..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Chuck Norris _WND_
8 great leadership moments from GOP debates
"...While most of the public and pundits were looking for winners, I was looking for a leader of leaders, and for one trait in particular in him or her: the ability to bring unity to our very diverse country and lead us all forward.   What that means for me is that the right and best leader is not going to be someone who merely tags the best one-liner or even gives the best ideas.   He or she is going to be the one who pulls out the best in others..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
debate generated a tsunami of callers to Breitbart News Radio who were "outraged" or "disgusted"
"...Michael: 'All of this is about the border.   I believe that these career politicians are making money hand over fist.   But I think if we can shut that border down, a lot of these problems will fix themselves.   You got drugs, human trafficking, you got terrorists, illegal aliens coming across that border.   It's got to be fixed.   Donald Trump is the only person who will build a great big fence across that border.   I honestly believe he will build that wall.   That I believe.   That is all I want.'...   Anthony in Alabama: 'I think Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers wanted Trump knee-capped...   These corporate donors when they give politicians money it's not because they are a charitable organization, it's because they want something in return.'..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
resistance against evil

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
Scott Walker
"...No country as heavily indebted as the United States has ever emerged from that magnitude of national debt without a violent and often revolutionary dislocation of the social fabric.   The monstrous debt that will prove to be [Obummer's] enduring legacy, and that will soon make him one of the most hated and reviled figures in American history, may yet even break your nation apart and destroy it.   That is how serious it is...

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Ellen Ratner _WND_
why so many Americans love Trump
"...In addition to saying what people think and won't say -- and the fact that he does not come off as every other staff-controlled politician -- Donald Trump makes people laugh..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
the political theater of Fox's Dem operatives

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Fox hosted a "National Enquirer" pseudo-debate, a publicity stunt
"Levin asserted, 'I think that we were all duped.   The fact of the matter is that this was a ratings gambit.'   Levin spoke to the program's host, Breitbart News executive-chairman Stephen K. Bannon on the phone, while riding a train to a book signing event in Huntington, Long Island for his latest best seller, _Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's [Abuse] of Young People and the Future_.   Levin claims that 'We the people' were over-looked in the debate, and the event became a media spectacle with more emphasis on the show's moderators than on discussing the important issues that face America.   'Even today, it's all about who has Megyn Kelly's back.   We the people, this is our process.   We don't get that many opportunities to go through the primary process.   There are only 9 debates.', he said.   'The Great One' pointed out that Fox had an opportunity to host one of these important debates, 'And they took advantage of us, they took advantage of the audience.'   Levin explained that Kelly's 'question two', accusing Donald Trump of making inappropriate comments to Rosie O'Donnell and others, 'was outrageous'.   Levin suggested that Fox went to great lengths to engage in 'oppositional research' on Mr. Trump.   'This isn't a matter of who I support but a matter of basic fairness and what a debate is to be like.', he clarified.   Levin complained that Fox sifted through 185 shows and 14 seasons of Trump's Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice to come up with 'a line'...   The conservative author expressed sincere disgust...   Levin said that Kelly was a 'lawyer, she was law review, and she should know better'.   He admitted that he blames Fox News management more than Kelly for the outrageous question.   He said Fox turned the gathering into a 'National Enquirer Debate, and not a Republican Debate'...   'I considered it an [abuse] of the process, which is supposed to inform the American people.   Not gotcha questions, not gossip...   I think the American people are owed an apology.'...   Levin described the debate as a failure to address the two hundred trillion that America faces in unfunded liabilities, the bankruptcy of the [Socialist Insecurity Abomination], the fact that Medicare and Medicaid are on the brink of collapse, that our educational system costs a trillion dollars a year and is a 'complete failure', our immigration policy is a disaster, the EPA is destroying our economic system, and that our Constitution is being undermined.   Levin rebuked Fox for wasting time on 'pardon the phrase—trumped up stuff.   To me it is such an outrage what took place.   And it was planned.   The questions were planned.   I am very troubled by it, too...   People tuned in to watch the candidates debate, not to watch Megyn Kelly...   I'm sick and tired of the dumbing down of very crucial issues...   We know this country is going over a cliff, and we want to do something about it.'..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Obummer dishonestly claims that Netanyahu offers no alternative to Obummer's corrupt treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times
"In Netanyahu's speech before congress in March, he outlined his alternative:   'We can insist that restrictions on Iran's nuclear program not be lifted for as long as Iran continues its aggression in the region and in the world.   (APPLAUSE)   Before lifting those restrictions, the world should demand that Iran do 3 things.   First, stop its aggression against its neighbors in the Middle East.   Second...   (APPLAUSE)   Second, stop supporting terrorism around the world.   (APPLAUSE)   And third, stop threatening to annihilate my country, Israel, the one and only Jewish state.'   [Obummer] claimed at the time not to have watched the speech, but said he read the transcript, so he is aware of Netanyahu's [much superior] alternative..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems puts them closer to the world dominance they desire; a USA national security tragedy
News Max
Town Hall
"...Make no mistake about it, the Islamic republic of Iran is power-hungry, aggressive and dedicated to advancing its destructive and imperialistic agenda.   Iran's increasing role in the Middle East and the global stage is built upon the pillars of terrorism, extremism, human rights violations and an insatiable appetite to develop nuclear weapons..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Emilia Stark _American Thinker_
how Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons aids Iran's expansionist policies

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
will God still bless America?

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
ISIL bomb plot to kill queen Elizabeth ii; no arrests made yet

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Norway -- Fremskrittspartiet local councillor charged Arbeiderpartiet deputy-leader is "on a mission from Allah to Islamize Norway"

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Bruce Fein _Washington DC Times_
Obummer labor rule changes: another executive usurpation of congress' job: Obummer habitually sneers at U.S. Constitution

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
IRS poer abuse, political activities are more than bureaucratic bumbling

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
John F. Kennedy's M1 Garand up for auction
"And from the auction house itself, which advises that bids could hit $100K: 'Since this rifle was issued to senator Kennedy in 1959, [shortly] before he was elected to the Office of the President of the United States, this rifle could very well have accompanied him directly into the White House.'..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
river users want EPA to pay restitution & fines for their toxic waste spill
"The agency revised Sunday its estimate on the spill from 1M gallons to 3M as regional officials came under fire for waiting 24 hours before alerting authorities that [an EPA] crew at the Gold King Mine had accidentally uncorked the orange, acidic brew now spreading from Colorado to New Mexico, Arizona and Utah...   The Animas River flows into the San Juan River in New Mexico, which flows into Utah, where it connects to the Colorado River via Lake Powell..."

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
Obummer Reds abusing "war against coal" to harm true-blue Republican states and communities
Dan Weil: News Max

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
watermelons (Red on inside, Green on outside) cry wolf as environment improves; EPA's "clean power" scheme is latest claim of world doom
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-08-09 (5775 Ab 24)
Thomas V di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
Herbert Hoover, while an interventionist advocate of welfare pay-outs, predicted the perils of big government
"...The parameters for contemporary America were set after the 1932 election.   FDR, like [president Obummer] to his predecessor George W. Bush [a.k.a. Shrub], consistently blamed Hoover's policies for the nation's economic woes he confronted on his watch, no matter that Roosevelt continued many of Hoover's policies and no matter that none really brought about an end to hard times until intervention in World War 2.   To be sure, even philosopher-engineers had their heavenly city.   Hoover's was described in 1922 in a 72-page book, _American Individualism_, touted by a reviewer in The New York Times as 'among the few great formulations of American political theory.   It bears much the same relation to the problems of the present and the future that the essays of Hamilton, Madison, Jay, and Noah Webster bore to the problems that occupied men's minds when the Constitution was framed.'..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1945-08-09: 2nd atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
1930-08-09: temperature reached 113 degrees F (45C) at Perryville, TN.
1930-08-09: character "Betty Boop" first appeared in the cartoon "Dizzy Dishes" by Max Fleischer.
378-08-09: at the battle of Adrianople, Visigoth cavalry defeated Roman army.




2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Patrick Thibodeau & Sharon Machlis _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
little diversity in H-1B;
"In 2013, Infosys, an India-based 'IT' services firm [off-shoring and cross-border bodyshop], had 509 workers assigned to Apple sites in Cupertino, CA.   Of that number, 499 are listed as Asian, or 98%, with the remaining 10 identified as either white or black, according to government records.   Apple isn't the only firm with a disproportionate Infosys work-force.   Of the 427 Infosys workers at insurance giant Aetna's Hartford, CT, offices, 418 were identified in a court filing as Asian.   In the District of Columbia, where Infosys has developed a government-funded health-care platform, 63 out of 71 workers are Asian.   There are many other major employers that use Infosys with similarly large percentages of Asian workers, according to recently filed court documents in a Wisconsin federal law-suit by 4 'IT' workers alleging discrimination.   This lop-sided representation of Asian workers by 'IT' services firms is not limited to Infosys...   Nearly 86% of the H-1B visas issued by the U.S. [government] for workers in computer occupations are for people from India...   Many of these H-1B visa holders will work for an alternate universe of firms that primarily hire 'IT' workers from India.   In many instances these workers may be used to replace people such as Brian Buchanan, a former senior 'IT' worker at Southern California Edison (SCE).   Buchanan last month joined a law-suit filed earlier against Tata Consultancy Services in federal court, accusing the company of discrimination.   The claims in this law-suit, which were filed by the same legal team in the Infosys case in Wisconsin, are similar to what Infosys is now fighting...   Prior to his lay-off, Buchanan attended a job fair, organized by SCE for its soon-to-be terminated employees.   At the Tata booth, which was staffed with 'South Asians', Buchanan spoke with a Tata regional manager, who told him that the firm was hiring for jobs at SCE and elsewhere.   But the Tata manager 'was dismissive', the law-suit alleges.   In comparison, Buchanan 'observed that the Tata employees spent considerably more time speaking with South Asian applicants and spoke to them in Hindi about available positions'.   The law-suit against Tata alleges that the firm staffed SCE 'with an almost 100% South Asian workforce'.   It claims that about 95% of Tata's overall U.S.A. work-force is made up of South Asians...   'This demonstrates just how dominant the outsourcing companies have become.', said Russell Harrison, director of government relations at the IEEE-USA, of the number of H-1B visas that go to workers in computer occupations.   The IEEE has 60K members in India and 40K in China.   'If companies were looking around the world to find the best possible candidates for their jobs, you would expect a distribution that was similar to the distribution of engineers on the planet and that's not what you have.', said Harrison..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
CareerBuilder/Harris poll of HR & hiring managers: 73% of oppose increasing issue of H-1B visas
"55% of this group say focus should instead be on re-skilling American-born workers.   54% say an increase in the H-1B visas takes jobs away from American workers.   32% say the increase would result in the U.S.A. off-shoring more jobs.   30% say the increase would foster lower wages if foreign-born works are willing to accept less money on the job..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer ICE declined to detain illegal alien now charged in rape and hammer-murder of California woman
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
illegal alien left a trail of blood from DC to Sacramento

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer DHS admits new surge of illegal alien families
Stephan Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
USCIS to issue "guidance" to employers of illegal aliens unconstitutionally and illegally amnestied by Obummer, and then stripped of their "documents" by injunction

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Jeffrey Toobin says he will try to be even less honest, won't refer to illegal aliens or illegal immigrants
"...The first mass amnesty became law with the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, a name of such notorious inaccuracy that today's amnesty advocates insist that the reform bill they want would actually provide 'earned legalization'.   Their position is that 'amnesty' means unconditional relief.   They overlook the fact that many amnesties, like the one in which the IRS goes easy on tax scofflaws provided that they pay up, are earned.   That is to say that they are conditional.   The scholarly Toobin would have added an interesting layer to his essay if he had acknowledged that 'illegal immigrant' is a linguistic compromise in the interest of avoiding the long-standing term 'illegal alien'.   Under federal law, an immigrant is someone who is admitted for permanent residence in the United States -- a green card holder.   So the compromise involves a contradiction.   Technically, an immigrant can't have illegal immigration status any more than a citizen can be undocumented.   And the decision to classify people not as aliens, but as 'immigrants', has an important emotive effect.   It invokes the warm associations of 'immigrant' and banishes the rather 'cold' and 'official' 'alien'.   'Illegal immigrant', then is a euphemism, but one that doesn't go far enough for Toobin and his allies in the immigration language scuffles."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
several more victims of illegal alien criminals, and nothing has been done to stop them
"Much of the media jerked back and forth like ill-controlled Punch and Judy puppets, wanting to share the public expressions of outrage, but also in their ridiculous politically correct way wanting somehow to avoid laying blame at the door-steps of either the alien 'migrants' or the sanctuary governments that let them walk free, leaving the journalists spinning and unsure of exactly how to portray events.   Here at the Center, we found that, for those interested in finger pointing, there was more than enough blame to go around -- not just with sanctuary governments, but also with an administration that has worked hard to gut credible immigration enforcement and with politicians who often bluster, but rarely muster the fortitude to actually get anything done legislatively.   A month has passed since Ms. Steinle's death and nothing meaningful has been accomplished.   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to try to sell a watered-down, ineffectual, pick-what-you-like / dump-what-you-don't 'Priority Enforcement Program' to state and local governments; sanctuary cities unapologetically continue to thumb their noses at even those weak efforts; and no adequate legislative fix has been passed in either house of congress..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
surge of illegal alien invaders at USA borders is going mostly unseen
"Ronald Vitiello, the deputy U.S. Border Patrol chief, said the number of immigrant families captured at the border increased in July, bucking a downward trend that had taken shape earlier in the year that was supposed to relieve crowded conditions at detention centers.   He filed papers in federal court arguing that limiting detention puts a strain on Border Patrol efforts in the field.   There are likely even more border crossings than what has been documented by the government.   That's because, unlike last summer when more than 66K women and children massed at the border, there is less media attention focused on the border, and the Mexican cartels also have a new weapon -- transfer trucks.   'We're picking up articles here and there, but the pressure to suppress this news is at an all-time high after the embarrassment to the [Obummer regime] that came with the big surge last year.', said William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration, or ALIPAC.   'One of the things that is happening is more of the illegal immigration is now rolling across the border on uninspected Mexican trucks, NAFTA trucks.', Gheen said, adding that new trade rules took effect this year that allow Mexican transfer trucks to penetrate beyond the commercial zone without regular inspections.   'We predicted this would be one of the largest surges in American history once the weather warms up.   These illegals are being housed, cleaned, medicated, given smartphones and transported.', Gheen said.   'They've stopped using the large buses as much as they did last year because we stopped them with demonstrations at Murrieta, California, and now they're transporting them in vans and unmarked vehicles.   The government's also paying church-based charities to house them.'..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
_Pasadena TX Citizen and Houston News_
in another sign of STEM job market dysfunctionality, DoL is funding Engineering Design Graphics Certificate of Technology - Mechanical Specialty classes... while millions of experienced US citizen systems administrators, data-base analysts, and CAD/CAM/CAE software developers remain unemployed or under-employed
"The Engineering Design Graphics Certificate of Technology - Mechanical Specialty starts with the very basic technical drafting skills taught using manual drafting tools such as triangles and scales.   The courses proceed through 3D computer-aided [design and drafting] software such as Solidworks, Creo and [the cheapest, tackiest CAD software in the world] AutoCAD."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Serdar Yegulalp _CIO_/_IDG_
"IT" job growth for July is softened by revised BLS figures for the last couple of months
"IT" World
graphs by occupation
graphs by industry

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Peter Morici _Street_
stronger economic growth is not improving employment
News Max

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
20-year-old Jordanian Muslim in NJ, Nader Saadeh, whose parents had been deported, has been charged with attempting to aid ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer's trail of blood

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the man who helped kill the Soviet Union with information
"...Books do not win wars, hot or cold, but they can help to sustain the will to win protracted conflict, producing clarity about the nature of an evil adversary..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
Carly Fiorina was stunning in debate

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
debate fire-works that won't make much impact

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
capitalizing on P.T. Trump's genius... and some advice for the hen in the Fox house

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump was terrible, but so was everyone else
Washington DC Times

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
Run, crazy uncle Joe. Run!

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Trump trumps Trump

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Margaret Carlson _Jewish World Review_
predictions of Donald Trump's death have been exaggerated... again

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
2 debates, 1 winner: Carly Fiorina

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
the EU crisis did not get debated
"The European Project, as it is known, has been treated as an almost sacred process by the continent's elite.   Nothing -- certainly neither fiscal responsibility nor popular sovereignty -- should be allowed to stand in the way of creating a united Europe like the dominating American republic across the pond.   No doubt European cooperation has had beneficial effects.   However, the negatives have become ever more evident.   Brussels has aped Washington, DC, by hosting a growing bureaucracy dedicated to micro-management and social engineering.   An Eurocratic elite, made up of the usual gaggle of politicians, academics, journalists, businessmen, bureaucrats, and related folk, is determined to create a continental consolidated government irrespective of the desires of European people..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
the "horse race" for president
"First off, the debate itself was a huge success for Fox News, being seen by over 24M Americans.   That makes it the highest viewed non-sports related cable program of all time -- and the highest rated cable news program ever.   Even the 'happy hour' debate drew a respectable 6.1M watchers -- not bad...   Beyond Trump, it also could indicate, again, a serious frustration with the governing status quo --and it's more than just conservative/Republican [dislike of the leftist agenda of the last 100 years].   People are fed up with the poor leadership of both parties and are looking for alternatives...   But will the eventual Republican victor go after the failed leadership of his (or her) own party?   Establishment Republicans have proven to be every bit as damaging to the concept of limited government as [Obummer] and the Democrats.   And people are fed up...   Carly's great at beating up on the Democrats, but the fact that she can verbally lash [Hitlery] won't convince skeptics that she's the real deal.   Mike Huckabee is also pretty good at zinging Hillary.   If Fiorina starts going after Mitch McConnell, on the other hand, people will start believing.   Many conservatives are probably waiting for her to start highlighting the deep problems in her own party -- and we're not just talking about [Yebbie Booosh] (note: she often talks about the 'political class' but doesn't name names).   The real political war isn't between the Republicans and Democrats.   It's between the conservative country folk and the corporate loving Republican establishment.   It's the Tea Party vs. country-clubbers who want to use the system to their advantage.   We have a Republican congressional leadership that isn't using its considerable power to fight [Obummer].   The defund Planned Parenthood issue demonstrates it -- again..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz surged to #2 in NBC poll after debate

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump should have taken Roger Stone's advice to stick with positions on the issues

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
pro-choice, against Planned Parenthood Inc.
Carly Fiorina's speech to the True Blue Republican State gathering

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
bakin' baby syndrome; the 5th Planned Parenthood video shows Melissa Farrell discussing how to manipulate the abortion procedure in order to ensure the baby is intact and thus able to be cannibalized for body parts

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Carissa Mulder _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood baby body-part and tissue sales horrify Americans, twist logic

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Bob Corker (RINO-TN) threatened to sub-poena e-mail messages, memoranda related to politicization of human trafficking report
"...At the center of the dispute are the department's decisions to give improved grades to Malaysia, a partner in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) 'free'-trade negotiations; and Cuba, which is in the process of normalizing diplomatic relations with Washington.   Both are [Obummer regime] foreign policy priorities.   Reuters reported last week on claims that senior U.S. diplomats had overruled the department's expert Trafficking in Persons (TIP) office in the case of 14 countries.   They included Malaysia and Cuba, both of which were upgraded from the worst-possible 'tier 3' to an intermediate 'tier two watch list'.   The department has rejected allegations of politicization..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Jim Webb (D-VA) opposes Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems (with video)

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
the left's scheme to astroturf town-hall meetings in order to support Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee on Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: you don't negotiate with a pyromaniac and not expect him to start a fire

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Monmouth U poll: voters reject Obummer's claim he could be elected for a 3rd term, believe Obummer & Iran beat USA, Israel & Europe on treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Abraham H. Miller _Washington DC Times_
Obummer trying to rewrite history to sell to Jewish people his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
as president, Ted Cruz would rip up Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and instruct the US embassy to move to Jerusalem

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Joe Lieberman named chairman of "United Against Nuclear Iran" to oppose Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
94 GOP House members demand to study text of side deals to Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems betrays the USA
Investor's Business Daily

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: yes, Obummer is using anti-semitism

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: Obummer tries to sell a stinker by touting Iran's "ancient culture"

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
why Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems makes war more likely with this state sponsor of terrorism

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Eileen F. Toplansky _American Thinker_
"death to America" falling on Obummer's deaf ears as he continues to push his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: I will not replace a single retiring federal employee

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Ben S. Carson: we need to teach young men values and principles

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Joel Gehrke _National Review_
Carly Fiorina fund-raising spiking after debate

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Laura Ingraham
polls: Donald Trump still in the lead after debates

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Laura Ingraham
Ann Coulter: We finally have a Republican that's not beholden to donors who want more cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics, and addresses the real issue of illegal aliens (mp3)

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter: Trump will stay strong as long as he keeps talking about the need to restrict immigration

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
P.J. Gladnick _Media Research Cener News Busters_
main-stream media fail to note Soros political spending, disrupting O'Malley & Sanders events, backing Hitlery Rotten Clinton

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Soros-funded riot in Texas

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Candice Choi _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Pepsi joins many other firms in making products worse: pulls yummy, phenylalanine-supplying aspartame; adds nasty sucralose and ace-K; keeps carcinogenic sodium benzoate
And what's with all the foreign management at the soft drink firms?

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
435 member US House and 100 member senate each said they had only 45 employees... then signed up 12,359 for "health care insurance" on ObummerDoesn'tCare "small-business exchange"
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
USDA: food stamp spending at farmers' markets is up nearly 6 times what it was in 2008 -- a win-win

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham on Donald Trump: he is not a politician. he says what he thinks. he's a very smart man

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
Elijah Cummings (D-MD): black lives have to matter to more black people

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Tom Johnson _Media Research Center News Busters_
Washington Monthly writer D.R. Tucker claims that when the pope addresses congress "right-wing Republicans" will put him "through a partisan hell"... ah, but will the pope repent and reform?

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
_News Max_
Red China devalued yuan again, after poor economic data
"...The central bank set its official guidance rate down nearly 2 percent to 6.2298 yuan per dollar -- its lowest point in almost three years -- in what it said was a change in methodology to make it more responsive to market forces..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
_News Max_
2 women opened fire on the USA consulate in Istanbul, Turkey: 3 attackers and 1 police officer were killed in a separate attack on an Istanbul police station

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
_News Max_
Rick Perry campaign announced they are unable to pay campaign staffers: super-PAC is flush, but FEC rules have strangled primary campaign fund
World Net Daily
National Journal

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
over 90% of Rick Perry staffers stay on the campaign despite pause in pay

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
_News Max_/_AP_
actress Melissa Gilbert is running for congress in Michigan's 8th district

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Mark Levin: conservatives are sick of leftist media, Dems/Reds/leftists, RINO losership joining forces

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Joseph Farah _WND_
celebrating GOP diversity: noting media silence about 5 candidates' "identity" differences
"I didn't see or hear anyone make this comment: 'Wow, what a diverse group of candidates are running for the Republican presidential nomination.'   I wonder why I didn't hear that on Fox, on CNN, on ABC, NBC or CBS.   I haven't read it in the New York Times or the Washington Post.   In fact, I haven't seen a mention from any so-called 'main-stream' news agency.   What gives? I thought 'diversity' was the name of the game.   I thought that's what politics is all about.   In fact, I thought racial and gender diversity was what made the world go 'round.   I thought it was to be celebrated, honored and extolled...   Do you know what else I didn't notice? I didn't notice any of the five candidates above make their ethnic background or gender a principle reason to vote for them.   What a stark contrast with Democrats, who seem to be all about race and gender identity politics..."

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Milwaukee county sheriff David Clarke: "Black Lives Matter" protests are a political construct to mobilize black vote for the left in 2016
"'This false narrative that came out Ferguson.   They destroyed the town.   Look, a bunch of thugs, a bunch of creeps, criminals, race-hustlers, with a scattering of some law-abiding people, converged in this are and ripped the town up.   I would like to think that this phony movement would have come back to Ferguson one year later to apologize to the people, the good law-abiding people of Ferguson, Missouri.   But instead, we get this whole phony movement that's just been turned into a political construct...'"

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
F. Michael Maloof _WND_
inteligence analyst: Pakistan is also financing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Christian families flee ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate onslaught in Syria

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
violence-prone Muslims have been operating and recruiting within prisons for decades

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
record casualties as taliban continues Afghanistan offensive

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Obummer's "vetted", trained Syrian rebels go AWOL and MIA

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Christy Stutzman _Washington DC Times_
free thought: return to the gold standard

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Lisa Beilfuss _NASDAQ_
Conference Board: employment trends index rose from 127.57 in June to 127.89 in July

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
states prepare to oppose Obumer's power-mad EPA rules

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Kathleen Hartnett White _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's power-mad "clean power" schemes go orders of magnitude beyond constitutional boundaries

2015-08-10 (5775 Ab 25)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1874-08-10: Herbert Clark Hoover was born; d: 1964.




2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
GOP split on mandatory sentences for people who were deported, but re-entered the USA and committed crimes

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
kin of crooked Korean king-pin caught up in EB-5 case

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) launched a media campaign in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador urging against illegal immigration into USA, threatening "immediate deportation"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
ring-leader in murder by "Fast and Furious" arms of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry got off with a slap on the wrist
"Brian Terry, a member of an elite tactical unit, was killed on 2010 December 14, in a fierce fire-fight with a rip crew of [gangsters] who had been trying to rob Mexican drug traffickers.   In the aftermath of the shoot-out authorities learned that some of the weapons used to kill agent Terry were part of the infamous Fast and Furious operation.   Under this operation the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) was allowing Mexican cartel members to purchase weapons in order to trace them to their source.   Instead the agency lost thousands of weapons that fell into the hands of the Sinaloa Cartel.   According to court records obtained by Breitbart Texas, federal prosecutors asked that all of the charges against Rosario Rafael 'El Pariente' Burboa Alvarez be dismissed except for one and that the sentence be 360 months in prison with credit given for time served.   The story was initially reported by KVOA's Michel Marizco and Lupita Murillo..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Conservative HQ_
Border Patrol agent Brian Terry's killers are getting a pass from corrupt Obummer regime
"In the latest insult delivered by [president Obummer] to those who defend and serve the [United States of America] and its citizens, Rosario Rafael Burboa Alvarez, one of the criminal aliens indicted in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry -- pleaded guilty to murder, but has had all other charges against him dismissed.   Once a potential candidate for the death penalty after the murder of Brian Terry, according to Texas TV station KVOA, the plea deal now states that the U.S.A. and Burboa Alvarez will ask for 360 months imprisonment, with credit for time served since his arrest in 2012 October.   As part of the plea agreement, the United States agreed not to execute Burboa Alvarez and to dismiss all other charges against him, including charges of interfering with federal officers and killing Terry with 'malice aforethought' the second charge in the superseding indictment.   Terry was killed in a gunfight with a rip-off crew recruited by Burboa Alvarez and later two AK-47 variants found at the crime scene were identified as part of the notorious Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gun-walking operation, 'Operation Fast and Furious'.   The scandalous operation was supposed to link guns bought at a Phoenix-area gun-store to cartel [gangsters] trafficking the weapons to Mexico.   Instead, BATFE lost more than 2K of those weapons.   Resulting congressional investigations found that the men linked to the gun purchases were being monitored by different U.S. federal agencies like DEA, the FBI and BATFE, but agents weren't sharing the information with the other agencies.   This is important because as our friends at bearingarms.com noted, two of the guns recovered from the scene of the shootout and linked to Operation Fast and Furious, the BATFE gun smuggling plot that sent thousands of guns over the border to the Sinaloa drug cartel, at the same time that [Barack Hussein Obummer], then attorney-general Eric Holder, and then secretary of state Hillary Clinton were pushing the infamous '90% lie' in hopes of manufacturing public support for a ban on so-called 'assault weapons'.   The '90% lie' was an utterly false assertion that 90% of the firearms used by cartels in Mexico's drug wars came from gun shops the [United States of America].   The actual figure? Just 8% of guns in cartel hands were traced to the USA.   'Fast and Furious', says bearingarms.com, was just 1 of up to 10 weapon smuggling plots from the BATFE that may have shipped enough weapons to narco-terrorists to arm an infantry division 20K strong.   Our friend Sharyl Attkisson reports the Terry family issued a statement saying, 'While we are grateful another arrest has been made the fact that the suspect was in our country illegally is a sad and in this case deadly reminder that our border is not secure.'...   If Burboa Alvarez got 30-years then those responsible for the 'Fast and Furious' disaster and the lies perpetrated to cover it up ought the share the cell with him."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
sheriff of "sanctuary city" San Francisco, Ross Mirkarimi, has driver license suspended for failing to report an October traffic accident in which he was involved

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
judge Andrew S. Hanen excused DHS chief Jeh Johnson, but DHS must still answer for unconstitutional and illegal amnesty activities
"...Judge Andrew S. Hanen had threatened to force Mr. Johnson to appear personally later this month to explain why thousands of tentative 3-year amnesty applications were approved in violation of the court's injunction, but after Homeland Security managed to recapture almost all of the erroneous amnesty cards, Judge Hanen relaxed his stance.   Still, the judge said the hearing will go ahead as slated on Aug. 19, and Mr. Johnson's lawyers will have to be ready to explain why they haven't completely solved the problem yet.   'The court does not consider mere substantial compliance, after an order has been in place for 6 months, to be acceptable and neither should counsel.', judge Hanen wrote in his order Tuesday.   Homeland Security officials have discovered 3 different sets of 3-year amnesty applications approved or sent out even after judge Hanen's Feb. 16 order halting the program.   The first totaled about 2,100, the second included about 500 and the final set, just revealed late last month, included about 50 others...   Under pressure from judge Hanen, Homeland Security scrambled to rescind the 2,600 [approval documents] from the first 2 sets, and managed to recover almost all of them, or to get assurances from the illegal immigrants that they were inadvertently lost or destroyed and couldn't be returned.   In 11 cases, the illegal immigrants refused all overtures, and Homeland Security revoked their amnesties, returning them to full illegal status -- though the department does not appear to be making moves to deport them..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
retired admiral, CinCPac James A. Lyons _Washington DC Times_
*** Obummer making treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons was no mistake; it was intentional ***
"...They are part of the president's planned agenda to fundamentally transform America by diminishing our stature and credibility.   It is another example of his misguided view that America must be humbled for the many 'problems we have caused' throughout the world.   [Obummer's] game plan on how to negotiate with the ayatollah Ali Khamenei had its genesis in the summer of 2008.   According to scholar and author Michael Ledeen, around the time when candidate [Barack Hussein Obummer] received the Democratic Party's nomination, he opened a secret communication channel with the Iranian theocracy.   The go-between was ambassador William G. Miller, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, who spoke fluent Farsi from his previous tours of duty in Tehran.   The message was, [in essence,] 'Don't sign an agreement with the Bush administration.   Wait until I am president -- you will get a much better deal! You will like my policies.   I am your friend.'   Here is a country that has cost thousands of American lives.   Furthermore, all Americans should never forget that it was Iran that provided the key material and training support to the 2001 September 11 hijackers...   our military is being forced to train the military forces of our potential enemies...   [abuse] of our military as a social engineering laboratory to advance [Obummer's] political and social agenda.   With regard to the promotion of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender life-style...   Clearly, the [Obummer regime] is attacking the American way of life from all aspects.   Our open border policy makes absolutely no sense.   We have anywhere from 11M to possibly as many as 30M illegal immigrants within our borders.   Sanctuary cities are also in clear violation of immigration laws...   The U.S.A. issues the treasured 'green card' to approximately [just over] 1M immigrants per year, most of whom are unskilled.   They are immediately entitled to numerous benefits at [tax-victims'] expense.   Congress must act to limit the number of green cards issued.   Releasing illegal immigrants from jail with criminal records is a deliberate affront to all Americans.   Seeding throughout the country Muslim immigrants who have no intent to assimilate is another affront and tears at the fabric of our society...   Compounding the immigration crisis, is the [Obummer regime's] inclination to divide Americans by race and class.   This is unconscionable.   You are either an American entitled to all the benefits that being an American conveys, or you are not.   Those are the only 2 classes.   The first one is sacred..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
2 murdered in Sweden's largest Ikea store by newly-arrived immigrants from Eritrea; shoppers immediately fled when they saw the perpetrators grab knives off the shelves of the kitchen department, shouting "stabbing spree! stabbing spree!"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
governor Bobby Jindal: we need immigration reform, not a 1K page bill, not amnesty; we need to secure borders, get rid of "sanctuary cities", assimilate more and reduce hyphenation
Jeff Jacoby: Town Hall
Jeff Jacoby: Jewish World Review
"'When did we think as a country [that] the president, the courts, the cities, get to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce, which laws they want to ignore?', he asked.   Jindal said that in a trip to the border, he witnessed illegal aliens easily gaining entry.   'I saw 3 groups come right across in broad daylight.', he said.   'One group walked across a man-made dam, got to a fence...   they swing the gate wide open.   It's not even locked...   They're they're not scared of us.', he said..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Angilee Shah _Socialist Radio International_
Sundar Pichai's ascension at privacy-violator Google is not proof that "immigrants have made it"
"Sundar Pichai, set to become the new CEO of the Internet giant.   He joins not just the most powerful people in tech, but also a growing group of high-profile, Indian-born workers who have risen to their companies' highest ranks.   Satya Nadella became CEO of MSFT last year and Shantanu Narayen began leading Adobe in 2007.   Pichai's ascension is being hailed as an example of the virtues of Indian managers and a boon for Indians everywhere.   AnnaLee Saxenian, dean of the school of information at UC Berkeley, says it's an example of how the glass ceiling has lowered in the last 30 years.   'I think the fact that we have Indians now at the helm of Google and MSFT is a statement of how Indians have become part of the fabric of tech in the USA.', Saxenian says.   Through the 80s and 90s, Indians would be involved in startups but would not get promotions or, worse, would be replaced at the point of new companies receiving major funding.   In 1999, less than 10% of Silicon Valley startups were created by foreign-born entrepreneurs.   10 years later, more than a quarter have foreign-born founders, she says.   But it would be a mistake to focus on this narrative as proof that immigrants in America have 'made it', says sociologist Pawan Dhingra of Tufts University...   The H-1B 'specialty occupation' visa program was created in 1990...   Critics [point out] that too many companies use the H-1B visa program to deflate wages.   Disney, for example, came under fire in June for replacing 250 American workers with new hires from India.   [apples to aardvarks comparisons, but...]...   'They're not the normal distributions of Indians.'   It's important to remember the Punjabi motel owners, taxi drivers and farm laborers who are in California's peach canning industry a stone's throw from Silicon Valley -- if you are popping open a can, 'chances are an Indian hand has touched those peaches', Dhingra says...   [sponsored by] Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Ford Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, [Corporation for Socialist Broadcasting, i.e. USA tax-victims]."
Jamie Nimmo: Independent: new organization, more ways to violate privacy
We should find a way as a community, as a nation, to celebrate the positive achievements of individuals, not dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
invaders, Greek police clash on island; mayor says they have strained police, coast guard, and are out of control

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
responses to Obummer's arguments for his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
World Net Daily
Prager University: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer's inability to grasp reality
Washington DC Times
"'When [Obummer] came to office in 2009', writes Alexander Woolfson in Standpoint, a London political monthly, 'it would have been unimaginable that a caliphate could be allowed to thrive in the midst of the Middle East, or that a U.S. president would be foolish enough to exploit ancient Persian and Arab enmity for the purposes of American retrenchment.   [Obummer's] now familiar refrain is to counsel strategic patience while suggesting that America cannot solve every world problem.   He remains oblivious to the fact that his worldview is the problem.   ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has created a version of the future which [Obummer] appears unable to grasp.   Its caliphate is being sustained through the mass murder and repression of those who do not belong.'   'Unable to grasp.'   That will be the epitaph and the legacy of [Barack Hussein Obummer's] presidency..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Cara Anna _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
UN "peace-keepers" accused of murders, rape in Central African Republic

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Brad Sherman (D-CA) on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons: we could have had a resolution of approval and voted it down (or you could have sent it to the US senate as required by the US constitution and let it die there for lack of 67 votes)

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Herbert London _News Max_
Middle East allies are wary about Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Melanie Batley _News Max_
Obummer claims his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems will not result in them developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems, though it does nothing to stop them, and a lot ($100G-$150G) to accelerate them

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Conservative HQ_
CHQ endorsed Ron de Santis: senate must reject Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Steny Hoyer (D-MD): refusing to confirm Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems won't lead to war

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
corrupt Obummer regime officials claim they are confident they would catch further Iran steps in development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems and stop them... with no effective means whatsoever required by the treaty to let them catch Iran nor to stop them
News Max
"Skeptics of the [treaty] note that Iran is one of the world's hardest places to spy.   Iran's intelligence agencies have penetrated CIA front companies, executed Western agents and captured a...U.S. drone [by spoofing its altitude detection system].   [Nor has the CIA] had much success developing and keeping good intelligence sources in Iran, says Reuel Marc Gerecht, who worked as a CIA operations officer..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons: Kansas, & Missouri may add sanctions
"...In late July, state senator Jack Brandenburg (R-Harrison Township), who called the Iran deal 'the most stupid thing ever', said he wants to boost sanctions against Iran 'by crafting legislation that will disallow any business with economic ties to Iran from receiving economic development incentives from the state'.   Selweski explains such sanctions mean 'a ban on Michigan grants, tax breaks and tax credits for any company with ties to Iran...and the incentives provided by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, a quasi-government [organization]'...   30 U.S.A. states have divested from Iran, and roughly a dozen have additional sanctions on Iran.   In addition to Michigan, California and New York -- both deep-red, Democrat-dominated states -- have indicated they are unlikely to ease Iran sanctions soon.   California's sanctions are directly tied to Iran's support for terrorism, and New York maintains a black-list of companies and individuals that cannot do business with the state..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Grank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
vote of "no confidence" onObummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Jason Devaney _News Max_
even Bloomberg tells Obummer regime to stop minimizing weaknesses and exaggerating benefits of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Alan Dershowitz: we're accessories to terrorism if sanctions against Iran are dropped before their ability to make nuclear weapons is eradicated

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
arrested Hamas/Gaza/Palestinian jihadi: Hamas gearing up for attacks on Israel through tunnels
"he helped relay weapons and explosives to Hamas fighters engaged in combat against IDF forces during last year's war, which Jerusalem codenamed Operation Protective Edge.   The Hamas fighter said Iran was very involved with helping to rebuild [Gaza's=Palestine's] terror apparatus.   Iran continued to transfer weapons, communications equipment, and cash to the Gaza Strip's ruling authorities.   He added that Tehran was sending special equipment meant to disrupt Israeli surveillance drones tasked with monitoring activities in [Palestine=Gaza]..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
the Obummer regime's attempt to immolate Chuck Schumer for opposing Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weaons and delivery systems

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
another illustration of differences between leftists and Republicans
Washington DC Times
"...Whether they were describing their principles, visions, expressing their faith or love for this country, what viewers were treated to was an illustration of the massive difference between conservatives who love the country and the liberals currently driving her into the ground.   One of those main differences Republicans offer is an actual interest in and desire to govern versus the [leftist] fixation on using power to gain control over individual citizens...   So instead of proactively dealing with the known breeding grounds of Legionella in urban areas, like water cooling towers, liberal so-called leadership obsessed on trying to ban Big Gulp sodas, salt and Styrofoam containers...   For [leftists], their 'health' agenda is an excuse to control a city's population, while ironically making people's health worse through inaction on what matters and bloated incompetence with everything else.   Then when people's health and the quality of life begin to collapse, the politicians make excuses and point fingers..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer's delusions of competence
"...The [Red Chinese] didn't even need to hack into OPM's poorly secured data-base to get the info, because some Chinese nationals help manage it.   The private e-mail server Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used, possibly illegally, to conduct official business, probably was hacked by hostile foreign intelligence services, said former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morrell.   Secrets from 5 U.S intelligence agencies were found in a random sample of just 40 of the roughly 33K e-mails Ms. Clinton turned over to the State Department, said inspectors general for the Intelligence Community and the State Department...   One central task of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] is to secure our borders.   DHS isn't doing it.   Illegal immigrants comprise 3% of the population and, by some counts, 30% of the federal prison population.   We spent $1.87G to incarcerate violent illegal immigrant felons last year, according to freelance researcher Jay Bates.   Last year, DHS released into the general population 30,558 criminal aliens who among them had almost 80K convictions -- including 250 homicides, 386 kidnappings, 373 sexual assaults, 994 aggravated assaults. Violent felons released by DHS in 2013 committed 1K additional crimes..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
DHS IG: department's charge card program needs better oversight

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
inspector-general: Clinton had Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) on her home e-mail server
Greg Richter: News Max
"'These e-mails, attached hereto, have been properly marked by IC classification officials, and include information classified up to TOP SECRET/SI/TK/NOFORN.', said the IC IG's cover memo to a group of 17 members of congress that included the chairmen and ranking members of the House and senate intelligence committees..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
academic fascism (part 1)
Free Republic
Creators Syndicate
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
Human Events
"George Orwell said, 'There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.'   If one wants to discover the truth of Orwell's statement, he need only step upon most college campuses.   Faculty leaders of the University of California consider certain statements racism and feel they should not be used in class.   They call it micro-aggression.   To them, micro-aggressive racist statements are: 'America is the land of opportunity.'   That is seen as perpetuating the myth of meritocracy.   'There is only one race, the human race.'   Such a statement is seen as denying the individual as a racial/cultural being.   'I believe the most [able and willing] person should get the job.'   That's 'racist' because it gives the impression that 'people of color are given extra unfair benefits because of their race'. These expressions don't exhaust the list of micro-aggressions. Other seemingly innocuous statements deemed unacceptable are: 'Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.', 'When I look at you, I don't see color.', or 'Affirmative action is racist.'. Perhaps worst of all is, 'Where are you from or where were you born?'   For more of this, see a document released by The College Fix titled 'Diversity in the Classroom', UCLA Diversity and Faculty Development..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
a debatable "debate"
World Net Daily
Town Hall

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
GOP candidates shone in True Blue Republican State gathering

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
RINO establishment must quit obsessing over whatshisname
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily
"It's time that the sophisticated analysts who pride themselves in their ability to discern nuance realized that Donald Trump's popularity and his defenders are more nuanced than most people imagine...   These commentators seem more disgusted with [non-leftists] than with [president Obummer's] destructive agenda and the [damage it is doing, and will continue to do to the USA months or years after he is gone]...   Their real beef is with Reagan conservatives and others who refuse to be calm about [Obummer's] assaults and [because they long since saw through them] are sick of lectures on bipartisanship and 'civility'.   They are the superior ones who regard senator Ted Cruz as a grandstanding extremist because he refuses to be calm about this nation's predicament and vigorously fights back.   They are the ones who always want to throw in the towel in battles with [Obummer] before those battles have even begun..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Herman Cain: Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina & Ben Carson are, just now, all in my favorite 6, but that may well change as more information becomes available

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Melanie Batley _News Max_
Nancy Reagan to welcome 16 GOP hopefuls to September 16 debate at Reagan Library
David Sherfinski: Washington DC Times

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood abominations: back to first things

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz ad in Des Moines, Iowa pledges to prosecute and de-fund Planned Parenthood

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Kevin Scholla _Breitbart_
Sarah Palin criticized Planned Parenthood and 2nd amendment violators
"...The exact role of Palin is yet to be determined, yet one thing's for certain.   She wakes up everyday with the right approach.   'If you're not ticking liberals off somehow you might want to try harder.', Palin said.   'As my dad always says, you don't retreat.   You reload.'   To hear my complete interview with Sarah Palin visit – http://www.mamagrizzlyradio.com/"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
cutting the tax-victim funding pipe-line to Planned Parenthood is not the end-game: 3 pro-life priorities that will remain

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: I am for the exceptions to allow abortion in cases of rape, incest, threat to life of the mother
"'I absolutely am for the exceptions, and so was Ronald Reagan for the exceptions, by the way.', said Trump.   'There's nothing wrong with that.   You have to do it, in my opinion.'...   In the case of the 'life of the mother' exception, former surgeon-general C. Everett Koop said, 'In my 36 years in pediatric surgery I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother's life.'   In addition, Dr. Alan Guttmacher, a past president of Planned Parenthood, wrote, 'Today it is possible for almost any patient to be brought through pregnancy alive, unless she suffers from a fatal illness such as cancer or leukemia, and, if so, abortion would be unlikely to prolong, much less save, life.'   In remarks during the August 6 GOP primary debate on the Fox News Channel, senator Marco Rubio said he had never supported abortion exceptions in the cases of rape or incest..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Springfield, IL, bishop Thomas Paprocki responded to Planned Parenthood videos: moral decadence of 21st century rivals decline & fall of the Roman empire

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Sally Zelikovsky _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood have pro-choice Republican repulsed

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
if we don't recover self-reliance, USA is doomed to the trash heap of history

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_News Max_
Ukrainian hackers made $30M with hacked M&A press-release info

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
Red China, Russia, & USA are in a race to develop hyper-sonic weapons delivery systems
2015-06-05: CNN
"In order for a vehicle to be considered hypersonic, it must travel at least at Mach 5 -- 5 times the speed of sound, or about 3,800 miles/hour... a Boeing-built missile rocketed more than 230 miles in 4 minutes [57.5miles/minute=3,450miles/hour] and a Lockheed Martin prototype went 20 times the speed of sound..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
Iran, Russia, and Red China
Town Hall

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_News Max_/_Reuters_
Donald Trump: devaluation of Red China's yuan will devastate the USA
"'They keep devaluing their currency until they get it right.   They're doing a big cut in the yuan, and that's going to be devastating for us.'...   'We have so much power over [Red China]', he told CNN.   '[Red China] has gotten rich off of us.   [Red China] has rebuilt itself with the money it's sucked out of the [United States of America] and the jobs that it's sucked out of the [United States of America].'   [Red China's] surprise devaluation threatened to unleash a wave of competitive devaluations and keep monetary policy around the world looser for longer -- perhaps even forcing the U.S. Federal Reserve to delay or slow its expected rate rise cycle.   'Currency wars', a phrase used by Brazil's former finance minister Guido Mantega in 2010 to describe how competing countries explicitly or implicitly weaken their exchange rates to boost exports and gain trade advantage, have intensified in recent years..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Breitbart_/_Business Insider_/_AP_
what Red China's devaluation of the yuan means

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
F.J. McGuire _News Max_
James Dale Davidson: the great boom in Red China is over; Red China's devaluation of the yuan may spark global deflation, end global debt bubble

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
F.J. McGuire _News Max_
Peter Schiff: don't worry about Red China's currency when USA dollar value is in danger of collapse

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_News Max_
armed "Oath Keepers" try to deter rioting by patrolling Ferguson MO
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
"The men identified themselves as part of a group called 'Oath Keepers', which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the Constitution...   Led by a man who gave his name only as John, the group, whose members wore bulletproof vests and carried sidearms [and] rifles, said they had come to protect a journalist from [Alex Jones's] InfoWars.com site.   'There were problems here, there were people who got hurt.   We needed to be prepared for that.', said the man, who noted that Missouri state laws generally allow the open carrying of [light] weapons of the kind that his group [have]..."
Several articles claim that the Oath Keepers are "heavily armed" or bear "heavy weapons", but neither the accompany pictures, nor the descriptions include anything but light, personal arms.

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Paul Joseph Watson _InfoWars_
media launches new demonization campaign as "Oath Keepers" arrive in Ferguson MO despite "Oath Keepers" protecting black-owned businesses from looters during previous unrest
World Net Daily
"Following Sunday night's shooting, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson arrived in Ferguson to cover the latest developments.   They were flanked by Oath Keepers members who were exercising their right to open carry.   Despite the fact that the Oath Keepers immediately began educating Ferguson demonstrators on their constitutional rights and having constructive conversations about how the movement should be about unity and not race hate, the media jumped on their presence and instantly turned it into another opportunity for race baiting and division..."
CBS: presence of Oath Keepers in Ferguson questioned

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Laura Ingraham
Ferguson, MO begins to settle down

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Ferguson, MO: Washington DC Compost leftist activist charged with trespassing and interfering with a police officer
Andrea Noble: Washington DC Times

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
to professional leftist agitator Deray McKesson facts don't really matter

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Jacob Sullum _InfoWars_
we can tell you that you can't fly, but we won't tell you why; standard for being placed on the no-fly list is "reasonable suspicion" which is weaker than the "probable cause"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Morgan Chilson _News Max_
Niloy Chowdhury, blogger killed in Bangladesh, was 4th murdered this year
Meg Wagner: NY Daily News
Mary Chastain: Breitbart: al-Qaeda claism resposibility

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Conservative HQ_
TEA party leader Becky Gerritson endorsed Ted Cruz
"Gerritson released the following statement announcing her support of senator Cruz:   'America needs a leader who is bold as a lion and will seek justice and always speak the truth, one who respects the rule of law and our US Constitution.   We need a leader who will confidently rebuke our enemies both foreign and domestic.   One who appreciates and supports our military.   We need a leader of integrity who seeks wise council and who will maintain unity and order.   One who believes in America's greatness and will do his utmost to preserve and further it.   That man is Ted Cruz.'..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Conservative HQ_
1 thing you can do this week to improve Washington DC
"The old fashioned congressional 'town hall' meeting where your representative provides citizens with an opportunity to ask questions live and in person has nearly gone extinct after Democrats melting under the intense heat of citizen questions about [ObummerDoesn'tCare] helped power the 2010 Tea Party wave election and a historic defeat for Democratic House Members.   But there are still congressional town hall meetings being held, and we urge CHQ readers to attend one in their area and especially to ask questions about representative Mark Meadows' 'motion to vacate the Chair' and oust John Boehner as speaker.   When representative Meadows filed the motion just days before congress left DC for its traditional August recess (now laughably called the 'district work period') there was much speculation in the conservative blogosphere that Boehner's allies would quickly bury the motion or call a vote on it and embarrass Meadows when it went down in flames.   That didn't happen because Boehner's whip team could guarantee him that he would win such a vote (see Matt Boyle's great article detailing all the behind the scenes machinations on this) and that left Meadows' motion hanging out there unresolved when House members headed home ostensibly to hear from their constituents.   Our friends at Heritage Action have put together a very helpful list of congressional town hall meetings that will let you know where and when town hall meetings are scheduled.   As our friend principled limited government constitutional conservative Ken Cuccinelli outlined in an e-mail to friends of his Liberty Now PAC, you can help make this a reality.   You need to challenge your congressman or congresswoman to commit to vote right -- to remove Boehner as speaker and install a limited government constitutional conservative Speaker.   You should do this even if your representative is a Democrat.   Why, you ask? Because, by getting rid of speaker Boehner, both parties will become more relevant to the governing process.   What do I mean by that? Well, right now, Democrats (and conservative Republicans) generally aren't included in much of anything that deals with governance in the House of Representatives.   Because it's a majoritarian body (i.e., majority rules), if enough of the majority party sticks with their leadership [or, as now, losership], they simply set up rules to disallow Democrat and Conservative amendments to bills.   Of course, that means there's far less substantive discussion about what's best for America.   But the current Leadership doesn't seem too troubled by that...   So, Conservatives and Democrats will benefit from this change by obtaining increased access to the legislative process, as any successful candidate to succeed Boehner will have to promise a more open amendment process.   It doesn't mean their amendments will pass, but it does mean that they will at least get a chance to make their case.   America will benefit from a more open governing process that doesn't exist simply to hold power for the benefit of well-connected special interests.   We urge you take a look at our articles on representative Meadows' motion to vacate the Chair to familiarize yourself with how it works and then head to the nearest town hall meeting to demand that your representative support the Meadows motion and replace Boehner with a principled limited government constitutional conservative.   If your representative isn't having a town hall, but you wish to join CHQ's effort to help representative Meadows, we have made it simple to let your representative know that you want John Boehner removed as Speaker of the House, just sign our petition to second representative Meadows motion to vacate the Chair.   We will forward it to your representative on your behalf.   Here's the link to the Heritage Action list of town hall meetings again."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Laura Ingraham
Michael Pillsbury: trade could be a winning issue (transcript + audio)
"Pillsbury: 'We're dealing with a kind of [state socialism] here that has the potential, as long as we're politically correct, and don't take the advice of a number of candidates -- Marco Rubio, Mr. Trump, Scott Walker, and Ted Cruz all weighed in now -- but, [Yebbie Booosh] has not [spoken] against this kind of Chinese mercantilism.   That's my biggest worry I think, that Chinese mercantilism is going to succeed.' (1:43)...   Yes, I think so.   Mr. Trump has not laid out his plan yet, but he's certainly said enough to distinguish himself from the politically correct approach, that we have to be nice to [Red China] and help [Red China] in every possible way, not see them as a competitor who's closing in on us rather rapidly.   So, if Trump spells this out, it's a winning issue for him.' (2:44)"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Scott Walker to Hitlery Rotten Clinton: while you charged universities $255K to show up, I froze tuition

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz raised $1M in first 100 hours after Thursday night's debate

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Laura Ingraham
are USA military families being targeted for terrorist attacks?
Brendan Kirby: LifeZette/PoliZette

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
John Hawkins _Town Hall_
can't we just all agree that we don't like Yebbie Booosh?

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Judy Stone _WND_
6 people diagnosed with plague in USA this summer
Forbes (with map, graph)

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Joe Kovacs _WND_
Lakeland FL minister says God may be using Donald Trump as an instrument to spread truth, discomfit the complaisant, sound the alarm
"'...You must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy.   Though many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.'...   'What the article does NOT say:   1.   Donald Trump will be the next U.S. president.   2.   Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee.   3.   That I (Jeremiah Johnson) personally support and endorse Donald Trump’s personal moral decisions or anything he has publicly said regarding politics (including the past).   4.   Donald Trump is a devout Christian and His life aligns with biblical principles.   What the article DOES say:   1.   Donald Trump is going to be used by God as a trumpet in America to expose darkness and perversion.   2.   Christians must look past/through his bantering and listen for the truth that God is going to make known through him.   3.   God can use anyone He chooses to fulfill His purposes and plans in the earth. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, the Jews who crucified Jesus, or Donald Trump among many.'...   [If it works out that way, it works out that way.   If it doesn't, it does not.]"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
in Bahrain, 20-year-old woman drowned... because her father hampered life-guards from recue, believing that if they touched her it would dishonor the whole family

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Catholic arch-bishop in Erbil, Iraq: our vibrant church is dissolving before our eyes; as Christians are persecuted and flee
"...The Chaldean Catholic Church, founded between the first and third centuries, was until the 16th century part of Assyrian Church of the East.   Once spanning a large geographical area including parts China, India and Central Mongolia, the church was reduced to Assyria following extensive massacres of Assyrians and other Christians by Tamerlane in around 1400..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
vandals burned someone else's USA flag at Mississippi Valley Fair in Davenport, IA

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
cable & satellite TV lost 321K subscribers in 2015Q1; 566K subscribers in 2015Q2
"...streaming on budget-conscious services like Netflix and Amazon, that charge around $10 a month...   Meanwhile, for around $100 a month pay TV is not only pummeling you with about 20 minutes of ads an hour, but forcing you to pay for a ton of networks you hate.   Moreover, many of these networks get a chunk of your cable bill.   Even if you don't watch left-wing CNN and MSNBC [a.k.a. MSLSD], if they are on your package, chances are a part of your bill is going directly to both..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Channing Tatum pays tribute to slain Green Beret master-sergeant Peter Andrew McKenna

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
VP Joe Biden, SecDef Ashton Carter, governor Bill Haslam, SecNav Ray Mabus & mayor Andy Berke to attend Chattanooga memorial for 4 Marines, sailor, and police officer killed by Muslim terrorist

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
WikiLeaks launched campaign to crowd-fund reward for information on Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP), more info on Trans-Pacific Partnership including side-deals and Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
singer Charlie Wilson: I asked God "If you give me one more chance at life and music... I'm going to testify"
"'So if we were to encapsulate this [book], _I Am Charlie Wilson_ -- there's a lot here.   We've heard it.   Who's Charlie Wilson?', Ross asked.   'I am a God-fearing man.   I'm a husband, I'm a father.   I love the Lord, like I said, and I'm in recovery.   God has showered me with his mercy and his grace, man.', Wilson said."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
report: Donald Trump's grass-roots support caused rare moment of weakness for Roger Ailes and his Bush News Network

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
Roger Ailes offered to have Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly's show "to clear the air"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
another rigged pseudo-debate: "moderator" Hugh Hewitt came out in opposition to Donald Trump

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
justice perverted: Ohio Supreme Court Board of Professional Conduct released a non-binding, advisory ruling that judges who refuse to do same-sex "marriages" on religious grounds are somehow violating the USA or state constitution, neither of which requires or condones same-sex "marriage"

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Gerald Walpin _Washington DC Times_
the extreme party

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Ben Shapiro _Town Hall_
State Dept. alternately lets vital technology flow to those who have declared themselves enemies of the USA, and over-reaches in requiring license to post a wide range of technology if on-line

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Joel Stonedale _Washington DC Times_
State Dept. alternately lets vital technology flow to those who have declared themselves enemies of the USA, and over-reaches in requiring license to post a wide range of technology if on-line
"The State Department has proposed a regulation to broadly criminalize online content ranging from technical discussions about boat propellers to basic engineering principles.   Failure to obtain the appropriate license can result in 20 years in prison and a $1M fine.   We could hope that the administration will not abuse its new-found authority, but to do so would violate John Adams' advice that, 'the only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty'.   The State Department is exhibiting a favorite method of aggrandizing government power: First, write a broad, vague regulation that criminalizes everyday conduct; second, say it will only be used against the really bad guys; and finally, use it against anyone the government dislikes..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Todd Starnes _Town Hall_
the purge of Christians and Jews from the USA continues: chaplains banned from teaching what the Bible/Torah says about homosexuality

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Investor's Business Daily_
it is time for Red China to let the yuan float free

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Donald Trump finally lays out specifics, and on economics they're OK
"...He also endorses a worldwide system of taxation -- also known as a 'territorial' tax regime -- so U.S. companies don't have to pay the highest tax in the world on their over-seas income...   He also wants an import tax of at least 20% on foreign goods.   This tax could lead to a shut-down of international trading markets -- a modern version of the infamous Smoot Hawley tariffs that triggered the Great Depression by blockading world trade.   That's the wrong way to go for many reasons, not least of which is that U.S. exports are a major motor of our economy."
I have to disagree with IBD on these 2 points.   A "worldwide system of taxation" sounds extremely dangerous for some other power to manipulate against the USA.   The last I saw, the Shrub regime was claiming that imports into the USA were being taxed at an average of between 2% and 8% (different articles) while USA goods sent elsewhere faced import taxes averaging 48%.   That puts 20% right smack in the reasonable compromise middle...   The Smoot-Hawley tariffs were much higher, and they did not trigger the Great Depression but did make it worse.   But I would have aimed at something more like Herman Cain's 9%... and elimination of a lot of crony socialist exemptions.   It seems, reading Thomas.LoC.gov, that there are hundreds of them proposed in every session.

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
3 strikes against Obummer "climate change" scheme

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Susan Montoya Bryan & Ellen Knickmeyer _Cybercast News Service_
alarmed public getting few answers from EPA which caused toxic spill into Animas & San Juan rivers
Fox: contaminated water will flow through the watershed, reach Mexicomap (from Fox

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer EPA personnel won't face fines or prison sentences or even lose their jobs for polluting Animas & San Juan rivers, claiming ancient privileges of kings that were discarded 500 years ago

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer EPA administrator Gina McCarthy: I'm deeply sorry.. but neither I nor EPA employees will pay remediation nor restitution out of our pockets nor serve prison time for our misdeeds
"...water samples taken after the spill showed lead concentrations that were 3,500 times the normal levels near Durango, CO.   The waste-water also contained manganese, zinc, copper and cadmium, along with other contaminants..."

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
NM governor Susana Martinez: we have people preparing a law-suit against the EPA (which, if they win, will force other USA tax-victims to pay the bill, not the perpetrators at EPA

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
_Investor's Business Daily_
EPA tries to treat its own environmental destruction as ho-hum

2015-08-11 (5775 Ab 26)
Clyde Spencer
an analysis of Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature data for the question: is earth warming or cooling?
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "Every day in manufacturing, [Don Lennox] had the same thought: This is where things are made.   The great pleasure for him was the challenge of it, of creating something in metal on a mass scale, of taking ideas which had been sketched on paper & turning them into cars.   The best time each year was when they had to change the assembly line over for the new car models.   They had 2 weeks to do it, to go from an easy high-volume run to complete shambles & then, with luck, to smooth high-volume again...   Everyone co-operated, mechanical engineers, design engineers, electricians.   All the normal friction was gone.   In those 2 weeks, amid all the pressure & the tension, Don Lennox never loved the Ford Motor Company or his job more." --- David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pg 223  



2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Margaret Knapp _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: US citizens' dreams are being undermined; what about our children?
"'Day in and day out, we're told [by the Obummer regime and leftist media] about the dreamers.   Who are the dreamers? Illegal alien children.', said nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin on his Monday broadcast.   'Well, we have dreamers too.   Our children.   What about our children?', Levin asked..."
Mark Levi show

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Seema Hakhu Kachru _Live Mint_
little diversity in H-1B; 86% of visas go to Indians
News Today Net
Marian Prokop: CIO/IDG
"Most of those H-1B visa holders work for [cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring] companies, such as Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).   [Red China] was far behind in second place at just over 5% of H-1B visas for 'IT' occupations, and no other nation rose above 1%, according to [application approval] data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS].   About 76K H-1B visas were issued to people in computer occupations in 2014.   'IT' services companies 'apparently cannot get enough Indian programmers, which has little to do with a shortage of competent natives for these types of jobs, but a lot to do with the industry's business model', said B. Lindsay Lowell, director of policy studies at Georgetown University's Institute for the Study of International Migration.   The [cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring] companies prefer to hire 'young H-1B programmers because the visa offers control over this contracted short-term work-force, it permits them to pay less than they would for experienced natives and they cultivate programmers who can better serve their clients after returning home to India', Lowell said.   The numbers are widely different when compared to H-1B visas for engineers, which includes electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, aeronautical and other specialties.   In that category, Indian workers are still on top with 47% of the visas, or 8,103, followed by [Red China] with 19.5%; Canada, 3.4%; Korea 2.4%; Mexico, 2.2%; and Taiwan and Iran with 2.2% each, according to the government data..."

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
_News Max_
judge Andrew S. Hanen excuses Jeh Johnson, but insists other officials appear at hearing to testify about illegal immigration dispute
"...Texas and 25 other states are suing to overturn [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] unilateral change to U.S.A. immigration policy, announced in November.   The initiative is designed to shelter 5M [illegal aliens] from deportation and provide them with 3-year work permits...   The case is Texas v. U.S., 1:14-00254, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas (Brownsville)."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
foreign workers in UK reach 2M (4% above last year) as UK unemployment rate rises
"According to the Official for National Statistics, estimates by nationality show that between 2014 April to June and 2015 April to June, the number of UK nationals working in the UK increased by 84K to reach 27.76M, while the number of non-UK nationals working in the UK increased by 257K to reach 3.18M.   ITV News notes there are 973K workers now in the United Kingdom who were born in 8 'A8' eastern European countries, including Poland and the Czech Republic.   Commenting on the figures, Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of Migration Watch UK said: 'The number of EU workers has now topped 2M for the first time and over 1M of these are from Eastern Europe.   Clearly the government is going to have to get a grip of EU migration if it wants to bring overall numbers down.'   The change in the past 18 years is also stark.   Between 1997 April to June and 2015 April to June, the number of non-UK nationals working in the UK increased from 966K to 3.18M, and the proportion of all people working in the UK accounted for by non-UK nationals increased from 3.7% to 10.3%.   The ONS also reveals that between 2014 April to June and 2015 April to June, the number of non-UK nationals from the European Union (EU) working in the UK increased by 250K to reach 1.98M, and the number of non-UK nationals from outside the EU working in the UK was little changed at 1.20M..."
non-UK nationals working in UK
graph from Breitbart

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
keep jihadis out of USA
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
Obummer regime DHS, shamed by James O'Keefe, tries for a little pay-back

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
99,580 "other than Mexican" families & children have been apprehended on SW border so far in FY2015

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup: 23% of Hispanics do not favor yet another path to citizenship for illegal aliens

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Jeffrey's Toobin's declaration of allegiance to illegal aliens and advocates for illegal aliens
"...Perhaps we should expect no more from the New Yorker, whose [leftist] sensibility is apparent in every issue.   But I would like to think that the other side of the immigration debate, the side comprising those who want enforcement of immigration laws, should get a fair hearing.   That would be conducive to the sort of rigorous, probing, nuanced analysis that best serves our national debates.   But Toobin's fixation on his [leftist] view apparently has blinded him to the conservative view...   [To paraphrase one of his own statements on CNN] Well, explanatory reporting these days, especially in the New Yorker, is a very political act.   This reporter was very carefully chosen by the editors.   He is a known [leftist] analyst who has been hostile to those who think that by focusing entirely on the concerns of illegal immigrants and their defenders, he is missing half of a very big story."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
recommended reading on H-2Bs, H-1Bs and border tunnels
2015-07-27: Jessica Garrison, Ken Bensinger & Jeremy Siger-Vine: Buzz Feed: The New American Slavery: invited to the USA under the H-2 visa program, foreign workers find a nightmare
2015-07-28: Norm Matloff: the biggest threat to the H-1B cap
2015-08-03: Monte Reel: New Yorker: under-world: how the Sinaloa drug cartel digs its tunnels
2013-02-19: David North: CIS: US ICE admits it missed yet another tunnel at Nogales
2015-08-10: US CBP: drus valued at nearly $550K seized in Yuma sector

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Guatemala's new emigration/USA invasion campaign: don't do it, but if you do, here's how
"Yesterday, a [Obummer/Johnson] U.S. Border Patrol delegation from Arizona visited Guatemala to discuss the dangers of illegal immigration and measures to protect migrants.   During this visit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), presented a new campaign titled '¿Qué pasa, Qué hago?' or 'What Happens? What do I do?'   The campaign, also supported by the local Catholic bishops' conference, is an initiative to 'inform child migrants and their families on the steps to be taken if they are detained at the U.S.A. border'.   The campaign consists of comics, videos, and other materials to be distributed in schools, and via radios, social media, and national consulates..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
officials of Greek island of Kos criticize government in Athens for ignoring flood of illegal aliens/refugees

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Ann Coulter _WND_
legal foreign students, guest-workers, legal permanent residents, and naturalized citizens have also perpetrated terrorist acts
"'[Coulter] explained that halting illegal immigration would help solve other key issues such as the economy and national security.   Don't make terrorists citizens through immigration, and we'll have a lot less of a national security problem., Coulter said, pointing to the attacks at the Boston Marathon and in Chattanooga.'   (Emphasis added.)   Were those guys illegals?   Did Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev swim across the Rio Grande to get to Boston?   [No, it's my understanding tha thte family came in on refugee visas, and these 2 got student visas and then over-stayed those student visas.]   Did Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez hire coyotes to sneak him across the border so he could shoot 4 Marines and a sailor in Chattanooga?   No.   Our government invited them in [but weren't necessarily properly requested nor did they grant in every case permission to stay].   Some of our other beloved legal immigrants include:   Anwar al-Awlaki, the man whose death in Afghanistan provoked Rand Paul to stage a 13-hour filibuster in opposition to the use of drones against -- I quote -- 'American citizens';   'the Fort Hood shooter', Nidal Malik Hasan;   the attempted Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad;   all those Somali immigrants living in Minnesota, bloc-voting for Al Franken before flying to Syria to fight with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate;   Sirhan Sirhan;   the 2001/09/11 hijackers;   the Pakistani terrorist Daood Sayed Gilani, American anchor baby, responsible for four days of bombings in Mumbai in 2008;   the New York subway bomb plotter, Najibullah Zazi;   Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, who shot a U.S. Army captain in 2010;   the 'local man' arrested this week for trying to organize an army of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate fighters in New York and New Jersey, Nader Saadeh -- anchor baby 'American citizen'.   ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR CHILDREN!   Why were any of them in this country?   What are we getting out of this?..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
as illusions fade, we get back to reality of Obummer's treaty to encourage Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Town Hall

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
the Obummer regime is attacking Schumer to undermine his opposition to their treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Terry Atlas & Calev ben David _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry's latest insanity: claiming Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is propping up the US dollar

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Switzerland has ended sanctions against Iran

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Aaron Bandler _Town Hall_
Obummer & Kerry to Iran: if you like your nuclear weapons development program, you can keep your nuclear weapons program
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Cliff May _Town Hall_
an open letter to Chuck Shumer on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
House Foreign Affairs committee demands action from Obummer regime against Irand and Iran's Qods Force major-general Qasem Soleimani who flew to Russia in defiance of existing sanctions

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
the haughty John Kerry: Iran can violate parts of the treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons without really violating the treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
USA veteran injured by Iran bomb says politicians behind Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems will have blood on their hands

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Farid Mirbagheri _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is difficult to sell in USA, difficult to sell in Iran

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Jeffrey Ballabon & Bruce Abramson _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: Saudi Arabia fears deadly combination of revolutionary zeal and Shia dominance

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Shai ben Tekoa _American Thinker_
yank the emergency cord now, to stop Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Steven Emerson _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime is urging judge to limit bond on Palestinian Authority=Fatah in terrorism case
Joseph Farah: World Net Daily: Obummer sides with terrorists in victims' suit
"The [Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, which occupies eastern Israel] is appealing a February jury verdict, awarding $218.5M in damages to 10 [American] families who lost relatives or suffered injuries themselves in terrorist attacks involving PA officials and support between 2001 and 2004.   Under the Antiterrorism Act, those damages triple to $655M..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
why were tax-victim funds diverted to maintain Hitlery Rotten Clinton's illegal e-mail server?

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
even the kinder, gentler Ben S. Carson questions Hitlery Rotten Clinton's fitness for office

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
mother-shaming gone viral

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
conservatives vs. spaced-out leftists
town Hall
"As she runs to hold on to her base against an openly declared socialist in the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton is declaring she intends to go even further than [president Obummer] and his radical [unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty efforts [for illegal aliens].   She continues to defend Planned Parenthood even after those horrific videos documented the ghastly sale of baby body parts for profit.   She is wrapping herself in a gay agenda, viciously attacking religious freedom.   But [say the leftist media] it's the Republicans that are the extremists...   How the Posties must recoil at the NBC poll over the weekend.   The top 5: Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Carla Fiorina and Marco Rubio.   Who, exactly, is 'frighteningly out of touch' here?"

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
_Jewish World Review_
job search taboos to discard

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
"redistributing" income and wealth
Town Hall
"For 2012, according to the IRS, Americans filed 136.1M individual income tax returns, not counting those filed by dependents.   Analysis of these, the IRS reported, reveals that the federal income tax is [regressive] -- hitting people harder the more they earn [and thus discouraging efforts to earn more].   'As expected for a graduated income tax system', said the IRS, 'the top 0.001% through the top 50% of returns recorded a larger share of the income tax compared to their respective share of AGI [Adjusted Gross Income]...   In addition, for 2012', said the IRS, 'every single percentile from the top 0.001% through the top 50% reported an increase in its share of AGI and its share of income tax in comparison to 2011.'   According to the IRS, the top 3% of earners paid more than half of all income tax and the top 10% paid the vast majority of it.   'The top 3% of tax returns accounted for more than half (51.7%) of the total income tax paid for Tax Year 2012.', said the IRS..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Melissa Mullins _Media Research Center News Busters_
misanthropic Washington DC Compost: 1st 2 years of parenthood are worse than divorce, unemployment, or a spouse's death

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
John Gizzi _News Max_
Republicans dispute Obummer regime attempts to encourage vote fraud
"Rokita pointed to Indiana's law, which he oversaw implementation of as secretary of state and which was successfully upheld by the Supreme Court.   'In 2000 and 2004, before we had our voter ID law, the average turnout in the primaries was 21% of eligible voters and the average turnout in the general election was 57%.', he told us.   'After the law took effect [in 2006], in 2008 and 2012, the average turnout in the primaries was 31 percent and in the general election it was 60%.'   Michigan's Miller, secretary of state from 1994 to 2002, recalled to Newsmax how 'I was responsible for conducting open, free and fair elections.   It was a responsibility I took very seriously, because protecting our fundamental right to vote means protecting the foundation of this country's democratic system.   Election administrators across the country have a very important but difficult job, and they often employ different methods to keep their voter rolls clean and ensure that citizens of their states are not disenfranchised by fraudulent activity.   In some cases that includes requiring voters to show proof of ID.'..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Dan Weil _News Max_
Steve Forbes: which candidates will gain pro-growth mantle of Ronald Reagan?

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Mytheos Holt _Town Hall_
why are the USA and state governments paying people to hurt innovators?

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
only 14% of Americans are happy with congress
"54% of those surveyed held an unfavorable opinion of Boehner, compared with 23% who viewed him favorably, marking his lowest favorable rating as House speaker during his three terms at the post.   McConnell, the senior senator from Kentucky, had a poor showing on name recognition, with 37% of Americans never having heard of him or having no opinion, according to Gallup.   He was viewed unfavorably by 41% of survey participants and favorably by 22%."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: I would be more aggressive in helping USA allies push back against Red China

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Monica Crowley _Washington DC Times_
Carly Fiorina: the anti-Hitlery

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
support for convention of states to amend US constitution grows

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
_News Max_
opponents of corrupt, power-mad Castro regime not invited to USA embassy opening fete
Bradley Klapper & Michael Weissenstein: Washington DC Times/AP

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Trey Gowdy: Hitlery Rotten Clinton got rid of e-mail messages only after our committee began to ask for them
"'I find it interesting, however, that it was 20 months after she separated from the State Department when she decided to wipe the server clean or delete.   So, for 20 months those emails were neither too burdensome, nor too cumbersome.   It was only when our committee began to ask the State Department for her e-mails that she said, You know what, it's been 20 months, gosh, I really need to get rid of this stuff....'..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
TS/SCI e-mail messages found on Hitlery Rotten Clinton's insecure home e-mail server
Laura Ingraham
Anita Kumar, Marisa Taylor & Greg Gordon: McClatchy

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Buck Sexton _National Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton is not above the law

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
CNN, Politico, WaPo, NYT bury news of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's TS/SCI e-mail messages

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Trey Gowdy: Hitlery Rotten Clinton should be treated as general David Petraeus was, with only minor mutatis mutandis

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
poll: a clear majority supports criminal investigation of Hitlery Rotten Clinton over abusing private e-mail server for State Dept. business
What if... what if Snowden and Hitlery and the OPM director Katherine Archuleta... were all making information available to the USA's enemies as part of Obummer's general anti-USA agenda?

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Clinton e-mail messages contained info from spy satellites and signal intelligence

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood video shows that parents did not know that baby organs were being sold
Laura Ingraham
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
Cheryl Wetzstein: Washington DC Times

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood: how is stealing baby body parts "women's health-care"?

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
VietNam veteran confronted Ferguson rioters stomping on US flag

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Bob Owens _Bearing Arms_
video captures Ferguson suspect mugging with firearm before shooting at police

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
aid from UK tax-victims... funds regimes that persecute Christians
John Bingham: London Telegraph

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
unapologetic Muslim prof of English at Lincoln U in PA, Kaukab Siddique, denounces "dirty Jewish Zionist thugs"
"I am not anti-Muslim, I am anti-jihad.   [Opposed to initiation of force and fraud.]...   Siddique says that my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, in holding our free speech event in Garland, Texas that was attacked by Islamic jihadists, was committing 'cultural genocide'...   In calling our free speech event in Garland 'cultural genocide', professor Siddique reveals how truly insidious his agenda really is.   Standing for free speech against violent intimidation is 'cultural genocide'? Snyder passes on this ridiculous claim without remarking upon it.   What Siddique is saying is that violating Islam's blasphemy laws is tantamount to mass murder -- and the only alternative is that we submit and accept those blasphemy laws...   Siddique fears this freedom and all free discussion and debate, for it would lead people away from his narrow and violent belief system.   He wants to blot free speech out by means of violence, just as all of sharia is enforced by violence: stonings, amputations, etc.   And this man is a professor at an American university."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
StratFor: Russian economy hits perfect storm

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Europeans watch nervously as NATO and Russia actively prepare for possible armed conflict
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Miklos K. Radvanyi _Washington DC Times_
taking Crimea and eastern Ukraine reminds the world that the Russian bear is still dangerous

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
is full-out war about to break out in eastern Ukraine

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Chicago enacted the same kind of confiscatory arms tax as Seattle... and homicides are up

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
are "mass shootings" on the rise?

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Emily Schmall _AP_
football player shot during vandalism and burglary, police officer trainee fired, case in dispute

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Keystone XL pipe-line review takes 5 times as long as usual: another example of bad (Shrub) to worse (Obummer)
"Under a George W. Bush [Shrub]-era executive order, oil pipelines crossing U.S.A. borders require a presidential permit, setting off a government-wide review that the State Department coordinates.   [President Barack Hussein Obummer], in no rush to anger either environmentalists or energy advocates, has deflected criticism about the long-delayed decision by arguing that his [regime] is merely carrying out his Republican predecessor's directive in the ordinary way..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Laura Ingraham
USA's largest employer of the disabled has been accused of operating like the mafia
"...According to CNN, AbilityOne and SourceAmerica are being investigated for a bevy of corruption charges, including fraud, mismanagement, steering of contracts, and misrepresenting the severity of the disabilities of their workers..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Laura Ingraham
Bighamton U study: women are emotionally hit hardest immediately after a break-up, but men suffer more in the long term and may never truly get over it
Jess Staufenberg: Independent

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Pentagon: whistle-blowing Green Beret lieutenant-colonel Jason Amerine did not reveal secrets

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Jacob Sullum _Town Hall_
Chris Christie's fear-mongering argument against privacy and his clash with Rand Paul reflects a clash between more authoritarian and libertarian tendencies
"...Paul said he was standing up for the principles underlying the Fourth Amendment, which forbids 'unreasonable searches and seizures'.   Instead of collecting everyone's records, he said, the government should seek records tied to specific terrorism suspects, based on court orders..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Arthur Schaper _Town Hall_
don't count Bobby Jindal out just yet

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
privacy goggles invented in Japan to defend against facial recognition systems
"...The Tokyo-based National Institute of Informatics (NII) has tried to roll-out privacy visors in the past, but a prototype put on display by the agency in 2013 relied on emissions beamed from nearly a dozen LED lights around the eyes and nose to trick surveillance tech...   professor Isao Echizen...   Whereas the visor revealed by NII in 2013 used arrays of light bursts that were undetectable to the eye to trick facial recognition technology, the latest offering is a sleek, arguably fashionable upgrade that appears to combine sporty looks with sophisticated science..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
off-the-wall attack on POW/MIA flag

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Arthur Kane _Town Hall_
Denver's "transparency" portal fails to report tax-victim-funded meals

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
the delusion that "right-wing political correctness" exists
OK, a few people want to ban pornography.

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
D.W. Wilber _Town Hall_
human lives matter

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Todd Starnes _Hot Air_
now the cultural cleansers want to ban a familiar southern word, the friendly nick-name of a British surveyor brought in to help settle the PA-MD-VA boundary dispute

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
record $2.672414T for FY2015 so far (October through July; $17,954.94/employed person), over-spending still generated $465.539G deficit
accounting games have frozen "debt subject to limit" at $18.112975T for 150 days
"...'The total federal debt consists of debt held by the public and intragovernmental debt', the CRS said in another report published in 2011.   'Debt owed to the public represents borrowing from entities other than the federal government, and includes borrowing from state and local governments, the Federal Reserve System, and foreign central banks, as well as private investors in the United States...   Intragovernmental debt', said CRS, 'consists in debt owed by one part of the federal government to another, which are mostly held in trust funds.'   The net effect of the Treasury's actions is that although the publicly held debt of the government continues to fluctuate -- as the Treasury redeems maturing debt held by the public and issues new debt held by the public -- the overall debt subject to the limit set by congress closes each business day at $18,112,975,000,000 [$18.113T].   Back on March 13, the debt held by the public was $13,083,880,000,000 [$13.08T] and the intragovernmental debt was $5,068,578,000,000 [$5.07T] according to the Daily Treasury Statement.   By the close of business on August 10, also according to the Daily Treasury Statement, the debt held by the public had increased by $37,043,000,000 [$37.04G] to $13,120,923,000,000 [$13.12T], and the intragovernmental debt had decreased by $38,260,000,000 [$38.26G] to $5,030,318,000,000 [$5.03T]..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
AP's Crutsinger predictably ignoring all-time one-month government over-spending record

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Pedro Gonzales _News Machete_
if a corporate CFO acted like Obummer, he'd be in prison

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
_Investor's Business Daily_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is "organizing" small armies inside USA

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Boko Haram killed 50 more in bombing after Chad claims they'd been "decapitated"

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
armed Black Panthers march in Waller county TX
Rick Moran: American Thinker

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
several CA DMV employees in Salinas and Sacramento for taking bribes, helping people get truck-driving licenses... without taking the tests
"...U.S. attorney Benjamin Wagner named Emma Klem, 45, a Salinas DMV employee, and trucking school owner Kulwinder Dosanjh Singh, 58, as defendants charged with conspiracy to commit bribery and identity fraud.   DMV examiners Andrew Kimura, 30, of Sacramento and Robert Turchin, 65, of Salinas, as well as trucking school owners Pavitar Dosangh Singh, 55, of Sacramento, and Mangal Gill, 55, of San Ramon, were also charged with conspiracy, bribery and fraud, according to KSBW..."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
FBI's counter-terror ad banned in Seattle by 9th circus... because it might upset Muslims
Comparison of original FBI ad and AFDI ad.

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Lorain OH home-owner, while under attack, retrieved firearm and used it to kill intruder

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
anti-arms ownership group made non sequitur arguments based on shooting incidents that background checks would not have prevented

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Erik Rush _WND_
TV: what's news and what's politics

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
why leftists are dangerous

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Christopher N. Malagisi _Town Hall_
secrets to relentless success: an interview with Wayne Allyn Root on his new book _The Power of Relentless_

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Mark Levin
LTE 1 week before catastrophe predicted EPA spill in Colorado... so EPA could declare it a super-fund site and take over the area, block all mining and other land uses
Jim Hoft: GateWay Pundit

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
_Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime wants to study "climate change"... in-doors
"The Environmental Protection Agency [which spilled millions of gallons of heavy metal and arsenic-contaminated water across the SW], on Tuesday awarded $8M in grants to nine universities to help better understand the impact of climate change on indoor air quality...   The funds will be distributed to Harvard University, Florida State University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rutgers University, Portland State University, the University of Oregon, Washington State University and the University of Colorado at Boulder."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
5 reasons the leftist media are down-playing the EPA disaster
to protect the Obummer regime...   to protect the federal government...   because the Republicans could not be blamed...   because the citizenry of the USA could not be blamed...   because local government(s) could not be blamed...

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Amerindians say EPA is trying to swindle them in inadequate remediation and restitution

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Bob Barr _Town Hall_
toxic spill into the Animas river, and subsequent actions, highlight EPA's double standard

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt, power-mad Obummer EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy, the non-existent "climate change" affects "everything and everyone we love", including our ability to secure a livelihood
"According to research done by the policy institute, the regulation would result in the shuttering of 66 coal plants and the loss of 125,800 jobs.   The research also found that coal generation would be reduced by 48%.   According to American Coalition of Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), using data from the federal Energy Information Administration, coal resources in the United States represent one-quarter of the world's total coal supply.   The U.S.A. has more than 260G tons of coal reserves and currently uses about 925M tons of coal a year.   At this rate, the U.S. coal supply would last for 280 years, according to ACCCE."

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Peter J. Ferrara _Investor's Business Daily_
power-mad Obummer EPA regulations are the "Jim Crow" laws of the 21st century

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
EPA's Gold King Mine spill getting cover from watermelons (red inside, green outside)

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Phil Elmore _WND_
real sustainable vehicles are government-free, not crony socialist

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)

This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Ken Blackwell, (8) Rick Santorum, (9) Scott Walker, (10) Ted Cruz, (10) Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Rick Perry, Ben S. Carson, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. I'm disappointed that none of the candidates consistently and sincerely favors secure borders and reasonable measures to do that, reduction of visas to manageable numbers, reduction of guest- and other work visas to admit only the very best and brightest top 0.001% from around the world, elimination of "visa waivers", proper background investigations of visa applicants, determined and consistent efforts to find and sufficiently penalize employers of illegal aliens, determined and consistent efforts to discover and sufficiently penalize and discourage nation-state and industrial espionage, overall reductions in federal government spending, ending government funding of Planned Parenthood and CPB/NPR and NEAH and AFI and Solyndra and Tesla Motors..., eliminating the Export-Import Bank, de-funding the UN and IMF and World Bank, auditing the Federal Reserve System, replacing income extortion with a reasonably limited sales tax and import tariff, using effective means to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, using effective means to undermine North Korea's and Red China's nuclear weapons and delivery systems...
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Austin Bay _Town Hall_
** WW2's end links to its origins **

2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a place-maker in my consierations of the American Colonization Society

2015-08-12 (5775 Ab 27)
Jerry Newcombe _Town Hall_
churches where George Washington worshipped
"...George Washington was a committed church-goer all his life, even when it was difficult to attend.   His main church as a young man was Pohick in Lorton, Virginia, and as an older man, it was Christ Church in Alexandria.   And there were others in between in other states.   At these churches, you can see the reredos -- a wall [behind the altar] or altar decoration with the words of the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles Creed, and the Ten Commandments, so the worshipers could recite them aloud..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




1913-08-13: stainless steel was invented by Harry Brearley.
1918-08-13: Opha Mae Johnson enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
Citizens Bank in RI has STEM employees training H-1Bs from India
"IT" World
"...Bank 'IT' employees are training replacements in India to take over their jobs.   'IT' employees who were contacted say this 'knowledge transfer' is being accomplished remotely, over the Web and in a teleconferences.   Affected bank 'IT' employees say their jobs will end in December.   In June, IBM announced that it had signed a 5-year 'IT' services agreement with Citizens Bank.   The agreement, said IBM, 'will help Citizens drive greater efficiencies, improve service and lower cost'.   IBM runs a large operation in India, where the pay is but a fraction of U.S. worker salaries.   The number of lay-offs is in dispute.   Employees said as many as 150 Citizen Bank 'IT' workers were being laid off.   But this number doesn't include contractors.   IBM will be consolidating the bank's 'IT' infrastructure services, and, as part of that, the bank is consolidating from 4 vendors to 1 vendor, IBM.   This change will result in the elimination of some contractor jobs, and when contractors are added, the total layoff estimate by employees ranges from 250 to 350..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
"sanctuary state" is a haven for criminals

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Laura Ingraham
census: record 42.1M immigrants in USA; Mexicans predominate in latest surge
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Karen Zeigler & Steven A. Camarota: CIS: immigration population hits record 42.1M in 2015Q2

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime's chaotic immigration policies and processes bring trouble on 2 horizons
"The [Obummer] White House is finally beginning to feel the consequences of cause and effect where its immigration policies are concerned.   Like a paralysis-inducing spider wasp laying its eggs into its prey, it has pretty much cowed our congressional leaders into crippling inactivity in the face of its onslaught of legally dubious 'executive actions'.   But the third branch of our tripartite federal system, the judiciary, has taken action in two different directions and begun to clamp down on the administration's policies.   On the west coast, a U.S. District Court judge has ordered an end to detention of families and unaccompanied minors, spelling potential catastrophe for the administration's game of laundering such individuals through a period of lockdown, followed by resettlement with notional orders to appear at hearings, which the majority simply ignore.   This is a potential game changer in the run-up to the presidential elections, because a repeated land-based tsunami of aliens proving the existence of an out-of-control southern border will not bode well for any candidate advocating anything remotely like open borders or a broad-based amnesty.   In southern Texas, another U.S. District Court judge continues moving inexorably toward a show-cause hearing on August 19 [Wednesday], in which the administration will be forced to explain publicly why it was either unwilling or unable to comply with his order enjoining the government's plans to extend and enlarge the pool of illegal aliens being granted 'lawful status' and work permits to remain in the United States indefinitely, in 3-year increments..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
deported 3 times, convicted of drug trafficking, illegal alien arrested again in Alton TX

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
immigrant flood drives demand for temporary housing across Europe

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
in Manchester, England, Muslim coffee shop & grill staff ordered customer to stop kissing his girl-friend there

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Stephen K. Bannon & Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Scott Walker lays out his plan to secure borders, stop immigration insanity

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Nigel Farage member of the European Parliament _Breitbart_
I hope Jeremy Corby wins; he's terrible on economics, but there will be a referendum on the EU, a debate about TATIP, and he will kill the Green party

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
terrorist sympathizer whines after UK government refused to let him enter to speak in Scotland at "Palestinian Day" at Edinburgh festival

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
GAO report on EB-5 is a mixed bag: some zingers and some major gaps

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
extinguishing fear, living happily in the moment

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
widespread anti-semitic vandalism in NW San Antonio TX
"In northwest San Antonio, residents woke up on Wednesday morning to find the widespread anti-Semitic vandalism right at their door-steps.   Approximately 30 homes, city structures, vehicles and Congregation Rodfei Sholom, the Jewish synagogue, were the targets of hateful spray-painting and other acts of vandalism...   Although R' Scheinberg was in disbelief and heart-broken, he told news crews, 'Hate is something that happens in every generation, wherever it happens to be, but so does love.   And love will overpower hate and the good will destroy the evil.'   He also received an outpouring of support from local church leaders like San Antonio-based pastor John Hagee from Cornerstone Church, who came to the synagogue immediately.   'An attack on the synagogue is an attack on every Christian church in this city.', Hagee told news media.   He urged San Antonio police and residents to do everything they can to bring those responsible to justice.   Wednesday evening, Hagee alerted Christians United for Israel (CUFI) members of the incident by e-mail blast.   He called this 'anti-Semitic attack and assault on both Christians and Jews.   This act of hatred is an affront on all people of faith.   Anti-Semitism is an abomination and we must unequivocally confront it whenever and wherever it is found.'...   In 2014, the ADL recorded a 21 percent increase in anti-Semitic acts committed in the U.S.A. from the year before.   Of the 912 anti-Semitic incidents last year, 5 were reported in the ADL's Southwest Region, the majority which happened in the Houston..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
terrorism alert: French church-goers told to keep an eye out for strangely dressed people

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
John H. Sununu: why doesn't the Obummer regime consider persecution of Middle East and African Christians to be a top human rights problem?

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iranian foreign-minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with terrorist Hezbollah chief in Beirut, Lebanon, laid wreath at tomb of another terrorist; the haughty John Kerry praised him for "regional out-reach"
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
through Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, in regard to Cuba and Russia, he's playing for the other team

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Alan Dershowitz: giving up covert operations and military options will give Iran nuclear weapons and delivery systems under Obummer's treaty

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
even Alcee Hastings opposes Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
26 Dem senators oppose Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; only 34 senators are required to reject it

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Adrew C. McCarthy _Family Security Matters_
Obummer's terrible legacy: his treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
out-going US Army chief of staff Ray Odierno: USA troops are needed in Iraq and Syria

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
bizarre EU promo-vid compares Europe to USA and mocks USA for having "only 1 language"... even though millions of Americans are familiar with 2 or 3 languages, and at least hundreds of thousands are fluent with 2 or more

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
why is doctor Ben Carson being shut out?
"Carson has risen in the polls.   Indeed, despite his somewhat uneven performance in the debate Ben Carson has risen to the top-tier of the three polls released following the first Republican presidential debate Thursday night.   Our friend Mike Flynn writing for Breitbart says a new poll from CNN/ORC finds Donald Trump dominating likely caucus-goers in Iowa.   Somewhat more surprising, says Flynn, is that retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has surged into second place, edging out long-time Iowa front-runner Wisconsin governor Scott Walker...

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Jackie Gingrich Cushman _News Max_
Carly Fiorina is the candidate to watch
"Among the most interesting -- and in my mind the clear winner of the first debate -- was Carly Fiorina.   She was optimistic overall, assertive without being aggressive, knowledgeable without being wonky, and clearly articulated the vast difference between progressivism and conservatism.   Fiorina, echoing Ronald Reagan and Jeane Kirkpatrick, was firm on foreign policy and articulated her understanding of the importance of American leadership: 'When America does not lead, the world is a dangerous and a tragic place.'   Channeling Margaret Thatcher, and her rise from a grocery girl, Fiorina talked about her background as a secretary, and then translated the policy of conservatism into human rather than economic terms.   'I am a conservative because I believe no one of us is any better than any other one of us.', she said.   '[Regressives, leftists] don't believe that.   They believe some are smarter than others, some are better than others, so some are going to need to take care of others.'   Finally, she laid out clearly the problem of too much government and the reality versus the intent of large government institutions.   'We have arrived at a point in our nation's history where the potential of this nation and too many Americans is being crushed by the weight, the power, the cost, the complexity, the ineptitude, the corruption of the federal government.'..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood inspection revealed aborted babies being cremated as bio-hazard medical waste

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
representative Diane Black (R-TN): "anyone with a conscience should be appalled by what we've seen in the videos" of Planned Parenthood personnel

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Laura Ingraham
Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood clinics established in black neighborhoods to control that population
Jeff Poor: Breitbart

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
doctor Ben Carson answers questions from Breitbart readers (videos)

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
_Conservative HQ_
want to protect your privacy? sign onto this supreme court brief
"Disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner targeted conservative and Tea Party groups and their donors for abuse.   She has yet to be held accountable and punished by the legal system.   Now, ultra-left-wing, Planned Parenthood supporter California attorney-general Kamala Harris (pictured), a candidate for U.S. senate, is telling non-profit organizations they can't speak to donors in her state unless they fork over the names and addresses of their top donors to her so she can investigate them and your organization if she wants.   For conservative and Tea Party groups and their donors, this is like the land-mark Supreme Court case NAACP v. Alabama, where the state attorney-general demanded the membership list of the NAACP.   The Supreme Court decided that the danger of abuse and harassment violated the 'right of association' guaranteed by the First Amendment.   Your organization can do something about this latest attempt to violate privacy and the right of association by signing onto an 'amicus' brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to tell Kamala Harris that she is acting unconstitutionally and illegally.   Below is a clip from the amicus brief to be filed with the Supreme Court describing how Lois Lerner 'collaborated' with state officials like Kamala Harris who 'over-see' non-profit organizations.   Your conservative or Tea Party organization may sign on to this brief as a 'co-amicus' (friend of the court).   To get a copy and to sign on to this brief, which will be filed later in August, contact constitutional lawyer Mark FitzGibbons...   Here is a clip from the amicus brief to be filed in the case Center for Competitive Politics v. Kamala D. Harris, attorney-general of California..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
near zero air-time from abc + CBS + NBC for Planned Parenthood videos
Katie Yoder: Media Research Center News Busters
"The Media Research Center did the math and found that since the release of the videos exposing Planned Parenthood's baby-parts trafficking, of the 243 hours of air-time available to NBC, CBS, and ABC on their various news shows, only 73 seconds has been devoted to broadcasting the actual videos.   Statistically that is 0.008%, or [extremely close to] a big fat zero.   Of that 1 minute and 13 seconds:   Controversial video played: 0 seconds.   Controversial imagery shown: 0 seconds.   Controversial comments said: 1 minute, 5 seconds.   The news shows not once played even blurred or pixilated footage of babies’ hands and legs picked apart in a dish -- footage prominently shown in the fifth video."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Gerard Henry: black lives matter begins in the womb
"'Are we going to sit here and allow a particular party line to ignore funding $500M to an organization that was designed to exterminate you and your people?...   If our so-called African American leaders want to lead marches and protests as it relates to lives that have been taken by rogue cops and by racist cops -- and that's real and that exists...   why don't we start by marching in front of Planned Parenthood?...'..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Laura Ingraham
Orlando FL airport spending $250K to build Muslim prayer room
WKMG Click Orlando

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
_Real Clear Politics_
where do the neo-conservative/Bush RINOs stand? (video)

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Laura Ingraham
John Kasich: Many of the people who came here illegally are model citizens with jobs who are helping the work-force (mp3)

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz barn-storms through the South to sold-out crowds

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
veiled and bloodied effigies erected in Prague to protest stoning of women under Islam

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Turkish barbers see business boom in shaving as ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has damaged fashion of keeping a beard

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
actor John Rhys-Davies decries the extraordinary silence in the West as Islamic violence continues

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Christians are being abused as a form of currency by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate as mass kidnappings continue

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Daniel Greenfield _Family Security Matters_
Obummer has been pushing Isreal to release Muslims convicted of using fire-bombs on Jews
"This war, in which cars and buses are torched with families still inside, is not the work of a tiny minority of extremists.   Its perpetrators have the support of the Palestinian Authority.   Some have been set free from Israeli prisons through the intervention of the PA, [Barack Hussein Obummer] and John Kerry.   Last week Inbar, a young mother of three, was burned over 15% of her body after a Molotov cocktail was thrown at her car in Jerusalem.   Despite her injuries, she was one of the lucky ones.   Last year Ayala Shapira, an 11-year-old girl, was on the way home from math class.   Her parents were driving her back to the village of El Matan (God's Gift) when Muslim terrorists threw fire-bombs at their car.   The bomb smashed through the window and landed on her lap setting her hair and clothes on fire..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
2009-12-01, Hitlery Rotten Clinton had requested a book with tips on how to scrub files (including e-mail messages) so they could not be recovered
Jonathan Karl & Summer Fields: abc
"The last batch of Hillary Clinton e-mails released by the State Department included one from Clinton asking to borrow a book called _Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better_, by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe...   Take, for example, Chapter Six: 'The Email That Can Land You In Jail'.   The chapter includes a section entitled 'How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted'...   on page 226, the writers warn, 'If you're issued a sub-poena, your deletion binge will only make you look guilty.'..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
some federal officials have known about Clinton's classified e-mail messages since May
Greg Gordon, Marisa Taylor & Anita Kumar: McClatchy

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
judge has now ordered Hitlery Rotten Clinton and her top aides to preserve all records; but she missed deadline to certify compliance

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Margaret Knapp _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: section 793 of the penal code is what Hitlery Rotten Clinton has to worry about
"'My point is when you set up an unsecured server in your barn adjacent to your home in Chappaqua, New York, you have intentionally -- forget about negligence -- you have intentionally bypassed the security process for that server.', said Levin, a former chief of staff at the Justice Department."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Swiss Roman Catholic bishop quoted Bible/Torah at Catholic conference, sued by homosexual
"...Bishop Huonder, who is known for his traditional views on marriage, discussed many passages during his 50 minute presentation, designed to outline a Christian view of marriage and the family.   Starting with passages from Genesis, the bishop described marriage as between one man and one woman, as modelled by Adam and Eve, before citing the 10 Commandments and exhortations in the New Testament for men and women to love, honour and respect their marital partners.   However, during the course of his discussion, bishop Huonder also quoted Leviticus 18:22, which calls homosexual sex 'an abomination', and Leviticus 20:13, which states: 'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.   They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.'...   [see also Numbers 25:7 with respect to an STD epidemic]"

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
Union U resigned from the Council for Christian College and Universities over same-sex "marriage"

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Pew poll: majority say arms ownership protects them from crime

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Alabama attorney-general Luther Strange opposes CFPB regulations on store-front lenders
"...'These statements are worrying because recent research indicates that pay-day loans can play a beneficial role for some consumers.', he wrote.   'Eliminating the product will not eliminate the demand for it.'   Mr. Strange questioned why the CFPB is moving to regulate storefront lenders at all.   'Consumer financial protection has long been the prerogative of state regulation.   But the CFPB's proposal would alter that balance by preempting a broad range of state rules tailored to local credit markets.', Mr. Strange wrote."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Joel Naroff _News Max_
Federal Reserve must increase interest rates, or recognize that Red China's government can manipulate the USA economy

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
how a de-valued yuan makes Red Chines goods less expensive everywhere else, American goods more expensive in Red China

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Ernio Audino _Washington DC Times_
DoD in-action in the face of Kurdish military needs ony encourages ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and the Iranians

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
over 1,200 Baltimore city employees get $100K or more per year
"A search of a data-base of the salaries of the city's 14K workers shows that over 1,200 workers in city services and the police and fire departments [about 12%] make 2 and, in some cases, 3 or more times [as much as] the average salary of citizens of the city.   According to U.S. Census data, the median household income in Baltimore is $41,385.   The census also reports that 23.8% of the city's residents are below the poverty level..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Jon Fleischman _Breitbart_
can California Republican legislators unite to keep campaign promises and stop state tax increases?

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Paul E. Peterson _Washington DC Times_
teachers and schools are well-funded
"In the school districts where our respondents lived, the expenditures per pupil came to $12,440 per pupil in 2012, the last year for which information is available.   But when we asked respondents to estimate per-pupil expenditures in their local school district, they guessed, on average, just $6,307, little more than half actual spending levels.   In other words, the public is badly mis-informed, very probably because the main-stream media does such a poor job of telling people how much money is actually being spent on their schools...   We also discovered that people are a lot less likely to support higher pay for teachers once they find out current salary levels.   According to NCES, teacher salaries, excluding pension, medical and other benefits, in the states where our respondents live come to $57,058, on average.   But the public estimate of teacher salaries in their state comes to just $38,294, about two-thirds of the actual salary level that the average teacher is paid.   IOW, people seriously under-estimate how well teachers are being paid..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 93.1 in late-July to 92.9 in mid-August
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Chikungunya, mosquito-borne virus has been found again in Texas
"There is no treatment or vaccine for infection by the virus but the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, has reported that an experimental vaccine has been found to protect monkeys from the Chikungunya virus.   The first locally acquired case of Chikunhunya in the states was reported in Florida on July 17th.   The fever was found for the first time in the Americas in late 2013, on islands in the Caribbean.   The fever is similar to dengue fever and is most prevalent in Africa, India, southeastern Asia, Europe, and the Indian and Pacific Oceans.   It is transmitted to humans by 2 species of mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus...   There are [at least 5] mosquito-borne diseases -- Chikungunya, Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus, [yellow fever, and malaria]."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
when federal subsidies expire, solar energy bubble will most likely burst

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Anthony Watts
U of AL at Huntsville global temperature report: the pause continues through 2015 July

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
poll: 23% of Americans view John Boehner favorably, 22% view Mitch McConnell favorably; both losers should be replaced with real Republicans

This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Ken Blackwell, (8) Rick Santorum, (9) Scott Walker, (10) Ted Cruz, (10) Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Tom Cotton, Rick Perry, Ben S. Carson, Carly Fiorina, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
Thomas Stearman _Washington DC Times_
dropping atom bombs 70 years ago was necessary to end WW2
"When the war finally ended on 1945 Aug. 15, I felt I had received a reprieve after having, in effect, been on a death row since mid-July when we got orders that our landing ship would be in the first assault wave in the first landing on a Japanese mainland island.   We were to land on the east coast of Kyushu, just south of the city of Miyazaki, on 1945 Nov. 1.   After reading the intelligence annex of the operation plan, I was stunned.   I had to conclude that, after having just turned 23, I most probably, had only three and a half months to live.   The most frightening intelligence was that the Japanese had 5K kamikaze aircraft (it turned out that they actually had 12,700).   This most got my attention, since earlier our landing ship came within 30 seconds of being destroyed by one.   In fact, I could see the pilot's face before he was shot down.   Our group had lost two of its 6 ships to kamikazes on a single morning.   During the 83 day Okinawa campaign, kamikazes killed nearly 5K Navy personal..."

2015-08-13 (5775 Ab 28)
DNA evidence confirms Warren G. Harding's adultery
"...Nan Britton, who scandalized a nation with stories of carnal adventures in a White House coat closet and endured a ferocious backlash for publicly claiming that she bore the love child of President Warren G. Harding.   Now nearly a century later, according to genealogists, new genetic tests confirm for the first time that Ms. Britton's daughter, Elizabeth Ann Blaesing, was indeed Harding's child..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "Most people think of research as either high-brow of impractical. Research is an organized method of finding out what you are going to do when you can't keep on doing what you are doing now." --- Charles Kettering (quoted in David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pg 323)  



1040-08-14: king Duncan i/Dhonnchaid mac Crinan (husband of Sybilla of Northumberland/Suthen/Sibylla fitz Ward), was killed in battle at Pitgaveny/Bothnagowan, Elgin, MorayShire against his first cousin and rival MacBeth. He was buried on the island of Iona.
1057-08-14: Duncan's son, king Malcolm iii of Scotland/Caenn Mor/Maol Choluim mac Dhonnchaidh/Mael Coluim mac Donnchada killed MacBeth in battle at Lumphanan.
1971-08-14: the wicked president Richard Nixon completed the break from the gold standard by ending convertibility of the United States dollar into gold by foreign investors.

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
_News Max_/_Reuters_
corrupt Obummer-appointed DC appeals court judge declared that US citizens don't have "standing" to sue against Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal refusal to enforce immigration laws
Washington DC Times

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cyberast News Service_
DHS inspector-genersl: data on illegal alien "work permits" issued after injunction is "unreliable"
Dan Cadman: Center for Immigration Studies

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Laura Ingraham
illegal alien arrested for "extremely violent" triple homicide in Lehigh Acres, FL
Lehigh Acres FL Gazette
Shamar Walters: NBC
Adan Salazar: InfoWars
Lee county FL sheriff's office

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
hundreds of extra police are being sent to Malmoe, Sweden, which has been hit by wave of "migrant" and "asylum seeker" violence: 30 explosions so far this year -- up from 25 in 2014

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
economic "migrants" queueing up at Calais for entry into UK; we know they're all innocent, because the media tell us they are

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
masked men attack "refugees" off Greek island of Kos
UK Independent

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Laura Ingraham
ObummerDoesn'tCare web-site/system did not try to verify citizenship/eligibility nor Socialist Insecurity Numbers (SINs)
Ali Meyer: Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
chairman Robert W. Goodlatte criticized Obummer regime over crimes committed by illegal aliens

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
State Dept. employee sentenced for selling visas to people previously denied entry into USA at $15K - $70K apiece
"...netted more than $9M during two years that it ran, submitted about 500 fraudulent visa applications, and almost all of them were granted...   Michael T. Sestak, who ran the non-immigrant visa section of the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, took home about $3M of that, which he laundered through buying properties in Thailand, federal authorities said..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
semantics, political correctness, and bizarre priorities obscure honesty in immigration discussions
"...many [leftist] journalists and authors of otherwise bright intellect abandon their capacity for neutrality or dispassionate analysis when the subject of immigration arises.   This lack of capacity for critical examination is especially disturbing for an attorney and 'senior legal analyst' (at CNN) like Toobin...

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
a grim suggestion about the young Central American illegal aliens now in the USA
"...In short, most of these young males in that Arlington,Va., courtroom were, in a specialized sense, members of a Central American elite: they were young enough and strong enough and adventurous enough to make their way illegally to the United States.   This was in contrast to three other sets of young males in Central America: the children of the local establishment, a small group; a larger group of gang members; and those who were too under-motivated, or too poor, or too sick to attempt to leave the country.   It struck me that I was looking at the very kind of people who staff change -- even revolutions -- around the world; and we, the United States, have lifted the lid from the pressure cooker in their home countries by removing those potential change agents from those nations...

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
court victory for American workers but no immediate relief in sight from OPT

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
John Stossel's information about immigration could use more focus and context
"Anyone who debates an open-borders advocate can expect to be hit with a barrage of 'factoids' -- pro-immigration claims that contain some element of truth, but that obscure the broader picture.   That's exactly what columnist Ann Coulter encountered when she debated immigration with John Stossel, a libertarian talk-show host.   One of Stossel's factoids was particularly misleading.   Here's part of his own summary of the debate: 'Coulter says that the new immigrants don't assimilate the way Europeans did.   Maybe that's true, but I pointed out that immigrants from Nigeria, Jamaica, and Ghana are more likely to be employed than native-born Americans and twice as likely to get a college degree.   I don't believe it., answered Coulter.   (Emphasis added.)'   Coulter was right to be skeptical.   The following table shows that all 3 groups are indeed more likely than natives to be employed.   However, only Nigerian immigrants, not Jamaicans or Ghanaians, are substantially more likely to have a college degree...   The problems with the factoid don't end there.   Stossel purports to show that new immigrants surpass natives economically, but the three immigrant groups he chose -- call them 'the Stossel Three' -- are just 2.7% of the adult foreign-born population.   If Stossel wanted to make a point about immigrant economic success, why didn't he illustrate it with the most common immigrant nationalities?   Probably because he would no longer have a point.   As the table indicates, 28% of all adult immigrants in the United States are from Mexico, but just 6% of Mexican immigrants have a college degree.   Furthermore, employment and education do not provide a complete economic picture, especially for immigrants.   In modern America, employment is not an automatic ticket out of poverty, as the fourth column in the table shows.   Adult immigrants, including those from the Stossel Three, are more likely to be in or near poverty compared to natives.   Even a college degree is not a guarantee of prosperity for immigrants, since skills may not transfer easily between countries.   (We've all heard the stories about immigrant taxi drivers with PhDs.)   Moreover, with accreditation systems that are weak or non-existent, many colleges in developing countries are of very low quality.   Perhaps this helps explain why, according to the last column of the table, more than one-third of Nigerian-headed households use welfare despite the large share with a college education.   Finally, immigrants from the Stossel Three are not representative of their compatriots back home.   Nigeria, Jamaica, and Ghana are poor countries and only a select few are able to immigrate.   If we had open borders, which appears to be Stossel's position, a far poorer and less educated group of immigrants than the Stossel Three would likely arrive.   The bottom line is that immigrants vary enormously in their economic success here in America.   Countries such as India generally send [people with a narrow set of skills of no definite level] to the [United States of America], while Mexico sends mostly unskilled workers.   Factoids about 3 minor sending countries serve only to mislead about the overall effect of immigration.   If we want the most successful immigrants that Stossel touts, we need a careful, limited selection system -- not open borders."
Then there's the likelihood that a lot fewer native US citizens would be unemployed or under-employed if the flood of cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics were cut off.

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
home-grown Muslim terrorism is being fueled by Obummer+Shrub immigration system
"In a letter posted to various [Obummer regime] officials senators Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz on Wednesday asked the question we've been asking (alternate link) since it was revealed that the Muslim Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were welcomed into the United States as 'refugees' and given welfare and other government benefits during their youthful inculcation in radical Islamist thought and terrorist tactics.   'We would like to understand more about these individuals, and others similarly situated in recent history, and the nexus between terrorism and our immigration system.'   Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), chairman of the senate Judiciary committee's sub-committee on Immigration and the National Interest, and senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), chairman of the Judiciary committee's sub-committee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts, sent the letter to Obama Administration officials with responsibility for immigration and terrorism.   The letter addresses the large number of persons inside the United States involved with ISIS and other Islamic terror organizations whose presence in the United States results from [Obummer and Shrub] immigration policy.   And the Cruz - Sessions letter wasn't just a 'drive by' political point-maker or media ploy; it asks for detailed information on the immigration history, including family immigration history, of 72 individuals involved with or sentenced for terrorist activity in just the last year alone (pdf).   And remember, this is just one year's worth of Muslim terrorists operating here in the United States.   During the time the Tsarnaevs came to America, from 2000 to 2013 (the last year for which statistics are available) some 2,338,013 legal immigrants arrived in America from Muslim countries [an average of 14K/month].   Why does America need over 2.3M Muslim immigrants?   What is the benefit to America?   Moreover, what are the risks?   Which government agency is vetting who arrives, who gets to stay and who qualifies for US citizenship?   [No one is doing proper background investigations of visa applicants.]   Transferring murder, mayhem and radicalism from dysfunctional Islamic countries to Europe and America, and in so doing voluntarily putting our own citizens at great risk is not a requirement of being a compassionate, open-minded, enlightened and tolerant human being...   Islam, as it is today practiced by millions of Muslims across the globe, is inimical to the separation of church and state, and [to] government based on constitutional liberty.   We are in a war of ideas, not just with radical Islamists, but with concepts deeply embedded in Muslim culture.   And as long as mass legal (and illegal) immigration from Muslim countries continues unabated we are losing that war.   Which leads us to ask, why would we bring these vipers to America and PAY THEM to stay here?"

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Larry Klayman _WND_
challenge to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens is headed to the supremes: next step in sheriff Joe Arpaio's law-suit
"...Is there hope the Supreme Court will stand up against growing tyranny to protect our Constitution? Even that hope is rapidly vanishing.   I founded Judicial Watch in 1994 and later founded Freedom Watch with the goal of challenging the perversion of our nation's laws, fighting government corruption and promoting transparency of government to the people.   But I believed back then that there was still some chance left that some judges would stand up against lawlessness.   Now, we wonder if America has sunk too low already.   When the Supreme Court openly behaves like a political focus group instead of a studied panel of learned judges, even federal judges with integrity are bound to follow the winds blowing through the top court.   It is important to recognize that the courts have not made any actual decision on the substance or 'merits' of Arpaio's law-suit.   Abuses of 'standing' -- invented by judges -- are used to side-step challenges to government abuse and over-reach.   This is a routine and disturbing pattern.   The courts just avoid making any decision at all..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
Reeh/רְאֵה/reh/rah/raah: How am I doing?: seeking constructive criticism vs. false prophets
"Feed-back also needs to be specific.   It is not helpful to say, 'That was stupid.', 'You'll never be good at that.', or even, 'Great job!'.   It is helpful to say, 'You turned left when you should have turned right.', or, 'When you softened your voice and smiled, it was easier to listen to you.'.   The description of behavior is what is necessary, not evaluation...   We often mistake the nature of the mission of the prophet, assuming that it is to predict the future.   But that is certainly not the mission of the great biblical prophets.   Rather, their mission was, in our terms, to give constructive feed-back to the people, pointing out their faults and guiding them in a more positive direction.   The false prophet not only gives false guarantees about the future, complacently predicting peace and tranquility, but assures the people that they are doing nothing wrong, that they need not change their behavior.   The false prophet gives no feed-back..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
straight outta white-wash
Cybercast News Service
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times: Obummer regime criticized for "straight outta" twit pushing his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
good news at last from Africa

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
Kurdish leader criticized Turkey's president

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
David Davenport _Jewish World Review_
GOP primary campaign is like baseball in August

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
Trump indicts USA's "ruling class"
"...The rise -- and, for that matter, the fall, if fall it is -- of Trump is an indictment of the GOP establishment and, for that matter, of the American political establishment in general.   And that failure bodes poorly for the future, regardless of what happens to Trump.   Trump's rise is, like that of his Democratic counterpart Bernie Sanders, a sign that a large number of voters don't feel represented...   On many issues, ranging from immigration reform, which many critics view as tantamount to open borders, to bail-outs for bankers, the Republican and Democratic establishments agree, while a large number (quite possibly a majority) of Americans across the political spectrum [think and feel] otherwise...   The real disease is in the ruling class that takes such important subjects out of political play, in its own interest.   As Angelo Codevilla wrote in an influential essay in 2010, today's 'ruling class' is a monoculture that has little in common with the rest of the nation..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Claire Galofaro & Adam Beam _Cybercast News Service_
county clerks challenge judge's order WRT same-sex "marriage"
News Max/AP

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Ed Lasky _American Thinker_
and the Obummer regime's next argument for his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems will be...

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
David Siegel, Israel's consul-general in Los Angeles, says we know that Iran will cheat on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
veterans against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons release new ad featuring father of US soldier killed by Iranian bomb

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Deroy Murdock _News Max_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail server held damning, top secret e-mail messages
"...This information was not just sensitive, such as when Clinton might visit, say, Islamabad -- which could tantalize the Pakistani Taliban.   Rather, these involved such things as satellite images and electronic intercepts.   Executive Order 12356 of 1982 specifies that these secrets' unauthorized disclosure could cause 'exceptionally grave damage to the national security'.   If the ICIG's sample mirrors Clinton's other e-mails, some 1,500 could be Top Secret..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Jerry Schmitt _American Thinker_
Signals intelligence (SigInt): a lesson for Hitlery Rotten Clinton
"...Ordinary American civilians during WW2 were charged with the responsibility and duty to cultivate this key signal intelligence on behalf of our allied soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.   The security awareness, integrity, and vigilance of these Americans in WW2 should be acknowledged and honored.   Instead, it has been dishonored and betrayed by the conduct of Madame Secretary of State, Hillary R. Clinton.   Her cavalier attitude (at best) toward preserving the secrecy of critical modern SigInt contained in her emails is not an example to be set by a competent commander in chief.   Americans may not know who exactly plays the role of General Rommel in today's shadowy war by global terror.   But Americans understand the importance of SigInt.   U.S. [tax-victims] have invested untold billions of dollars into the NSA -- the modern equivalent of Chopmist Hill.   This investment in SigInt has been betrayed and compromised by Hillary Clinton's careless conduct -- conferring advantage to the [enemies of the USA]..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Laura Ingraham
intelligence community wants Hitlery Rotten Clinton's security clearance suspended
Rowan Scarborough: Washington DC Times
What!?!?   She's no longer in the cabinet, no longer employed by the government.   Her clearance should have been terminated the day she left.   And only held in abeyance for 12 months for possible re-activation after an incremental background investigation, and possibly a fresh polygraph.

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
Red China could suffer $1T loss of foreign investment

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
Red Chinese thugocracy fears revolution by workers who moved from the boonies to work in factory cities as employment drops and equities and money markets drop
"A 250M Chinese are employed in export industries, and last month's 8.3% plunge in exports threatened the loss of 16.6M jobs.   [Red China's] economic success attracted 252M workers [who moved] from the countryside as city wages rose by 10% per year for a decade.   But now that population is in danger of losing their economic life-line -- and could prove politically volatile.   [Red China] has a total population of 1.35G and a work-force of 764.2M people.   About 359.14M are employed in the urban environment and 405M are employed in rural areas, mostly still in agriculture.   But 252.78M urban workers are rural migrant laborers, with 158.63M working outside their distant home provinces...   The official June unemployment rate in urban China stood at 4.1% since 2011.   The official number of unemployed persons is 9.2M.   But that number does not necessarily include the rural hukou who have been working in cities as migrants...   Since [the people who moved from rural area have only temporary work permits to work for a particular company], they have virtually no access to 'social welfare' or unemployment benefits if they are laid off.   With no benefits for migrants filing for unemployment, [and official unemployment rates based on applicants for unemployment insurance benefits rather than population samples, Red China's] unemployment rate is severely under-stated.   [Red China] claims to have a $10.3T GDP, but many analysts believe the number is inflated.   There is good data that [Red China] exports $2.1T and imports only $1.4T a year.   Analysts expected [Red China's] July export numbers to only drop by 1%, after growing by 2.8% in June.   However, the data revealed that demand from the Europe Union, [Red China's] biggest trading partner, crashed by 2.3%.   [Red China] announced a year ago that it would be changing the hukou system over the next 6 years to give 100M rural hukou permanent urban residence rights..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Silvio Canto ii _American Thinker_
Fidel Castro to Obummer: "yo quiero dolares" for my birth-day

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Castros owe $7G to USA; demand millions from USA tax-victims

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
_News Max_
Marco Rubio: Obummer has been quick to be friendly with the oppressors, but slow to defend the oppressed
"In the speech, he pledges to roll back...[Obummer's] concessions to Cuba [the Castro brothers] and the recently completed nuclear [treaty] with Iran and says he will 'repair the damage done to America's standing in the Middle East'."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
the haughty John Kerry says he feels very much at home in the dictatorship of Cuba; so, make him stay there!

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Ed Royce (R-CA): Russia and Iran are already violating provisions of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Daniel John Sobieski: American Thinker

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
_Conservative HQ_
count-down to armageddon: less than 35 days to stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"...CHQ endorsed Congressman and candidate for Florida's Republican senate nomination to succeed Marco Rubio joined with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton (also endorsed by CHQ) to write a powerful indictment of [Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons].   DeSantis and Cotton (both Iraq war vets) cogently explained that [Obummer's treaty] doesn't stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.   Even if they abide by the deal, which is highly unlikely, we are merely kicking the can down the road and allowing them to develop nuclear weapons in 10-15 years, with the blessing of the world community...."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is not protecting consumers

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Dan Weil _News Max_
Alan Blinder: it doesn't really matter when the Federal Reserve Board increases interest rates
"'Unless you are a bond trader betting on the outcome...[it] doesn't matter much.', the Princeton University economist writes in The Wall Street Journal.   The Fed has kept its federal funds rate target at a record low of zero to 0.25% since December 2008.   The choice means little for the economy, Blinder says.   '[Its] performance in 2016 and 2017 will hardly differ depending on whether interest rates start rising in September or December.'..."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
John J. Xenakis _Breitbart_
violence in western Asia's Fergana valley as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan dispute borders and Muslims agitate; ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate raises concerns about violent Muslims in Western Asia

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
_News Max_/_AP_
Japan's prime-minister Sinzo Abe expressed profound grief for those who died in WW2
Maria Stainer: Washington DC Times

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Chet Richards _American Thinker_
regressives vs. free and honest markets

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Brenton Smith _American Thinker_
the temporary, unconstitutional aberration, Socialist Insecurity, at 80

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Ira Brodsky _American Thinker_
using federal regulatory agencies as clubs against competitors: the FDA

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
PA man lost suit to keep ObummerDoesn'tCare plan he liked
So, under the unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare, you can't keep the doctor or health insurance policy you liked before ObummerDoesn'tCare came along.   And now, you can't keep the health insurance policy you got under ObummerDoesn'tCare.2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
Scott Walker: Republican voters are frustrated, upset with Washington DC
"As Walker discussed American's frustration with Washington, he barely mentioned [president Obummer].   Instead, he criticized the changing goal-lines of Republicans in congress, saying first they needed the House, then the senate to affect real change.   'Okay, they have the senate now', Walker said, 'and the [treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons] is about to go through.'   He continued the critique of Republican [losership], 'There is no excuse why Washington can't de-fund Planned Parenthood or get rid of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].'   Walker noted that he de-funded Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin, a state that 'hadn't gone Republican for President since 1984'."

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
Scott Walker is still evasive on border security, visas, immigration

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
Scott Walker praised tax-victim funding of stadium... that benefits $150K donor to his campaign

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz's southern campaign tour; Donald Trump, former Democrat, never at a loss for words; Eventually, conservatives will assess Fiorina strictly on her merits; Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood founded to control black population

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Obummer regime threatens states which de-fund evil Planned Parenthood

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Andrew de Millo _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Arkansas joins states banning Medicaid to evil Planned Parenthood

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz rally took a personal turn

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
will Obummer weaken US and appease Russa by disarming our missile defense?

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Deborah Simmons _Washington DC Times_
things you need to know about "school spending"

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Jeffrey Sonnenfield _Fortune_
Carly Fiorina as boss
Sonnenfield: are all, some, few, or no CEOs heroes? (video)
Consider the source.

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Isvari Mohan _Washington DC Times_
Pirates of the Holy Land (part 1)

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
idiot-car hacker found flaws in GM, Mercedes, BMS & Chrysler systems
"[IdiotPhone] applications that work with those automobiles have the same problem that GM's RemoteLink app did and could potentially be exploited to give hackers full control over critical functionality, he explained in a follow-up interview to Ars Technica, a technology web-site.   The 'OwnStar' has to be custom built and then physically affixed to a targeted vehicle.   Once that much is accomplished, however, Mr. Kamkar says it's not that difficult for a hacker to gain remote access over the auto.   The box contains a Wi-Fi hotspot that's configured to trick the RemoteLink phone app into establishing a connection; once the devices begin communicating, the OwnStar exploits a security flaw involving the way user credentials are sent from the app to GM's servers in order to capture that data and pass it to the person running the malicious Wi-Fi network.   Not only did the exploit work with the RemoteLink for OnStar, but an updated version of his tool can take advantage of the same vulnerability in the BMW Remote, Mercedes-Benz mbrace and Chrysler's Uconnect services on Apple iOS devices, Ars Technica reported..."
Sean Gallagher: Ars Technica

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
church built gun range; teaching, learning, and practicing proper use of arms

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Pedro Gonzales _News Machete_
should schools teach "anti-bullying" toward businessmen, arms owners, freedom of speech advocates, and the un-born?

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Joseph Farah _WND_
meet the new world of illiberal "liberal arts education": so-called "micro-aggression"

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
"halal" slaughter-house where staff were caught abusing animals has been shut down

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Laura Ingraham
North Texas man turned "dumbest idea ever" into big business
David Goins: WFAA

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
paparazzi: stop harassing cousin Georgie!

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)

This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Rick Santorum, (8) Scott Walker, (9) Ted Cruz, (10) Ken Blackwell, (11) Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Ben S. Carson, Donald Trump, Tom Cotton, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
power-mad Obummer plans more regulations on land-fills and garbage

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Robert Brown & Werner Brozek
study: on WikiPedia, controversial topics are vulnerable to information sabotage

2015-08-14 (5775 Ab 29)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-08-15 (5775 Ab 30)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
court ruling means that foreign students on STEM internships may have to leave USA next year due to illegal extension of OPT to 29 months
"...In 2008, the year the extension was adopted, the U.S. approved 28,500 OPT applications.   In 2013, it approved 123K..."

2015-08-15 (5775 Ab 30)
Dilbert creator Scott Adams: Trump "bitch-slapped" the entire GOP losership
Scott Adams: Dilbert: clown genius

2015-08-15 (5775 Ab 30)
Pedro Gonzales _News Machete_
a psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association's decision to side with terrorists, and others who have declared themselves enemies of the USA
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy, as HaShem your God commanded you.   Six days shalt you labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath unto HaShem your God, in it you shalt not do any manner of work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your man-servant, nor your maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates; that your man-servant and your maid-servant may rest as well as you.   And you shall remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and HaShem your God brought you out thence by a mighty hand and by an out-stretched arm; therefore HaShem your God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:11-14  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density


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