2015 October, week 3

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-04-10

  "No senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in office." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 2  

2015 October
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2015 October, week 1 (1-5) (95KB)
2015 October, week 2 (6-12) (220KB)
2015 October, week 3 (13-19) (220KB)
2015 October, week 4 (20-26) (245KB)
2015 October, week 5 (27-30) (300KB)

  "...many of the RISC concepts had been articulated for even earlier high-performance systems, beginning at least with the CDC 6600, developed in the early 1960s." --- Shlomo Weiss & James E. Smith 1994 _POWER & PowerPC_ pg 3  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 October

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson's response to GQ's "F Ben Carson" article: "pray for them"

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Ben Carson shut down hostile TV interviewer; an armed citizenry constrains government from abusing
"...reminded Dickerson that our Founding Fathers' purpose in adding the Second Amendment was to keep the citizenry armed and the government constrained...   'What I'm talking about is the reason that we have a Second Amendment.   This is a book about the Constitution and the Second Amendment is part of it.   And it is there for the reasons that I stated in the book.   Specifically, in the case of an invasion by a foreign power the people would be able to aid the military.   And also, if we have a time when we have the wrong people in office, and they want to dominate the people, the people will be able to defend themselves.   As Daniel Webster eloquently said, The people of America will never suffer under tyranny because they are armed.'..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: I feel much better being armed
"...When host John Dickerson asked Trump if he actually carries a gun on his person, Trump made clear that he does on occasion and explained that so doing is a way not simply to keep himself safe but those around him as well..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Jerome Hudson _Breitbart_
Martin Luther King ii's sister-in-law carjacked, punched in the face in Atlanta Friday

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
home invader punched, held at sword-point by roller derby girl, Thursday

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Moonbeam Brown signed bill unconstitutionally banned bearing arms on campus
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Michigan man shot sheriff's deputy with cross-bow after assaulting neighbor with pitch-fork

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Pamela Geller _WND_
court dictates that NY transit must carry pro-Muslim ads, though ads against violence-initiating Muslims have been blocked

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
USA is under spiritual attack
"Last week we had the privilege of appearing with John Stossel on Fox News to discuss the attack on free speech in America.   He told us that today people who say the wrong things lose their jobs.   We couldn't agree more.   His hour-long special titled, 'Censored in America', was an eye-opening look into the reality of the direct assault on conservative values in America today.   Unfortunately, many Americans don't realize just how deep the attack on free speech has become -- partly because main-stream media won't tell the truth, and partly because Americans would rather not know the truth..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
why is money still flowing to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Iraq claims air-strike on ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Iranian "women's soccer team" is mostly men

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
dictatorship goes global
"Over the weekend, the British government announced the humble requests that it proposes to submit to Britain's European masters.   If all 27 other member-satrapies of the European tyranny-by-clerk agree to let Britain keep its own currency, to let the British parliament set the rules for the city of London, the world's largest financial center, and not to be made to follow rules set by the nations that have adopted the now-failed euro, then the children in charge of the British government will recommend to the people that we should vote to remain subject to the dictatorship of Brussels..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
Louis Farrakhan's hate-fest demands "reparations or else!"
"...This demagogue has openly incited violence against whites and police in the lead-up to the event, and a number of speakers Saturday followed suit..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
let's get to the truth about Planned Parenthood
"I was talking recently with a mother (and grand-mother) whom I've had the privilege of knowing for many years.   We were discussing the Planned Parenthood news story, and I asked her to tell me, from her perspective, how she viewed it.   The essence of our conversation is as follows:   She looked carefully at me to determine if I was serious, and then she said: 'As I have been following news coverage the last few months regarding Planned Parenthood's true unveiling, I find that as a woman and a mother, I've become more concerned than ever before about the fundamental mindset of a large majority of women in America.   I've lived long enough now not to be fooled by the propaganda surrounding this travesty, so as I look at the truth of this situation, I wonder -- what in the name of God have we become?'   I said, 'I have listened to narcissistic baby-parts peddlers, male and female talk show hosts, news pundits of every persuasion, senators on investigating committees, etc., ad nauseum.   They discuss Planned Parenthood as if it were a vital solution to the countless needs that poor, helpless women have regarding their bodies...and the bodies of their fetuses (a.k.a. babies).   Is there not a gynecologist office left in America to meet women's medical needs?'   After a short pause, she responded, 'Everyone is arguing over the travesty of harvesting and selling dead, partially dead, or living baby parts for profit.   It's mind-bending.   The conversation has become so inane (definition: silly, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, senseless, asinine, frivolous, vapid, childish, puerile, dumb, moronic, daft) as to be downright stupefying to those of us who are grieved about one thing...we are killing our children by the millions with no guilt, no restraint, no conviction, no sanity, no soul.   What has happened to women in America?!   How did we get here?   How can we mindlessly destroy a life -- a human being -- somewhere between lunch and dinner and then casually head out to work the next day as though we didn't do what we just did?'..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Bill Cassidy & David Prentice _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood's defense is a sham

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
ACLU ramping up campaign to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions and sterilizations

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Daniel Horowitz: Paul Ryan is the next worst option for speaker after John Boehner and Eric Canter and Kevin McCarthy
"'Paul Ryan is perceived as...this amazing, articulate, sincere conservative...but, in reality, this is the guy that [concedes to the left in] every budget deal.', he reminded the listeners.   Horowitz, the senior editor of Conservative Review, also slammed Ryan on his long record pushing for large-scale [i.e. vastly excessive, low-standard, no-standard] immigration, saying 'I think he's genuinely sincere...   He is a true believer.   And that's scary.'..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
as Paul Ryan's campaign to become speaker falls apart, more Republicans throw their hats in
"...The 2 who have, at this time, the most likely ability to unite the GOP conference and achieve well more than the necessary 218 votes on the House floor are House Energy and Commerce Committee vice chairwoman representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and former House chief-deputy-whip representative Peter Roskam (R-IL).   Other Republicans like representative Matt Salmon (R-AZ), representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT), representative Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), and even current non-House member former speaker Newt Gingrich are considering bids..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
American Conservative Union (ACU) examination of voting records rate Marsha Blackburn "most viable" (and therefore most suspect of being bad)

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
David Frum: Paul Ryan would back Obummer's perversion of immigration laws

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
vandals at U of CA at Davis: anti-religious slurs carved into cars

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Robert Davi _Breitbart_
Donald Trump is the political lion we need

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: vast majority of Republicans in congress are moving the leftist Obummer agenda

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: Obummer & Hitlery Rotten Clinton have made the Middle East more dangerous by conveying weakness and lack of will to defend liberty

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
Federal Reserve System, Obummer regime, & congress are setting up the next financial bubble
Jewish World Review
"My 13-year-old son told me at the dinner table the other day that Franklin Roosevelt was one of America's 'greatest presidents' because 'he ended the Great Depression'.   He's usually a good student, so I checked where he got this tripe and sure enough the fairy tale was right there in his American history book.   Sure enough his text book tells kids that the New Deal ended the Great Depression and even saved capitalism.   Of course the New Deal exacerbated the pain and financial devastation of a stock market crash, and unemployment lingered in double digits for a decade after Roosevelt was elected until the start of World War 2.   We get this kind of rampant revisionism because the left writes the history books -- which they are doing right now.   Here's the latest story line: bail-outs, trillions of dollars of government spending and debt, easy money, and re-regulation of Wall Street ended the 2008 Great Recession.   The myth took on new life last week when Ben Bernanke took a bow in The Wall Street Journal for in his mind saving the economy with his $3T of quantitative easing and zero interest rate policy.   No, actually this is what created the crisis.   Don't be surprised if Mr. Bernanke receives a Nobel Peace Prize.   As Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute and other scholars have thoroughly documented, the crash of 2008 was caused by the Federal Reserve's easy money policies for nearly a decade, government housing policies that led to preposterous mortgage loans being issued, and massive overleverage of government, companies, and households.   Why does any of this history matter?   Since Washington doesn't understand what went wrong in 2007 and 2008, so the Fed, the White House and Congress are recreating the very same conditions for another financial bubble.   If it pops, we could replay the same devastating effects as occurred during the first bubble in 1999 and 2000.   It is doing so in 4 ways: First, the Dodd-Frank regulations are causing one of the greatest consolidations of the banking industry since the Great Depression.   Those indispensable small savings and loans that Jimmy Stewart operated in the movie 'It's a Wonderful Life' are disappearing from the American landscape.   This is because only really big banks have the size to spread the costs of Dodd-Frank compliance officers and costs.   So we have created a competitive advantage that allows the sharks to swallow the minnows.   Meanwhile, the 'too big to fail' safety net to [Bank of India], Citi, and other titans exacerbates this cost advantage of big banks and thus makes bailouts even more likely in the future.   Second, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are engaged in the same low interest rate lending mania of 2004-2007 and the [Obummer regime] is on a [Shrub-like] home-ownership push..."

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
9-year-old girl married to 78-year-old man in Kenya

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Minneapolis police: metro bus driver Mahmud Dabshir Aden refused to let pregnant 16-year-old girl off bus, demanded sex

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Red Chines government announced additional crack-downs against Christian churches

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
UK "Home Office" bans luxury goods for asylum seekers

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
steep rise in immigrant witchcraft- and exorcism-related child abuse increasing in UK

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
UK government's demands to EU: no treaty change, free movement among EU nations remains

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
NumbersUSA president Roy Beck: Paul Ryan as speaker of House would be terrifying; open borders speeps out of every pore of his being

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
John Fund _National Review_
dark-horse candidates for speaker of House

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Ulysses Arn _True Blue Republican State_
Adam Kinzinger's war against the House Freedom Caucus

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Willis Eschenbach
scientific urban legends

2015-10-11 (5776 Tishri 28)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Like every other biological phenomenon, innovative behavior has as its purpose survival itself.   Given the earth's limited resources, every long-surviving lineage becomes more bionomically efficient, better adapted to the conditions of its environment.   As a lineage evolves, its members waste less energy getting food & keeping warm.   Their savings are put into producing more off-spring -- more copies of their genetic program...   this goal-directedness is called teleonomy..." --- Michael Rothschild 1992 _Bionomics_ pg 71  



This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Thomas Sowell, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ken Blackwell, (12) Ann Coulter, (13) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.     For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Tom Cotton.

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Dave Brat: next House speaker must oppose amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Moonbeam Brown signed bill allowing illegal aliens to vote

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Honduras being inundated with illegal alien Cubans heading for the USA

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: Angela Merkel's position on "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists is not sane, riots likely to continue; many of them look like prime-time soldiers

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
grading candidates for president on their likelihood to protect US citizen workers, from NumbersUSA
I would have given Sanders a D, along with Kasich; Fiorina a C- or D+; Rubio an F; Huckabee a C or C+; Christie a C-; and Cruz a C or C-.

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration questions for the Dem primary debate (part 1)
"1.   This month marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.   At the time, the late senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) argued that 'our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually [and that the bill] will not upset the ethnic mix of our society.   It will not relax the standards of admission.   It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.'   In fact, the [U.S.A. government] grants permanent residency to [just over] 1M immigrants annually.   NPR's Tom Gjelten recently wrote that 'the law definitively altered the complexion of the U.S.A. population'.   Some Americans are, in fact, losing their jobs to [non-immigrant guest-workers], such as those arriving on H-1B visas.   My question to you is this: How could senator Kennedy be so wrong and what does it tell us about promises made by politicians calling for comprehensive immigration bills in the future?     2.   Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), in an interview with Vox.com, you called the concept of open borders a 'right-wing proposal' noting that endless immigration of cheap labor 'would make everybody in America poorer'.   If you are against open borders, what annual cap do you propose for legal immigration?   Should the current high levels of permanent legal immigration at [just over] 1M a year be curtailed, despite the demands for more immigration from the [Chamber of Crony Socialists] and others?   According to a recent Gallup survey, 60% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the current level of immigration and only 7% of those who are dissatisfied say they want more immigration.     3.   Over the past year, a number of companies have been in hot water for hiring foreign workers to replace American workers in tech positions.   For example, The New York Times reports that Disney employees were forced to train their replacements, who were brought in by an out-sourcing [cross-boder bodyshopping and off-shoring] firm based in India through the H-1B visa program.   The workers were blind-sided and called it 'humiliating'.   Similar replacements were reported at Toys 'R' Us, Southern California Edison, Pfizer and other companies.   Professor Ron Hira of Howard University said the H-1B program 'has created a highly lucrative business model of bringing in cheaper H-1B workers to substitute for Americans'.   Nevertheless, some GOP presidential candidates want to increase the number of H-1B visas issued each year: senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) wants to triple the number of H-1B visas issued each year while senaor Ted Cruz (R-TX) wants to quintuple the number.   What say you -- should the U.S.A. end the program [reduce it] or grow it?..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
OPT could run out of time; can OMB approve proposed regulations in time to post them for public comment for sufficient time as required by federal court ruling?

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
would a speaker Paul Ryan rush through amnesty legislation for illegal aliens?
"...Ryan is a true-believer in unlimited employer-driven immigration, a devotee of Jack Kemp.   John Fonte writes that Ryan is the leading figure in the faction he labels 'neo-Kemp idealists' (pdf) on immigration.   Bob Costa's long National Review piece in 2013 on Ryan's central role in pushing for ever-higher levels of immigration, inspired by Kemp, cites an earlier Wired observation that Ryan's ties to the [vastly excessive]-immigration mafia ran deep'.   Paul Mirengoff at Powerline notes the curious result of a Ryan speakership...   That said, Ryan may look at the political price Marco Rubio has paid for serving as the front man for Chuck Schumer's immigration agenda, and add that to his reasons for passing on the speaker's gavel.   Both he and the country would better served if he remained as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, where he can do the most good, and the least harm."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
illegal aliens from Afghanistan hunted by UK police after shooting at Keele, West Midlands

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trade In Services Agreement (TISA) unconstitutionally remove guest-work & immigration limits: worsening Obummer's destructive legacy

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Tea Party Patriots: hold the line against Paul Ryan, elect a Republican speaker who does not back amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
new law in India forces "Mother Teresa's" order to end adoption services, close down orphanages

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is having results already
"...More importantly, the mind-set behind the decision to essentially grant international approval to Iran's nuclear program was based on the notion that the Islamist regime could be trusted and would, given enough encouragement, ultimately change to become a partner for the West.   The jaw-dropping naivete that was the foundation of [Obummer regime] policy is part of what led to what polls showed to be most of the American people and large majorities in both the House and the Senate to oppose the deal (though not enough, thanks to partisan Democrats, to stop it).   But critics didn't have to wait long for their predictions to start coming true.   As the New York Times reported, Iran announced a long-range missile test in violation of the restrictions on their missile program that was promised by the [Obummer regime].   One of the many shortcomings of the nuclear deal was its failure to address Iran's building of intercontinental ballistic missiles, a weapons system that illustrated that their nuclear program was a threat to the United States as much as it was to Israel.   But the [treaty] did leave in place the restrictions on missile testing..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
John Bolton: letting Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems are flaws in Obummer's treaty

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Ed Royce (R-CA): Iranian foreign-minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is "a bold-faced liar" after reporter is convicted of "espionage" for actually trying to report news from Iran
John Hayward: Breitbart

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Liz Sly _Jewish World Review_
Obummer promised not to context Russia; did weapons Obummer regime supplied to "vetted" Syrian "rebels" draw Russia into the conflict?

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
irresponsible Obummer regime tries to deflect blame for rotten Middle East policies and actions

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Jackson Diehl _Jewish World Review_
Putin's model of success
"Western officials who pronounce themselves puzzled about Vladimir Putin's intentions in Syria are missing some big clues.   There is a clear model for the campaign Russia is pursuing on behalf of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, a legacy that is Putin's pride: Chechnya..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Russia demands explanation after London Sunday Times reported British planes have permission to shoot down Russian jets that interfere with missions against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Bill Gertz _Fox_
admiral William Gortney: North Korea's current long-range nuclear missiles could reach USA
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: what I won't do is take in 200K "Syrians" who could be ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate terrorists

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer grew angry & annoyed at obvious questions about ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Syria in TV interview

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Russia allegedly foiled ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate terrorist attack on Moscow

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer muddled facts on Ukraine

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Dick Meyer _Jewish World Review_
hard-learned lesson: the Internet is not my friend
"The study by Kaspersky Labs surveyed 6K people 16 and older in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Benelux [Belgium+Netherlands+Luxembourg].   The results show 'the majority of these digital consumers are unable to recall critical contact details for those closest to them; and suggest a direct link between data available at the click of a button and a failure to commit that data to memory'...   Across Europe, 53% could call their children without looking up their numbers.   In the UK, 45% could remember their home phone number from when they were 10, but only 29 could now remember their children's numbers.   In the UK, 51% knew their partner's phone number, compared with almost 80% in Italy, perhaps because their partners were better cooks...   According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the average human attention span was 12 seconds in 2000.   Now it's 8.25 seconds.   A goldfish has a 9 second attention span -- if by some chance you're still paying attention..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
forgettable martyrs?
"Quick: When did Dashiell Hammett go to prison, and for what? How about Emmeline Pankhurst? Or Robert Shelton? Or William Prynne? For that matter, who exactly were Robert Shelton and William Prynne?   Shelton, then the reigning imperial wizard of the United Klans of America, went to prison in 1969 along with two other senior leaders after congress had 3 years earlier held him in contempt for refusing to turn over Klan membership lists to the House Un-American Activities Committee.   Prynne was an English lawyer and Puritan, sentenced to life in prison in the 17th century for his writings against the established church and, supposedly, against the monarchy.   At the time they went to prison, both were hugely controversial public figures.   'The treatment of William Prynne', wrote the historian William Howitt, 'is known to everybody.'   Probably that wasn't even true when Howitt penned those words, in 1834.   Certainly it isn't now.   As for Shelton, Klan leaders bragged that his imprisonment would lead to a sympathetic increase in funding and membership.   Instead, the imperial wizard's conviction accelerated the group's decline into moribundity.   Some might remember the repeated jailing of crusading suffragist Emmeline Pankhurst because she's taught in high school history courses.   (Or because they've seen 'Mary Poppins'.)   As for Hammett, I'm not sure that even many of his fans know that the great novelist was imprisoned for pretty much the same thing as Shelton, albeit as a man of the left rather than the right.   Which brings us to Kim Davis.   Davis, a Kentucky state official until recently so obscure that reporters couldn't get her political affiliation straight, spent five days in jail for contempt after defying a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.   Upon her release, she was hailed by...activists and politicians as a martyr for religious freedom..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
_Cybercast News Service_
legal scholars urge office-holders to refuse to accept supremes' same-sex "marriage" diktat as binding precedent, but to continue to challenge it
"Editor's Note: A group of more than 60 legal scholars released a statement last week calling on all federal and state officeholders not to accept the Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges decision -- declaring a national right to same-same sex 'marriage' -- as binding precedent.   One of the signers and authors of the statement was Robert P. George, the founder of the American Principles Project and McCormack professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton.   'We stand with James Madison and Abraham Lincoln in recognizing that the Constitution is not whatever a majority of supreme court justices say it is.', said George.   'We remind all officeholders in the United States that they are pledged to uphold the Constitution of the United States, not the will of 5 members of the Supreme Court.'   Below is the text of the statement in its entirety.   'We are scholars and informed citizens deeply concerned by the edict of the supreme court of the United States in Obergefell v. Hodges wherein the court decreed, by the narrowest of margins, that every state in the country must redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships.   The court's majority opinion eschewed reliance on the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the Constitution, as well as the court's own interpretative doctrines and precedents, and supplied no compelling reasoning to show why it is unjustified for the laws of the states to sustain marriage as it has been understood for millennia as the union of husband and wife.   The opinion for the court substituted for traditional -- and sound -- methods of constitutional interpretation a new and ill-defined jurisprudence of identity -- one that abused the moral concept of human dignity. The 4 dissenting justices are right to reject the majority opinion in unsparing terms. Justice Scalia refers to it as a naked judicial claim to legislative … power; a claim fundamentally at odds with our system of government. Justice Thomas says the opinion exalts judges at the expense of the people from whom they derive their authority as it perverts the meaning of liberty into an entitlement to government action...'..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
David Weigel _Jewish World Review_
classical liberal, constitutional Republicans vs. the RINO establishment

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Barbara Boland _Washington DC Examiner_
Dave Brat takes the gloves off; RINO-leftists side with batty extreme leftist Nasty Pelosi
"'Some of us, the governing [power-mad] wing, want to use the process to advance [bad] legislation.', said Dent.   'Others want to use the process to obstruct [bad] legislation [, including crony socialist measures, and facilitate passing good legislation].'...   Republican politicians make promises when they run, but then go to DC and 'are called unrealistic by the Washington establishment and the bubble up here' when they try to enact them, replied Brat.   'What we want is what the American people want -- we have $19T in debt, $100T in unfunded liabilities; all federal revenues will be spent in 11 years on just entitlement programs and interest on the debt.   There will be not one dollar left for the military, education, transportation, and all of running government.', said Brat, who added that Americans also want to see action on EPA over-reach, [Obummer's bad treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems] and unconstitutional amnesty [for illegal aliens.   But the RINO losership has been fighting tooth and nail against anything good, and for the bad, economy-crippling, unconstitutional, extreme leftist measures.]...   'We have to prove to the American people we can govern [badly].', said Dent...   'The governing up in this place seems to always mean increased spending.', said Brat.   'That's what it means up here in DC, that's not what it means to the American people -- governing means get the ship going in the right direction.'...   'Totally disagree with the premise.', responded Brat.   'We do have a majority.   Last week on a [continuing resolution] we had 153 Republicans vote against [losership's] budget...   The only chaos up here is on K Street.', he said.   'And the Dems/Reds/leftists are freaking out because [what] if we actually have to balance a budget.'..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Joseph Farah _WND_
RINO losership's time has passed
"Ever since George H.W. Bush took over the White House from Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party has pretty much operated as a carnival sideshow for the Dems'/leftists'/Reds' Barnum & Bailey main event.   It didn't matter much if the Republicans occupied the White House or held numerical advantage in congress.   What mattered is the establishment Republican elite weren't going to do anything they said they would do to get elected.   Whether we read their lips or not, they weren't going to hold the line on taxes.   No matter what they promised, they weren't going to cut out waste, fraud or unconstitutional spending.   They might complain about burgeoning debt, but they weren't going to stop it.   They preached conservatism and smaller government, but they never came close to living up to their rhetoric.   They swore they were pro-life, but it never translated into meaningful legislation.   They talked about border control, but they didn't mean it.   Some of them ran posing as 'tea party' candidates knowing they had no intention of rocking the boat once they got to Washington [DC]...   Were they so completely out of touch with the growing grass-roots anger at them that they thought they could dodge the bullet again?..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
armed guards protect our money, and in some places our children

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
David Warren _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
people's right to own and carry arms should be respected at zoos

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
what Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Barack Hussein Obummer refuse to admit about ownership and carrying arms

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Beth J. Harpaz _Cybercast News Service_
_Age of Clinton_ is a romp through the 1990s

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
_Washington DC Times_
just a few of the Clintons' bad deeds and scandals

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
the Clintons' long and mendacious road
"Here we are again with [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] confronted by charges of obstruction of justice, perjury and general improbity.   Such behavior has been going on with her for a long time.   Some journalists who today chronicle the charges facing the Clintons were not even born when it all began.   For those of us with unflagging memories and abundant experience, it goes back decades.   I would date the first official charges of Hillary's crookedness and reckless disregard for the law to Watergate in 1974 when she improbably served on the Watergate impeachment staff.   Her boss then was the general counsel and chief of staff for the House Judiciary committee, Jerry Zeifman, a Democrat.   In a personal evaluation of Hillary's performance he wrote, 'I decided that I could not recommend her for any future position of public or private trust.'   Why? Mr. Zeifman had learned that in this historic undertaking 'she had lied' to him and to others repeatedly..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
William Schooley _Washington DC Times_
Iran's complicity in 1996-06-25 bombing of Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan joining Obummer to repeat mistakes of the 1960s; perversion of criminal law

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Sean Hannity: Paul Ryan is not the man for the job as House speaker

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Alabama's Becky Gerritson: Martha Roby is making a big mistake if she backs Paul Ryan for speaker of the House

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
the "horse race"
"Another new poll shows [Donald Trump] leading the outsiders dominating the establishment candidates.   Plus, Ted Cruz is talking to other candidates; voters, so what?   Congressional endorsements -- who really wants them?   [The media continues to attack] Ben Carson...and the [media is losing], and, Huckabee wants a 'no rules' debate [while many would like to see an actual debate that lets the candidates address a wide range of issues]..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Donald Trump told left-leaning "no labels" crowd: "I love the Tea Party"

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: leftist media can't stand the thought of a black person who is not a leftist

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: "the left wing does have a standard practice for black people, and you're not supposed to wander away from that"

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Charles Dent (RINO-PA-15) is in need of a primary opponent
"he cae forth with this astonishing comment to CNN: 'If we can't get 218 Republican votes for a speaker, then we'll have to try other options.   I don't know what those options are, but I certainly don't want to put somebody in the speaker's job who is going to appease those who are making unreasonable demands.'   Representative Dent has an 'F' rating from Conservative Review, chalking an abysmal 34% rating giving him the second worst score in Pennsylvania's RINO-ridden Republican House delegation.   Dent's American Conservative Union score is 63.1, again putting him near the bottom of currently serving Pennsylvania House members.   Dent has only a 50% score from National Right to Life.   The National Taxpayers Union gives Dent a C+, again putting him near the bottom of Pennsylvania's RINO-infested congressional delegation.   These ratings should not be a surprise given that Dent is supported by such far-Left organizations as the homosexual lobby 'The Human Rights Campaign', and the anti-conservative 'Republican Main Street PAC'...   You can watch principled limited government constitutional conservative representative Dave Brat annihilate Dent and explain his 10 expectations of any new Speaker and Republican leadership team in this segment from Sunday's 'Meet the Press'...."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
_Conservative HQ_
the magic number is 218
"It takes a majority of the House to elect a speaker, so in theory it takes 218 votes to replace [losership/RINO] speaker of the House John Boehner with a conservative.   Getting to 218 is a seemingly daunting task when the House Freedom Caucus, the group of conservatives that led the successful opposition to Boehner and Kevin McCarthy, his hand-picked candidate to take over the speaker's gavel, has only 40 to 50 members.   But the reality is that there are a lot more than 40 to 50 House Republicans who want to do the right thing -- the majority of House Republicans have simply been bamboozled and intimidated into believing that conservatives are a minority, when in fact they are the majority, even in the [RINO]-controlled House of Representatives.   In a recent vote on a Continuing Resolution to fund the government at the existing [Obummer]-endorsed level, 151 House Republicans voted against the House [RINO losership].   Truth be told this was the vote that prompted Boehner's departure.   So who voted for the CR to keep the government running at [Obummer's] ruinous spending level?   Mostly Democrats, and a relatively small number of [GOP losership/RINOs] or who could be intimidated by them into voting 'YES' on a bill that funds Planned Parenthood, [ObummerDoesn'tCare], [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty [of illegal aliens] and continues the ruinous deficit spending that Republicans promised to reign-in way back in 2010.   And, not surprisingly, the Republican 'YES' votes are a Who's Who of the [loser/RINO] candidates to replace John Boehner as speaker...   The magic number to elect a speaker is 218.   So far 151 Republicans have shown that, even if they lack principle, they are interested in political self-preservation and are willing to vote for conservative outcomes when their political futures are at stake..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Bruce Fein _Washington DC Times_
House speakers regularly sell committee assignments, chairmanships and preferred treatment of legislation in exchange for big donations to congressional campaign committees
"No member of congress should be required to make campaign contributions as directed by the House speaker or another member as a condition of performing their legislative duties and responsibilities effectively.   The requirement not only diminishes the member, but disenfranchises his constituents.   In the eyes of the U.S. Constitution, every House member is equal.   They are all elected by the people.   They all represent equally populous constituencies.   They are all endowed with equal constitutional authorities and immunities.   They are all stewards -- not owners -- of the sovereign powers they exercise as proxies for 'We the People of the United States' who established the Constitution.   No legal, moral or democratic political theory justifies the House speaker's commercialization of the sovereign powers or influence entrusted to the House for his own gain.   More than a century ago, Ohio Republican [senator Marcus Alonzo Hanna] quipped, 'There are 2 things that are important in politics.   The first is money, and I can't remember the second.'   House speaker John Boehner's variation is, 'There are 2 things that are important for legislative success and influence in the House.   The first is campaign donations as I direct, and the second is the same as the first.'   The Hanna-Boehner theory of government contemplates a counter-constitutional plutocracy, not democracy, and is neither morally nor politically tolerable...   Clean Government Act of 2015..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: we need a fighter to be House speaker, to fight TPA+TAA+TPP+TATIP+TISA for better international trade, and handle Middle East conflicts

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
academic left trying to infantilizing young adults: "comfort animals"

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Kevin Sorbo: "The Christmas Gift" is in the tradition of the great Christmas movies, unashamed and unabashed in everything Christmas stands for

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Pat Boone _WND_
the ship of state is listing dangerously

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Joseph Farah _WND_
left's neo-puritanical religion

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: it is "pretty rich" that the leftist media won't accept the facts of a non-leftist's well-documented biography
"...admitted that Fiorina was a secretary in her first real job after dropping out of law school -- but then they claimed her business career didn't really count until after she finished graduate school...   [Carly Fiorina]: 'I helped put myself through college by being a temporary secretary.   I worked for an organization called Kelly Girls and I acted as a temporary secretary [i.e. she was bodyshopped].   I typed and filed and I answered the phones.   I did the books at a hair-dresser's for two years.   And then I went to law school, dropped out, went to the want ads, got a job as a secretary at a 9-person real estate firm.   And, of course, the only way I was ever going to get a reasonable job in business–when my resume said medieval history and philosophy, law school drop-out and secretary–was I had to go off and get an MBA.   So I did.   And then I joined AT&T as an entry-level sales-person...'..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
man bites dog!: Muslim is nice to non-Muslim
"Late last week, I wrote an article for Breitbart about the media frenzy over a news story that didn't even happen.   The worldwide press was in an uproar about anti-jihad rallies that were scheduled to move forward this past weekend.   What was the news angle of the story?   That people were opposed to jihad and sharia?   That people dared to oppose oppression and subjugation and the persecution of religious minorities under the boot of Islam?   The media didn't mention any of that...   The rallies, of course, went off without a hitch.   No Muslims were harmed -- as is always the case.   'Islamophobia' is all a bloody fiction.   So to further their Muslim victimhood narrative, the press had to get creative...   Meanwhile, in New York City, Muslims inside a mosque threw bottle caps at a Jewish woman pushing a baby carriage.   Why wasn't that as big a story?..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Gaza=Palestine imam wielded knife, told congregation to murder Jews like Muhammad did

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
why international leftists don't mourn murdered Jewish people
"In world history, Jews have never had it better than they have for the last 2 decades.   The rise of Israel as a strong international power made it possible for Jews to feel safer all over the planet; the fall of the Soviet Union freed millions of Jews to leave that communist cess-pool; an era of tolerance and goodwill toward Jews seemed to pervade the United States and guilt over the Holocaust seemed to forestall much of the rising anti-Semitism in Europe.   All of that is now coming to a crashing halt, thanks to the international left.   In the last 2 weeks, Palestinian=Gazan Arabs have embarked on a well-calibrated stabbing spree throughout Israel.   That stabbing spree follows hard on Palestinian Authority dictator Mahmoud Abbas [occupying Eastern Israel] explaining to the United Nations that the Palestinians=Gazans no longer felt bound by the Oslo Accords, and the UN raising the flag of the Palestinian Authority.   That same week, Politico reported that [president Barack Hussein Obummer] rejected pleas from members of his own party to oppose Palestinian statehood as part of [his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems]...   America is successful because it embraced the dual notions of capitalism and Judeo-Christian moral values, both of which value the individual above the collective.   Individualism, constrained by non-governmental societal bonds, breeds success.   Collectivism breeds misery..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Franklin Graham: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is guilty of mass murders of Christians: it is genocide

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Waffle House's perverse position against the defensive use of arms

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
little brother of USMC veteran suspended for wearing T-shirt featuring "soldier memorial" at whacky leftist Oregon school

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's Commerce secretary Penny Pritzker praised Cuban socialist youth's pledge to vicious dictator Castro

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Peter Vincent Pry _Washington DC Times_
the end of the USA Century?: Obummer has dragged down the USA and reduced our ability to defend ourselves and our allies

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Daren Bakst _Washington DC Times_
"raisin case" shows FDR/USDA "marketing orders" to restrict "over-productive" agriculture are anti-free-market, anti-competition, anti-efficiency, anti-liberty
"The feds wanted to fine raisin growers for not turning over part of their crops to the government.   Fortunately, the court held that the government's actions constituted a taking of private property and would require just compensation.   However, this doesn't mean there couldn't be ways to restrict raisin supply, such as by imposing quotas that limit production.   In fact, a web-page for the U.S. Department of Agriculture now says the raisin supply restrictions will be amended in light of the Horne case.   Translation: If independent raisin growers dare try to sell more than what the raisin cartel wants on the market, the feds will still find a way to quash them.   The USDA imposes 28 fruit and vegetable marketing orders.   The orders are initiated by industry and must be approved by two-thirds of growers..."

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Daily Caller_
so-called "e-mail privacy" bill re-authorizes unconstitutional bureaucrat snooping of e-mail messages and more

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Eric Worrall
Freeman Dyson: Dem/Red/leftist supporter & climate skeptic

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Anthony Watts
benefits of CO2 compiled in new report from Global Warming Policy Foundation

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer's notion of "world leadership" is going along with extreme leftists, Russia, Cuban dictators, violence-initiating Muslims, and fighting "climate change" and unicorns

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Elizabeth Harrington _Fox_
EPA is running a $160M propaganda machine
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Steve Kopits
checking Mark Carney's catastrophic climate claims

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-10-12 (5776 Tishri 29)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
happy Columbus Day! how Spain (and Portugal, and Italy, and Netherlands, and France, and England) made the world a "smaller place" and championed respect for natural individual human rights in the process; leftists and Muslims show their hatefulness

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "What is to be achieved is all-important because there may be a better way, which can then be suggested to the user." --- Dai Clegg, Richard Barker & Barbara Barker 1994 _CASE Method Fast-Track: A RAD Approach_ pg 66  


2015-10-13: Columbus Day

This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ken Blackwell, (12) Ann Coulter, (13) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.     For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Tom Cotton.

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
evil doesn't ask for permission before it crosses an international border any more than ebola does
But he seems oblivious to the range from imperialism to foreign adventurism to interventionism to non-interventionism to isolationism.

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
robust, military-age "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists to Germany sue asylum center for not giving them enough money fast enough
"Germany is struggling to cope with the 1.5M migrants it expects to absorb this year and those arriving in Berlin often have to wait days if not weeks to be registered at asylum centres..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
_Conservative HQ_
of course Paul Ryan would push reprehensible immigration law perversions, amnesties, excessive visas, even lower standards... but there's more
"..Paul Ryan's record of supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, the open borders policies that are destroying the quality of life for millions of American families, TARP, supporting the Bush [Shrub] administration's spending binge, supporting the 2011 debt ceiling deal and leading the Ryan-Murray budget negotiation to un-do the one conservative element of that deal that was actually working, shows that, despite the evidence that he lives his personal life according to conservative principles, he cannot be trusted to lead Republicans to govern America according to limited government constitutional conservative principles.   We urge grass-roots principled limited government constitutional conservatives to call their Representative and demand they oppose the election of another establishment speaker, like Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan, and instead vote for a conservative, like representative Daniel Webster of Florida, for speaker.   The House switchboard is 1-866-220-0044 -- call now!"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Jeh Johnson: we don't know a whole lot about the "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists the Obummer regime wants to bring into the USA through a UN program, and my DHS and Kerry's State Dept. are not trying very hard to investigate them, and won't try very hard to keep an eye on them once they're here
"...'That means dedicating the resources to this increasing number, this increased number of refugees, and making sure that they are vetted against all the right data-bases that we have for that security review.', Johnson said [seeming to mistakenly believe that data-bases control reality and that they are always infallible, and refusing to conduct direct investigations, meanwhile, spokes-clone Josh Earnest opined] 'Refugees go through the most robust [of our inadequate, ineffectual] security process of anybody who's contemplating travel to the United States.', Earnest said.   'Refugees have to be screened by the National Counter Terrorism Center, by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center.   They go through data-bases that are maintained by DHS, the Department of Defense and the intelligence community.   There is biographical and biometric information that is collected about these individuals.'"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Nayla Rush _Center for Immigration Studies_
senate Judiciary hearing on "Syrian" "refugees": re-assurance and fable-telling
"...What was more telling about this hearing was the absence of specific answers (and possibly even knowledge) regarding important matters.   On the issue of the availability and sources of the added funding needed to process the increased number of refugees, witnesses vaguely referred to 're-prioritizing between programs' and 'looking across our programs to see where we can gain efficiencies'.   When asked by senator Sessions, 'Can you, any of you tell me how many people who've been given refugee status since 2001 have been identified as affiliated with terrorism in any manner?', not one of the government experts on the panel could give a number.   During the hearing, senator Sessions quoted comments by Michael Steinbach, assistant-director of the FBI, before the House committee on Homeland Security in February, where he alluded to the lack of dependable screening measures of Syrian refugees...   [And there were mentions of a paucity of data-bases about applicants.]..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
USCBP used force 26% less often, were assaulted 5% more often in FY2015
"...In raw data terms, agents used force 1,037 times in FY2014 and 768 times in FY2015.   Officers' firearm usage remained relatively constant, firing 29 times in FY2014 compared to 28 times in FY2015.   'Less Lethal' uses of force was the area that experienced the greatest decline from 1008 in FY2014 to 740 instances in FY2015...   FY2011 when there were 675 assaults.   FY2015 was the first year since FY2011 to experience an up-tick in assaults, up to 390 from FY2014's 373 assaults..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
opposition to Angela Merkel increasing; 1 in 3 Germans want her to resign over her policy of admitting "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
South YorkShire police ignored plight of non-Muslim woman raped, stalked, threatened and beaten until her skull was fractured "for not being Muslim enough"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
David Boaz _Washington DC Times_
the conflict between free+honest market capitalists and crony socialists

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
House Foreign Affairs committee passed resolution on safety of Jewish people in Europe, citing many attacks
"The resolution, pointing to data from the FBI and Jewish Community Security Service in France, noted increases in anti-Semitic acts in various European countries.   In France -- home to Europe's biggest Jewish community -- the number of anti-Semitic acts rose from 423 to 851 between 2013 and 14.   They included acts involving violence, which rose in number from 105 to 241.   In other countries over that period: Britain: An increase in anti-Semitic acts from 535 to 1,168, and in violent ones from 69 to 81.   Germany: An increase in anti-Semitic acts from 788 to 1076, and in violent ones from 36 to 76.   Belgium: An increase in anti-Semitic acts from 64 to 109, and in violent ones from 11 to 30.   Austria: An increase in anti-Semitic acts from 137 to 255, and in violent ones from 4 to 9.   Italy: An increase in anti-Semitic acts from 45 to 90, and in violent ones from 12 to 23.   The resolution also listed several serious incidents from this year, including: On 2015 January 9 in Paris, France, a radical Muslim who pledged loyalty to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria attacked a kosher supermarket and murdered four Jewish patrons at the store.   On 2015 February 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark, another Muslim who had pledged loyalty to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate attacked the Great Synagogue during a bat mitzvah celebration, murdering a member of the Jewish community on security duty, and wounding 2 Danish police officers..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Sweden receiving record number of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists cases as nation slips into political turmoil

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the hateful, twisted invective against Dr. Ben Carson coming from the left is extraordinary, even for the left
World Net Daily

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Star Parker _WND_
what constitutes a "real black"?

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
leftist cynicism and double-standards on race
Cybercast News Service

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the "gun control" farce (part 1)
World Net Daily
Real Clear Politics
"...The zealotry of gun control advocates might make some sense if they had any serious evidence that more restrictive gun control laws actually reduce gun crimes.   But they seldom even discuss the issue in terms of empirical evidence.   Saving lives is serious business.   But claiming to be saving lives and refusing to deal with evidence is a farce...   There is a huge amount of statistical evidence, just within the United States, since gun control laws are different in 50 different states and these laws have been changed over time in many of these states.   There are mountains of data on what happens under restrictive laws and what happens when restrictions are lifted.   Statistics on murder are among the most widely available statistics, and among the most accurate, since no one ignores a dead body.   With so many facts available from so many places and times, why is gun control still a heated issue?   The short answer is that most gun control zealots do not even discuss the issue in terms of hard facts...

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
arms and common sense

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: armed teachers would protect students from the vast majority of the attacks like the one at Umpqua community college, Florida State U library, Sandy Hook...

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
pampered college nitwits

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Hollywood and "news" media can't handle the truth

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
replacing congressional losership with leadership

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
replacing congressional losership with leadership
World Net Daily
"...The Republican Party is not, as some [leftist] commentators wail, in 'chaos' today.   It is in rebellion, in revolt, as it was in the early 1960s when Barry Goldwater's true believers rejected Eisenhower Republicanism and Nelson Rockefeller to nominate the Arizona senator for president.   A similar and bristling hostility to today's [RINO losership] has arisen, in the GOP congress, the country, and the presidential race...   Ryan's popularity and pleasant persona are not going to be able to smooth over those divisions.   For they are about ideology, and about issues such as free trade and amnesty for people here illegally, where Ryan stands squarely with the [RINO losership] and against the revolt...   On the issues of mass immigration and illegal immigration that have roiled the Republican [primary], Ryan is regarded as an open-borders man.   Says Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA, which is fighting to halt the invasion: 'He (Ryan) has been...pro-amnesty, pro-mass immigration, pro-replacing American workers with foreign workers... all of his career.'..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
_Billings Gazette_/_AP_
Ryan Zinke considering running for House speaker
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
David Lane _Washington DC Times_
time for a House speaker with spiritual values and executive experience eager to advance a non-leftist agenda

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Betsy McCaughey _American Spectator_
the democratic process of selecting an acceptable speaker of the House, who will move forward the majority party's principle-based bills; the Freedom Caucus is doing what its members were elected to do and the ex-speaker and his corrupt cronies won't allow

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
is EU about to put a cynical smile on Putin's lips?
"Belarussian dictator Alexander Lukashenko just won his fifth presidential 'election' in a row...   The election results probably don't mean much.   In Belarus, media are tightly controlled, street protests have long been put down by force and opposition activists who had the temerity not to leave the country have been in and out of jail.   According to official data, about 36% of the registered voters cast their ballots ahead of time -- a 'right' Belarussians have if they cannot spare the time on polling day, but also a convenient set-up for falsifying the final tally since the early voting is unobserved by any outside organizations..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
when "phobia" is rational fear of threats for which there are defenses
"In the 1980s there were 15 global attacks by Islamic Jihadists.   There were 33 in the 1990s and 150 from 2000 to 2009.   From 2010-2014 there were 102, and 62 so far in 2015 alone.   The most deadly, of course was on 2001 September 11 in my home-town that took the lives of 2,977 innocent human beings [though the terrorists had posted to the net implications whose meanings were only understandable after the attacks that they expected to murder between 80K and 120K].   Before 2001/09/11, the total of attacks was 58 and after 2001-09-11 that number has grow to 304.   This of course, does not include the number of potential attacks that were thwarted through the diligence of law enforcement agencies here and abroad.   This is what I find so hard to understand.   In spite of the clear and credible threats to our national security by a confirmed jihadist community, we seem to have bent over backwards so as not to offend all Muslims.   The 'aggrieved' have a very powerful public relations machine filing law-suits left and right about any possible 'insensitive' action to any Muslim.   The smell of bacon, patriotic t-shirts or flags have led to law-suits demanding removal of the offenses so as not to offend Muslims.   What a load of crap.   How did we become such a mealy-mouth, Chicken Little nation?..."
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
Ahmed the clock disassembler goes to Mecca on hajj/hajira/umrah, funded by Saudi Arabia; pushed narrative that USA is "islamophobic"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
David French _National Review_
Palestinian attacks: yield to our crazy religious intolerance or we will murder you

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Moonbeam Brown signed bill to require pro-life health clinics to promote abortion

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Dave Brat: USA faces financial crisis due to over-spending

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
_Wealth, Poverty, and Politics: An International Perspective_
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Seton Motley _Media Research Center News Busters_
as Rush Limbaugh routinely demonstrates by playing clips, the leftist media are in unthinking lock-step in use/abuse of phrasing and talking points
"He strings together 'media montages' -- innumerable examples of 'reporters' magically all arriving at the exact same Leftist term(s) to describe the news of the day...   The media is just as mindlessly repetitive on all things Tech.   As it has been of late when reporting on the huge government Internet power grab -- the woefully mis-named 'Network Neutrality'.   Which the [Obummer regime] unilaterally imposed via a 'vote' by 3 unelected Federal Communications Commission (FCC) bureaucrats.   All of whom are Dems/leftists/Reds.   All of whom were appointed by the [Barack Hussein Obummer].   (The FCC's 2 Republicans voted Nay.)   There has never been popular support for this power grab.   In 2010, 95 Dems/Reds/leftists running for congress signed a pro-Net Neutrality pledge -- all 95 lost...   Congress has the power of the purse -- and all spending bills must originate in the House.   So some House members are looking to fund the government with a stipulation -- that no money budgeted for the FCC be spent on executing its Net Neutrality power grab.   Which is perfectly reasonable.   The FCC has already twice tried to impose 'Net Neutrality' -- and twice been rejected by the courts for overreaching.   Combine that with the American people's rejection of it -- and the House is well within rational, representative Constitutional bounds in defunding it..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
cyber-security experts: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail server was "total amateur hour"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
mother of murdered "IT" officer at USA consulate in Benghazi says that Hitlery Rotten Clinton is "anti-mother", praised Trey Gowdy's attempts to investigate what happened and why
Jon Street: Blaze

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Donald Trump may be the perfect "no labels" candidate

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Donald Trump plans to "live-twit" Dem/Red/leftist "debate"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
only 20 of nearly 400 "journalists" stood for national anthem at Dem/Red/leftist "debate" (about 5%)
20015-09-16: Alex Swoyer

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Bobby Jindal's campaign objects to delusional criteria for candidates to be allowed to participate in debate in Colorado 2015-10-28

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
$100M from the Chamber of Crony Socialists to displace liberals, establish RINO-leftists in control of the Republican party

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Tim Foster -- aide to Sander Levin (D-MI) -- brawled with black homosexual lover, used "kitchen knife", "small shovel"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Obummer/Kerry try to block House Armed Services committee members' research on Ukraine

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime will continue to facilitate Iran's development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, continuing to condone their bad behavior

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems should be repudiated, but the evil Obummer regime refuses

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
RINO senator Bob Corker's treason gets worse -- Iran's nuclear missile program
"...The Emad (Pillar) surface-to-surface missile, designed and built by Iranian experts, is the country's first long-range missile that can be precision-guided until it reaches its target, said brigadier-general Hossein Dehqan, Iran's defense minister according to CNN.   Anthony Cordesman, a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, wrote in October last year that the Emad was a variant of Iran's existing Shahab-3 long-range missile, 'but with a maneuvering reentry vehicle to improve system accuracy and complicate missile defense'.   Cordesman's report said Tehran has been steadily developing its missile technology, focusing in particular on improvements to guidance systems.   Its existing missiles systems had 'poor accuracy and uncertain reliability', he wrote, giving them limited military effectiveness.   The improving missile arsenal gave Tehran 'a longer range strike capability that its aging air force largely lacks', he wrote.   Iran's air force, once the largest in the Gulf, degraded following the break with the West that occurred during the 1979 revolution, due to a lack of access to spare parts, maintenance and pilot training, according to Michael Elleman, a researcher at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a UK-based think tank.   Since then, with the help of North Korea, Tehran has focused on developing its missile capability, and now boasts the 'largest and most diverse ballistic missile arsenal in the Middle East', says Elleman.   Israel's stockpile was more capable, but smaller, as CNN reported and you can read for yourself through the links in the article.   When Tehran announced in February last year that it had successfully test-fired a laser-guided surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missile and a long-range ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads, CNN reminds us that the Pentagon spokesman at the time, admiral John Kirby, described the missile program as 'a dangerous threat to the region'.   Kirby noted that UN Security Council Resolution 1929 prohibits Iran from undertaking any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology.   Now our friend (and noted Iran analyst) Omri Ceren, has explained that not only is the latest Iranian missile test a violation of the UN sanctions, it is also a violation of U.S.A. law.   Ceren says the test is a black-letter violation of United Nations Security Council resolution (UNSCR) 2231, in which 'Iran is called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology' for the next 8 years [a].   Reuters's UN bureau chief said if the test is confirmed it would be a 'blatant violation of UNSC sanctions' [b].   There was initially speculation that in addition to violating UNSCR 2231, the test might also violate the recently-inked Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).    UNSCR 2231 took the JCPOA  and codified it at the UN level, so they're seen as linked, so there were headlines like the one in the NYT: 'Iran Tests Long-Range Missile, Possibly Violating Nuclear Accord' [c].   But the [Obummer regime], its allies, and the Iranians have a different interpretation: they insist that the nuclear deal does not ban Iran from developing nuclear missiles..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
al-Qaeda, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Saudis agree that it is time for jihad against Russia

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Rasmussen poll: Americans agree that Obummer is losing the war against terrorism -- intentionally or unintentionally

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
days after bombing in Ankara Turkey, residents are finding remains of victims, relatives protest
Edwin Mora: DNA testing of suspects and relatives of suspects thought to be linked to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Dave Boyer & Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime allegedly alarmed that Russia & Syria & Iran & Iraq are sharing a military intelligence center

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iran's parliament has rejected Obummer's treato to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; not generous enough to suit them

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
arch-bishop Peter Fulop Kocsis of the Hungarian Greek Catholic church: we are being tested; families are under ferocious and enormous attack

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: leftists in and out of the media hate blacks who are not leftists

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump trouncing Yebbie Booosh and Marco Rubio among Florida's Hispanic voters
Latin Post
Real Clear Politics poll of polls

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
Obummer's anti-constitutional attempt to disarm Americans

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Nat Hentoff _WND_
pope Francis abandoning Cuba's (Castros') political prisoners

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
ruling thugs of Red China demand ability to censor the whole internet

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Castros' thugs attack pro-democracy organization, imprison 300
"A rally calling for the liberation of democracy activists arrested during pope Francis' visit to the island resulted in more than 300 Cuban freedom fighters arrested this weekend and the destruction and vandalism of multiple offices of the anti-communist Cuban Patriotic Union..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
_Duplicity_ in fact and fiction

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
twins born on USAF base, children of AF veterans, harassed by school admin for wearing sweat-shirts with AF logo

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
25-year project translated Bible into Tzotzil
"...Tzotzil is a language that comes down from the Mayans and is mostly spoken in the highlands of Chiapas, between the villages of Tzotzil ethnicity.   According to the last census, the number of people who speak the ancient indigenous language amounts to 350K-400K...   September 30 marked the celebration of the 'International Translation Day' to commemorate the feast of St. Jerome, who was the first to translate the Bible from Hebrew to Latin.   In 382CE, Pope Damasus commissioned Jerome to produce a definitive Latin translation, which Jerome did in his monastery at Bethlehem.   His Latin 'Vulgate' version of the Bible came to dominate the Western Christian world until the advent of the printing press and the Protestant reformation...   In the 9th century, the Greek brothers Cyril and Methodius were sent from Constantinople to Moravia at royal request, and translated the Gospels and parts of the Old Testament into Slavonic, after having first invented the Cyrillic alphabet, named after the missionary and still in use today.   In December 1980, Saint John Paul ii proclaimed Saints Cyril and Methodius co-patrons of Europe.   The first full English translations of the Old and New Testament were produced by John Wycliffe and his followers in the late 14th century.   Two-and-a half centuries later, a team of 47 scholars cooperated on the formulation of the king James Bible.   The project lasted from 1604 to 1611, and sought to take the best from all earlier English translations..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Palestinia rammed into bus stop in Jerusalem, Israel; then murdered man with a meat cleaver, injured 2 others before being shot
"...According to the Jerusalem Post, 60-year-old R' Yeshayahu Krishevsky was killed, while 2 other people were seriously injured.   The rabbi is said to have suffered injuries from both the vehicle impact and the Palestinian's frenzied knife attack...   At almost the same time, two Arabs attacked a bus in Jerusalem with knives and a gun, killing 2 and injuring 3 more, while a short time earlier, there were 2 separate knife rampages in the city of Ra'anana..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Eric Worrall
Alaska governor Bill Walker: we need more oil drilling... to pay for climate change

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Anthony Watts
manufactured panic: projected Antarctic ice shelf melting "may surpass intensities associated with ice shelf collapse"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Freeman Dyson: Obummer has picked the wrong side on climate
"The climate models used by alarmist scientists to predict global warming are getting worse, not better; carbon dioxide does far more good than harm; and [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has backed the 'wrong side' in the 'war' on 'climate change'...   Also to blame, he believes, is a kind of collective yearning for apocalyptic doom..."

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Susan Rice claimed mult-lateral conflict in Syria is caused by "climate change" due to drought

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Anthony Watts
UN dictators give up on enforceable climate deal in Paris

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Anthony Watts
quotes of the week: hate as a weapon in climate wars, RICO madness, losers, and all that

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Anthony Watts
"Arctic 21" to call for renewed alarmism over permafrost ahead of Paris COP21, says "the Arctic is unraveling"

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Tom Harris _Washington DC Times_
climate debate

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-10-13 (5776 Tishri 30)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
vandals attacked statue of Christopher Columbus in Detroit, MI

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

1775-10-13: the United States Continental Congress ordered the establishment of the Continental Navy (later renamed the United States Navy).
1792-10-13: in Washington, DC, the corner-stone of the United States Executive Mansion (known as the White House since 1818) was laid.
1845-10-13: a majority of voters in the Republic of Texas approved a proposed constitution, that if accepted by the U.S. Congress, will make Texas a U.S.A. state.
1881-10-13: revival of the Hebrew language as Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and friends agree to use Hebrew exclusively in their conversations.
1843-10-13: the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith [children of the covenant] was founded in New York City.
1884-10-13: Greenwich is established as universal time meridian of longitude.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The more people you know, the better your chances of knowing someone who can help you... contacts... make your life interesting today & may help... tomorrow." --- Patty Marler & Jan Bailey Mattia 1998 _NetWorking Made Easy_ pg 40  



2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
_Conservative HQ_
the 3 amnesty for illegal aliens amigos: Paul Ryan, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, and Yebbie Booosh

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
EU "Migrant Reduction Summit" to propose "simplifying entry" and creating jobs for human traffickers

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
German school-children made to cook and clean for "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Ann Coulter _WND_
why are some Republicans sucking-up to foreigners?
"...Gun dealers are a lot more careful about whom they sell guns to than psychiatrists, lawyers and sanctuary cities are about the criminals they loose on the public...   I would wager that Democrats get more votes from NRA members than Republicans do from La Raza [National Council of the Racists] members (0).   But try to imagine a Republican answering the 'enemies' question: 'La Raza'.   Republicans don't need to treat Hispanics with the contempt that Democrats treat gun-owners.   We do not dislike Hispanics.   We do not dislike any group.   We just have to protect Americans first -- American jobs, American taxes and American social programs being bankrupted by immigrants.   Most voters don't think it's an outrageous imposition to ask people to obey our [constitutional] laws...   The GOP should expend precisely as much effort fawning over the Hispanic vote as Dems/leftists/Reds do over the gun vote, the pro-life vote and the white vote..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: Hitlery and Bernie "couldn't give things away fast enough" to illegal aliens in their promises during the "debate"

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
Donald Trump can win with guns, cars, tech visas, ethanol... and 4Chan
"...Instead of hollowing out the middle class by importing millions of cheap, unskilled workers, America should focus on the top talent of foreign countries.   Tough luck for [Red China] and Russia if they can't offer an American level of quality of life for geniuses.   Perhaps those countries should try out the 'freedom' thing people seem to like so much.   This would be a smart new message for Trump that would be difficult to argue against.   Immigration in the tens, not hundreds of thousands, and only the very best that the world has to offer, focusing particularly on Silicon Valley as an economic and cultural powerhouse.   Trump should, in effect, offer unlimited high-skilled visas for anyone who wants to come to America to work in the technology industry [but, unlike current policy, not a single visa for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with questionable ethics for the tech industry]...   Because the First Amendment isn't just for property tycoons and reality stars: it's for everyone.   And it is at colossal risk if the next president is [another Dem/Red/leftist].   Only a strong coalition of entrepreneurs, gamers, channers, gun and car owners and lovers of free speech and free expression can be sure of preventing that outcome."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Chicago police: illegal alien raped sleeping woman

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
5 Dem/leftist/Red candidates champion "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists & guest-workers, not US citizens; worsening dysfunctionality of USA job markets

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Poland's former prime-minister Jarosław Kaczyński mentioned that some of the "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists are carrying cholera, dysentery, parasites; open borders leftist extremists accused him of using "language of Nazism"
Frances Martel: Breitbart: over 1,430 cases of cholera in Iraq; the majority at refugee camps; no record of number of cases in ISIL-/ ISIS-/ Daesh-/ IS-/ caliphate-controlled areas

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists in Germany taunt police by posting pictures of themselves with stolen loot
"...It is 'incomprehensible that such serial offenders do not sit in pre-trial detention', Bodo Pflazgraf, chief of the German Police union in Berlin has said [but successful prosecution is nearly impossible]..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
7 young male "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists ferried from Longford, Kent to Manchester in stretch Hummer limo for 3K pounds sterling

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists crisis shifts Swiss opinion in favor of restrictions
"'We should be helping our own people before giving them hand-outs.', says Gianpaolo Ferrari, glancing towards the African men clustered around Chiasso's main square..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
small, out of the way village of Sumte with about 100 residents and no supermarket, little infrastructure in Lower Saxony/Niedersachsen (between Krusendorf & Amt Neuhaus, just under 4 miles E of Stiepelse on the Elbe river; about 50 miles SE of Hamburg), received about 1K single, military-age male "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists; mayor Grit Richter satisfied, locals complain "1K is too many"
Vanessa Steinmetz, Martin Jäschke & Sandra Sperber: Der Spiegel

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
7 Mexican nationals convicted of enslaving illegal aliens in Houston

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
8 armored trucks found in underground bunker on western out-skirts of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico; just across the border from Hidalgo near McAllen, Texas

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the "gun control" farce (part 2)
National Review
"...Passing laws against guns may enable zealots to feel good about themselves, but at the cost of other people's lives..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Myles Udland _Breitbart_
PPI fell in September, as pay for production workers remains suppressed and retail prices continue to soar
Business Insider
Jeffry Bartash: Marketwatch

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
consequences of mayhem
"A pair of terrorists entered a Jerusalem bus and stabbed and shot passengers, killing 2 and wounding many more until police stopped them.   Elsewhere in the city another Jew was killed by a Palestinian terror attack that drove a car onto a crowded sidewalk and then attempted to finish his victims off with a knife.   There were also more stabbings in the city of Ra'anana.   But while the details of the attacks vary, the dynamic is clear.   These are for all intents and purposes suicide attacks that are motivated by religious fervor.   The Palestinian Authority leadership's false charges about Israel -- broadcast on their official media -- about Israel's supposed intent to harm the mosques on the Temple Mount has set off a wave of religiously-inspired terror attacks that it can't control..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Henry A. Obering iii & Rebeccah L. Heinrichs _Washington DC Times_
Iran already has long-range missiles; Obummer's treaty to let them develop nuclear weapons is suicidal... or treasonous

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
censorship in the USA
World Net Daily

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer lied, my health care insurance policy died... twice; Obummer Doesn't Care
Cybercast News Service
National Review

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Glenn Kessler & Michelle Ye Hee Lee _Jewish World Review_
fact and fiction in the 1st Dem/leftist/Red primary "debate"

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
_Conservative HQ_
leftist media love the most extreme leftist Red/Dem/leftist slate of primary candidates ever
"As CHQ chairman Richard Viguerie observed, the most striking thing about the Dem/leftist/Red 'debate' was that not one media question contradicted [leftist] orthodoxy on the Dem/Red/leftist candidate's far-Left agenda.   No one questioned why the federal government should gift free college to someone, no one asked 'is global warming real?', and no one asked, 'what's fair about income redistribution?'   It was just assumed by the media panel that Dems/Reds/leftists are right about all of those radical encroachments on constitutional liberty and the only issue in the Dem/leftist/Red primary should be who will be most efficient in redistributing the booty the welfare state extorts from producers.   And this year's Dem/Red/leftist primary candidates are the most radical leftists to represent their party since 1940 when radical [leftist] Henry A. Wallace was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's running mate..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Mark Goldblatt _Jewish World Review_
political debates are frustrating, polarizing... and good for you

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
one question that would have made this "debate" worthwhile
"...Presidential debates are an excellent idea.   But we don't have them.   What we have is a ridiculous stage show, in which reporters come up with questions and the time limits make it impossible for anybody to give a serious answer.   Candidates have no opportunity to persuade us; all they can do is rattle off canned paragraphs of varying vacuity...   More than 20 years ago, the columnist Mary McGrory suggested that the problem was not the debaters but the questioners -- a criticism that has often been repeated since.   Moderating a debate, she wrote, brought out 'a lamentable tendency on the part of reporters to bask in the klieg lights, to ham, to preen while 60M ordinary people look on'.   She suggested getting the candidates 'into a room together', without a moderator..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Jim Geraghty _National Review_
major party in USA is socialist

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Milwaukee county sheriff David Clarke: Dem/leftist/Red "debate" showed "plantation politics", emotional enslavement of black people

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz: Dem/leftist/Red "debate" was an "audition for who would wear the jack-boot most vigorously... an audition for who would embrace government power to strip your and my individual liberties"

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina raised $6.8M in 2015Q3 for campaign

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
5 reasons for ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate brutality

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Ana Swanson _Jewish World Review_
foreign aid often hurts the populace of recipient countries

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
28 genes could control most of the aging process
"...One of the key bio-markers for disease is the presence of misfolded proteins, which chaperones are in charge of preventing.   'If this critical system declines', Morimoto said, 'eventually tissues become dysfunctional and die.   If we can keep the chaperones healthy, we should be able to keep the person healthy.'   He and his colleagues wanted to home in on which chaperones played the biggest role in preserving a person’s health span.   Through their genomic analyses and tests on human brain tissue, both healthy and diseased, the team landed on 28 chaperones that seemed to play the largest role in mitigating the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's disease..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Alan B. Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the hidden holocaust: investigation by French Catholic priest Patrick Desbois
Lara Logan: CBS

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
why do more wealthier people marry and raise children?

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Barack Hussein Obummer regime responds to Muslim attacks on Israelis by calling on "both sides" to "decrease tensions"
"7 Israelis have been killed and dozens more injured by Palestinians in more than two dozen knife and gun attacks since October 1.   Over the same period, 27 Palestinians have been killed, according to Palestinian reports, in clashes with security forces or while carrying out attacks on Jews..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Brad Wilmouth _Media Research Center News Busters_
CNN's Wolf Blitzer frets about Israelis carrying arms to defend themselves from Palestinian knife and firearm attacks
"As he interviewed Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld...   Even after Rosenfeld had already twice answered a similar question and recalled that most Israelis have served in the military and have undergone years of firearms training, Blitzer absurdly pressed the issue a third time..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Alex van Ness _Washington DC Times_
stabbings are another example of Muslims initiating force; Israelis building homes in Eastern Israel are not the issue

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
the haughty John Kerry, speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, claimed Israelis building homes in Israel are sufficient to excuse murders and attempted murders by Palestinians

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Michael Brown _WND_
Fatah, Hamas, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Mahmoud Abbas trying to make murderers into "heroes"
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
more swastika/hackenkreuz grafitti, tires slashed at U of CA at Davis

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Obummer FBI director James Coney: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is recruting 24 hours a day in all 50 of the United States of America (plus DC)

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Yazidis seek justice in vain at "International Criminal Court" against abuses by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate threatens Assyrian Christians in Gothenburg, Sweden to convert or die; "the caliphate is here"

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
arch-bishop of Aleppo, Syria, Jean-Clement Jeanbart: Christians are the prime target of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate religous cleansing campaign
"...Jeanbart's own cathedral has been bombed six times and is now unusable, and his home has also been struck more than 10 times..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
leftist media bullying Ben Carson, coddling leftists/Reds/Dems

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Oath Keepers forming college chapters

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Drew Johnson _Washington DC Times_
tech firms' executives muddy the waters precisely where intellectual property clarity is needed

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Jane Chastain _WND_
we should be thankful that we have 40 representatives in congress willing to resist the anti-constitutional left and their fellow travelers in the GOP

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Ted Nugent _WND_
infringements on the right to own and carry arms for defense of self and others is state-sanctioned barbarism; you might as well ban fire-extinguishers

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Joseph Farah _WND_
hate-filled Jeremiah Wright remains Barack Hussein Obummer's soul-mate
"...His policies should provide all the clues we need:   re-distribution of wealth, not from rich to poor, but from the productive class to government; &bsp; ever-greater restrictions on the private ownership of firearms;   division of Americans by race, class, sex, religion, lifestyles, age, language;   open borders and uncontrolled immigration;   reducing [USA's] economic power and potential;   misuse of military force;   government social engineering;   re-writing the nation's moral code;   obliterating the separation of powers;   centralization of power in Washington [DC] and the executive branch;   dismantling the Constitution's limits on federal power;   using government to punish political opposition;   the promotion of globalist initiatives that reduce accountability to the people and the laws of the land;   empowering [USA's] foreign enemies and marginalizing its few foreign allies.   A more comprehensive and lengthy list could easily be compiled.   They provide no shortage of insight into what drives [Obummer's] actions.   But there's also one personality we could look to for understanding of [Obummer's] very soul.   His name is reverend Jeremiah Wright, a religious and political extremist from Chicago at whose feet [Obummer] sat in rapt attention, for spiritual guidance and political inspiration for 25 years..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Erik Rush _WND_
is Obummer setting the stage for martial law?

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Vladimir Putin: Obummer and his regime have mush for brains

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
raid on abortionist's car in West Bloomfield MI found containers of human tissues; may have been performing illegal abortions out of the trunk of his car

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Cuban military operatives are aiding Bashar al-Assad in Syria

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
DoD secretary Ashton Carter: Russian aggression is here to stay

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
nothing new: Charles Koch told Megyn Kelly he's a classical liberal

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
rabid leftist school admins in MD, on "Spirit Week" "USA Day" order students wearing confederate flag items to remove them

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
judge Richard Leon rejected so emphatically the plea-bargain prosecutors offered Cornell Jones for drug dealing related tax evasion that they've asked him to recuse himself

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
couple bought old photo in Fresno CA antique shop, of some guys playing croquet, for $2 in 2010 appraised at $5M; 17-year-old Billy the Kid and some of his gang in 1878

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Kelly Cohen _Washington DC Examiner_
pro-reform non-leftists want to fire Paul Ryan
"Several right-leaning organizations have formed a new coalition called 'Fire Paul Ryan', calling the Wisconsin Republican a RINO, or a 'Republican In Name Only'.   'We forced Boehner to step down.   Cantor was defeated.   McCarthy withdrew...and yet the [RINOs and losership keep] pushing RINO after RINO after RINO.   If Ryan is chosen, we'll see that he's fired.   Add your name to the list of Americans who Demand a [non-leftist] speaker.', said the coalition's web-site FirePaulRyan.com, which is paid for by the Constitutional Rights PAC..."

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
Ted Cruz campaign rocks the web with game-style app: Call of Duty

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Bob Tisdale
2015 September global surface (land + ocean) and lower troposphere temperature anomaly & model-data difference update

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Anthony Watts
good news: climate modeling says USA winter will be over sooner in the future

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Eric Worrall
claim: global warming will cause ocean food chains to collapse

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Eric Worrall
whining about not enough warmist hysteria in Dem/Red/leftist "debate"

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Eric Worrall
why conspiracy-theorist senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is doomed to fail in his battle against climate science

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Anthony Watts
new methane scare off the cost off Washington coast begs the question: did anyone look at these before?

2015-10-14 (5776 Cheshvan 01)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Few men understood the problems & tendencies of power better than the architects of the USA constitution.   Their reading of history taught them that good gov't required much more than the presence of good men in public office.   Good gov't... called for effective brakes on the exercise of power.   They recognized the need for adequate authority to deal with urgent & far-reaching problems; but they were careful to surround such authority with essential restraints & constraints.   Even good men, they believed, have a tendency to use whatever power they have to shield themselves from the consequences of their errors.   Public scrutiny tends to be resisted..." --- Norman Cousins 1987 _The Pathology of Power_ pg 49  



2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
are "sanctuary" cities (counties, states) the new confederates?
Washington DC Times
"There are now 340 sanctuary cities -- and the list is growing.   All of them choose to ignore federal immigration law by refusing to report detained [illegal aliens] to federal authorities under most circumstances.   Partly as a result, deportations of those who entered the U.S.A. illegally are at a 10-year low -- even according to the [Obummer regime's] new rigged redefinition of deportation as also occasionally preventing illegal entry at the border..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Chris Millis _Washington DC Times_
NC bill to comply with immigration law and protect NC workers
"The Tar Heel State has experienced its own series of crimes committed by people who are in the country illegally.   The Protect North Carolina Workers Act prohibits local governments in North Carolina from adopting sanctuary ordinances that provide refuge for [illegal aliens] who commit [additional] crimes.   To achieve quasi-legal status in the [United States of America], many illegal immigrants also utilize a 'Consular Identification Card' to open bank accounts, rent property, establish utilities, potentially obtain driver’s licenses, and access public benefits to which they are not entitled under the law.   But Consular IDs, issued by foreign governments, are never authenticated; the holder's identity is not even verified when the card is issued.   Consular cards are useful in the U.S.A. only for illegal aliens, because legal immigrants -- by definition -- already have validated U.S. government-issued documents.   And according to the FBI, Consular cards can be easily faked.   The bill that I and my colleagues sponsored prohibits the use of Consular Identification cards (and other similar forms of unsecure documentation) for the purposes of determining a person's identity or residency.   The Protect North Carolina Workers Act also requires state agencies and local governments in North Carolina (and the contractors that do business with them) to abide by federal law and utilize E-Verify to determine legal work status.   Expecting local governments to uphold U.S. law is not only common sense; it's good government.   That's something we should encourage, rather than tear down, to score political points..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
illegal alien pervert who video-recorded women on WM toilet might not be deported and removed by corrupt Obummer regime after he serves 270 days in jail

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Muslim invaders expect Latvia will be part of caliphate within 50 years; oppose integration and assimilation
"The fertility rate of Latvians today is just 1.4 children per couple, a figure that would be lower for native couples should faster-reproducing migrants be excluded from the calculation, and already far below the 2.1 children needed to prevent population collapse...   Latvia has already started exporting Islamic terrorism to other parts of the world.   At least one Latvian travelled to the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in 2014 to fight jihad, while the Latvian Public Broadcasting Corporation reports another 2 Muslims were under investigation this year for travelling to Syria.   The Latvian security services expressed concern that returning fighters could post a terror threat to the country, or would work to radicalise other Muslims."
Correction: Cessation of increasing over-population is not "population collapse", but merely relief.

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
"coalition" hasn't interrupted ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate oil trade
"...FT learned from local traders and engineers that crude production in territory controlled by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has reached between 34K and 40K barrels per day (bpd).   ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate charges between $20 and $45 a barrel, generating an average of $1.5M a day.   Oil consumption is not limited to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate-held areas...

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, father of "Ahmed the clock-disassembler" boasts that their prank will "spread Islam in America"

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
2K illegal aliens who committed additional crimes are scheduled for release by the corrupt, anti-USA, anti-constitution Obummer regime; GOP senators want answers

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Obummer and GOP losership conspiring to ram through Trans-Pacific Partnership during lame-duck session between 2015 November election and 2016 January, when new congress and president are sworn in
"...The treaty, and two additional treaties, are intended to help companies move manufacturing and other work over-seas to low-wage countries, while also ensuring the companies can import their overseas-made products, plus [more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled] foreign-workers [with flexible ethics], back into the USA.   The process is expected to [suppress wages and benefits, keep USA job markets dysfunctional,] cut costs, goose profits, and boost executives' stock-values on Wall Street."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
nearly half of illegal alien children not showing up for hearings, being declared deported in absentia and subject to removal

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
remittances: what the "beautiful people" see vs. what actually happens

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Erin Kelly _USA Today_/_Gannett_
Paul Ryan's opposition to immigration reform, support of immigration law perversion (plus willingness to go along with leftists' soaring unconstitutional over-spending), makes him not eligible to be speaker of the House
"...[Non-leftist] web-sites such as Breitbart News and [restricted-immigration] groups are especially critical of Ryan's decision to appear with [anti-reform] Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), at the City Club of Chicago in late 2013 to call for [reprehensible immigration law perversion]..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Elaina Plott _National Review_
some of the reasons non-leftists -- those who want to reform immigration, cut federal government spending, reduce federal government corruption and unconstitutional activies, balance budgets and pay down debt -- oppose making Paul Ryan speaker of the House
"...And he toured alongside Dem/leftist/Red congressman Luis Gutierrez, perhaps the most prominent [opponent of immigration reform]...   Ryan's support for Trade-Promotion Authority [and the perverse, crony socialist Trade-Adjustment Assistance] and the Trans-Pacific Partnership [and TATIP and TISA], which the far Right has [noted is] an executive power grab; his collaboration with Red/leftist/Dem senator Patty Murray on a federal budget [over-spending] compromise; and his reported unwillingness to grant the House Freedom Caucus the procedural concessions it is demanding...   There are those who see [successful] opposition to [, and hopefully, reform of] Ryan as a [good] sign for the GOP.   [The RINO losership attitude shows their extreme dysfunctionality.   The abandonment of principle is the first sign of a decaying association.   The fact that] Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain's [misguided] 2008 campaign [is considered an authority on the matter is] indicative of [the media's and the Republican and Dem/red/leftist parties' extreme dysfunctionality.] Disturbing or not, the [emphatic opposition to] Ryan makes clear that [the public is not willing to turn a blind eye to the continued lack of reform on federal government spending, lack of reform of dysfunctional job markets, and lack of reform of immigration.]"

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Angela Merkel criticised by those in her own political party over "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals sexually assaulted asylum center cleaner

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals crisis generating calls for tighter borders in Europe

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
John Rhys-Davies's non-PC solution to Europe's "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis
"If you watch movies or television shows with any degree of regularity, there's a good chance you've seen John Rhys-Davies's work. The Welsh actor has over 200 film and TV credits to his name; he tagged along with Harrison Ford as Sallah in the Indiana Jones movies, played the dwarf Gimli in all 3 of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings films, and played the nefarious General Pushkin in the 1987 Bond movie The Living Daylights. He's also appeared in countless television shows over the past [5] decades, including Shogun, CHiPs, Robin Hood, Great Expectations, The Untouchables, Murder She Wrote, Sliders, [Catherine the Great, The Guardians, Crossroads] and most recently, the ABC show Once Upon a Time..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
illegal aliens sue for lower tuition than legal foreign students in Missouri

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
in Colorado, illegal aliens push for more offices to make getting driver licenses more convenient for them

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Laura Ingraham
Thomas Sowell: there is an on-going quiet repeal of the American Revolution (partial transcript and audio of interview)
"the Constitution is being 'watered down' to allow politicians to act as they please, and, further, that the concept of citizenship is no longer accompanied by a sense of obligation to [the United States of America].   Sowell pointed fingers at the American people who, as citizens, have an obligation to elect responsible leaders, rather than voting for 'silly self indulgences'.   Sowell also discussed Donald Trump's presidential run, suggesting Trump may be able to secure the GOP nomination if he is able to maintain high polling numbers across the country.   However, Sowell voiced concerns that Trump's dominance in the Republican field has prevented American voters from vetting other potential candidates.   Ingraham pushed back on this concern, claiming the politicians have lost credibility with the American people because 'they are more worried about making the lives of the average Syrian better than focusing on the lives of the average American'...   Sowell: 'One of the factors of the decline and fall of the Roman empire was the cheapening of Roman citizenship.   And, one time, if you were a Roman citizen that was a source of pride and, more than that, it implied obligations on your part to maintain the empire and so on.   Here, it implies nothing.   It's all one way.   John F. Kennedy said, Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.   That concept of citizenship has long since gone by the boards.' (4:35)..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the failed red model (as George Will joins the increasing ranks of media who can't tell Reds/Dems/leftists from true-blue Republicans)
"A Midwestern humorist, Indiana's Kin Hubbard, said people often confuse bad management with destiny.   Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel knows better.   He must play the cards that fate has dealt him, and he is too polite, or at least too prudent, to say that another name for fate is Dem/leftist/Red rule of the city since 1931.   During the past 84 years, the growth of the public sector has been mostly driven by the alliance between elected politicians and public-sector unions.   This has made Chicago emblematic of the coast-to-coast crisis of what Walter Russell Mead has labeled the [Red model] of municipal and state governance...   Emanuel's task -- condign punishment for any Democrat -- is to salvage the [red] model by making the private sector dynamic enough to generate tax revenues sufficient to fund improvident public contracts and their pension promises.   Hence Emanuel's focus on K-12 education.   A circle with a radius of 275 miles from Chicago's Loop includes nine Big Ten [and other high-quality] campuses (and the University of Chicago, the University of Notre Dame [U of IL, Purdue, U of IN, U of Cincinnati, Ohio State U, Miami U, UMSL, Wash U] and many others) that furnish a steady stream of graduates drawn to urban life.   The challenge is to hold these taxpayers in the city when they have school-age children.   Hence Emanuel's enthusiasm for -- scarcity can be the mother of courage -- charter schools, which horrify the Dem/leftist/Red Party's pay-masters in the teachers unions...   This is evidence of increasing numbers of affluent people, including many young workers, who are weary of ever-longer commutes on ever-more-congested freeways.   Traditionally, the only things [Reds/leftists/Dems] dislike more than suburbs are suburbanites who, not knowing their place, become gentrifying urbanites.   But the price of government workers' pensions must be paid...   In Chicago, the crisis of the [Red model] is being addressed by policies designed to produce an influx of corporate head-quarters (36 in the past 4 years) and suburbanites.   For the fun of irritating his fellow [regressives/leftists/Dems/Reds], let's call this the Emanuel effect."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
a presidential cabinet for the ages
"The polls make it clear that Americans -- Republicans especially -- are disgusted with political insiders.   There's something to be said for political experience.   But as neuro-surgeon Ben Carson, 1 of 3 outsiders at or near the top of the Republican presidential polls, noted: 'There is more than 9K years of political experience in congress.   Look where it's gotten us.'   We've learned through bitter experience that what matter most in a public officeholder are intelligence, courage and character -- little of which are in evidence in Washington, DC, these days..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
why is Hitlery Rotten Clinton so unhappy?
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Bradlee Dean _WND_
left is trying to claim Hitlery's crimes are legitimate actions

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
are more lies the answer for Hitlery Rotten Clinton?

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Obummer regime's latest extreme leftist attack dog
Warner Todd Huston: Breitbart
"...'This is the Alice and Wonderland approach to our security in this nation.', Fitton said.   'Terrorist attacks are treated as crimes, and here they're going to be treating crimes as terrorist attacks' [unless an extreme leftist like Hitlery Rotten Clinton or Cass Sunstein or Bill Ayers or Rahm Emanuel or Jonathan Gruber or Lois Lerner or Kathleen Supercilious commits the crime]."
It is important for Obummer regime officials to tamp down on their rhetoric... and anti-constitutional actions.

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
is Ben Carson a clear and present danger to the left's/Reds'/Dems' anti-constitutional, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic lawlessness?
World Net Daily

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
the power to regulate is the power to destroy

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Marc A. Thiessen _Jewish World Review_
finding consensus classical liberals for the GOP... for speaker of the House and president
"...McCarthy's decision not to seek the speaker's job creates an opportunity to break this cycle by electing a consensus candidate supported by both the Freedom Caucus and the GOP rank and file who has a chance to actually unify Republicans, and hold together 218 votes -- which would produce more conservative results.   The Freedom Caucus has done the GOP a big favor by shaking up the speaker's race..."
The problem is that the leftists/Reds/Dems keep insisting that the USA constitution and GOP and Libertarian core principles be totally surrendered.   There is much room for legitimate compromise, though.   By how much should federal government spending be cut?   By how much should student, exchange, guest-work, and green card visas be reduced?   Which parts of which offices, agencies, and departments should be cut the most?   Should anti-constitutional activities be immediately halted, or incrementally reduced and/or eliminated at the narrowest levels?   Should all of ObummerDoesn'tCare be eliminated tonight, or next month?   ...all at once, piece by piece, or by overall reductions?   Should massive bombing or special forces raids be carried out in conjunction with Israel to terminate Iran's programs to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and prevent those involved from merely picking up where they left off?   ...or should a series of precision bombings be used to cripple the projects and Iran's economy gradually until they release USA and Israeli prisoners and comply with requirements for random, unnannounced inspections by US forces?

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Iran released pictures of purported underground missile facilities in range of USA military bases
"...The images give evidence to Iran's military overhaul of its missile program in the wake of [Obummer's treaty to let them develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems].   A senior Iranian general told state media that the Islamic republic is working to replace its current stock-pile with newer weapons...   countries will be allowed to transfer missile technology and heavy weapons to Iran..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
what you watch on your TV, phone, tablet, or computer is not private, because neither the corrupt governments (local, state, federal, executive, legislative, judicial), nor the firms' corrupt executives, respect your privacy in the least

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Chris Erskine _Jewish World Review_
over-achievers earlier and earlier: too soon is never early enough

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer informed congress he's deployed USA troops to... Cameroon

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime refuses to black-list human rights abuses, though Pakistani courts continue to issue death sentences for blasphemy...
...but to the corrupt Obummer regime, Israelis trying to visit site of Temple in Jerusalem, Israel to be incitement to violence

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
it's a miracle!: Mahmoud Abbas claimed 13-year-old knifer was executed by Israeli government, but he's alive
"...the boy in question is still alive in an Israeli hospital.   The teen was injured while attempting to stab 2 Israel Jews -- one a child -- to death in a Jerusalem, Israel neighborhood Monday.   The attack was the latest in a series of knifings encouraged by Palestinian political and religious leaders.   At first, the Palestinian Authority denied that the 13-year-old was a terrorist.   Israeli authorities then released video surveillance footage of the teen, Ahmed Manasra, and his cousin running down the street brandishing knives during the attack.   'Dead 13-year-old terrorist alive and well.', reported Israel's Ynetnews.com..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Benjamin Netanyahu charges Mahmoud Abbas with encouraging violent a ttacks

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer regime charges that self-defense is "terrorism", "excessive force" when Israelis use effective personal arms to defend against attacks carried out using blades and firearems

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
3 out of 4 deaths of USA military personnel in Afghanistan occurred under Obummer

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Obummer-ordered UAV attacks kill innocents 90% of the time
"Ryan Devereaux, a journalist with the web-site, reported that 'During one 5-month period of the operation, according to the documents, nearly 90% of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.' &nbs; Nevertheless, the [Obummer regime] considers many of these casualties to be enemy combatants, according to the the source, despite the strikes more often than not ending in the deaths of women, children and other civilians who become collateral damage of targeted attacks and are subsequently written off as adversaries killed during war, regardless of status..."
If you think about it for at least a few seconds, it's clear there is not enough information presented here to know anything useful.   How often are they hitting the wrong locations?   How often are they hitting the wrong locations because of erroneous interpretation of surveillance imagery?   How often are they hitting the wrong locations because of faulty and insufficient human intelligence?   How often are they hitting the right locations, with the right bad guys but innocent children are present?   Are the bad guys hiding behind women and children at their munitions and equipment depots for propaganda purposes?

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Arab vandals wrote "Homeland is racist" onto ShowTime set

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Christianith could be extinct in Iraq within 5 years

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: the entire Obummer regime is filled with left-wing Marxist Jew-haters

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
_Conservative HQ_
are you and your non-leftist friends in the struggle to elect a non-leftist speaker of the House?

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Tennessee legislator Sheila Butt just might save the USA
"After parents in Tennessee complained that public schools were facilitating the Islamic religious indoctrination of their children Tennessee state representative Sheila Butt (R-Columbia) has proposed a bill that would ban public schools from teaching 'religious doctrine' earlier than 10th grade.   State representative Butt (pictured) introduced the bill after parents complained that middle school world history lessons on Islam were inappropriate.   Parents said the curriculum focused more on Islam than on other religions and bordered on 'indoctrination'.   In addition to the parents who support the legislation, state representative Butt gained support from conservatives in congress, 'There is a big difference between education and indoctrination.', U.S. representative Marsha Blackburn, (TN-7) said in a statement in September.   According to media reports Tennessee middle school students currently read from religious texts and learn about world religions, including the Five Pillars of Islam.   Butt's legislation doesn't specifically mention Islam, however, the Muslim Brotherhood front-group the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) quickly labeled the bill 'Islamophobic'.   But local parents disagree with CAIR's predicable charges...   While the school officials in their ignorance of Islamist doctrine continue to insist that the curriculum is just about history, they are ignorantly participating in the Islamist effort to disguise Islam as a 'religion of peace', instead of teaching what Islam is really all about.   In Islam it is called al-Taqiyah.   Taqiyah is variously translated as infiltration, subversion or deception, but from a political perspective it means to disguise one's true self in order to win the war against the enemy...   one foolish school official said Islam brought us algebra [true, during a more liberal phase; al-gebra, al or el geburah in Hebrew, means 'God's strength', and they also transmitted the notion of zero, and our numerals, slightly altered, from India]...   Nor is there any mention in Tennessee's curriculum of the conflict between the tenets of Islam and constitutional liberty, such as the penalty of death for criticizing Islam, drawing the Prophet, leaving the Muslim faith or a myriad of other activities protected by the Constitution of the United States and valued in a cultured founded upon individual liberty and free expression.   The goal of Islam is to create a global Caliphate by undermining the foundations of non-Islamic, especially Western, cultures.   The forced teaching about a non-existent peaceful Islam in Tennessee's schools, and in other public schools, is a classic example of the use of Taqiyah by America's Islamist infiltrators.   Tennessee state Representative Sheila Butt and the wise parents of Cheatham, Maury and Rutherford counties are right to oppose the teaching of this benign and mythical version of Islam in [the USA's] public schools.   It is a classic example of the Islamist strategy of Taqiyah and the only way to counter it is to expose the reality of Islam and the existential threat it poses to Western values and constitutional liberty."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
corrupt federal judge Colleen McMahon dictates that Muslims should get special privileges
"Last Wednesday, federal judge Colleen McMahon ordered New York City's Metropolitan Transportation Authority to run a series of dishonest advertisements promoting Islamic agitprop in the subway -- where our American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) pro-freedom ads are banned from running.   This is not the first time Judge Colleen McMahon has shown favoritism to Muslims.   Back in 2011 June, McMahon, a Clinton appointee, was the presiding judge in a case involving the Newburgh Four -- a group of Muslims who had plotted to bomb a synagogue in the Bronx.   She gave them 25 years in prison -- the minimum sentence -- and took the opportunity to blast not Islamic jihadists, but the government.   McMahon claimed that the jihad bombing plot was just a fantasy until the FBI stepped in.   Referring to jihad plotter James Cromitie, she said...   Where do judge McMahon and her colleagues think she is, allowing speech they favor while banning speech they oppose?   Do they think they're in Nazi Germany?   Public service ads are allowed, and our ads are the embodiment of the public service ad.   What could be more serviceable than saving your life?..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Chapman U poll: top fear of 58% is corrupt government
"While our media over-lords in Washington DC and Manhattan relentlessly push to further-empower government by presenting government as the solution to every problem, 58% of the American people see government as their worst fear...   How out of touch is our media?   More people fear gun control (36.5%); and [ObummerDoesn'tCare] (35.7%); than they do illness (34.4%); a nuclear attack (33.6%); or...global warming (30.7%)...   People are more afraid of government bureaucrats, 'gun control', and [ObummerDoesn'tCare] than they are of unemployment (23.8%)..."

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
in Boston, MA, family getting over $200K, several over $100K, more than 311 getting $10K-above-guide-lines are living in tax-victim subsidized housing

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Robert Gates: Obummer's distrust of the USA military is particularly true in Afghanistan

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Mecca pilgrimage/hajira death toll over 1,620 -- hundreds still missing

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Guy Milliere _Ruthfully Yours_
anti-Jewish jihad in Israel

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Eric Worrall
France's top weather-man suspended for criticising climate hysteria

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Eric Worrall
claim: Amerians will have to suffer worse standard of living to stop non-existent global warming

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Anthony Watts & Patrick Moore
in praise of CO2

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer regime tries to induce illfare dependency on coal workers and related industries through insufficient grants to crony socialists for insubstantial, mal-targeted training

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Eric Worrall
are Jagdish Shukla and the RICO20 guilty of racketeering?

2015-10-15 (5776 Cheshvan 02)
Proposed Bills 2015

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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study, from 1975 through 1985 our automobiles shrank 10 inches in wheel-base and became 1K pounds lighter. A _USA Today_ report states that because of the smaller, less safe cars mandated by the government, more than 47K Americans have already lost their lives." --- G. Gordon Liddy 2002 _When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country_ pg75  



This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ken Blackwell, (12) Ann Coulter, (13) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.     For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Tom Cotton.

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
why "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals "vetting" will be indisputably fallible
I must remind everyone that several of the Obummer regime witnesses kept talking about data-bases, not about actually investigating people's backgrounds.   Their horizons, their expectations, their industry is limited to the low-hanging fruit of data passed from government to government, NOT the real world.   And even within that limitation they don't seem inclined to invest much effort.

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
1,900 "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminals' children who arrive in Sweden each month, 1K go missing

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Eurotunnel driver speaking out about "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals affecting UK's truckers

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
economist Bernd Raffelhüschen warns: Germany's "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals flood will lead to massive tax increases

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
2 specialized visa programs, one much better than the other

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter: if excessive, low-standards, no-standards immigration continues to worsen like this we will have a century of president Obummers and an entire supreme court of Ruth Bader Ginsbergs
Ann Coulter notes that other candidates won't talk to us about reforming immigration; finishing the border fence or wall; effectively defending the borders and coast-lines; effectively seeking out and finding and removing illegal aliens who have invaded and/or over-stayed visas; reducing student and exchange and guest-work visas and green cards to practical, manageable levels; running proper background investigations on visa applicants... the whole package of necessary reforms.

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal struck by freight trane found dead near Chunnel

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Los Zetas begin killing each other; turmoil in Mexico

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
CIS: senate GOP bill targeting "sanctuary" cities (counties, states) is a decent approach to reducing the problem

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
which of Obummer's favorite illegal aliens are gangsters?: DHS does not want to know
"The government potentially knows the answer because it is on the application form (I-821D).   But in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Center we were told that we could not have any data on the topic because, 'The information you seek is not a field that is electronically captured.'   So someone in the government decided that the gang membership question should be on the application form filed in the [unconstitutional and illegal] 'Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals' program.   Then the same person or a different somebody decided that USCIS did not want to know the answer, on a group basis, so the decision was made to not record it.   I do not think this was a left hand-right hand problem; I think that USCIS figured that someone in the public would ask the question and the agency wanted to be in a position to shrug their collective shoulders when asked about it..."

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry, Israeli Arabs, and the separation delusion
Expand Gaza=Palestine.   Exile the Eastern Israel, Eastern Jerusalem and other trouble-makers to there, seal it up again, and tie a bow on it as the "Palestinian State", leaving behind a few spies, surveillance equipment, seismic detectors, and let them cook in their own vicious stew.   Smack them whenever they try to export their violence-initiating "culture".   Then do the same with Iran.

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
connecting dots between the Obummer regime, Jerusalem, Baltimore and Ferguson
"The recent spate of savage attacks against civilians in Israel and the serial out-breaks of civil disorder and attacks on police officers in America may seem disconnected, but they are not.   Each has its roots, and funding, in the radical anti-Western anti-democratic forces that hope to over-throw constitutional government in America and destroy the Jewish state.   And each has been aided and abetted, and is indeed sustained by the radical-Left in the Western media who have made heroes of the cop-killing thugs of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement in America and victims of the savage Palestinians who stab innocent Israeli women and children.   Consider the media coverage of the Palestinian attacks on Israeli citizens...   Other Palestinian attacks include the stabbing of two elderly Israeli men and an assault with a vegetable peeler on a 14-year-old.   On Sunday, an Arab-Israeli man ran over a 19-year-old female soldier at a bus stop, then got out of his car, stabbed her, and attacked two men and a 14-year-old girl.   Several attacks have been carried out by women, including a failed suicide bombing.   Nowhere in the left-leaning Western media is it explained that these attacks are not random [nor 'spontaneous'] -- they are instigated by Muslim imams preaching hate in Palestinian mosques and by the Palestinian 'government' itself...   In 1996, according to reporting by The Blaze's Meredith Jessup, Farrakhan traveled to Libya and received Gaddafi's international prize for 'Human Rights', a $250K 'honor' also bestowed on the likes of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega and 'the children of Palestine'.   But guess who accompanied Louis Farrakhan to Libya to meet with Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli in 1984, even before Farrakhan inked the interest-free loan? The reverend-doctor Jeremiah A. Wright ii...   The relationship between anti-American race-war instigators, such as Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright, and anti-American religious war instigators, such as the 'Muslim Brotherhood', Hamas, [Fatah, Hezbollah,] and the 'Palestinian Liberation Organization', isn't a recently formed alliance.   The 2 movements have long-shared the same funding and the same goal; the destruction of [the United States of America] as the foundational element necessary for the preservation of Western cultural values and constitutional liberty, but until now they never had facilitators in the highest levels of the United States government, such as the attorney-general, the secretary of State and the president, to help them accomplish it."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
MSLSD "reporter" caught lying on air about armed Palestinians attacking Israelis
"...The MSNBC production crew then displayed a picture of the man in question as Mohyeldin continued to [try to] mislead his audience.   The picture clearly shows the Palestinian attacker in camouflage and he appears to be armed with a large knife..."

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
hundreds of Palestinian rioters set fire to large parts of the site of Joseph's Tomb in Nablus
"...'The burning and desecration of Joseph's tomb...is a blatant violation and contradiction of the basic value of freedom of worship.', said Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Peter Lerner..."
CNN edited report, initially claiming "Joseph's Tomb site catches fire", then "Joseph's Tomb site set abalze amid wave of Palestinian-Israeli violence"

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
governor Bobby Jindal on Hitlery Rotten Clinton: Israel should not engage in "dialogue" with terrorists, Israel should destroy them

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Armstrong Williams _WND_
Israelis stabbed in the back by Palestinian Muslims and Obummer

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
crowd-funding effort for "Ahmed the clock disassembler" falling flat

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
"Ahmed the clock disassembler" hugs Sudan's genocidal theocrat Omer Hassan al-Bashir

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Boko Haram: female suicide bombers killed dozens in mosque of rival sect

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio warned: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate wants to conquer and subjugate the whole world

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
a neo-con's view of the stormy present
So, dump Yebbie, Kasich, Christie, Rubio, and see which of the "viable" candidates -- the other candidates -- can reform to come up to muster.   Let us see which will flush themselves.   Let's see which will make good cabinet members and advisers.   Let's see which can be trusted to reform the perverted government the last 6-20 administrations and the corresponding senates and congresses (yes, back to Benjamin Harrison should do) have left us, and which cannot be trusted to do so.

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
war crimes: if torture is wrong they should not have televised the Dem/leftist/Red "debate"

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Dem/leftist/Red party is not for grown-ups

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Dem/leftist/Red political passion for obsession

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the comeuppance of creepy Obummer crony Kevin Johnson
"...The public relations disaster came at the hands of the weekly Sacramento News & Review, which has published damning reports all year long on Johnson's [abuse] of public resources for personal gain -- along with sports web-site Deadspin, which has hammered Johnson over long-time allegations of the athlete-turned-Democrat point man's sleazy financial dealings and personal perversities...   [AmeriCorpse]..."
And you expected something different from an "organized" network of crony socialists?!

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
Noah/נֹחַ/Noach/Nach/Nech: filling in the blanks of biblical biographies, and walking in God's path

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
will Donald Trump and Ben Carson participate in the next "debate"?... will the candidates or some outside group set up one of their own?
Ryan Lovelace: Washington Examiner: only Trump and Cruz have the guts

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
_Conservative HQ_
corrupt GOP losership schedules votes for when they're confident they can make USA citizens lose, not for when we can win
"And this effort to fix the election for speaker is being actively abetted by the [leftist] media, who act like they don't care or see what is going on, which is that the Republican [losership and RINOs that run] Capitol Hill right now is simply stalling around until they can figure out a way to manipulate the process to maintain their power.   And make no mistake about it, this isn't about 'unifying the party', or finding a 'consensus candidate'.   Stalling the vote to elect a new speaker is all about those that been wrecking the country keeping their power in congress, and thwarting the will of We the People...   But operating out of the public eye is the only way that the [RINOs and losership] can manipulate the process to maintain their power, hence the cone of silence that has descended over the race.   And truth be told if there was some kind of open process where half-a-dozen candidates for Speaker came forth and canvassed the House Republican Conference, made speeches to the various formal caucuses, like the Freedom Caucus, the Liberty Caucus and the Republican Study Committee, and to the various informal regional caucuses, like the Southern States, the [losership and RINO] candidates would all lose.   The majority of House Republicans are fed-up with being pushed around by a small cabal of insiders..."

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Laura Ingraham
Newt Gingrich: Donald Trump could win the presidency
CNN/ORC poll: Trump is the most electable

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Laura Ingraham
CNBC agreed to a 2-hour, more substantive debate

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Laura Ingraham
thanks, Obummer and ObummerDoesn'tCare! Medicaid costs hit record high
Jayne O'Donnell: USA Today/Gannett

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
report suggests Hitlery Rotten Clinton violated Espionage Act

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Larry Klayman _WND_
Obummer joins Hitlery in attempt to obstruct justice in investigation of attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
"...In [Obummer's] world, Edward Snowden's revelations that Americans' privacy is being [unconstitutionally] violated was a threat to national security.   To [Obummer], Russian hackers literally reading Hillary's e-mail, probably in real time, during negotiations with Iran over its nuclear weapons programs and the conduct of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, is no big deal.   Perhaps [Obummer] would be fit better in Russia.   Maybe we could trade [Obummer] for Snowden.   It is becoming clear that Ambassador Chris Stevens' travel plans and security arrangements in Benghazi, Libya, were revealed in emails sent to and forwarded from Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.   As we learn more about the poor safeguards of her e-mail server against computer hacking, we realize that Hillary's selfishness and devious duplicity led directly to the deaths of 4 U.S. diplomats and personnel.   Islamic militants knew exactly where Ambassador Stevens was going to be, remote from the more-secure U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, and exactly when.   And they knew how weak the security was at the Benghazi compound, likely as a result of reading Hillary's e-mails.   U.S. diplomats are most likely dead because Hillary did not use the secure e-mail systems set up and maintained by State Department professionals to preserve secrecy...   I represent the parents of Michael Strange, who are still trying to get the facts as to how Taliban fighters in Afghanistan knew exactly where and when SEAL Team 6, which killed Osama bin Laden, was going to fly in on an aging Chinook 47-D helicopter to a remote mountain in Afghanistan.   The evidence shows that their attackers traveled a long distance to ambush them.   Who tipped off the Islamic jihadists that SEAL Team 6 was on that helicopter and exactly where to ambush them?...   [Obummer's] team leaked the identity of SEAL Team 6, which was classified information.   The outing of CIA staffer Valerie Plame, not under-cover, was a huge scandal.   But when the classified secret of who raided bin Laden's compound was revealed, we hear silence.   Nor can the American public even confirm that bin Laden was killed, as photos of his alleged dead body have been suppressed thanks to the Mullah in Chief and his [pliant] judicial appointees on the DC federal court.   Every member of SEAL Team 6 instantly realized they had just had a bull's-eye painted on their backs.   Now, many of them are actually dead..."
L. Todd Wood: Washington DC Times: corrupt Obummer sabotaging investigation of Clinton
Ronald Kessler: Washington DC Times: Obummer sabotaging investigation of Clinton by pardoning her for breaches of national security and obstruction of justice

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Carol A. Taber _Washington DC Times_
non-verification in Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery system is even more of a scam than we thought

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
leftist media has been re-defining left and right further to the left for several decades (ditto Reds/leftists/Dems versus true-blue Republicans)
"It's increasingly difficult to use the term 'liberal' for the American Left without irony, because there's nothing liberal about them at all -- they're rigid totalitarians who think compulsive force is the answer to every question.   They're not even paying lip service to the ideal of free speech any more.   Likewise, the term 'conservative' is becoming an uneasy fit for the [liberal] American 'Right'.   The right-wingers are the liberals these days, seeking to liberalize numerous areas where individual choice has been restricted, and challenging social-consensus groupthink at least as calcified and oppressive as anything the 1960s generation rebelled against.   The Right is the counter-culture now.   Also, it's time for conservatives to do some hard thinking about what they're trying to 'conserve', and how they plan to defend it.   Every conceivable answer to that question either is, or soon will be, under sustained attack...   the Left is very uncomfortable with admitting its addiction to the use of force..."

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
John J. Xenakis _Breitbart_
Red China and USA poised for military confrontation in South China sea-lanes

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Patrice Lewish _WND_
how to be subversive... pay with silver coins or FeRNs instead of checks or cards or idiot-phones

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
a new history of Ronald Reagan's _Last Act_

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Lynn D. Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
supremes' worst decisions of all time

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Eric Metaxas _Cybercast News Service_
facing down the GeStaPo

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Chuck Woolery: the Nazis were socialists, collectivists, leftists

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
on US federal government debt, deficit, and expansion of already vastly bloated, power-mad government (video)

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Joshua Charles _WND_
crazy leftists want to remove Jefferson statue from Mizzou in a perverted attempt to "revise" history

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Elizabeth Lee Vliet _WND_
senator Ted Cruz speech to Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: the last vestiges of soviet communism are the USA's college campuses

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
David Siegel
how a leftist vegan "environmentalist" made the switch from climate hysteric to skeptic: doing the home-work

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Anthony Watts
NASA Goddard: 2015 Antarctic maximum sea ice extent breaks streak of record highs

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Anthony Watts
petition for Philippe Verdier to be re-instated in his job at France Televisions

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Anthony Watts
Hawkesbury river study: CO2 improves tree growth & drought tolerance

2015-10-16 (5776 Cheshvan 03)
Proposed Bills 2015

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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In a purely Zen sense, action is better than inaction, & the decision to move awakens the powers of intuition that will find the right path." --- Chuck Norris 1996 _The Secret Power Within_ pg 44  



2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
2013 video exposes Paul Ryan's open-borders push, alliance with extremist Luis Gutierrez
representative Paul Ryan and representative Luis Gutierrez push against immigration reform, for immigration law perversion (video)
"...The history of the United States is not one of immigration but assimilation.   After the immigration wave from 1880-1920, immigration was cut off, there was no net immigration increase for 50 straight years in order to melt European immigrants into society.   Ignoring this history, Ryan is arguing that the unprecedentedly-large non-European wave of the last 50 years should be followed by an even bigger wave that is already happening.   In fact, as Breitbart News reported, Ryan was integral in derailing a 1990s bipartisan push to cut immigration...   'backlog' is a term invented by immigration expansionists to say anyone who wants a U.S. green card should be giving the green card..."
2014-08-22: Tony Lee: Breitbart

2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)

2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)
Michael Walsh _NYPost_
plot against Donald Trump... by the Yebbie campaign
"The Trump phenomenon is giving professional politicians a severe case of heart-burn.   But it illustrates that in the age of the outsider candidate (Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina), the GOP establishment is having a devil of a time figuring out how to stop him.   Trump currently maintains his lead in the Real Clear Politics average of national polls, with Carson second and Fiorina in fourth place..."

2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)

2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)
Christopher Monckton
FOIAing the UK supreme court's "pantomime of hate" against climate science

2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)
Tim Ball
analysis of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis

2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-10-17 (5776 Cheshvan 04)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Marion Harland reflects on "fear" of slave insurrection

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Dress as if you respect yourself, whether you do or not...   Act as if you deserve that job you're trying for.   Do the job as if you were 1st-rate...   high self-esteem comes after action, not before...   'Do it 1st, learn how 2nd.'...   Action will raise your self-esteem better than affirmations." --- Barbara Sher & Barbara Smith 1994 _I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was_ pg 21  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "...in the USA [socialist insecurity] numbers [SINs] seem unique enough, assuming we could ignore clerical errors (which is a bad assumption, because American [SINs], unlike those in other countries, do not contain embedded check digits [because the public and congress vocally opposed their abuse for these other purposes]).   And, because so many real-world systems do [abuse SINs] as an identifier, the typical analyst would assume that it's a safe choice -- until he discovers that the numbers get recycled.   Depending on the problem space (e.g. a banking system [or other power-mad government tracking schemes such as medical records, driver licenses, toll collections, firearm sales]) this potential duplication could be a serious problem." --- Peter Coad & Edward Yourdon 1990 _Object-Oriented Analysis_ pg 115  

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