2015 November, week 1

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2016-01-04

  "All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills." --- article 1 section 7 paragraph 1  

2015 November
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2015 November, week 1 (1-7) (15KB)
2015 November, week 2 (8-14) (15KB)
2015 November, week 3 (15-21) (15KB)
2015 November, week 4 (22-28) (15KB)
2015 November, week 5 (29-30) (15KB)

  "It is too probable that no plan we propose will be adopted.   Perhaps another dreadful conflict is to be sustained.   If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work?   Let us raise a standard to which the wise & the honest can repair.   The event is in the hand of God." --- George Washington at 1st Continental Congress 1787-05-14  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 November

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression




Yom Rishon



2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Breitbart has become a major player in H-1B coverage

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
_Cybercast News Service_
Paul Ryan: we can't trust Obummer on immigration (neither an WE trust Paul Ryan)

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
families gather to commemorate relatives murdered by illegal aliens

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
parish church in Oberhausen (just east of the Rhine, between Duisburg & Essen, maybe 33 miles east of Venlo Netherlands) stripped out crosses, pulpit, pews for the comfort of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
protestors in Austria demand border fences, decrease in in-flux

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Houston, Texas: Obummer's NIGHTMARES demand an end to turning back foreign invaders at the border, and end to detention of illegal aliens caught inside USA

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Ben Geier _Fortune_
Marco Rubio may be the default candidate for corrupt, crony socialist business executives
"Rubio is a career politician.   After graduating from the University of Florida, he went straight to law school at the University of Miami and then became a city commissioner in West Miami.   After that he ran for the Florida House of Representatives, where he served until 2008.   Then in 2010, he was elected to the U.S. senate.   So no, not a whole lot of business experience there, or even much experience outside of the public sector.   Don Haider, a professor of strategy at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, is quite familiar with the establishment wing of the Republican Party.   He was a Romney delegate at the 2012 Republican National Convention and is currently a Bush supporter.   He thinks that anointing any candidate the 'business candidate' is a fool's errand, because business can mean a lot of things.   Rubio, he notes, has made a case to entrepreneurs and small business owners, but that doesn't mean he'll get support from big business just yet.   Plus, executives on Wall Street don't really care who they support, as long as it's a horse they can back.   'Wall Street wants to be with the winner, whoever it may be.', Haider says.   If Rubio beats Bush in the Florida primary, which comes fairly early in the election cycle and rises to the top of the slate, big donors may start writing checks to a different Floridian.   There is one issue where Rubio and business line up pretty well: immigration.   Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, was part of congress' 'Gang of Eight' [8 Gangsters] in 2013 that proposed [an extreme] immigration [law perversion] bill [S744].   [Corrupt busienss executives] tend to want [unhealthy, excessive] immigration to fill out its work-force [with cheap, young, pliant labor with flexible ethics], so corporate donors might shy away from [more reasonable] candidates like Ted Cruz or Donald Trump..."

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Boehner's manure
"Maybe the ugliest part of House speaker John Boehner's parting shot at limited government, responsible government and common-sense government is what he engineered earlier this week -- a 2-year budget agreement with [Barack Hussein Obummer] that gives him all the money he needs to complete his eight-year war against all of the above.   It will make it nearly impossible for even an incoming Republican president in 2017 to use the debt limit to extract spending cuts through a threat to freeze funding..."

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
free speech? non-leftists' meeting attacked by cops
"['Ahmed the clock-disassembler was all over the news, visited Obummer, was given a tour of Sili Valley, photographed hugging Muslim terrorist thugs...]   It was media madness.   Then there was the incident in the Phoenix suburb of Scottsdale, where a group of conservatives was meeting quietly in a restaurant when, suddenly, the place was surrounded by cops and squad cars and choppers and spot-lights and a loud-speaker demanding that people disperse.   Needless to say, that broke up the meeting, which, by the way, had broken no laws and had disturbed no peace.   No one was cited, but the meeting was effectively ended.   You heard about that, didn't you?   No doubt print and broadcast media in Arizona covered it and then nationally, and of course, the Internet also jumped on it like the Internet does..."

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
"Free Fields!": students walked out, to support fired white deputy who removed unruly student from class

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Ellen Ratner _WND_
wanted: fair, balanced, genuine debates on the most important issues of the day

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
GOP candidates for president agree to cut RNC ouf of debate process

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
police: customer with "concealed carry permit" shot and killed armed robber in Chicago
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
e-mail messages show Virginia Dems/Reds/leftists conspired against Nova Firearms in Fairfax
"...Delegate Kathleen Murphy, McLean Democrat, wrote an email to state senator Barbara Favola, Arlington Democrat, seeking help in shutting down the gun store.   Ms. Favola was instrumental in organizing opposition to Mr. Gates' shop in Arlington...   Ms. Murphy forwarded that email Sept. 25 to other Democrats in her district, including Fairfax county supervisor John Foust, who is up for re-election Tuesday, saying, 'Lets do it.'...   [But] Jennifer Chronis [is a defender of the right to own and carry arms for self-defense and defense of others]..."

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
"colonel Bud Day" pheasant hunt in Akron, Iowa: Ted Cruz successful
"...Steve King (R-IA) hosts...   Along with King, representative Jeff Duncan (R-SC) joined the hunt.   Cruz is one of 3 GOP presidential candidates in 2016 who is participating in the 2-day hunt with King.   Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum hunted earlier on Saturday, and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is hunting with King on Sunday afternoon.   Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal also joined King at the Hole 'N The Wall Lodge here on Saturday evening for a dinner event, even though he's not hunting with the group..."

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's top aides cashing in on her State Dept. deal-making

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
John Barrasso _Washington DC Times_
closer to the eradication of ObummerDoesn'tCare: open enrollment reveals higher costs, reductions in services

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
tax reforms increasingly popular

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
French Hill _Washington DC Times_
Obummer must compromise with the House and the senate

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Bobby Bones, Donald Trump & St. Jude Children's Research Hospital making America great again

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
popularity of Republican outsider candidates mirrors disgust with leftist media
News Max

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
restoring the natural family

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Eric Worrall
al-Jazeera/Yetzira claim: non-hysterics are costing 400K lives per year

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Eric Worrall
will Paris COP21 cost more to host than it raises in "green" pledges?

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
governments and individuals should fear the Paris coup: UN "agreement" to establish world government
"...at the climate conference in Paris at the end of this month.   It is nothing less than a coup d'etat by the global governing elite.   It is a charter for punishing prosperity, destroying democracy, finishing freedom and wasting the West..."

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Chuck Norris _WND_
why are geo-engineering researchers being stone-walled?
"On 1820 Dec. 27, Thomas Jefferson wrote about his vision for the University of Virginia (chartered in 1819) what should really be a statement of belief at the heart of every American education and scientific enterprise, 'This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind.   For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error as long as reason is left free to combat it.'   But what should happen 200 years later when we quit testing alleged truths and errors?   What happens when we suppress alternate opinions because they are unpopular, don't fit our agenda or are politically incorrect?   What happens when we no longer tolerate opinions now considered errors or obsolete by the elite? What happens when socio-political agendas or scientific paradigms dominate views to the exclusion of a minority even being mentioned or considered.   Is it a coincidence that in recent weeks, Washington [DC] elite have placed 'gag orders' on agency employees about the inner workings of the following federal groups: 'The National Weather Service' [NWS], the 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration' [NOAA] and the 'U.S. Department of Commerce' [DoC].   That is why Bill Hopkins, executive vice president for the National Weather Service Employees Organization, or NWSEO, recently filed with U.S. Special Counsel to lift the multiple non-disclosure policies on the National Weather Service, saying, 'As a [tax-victim], I find it highly disturbing that a government agency continues to push gag orders to hide how they operate.   This is the work of the American government, owned by the American public, and should be open to the American public.'..."

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
William Perry Pendley _Washington DC Times_
USA's minerals industries suffering death by a thousand paper cuts

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-11-01 (5776 Cheshvan 19)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a recent acquisition with ties to a Virginia Unionist

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The righteous need no tomb-stones. Their words are their monuments." --- Talmud (source: Jewish World Review)  




Yom Sheni



This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Thomas Sowell, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.     For speaker of the House, I'm liking (1) Newt Gingrich, (3) Trey Gowdy, (4) Jason Chaffetz, (5) Daniel Webster, (7) Tom Cotton, (150) Paul Ryan (i.e. little better than a moderate Red/leftist/Dem, but still far better than an extremist like Lofgren, or Pelosi).

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL): the H-1B visas program is a tremendous threat to and has already been very damaging to American professionals
"...'We don't have a shortage.', Sessions said.   The claim 'is as bogus as a $3 dollar bill'.   Currently, more than 800K foreign graduates are working as temporary guest-workers in the United States, mostly via the H-1B program.   They're in a wide variety of jobs -- doctors, architects, accountants, designers, teachers, engineers and software experts...   The 800K number [currently in the USA on H-1B visas] is roughly equivalent to the total annual output of skilled American graduates, but the guest-workers accept much lower pay than needed by experienced, middle-aged, child-rearing American professionals, including pharmacists, industrial designers, and software developers..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Laura Ingraham
179,027 aliens ordered removed are still on the loose
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Jim Jordan suggested that cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics is needed because... too many "people who can't pass the drug screen"
Just when I was thinking that too many in the judiciary, legislative and executive branches couldn't pass a drug, sanity or ethics screening.

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
George Soros admitted involvment in creating, driving Europe's "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis: national borders are the obstacle to the kind of totalitarianism he wants
"'Our plan treats the protection of [migrants/ refugees/ asylum seekers/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.'... George Soros is a firm backer of trans-national bodies such as the European Union, and his Open Society Foundation (OSF) provides assistance for pro-migration activists. He is well-known for his support for [leftist] causes such as the [Centre for American Regress], [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] and [Barack Hussein Obummer; and opposed to individual rights]."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Chris Crouch _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
108G people, Joseph Campbell and _The Hero's Journey_
"Carl Haub, with the Population Reference bureau, estimates [the number of humans who have ever lived at] 108G.   About 7G of us are still among the living; therefore, with a bit of rounding we can further estimate that approximately 100G people have come and gone.   As these 100G people experienced the cycles of life, they learned things that served them well and things that didn't work out so well.   For most of time as we know it, there is no written history [and there was no scientific method]..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Nigel Farage: Obummer trade representative Michael Froman worked for European Commission

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Virgil Goode _Breitbart_
Donald Trump is the only candidate truly focused on immigration reform
"...Our legal and illegal immigration policies threaten our national security, common culture, fiscal integrity, and the wages and employment for the working and middle class.   Most Americans want to control immigration.   However, Dems/leftists/Reds support mass immigration for the votes, while the Republican Party refuses to fight back because it is beholden to business interests who support cheap labor..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
October's flow of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals matched that of the whole of 2014, with no sign of letting up this winter
"The monthly record of 218,394 also out-stripped September's 172,843, UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards said..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
village of Sumte on the Elbe, less than 60 miles SE of Hamburg, with a population of 102, braces for 750-1K "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
mass migration has driven unemployment up by 17% in Vienna

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
police & US ICE broke up network of brothels in human trafficking scheme
"...According to ICE, the arrests were the culmination of an investigation that begin last July in Moultrie, Georgia [between Tifton & Thomasville] where agents uncovered an organization that used 'independent operators' to traffic women across the U.S.A.-Mexico border to brothels in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
armed Mexican invader entered Texas repeatedly to rob women on border

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
opponents of immigration reform slammed sheriffs for attending border summit in McAllen, Texas

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
media opponents of immigration reform pine for "Ryan, Rubio moment"

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
billionaire who funded push for same-sex "marriage", Paul Singer, endorsed Marco Rubio

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Jim Hoft _GateWay Pundit_
Marco Rubio to Jorge Ramos: I will not cancel Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
insanely corrupt: Obummer executive order will ban government from asking about criminal history of job applicants
Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
_Silicon Valley_
Sili Valley waiting to hear candidates debate tech issues
"...crucial issue of privacy versus national security..   A Pew Research Center poll earlier this year showed that 93% of American adults say 'being in control of who can get information about them is important', and 74% [think] it's 'very important'...   [Obummer] has clearly put [power] before privacy [and security]...   The tech community donated nearly $10M to the presidential candidates through September 30.   But it has yet to hear how candidates other than Rubio feel about increasing the number of [visas for cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics], which many Silicon Valley CEOs rank as a crucial need.   The H-1B visa question is caught up in the larger immigration debate.   Do any candidates have ideas for getting past this 'innovation'-stifling issue?   The Bay Area would sure love to hear it.   Earlier this month, the European Court of Justice invalidated the Safe Harbor pact, the international agreement that allows tech firms to move data between the European Union and the United States...   net neutrality?   Patent reform [or perversion]?   Expanding broadband access?   Then there's the $2.1T in profits that U.S. companies are stashing overseas so they won't have to pay U.S. taxes.   Tax reform could bring home that money so it could be invested in all sorts of ways and generate tax revenues that could help rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure.   More than $400G of that money is being held by tech companies such as Google and Apple.   Does anyone [other than Trump] have a tax reform plan to bring that money home?..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Greg Richter _News Max_
corrupt Obummer regime scheming to continue unconstitutioal and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens in defiance of federal injunction

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
on house Speakers, hubris, deception, and immigration "reform"
"So, there you have it: The House 'Freedom Caucus', perhaps regretting its dalliance with rebellion by working mightily to unseat John Boehner (R-OH), gave in and Paul Ryan (R-WI) is now speaker of the House of Representatives despite weeks of protestations to the effect that if nominated he would not run and if elected he would not serve.   Methinks he didst protest too much.   Ryan, for his part, having assured members that the bad old days of punishing them for voting their conscience by stripping them of coveted committee and sub-committee chairs are over, promptly set up his victory party even before the votes were in, as CIS executive-director Mark Krikorian noted.   One suspects that behind all of this public 'hail fellow well met' was some Republican version of the 'House of Cards' TV show, with all of the disturbing Machiavellian maneuvering and gouging that implies, but who can know for sure?   In a bread-and-circuses moment to appease the restless rabble, Ryan has promised (subject to caveats) that no immigration reform bill will move forward under his speakership during the Obama presidency: 'I have long and publicly been opposed to the Gang of Eight [8 Gangsters] bill [S744], and there will be no comprehensive immigration reform under this president.'   But Ryan's words are, in the larger sense, misleading because his affection for broad-based immigration amnesty, with no corresponding commitment to putting immigration law enforcement back on the right track first, has become well known — in no small part, ironically, because of the struggle over replacing Boehner as speaker.   The timing of his last attempt at amnesty just over a year ago suggests a distinct tone deafness toward the weight of public opinion.   Is speaker Ryan's hubris so large that he thinks he can introduce comprehensive, amnesty-linked immigration under the next president, whoever that may be and whatever party he or she represents, and it will somehow be acceptable to the American people simply because Ryan leads the charge?   To paraphrase a friend: Put a pig into a tuxedo and, no matter whether the tuxedo is red satin or blue, the pig is still just a pig."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
John Wahala _Center for Immigration Studies_
out of man, many; to fight political tribalism, cut immigration
"...The tribalism that Belcher describes is a complicated and troubling phenomenon that is exacerbated by mass immigration.   The United States is in the midst of an unprecedented demographic transformation that began with passage of the 1965 [Hart-Celler-Kennedy] immigration act.   Since 1970, the Hispanic population has grown 592%, from less than 5% of the population to nearly 20% today.   In 50 years, the foreign-born population is projected to reach nearly 80 million, with the largest share arriving from Asia.   Before mid-century the country is projected to be majority-minority, with no racial or ethnic group accounting for 50% of the population.   By 2065, roughly 1 in 3 Americans is expected to be an immigrant or have immigrant parents.   The black/white paradigm that defined race relations for most of the nation's history is no longer an effective way of looking at American demographics..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the strange tale of a flaky, failing EB-5 firm

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Catholic bishops like Paul Ryan's opposition to immigration reform

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Laura Ingraham
Rick Santorum criticized Ted Cruz on immigration
Ed Tibbetts: Iowa Politics Now
"...The former Pennsylvania senator, who has made curbs on immigration a key part of his campaign, renewed complaints that Cruz has proposed a significant increase in the number of H-1B visas, which are aimed at luring [cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics] to the U.S.A."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
big-money RINOs vs. grass-roots non-leftists
"...In contrast, the Republicans have fielded a number of experienced and competent candidates.   In terms of 'diversity', the field that includes Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Marco Rubio 'looks more like America' than does the Dem/leftist/Red field, which is made up of monotonously geriatric white people.   Not one of them is an outsider; not one is under 50..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Obummer's EAD scheme to dodge federal injunction against unconstitutional and illegal amnesties of illegal aliens

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer angers building trades unions with tax-victim-funded apprenticeship program
"Sean McGarvey, president of North America's Building Trades Unions, reacted to the administration’s initiative by saying that the construction trade unions have been funding successful apprenticeship programs on their own for a century.   'I might sound a little Republican-ish here, but we pay for our own.', Mr. McGarvey said in an interview.   'All of a sudden people are starting to recognize [the value of apprenticeships], and they've kind of got their hand out, wanting the federal government to pay for it.   We're not enthused by that.'...   The [crony socialist tax-victim-funded] grants will go to train and hire more than 34K apprentices over the next 5 years in industries such as health care, 'information technology' and advanced manufacturing, 'while scaling up proven programs in construction, transportation and energy', the Labor Department said, calling it an 'unprecedented federal investment'..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Robert Merry _Washington DC Times_
rise of non-leftists is a crisis for the statist quo in DC will hopefully bring return to constitutional principles
"Early in the republic, it became clear that the Federalist Party, with its interest in a kind of American aristocracy, was standing athwart national progress.   Thus did Thomas Jefferson emerge to destroy the Federalists and move politics into a new era operating along a new political fault line.   The 1850s witnessed a complete political break-down with the seemingly intractable slavery issue; then Abraham Lincoln emerged to break the status quo crisis of that time and ultimately resolve the slavery deadlock.   The [recession of 1920-1932] generated widespread fears that the old political norms couldn't ameliorate the economic crisis -- until Franklin Roosevelt tossed aside the old norms and built a new governing coalition [which stretched the recession into the Great Depression over a decade long].   During Jimmy Carter's failed presidency of the 1970s Americans began to think that the country was ungovernable and its crises intractable -- until Ronald Reagan built a new coalition (remember the Reagan Democrats?) that broke the log-jams of that day..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Reince Priebus should be fired or resign: GOP candidates for president agree to cut RNC out of debate negotiations

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
to reduce inequality, abolish the Ivy League

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime is no match for Iranian deception

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
does Iran's anti-Semitism and yearning for world domination un too deep for deterrence?

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Michael E. Miller _Jewish World Review_
a peacenik was brutally murdered by Muslims; did FB irresponsibly facilitate his death?

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
atheist Phil Zuckerman: it's OK to diaparage Christians and Jews, but violence-initiating Muslims are off-limits because of fear of the violent Muslims

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
$300M in USA tax-victim funds for "USAID stability programs" increased support for taliban under Obummer regime

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
al-Qaeda boss Ayman al-Zawahiri calling for alliance with ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate against Russia

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
leftists and Muslims battle at polling places -- 16 dead as they attack with clubs, stones, chairs... in Sindh and Punjab, Pakistan

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Marc Fisher _Jewish World Review_
reasons people support Donald Trump

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
interview with Donald Trump

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
what we recently learned about the Muslim terrorist attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi... and the Dems/Reds/leftists
"...Politics comes before the safety of our State Department personnel and the truth...   Overview: This committee exists and these hearings were being held because   1) Our State Department personnel were left under-protected in the neighboring country to one where our embassy had just been assaulted and four of our fellow countrymen died.   No one truly took responsibility or suffered any consequences for this massive failure.   2) [Hitlery Rotten Clinton and the Obummer regime] stone-walled on providing documents to our congress whose job it is to investigate such matters..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: a case-study in malign narcissism
Jewish World Review

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ashton Carter, talking about ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate: we are the noble; they are the evil

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Aaron Klein _WND_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate claims they destroyed Russian jet-liner
Guy Taylor: Washington DC Times: James Clapper says that's a possibility
"...Salafist jihadists in the Gaza Strip=Palestine who operate under the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate banner in the territory said the global jihad group was indeed involved in the downing of the aircraft Saturday morning..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Israel's consul-general Ido Aharoni: Sinai peninsula must be a concern
"...Aharoni told Newsmax, the area still is a major concern because of the presence of terrorist groups and criminals trafficking in drugs and human beings."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
ayatollah Khamenei: Muslim terrorist states like us that declare their desire to destroy all mankind other than Muslims are not the source of the region's problems; USA, who believes in letting people alone and free unless and until they initiate the use of force or fraud are the problem

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
despite USA, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria efforts, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate conquered and is occupying the town of Maheen, Homs province, Syra, including a government complex, and ammunition lager

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
after over a century of federal government over-spending and over-taxing, another middle-class tax increase looms

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
_Cybercast News Service_
senator Rand Paul (R-KY): Dems and Reps have made an unholy alliance to over-spend, explode the federal government debt

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer: the $20T man
Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Jenni Frazer _Jewish World Review_
Rosalind Franklin: the intriguing tale of the woman who made a major contribution to the discovery of the stucture of DNA and received very little acknowledgement

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Sarah Kaplan _Jewish World Review_
how a "body snatcher" was banished: Capgras syndrome
"...Tests revealed that Mr. B's condition wasn't psychological, but neurological --- he had signs of early Alzheimer's.   Alzheimer's, as well as other degenerative diseases and various kinds of brain damage, is known to bring on Capgras syndrome.   A patient will look totally fine in almost every respect, but when they see a certain family member, or a friend, or, as in Mr. B's case, their own reflection, something in their brain doesn't click.   They recognize what they're seeing as familiar, but it's not the person they know...

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Stacy Rapacon _Jewish World Review_
trading stocks inexpensively is still out of reach for most

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Christopher Ingraham _Jewish World Review_
year-round day-light saving time would make us safer and wealthier... to the tune of giga-bucks

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
deputy-attorney-general Sally Quillian Yates: it's our 'social responsibility' to give jobs to ex-cons... even while jobs remain out of reach for tens of millions of bright, honest people who never initiated force or fraud

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Eric Metaxas _Cybercast News Service_
defining "sexual orientation": laws without meaning

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
the personal side of Carly Fiorina

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Ilan Berman _Conservative HQ_
the Muslim penetration into US government

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
under pressure from fringe Islamic groups, FBI suspends counter-terrorism program web-site "Don't Be a Puppet"

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
insane: Sahar/Sajda Khan at "Independent" claimed Muhammad had "British values", that Islam should be taught in UK schools

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
OIG: DoD offers no answers on $43M CNG re-fueling station in Afghanistan; similar project in Pakistan cost $300K
Melanie Hunter: Cybercast News Service

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Kurt Russell expressed tremendous respect for police, rebuked Quentin Tarantino

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: currency manipulation is one of Red China's great weapons against the USA, and it's not even mentioned in the Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
David Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: I'm tired of being insulted by leftist feminists

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Americans' skills to use arms to defend themselves, others, and the state
"...Breitbart News previously reported on a concealed carry permit holder who stopped an attempted mass shooting on March 22 at a Philadelphia barber shop.   Breitbart News also reported on an Uber driver with a concealed permit who stopped an attempted mass shooting on April 17 in Chicago and two firefighters with concealed carry permits stopped a mass shooting on May 5, in New Holland, Wisconsin.   Another great example that the [main-stream media love] to over-look is the attempted mass shooting at Clackamas Town Center in 2012 December.   In that incident, KGW reported that shooter Jacob Roberts opened fire with a stolen AR-15, then took his own life after being confronted by a concealed carry permit holder who aimed his gun at Roberts but never fired a shot.   Roberts was able to kill two people before killing himself.   How many more might he have killed were it not for the intervention of the concealed carry permit holder??

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Chicago: rainy Halloween week-end; 2 dead, 26 shot
"...The Halloween weekend brings the city's violence level to 2,558 shot this year, with 378 killed by gun-fire.   Total homicides came to 428 killed."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan unwilling to use tools of speakership to de-fund Planned Parenthood

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Freedom Communications has filed for Chapter 11 protection in US bankruptcy court... (why couldn't it happen to Gannett, the NYTimes, and Bloomberg?)

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
nearly half of ObummerDoesn'tCare "co-ops" fail, taking $2.4G with them

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Garry Kasparov: Obummer does very little that is good (with video)

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
senator Ted Cruz: the next president will get a do-over on investigation of IRS attacks on non-leftists

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
main-stream media's leftist agenda-driven journalism

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Rob Natelson _Cybercast News Service_
does the US constitution allow for a woman to be president?
Volokh Conspiracy has been sucked up by the Washington DC Compost
"Note to non-lawyer readers: Professor Chemerinsky is one of the nation's most [infamous leftist anti-constitutional] law scholars, and the author of books commonly used in American law schools.   The comment quoted here appears in a book directed largely at law students.   The term 'the framers' means not all the Founders, but specifically the Constitution’s drafters..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
Chick-fil-A, Hobby Lobby lead in new "faith equality index"
"7 companies received the highest scores in a new rating tool that measures businesses' outreach and welcoming treatment of the massive consumer base of people who use their biblical worldview when they shop.   Chick-fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Tyson Foods, Wal-Mart, Cracker Barrel, Interstate Batteries and Thrivent Financial were named Monday as the 2016 leading companies in the first Faith Equality Index, said Chris Stone, founder of Faith-Driven Consumer and a certified brand strategist..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Joseph Weber _Fox_
Kentucky's election for governor could be a test for "outsider" reform candidates against corrupt insider leftists
"The Republican nominee is wealthy businessman Matt Bevin...   Kentucky is among several states where voters will cast ballots Tuesday, in off-year elections being watched for clues about voter attitudes -- including how much they might support GOP outsider candidates like Bevin, and whether that might translate to broader support for 2016 presidential contenders like Donald Trump and Ben Carson..."
Trump & Carson strategies are influencing Kentucky gubernatorial race (video)

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
John Andres Riley _Metro Weekly_
Matt Bevin emphasizing "social issues", ethical values, to drive up turn-out

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
_News Max_
Obummer's bad economy helps kill almost 500K "white", middle-aged Americans: those with less education showed the most marked increase
Warner Todd Huston: Breitbart
"...So many middle-aged whites are succumbing to drug overdoses and are ending their lives in suicide that the numbers are high enough to reverse decades of falling death-rates, according to the study by a husband-and-wife team of Princeton economists..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
J. Matt Barber _Cybercast News Service_
it's war! real women vs. dudes in skirts

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
senator James Lankford (R-OK): school district cannot prohibit coach from praying

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
_Cybercast News Service_
arch-bishop Jose Gomez of El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula, California: God's plan for marriage is 1 man, 1 woman, united for life

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Hugh Jackman: I'm Christian and dedicate every performance to God

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Joe Schaeffer _News Max_
abortionist at National Abortion Federation conference: we should admit that it is violence, it is a person, it is killing (with video)

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Jerome Hudson _Breitbart_
Ben Carson will use the bully pulpit to defend the un-born

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Cliff Kincaid _WND_
senator Ted Cruz differs with Koch brothers over sentencing "reform" (S2123)... and so do I
Accuracy in Media

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
GOP candidates for president revolt against Ben Ginsberg's efforts to take control of debates

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Richard Berman _Washington DC Times_
recognizing leftist bias on debate night

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the day Obummer almost went to war with Israel
"How far will [Barack Hussein Obummer] go to see that Iran is permitted to develop nuclear weapons [and delivery systems] as part of its announced plan to destroy Israel and the United States?   A recent Wall Street Journal report reveals it would even go so far as to attack Israeli jets targeting Iran's nuclear sites.   The [Obummer regime] began spying on Israel since at least 2012 to prevent Israel from taking out Iran's nuclear facilities -- even sending an additional aircraft carrier to the region after learning that Israeli aircraft had penetrated Iran's air-space in what [Obummer] feared was a test run for an attack on Iran's Fordow nuclear plant The attack aircraft on the carrier were reportedly prepared to respond to any Israeli attack -- presumably by shooting down Israeli planes.   [Obummer regime] officials also told the Journal that Israel was responsible for the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists.   Those officials also told the paper that Israel wanted to strike Iran in 2012, and that the United States pressured Israeli officials into retreating.   The [Obummer regime] kept its nuclear negotiations with Iran secret from Israel, while spying on Israel's military bases and eaves-dropping on secret communications..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Gary Bauer _Washington DC Times_
foes to USA are friends to Obummer; Israel, not Iran, is USA's natural ally

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Jerome Hudson _Breitbart_
poll: black voters strongly support school choice

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Penny Pritzker, the Obummer crony destroying the internet; collaborating with totalitarian regimes to suppress freedom of speech

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
squandering economic freedom; forsaking free markets often encourages violations of civil and individual rights and liberties
"There was good news for Argentina last week.   It was expected that Daniel Scioli, the Peronist candidate and political heir of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, would win the presidential election.   Much to most people's surprise, Maurico Macri, the more free-market-oriented mayor of Buenos Aires, won almost as many votes as Mr. Scioli, forcing a run-off, which Mr. Macri has a good chance to win.   The Peronists (named after former dictator Juan Peron [and his wife, Evita]) have had political control much of the last 70 years, and it has been a disaster for the country.   In 1900, Argentina was one of the 10 highest-income countries in the world, having an estimated gross domestic product per capita of roughly 80% of that in the United States.   Successive Argentine governments have squandered much of the wealth and potential of the economy, so now Argentina ranks approximately 57th in per capita income..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Anthony Watts
back to the dark ages; top French weather-an fired over "climate change" book

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Alexander Nguyen _Mountain View CA Patch_
heavy, sustained rain causing crashes, street flooding, electricity outages, airport delays in "drought-stricken California"

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Ric Werme
250M page views at WUWT

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Anthony Watts
Potsdam Institute: yes, we lack evidence of Antarctic warming and connection to "green-house gases"... but the ice sheet will collapse anyway

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Bill Gates: only socialism can "save us" from non-existent catastrophic global warming

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Justin Haskins & H. Sterling Burnett _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer's $4G "clean power" bribe
"...A 2014 study by NERA Economic Consulting estimates CPP's total price tag to be between $41G and $73G per year in higher electricity prices, and the price hikes would likely hurt the nation's most impoverished citizens the most.   The [Obummer regime] has not only doubled down on its Clean Power Plan since it first announced the plan in 2014, it proposed -- as part of its fiscal year 2016 budget for the EPA -- the 'Clean Power State Incentive Fund' (CPSIF), which would cost [tax-victims] as much as $4G, not including any of the costs associated with higher electricity prices..."

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Anthony Watts
the hilarious legacy of "last chances" for climate, exposed

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Anthony Watts
FOIA info suggests question: did Shukla receive prestigious NASA medal?

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
David Archibald
involuntary decarbonization in Red China?: they think coal supplies are running out

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Claire McCaskill (D-MO): EPA needs to go back to the drawing board on water regulations

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Obummer trying to circumvent US senate in Paris climate talks

2015-11-02 (5776 Cheshvan 20)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Those who admit that they don't know become wise.   Those who conceal their ignorance never learn.   Those who admit mistakes develop strength of character.   Those who pretend to be strong become weak." --- Lao Tzu _Tao Te Ching_ verse 71 (quoted in Diane Dreher 1996 _The Tao of Personal Leadership_ pg 164)  




Yom Shlishi



This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Thomas Sowell, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.     For speaker of the House, I'm liking (1) Newt Gingrich, (3) Trey Gowdy, (4) Jason Chaffetz, (5) Daniel Webster, (7) Tom Cotton, (150) Paul Ryan (i.e. little better than a moderate Red/leftist/Dem, but still far better than an extremist like Lofgren, or Pelosi).

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
update on H-1B and OPT court cases
"In May, DHS put in place regulations allowing certain spouses of H-1B workers to work in the [United States of America] as well. There is no authorization for the agency to allow such work, but DHS just did it anyway. Americans who were replaced by H-1B workers at Southern California Edison filed a lawsuit to have the regulations vacated. In court, DHS made the astounding claim that it has the authority to allow any alien to work in the United States unless Congress explicitly prohibits it. Most constitutional scholars say the opposite: that an agency has only the authority that congress gives it. The proceedings in that case concluded last Friday; a decision usually takes a few months. The on-going legal battle over DHS allowing non-students to work on student visas is still ongoing. Under the 'Optional Practical Training' program (OPT), aliens admitted on student visas had been allowed to work for up to 12 months after gradation. In 2007, MSFT came up with a scam to use student visas to get around the H-1B quotas. MSFT's plan was to increase the duration of OPT to 29 months so that OPT could serve as a substitute for H-1B visas. MSFT presented its plan to DHS secretary Chertoff at a dinner. From there, DHS worked in secrecy with industry lobbyists to craft regulations. The public received no notice that such regulations were being considered until DHS put them in place without notice and comment. In August, the DC District Court held that the public had been unlawfully denied notice and comment and vacated the regulations effective 2016 February 12, giving DHS an opportunity to put things right before all the foreign 'student' guest-workers would have to go home. Rather than wind down the misguided OPT program, DHS responded by doubling down with new regulations expanding OPT to 36 months. If you are interested, you can read the new [proposed] regulations and comment on them here. Most of the comments, and nearly all the comments supporting the regulation, come from foreign students. Some even say 'Mass Mailing' in the title. If you do comment, I suggest raising specific issues with the regulations and not saying 'they suck'. Explain how and why. November 18 is the deadline for comments. Notice that when American workers lose their jobs to foreign workers, the [Obummer regime] sits on its rump and does nothing. When foreign workers are going to lose their jobs, [Obummer] jumps into high gear to stop it. You can see where the [regime's] priorities lie and why so many Americans are out of work..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Erick Erickson
if you live in Kentucky, go vote for Matt Bevin for governor today

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
_News Max_/_AP_
Serbia & Croatia launch "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal trains

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
18-year-old stabbed at "asylum" center in Abensberg, Kelheim, Bavaria (about 3 miles East of Neustadt an der Donau, between Regensburg & Ingolstadt, NNE of Muenchen/Munich, SE of Nuremberg/Nuernberg, and of Frankfurt am Main, E of Stuttgart)
"...The 18-year-old Sierra Leonean was heard arguing loudly with a 19-year-old Somali before the Somali pulled a knife and stabbed the younger man several times.   Local news web-site idowa reports the Sierra Leonean had to be flown by rescue helicopter to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment...   Germany has seen a number instances of ['migrant'/ 'refugee'/ 'asylum seeker'/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal] violence over the past few weeks..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
as gang-wars break out among "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals and locals, insane Angela Merkel warns that if European countries build border fences it will cause war

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Italian foreign-minister Paolo Gentiloni: Europe's "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis will last a generation
"Gentilonis words came after a one-month record of 218,394 ['migrants'/ 'refugees'/ 'asylum seekers'/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] reached Europe by sea in October, nearly topping the total number of arrivals for all of 2014.   Of these, Greece received the vast majority (210,265), while Italy took in 8,129, according to the UNHCR..."
I disagree, because it has already lasted at least 3 generations and is only just now under-going an order-of-magnitude worsening which will last at least 3 more generations.

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
28 illegal aliens were discovered in a horse trailer 300 miles from the Texas-Mexico border along US route 59

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
over 350 languages are spoken in the USA; 54% of those in El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula, California shun English at home
"A staggering 54% of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38% of the New York City area, 37% of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40% of San Francisco, and 36% of Washington, DC...   More than 56% of those who speak Spanish at home also said they speak English 'very well'...   40% of the 1.4M residents who speak VietNamese in their homes also speak English 'very well', and only 44.7% of the 2.9M Chinese-speakers are also proficient in English."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DHS OIG: layers of TSA airport security were simply missing

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump: it is difficult to envision Marco Rubio winning with his rotten record of opposition to immigration reform (and advocacy for immigration law perversion)
"...On Tuesday, Mr. Trump also called Mr. Rubio's personal finances a 'disaster' and said 'he certainly lives above his means -- there is no question about that'..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Office of "Refugee" ReSettlement (ORR): 81,038 unaccompanied illegal alien children placed/scattered in all 50 states and DC over the last 2 years

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
little Dominica as a laboratory for immigrant investor rules
"The American states, as U.S. supreme court justice Louis Brandeis once said, are laboratories for democracy.   One can say that same thing about nations, even small ones, and immigration laws.   In fact, the mighty United States can learn a thing or two about immigration programs from a tiny nation most of us do not know exists, Dominica.   The island nation, with a population of 72,003, has just about three times the acreage of New York's Staten Island.   A former British colony, it is not to be confused with the relatively nearby and much larger Dominican Republic, a former Spanish colony.   Dominica, instead of an immigrant investor program like our EB-5, has an 'economic citizenship' program.   Both are intended to grant benefits to aliens in return for money, but from there interesting variations surface..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
San Francisco voters "deport" sheriff Ross Mirkarimi
"San Francisco sheriff Ross Mirkarimi has lost his bid for re-election after he emerged as a symbol of the city's broken 'sanctuary city' policies -- and general incompetence... Challenger and retired sheriff's chief deputy Vicki Hennessy had 62.53% of the vote to Mirkarimi's 31.11% with 20.32% of ballots recorded and posted on Tuesday evening. (Update: With 100% of precincts reporting, Hennessy had 61.09% to Mirkarimi's 32.9%.)..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Sylvia Longmire _Breitbart_
waves of Cubans entering USA via Mexico
"...According to the Miami Herald, border entries by Cuban nationals are at their highest since 2005.   The have climbed from 5,316 in 2011 to 17,459 in 2014.   According to the latest figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (US CBP), at least 27,413 Cubans have entered through the US-Mexico border from 2014 October 1, through 2015 August 31.   The numbers are high enough that some human rights activists in Mexico have labeled it a 'migration crisis'.   Cuban immigrants detained by CBP receive different treatment than other migrants from Latin America because they are fleeing a communist country.   They are afforded certain privileges under the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that allows them to be granted asylum much more easily than other applicants for relief from deportation.   Many Cubans who are now fleeing the island fear the US government will repeal the Cuban Adjustment Act now that diplomatic ties between the two countries are being restored..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
media working hard to ignore the obvious
World Net Daily
"Critics of charter schools have often pointed to those schools' ability to expel uncooperative and disruptive students, far more readily than regular public schools can, as a reason for some charter schools' far better educational outcomes, as shown on many tests.   The message of these critics is that it is 'unfair' to compare regular public schools' results with those of charter schools serving the same neighborhoods -- and often in the same buildings.   This criticism ignores the fact that schools do not exist to provide jobs for teachers or 'fairness' to institutions, but to provide education for students.   'Fairness' is for human beings, not for institutions.   Institutions that are not serving the needs of people should either be changed or phased out and replaced, when they persistently fail.   Despite the painfully bad educational outcomes in many public schools in ghettos across the country, there are also cases where charter schools in the very same ghettos turn out students whose test scores are not only far higher than those in other ghetto schools, but sometimes are comparable to the test scores in schools in up-scale suburban communities, where children come from intact families with highly educated parents..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the redemption of Bob Beckel: _I Should Be Dead: My Life Surviving Politics, TV and Addiction_

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the delusional conceit of Harwoodian leftist media personalities
News Max
World Net Daily

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Mychal Massie _WND_
debate perverters at CNBC/NBC even more boorish than Fox

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare continues to wreak devastation

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Matt Sissel _Washington DC Times_
taking a stand against ObummerDoesn'tCare, one man challenges supremes to honor the US constitution
"...I still believe [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is unconstitutional, even if you accept the supreme court's conclusion in 2012 that [ObummerDoesn'tCare] individual mandate simply imposed a 'tax on going without health care'. My attorneys with Pacific Legal Foundation have just asked the supreme court to hear my constitutional law-suit against [ObummerDoesn'tCare]. It focuses on the fact that the Origination Clause (Article 1, Section 7) requires all 'bills for raising revenue' to begin in the House of Representatives, the chamber closest to the people. Yet [ObummerDoesn'tCare] began in the senate. Senator Harry Reid took an unrelated House bill, gutted it, and inserted the language that became the Affordable Care Act. This ploy violated the Constitution's letter and spirit..."
Besides which, no individual's or family's state of health, means of purchasing medical care, purchase of health care insurance, the treatment received and by whom is any of the federal government's business under the US constitution.   At best, they might take quarantine measures with arrivals from abroad to defend against biological warfare, but, of course, the Obummer regime refuses to do even that.

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
Ocasio v. U.S.A.: television, corruption, extortion, wire-tapping, police

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
when college students are afraid to speak up: survey by McLaughlin & Associates

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Ted Koppel _Jewish World Review_
cyber-black-out: privacy violation, intellectual property theft, commerce
"...But the Internet is inherently vulnerable.   It was never intended to keep intruders out.   It was designed to facilitate the unimpeded exchange of information, giving attackers a built-in advantage over defenders...   [Shifts in regulation] of the electric power industry [have] resulted in a network of more than 3K companies [mostly local government-enforced monopolies], some of which are well protected, many of which are not, but all of which are interconnected.   Hacking into the most vulnerable could lead to a domino-like penetration of even the most secure companies.   The automated programs (known as supervisory control and data acquisition systems [SCADA]) that control the supply and demand of electricity nationwide are, for the most part, standardized and therefore highly accessible.   Multiple sources in the intelligence community and the military tell me that Russia and [Red China] have already embedded cyber-capabilities within our electrical systems..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime mangling the language: calling juvenile delinquents "justice-involved youths"

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Treasury: if federal government had been spending at lower, 2008, levels, we would have had a surplus instead of this $454.798G deficit

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
_News Max_
USA satellite detected heat flash before Russian jet went down i Sinai

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
_News Max_/_AP_
"Standard Chartered" bank group to dump 15K employees worldwide

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
_News Max_
Donald Trump: don't blame Pfizer for corporate inversion (moving HQ via merger with another firm, to location with lower taxation)

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
power madness: why Yebbie Booosh is unlikely to drop out anytime soon despite his unpopularity

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the Halloween horror story the leftist media refused to air
"October has become a month-long horror show as the establishment media indulges in an orgy of Hollywood generated blood, monsters, demons and evil spirits.   The movies and made-for-TV horrorfest range from the campy 1950s 'Bride of Frankenstein' to the truly disgusting 'American Psycho'.   But the one horror we didn't see on TV this past October was the vile -- and true -- tale of Michigan abortionist Dr. Michael Roth, and the '14 containers of human tissue, possibly fetuses, medical equipment and large amounts of Fentanyl', police found in his car after a traffic accident.   Our friends at the Media Research Center's Newsbusters report that West Bloomfield [Michigan] deputy-chief Curt Lawson spoke with Detroit Free Press about the containers' contents.   'We do have an opinion from the medical examiner's office that this is remnants of conception, but there was nothing that was seen within the containers that were recognizable.', Lawson said.   Afterwards, police obtained search warrants and raided both Roth's house and office.   Roth has not been charged, but he is under investigation -- by local, state and federal officials.   'The working theory', Detroit's WXYZ TV later reported, 'is he may have been performing abortions outside of a clinical setting.'   Local stations first broke the news 2015 Oct. 13 that police discovered 14 containers of 'human tissue' in the Michigan abortionist's car.   The horror story eerily echoed reports from the case of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell -- and, like Gosnell, it didn't tempt coverage from the broadcast networks.   All 3, ABC, NBC and CBS, turned a blind eye to the news.   Here are some of the true horrors the establishment media censored while filling the air waves with Freddy Kruger.   On 1988 December 25, Dr. Roth told The New York Times he saw no reason to object to sex selection abortions.   He said he will do prenatal diagnosis or refer patients elsewhere for it, and then do abortions if the women request them.   'I have no ethical problems with it, absolutely not.', he said.   'I think that abortion should be available on demand.'   According to Fox 2 Detroit's Dave Spencer, 'The attorney general's office have previously investigated Roth.   In 2004, he was put on probation and fined.   He was found negligent and incompetent and in one stipulation of his probation is that he wasn't allowed to perform abortions outside of a clinical setting.   That is one of the allegations of the current case.'   Our friends at legalinsurrection.com have even more information on 'doctor' Roth's record.   According to reporting by Kemberlee Kaye, 'Roth has a checkered history of Board discipline and malpractice suits related to botched abortion procedures.   Some of the injuries he inflicted during abortions include perforated uteri and bowels, hemorrhage, and at least one abortion he did not finish because the abortion facility ran out of dilators of the size he needed to complete the procedure.   One woman required a hysterectomy to save her life.   Documents related to these incidents can be read at www.AbortionDocs.org .'   The UK's Daily Mail has even more on the 'doctor' Roth horror show.   Legal documents seen by the Daily Mail reveal that while Roth and his wife were divorcing, she lived in a locked basement in the home they shared because she was scared of him.   She obtained a temporary protection order from a court for 6 months and asked for it to be extended up until their divorce to stop him 'from assaulting, attacking, molesting, wounding, following, confronting and otherwise injuring' her according to reporting by Ollie Gillman.   We know horror sells; AMC's zombie hour, 'The Walking Dead', is TV's most-watched drama, but when it comes to the truth about the serial killing of America's abortion culture, well the networks get a little squeamish it seems.   The one proven way conservatives have to bypass the liberal media filter is to use social media.   We urge you to join us in tweeting about the real horrors of Dr. Michael Roth and his abortion practice using the hashtag #AbortionHorrors.   We urge you to start by tweeting a link to this article to your local television and newspaper reporters demanding that they cover this developing story..."
2015-10-14: Justin Davis: West Bloomfield MI Local Stew: doctor's home raided after police found human tissue in his car trunk
2015-10-15: Cody Derespina: Fox
2015-10-19: Katie Yoder: Life News: networks ignoring abortionist caught with 14 containers of aborted babies in his car

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Star Parker _WND_
how Ted Cruz changed the campaign landscape

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
the cover-up of the devastating Obummer economy: CNBC did not allow candidates time to talk about Obummer regime disasters

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Laura Ingraham
Reuters poll: Trump 31; Carson 18; Rubio 10; Yebbie 10

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Trump campaign manager: people are sick of being lied to, want a strong leader & negotiator as president (and speaker of the House and senate majority-leader)

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Muslim vandals attacked church in southern Spain, broke things, spray-painted walls
"...This is the second time in just over a month that Christian symbols in the town have been targeted by Islamic extremists.   At the end of September, a 27-year-old Moroccan man was arrested after attempting to damage a statue of the Virgin Mary..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
watch-dog: USA has no way to evaluate Afghan forces' effectiveness against taliban and ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
mission creeps: Obummer's entry into Syria is not to destroy ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate but to cobble together a less-shameful legacy

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iran theocrats released anti-USA propaganda video, using quotes from the race-obsessed, anti-USA, anti-constitution oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Obummer willfully endangering USA security -- Iran is becoming more aggressive, not less

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin on Obummer's prison "reform": Obummer radicalizes everything he touches

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Rafael Cruz: praise God there are some 300M guns in the hands of private citizens

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Camille Paglia: LGBT mania is a sympton of Western cultural collapse
It's more complicated. There are normal men (XY), and normal women (XX), and Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY; 1 in about 750), and Bonnevie-Ullrich-Turner's syndrome (X; 1 in 2K to 5K), XXYY & XXXY (1 in 18K to 50K), XXXY (1 in 85K to 100K), Jacobs's trisomy (XXX; 1 in 1K), XXY (1 in 1K)... and also non-chromosomal, hormonal development variations.   But then this has little to do with the non-sense that's being played out on the public stage.

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Paul Ryan: the US House fully expect to exercise the power of the purse (but for right or wrong, good or ill?)

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Paul Ryan: the next full years will determine what kind of country we're going to have

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
John W. Whitehead _WND_
issues the candidates won't talk about
Rutherford Institute
"...Despite the dire state of our nation, however, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to under-mine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by any of the so-called viable presidential candidates and certainly not if doing so might jeopardize their standing with the unions, corporations or the moneyed elite bank-rolling their campaigns..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
_Cybercast News Service_
Texas man, inspired by Clint Eastwood speech to empty chair, built huge empty chair (video)

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Obummer has been the most anti-Israel president; blaming the victim

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Barry Farber _WND_
a former editor sets Daily Tar Heel straight

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal catching fire in Iowa: we're building a movement

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
non-leftists win as voters elect GOP governors, reject leftist initiatives

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio's sponsor Paul Singer dumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into Communist Corpse

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
Bloomberg + McAuliffe failed to win Virginia senate with pitch to violate people's right to own and carry arms
"...Republicans beat back 2 serious challengers Tuesday, holding onto seats in the suburbs of Richmond and the Hampton Roads area.   In another hotly contested race, Republican Hal Parrish holds a lead over Democrat Jerry McPike.   If Parrish holds onto his lead, it would represent a Republican gain, as the 2 are battling to replace a retiring Democrat..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
FBI returning to 9mm

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's ad inflates "gun violence" 66% by including suicides

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
another batch of her e-mail messages contradict Hitlery Rotten Clinton's testimony to congress

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
sexual abuse of boys recurring in Afghanistan
"Sexual abuse of young boys by powerful men in Afghanistan, a common practice that was punishable by death under Taliban rule, was ['resurrected' after the terrorist group's regime was overthrown by the U.S.A.-led invasion in 2001, reports a federal watchdog agency.   Members of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) have been accused of engaging in the centuries-old custom known as bacha bazi (literally translates to 'playing with boys')...   The practice began making headlines when sergeant-1st-class Charles Martland, a decorated Green Beret, revealed that he was being kicked out of the Army for confronting a U.S.A.-trained and equipped Afghan local police commander accused of repeatedly raping a 12-year-old boy..."

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Katelin Myers _Washington DC Times_
a pro-life lesson from Dr. Seuss: "a person's a person, no matter how small"

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
_Cybercast News Service_
Korie Robertson: too many in the USA have turned away from God (video)

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Eric Worrall
crazy Paul Ehrlich: Australia will become a 3rd-world country if they don't give up mining, one of their main industries

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Vladimir Putin continues the late education of Barack Hussein Obummer
Washington DC Times

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Loren Gutentab _News Max_
top French weatherman fired for challenging assertions of global warming

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Eric Worrall
claim: warmer weather reduces birth rates (this could be a good thing)
James Delingpole: Breitbart: NBER claimed global warming will kill sex life

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Anthony Watts
U of MT: el Nino events and drought linked

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Anthony Watts
U of AL at Huntsville 2015 October global temperature report: warmest October in satellite temperature records

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Bob Tisdale
_On Global Warming and the Illusion of Control_

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Eric Worrall
to Bill Gates freedom is a problem

2015-11-03 (5776 Cheshvan 21)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Let us now consider whether we may not be able to defend ourselves with well-regulated militias against any foreign force,...   That the whole free people of any nation ought to be exercised to arms, not only the example of our ancestors, as appears by the acts of parliament made in both kingdoms to that purpose, and that of the wisest governments among the ancients; but the advantages of choosing out of great numbers, seems clearly to demonstrate...   And I cannot see why arms should be denied to any man who is not a slave, since they are the only true badges of liberty; and ought never, but in times of utmost necessity, be put into the hands of mercenaries or slaves: neither can I understand why any man that has arms should not be taught the use of them." --- Andrew Fletcher 1698 "A Discourse of Government with Relation to Militias"  




Yom Rebiai



2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Urban Institute study: text-book case of fallacious reasoning by the highly educated
"Universities go through a lot of hand-wringing in setting 'general education requirements', designed to produce 'well-rounded' graduates who are capable of rigorous intellectual reasoning, and thus able to be productive...beyond their areas of technical specialization. Well, [this is] easier said than done. In my experience, there are many college graduates -- good grades at 'good' schools -- who are innumerate (quatitative analog of the term 'illiterate'), and who either fall victime to fallacious quantitative arguments or, worse, make such arguments themselves. This is seen again in discussions of immigration policy... the 'community activist' defending SF's policy could not tell the difference between rates and absolute numbers. The issue of 'sanctuary' cities [and counties and states], not to mention illegal/alegal immigration in general, is complicated enough without the discussion being ruined by the quantitative incompetence of its advocates. Another example is the pitch frequently made by advocates of expansive immigration policies that, rather than displacing [USA citizens and permanent resident workers], immigrants take jobs that are complementary to those held by Americans. Such is the theme of this new Urban Institute study by Maria E. Enchautegui... 'Immigrants Aren't Stealing American Jobs: More evidence surfaces that low-skilled native workers pursue different jobs than their immigrant counterparts'. Of course, they've got it backwards. A typical pattern is that immigrants flood a certan sector [or niche] of the job market, then either suppressing [compensation and working conditions] and thus making this job category unattractive to natives or downright blocking the Americans from entering the sector [especially noticeable once the immigrants become gate-keepers in the niche]. Yes, in that scenario the American and immigrants wind up doing complementary jobs, but to say that no displacement occurred is sheer folly..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Obummer/Jeh Johnson DHS plans work-permit give-away to foreign "professionals"
"The Department of Homeland Security is officially disavowing the agency's June memo that recommended U.S. employers be allowed to quickly hire legally visiting foreign professionals and foreign graduates and to bench job-seeking American millennials.   But agency officials are developing a regulation on a similar topic, said Todd Breasseale, the department's acting Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.   'The regulation that we ARE working on involves [cheap, young, pliant] foreign workers [with flexible ethics] who are lawfully present.', he added, without explaining how the developing regulation and the June memo are any different...   In 2012 June, [Obummer] claimed he could provide work permits to at least 700K younger illegals, via [an unconstitutional and illegal executive process].   In 2014 February, [Obummer] unilaterally decided to award-work permits to the spouses of the roughly 650K H-1B guest-workers who are resident in the United States.   In 2014 November, [Obummer] announced he would provide work-permits to an additional 4M illegals, via the [unconstitutional and illegal executive program].   In 2015 May, [Obummer's] deputies also announced they would give longer-term work-permits to many thousands of foreign students via the Optional Practical Training [OPT apprenticeship] program.   These amnesties and give-aways added up to a huge wave of foreign workers.   In 2013, [Obummer] allowed 2.1M new foreign workers to begin working in the United States, just as 4.4M high-school and college grads began looking for work.   That's 2 foreign workers for every four 4 Americans youths or millennials.   In 2013, wages stalled, the number of Americans with jobs fell, profits spiked, and so the stock market boomed...   'That is the same argument they're using in a case of ours called SaveJobsUSA v. DHS, currently before the DC District Court.', he said.   His case argues that [Obummer] can't legally provide work-permits to the spouses of the roughly [160K] H-1B guest-workers who arrive each year [according to State Department statistics]..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
Europeans' good intentions are overshelmed by "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals; will the USA's

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Mike Gonzalez _Cybercast News Service_
the leftist multi-culturalist threat to the USA's culture
"Is multi-culturalism a decent if banal posture that basically boils down to respecting other cultures and getting sloshed on St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo?   Or is it a much darker social model used as a Trojan horse to transform Western society fundamentally, especially this one?   I think both can be true, but I worry only about the fundamental transformation part.   Bryan Caplan seems to think it's only about the respect part and doesn't think we should worry.   After we both appeared at a panel over the weekend, Caplan, a professor of economics at George Mason University and a senior scholar at the Mercatus Center, penned a blog post in which he said he 'didn't strongly disagree with anything' I said.   He wanted to add, however, that we could stand to borrow good ideas from elsewhere, and that in the end, multi-culturalism won't have much of an impact.   Obviously, America can absorb good ideas.   That was the whole thing about the 'melting pot' -- remember that?   As my colleague Hans von Spakovsky never tires of saying, we are a multi-ethnic society, but one with a unique American culture.   That is what multi-culturalists want to [destroy].   In my talk, I under-lined the point that another friend, Niger Innis, always makes: Even if we were to shut the immigration doors completely, the next president will have to start reversing the [power-mad leftist] social engineering of the past [12] decades..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
it is difficult for schools to correct the problems caused by excessive immigration

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal: immigration without assimilation is invasion and occupation

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
3 "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals injured in fight with 2 Afghans in Muehlhausen am Unstrut (S of Herzberg am Harz, E of Eshwege, SE of Hoettingen, ESE of Kassel, NW of Erfurt) Germany "asylum" center

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
AfD official, not realizing the war has already begun, says that Angela Merkel's no-borders policy is leading to civil war

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
15 freezing military-age "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals saved from refrigerated truck in France

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal threatened reporter live on air during report from "asylum" center at Sandholm outside Copenhagen, Denmark

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals to receive "values" folders in Austria to assist cultural integration

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
235 illegal aliens who had been convicted of additional crimes were arrested across Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana
Warner Todd Huston

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
3 Muslims found guilty of honor-based attack in Blackburn, LancaShire -- rammed car, kicked and beat him
"...Kasim Ali pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, a section 47 assault and affray.   He received an 18-month driving ban, 120 hours of unpaid work and a 12-month jail term, although that was suspended for 2 years.   Adeel Ali also confessed to a section 47 assault and affray and received the same sentence as his cousin.   Mr. Khalid, the least violent of the 3, pleaded guilty to affray and was given a 12-month community order including 60 hours unpaid work..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Reds/Dems/leftists in senate move to delay debate of bill for mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years for repeat invasion of USA by illegal aliens who commited additional violent crimes
Caroline May: Breitbart
"...On Wednesday, representative Steve King, Iowa Republican, introduced a bill to end the U.S. Capitol Police sanctuary policy.   The thousands of officers assigned to protect the Capitol complex do not have a policy requiring them to investigate the immigration status of those they arrest, meaning they may not realize they have a wanted illegal immigrant on their hands, representative King said."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
immigrants will comprise 68% of UK's population growth over the next 25 years
"...The overall population of the UK is expected to grow from 64.6M people in mid-2014 to 74.3M people in mid-2039, a 9.7M person increase..."
Just when native citizens were pulling back from over-population and over-crowding, conflicting religious groups are competing to out-breed everyone else.

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Phil Elmore _WND_
left-wing KKK charges: truth be damned
"In politics, perception is reality.   This is frustrating for those of us who believe the laws of the United States, not to mention U.S. governmental policy, should be based on reality rather than wishful thinking.   Here is the main source of the divide between the right and the left in American politics: The right-winger believes his fellow human beings' freedom of action is a benefit that accrues to all, while the left-winger believes your freedom to conduct your life as you see fit is a threat that must be 'controlled' for the 'common good'.   The right-winger believes that we ought to make laws based on reality because to do otherwise is to invite self-destruction.   Thus, the right-winger opposes laws that disarm him and leave him helpless in the face of criminal violence, while the left-winger supports 'gun control' and open borders.   When the right-winger points out that violent illegal immigrants commit crimes like rape and murder in the United States out of proportion to their representation in society, the left-winger accuses the right-winger of racism.   On and on it goes, with the right-winger supporting the Constitution as written and the left-winger voting to ignore it or pervert it based on his wishful thinking of what is in this 'living document'.   This is how our supreme court, packed with leftists, routinely finds 'rights' not defined in the Constitution to be protected by that document, while ignoring explicit language forbidding certain laws the leftist justices help write from the bench.   The wishful thinking of left-wingers extends to a psychic ability to see within the hearts and minds of those they hate.   Make no mistake; Left-wingers hate their ideological opponents and want them to die.   They frequently give vent to these feelings; death threats and rape threats against conservatives and libertarians are common online, as are trial balloons routinely floated by left-wing academics and political figures in which they muse that conservatives should be imprisoned or sanctioned for wrongthink.   That's not an exaggeration; already, various left-wingers have called for the imprisonment or re-education of those conservatives who dare to question left-wing theories of man-caused global warming..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Jim Epstein _WND_
how the gray lady's mis-reporting is ruining lives: Chinese nail salons
"Hundreds of Chinese mom-and-pop nail-salon operators gathered behind a police barricade at The New York Times Company head-quarters in Midtown last week chanting 'Correct your mistakes!' and 'We need answers!'.   A typical sign at the protest: 'Your lies kill our shops!'.   It was the third major nail-salon demonstration outside the paper's head-quarters in just 5 weeks -- and more are planned.   What are these first-generation Chinese immigrants so angry about?   In May, the Times published a 2-part front-page series claiming that New York's booming nail-salon industry is a hotbed of 'rampant exploitation'.   It alleged that skilled manicurists are paid as little as $10 per day to sculpt and polish the fingers and toes of well-heeled New Yorkers..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) announced she is opposed to the EB-5 visa program

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Joshua Vaughn _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
bodyshopping being considered for Claremont Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
how illegal aliens affect your vote and rob you of representation in congress
World Net Daily
"Voter ID laws have been challenged because [leftist] Democrats deem them racist.   I guess that's because they see blacks as being incapable of acquiring some kind of government-issued identification.   Interesting enough is the fact that I've never heard of a challenge to other ID requirements as racist, such as those: to board a plane, open a charge account, have lab work done or cash a welfare check.   Since [leftist] Democrats only challenge legal procedures to promote ballot-box integrity, the conclusion one reaches is that they are for vote fraud prevalent in many Democrat-controlled cities.   There is another area where the attack on ballot-box integrity goes completely unappreciated.   We can examine this attack by looking at the laws governing census taking.   As required by law, the U.S. Census Bureau is supposed to count all persons in the U.S.A.   Those to be counted include citizens, legal immigrants and non-citizen long-term visitors.   The law also requires that illegal immigrants be a part of the decennial census.   The estimated number of illegal immigrants ranges widely from 12M to 30M.   Official estimates put the actual number closer to 12M.   Both citizens and non-citizens are included in the census and thus affect apportionment counts.   Counting illegals in the census undermines one of the fundamental principles of representative democracy -- namely, that every citizen-voter has an equal voice..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
over 81K illegal alien children placed in communities scattered around USA
"...Last fiscal year, which ended on September 30, 27,520 accompanied minors were placed with sponsors in the U.S.A.   In FY2014, the government placed another 53,518 unaccompanied minors throughout the U.S.A.   The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which is part of HHS, has placed children in every state in the U.S.A., including the District of Columbia.   States with the highest numbers of unaccompanied minors over the past 2 years include California (9,587), Florida (8,330), Georgia (3,075), Maryland (5,668), New Jersey (4,120), New York (8,570), North Carolina (2,897), Texas (10,618), and Virginia (5,563).   In FY 2014 Border Patrol apprehended more than 68,540 unaccompanied minors attempting to illegally enter the U.S.A. via the southern border.   Another 39,970 unaccompanied minors were apprehended illegally crossing the border in FY2015.   Most of these minors are from Central America -- largely from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
violent leftist student anarchists demand open borders in London

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
initiative to eliminate "sanctuary cities" in California boosted by defeat of San Francisco sheriff Ross Mirkarimi

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
bizarre media
Cybercast News Service

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
how media bias devastates and destroys
"What happened to the email scandal?   Or the Clintons' speeches (that should be screeches)?   Or the uranium deal where Vladimir Putin got control of our mines?   Or Hillary Clinton's lie about the Benghazi terrorist attacks being caused by a video?   Or any of the scandals the media pursued with such zest and vigor until last week?   Some say that Hillary Clinton's winning the 2016 Democratic primary by surviving the Benghazi hearings. "

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Disney and former Obummer staffer launch super-PAC to attack Fox, back Hitlery Rotten Clinton

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
beat the elite
World Net Daily

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
when a web-site IDs the wrong person, can those involved be sued?

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Noah Smith _Jewish World Review_
how bad is Red China's economic slump?

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Nat Hentoff & Nick Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
a tale of 2 teachers: the politics of personal teaching
World Net Daily

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
chickification of the USA is bad for the world
World Net Daily

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Ariana Eunjung Cha _Jewish World Review_
in a break from hypothesis developed by pioneer carcinogen-tester Bruce Ames, it may turn out that anti-oxidants give cancer cells a boost

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Herb Scribner _Jewish World Review_
public school teacher threatened to give students and "F" if they would not assert that God didn't exist

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
how Ahmed Chalabi survived his war to free Iraq

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Iran celebrated anniversary of their attack on USA embassy during Jimmy Carter administration

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
R' Avi Shafran _Jewish World Review_
buried treasure in dirt

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
meeting between officials of Red China and the Republic of China

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
TSA chief Peter Neffenger: we're on the cusp of a very different looking check-point experience
But will it have more or less to do with ensuring national security than flexing power?   The current -- maximum annoyance, maximum rights violation, little effectiveness -- charade is ridiculous.

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
after closing one "welcome center", Rhode Island gets $9M from the Obummer regime to open a new one (pork and crony socialism)

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
long-over-due viligance against and chastisement of leftist activist debate "moderators"

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Marxists are angry that they have to pay to visit Karl Marx's grave

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
in repressive Uzbekistan, the haughty John Kerry talks about "human dimension" instead of natural individual human rights

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
another ground war in the Middle East?

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Adam Beam _Cybercast News Service_
governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
the horse-race for president

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
pro-life, pro-family victories in governors' offices and in bath-rooms

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
_Conservative HQ_
transportation bill shows non-leftists must try to keep Ryan honest and on a leash

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Paige Winfield _Washington DC Examiner_
ObummerDoesn'tCare bill pits non-leftists against each other

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
Matt Bevin won; Obummer's Dem/leftist/Red party lost again

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Rod Dreher _American Conservative_
that stupid "co-exist" bumper sticker

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Rush Limbaugh _National Review_
the boom in non-leftist media has forced the leftist media to abandon any pretense of objectivity (in 60th anniversary edition)

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the media and the myths they create

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Armstrong Williams: the left cannot stop this "outsider" restoration of liberty and individual rights

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
800K Kansas City Royals fans celebrated winning World Series... without rioting or other violence

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Michael Bloomberg's money & hoplophobia fail again; GOP retains Virginia senate majority

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Coos county OR voted to stop conspiring in violation of constitutional right to own and carry arms

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
hoplophobes try to shut down arms safety training

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Tom Gresham _Washington DC Times_
gun-ban advocates don't want you to know that violence using arms has been falling

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
taliban in Afghanistan stoned 22-year-old woman to death for running away and alleged adultery

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
admiral James A. Lyons & Richard D. Fisher ii _Breitbart_
USA needs bolder strategy to stop Red China aggression in South China Sea
Washington DC Times

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
a second Russian Antonov-12 B cargo+passenger plane crashes, in South Sudan, shortly after take-off

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
US intelligence agencies: bomb [or incendiary device] likely destroyed Russia aircraft

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate hands out candy to celebrate civilian deaths aboard Russian aircraft

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
church fire-bombed in Baghdad has re-opened, but the congregation has fled

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz and representative Mario Diaz-Balart introduced bill to designate "Muslim Brotherhood" a terrorist organization (already found to be so in the past by DoS and judges)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Curtis Wallace _Washington DC Times_
religious liberty under fire

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer cabals at work

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
judge Richard J. Leon refuses to hear law-suit calling on congress to initiate a convention of the states, dishonestly claimed plaintiff hasn't been harmed
"'At this time more than two-thirds of the states (49 to be exact) have petitioned for a convention for proposing amendments.', he wrote.   'Congress is therefore presently remiss in its constitutionally mandated obligation to call a convention for proposing amendments.'   He had asked a judge to order both the House and Senate to certify the applications and make arrangements for the new convention..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Milwaukee county sheriff David Clarke: Obummer is hallucinating if he thinks he has improved race relations in the USA

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Deb Riechmann _Cybercast News Service_
senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) has put a hold on consideration of Obummer nominee for secretary of the Army over release of terrorists from Guantanamo

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
John Sparks _Cybercast News Service_
should colleges and universities be allowed to use racial preferences in admissions to increase "diversity"?

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie: Planned Parenthood is about promiscuous sex, not women's health

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin dares Barack Hussein Obummer to be on his show, offering $100K to his favorite charity (with audio)
"'Now, I have offered [Barack Hussein Obummer], on multiple occasions, to come on this show, where we would have a serious, professional, honest debate for an hour.', said Levin.   'And I've said, I will give $100K to his favorite charity.   He's not coming on this show, Mr. Tough Guy.'..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Michael Brown _WND_
I was born Human, but identify as Martian

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Ann Coulter _WND_
OK, who ordered the Mexican heroin?
Town Hall

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Ted Nugent _WND_
boots on the ground vs. boots on your throat
"ALERT, America!   Had this been an actual presidency, your beloved nation would not be in this cleverly and dastardly engineered suicidal downward spiral to hell.   Had this been a real presidency, the words and policies emanating from your White House and from most of your elected employees would not sound like rejected nonsense from Alfred E. Neuman too loony to be found in the pages of Mad Magazine.   Had enough real Americans performed their basic 'we the people' responsibilities to monitor, guide and prod our elected employees to strictly adhere to their oath to the U.S. Constitution, to remain in touch with common sense, logic and perform but a modicum of professional accountability, we would have never allowed the psychopathic liar in chief and his gang of commie goons to continually run amok with their America-hating 'fundamental transformation' of what was at one time the greatest country ever found on earth..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Damon Linker _Week_
where are all the non-leftist university professors?
"College professors are overwhelmingly [leftist].   You know it.   I know it.   Everyone knows it.   Studies document it, anecdotes confirm it, and the right decries it.   College campuses are places where the ideological gamut typically runs from [leftist] Democrat to Maoist, with a whole bunch of post-modern cynics in the middle and often not a single conservative in sight..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
David French _National Review_
lessons from elections in KY and Houston: injust socialist bullies lose

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Miriam Hill, Andrew Seidman & John Duchhneskie _Philadelphia Inquirer_
incredible: in 59 Philadelphia "voting wards" RINO Mitt Romney got 0 votes

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Shawn Langlois _MarketWatch_
10 countries more prosperous than the USA; #33 in safety and security; Ireland #10; Finland #9; Netherlands #8; Australia #7
prosperity institute
USA ratings

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Breitbart primary: Trump leads; Cruz surging, followed by Ben Carso, Rubio, Paul, Fiorina, Romney, Kasich, Yebbie, Huckabee, Christtie, Santorum, Jindal

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
decorated US veteran who served 3 tours of duty in Iraq was murdered while riding bicycle in Colorado Springs, along with 2 others

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
police killed violent-Muslim, CS & engineering major Faisal Mohammad who stabbed 4 people at U of CA at Merced
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Pakistan: man burned woman to death for rejecting his marriage proposal

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
Navy chaplain Wes Modder resumes ministry

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Andre F. Radzischewski _Washington DC Times_
South America's leftist regimes are losing their grips on power after years of dominance

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Jason Katz _Washington DC Times_
keeping Turkey stable: congress should scrutinize Islamists in USA fomenting turmoil back home in Turkey
"...One of the greatest threats to the fabric of modern Turkey is the Islamist Gulen [Guelen] Movement, which appears to destabilize the nation and its devotion to modernity.   Banned by many nations, including its native Turkey, it espouses overtly conservative religious ideals and insinuates itself into modern societies.   It has spent untold billions of dollars to penetrate Turkey's judiciary, law enforcement and media, and used its overt and covert power to challenge the government.   These changes clearly are taking Turkey in a decidedly less Western direction.   Prosecutors and the police, reportedly under the influence of the Gulen Movement, have gone after top military officers on fabricated charges, illegally tapped phones and jailed secular journalists.   This is accomplished by subtle, yet real changes in laws.   The Gulen movement in Turkey is utilizing networks of schools operated under various names to influence children away from the ideals of a modern Turkey, like madrassas do in other nations.   Amazingly, the Gulen Movement operates in the United States, where its founder resides in exile, and it has registered various nonprofit organizations.   Many of these organizations are now the subjects of FBI investigations...   the Gulen schools begin as 'regular' [normal, ordinary] American schools, complete with credentialed teachers, but they are soon replaced by Gulen Movement devotees imported from Turkey.   Another interesting point is that no one seems to be able to discern the origin of the vast amounts of money used to launch the schools..."

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Eric Worrall
AP poll: Americans decreasingly concerned about climate

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Red China shows how much they care about warmist hysteria... with a single, up-raised finger

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
rain, thunder, lightning, floods, and rain-bows in southern California

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
former UN IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri accused of sexual harassment

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Tim Ball
more UN IPCC inadequacies and failures: precipitation

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
l'alternative Paris

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
EPA accused of rigging reports, colluding with "greens" to block Alaska's "Pebble Mine"

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Ric Werme
orbiting carbon observatory 2 (OCO-2) has released an animation

2015-11-04 (5776 Cheshvan 22)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "What you take for granted must be taught to your kids." --- Dave Weinbaum (source: Jewish World Review)  




Yom Chamishi



This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Thomas Sowell, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Bobby Jindal, (12) Ken Blackwell, (13) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
DEA: Mexican gangs remain the greatest criminal drug threat to the USA

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
will released illegal aliens convicted of additional crimes be deported and removed?   can S2123 be defeated?
"...Among those spear-heading the charge with the letter were the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA, the private bar group that represents aliens for a fee), and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU, [an extreme leftist] union organization [closely aligned with Barack Hussein Obummer] which includes large numbers of aliens living and working illegally in the United States)..."
Bob Goodlatte (R-VA): National Review: sentencing "reform" and violent criminals
Paul Sperry: Investor's Business Daily: why is Obummer letting violent criminals out of prison?
Jessica Vaughan: detainees released are criminals
Dan Cadman: thousand of illegal aliens convicted of felonies are being released from prison
Yuval Levin: National Review: reviving the USA senate

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime has lost track of most border-surge teens after release
"New information from a variety of sources further demonstrates that the [Obummer regime's] handling of the continuing influx of illegal Central American family and youth border-crossers has been nothing short of a disaster.   Government agencies and NGO contractors have lost track of most of the youth who have been released (or escaped) from shelters.   Immigration court records show that about half of the 'unaccompanied' alien children (UACs) do not appear for immigration court hearings.   A recent murder of one UAC in Virginia by 3 others is a reminder that some of the kids are involved in gangs.   And, because we let them, they keep coming; the number of new arrivals spiked again at the end of the summer, with twice as many Central American youth and families arriving in 2015 September as arrived in 2014 September.   No single government agency has been given the responsibility for tracking the UAC and family arrivals.   As a result, the statistics that have been published by different sources may have slightly different numbers, depending on the time period covered and how they are counted.   In a recent webinar hosted by the Migration Policy Institute, the director of a legal services organization stated that 77,824 UACs had been released into the United States since 2014 October 1 (not counting the approximately 40K who arrived in 2012 and 2013).   Most are turned over to their parents, but many are released to the custody of a sponsor -- sometimes a relative, but often a 'friend', foster family, or group home run by a government contractor.   In July, federal agents arrested a group of farm labor contractors running a smuggling ring for Guatemalan minors who were then put to work in harsh conditions at an Ohio egg farm.   Those who come forward as sponsors are rarely screened, and so some UACs have been released to child molesters and abusers..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
end "sanctuary" cities

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Steve King (R-IA) vows to enforce immigration law on Capitol Hill
"...[Illegal alien] protesters have targeted the office of King, senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).   The bill is being cosponsored by six other Republicans, including: representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), representative Jeff Duncan (R-SC), representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and representative Lou Barletta (R-PA).   King says it's important for the Capitol Hill police to enforce the current [federal] immigration laws, while congress works on legislation related to trying to enforce the laws..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
Dana Rohrabacher: we are witnessing an attempt to destroy Western Civilization
"...'Earlier this week, the United Nations announced that 218K migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe just last month.   That is more than were recorded in all of 2014.   It is expected that around a million asylum seekers of all origins will reach Germany in this year alone.', Rohrabacher noted.   He traced the current refugee crisis to a decision made earlier this year by German chancellor Angela Merkel to grant political asylum to 800K migrants from the Middle East even though 'Europe has been struggling to assimilate large Muslim populations [since the late 1940s, and the Muslims have been actively opposing integration and assimilation]...   Representative Albio Sires (D-NJ) also discussed the need for a better screening process for refugees coming from the Middle East, recounting what the process was like when he immigrated to the U.S.A. from Cuba: 'The influx has been so quickly, so many, that the security issue is very important [and more set aside].'...   [His father was detained and interrogated for 4 or 5 days when they immigrated]"

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Bryan Griffith _Center for Immigration Studies_
corrupt Obummer IRS labels illegal alien ID thieves as "borrowers"
"Bob Segall, investigative reporter for WTHR Indianapolis, has released a new 2-part report on illegal immigration and the Internal Revenue Service...   Segall won the Center's Katz Award in 2013 for his 11-part series exposing fraud and mismanagement within the IRS that allowed illegal aliens to receive billions of dollars in improper tax credits and refunds.   In his new series, Segall focuses on the IRS policy labeling illegal aliens who use the [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] of Americans and legal residents merely as 'borrowers' against whom no action may be taken by IRS employees.   The report interviews the victims, IRS whistle-blowers, and even the illegal-alien fraudsters..."
WTHR 13 investigates
WTHR 13: tax loop-hole for illegal aliens costs billions
WTHR 13: secret Obummer IRS policy hides identity theft from victims of illegal aliens
WTHR 13: corrupt Obummer IRS approves phony documents from illegal aliens
WTHR 13: FTC says children are targeted for identity theft
WTHR 13: senator Dan Coats says he's outraged at Obummer IRS complicity in identity theft

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Harrison Jacobs _Breitbart_
riding "train of death" through Mexico to USA
Business Insider

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
illegal alien who had been deported 6 times in deadly hit-and-run this week

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee strongly criticized RINO establishment for abusing flood of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics to cut US citizens' wages

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Mexican "Gulf Cartel" is becoming more desperate, using "social media", street banners to complain about exposure of their misdeeds by the media

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
U of CA at Merced stabbing came after (2015-10-10) Moonbeam Brown banned people from being armed on campus
stabbing victim now supports concealed carry on campus
"...Price was on campus for a remodeling project and came into contact with the mass stabber while investigating noises.   As it turned out, the noises were tied to Mohammed attacking his first victim.   Price said, 'I went to open the door -- to break it up and see if everybody was okay -- and they all screamed run! when I opened the door.'   The next thing Price knew was that a 'suspect wearing a black hooded-sweatshirt comes charging at him with a butcher knife'..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
GOP seantors: Obummer regime has been abusing immigration parole
"The [Obummer regime] has been exploiting immigration parole to enable large groups of foreign nationals to live and work in the U.S.A. indefinitely, Republican senate Judiciary committee members charge.   Parole authority generally [allows] the Secretary of Homeland Security [DHS] to grant temporary admission to the U.S.A. on a 'case-by-case' basis for 'urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit'.   The [Obummer regime], however, has been using the parole authority to grant large swaths of immigrant groups access to the U.S.A. for untold amounts of time.   In a letter to DHS secretary Jeh Johnson, senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and senator Mike Lee (R-UT) express their concerns with what they say is the [regime's] abuse of its immigration parole authority..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
scientists have discovered possible source for deranged people like Pelosi, Reid, Obummer, Clintons... -- parallel universes

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
how do we improve education?

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
asinine in academia

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
why the supremes are investigating your electricity bill
"When I clerked on the DC circuit in the 1990s, my friends and I dreaded getting 'FERC-ed', which was what we called being assigned a case involving the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.   The very word FERC can still give me a nightmare in which I'm chased through an endless pipeline by relentless administrative lawyers.   Last month, the U.S. supreme court was FERC-ed, in a case that asks whether the agency is allowed to pursue a plan to pay consumers not to use electricity at peak hours.   Although the topic the justices discussed is technical and complex, the bottom line isn't: The case is a conflict about federalism, in the guise of a fight about the meaning of a federal law.   Behind the federal plan is a reality that's sort of shocking in this technological era: It's still not very efficient to store electricity that's being generated for consumer use [and it's too expensive to build an entire power plant to exceed peak loads, and 'peaking units' to kick in at times of peak demand tend to be more expensive to the base-line units]...   a mismatch between electricity supply, which is relatively constant as power plants chug along, and demand, which peaks when users are awake and declines when they go to sleep.   Congress told FERC to do something about this in 2005.   In response, FERC developed the system at issue in the case.   To simplify wildly, FERC required the administrators of wholesale electricity markets to pay a certain fixed price to producers of electricity and to bundled groups of consumers who lower their peak consumption.   (In FERC lingo, the producers generate mega-watts and the consumers coordinate 'nega-watts'.)   [This notion was addressed in the late 1970s by requiring local monopoly 'investor-owned' electricity generation firms to purchase power from 'co-generators'... but the industry didn't like it and the regulators never had much enthusiasm for it, either.]   The point of this arrangement is to create an incentive for consumers to lower demand just at the point where it would cost more to make energy for them than it would to pay them not to use it.   In a free market, this would be crazy and unnecessary; price should do the trick.   But electricity isn't a free market: It's extensively regulated.   The FERC intervention is intended to smooth out the market.   [And this was supposedly addressed, also in the late 1970s and early 1980s by the development of idiot-meters, so that customers could be charged more during peak times, and, in a tight pinch, the municipal or investor-owned distributor could cut power to small numbers for short periods of 10-20 minutes, switching from one set to another until the crisis had passed.   In 2000 California, the recently over-regulated and mal-regulated state electricity regime, did cut off vast swaths of customers -- 50K to 150K at a time -- for 50-70 minutes at a time, but it was not on the basis of evening out demand, but politically-motivated, with customers far removed from the shortage locations being cut off, and still, firms which had contractually agreed to being briefly cut off in exchange for lower rates, cried foul.]...   The reason the case ended up in court is that local electricity companies, represented by their trade association, the Electric Power Supply Association, don't like it.   They went to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC circuit, a.k.a. FERC-land, and asked it to rule that FERC had exceeded its statutory mandate in adopting the rule.   The argument rested on the historic role of FERC in regulating wholesale electricity markets [inter-state, high-voltage transmission services], which were long considered national and therefore subject to federal regulation.   FERC didn't classically have jurisdiction over retail electricity sales, which were regulated by the states.   IOW, FERC's reach matched the classic idea of federalism, with national matters regulated by the federal government and local matters governed by state authorities..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
Ben Carson's mother deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom
American Spectator
"Ben Carson is an American hero.   He is also a front-runner in the Republican race for the White House.   What is more, he is black, God-fearing, law-abiding and a distinguished neurosurgeon.   Weighing the most important things in life, he is everything you would want in an American man.   Yet his road in life has not been without challenges.   As a young boy growing up in Detroit he now says he had temper management difficulties -- curiously, this admission caused laughter among middle-class liberal pundits.   He also had settled into the bottom of his grade school class until in fifth grade a teacher noticed he could hardly read a line on an eye chart -- more laughter from the [leftists]?   He needed glasses, which his school provided for him, whereupon he proceeded toward the top of his class.   Perhaps the reason he had not been tested for glasses is that his single-parent mother worked from dawn until dusk daily, often at two or three jobs a week to provide for her children.   Sometimes a week would go by without Ben seeing his mother.   She was that busy.   One of 24 children (yes, 24 children), she only had a third-grade education.   Yet she had character.   Rather like Clarence Thomas' grand-father -- he being the moral force in Justice Thomas' life -- she instilled strong values in young Ben and was especially adamantine against dependency and for the work ethic.   Eventually, her son beat the odds (they were roughly 1 in 100) and went to Yale University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, but in the meantime, something terrible happened to the Carsons' Detroit neighborhood.   Once a tidy black neighborhood of well-tended homes, clean and safe streets, where neighbors watched out for each other and each other's children, the neighborhood began to decline in the 1960s.   By the 1970s, its functioning churches, accountable schools, clean streets and tidy lawns were no more.   Today it looks like a bombed-out neighborhood in the Middle East.   Long ago, it became a slum.   As Mrs. Carson and her son might have told us, nothing in the old neighborhood works except for the poverty programs, at least those that have not been looted.   They function to keep their clients dependent..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
war by proxy: USA and Russia and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Jordan and Iran in Syria

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Josh Rogin _Jewish World Review_
Iran & Saudi Arabia clash inside Syria talks

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
France sending aircraft carrier to aid USA-led coalition against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
those celebrated, credentialed journalists; a tangled web of leftists

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
let the candidates question each other

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: mistress of deception
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
supremes' opportuity to tackle sinister anti-constitution trends

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
conventional wisdom proves ignorance in presidential elections
Washington DC Times

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
DEA: 46,471 killed by drug over-doses in 2013; more than car crashes or arms
"...That compares with the 35,369 who died in motor vehicle crashes and 33,636 who died from firearms, as tallied by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP]..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iranian-supplied armor-piercing weapons killed at least 196 USA troops in Iraq from 2003 to 2011
"'According to the [U.S.] Central Command, at least 196 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq by Iranian-made explosive-formed penetrators (EFPs) from 2003 to 2011.', senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said during a senate Judiciary sub-committee hearing, citing the declassified portion of a report provided to his office.   Cruz said that number was being made public for the first time.   EFPs are a particularly effective type of improvised explosive device -- a shaped charge capable of penetrating most armor that was used by coalition forces in Iraq.   Cruz noted further that [USMC general Joseph Dunford] had recently testified that some 500 U.S. troops in total had been killed in Iraq 'by Iranian activities'.   He pointed out that that accounted for at least 14% of U.S. combat fatalities in Iraq...   In August the court ordered that the Palestinian Authority and PLO must post $10M in bond or cash pending their appeals against the verdict, and to deposit an additional $1M each month.   The [Obummer regime] maintains that it does support the right of American terror victims to secure justice, but must weigh up other national security interests, whether the survival of the Palestinian Authority or implementation of [Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems].   In its statement indicating [Obummer's] intention to veto the legislation linking Iran sanctions relief to its payment of terror-related damages, the White House said it 'supports efforts by U.S. terrorism victims to pursue compensation, consistent with our national security' and that it 'continues to work to explore all possible avenues for compensation, but will not do so in a manner that would connect this issue to [Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems].'..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
more evidence of Iran's intent

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Iran's hackers target e-mail and "social media" of USA government officials

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Jeffrey A. Rendall_Conservative HQ_
campaign for 2016 November: Bobby Jindal barn-storming through Iowa
"One sure way to tell whether Ben Carson's appeal goes beyond Evangelical conservatives would be if he's able to gain on Donald Trump in New Hampshire.   We all know Carson is doing well in Iowa -- but the Hawkeye State's electorate always favors strong social conservatives..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
_Conservative HQ_
Becky Gerritson

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Al Weaver _Washington DC Examiner_
Donald Trump promises to brutally and quickly cut the head off of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Daniel Horowitz _Washington DC Times_
tracking the pro-terrorism campaign at USA's colleges & universities
"Calling things by their right names is a prerequisite for seeing them as they really are.   Last spring I spoke at more than half a dozen universities, including Ohio State and Stony Brook, where I was confronted by mobs of students cheering Hamas, a terrorist organization whose declared goal is the extermination of the Jews.   And this is only the tip of the iceberg.   On virtually every major university campus in America organizations exist whose leadership is dedicated to spreading the propaganda lies of Hamas designed to weaken and delegitimize the Israeli state, and promoting Hamas campaigns like Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) whose goal is its destruction.   The 2 leading organizations in this terrorist proxy campaign are the Muslim Students Association (MSA), which poses as a cultural group but is really a recruiting tool for its founding group, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which was also created by a Brotherhood operative and takes an even more aggressive pro-terrorist role on campus defending Hamas rocket attacks on Israel and advancing its propaganda wars.   There are many ways to criticize Israeli policy, both reasonably and unreasonably.   But what distinguishes these two groups is the relentless adherence of their members to the propaganda lines -- and lies -- of the terrorist organization Hamas, and their unwavering defense of Hamas' aggressive wars against Israel and the Jews.   A prominent slogan of SJP and MSA, chanted at ritual campus protests, is 'From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free'.   The river is the Jordan, the eastern boundary of Israel, the sea is the Mediterranean, its western boundary.   These groups are committed to the destruction of the Jewish state -- an act of genocide..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Students Association (MSA)
jihad on campus

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Starbucks plain red cups are emblematic of the war against Christian culture in the West
Nick Hallett: members of parliament & Christians criticize Starbucks Scrooges

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: Politico are some of the most dishonest people I have ever dealt with

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer regime finally posts full text of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty
with introduction by Obummer
US Trade Representative

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
unions & leftists continue to oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty
"...saying the details of the pact are worse than they feared...   Democracy for America, a grass-roots [leftist] group, said lawmakers should oppose the agreement 'if they want to keep their jobs'...   Another powerful labor union, the Communications Workers of America, said a closer reading of the trade agreement proves it’s a bad deal for U.S. workers.   'CWA and a broad coalition of environmental, consumer, faith, immigrant rights, student and many other groups will continue to organize and mobilize against this deal and to hold accountable members of congress who have chosen to side with the 1% and not the people of the United States.', said CWA president Chris Shelton..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) preamble backs government ownership and control of businesses
"The preamble to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) [treaty] that the [corrupt Obummer regime] has negotiated with 1 other governments -- including what the U.S. State Department describes as a Communist regime in VietNam -- expressly affirms the 'legitimate role' of 'state-owned enterprises'.   According to the Congressional Research Service [CRS], 40% of VietNam's output comes from state-owned enterprises (SOEs).   In addition to [the United States of America] and VietNam, the parties to the TPP include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru and Singapore [with Red China and Indonesia as likely applicants for additon in the near future]..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Kevin Kearns _Breitbart_
Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty (TPP) is a very bad deal for the USA
"The TPP is anything but the free trade agreement it purports to be.   The use of the term 'free trade', however, is both a smoke-screen to conceal what it really contains and a code-word designed in part to attract the support of congressional Republicans who lurch zombie-like to support anything labeled 'free trade', without understanding or even examining the details.   The top [Obummer regime] trade negotiator, Michael Froman, admitted as much when he insisted the deal cannot be re-negotiated, particularly over the lax rules on importing foreign-made autos and auto parts into the United States.   Apparently, one of America's biggest economic problems [in their minds] is that Toyota does not sell enough cars and trucks here, and thus does not displace enough [US citizens from] jobs...   A real free-trade deal could be written on a single sheet of paper, with commitments to remove all tariffs and non-tariff barriers of any kind -- including the removal of Value Added Taxes (VATs) applied to American exports at the port of entry -- and pledges to refrain from the currency manipulation that cheapens and subsidizes the cost of foreign exports..."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty (TPP) weighs in at 5,544 pages (over 5.5 reems if 2-sided, 11 reems 1-sided); longer than ObummerDoesn'tCare + the 8 Gangsters' S744... over 10 pounds

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty (TPP) should be rejected and unconstitutional Fast-Track/Trade Promotion Authority repealed

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
_Washington DC Times_
Ben Sasse (R-NB): we need to make the US senate great again (bring back defenestration? duels? :B-)

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
US House approved $325G, 3-year transportation bill

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Marco Rubio: a student loan is worse than indentured servitude

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Paul Ryan: I don't think Planned Parenthood should get one red cent of tax-victim funding

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Pew religious landscape poll: more Americans identify as non-leftist

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
memorial commemorating Ukrainian genocide of 1932-1933 to open in DC

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
AP credited ObummerDoesn'tCare when Arizona co-op's news was good, then buried it when it failed
Daily Signal

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Ben Weingarten _News Max_
how the RINO establishment has been trying to stack the deck for its candidate

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
David M. Drucker _Washington DC Examiner_
collision course: if Cruz and Rubio collide, Rubio will be road-kill by suicide (see above)

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
crony socialist Export-Import bank would be brought back from the dead by Paul Ryan's pork-filled transportation bill

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
US House passed Paul Ryan's transportation pork/over-spending bill... tries to block reforms for 6 years (but, of course, that cannot bind future congresses)

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
senator Marco Rubio sponsors USA defense restoration bill

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
judge Eleanor L. Ross, appointed by Obummer, gave woman who bought firearm for her boy-friend, who used it to kill an Omaha police officer

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Jerome Hudson _Breitbart_
Ben Carson campaign cranking up with radio ads, "rap"

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Philippines: airport authorities caught planting bullets in bags, bribery/extortion sheme

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Malaysia returning remains of USA soldiers missing since WW2

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the spiritual significance of Israel's re-birth

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Miriam Elman _Legal Insurrection_
what do Palestinians really want? new study reveals disturbing answers
"...The most valuable take home message here is that even if Palestinian political and religious leaders wanted to limit their often incendiary role, popularly held attitudes would make it difficult for them to do it."

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Anthony Watts
another study suggests Antarctic ice mass accumulatio highest was have seen in the last 300 years

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Eric Worrall
kangaroo farts: a great "green" disappointment

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Anthony Watts
U of Miami claim: green-house gases reduce Walker circulation (with diagram)

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Moonbeam Brown used state government experts to seek oil on land his family owns

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Christopher Monckton
the 18 year 9 month pause... just in time for Paris cabal

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Larry Kummer
manufacturing nightmares: an example of misusing climate "science"

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Willis Eschenbach
38 years of "alternate energy" subsidies, since 1977-04-18

2015-11-05 (5776 Cheshvan 23)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "EEOC's position that minorities should be held to lower standards is an insult to millions of honest Hispanics.   Obviously a rule refusing honest employment to convicted applicants is going to have a disparate impact upon thieves...   That apparently a higher percentage of Hispanics are convicted of crimes than that of the 'white' population may prove a number of things such as:   (1) Hispanics are not very good at stealing,   (2) whites are better thieves than Hispanics,   (3) none of the above,   (4) all of the above...   Regardless, the honesty of a prospective employee is certainly a vital consideration in the hiring decision.   If Hispanics do not wish to be discriminated against because they have been convicted of theft then they should stop stealing...   to say that an applicant's honest character is irrelevant to an employer's hiring decision is ludicrous.   In fact, it is doubtful that any one personality trait is more important to an employer than the honesty of the prospective employee.   To hold otherwise is to stigmatize minorities by saying, in effect, your group is not as honest as other groups." --- Jose Gonzalez US District Court of S FL EEOC v Carolina Freight Carriers reported in "Daily Labor Report" 1989-11-27  




Yom Shishi



This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Thomas Sowell, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Bobby Jindal, (12) Mike Huckabee, (13) Ken Blackwell, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): yep, the old fingers-crossed-behind-the-back trick

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Laura Ingraham
94.513M not in labor force (NILF)
graphs (will be updated over next several days)
Caroline May: Breitbart: 94.513 not in labor force (NILF)
graphs of employment and unemployment measures (will be updated over next several days)
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service (with bar graph)
graphs by selected industries (will be updated over next several days)
Caroline May: Breitbart: 56.54M women not in labor force (NILF)
graphs by selected occupations (will be updated over next several days)
unemployment rate for blacks almost twice as bad as for whites
graphs by selected states, counties, municipal areas (will be updated over next several days)

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Marco Rubio's persistent opposition to immigration reform -- his backing of excessive, low-standards, no-standards immigration and guest-work visas -- is hampering his election campaign
"[the 8 Gangsters' S744].   Instead, House conservatives dug in, and eventually Rubio declared his own handiwork a mistake...   [And then he repeated his offensive error with I-Squared and co-sponsored several other anti-reform abominations!]..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Florida: yet another EB-5 promoter swindles alien investors

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
one-sided marriage fraud: who looks out for the US citizen victims?
"My colleague David North recently wrote a thought-provoking blog about American citizens who become victimized by what might fairly be called one-sided marriage frauds -- marriages where they wed for love and don't realize that, from the alien spouse's point of view, it's a loveless marriage conceived of for the sole purpose of obtaining a green card.   There is a tendency on the part of the public, when they think about immigration marriages of convenience at all (which is almost never), to think of them in cutesy Hollywood terms, where it's innocent and victimless -- think Gérard Depardieu and Andie MacDowell [1990] in the comedy 'Green Card' [or Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds 2009 in 'The Proposal'].   As North has pointed out, the reality is often much darker.   What's more, marriage fraud is a crime -- a federal felony.   His blog has me thinking several decades back, to when I was a field criminal investigator (CI) with the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).   CIs spent a significant amount of their time on what were then called 'dual action' cases.   These were cases where two separate but interrelated actions were pending: an adjudication of a document, such as the petition filed by U.S. citizens on behalf of their alien spouses; and a concurrent investigation, usually kicked off because of questions that arose during the adjudicative process, and that took precedence since those questions needed to be resolved before the examiner could arrive at the proper decision about the adjudication.   At least in my experience, the vast majority of dual action cases involved allegations of marriage fraud -- sometimes a two-party fraud, where the alien paid a foolish citizen to file the paperwork; but often enough, the more tragic circumstance where citizens were romantically 'taken', hook, line and sinker, into believing that they had found the loves of their lives, only to discover the harsh truth later.   It was a different time (the 1970s and 1980s).   Adjudicators actually met with and interviewed petitioners and beneficiaries.   The results of these interviews often formed the basis for the investigative referrals.   Now everything is done remotely, and there isn't any real interface between government adjudicators and petitioners or applicants.   Back then, there was an immediacy to the work which meant that when things headed south for the citizen, there was someone available to listen and take action.   Such cases were inevitably heartrending, but also sometimes shocking, because they involved disturbing evidence of psychological and physical abuse and domination.   The memory of photos of beaten spouses, taken afterward by concerned parents or siblings, is with me still..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
"generous" Obummer regime gives highly-skilled H-2A shepherds a raise, to $5.80 per hour, because there is a terrrrible shortage of US citizens who know how to herd sheep... or something

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump criticized expletive-filled video by advocates of illegal immigration
Pam Key: Breitbart: Donald Trump: terrible expletive-laden video total back-fired

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty tries to over-ride USA immigration laws
"The new Trans-Pacific Partnership trade-deal allows U.S. and foreign companies to hire foreign professionals and technicians to take skilled jobs in the United States, while still only paying them wages typical for their home countries, such as Vietnam and Malaysia, immigration expert Rosemary Jenks told Sirius XM's Breitbart News Daily radio show.   'We have this massive [TPP] contract that we are apparently about to sign -- if they have their way in Washington [DC] -- that says we are going to open our entire service industry to companies and [their] employees from all of these partner countries.', said Jenks, the director of government relations at NumbersUSA.   NumbersUSA is an immigration-reform group that wants to reduce the annual inflow of roughly 1M immigrants and 700K guest-workers.   Currently, roughly 4.4M Americans turn 18 each year...   For example, 'if GE can make the argument that a particular [foreign] mechanic serving a particular kind of machine has specialized knowledge, then the person can brought over from Malaysia', via the L-1 visa, to work in a job in the United States at normal Malaysian wage-rates [even if there are equally- or more highly-skilled US citizens able and willing to do the same kind of work], she said.   Even if the migrant foreign workers are paid American wage-levels, she said, the huge influx of foreign workers will flood the U.S. market and drive down wages paid to American technicians and professionals.   'It is pure supply-and-demand.', she said.   For example, 'if you increase the supply of legal services, you increase the number of law firms, you reduce the wages of [American] lawyers', she said.   Top government officials are trying to hide this hugely important part of the TPP deal, she said..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty hits USA immigration law in a massive way

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
18-year-old girl at "care home" in Gillingham, Kent, England was raped by 5 "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
"...Last weekend, a Sierra Leonean migrant was badly injured after being stabbed by a 19-year-old Somali at an asylum centre in Bavaria, Germany.   The 2 had been arguing loudly when the Somali pulled a knife and stabbed the Sierra Leonean several times...   In another incident, an Austrian soldier was attacked with a fencepost while patrolling the border with Slovenia this week.   The soldier from the 23rd Battalion of Vorarlberg suffered cuts to the face and had to receive treatment at a local hospital..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Maronite patriarch of Antioch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi: Muslims want to conquer Europe with faith and birth-rate, as was the declared intent several decades ago by Arafat, and earlier by others

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals complain that Europe is too cold and already over-crowded
"...While these men are still pushing into Europe, many others have reached the objects of their desires and found them to be quite lacking, prompting them to turn right back again.   In multicultural paradise Malmoe, Sweden's migrant-gang violence third city, constant grenade attacks have got even the nerves of war-zone veterans..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
1,466 "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals rescued in a single day off the Libyan coast

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
human smugglers arrested with nearly 70 illegal aliens -- women may have been raped
"...According to court records obtained by Breitbart Texas, authorities raided a human stash house in late October.   33 illegal aliens were found inside.   While questioning the ringleader of that group, a man named Manuel de Jesus 'Chuy' Rodriguez Loa, they learned that his boss, Pedro 'Jalisco' Flores Villanueva had another house with close to 40 people in the border city of Edinburg.   The man also said that Jalisco was in charge of several other stash houses in the area.   Border Patrol agents working with their local counterparts were able to track down Flores and pull him over for making a turn without signaling..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
60 arrested in another Texas prostitution sting aimed at human trafficking

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Sylvia Longmire _Breitbart_
smuggling human beings has become more profitable than illegal drugs

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
_Breitbart_/_Ferenstein Wire_
Sili Valley (executives, STEM professionals, surrounding citizens, and kooks) represents an entirely new set of political ideologies

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Curtis Ellis _WND_
now all "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals have refugee privileges?: UN push for "free movement of people across borders"
"The free flow of people, goods and money across borders was the founding principle of the European Union.   The bipartisan Wall Street-Washington establishment now wants to impose it on the U.S.A. and the rest of the world.   What began as a common market for goods moving duty-free from the Mediterranean to the North Sea evolved into a superstate with Eurocrats in Brussels regulating everything from cheese to refugees.   The project of a world without borders soon outgrew its cradle in Brussels.   While European policy-makers initially sought to expedite the movement of steel, wheat and other goods, 'the free movement of people' has captured the imagination of the [dorrupt] global thinkers in Geneva, Washington [DC] and New York...   But perhaps coincidentally, the 'free movement of people' finds avid support in C suites from Goldman Sachs to General Electric.   Should this crowd have its way, we can expect the law of supply and demand to trump human rights law.   As the supply of labor increases exponentially, a worker anywhere in the world will soon find it difficult to demand much more than what 'survival migrants' now earn at home."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Larry Klayman _WND_
challenges to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens heading to the corrupt supremes
"Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Freedom Watch's legal team are now filing his petition with the supreme court to challenge [president Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive grant of amnesty for illegal aliens.   Doing the job most U.S.A. politicians won't do, sheriff Arpaio of Maricopa county, Arizona, was the first to bring a challenge when [Obummer] ordered his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on 2014 Nov. 20, to rewrite and circumvent the laws passed by congress.   Now Arpaio, with Freedom Watch as his counsel, is the first to go to the supreme court!   In essence, we are asking the high court to resolve conflicting approaches among the nation's appellate court circuits.   We are reminding the justices that America's system of law and order and our nation's experiment in self-government (unique in human history) cannot long survive if the judiciary refuses to play its part by upholding the Constitution.   The Constitution can only have meaning if we are disciplined to live by it, even when politicians are tempted to cheat.   If neither the courts nor elected politicians will protect and defend -- and follow -- the Constitution, they leave every door closed for a peaceable resolution of our citizens' refusal to stand by and watch our country slowly die.   Even as Freedom Watch was drafting sheriff Arpaio's supreme court appeal came more news of [Obummer's] unbridled arrogance and tyranny.   A leaked memorandum from DHS outlined plans for new executive-action usurpations of the role of congress -- which bypasses even the federal court in Texas that ordered [Obummer] and his minions at DHS to cease and desist from implementing his illegal executive amnesty.   Thus, some of the plans mapped out at a DHS retreat are designed to barrel full-speed ahead on granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens while technically side-stepping the injunction that is still in place from judge Hanen in the U.S. district court for the Southern district of Texas, as reported in The Hill.   A coalition of 26 states led by Texas had sued the [Obumer regime] last December.   In the jurisdiction of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, [judge] Andrew Hanen issued a preliminary injunction blocking implementation of [Obummer's] amnesty.   The 5th Circuit upheld the preliminary injunction (refused to order a stay) on 2015 May 26..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
adventures in immigration law non-enforcement

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Steven Mufson _Jewish World Review_
Obummer conceded MidEast is beyond his ken
So, get the violent Arab & Palestinian Muslims out of Israel and into Palestine=Gaza Strip or some other Muslim country after they've served their sentences.   Expand the Gaza Strip=Palestine a little.   Leave the peaceful Palestinian & Arab residents of Israel alone.   Build more fences and walls.   Do more archaeology in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel.   Let the Jews onto the immediate site of the Temple, but keep them off the immediate plazas of the 2 mosques.   Kick PLO and the Palestinian Authority out of Israel and into Palestine=Gaza Strip and let them (Fatah) compete for political dominance there with Hamas and ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate.   Strengthen the Golan Heights defenses.   Continue to make nice with Lebanon and Jordan and Egypt and Turkey, including helping them be secure in their borders.
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Obummer regimes rules out MidEast peace treaty before 2017 January

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Katie Zezima _Jewish World Review_
the terrorist PLO claimed senator Ted Cruz was "biased and inflammatory" in senate Judiciary committee hearing on Palestinian and Iranian terrorism
"The Texas Republican chaired a senate Judiciary committee hearing where victims of terrorist attacks and family members described what happened to them and blasted the [Obummer regime], saying it has failed to prosecute terrorists...   In the hearing, Cruz described recent acts of violence in Israel and past attacks, including a suicide bomber attack in Jerusalem 15 years ago where a family from New York was badly injured...   The hearing featured a number of witnesses, including the brother of Robert Stethem, a Navy diver killed by Hezbollah terrorists during the 1985 hijacking of TWA 847..."
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
leftists' response to dissent is "shut up"
Baron'e error is that he thinks there are lots of liberal people on the left, today.   They're not liberal; they're illiberal, and have been for at least 5 or 6 decades.   The left now dominates post-secondary and quite a bit of secondary and primary education.   They dominate the text-book publishers, and the state curriculum committees and boards and councils.   They dominate the journals -- including, most sadly, the no-longer-scientific journals.   Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Ann Coulter make this same mistake.

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
Dalton Trumbo had it coming
American Conservative: don't white-wash Hollywood treason
"'Dalton Trumbo was a socialist, but he loved being rich.'   So says Bryan Cranston, who stars in 'Trumbo', out this week, and plays the screen-writer who went to prison with the Hollywood Ten in the time of Harry Truman.   Actually, Trumbo was not a socialist.   Bernie Sanders is a socialist.   Trumbo was a Stalinist, a hard-core Communist when the Communist Party USA was run from Moscow by the Comintern, agents of the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century.   Trumbo was not what Lenin called a 'useful idiot', a liberal simpleton.   He was the real deal, a Bolshevik who followed every twist and turn in the Moscow party line.   When Hitler signed his infamous pact with Stalin, and Germany and Russia crucified Poland and Hitler over-ran France, Trumbo [tried to excuse] the Nazi brutality, 'To the vanquished all conquerors are inhuman.'..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
mediation and arbitration are everywhere, and not always bad
"...the horrors of arbitration clauses forced upon consumers by companies with which they do business.   Having just covered this topic in my first-year contracts course, I thought I might supply some of the details that the Times omitted from its initial explanatory article.   The Times began its series by advancing three related themes:   (1) Consumers generally have no option but to agree to the arbitration clauses;   (2) the clauses are a recent ('More than [4 decades] in the making') innovation aimed at shielding companies from class actions; and   (3) the clauses harm consumers.   Let's examine these in turn.   Claim (1): The Times is correct that arbitration clauses have become ubiquitous.   Every time a consumer clicks 'I agree' or signs a contract, she's probably accepting arbitration as her only option in the case of any dispute.   Following the coinage of the legal theorist Fritz Kessler, scholars and courts refer to an agreement of this kind as an 'adhesive' contract.   The consumer who clicks 'I agree' cannot even find a human being with whom to communicate to dicker for better terms.   The consumer faces a Hobson's choice: Take the contract offered or nothing at all.   Adhesive contracts have long divided scholars.   Nevertheless, they nowadays turn up just about everywhere consumers shop..."
One needs to apply the concept of being placed "under duress", and demand a hand in choosing the arbitrators and mediators.

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
who is burning black churches?   whites and blacks and Muslims
Cybercast News Service

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
the Emmaus code and the God-void

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: non-leftists are held to a different standard by the leftist media
"...'But I think what this points out is that the left always demonizes the messenger when they don't like the message.   And they didn't like my message.   They haven't liked my message about Planned Parenthood and what's really going on.   They tried to demonize me over that.   They don't like my message that [leftist] policies actually harm women instead of helping women...   Conservative women from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina are long used to this.   It will not stop me.   It will not scare me.'..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
are leftists losing the culture wars?

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Whoopi Goldberg claimed, despite the plentiful evidence, that Planned Parenthood is not harvesting baby parts

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
the horse-race: Trump, Carson, Cruz war against political correctness is paying off, while Santorum and Jindal are playing catch-up

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Jeff Sessions: Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty (TPP) is breath-taking in its erosion of USA sovereignty

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
_Conservative HQ_
help CHQ and senator Jeff Sessions stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and preserve USA sovereignty
"When now-speaker of the House Paul Ryan was leading the campaign of lies and deception to put the Trans-Pacific Partnership on a special fast-track approval process, senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama was one of the few members of congress who foresaw the disaster that was looming in the [Obummer]-negotiated Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.   Despite the opposition of conservative lawmakers such as senator Sessions and representative Louie Gohmert, and conservative organizations such as CHQ, Conservative Review and Americans for Limited Government, Congress voted in June to fast-track the TPP before even one page of the agreement had been made public.   Yesterday, the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was released and it was even worse for America's working families than Senator Sessions foretold.   'The text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership runs 5,554 pages.   This is, by definition, anti-democratic.   No individual American has the resources to ensure his or her economic and political interests are safeguarded within this vast global regulatory structure.   The predictable and surely desired result of the TPP is to put greater distance between the governed and those who govern.   It puts those who make the rules out of reach of those who live under them, empowering unelected regulators who cannot be recalled or voted out of office.   In turn, it diminishes the power of the people's bulwark: their constitutionally-formed congress.', said senator Sessions upon the release of the document.   'Among the TPP's endless pages are rules for labor, environment, immigration and every aspect of global commerce -- and a new international regulatory structure to promulgate, implement, and enforce these rules.   This new structure is known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission -- a Pacific Union -- which meets, appoints unelected bureaucrats, adopts rules, and changes the agreement after adoption noted Session.   'Clearly, powerful forces will have their voices heard and find ways to profit immensely from this conglomeration.', charged senator Session.   'But what of everyday wage-earning Americans?   By nearly a 5:1 margin, they believe such deals reduce wages -- not increase them.   Because this deal lacks currency protections, it will further the bleeding of U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas, allowing our mercantilist trading partners to take advantage of our continued refusal to protect our own workers.   These 5,554 pages are like the Lilliputians binding down Gulliver.', concluded senator Session.   'They will enmesh our great country, and economy, in a global commission where bureaucrats from Brunei have the same vote as the United States of America].'   Yet, [despite UNCONSTITUTIONAL] Fast-Track -- or so-called Trade Promotion Authority -- was adopted (without a single vote to spare), we [CAN] amend this deal, we cannot filibuster this deal, and we [CAN] subject it to the [constitutionally-required] two-thirds treaty vote..."
Just stand up on your hind legs and bring it up as the treaty it is, and shoot it down with a less than 67% approval.   And if the GOP had any leaders in the senate, they could simply table it.

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer regime may have to re-negotiate Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Laura Ingraham
special deals for her husband's business, and her vineyard make Nasty Pelosi the 4th wealthiest Californian in congress

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: Paul Ryan is much the same as John Bohner
"...'In 2010 when the Tea Party tidal wave happened and a lot of conservatives, senator Mike Lee (R-UT), myself, and others came to Washington we actually did use our leverage to enforce some spending cuts or at least some spending restraint when the sequester was passed.', Paul said in an interview with Sirius XM's Breitbart News Daily.   The Kentucky senator specifically knocked Paul Ryan for cutting a deal with senator Patty Murray (D-WA) that removed the spending cuts that were put in place through sequestration..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: Hitlery Rotten Clinton should return the money she got from Saudi Arabia

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Roman Catholics are outraged that Communist Corpse architect David Coleman is scheduled to headline the National Catholic Education Conference

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
pope Francis: martyrdom unites Christians

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
leftists continue to pervert the language

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
Obummer has been the greatest builder of the Republican party since Ronald Reagan

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Terence P. Jefrey _Cybercast News Service_
supremes consider Little Sisters of the Poor law-suit against corrupt Obummer regime

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Armstrong Williams _WND_
Mahmoud Abbas's hateful incitement to violence in Jerusalem and the rest of Eastern Israel

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Carl Jackson _WND_
journalism dean caught "laying while black"

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Greg Laurie _WND_
the life and death of a conscience: Herod

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the very existence of Israel proves the existence of God

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Joshua Charles _WND_
was Thomas Jefferson a Calvinist?

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Matt Barber _WND_
Christian voters scored Tuesday, leftists struck out

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Carly Fiorina puts the leftist media kafeeklatsch set to shame

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee: we should pre-empt the attempt by the smug Obummer to by-pass congress on global climate treaty likely to be in the works at Paris conference

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
skeptical Brits not warming to climate hysteria

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
France to tighten borders for duration of UN climate hysteria conspiracy in Paris

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
India outlawed GreenPeace
"...The ban has been introduced on the technical grounds that Greenpeace has violated various rules in the southern Indian state where it was registered, Tami Nadu.   Allegedly it has fraudulently conducted its business by falsifying balance sheets and other violations -- charges which Greenpeace is now contesting..."

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
why the COP21 climate conspiracy in Paris is going to be a massive success

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Paul Driessen
leading questions on the Paris climate conspiracy

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Werner Brozek
is climate "science" settled? is "settled science" an oxymoron?

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Anthony Watts
document shows that a climate activist shadow organization was behind the RICO20 allegations

2015-11-06 (5776 Cheshvan 24)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
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Proposed Bills 2015

  "The more I consider the manoeuvres that are practising, the more am I alarmed -- forseeing that the juggle cannot long be concealed, & that the spirit of the people will not brook the imposition, they have guarded as they suppose against any danger arising from the opposition of the people, & rendered their struggles for liberty impotent & ridiculous.   What otherwise is the meaning of disarming the militia, for the purpose as it is said, of repairing their musquets at such a particular period?...   Are not these corps provided to suppress the 1st efforts of freedom, & to check the spirit of the people until a regular & sufficiently powerful military force shall be embodied to rivet the chains of slavery on a deluded nation." --- "Centinel" 1788-01-08 Philadelphia _Independent Gazeteer_ (reprinted in John P. Kaminski & Gaspare J. Saladino 1984 _The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution_ vol 3 pg 311; quoted in Clayton E. Cramer 1994 _For the Defense of Themselves & the State_ pg 36)  




Yom Shabbat



2015-11-07 (5776 Cheshvan 25)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate -- and anyone else wanting privacy -- now have secure communications, based in Germany
"Thanks to 2 Russian immigrants in Germany [Pavel and Nikolai Durov], who fled the Russian Federation last year after threats from the Kremlin, terrorists have access to a non-profit, social media messaging site that cannot be spied upon.   In a nutshell, the service called Telegram, can deliver messages that are totally secure, can self-destruct, are delivered fast, and can be used on multiple devices..."

2015-11-07 (5776 Cheshvan 25)
William A. Jacobson _Legal Insurrection_
knife intifada and the jihad against Jewish people in Israel

2015-11-07 (5776 Cheshvan 25)
Virgil _Breitbart_
the 9th circle: the h377ish view from down under #1

2015-11-07 (5776 Cheshvan 25)

2015-11-07 (5776 Cheshvan 25)
Eric Worrall
and you thought the Kiribati climate refugee story was over

2015-11-07 (5776 Cheshvan 25)
Eric Worrall
would you give up your car to stop a few heat-waves? NO!

2015-11-07 (5776 Cheshvan 25)
Eric Worrall
are Aussie politicians plotting to degrade democratic choice on carbon pricing?
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The really serious results of [the Harrison Act] will only appear gradually & will not always be recognized as such.   These will be the failures of promising careers, the disrupting of happy families, the commission of crimes which will never be traced to their real cause, & the influx of many who would otherwise live socially competent lives into hospitals for the mentally disoriented." --- 1915-05-?? _NY Medical Journal_  


2015 November, week 1 (1-7) (15KB)
2015 November, week 2 (8-14) (15KB)
2015 November, week 3 (15-21) (15KB)
2015 November, week 4 (22-28) (15KB)
2015 November, week 5 (29-30) (15KB)

Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
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countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "Outside the legal literature, the belief in scarcity exists -- or at least the assertion of scarcity exists -- because those who wish to continue to broad-cast regulation believe that it must exist; otherwise, broad-casters could not be controlled by the gov't." --- Lucas Powe 1987 _American BroadCasting & the 1st Amendment_  

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