2015 November, week 5

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-12-29

  "All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills." --- article 1 section 7 paragraph 1  

2015 November
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2015 November, week 1 (1-7) (15KB)
2015 November, week 2 (8-14) (15KB)
2015 November, week 3 (15-21) (15KB)
2015 November, week 4 (22-28) (15KB)
2015 November, week 5 (29-30) (15KB)

  "The conquering Vandals have left their name as a generic term of disgrace, but many other conquerors have also delighted in destruction, quite aside from those who deliberately sought to stamp out the cultures of the conquered people, when they had nothing better with which to replace it.   If one looks far enough back through history, virtually all people have been conquered people.   But a study of race & culture is concerned with those conquests which have made a cultural difference in the lives & history of the conquered & the conquerors." --- Thomas Sowell 1994 _Race & Culture_ pg 63  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 November

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
thank you, Donald Trump, for addressing USA's real problem

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
David Kupelian _WND_
today's marketing of evil is truly despicable

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
holding the line in support of the USA constitution and law

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Larry Klayman _WND_
USA's legal system has failed USA citizenry: judges have largely been bought and sold
Interesting, but Klayman fails to make his case in the examples he sets out, but merely asserts that he has

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Pamela Geller _WND_
the 3 biggest mistakes the USA ever made
"In her 239-year history, America has made 3 colossal mistakes.   These do not, however, overwhelm the fact that the idea of America is wholly unique to mankind.   America was the first moral government based on individual rights and freedom.   No other government in the history of mankind was based on such a concept.   Man's value and his inalienable rights were paramount to the Founding Fathers.   Extraordinary.   Everything noble and magnificent that this great nation achieved was in accord with the principle of individual rights.   The idea of American exceptionalism -- a concept that [president Barack Hussein Obummer] not only scorns but has absolutely no understanding of -- is synonymous with the concept of individualism.   What is American exceptionalism except individual exceptionalism?   Individualism regards every man as an independent being who possesses an unalienable right to live his own life, dream his own dream and be the master of his own destiny; no group, no mob, no special interest has rights other then the individual rights of all of its citizens.   The social system of a nation based on individualism is capitalism.   The best description that comes to mind is from _Atlas Shrugged_: 'I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.'   Indeed, this is what made America great.   But there have been these three principal mistakes: 1) Slavery.   At the time of the American founding, slavery was common practice.   Blacks were sold into slavery by other black tribes.   Africans and Muslims sold slaves to European and American slave traders [and took 'white' Europeans as slaves].   But slavery was an assault on the very idea of America.   A country based on individual rights could hardly reconcile that with the idea of slavery.   Capitalism is the only system incompatible with slavery.   Our Founding Fathers knew this [but failed to exercise the required integrity and courage to eliminate it when it began in 1650]...   2) Jimmy Carter...   3) Barack Hussein Obummer..."
I would have listed more: whiskey tax, central banks, socialist regressive income extortion, Federal Reserve System, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, far too much immigration since 1885, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Socialist Insecurity Abomination, Teddy Kennedy, LBJ, Medicaid, Medicare, H-1B visas, Bill Clinton & Hitlery Rotten, George Herbert Walker Bush, Shrub, ObummerDoesn'tCare...

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Joseph Farah _WND_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, fear, motivation

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Chuck Norris _WND_
insane, power-mad people claim "Merry Christmas" is a "racial slur"
"Good for Georgia sheriff Mike Jolley.   Rather than wait around for the first [leftist] chess move on the Christmas culture war board, he put others outside his county in check-mate.   Last week, sheriff Jolley posted a large welcome sign that cautioned visitors entering the area: 'WARNING: Harris county is politically incorrect.   We say: Merry Christmas, God Bless America and In God We Trust.   We salute our troops and our flag.   If this offends you...   LEAVE!'   Jolley, who is retired from the U.S. Army, was elected as sheriff and has served in the position for 23 years.   He's well liked and loved in his county.   And he actually paid out of his own pocket $553 for the politically incorrect sign.   He said he got the idea from a staff member who saw similar verbiage on the Internet..."

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Everett Piper _WND_
day-care U
Oklahoma Wesleyan U
"This past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt 'victimized' by a sermon on the topic of 1 Corinthians 13.   It appears that this young 'scholar' felt offended because a homily on love made him feel bad for not showing love!   In his mind, the speaker was wrong for making him, and his peers, feel uncomfortable.   I'm not making this up.   Our culture has actually taught our kids to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic!   Any time their feelings are hurt, they are the victims!   Anyone who dares challenge them and, thus, makes them 'feel bad' about themselves, is a 'hater', a 'bigot', an 'oppressor', and a 'victimizer'.   I have a message for this young man and all others who care to listen.   That feeling of discomfort you have after listening to a sermon is called a conscience!   An altar call is supposed to make you feel bad! It is supposed to make you feel guilty!   The goal of many a good sermon is to get you to confess your sins—not coddle you in your selfishness.   The primary objective of the Church and the Christian faith is your confession, not your self-actualization!..."

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
habitual criminals' lives didn't matter to them until "white" cop shot them and the race hustlers moved in

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
unholy alliance: Christian charities profit from $1G federal crony socialist program to re-settle "refugees", 40% Muslim

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Kevin D. Williamson _National Review_
Republicans must save cities from corrupt leftists
"A Chicago police officer has been charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Laquan McDonald, a black teenager who was wielding a knife and who had PCP in his system.   Chicago authorities apparently went to some trouble to sweep the case under the rug: A $5M settlement to his family already had been approved; the officer wasn't charged until nearly a year after the fact; a police-camera video of the shooting was suppressed for more than a year, until an FOIA law-suit forced its release.   Chicago is a city under impeccably progressive governance.   Its mayor is Rahm Emanuel, former right hand to [president Barack Hussein Obummer].   So in response to the shooting of a young black hooligan by a police officer in one of the nation's most corrupt cities and the dodgy handling of that by the city's Dem/leftist/Red mayor, we have a thousand protesters harassing shoppers and blocking retailers' entrances down on the Magnificent Mile, wherein is found Neiman Marcus and Cartier.   It takes a special kind of nose to detect the connection between Cartier shoppers, police shootings of young black criminals elsewhere in Chicago, and the municipal maladministration of mayor Rahm Emanuel, but such a nose has the reverend Jesse Jackson, who can sniff out a pay-day with the reliability of a French hog hunting truffles.   Our friends in the community-organizing racket -- whether from Chicago's South Side or the campus of Yale -- are a remarkably consistent bunch: Whatever the real or perceived social problem, the answer is the same: Write a very large check that eventually will make its way into the pockets of such people and organizations as those that organize these protests.   Protesters are chanting '16 shots', in reference to the number of police bullets that struck McDonald.   But the criminal question as regards Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, who is charged in the shooting, isn't whether he was justified in shooting the young man 16 times, but whether he was justified in shooting him once.   Lethal force is lethal force, and the standard practice in most police departments is to aim for the target's center mass and keep firing.   Chicago police commonly carry the Glock 17 pistol, which has a magazine capacity of 19 rounds.   If the first shot was justified, then 16 shots were justified.   It is much more difficult to think of a justification for the way in which the Emanuel administration has handled the episode..."

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
mass brawls in "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal shelters

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals attack police as Macedonia puts up fence along border with Greece

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Don Barnett _Washington DC Times_
reforming "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals re-settlement program to make isolation difficult and integration and assimilation easy
"Despite the exposure refugee re-settlement has received lately, there has been little discussion of how the program actually operates.   Each year the [regime] establishes source regions and numbers for next year's quota.   The UN refugee agency refers most of the refugees that come through the system, though embassy staff and State Department contractors may also make referrals.   An influential network of private contractors implements the program.   Speaking of the contractors running refugee resettlement, David M. Robinson, a former acting director of the refugee bureau in the State Department, wrote in 2000, 'The agencies form a single body [that] wields enormous influence over the [Clinton, Shrub, & Obummer regime's] refugee admissions policy.   It lobbies the hill effectively to increase the number of refugees admitted for permanent resettlement each year and at the same time provides overseas processing for admissions under contract to the State Department.   In fact, the federal government provides about 90% of its collective budget.   If there is a conflict of interest, it is never mentioned.   [Its] solution to every refugee crisis is simplistic and the same: increase the number of admissions to the United States without regard to budgets or competing foreign policy considerations...'...   Today, the money is even better and for many of the private contractors the taxpayer portion of their income tops 95%.   They are free to lobby law-makers with what little money they raise from donations.   $250K executive salaries are the norm at the roughly 350 organizations affiliated with the 9 major contractors.   There are additional hundreds of supporting NGOs -- most started and staffed by refugees and recent immigrants -- soaking up grants from every agency of government except NASA.   The USA government, according to its own audits, finds 'USA re-settlement communities awash with refugee NGOs that exist in name only but provide little meaningful assistance'.   Think ACORN without borders..."

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
in UK numbers arrested increase as complaints over sham marriages double for second year in a row

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Kyle Shideler _Washington DC Times_
funding terrorists must end
"The United States, in the form of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing $100K to an organization directly linked to financing terrorism.   According to USAspending.gov, a government web-site which tracks grant allocations, USAID provided the funds to the Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), for Fiscal Year 2016.   Islamic Relief Worldwide is a United Kingdom-based organization co-founded by known Muslim Brotherhood leader Essam El-Haddad, currently jailed in Egypt.   El-Haddad is also a former Clinton Foundation employee.   Islamic Relief Worldwide is a designated terrorist entity in both Israel and the United Arab Emirates since 2014, due to its ties to the Global Muslim Brotherhood network that provides material support to Hamas.   In 2006, the Israel security forces arrested IRW's Gaza project coordinator for links to the terror group..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
alphabetical list of associations in Discover the Networks

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
leftist media, having reported NJ Muslims celebrating 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, claim it did not happen

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
former NYC police commissioner Howard Safir warned that city is susceptible to terrorist attacks like those on Paris

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Donald Trump meeting with "black" religious leaders

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Pew poll: ordinary people do better job than politicians

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer regime & leftist activist MDs are pushing MDs to pry into personal private arms info

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked _Breitbart_
Hamas building tunnel city under Gaza Strip=Palestine
"The tunnel infrastructure mirrors ​the network built by Hezbollah in Lebanon.   The Iran-sponsored militia is known to have ​dug a vast underground tunnel ​complex replete with war rooms, internal communication lines, ventilation systems, and even missile silos..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Palestinian attacks: woman stabbed in back, cop stabbed in neck

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Sylvia Longmire _Breitbart_
border crossing cards: seeking zone of free movement throughout border states
"Due to the giant financial influx provided by Mexican shoppers across the border, Arizona extends special privileges to Mexican nationals who possess a Border Crossing Card, essentially extending the border 75 miles into the state.   However, a multi-agency push could extend that imaginary border to cover the entire state of Arizona, allowing roughly 1.2M Mexican visitors to travel freely throughout the state without having to file an I-94 form.   This 'border zone' has existed for decades for mostly commercial purposes, and extends 25 miles into USA territory along the length of the USA-Mexico border.   That zone was extended to 75 miles in Arizona in 1999, which includes the outlets in Tubac, AZ along Interstate 19 and the city of Tucson.   According to Nogales International, The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) is proposing to extend the current border zone to the entire state in an effort to strengthen the statewide economy.   The City of Phoenix is located in Maricopa county, and the metro area is home to roughly 4.5M people—along with many retail stores...   According to the US State Department, the Border Crossing Card (BCC) also serves as a B1/B2 visitor's visa, and is usually valid for ten years after it is issued.   Potential recipients must be Mexican citizens (and possess a valid Mexican passport), meet all eligibility requirements for the B1/B2 visa, and 'must demonstrate that they have ties to Mexico that would compel them to return after a temporary stay in [the United States of America]'..."

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
ayatollah Ali Khamenei re-affirms commitment to hatred of USA & Israel, terrorism, shiite violence against sunnis...

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Holy-Day blessings of peace, feasts, faith in USA

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
much of corrupt DC government defies USA constitution, courts, citizenry on right to own and carry arms for the defense of ourselves, neighbors, and the state; police chief startles media by mentioning the right and necessity

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Justin Almer _Washington DC Times_
DoS should consider Azerbaijan's progress

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
J.T. Young _Washington DC Times_
Obummer continues to deny responsibility for his destructive economic policies and actions

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
bill to de-fund ObumerDoesn'tCare, Planned Parenthood, amnesties for illegal aliens, crony socialist Export-Import bank, HUD, Communist Corpse, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, pork, grants to leftist organizations, fast-track/Trade Promotion Authority... restrict use of VA funds contingent on performance in healing and otherwise helping USA veterans... running up against disagreements over priorities and how much to try to achieve through funding/de-funding

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Catholic Citizens of Illinois_
un-holy alliance: Christian "charities" get $1G from USA citizen tax-victims to facilitate invasion through "refugee" "re-settlement" scam

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Eric Worrall
France imposes Soviet-style movement restrictions on climate activists (but not Muslim activists and initiators of force and fraud?)

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Andy May
*** climate and human civilization over the last 18K years ***
time-lines (pdf)

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Wim Rost
UN and its IPCC have little to do with science and a lot to do with power and the lust for it

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Eric Worrall
Bill Gates announced "Green Tech" fund "to make renewables viable", yah, sure

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Christopher Monckton
AP's Seth Borenstein got something correct (but only the date)

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
global non-warming will be the death of leftism

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: Obummer is climate delusional

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
trade "experts": Trans-Pacific Partnership may be Trojan Horse for draconian climate regulations

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
climate talk

2015-11-29 (5776 Kislev 17)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "He who asks mercy for another while he himself is in the same need, will be answered first." --- Talmud (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
what if they passed a law and no one enforced it?

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 woes: another Las Vegas casino, 2 restaurants, and an H-1B visa

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
how to survive the extremely rare US ICE employer audit
"...Work-site enforcement has never been very vigorous even in the best of times, because it hasn't been particularly popular with either Democratic or Republican [regimes].   But under the [Obummer regime], it has gone the way of virtually all immigration enforcement and allowed to atrophy to a pathetic, desiccated, bedridden shadow of itself..."

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
you can't say "Christmas" in Shakespeare's English

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
_Conservative HQ_
Marco Rubio ready to admit more terrorists to USA, Ted Cruz ready to be commander-in-chief

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo TX) Middle Easterners already entering USA illegally
"'Mexico stopped 174K people last year that were coming into the U.S, and they did it only with $80M.', he said.   The Middle Eastern refugees are joining a flood of individuals from the increasingly failed states of Central America who are trying to get into the U.S.A.   The Border Patrol reported a spike in unaccompanied minors and families from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras entering the U.S.A. in September and October by using the same method...surrendering to the Border Patrol and requesting political asylum.   Add to that huge numbers of Cubans who are afraid that the new relationship between Havana and Washington will scrap their traditional right to political asylum in the U.S.A. and the rush of Middle Eastern refugees fleeing war at home, and Cuellar says the U.S.A. needs to stop arguing possibilities, and start taking action to deal with the flood of [immigrants/ refugees/ asylum seekers/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] who are on the way...

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Jillian Berman _MarketWatch_
millennials cheer as boomers retire
Anthony P. Carnevale & Nicole Smith: Georgetown U: sharp declines in part-time-employment for college graduates who want full-time-employment (pdf)

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
"Syrian" refugees since 2015-11-13 Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris: 132 Sunni Muslims, 0 Shiites, 0 Christians; 72 male, 60 female; 29.5% men between the ages of 14 and 50; 40% children under 14
Laura Ingraham
"Since FY2016 began 2 months ago, 423 'Syrian' refugees have been admitted into the U.S.A., of whom 418 (98.8%) were Sunni Muslims.   The remaining five (1.2%) were Christians -- 3 Catholic, 1 Orthodox and 1 simply described as 'Christian'.   111 of them (26%) are men aged between 14 and 50...   Syrian Christians -- like other non-Sunni minorities [including shiites] -- have been singled out for persecution by ISIS and other jihadist groups fighting there.   Yet the Christian cohort among the Syrian refugees accepted into the U.S.A. since the war began (2.3%) is considerably smaller than the proportion of Christians in the Syrian population -- 10%, according to the CIA World Factbook.   At the same time, the proportion of Sunni Muslims among the accepted refugees (93% since the war began) is significantly higher than the proportion of Sunni Muslims in the Syrian population -- 74%..."

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Steven A. Camarota & Karen Zeigler _Center for Immigration Studies_

fertility among immigrants varies significantly
"Fertility among immigrants varies significantly.   Some groups of immigrants or those from some regions tend to have birth rates that are much higher than that of natives, while others are more similar.   The table below reports the number of births per thousand for immigrant and native women based on the recently released 2014 American Community Survey.   The survey asks women in their child-bearing years if they gave birth in the prior year.   The table reads as follows: In 2014, there were 59 births for every 1K native-born women ages 15 to 44, compared to 75 births per thousand for immigrant women in the same age group.   The table shows that immigrants have higher fertility than natives, but that this higher fertility makes little difference to the overall birth rate in the United States.   In 2014, the total birth rate for all women (immigrant and native) was 61 births per thousand.   This is very similar to the rate for natives (59 births per thousand).   In short, immigrants in the United States, who comprise almost 17% of women ages 15 to 44, only increase the birth rate by only about 4.4%.   (The top part of the table presents rounded values, so the actual increase in births per thousand as a result of immigration is 2.6.)   This is another reminder that, although immigration makes the U.S.A. population larger, it does not make it significantly younger..."

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_

tightening L-1 rules in weak Grassley/Durgin proposal and Canada's approach (part 3)

"The proposed S2266, as introduced by senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Dick Durbin (D-IL), will, in addition to the previously described H-1B reforms, make some major changes in the L-1 foreign workers program, which up to now has had no labor market protections at all.   The L-1 program allows multinational firms to move professional employees into the United States on a temporary basis.   In most years the admissions of such workers have been at about the level of H-1B admissions, which in FY2013 were a little above 500K for the L-1s and a little below that for the H-1Bs.   The best news is that S2266 will (unless the lobbyists kill this provision) introduce wage standards into the L-1 program for the first time.   The key provision reads as follows:   '(K) (i) An employer that employs a nonimmigrant described in section 101(a)(15)(L) for a cumulative period of time in excess of 1 year shall—   (I) offer such nonimmigrant, during the period of authorized employment, wages, based on the best information available at the time the application is filed, which are not less than the highest of—   (aa) the locally determined prevailing wage level for the occupational classification in the area of employment;   (bb) the median wage for all workers in the occupational classification in the area of employment; and   (cc) the median wage for skill level 2 in the occupational classification found in the most recent Occupational Employment Statistics survey'.   Too often in the past employers have brought alien workers into this country and continued to pay them at home country rates (i.e., with very low wages) rather than either hiring a resident worker, or even an H1-B, at a more appropriate rate of pay.   This provision, if it lasts and if it is enforced, should cause some employers to hire resident workers rather than foreign ones.   The new bill also offers:   Stiffer penalties for abusing employers (but not as stiff as the Canadian ones noted below);   Much tighter rules for the opening of a new branch office in the United States, which had served as a loop-hole for aliens who simply moved the former business in the home country to the United States;   A narrower definition of the 'specialized knowledge' that L-1 workers are supposed to have, which has been broadened to a ridiculous extent by immigration lawyers and some judges [which still says nothing about skill LEVEL];   A better enforcement scheme, including protection for whistle-blowers; and   A provision banning the replacement of incumbent U.S.A. workers by L-1s.   The replacement provision, while welcome, is a bit of window dressing.   In both the L-1 and the H-1B programs the basic problem is that the foreign workers, rather than American workers, are persistently hired into new jobs, not the replacement of incumbent workers.   When replacement happens, as with the Disney case in Florida, it draws a lot of understandable attention.   The Canadian Approach   Meanwhile, on the other side of our northern border, both the incoming Liberal regime and the outgoing Conservative one have taken numerous steps to tighten Canada's foreign worker program.   Without going into these new rules in depth, it is fair to say that the regulations are much stricter than anything proposed in the States.   As samples, we have these provisions from regulations laid down earlier this year by the Conservatives:   'As of December 1, employers who fail to comply with the new ... requirements will be subject to the following sanctions:   warnings;   fines ranging from $500 to $100K per violation, up to a maximum of $1 million over one year, per employer;   being banned from accessing the programs for 1, 2, 5, or 10 years or permanently; and   publication of the employer's name on a public list with details of the violation(s) and sanction(s).'   See more here.   In comparison, there is a provision for a fine up to $25K per violation and a two-year debarment in S2266 regarding willful misbehavior of L-1 employers.   As for the Liberals, the newly elected government has decided that there should be monthly censuses of temporary alien workers..."

part 1

part 2

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Laura Ingraham
border patrol agent Chris Cabrera, who also serves as Vice-President of Local 3307: Border Patrol no longer a viable enforcement tool

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
HHS reports "border surge" in "unaccompanied minors"

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
visa waiver idiocy slightly tightened after 2015-11-13 Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
near the town of Penitas, Texas, Border Patrol agent assaulted on ThanksGiving day, illegal alien charged

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Israel marked exodus of Jews from Arab countries

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
battling today's power-mad regulatory state

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Dan Balz _Jewish World Review_
"identity politics"

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Marc Fisher _Jewish World Review_
"identity politics"

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Christian Davenport _Jewish World Review_
today's power-mad crony socialists (Musk, Bezos, Branson, Zuckerberg...) vs. innovation and risk-taking

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
cultural sensitivity complainers hit a new low

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
illogical spins on the logic of "diversity"

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Ruth Eglash _Jewish World Review_
EU and WTO oppose honesty in labeling (COOL) when they believe might favor USA or Israel, favor it when they believe it will hurt USA or Israel

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
Nuremberg's/Nuernberg's complicated lessons, 70 years later

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked _Breitbart_
Mujahedeen Shura Council member: Christians must pay tribute/protection tax or move out

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Michael McCaul chairman of the House Homeland Security committee: increase funding to FBI, DHS to combat terrorist threats

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Russian media: Turkey shot down plane to protect its ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate oil smuggling

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
report: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has fertile recruiting ground in Minneapolis "immigrant"/ "refugee" Cedar Riverside community (SW of East campus and adjoining West (science & engineering) campus of U of MN; SE of Humphrey dome; bounded by I-35 & I-94 & Mississippi river)

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
Palestinians sentenced for plot to murder, kidnap Jews on Temple Mount

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
Palestinian Authority (PA) minister of women's affairs, Haifa Al-Agha: our women are different from others; they rejoice when their sons die

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Russia black-lists George Soros organizations for endangering national security

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
desertion from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate rising... orrr, they've simply re-deployed forward

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer has created disaster in the Middle East

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Joe Mandak _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
"12 days of Christmas" true-love's bill tops $34K, up 0.6%

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Laura Ingraham
Rand Paul: Obummer is intentionally undermining USA sovereignty (mp3)

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Laura Ingraham
Ted Cruz noted Marco Rubio's rotten record on privacy and immigration

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
RINO House loser Kevin McCarthy: we will surrender early and often to every leftist whim to allow over-spending, crony socialism, & unconstitutional federal government activities to romp on un-checked

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals arrested after brawls across Germany

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Marine Le Pen and Front National surge in French regional elections

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Bavarian State Minister of Economic Affairs, Ilse Aigner, called for ban on burqas

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
EU & Turkey make new deal on "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
France calls for peaceful "enlightened" Islam against force-initiating Islam

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
2 Israelis convicted of 2014-07-02 kidnapping, burning to death Palestinian 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Ali Khamenei: our terrorists are less barbaric than Israel, though our terrorist client organizations reward families of our terrorists, while Israel penalizes theirs

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Obummer sets stage for rape of USA
"A rape epidemic is coming to America.   No, this is not the feminazi version of rape, where a woman can decide much later that a consensual sexual encounter was actually rape.   No, this is the worst form of violent, non-consensual, criminal rape.   And the future American victims of rape can thank [Barack Hussein Obummer] for the crimes against them.   The president wants to bring in a huge number of Islamic 'refugees'.   That is the problem.   Rape has been an Islamic tradition since the beginning of Islam.   The Koran allows this...   Insanity is defined as trying the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result.   Every nation that has opened its doors to Muslim 'refugees' has seen a huge and stunning increase in rape..."

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Detroit police unions urge NFL to drop ban of arms in stadiums

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: majority of violent criminals are Dems/leftists/Reds

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
when Sean Penn met Lauren Bacall's cousin Shimon Peres

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
CDCP report: 55.4% of aborted babies were black or Hispanic

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
"Downton Abbey" script purged of blessings/giving thanks over meals says show's historical advisor, all religion was scrubbed

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Kent G. Bailey _WND_
how the People's Draconian Socialist Republic of NY tries to rule USA

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Jews are human canaries in the world coal mine

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Mychal Massie _WND_
yes, terrorism has a religion: Islam
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
alphabetical list of associations in Discover the Networks

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
no to federal control of schools

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Ireland high court declares Northern Ireland abortion law "breaches human rights"

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Venezuela president Nicolas Maduro: murdered opposition leader Luis Manuel Diaz was "gang leader" ("pran") with a history of "homicide" and "general delinquency"

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Red China has launched major military overhaul amid aggressive moves against all neighbors and the USA

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Anne-Marie Slaughter's e-mail message, released Monday in a State Department e-mail dump, makes clear that Clinton and her subordinates were cautious about leaving a paper trail in the immediate aftermath of the 2012 Sept. 11 attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Anne-Marie Slaughter: some Libyans' pro-USA response to 2012 Sept. 11 attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi are a win for Clinton

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Clinton fund-raises with nephew of shady Libya source linked to Bosnian war-lord

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Benghazi commission: Obummer regime gun-running scheme armed ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate & al-Qaeda
"...former CIA officer who co-authored a report on behalf of the Citizen's Commission on Benghazi (CCB), detailing the gun running scheme.   In congress, the then-bipartisan group known as the 'Gang of Eight', at a minimum, knew of the operation to aid and abet America's jihadist enemies by providing them with material support.   So says Clare Lopez, a former CIA officer and the primary author of CCB's interim report, titled _How America Switched Sides in the War on Terror_, speaking with Breitbart News..."

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Robert Davi _Breitbart_
Donald Trump is the John Wayne of politics

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
senator James Lankford (R-OK) challenges Donald Trump historic hotel project in Washington, DC as government waste: $40M in National Historic Tax Credits
"The report notes that the Internal Revenue Service reduced the cost by $40M through the National Historic Tax Credit. Companies that renovate old and historic buildings are eligible for federal funding or tax credits for the cost of repairs. Lankford argues the credit program should be eliminated. Lankford's report cites the Trump Organization, which purchased the Old Post Office in Washington, DC in 2013, 'in what the organization claims to be the most sought-after hotel redevelopment opportunity in the country'. The Trump Organization is investing roughly $200M in renovations, but Lankford argues, 'When all is said and done, American taxpayers will chip in $40M to help cover the costs to restore this magnificent building to even well beyond its original grandeur'..."

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Pamela Geller on CNN: CNN doesn't let the facts get in the way of blaming non-leftists when Muslim or non-Muslim terrorists attack

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Reuters paints Palestinian as victim of attack he initiated, expressed no concern for those he injured

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Obummer regime spent $250M, trained 60 "Syrian rebels", $4M apiece

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
USA manufacturers launch ads against Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
STEM firms' new way into Israeli start-up scene Julie Bort: Business Insider The Junction
And have I mentioned that MSFT JavaScript is still evil!

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
_Breitbart_/_Ferenstein Wire_
NSA now required to get court order for intra-USA phone records

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Obummer's 3,554 new regulations cost $15K per household

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Kevin McCarthy: partial federal government shut-down over anything -- no matter how important -- is unlikely, because we in the RINO losership will always fund every leftist flight of fancy: we don't try harder, we never really try to do anything good or seriously try to stop or reverse anything bad

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Lizzy Finnegan _Breitbart_
senator/ princess/ slave/ leader of the rebellion against the evil empire; Leia is the heroine feminists need, but do not deserve
"...because of what happens next.   Leia takes the chain binding her to her captor, and she snuffs out the Tony Montana of Tattooine with it.   Leia doesn't let her clothes get in her way.   She plots, she waits for the perfect moment, and then she chokes one of the biggest crime lords in the galaxy to death with the very chain he enslaved her with.   His death was not swift -- this was not a lightsaber chop.   He wasn't shot.   Jabba the Hutt struggled and flailed.   You looked in his eyes while he was dying, and Leia held on until the end.   This was an extremely intimate, personal, and dark death, arguably one of the darkest in the entirety of the Star Wars franchise.   Then she helped Luke blow up [Jabba's] ship, and looked damn good doing it..."

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
British schools & colleges, Home Office are smearing GamerGate

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
in more weird news: ghost ships full of bodies are washing up in Japan... ?from North Korea?
Mairi Mackay: CNN

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Nate Church _Breitbart_
radar scans suggest hidden chambers in Tutankhamen's tomb

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Eric Worrall
even the Manchester Guardian rejects the fable that "climate change" caused the civil war in Syria

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
on behaving well on the micro level before preaching to others on the macro level

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Bob Tisdale
has NOAA adjusted away a relationship between NMAT & SST that the "consensus" of CMIP5 climate models indicate should exist?

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Leo Smith, Gary Pearse, Werner Brozek & "JustTheFacts"
going forward realistically on climate studies (now includes October data)

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Anthony Watts
COP21 and Comedy Central share a logo style

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer at COP21 climate nadir insanity celebration: "reject terrorism by instituting global government terrorism against energy"

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
reasons why Paris climate power-madness conspiracy is a total waste

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Anthony Watts
why scientists and pseudo-scientists all disagree about global warming

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Tim Ball
UN IPCC is a global threat

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
Oren Cass _WND_
Paris climate treaty meaningless: mostly about negotiating wealth transfers to "developing" nations

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)
cities in Red China covered in smog for days

2015-11-30 (5776 Kislev 18)

2015 November
top 500 fastest super-computers
Proposed Bills 2015

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "Then, to, the Communist Chinese government, in its quest for super-power status, stole much of America's advanced military technology. National security investigations revealed that the Chinese Communists had agents of influence in Clinton's Commerce Department [just as the violent Islamics have agents in Obummer's White House], secreting out classified trade documents, and that Clinton had facilitated the export of ballistic missile and satellite technology to [Red China] over the vehement objections of the Pentagon. A select bipartisan House committee also revealed that the Chinese had stolen 'modern thermo-nuclear weapons designs' from the United States. It suddenly became clear how: Beijing funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars (at least) in illegal political contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign. In short, by pouring money into the Democratic Party's coffers, Red China, an emerging (and hostile) world power, was able to take the leader of the Free World out of the game and acquire sophisticated military technology. We hae yet to learn just how deadly pres. Clinton's actions will be to America's security." --- G. Gordon Liddy 2002 _When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country_ pp95-96  



Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population

  "As one would expect, people who live in nations that are materially better off & politically more stable rate themselves happier... but not always...   But within the same society there is only a very weak relationship between finances & satisfaction with life; billionaires in America are only infinitesimally happier than those with average incomes." --- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 1997 _Finding Flow_ pg 20  

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