2016 April, week 4

1st month of the 2nd quarter of the 27th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2017-08-16

  "No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State." --- article 1 section 9 paragraph 5  

2016 April
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2016 April, week 1 (April 01 - April 02)
2016 April, week 2 (April 03 - April 09)
2016 April, week 3 (April 10 - April 16)
2016 April, week 4 (April 17 - April 23)
2016 April, week 5 (April 24 - April 30)
  "One study of horse-back riding injures in England found that riding horses was 20 times more dangerous than riding motor-cycles.   Another study broke the risk down by type of riding: 1 injury for every 10 hours of leisure riding, 1 injury for every 5 hours of amateur racing over jumps, 1 injury for each hour of cross-country eventing (Evenging is a 2- to 3-day competition that includes dressage, cross-country riding, and show jumping.   Christopher Reeve's fall happened during the cross-country portion of an eventing competition, which is the most dangerous.)" --- Temple Grandin & Catherine Johnson 2000 _Animals Make Us Human_ pg120  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2016 April

2nd month of the 2nd quarter of the 27th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression




Yom Rishon


2016-04-17: 278 days (39 weeks, 5 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Africans hoping to invade the USA have invaded Costa Rica
"Cuban migrants are not the only ones trying to cross through Central America on their way to the USA.   On Friday morning over 200 African illegal aliens were returned to Panama, but then they forced their way back into Costa Rican territory.   The African migrants were first intercepted on Thursday at Costa Rica's northern border with Nicaragua, where they closed down a road in protest because they were not allowed to enter Nicaragua to continue their journey to the USA.   On Friday morning they were bussed to the southern border to be returned to Panama, from where they had presumably crossed into Costa Rica days earlier.   However, Panama also did not let them pass.   This left the African aliens in the border zone between the 2 countries, from where they forced their way back into Costa Rica..."

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Chidanand Rajghatta _Times of India_
Tata Consultancy Services fined $940M in USA for stealing patient record-keeping software from Epic Systems, founded by Obummer crony
2013-05-22: Michelle Malkin: the Obummer crony in charge of violating your medical privacy
2014-10-09: Michelle Malkin: ebola, electronic medical records and Epic Systems
2015-07-29: Michelle Malkin: Obummer crony socialism + your personal private data = TROUBLE

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Jay Caruso _True Blue Republican State_
5 reasons Ted Cruz is the best choice to be president

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Eric Worrall
Australian ecologist deployed robotic killing machine to terminate feral cats
Watts Up With That

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Larry Kummer
leftists claim bankruptcies of coal companies point to a better future for our climate, while we freeze to death in the dark
Watts Up With That

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Eric Worrall
Taiwanese researchers dismiss notion of fertilizing with iron to promote algae bloom to capture carbon
Watts Up With That

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Eric Worrall
the great watermelon scam: Red China to supply Paris-agreement-sanctioned electricity to Europe from coal-fired generating plants via ultra-high-voltage transmission lines
Watts Up With That

2016-04-17 (5776 Nisan 09)
Proposed Bills 2016

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016

  "Thomas Lincoln 'enjoyed considerable status' among neighbors in Indiana, where he moved the family when Abe was a boy.   He served on county patrols, sat on juries, guarded prisoners, and appraised estates.   Coming from a family of small slave-owners, Thomas Lincoln was a skilled carpenter as well as a farmer.   At the time of his great son's birth, he owned 2 farms of 600 acres, several town lots, lifestock, and horse, property that was quite close to the total owned by the wealthiest man in the area.   Five years later he belonged to the richest 15% of tax-paying property owners in his community." --- Edward Pessen 1986 _The Log Cabin Myth: The Social Backgrounds of the Presidents_ pg25  




Yom Sheni


2016-04-18: 277 days (39 weeks, 4 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
2 USA citizen women in "IT" at NY Life tell how they are losing their jobs to cross-border bodyshops, and being coerced to train their replacements
"One...has been told by management not to ask the [foreign] contract workers any questions.   Even simple queries, like, 'Did you have a chance to read this document?', or, 'Are you familiar with this technology?', to the contract workers [i.e. bodies shopped], from India-based Tata Consultancy Services, are not allowed.   [paraphrasing: We were ordered to assume that they thoroughly know both the specific tools, and the application area.   Any questions to ensure we were communicating clearly and were in synch would be taken as insults or challenges to the training scheme.]   There's also a regular survey process...   As the replacement training moves along, the [USA] workers have to rate the off-shore contractors [and at the same time the off-shore contractors are rating the USA STEM workers for their training] on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest [but, apparently, without any basis on which to do the rating].   If the contractor receives the highest score, the thinking among the [USA STEM professionals] is it may accelerate their replacement [and suggest that the USA STEM professionals are not very bright while the foreign workers are all and always brilliant].   If the [foreign] contractor gets a low score, the [USA] employee may be blamed for providing poor training [for being a vicious xenophobe], which may also accelerate job loss...   The [USA STEM professionals] also must be 'pleasant' on the calls with [off-shore] contractors, not just matter-of-fact [equable], but 'pleasant'.   The process is anything but that...   Meanwhile, the off-shore contractor on the calls is beginning to use possessive pronouns, saying 'our' or 'my' to show he is taking ownership of her job...   'I've been telling high school students and college students that you should not major in computer science anymore.   [STEM work has] turned into a factory job [producing nothing of value and offering no future]...'...   What NY Life is doing is [going on] at many other companies [and has been for 26 years].   The employer offers a [small] severance package to [dumped USA STEM professionals] contingent on a 'successful' 'knowledge transfer'...   A NY Life spokesman said the company began last year [dumping] about 1,400 [USA STEM professionals].   By the end of the [euphemistically named] transition process in 2018, it expects that number to decline to about 1K, including departures and new hires...   'we will be adding hundreds more NY Life emplyees with cutting-edge skills in [privacy violation tools & procedures]...'...   The company [executives know] that [USA STEM professionals will suffer pain and grief] along the way Werfelman said [but that's no skin off our noses; it's not our pain, and besides, the cheaper labor will fatten our personal finances]...   The contractors are also bringing in 'proprietary technology skills' they don't have, he said...   'We are importing bad work cultures along with this cheaper labor.   USA women will walk off the job rather than be treated like dirt.', [engineering professor Karen Panetta] said..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
EmblemHealth "IT" workers fear their jobs are gone once they "transfer their knowledge" to cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with questionable ethics in the stable of cross-border bodyshop Cognizant

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Peter Wayner _"IT" News_/_IDG_
age discrimination and the wisdom of gray-beard STEM professionals
"The HR departments and hiring managers in Sili Valley [consider it a challenge].   They can't [legally] ask an applicant's age because their companies have lost brutal discrimination law-suits over the years.   Instead, they develop little tricks like tossing in an oblique reference to 'The Brady Bunch'... and seeing if the candidate gets the joke [or reference to old technology still covered in 'history of computers' portions of current text-books].   Candidates who chuckle are deemed a 'poor cultural fit' and are tossed aside.   Alas, the computer industry has a...fascination with new technologies, new paradigms, and of course, new [cheap, young, pliant] programmers.   It's more fascination than reality because old tech [even hideously obsolete tech] never truly dies.   Old inventions like the mainframe may stop getting headlines, but they run and run [even via emulators].   As I write this, Dice shows more than 5 times as many jobs postings for the key-word 'Cobol' [which was obsolete in the 1960s] (522) than 'OCaml', 'Erlang', and 'Haskell' combined (11, 52, and 27, respectively).   The stories of age discrimination are common, as are the rationalizations...   there's evidence [the rationalizations are not true] -- programming geezers have valuable wisdom you can't absorb by watching [a video] or fast-forwarding through a MOOC.   They understand better computers work because they had to back when computers had front panels with [indicator lights and] switches [or massive amounts of wiring rather than monolithic chips].   They [participated in or worked with the development of] the layers of IDEs, optimizing compilers, [machine-code, micro-code, assembly languages, static and dynamic linkers and loaders, version/configuration management] and continuous integration to save their bacon..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Nayla Rush _Center for Immigration Studies_
more Europeans are seeing the light as "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien crisis continues

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
and lo, the ground opened before him
"The Border Patrol continues to discover tunnels under the USA-Mexico border in, shall we say, a low-tech manner.   The most recent Border Patrol press release on the discovery of a tunnel said, in effect, that one of its agents encountered the tunnel when the ground opened up before him, or to quote the release:   'As the agent approached the anomaly [a depression] in the soil on foot, it began to give way exposing a hole 18 inches in diameter.'   This happened along the border 2 miles east of the Calexico port of entry, in southern California.   The three-by-three tunnel was about 142 feet long, with 82 feet of it under USA soil.   The Border Patrol recently learned of another tunnel in Nogales, AZ, when Mexican authorities told them about it.   Apparently the Border Patrol's high-tech tool kit does not include [enough] reliable devices to record underground digging at the border."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Texas law that forbids harboring illegal aliens temporarily blocked by federal district judge
"A federal judge in San Antonio has issued a temporary injunction against a Texas statute signed into law nearly a year ago that forbids harboring illegal aliens.     According to Breitbart, the injunction is the result of a lawsuit filed by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund on behalf of a migrant center.   The center claims not to inquire into the immigration status of its clientele, but says forthrightly in its complaint: 'In his role as Executive Director of RAICES, Plaintiff Ryan provides shelter to immigrant women and children who are not authorized to be present in the USA and lack lawful immigration status.'   So clearly the assertion that the individuals aren't being asked anything about their status is a legal fiction designed to provide a fig leaf of protection against enforcement activities at either the state or federal level.     The decision to issue the injunction seems curious to me.   It is well settled that state and local governments may not go their own path and intrude on uniquely federal prerogatives in the arena of immigration (except, apparently, where 'sanctuary' rules are concerned, which [the corrupt Obummer regime] has been so obligingly inclined to ignore).   But where harboring is concerned, congress doesn't seem to have been inclined to singularly occupy the field.     The federal anti-smuggling/anti-harboring statute, 8 U.S.C. Section 1324, says this at sub-section (c):   'Authority to arrest.   No officer or person shall have authority to make any arrests for a violation of any provision of this section except officers and employees of the Service designated by the attorney-general, either individually or as a member of a class, and all other officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws.'     This provision has been repeatedly held to permit sworn state and local law enforcement officers to enforce the statute.   It has been particularly useful, for instance, as a force multiplier for federal immigration and border agents when state highway patrol vehicles pull over vans, cars, and buses for vehicular infractions, only to discover that they are in fact smuggling aliens.   The same has held true when neighbors call local police to report strange comings and goings in a subdivision home, only to discover that it is a safe house for an alien smuggling ring.     Under these circumstances, one can only wonder why the federal judge thinks that the state of Texas is forbidden from enacting a law that appears to be consonant with what federal law already permits its officers to do.     But if the injunction ends up being permanent, my strong suggestion to Texas is to enact a policy directing its state and local law enforcement officers to continue doing what they must and should be doing to interdict alien smuggling and harboring, and simply present the charges to the USA attorneys for federal prosecution under 8 U.S.C. § 1324."
Lana Shadwick: Breitbart
Cornell: 8 USC 1324

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS silent while $50M in EB-5 funds were stolen over a period of 7 years

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
will the supremes elect Donald Trump president today?
"While the establishment media has largely ignored this story, and its profound implications for constitutional liberty, today the supreme court will hear United States v. Texas.   This case is the challenge to [Obummer's] amnesty for illegal aliens...   The lawsuit was brought by governors and attorneys general from Texas and 25 other states.   Under these unconstitutional programs, [Obummer] claims the [power] to, by executive fiat, make an illegal alien 'lawfully present' in the USA and eligible to receive a 'work permit' [EAD] after an application is reviewed (typically merely rubber stamped) and a fee is paid...   Nearly all the media attention has been focused on the discretion issue to the exclusion of all the others.   But is it really just discretion to not prosecute when, under [Obummer's uniateral, unconstitutional decrees], the government is handing out work permits and making illegal aliens eligible to work in the USA as well as to receive [Socialist Insecurity], unemployment [insurance benefits], and disability benefits?   [Obummer] explicitly claims that he has unlimited authority to allow any alien to work -- unless congress explicitly prohibits it.   Except that even when congress [existing llaw, passed by both Houses, signed by a president, upheld by curts] explicitly prohibits such work (as with illegal aliens) the president still claims authority to grant it.   [Obummer] also claims authority to make any alien 'lawfully present' in the USA.   IOW, [Obummer] claims to have the power to allow any alien to be in and to work in the USA.   The real issue in this case is not 'discretion', but whether or not there is any limit at all on presidential power...   From unilaterally granting amnesty to a select group of illegal aliens, to trampling on the religious freedom and freedom of conscience of American Catholics and other Christians, to using [without probable cause and without warrants] unmanned drones to gather information for federal regulatory and law enforcement agencies, to ignoring congressional sub-poenas, to trying to use the FCC to regulate the internet even after a federal court held it had no authority to do so this endemic government law-breaking has gotten progressively worse under [Obummer].   In the Federalist #44 James Madison wrote that: 'the success of the usurpation [of power by the congress] will depend on the executive and judiciary departments, which are to expound and give effect to the legislative acts; and in the last resort a remedy must be obtained from the people who can, by the election of more faithful representatives, annul the acts of the usurpers.'..."
Federalist #44 at Constitution.org

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Charles Kraughammer: if Obummer's amnesties for illegal aliens is upheld by supremes, it will mean that neitner the USA constitution, nor congress, nor existing law has any role
"Columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that if [president Obummer's] executive actions on immigration are upheld in United States v. Texas, 'It'll mean that the congress has no role' and a Republican president could tell the IRS to avoid collecting capital gains taxes using the same logic the [Obummer regime] uses [and abuses]..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
fate of Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesties of illegal aliens is uncertain at supreme court

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
Border Patrol agent killed in car crash in Hudspeth county Texas

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
illegal alien released by Obummer regime was arrested for breaking into Border Patrol agent's personal car in La Mesa, CA, after driving a stolen truck

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
MS-13 gangster convicted for murdering 19-year-old mother and her 2-year-old son

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
Israelis and new immigrants celebrate new holiday Yom HaAliyah -- Day of Going Up to Israel

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked _Breitbart_
Hamas official tried to down-play discovery of yet another attack tunnel from Palestine=Gaza Strip into Israel

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
excessive immigration causing problems in UK's primary schools says employment-minister Priti Patel
"...'We can take back control of our borders.   We can also take back control of the £350M we send to the EU every single week, and reinvest it in our vital and invaluable public services.'   Her comments come as the Labour Party released figures showing one in four primary schools is now either full or over capacity.   The statistics also showed that by 2020 there will be an extra 295K primary age children in the country, partially due to newly-arrived migrants having children.   This is the second time in the space of a week that Ms Patel, who is the daughter of Ugandan immigrants, has spoken out on immigration..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
UK government admits immigration will be far higher than promised

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
half of France's army is patrolling the streets since 2015-11-13 terrorist attacks

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
"fun" soccer tournament aimed at integrating 40 young "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens... turns into riot: 2 hospitalized, many injured

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Belgium government confirms that Muslims danced in the streets in support and celebration of terrorist attacks in Brussels, threw rocks and bottles at police and media when arrests were made

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer regime retaliates against Border Patrol agent and other union officials who "blew the whistle" to congress on policy of releasing invaders into USA and not initiating removal process

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Tyler Miles _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Barletta speaks at opening of first Harrisburg-area Donald Trump campaign office

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Anne-Marie O'Connor _Jewish World Review_
tourism in Palestinian-occupied Eastern Israel
"The bullet-proof tour bus, filled with retirees, groaned up the narrow dirt road to meet some of Israel's most 'notorious' Jewish settlers, renegade young fire-brands known as the 'hill-top youth'.   'The stereotype is of monsters, high school drop-outs, Arab killers, thieves of Arab land and uprooters of Arab olive trees.', the host, Rabbi Meir Goldmintz, told his visitors.   'The truth is they are the greatest kids, they love this land and want to make their lives here.'   As vacation season approaches, Israeli settlers are opening a bold new front in their battle for legitimacy: tourism.   The zealous hospitality comes as Europe demands special labels identifying products from settlements they consider illegal footholds of the [Palestinian occupation of Eastern Israel].   The [leftists in the USA disparage] the growth of the settlements and blames them in part for the failure of the '2-state solution', which envisions Israel living side by side with a Palestinian state.   The settlers are fighting back -- by rolling out the welcome mat.   They are offering a sampling of 'the good life', with fine cabernets and artisanal cheese on the hill-tops of the rugged, rural Bible land populated by the gun-toting children of Abraham (armed, they say, to protect themselves from Palestinian attackers).   They are welcoming biblical tourists -- evangelical Christians and Jews who want to vacation at ancient sites that appear in the Hebrew Bible and Torah -- and 'geo-political tourists', travelers who want to see the reality behind the headlines.   There are about 400K settlers living in [Eastern Israel], in what Israelis call Judea and Samaria, the biblical names. About 15% hail from the USA..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
at least 21 injured in terrorist bombing of bus in Jerusalem

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Israel & Palestinians clash in UN over terrorism and incitement, especially in Palestinian-occupied Eastern Israel
"During the council's regular meeting on 'the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question', Israel's permanent representative Danny Danon used his address to challenge his Palestinian counterpart directly to issue a simple condemnation of terrorism.   Danon did so after relating the story of Dafna Meir, a nurse and mother of 6 who was stabbed to death in her home in the disputed West Bank south of Jerusalem last January -- one of 29 Israelis and 4 foreign nationals killed in a spate of terror attacks that began last Fall.   The Israeli government says incitement by Palestinian leaders and media outlets is fueling the violence.   Behind the Israeli diplomat in the council chamber sat Meir's widower and eldest daughter.   Danon noted that her killer, a 16-year-old Palestinian, had said afterwards 'that what made him want to kill a Jew -- any Jew -- was a TV show on Palestinian television'-A 'culture of hate and constant brainwashing' among Palestinians is responsible for the loss of too many Israeli lives, Danon said..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Souad Mekhennet & Missy Ryan _Jewish World Review_
USA forces' secret role helps foreign troops fight terrorists... and some of them prepare to fight Western Civilization next week

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
in our current, delusional, ethically questionable economy, karma can be good

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Obummer doctrine has made the world more dangerous

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
historical information which should not remain secret

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Vanessa Williams _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump is not a racist, sexist, jingoistic, anti-Islam bully; he's just plain-spoken
"The National Diversity Coalition for Trump is not very large, but it is indeed diverse.   The group's web-page features a technicolor photo gallery of men and women from many backgrounds: Vietnamese, Arab, Muslim, Indian, Turkish Cuban and Mexican American -- even a Sikh man wearing a turban printed with Donald Trump's signature slogan, 'Make America Great Again'.   If such a group's existence seems improbable given the Republican presidential front-runner's attacks on undocumented immigrants and Muslims -- and his deep unpopularity among women and minorities -- Georgia businessman Bruce LeVell believes that is because people don't really know the man..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke on Trump diversity push: I'm glad he didn't go groveling at the altar of Al Sharpton

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
yes, corporation executives, board-members, and stock-owners have the right to free speech

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
do not dismiss it as a "first-world problem"
"It's easy to put everybody else's pain into perspective.   Broken heart?   At least it's not a broken leg.   Broken leg?   At least it's not a broken heart.   Evicted?   At least you still have your car.   Car repossessed?   Hey, you'll be so busy trying to figure out public transportation you won't have time to worry about your broken heart.   But it doesn't work that way when it's your own affliction, does it?   As my assistant Krissy says, 'Who wants to hear, Sure, but... when you're feeling bad?'   That's why I break out in hives when I hear, 'Oh, it's only first-world problems.'   (And don't tell me that my allergic reaction is a first-world problem, either.   Irritation is global, intergenerational and probably inter-galactic.)...   It's too often and too thoughtlessly used as a form of presumptive absolution, a way of being simultaneously sanctimonious and patronizing..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
do we even own things anymore?
"...But as we all know, in the fairy tales the 'magical' tool that makes everything wonderful always has a catch.   In Gilbert's case, the catch is that [evil, privacy-violating] Google will shut down his device.   They won't just stop updating it, or end support.   They'll turn it off.   Even though it 'belongs' to Gilbert...   They'e [remotely] 'bricking' his device, making it an inanimate lump of circuitry that no more useful than a brick.   Or, actually, less useful, since you can build things with bricks.   They can do this because although you own the hardware, you don't actually own the software in your devices; technically, when you buy the device, you just get a license to use the software.   (In a similar situation, General Motors and John Deere have said that they still own the software in the cars and other vehicles you buy.)   If these manufacturers have their way, you may buy things from them, but you'll never really own anything.   So long as they control the software -- and the Bill Clinton-era Digital Millennium Copyright Act ensures that they always will -- they really control your devices...   Evidence already suggests that the 'Things' [are, by design, and will continue to be] a hacker's dream..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Marcy Goldman _Jewish World Review_
this babka recipe runs rings around the rest
"...The word 'babcia' (BAHB-cha) itself is Polish for 'grand-mother' lots of folks contend that puffy babkas recall a grand-mother's pleated, voluminous skirts.   And although the bread seems tethered to Jewish bakeries, it is not baked for any particular Jewish celebration...   For the cinnamon schmear: 2.5 cups water, plus more as needed;   1 cup confectioners' sugar;   5 tablespoons ground cinnamon (see headnote);   12 tablespoons (1.5 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature;   2 large egg yolks;   Regular or low-fat milk, at room temperature, as needed.     For the simple syrup: 0.75 cup sugar;   0.75 cup water.     For the butter crumb topping: 0.5 cup confectioners' sugar;   0.5 cup King Arthur unbleached all-purpose flour;   4 tablespoons (0.5 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature.       For the dough: 0.5 cup water;   4.5 teaspoons instant yeast, preferably SAF brand;   5.5 to 6.5 cups King Arthur unbleached all-purpose flour, or more as needed, plus more for the work surface;   5 large eggs, plus 1 beaten egg for brushing;   1.5 cups granulated sugar;   1.25 teaspoons kosher salt;   20 tablespoons (2.5 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into chunks;   1.333 cups regular or low-fat milk, at room temperature..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Andrea Peterson _Jewish World Review_
DHS warns MSFT Windoze users to un-install obsoleted Apple QuickTime

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Ariana Eunjung Cha _Jewish World Review_
marriage increases likelihood of beating cancer -- especially if you're a guy
"The idea of a 'marriage advantage' to health and happiness has existed for well over 150 years.   In 1858, epidemiologist William Farr found that people who were coupled up lived the longest, while the un-married died in much higher proportions from the diseases like cholera that were raging at the time..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Erica Reischer _Jewish World Review_
no, honey, you can't be anything you want to be -- and that's okay; humans have limits, and individual people have different talents, gifts, strengths & weaknesses
"...pursuing overly-ambitious goals can be harmful.   When researchers study organizations that set stretch goals for employees -- goals intended to motivate high performance -- they find that these lofty goals often have significant negative side effects.   In particular, they find that when people are focused on a goal, and failure to achieve that goal has high costs, unethical behavior increases...   As Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman puts it: 'Success = Talent + Luck.   Great success = A little more talent + A Lot of Luck'.   While Kahneman acknowledges that skill is a key part of success, his work emphasizes that chance plays a predominant role...   Of course, there are many who don't work hard to develop their skills and pursue opportunities -- and who therefore are unlikely to achieve success if chance comes knocking - but the reverse is not true...   people with average resumes are not necessarily less outstanding or deserving...   Conversely, those who do achieve prominent success may over-estimate their role in it...   That said, it's a statistical fact that not every child can grow up to be a supreme court justice, a sports star, or a best-selling author.   Our futures are shaped by many forces beyond our control, including chance, genetics, and other accidents of birth.   Then too, statistically speaking, most of us will be average (that's the definition of average after all).   But so what?..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
more Obummer lawlessness on ObummerDoesn'tCare
"The sub-committee on Oversight and Investigations, chaired by representative Tim Murphy (R-PA), on Friday continued its oversight of [ObummerDoesn'tCare], with a hearing examining its reinsurance program.   The program was created to provide financial assistance to insurers offering [ObummerDoesn'tCare] plans, ultimately incentivizing insurers to enroll high-risk individuals.   The statute states that a portion of the contributions 'shall be deposited into the general fund of the Treasury of the United States and may not be used for the reinsurance program'.   Full committee chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) commented, 'Today, the $3.5G question is why CMS is now diverting taxpayer dollars to insurance companies without any legal authority to do so.'   'On 2014 March 11, CMS issued a rule that spelled out how to divide the fund between Treasury, insurance companies and administrative costs.   CMS wrote that Treasury would receive about 25% of the fund in 2015.   But while insurers have received billions of dollars from the program, the Treasury has still received nothing.', stated chairman Murphy..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
DC GOP investigating "GOP delegate" who publicly backs Hitlery Rotten Clinton...
...but lives in Virginia, not DC

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
mother of man killed by Muslim attack on USA consulate at Benghazi: Hitlery Rotten Clinton ought to be wearing striped or orange jump-suits

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Frank J. Gaffney ii: Muslim Brotherhood lobbying day on Capitol Hill
"...United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) visiting law-makers today are 'associated with, and working to advance, the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood'..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Center for Security Policy
Counter-Jihad Report
Robert Spencer: JihadWatch
World Net Daily
ReClaim Our Republic
McAlvany Intelligence Advisor
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
rapper Rick Ross's ankle monitor went off during "My Brother's Keeper" "minority youth empowerment program" at anti-USA, anti-USA-constitution, oath-breaker Obummer White House
"...according to TMZ, Ross's ankle monitor, which he must wear as a condition of his release on kidnapping and assault charges last summer, beeped loudly shortly after the president concluded a speech.   Ross was arrested in 2015 June on kidnapping, aggravated assault and aggravated battery charges after allegedly pistol-whipping a man who had been doing repair work on his house.   The kidnapping charge was added after it was alleged that the man was physically prevented from leaving Ross's house..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer "surge": city of Mosul will eventually be recaptured from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
surging purchases of personal arms created nearly 25K jobs in 2015

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Frank J. Gaffney ii: Saudis are committed to the conquest of countries like the USA

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Paul Sperry: release the 28 pages from the 201-09-11 investigation so we can end this suicidal phony alliance with Saudi Arabia
Breitbart: Saudi Arabia's role in the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks are being deliberately covered up by the highest levels of USA government

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
supporters of democracy and liberty criticize Twit's hire of manager with ties to Red Chinese government and "Peoples' Liberation Army"

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
poll: 6% of people in USA trust media
"...Just 6% of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to congress and well below the public's view of other institutions...   Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than Republicans or independents...   Americans also are more likely to rely on news that is up-to-date, concise and cites expert sources or documents, according to a study by the Media Insight Project, a partnership of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press Institute...   Nearly 90% of Americans say it's extremely or very important that the media get their facts correct..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
_Billings MT Gazette_
woman tried to pet a bison in Yellowstone

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
_Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
Teton county Wyoming school cancelled presentation by abstinence advocate after parents raise a fuss, claiming it is "unscientific", "ineffective", yet, when actually practiced, abstinence always works to prevent pregnancy and avoid STDs

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Lynn Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
children raised in intact heterosexual families turn out better
"...Children raised by parents who engaged in same-sex relationships were more likely than children raised in intact biological families to experience numerous negative life outcomes, including:   Poorer educational attainment.   Overall lower levels of mental and physical health.   More use of counseling or mental health therapy.   Greater experience of depression.   Suicide ideation (statistically significant only for children of gay fathers).   Experience of sexual molestation.   Unemployment or part-time employment as young adults.   Having pled guilty to non-minor legal offenses.   Having lived in homes with lower income levels (statistically significant only for children of lesbian mothers)..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Marist poll: 53% of Americans recognize that the Obummer regime is abusing the Little Sisters of the Poor

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup poll: 57% of Americans recognize that federal, state, & local government extortion is too high

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Ben Kamisar _Hill_
RINO RNC struggles for power in dispute over convention rules

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Ben Domenech _Federalist_
ban tax day
"...the church of the almighty bureaucracy, peace be upon them.   It's also a day to consider one reform that would be very positive for the country: reversing the 1943 law making withholding mandatory.   It is a dangerous, disruptive, and absolutely necessary step to end the current tax regime.   The overwhelming majority of Americans pay their taxes by having them extracted from their pay-checks before they ever see the money..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
RINO loser Mitch McConnell: I want delegates to pick somebody who can win (wink wink nudge nudge) in November, hopes nomination requires several ballots
I have a bowl of chili right here that could defeat felon Hitlery Rotten Clinton (and her mass-murdering rapist husband Bill).

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz quipped: in the critical pizza primary I am the only one who doesn't eat pizza with a knife and a fork

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
anti-USA nationalist Turkish Youth Union (TGB) were arrested trying to put a sack over USA soldier's head at Incirlik Air Base

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Tom Ciccotta _Breitbart_
at UCSB, free-speech-haters confront supporters of Donald Trump

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz in NY: Dems/Leftists/Reds want to infringe on rights of honest people to own and carry arms, not to restrict those who initiate force and fraud

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
over-populated, over-crowded, over-taxed, over-regulated, right-to-own-and-carry-arms infringing Chicagoland has had 169 homicides, 862 wounded from January 1 through April 14
"These 169 homicides are the exclamation point on a previous report that the city witnessed 862 shooting victims between January 1 and April 14 of this year.   The Chicago Tribune reports that Chicago's total homicide rate for 2015 was 488.   With 169 dead in mid-April 2016, the city is on track to either hit 488 or to surpass it by year's end..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Pat Boone criticized anti-Christian SNL skit: they'd be in witness protection if they joked about Islam that way

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Ed Marcum _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_Scripps_
TVA mum on former manager alleged to have helped Red Chinese nuclear electricity firm whose USA representantive Szuhsiung Ho, a.k.a. Allen Ho, has been indicted on espionage charges

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Tim Ball
3 little-known scientists who changed some people's view of climate
Watts Up With That

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Bob Tisdale
3 little-known scientists who changed some people's view of climate
Watts Up With That

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
UK Green Party bans use of the word "women"; under "trans-gender" pressure adopts term "non-men"

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Chris Horner
state attorneys-general conspired with watermelon groups (green outside, red inside) to attack political opponents
Watts Up With That

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
David Middleton
smoke & fumes part 2: ExxonMobil knew... that the entire theory of climatic changes resulting from CO2 is questionable
Watts Up With That

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Anthony Watts
RIP William Gray -- hurricane forecast pioneer, warmist hysteria skeptic
Watts Up With That

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Eric Worrall
4 inches of global warming fell in Denver, 2 feet in the mountains
Watts Up With That

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
James Wanliss _Cybercast News Service_
shining light on "settled science" fiction: there is no "climate crisis"
"global warming has provided a pretext for massive increases in [power-mad politicians' and bureaubums'] control over the public.   The 'science' of global warming has been used to justify the banning of light-bulbs, shutting down coal-fired power plants, and even a possible sighting of the holy grail: increased taxation without end ('to save the planet').   When the story began to break down the narrative changed.   Global warming became climate change.   Next, as the stall in warming continued (by the end of 2015 over 18 years without warming), climate change morphed again.   Since relatively flat lines don't fit well with the narrative of change, climate change is currently morphing into 'climate crisis' and 'extreme weather'.   Never mind that all observational evidence indicates reduced variability in weather events..."

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
power-mad EPA director Gina McCarthy: we won't slow down our unconstitutional quest for power

2016-04-18 (5776 Nisan 10)
Proposed Bills 2016

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016

  "diseases human populations share today with domestic animals number as follows: Poultry: 26; Rats and mice: 32; Horse: 35; Pig: 42; Sheep and goats: 46; Cattle: 50; Dog: 65." --- William H. McNeill 1977, 1993, 2010 _Plagues and Peoples_ pg70 (citing Thomas G. Hull 1963 _Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Man_ 5th edition pp879-906)  




Yom Shlishi


2016-04-19: 276 days (39 weeks, 3 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Elizabeth Slattery _Cybercast News Service_
supremes heard oral arguments on injunction and on Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesties and grants of unconstitutional federal & state pay-outs to illegal aliens: Obummer regime vs. Texas & 25 other states

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Amy Taxin _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
vast majority of illegal alien children being placed by Obummer regime with illegal alien adults
"...80% of the 71K mostly Central American children placed between 2014 February and 2015 September were sent to sponsors who were not here legally..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the corrupt Dems/leftists/Reds on the supreme court
"If anyone really expected the supreme court's 4 Red/leftist/Dem appointees to impartially weigh the constitutional issues in the [Obummer] amnesty for illegal aliens case (United States v. Texas), yesterday's oral arguments disclosed the true depth of their political corruption.   Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, Ginsburg and Kagan clearly had no interest in exploring the constitutional limits on executive power or [Obummer's] clear violation of the Administrative Procedures Act in promulgating rules without the requisite notice and public input.   Their interest was in upholding the result of [Obummer's] Far-Left [power-mad] agenda, no matter what the constitutional implications.     While conservative justice Samuel Alito said flatly, 'I don't see how there is not injury in fact here.', the [leftist judges] were intentionally blind to the cost to states of [Obummer's] actions.     'I'm focusing on the narrow question of how Texas is hurt, specifically, and not a political disagreement.', justice Breyer said, adding, 'How are they specifically hurt by giving these people driver's licenses?'     Aside from the plain common sense conclusion that conducting government business, e.g. issuing a drives license costs money, there are plenty of studies showing the vast cost to states of illegal immigration.     Back in 2011 our friends at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) did a study that concluded, 'California, facing a budget deficit of $14.4G in 2010-2011, is hit with an estimated $21.8G in annual expenditures on illegal aliens.   New York's $6.8G deficit is smaller than its $9.5G in yearly illegal alien costs.'     But the whole point of the [leftist/Dem/Red] appointees was not to plumb the depths of the economic impact of illegal immigration, but rather to invoke the judge-made doctrine of 'standing' to dismiss the case and essentially to bar the states from suing Obama in the first place.   Likewise, the important constitutional issue of 'faithful execution' was not really explored -- it was a given among the Democratic appointees that [Obummer] could simply refuse to enforce any law he chose not to enforce.     Justice Anthony Kennedy, as abc Radio noted in its reporting who is often seen as the supreme court's swing vote, was the only one to really question the scope of presidential discretion.     'What we're doing is defining the limits of discretion and it seems to me that is a legislative, not an executive act.', he said, continuing, 'It's as if...the president is setting the policy and the congress is executing it.   That's just upside down.'     Justice Kagan and the court's more [leftist] justices argued the phrase 'lawfully present' didn't expand federal laws for immigrants.   Justice Kagan said the federal government still has the right to deport at any time.   She described the effect of the policy as 'you will not be deported unless we change our minds'.     'You will not be deported unless we change our minds' turns the rule of law on its head and is the essence of the kind of arbitrary and capricious rule that kings and tyrants use to enforce their will.     But justice Kagan's point did make it clear that the real issue in this case is not 'discretion', but whether or not there is any limit at all on presidential power.     And it was clear from yesterday's hearings that the [Dem/Red/Leftist] appointees to the supreme court would answer that question as 'NO' the Constitution does not limit the president's executive power, as long as there's a [Red/leftist/Dem] in the White House.     As CHQ chairman Richard A. Viguerie and attorney Mark J. Fitzgibbons pointed out in their e-pamphlet 'The Law the Governs Government', for many years the political establishment has shown contempt for the Constitution and rigged the rules to protect and hide its law-breaking..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Agam Shah _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Intel axes 12K workers as they try to shift from kludgey micro-computer chips to even worse privacy violating schemes through "the internet of things"...
Warner Todd Huston: Breitbart: ...after sponsoring 8,351 H-1B visa and 5,172 green card applications 2010-2015
Blake Neff: Daily Caller

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
H-1B bait and switch
"The shilling for the H-1B program is always shameless, but an example with real chutzpah.   Our intrepid author writes: 'In December congress included a provision in the omnibus [over-spending] bill that doubled the H-1B processing fee from $2K to $4K for certain immigrant-intensive companies.   All these visa fees hit hardest businesses without the resources to pay these escalating costs -- typically smaller, younger businesses struggling to break in against their larger rivals.'   We are to believe that visa fees are killing poor startup companies.   Hmmm.   I looked up the offending bill, Pubic Law #114-113, and found the offending provision in § 411: '(b) Temporary H-1b Visa Fee Increase -- Notwithstanding section 281 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1351) or any other provision of law, during the period beginning on the date of the enactment of this section and ending on 2025 September 30, the combined filing fee and fraud prevention and detection fee required to be submitted with an application for admission as a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b)), including an application for an extension of such status, shall be increased by $ 4K for applicants that employ 50 or more employees in the United States if more than 50% of the applicant's employees are such nonimmigrants or non-immigrants described in section 101(a)(15)(L) of such Act.'     So the fees in question only affect companies that have more than 50 employees and over half of the companies' total employees are on H-1B or L visas.   IOW, we're talking about the companies whose business is importing H-1B workers; not poor start-up companies.   Holy bait and switch, Batman!     This Friday is the last day for 'IT' workers at Abbott Labs who are getting the H-1Boot.   Sara Blackwell is holding an event for the soon-to-be-former Abbott Labs workers on April 22 at 17:30 at Flanagans in North Chicago [?Flanigan's SeaFood Bar & Grill; 3201 Buckley Road/US41 & Illinois 137; between Great Lakes Motel & Red Carpet Inn; East of I-94/Tri-State toll-way; SW of Willow Glen Golf Club; NE of Libertyville; SSW of Waukegan; well NNW of Evanston?].   I and my Sold Out co-author, Michelle Malkin, will be there along with many other individuals the hired H-1B shills would like to see go away.   Come and join us if you are in the area."
Cornell: 8 USC 1351
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Trey Gowdy: the number of illegal aliens who commit additional crimes is more than the entire population of Pittsburgh
"'Today there are over 350K known criminal aliens in the USA who are not detained by USAICE.   350K.' Gowdy, the chairman of the [House] Immigration and Border Security sub-committee, said opening a hearing examining the victims of illegal immigrant crime.   'That number may not get your attention -- statistics rarely do -- so I want you to think about it this way.   The number of criminal aliens living in the United States, not in custody, not separated from society, it larger than the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.   Larger than the city of Lexington, Kentucky, larger than the city of Anaheim, California.', he asked.   'Can you imagine a city the size of Pittsburgh, comprised solely of people who are here unlawfully who have also committed another crime?'   Gowdy noted that, according to USAICE, between 2011 October and 2014 December, USAICE released criminal aliens over 100K times.   'According to USAICE those released have been convicted of more than 10K assaults, more than 800 sexual assaults, more than 400 homicide-related offenses, and more than 300 kidnappings.', he said.   Gowdy slammed the [Obummer regime's] effort to provide unilateral amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants as immigration enforcement falls by the wayside.   The South Carolina law-maker took particular umbrage at an argument solicitor-general Donald Verrilli made before the supreme court Monday, arguing for [Obummer's] executive amnesty programs [Obummer regime v. Texas + 25 other states].   'Just yesterday the lawyer for the president was at it again, this time at the USA supreme court, arguing for the nonenforcement of the law, arguing for the wholesale failure to enforce the law.', Gowdy said..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
woman whose son was murdered by illegal alien broke down during testimony to House Immigration and Border Security sub-committee
Laura Ingraham

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
woman whose daughter was killed by illegal alien: his bail was less than it cost to bury my baby

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Macedonia's border fences and guards are keeping out "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens: it works!

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
founder of PEGIDA party opposed to excessive, no-standards immigration due in court under "hate speech" charges

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Shawn Langlois _MarketWatch_
cultural divergences between EU & USA: ethics, value of work (i.e. ethics), default marriage contract and respect for it (i.e. ethics), individual liberty vs. government control (i.e. ethics), freedom of speech (i.e. ethics), religion and ethics, abortion (i.e. ethics)...
Pew (more graphs like this one)Americans more individualistic, EU more collectivist

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
rabid bobcats, a rural hospital, and EB-5 funding
"This particular EB-5 conflict is between folks who want to protect us against rabid bobcats, on one hand, and the green-eyeshade types at USCIS, on the other; it is rural health providers vs. urban regulators, and my initial sympathies are with the former, but it is more complicated than that.   Those who want to protect us from rabid bobcats in rural Alabama are allied with a Manhattan lawyer, who writes from the 24th floor of a skyscraper, and a batch of rich Chinese who want to buy their way into this [the USA] via the EB-5 program.   The urban regulators are feds who pay attention to financial reports and who expect them, reasonably, not to contradict each other.   The conflict is now in its third round -- it is in the federal district court for the District of Columbia, and so far the first two rounds have gone to the feds.   It is case 1:16-cv-00711-RMC in the PACER system of court records.   While USCIS has unwittingly permitted $50M in EB-5 funds to be stolen by a Miami millionaire operating in northern Vermont, as we reported earlier, another part of the system is saying no to a request to invest $6M in the struggling hospital in Crenshaw County, AL.   There were 13,665 people living in the county in 2010, and the median household income was $26,054, a hair above half the national median.   Clearly this is the kind of rural poverty that is supposed to attract EB-5 funding.   But neither the staff of the EB-5 program nor the appeals staff of the Administrative Appeals Office are moved by these considerations.   The AAO decision against the investors relies, to a large extent, on contradictory financial statements provided by the Crenshaw hospital.   I worry that slick, urban proposals, even if they hide managerial misbehavior carefully, are more likely to be funded than heart-felt but clumsy ones for rural hospitals.   I also wonder about for-profit hospitals, generally, and the strong possibility that we have too many small-scale rural hospitals.   Funding the Crenshaw hospital, with 65 beds, may not be in the public interest.   This hospital is located an hour's drive from the many hospitals in Montgomery and is within about 25 minutes of 2 slightly larger hospitals in the nearby county seats of Pike and Butler Counties.   It is nice to have a hospital a few minutes drive from one's home (my situation), but can we afford it...

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Laura Ingraham
Sheriff Charles Jenkins of Frederick county MD warns: every county in the USA is becoming a "border county"
Alex Pfeiffer: Daily Caller
"...Both MS-13 and 18th Street are recruiting in schools in his county and at one high school the 2 alien gangs break out into fights frequently.   In 2015, 64% of the criminal alien gang members his sheriff's department encountered entered the USA as unaccompanied minors..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Laura Ingraham
Border Patrol agent being leaned on by Obummer regime after his testimony to congressional committee
Joel Gehrke: Washington DC Examiner

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Laura Ingraham
Methodist church receives millions from Obummer regime to re-locate illegal aliens, bishop claimed USA government "raped" Central America
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller
"...Minerva Carcano...heads the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church, which [opposes immigration reform, but supports reprehensible immigration law perversion].   The church's Board of Child Care has received at least $7.6M in federal grants in the last 3 years to provide shelter services for unaccompanied alien children who are apprehended crossing into the USA illegally.   'We are working to welcome everyone.', Carcano told Goodlatte...   'That is very concerning to me.', the Republican replied, adding that the United Methodist Church (UMC) was 'essentially aiding and abetting' illegal aliens...   That's when the bishop -- the first Hispanic woman elected to her position at UMC -- launched into an attack on USA foreign policy, blaming it for a situation that has forced Central Americans to flee their homes.   'Immigrants want to stay home.', she said.   'They're not able to stay home because we've undermined their economies.   We have raped their lands.'..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
track records of winners, whiners, and early drop-outs
"...The foreign policies under Secretary Clinton have led to one disaster after another, whether in the Middle East, in Ukraine, or in North Korea.   Where are her successes?...   Governors Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal were gone before most people knew much of anything about their track records...   The rules are the rules.   As an old New York Yankees fan, I still have a painful memory of the 1960 World Series, where the Yankees scored 53 runs and the Pittsburgh Pirates scored 27.   But the Pirates won the World Series, because the rules go by how many games were won, not how many runs were scored...   institutions do not exist to exalt some principle, but to carry out whatever the missions of those institutions are.   In even the most democratic countries, undemocratic institutions abound.   Families are one of those institutions.   In a family with 3 children and 2 adults, the children do not run the family.   In a military unit, democratic decision-making on a battlefield can cost a lot more lives.   Political parties are private institutions.   They exist to choose candidates they think can win elections [and advance their principles and agenda].   How they do it is their business...   The time to change rules is before the game starts.   If the current rules need changing, there will be four long years before the 2020 elections in which to try to create better rules..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Elliott Abrams _Jewish World Review_
presidents, bureaubums, congress, and the courts; state and local governments each has its delegated powers and politically-negotiated duties under the constitutions

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Greg Jaffe & Griff Witte _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's bad behavior toward USA, USA-constitution, USA allies, and coddling those who have repeatedly declared themselves enemies at war against USA, leave him with few genuine friends over-seas

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
Obummer continues to drain USA to subsidize evil, hate-filled Iran regime and their development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Josh Rogin _Jewish World Review_
some in USA striving to clean up Saudi Arabia, while deluded others strive to "keep Saudis in the fold"... or at least put off open hostilities

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Saudis practice mafia tactics

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Jeffrey Tayler _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer's idiotic, dangerous game with Vladimir Putin

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Jackson Diehl _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer's saddest legacy

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Kristi Noem (R-SD): Obummer/Koskinen IRS is rehiring employees fired for misconduct/corruption (who should be wearing striped or orange jump-suits 24/7 for the next 50 years)

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
customers take down robber

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Hans von Spakovsky _Cybercast News Service_
CT state judge Barbara N. Bellis lets law-suit against arms makers for multiple murder committed by deranged juvenile who stole his mother's rifle

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Robert J. Olson & Herbert W. Titus _Cybercast News Service_
Birchfield v. ND oral arguments to supremes Wednesday: drive a vehicle, implicitly waive your constitutional rights?
"In recent years, the legislatures of some states have criminalized a driver's choice to assert his constitutional right not to be subject to an unlawful search and seizure.   These legislatures have enacted laws which make it a crime for a driver to refuse to consent to searches and seizures via breathalyzer and blood chemical tests after being placed under arrest after a routine traffic stop [but, the corrupt Obummer regime, asserts, checking whether such a person stopped is an illegal alien constitutes a severe violation of privacy].   On 2016 February 11, our firm filed an amicus curiae brief in the USA supreme court, opposing such state laws in North Dakota and Minnesota, and explaining, once again, to the high court the historic property basis of the Fourth Amendment.   In a recent case decided in 2013, the USA supreme court refused to expand the 'exigent circumstances' exception to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement for DUI arrests, rejecting the government's theory that every DUI case involved exigent circumstances because in a short time, alcohol passes out of the blood stream.   Certain state legislatures were so displeased with this ruling that they decided to create an end run on the Fourth Amendment.   Unable to compel drivers to give blood or breathe into a machine, these states made it a crime for a person to refuse to submit to a police demand to do so.   These states justify their laws based on 2 legal fictions -- that driving is a 'privilege, not a right' [which was invented by judges a considerable while after wagons and automobiles and trucks had been driven by right of liberty], and that by driving a car that the driver impliedly consents to have his blood and breath searched.   In effect, these states give a driver the choice to either surrender his rights or go directly to jail..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Joshua Axelrod _Washington DC Examiner_
Hollywood cant pressure states into repealing constitutional and reasonable laws
MSFT JavaScript is still evil.

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
USA's largest health insurance firm withdrew from most ObummerDoesn'tCare exchanges citing over $1G in losses

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Pam Keys _Breitbart_
USA wins!: hate-filled Peter King promised to commit suicide if Ted Cruz wins Republican nomination

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer regime released 6 more Yemeni Muslim terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia... so they can quickly get back to waging terrorist war against Western Civilization

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
5 Roman Catholic priests in Red China have "disappeared" this month

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate-linked Filipino group Abu Sayyaf has scheduled beheading of 2 Canadian hostages

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
10% of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate recruits want to become suicide bombers

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
German Security office warns of new ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate scheme to pose as vendors at beaches

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
whacky California legislators propose anti-constitutional bill banning businesses/individuals with unconstitutional federal licenses to buy and sell firearms from doing business

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
victim of bombing of bus in Jerusalem: I was looking for my daughter... when I found her, I saw that he entire body was burned...
YNet News

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
delusional choom-gangster, oath-breaker, anti-USA, anti-USA-Constitution Barack Hussein Obummer doesn't consider Golan Heights part of Israel...
"...after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that the Golan 'will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty'...   Republican presidential candidate senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) expressed support for Netanyahu's comments, saying, 'The government of Israel reiterated the reality that the Golan Heights are part of Israel's sovereign territory.'   'Given the presence of hostile terrorist organizations ranging from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate to Hezbollah on Israel's northern border, it is foolhardy and dangerous for the international community to try to pressure Israel to abandon the Golan to the chaos engulfing Syria.', Cruz added.   Kirby's comment followed condemnation by Germany which said the 1981 annexation of the territory was in violation of international law [though, after Syrian artillery and other attacks on Israel since 1948 (a year after England and France granted them to the newly-created state of Syria), and especially shelling in 1967 April, it was regained in 1967 June 9th & 10th (along with Eastern Israel in the 6-Day War).   The Knesset offered to give it to Syria later that month in return for guarantees of peace, but negotiations failed.   Syria tried to take the Heights from Israel in 1973 (Yom Kippur War) and failed.   Now, Palestinians are occupying Eastern Israel, while Syria and Israel both claim the Golan Heights from an argument of it being theirs first and theirs from the need to have defensible borders, and the others being, or having been, occupying their rightful territory.]"

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
watermelon attorneys-general wage thought police war against ExxonMobil
"They have launched a campaign against Exxon Mobil that is a transparent -- nay, an explicit -- attempt to punish dissent on climate change.   The members of the self-described 'Green 20' are demonstrating a banana republic-worthy understanding of the law and their responsibilities.   They shouldn't be entrusted with the power of a meter maid, let alone a top position in law enforcement..."

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Pat Frank
systematic errors in temperature measurements
Watts Up With That

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Anthony Watts
curious: source data showing a nose-dive in total solar irradiance (TSI)
Watts Up With That

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Devin Henry _Hill_
senate Environment and Public Works committee aims to trim Obummer regime power-madness, funding of actions blocked by supremes

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Albert Parker
sea level rise: plenty of time for Noah to build ark
Watts Up With That

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Anthony Watts
NewsBytes: Big Science is broken; 6% of Americans trust media or congress
Watts Up With That

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Eric Worrall
harnessing infinity: the promise of quantum computing
Watts Up With That

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Eric Worrall
Australian attorney-general George Brandis: if the science is "settled", why do we need research scientists to continue studying into the "settled" "science"?
Watts Up With That

2016-04-19 (5776 Nisan 11)
Proposed Bills 2016

This Date in History: Patriots' Day (anniversary of skirmishes at Lexington & Concord)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1775-04-19: Patriots' Day commemorating battles of Lexington & Concord, MA.

This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (from best 1, to worst 322M)  
(1) Mark Levin (or as chief-justice, or attorney-general),  
(2) Jeff Sessions (or VP or senate majority-leader),  
(3) Michelle Malkin (or as DHS chief),  
(4) Tom Tancredo (or as DHS chief),  

(8) Ted Cruz (maybe better as president of the senate, i.e. VP, or senate majority leader, chief-justice, or attorney-general),  
(10) Gary Johnson,  
(15) Phyllis Schlafly,  
(16) Donald Trump (maybe better as president of the senate, i.e. VP, or Commerce chief, or US Trade Representative, OMB director...),  
(17) Michael Cutler (or as DHS chief),  
(18) Ben S. Carson,  

(19) Thomas Sowell,  
(22) Ann Coulter,  
(23) Ken Blackwell,  
(24) Allen West,  
(29) Tom Cotton,  
(30) Larry Elder,  
(500) Alan Keyes,  
(510) Patrick J. Buchanan,  

(95,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide aggregate voter registry, telephone directory or census list,  
(100,000) the average German Shepherd dog,  
(108,010) the average Mastiff,  
(108,050) the average Great Dane,  
(110,000) turkey, lettuce & tomato sandwich,  
(110,001) chicken, lettuce & tomato sandwich,  
(110,007) mutton, lettuce & tomato sandwich,  
(110,010) roast beef sandwich,  
(110,020) hot cheese sandwich, with pickles,  

(110,030) hot cheese sandwich,  
(175,000,000) the average USA citizen,  
(210,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty,  
(315,999,050) Bernie Sanders,  
(315,999,075) Michael Bloomberg,  
(315,999,100) Hitlery Rotten Clinton,  

but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

Proposed Bills 2016

  "1911: Electric starter.   1911: 1st transcontinental flight.   1916 Wind-shield wipers.   1918: 3-color traffic light.   1919: 1st commercial airborne service." --- Live Oak Systems _2000 Calendar_ October  




Yom Rebiai


2016-04-20: 275 days (39 weeks, 2 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
EmblemHealth dumping USA citizen STEM professionals, bringing in cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics via contract with cross-border bodyshop Cognizant

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
yes, of course we need a border wall/fence with Canada, and the Coast Guard and Navy
"Canada's sloppy, rushed and reckless 'Syrian' 'refugee' resettlement program is America's looming national security nightmare.   Donald Trump shouldn't just be promising to build a Mexican border wall.   He (and any other sovereignty-minded presidential candidate) should be vowing to re-build the decimated 'wall' of first-line watch-dogs, field enforcement and patrol officers on our northern border.   The urgency could not be greater.   The Canadian liberal government has fast-tracked tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims into its country over the past 5 months and now plans to double its interim 25K goal by 2019.   The bleeding-heart Canucks are forging ahead despite reports this week of the country's failed $16M screening program to stop Islamic terrorists from slipping through the cracks.   Multiple data-bases are not interoperable.   [I'm shocked, shocked!, to learn it might be a good idea to have some scripts and remote procedures to trigger multiple queries.]   Information is out-dated or useless...

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Guatemalan president focuses on economics of illegal immigration, not initiations of force and fraud

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Sierra Club taking another step in its retreat from the connection between immigration and over-population & over-crowding

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
"The Measure of a Man"/"Market Law": a review of the movie
"a condemnation of an economic system that treats its workers as disposable objects regardless of how diligently they have performed or how long they have been employed.   Thierry, the protagonist played by Vincent Lindon in an award winning tour de force, is an everyman who has lost his job and been put through several retraining programs that were exercises in futility, never leading to an actual job.   We see his frustration in dealing with the bureaucracy that sends people jumping through meaningless hoops only to be turned down time and again.   We see him interviewed on Skype by a callow employer who whittles him down to the humiliating admission that he would welcome working for less money at a position lower than expected -- only to be told that he has less than a 1% chance of getting the job -- though it's not impossible..."

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
rights vs. privileges vs. whims & wishes
"...In the standard historical usage of the term, a 'right' is something that exists simultaneously among people [simply because they are people].   As such, a right imposes no obligation on another.   For example, the right to free speech is something we all possess.   My right to free speech imposes no obligation upon another except that of non-interference.   Similarly, I have a right to travel freely.   Again, that right imposes no obligation upon another except that of non-interference.   Contrast those rights to free speech and travel with the supposed rights to medical care and decent housing.   Those supposed rights do impose obligations upon others.   We see that by recognizing that there is no Santa Claus or tooth fairy.   If one does not have money to pay for a medical service or decent housing and the government provides it, where do you think the government gets the money?   If you agree that there is no Santa Claus or tooth fairy and that congress does not have any resources of its very own, the only way for congress to give one American something is to first take it from some other American.   IOW, if one person has a right to something he did not earn, it requires another person's not having a right to something he did earn.   Let's apply this bogus concept of rights to my right to speak and travel freely.   Doing so, in the case of my right to free speech, it might impose obligations on others to supply me with an auditorium, microphone and audience.   My right to travel freely might require that others provide me with resources to purchase airplane tickets and hotel accommodations.   If I were to demand that others make sacrifices so that I can exercise my free speech and travel rights, I suspect that most Americans would say, 'Williams, yes, you have rights to free speech and traveling freely, but I'm not obligated to pay for them!'   As human beings, we all have certain natural rights [and powers].   Of the rights we possess, we have a right to delegate [powers] to government.   For example, we all have a natural right to defend ourselves against predators.   Because we possess that right, we can delegate [the power to assist and co-ordinate that defense] to government.   By contrast, I do not have a right to take one person's earnings to give to another.   Because I have no such right, I cannot delegate [the power to take someone else's earnings] to government.   If I did take your earnings to provide medical services for another, it would rightfully be described and condemned as an act of theft [and you would deserve restitution and penalties].   When government does the same, it's still theft, albeit legalized theft.   If you're a Christian or a Jew [or a Muslim/Mohmmedan], you should be against these so-called rights.   When God gave Moses the eighth commandment -- 'Thou shalt not steal' [and do not kidnap, take reasonable precautions against endangering others, don't intentionally assault peaceful people, curb your animals, penalize thieves, make restitution for damages, governments must guard against initiations of force and fraud, use honest weights and measures, courts should not discriminate for or against people based on their wealth nor widows nor orphans, do not cheat converts in monetary transactions either, be reasonable about collateral for loans so they can pay you back, guard against any remote possibility of bribery of judges, pay employees promptly and in full and do no put liens on pay to recover debts, officials who err must publicly apologize and make restitution, be charitable especially to widows and orphans] -- I am sure that he did not mean 'thou shalt not steal unless there is a majority vote in congress'.   The bottom line is medical care, housing and decent jobs are not rights at all, at least not in a free society; they are wishes..."
10 commandments/ asereth ha dibrot
613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot
ChaBaD: 613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot
7 laws of Noah
Natural Law
Golden Rule and similar brief ethical rules of thumb
Natural Rights vs. legal privileges
The Libertarian Principle: No individual or group of individuals may morally initiate physical force or fraud against others.   Anyone who does initiate the use of physical force or fraud is unethical and criminal.
Objectivist tree
Consciousness Identity
  Rationality     Independence     Integrity     Honesty     Justice     Productiveness     Pride  

13 attributes of mercy

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
beware: power-mad corrupt governments, corrupt courts, corrupt supremes at work

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
government and monopoly and privacy violation run amuck in medical system
"I write this from the hospital.   Seems I have lung cancer.   My doctors tell me my growth was caught early and I'll be fine.   Soon I will barely notice that a fifth of my lung is gone.   I believe them.   After all, I'm at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.   US News & World Report ranked it #1 in New York.   I get excellent medical care here.   But as a consumer reporter, I have to say, the hospital's customer service stinks.   Doctors keep me waiting for hours, and no one bothers to call or [e-mail message or twit or txt] to say, 'I'm running late.'   Few doctors give out their e-mail address.   Patients can't communicate using modern technology.   I get X-rays, EKG tests, echocardiograms, blood tests.   Are all needed? I doubt it.   But no one discusses that with me or mentions the cost.   Why would they? The patient rarely pays directly.   Government or insurance companies pay.   I fill out long medical history forms by hand and, in the next office, do it again.   Same wording: name, address, insurance, etc. [i.e. massive privacy violation + bureaucracy].   I shouldn't be surprised that hospitals are lousy at customer service.   The Detroit Medical Center once bragged that it was one of [the USA's] first hospitals to track medication with barcodes.   Good! But wait -- ordinary supermarkets did that decades before.   Customer service is sclerotic because hospitals are largely socialist bureaucracies.   Instead of answering to consumers, which forces businesses to be nimble, hospitals report to government, lawyers and [protection rackets]..."

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
minimum wage is well-intentioned but economically problematic, and ethically tainted

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
PC enforcers are hateful bullies and many are initiators of force and fraud

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Jim Steele
Kevin Trenberth's "climate attribution studies" (factor analysis) versus useful science: part 1. hurricane Sandy
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
UK crowd-sourced naming of new $300M research ship; then snooty elites rejected the popular choice
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Anthony Watts
MIT claim: ancient tectonic activity triggered ice ages
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Anthony Watts
CEI formally objects to climate witch-hunt by USA Virgin Islands attorney-general
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Andy May
released ExxonMobil papers show what they knew and shared with others about climate
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Anthony Watts
Vinerism strikes the snow-mobiling industry
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Willis Eschenbach
Palestine redux
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Anthony Watts
Columbia U grudgingly admits the benefits of CO2 to crops
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Eric Worrall
Manchester Guardian: warmer, more agreeable weather is undermining extreme leftist efforts to generate panic and draconian government violations of natural individual rights
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Willis Eschenbach
CEEMD and sun-spots
Watts Up With That

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
Proposed Bills 2016

2016-04-20 (5776 Nisan 12)
_Popular Archaeology_
DNA + emigration suggests many speakers of Yiddish may have come from 4 villages in North-Eastern Turkey/Anatolis/Asia Minor; possibly invented by Iranian/Persian and Ashkenazi Jews who traded along the "Silk Road" c. 1KCE

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016

  "1933: 1st drive-in movie theater.   1933: 1st parking meter.   1937: 1st drive-in bank.   1937: 1st jet air-craft engine.   1938: Pressurized cabins in passenger air-lines." --- Live Oak Systems _2000 Calendar_ August  




Yom Chamishi


2016-04-21: 274 days (39 weeks, 1 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the president, congress, the states, the courts, and immigration
"In 2014, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] signed 12 executive orders directing various agencies in the departments of State, Justice and Homeland Security to refrain from deporting some 4M adult immigrants illegally present in the United States if they are the parents of children born here or legally present here and if they hold a job, obtain a high-school diploma or its equivalent, pay taxes and stay out of prison.   Unfortunately for the president, the conditions he established for avoiding deportation had been rejected by congress.   In response to the executive orders, 26 states and the House of Representatives sued the president and the recipients of the orders, seeking to prevent them from being enforced.   The states and the House argued that the president effectively rewrote the immigration laws and changed the standards for the deportation of unlawfully present adult immigrants.   The states also argued that because [federal judges require] them to offer the same safety net of social services for those illegally present as they do for those lawfully present, the financial burden that the enforcement of those orders would put upon them would be far beyond their budgetary limits.   Moreover, they argued, enforcement of the president's orders would effectively constitute a presidential command to the states to spend their own tax dollars against their wishes, and the president lacks the power to do that...   Statutes are presumed to be constitutional [but only 'presumed' to be, in part because congress-people have a sworn duty to write only constitutional laws, and to challenge any unconstitutional bills...   a function in which they have grown more derelict, and even statutes presumed to be constitutional are subject to thorough challenge].   Executive orders that contradict statutes are presumed to be unconstitutional, and the court has no business trying to save them.   All presidents from time to time have exercised discretion upon individuals when it comes to enforcing laws that pose hardships [when evidence-gathering would be prohibitively costly, etc.].   But none has done so for 4M people, and none has written substitute laws of his own making.   Until now."

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
2 reports shed light on the seamy side of "re-settling" unaccompanied illegal alien minors

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
a brief chronology of the Sierra Club's retreat from the connection between immigration and over-population & over-crowding
"1980.   A Sierra Club representative testified to the federal Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy, saying: 'It is obvious that the number of immigrants the United States accepts affects our population size and growth rate.   It is perhaps less well known the extent to which immigration policy, even more than the number of children per family, is the determinant of the future numbers of Americans.'     1989.   The club's board adopted this policy position: 'Immigration to the United States should be no greater than that which will permit achievement of population stabilization in the United States.'   The board sought to avoid offending ethnic sensibilities with the further declaration: 'The Sierra Club will lend its voice to the congressional debate on legal immigration issues when appropriate, and then only on the issue of the number of immigrants -- not where they come from or their category, since it is the fact of increasing numbers that affects population growth and ultimately, the quality of the environment.'     1992.   A few weeks after Carl Pope became the club's executive director, he presented his views in a letter to the editor of the New York Times.   Pope wrote that the club believed that all nations 'should act to curb their own population growth'.   He added: 'The United States and other developed nations have a special responsibility because of our disproportionate per capita consumption of world resources.   Our goal in the USA should be achieving domestic population stabilization.'     1996. Under pressure from immigration activists, the club's board adopted a position of neutrality..."

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
pressing the pause button on refugees and asylees (and foreign students, exchange workers, guest-workers, & green cards)
"...At the rate of 2K per day, and Summer not yet upon us, it would appear that the accord is not dampening the fervor of the migrants, who hail from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and both Arab and sub-Saharan Africa, among other places..."

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
USA citizen STEM professionals protest outside EmblemHealth offices in mid-town Manhattan near West 34th street & 9th avenue

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
Turks hack, hijack PEGIDA leader's twit account, leave threats, hate-filled rants

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
2 Muslim teens detained on suspicion of bombing Sikh temple in Essen, Germany

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
dramatic collapse in support for Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP) treaty on both sides of the ocean

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
majority of Swedes want out of EU if UK exits
"...Despite the pummelling Sweden has received during Europe's migrant crisis (the country is now home to the highest number of asylum seekers per capita in the world), support for staying within the EU is currently fairly strong in Sweden: 44% want to stay, against 32% who want to leave, with the remainder undecided.   But polling company Sifo has found that, should Britain leave, support for EU membership bottoms out.   In that scenario, 36% of Swedes wanting to leave, against 32% who would want to stay..."

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
"child brides" sometimes tolerated in "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien centers in Scandinavia contrary to law

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
police station in Luton England (NNW of London; SE of Birmingham; SW of Cambridge) quarantined after arrival of vomiting illegal aliens... the men and women were actually suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning from the truck in which they were being smuggled

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
USA Army captain in Iraq helped foil attack on school in Denmark

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
stop drinking the media's leftist ideological poison
"...In truth, it is not remarkable at all that a group of people from a variety of ethnic, racial or cultural backgrounds find themselves in the same place at any given point in time in the USA.   Nor is it remarkable that all of those people would pull together -- literally -- to save another man's life.   What is remarkable -- and deplorable -- is that that kind of cooperation and collaboration goes on every day in this country, and at some level, we all know this.   We see it.   Yet we ignore it in favor of popular negative narratives that are slowly but surely poisoning public morale..."

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the Celtic tiger lives

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
JAYBerns (jobless, angry, young Bernie Sanders supporters): rebels without a clue

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
even drunken drivers have constitutional rights
"...Is driving a constitutional right? The supreme court has never said so, although it has recognized a constitutional right to travel...   The court should protect privacy and put the burden on states to figure out better ways to save lives."

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the atomic-bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki in context
"...Japan had just demonstrated with its nihilistic defense of Okinawa -- where more than 12K Americans died and more than 50K were wounded, along with perhaps 200K Japanese military and civilian casualties...   Tens of thousands of Americans had already died in taking the Pacific islands as a way to get close enough to bomb Japan.   On March 9-10, 1945, B-29 bombers dropped an estimated 1,665 tons of napalm on Tokyo, causing at least as many deaths as later at Hiroshima...   Over the next three months, American attacks leveled huge swaths of urban Japan.   USA planes dropped about 60M leaflets on Japanese cities, telling citizens to evacuate and to call upon their leaders to cease the war.   Japan still refused to surrender and upped its resistance with thousands of Kamikaze air-strikes...   World War 2 was the most deadly event in human history.   Some 60M people perished in the 6 years between Germany's surprise invasion of Poland on 1939 Sept. 1 and the official Japanese surrender on 1945 Sept. 2...   Perhaps 80% of the [WW2] dead were civilians...   Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan started the respective European and Pacific theaters of World War 2 with surprise attacks on neutral nations.   Their uniquely barbaric war-making led to the deaths of some 50M Allied soldiers, civilians and neutrals..."

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
too much school, too much structured, monitored, regulated activities

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Megan McArdle _Jewish World Review_
parents could go bankrupt simply trying to "look adequate"

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
lavish $2.5M "Library of Islamic Knowledge" "dedicated to the history, culture and public education of Islam" for "everyone", for "preaching, proselytizing or calling non-believers to Islam"

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Paul Nehlen seeks to represent citizenry of Wisconsin's 1st congressional district

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
non-leftist House members discuss strategy to overcome RINO losership, achieve reform

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
pot backers leave behind 15K pounds of trash after Golden Gate Park, San Francisco gathering... down from last year's 17K pounds, costing tax-victims about $90K for clean-up

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
John Bolton: foreign officials who once hailed Obummer now realize his policies have harmed them

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
ayatollah Ali Khamenei vows full support for Hezbollah terrorists
Ariel ben Solomon: Jerusalem Israel Post
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/ Hizbollah/ Hizbullah/ Hazballah

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Jesuit scholar calls for West to heed Islam's violent nature

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
pop composer, musician, producer Prince Rogers Nelson (s of John Lewis Nelson & Mattie Della Shaw; gs Clarence Nelson & Carrie Jenkins) was found dead, today, in an elevator in his home and studio "Paisley Park" at 7801 Audubon Road (near Arboretum Blvd/Minnesota route 5), Chanhassen, western suburban Minneapolis
Catherine E. Shoichet, Ashley Fantz & Lisa Respers France: CNN: autopsy planned
Dan Rys: BillBoard: Prince died at 57
Maane Khatchatourian & Andrew Barker: Variety
Seth Abramovitch, Ryan Parker & Erik Hayden: Hollywood Reporter
Daniel Nussbaum: Breitbart
City Pages
Cybercast News Service/AP: nationwide wakes
Cybercast News Service/AP: memories of warmth and wit
Minneapolis MN Star-Tribune: Prince's final days
Minneapolis MN Star-Tribune: music news
2016-03-19: Vince Tuss: Minneapolis MN Star-Tribune: Prince penning memoir expected out in 2017 Fall
links found on Drudge Report Hollywood Reporter: autopsy results could take weeks...
BillBoard: music world stunned
Bloomberg: Push for Control Set Example for Today's Artists...
"Purple Rain" in down-pour (video)
UK Daily Mirror: inside Paisley Park
Sky: will we ever hear the music in "Vault"?
2K un-released tracks
reflection... (video)

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Anthony Watts
leaked e-mail message shows that web-site Climate FeedBack schemes to launch propaganda push
Watts Up With That

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
G. Cornelis van Koofen
does "demonizing" the other side promote constructive debate?
Watts Up With That
I'm not certain what he means by "demonizing".   I know people often seem to think that the other side simply stating the plain truth from their POV is "extreme", or "demonizing".   But if the debate persists through the heat, this can lead to understanding the fine distinctions each side is making in its premises that are different from the premises and lines of reasoning the other side is making, and thus lead to consensus.   But it often takes several passes, as the old ambiguities and errors in denotations of words tend to come back, and the new corrections are easily forgotten.

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Anthony Watts
Alfred Wegener Institute: another "record low" Arctic sea ice predicted this Summer
Watts Up With That

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Anthony Watts
Hubble telescope captured image of "Bubble Nebula" released to celebrate Hubble's 26th year since launch on 1990-04-24
Watts Up With That

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Eric Worrall
insane USA senate seriously considering idiotic geo-engineering proposal to try to alter earth's albedo
Watts Up With That

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Proposed Bills 2016

2016-04-21 (5776 Nisan 13)
Dan Maloney _Hackaday_
WW2 POW crystal radios

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016

  "Good brother, you ask a very great thing, for of our Order you see only the outer appearance.   For the appearance is that you see us having fine horses, & good equipment, & good food & drink, & fine robes, & thus it seems to you that you would be well at ease.   But you do not know the harsh commitments which lie beneath; for it is a painful thing for you, who are your own master, to make yourself a serf to others.   For with great difficulty will you ever do anything that you wish; for if you wish to be in the land this side of the sea, you will be sent to the other side; or if you wish to be in Acre, you will be sent to the land of Tripoli or Antioch, or Armenia; or you will be sent to Apulia or Siciliy, or Lombardy, or France, or Burgundy, or England, or to several other lands where we have houses & possessions.   And if you wish to sleep, you will be woken; & if you sometimes wish to stay awake, you will be ordered to rest in your bed." --- Templar initiation (quoted in Malcolm Barber 1996 _The New Knighthood: An History of the Order of the Temple_ pg 212)  




Yom Shishi


2016-04-22: 273 days (39 weeks) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
USA citizen ivy leaguer dumped, but cheap, young, pliant H-1B guest-workers keep jobs
"One of the reasons our rulers are rarely worried about foreign worker programs is that such programs never adversely impact them, their relatives, or their college class-mates.   If you are in congress or one of the big foundations or universities, the likelihood is that no one you know personally ever lost a job to an under-paid foreign farm worker or had their wages reduced by a contractor's use of H-2B temporary workers.   And if you can't identify with the victims, it is hard for you to see -- as you should -- that something is very wrong.   An exception to that rule emerged from an e-mail I received the other day -- an Ivy League graduate, a well-paid and long-time employee of the company in question, lost his or her job in a lay-off while H-1B workers in the unit concerned kept their jobs.   Our informant would lose a valuable severance package were the specifics to surface.   So instead of having an open discussion of the company's practices, as we have, for instance, in the Verizon strike, a fog of silence covers the matter.   So the name of the employer and the industry, and the name, gender, age, college, and specific skill of the worker in this case will remain under shrouds.   The person involved is a USA citizen by birth.   I suspect, given the size of the H-1B program, that the CIS informant is not the only Ivy Leaguer who has been treated in this manner, though I have not heard of it happening to any of my own Princeton colleagues.   If the reader knows of other Ivy Leaguers who have suffered this fate, please e-mail us, with 'attention David North' in the subject line.   The H-1B program is something that needs substantial shrinking, if not a complete abolition; this is the case not because it harms the occasional Ivy Leaguer, but because it floods our labor markets and allows big corporations to hire nearly indentured, cheap foreign workers rather than American ones.   There are close to a million H-1B workers in the country at any one time; the government has been careful not to let us know exactly how many there are, or how adversely they effect the American labor market."

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Jonathan Rosenblum _Jewish World Review_
connecting to the Jewish story: not all who fail to learn from history will have the opportunity to repeat it
Pesach Seder
10 commandments/ asereth ha dibrot
613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot
ChaBaD: 613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot
7 laws of Noah
Natural Law
Golden Rule and similar brief ethical rules of thumb
Natural Rights vs. legal privileges
The Libertarian Principle: No individual or group of individuals may morally initiate physical force or fraud against others.   Anyone who does initiate the use of physical force or fraud is unethical and criminal.
Objectivist tree
Consciousness Identity
  Rationality     Independence     Integrity     Honesty     Justice     Productiveness     Pride  

13 attributes of mercy

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
where the UN and ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate converge: shining a spotlight on do-badders & do-gooder hypocrisy
"...Last week, UNESCO's executive board passed a resolution unanimously outlining the steps the organization would take to rebuild the devastated site, whose major monuments were destroyed or damaged during the city's 10 months under ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate rule.   All of this, is all very well and nice.   The problem is that UNESCO commits the very crimes for which it condemns ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate.   Indeed, it committed the crime of seeking to wipe out history, whose preservation is 'an essential condition for peace and the future of the region', the day it passed its resolution on Palmyra.   Right after UNESCO's board unanimously passed its resolution on Palmyra, it also passed a resolution whose goal is to erase Jewish history in the land of Israel.   The resolution, titled merely 'Occupied Palestine', [pointedly inverting reality as they were referring to Palestinian-occupied Eastern Israel, and years ago gave Palestine=Gaza Strip to the Palestinians], defined the Temple Mount, Judaism's most sacred site, as an exclusively Muslim site.   Jews who visit it were referred to derisively as 'right wing extremists'.   The Western Wall, Judaism's second holiest site, was similarly referred to as an exclusively Islamic site.   The resolution [repeated] a previous resolution's false claim that the tombs of the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish people in Hebron and Bethlehem are mosques.   The resolution, like the one from last week, was also a war crime, where UNESCO acted with malice to destroy the historical record.   In another act of cultural aggression, whose goal is to destroy the historical record, in last week's resolution UNESCO falsely and maliciously referred to Jewish cemeteries as 'fake graves', in 'Muslim cemeteries'..."

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Ilya Arkhipov & Jonathan Ferziger _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu reveals he got assurances from Russian over Syrian threat

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
extreme leftists replace true hero with true heroine, right on the money

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Robert Costa & Philip Rucker _Jewish World Review_
GOP veepstakes begin: candidates start building lists and vetting prospects

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
baseball as relief from politics

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Anthony Watts
Obummer expected to sign crazy COP21 accord
Watts Up With That

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Anthony Watts
7 eco-fascist predictions that failed spectacularly
Watts Up With That

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Karrt Kummer
climate pseudo-science may become the most important casualty of the crisis of experiments and results which turn out not to be replicable
Watts Up With That

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Proposed Bills 2016

2016-04-22 (5776 Nisan 14)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
more racist propaganda from SPLC

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016

  "In about 1180 a Burgundian knight needed about 30 manses (equivalent to about 300 hectares or about 750 acres) to equip & maintain himself as a mounted warrior; by about 1260 he could not manage on less than 150 manses. This was matched by the rise in the cost of horses: the average price tripled between 1140 & 1180, & had doubled again by 1220." --- Malcolm Barber 1996 _The New Knighthood: An History of the Order of the Temple_ pp 230-231  




Yom Shabbat


2016-04-23: 272 days (38 weeks, 6 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office

2016-04-23 (5776 Nisan 15)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
IRS and congress ignore job-related felonies -- as long as they are committed by illegal aliens
"During a recent Senate hearing chaired by senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), senator Dan Coats (R-IN) focused on the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) support of identity theft by illegal aliens and the IRS's total disregard for the American citizen victims of these crimes.   Coats defined employment-related identity theft as occurring when someone uses another person's identity -- their name or their [Socialist Insecurity number (SIN)] -- to get a job illegally.   The hearing also exposed the failure of congress to do anything to protect USA citizens from massive illegal alien job-related identity theft, leading me to think that what needs to be done is to provide the [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] of all members of congress plus the [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] of all IRS officials and their staffs to illegal aliens so they can 'file' their taxes without stealing the identities of average USA citizens...   Three key points came from the interchange between senator Coates and IRS [chief racketeer] John Koskinen.   The IRS encourages and facilitates the commission of job-related felonies, including [Socialist Insecurity] fraud, forgery, perjury, and identity theft as long as these crimes are committed by illegal aliens and their employers.   The IRS places the interests of illegal aliens ahead of those of USA citizens by forbidding its employees from notifying USA citizens, including millions of American children, that their [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] are being fraudulently used by illegal aliens in spite of the fact that these Americans suffer serious harm.   Congress is complicit since it has long been aware of the problem but has done nothing to protect American citizens from illegal alien, job-related felonies.   I wrote about this in 2009 in a CIS Backgrounder: 'Illegal, but not Undocumented: Identity Theft, Document Fraud, and Illegal Employment', and yet like Captain Renault in the film classic, 'Casablanca', every time this comes up our elected officials all repeat in unison 'I'm shocked, shocked to find that illegal alien driven identity theft is going on in here!'   IRS Does Not Notify Victims.   As Coats explained, when a stolen [Socialist Insecurity number (SIN)] is used, a W-2 form with this false information is then sent to the IRS and [Socialist Insecurity Abomination (SIA)] by an employer and the W-2 may be attached to the tax return of the illegal alien worker.   The average person would naturally assume that when the IRS or [SIA] receives the phony W-2 they would flag it and take action against the employer and employee submitting it.   However, they don't and this is what really happens:   The IRS processes tax returns with false W-2 information and issues refunds as if they were routine tax returns.   When the IRS marks the account of a victim, it does not notify the [Socialist Insecurity Abomination] that the victims did not earn the income reported on a W-2.   The IRS forbids its employees from notifying victims that their information has been stolen.   The IRS identified 200K new cases of employment-related identity theft last year and marked the victims' accounts, yet did not notify the victims.   According to the IRS officials, their job is simply to process tax returns and issue tax refunds or collect taxes due.   The IRS ignores notifications from the [Socialist Insecurity Abomination] that a name does not match a [Socialist Insecurity number (SIN)] and may use its own system to determine whether or not a number is valid.   Employers are liable for IRS-imposed fines and penalties if they submit false W-2 information, yet neither the IRS nor the Social Security Administration notifies employers that the information they are submitting is false, and they don't fine or otherwise penalize the employers..."

2016-04-23 (5776 Nisan 15)
Proposed Bills 2016

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016

  "Horses were as crucial as man-power and highly expensive, which was why there were such detailed regulations on their care in the Rule.   If the precepts of the Rule were followed concerning the numbers allowed to officials, knights, & sergeants, the Templars would have needed to maintain about 4000 horses in the east, apart from camels & pack animals.   This was a huge undertaking.   It is estimated that in the 19th century a standard hay & grain ration for each horse was about 25 pounds (11.4 kilo-grams) per day, a figure which, in contrast to the armies of the mechanical era, hardly diminished if the force was immobile.   A rough calculation was that a horse consumed about 5 or 6 times as much as an average man, &, even in the climate of western Europe, drank 6 gallons of water a day." --- Malcolm Barber 1996 _The New Knighthood: An History of the Order of the Temple_ pg 235  


2016 April, week 1 (April 01 - April 05)
2016 April, week 2 (April 06 - April 12)
2016 April, week 3 (April 13 - April 19)
2016 April, week 4 (April 20 - April 26)
2016 April, week 5 (April 27 - April 31)

Proposed Bills 2016

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population

  "The word cab refers to a taxi-cab, a chauffer-driven automobile carrying passengers for hire.   It is also the abbreviation for the word cabriolet, meaning a light 2-wheeled 1-horse carriage, the 19th century counter-part of the chariot, which is defined as a 2-wheeled horse-drawn battle car of antiquity..." --- William Eisen 1980 _The English Cabalah_ pg 391  

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