2015 July, week 3

1st month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2021-03-26

  "Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one-fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 3  

2015 July
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2015 July, week 1 (1-4) (12KB)
2015 July, week 2 (5-11) (12KB)
2015 July, week 3 (12-18) (12KB)
2015 July, week 4 (19-25) (12KB)
2015 July, week 5 (26-31) (12KB)
  "All this history vanished from memory, as if it had never happened, as the Western intelligentia of the Cold War era repeated Neville Chamberlain's oft-reiterated emphasis on 'personal contact' between leaders of opposing nations by celebrating 'summit meeting' after 'summit meeting' between American and Soviet leaders, christening the after-glow of thse meetings as 'the spirit of Geneva', 'the spirit of Camp David', and of other sites of similar meetings and pacts.   It was as if the causes of war were hostile emotions that could be defused by a better understanding between peoples, or misundertandings between governments that could be cleared up by meetings of opposing heads of state.   But the desire of A to ruin B is not an 'issue' that can be resolved amicably around a conference table." --- Thomas Sowell 2010 _Intellectuals & Society_ pg257 (citing Neville Chamberlain 1939, 2005 _In Search of Peace_ pp34, 40, 120, 209, 216, 230, 240, 242, 250, 271)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 July

1st month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
USA, cast down your bucket. cast out illegal aliens

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Chuck Norris _WND_
Obummer bolstering "sanctuary cities" and illegal alien criminals

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
Americans are listening to Trump truth
"What got him the attention were the words he spoke about illegal aliens in this country, the state of our immigration laws, the virtually non-existent border with Mexico and the fact -- yes, fact -- that illegal aliens are responsible for much crime in this country.   He said many illegals are drug dealers and rapists.   What there is left of local talk radio in the San Francisco area reeks of [leftists] at a loss for how to describe the people who support Donald Trump and what he said about illegal aliens..."

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Chuck Norris _WND_
Obummer bolstering "sanctuary cities" and illegal alien criminals

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
voters agree: get tough on "sanctuary cities"

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
USA borders are not safe, not secure
"The 'safe' statistics are based off an out-dated 1930s model called UCR (Uniform Crime Report) that the FBI is trying to push out of operation because of the many holes it has.   'So when agencies switch to the (National Incident Based Reporting System), it may seem like crime within their region has increased by that perception of an increase is due to the greater level of reporting specificity in NIBRS data compared to that for summary data.', the FBI announced last year when they kicked off their NIBRS in an effort to add transparency to the obscure data game.   In the border city of El Paso, the local newspaper El Paso Times wrote extensively about the city being ranked the safest large city in the U.S. for the fourth year in a row.   The reporting backing up that article is based on a listing by CQ Press and the authors of that report based their listing on the out-dated UCR report.   The old system known as the Uniform Crime Report or UCR, since its implementation on 1930 January, has been run by the FBI and the stats were seen in the past as the gold standard in tracking some crimes for almost a century...   kidnappings... drug trafficking offenses, human trafficking, extortion, racketeering and other activities that have become synonymous with Mexican drug cartel activity..."
Even through the 1980s, many police departments did not conscientiously record and retain and report UCR data -- even though it was aimed at gaiing statistics on only the worst crimes it was considered to be additional, extraneous paper-work of little value -- though they have been getting better about it all along.   I expect NCIBR to follow the same pattern.

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Donald Trump pointed to re-escape of Mexican drug gangster as proof of corruption within Mexico; USA is paying the price

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Stephen K. Bannon _Breitbart_
_Time to Get Touth: Making America #1 Again_: Donald Trump's block-buster policy manifesto
"Backed up with nearly 250 end-notes, citing everything from Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports to Sherman Antitrust Act amendments to the Theory of Moral Sentiments, Trump's book clearly lays out serious policy solutions to vexing U.S. problems.   Welfare reform, cyberwarfare, energy, illegal immigration and crime, taxes, healthcare, national defense—you name it, Trump offers his plans, often including specific bills and amendments.   Best of all, Trump does it all in his refreshingly blunt and authentic voice—the very voice now resonating with a citizenry fed up with the 'Political Class' and its conceits..."

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Benjamin Harris-Quinney _Breitbart_
Donald Trump is straight-talking, patriotic, and constantly under fire by the leftists and RINOs

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens shot down again in court
"...People who broke the law and occupied the United States illegally are refusing to give back the work permits they were issued in error...   and the almighty Leviathan State, the same government that will bring its boot down on your neck if you dream of defying [ObummerDoesn'tCare] or gay 'marriage' orders, just shrugs and whines about how tough it is to persuade those who didn't surrender their illegitimate permits immediately..."

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
"Liz" _Free Republic_
here's how to close down crime- and corruption-infested "sanctuary cities"

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Iran is financing terrorism in Gaza=Palestine & Sinai peninsula

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
former CIA director James Woolsey: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is worse than worthless

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
from the "I told you so over 15 years ago" department: federal government wants to track your every move on the road
"[ObummerDoesn'tCare] required Americans to turn over their health records to the government, [Communist Corpse] forces them to turn over their children's education records and [idiot meters] installed on their homes reveal real-time water and energy usage to [government and] government-regulated utilities [and people who resisted installation of idiot meters were jailed].   With all that data being collected on every American, now the government wants something else.   It wants to track your driving habits.   On July 1, Oregon became the first U.S. state to roll out a 'vehicle miles traveled' tax, or VMT.   Oregon's program, WND has learned, will serve as a global model.   It is being closely watched by other states and by Congress as they search for an alternative to the sales taxes drivers pay on each gallon of gas.   Germany and several other industrialized countries are also experimenting with the concept.   How does it work? Think of it as a smart meter for your car.   The more you drive, as tabulated by the GPS in your car, the more you pay.   And the government would set the rate.   Oregon is charging 1.5 cents per mile as the introductory rate for drivers who opt into the voluntary program..."

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
plot to "fix" failng test scores has been exposed: as goes Atlanta, so goes Queens?
Susan Edelman: NYPost

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
USA's day of reckoning only 60-days away?
"Two months from now the biblical Shemitah year will have played out and only then will we know whether it has left any significant event in its wake.   In the past, this 7-year cycle has brought collapsing stock markets, tumbling currencies and the shaking of nations and empires.   This period of early autumn was the most crucial time on the biblical calendar for the ancient Israelites, with the end of the seven-year cycle described in Deuteronomy as the Shemitah or Sabbath year.   All farmland was to be left in a state of rest and the people were to focus on God and His will for their nation and their lives.   This year on Sept. 13, the Shemitah reaches its peak on the last day on the Hebrew calendar, 5775 Elul 29, known as the 'day of nullification'.   All debt and credit [and service contracts] were to be wiped away on this day..."

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
what happened to right and wrong?

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Ted Baehr & David Outtens _WND_
the disease of multi-culturalism is killing the USA

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Pamela Geller _WND_
in NY, NY court with corrupt clique of rich fixers
"My human rights organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, or AFDI, was back in court Thursday -- crossing swords, or in their case, clubs, with the deeply corrupt clique of rich fixers: judge John Koeltl, Victor Kovner, now lead attorney for New York City's Metropolitan Transit Authority, or MTA, and smoking his fat cigar behind closed-doors libeler Charles Moerdler, the MTA board member who led the MTA's ban against issue-oriented ads -- that is, the ban on free speech to protect their friends from our anti-BDS campaign.   The ban came after we won a First Amendment case against the MTA after it refused to run our ad shedding light on Hamas Jew-hatred.   Instead of complying, the MTA quickly changed its policy.   Behind all this was the members of this clique's efforts to protect their friends: wealthy [leftist, anti-Israel] Jews who fund BDS initiatives, who are exposed in another series of AFDI ads..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
for USA's economy, the end is nigh

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Joseph Farah _WND_
could the USA fall without a fight?
"['Damn the torpedoes!   Four bells.   Captain Drayton, go ahead!   Jouett, full speed!'] was an approach fortunately justified by events during the Battle of Mobile Bay, but as a strategy for managing a nation's economy it is folly.   [Obummer's] mission to destroy America's economy is complete.   The damage he has done is irreversible.   The dollar is history.   The American economy is going down, and soon.   The posh commentators say the collapse will be gradual rather than sudden.   But few are now predicting there will not be collapse at all.   Here are just some of the pointers.   First and foremost, U.S. [government] public debt is $18.3T.   By the time [Barack Hussein Obummer] leaves the White House late next year, he will have doubled it in a single 'presidency'.   On top of that, Uncle Sam has unfunded liabilities of at least $100T -- [ObummerDoesn'tCare], Medicare, Medicaid, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, [Socialist Insecurity]..."
James Edward Jouett, grand-son of captain Jack Jouett who warned Jefferson at Monticello and the VA legislature at Charlottesville that lieutenant-colonel Banastre Tarleton's troops (some 250 cavalry) were coming.

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
pastors, guard your flocks. fight the wolves.

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Daniel Horowitz _Washington DC Times_
Dodd-Frank and CFPB are blows against protection of consumers
"...One of the most obvious is the [Obummer regime's] gargantuan effort to 'protect us' from the evils of success and money.   The Dodd-Frank Act was mischaracterized as an effort to regulate Wall Street and big banks.   Senator Elizabeth Warren and her cronies at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) created a blizzard of new paperwork, burying us all with confusing and duplicative regulations.   Each of these forms, rules and restrictions is intent on protecting Americans from ourselves and the evils of the access to capital -- whether for mortgages, entrepreneurs or simply paying unexpected bills.   This is an example of [possibly] good intentions [or more likely political fakery] but a not-so-good outcome..."

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Robert S. Weiner & Chrisanthy Stotis _Washington DC Times_
an agenda for USA's elderly
"Americans over the age of 85 are our country's most rapidly growing sector of population.   'Elder' or 'senior' is defined in various ways -- from AARP's 50-plus eligibility to Medicare's trigger at age 65.   What is clear is that millions of elderly Americans are abused, mistreated and manipulated..."
Correct the distortions in job markets and you will solve a lot of problems of both the young and old.

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Bill Federer _WND_
godless French revolution led to religious revival

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer "green energy" subsidies distorting solar energy markets, creating bubble of mal-investment

2015-07-12 (5775 Tamuz 25)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
European scientists predict mini-ice age from 2030 to 2040 due to decreased solar activity
Emily Richards: Cybercast News Service

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The man who sows hatred reaps remorse." --- R' Ibn Gavrioel (source: Jewish World Review) [The Obummer who sows hatred reaps remorse.]  



2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Ken Mingis _CIO_/_IDG_
the war over H-1B visa program continues to heat up

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Laura Ingraham
FOIA reveals "sanctuary cities" released over 8K criinals: senate Republicans draft bill to defund those cities, counties, states
Joel Gehrke: National Review
Caroline May: Breitbart
Amy Taxin: Washington DC Times/AP
Amy Taxin: Washington DC Examiner
"CIS's report, authored by Jessica Vaughan, reveals that 63% of the 8,145 released criminal immigrants -- in 276 jurisdictions from 2014 January 1 to 2014 August 31 -- had 'serious prior criminal records' and a fourth had a prior felony charge or conviction.   5,132 were previously convicted or charged with a crime or were labeled a public safety concern.   Of these, 2,984 had a prior felony conviction or charge;   1,909 had a prior misdemeanor conviction or charge related to violence, assault, sexual abuse, DUI, weapons, or drug distribution or trafficking; and   239 had 3 or more other misdemeanor convictions.   According to the report, 1,867 of those release were arrested 4,300 times again -- on some 7,491 charges -- within that 8-month timeframe.   The report notes US ICE took custody of 40% of the recidivists but as of the time of the report, 60% remained at large..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
John Warren _Town Hall_
what Trump, Walker, Huckabee, Cruz... did not say, but should have
"The case Donald Trump and every Republican candidate have failed to make is that unrestricted immigration increases the poverty levels of native-born Americans and bars growth of the middle class.   Consider these gleanings from the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS], and others:   1.   As of 2000, 'unauthorized' immigrants amounted to 8.5M, and is just under 12M today (DHS).   2.   The annual cost 'in outlays for services and benefits to illegal aliens and their families' is about $113G (Federation for American Immigration Reform).   3.   As of 2013, there were 41.3M immigrants in the US, and 19M, or 46%, reported Hispanic or Latino origins.   'Immigrants' [in this particular case, but not generally] are defined as naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, refugees and asylees, those on temporary visas, and the 'unauthorized' (DHS & Migration Policy Institute).   4.   Hispanic-Latinos make up over 48% of the foreign-born labor force, and over 40% have less than a HS diploma, while less than 10% of native Blacks fall into that category.   More than 75% of the Hispanic-Latinos are in their prime earning years, between the ages of 25 and 54 (BLS).   5.   As of 2012, foreign-born Hispanic-Latinos earned over $100 less than their native counterparts, a fact suggesting foreign-born persons are willing to work the same jobs for less money (BLS).   6.   Compared to native-born Blacks, foreign-born Hispanic-Latinos have 4-5 times the presence in construction and maintenance jobs, and occupy a over a fourth of management and professional jobs.   Similarly, again compared to native-born Blacks, they occupy a third of sales and office jobs, and about 60% of service, production, and transportation positions (BLS).   7.   According to Chapman & Bernstein in 2003, 'poverty rates fell faster for immigrants than for natives' (Economic Policy Institute).   8.   BLS says that the employment to population ratio has shrunk from 64.4% in 2001 to 59.3% in 2015.   Are many more millions unemployed, retired, or on welfare?   9.   Hourly earnings of production and non-supervisory employees rose, cumulatively, 24% from 2001 to 2008, but only 17% from 2008 to 2015 (BLS)."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
illegal alien accused of kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl
Katie McHugh: Breitbart
A 23-year-old illegal immigrant, Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez, was arrested and charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl who went missing from her Florida home.   The Van Buren county sheriff's office in southwestern Michigan said Gomez is from Chiapas, Mexico, but was in the United States illegally.   The girl had been reported missing to the Polk county sheriff's office in Florida nearly a week ago, the Associated Press reported...   The arrest comes as growing voter angst over the porous borders has given presidential hopeful Donald Trump a boost in recent polls.   On Saturday, he told a packed FreedomFest crowd in Phoenix, 'We have to take back the heart of our country.'   He went on, speaking of illegal immigration, the Washington Post reported: 'These are people that shouldn't be in our country.   They flow in like water.'"

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Laura Ingraham
Reagan biographer Craig Shirley going after the "consultancy class" in Washington DC

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump met Friday afternoon with families of Americans killed by illegal aliens
Michelle Moons: Breitbart

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Laura Ingraham
corrupt California government plans to conspire with corrupt Obummer DHS and DoJ to unconstitutionally and illegally permit illegal aliens to work in agriculture
Kurt Chirbas: Los Angeles CA Times
"...'There are visa programs available for them, like H-2A.', said Joe Guzzardi, national media director of Californians for Population Stabilization.   'I know the agricultural industry says it's cumbersome and impossible to work with, but I could say it's cumbersome to file my federal income tax returns...   You are talking about big corporations that are saying it's just too cumbersome [and it doesn't even require a proper background investigation of visa applicants].'"

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Wiliam A Jacobson _National Review_
US citizens are furious about continuing illegal immigration, excessive visas and low standards for visas
"...The statistics on illegal-immigrant crime are staggering.   According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE], over 36K illegal-alien criminals were released from custody in 2013 while awaiting deportation.   82% of the 133,551 removals from the interior of the United States involved illegal immigrants with criminal records..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
photos: illegal alien families and illegal aliens under 21-years-old regularly cross border like a Sunday promenade
"...In an area south of Mission, Texas, known as Rincon Village, border crossers are smuggled across the narrow Rio Grande River on small rafts.   Once on this narrow peninsula, the illegal border crossers have nowhere to go but right into the hands of waiting Border Patrol Agents.   This is by design.   They want to be captured as quickly as possible because they know they will be sent on to their destination at [USA tax-victims'] expense.   They also know they do not have to fear deportation..."
So, the illegal alien invaders know where the CBP people are; the CBP knows where they're invading, but they're refusing to repel them at the border.   DHS knows where fencing is most needed, but they're refusing to build it.   This is lawless, anti-constitutional, oath-breaking ObummerLand.

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Rasmussen poll: 62% of US citizen voters want DoJ action a gainst "sanctuary cities"

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
the divisive CEO of the National Council of the Racists, Janet Murguia, complained that Donald Trump is "creating division"; ROFL

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Randall Hoven _American Thinker_
illegal aliens murder at a higher rate than legal aliens, and higher than US citizens

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
victims and surviving family of victims of illegal aliens testify to House Judiciary committee July 21

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Rick Santorum: immigration reform should be at the forefront in campaign for president
"Former senator Rick Santorum said Monday that curbing legal immigration must be at the front of the 2016 presidential debate, arguing that working-class Americans have suffered from an influx of tens of millions of immigrants over the past 2 decades.   At a time when most of the field is focusing on cracking down on illegal immigration, Mr. Santorum, and to a lesser extent Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, argue the debate must be broader.   'Legal immigration is an issue in this campaign and I think as long as we are around it will be an issue in this campaign.', Mr. Santorum told The Washington Times...."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Erika Kinetz & Elliot Spagat _WTVM abc_/_AP_
counterfeiter got green card after evading USA law-suits
"...But Gucci, which is seeking $12M in damages, couldn't find where the money was going because [Red Chinese] banks, including the state-run [Bank of Red China], refused to disclose transaction details about the counterfeiters' accounts in [Red China]..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Chris Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
abc, CBS, NBC try to bash Scott Walker for his good and proper positions on immigration and foreign policy, and urge Walker to criticize Donald Trump on his good and proper positions

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
aliens, crime, deportation, returns, and removals
"...Stepping back a bit from this discussion, it struck me that:   There are criminals within both the main and the alien populations;   We put citizen criminals in jail, but, in most cases, we must eventually release them; and   We also put aliens in jail, but they can, and should be, deported on release.   Since this is the case, the alien criminal population should always be reduced by deportation.   There is no comparable dynamic going on within the citizen population..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Hungary building border fence to fend off illegal alien invasion; 1K/day

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Putin's recipe for power

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
socialism, RIP: tottering European economies prove again the Keynesian (and neo-Keynesian) model is a failure
"A few years ago, the prestigious economic publication, _Journal of Economic Literature_, dubbed the period from 1980 to 2005 'the age of Milton Friedman'.   Harvard University economist Andrei Schleifer described this era of greater reliance on free markets and privatization, as arguably the period of greatest economic advance for mankind in world history.   It would be hard to argue against that.   As freedom and free markets were on the march, more than 1G people worldwide, mostly in [Red China] and India, moved out of poverty.   Tens of trillions of dollars of new wealth were created worldwide.   But the last decade could be described as the come-back of socialism.   In response to the financial crisis, nations foolheartedly turned to central governments to steer them out of crisis.   Government debt, spending and regulatory activity soared all across Europe and in the United States.   The Keynesian model that government welfare spending as a 'stimulus' came storming back in vogue -- nowhere more so than in the USA.   Many countries, including Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and France -- as well as the [United States of America] -- experimented with quasi-socialist governments.   Now the bitter price is being paid..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
how prince Saud al-Faisal artfully shaped the complex (contradictory) USA-Saudi relationship

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
George Jonas _Jewish World Review_
in the face of evil, find no comfort in pacifism
National Post
"...A sure recipe for a nuclear or biological holocaust is a planet run by the likes of Iran's Revolutionary Guard..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Bernie Sanders
"Because for many years the only TV station I could get in my corner of New Hampshire was Channel 3 Vermont (with its excellent local news show anchored by the late and much missed Marselis Parsons), I've been watching Bernie Sanders since he was Mayor of Burlington.   His rise from mayor to congressman to senator embodies what one might call the Ben&Jerrification of a once great and rock-ribbed Republican state.   A New York Jew with a very urban accent, Bernie started in the latte enclave of Chittenden county, expanded to other semi-flat-landered quartiers of the state, but eventually conquered the plaid-clad hold-out of the North-East Kingdom.   He did all this as an 'independent socialist' without any party machine.   So he's not just an attractive gadfly but an extremely well organized one.   Which is why a man who is largely unknown to the national media is pulling the largest crowds of this campaign -- 10K in Wisconsin, 8K in Maine.   And he's being very positive -- it's all about Bernie, very little about Hillary.   He would be the oldest man ever elected president and 83 years old at the end of two terms - which we won't have to worry about because the entire country will have slid off the cliff long before then.   But he's enthusing the base, and any base wants to be enthused.   Hillary, by contrast, is in trouble not because she's a sleazy, corrupt, cronyist, money-laundering, Saud-kissing liar.   Democrats have a strong stomach and boundless tolerance for all of that and wouldn't care were it not for the fact that she's a dud and a bore.   A 'Hillary rally' is a contradiction in terms: the thin, vetted crowd leave more demoralized and depressed than when they went in..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
why do helicopter parents hover so?
"Helicopter parents are famous for micro-managing their children's affairs.   There are two kinds.   One kind indulges children to the point of near imbecility.   No demands are ever placed, no chores required.   The parents see their role as obedient servant, concierge and above all, banker.   The children eventually become wards of the family estate.   The other kind pushes their offspring to excel in every nook and cranny of the American reward system.   The goal post is a high-paying job, typically in finance or tech.   Such children become what Yale educator William Deresiewicz calls 'excellent sheep' in his book of the same name..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
R' Yonason Goldson _Jewish World Review_
avoiding corruption: can we stay honest in a dishonest world?
"The biggest tragedy of the Supreme Court decisions on [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and gay 'marriage' was not the decisions themselves.   It was the [recognition], by both winners and losers, that these decisions were not reached based on legal principle but upon political ideology and personal bias.   Which means that, regardless of which side won, the country as a whole lost..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Morgan Housel _Jewish World Review_
things I wish they taught in schools, colleges, and universities

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton sees open congressioal rebellion against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"Should a resolution disapproving the agreement be passed, [Obummer] is expected to veto it.   [Because of the GOP losership's duplicity in ramming through TPA] 34 votes in the senate would be enough to uphold the veto.   Cotton said the tens of billions of dollars that may be released to Iran when the [treaty] is implemented will be used to support terrorists in the region and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), 'which has been in the vanguard of Iran's campaign of terror for 35 years.   [The nuclear agreement] will do nothing to address the fact that Iran already holds hostage four Americans and that they're continuing to destabilize the Middle East.', he added, in reference to pastor Saeed Abedini, former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, retired FBI agent Bob Levinson, and Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
the evil McConnel, Boehner & Corker claim the treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is going to be a very hard sell in congress... but will pull every trick they can fabricate to achieve it

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt Obummer is giving "fair-housing activists" the data he thinks they need to make their case

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Army National Guard data breach
"This National Guard data breach is believed to have compromised members' names, full [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)], addresses, dates of birth and other private information, the Hill reported.   'All current and former Army National Guard members since 2004 could be affected by this breach because files containing personal information [were] inadvertently transferred to a non-DoD-accredited data center by a contract employee.'

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
the number of health plans available under DC ObummerDoesn'tCare exchange have been cut from 2 to 1

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Terry Paulson _Town Hall_
families always matter
"...I'm writing this early in the morning, 2 hours before we hit the road in Rawlins, Wyoming.   We're returning home from our RV caravan from CA to Kirkland, Illinois and back.   When my wife and I told others about our 4K mile trek through fly-over country with my son and his wife, his in-laws, our four grandkids, and my sister with her family of five, we received two basic responses: 'Why would you do that?' and 'What a memory-making adventure!'   There's history to our decision to hit the road as a family.   27 years ago, my parents invited their kids and families to take the same trip.   They led the way in their large Winnebago RV, and we followed in our Dodge Caravans and tents.   We visited the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, the Badlands, and Mt. Rushmore.   We took a raft trip down the Snake River rapids and a never-ending side-trip to the 'Wonderland Cave'.   But it was the time together that mattered most.   The journey was a vehicle to make our family bond even stronger..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Michael Brown _Town Hall_
question remains unanswered

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Arthur Schaper _Town Hall_
Friedrichs v. CA and CTA: unions don't stand up for some dues-payers, even if tenured, but do fight for leftist agenda

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
First Amendment Defense Act may be attacked by evil losership

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
_Town Hall_
new scheme to further attack network privacy

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
_Conservative HQ_
can Scott Walker unite Republicans, non-leftists, libertarians?
"...'In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters.   They haven't won those battles.   There are others who have won election but haven't consistently taken on the big fights.', Mr. Walker said in his announcement video.   'I've done both.'   Many analysts, including The Wall Street Journal's Reid J. Epstein, believe Walker comes into the race with several technical advantages, and a solid strategy for putting away his 2 principle rivals...

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
_Conservative HQ_
stop the presses: Lindsey Grahamnesty got something partially correct about Donald Trump: he's a wrecking ball aimed at taking down the GOP losership

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump's message: it's the amnesty for illegal aliens, stupid!
"In 2014, an unknown economics professor challenged Eric Cantor, the then-sitting majority leader of the House of Representatives.   Dave Brat hammered Mr. Cantor on his support for amnesty.   Mr. Cantor's support of amnesty was a major reason many voters turned Mr. Cantor out of the House.   Texas senator Ted Cruz and former Hewlett Packard executive Carly Fiorina [almost] get it.   They have started repeating the same points about illegal immigration..."
Now, if only they could work to fence USA borders, to eliminate the "visa waiver" program, to decrease the excessive student, exchange, guest-work... visas, to set some more or less objective minimal standards, and to implement proper background investigations of all visa applicants, we'd be making real progresss.

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Laura Ingraham
Reagan biographer Craig Shirley going after the "consultancy class" in Washington DC

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Scott Walker detailed his trip to Israel

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
NYTimes refuses to list Ted Cruz's _A Time for Truth_, though Harper Collins and Amazon indicate individual purchases merit listing as high-seller.

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Elizabeth Harrington _Fox_
tax-victims had $3,531,925 extorted from them for NIH to find out why lesbians tend to be obese
Washington DC Free Beacon
"...The project, now entering its fifth year, received another grant worth $658,485 this summer.   The total funding for the research is now $3,531,925.   Funding has more than doubled since the study was first revealed in 2013.   Since, the study that is examining why three-quarters of lesbians are obese, but gay men are not, has survived sequester cuts, survived sequester cuts, and continues to produce results such as the discovery that gay men have a 'greater desire for toned muscles' than straight men..."

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
jurors mull case against Iowa businessman charged with shipping non-halal beef to Malaysia and Indonesia, fraudulent label changes

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Steve Deace _Washington DC Times_
racist relic from the bad old days that should be eliminated: Planned Parenthood

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
Cuba's hostile NSA on steroids cranking up to spy on USA
But this is to be expected from friendly foreign states, and especially from hostile foreign states.

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
$2.44692T: federal taxes set record through June; $16,451 per U.S.A. worker, but the federal government still ran $313G deficit

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
even Mitch McConnell admits that "sanctuary cities" should not be receiving federal crime-fighting assistance grants

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
rumor: Rambo to combat ISIL, ISIS, Daesh, IS, the Islamic caliphate, and Mexican drug gangs, all at the same time, perhaps with a limited number of precision-guided, tactical-nuclear-tipped arrows and throwing knives, and his most feared weapon, his wits
Christopher Hooten: UK Independent
"'We have teams scouting Iraq and parts of Syria where Isis have their greatest strongholds.', Stallone genuinely announced at Comic-Con.   'We're working with the locals there to help deliver the most intense and realistic Rambo movie experience ever.'"

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
F. Michael Maloof _WND_
the Internet of Things-Hacked: hackers exploit weaknesses to take control of USA infrastructure
"SCADAs, or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems, are computer-based systems that monitor and control industrial processes remotely, enabling the automatic functioning of the nation's critical infrastructures.   They monitor and regulate the national electrical grid system; the flow of oil and natural gas; nuclear power facilities; finance and banking systems; telecommunications; the pumping of fuel; food and water delivery; rail and truck transportation; and traffic lights.   [They don't have to be on the net, but, putting them on the net is soooo convenient that, despite the known high risks, they've been doing so for more than 15 years.   Besides, the risks fall on people other than those who make the decisions.]"

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Jerome R. Corsi _WND_
corrupt leftist judge Richard M. Berman using old Soviet technique to penalize and attempt to undermine political opponents

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
David Keene & John Solomon _Washington DC Times_
Scott Walker vows to try to cut and simplify taxes, return to levels under Ronald Reagan

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
Reagan's tax legacy
OTOH, cuts of tax breaks for expenses of interviewing, relocating and training US citizen new-hires and retained employees have worsened the dysfunctional job markets.   Reagan failed to follow through on elimination of the Departments of Education and Energy, and actively resisted efforts to replace Medicare, Medicaid and Socialist Insecurity.   And I recall an article from _Human Events_ about Reagan's 13 tax increases.

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
_Huffington Puffington Post_
nearly one-third of 847K veterans in Veterans Admin back-log for care have already died
Daniel Doherty: Town Hall
Gabriel Malor: Hot Air

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Kimberly Leonard _US News & World Report_
Obummer regime plots to get a death-grip on seniors

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Washington DC Examiner_
e-mail privacy legislation has major loop-hole

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Charlotte Iserbyt _News with Views_
senate passed communist indoctrination bill (S1177)

2015-07-13 (5775 Tamuz 26)
Hans von Spakovsky & Rachel S. Landsman _Daily Signal_
documents implicate corrupt Obummer DoJ in conspiracy with IRS to attack non-leftists
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "Instead of emphasizing, as Neville Chamberlain had, the importance of understanding an adversary nation's POV, president Reagan emphasized the importance of making sure that adversary nations understood the American POV, as when he called the Soviet Union 'an evil empire' to the consternation of the intelligentsia.   In his first meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva in 1985, Reagan was quite blunt: 'We won't stand by and let you maintain weapon superiority over us.   We can agree to reduce arms, or we can continue the arms race, which I think you know you can't win.'" --- Thomas Sowell 2010 _Intellectuals & Society_ pg259 (citing Neville Chamberlain 1939, 2005 _In Search of Peace_ pp251-252; Tom Wicker 1983-03-15 "2 Dangerous Doctrines" _NY Times_ pgA25; Strobe Talbott 1984-05-21 "Behind the Bear's Angry Growl" _Time_ pp24, 27; Anthony Lewis 1983-03-10 "Onward Christian Soldiers" _NY Times_ pgA27; Colman McCarthy 1983-03-27 "The Real Reagan: Can He See the Forest for the Trees?" _Washington DC Post_ pgG7; TRB 1983-03-28 "Constitutional Questions" _New Republic_ pg4; 1983-03-11 "The Lord of the Freeze" _NY Times_ pgA30; Dinesh d'Souza 1997 _Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader_ pg189)  



2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
_Conservative HQ_
Marco Rubio doggedly continues his jihad against USA's middle class STEM professionals: MSFT dumping another 7,800 US citizen STEM professionals
"...ComputerWorld [published by IDG] notes that during a speech in Chicago last week, Rubio emphasized the false narrative that a lack of skilled American workers is the cause of these massive lay-offs, using the phrase 'skills gap' as his hook; a code phrase which is also employed by MSFT, Southern California Edison and other companies that have laid-off American workers and replaced them with cheaper foreign guest-workers.   In reality, says Nazarian, there is a surplus, not shortage, of skilled U.S. workers and not enough STEM jobs to accommodate these citizens.   11 senators, including Rubio's fellow senator from Florida Democrat Bill Nelson [who have known about such abuses for more than a decade], have for an investigation of the obvious abuses of the H-1B program by companies such as Disney, but Rubio has so far declined to join them.   Breitbart's Nazarian quotes a skeptical congressional aide saying, 'Mr. Rubio's staff says they don't want to investigate Disney because they do not trust [Obummer] to handle the H-1B program.   But if that is true, then how do they explain why Mr. Rubio is pushing to triple the number of H-1B visas given to [Obummer] to hand out?   If Mr. Rubio didn't trust [Obummer] with H-1Bs wouldn't he be pushing to suspend the program -- rather than joining Corporate America’s crusade to triple it?'   Of course Rubio's support for expanding the H-1B visa program that Disney is apparently abusing probably has nothing to do with the fact that H1-B visa expansion is endorsed by Disney CEO Bob Iger, who serves on the board of the Partnership for the New American Economy, arguably the largest immigration lobbying group in the nation in terms of its reach.   PNAE has strongly endorsed H-1B increases and legislation to that effect.   Disney has laid off hundreds of American workers, forcing them to train their H-1B visa-holding replacements.   A New York Times report detailed the situation at Disney and other companies where positions are outsourced to companies that hire foreign workers who come to the United States on H-1B visas.   That particular visa is often described as a way to employ foreign workers when companies can't find enough skilled Americans to do the work.   But that's a lie.   In reality, says Beth Kassab of The Orlando Sentinel, companies have come to view workers on these visas like generic drugs -- just as effective, but a lot cheaper.   It's all about profit, says Ron Hira of the Economic Policy Institute and who testified before congress in March about the ramifications of the visa program.   Hira said he made a Freedom of Information Act request for the wages of the employees of the [cross-border bodyshops] used by Disney.   The median was about $62K.   But he says he spoke to a laid-off Disney employee who was making about $100K.   'H-1B guest workers are cheaper than American workers and don't have much bargaining power, and any company would be foolish not to take advantage of this highly lucrative business model that has been inadvertently created by 'ongress and multiple presidential administrations', writes Hira, who recently published a book on outsourcing and also teaches at Howard University.   Professor Hira is being much too polite or is just plain naïve about how congress works -- congress didn’t 'inadvertently' create this highly lucrative business model -- it was lobbied into it and Marco Rubio just voted to expand it, no doubt at the bidding of Disney and other beneficiaries.   As senator Jeff Sessions noted in his post fast track vote statement, 'This econometarian ideology holds that if a company can increase its bottom line -- [whether ethically or unethically,] whether by in-sourcing foreign workers or [off-shoring] production -- then it's always a win, never a down-side.   President Obummer], and allies in congress, have won this fast-track vote.   But, in exchange, they may find that they are losing something far greater: the trust of the American people.   Americans have a fundamental, decent, and just demand: that the people they elect defend their interests.   And every issue to come before us in the coming months will have to pass this test: does this strengthen, or weaken, the position of the everyday, loyal American citizen?'   Some 250 Orlando-based Disney workers were not only let go and replaced by cheaper (and younger) foreign workers -- they were also required to train their foreign worker replacements.   'I just couldn't believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly.', one former worker, who wasn't named and is now unemployed, told The New York Times.   'It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job.   I still can't grasp it.'   Neither, apparently, can Marco Rubio."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio doubles down on H-1B increase amidst massive lay-offs of US citizen STEM professionals
"Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) responded to MSFT's mass lay-offs announcement last week saying the mass tech corporation is crushing Americans' dreams: 'Any increase to the H-1B visa would only quash the dreams of more talented Americans, glut the labor market and keep pay low, and push more of our own home-grown best and brightest students out of work.'..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
_Slash Dot_/_Dice_
MSFT continues to push to flood USA job markets with cheap, young, pliant STEM labor with questionable ethics
Yes, Logo was developed for very young children, then there was also BASIC, of which I think even the impaired, such as Bill Gates, managed to figure out the rudiments, though neither he nor his employees ever grasped the concept of elegant programming.   Penn State, Florida State (now Felonious State U), U of Cincinnati, Purdue, U of IL, Illinois State U, Ohio State U, MIT were teaching programming to under-graduates in the 1960s, as were quite a few USA high schools, and a very few of elementary schools.

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump has done nothing blame-worthy in this

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
TEA Partiers are wary, and hoping Scott Walker will prove he's serious, but the leftists and RINOs aren't capable of grasping it
If the GOP losership manages to nominate Yebbie or Kasich or Rubio, the TEA Partiers will rebel. If the losership or the Dems/Reds/leftists win the presidency, the USA is doomed by another batch of squishy or extreme anti-constitution leftist appointments; the swamping of the USA by foreign students, guest-workers and immigrants (both legal and illegal) will continue to rise geometrically, driving the economy further under, and throwing the USA back to the dark ages, with classes and dictators and peasants and slaves.

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Scott Walker's unique selling proposition (USP)
"...Walker's speech had none of the conservative fire of Ted Cruz's passionate announcement, or the rambling populism of Donald Trump's, or the pedantic lethargy of [Yebbie Booosh's].   Rather it was reflective of the governor himself -- focused, rather than passionate, yet hitting all of the right conservative themes.   And one of the most important themes -- perhaps the most important theme -- had nothing to do with conservative policy or his vision for the future of America.   It was, 'My record shows that I know how to fight and win.'   'I know how to fight and win' is what marketers call Scott Walker's 'unique selling proposition' or USP and it is the most compelling argument for his candidacy.   Entrepreneur.com defines USP as, 'The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition.'   And in a field of 16 to 20 candidates, almost all of whom will claim to be 'conservatives', especially 'fiscal conservatives', Walker has hit upon the one factor that consumers (Republican voters) are desperate for and that distinguishes him from all of the others: fighting for a conservative agenda and winning.   By selecting 'I know how to fight and win' as his USP Walker has also gone straight at his federal office-holding opponents, such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio..."
Yes, but win what?   We don;'t want another Boehner or McConnell or Shrub or Yebbie who will "win" positioning for themselves to eagerly and repeatedly lose to the leftists/Reds/Dems.

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Alexandra Shapiro _Washington DC Times_
candidate debate structure and procedures have rigged the election for nearly 100 years: Democrats and Republicans have conspired to put a stranglehold on the presidency
Ballot Access News

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
argument on "The Five" reflects polarity on border security, visas, and immigration
Pam Key: Breitbart

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
escaped gangster "el Chapo" threatened Donald Trump
"Trump has previously slammed Guzman as representing 'everything that is wrong with Mexico', and vowed to 'kick his' butt, various media reported."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
Trump, Carson & illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes
Town Hall
"...When I evaluate a candidate, the ability to resist [leftist] pressure is the most important character trait.   Trump and Carson are among the few who pass that test."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
illegal alien, convicted gangster, kidnapper charged in double murder

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
1,423 illegal aliens convicted of additional crimes, released by corrupt Obummer regime, went on to commit even more crimes after release in FY2014
"According to new information provided to the Judiciary Committee by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and shared in advance of the hearing with Breitbart News, of the 30,558 criminal immigrants -- convicted of 79,059 crimes -- released last fiscal year, 1,423 went on to commute additional crimes after being released.   Post-release crimes include vehicular homicide, sexual assault, battery, domestic violence, child abuse, theft, and driving under the influence of alcohol..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
population of illegal aliens who committed additional crimes and are not being detained rose 28% since 2012

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Jeh Johnson & the rest of the Obummer regime are not interested in offering condolences to family of Kathryn Steinle, nor preventing future murders by illegal aliens released into the USA, nor has the regime reached out to families of police killed
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Laura Ingraham
Fox (with video)

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
_Town Hall_/_AP_
1,800 "immigrants" the Obummer regime US ICE says they wanted to deport, were released, later re-arrested

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt anti-constitution oath-breaker Jeh Johnson boasts: we are not doing our job along the USA borders

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt anti-constitution oath-breaker Jeh Johnson claims enforcing constitutional US immigration laws would be unconstitutional

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
district judge Raner C. Collins in the 9th circus ruled family of Mexican teen can sue Border Patrol agent who did his job for "violating illegal alien's rights" by defending himself from the attacks by the illegal alien

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
"study" of biased sample suggests Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens who invaded under the age of 22 is a boon to those amnestied

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: immigration numbers we often hear are lies
"Levin, whose new book Plunder and Deceit will be published next month, told host and Breitbart News executive-chairman Stephen K. Bannon in a wide-ranging interview that conservatives 'cannot accept' in this election cycle any candidate who 'just wants to get along, show that they can manage' America's decline.   'We want to elect the most conservative person we can, not [someone] who's going to support [Communist Corpse], who's going to tell us we have to figure out how to get around the base.', Levin said, in reference to [Yebbie Booosh's] remarks about the need to 'lose the primary to win the general' election.   Levin, who is one of the intellectual leaders of the conservative movement, said conservatives need a nominee who 'believes in American sovereignty and talks about the Constitution'.   He said there are only 4 or 5 of those candidates in the field, and 'those are the guys I'm going to promote as time goes on'...   In the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields, Levin mentioned that studies have found that for every two students who gets a STEM degree, only one is hired in a STEM job.   He noted that another study has found that 32% of computer science graduates who are not entering the 'information technology' ('IT') work-force say it is because 'IT' jobs are not available, while 53% say they found 'other job opportunities'.   That is why Levin said it is a lie when Silicon Valley companies lobby congress for more H-1b visas and claim that they need more 'importation of people from other countries'...   'We are literally forcing out American citizens [from both ends of the economic and jobs spectrum, and age ranges].', Levin said...   'We need to start making our voices heard everywhere -- Hollywood, the media, the class-room.', Levin emphasized.   'They are going to have to put up with us whether they like it or not.'"

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz: Dem/Red/leftist party supports illegal alien invasion, visa over-stays; plans to repudiate Obummer agreement to let Iran develop nuclear weapons on day-1 of his presidency if elected

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Daniel Davis _Town Hall_
"conservatives"/"classical liberals" and libertarians hash out their agreements and disagreements at Cato
"a panel of 5 gathered at the Cato Institute to discuss the issues in Charles Cooke's new book, _The Conservatarian Manifesto: Libertarians, Conservatives, and the Fight for the Right's Future_.   The mood was jovial and upbeat, yet sophisticated and thick with well-reasoned argument.   It was an encouraging showcase of big-tent conservatism, and a sign of the future debates that will dominate the GOP.   The panelists included Charles Cooke (National Review), Ilya Shapiro (Cato Institute), Katherine Mangu-Ward (Reason), Ben Domenech (The Federalist), and Trevor Burrus (Cato Institute).   The panel spanned the conservative-libertarian spectrum.   [Not remotely representative of the many subtle and not-so-subtle differences that exist.]...   Perhaps the biggest gulf between the panelists could be felt on the issue of immigration.   Cooke, a conservative more than a libertarian, noted that it is very difficult to have a big welfare state while having a large, free-moving labor population -- namely, the illegal immigrants.   He said the U.S.A. needs stricter immigration policy, not simply out of practical need but also out of a concern for cultural continuity.   He noted the uniqueness of the American identity -- for instance, the fact that foreigners can truly become 'American' after living here and adopting American values [and the problem that far too many do not].   This, he said, is simply impossible in other countries where national identity is primarily ethnic and cultural.   He said that America's immigration policy should be informed, at least in part, by a commitment to maintain this unique identity, and that a libertarian open-border policy would jeopardize that identity.   He said we must ensure that this 'fragile cultural set-up is here for our kids'.   [But failed to mention the need to run proper background investigations on visa applicants to help ensure that they are not in the habit of, nor likely to initiate force or fraud]..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Aaron Bandler _Town Hall_
U of CA at Los Angeles to hire illegal aliens as interns; Berkeley and San Diego campuses have similar corrupt policy
Campus Reform

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
don't miss the bliss of ordinary days

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
is the Civil War over?
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Human Events
"...If the past is out of our hands, what is in our hands today are the present and the future -- and both have big challenges.   Whatever policies or practices we consider need to be judged by their actual consequences, not by their rhetoric..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Laura Ingraham
leftists trying to purge history so their fictions will be accepted as fact
Zack Peterson: Tampa Bay Tribune

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery's tired, misguided, demagogic economic proposals
Cybercast News Service
Human Events

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
what Greece's 3rd bail-out shows about power in Europe

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Matthew Fisher _Jewish World Review_
on-going Greek debt crisis has destroyed much of EU's mythology
National Post

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
what about USA's "Greek" accelerating federal government, and Oregon's debt?
Washington DC Times
"...The reason Europe is having such a hard time letting Greece go is because they're loathe to admit the obvious -- that socialist policies are crazy and destroy people's lives. In Oregon, the legacy media would also rather look away, because it, too, highlights what you get when you let [leftists] do the thinking..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the pope and the hammer and sickle
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"...The most dynamic religion of the past 100 years has been Leftism -- not Christianity or Islam or any other traditional religion.   Indeed, regarding traditional religions, Leftism has influenced them -- particularly Christianity and Judaism -- far more than they have influenced the Left.   Main-stream Protestant Christianity, much of Catholicism (especially in Latin America, where pope Francis lived his whole life before becoming pope), and most of non-Orthodox Judaism have become essentially liberal/Left movements with religious (and in the case of Judaism, ethnic) identities.   In terms of evil committed, what is the difference between the hammer and sickle and the swastika?...

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
Nobel prize reflects more general fall of standards

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
parents and judge taking it out on children

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
as more people carry concealed arms, murder rates drop
Bob Owens: Bearing Arms

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
historical ignorance
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the war between the colonies and Great Britain.   Its first article declared the 13 colonies 'to be free, sovereign and independent states'.   These 13 sovereign nations came together in 1787 as principals and created the federal government as their agent.   Principals have always held the right to fire agents.   IOW, states held a right to withdraw from the pact -- secede.   During the 1787 Constitutional Convention, a proposal was made that would allow the federal government to suppress a seceding state.   James Madison rejected it, saying, 'A union of the states containing such an ingredient seemed to provide for its own destruction.   The use of force against a state would look more like a declaration of war than an infliction of punishment and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous compacts by which it might be bound.'   In fact, the ratification documents of Virginia, New York and Rhode Island explicitly said they held the right to resume powers delegated should the federal government become abusive of those powers.   The Constitution never would have been ratified if states thought they could not regain their sovereignty -- in a word, secede..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
3 big leftist lies

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: immorality not only reigns but is now celebrated in the USA

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Andrea Shea King _WND_
cyber lingo, cyber attacks

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
D.J. Dolce _WND_
Putin body-slammed a rainbow bear

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Tom Purcell _Town Hall_
the consequences of short attention spans

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
waking up to the nightmare of a nuclear-armed Iran

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
Sun Tzu would be proud of how Iran and Obummer conspired against USA and the rest of the world to get what they both wanted, and, as usual, Boehner and McConnell helped them along
Washington DC Times

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
4 major threats to USA and the West: Russia, Red China, Iran, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Garth Kant _WND_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is sheer insanity

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Laura Ingraham
what we think is in Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Ben Kamisar: Hill
Ben Shapiro: Breitbart: everything you need to know about Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Obummer's treaty makes it even easier for Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
3 US citizen prisoners of the terrorist Iran regime abandoned by corrupt Obummer regime, to ram through bad treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily: Obummer leaves 4 US citizens imprisoned by Iranian regime
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Todd Starnes: Town Hall
"AllahPundit": Hot Air
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Laura Ingraham
even Lindsey Grahamnesty recognizes Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is sheer insanity, a death sentence for Israel: any of the GOP candidates for president could have gotten a better deal
Jeff Poor: Breitbart

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Wes Jones _Hill_
senator Tom Cotton: congress should, congress will kill Iran treaty

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Muslim terrorist Iran celebrates

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems makes the world more dangerous
History tells us that Iran will cheat. Contrary to what [the Obummer regime] has said; this will give Iran nuclear weapons (mp3)

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is an historic mistake
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump: Obummer's treaty to let terrorist Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is horrible

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
GOP candidates for president criticize Obummer's treaty to let terrorist Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: Huckabee, Fiorina, Grahamnesty, Rubio, Walker, Santorum, Carson...
Seth McLauhlin: Washington DC Times

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Benjamin Netanyahu: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is an historic mistake
Simon Tomlinson: UK Daily Mail: Obummer has given Iran a license to murder millions

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Scott Walker: Obummer's treaty to let terrorist Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems should be terminated

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Obummer's treaty to let terrorist Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems will also achieve Left's goal of driving up gasoline prices and help eliminate personal private and privately-owned vehicles: prices elsewhere plunge

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Michele Bachmann _WND_
Obummer bows to Islamic shia

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Abbas Qaidaari _US News & World Report_/_al-Monitor_
Iran increased military spending by one-third: more planes, missiles, war-ships

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's treaty with Iran eliminates most sanctions immediatley, leaves loop-hole to let Iran avoid penalties later

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Aaron Klein _WND_
John Bolton: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is an American Munich 1938

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
terrible Obummer treaty that lets Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems makes Israel strikes at Iran's nuclear weapons labs and factories, military and government offices inevitable
"Israel will attack–possibly by year's end -- because there is no other way to disrupt Iran's advance to regional hegemony, which will become unstoppable once the [treaty's] provisions -- especially the non-nuclear provisions -- begin to take effect.   Despite what the [Obummer regime] and its media supporters are saying, there is almost no doubt that the Iran [treaty], should it survive Congress, will enable Iran to become a nuclear power.   [President Barack Hussein Obummer] himself admitted as much in April...

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Morton A. Klein & Daniel Mandel _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is surrender, or treason

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is surrender, or treason; Iran untrustworthy, contains no effective means of verification of compliance
"..'The president's [treaty] with Iran failed to meet the only standard that ensures the future safety of America and its allies, which is the complete dismantling of Iran's capability to build a nuclear bomb. The [Obummer regime]-Iran agreement also entangles the inspection process in red tape that will ultimately result in no verification of Iran’s nuclear facilities.', senator James M. Inhofe, senior member of the Senate Armed Services committee and one of many Republicans who are uneasy about the newly hatched nuclear agreement..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Matt Schlapp _Breitbart_
Obummer's foreign policy "achievements" are defeats for Western Civilization including the USA, wins for thug regimes

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Iran celebrates treaty with Obummer letting them develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; Israeli's alarmed

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Iran state media claim victory, call USA "evil"

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina responds to report on ghoulish Planned Parenthood: tragic and outrageous

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
video explains eugenicist Planned Parenthood's push for late-term and partial-birth abortions: sale of body parts
Steven Ertelt: Life News
Cortney O'Brien: Town Hall
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
Twitchy: FB blocking posts on this subject
"streiff": True Blue Republican State
David Crary: Cybercast News Service/AP
W. Scott Lamb: Washington DC Times
Cheryl Wetzstein: Washington DC Times: pro-life groups decry sale of aborted fetal body parts

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood "client" was promised "profit" and "fiscal growth" for harvested body parts

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood: black-market value of organs

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
House vote to fund Susan G. Komen Foundation, major donor to Planned Parenthood, cancelled
"...The Komen Foundation made headlines in 2012 when its then-director Karen Handel halted the organization's funding for breast screening grants to Planned Parenthood because the organization does not perform mammograms, but instead refer patients to those who do perform them, all the while collecting a fee for the referral..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
pro-Nazi, racist eugenicist roots of Planned Parenthood

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Jerry Rogers _Town Hall_
crony socialism Spinnering out of control

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Barry Farber _WND_
how to deter the Russian bear

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer is at war against the young people (and the old people, and the veterans, and STEM professionals) in the USA

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Andrew Soergel _US News & World Report_
retail sales dropped in June, May revised lower
"Retail sales totaled $442G in June, up 1.4% from a year ago but shy of analysts' expected 0.2% to 0.3% month-over-month growth.   May's originally reported 1.2% growth also was revised down to just 1%, according to a report released Tuesday by the Census Bureau..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
USA Today/Gannett poll: Donald Trump is the clear Republican front-runner
Daniel Doherty: Town Hall

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
Trumping the leftist media's clumsy, inept attempts to smear him

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
30K former Macy's shoppers retaliate in support of Donald Trump

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has released video of murder of 1,700 Shiites in Tikrit

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Germany-based screen-printer Spreadshirt.com makes shirts, etc., of murdering Che Guevara, Joseph Stalin, & Usama bin Laden; refused to make Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) T-shirts

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Washington DC Compost: more draconian gun restrictions are needed even if they are unlikely to reduce initiated force and fraud

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
syphilis sky-rocketing in California women and babies

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
William C. Triplett ii _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate take-over in Syria is crushing millions

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Rick Ritter _CBS Baltimore MD_
police: arms, drugs were seized from city's "anti-violence" program's office
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
"Early Monday morning, an investigation into an armed robbery led police to the 23-hundred block of East Monument Street.   There, several suspects were arrested, including two members of Baltimore's Safe Streets program, a group that uses ex-offenders to help reduce violence across the city.   Police say they raided the Safe Streets offices on East Monument Street and found a stash of weapons and drugs—at least 7 [hand-guns], ammo and heroin—forcing the Health Department to suspend east Baltimore's program indefinitely..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Ralph Z. Hallow _Washington DC Times_
Rand Paul is suing Obummer over foreign banking law; FACTA blmed for causing US citizens over-seas to renounce US citizenship
"In a move with implications for his 2016 presidential bid, Mr. Paul joined 6 other plaintiffs in a suit filed by Republicans Overseas Action (ROA), arguing that the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is unconstitutional.   The law-suit maintains Mr. Paul has unique standing as a plaintiff since it argues the [Obummer regime] violated the right of himself and other 99 senators to advise and consent [or reject] agreements with foreign countries [as required by the US constitution]..."

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Devon Herrick _Town Hall_
over-the-counter oral contraceptives are less expensive than unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare mandate

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Carly Fiorina _USA Today_/_Gannett_
Re: theft of OPM records: federal government is too big to get the basics correct

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
NOAA: record 117-month hiatus in major hurricanes

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Dept. of Interior going on a "we're not listening" tour on plans to ban coal mining from lands federal government has taken over

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
snow pile in Boston finally melted

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
history and genetics of the Yamna/Kurgan & Maykop cultures
mtDNA haplogroup H
Y-chromosomal haplogroups in Europe, Middle East and North Africa

2015-07-14 (5775 Tamuz 27)
Bill Federer _WND_
Bible of the American Revolution: among rarest of books
"On 1782 Sept. 12, Congress approved of Robert Aitken's printing of the Bible.   Called 'the Bible of the Revolution', it was the first English-language Bible printed in America and the only Bible ever authorized by an act of Congress...   Robert Aitken's _Bible of the Revolution_ is one of the rarest books.   In 1940, the reverend Edwin A.R. Rumball-Petre located 28 copies in institutions in America and abroad, and 22 in private collections.   Copies of the _Bible of the Revolution_ are in the possession of the American Bible Society's Museum of Biblical Art in New York; Houston Baptist University's Dunham Bible Museum; and Hobby Lobby's Green family which is planning on opening a museum in Washington, DC to display the Green collection -- the world's largest private collection of rare biblical texts and artifacts..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015




2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump has single-handedly brought home to the American people the #1 domestic problem we face: illegal immigration

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
alien with 4 felonies, Zenen Alvarez-Alguezabal, is behind bars in Seneca, South Carolina in brutal beating and rape case

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
after 15 days, Obummer regime remains silent about murder of Kathryn Steinle by several-times deported illegal alien
Leah Barkoukis: Town Hall
D.W. Wilber: Town Hall: the silence is deafening

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DHS says they have contacted family of Kathryn Steinle to offere condolences; White House has apparently not

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: 5 different sources say Mexico is *sending* people to the USA
"Trump was then asked how he knew the Mexican government is sending people to the US, he said, 'Because I heard from 5 different sources.   And if you speak to the border guards, who I've spoke to many of, if you speak to border guards, and these guys are terrific.   They're almost crying, they've almost got tears in their eyes when they explain that they're not allowed to do their job.'   After he was asked by panelist Mark Halperin what these five sources were, Trump stated, 'I'll reveal my sources when you reveal your sources, Mark.   I have a lot of information on it, and so does everyone else.   And you probably do, too.   And for some reason they don't want to put out this information.'..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
O'Malley says he would decrease border security, reduce deportations, allow previously deported illegal aliens to re-enter USA, and force innocent US tax-victims to pay for health care for illegal aliens

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ted Nugent _WND_
top 5 tasks for a GOP president... if you're really serious
"...So, GOPers, listen up if you truly wish to win and end this anti-American insanity.   It is not time to speak softly and carry a big stick.   It is time to speak loud, clear and passionately and use that big stick to smash down hard on the bully pulpit like you mean it, declaring emphatically that we are not going to take it anymore from the community organizer gone mad or his Democrat successor that will continue and even increase this bizarre ruination of the greatest country humankind has ever known.   Job 1: Annihilate anybody and everybody who publicly declares hate or danger to America, Americans or our allies.   Unleash the greatest military might upon them with a fury that is inescapable.   No more playing 'containment' games.   Wipe them out and send a clear message to the whole world that America will never again act like a weakling that doesn’t care.   Equal to that responsibility is the end of government spending like a gang of drunken pigs.   Our debt is a crime and everyone participating in it criminal.   If anyone actually cares that America should once again be that shining city on the hill, it's time to act like it and stop the gluttony, the waste, the fraud, the deceit, the insane run-away pork and the numbnut spending beyond our means.   We the people have to be accountable, so do our elected employees.   Next, end the scourge of bribing Americans and illegal invaders to be blood-sucking, non-productive leaches riding on the backs of hard-working, sacrificing American families.   End welfare and all the vote bribes and thereby end the rewards for 'giving up looking for work' and 'jobs Americans aren't willing to perform'.   The current welfare scam is phenomenally anti-American...   Secure the borders for God's sake, and for the sake of a safe, excellent American America.   Invaders must return home or face painful, extremely uncomfortable punishing jail time.   Legal good, illegal bad.   Know it, enforce it...

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Michael Wagner _Baltimore MD Sun_
"sanctuary" cities: do as we say, not as we do; US ICE released aliens subsequently charged with homicide

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
on Iran, is Barack Hussein Obummer playing black-jack, lottery, or treason, as he facilitates Iran's development of nuclear weapons and delivery systemss?

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
the treaty of the century... for Iran's rulers, who have won their nuclear battle by other means
Washington DC Times
Town Hall

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Jonathan Broder _Jewish World Review_
what Obummer depredation is coming next?

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Cristel Romero _Jewish World Review_
small key to children's happiness is often over-looked

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Steven Emerson _Political Mavens_
Muslim terrorist groups encouraged attacking Jews during Ramadan: the month of terrorism in eastern Israel

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
enlightenment, capitalist, industrial revolution progress vs. leftist regress
Town Hall
World Net Daily
Creators Syndicate
"...The Cato Institute's Chris Edwards and Dan Mitchell discussed some at FreedomFest, a giant gathering of people who care about free markets held last week in Las Vegas.   Mitchell points out that Ireland, New Zealand, Sweden, Canada and the Netherlands cut government spending and were quicker to recover from economic problems.   In the mid-1990s, Canada was going broke, so the government cut its budget by about 10%.   The growth that followed allowed Canada to cut its debt dramatically -- from about 68% of GDP to 28%.   During that same decade, unemployment shrank.   Canada's economy grew faster than that of every other G7 nation.   Good things happened not because government spent more , but because it spent less..."
Down-Sizing Government.org

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the wine-sipping butchers of Planned Parenthood
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Michael Brown _Town Hall_
Planned Parenthood's pitiful rationalizations for selling parts of aborted babies' bodies

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ken Shepherd _Media Research Center News Busters_
AP spin: Planned Parenthood eugenicists are not selling baby parts; it's the "disposition of fetal remains"

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
major broadcasters all but ignore revelation of Planned Parenthood's illegal sale of body parts

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Kevin D. Williamsom _National Review_
Planned Parenthood is a business

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
_Conservative HQ_
thank you, Bobby Jindal, for looking into Planned Parenthood's human organ trafficking

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Garth Kant _WND_
mutilated babies storm into election of president; Jindal requested FBI investigation
Susan Berry: Breitbart: Jindal launching state Health department investigation, halting licenses for new abortion clinics

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
Rick Perry: Planned Parenthood profiting off tragic destruction of human life

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Joe Kovacs _WND_
Rush Limbaugh erupts over "sickest, most evil, most depraved thing that I have heard in a long while", while main-stream media attempts spin and cover-up

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Rand Paul asks supporters to sign "defund Planned Parenthood" petition
Stand for Live petition to de-fund Planned Parenthood (at RandPaul.com)

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
the perp-driven life: how much uder-kill and how much over-kill is baked into our criminal justice system?

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt Obummer doesn't wait for congress to examine his treaty to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; takes to the evil UN

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Israeli ambassacor to USA, Ron Dermer: those ICBMs are aimed at you
"'I think you [the Obummer regime] have given up everything.', Dermer said.   'Yesterday Iran had an illegal nuclear program and was facing a head wind of sanctions.   This [treaty] gives them a legal nuclear program and gives them a tail wind of sanctions relief that they're going to use to continue their march of conquest and terrorism throughout the Middle East...in Syria, in Lebanon, in Gaza, in Yemen.   And during this deal, Iran will be able to continue to do research and development on advanced centrifuges and to develop their intercontinental ballistic missiles..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
the Manchurian president & complicit Dems/Reds/leftiss destroy USA security; treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is merely one more example

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry dismisses Iran's continuing financial aid other support for Hezballah, Hamas and other terrorist groups
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Dick Cheney criticizes Obummer for facilitatig Iran development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems... and lying about it

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Cheryl K. Chumley _News with Views_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems exposes his fairyland views

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Sarah Palin _Breitbart_
Sarah Palin says "stop the madness" of Obummer's facilitatig Iran development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"after today, do you believe there is assurance we will survive this President?   His wink and a nod to an evil regime hell-bent on destroying us just made his 'fundamental transformation' job a whole lot easier.   We must build up the foundation again; rebuild the wall protecting our -- and Israel's -- sovereignty.   There are 554 days until we do that, by fundamentally restoring America.   In the mean-time, congress, stop the madness.   Do your job.   Veto [Obummer's] act of [treason].   Take the white flag of surrender out of this president's hand..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Benjamin Netanyahu's political opposition supports him against Obummer and Iran

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Benjamin Netanyahu: inspection provisions are like telling a drug dealer you'll announce 24 days ahead of the time when you want to start negotiating when you're going to come to investigate his meth lab

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer praises corrupt Vladimir Putin for role in forming treaty to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison _Town Hall_
Obummer's "Vienna concession" is another foreign policy disaster

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ben Shapiro _Town Hall_
why Obummer is turning Iran into a regional power

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer not so upset that Iran has imprisoned 4 innocent US citizens, but that he's being asked questions about whether he made an effort to free them

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Obummer regime never sought surprise inspects of Iran's nuclear weapons development facilities

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
key Dems skeptical of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
Obummer to welcome Shiite fanatics to nuclear club at 13:00 press conference

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's perverted definition of "justice" describes his extreme leftist, racist agenda

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
leftist media has already been attacking the best candidates for president, who are much more knowledgeable and wiser than those in the media
Town Hall

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
only 3 out of 20 candidates for president are message carriers
"One of the most powerful -- if not THE most powerful -- political themes in American politics is 'send them a message'.   Yet, in an election year when the 'them' in [Washington DC] are the target of voter wrath from both Left and Right, only 3 of the 20+ candidates running for president are 'message carriers'.   The 3 message carriers; Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have different messages, but they have one thing in common -- voting for them is a clear rejection of the status quo in their parties, and in the conduct of the federal government.   While their opponents may occasionally attempt to image themselves as the candidates of change, none at this point in the campaign claims to stand for a radical change in how [Washington DC's] ruling elite conduct the affairs of government..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
tourist attacked by knife-wielding Muslim in Rome's colosseum, but released her and fled

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
misbehaving John McCain being challenged in primary by Dr. Kelli Ward
Michelle Moons: Breitbart
"'In just the last few years senator McCain has voted for tax hikes, for bailouts, for amnesty, for massive spending and for [leftist] judges', Ward said.   'He's mocked conservatives for trying to stop [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   He's voted 14 times to raise the debt ceiling.   He's opposed efforts to stop warrantless wire-tapping and spying and the list just goes on and on and on.'...   'As a physician I've seen first hand what [ObummerDoesn'tCare] has done to ravage our healthcare system.   Premiums and deductibles are up and the emergency departments where I work are overwhelmed.', Ward said, before shifting to her record in the Arizona State Senate as a conservative..."
Kelli Ward

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker continues to oppose immigration that takes jobs and wages from American workers

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Jeff Cox & Marguerite Ward _CNBC_
senator Ted Cruz: I salute Donald Trump for discussing immigration
"'You want to sum up this race in one simple meme?   It's one we tweeted out.', Cruz added.   Reaganomics, you start a business in your parent's garage; Obamanomics, you move into your parents garage.'..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker: "It can't just be talk, if we are going to make the case to the American people, we have to show people what that means" (mp3)

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Donald Trump & senator Ted Cruz hold summit in Manhattan

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Nigel Farage blasts Obummer, Scots Nationalists, Tsipras; notes that Donald Trump has resonated with US citizenry

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Donald Trump is successful because US citizens are tired of squishy politically correct GOP which does no good and encourages much evil

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
big fat Greek (Puerto Rico, USA) debt; IMF bail-out in doubt; treaty on hold

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
senator Ted Cruz and TEA partiers: let crony socialist Export-Import Bank stay dead
"Senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, is committed to an open amendment prices in the upper chamber and has acknowledged that Ex-Im's supporters want to use the highway bill as their vehicle..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
James Lankford _Town Hall_
judges' deference to unconstitutional and illegal edicts of executive agencies expand executive power beyond the constitutional and increases regulatory and economic burdens
Washington DC Times: legislators should rein in FCC, FEC, EPA, DoJ, DoE, DoI, DHS

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Kurt Schlichter _Town Hall_
your life means nothing to leftists

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
John Nantz _Town Hall_
who claims the USA is not great?

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Daniel Horowitz _Town Hall_
was this Obummer's worst week ever? fiddling while he burns the world

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Robert Knight _Town Hall_
a complacent majority is not a solution
"...After supporters raised $109K on GoFundMe to defend the Kleins, the [corrupt] crowd funding web-site shut down the page to appease the forces of [intolerance].   The Kleins have since moved on to ContinuetoGive.com."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Jerry Newcombe _Town Hall_
recent murders of Christians for being Christians are reminiscent of murders of Christian Armenians between 1880 and 1917

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ken Connor _Town Hall_
reining in judicial supremacists

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ned L. McCray _Chicago IL Tribune_
gang crack-down only way to stop the killings... for a while

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Catherine E Shoichet _CNN_
el Chapo's prison escape route builds on tunnel legacy

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
by not actively opposing him, fawning congress encouraged Obummer to make a bad treaty with Iran

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Kerry Picket _Daily Caller_
Mark Levin: McCain voted to surrender power to Obummer, give Iran nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is like Neville Chamberlain's treaty with Adolf Hitler at Munich in 1938 which let the Nazis re-arm

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Obummer & the haughty John Kerry were NOT out-maneuvered by Iranians; they are perfidious
"I keep hearing from members of congress, pundits and analysts that [Barack Hussein Obummer] and John Kerry were out-smarted and out-maneuvered by Iran in their nuclear negotiations.   That conclusion is as wrong and foolish as was this nuclear [treaty] struck by the administration.   The [treaty Obummer and the haughty John Kerry] wanted was exactly the [treaty] they got.   The objective for [Obummer] and Kerry was never about stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Susan Rice on CNN: we expect Iran will spend some of the released funds on their military, maybe on support of terrorist organizations (video)

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Peter Mitchell _Cybercast News Service_
re-defining "marriage", re-defining Catholic education
"Where did this all start, anyways?   The source of much of the present confusion may be traced to a few key events in 1967, which proved to be determinative for the future course of American Catholic higher education.   In 1967 April, the bishops who composed the board of trustees at Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington decided to dismiss Charles Curran, a priest-professor in the CUA School of Theology, for his unorthodox teaching of moral theology..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: gays, like adulterers, must repent and reform themselves

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Sergio Bustos _Houston TX Chronicle_
Carlos Lopez-Cantera to enter election for Florida seat in US senate
"Lopez-Cantera joins Republican congressman Ron DeSantis, who has already declared..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
29% of USA's young adults are too flabby to enlist in military: other factors include lack of education, criminal history, drug use
London Daily Mail

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
nominee for chair of joint chiefs of staff USMC general Joseph Dunford: deaths of 500 USA soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan can be attributed to Iran

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Steven W. Mosher _Washington DC Times_
Xi Jinping casts a large shadow over Red China and the world

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Neil Siefring _Human Events_
the USA federal government's $100G mistake
"...IPIA revealed that from fiscal year 2004 to fiscal year 2012 improper payments increased from $45G to $108G..."

2015-07-15 (5775 Tamuz 28)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
California state study found no evidence that fracking hurts the environment

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1603-07-15: sir Walter Ralegh was arrested for treason.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In fact, all the Americans killed in the 2 Iraq wars put together [to date of this writing] were fewer than those killed taking the 1 island of Iwo Jima during the Second World War or 1 day of fighting at Antietam during the Civl War." --- Thomas Sowell 2010 _Intellectuals & Society_ pg273 (citing _WWII: Time-Life Books History of the Second World War_ 1989 pg401; _The Columbia Encyclopedia_ 1993 5th edition pg116)  



2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
contrary to leftist belief human nature cannot be changed
Washington DC Times
Town Hall

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
every pro-immigration claim is a lie
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Human Events

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
friends of Trump

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Debra J Saunders _Jewish World Review_
San Francisco, where repeat offenders come and stay
Town Hall

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Latino education crisis
World Net Daily
Town Hall
2008-10-08: Heather Mac Donald: honesty from the left on Hispanic immigration

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Laura Ingraham
Hitlery and Yebbie are essentially twins
Trump: I really am a nice person, I'll take care of US citizens of every stripe better than anyone
Donald Trump: I believe Yebbie Booosh would open up the borders to everyone (mp3)

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
everything is absolutely perfect in 1 aspect of the EB-5 visa program

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
excessive, insecure immigration: the problem cluster that main-stream must not name
"It's frustratingly common: The main-stream media discusses a social problem obviously impacted by immigration -- over-crowding, low wages, increasing poverty, etc. -- but assiduously avoids any mention of immigration. To much of the media, using the word immigration in the context of any social problem has become a taboo, roughly equivalent to saying 'Voldemort' in a Hogwarts classroom. This past Independence Day, the New York Times offered another example. In an article titled, 'It's Summer, but Where Are the Teenage Workers?', a Times reporter lamented that teenage summer employment rates have been trending generally downward since the late 1980s. The decrease has been especially sharp since 2000... The research linking immigration with the decline in teenage employment is fairly compelling. A 2012 study by Federal Reserve economist Christopher L. Smith found empirical evidence that low-skill immigrants and teens are highly substitutable in the labor market: A 1% increase in low-skill immigration reduces native teenage work hours by 0.3%. He also found that teens -- not being bread-winners for whom work is essential -- are more likely than adults to drop out of the work-force altogether when the prevailing wage declines due to immigration. Similarly, a CIS study from 2006 found that a 1% increase in the labor force due to new immigration was associated with a 1.2 percentage-point decrease in the probability that the average native between the ages of 16 and 24 would be employed. In addition, a more recent CIS report from 2010 estimated that a one percentage-point increase in the immigrant share of the work-force between 1994 and 2007 led to a 0.8 percentage-point decline in the share of teens employed over that period. So the connection between immigration and youth employment is both intuitively plausible and backed by empirical research. We imagine that the Times would have readily mentioned that connection, except that immigration is the 'Problem-That-Must-Not-Be-Named'. That's regrettable. The decline in youth employment is a serious problem that deserves a serious examination. After all, a number of studies have found that the lack of early labor market experience can have a significant negative impact on employment and wages later in life. If we are unable to have a complete discussion about this problem, how can we ever solve it?..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
DHS going door-to-door to take back amnesty documents issued in violation of injunction
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
This is interesting in light of their refusal to run proper background investigations of visa applicants.

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Mo Brooks (R-AL) fires back at Luis Gutierrez for trying to racially segregate US citizens
"Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), one of the House Republicans leading a push for curbs on immigration, fired back today at immigration expansionist representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) for his recent declaration that Republicans who want limits on record immigration are 'racist'. 'Congressman representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) has long been blinded by his desire to support illegal aliens regardless of the damage they do to struggling American families.', Brooks said... 'ALL Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity or sex, are hurt by the criminal conduct of illegal aliens; that ALL Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity or sex, are losing their jobs and seeing their incomes suppressed by the surge in cheap illegal alien labor.'"
2015-02-10: Breitbart: Center for Immigration Studies report: ince 2000, for every new job that's been created, 2 immigrants get jobs

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
109-mile, 13-feet tall Hungary-Serbia border fence expected to be complete by December: 900 construction workers include prisoners, unemployed, & soldiers
London Daily Mail

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Rick Perry: no one has more experience dealing with the USA border than I have
The US constitution explicitly states that responsibility for securing USA borders is with both state and federal government.   States can man the border, conduct inspections of imports, and charge fees to cover the expenses, and they can call for help from the federal government when invaded.

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Donald Trump has thrown a wrench into the GOP/RINO losership schemes to flood USA with cheap, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Andre Walker _Town Hall_
a quarter of UK new-borns have immigrant mothers
"huge increase in immigration that began after the last Labour government took office in 1997.   That year 13% of babies were born to a mother who was herself born over-seas, compared to 27% in 2014.   In addition to allowing large numbers of asylum seekers into the country around half a billion people have the right to settle in the UK as a result of European Union rules on free movement of labor.   Any citizen of a European Union country can settle in the UK and claim welfare checks in the same way as the British.   The right extends to a number of countries that were members of the Soviet Union, and yet more that were communist allies of the USSR through the Warsaw Pact.   Most of them have average family incomes of less than $10k compared to an average UK family income of nearly $40k...   The current government has put curbs on immigration, but this has done little to quell overall numbers because it can only clamp down on non-EU countries.   So qualified professional migrants from the USA and other developed countries are effectively being turned away to make room for unskilled Romanians who cannot speak English."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Yuri Perez _Media Research Center News Busters_
El congresista Luis Gutiérrez se refiere al asesinato de Kate Steinle como una "cosa pequeña" en Telemundo/Luis Gutierrez referred to the murder of Kathry Steinle as a minor matter (with video)

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Doug Short & Steven Hansen _Economic Intersect_
Conference Board: consumer confidence down from 99.8 in June to 90.9 in July
"...Consumers' assessment of current conditions was somewhat less favorable in July.   Those saying business conditions are 'good' decreased from 26.1% to 24.2%.   However, those claiming business conditions are 'bad' was virtually unchanged at 17.9%.   Consumers were slightly less positive about the job market.   Those stating jobs are 'plentiful' decreased from 21.3% to 20.7%, while those claiming jobs are 'hard to get' increased marginally from 26.1% to 26.7%..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Laura Ingraham
John Culberson (R-TX): immigration can only be reformed through the appropriations process

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
Obummer now has a "legacy" he'll be proud of... no matter how damaging it will be for the USA, Israel, and Western Civilization

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
Obummer still trying to weaken USA

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery, truth-bender

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
B-52s' BAAD message to Red China; parallels in Iran and North Korea development of nuclear weapons with support from Dems/Reds/leftist presidents; the Clintons and John Deutch
Washington DC Times: B-52s' BAAD message

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
how South Carolina heals

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
leftists show zero tolerance for the Confederate flag (symbol of Dems gone by), and "nuance" for Islamic terrorists
Town Hall

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood and other abortion ghouls

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
worldwide productivity increase has slowed; financial writer mystified

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
the futility of guilt over one's own fortunes
"...The problem with false guilt -- with blaming ourselves for things that aren't our fault and cannot be changed -- is that it blinds us to beauty and numbs us to life.   It hurts, not just us, but everyone close to us.   And yet how do we make it stop?..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
_NW Indiana Times_
a plague of violence is killing our children in the shadow of Chicagoland

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Adam Jourdan & Clare Baldwin _Reuters_
Red China's crack-down on meat smuggling stokes risky underground trade via VietNam
"...[Red China] is the world's top meat consumer, but the mainland has long kept a tight grip over imports, often citing safety worries such as mad cow disease as the main reason behind bans on major producers such as the United States and India.   Consequently demand has run ahead of domestic production, creating an opportunity for smugglers.   U.S. officials said in March 'huge' amounts of beef were still getting into [Red China]..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Mexico deployed thousands to hunt down Joaquin Guzman (a.k.a. Chapo, Shorty)

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Laura Ingraham
only 3% of Yebbie Booosh's campaign cash is coming from small donors
Shane Goldmacher: National Journal

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Laura Ingraham _Lifezette_
why don't the best people run for office?

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Laura Ingraham _Lifezette_
best blow-off to school/university fund-raisers ever
"...Harvard University, for example, has the largest endowment in the nation at $36.4G, followed by Yale at something like $24G and Princeton at $21G, just to cite a few numbers in the stratosphere [and then they misspend it].   How and why do these fund-raising activities continue and is there anything we can do about it?   Check out an elite New England prep school's appeal for alumni donations, followed by the searing response from one ticked-off alum...   '...The simple truth is that the school to which you want endless tighint is a multi-cultural, Marxist, anti-American, anti-caucasian, hypocritical mess.   Of course, when it comes to alumni contributions, you become uber-capitalists...'"

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Benjamin Netanyahu: penalties halted Iran's development of nuclear weapons for decades

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton: 9 years ago Iran was trying to kill me and kill my soldiers (and they've continued that effort ever since)

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: I'm calling on DoJ to investigate Planned Parenthood's barbaric practices

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Diane Black (R-TN): mere investigation of Planned Parenthood is not enough

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Trent Franks (R-AZ): it is a disgrace to fund Planned Parenthood and murder of 3K children in America every day

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Martha Roby (R-AL): I don't care how much political weight Planned Parenthood throws around this town, no one is above the law

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood executives must testify

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
S.E. Cupp _Town Hall_
Planned Parenthood and the abortion debate we probably won't have
Jewish World Review

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
abortion is not just gross; it's murder for a price

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Tim Graham _Media Research Center News Busters_
CNN barely touches leftist "ethicist" Arthur Caplan calling Planned Parenthood "unethical" on harvest of "baby tissue"

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
baby-parts horror puts spot-light on Ashlesha Patel of Chicago's John H. Stroger Hospital, and the Cook county board
Illinois Review

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Planned Parenthood body parts are not only for medical research: flavor enhancers, face and eye creams

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Bob Unruh _WND_
Planned Parenthood tries to distance from Deborah Nucatola

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood's defense is spurious; there's nothing that can't be done without fetal tissue

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
Newt Gingrich explains how to de-fund Planned Parenthood

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Kristine Marsh _Media Research Center News Busters_
senator Ted Cruz: Garrett asked Obummer an absolutely reasonable and fair question about Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons
"It's one thing that Ted Cruz and one main-stream reporter can agree on: [President Obumer's] Iran nuke deal [treaty] more push-back and less celebration.   That's not something the [leftist] media is going to give him, though..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Nasser Karimi _Washington DC Compost_/_AP_
after Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, Rouhani says Iran will soon be buying new war-planes

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
in Trump vs. Rove, we're going with Trump
"...That is a convenient lie put out by Rove and his allies to mask the fact that what really cost Republicans control of the Senate was the content-free campaigns run by Rove-backed establishment 2012 losers such as George Allen in Virginia, Tommy Thompson in Wisconsin, Connie Mack in Florida, Heather Wilson in New Mexico and especially Rick Berg who lost in North Dakota and Denny Rehberg who lost in Montana, even while Romney was carrying both of those states.   Republicans who ran as conservatives in 2012; Ted Cruz in Texas, Deb Fischer in Nebraska and Jeff Flake in Arizona, all won -- even if Cruz is the only 1 of the 3 who has subsequently delivered on his conservative campaign rhetoric.   If Rove insists on precision in analysis of his record then here it is: He spent $428M over 2 cycles to win 29 elections, a number of which were gimmes.   That works out to something in excess of $14.75M per win, an abysmal rate of return on investment.   Trump may have been imprecise in his language, but his larger point that Rove and his establishment Republican allies are 'clowns' who have wasted hundreds of millions of dollars in content-free campaigns on behalf of empty suit establishment Republican candidates was right on the mark.   In the escalating war of words between the Washington establishment's favorite political guru, Karl Rove, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump we're going with Trump."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Ron Paul calls Donald Trump a dangerous authoritarian, the opposite of a libertarian
"...'And [Mr. Trump] comes across this very well, and people listen to him, and I believe he may be raising white horses someplace and he's going to ride in.', Mr. Paul continued.   'Because he is almost the opposite of a Libertarian, because it's not like, I want to give you your freedom and your liberty to run your life as you choose.   Your civil liberties are absolutely yours, you can't hurt anybody, it's your own money you can spend it any way you want.   But he sounds like the person, I know the answers and I'm going to do this and I've done this, I've done this, this and this.'..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump claims he's "actually a conservative with a heart"

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
_Conservative HQ_
the dignity czar police state

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
2 US Navy/Marine recruiting offices 7 miles apart in Chattanooga were attacked; 5 were murdered, and one sniper has also been killed; "gun-free zones"
Ashley Collman: London Daily Mail
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart
Jacqueline Klimas & Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
Washington DC Times/AP: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez from Kuwait identified as attacker
Daniel Doherty: Town Hall
Bob Owens: Bearing Arms
"...Both Fox and CNN were reporting there were 5 victims of the shooting, 4 Marines and 1 [wounded] police officer and that there were 2 separate crime scenes..."
TJI: attacker was NOT a Presbyterian, Orthodox Jew, Baptist, Dunkard, Conservative Jew, Lutheran, Huguenot, or Methodist.

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
reflections on "domestic" terrorism committed by Kuwaiti immigrant in Chattanooga
"The train wreck that passes for federal immigration and nationality policy has once again collided into reality with bloody consequences.   The fact is that it happens every day, but most of the instances rarely get more than local coverage.   Yet in the last few weeks the entire nation has been riveted by 2 egregious instances of the disastrous and fatal consequences of the government's flawed policies.   First we had the murder of Kate Steinle by the serial felon/multiple illegal reentrant from Mexico who was released by the San Francisco Sheriff's Office in its zeal to uphold the Bay City-county's 'principled' stand against co-operating with immigration enforcement agents—a stand that has been tolerated by the administration, even as it has proliferated like poisonous mushrooms in sanctuary jurisdictions throughout the country, and even as tens of thousand of alien criminals are released all over the country to commit thousands of new crimes, including murder.   Now we once again are forced to confront a situation in which a young man whose family, originally from Kuwait, was granted shelter in the United States and ultimately naturalized, giving him all the rights and privileges of anyone who is native-born.   He repaid the kindness by murdering four Marines, and injuring a number of other innocents in Chattanooga.   This man is not the first refugee/naturalized citizen to show what he really thinks of the country that gave him a future which he chose to throw away with murderous terrorist violence.   Sadly, it has happened with great regularity.   The president promises the nation a prompt and thorough investigation.   One wonders, will a part of that investigation be a careful look into the 'culture of yes' that presides at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS], the organization charged with vetting and overseeing immigration and citizenship benefits?   Almost certainly not.   After all, it is this administration that has pushed that culture of approvals to extremes.   No such examination happened after the Boston Marathon bombings either.   Here's one quick clue as to how the whitewash will occur in this most recent case, at least where any kind of post-mortem of refugee admission or naturalization procedures is concerned: the United States Attorney's Office [under Obummer and Loretta Lynch] is already describing it as a case of 'domestic terrorism'.   Really.   So let's not concern ourselves over the fact that he was a foreign-born man who failed to assimilate, despite naturalization, and murderously vented his rage and disappointment on the country that took in his entire family.   And, for God's sake, let us not allow any close scrutiny into present refugee and asylee vetting procedures—even as the country braces to accept more such refugees from Syria, home to the Islamic State, and a hotbed of the latest wave of Islamic fundamentalism that is rocking the entire region from Central Asia to North Africa, and which has slopped over into Western societies with outrageous attacks everywhere from Canada to France to Australia, to the [United States of America].   The colloquial definition of insanity is 'doing the same thing the same way over and over again, but somehow expecting a new result each time you do it'.   Kinda describes immigration and nationality policies under the [anti-USA Obummer regime] doesn't it?   As long as that's the case, we can certainly expect more of the same kind of murderous repayment of our willingness to grant shelter and safe haven to virtually anyone.   But don't get your nose out of joint: it's a 'domestic' problem."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Harry Houck, USMC retired & NYPD detective: this attack proves that DoD must re-think anti-constitutional "gun-free zone" mind-set

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
as Ramadan ends, Muslim terrorist attacks in Chattanooga: the war is here

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
big retail chains are closing stores at record pace: maybe they should consider ending the practice of offering only over-priced, low-quality, intentionally down-engineered products made in Red China, VietNam, India...
"Abercrombie & Fitch, Barnes & Nobel, Chico's, Children's Place, Coach, Fresh & Easy, Gymboree, JCPenney, Macy's, Office Depot, Pier One and Pep Boys are just a handful of corporations that have announced permanent closings of some stores... at least 6K retail store locations are expected to close this year based on company announcements..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Snejana Farberov _London Daily Mail_
"refugee" from Iraq charged with molesting 14-year-old Michigan girl

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
John Hall _London Daily Mail_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate hit Egyptian Navy patrol ship with rocket in Mediterranean
"The Egyptian military said earlier a coast-guard vessel had exchanged shots with militants just 2 miles off the coast of northern Sinai, an area bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip=Palestine. There were no fatalities among the vessel's crew..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Tom Cotton (R-AR): backers of Obummer's treaty to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems are putting their careers in the hands of the ayatollahs
All it takes to shoot down the proposed treaty is 34 votes or less, depending on how many show up in the US senate to vote.

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Mia Love on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons a nd delivery systems: we're talking about kicking a bomb down the road
Obummer cannot veto anything.   Only bills can be vetoed.   This is a treaty, which requires 67 senators for it to pass; if 34 refuse (fewer depending on the number who show up to vote), it's done.

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Richard Grenell _Washington DC Times_
Obummer/Kerry "negotiations" with Iran were a colossal waste of time

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Iran ayatollah mocks Obummer in letter

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Mike Huckabee _Breitbart_
don't compromise with cancer; cut it out before it kills you
"Iranians have murdered Jews, Christians and Muslims across the entire globe..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
big winners from Obummer & Kerry's sell-out of USA, Israel and Western Civilization: arms dealers
Abbas Qaidaari: US News & World Report/al-Monitor
"... UK Telegraph explains 'Russia and [Red China] are likely to be the 2 big beneficiaries as Iran looks to modernise its air force...'..."
Let's see, Clintons gave Red China and North Korea missile and nuclear technology.   Now they're giving it to terrorist Iran, with Obummer's eager conspiring.

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Steve Chapman _Town Hall_
echoes of history

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Rich Galen _Town Hall_
those crazy Persians

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
senator Ted Cruz vows to block authorization for State Dept. funding, block nominees to slow Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; congress should get required 60 days to analyze it before it is presented to the UN

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
about that time the leftist media hailed Clinton's treaty to prevent North Korea from developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems: disaster repeats with Obummer's treaty to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
political fall-out from Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Laura Hollis _WND_
Obummer's legacy, a Muslim terrorist regime with ICBMs with nuclear warheads

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz has raised more "hard money" campaign contributions than any other GOP candidate
"...he's re-invested 72% of what he's spent so far on 'furthering fund-raising efforts'.   Cruz received more than 175K donations, and the average contribution was $81.   Donors from every state in the nation and five territories backed him, and he has donors in 48% of all postal ZIP codes in America.   Outside groups backing Cruz have also raised an addition $38M..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
protest against Obummer regime led by Oklahoma black man waving confederate flag
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: dozens waved flags as Obummer arrived

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
holocaust survivor is funding rescue of Christians from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate as a sort of repayment to Plymouth Brethren; joined by the Jewish National Fund and Warsaw-based Esther Foundation

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Douglas Burton & Marios Panagiotis Efthymiopoulos _Washington DC Times_
arming the Kurds to defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Greek parliament approved bail-out offer from EU: riots break out...
Mary Chastain: Breitbart: ...Athens burns
Town Hall

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
House passed bill to require more water to be sent to California farms
"Similar legislation has failed in the last 2 congressional sessions, and the White House and Democrats/Reds/leftists remain opposed...   The bill is designed to take more water out of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta before it flows into the ocean.   It also seeks to speed up studies for a handful of new or expanded dams.   The House passed the bill by a vote of 245-176..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Dan Gainor _Washington DC Times_
reporters are not neutral, objective referees; they play for the left/Reds/Dems
"...There is no industry more dishonest when it comes to doing its job.   Reporters and news organizations that long professed neutrality have all but abandoned it.   The rapid opinions of the Internet have conquered journalism and conservatives are the ones who suffer.   The more 'main-stream' a news outlet pretends to be, the less it really is.   American journalists represent a tiny sliver of the body politic that is nearly 100% devoted to the most far left causes.   That list includes, but is certainly not limited to: pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-tax, anti-gun, anti-Christian and, oddly, anti-free speech.   The media elite are devoted to a statist view that despises any celebration of our nation or our culture.   Traditional news outlets now compete with young start-ups over which can be more ridiculously [anti-liberal, pro-leftist].   Political coverage is especially bad..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
senate passed re-write of No Child Left Behind
"Dubbed the Every Child Achieves Act, the bipartisan legislation, which passed 81-17, would retain federal math and reading standards but allow states to decide how to measure student and school performance..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Derek Hunter _Town Hall_
leftists win when non-leftists wimp out but leftists persist

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
dog days of Summer

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jeff Jacoby _Town Hall_
life in prison without parole is no substitute for death
Jewish World Review

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Town Hall_
leave the Department of Educationism behind
Cybercast News Service
"Two weeks before the 1980 presidential election, the Associated Press published a story explaining that the 2 major-party candidates were 'poles apart on education issues'.   Carter, the story reminded readers, was the Founding Father of the federal Department of Education.   'The fate of the Department of Education, the $14G federal agency elevated to Cabinet status less than 6 months ago, may hang in the balance on Election Day.', said the story.   'Republican Ronald Reagan', it said, 'hopes to dismantle the agency, which was created following a promise that Jimmy Carter made to the National Education Association in seeking and winning the union's support four years ago.'   The story ended with a direct quote from Reagan.   'I think that this Department of Education is hoping to make come true the dream of the National Education Association, which for many years has been that we should have a federal school system, a nationalized school system.', said Reagan..."

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Harry R. Jackson ii _Town Hall_
educational opportunity can heal the racial divide

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Jeff Bell _Town Hall_
the 21st century case for gold... and silver, and nickel, and copper, and zinc

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Russell Contreras _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Udall (D-NM): people exposed to radiation near and in path of nuclear testing fall-out should be compensated

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: because of Obummer's actions, WW3 is going to break out (video)

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Obummer regime: Kate who?

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Alan Keyes _WND_
is Donald Trump actually one of the RINO elite, along with Yebbie and Shrub?

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Burt Prelutsky _WND_
Donald Trump thumps the pundits

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Donald Trump to Fox: stop booking that clown Rove

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Red China's private debt is 207%, government debt 55% of its GDP
David Scutt: Business Insider

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
steel is "cheaper per ton than cabbage" in Red China
Manchester Guardian

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
John Fund _National Review_
countries around the world require voter ID, but Barack Hussein Obummer, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, and George Soros are determined the USA will not

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
Apple News beta: all the leftist propaganda at your finger-tips

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Mark Skousen _Human Events_
debate: How can we best restore the American dream?

This afternoon, I'm liking (1) Sessions, (2) Trump, (3) Huckabee, (4) Cruz, (5) Walker, (6) Paul, (7) Santorum, and (8) Perry, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
governor Mike Pence: Indiana will not comply with EPA's insane CO2 power-plant decrees

2015-07-16 (5775 Tamuz 29)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
states challenge Obummer's "renewable energy standards", mandates, costs
Proposed Bills 2015

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  "The truth is not nullified merely because unbelievers deny it." --- R' Saadia Gaaon (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01): great cartoons, today, with every _Jewish World Review_ article.

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
how likely are H-1B reforms to curb displacement of able and willing US citizen STEM professionals?
ComputerWorld2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
San Francisco deputies' union opposes "sanctuary city" policy
Vivian Ho: San Francisco CA Chronicle

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt, power-mad Obummer/Lynch DoJ order sheriff Joe Arpaio to speak only Spanish in his jails; insist in participating in planning for and raids of employers of illegal aliens, to make sure they're violating the US constitution and immigration laws so as to let all violators escape justice

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
USA Today/Gannett: "sanctuary cities" policies violate common sense
"...Donald Trump has made illegal immigration a cornerstone of his 2016 campaign, and the Steinle tragedy has only bolstered his narrative that the border is insecure and out of control.   Granted, he's not wrong on that issue.   We don't know how secure the border is; what we do know is that the enforcement of the rule of law regarding immigration policy is explicitly absent.   That is something to be angry about, especially since illegal aliens are reportedly eligible for back tax refunds.   Regarding [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions on immigration, a federal judge has tied up those orders in the courts (for now)..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump says Ford building $2.5G engine and transmission plants in Mexico does nothing good for the USA but only helps Ford execs and Mexico (with video)
"...Trump said, 'No, because we don't get anything.   We never get anything.   What do we get out of it?   We don't get anything!'...   'Auto-makers now have 18 factories in Mexico, many built in the past 10 years.', said Fox.   'In 4 years, 5 more will be built, moving the country from the world's 7-biggest auto producer to 5th...   The shift means jobs that could have gone to the U.S.A. or Canada went south.', reported Fox.   'The number of auto-making jobs in Mexico has risen almost 40% since 2008, from 490K to 675K last year, according to government and industry statistics.'"

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
New Zealand also has an immigration lottery

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Charlotte Hays _Town Hall_
the war against ordinary USA citizens

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Brian Inganga _Yahoo!_/_AP_
mass-murderer Yusuf Abdi Ali leads Muslim prisoners in Eid-al-Fitr prayers
1998-02-28: David Stout: NYTimes: ex-Somali army officer arrested in VA
?? Elon U, NC: family re-unification enabled by Elon Law students featured on Fox???
2004-11-11: USA Today/Gannett/AP: ex-Somali leader, living in Virginia, sued for alleged war crimes
2014: Center for Justice & Accountability: colonel Yusuf Abdi Ali (a.k.a. Tukeh/Tukei; Warfaa v. Ali)

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
rancid details of Obummers treaty of surrender to terrorist Iran
Washington DC Times

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: witting or witless?
Town Hall
"Did he intend harm, or was he merely so blinded by ideology that he could not see the damage his policies were creating?   The Iran [treaty] provides an answer.   At his press conference, our duplicitous leader chose to call black white and claim that the [treaty] does the opposite of what it does -- allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, albeit after a decent interval.   We are deep into Orwellian territory now.   'War is peace.   Ignorance is strength.'   Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is crowing that Iran achieved all of its objectives and the [U.S.A. nothing of benefit to us]..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
such a treaty
"The [Obummer] White House and its world partners have finally reached a [treaty] with Iran on its nuclear program.   So did [Obummer & Kerry] give away the store?   Not only did [they] give away the store, [they] gave away the warehouse, and the parking structure next to it.   FDR famously called the bombing of Pear Harbor 'A day that live in infamy'.   This pact with Iran might very well be called 'A [treaty] that will live in infamy'.   Or maybe we might refer to it as Chamberlain ii..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer says he wants debate on his treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, but he's only kidding

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
congress must reject Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
anti-USA chanting erupted during Muslim prayers at Tehran U

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Sylvia Westall & Angus McDowall _Ha Aretz_
former Saudi spy chief Bandar bin Sultan: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons will wreak havoc, destabilizing the entire region

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
_Cybercast News Service_
Wendy Sherman says it would have been "difficult", i.e. inconvenient to the vile Obummer regime, to tell the world that we will uphold and comply with our constitution (video)

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
reverend Franklin Graham unloads on Obummer over treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, and keep US citizes imprisoned

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
reverend Franklin Graham unloads on Obummer over treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, and keep US citizes imprisoned

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Obummer White House deputy-national-security-advisor Ben Rhodes: we never sought anytime/anywhere surprise inspections to catch and stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"'The [Obummer regime] pledge 3 months ago for anytime, anyplace access to Iran's nuclear facilities was more of a rhetorical flourish than anything else, US under-secretary of State Wendy Sherman said on Thursday'..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Linda Chavez _Town Hall_
Obummer choosing dishonor
"Winston Churchill's words turned out to be more prophetic: 'You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war.'   In less than a year, the Nazis invaded Poland, and the British declared war on Germany..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Caroline B. Glick _Town Hall_
the age of nuclear chaos as Obummer's treaty encourages Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Thaddeus McCotter _Washington DC Times_
countering Obummer's and Iran's push for ratification of their rotten treaty to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Susan Rice's attempt to sell Obummer treaty to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"...sales job... 'snow job'... 'As convincing as when she told us about Benghazi'..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
congress must act to stop abuses by Obummer regime and judges

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Itamar Sharon _Times of Israel_/_Jewish Telegraphic Agency_
corrupt Obummer regime admonished Israel not to destroy village of Sussiya/Susya near Chebron built by Palestinian occupiers of eastern Israel

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
R' Dov Fischer _Jewish World Review_
how those seemingly useless 40 desert years in antiquity can help us live in the present

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Hannah Dreier _Jewish World Review_
Palestinians given scholarships to study medicine in Venezuala are quitting; it's merely socialist propaganda
Times of Israel

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the grotesque business of Planned Parenthood

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the perverted notion of morality and justice of the left, and their muddle-headed academic John Rawls
National Review
Town Hall

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
media failed to expose Planned Parenthood
Town Hall

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
Rick Perry turned Planned Parenthood fetal body parts scandal back on MSLSD's Mark Halperin
T. Becket Adams: Washington DC Examiner
video of interview

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Laura Ingraham
Planned Parenthood president apologized for "tone", but not for illegal actions
Leah Barkoukis: Town Hall

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Kathryn Lopez _Town Hall_
Planned Parenthood travesty

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
_Cybercast News Service_
senator Eric Lankford (R-OK) on Planned Parenthood harvesting human organs and tissues (video)
Eric Scheiner

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Japanese at Kyushu U dissected live US POWs during WW2; 32 were found guilty of vivisection
London Daily Mail

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer EEOC stretching ban on sex discrimination to cover LGBT

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer EEOC stretching ban on sex discrimination to cover LGBT

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
twit-in-chief 2 hours before attack on recruiting offices in Chattanooga: Happy Eid-ul-Fitr

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Muslim terrorist attacks on USA troops and police are not a "circumstance", it is war
Human Events
Town Hall
Jewish World Review
"Four U.S. Marines, [anti-constitutionally] barred from carrying weapons at naval training facilities despite explicit ISIS threats against our military, are dead in Tennessee.   Another service member and a Chattanooga police officer survived gun-shots after Thursday's 2-stage massacre allegedly at the hands of 24-year-old jihadist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.   Navy secretary Ray Mabus called the terrorist's spree 'insidious and unfathomable'.   [President Barack Hussein Obummer] bemoaned the 'heartbreaking circumstance' in which the murdered Marines found themselves.   'Unfathomable'? Not if you've been paying attention.   Islam-inspired hate crimes against our troops have continued unabated since the [Obummer] White House first dismissed the 2009 Fort Hood massacre as 'work-place violence'.   Here's what's unfathomable: While the social justice warriors in Washington bend over backward to appease CAIR and Muslim civil rights absolutists, Americans in uniform are dying on American soil at the hands of Allah's homicidal avengers -- but the commander in chief couldn't even bother to deliver a live statement to the nation yesterday about the bloodshed.   Instead, [Obummer] issued another bland, bloodless pronouncement about the assassinations of our disarmed troops..."
I have to wonder what Benjamin Stoddert, Robert Smith, Paul Hamilton, William Jones, Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Smith Thompson, Samuel Southard, John Branch, Levi Woodbury, Mahlon Dickerson, James K. Paulding, George E. Badger, Abel P. Upshur, David Henshaw, Thomas W. Gilmer, John Y. Mason, George Bancroft, William B. Preston, William A. Graham, John Pendleton Kennedy, James C. Dobbin, Josephus Daniels, Frank Knox, James Forrestal et al. would think of Obummer and his SecNav.
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Clinton, Shrub & Obummer killed the 4 Marines in TN, GOP losership does nothing
"[Clinton, Shrub and Obummer insanely declared military facilities to be 'gun-free zones'.]   It is time to say plainly that what killed the 4 Marines at the Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee was not 'violent extremism'.   It was [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] policy of importing jihad by bringing thousands of Muslim immigrants into the United States, and the Capitol Hill Republicans' criminal culpability for being so politically correct and feckless that they won't even talk about the existential threat this policy offers to constitutional liberty, let alone stop it.   The gunman who killed the 4 as yet unidentified Marines is 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.   He was killed by local police.   Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait, immigrated to the United States as a child and was given every benefit our society has to offer; a quality education, a comfortable middle class lifestyle and freedom to practice Islam and possibly join a known hot-bed of Islamist radicals operating in Tennessee.   (CBS Boston says one of the Marines killed was gunnery-sergeant Thomas Sullivan, 40, a native of Springfield, MA.   The station cites the India Battery 3rd Battalion 12th Marines FB page as its source.)   In 2011, Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) released a documentary film -- 'Losing Our Sons' -- about the 2009 murder of private Andy Long at an Army-Navy recruitment center in Little Rock, Arkansas by a Tennessee man, Carlos Bledsoe, who converted to Islam and was radicalized in Tennessee.   The documentary investigated and warned about an extremist network of mosques and imams in Tennessee that had indoctrinated Carlos and sent him for training with Al Qaeda in Yemen.   This network remains in place in Tennessee.   Despite multiple congressional hearings on the Little Rock recruitment center attack, the safeguards that could have prevented the Chattanooga terrorist attack on the Navy recruitment centers were not put in place.   'Losing Our Sons' explicitly warned that such attacks will happen again and again.   APT has been warning for 4 years about the threat to the men and women in uniform in the Volunteer State from the Tennessee Islamist network They've uncovered during the course of producing 'Losing Our Sons'.   These warnings went unheeded by the [Obummer regime] and the local and national media.   The trailer for 'Losing Our Sons' contains scenes eerily similar to yesterday's news coverage in Chattanooga.   However, in the face of a mountain of evidence that [Obummer's] policy of massively increasing the number of Muslim immigrants to America jeopardizes constitutional liberty Capitol Hill Republicans have done nothing to stop this tidal wave of anti-constitutional invaders.   We note that Yemen is the birthplace of Chattanooga terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez and a center of Islamist terrorism.   Officials confirmed to CBS News that his father was under investigation several years ago over possible ties to a foreign terrorist organization.   From 2000 to 2013 some 54,233 Yemenis were allowed legally into the United States, and more are expected as 'refugees' as Yemen has spiraled into chaos in the face of an Iranian-inspired Islamist civil war.   Chattanooga terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez and the Tsarnaev brothers, perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing, were all in the country legally.   During the time the time the Tsarnaevs and Abdulazeez came to America, from 2000 to 2013 (the last year for which statistics are available) some 2,338,013 legal immigrants arrived in America from Muslim countries.   Why does America need over 2.3M Muslim immigrants?   What is the benefit to America?   Moreover, what are the risks?   Which government agency is vetting who arrives, who gets to stay and who qualifies for US citizenship?   [USCIS]   Transferring murder, mayhem and radicalism from dysfunctional Islamic countries to Europe and America, and in so doing voluntarily putting our own citizens at great risk is not a requirement of being a compassionate, open-minded, enlightened and tolerant human being..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Laura Ingraham
previously deported illegal alient is a prime suspect for double murder

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Laura Ingraham
terrorist attack in Chattanooga: the effects of our suicidal immigration policies
Conservative Review

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Laura Ingraham
4 US Marines murdered in attacks on Chattanooga recruiting facilities

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
former CIA officer says attacker will be tied to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
"[The attacker] was not on any terror watch list.   But his father once was, various media reported.   The New York Times reported: 'Mr. Abdulazeez was not under investigation by the FBI before the shooting, according to a source in the agency.   But a law enforcement official said that his father had been investigated years ago for contributing money to an organization that may have had ties to terrorists.   The investigation did not result in charges, the official said.'   Investigators also found Abdulazeez, who was born in Kuwait and who had emigrated to America and naturalized as a citizen, had made an appeal to fellow Muslims on his blog just a few days ago..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Donald Trump: end "gun-free zones" on military bases
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner
Laura Ingraham
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart
Fredy Riehl: Ammoland
David Sherfinski: Washington DC Times
Matt Towery: Town Hall

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
_Washington DC Times_
end Clinton's military base gun ban

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Dean Weingarten _Free Republic_
mass Muslim terrorist shooting at 2 more government "gun-free zones" in Chattanooga
Mike van der Boegh: GunWatch
GunWatch: attack shows Chattanooga needs more armed defenders

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
colonel Gary Anderson, USMC retired: attacks in Chattanooga shows how gun control mafia leaves us defenseless

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Scott Walker: violence-initiating Muslims have declared war against USA, Israel, UK and Western Civilization

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Erick Erickson _Town Hall_
Barack Hussein Obummer continues to cheer for the terrorists

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
after Marines were slaughtered by Muslim terrorist in Chattanooga, Obummer jetted off to a Broadway show and fund-raiser

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin on Muslim terrorist attacks on military recruiting places in Chattanooga: as a nation we are committing suicide by forbidding defense (video)

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership retaliations against Republicans continues
This is the first I've heard of any congress-critter NOT being able to sponsor or co-sponsor or oppose any piece of legislation or resolution he pleased.   The corruption of process and product in the US congress, executive and judiciary are overwhelming.

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
senator John Boozman (R-AR): hack of OPM records puts SEAL team 6 in danger
Elizabeth Harrington: Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Laura Ingraham
Steve Emerson: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is generations ahead of FBI

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
"Inside Edition's" Zoey Tur threatened to "curb-stomp" Ben Shapiro, "you'll go home in an ambulance"
Douglas Ernst: Washington DC Times
"AllahPundit": Hot Air

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Seattle mayor Ed Murray plans interest-free "sharia-compliant" housing

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
given choice, power-mad Obummer would abandon attempts to fight slaver/human trafficking to get "trade promotion authority" and Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Egyptian coast-guard patrol ship hit by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate missile attack

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
WSJ: ObummerDoesn'tCare sticker shock will continue to get worse i years to come

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Jack Kerwick _Town Hall_
persecution of Christians and Jews

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Justin Haskins _Town Hall_
how high school nearly destroyed me, and why school choice matters

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Arthur Schaper _Town Hall_
in Hollywood, sexual abuse of children is "An Open Secret"

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Peter Ferrara _Town Hall_
price-seeking and regulator diktat in intellectual property
"I know from experience that I can charge $2,500 per speaking engagement, and get about 5 or 6 such engagements per year.   Or I can charge $20K per speaking engagement, and get zero each year.   Or, should congress appoint a board of experts to make this decision for me?   That is what congress has done for the newly developing digital music industry.   But do the experts have any idea what they are doing?..."
The same applies to government-enforced utility monopolies (including telecomm).   When CDs were going from early adopters ($500 for a player in the mid-1980s according to a mass comm text) to main-stream consumer markets, vinyl records were being driven up in price from $3-$4 per disk in the late-1970s to $10 in the early-1980s, while the effects of stagflation and attempts to choke it off were under-way.   Cassette tapes and pirating and specialized collections were proliferating among teens, sometimes recording from radio (even theme songs of their favorite shows), among those who couldn't afford the vinyl disks or low-quality pre-recorded cassettes.   At the same time, legitimate disk purchasers were using cassettes for custom collections, back-up/preservation of the disk, and use in vehicles, and it was impossible to separate the pirates from paying customers.   Sales of blank cassette tapes soared.   Late adopters of CDs (and DVDs) considered the big mark-ups far from worth the price, and were learning that claims of indestructibility, and sound quality of the various kinds of laser-disks were greatly exaggerated.   (A similar pattern is clear with the incandescent light-bulb makers' successful lobbying efforts to have the government ban incandescents so they could move on to technologies with much higher mark-ups, and unknown and varying quality differences.)   Of course, the solution is an open and honest market.   But these days, sellers don't want open and honest markets -- they've been fighting against it with some success, and greater costs to retail custimers, since at least 1907.

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
California getting tough on water usage, too little, too late, too mis-directed
"...Simply put, lawns are on the way out as are pools, the ultimate California life-style symbol.   But the broader looming question is whether California will eventually be forced to impose a ban -- or at least sharp reductions -- on single-and multi-family housing.   Over the next 3 years, California is expected to add 472K units with a combined 20K acres of new landscaping.   Even allowing for the revised guidelines, those units will consume significant amounts of precious and increasingly scarce water..."

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Heather Mac Donald _Town Hall_
micro-aggression is macro-crazy, macro-evil

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index from 96.1 in late-June to 93.3 in mid-July
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-07-17 (5775 Ab 01)
_Cybercast News Service_
Nobel laureate physicist Iver Giaever: Obummer is dead wrong about global climate (video)
Kathleen Brown
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2015-07-18 (5775 Ab 02)
red heifers in Israel prompt 3rd Temple speculation
"The altar and sacred vessels have been reconstructed.   The architectural plans are being drawn up.   Now a group is taking another step toward fulfilling the biblical prophecy of a restored Temple by raising a group of red heifers in the land of Israel..."
But some believe only HaShem will re-build the Temple, in the blink of an eye, and at an unpredictable time, when He judges people worthy of sending his 2 Messiahs/Moshiachim.

2015-07-18 (5775 Ab 02)
Jim Bridenstie _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz can defeat Hitlery Rotten Clinton

2015-07-18 (5775 Ab 02)
Laura Ingraham
who is Columba Garnica de Gallo, wife of Yebbie Booosh
Hanna Rosin: Atlantic

2015-07-18 (5775 Ab 02)
Laura Ingraham
Saudi Arabia arrested 431 suspected of plotting for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate to attack mosques in Saudi Arabia

2015-07-18 (5775 Ab 02)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker wants to set aside "gun-free zone" edict for military bases

2015-07-18 (5775 Ab 02)
Rick Santorum favors curbs on excessive, low-standards immigration by at least 25%, to help boost wages of US citizens
Seattle WA Times
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart

2015-07-18 (5775 Ab 02)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_
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2015 July, week 5 (26-31) (12KB)
Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
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Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
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World Atlas: states by population density

  "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.   Distinctions in 'society' will always exist under every just government.   Equality of talents, of eduction, or of wealth cannot be produced by human istitutions.   In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law;   but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of 'society' -- the farmers, mechanics, and laborers -- who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government.   There are no necessary evils in government.   Its evils exist only in its abuses.   If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing.   In the act before the there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles." --- Andrew Jackson 1832 July (qouted in G. Edward Griffin 1994, 2010 _The Creature from Jekyll Island_ pg350; citing Herman E. Krooss 1969, 1983 _Documentary History of Banking and Currency in the United States_ vol3 pp36-37)  

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