2015 July, week 1

1st month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2017-03-28

  "Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one-fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 3  

2015 July
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2015 July, week 1 (1-4) (12KB)
2015 July, week 2 (5-11) (12KB)
2015 July, week 3 (12-18) (12KB)
2015 July, week 4 (19-25) (12KB)
2015 July, week 5 (26-31) (12KB)
  "Life is great when we are grateful." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 July

1st month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
another primer for reporters on the H-1B visa program
"American media, I welcome you to the H-1B cesspool.   After decades of neglect, I am happily surprised that Southern California Edison and Disney have drawn new attention to the H-1B program.   I do have one nit to pick.   Many of you are referring to 'loop-holes' and 'abuse'.   That is entirely [correct.   Those loop-holes were designed in as well as the vast majority of the abuses].   Disney and SCE show that the H-1B program is working as it [was] designed to work.   You need to start looking deeper.
H-1B Is Overly Complicated.   The H-1B program provides an excellent illustration of why there is nothing on the planet that needs more regulation.   H-1B is worthy of one, maybe two, but no more than three pages of statute.   But, depending on how you format it, H-1B can be as much as 30 printed pages.   All the excess length does is obscure the true operation of the program and allow abuse.
H-1B Is Designed to Hinder Enforcement.   Congress has designed the H-1B program to allow it to be abused with impunity.   Complexity is the means it has used to allow this abuse.   For example, it would take one sentence to say, 'The Department of Labor has the authority to enforce the provisions of this section.' [or better 'The Department of Labor shall faithfully enforce the provisions of this section, and the penalties for not doing so include a fine of $10K-$50K plus 1-60 months in prison per instance.']   Instead, the statutes go on at length specifying when and when not DoL can enforce the law.   Here's an illustration: The first step in the H-1B process is for the employer to file a labor condition application (LCA).   That is where the employer certifies the prevailing wage, the wage to be paid to the H-1B worker, and to other labor protection provisions.   Notice that the employer determines what the prevailing wage is.   And it gets even better.   8 U.S.C. § 1182(n)(1) requires the Department of Labor to approve all LCAs within seven days as long as the form is filled out correctly.   The employer can put anything down on the LCA and know that it will be approved.   8 U.S.C. §1182(n)(2)(G)(v) prohibits the Department of Labor from going back and reviewing LCAs later.   The whole LCA system is a meaningless paper shuffling exercise.   S744 (so called 'comprehensive immigration reform' [but actually 'reprehensible immigration law perversion']) devoted a page to reforming this restriction.   It reworded the sentence so that -- get this -- the Department of Labor would have to approve all LCAs within 10 days as long as the form is filled out; an entire page devoted to doing absolutely nothing.   No wonder the bill was over 1K pages long.   This demonstrates that congress knows where the problems are in H-1B, but it is beholden to money interests that want to ensure that H-1B can be abused with impunity.   Another illustration of how H-1B hinders enforcement is that launching an investigation based on patterns of behavior requires the personal approval of the secretary of Labor.
H-1B Is Designed to Allow Employers to Pay Foreign Workers Extremely Low Wages.   The first problem in the system is that the employer determines the prevailing wage and the employer can use nearly any source for that determination.   Prior to 2005, employers used this combined with the restrictions on enforcement to pay H-1B workers low wages.   However, in 2004 congress explicitly changed the law to allow employers to pay H-1B workers absurdly low wages.   Pettifoggers will tell you that H-1B workers are required to be paid the higher of the prevailing wage or the wage paid to similar workers.   And golly gee willikers, it says just that right at the top of 8 U.S.C. § 1101(n)(1).   That's enough information for the willful ignorami writing the Wall Street Journal editorial page.   But scroll down to 8 U.S.C. § 1101(p)(4).   There you will find that the Department of Labor is required to take an existing wage survey and divide it into 4 skill level prevailing wages.   Notice there is no requirement that the employer pay the H-1B worker at his skill level.   Even if there were such a requirement, it would be unenforceable because skill is a subjective measure [and intentionally left without any resemblance of an attempt at precise definition].   Under this system, employers classify:   52% of H-1B workers at the lowest skill level, where they command a wage at the 17th percentile for the occupation and location.   30% at the next lowest skill level, where they command a wage at the 34th percentile.   12% at the next skill level, where they command the median (or actual prevailing wage).   6% at the highest skill level, where they command a wage at the 67th percentile.   Notice that H-1B workers are 'highly skilled' when industry wants more of them, but those very same workers become 'low-skilled' when determining what they have to be paid.   Also notice that if the H-1B program excluded aliens paid less than the actual prevailing wage, the quota would not come close to being reached.   For example, in Silicon Valley the prevailing wage for a programmer is $93,891.   However, an employer can legally pay an H-1B worker $57,179.   An employer can save $36K [per] year by going H-1B.   It is no wonder that H-1B workers are concentrated in high-wage locations of the country.   When a pettifogger tells you that employers do not use H-1B for cheap labor because the visa cost is so great, compare those costs to the $20K+ a year the employer can save on wages.   Also, when an employer tells you that they had to hire H-1B workers because they could not find Americans, try looking up their labor condition applications and compare the wage they claim to be paying to the actual prevailing wage.   The key point is that Congress has affirmatively acted to ensure that employers can pay H-1B workers ridiculously low wages.
H-1B Is Designed to Allow Employers to Replace Americans with Cheap Foreign Workers.   Replacing Americans with H-1B workers has been going on at least since 1994.   In 1998, congress responded explicitly by making it legal for employers to replace Americans with H-1B workers.   Under the current law an employer may replace an American with an H-1B worker unless:   The H-1B worker is paid less than $60K; and   The H-1B worker does not have a graduate degree; and   The employer has more than 15% of its total employees on H-1B visas earning less than $60K and not having graduate degrees; and   The replacement takes place within 90 days of making the visa petition.   You have to navigate through 2 levels of misdirection in the code to piece all this together.   Congress went to a lot of effort to ensure employers can replace Americans and to hide that fact from the casual reader of the code..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
R' Yonason Goldson _Jewish World Review_
why marriage matters

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
constitutional ignorance and dereliction: education and fidelity
"[Even the somewhat monarchically-minded] Alexander Hamilton said, 'The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.', adding later, 'If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government.'   What institution was Hamilton referring to when he said 'the representatives of the people'?   Thomas Jefferson: 'What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?   Let them take arms.'   Who are the rulers Jefferson had in mind?   James Madison, the 'Father of the Constitution', said, '(The Constitution preserves) the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.'   George Mason, author of the Virginia Bill of Rights, which served as inspiration for the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights, said, 'To disarm the people -- that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them.', later saying, 'I ask, sir, what is the militia?   It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.'   Richard Henry Lee [Obummer's cousin] said, 'To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.'   Here's a much more recent statement from a liberal, bearing no kinship to today's liberals/progressives: The late vice-president Hubert H. Humphrey said, 'Certainly, one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms...   The right of the citizen to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America but which historically has proven to be always possible.'   There are some historical anti-gun statements that might please America's gun grabbers.   'Armas para que?'   (Translated: 'Guns, for what?')   That's how Fidel Castro saw the right of citizens to possess guns.   There's a more famous anti-gun statement: 'The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms.   History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.'   That was Adolf Hitler..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
another EB-5 scandal emerges in California
"Having just written a blog a couple of days ago about how the immigrant investor program seems to attract crooks and wastrels, yesterday I encountered yet another instance of this pattern.   The facts may not all be in, but the charge in a civil law-suit in California is disturbing.   The former chief financial officer of SolarMax Technology in Los Angeles, Michael McCaffrey, has asserted that his former employer fired him for revealing the company's 'fraud and financial improprieties' in connection with its raising of some $60M in EB-5 funds.   Bear in mind that McCaffrey was fired and is presumably angry about that. Nevertheless, the specifics sound worrisome..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Anne Flaherty _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
trade schools, job training programs, and universities should have to find grads jobs... or lose federal grants and other aid
"On Wednesday, new rules go into effect for any school with a career-training program.   Graduates have to be able to earn enough money to repay their student loans, or a school risks losing access to financial aid.   In general, annual loan payments shouldn't exceed 20% of a graduate's discretionary income or 8% of total earnings.   It's a modest step, consumer advocates say, that will probably succeed in shutting down the most obviously fraudulent programs, often criminal justice and medical training programs that can cost as much as $75K but aren't sought after by employers.   Still, the government's new definition for 'gainful employment' is unlikely to change what's become a complicated, enduring problem in the U.S.A..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
peak leftism?
"...in its mindless swarming and mob-like frenzy, nearly every hideous aspect of contemporary leftism is on display..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is still a key issue

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Laura Ingraham
Mt. Zion AME church fire does not appear to be the result of arson
M. Alex Johnson: NBC (video)
Rachael Myers Lowe: SC State
Jack Date, Tom Liddy & Meghan Keneally: abc

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
fanning the flames of another black church arson hoax
Cybercast News Service
about "Teach for America" in Discover the Networks
about academic associations in Discover the Networks
alphabetical list of associations in Discover the Networks

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
heroes, villains
"Don't Hollywood writers realize that abusing customers would be a bad business model [in a free market economy with open entry to competition]?   No.   They refuse to see that it rarely happens, and when it does it's unsustainable [except with the aid of corrupt, crony socialist governments]..."
Science Heroes

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the hidden message of "alternate-life-style" "marriage"

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Justin Fox _Jewish World Review_
Uber is lobbying for all of us

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
George Gilder _Jewish World Review_
eunuchnet, the return of over-regulation to telecommunications
"Comments Dan Berninger, the voice-over-Internet protocol pioneer now leading an 'Internet Independence' legal appeal against the government take-over: 'In 1995, when they removed Title 2, the Internet took off like a rocket.   Now as Title 2 comes back, all that is stopping; it is sinking into a morass.'...   Eric Schmidt, then a Sun microsystems engineer, now Google Chairman [so THAT's where he became such a hater of privacy, from Scott McNealy, and developed his 'always do evil' philosophy!]..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
if you compromise with leftist culture warriors you're doomed

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Debbie Sibert _Jewish World Review_
4 reasons you need to start acting like a child

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Kent Larson _Jewish World Review_
can religion survive FB?

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: supremes' diktat is a direct assault on our entire American heritage (video)
Emily Richards: they've nationalized marriage, taking power that historically and legally and constitutionally belongs to the states

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Martin Swant & Claire Galofaro _Washington DC Times_
some probate judges and clerks opposed to gay "marriage" stand firm
"Probate-judge Wes Allen...and other probate judges in the state cite Alabama Code section 30-1-9, which says marriage licenses 'may' be issued by them -- not that they must issue them...   In Kentucky on Tuesday, Rowan county clerk Kim Davis shut her blinds at work...   Some judges and clerks in Texas have done the same, ordering their offices in the name of religious liberty and free speech to issue no marriage licenses at all...   The misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail, is committed when a public servant [like, say, for instance, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson, Janet Napolitano, Barack Hussein Obummer, John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, or Ruth Bader Ginsburg] 'refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office'.   Casey Davis, the clerk in Casey county, KY, says he won't resign and he'd rather go to jail than issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Lisa Lerer & Matthew Daly _Cybercast News Service_
e-mail messages show that top Obummer regime officials were aware of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's illegal private e-mail server and address for government business
Laura Ingraham
Brendan Bordelon: National Review
"The chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, requested Clinton's e-mail address on 2009 September 5, according to one e-mail [message].   His request came 3 months after top [Obummer] strategist David Axelrod asked the same question of one of Clinton's top aides...   One day in 2009 November, aide Huma Abedin [affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood via her parents, and GWU Muslim Students Association] forwarded Clinton a list of 11, back-to-back calls she was scheduled to make to foreign ministers around the world...   The e-mails also reflect the vast scope of Clinton's network, after several decades in Washington.   She asks aides for restaurant recommendations for a meal with California Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein (whom she refers to as DiFi), advises her future 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta to wear socks to bed, and passes on advice from former campaign strategist Mark Penn with the note 'overlook the source'..."
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
admission that she had classified e-mail on her home server opens door for servers to be seized and forensic analysis

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Dana Roberts & Owen Gibson _Manchester Guardian_
e-mail messages show that Hitlery Rotten Clinton lobbied Cherie Blair to get prime-minister Tony Blair to meet Qatari royal Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity: could Greece's debt/bankruptcy happen soon in the USA?

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
major broadcast networks ignore Oklahoma court calling for removal of 10 Commandments/Aseret HaDibrot statue from state capitol (with video)
Laura Ingraham
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
"On Tuesday night, the major broadcast networks refused to cover the latest news regarding the fight for religious liberty as Oklahoma's supreme court ruled hours earlier that a Ten Commandments monument at the State Captiol grounds in Oklahoma City must be removed due to it being 'obviously religious in nature' and 'an integral part of the Jewish and Christian faiths'..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
the media, the court and the slippery sex slope; the campaign for this has been going on consciously for at least 3 decades

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt Obummer threatens to squeeze every last ounce of regress in his war against the USA

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
USA had more married couples with children in the more prosperous, less over-crowded, less over-populated year 1963 (before car-seats and seat-belts, and thin, plastic, tiny vehicles) than we did in 2014
"In the years since 1950, the traditional family peaked as a phenomenon in American culture in 1957.   That year there were 49,673,000 households in the United States, according to the Census Bureau's Table HH-1, and, according to Table FM-1, 22,139,000 of them -- or 44.6% -- consisted of a mom and a dad and one or more children."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer and the haughty John Kerry back away from inspections of Iran's nuclear weapons development program; their operating principle seems to be "first, do nothing effective to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems"

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
_Conservative HQ_
#AmericaProud: US citizens celebrating USA's greatness

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
_Conservative HQ_
crony socialist Export-Import Bank dead... or is it?
"The Export-Import Bank's charter officially expired at midnight last night and those opposed to its cronyism and corruption rightly celebrated its demise.   But the celebration may be just a little premature as the corporate vampires who have gotten fat sucking the [tax-victims] dry through Ex-Im and other crony government deals haven't given up on maintaining their subsidized loans and insider deals.   The Washington Post reports that Democrats and business-oriented Republicans are hoping to revive the bank in July, perhaps by attaching a charter renewal to a must-pass transportation bill.   According The Post's reporting, in separate calls with reporters, exporters and Democrats cited bank statistics indicating that nearly 200 pending transactions totaling more than $9G will be put at risk by an extended charter lapse, costing an untold number of jobs.   'This is unilateral disarmament in the competition for jobs.', said House minority-whip Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD).   'Our competitiveness in the world markets is being undermined while our competitors...are being advantaged.'   'Where is the fairness in giving Washington politicians and bureaucrats the power to pick who gets helped and who gets hurt?', said representative Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chairman of the House Financial Services committee, in a recent statement reported by The Post.   And Hensarling is right.   Delta airlines, for example, has opposed the reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank correctly pointing out that it in effect subsidizes its foreign competitors thereby causing the American taxpayer to disadvantage an American company -- and its American employees -- against foreign competitors.   Citizens United said the lapse is a 'victory for supporters of smaller, more efficient government and fiscal discipline'..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Liberia reports another case of ebola
"Liberia was declared Ebola-free by the World Health Organization on May 9 and aid workers had closed Ebola treatment units..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Bob Unruh _WND_
reverend Franklin Graham: "gay rainbow" is a clever propaganda gimmick... which ends badly
"...'God is the one who gave the rainbow, and it was associated with His judgment.   God sent a flood to wipe out the entire world because mankind had become so wicked and violent.', he wrote...   'The rainbow was a sign to Noah that God would not use the flood again to judge the world.   But one day God is going to judge sin -- all sin.   Only those who are found righteous will be able to escape His judgement.'..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Marco Rubio to Obummer: stop helping Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; just walk away

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
S.A. Miller _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton amassed over $45M in 2015Q1

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Ben Carson raised over $8.3M in 2015Q1, more than $10 in Q2, with an average contribution of about $50
"The Carson camp said Wednesday the retired neurosurgeon raked in $10.5M and more than 209K donations since he set up a presidential presidential exploratory committee on March 3. Of those, more than 150K are unique individual donors, the campaign said. The campaign said the average contribution was about $50..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
S.A. Miller _Washington DC Times_
poll: Scott Walker leads but nomination is wide open in Iowa

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Russian prosecutor scheming to help Putin take over Baltics

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
F-35 struggles in dog-fight with F-16; pilot at distinct energy disadvantage
"...The F-35 pilot also complained that it was difficult to engage the F-16 with 25mm cannon, and that his [$400M] helmet was too cumbersome for a dog-fight, The Diplomat reported..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
debt-ridden Illinois heading toward state government shut-down

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
_Cybercast News Service_
Catholic bishop Thomas John Paprocki: our nation has suffered a loss of virtue and honor that threatens our freedom

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Gaza=Palestine to be declared part of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate; accuse Hamas of "sliding into apostasy"
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Bob Unruh _WND_
MA library tries to ban religion from meeting rooms
"'Public libraries, once open forums of free expression and thought, are being used by [leftists] to censor or suppress the right of individuals to speak on political and moral issues of the day.', Staver pointed out.   'When political correctness uses the government to enforce its sense of morality, Liberty Counsel gets involved.'..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Laura Ingraham
Trans-Pacific Partnership leak reveals pharmaceutical deal
"The chapter supposedly establishes a U.S. negotiating team for the protection of pharmaceutical industry profits.   This provision appeases many in the pharmaceutical industry, which has been pushing for the TPP to include 12 years of monopoly pricing powers for drug manufacturers.   However, relief organizations are concerned the deal will increase prices, meaning fewer drugs for people in the developing world.   The leaked provision serves as a reminder of the secrecy surrounding what has been called the 'most [regressive] trade deal in history'.   The release of this chapter is leading to doubts from former TPP endorsers..."

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
_Tallahassee Reports_
leaked: what's in Obummers Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
bishop Ira Cobs: armed congregants won't allow attacker(s) timt to re-load

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
_Miami FL Herald_/_AP_
governor Scott Walker of WI signed GPS anti-tracking bill

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Blake Neff _Daily Caller_
1,400 Chicago public school teachers fired... to fund extravagant pensions

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Jack Moore _NewsWeek_
Israel's Shin Bet dismantling Hamas cell in eastern Israel: 40 arrested near Nablus
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-07-01 (5775 Tamuz 14)
Monica Crowley _Washington DC Times_
the left and their Declaration of Dependency on government
Political Mavens
"In that famous founding document we celebrate this weekend, the Declaration of Independence, Mr. Jefferson cataloged a long list of abuses of the American people by the British sovereign.   Today, we could compile our own list of abuses suffered at the hands of [Obummer], his congressional toadies, his wingmen in the media, and his protectors at the Supreme Court.   They include:   A lawless president who routinely lies with impunity.   An out-of-control congress.   A politically corrupted Supreme Court.   An equally corrupt media.   A long-term jobs crisis.   The government take-over and destruction of the best health care system in the world.   A national debt speeding toward $20T.   The political weaponization of the Internal Revenue Service.   The endless influx of illegal aliens into America and failure to secure our borders and our sovereignty.   A dangerous foreign policy that embraces, frees and empowers our enemies while abandoning and imperiling our friends.   A commander in chief who is deliberately weakening American power.   An arrogant, unresponsive elite class that is bankrupting the nation while empowering itself.   Americans will take a lot, but I always believed that they would not tolerate the abuse of their nation by the forces of a sick and discredited redistributionist ideology..."

This afternoon, I'm liking Sessions, Walker, Huckabee, Trump, Cruz, and Paul, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Terri Steger was a systems analyst for AT&T and one of its contractors for 35 years in Milwaukee before her 'IT' job and the jobs of her co-workers were shipped to India in 2009.   She soon found herself in an orientation class sponsored by the local TAA office in Milwaukee to help her and others who had lost their jobs decide on their next career.   Steger said that one of the federal officials suggested to the group that they consider information technology.   'We raised our hands and said, Wait a minute, you might want to re-think that, because we're all in information technology and our jobs are in India right now.', she said." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg259  



2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Marco Rubio's guest-worker bill would expand Disney-style lay-offs, displacements of bright, creative, industrious US citizen STEM professionals (with graphs)
"...the 'I-Squared' bill in the U.S. senate. It would triple the number of temporary guest workers allowed into the U.S.A. on the H1-B visa each year, from 65K to 195K, while also allowing the visa holders to bring in family members.   The actual number of H1-B visas issued could be closer to 300K when including non-profit entities taking advantage of the legislation.   The visa, which is good for 6 years, has been used by Disney, Southern California Edison, Cargill*, Harley Davidson, Deloitte, Northeast Utilities, and other corporate giants to replace American tech workers with foreigners who will work for about one-third lower salaries...   The I-Squared bill has the backing of the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists], the Business Software Alliance and heavyweight execs from Oracle, MSFT, Apple, Yahoo!, and Google among others.   Rubio made a fundraising stop on June 9 to the home of Oracle founder Larry Ellison, seeking fresh cash for his presidential campaign.   'Oracle's top dogs have repeatedly made clear they're big backers of [reprehensible immigration law perversion, and opponents of immigration reform].', wrote the San Francisco Chronicle's Carla Marinucci.   'So, while he (Rubio) is picking up the checks, will he have a real heart-to-heart with Larry on Silicon Valley and immigration reform?'   Over his political career Rubio has taken in $37,050 in campaign contributions from MSFT alone, which is among the top 10 of his business donors, according to OpenSecrets.org...   At a time when American tech workers are being thrown out of their jobs, and those graduating college with...STEM degrees can't find work in STEM-related fields, Rubio's I-Squared bill would expand the guest-worker program that many see as the culprit.   News broke June 26 that another Florida company, the St. Petersburg-based digital media firm Catalina Marketing, is employing the [same] strategy, using foreign workers to replace 50 of its 'IT' workers and making the Americans train their foreign replacements...   Even in the [leftist] state of California, the State Assembly this week adopted a resolution calling for a federal investigation of the H1-B visa program's role in stealing American tech jobs...   Cargill replaced 900 U.S. workers last year...   Critics, such as public policy professor Ron Hira of Howard University and economics professor Hal Salzman of Rutgers, who together have done the most research on the guest-worker program, cite evidence that U.S. colleges and universities are already cranking out twice as many STEM graduates as needed.   Their research shows that nearly half of STEM graduates can't find a job in a STEM-related field.   In short, there is no shortage of American tech workers, which is further borne out by the stagnant wages in the U.S. tech industry over the last 10 years, Salzman said...   John Miano, who authored [several studies] on the H1-B visa program for the Center for Immigration Studies.   Miano, a fellow at CIS, a lawyer and a former software developer, maintains that...the program was designed by congress to do exactly what it is accomplishing -- the replacement of the American tech worker with cheap foreign guest-workers...   Miano believes the H-1B visa [recipients are mostly the equivalent of sputtering Volkswagens being sold as a Lamborghinis].   'This H1-B marketing program took off during the Y2K period, and then along came the dot-com bust and there was clearly no shortage, and the H1-Bs should have gone away completely.', he said.   'Academicians put together these progression models that show absolutely anything they want it to.   When you have poor matchings, a few changes in the data points can show shifts in whether you're creating jobs or costing jobs.   They have a whole army of people doing that.   It's research for hire.   Every industry lobby group in existence is paying for these studies.   There's a long list of industry groups offering funding including Ford, the American immigration lawyers, and the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists].'...   What the letter doesn't point out is that 10K jobs is a relative pin prick when compared to the 500K STEM graduates [including over 300K US citizens (graph and graph by degree level)] graduating from U.S. universities every year.   What they're really saying is they can't fill those 10K jobs at the price they want, Miano said, which he considers an insult to the American tech worker."
more graphs of related USA education statistics, and related quotes
* Between 1986 and 1990, just before H-1B was hatched, tens of thousands of STEM professionals were rendered unemployed in the Twin Cities, from Control Data Corporation, Honeywell, Sperry Univac & Burroughs (these last 2 merged to become Unisys), and IBM; Cargill was essentially submerged in STEM talent.   As time passed, similar massive lay-offs occurred from Digital Equipment Corporation and Data General in Massachusetts.

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
record 93.6M USA residents not in the labor force (NILF); labor-force participation rate (LFPR) declined to seasonally adjusted 62.6%
Rudy Takala: Cybercast News Service: 19.8% of USA work-force was foreign-born in June
Ali Meyer: Cybercast News Service: 56.085M women NILF, LFPR declined to seasonally adjusted 56.7%
Caroline May: Breitbarts: record 93.6M USA residents not in the labor force (NILF)
Caroline May: Breitbart: 24.8M foreign-born people are employed in the USA as illegal alien employees, guest-workers, green-card granted immigrants, and US citizens
Fox/AP: wages are flat
Briefing: The Big Picture: a conundrum in employment trends
Investor's Business Daily: the quiet crisis of USA's "disappearing" and ignored by recruiters work-force
graphs of employment, unemployment, employed/population ratios, labor force participation rates, etc.
graphs of duration of unemployment, etc.
graphs of employment, unemployment, etc., by industry (for a selection of industries)
graphs of employment, unemployment, etc., by occupation (for a selection of occupatios)
graphs of unemployment rates for a selection of states, counties, metropolitan statistical areas
graphs of education statistics (degrees earned by US citizens by field of study, aggregate SAT scores, etc.)
graphs of visa and related statistics (numbers of selected types of visas issued, characteristics of approved applicants for H-1B visas, green cards issued, deportations, etc.
Michael Ramirez at Investor's Business Daily puts BLS data in perspective

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
California & NJ legislatures draft "fire-walls" to clumsily limit abuse of cross-border bodyshops and off-shoring
"California's anti-off-shoring bill (AB853), sponsored by Assembly member Roger Hernandez (D-West Covina), is aimed at IT operations.   It requires an electric or gas company [i.e. government-protected monopolies] 'to use direct employees for any work associated with the design, engineering, and operation of its nuclear, electrical, and gas infrastructure, including all computer and information systems, to the extent feasible'.   Direct employees include contractor or subcontractors working under the direct supervision of the utility.   If a utility wants to use non-direct employees (workers who aren't under the direct supervision of the utility), it has to demonstrate to the state utilities regulator that the work 'can be performed safely and securely'.   Legislative documents make clear the motivation for this bill: It is a direct response to Southern California Edison's hiring of two India-based 'IT' [bodyshops] and the subsequent lay-off of 400 workers and the voluntary departure of another 100.   But the California legislative effort goes well past that issue...   [Chris Christie vetoed a bill with much the same aim in NJ.]"

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Ken Mingis _CIO_/_IDG_
California & NJ legislatures propose to rein in H-1B use/abuse

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
John Miano suggests that journalists should open their eyes

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
PNAE refuses to see or hear anything but open borders, more cheap, young, pliant guest-workers propaganda

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
designating terrorist organizations, and immigration enforcement
"under the designation process developed by DOS, various agencies participating in the targeting and review can put 'holds' on designation.   Section 219 of the INA, which outlines the legal basis for designation of FTOs contains no such proviso.   The reasons described for placing 'holds' are just a wee bit fuzzy and this arouses my suspicious nature because, in addition to the other government agencies one would expect to participate (such as the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Justice and Homeland Security Departments, etc.), one finds mentioned the DOS regional bureaus (see note 16 in the report).   These are the folks that look out for the political angles of inter-governmental relationships...   although various other statistics are scattered throughout the GAO report, the number of holds and who placed them is nowhere to be found..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
when is a boat not a boat?

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
there will be no Trump apology tour for telling the truth: symbolically wiped the floor with sour CNN anchor
cited Univision-owned source
Eugene Scott: CNN

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
media try to hide facts, try to smear those who recognize them
"When Donald Trump said something not exuberantly enthusiastic about Mexican immigrants, the media's response was to boycott him.   One thing they didn't do was produce any facts showing he was wrong.   Trump said: 'When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.   They're not sending you.   They're not sending you.   They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us.   They're bringing drugs.   They're bringing crime.   They're rapists.   And some, I assume, are good people.'   The first thing a news fact-checker would have noticed is: The government won't tell us how many immigrants [and illegal aliens, and guest-workers, and foreign students] are committing crimes in the USA.   Wouldn't that make any person of average intelligence suspicious?   Not our media.   They're in on the cover-up..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Donald Trump's criticisms of mass invasion of USA from Mexico barely scratches the surface

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Mark Levin: defend people like Trump who are speaking truthfully
"Trump is under fire for saying in his campaign kick-off speech that many Mexicans who are coming into the United States illegally are rapists and killers.   But Levin said the gist of Trump's comments are true, and his words are being twisted.   NBC Universal and Univision have dropped his Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants, Macy's has stopped selling his clothing line and Serta has stopped selling his mattress line.   'Whatever you think of him, the fact of the matter is we have got to start defending people who are speaking out.', Levin said.   'If they speak out and say things that are really, really outrageous that we disagree with, no.   But...they are now running an organized campaign against Trump that destroys businesses.'..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Sylvia Van Peebles _Examiner_
leftist fall-out over Donald Trumps about criminal aliens
"Anyone who can get that many liberal politically correct panties in a twist, must be doing something right!...   These are just the latest in a growing list of lefties crying fowl over a somewhat gruff, yet truthful statement that some Mexican immigrants are rapists and drug dealers.   Operative word here is some.   Maybe part of Macy's problem with Trump is due more to business reasons than political.   Trump has a clothing line with them and had expressed his unhappiness over the fact that the ties and shirts were made in [Red China].   He stated that if he were to do another product line in the future, he would insist they were American-made..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
128 unaccompanied illegal aliens under 19 years old caught at Mexican border per day in the month of May
Caroline May: Breitbart
"In total, 3,965 children were caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally during that month alone."
I don't get this.   If they're at the border, trying to enter the USA, but are confronted, why are they not being turned back, i.e. prevented from entering the USA, instead of being "caught"?

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
illegal aliens "organized" by leftists made the mistake of trying to disrupt Ann Coulter book signing

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
blind, deaf and dumb on Iran

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Fred Fleitz _News Max_
Obummer's agreement to let Iran develop nuclear weapons keeps congress in the dark (ditto TPP and TATIP and TISA)

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Francis Wilkinson _Jewish World Review_
leftist "triumphs" may pave the way to abortion ban

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
shades of the 1930s in Greece

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
the playout of the results of Greece's years of over-spending could be good for Europe

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Obummer, Gruber, Kathleen Supercilious, Burwell, Reid, Pelosi, Boehner, McConnell, Howard Dean, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Anthony Kennedy, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg & John Roberts want to destroy our health-care system

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
far too many are crazed extreme leftist Californians now
"California keeps reminding us what has gone astray with America in recent years.   The state is in the midst of a crippling 4-year-old drought.   Yet California has built almost no major northern or central mountain reservoirs since the New Melones Dam of 1979.   That added nearly 3M acre-feet to the state's storage reserves -- a critical project that was almost canceled by endless environmental law-suits and protests..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
what was so dreadful about last week?: more and more true blue Republican states and cities
Washington DC Times

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's secret war
Washington DC Times
"In the course of my work at Fox News, I am often asked by colleagues to review and explain documents and statutes.   Recently, in conjunction with my colleagues Catherine Herridge, our chief intelligence correspondent, and Pamela Browne, our senior executive producer, I read the transcripts of an interview Browne did with a man named Marc Turi, and Herridge asked me to review e-mails to and from State Department and congressional officials during the years when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state.   What I saw has persuaded me beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty that Clinton provided material assistance to terrorists and lied to Congress in a venue where the law required her to be truthful.   Here is the back-story..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
_Conservative HQ_
Obummer bows to fellow wannabe dictator Raoul Castro
"Leading conservatives in congress, including representative Ron DeSantis, the CHQ endorsed candidate for Senator to replace Marco Rubio, senator Ted Cruz and senator Marco Rubio have come out strongly against [president Obummer's] announced decision to reopen diplomatic relations with the Communist Castro regime in Cuba, to exchange ambassadors and reestablish a U.S. embassy in Cuba.   Wisconsin governor and 2016 presidential contender Scott Walker likewise issued a statement opposing the [Obummer] plan.   Congressman Ron DeSantis released the following statement in response to news that the [United States of America] and Cuba will open embassies in Washington [DC] and Havana: '[President Barack Hussein Obummer's] removal of Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism was outrageous, and it is insulting to those fighting terror around the globe that the Castro dictatorship will now have an outpost a stone's throw from the White House.   The establishment of an embassy, which effectively embraces Cuba's oppressive government, is another slap in the face of the Cuban-Americans who fled Castro's tyranny for freedom.', said congressman DeSantis.   'This reckless action by the president will embolden Castro's government and add a cloak of legitimacy to what is in fact a totalitarian regime that has oppressed millions, including many in Florida.'   Texas senator Ted Cruz calls it a 'slap in the face of a close ally' that the U.S.A. would place an embassy in Havana before putting one in Jerusalem.   The U.S. Embassy for Israel is in Tel Aviv because of sensitivities in the Middle East about moving it to Jerusalem.   Cruz, a Cuban-American and 2016 presidential contender, excoriated [president Barack Hussein Obummer] over the new diplomatic ties with Cuba, calling it 'unconditional surrender' to the Castro regime.   Cruz says the Cuban regime is 'one of the most violently anti-American regimes on the planet'.   And the Texas senator is threatening to block any [Obummer] nominee for ambassador.   Cruz also says he will work to stop funds for embassy construction unless [Obummer] can show that he has made progress in alleviating the 'misery of our friends, the people of Cuba'.   Florida senator Marco Rubio says he'll continue to oppose the confirmation of any ambassador to Cuba until its leaders address human rights abuses and meet other conditions.   The Florida senator and son of Cuban immigrants accuses the [Obummer regime] of making 'unilateral concessions' to an 'odious regime'.   Wisconsin governor Scott Walker says [Obummer] is 'foolishly' [or wickedly] rewarding Cuban [dictators.   President Obummer's] decision to establish full diplomatic relations with Cuba and open an embassy there is yet another example of his appeasement of dictators.   He is foolishly rewarding the brutal Castro dictatorship and selling out the Cuban people.', stated Walker.   Walker mocked that an embassy in Iran may be next on [Obummer's] radar.   'Given his track record of retreat, should we expect an embassy in Iran next?   Instead of supporting our close ally Israel with an embassy in Jerusalem, [president Obummer] is accommodating an enemy, the Castro regime, without forcing it to turn over its terrorist and criminal fugitives.', Walker said."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer is embracing a real live current day police state in Cuba

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Ted Cruz to Republicans: there are no "nice" main-stream media reporters
"...'You see Republicans when they're interviewed by left-wing reporters, and they get afraid.', Cruz said.   'They want them to like them.   They are not going to like us.   They hate us.'   Cruz also decried the main-stream media effort to find candidates 'more Hispanic' than Cruz, 'because there's nothing that makes you Hispanic [in the leftist media's eyes] like embracing the left-wing amnesty agenda', he tells Beck.   'And look, that's fine, the media is who they are.', Cruz said.   'What we need to do when we deal with the media is speak the truth, but do it with a smile.   Margaret Thatcher said, First you win the argument, then you win the vote.   The last several elections, we haven't won the argument.   We haven't even made the argument.'..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Brad Wilmouth _Media Research Center News Busters_
Paul Begala confirmed that being a Bolshevik communist is a resume-enhancer among Dems

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
McLaughlin poll: GOP losership are destroying GOP brand

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
the real goal of the same-sex "marriage" movement

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
communist crusade against Jews and Christians begins with revocation of non-profit tax-exempt status
World Net Daily

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Orange county NY cracks down after finding over $1M in welfare fraud (video)

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
_Cybercast News Service_
will church cave on same-sex "marriage"; not Southern Baptists (video)
Brittany M. Hughes

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Matt Volz _Cybercast News Service_
polyamorous trio vows law-suit if Montana denies marriage license
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
William Bigelos: Breitbart

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Chad Merda _Chicago Sun-Times_
Mike Huckabee: crimes against supporters of traditional marriage are hate crimes

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
at UN "rights" council don't dare point out that Palestinian terrorists (Hamas and Fatah and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate) are genocidal
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
Canadian Libertarians revolt after party losership suspends anti-feminist candidate Lauren Southern

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Romans are attacking Israel again

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Gaza=Palestine flotilla "humanitarian aid" fit in 2 card-board boxes; asthma inhaler, solar panel only "aid" materials found on ship

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Obummer is trying to block Arabs from fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, keep weapons from reaching Kurds
Con Coughlin: London Telegraph
"Millions of pounds-worth of weapons have been bought by a number of European countries to arm the Kurds, but American commanders, who are overseeing all military operations against Isil, are blocking the arms transfers.   One of the core complaints of the Kurds is that the Iraqi army has abandoned so many weapons in the face of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate attack, the Peshmerga are fighting modern American weaponry with out-of-date Soviet equipment.   At least one Arab state is understood to be considering arming the Peshmerga directly, despite US opposition..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Benghazi, where Libya's up-rising against Moammar Gadhafi began, is now a shattered city

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
1,200 escaped from Yemen prison, including al-Qaeda jihadis

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
poll: anti-semitism in decline in France, Germany & Belgium, but still a majority belief for Muslims in Western Europe

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Alan Keyes _WND_
supremes' decree was a wholesale act of judicial nullificatio of the US constitution: supremely treasonous act will not stand

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
L. Brent Bozell iii _Breitbart_
congress is an unholy mess; most "Republicans" are really Dems/Reds/leftists in the Conservatie Review "Liberty Score"

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Scott Walker campaign hires another controversial anti-conservative Brad Dayspring

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Patrick J. Buchanan _WND_
disparate cultures, lack of state responsibilty, may dissolve EU

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
David Limbaugh _WND_
don't give up on the USA
"As I've said, I was very alarmed, though not particularly surprised, by the 2 supreme court decisions last week in which the court's majority blithely bastardized the English language, the Constitution, the rule of law and the very idea of truth in order to further advance the [leftist] agenda in this nation..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) demands DoJ answers about Hitlery's _Clinton Cash_ uranium transfer to Russia

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Jason Devaney _News Max_
George Soros helped Hitlery groups raise $24.3M in first half of 2015
"...Super PACs Priorities USA Action and American Bridge 21st Century took in $15.6M and $7.7M, respectively.   A third group, the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, brought in an additional $1M, according to Politico.   Saban, according to Forbes, is the 172nd richest person in the United States.   He gave $2M to Priorities USA Action.   His fellow billionaire, Soros, whose net worth of $24G makes him the 29th richest person in the world (and 19th in the U.S.A.), gave $1M to Priorities USA Action and another $1M to American Bridge 21st Century, reports Politico...   [funds from Hollyweird]...   Soros also donated $1M to America Votes, a left-leaning non-profit group..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Bob Unruh _WND_
Liberty Counsel calls on pastors to Declare Dependence on God

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Obummer regime faile to de-brief American freed from Cuba
"Though Gross spent more than five years in a Cuban prison, and could potentially provide valuable intelligence on the regime, as well as information about political prisoners, the Obama administration showed no interest...   On Wednesday, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] announced the re-opening of American and Cuban embassies in the two countries' respective capitals. He made no mention of political prisoners, nor did he cite any concessions the Cuban regime had made..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Gallup poll: fewer people have pride in the USA then ever

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
_Cybercast News Service_
NY flag-burners flee when confronted (video)

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Bill Federer _WND_
what happens if the spirit of USA is killed?

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Jackie Gingrich Cushman _News Max_
USA Independence Day honors founding father's pledge
"We were required to give -- both in taxes and hospitality without any say -- without a vote or a voice.   The taxation began in the 1760s, the Boston Massacre occurred in 1770, the Boston Tea Party in 1773, and the Battles of Lexington and Concord in April of 1775.   It did not happen overnight, but over decades of subjugation and British arrogance.   They could simply take what they needed -- we were only subjects -- with no voice or vote.   For years we went along -- attempting to be heard, attempting to have a say in the rules and regulations that provided the framework for our lives.   Patrick Henry's call to action, 'Give me liberty or give me death' [borrowed from the then popular play 'Cato' written in 1712 by Joseph Addison], was the first strong public statement that, if we were to be free, if we were to have liberty, then we would have to fight Britain.   Henry understood that the answer was not to wait and see, that we had to be willing to fight for our freedom.   This was the first time this was clearly laid out; until then the belief was that we could negotiate with Britain..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
My Beautiful America
"I have just completed a leg of our 2015 tour that has taken me across the entire heartland of America, Pacific to Atlantic, and once again I'm deeply touched by what this country means to me.   As the 239th Birthday of the greatest nation the world has never known approaches, I can think of no better way to use the Soapbox space this week than by celebrating the greatness of the blessed United States of America, by sharing a piece (poem; lyric?) I wrote years ago that describes my feelings for my homeland.   This soap-box will be the most current until Monday July 6th..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Obummer White House pays women 15.8% less than men (using the same means of calculation as other assertions of such a "pay gap")
"AEI economics scholar Mark J. Perry looked at the salaries of all White House employees, which are publicly available, and averaged out those who were male and female.   Female staffers earned on average $65,650 a year to male staffers' $78K, Perry found...   'That pay gap is slightly smaller than the 17.9% gender pay gap at the White House last year, but is still almost 2 times the average gender pay gap for Washington, DC of 9.2% according to the most recent data from the Department of Labor.'..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Trey Gowdy: Obummer and the haughty John Kerry could quickly brin an end to the Benghazi investigation by fessing up

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Greg Richter _News Max_
hateful, power-mad, anti-constitution, anti-liberty, lying oath-breaker Obummer smears Republicans as "mean"; it's just that his actions are bad, his ideas are bad, his ethics are bad, his principles are bad

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
researcher confirmed Internet has become weaponized: "Every time a black-out occurs, it's part of a larger repressive campaign"
"A researcher who has found a correlation between periods in which the Internet in Syria is shut off and violence inflicted by the government on rebel groups says the tactic also is employed in other countries, according to a report at Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.   Anita Gohdes, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Mannheim in Germany, previously wrote about her work in the Washington Post..."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
FBI: malware coming from Red China probably opened the way for OPM records grab
Cory Bennett: Hill

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
after popular admin Victoria Taylor was sacked for an "Ask Me Anything" interview of Jesse Jackson in which users asked him not-very-difficult questions, other Reddit moderators have gone on strike

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Wayne A. Abernathy _Washington DC Times_
strangled by Dodd-Frank regulatory kudzu: choking off small-dollar lending is harmful to consumers

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Bob Dorigo Jones _Washington DC Times_
the sticky legalisms of wacky warning labels
"Not too long ago, common sense ruled the day, so called because it was shared by nearly everybody.   Common values, commonly understood sense of right and wrong, just and unjust, all expressed in a common language of fairness.   But what's happened to common sense in America? Our laws, as expressed in opinions by our courts, seem disconnected from the common sense that defined our experience.   Take a look at any of the five labels that have just been named finalists in our 18th annual Wacky Warning Labels Contest."

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
William L. Schachte ii _Washington DC Times_
declaration of energy independence

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
what the taxi drivers know about Russia

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
Puerto Rico's object lesson: economies crumble with excessive minimum wages result in fewer jobs

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
Bernie Sanders campaigning on the bitter fruits of leftism; about a century after leftists set out to create a base of operations at U of Madison WI

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
the American KGB in Milwaukee WI as John Chisholm and minions attack political opponents

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Deborah Simmons _Washington DC Times_
celebrate and defend USA's independence, freedom and liberty every day

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Martha Bellisle _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
woman died of measles in Washington state, 1st in USA since 2003

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
what Obummer really doesn't want you to read; abandonment of USA materiel to ISIL, abandonment of Kurds

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Jack Moore _NewsWeek_
Israel increased alert level along southern border amid fears ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate affiliate in Egypt could lay siege to Gaza=Palestine

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
consider, for example, an unewlcome army on your door-step...

2015-07-02 (5775 Tamuz 15)
Andrew Nachemson _Washington DC Times_
1865-07-04: after Civil War, first USA Independence Day was subdued

This evening, I'm liking Sessions, Huckabee, Trump, Walker, Cruz, and Paul, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "The bottom line is, the most important thing a person has to want is truth.   To be human is to emote, and to emote is to be subjective.   Part of being human however is also to live with other people who do not feel as strongly about the things we do.   They can afford to be objective for us, just as we can for them when they become emotionally bogged down by their issues." --- R' Pinchas Winston 2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16) _Torah.org_ Facing Facts & Avoiding Destruction  



2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Clarence Page: a lot of companies displace US STEM professionals and require them to train cheap, young, pliant, guest-workers with questionable ethics
"Page stated, 'this has been happening with a lot of compan[ies].   I can take you to Ohio and talk to Americans who have been replaced by over-seas workers, and -- who they were asked to train before leaving.'...   Eleanor Clift said, 'I'd rather see the American corporations put some money into training Americans to take those jobs, but in the interim, I think we should welcome people from around the world.'   [Ignoring totally that one-half to two-thirds of newly graduated US citizen STEM professionals have been unable to land STEM jobs, and the flood of cheap foreign labor allow dumping nearly all of the rest a mere 10-15 years after.]"

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
David Stockman _News Max-
Obummer told another whopper of a lie, he did not create 12.8M jobs
"...We are now 29 quarters from the pre-crisis peak and total non-farm labor hours utilized by the U.S. economy are no higher than they were in 2007Q4...   The long, slow climb back to square one was due to the natural resilience of our capitalist economy -- notwithstanding the tax, regulatory and massive debt hurdles that Washington policies have thrown at it.   The truth of the matter is that America’s employment machine has been failing for this entire century.   As shown below, the number of non-farm labor hours utilized during the most recent quarter was only 1% higher than in the spring of 2000 -- way back when Bill Clinton still had his hands on things in the Oval Office...   Thus, during the comparable 29 quarters after the 1990 business cycle peak (1990 Q2 to 1997 Q3) non-farm labor hours had increased by 12% and during the same period of time after the 1981 peak (1981 Q3 to 1988 Q4) labor hours expanded by 17%...   we keep shedding high productivity hours in the full-time jobs sector in favor of low-skill, low-pay gigs in bars, restaurants, WMs and temp agencies...   The number of breadwinner jobs full-time positions in energy and mining, construction, manufacturing, the white collar professions, business management and services, information technology, transportation/distribution and finance, insurance and real estate -- is still 1.7M below the level of 2007 December; in fact, it is still lower than it was at the turn of the century...   What is happening is that the Keynesian money printers at the Fed are fueling serial financial bubbles.   This generates a temporary lift in the discretionary incomes of the top 10% of households, which own 85% of the financial assets, and the next 10%-20% which feed off the their winnings...   I call this the 'bread and circuses economy', but it has two problems.   Most of these slots generate only about 26 hours per week and $14 per hour...   The 19.6M goods producing jobs in June was 5M lower than in 2000 January.   Is there any wonder that the median real [inflation-adjusted] household income has declined by 7% over the last 15 years?..."

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS OIG: NY (state & city & SUNY) misuse limited federal anti-terrorism grant funds

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
suspect in SF murder had been deported to Mexico several times

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Laura Ingraham
fewer Californians admitted to U of CA, while offers to foreign students rose
Larry Gordon: Los Angeles CA Times

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Bob Unruh _WND_
federal official ripped Obummer as "worst", "amateur", "Marxist"
"[President Barack Hussein Obummer] is an 'amateur', a 'Marxist' and the 'worst' president ever, charged a federal official responsible for protecting public health.   That's according to internal e-mail messages obtained by Judicial Watch, the Washington watch-dog on government.   Judicial Watch said the e-mails were obtained as part of a review of the activation of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Emergency Operations Center that was intended to 'deal with the barrage of illegal alien minors' that arrived in the U.S.A. in 2014.   Some of the thousands of illegal alien youths have carried dangerous contagious diseases that had been considered eradicated in the U.S.A., such as swine flu, dengue fever, possibly the Ebola virus and tuberculosis...   In an e-mail dated 2014 June 9, CDCP logistics-management-specialist George Roark wrote to CDCP public-health-adviser William Adams that 'no country in the world would allow' the influx of illegal aliens, Judicial Watch said.   Adams replied that 'in 10 years or less, they'll all be voting', which is 'Commander's intent'..."

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Ben Graham _Free Republic_
border reports corroborate Donald Trump's claim of illegal alien rapists
Media Research Center

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the surging Republican truth-tellers
Washington DC Time

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump has some good points

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
vigilance is patriotic
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
the worst agreement in USA diplomatic history: helping Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Bill Whalen _Jewish World Review_
4 observations on USA's Independence Day

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
S.E. Cupp _Jewish World Review_
USA, you're beautiful

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
don't give up on the USA

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
liberty with wisdom vs. liberty without wisdom

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
how some judges break their oaths of office and corrod the rule of law

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
supremes reach what may be the end of a political era

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
no thanks for these mummeries
Washington DC Times

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Ben Wattenberg & Allen Weinstein: leaning left but showing patriotism, optimism, and good-natured debate

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
VietNam communist party chief Nguyen Phu Trong prepares to visit USA

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
_News Max_/_AP_
protection racket Aetna to buy Humana for $37G

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
_Classical Liberal HQ_
freedom is a fragile thing
Veterans In Defense of Liberty
ViDoL (video)

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
corrupt Obummer regime urges sycophants to promote unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare this week-end

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
hateful homosexuals win in Oregon, as anti-constitution judge issues gag order against victims

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
entire Decatur county TN clerk office resigned in protest against unconstitutional bullying

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
hateful homosexual rioters trashed newly-renovated Dolores park in SF

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal: Hitlery and Obummer are socialists, too; they're just less honest about it than Bernie Sanders

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Steve Szkotak _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Jefferson's rotunda at U of VA is undergoing $53M face-lift

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
presidential hopefuls join Independence Day parades

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime can't deign to catch threats at the ports and borders, but celebrating Independence Day is being over-regulated

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Nina Radcliff _Washington DC Times_
health precautions for hot fun in the summer-time

2015-07-03 (5775 Tamuz 16)
Hillel Italie _Cybercast News Service_
another look at founder John Jay
"As more of his papers have become available in the past decade, Jay's admirers, ranging from specialists to such popular historians as Joseph Ellis and Walter Isaacson, have been arguing that a founder they believe underrated deserves a closer look -- for achievements that extend to virtually every branch of government, on the state, federal and international level.   Jay was one of 3 [most prolific] contributors to the Federalist Papers, which helped define American government.   He was president of the wartime Continental Congress, then served as secretary of foreign affairs, precursor to secretary of state, after the Revolutionary War ended.   He was an essential diplomat whose peace negotiations with England, leading to the Treaty of Paris, vastly expanded U.S. territory.   For his accomplishments heading a network of informants during the revolution, actions that helped inspire James Fenimore Cooper's novel _The Spy_, the CIA's web-site calls Jay 'the first national-level American counter-intelligence chief.   He also helped write the New York Constitution, was a founder of the New York Manumission Society and as governor signed legislation that phased out slavery in the state.   (Jay himself owned slaves.)..."

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  "In ancient times, when Britain was a primitive island, fragmented into tribal regions, Julius Caesar raided Britain and brought British slaves back to Rome but, in later centuries, after Britain had a government, and army and a navy, it would be too costly a place to raid for the sake of capturing slaves." --- Thomas Sowell 2004 _Applied Economics_ pg 61  


2015-07-04: Independence Day

2015-07-04 (5775 Tamuz 17)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' bulletin insert: gay "marriage" ruling is threatening religoius freedom in numerous ways

2015-07-04 (5775 Tamuz 17)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
it is time for states to assert the powers delegated to and reserved to them from the federal government

2015-07-04 (5775 Tamuz 17)
Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
representative and former CIA case officer Will Hurd warns that USA's enemies won't abandon pursuit of nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-04 (5775 Tamuz 17)
Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
a duty for real Americans (text of Declaration of Independence + video)

Declaration of Independence
Indiana University
US History.org
Library of Congress
USA National Archives
Declaration of Independence
Constitution for the United States of America

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2015 July, week 1 (1-4) (12KB)
2015 July, week 2 (5-11) (12KB)
2015 July, week 3 (12-18) (12KB)
2015 July, week 4 (19-25) (12KB)
2015 July, week 5 (26-31) (12KB)
Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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World Atlas: states by population density


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