2015 July, week 5

1st month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2017-04-18

  "Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one-fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 3  

2015 July
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2015 July, week 1 (1-4) (12KB)
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  "Similar one-stage thinking is also apparent in many observers who wax indignant over low-wage workers employed in the Third World by multi-national corporations. While the pay of such workers is often low by comparison with that of workers in more affluent industrial societies, so too is their productivity. An international consulting firm determined that the average labor productivity in the modern sectors in India is 15% of that in the United States." --- Thomas Sowell 2004 _Applied Economics_ pp40-41  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 July

1st month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
search for 43 missing college students in southern Mexico has turned up 129 other bodies over the last 10 months

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
mass immigration is turning True Blue Republican Virginia leftist red
"The birth-place and final resting place of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson -- and once one of the most [reliably-blue of blue states] -- is being rapidly turned into a [leftist] stronghold...   Each year the federal government prints millions of visas and distributes these admission tickets to the poorest and least-developed nations in the world...   A census study entitled 'Immigrants in Virginia', released by University of Virginia (UVA) researchers, documented the phenomenon: 'Until 1970, only 1 in 100 Virginians was born outside of the United States; by 2012, 1 in every 9 Virginians is foreign-born.'..."

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
as expected, minimum wage hikes gutted over 700K jobs in 2013
2015-07-24: Daniel Davis: Town Hall: Seattle reaps the self-inflicted destruction of minimum wage
American Action Forum: high minimum wages cost about 747,700 jobs

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Mike Huckabee: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems marches Israelis to "door of the oven"
Robert Wilde: Breitbart
Jesse Byrnes: Hill
W. Scott Lamb: Washington DC Times

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
disputed 2010 UN resolution #1929: restrictions will be lifted after Iran "suspends all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities" while the haughty John Kerry claims sanctions are to be lifted when negotiations begin (with video)

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested 2 for vandalism of homes and farms, theft, hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages which they carried out in the name of "animal rights"

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Donald Trump asked: how can Hitlery Rotten Clinton run for office a fter her criminal actions (one might have asked the same after Bill Clinton's criminal actions of 1993)

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Greg Richter _News Max_
John Kasich: free trade would be good for USA, but we can't be saps (with video)
"...Still, he added, 'I think that we have in some ways been saps.   I have a friend that ran a steel company.   I said, do you think, Koreans, for example, are dumping material and destroying our jobs?   He said, yes.   Why don't we do something about it?   He says, it takes 2 years to get a remedy...   That is baloney.'..."

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
_News Max_
the US senate voted to advance legislation that would revive the crony socialist Export-Import Bank
Manu Raju & Burgess Everett: Politico
"By a vote of 67-26, the Senate, in a rare Sunday session, limited debate [i.e. block a filibuster]..."
The Ex-Im Bank gives loans (using funds the US government does not have) to firms and governments over-seas, in the hopes that it will encourage them to purchase goods made in the USA.   So, USA tax-victims are (directly and through increased federal government debt and hence Federal Reserve dilution of the value of the dollar) giving foreign entities funds to buy the goods the US tax-victims make.

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Rick Perry: gun-free zones are a bad idea... allow movie-goers to be armed to prevent attacks by crazies
Adam Edelman: NY Daily News

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Barbara Boland _Washington DC Examiner_
watch defiant Planned Parenthood president as un-edited fetal organ bartering footage rolls

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina on Planned Parenthood

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
senate blocked Mike Lee's effort to hold a vote on de-funding Planned Parenthood

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
pro-lifers to rally in over 5 cities Tuesday, against Planned Parenthood

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Steven Malanga _City Journal_
state GOP wave

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Danny de Gracia _Communities Digital News_
why the Tea parties will win the presidency in 2016

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Greg Richter _News Max_
RINOs criticize senator Ted Cruz for noting that Mitch McConnell lied repeatedly
Jonathan Weisman: NYTimes
"Senators Orrin Hatch of Utah, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and John Cornyn of Texas all took to the floor during a rare Sunday session to denounce Cruz before advancing the [crony socialist] Ex-Im amendment on a 67-26 vote...   [Sentor Cruz's] measure would have blocked sanctions relief to Iran until the Islamic Republic recognized Israel's right to exist and freed four Americans who are missing or being held there."

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
well over 1K Christiand, Jews and Muslims gathered at Los Angeles federal building to protest against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
R. James Woolsey & Peter Vincent Pry _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems surrenders the whole world to terrorism

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
polls: Donald Trump way out in front; Ted Cruz surges, Marco Rubio keeps sinking
Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Sonnie Johnson _Breitbart_
Donald Trump black out-reach

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
Donald Trump, where is the "issues" section of your campaign web-site?

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
sheriff Joe Arpaio sending posse to guard Amry Reserve Center

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
military leaders say USA troop withdrawal let ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate enter Iraq

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
GOP losership's Transportation bill will raise government spending and taxes
Jewish World Review

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Camden R. Fine _Washington DC Times_
USA's regulatory system favors mega-banks
"By its very definition, the word 'justice' equates with rightfulness and justness of ground or reason.   That's why the too-big-to-fail regulatory debate leaves me perplexed and concerned about the well being of this great nation.   If we are a country built upon liberty and justice for all, why is our economic and regulatory system so unjustly tilted in favor of too-big-to-fail financial institutions led by too-big-to-jail management teams?...   Take for instance the foreign-exchange fines that were handed out in May to JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Barclays, UBS and Royal Bank of Scotland, all of which pled guilty to criminal charges that they acted in concert to manipulate international interest rates and foreign currency exchange.   Over the span of several years, these banks bilked billions of dollars from unsuspecting companies, international investors and individuals by altering rates in their favor.   And as we know all too well, this isn't the first time these banks have had problems with the law.   Both JP Morgan and Citibank have been held liable for mortgage securities fraud.   JP Morgan has also been involved in 'London Whale' trading, the robo-signing scandal, electricity market manipulation, and municipal bond trading fraud.   For UBS, this was the third criminal settlement in 6 years...   By contrast, community banks — homegrown banks that are embedded in their communities during good times and bad -- lending, serving and supporting the economic back-bone that drives local small business, agriculture and consumer financial stability -- are being suffocated by regulations and regulatory scrutiny that's choking the life out of Main Street.   Take for instance the phone call I received from the $45M asset community bank with 8 full-time employees in a town of less than 2K citizens who told me his bank has been swarming with regulatory examiners for weeks on end, pouncing on any minor error or small misstep they can find.   Or the $83M asset community bank that had its 16 officers and directors dragged to court, and their assets seized for 'poor judgment' in approving loans.   How often do you see Wall Street too-big-to-fail officers and directors dragged into court for using 'poor judgment'? Never.   Even when pleading criminally guilty..."

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
for PETA, traditional and rational thought is the enemy

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Gallup poll: 12 times as many Dems/Reds/leftists are dopes

2015-07-26 (5775 Ab 10)
Catholic mass held to protest Detroit satan statue's debut
Proposed Bills 2015

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2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
20 questions we asked about Barack Hussein Obummer when he took office and beyond

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Dan Weil _News Max_
Lee Adler: unemployment insurance claims data suggest a bubble to end all bubbles

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Laura Ingraham
district judge Dolly M. Gee (an Obummer appointee) says illegal aliens should be released from fancy detention facilities, because they're "deplorable"
Cincy Carcamo: Los Angeles CA Times
Free Republic
Alex Dobuziskis: Reuters
Deseret News
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
William Bigelow: Breitbart
Penny Starr: Cybercast News Service

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
will we admit the Trojan horse?

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
law-breaking clergymen now beneficiaries of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties
"Although I am not a religious person, I have long felt that the clergy, and other religious workers, were unlikely to break the law.   I still think that way, even though the administration has managed to put the spotlight on a small group of law-breaking clergy in its efforts to expand amnesty as far as it can.   As you can imagine, these illegal aliens will be granted green cards, despite their records.   One of the smaller tides of immigrants consists of ministers, other church workers, and their families.   They are covered under a special provision in the immigration law and are classified in the fourth preference of employment-based immigrants, EB-4 for short.   The program is not used much by the mainstream Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish denominations; most of its participants are among minor denominations, including some cults.   There is also a nonimmigrant category for these workers; they get R-1 visas, and their families get R-2s.   They can come to the United States if invited by a religious entity and, after two years of religious work they can -- if otherwise qualified -- convert to green card status.   The vast majority of EB-4 immigrants are not newcomers; they adjust to green card status from some other immigration status, such as R-1.   As part of its broader program of expanding immigration wherever possible, the Department of Homeland Security published a new policy memorandum earlier this month saying that the agency would no longer insist that the two years of religious work must be done while the alien was in legal status.   Congress had nothing to do with this decision; it is purely administrative.   The agency said that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in Shalom Pentecostal Church v. Acting Secretary DHS, 783 F.3d 156 (3d Cir. 2015), had ruled that legal status while doing the required two years of religious work was not needed.   Instead of either appealing the case, or ignoring that finding outside the Third Circuit, 2 perfectly legitimate moves, DHS changed its own rules.   Thus there is now a specialized amnesty -- a full-fledged green card -- for clergy and other religious workers who have the two years of religious employment, even though all or part of it was done while in illegal status.   Their families will also get the same treatment..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
LTE responses to NYT idiotorial promoting illegal immigration

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration "prosecutorial discretion": the exception that un-does the rule of law
"Last week, directors Sarah Saldana of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) and Leon Rodriguez of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) testified before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary in a hearing focused on the shabby state of immigration law enforcement, and most particularly on sanctuaries that refuse to honor US ICE detainers, leading to murders throughout the country.   The hearing was called 'Oversight of the Administration's Misdirected Immigration Enforcement Policies: Examining the Impact on Public Safety and Honoring the Victims'.   Several surviving family members also testified at the hearing.   Despite the reference in the name of the hearing to honoring victims, senators Schumer and Durban did attending family members the dishonor of choosing to absent themselves during their testimony.   Such callousness is as shocking as representative Luis Gutierrez's reference to the murder of one of the victims (Kathryn Steinle) as 'a little thing'.   Also notable is the president's steadfast refusal to make a consolation call to Ms. Steinle's family after her murder by an illegal alien in San Francisco in front of her father, or even refer to it in any remarks, perhaps because it so glaringly proves the untruth of the 'felons, not families' rhetoric of his 2014 November televised speech on his immigration enforcement priorities.   In stark disproof of the president's assertion, several of the family members noted in their testimony that their loved ones were murdered by aliens left to prowl the streets not just by local police in sanctuary locations, but also by US ICE because of its skewed detention priorities.   What these political 'leaders' have shown by their callousness is that they are truly the little things; petty human beings so lopsided in their views that they cannot accept that there is ever, anywhere, in any way, a downside to the wave of illegal immigration that the country has been subjected to under the [Obummer regime].   Rodriguez and Saldana did an admirable job in their testimonies of ignoring the title of the hearing; neither made any substantive reference to the fact that as a result of [regime] actions (or, in the case of sanctuaries, refusal to act) innocent victims have lost their lives in the hundreds and have been assaulted physically and sexually and maimed and injured in the thousands.   There was nary a reference to the fact that the [regime] has sheltered sanctuary jurisdictions from any kind of legal action to force compliance with federal laws; that its made-up 'prosecutorial discretion' programs have resulted in aliens being granted lawful status, only to commit homicide because of poor adjudicative procedures — procedures so poor that the Homeland Security inspector general has called out both agencies on their inability to show that prosecutorial discretion has any of the ameliorative effects the president and his DHS secretary claim: that it permits the government to go after the 'worst of the worst' while leaving the remainder free from worry that the law will be enforced.   Yes, 'prosecutorial discretion' was the watch-word of the day among apologists who chose not to meaningfully address the issues of inappropriate release of alien criminals, whether by federal, state, or local governments.   And as if to put a fine point on Rodriguez' and Saldana's testimonies, the Migration Policy Institute, the think tank of choice for open borders advocates, has just issued a report confirming that if the administration hews to its asserted immigration 'priorities' (that is to say, if it is successful in continuing to force agents to sit on their hands, and perpetuating the culture of 'yes' in benefits-granting by immigration adjudicators, often through fear of retribution, poor ratings, or disciplinary action), then fully 87% of the illegal population present in the United States will be free from any fear whatsoever of enforcement action against them.   The conclusion for anyone of sound mind is inescapable: 'prosecutorial discretion' is the exception that undoes the rule of law in the [Obummer regime].   It is statutory nullification at its worst..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Laura Ingraham
Rick Santorum: Communist Corpse, immigration reform, NAFTA...

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Norway's peculiar ways WRT refugees, migrants and immigrants, legal and illegal

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
contamination from Mexican workers defecating in cilantro fields prompt USDA to temporarily ban imports

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
during fashion photo session; video catches boat crashing up on Miami Beach, men jump out and run (smugglers? illegal alien invaders?)
Broward-Palm Beach FL New Times
Laura Ingraham
"U.S. Border Patrol told the Times that the incident is under investigation."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
ask Carly Fiorina: immigration
ask Carly Fiorina: national security and violence-initiating Muslims

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter: at this point I can see Donald Trump winning presidency more than I can see any of the others doing so
"Coulter said she would continue supporting Trump 'as long as he keeps talking the way he's talking on immigration'.   and 'I can see him more than I can see any of the other ones winning the nomination and winning the presidency right now, certainly winning the presidency.'   Earlier, she stated, 'My only quibble with him is that number one, it's legal immigrants too, and number two, there are no good ones.'   She clarified that 'It's not worth the administrative affair.'   She added, 'the question isn't [merely], Are you a good person? Oh, automatic entry to the greatest country in the world with an enormous welfare state. The question is, Is it good for the people already living here?   I don't care if they're not going to commit crimes.   Are they using our schools, our roads, our hospitals?...   I want the [Eagle Scout] nuclear physicists.   I want people to replace United States senators' jobs and Wall Street Journal editor's jobs, not my landscaper's job.'..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
the fate of the US senate: coat-tails will be everything in 2016 November

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Iran will buy a lot of terrorism with $100G-$150G

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and let them expand their terrorist operations

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Davi Bossie _Breitbart_
after 3 election cycles and over 4.5 years, Republicans have given up waiitng for John Boehner to advance the Republican agenda instead of the leftist/Red/Dem agenda; Boehner must go

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: it is time for both Mitch McConnell & John Boehner to resign for the good of the USA and the Republican Party
Aaron Bandler: Town Hall
"'The nation and GOP are both suffering as a result of the unwillingness or inability of McConnell and Boehner to effectively defend either...   Sadly, they rarely act in the best interests of America’s future.   Indeed, time and again they have delivered victory after victory for [Obummer] and his radical [leftist] agenda -- from spending, borrowing, and [ObummerDoesn'tCare] to illegal immigration, [letting Iran develop nuclear weapons] and 'trade' power.   Never before has a congress controlled by one party been so thoroughly impotent..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
RINO losership wages war against Republican Cruz and non-leftist voters
"There is a part of the GOP power structure that has always been most happy to serve as the permanent minority, personally enriched by serving as minor, ineffective obstacles to the ruling Left..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Obummer and Wasserman-Schultz (and Mika & Hitlery & Yebbie Booosh) unrepentant about treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems to let them slaughter Israelis, Americans, and Europeans alike
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: ≈ blasted all good Republican congressmen and candidates...
Pam Key: Breitbart: corrupt, race-obsessed, power-mad, extreme leftist, anti-USA, anti-constitution oath-breaker Obummer blasted all good Republican congressmen and candidates...
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart: Wasserman-Schultz...
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart: Mika...
Pam Key: Breitbart: Hitlery Rotten Clinton: I'm offensive, er, offended...
Laura Ingraham: Yebbie Boosh...

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee fired back after Obummer attacked his criticism of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
DNI James Clapper: compliance by Iran is a big assumption

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, will provide them with more aid ($150G) than all Israel has been given since 1948 ($124.3G)

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood: I've got a crush on you, baby

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
_News Max_
there is no sign that issues raised about Planned Parenthood are fading

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Laura Ingraham
Mitch McConnell angers Republicans by blocking de-funding of Planned Parenthood and defunding "sanctuary cities"
Derek Hunter: Daily Caller

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
did Putin make a deal with Europe?

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
the coming Alzheimer's crisis in the USA
News Max
"Current quibbling over what [Yebbie Booosh] meant when he said it's time to phase out and replace Medicare -- as opposed to 'attacking the seniors', as one woman at a recent event bellowed out -- will soon seem quaint against the realities of our future.   Never mind projections that the program will be able to finance only 86% of its obligations by 2030.   Or that by 2050, the number declines to 80%, according to a recently released [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare Boards of Trustees report.   These are relatively comforting numbers compared with new projections from the Alzheimer's Association.   By 2050, the group says, 13.8M Americans may have Alzheimer's disease, at a cost of $1.1T per year, mostly to Medicare and Medicaid..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
education: sometimes the good guys win
Wasington DC Times
the report card: education, curriculum reform, government schools

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
did you see me on CNN's "Death Row Propaganda"?

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Margaret Carlson _Jewish World Review_
John Kasich's RINO path to the White House

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
guests are coming -- like it or not
"We're heading toward the Season of Guests, or SOG: The early days of this season are marked by faint howls uttered by the unwilling as their mates drag them into brief periods of enforced [sociability].   Not everybody likes to be a guest.   Not everybody likes to have people visit.   Oddly enough, the ones who do like it and the ones who don't like it are often married to each other..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Rahim Faiez _Cybercast News Service_
Afghanistan is awash in arms; but BB and other toy guns have been banned
"At least 184 people, nearly all children, suffered eye injuries over the recent Eid al-Fitr holiday from toy weapons that fire BB pellets and rubber shot, health officials said.   In response, authorities have banned toy guns..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
inspectors-general contradicts Hitlery Rotten Clinton: e-mail messages contained classified information when they were generated/composed
"The inspectors general for the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Intelligence Community issued a joint written statement late Friday afternoon asserting that e-mails that Hillary Clinton had on her personal e-mail account while she was Secretary of State, and that she kept on a personal server after she left the government, 'contained classified information when they were generated', 'remain classified today' and 'should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system'...."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Melanie Batley _News Max_
DEA giving workers' compensation benefits to questionable drug informants

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Melanie Batley _News Max_
Marco Rubio has skipped a record number of senate votes
"According to Politico, Rubio has missed more than a third of votes on the Senate floor, or 42 in total, voting 64% of the time since he announced his bid April 13.   By comparison, Kentucky senator Rand Paul has missed just 2 votes, while Texas senator Ted Cruz voted 72% of the time and South Carolina senator [Lindsey Grahamnesty] voted 68%..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Laura Ingraham
CNN/ORC poll: Donald Trump leads
Jennifer Agiesta: CNN

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
poll: Carly Fiorina makes top 10 in 2 national polls: Public Policy Polling & Economist/YouGov

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Laura Ingraham
Rand Paul: Donald Trump is getting "a billion dollars of free advertising" from the media
Jesse Byrnes: Hill

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Laura Ingraham _LifeZette_
Donald Trump teaches media and GOP losership how to build a brand
"...Once again, the establishment GOP and mainline media outlets are out to lunch.   A week after the above conventional wisdom saturated the political landscape, Donald Trump has proven he cannot only weather a media fire-storm, he can use it to grow his base of supporters..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership's approval rating hits new lows
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
"...In a poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, the GOP's favorability rating is down 9 points (to 32%) since January.   Perhaps even more importantly, only 68% of self-identified Republicans approve of the party.   The [losership's] betrayal of conservatives is clearly eroding support among the GOP's most ardent supporters...   Another one of those 16 candidates, senator Ted Cruz, took to the senate floor and the radio airwaves on Friday to expose senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell's outright lies.   On Mark Levin's show, Cruz said McConnell blocked amendments to defund Planned Parenthood, end the congressional exemption to [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and for Kate's Law [to de-fund 'sanctuary' cities, counties, and states].   '[This majority] does get [bad] things done, but it listens to one and only one voice: That is, the voice of the Washington cartel, of the lobbyists on K Street, of the big money and big corporations.', Cruz said while speaking in the senate chamber.   Cruz went so far as to say McConnell told an outright lie in trying to re-authorize the Export-Import bank...   Senator Rand Paul said on Friday that he would use senate rules to go over McConnell's head to try [to] force a vote to de-fund Planned Parenthood.   McConnell recently used a [losership] tactic to block Paul's amendment and Paul wasn't about to take it sitting down.   'Under senate rules, if enough senators are willing to stand with me and sign a petition demanding a vote, there will be no stopping you and me.', Paul explained..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
neither tax-victims nor the US government should subsidize Planned Parenthood

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz issues a manifesto for conservative populism
"Friday, senator Ted Cruz gave a powerful floor speech shining a light on the corrupt deal struck by senate [RINO losership] to allow the re-authorization of the Export-Import Bank...   But if you haven't read the entire speech or watched the full video through to the end you haven't gotten the full impact of what senator Cruz said...   Full transcript..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump's rise and the TEA parties are rooted in the failed/inimical RINO losership
"The Republican establishment [i.e. RINO losership] and the media elite, having no understanding of history or grass-roots politics, seem genuinely baffled at the rise of Donald Trump's candidacy for the Republican nomination for president, but the reality is much simpler than the talking heads and self-styled 'political strategists' make it out to be.   And it has nothing to do with Trump's flair for self-promotion or his outsized personality and everything to do with the leadership failures of the Republican establishment and their contempt for the views of the grass-roots base of their own party.   One can't understand the Trump phenomenon, or the Sarah Palin phenomenon, or the Tea Party movement unless one understands that they are all a rebellion against the Big Government Republican establishment and the entrenched [losership] of the Republican Party, not just opposition to specific [leftist] policies of [president Obummer], such as [unconstitutional, illegal, and harmful] amnesty for illegal aliens, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] or the growth of spending, the deficit, and the debt...   Because the Republican establishment [RINO losership], while often talking a good game, has been complicit in opening the borders, importing cheap guest-workers to put Americans out of middle income jobs and has voted for the spending, deficit, and debt and all of those Big Government programs that drive it..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
where's the outrage Yebbie Booosh? where's the outrage governor Mike Perry? where's the outrage senator Marco Rubio? where's the outrage governor Scott Walker? where's the outrage Carly Fiorina? where's the outrage governor Mike Huckabee?
"It is stuff like this that has Donald Trump in first place, kicking everybody else's back side.   And it is stuff like this that is going to see senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) start rising in the polls.   I realize senator Ted Cruz is a competitor to the other candidates, but if they cannot share the Republican voters' outrage over what happened in the senate yesterday, they might need to let Donald Trump and senator Ted Cruz run for office.   The senate [RINOs], joined with Democrats, and set the stage for re-authorization of the Export-Import Bank, a bank that governor Rick Perry of Texas has been vocally critical of with Cruz, and the senate [RINOs] refused to put up a vote for de-funding Planned Parenthood or [ObummerDoesn'tCare]..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Daniel Davis _Town Hall_
corrupt RINO losership attack Ted Cruz for doing and saying the right things

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jennifer Harper _Wasington DC Times_
beware of RINOs such as Boehner, McConnell, McCarthy, Corker, Hatch, Cornyn, Scalise, Alexander, Yebbie Booosh, Chris Christie

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Rand Paul on Planned Parenthood abuses: even pro-choice people are horrified by this

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
Donald Trump surge in polls is fueled by dissatisfaction with GOP losership and Reds/Dems/leftists

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Kevin McCarthy ruled out House consideration of senate Transportation bill
Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times
"authorizes transportation programs for 6 years, though with funding for only 3 of those years.   The senate also is moving toward reviving the federal Export-Import Bank and adding it to the bill.   The House has passed a 5-month extension of transportation programs without the Export-Import Bank.   'We're not taking up the senate bill.', McCarthy (R-CA), told reporters."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jenny Beth Martin _Breitbart_
tonight's vote on Mike Lee's amendment to HR22, the senate's first real vote to repeal unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
hateful LGBT flag replaced USA flag on Reno Nevada city hall
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
African bishops defy Obummer's pro-gay bullying

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Saarah Ferris _Hill_
Kenyan president rebuked Obummer's "gay rights" message

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Michael W Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
president of Uganda to Obummer on homosexual activities: respect African societies and their values; what homosexuals do is terrible

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
in UK tax-victim-funded contraception given to thousands of girls under 14-years-old

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
3-judge panel of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed that law-suit can proceed against MCHCP, HHS secretary Burwell, and ObummerDoesn'tCare contraception mandate
"State senator Paul Wieland and his wife, Teresa, a Catholic couple with three daughters who live in suburban St. Louis, initially opted out of contraceptive coverage provided by the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP), which insures state employees, including members of the state legislature.   But on 2013 Aug. 1 MCHCP withdrew that option, citing the fact that the HHS mandate pre-empted a Missouri state law that requires insurers to offer contraceptive-free policies, and noting that MCHCP was subject to federal penalties if it did not comply.   MCHCP then placed the Wielands in a health-care [insurance] plan that included coverage for contraceptives despite their religious objections, according to court documents...   However, in their July 20 ruling, a 3-judge panel of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the Wielands that 'MCHCP placed them in a healthcare plan that included coverage for contraceptives, thereby causing their injury, as a direct result of HHS's threatened enforcement of the mandate against the State and MCHCP.'..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
hard-left organization urged UK government to ban "draw Muhammed" competition

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
how ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate gets money from the black market

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Chriss W Street _Breitbart_
more millennials siding with Uber rather than power-mad leftists

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_/_Agence France Presse_
half of Cuban men's field hockey team at Pan American games in Toronto Ontario Canada requested refuge in USA; 4 rowers disappeared last week
Christine Rousselle: Town Hall: Cuban athlete defections continue

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Sheldon Yellen _Fox_
why sincerely caring for your people yields the greatest return on investment

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Mississippi school district fined $7,500 by corrupt Obummer appointee district judge Carlton Reeves for opening ceremony with prayer

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
US motto "in God we trust" added to Missouri sheriff's epartment vehicles
Tom Quimby: Washington DC Times: Florida sheriff has faith in his "in God we trust" bumper stickers

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
corrupt, race-obsessed, power-mad, extreme leftist, anti-USA, anti-constitution oath-breaker Obummer pushing for largest gun-grab in USA history

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Afghan official: 21 dead, 8 wounded in wedding fight
"..The police chief of Dih Salah, colonel Gulistan Qasani, said hostility between the two groups involved in the gunfight had been simmering for many years.   'The clash broke out after a relative of a provincial police official was assassinated during the wedding party.', Qasani said.   He said some 400 people had gathered at a private house for the wedding of a local mullah's son...

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
media mostly fails to report union exemptions in some minimum-wage laws

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
the "religion of peace", profiling, and common sense

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
the cure for racial dishonesty
Human Events

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jerome R. Corsi _WND_
former ICA officer: yes, Obummer DoJ is framing arms dealer to protect Hitlery Rotten Clinton, cover up scheme to arm Muslims in Libya
"A member of the independent Citizens' Commission on Benghazi believes the [Obummer regime] positioned arms dealer Marc Turi to take the fall for illicit arms deals to Libya orchestrated in 2011 by secretary of State [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] and the State Department.   The Justice Department has charged Turi with shipping weapons and ammunition to Qatar, knowing the arms would be diverted to Libya in direct violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 170, passed 2011 Feb. 26.   The resolution imposed an arms embargo on all member states to prevent 'the immediate prospect' of a Gadhafi-led attempt 'to slaughter rebel forces in Benghazi that would likely result in massive civilian casualties...   We have ample evidence the Libyan gun-running operation was a White House operation and that the State Department under [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] ran the show.', said Clare Lopez, a member of the Citizens' Commission who served as a career operations officer with the CIA and is currently vice president for research at the Washington-based Center for Security Policy...   The Citizens Commission on Benghazi is a group of 17 retired admirals and generals, former intelligence agents, counter-terrorism experts, media specialists and former members of Congress organized in 2013 by Roger Aronoff, editor of Accuracy in Media.   The founding members are retired U.S. Navy admiral James Lyons and retired U.S. Army major-general Paul Vallely...   Lopez told WND the 'key point is that Marc Turi, despite receiving written approval from the U.S. government to broker weapons to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, never actually went through any weapons purchases or shipments to Qatar, to the UAE or to Libya'.   She pointed to the Citizens' Commission's 2014 April interim report, which concluded it was Clinton's State Department that was shipping the guns to Libya..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Joe Kovacs _WND_
Rush Limbaugh says he's mystified: Republican losership's behavior is "too weird"
Rush Limbaugh
"Rush Limbaugh, the top media voice for political conservatives, says recent behavior by Republican [losership] is 'too weird', and he cannot explain why the GOP is refusing to oppose Democrats while at the same time targeting its own base.   'We are all inundated by each other, every day, with e-mails, phone calls, texts, what have you, of utter incredulity over what's happened to the Republican Party.   It's just too weird, folks.', Limbaugh said on his national broadcast Monday.   'There just isn't any serious opposition to anything that the Democrat Party wants...   They're not even going through the motions.', he complained.   'They're not even voicing phony opposition to [Obummer] in order to placate the base.   They're actively targeting their own base.   This is just too weird!'   Limbaugh stressed he was specifically referring to the GOP [losership] and not the candidates seeking the presidency.   'But just the [losership] in Washington [DC]', he noted, 'you can't distinguish the difference between Republicans and Democrats there.   They are all aligned.   They are glued together.   But the difference now is, the Republican Party doesn't even go through the motions of trying to convince its voters that they're opposed to the [Obummer] agenda.'   Limbaugh said Republican [losers] are not even trying to motivate the base, or even 'fool' them.   'I mean, they've had all these phony votes.   For example, repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare] votes.', he explained.   'They're not even going through the motions of that because they know that people see through it and that they don't mean it.   They're not even trying. I don't care what the issue is. The big 3: Amnesty [for illegal aliens], [ObummerDoesn'tCare], [Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons]. Nothing! Zilch!   No opposition to anything. Now, can anybody say that immigration, as being policed or not policed by Obama is helping America?   Can anybody?   They don't even try to make the case that's happening. I mean, even the amnesty supporters do not do it on the basis that it's good for America.'..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
Mike Huckabee: Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems could ignite another Jewish holocaust

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Mike Huckabee: to Iran, using nuclear weapons to destroy Israel is a warm-up act before they take on the USA

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Mike Huckabee: I have stood at that oven door; Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems will only enable Iran to commmit genocide against Israel
"'The last time the world didn't take seriously threats that someone was going to kill massive amounts of Jews we ended up seeing 6M Jews murdered.', he said.   'The Iranian government has repeatedly said it's going to be easier to take the Jews out because they're all concentrated in Israel.   We won't have to go all over the world and hunt them.'   Huckabee said he has visited the Auschwitz concentration camp 3 times.   'When I talked about the oven door, I have stood at that oven door.', he said.   'I know exactly what it looks like, 1.1M people killed.   For 6K years, Jews have been chased and hunted and killed all over this Earth, and when someone in a government says we're going to kill them, I think, by gosh, we better take that seriously.   It's the Iranians who used the word Holocaust first, Huckabee said, and refused during the negotiations to recognize Israel's right to exist.'..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Rick Santorum: yes, Huckabee is correct; it is clear that Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems to destroy Israel and the USA

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
more congress-critters need to examine "secret side-deals" to Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"Then National Security Advisor Susan 'Ms. Benghazi' Rice admitted that there were 2 secret deals and that the administration would brief some members of congress on them.   But when the congressional folks asked to see the side deals, Ms. Rice admitted that the U.S. government doesn't have copies of them.   And just a couple of days ago, Mr. Kerry -- according to one congressman who attended a classified briefing -- told lawmakers that he had not read the side deals.   Like Ms. Rice, he never possessed a copy of them.   But, Mr. Kerry said, he approved the nuclear agreement without knowing their details..."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Bret Stephens _Wall Street Journal_
the Syria sham and Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
leftists/Dems/Reds come out for Yebbie Booosh: crony socialists like him
News Max

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the continuing incoherence of Jimmy Carter; his Bible must be missing some verses

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Sarah Palin: Planned Parenthood and their colleagues killed 90K black babies last year
William Bigelow: Breitbart

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood received $714,285 from government per "clinic" per year

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Mitch McConnell one year ago: you can count on me to lead pro-life legislation

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Mitch McConnell pushed vote to fund Planned Parenthood

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
doctor Ben S. Carson to head-line Washington DC rally to stop government funding of Planned Parenthood
Rand Paul to speak

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee: why wouldn't I bring up the holocaust when we're on the verge of repeating it?

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Veterans Administration tabled applications of 34K combat veterans who returned from Iraq & Afghanistan until their eligibility expired
Fox: VA manager tried to shut up whistle-blower after Fox interview
TBRickert: testimony of whistle-blower Scott Davis

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
Americans recognize that more guns are a deterrent to initiation of force and fraud

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
blacks and Hispanics are lining up to get concealed-carry permits in Chicago

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
report: one-fifth of populatio of El Salvador is in the USA

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Michael Mosley _London Daily Mail_
lard is healthier to cook with then sunflower or corn oil; olive oil is not bad cooked, and good in small amounts uncooked; it's the aldehydes that make them bad

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Larry Bell _News Max_
citizenry have and will continue to pay big for Obummer's "alternative energy" push

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
M.D. Kittle _Town Hall_
a tragic end for whistle-blower
"Michael Lutz, the highly decorated former Milwaukee cop and John Doe whistle-blower, fatally shot himself early Sunday morning just inside the Milwaukee county line.

Multiple sources tell Wisconsin Watchdog that Lutz lived an agonized life in the years after he was shot while on the job in 2005.   Things got worse, those sources say, after he went public about Milwaukee county district-attorney John Chisholm's 'hyper-partisan' pursuit of Republican governor Scott Walker."

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Taylor Millard _Hot Air_
power-mad citizens and government harass barbecuers: a sweet savour unto HaShem
Bereishis/Genesis/בראשית/Brashith/be rashith 8:21
Exodus/Shemos/שמות/Shemuth/Names 29:18, 25, 41
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 1:13, 17
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 2:2, 9, 12
v 3:5, 16
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 4:31
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 6:8, 14
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 8:21, 28
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 17:6
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 23:13, 18
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 26:31
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 15:3, 7, 10, 13, 14, 24
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 18:17
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 28:2, 6, 8, 13, 24, 27
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 29:2, 6, 8, 13, 36
Ezekiel/יחזקאל/Yechezqal 6:13
Ezekiel/יחזקאל/Yechezqal 16:19
Ezekiel/יחזקאל/Yechezqal 20:28, 41

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
climate change is very unsettled

This afternoon, I'm liking (1) Sessions, (2) Walker, (3) Trump, (4) Huckabee, (5) Cruz, (6) Paul, (7) Kasich, (8) Cotton, (9) Santorum, (10) Perry, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-07-27 (5775 Ab 11)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
"...time would terminate the domestic contact of the races in the United States..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "One of the problems with the market from the stand-point of those who think they are the brightest, the best, & ought to be telling the rest of us groundlings what to do, is that the market allows ordinary people to go out there & make their own decisions. And people who think they have the Truth & the Light don't want that; they want no part of that. It's really what they hate most, I think, about a market system." --- Thomas Sowell 1980 December _Reason_ (reprinted 1998 December "Voices of Reason: 30 Years of Interviews" _Reason_ pg 29)  



2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
documented irresponsibility
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"People who entered the United States illegally may be called 'undocumented' in politically correct circles, but what is all too well documented is the utter irresponsibility of both political parties in dealing with immigration issues.   Both Democratic and Republican administrations have left the border with Mexico porous for years -- porous not just for Mexicans but for anybody else, including terrorists from the Middle East.   [Several] very different issues have gotten jumbled together in the political stew called 'comprehensive immigration reform' [or 'reprehensible immigration law perversion'].   The first and most fundamental issue is whether we are going to have an immigration policy at all.   The second issue is: Just what should that immigration policy be?   If we do not control our own border, then we do not have any immigration policy.   We may have immigration laws on the books, but if anybody can cross the border that wants to, those laws are just words on paper and a bad joke...   No doubt immigrants, like any other large group of human beings, range from some of the best people to some of the worst.   But it makes a huge difference what the proportions are...   What are the crime rates, the disease rates, the automobile fatality rates, the educational records of the children of immigrants from different countries?   Above all, we need the facts..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the biggest threat to the H-1B cap

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
why Donald Trump won't be trumped

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Lawrence Solomon _Jewish World Review_
dysfunctional countries spew migrants in the millions; functioning countries build walls to keep them out
"[The Torah/Bible notes important differences between cities with walls and without them, some 3500 years ago.]   At immense expense, including the loss during construction of as many as one million men, China built the first leg of its Great Wall 2200 years ago.   300 years later [c. 80CE Rome built a line of forts north of the later -- between 122CE & 137CE --] Hadrian's Wall [with many ports] across much of the north of England.   Before and after those massive infrastructure undertakings, border walls were features of civilized life throughout the world, their construction and maintenance ubiquitous even in the cities of Europe until a few centuries ago.   The walls were generally built for defence but also to control immigration, trade, and crime.   Today, we are seeing a revival of these great infrastructure projects of yore, and for broadly similar reasons.   In the United States, Donald Trump and other Republican presidential candidates have thrust a proposed [a wall or fence] along America's southern border with Mexico to the top of the political agenda.   A [fence or wall] -- the Congressional Research Service estimates it could cost $49G -- is broadly popular with the American public, both to control crime by illegal immigrants and to counter terrorists who would infiltrate into the U.S.A..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
CNN's amnesty push-poll refers to "illegal immigrants who have jobs"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
where are the required federal audits of "refugee and immigrant resettlement" agencies?
"The Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (DoJ OIG) has issued a report on its audit of 2 grants -- funded by DoJ's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) -- to a Georgia entity called Tapestri, Inc., which describes its mission as 'end[ing] violence and oppression in refugee and immigrant communities', according to the report.   Though required by law, audits of immigrant and refugee-related grants are rare.   The OIG tells us that, in 2011 alone, Tapestri received $600K in grants from OVW and OVC and, as a consequence, an audit was required under Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, because that circular constitutes a government-wide mandate, coming as it does from a White House agency.   (OMB responds directly to the White House and oversees all fiscal and managerial operations of the executive branch.)   OMB Circular A-133, and its accompanying yearly compliance supplements, lay out specific requirements for fiscal audits of grantees and contractors receiving federal funds across the array of cabinet departments and agencies, such as the Office of Refugee Resettlement within the Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], whose Refugee and Entrant program is governed by CFDA 93.566 for the 2015 compliance supplement.   During the year of the awards to Tapestri that was examined, 2011, Circular A-133 guide-lines required yearly audits for cumulative grants totaling $500K or more.   (That threshold has since been raised to $750K -- see the rule published in the 2013 December 26, Federal Register at Section C, Subpart F, 200.501.)   The audit found that Tapestri had significant organizational weaknesses 'in the areas of internal controls, award expenditures, reporting, accounting for matching cost contributions, and accomplishment of award objectives'.   These are serious deficiencies.   As a consequence of these weaknesses, Tapestri misused an identifiable total of $4,179 in both programs.   Identifying misuse of a tad over $4K is small potatoes in the massive business of federal grant awards.   But what the report does not address, yet seems to me ought to have been closely examined, is this business of inability to account for (or perhaps misrepresentation of) claimed matching fund contributions, insofar as they were relevant to the award amounts granted by OVW and OVC.   This is the third time of late that I've spoken to financial issues relating to awards granted to various organizations for sheltering and protection programs of refugees, alien entrants, and sundry migrants (including unaccompanied minors and families who have crossed the border illegally).   These programs that receive huge amounts of [tax-victim] funding (see here and here) -- and by huge, I mean billions of dollars.   Yet, with the exception of the DoJ OIG, I find little evidence of audits being undertaken, despite the vast dollar amounts or the clearly articulated OMB requirements.   Certainly they are not readily to be found on public web-sites of the various OIG offices, nor those of the offices of primary responsibility within Homeland Security [DHS] or Health and Human Services [HHS].   How could this be?   Why has OMB not chastised the remiss agencies?   Why has the GAO not singled them out?   Is the public not entitled to know who is receiving hundreds of millions in federal dollars, and how they are being spent?..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration reduction is the main-stream position
"Donald Trump's surge in the polls owes much to his willingness to talk about immigration.   By focusing on issues such as border enforcement and immigrant crime, he has tapped into the public's unmet desire for a candidate who is genuinely skeptical about mass immigration.   That desire is reflected in polling data that show Americans generally prefer less immigration over more immigration...   Each of the four questions above has been asked multiple times over the years.   To provide a clearer picture, we have averaged the results across time and indicated which direction the results seem to be trending.   The data shows that Americans choose less immigration over more immigration, with many also preferring no change.   Two polls show a possible trend toward increasing immigration, but the other two either trend toward a decrease or show no trend at all.   The bottom line is that the desire to reduce immigration is not just mainstream, but the preferred policy of most Americans.   The huge share of the public has arrived at this position despite there being very few prominent politicians or opinion leaders making the case for reduced immigration.   The failure of virtually any national leaders or members of the media to call for a reduction in immigration is striking.   Despite a historically deep pool of Republican presidential contenders, Rick Santorum is the only candidate we know of who has clearly stated his preference for less legal immigration..."
Polling Report

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Tom Fitton _Breitbart_
Judicial Watch releases additional evidence of Obummer release of illegal aliens who committed additional crimes
"Judicial Watch obtained records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealing that nearly 260 illegal alien criminals, including 40 incarcerated for violent crimes, were released from Arizona detention facilities during the last week of February and the first 2 weeks of 2013 March...   After first denying that the mass release had taken place, the [Obummer regime] claimed the releases were due to the anticipated sequestration budget cuts.   The records were uncovered because of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law-suit filed by Judicial Watch on behalf of Edward Tuffly, a Tucson, AZ, resident.   Judicial Watch filed the law-suit for Mr. Tuffly in 2015 January after Homeland Security ignored his 2014 November 10, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (US ICE)...   The date range for the requested records was 2013 February 22 through March 15.   This was the exact time period during which Homeland Security [DHS] released more than 2K illegal aliens nationwide, later claiming the release was 'solely for budgetary reasons', though none of the anticipated sequestration budget cuts had yet taken place..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Laura Ingraham
illegal alien charged with trying to abduct a 6-year-old child in Charlotte NC

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
"sanctuary" scandal
"...ICE has released many thousands of criminal aliens onto unsuspecting local communities instead of returning them to their countries of origin, including 121 who were subsequently charged with murdering Americans in the last 5 years.   According to government figures compiled by Jessica Vaughan, more than 8,100 deportable aliens (including 3K felons) were released by sanctuary cities and counties in just the first eight months of last year.   Some 1,900 of those wrongly released aliens have already re-offended 4,300 more times, racking up 7,800 new charges including murder, violent assault, rape and child rape..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
violent interenational MS-13 street gangs recruiting young, newly-arrived illegal aliens

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
some groups who want less immigration have dropped support for Donald Trump (with video)
"Americans for Legal Immigration or ALIPAC has added Trump to its black-list while Numbers USA has down-graded the real-estate magnate in its candidate rating score-card. ALIPAC President William Gheen issued a statement Tuesday saying his organization has added Trump to its list of amnesty supporting candidates, alongside [Yebbie Booosh], Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and Mike Huckabee. 'After coming out strong for a secure border and bringing attention to illegal immigrant crimes against Americans, Donald Trump is now promoting his plan to change America's existing immigration laws to create a merit system by which illegals currently in America can stay and eventually gain voting rights where they are expected to help Democrats dominate U.S. elections forevermore.', Gheen said... Trump told Hannity that illegals should be sent back to their home countries and the 'bad ones' never get allowed to come back. But the 'good ones', those without criminal records, should be allowed back into the U.S. under a new 'expedited' process that makes them legal, Trump said. 'This is an old Republican trick we've had a lot of experience with in the past; it's called the touch-back provision or the Pence Plan named after congressman Mike Pence from Indiana.', Gheen said. 'Here's the thing, existing American law says illegal immigrants must leave and if they are caught and deported by the government they are prohibited from re-applying for entry but they can appeal that prohibition after 10 years. Congress wisely made this the law, otherwise the estimated 1G people on planet earth who want to come to America could just come and apply later. 'Most Americans want to hear that America's laws will be enforced, not make new laws or change the laws to accommodate the law-breakers.', he added. 'Americans like us want a constitutional government, not a Republican dictator to take over for the [Dem/Red/leftist] dictator we have in power now.'... Numbers USA grades candidates on three areas: Amnesty for illegals, level of support for reducing legal immigration, and border security enforcement. It then assigns an overall grade. Below is its score for Trump: HARMFUL -- Amnesty Rating; UNHELPFUL -- Reducing Legal Immigration; GOOD -- Interior Enforcement Rating; C -- Overall Immigration Grade... Rick Santorum in an interview on PBS also resisted being trapped into talking about immigration issues within the parameters set by the establishment media. 'Instead, he deftly turned the high-profile TV appearance into an appeal to set immigration policy to benefit workers and poor people.', Beck wrote... Ted Cruz: C;   Ben Carson: C-;   Chris Christie: C-;   Mike Huckabee: C-;   Martin O'Malley: F-;   Rick Santorum: A;   Donald Trump: C;   Scott Walker: B-... Gheen, like Beck, conceded that Trump has accomplished a lot by bringing the dark side of immigration into the national spotlight."
Numbers USA

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Dan Weil _News Max_
Gallup poll: US economic confidence down again

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
differences between left and right (part 6): the left's contempt for the USA
Town Hall
"...Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, the document that articulated the principle of human rights endowed by the Creator ([and listed saddling us with slavery among the king's misdeeds] thereby ultimately ensuring the end of slavery) and led to the establishment of the country that has served as the beacon of hope for people of every race and ethnicity -- more black Africans have voluntarily emigrated to the United States to seek liberty and opportunity than came to America as slaves [he also served as lawyer for several slaves suing for freedom, and proposed several bills to end slavery].   But that is not how the Left views Jefferson or America.   Conservatives view America as president Abraham Lincoln viewed it -- as the 'Last Best Hope of Earth'.   But the further left one goes the more negative the assessment of America today, as well as historically..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump explained his appeal: people are tired of these incompetent (and corrupt and duplicitous) politicians (with video)

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
when the Big Lie becomes the legacy: Obummer/Kerry treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Washington DC Times
"...The prospects for congressional confirmation of [the treaty] are dimming across Capitol Hill because [the treaty] is so cheesy that even a cave man could see what a disaster it is.   If a cave man can see it, growing numbers of congress probably can, too.   The [Obummer regime] is pulling out all the stops, using intimidation, fear, loathing and what, if anybody but a president used them, would be called lies..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Peter Hannaford & Robert Zapesochny _Washington DC Times_
reviving "peace through strength"; the only effective alternative to Obummers treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Leon H. Wolf _True Blue Republican State_
RINO senate is not on our side
"We have reached the point where a clear majority of sitting Republican senators do not deserve your vote even in the general election.   I say this because, quite simply, they have demonstrated time and time again that they are not on our side.   Instead, they are on their own side.   The priorities that these nattering, out-of-touch buffoons have embraced are so far out-of-step with the voters who sent them to office that they don't even have the good sense to be embarrassed at how clueless they sound.   The latest example, part one billion in an apparently never ending series, concerns funding for Planned Parenthood.   Republican voters (hell, really everyone with a pulse who is not an elected Democrat) have been horrified for three straight weeks as video after video has been released showing that Planned Parenthood is very obviously in the business of selling baby parts for money.   Now listen, regardless of how you feel about abortion generally, anyone of even marginal conservative (or libertarian!) principles can agree that [tax-victim] money should not be going to an organization like this.   Look, this is a slam dunk issue -- by a huge, overwhelming margin, every American demographic (including millenials and women) oppose [tax-victim] funding of abortions...   No one who is not actually in the Senate gives a crap about the freaking senate calendar.   Voters do not send Republican senators to Washington so that they might create a more well-organized calendar than the Democrats.   They send them to Washington to reflect conservative values and to actually have votes on the issues that Republicans care about.   If that involves some inconvenience to the most privileged 100 human beings on the planet, then so be it..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
RINOs such as Boehner, McConnell, McCarthy, Corker, Hatch, Cornyn, Scalise, Alexander have worn out their welcome
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Human Events
"The long-simmering disconnect between the Republican Party's conservative base and its [RINO losers] in government has degenerated into a full-blown schism...   Generally speaking, conservatives are optimistic and bullish on America.   But they have witnessed assault after brutal assault against the Constitution, our liberties and our values, and they are justifiably mad as hell and are not inclined to take it anymore.   Adding insult to injury, they continue to elect Republicans to office based on their promise they will try not only to stop [Obummer's] momentum but also to reverse it and make real headway toward saving this nation.   Time after time, they deliver instead outright betrayal...   I can no longer assume the best of people who are not simply failing to retard [Obummer's] agenda but, in many cases, facilitating it.   With the Corker bill, senate Republicans have effectively [unconstitutionally] forfeited their constitutional power to reject the Iran nuclear [treaty] -- the most dangerous foreign treaty (yes, it's a treaty) in decades.   Over the weekend, the ruling class rebuked and punished Cruz for admirably trying to put a wrench in the scheme to resurrect the Export-Import Bank.   And don't get me started on the [losership's] performance on [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and Planned Parenthood...   God bless senator Cruz and all others who are trying to govern precisely as they promised and to give conservatism -- and thus [the USA] -- a fighting chance.   We haven't heard the end of this yet."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Allen West _Town Hall_
as a global leader, USA should ditch the crony socialist Export-Import Bank

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
DoE secretary Ernest Moniz: secret side deals are common practice with UN IAEA (with video)

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz invited the corrupt, anti-USA, anti-constitution oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer to debate the substance of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems (with video)
"'I'll make an invitation right here tonight.', Cruz told Fox News's Sean Hannity on Monday.   'I will invite [president Obummer] at any time and place of his choosing to debate the substance of the Iran [treaty].   Let's do it in front of the American people any-time in the next 60 days that congress has to review this [treaty or the next 60K days that the senate has to reject it by a vote of one-third against it]."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the best argument against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Mike Huckabee to Matt Wauwer: yes, Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems to destroy Israel, murder Jews (with video)
"'The one thing I am absolutely assured of is that for 6K years, Jews have been hunted down and the last time the world did not take seriously threats against the Jewish people, just before World War 2, this ended up in the murder of 6M Jews.'...   'My job is not to react to Donald Trump.', Huckabee, a former Baptist minister, told Lauer.   'My gosh, he's getting all the attention he needs without my help.   I'll swim in my lane.   I'll let Donald Trump swim in his.'   On Monday, Huckabee told 'Newsmax Prime' host J.D. Hayworth that the [treaty] is not only harmful to Israel, but also to the United States.   'It's the opening act, but the head-liner is America.', Huckabee told Hayworth.   'Iran has never, ever hidden that their ultimate agenda is death to America.   Why we sat down at the table with these guys, why we ever negotiated with terrorists makes no sense to me.'"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
CNN/ORC poll: majority wants US senate to reject Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart
Daniel Doherty: Town Hall

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry acknowledged Iran "may" use weapons obtained through the Obummer/Kerry treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems to kill Americans & Israelis

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
_Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton: 51 days to reject Obummer's treaty with USA's mortal and unrepentant enemy, Iran, to let them develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems (video)
Penny Starr

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
John Podhoretz _NYPost_
why public opposition is increasing against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
_Conservative HQ_
with their attack on Ted Cruz, can GOP losership get any lower?
"...But we think that the real reason Cornyn, Hatch and Alexander went after Cruz was not so much his calling out of McConnell for lying about reviving the [crony socialist] Ex-Im Bank -- it was about another bit of truth-telling that was buried in Cruz's remarks.   Said senator Cruz: 'We've had a Republican majority in both houses of congress now for about 6 months.   What has that majority done? First thing we did, in December, is we came back and passed a $1T cromnibus [over-spending] plan filled with pork and corporate welfare.   That was the very first thing we did.   Then this Republican majority voted to fund [ObummerDoesn'tCare], voted to fund [president Obummer's] unconstitutional executive amnesty.   And then [losership] rammed through the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney-general.   Madam president, which of those decisions would be one iota different if Harry Reid were still majority-leader?   Not a one.   Not a one.   This senate operates exactly the same -- the same priorities...   It's not that this majority doesn't get things done.   It does get things done, but it listens to one and only one voice.   That is the voice of the Washington Cartel, of the lobbyists on K Street, of the big money and big corporations...   This institution, the majority and minority leader, arm-in-arm again, should not team up against the American [tax-victims].   It's why our children are going bankrupt...'   What really got [them angry at Ted Cruz] was not calling Mitch McConnell a liar -- everyone in Washington already knows McConnell is a liar -- what got Cruz in trouble with DC's inside operators was telling the truth about how Capitol Hill works.   And that it doesn't make 'one iota' of difference if Harry Reid or Mitch McConnell is majority-leader, because the same players are going to be behind the scenes calling the shots and plundering the public fisc to enrich their multi-billion dollar corporate pay-masters with [crony socialist] 'green energy' grants, [crony socialist] Ex-Im Bank loans and other legalized corruption.   And yes, that is why our children are going bankrupt.   Lying to the American people is never acceptable, yet it has become so common-place among Washington's ruling elite that 3 prominent members of the United States senate, senators Orrin Hatch, Lamar Alexander and John Cornyn, actually took to the senate floor to criticize Ted Cruz for being 'uncivil' and violating the senate 'rules of decorum'.   Something is disastrously wrong in the Republican Party if its [losers] lie to the American people, and 3 of its 'top-ranking' senators are willing to go to the floor of the United States senate and defend the liar.   We urge you to join us in standing with senator Ted Cruz against the lies -- and the liars -- that are enriching the Washington Cartel and destroying this country."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
James Gattuso _Jewish World Review_
Amazon and anti-trust: should the federal government sue to make books [and electricity, and telecommunications] more expensive?

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
it's Uber man
"...Well, YOU get in.   I am standing on the sidewalk, still trying to get the iPhone turned on.   Uber, based in California, is a techie-first phenomenon, belonging to the generation that believes nothing bad could happen from sharing every piece of personal information with the entire universe.   My generation is more afraid.   Actually terrified.   And, perhaps, in the end, more practical..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the casualness of Planned Parenthood's sale of baby parts and tissues
"...There was a time when we looked down this slippery slope and shuddered.   Now we find ourselves looking up.   And fewer and fewer of us may shudder."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood investigation reportedly shows doctors discussing how to maximize revenue from sale of "fetal tissue"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Frand Pavone _Breitbart_
Americans must look Planned Parenthood, abortion industry in the eye

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee: Planned Parenthood has been selling babies' body parts like the parts of a Buick

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee: response to my remarks from Jewish people has been overwhelmingly positive

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Todd Starnes _Town Hall_
Mike Huckabee criticized Yebbie Booosh: we need a Churchill, not a Chamberlain

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Anjali Shastry _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz criticized Mitch McConnell for his anti-Republican chicanery to get tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Peter Sullivan _Hill_
3rd video of Planned Parenthood released
Steven Ertelt: Life News
Cortney O'Brien: Town Hall
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
Paige Winfield Cunningham: Washington DC Examiner

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
slime-ball Harry Reid digs in his heels for tax-victims to be scalped to fund Planned Parenthood

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
senator Rand Paul: senate should vote immediately to cut tax-victim funds from Planned Parenthood

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Ohio Dem Bill Patmon: "black lives matter" protesters should be in front of every Planned Parenthood facility (video)

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
doctor Ben S. Carson on Planned Parenthood: the same people who say it's a meaningless clump of cells are trying to get livers and lungs and kidneys

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Buster_
English and Spanish TV networks censor 3rd video showing Planned Parenthood's actions, but do cover killing of Cecil the lion

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Bill Murchison _Town Hall_
choice and morality; women enslavers and baby murderers

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Bob Unruh _WND_
Planned Parenthood chooses "per item" body-parts pricing

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Steve King welcomes Ben Carson to speak to Conservative Opportunity Society breakfast; to address Planned Parenthood

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
pro-life activists rally for investigation, end to government subsidies of Planned Parenthood

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Laura Ingraham
Diane Black (R-TN): shame on Nasty Pelosi

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
is USA entering a new Victorian era?
Town Hall

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump: Yebbie Booosh is controlled by donors expecting crony socialist favors

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Laura Ingraham
why does the Republican party exist?
Ben Domenech: Federalist
David Harsanyi: Federalist: why True Blue Republicans dislike the Republican Party losership

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Laura Ingraham
"week-end effect" diminished if you like your job and your boss
A. Pawlowski: Today
"Intriguingly, people who reported a good work-place environment had a diminished weekend effect or didn't experience one at all.   'They're happier on the weekdays than the other people.   Weekends are more or less the same [for them].', Helliwell explained.   'You can imagine if you had a job that was challenging, that you were doing with people you enjoyed working with, it would be a lot more fun than sitting and watching a video [on the weekend]...   they're lucky people whose weeks are just as good as their weekends.' &nbp; Meanwhile, people in a low-trust workplace and with an authoritarian, bossy supervisor had a weekend effect more than 3 times as large as their luckier counterparts.   They felt much more blissful on the weekends because they were more miserable during the week..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Laura Ingraham
violence in schools has increased because the limits on discipline empower offenders
Deirdre Reilly: PoliZette

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Republicans demand IRS chief be fired for lying to congress
Courtney Coren: News Max
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Town Hall/AP

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Tom Fitton _Breitbart_
Judicial Watch: IRS documents show that renegade agency abused donor lists to target non-leftists for audits

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Lois Lerner's "lost" IRS e-mail shows they tried to block congressional scrutiny

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's great gambit to hamper the inspectors-general: bringing on an investigation of the IRS and harassing the Hitlery Rotten Clinton campaign hints of battles within
Jewish World Review

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
armed civilian used firearm to protect family
"Thomas McCary, 62, and Jeaneta Walker were arguing outside an apartment complex in Cincinnati, Ohio, when McCary began shooting from a .38-caliber hand-gun.   Walker was outside with her brother, Patrick Ewing, and her 1-year-old son at the time.   Ewing has a concealed carry permit and returned fire.   Ewing fired 3 shots, hitting McCary in the leg, police said...   McCary was taken to the nearby university of Cincinnati Medical Center and released into the custody of Hamilton County Jail, where he was arraigned on 4 counts of felonious assault."
abc 7

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Melanie Batley _News Max_
Jon Stewart conspired with Obummer regime
Daniel Nussbaum: Breitbart

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: I'd love to have Sarah Palin in my administration in an official capacity

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Rachel Marsden _Town Hall_
is president Trump an idea whose time has come

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Michael Lucchese, Christoph Steitz, Thomas Escritt & Shadia Nasralla _Breitbart_/_Reuters_
Austrian government investigating Geert Wilders on suspicion he may have "incited hatred"
"...Wilders spoke at a meeting in March of Strache's far-right Freedom Party, which attracted a 30 percent approval rating in a recent opinion poll -- ahead of the 2 governing 'centrist' coalition parties.   Known for his trade-mark shock of bleach-blond hair, Wilders is currently running second in Dutch election polls, riding a wave of resentment against immigration in the Netherlands, once seen as an example of multicultural tolerance.   Wilders has said [Islam has been at war with the West] and [he] has been the target of death threats that have forced him to live under 24-hour police protection..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
2 former Guantanamo Bay detainees arrested on terrorism charges near Antwerp

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
OIG audit: HUD gave housing for the low-income, tax-victim-funded, to millionaires
"...The department's inspector general found [25,226] families earned too much to qualify for government housing, costing [tax-victims] $104.4M this year..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Leah Barkoukis _Town Hall_
homosexual intolerance in KY: minister banned from juvenile prison counseling because he won't promise not to note that homosexual behavior is a sin

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
excerpts from Carly Fiorina's speech at the Ronald Reagan library

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
the substance of things un-seen

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
U of NH deems the word "American" to be highly "problematic"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
corruption in NY
"There's been a battle going on in New York for quite a while now between attorney-general Eric Schneiderman and Citizens United (CU) over the state government's efforts to un-mask charitable donors through some back-handed legal maneuvers.   As the case makes its way through the courts, CU had sought an injunction against the AG to prevent them from collecting the information until a final ruling was delivered.   This week a federal judge in Manhattan seemed to ignore federal law entirely and decided to deny the injunction because, hey, what possible harm could it do?..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: McConnell & Boehner are a disgrace; they're endangering the USA (video)

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Chelsea Schilling _WND_
motion filed to oust John Boehner from speakership
"...'Much like the Declaration of Independence, he's laid a case against the crown.', talk-show host Mark Levin said on his show Tuesday evening.   'He's showing the institutional corruption of John Boehner.'   He continued, 'John Boehner is Nancy Pelosi's favorite Republican in the House of Representatives.   So, while the Democrats should vote to remove John Boehner, many will vote to keep him because they like what he's doing.   They like what he's doing to advance [Obummer's] agenda.   We have a very brave member of congress, Meadows, who has said enough is enough.   I would encourage you to call your members of the House of Representatives and tell them to support Mark Meadows.'"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Mark Meadows (R-NC) makes move to replace John Boehner
"...Meadows is a highly respected conservative member of the House and is intricately involved in the House Freedom Caucus.   He's plugged in party-wide, and wouldn't be doing this if he didn't think it could be successful."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
S.A. Miller & Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
Mark Meadows (R-NC) filed motion to replace John Boehner

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
McConnell says he will hold a vote to repeal unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare, rolled into budget resolution
Philip Klein: Washington DC Examiner
Steven Ertelt: Life News
Norvell Rose: Western Journalism

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: Obummer is now trying to spread the acceptance of immorality

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
act of kindness at NC super-market is extremely popular (video)

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Yochanan Visser _Western Journalism_
Jews praying at Western Wall, have been attacked in recent days; both Muslims and Jews desire access to Temple Mount exclusive of the others
"...At the root of the violence against Jews in Jerusalem lies the Muslim claim that Jews have no history in Jerusalem and that there has never been a Jewish Temple in the city.   The claim is widely believed in Palestinian society and the Arab countries, despite the fact that the early Muslims gave Jerusalem the name 'Bayt al-Maqdis', a translation of the Hebrew name for the Temple: Beit HaMiqdash [House of the Tabernacle]"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Jake MacAulay _Western Journalism_
USA government in Washington DC is now a corrupt corporation acting as a criminal enterprise; our hope is in God
"Despite being founded on the principle of limited, enumerated powers derived from the will of the people and subject to the transcendental Will of the Creator God, the current government in Washington DC is now a corrupt corporation acting as an organized criminal enterprise.   Departing from its roots, wherein it acknowledged the God of the Bible as the Creator and LawGiver, it has become Godless and grasping and now has its tentacles in virtually every aspect of our lives..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Mark Levin's book _Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's Abuse of Young People and the Future_ discloses inter-generational theft
Jeffrey Lord: American Spectator
Mark Meckler: Convention of States
TEA Party.org

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Joseph Farah _WND_
why Trump could be elected president
"Do you know what real Americans want to hear from their presidential candidates in 2016?   Donald Trump does.   I don't know if he will get the nomination.   I don't know if he will be elected.   I don't know if he can or will do all he says he wants to do as president.   But the guy sure knows what real Americans want to hear from a leader..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
envisioning Donald Trump telling Obummer, "You're fired!"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Star Parker _WND_
best strategy for other Republican candidates: present your own agenda in a straight-forward, no apologies, manner
"...Anyone in the current large field of Republican candidates would be far better for America than another term of left-wing control.   For these candidates dealing with Trump, the best strategy is to offer powerful visions of their own, explicitly tackling our big challenges -- that will excite Americans and restore their faith in America as a free nation."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Barry Farbre _WND_
push-back against Muslims who initiate force

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Bob Unruh _WND_
legislator: money is being illegally spent to promote same-sex "marriage"
"In a letter to Texas attorney-general Ken Paxton, from Texas state representative Dan Flynn (R-Austin), points out the various agencies affected by the ruling are spending money without permission from the the legislature.   Flynn, seeking an opinion from Paxton, notes that regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court decides, the state of Texas is run by its own constitution, which allows only lawmakers to authorize funding.   'Absent action by the Texas Legislature, [executive] branch agencies, such as DSHS, have not been delegated authority to promulgate policies or procedures to implement same-sex marriage in Texas or other benefits.', he said.   'Therefore, any marriage license issued in contradiction with Texas state law or other policy unilaterally awarding benefits to same-sex couples is invalid.'   Flynn said the obvious solution is for the Texas governor to call a special session of the legislature to address the recent United States Supreme Court and federal district court rulings.   During such a special session, he said, the legislature would have authority, according to the Texas constitution, to 'enact laws to modify existing state law'.   'But, what if either the legislature was not called into special session or if, once called, the legislature failed to act in conformance with federal judicial mandates?'   Flynn said it would result in a constitutional crisis.   'Whereas, the federal judiciary might declare Texas' system of marriage unconstitutional in totality, thus prohibiting future marriage, no authority exists for the federal government to rewrite existing Texas state law or to step into the state's place by issuing its own federal marriage licenses.', he said.   'The lack of precedent is only surpassed by the unprecedented over-reach by the federal judiciary in stepping into the place of the legislative branch, despite the dissent by chief-justice Roberts.', said Flynn..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Pew: Middle East Christian population dwindling

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Pew: Middle East Christian population dwindling
Monica Cantilero: Christian Today
"Nearly a third of Syria's estimated 600K Christians have fled, having been driven out by terrorist groups like the Nusra Front and now ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, the Times said...   The number of Christians in the Middle East—in countries like Egypt, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan—has dropped to roughly 4% of their respective population from a high of 14%, according to the Guardian...   Since 2013 October, the USA has only provided $416M in humanitarian aid, far from what is needed, he said.   'Americans and the West were telling us they came to bring democracy, freedom, and prosperity.', said Louis Sako, the Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon who spoke before the Security Council, in an email.   'What we are living is anarchy, war, death, and the plight of 3M refugees.'"

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
ministers suing Coeur d'Alene Idaho because they fear being prosecuted under a 2013 ordinance forbidding discrimination based on sexual orientation

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Jill Mislinski _Advisor Perspectives_
Conference Board: consumer confidence dropped 9 points

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
Theodore Roosevelt's famous quote about college

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Robert W. Doubek _Washington DC Times_
how the VietNam Veterans Memorial came to be built

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
_Conservative HQ_
horse race for president: why is he here?
"...The entrance of another candidate shines a light on the sheer size of the field and calls into question why a number of them are in the race in the first place.   Gilmore is generally known as a conservative (with some establishment ties, of course), but some of these people aren't conservatives, have no real base of support and aren't known for any particular issues.   Does the name George Pataki come to mind? One glance at Pataki and you wonder, 'Why is he here?'...

This afternoon, I'm liking (1) Sessions, (2) Walker, (3) Huckabee, (4) Trump, (5) Santorum, (6) Cruz, (7) Paul, (8) Kasich, (9) Cotton, (10) Perry, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
cold front slamming Montana, Wyoming & Idaho with rare July snow-pack
"The cold front deposited up to 8 inches in some parts of the northern Rockies above the 8K feet elevations in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
DC appeals court orders Obummer regime EPA to re-write cross-state polution rules; too strict in South & MidWest

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
snow-piles from record-breaking Buffalo November storms still haven't melted
"Two piles remain in one abandoned lot where trucks dumped it after a freak November storm buried neighborhoods in so much snow -- 7 feet fell in spots -- that crews had nowhere else to put it.   'I tell my customers; You want ice cubes? Go get them.', Eugene Kiszelewski, who owns the G&T Inn across the street, said Tuesday as the temperature climbed past 80 degrees.   At its height, Kiszelewski said, the snow mounds towered over the light poles.   Between 10K and 11K truckloads were taken there, Streets Commissioner Steven Stepniak said, creating a mountain five stories high.   One of the leftover piles is about the size of two school buses end to end, the other a bit smaller.   Grayish white ice peeks through, but both resemble earthen berms, because the snow is covered with a thick layer of dirt and even grass..."

2015-07-28 (5775 Ab 12)
Bill Federer _WND_
when liberty and Christianity are in harmony: Alexis de Tocqueville's observations on USA
"...In it, de Tocqueville wrote: 'Upon my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things, to which I was unaccustomed.   In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions.   But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country...   The sects that exist in the United States are innumerable.   They all differ in respect to the worship which is due to the Creator; but they all agree in respect to the duties which are due from man to man.   Each sect adores the Deity in its own peculiar manner, but all sects preach the same moral law in the name of God...   Moreover, all the sects of the United States are comprised within the great unity of Christianity, and Christian morality is everywhere the same.'..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "Leadership is the ability to inspire others with the energy of your own success." --- R' Chaim Pechter (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
cure for racial dishonesty

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
socialist Bernie Sanders gave Ezra Klein a lesson about open borders and immigration economics

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Lalit K. Jha _Press Trust of India_
Raghunandan Yandamuri has told a US court that he would represent himself during an appeal of his conviction for 2 murders to the State Supreme Court in Pennsylvania
"...Raghunandan, 29, has been found guilty of double murder of 61-year-old Satyavathi Venna and her 10-month-old grand-daughter Saanvi Venna at their apartment in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania in 2012 October.   A software engineer on H-1B visa, he killed Satyavathi and her grand-daughter following a failed kidnapping bid..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
district judge Dolly M. Gee (an Obummer appointee) says illegal aliens should be released from fancy detention facilities, because they're "deplorable"; detention shell game should end
"...The ruling puts DHS and its subordinate immigration enforcement agencies, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE), in an untenable situation.   Failing any capacity to put families of border crossers, or minors crossing alone, into detention, they will be obliged to engage in the most obvious game of catch-and-release, making not even the pretense of being able to hold and then remove these families -- which pretense is about the only thing that has happened to date at the will of the White House, whose unenthusiasm for return of any alien is at this point a matter of notoriety.   Really, the detention of families and minors to date has been nothing more than a distraction; a shell game used to mask from the public the fact that, in the end, no one was going to be required to leave the United States.   As my colleague, Jessica Vaughan, has documented, very few of these aliens are returned, and the inflow has never ceased (see here and here); it simply subsided from its peak, when it was a tidal wave of humans crossing for several months last Summer.   And the only reason it subsided was because the [Obummer regime] put pressure on its southern neighbors to end the problem for them, which Mexico has done quite capably.   According to scholars at the Mexico Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center, in 2014 Mexican authorities took into custody and detained 120K [illegal aliens] on their southern border with Guatemala, and that figure is most assuredly likely to rise in 2015—assuming that 1) they continue to exhibit an interest in assisting the United States, and 2) the chaos and dismay among Mexican government and law enforcement over the escape of Sinaloa cartel leader El Chapo Guzman doesn't overwhelm and distract them from other duties.   Imagine the surprise of DHS leaders and their White House bosses that their detention shell game has, so to speak, exploded in their faces with the outcome of this law-suit.   What can we in the U.S.A. expect as a result of the judge's decision if it is left standing?   Quite possibly, as the word gets out, an uptick in the number of illegal border-crossing arrivals who 'meet spec'; that is to say, many more families and unaccompanied minors (who statistically are almost all males in their mid-to-late teens, many on the cusp of the age of majority, according to the GAO report).   This, in turn, puts the administration into a pickle.   Its politicos may have a visceral dislike for all immigration enforcement, but they are smart enough to connect the political dots in the season leading up to the presidential elections, and to understand very clearly that another unrestrained surge of border crossers may sink the Democratic candidate, or indeed anyone who appears to the electorate to be squishy on controlling our southern frontier.   It will be interesting over the next several weeks and months to see how this plays out, although you can be sure that much of the internal White House debate, and any additional arm-twisting of southern neighbors to do for us what [the USA federal government] apparently [lacks the will to do], will take place behind closed doors."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Border Patrol refused to take illegal alien into custudy on July 7, charged with committing murder on July 27
Tom Meyer ∓ Phil Trexler: WKYC-TV NBC
"...On Monday, Razo was firing his gun along the Lake Metroparks Greenway Corridor trail, police said. He appeared in Painesville Municipal Court Tuesday afternoon. He is accused of shooting and killing Peggy Kostelnick, 60, of Painesville. He is also accused of shooting another woman in the arm. Deputies also accused Razo of attempting to rape a 14-year-old girl in Concord..."
Lake county sheriff case report

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Obummer regime extending temporary refugee status for Somalis despite terrorism concerns

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Senate Foreign Relations committee seek briefing on State Department's annual human trafficking report

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) flipped out on immigration expert Jessica Vaughan in senate Judiciary committee hearing (with video)
"...the Center for Immigration Studies' Jessica Vaughan, after she turned his dismissal of Kathryn Steinle’s murder as 'a little thing' against him.   Vaughan, Director of Policy Studies, testified about the dangers sanctuary policies pose to Americans when local jurisdictions refuse to hand over illegal aliens to immigration authorities, or even detain them.   'As someone who has also lost a close family member', Vaughan said, 'my brother, because of a negligent act by a sworn law enforcement officer and also a bad policy -- and I should add that the offense that was committed was one that some on this committee would call a minor traffic offense that killed my brother, I have to say that it is really not OK to refer to these tragedies as a little thing, as one member of this committee has.'   This reference was to Gutierrez, who brushed off Steinle's murder during a July 16 interview with Telemundo.   After a reporter cited the killing in relation to sanctuary cities, he responded: 'Every time a little thing like this happens, [Republicans] use the most extreme example to say it must be eliminated.'   Vaughan continued, 'I have a friend.   Her name is Heather.   A few years ago, she was car-jacked at knife-point and taken to Roger Williams' Park in Providence, Rhode Island, and raped repeatedly by an illegal alien who had been in the custody of the Providence Police Department more than once', but was released thanks to a mayor's sanctuary city policies.   'This was not a little thing.', she declared.   'I have other friends, some in this room, who can tell similar stories.   And I'm afraid Congress is about to get away with doing just a little thing just by barring funding from these sanctuary jurisdictions, some funding.   And I'm asking you today to not be satisfied by just doing a little thing.   This big problem requires you to have the courage to do a bigger thing.'... He [Luis Gutierrez] appeared to calm himself somewhat before stating: 'Let's fix our broken immigration system, so we can get rid of foreigners who come here to cause damage, harm and welcome immigrants.'..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
another immigration law enforcement failure... in Cleveland, not far from 1st GOP debate
"As much as they would like to avoid it, events keep conspiring to force the Republican presidential candidates to discuss immigration.   First, Kate Steinle's murder in San Francisco by an illegal alien who'd been released by authorities vindicated the general point (if not the crude delivery) of Donald Trump's comments on uncontrolled immigration made just a few days earlier.   He's been riding the issue, and a general grass-roots disgust with the GOP [losership], to a significant lead in the polls.   Now, shortly before next week's inaugural GOP debate in Cleveland, a similar case -- in Cleveland's own suburbs.   On Monday, an illegal alien murdered a woman in her home, then tried to rape a 14-year-old, then shot a woman out walking with her kids, then fired at police when they came to arrest him.   And he wasn't just any illegal alien, but one the federal authorities specifically decided not to take into custody and deport.   Local cops had arrested him earlier this month, checked with the feds, were told he was, in fact, illegal but that they should let him go, presumably because he wasn't on [Obummer's] priority list, not having been convicted of raping or murdering anyone yet.   To top it off, the murdered woman, Peggy Kostelnik, was the assistant to the Republican mayor of a nearby town [Willoughby]..."
Kristin Volk: News Net 5
Matt Skrajner & Lindsey O'Brien: News-Herald
Kristinn Taylor: GateWay Pundit
Jane Morice: Cleveland/Northeast Ohio Media Group
Eric DR: Libertarian Republican
Katie McHugh: Breitbart
Darcie Loreno: Fox
Daisy: Chicks on the Right
Sara Goldenberg: WGCL-TV CBS Atlanta
Laura Ingraham: illegal alien charged with murder had green card application pending
Ryllie Danylko: Cleveland/Northeast Ohio Media Group

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Joshua B. Gross _Chronicle of Higher Education_
information technology, data processing: the accidental career for hyper-credentialistic times with a surfeit of PhDs and a surfeit of STEM professionals
"Today I'm an assistant professor of computer science at a small, private liberal-arts college in Southern Illinois.   But my first career was in 'IT', where I spent 8 years developing software for a series of companies (sadly, most of them long-extinct start-ups).   I stumbled into that work with some interest, little experience (I picked up a few 'IT' skills from part-time jobs in my under-graduate years), and almost no preparation.   My bachelor's in English literature was, on the surface, not optimal training for a IT career.   But because 'IT' companies move quickly and adapt rapidly, my ability to learn -- a skill common to PhDs of all ilk -- out-weighed the technical expertise I was missing.   Few of my co-workers had majored in computer science, either.   We all had the same challenge of learning a new discipline through practice and mentoring, and in the process, we found professions we loved.   My love of literature meant I adapted well to the language-driven task of computer programming...   Perhaps the 3 most relevant 'IT' jobs for PhDs in the humanities and 'social sciences' are: business analyst, technical communicator, and user-experience designer..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Erik Rush _WND_
USA's new world disorder: multi-branch DC co-operative as a sort of supreme soviet
"...Over the last 6 years, the comportment of GOP leaders in particular, given the unprecedented threat represented by this [the Obummer regime], speaks to a dramatic alteration in course and intention on their part, not unlike that which occurs when the ship captain's cabin door bursts open and the roaring mutineers pile in.   It's as though the entire congress, the executive branch, the press and to some extent even the federal judiciary have become a sort of Supreme Soviet (as in the former USSR) body of government.   Therein, we now have our very own Councils of Ministers, Politburo and Secretariats among elected officials, federal courts and innumerable government departments, bureaus and offices.   As I pointed out in my WND column of 2014 July 9, the chagrined claims of the White House around their handling of the 2014 'undocumented minor' border crisis were complete Soviet-style spin, given that they had orchestrated the crisis to start with.   To this day, the administration continues to employ said chagrined claims, though the smoking gun, a federal Request For Information (RFI), remains viewable on-line.   A few days ago, a federal judge ruled that hundreds of those illegal immigrants who remain in U.S. holding facilities must be released, calling conditions in which they are being held 'deplorable'.   And they definitely are deplorable.   The press called this a 'set-back' for 'president Obumer's] immigration policy, although I am hard-pressed to figure out how that might be.   Since 2013, the [Obummer regime] has released (rather than deported) over 68K foreign nationals with criminal convictions and pending charges from detention centers and into the streets as though they were school children going home for the summer.   As we've seen pointedly demonstrated in recent weeks, the recidivism rate of these wastes of nucleic acids is staggering.   More than 68K (mostly) women and children were apprehended on our southern border last summer.   While officials laboriously pondered whether they had a right to stay, as some may recall, thousands of minors from among them were spirited away to attend school in communities across America.   Shortly after that, there were numerous out-breaks of exotic respiratory and neurological ailments among school-age American children, resulting in several deaths.   We knew last summer that conditions in which the immigrant surge party-goers were living were ghastly.   Most regular WND readers will remember the appalling accounts given by health-care practitioners treating the arrivals, and others who visited the detention centers [that though the facilities were fine -- in several cases luxurious -- the behavior of the illegal aliens created health hazards].   Are we to believe that the government couldn't find a way to improve those conditions in a year?...   It has always been [Obummer's] intention to unleash legions of culturally bankrupt foreign scum upon the American citizenry [and to refuse to sort out the more worthy from the aforementioned scum].   It is now occurring on several fronts...   I never run out of reasons to be mortified by this bunch.   Here we have ranking senate Republicans defending a majority [loser] who has proved himself to be the political whore to end all political whores -- and that's putting it mildly.   Having thrown in on so many legislative issues with the Marxist Islamist saboteur who occupies the White House and his congressional minions (which House speaker John Boehner has also done), McConnell's status far exceeds mere political whoredom.   Instead of standing with Cruz [and Sessions, and Paul, and Lee, and Jordan], the [losership] of the Republican Party deliberately, calculatingly and publicly assumed the mantle of apparatchiks in this twisted New Disorder, and did so casually, as though it were all as natural as a sunny summer day.   I would submit that there is no punishment sufficient for such vile treachery.   Nevertheless, I'll settle for whatever we happen to have on hand when the time comes."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer crony socialism + your personal private data = TROUBLE
Cybercast News Service
Human Events
"Ethnic community organizer-turned-Office of Personnel Management head Katherine Archuleta recklessly eschewed basic cybersecurity in favor of politically correct 'diversity' initiatives during her disastrous crony tenure.   This Beltway business-as-usual created an irresistible opportunity for hackers to reach out and grab massive amounts of sensitive data -- compromising everyone from rank-and-file government employees to CIA spies.   Could it get worse? You betcha.   Amid increasing concerns about these massive government computer breaches, the Defense Department is expected to announce the winner of a lucrative high-stakes contract to overhaul the military's electronic health records system this week.   The leading finalist among three top contenders is Epic Systems, a Wisconsin-based health care software company founded and led by top [Obummer] billionaire donor Judy Faulkner.   Thanks in significant part to [president Obummer's] $19G 'stimulus subsidy' program for health data vendors, Epic is now the dominant EMR player in the U.S. health 'IT' market... Just last week, the UCLA Health system run by Epic suffered a cyber attack affecting up to 4.5M personal and medical records, including [Socialist Inecurity numbers (SINs)], Medicare and health plan identifiers, birthdays, and physical addresses..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
Putin hurt think tank by not banning it
"...Kirchick goes on to suggest that researchers critical of Putin, such as Lilia Shevtsova, who now works with the Brookings Institution, were fired by the Carnegie Center. Shevtsova herself complained to the journalist of 'a squeezing out of different points of view'."
Just like the Obummer regime!

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
ugly, ugly stuff for the heirs apparent
"In 2012, getting Republican voters to line up behind Mitt Romney was like trying to stuff a cat into a trash can.   No matter how hard or fast the GOP [losership] shoved, voters desperately reached out and clawed onto another candidate -- any candidate! -- to avoid getting crammed into the trash can with Mitt Romney.   [President Obummer], who realized he had no business winning a second term, just sat back and smiled.   Four years later, the president finds himself watching a very similar situation.   Only this time, it is the Democrats who are gagging and recoiling over the cold-left-overs candidate they are being served..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
divine right of bureaubums

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
how to kill the summer job
"...Basically, working teaches young people how to work.   There's no substitute for it...   Meanwhile, the summer job isn't extinct -- yet.   In 1999, 52% of teens worked summer jobs.   These days it's a third, and dropping.   That's not just because of a bad labor market.   This summer, even as the economy picked up, youth employment continued to decline.   Indeed, according to the Pew Research Center, teen employment has been going out of fashion since 1990...   The answer for one slice of the labor market -- college-bound teens from relatively affluent families -- seems to be that they are focusing all of their energy on enhancing their transcripts with unpaid internships (which Charles Murray calls 'affirmative action for the advantaged'), self-interested volunteer work and test-prep or other courses.   Affluent parents encourage their kids to study Mandarin or sponge oil off sea birds to prove how 'selfless' they are to admissions officers...   America is raising a whole generation of 'leaders' who see the people they are supposed to represent as abstractions rather than as individuals they have served, worked with or worked for.   Just as we want civilian leaders who know what it's like to wear the uniform, we want policymakers who know what it's like to work -- and hire -- in the trenches."
At the same time, many traditional summer jobs have been flooded with illegal aliens, "exchange workers", and guest-workers, all of which tend to be more pliant and submissive and willing to engage in ethically questionable activities. Hotels, resorts, amusement parks, chocolate-makers, agricultural operations (e.g. mid-west seed firms used to have college students put bags on corn tassels to control hybridization) also claim that the summer vacation doesn't match their peak seasons, and that American teens and 20-somethings these days are not pliant enough.

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Scott McFetridge _Cybercast News Service_
immigrants, poor people, ignorant of mercury levels, fish for their dinner
"...The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says adults can eat as much as they want of some fish, but for many species the agency recommends only a serving or two a week, less for pregnant women or children.   The stricter limits are suggested for predator species like white bass -- fish that eat other fish -- and older, larger fish more likely to exceed 0.47 parts of mercury per million.   Environmental officials agree that immigrants and low-income people dominate many urban river-banks and lakes where fish are likely to have higher levels...   In California, especially San Francisco Bay and parts of the Sacramento River, health information is being posted in fishing areas.   Parks officials in Akron, Ohio, are explaining guidelines at Asian community events and circulating advisories in 4 languages...

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime aid to Central America back-fires, entices more illegal aliens to USA
"The U.S. government [i.e. USA tax-victims] paid for a class-room full of computers in El Salvador, but the Salvadoran government never bothered to hire a teacher, investigators said Wednesday — one of a series of bungles in the [Obummer regime's] plan to flood Central America with U.S. money to try to stem another surge of illegal immigration.   In an expansive report on last summer's surge, the Government Accountability Office said confusing and lenient U.S. policies pushed illegal immigrants to make the crossing, and even cited administration officials who said [president Obummer's] 2012 deportation amnesty for so-called Dreamers did entice some of the surge.   Trying to get a handle on the flood, [Obummer] has requested hundreds of millions of dollars to try to bolster society in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, the 3 countries chiefly responsible for the surge, but GAO investigators said corruption or incompetence among the Central American governments may hinder those efforts..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
governed by leftist zealots at NRDC and EPA
Human Events
"'BANANA': 'Build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone!'"

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
the right of children to walk to school

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jack Moore _Jewish World Review_
Hamas official claimed that Iran has cut financial aid to them
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
defeating the mortal enemies
Washington DC Times
"'The enemy has to be defeated.', U.S. secretary of Defense Ashton Carter last week told American forces stationed in the Middle East.   That is a simple truth, one that, regrettably, is not heard often from officials in the current administration.   Mr. Carter then added: 'It will be, because the barbarians are always defeated by civilization.'   That is a comforting sentiment -- one that, regrettably, is not supported by historical evidence.   No one has studied that evidence more thoroughly than Bernard Lewis, at 99 the greatest living historian of the Middle East.   'The Roman Empire and the medieval Islamic Empire were not conquered by more civilized peoples.', he has noted.   'They were conquered by less civilized but more vigorous peoples.   But in both cases what made the conquest, with the Barbarians in Rome and the Mongols in Iraq, what made it possible was things were going badly wrong within the society so that it was no longer able to offer effective resistance.'   Would anyone argue that things are going well in America and Europe today?   Would anyone argue that Western societies are as 'vigorous' as those waging what they call a jihad against us?   Would anyone argue that the West is offering 'effective resistance' to the barbarians..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Aaron Anderson _Jewish World Review_
are you squashing your child's independence?

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry: the Obummer/Kerry treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is not a treaty "because you can't pass a treaty anymore"
"...Under the Constitution, treaty ratification needs support from two-thirds of the U.S. senate.   The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which Kerry referred to, was signed in 2009 but voted down by the senate in 2012, falling five votes short of the required two-thirds majority...   'Therefore the Senate is clearly capable of passing treaties', Groves concluded, 'just not unpopular ones like the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea [the similar Moon Treaty], the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, or apparently the [treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems]'."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
general Martin Dempsey: it was my military advice to keep the ban against Iran having ballistic missiles

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
USA Jews oppose Obummers treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems by 45% to 40%
"It found that only one third of American Jews agree with the arguments of the Iran [treaty's] supporters.   After hearing the arguments of both sides, moreover, opposition to the [treaty] grew to a majority, 51% against to 35% in favor.   After a further set of questions to respondents focusing on 'concerns' over the Iran [treaty], opposition grows even more, rising to 58% against the [treaty] to 30% in favor of it...   A CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday showed that a majority of American adults want congress to reject the Iran [treaty], 52% to 44% -- and the debate has just begun."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Bahrain officials: Iran was behind Tuesday's bombing of a girls' school in Sitra, Bahrain
"...school in Sitra, an island village in the country, almost exclusively populated by Shiites...   Sitra is known for its frequent clashes with government officials and officers, who are employed by the Sunni-led Khalifa monarchy..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
when it comes to revelation of Planned Parenthood abuses, main-stream media feign boredom, barely cover the issue
"...How can our media elites look at these videos and just bury them?   Politico reported Planned Parenthood hired the crisis communications team at SKDKnickerbocker, who circulated a memo pressuring reporters and producers from showing any more videos, 'arguing they were obtained under false identification and violated patient privacy'...   The vast majority of the media are easily pressured into silence, or embarrassing denials of grim reality."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Owen Strachan _True Blue Republican State_
Planned Parenthood is our Auschwitz

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
media went bonkers over lion hunt, ignored Planned Parenthood killing babies

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
left doesn't care about black lives in Zimbabwe, either
"It is telling, however, that the deaths of thousands of ordinary Zimbabweans, and the starvation and displacement of millions, have failed to rouse anything like the same level of anger..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
HHS chief Sylvia Burwell won't investigate Planned Parenthood, hasn't watched videos she told House Education and the WorkForce committee
"Though the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that HHS has given Planned Parenthood $67.2M between 2010 and 2012 -- $62.8M or 93% of which came directly from the secretary's office (Kathleen Sebelius [a.k.a. Kathleen Supercilious]) -- Burwell dismissed the notion that her department should investigate Planned Parenthood, stating it would be more appropriate for the Department of Justice (DoJ) to conduct a probe..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
corrupt, hateful Obummer regime backs government funding of ghoulish Planned Parenthood

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
senate majority set to call vote on bill to stop government funding of Planned Parenthood (S1881, HR3134)

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jack Cashill _WND_
abortion is the leftists' sacrament: exposure of Planned Parenthood's abuses under-cuts the left's moral hegemony on the topic
"...Puritans, however, were the picture of tolerance compared to the [leftist] neo-puritans who today dictate our morality and slap Scarlet Rs and Ds and Ss on anyone who defies them.   And unlike the Puritans, progressives have no fixed principles.   They simply 'progress' toward the ultimate goal of destroying Western civilization as we know it and remaking it in their own glorious image..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Planned Parenthood and the aborted baby parts recordings

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
_Conservative HQ_
institutionalized election fraud: 101% of eligible voters are ready to vote in Mississippi
"You may recall that prior to the 2012 and 2014 elections we alerted CHQ readers to the institutionalized election fraud that was being protected by the [Obummer/Holder] policies of fighting ballot integrity legislation and voter roll clean-up efforts in Florida, North Carolina, Texas and other states.   After the outrageous actions by the Haley Barbour political machine in the Mississippi Republican senate primary last year, we've taken a keen interest in what goes on in the Magnolia State's election process and this interesting tidbit recently came to our attention.   The [Obummer DoJ] has not brought a single case to clean up voter rolls since taking office in 2009.   It has left it to private groups to enforce federal laws.   The Public Interest Legal Foundation has now filed a law-suit in federal court against the Clarke county Election Commission in Mississippi because it has more voters on the rolls than living citizens.   The law-suit alleges a violation of Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) in that the Clarke County Election Commission failed to reasonably maintain voter rolls (pfd).   The plaintiff in the case is the American Civil Rights Union.   The plaintiff originally sent the defendant a notice letter in 2014 June describing potential violations of federal election law, asking to review election records, and seeking a cure.   The defendant never replied to the letter.   The complaint states: 'Voter rolls maintained by the Defendant for Clarke county contain more voters registered to vote than citizens eligible to vote.   In 2015 March...Clarke county, Mississippi had 12,646 registered voters, despite having a voting age population of only 12,549 according to the United States Census.   More than 100% of living citizens old enough to vote were registered to vote in Clarke county in 2015.'   Corrupted voter rolls in Clarke county are not simply a recent phenomenon.   'During the 2010 federal general election, over 101 percent of living citizens eligible to vote in Clarke county were registered to vote.', the complaint alleges.   Mississippi has statewide elections in 2015 November.   'Corrupted voter rolls provide the perfect environment for voter fraud.', said our friend J. Christian Adams, president and general-counsel of the Public Interest Legal Foundation.   'Mississippians should not have to wonder this November if their legitimate vote was cancelled by a vote cast by an illegitimate vote in Clarke county.'   This enforcement action is the first case in the Public Interest Legal Foundation's efforts to clean corrupted voter rolls around the nation ahead of the 2016 presidential election.   The [Obummer DoJ] has shut down enforcement of Section 8 of the NVRA and thus allowed voters rolls around the nation to remain corrupted and filled with ineligible registrations.   The plaintiff, through lawyers in this case, have brought similar law-suits and obtained consent decrees against other Mississippi counties for corrupted voter rolls.   The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), (formerly Act Right Legal Foundation), is a 501(c)(3) public interest law firm dedicated to election integrity.   PILF exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections.   Drawing on numerous experts in the field, PILF seeks to protect the right to vote and preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
yes, we can replace John Boehner as speaker of the House
"Principled limited government constitutional conservative representative Mark Meadows (NC-11) late Tuesday filed a motion to try to oust John Boehner from the speaker's chair.   Called a 'motion to vacate the chair', the move represents, as Politico's Thomas Geoghegan put it, 'a new level of opposition to GOP leadership from the conservative wing of the House Republican Conference'...   if representative Meadows wanted a vote in the next two legislative days, he could simply stand up and ask for one.   If he did that, the motion would be considered 'privileged', which would make it the immediate business of the House.   Instead, sources say Meadows plans to allow Boehner to bury the motion and then circulate a 'discharge petition' over the August recess.   Such a strategy would make Boehner's failed Speakership the main topic of conversation during the August recess, a traditional time when Members host increasingly rare live town hall meetings or hit the civic club circuit in their Districts...   Another Boehner ally, outspoken amnesty supporter representative Devin Nunes (CA-22)...   Fellow North Carolinian Walter Jones, who has repeatedly voted against Boehner, was, however, not in the least dismissive of Meadows's effort saying there's a lot of 'dissatisfaction with the leadership'.   Getting rid of Speaker Boehner is not a new idea.   As Washington Times writers S.A. Miller and Tom Howell ii pointed out, 'Conservatives long have urged a coup against Boehner, who they view as too eager to make deals with Democrats and unwilling to go to the mat fighting for conservative principles.'   Still, the maneuver attempted by Meadows is extremely difficult to pull off because, as Miller and Howell noted, it would require majority support of the full chamber -- including Democrats -- to succeed [and the problem is that Boehner has been working with and for the Democrats all along]...   indeed some [Dems/Reds/leftists] indicated they would vote to save Boehner's speakership rather than let the gavel fall into the hands of a committed conservative.   Outside of Capitol Hill the conservative blogosphere was on fire with the notion that the feckless Boehner might actually be removed as speaker.   Get rid of Boehner and 'Make America AMERICA again' was the battle cry of one noted conservative activist.   Conservatives who wish to join CHQ's effort to help representative Meadows should call their representative at 1-866-220-0044 and demand that he or she support Meadows's motion to vacate the chair.   To make it simple to let your representative know that you want John Boehner removed as Speaker of the House, we urge you to sign our petition to second representative Meadows's motion to vacate the chair.   We will forward it to your representative on your behalf."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
S.A. Miller _Washington DC Times_
Boehner dismissed motion to vacate the chair; won't allow it to be brought up until after August break
We've got a corrupt speaker here, and a corrupt majority-loser there who are off the reservation.

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Greg Corombos _WND_
Boehner & McConnell are trying to destroy the Republican Party from the top

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jane Chastain _WND_
McConnell's lying: GOP losership robs tax-victims to pay off socialist cronies in the executive suites and board-rooms
"If that is true, and it appears it is, we now know that the majority leader has a lot of company.   I will offer proof that all of the Democrats and about half of the Republicans are guilty of the same thing.   Have your senators talked about how they want to rein in corporate welfare and cut out all unnecessary spending?   Of course they have!   A procedural vote to allow the highway bill to move forward with an amendment that would reauthorize a little-known government agency, the Export-Import Bank, proves it.   It also proves that there are far more Democrats infected with corporate greed than Republicans, but unfortunately the GOP senate [loser] is among them.   McConnell made a big show of voting against allowing the amendment to advance.   However, he is the one who orchestrated the vote.   His corporate donors got the message.   It's hypocritical!...   If you are not familiar with the Ex-Im Bank, you should be.   It's Exhibit #1 when it comes to government waste.   It takes the hard-earned tax dollars from working people -- clerks, auto mechanics, nurses, teachers, plumbers, factory workers, etc. [directly through taxes, and indirectly through issuance of more bonds and more Federal Reserve Note credits] -- and gives it to some of America's largest corporations [and worst enemy states] -- Boeing, GE, John Deer, Dell and Caterpillar -- to finance their business ventures over-seas.   [The funds are fabricated, transferre to the foreign government, which then distributes it to their favorite crony socialists, and transfers some back to the executives and boards of these nominally USA firms, and then they kick back a portion to the politicians through donations to campaigns and super-PACs.   Similar scams were used to transfer funds to Russian socialists even before the Export-Import Bank existed, but it made the whole thing much more convenient and widespread.]   If those ventures succeed, [USA tax-victims] get nothing for this investment.   If those ventures fail, we are left holding bag for more debt.   It's a lose-lose situation [for USA tax-victims]...   The worst part of all is that the reauthorization for this behemoth Depression-era agency expired on June 30.   It was the only real accomplishment of the all Republican-led congress until McConnell resurrected it over the week-end...   Meanwhile, print out a copy of this vote and review it when one of your senators is up for re-election.   Dump all those Democratic traitors who tell you they are looking out for the little guy, and dump all those Republicans who lie to their constituents about balancing the budget and shrinking government!...   Senator Cruz was right to call out McConnell for lying to GOP members of the senate when he promised there was no deal to bring up an amendment to reauthorize Ex-Im.   He also was right when he listed the accomplishments of the new Republican majority in the senate:   In December, it passed a $1T pork-ladened 'cromnibus'.   Voted to fund [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Voted to fund [Obummer's] unconstitutional executive amnesty.   Rammed through the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney general..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
thank God that Ted Cruz is in the US senate

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
gap in Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail messages coincides with attack on USA consulate in Benghazi, grant of special exemption to allow Human Abadin to work on State Dept. staff and for Clintons Foundation
John Hayward: Breitbart
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Obummer/Lynch DoJ: Chaka Fattah (D-PA) indicted on racketeering charges
Eric Bradner: CNN
Maggie Ybarra: Washington DC Times

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
pistol-packing VietNam veteran pastor thwarted would-be burglar in Baytown TX

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Trump leads Yebbie in Florida poll

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
on CBS, Bobby Jindal criticized Yebbie Booosh for promising illegal aliens amnesty in Telemundo interview

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Camille Paglia: Trump is funnier than Jon Stewart; leftists think of themselves as very open-minded by that's simply not true

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer refuses to fire corrupt IRS commissioner John Koskinen or lying to oversight committee; contempt or impeachment being considered

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Stephen Dinan & Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
judge Emmet G. Sullivan threatened to hold Obummer's lawyers in contempt for not releasig Lois Lerner's IRS e-mail messages on schedule
"...Judge Sullivan [appointed by Reagan, promoted by Clinton and by Shrub] was not pleased, noting that the government lawyers had agreed his initial instructions were clear, but violated them anyway...   The agency said it tried but was unable to recover them -- though the IRS's independent inspector-general recovered them from back-up tapes, which investigators said the IRS never even bothered to search..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Bruce Gietzen _KXXV_
Waco TX TEA Party president testified to US senate sub-committee about being targeted by corrupt Obummer IRS

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Peter Morici _Washington DC Times_
Red China's rigged "markets" will destabilize economies around the world

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: we don't have a Republic anymore (video)
Michael Morris

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Larry Elder _WND_
why do the murdering, philandering, possibly raping Bill and the bitter, dishonest, inside-trader, USA-security reducer, caustic Hitlery get a pass?

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _WND_
will voters let Hitlery Rotten Clinton get away with lying again?
Washington DC Times
Lew Rockwell
Houston TX Sun Post
Jewish World Review

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Ted Nugent _WND_
lock up the crazies! problem solved
"I joined U.S. Army hero warrior colonel Allen West placing flowers and praying at the theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, just a day after the horrific murder of innocents by an evil monster.   In town to participate in the annual Louisiana Outdoor Expo with the wonderful conservation families of The Sportsman's Paradise, I was compelled to share our heart-break, remorse and support for the community at a time of such loss.   Where we come from, it is the basic common-sense American thing to do.   Known to be crazy and dangerous to everyone who ever encountered the psycho murderer, once again America must endure the self-inflicted horrors of political correctness and the bizarre, suicidal 'gun free zone' insanity while refusing to take control of crazy, dangerous people..."
The problem with this notion is that it will be abused, as the Soviets did.   The forces of evil will declare anyone who disagrees the least little bit to be "crazy", and then violate their right to own and carry arms.

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Steve Sherman _Human Events_
how Uber and small-dollar lending are disrupting the statist quo

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
unconstitutional Medicare at age 50
Jason Russell: Washington DC Examiner: 8 graphs
Sally C. Pipes: Wall Street Journal
Charisse Jones: USA Today/Gannett

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Phil Elmore _WND_
the dangers of "innovation": hackable idiot-cars
"[family of early-adopters, engineer...]   our new lawn-mower...   The new machine was much brighter, much easier to start, and ran much cleaner.   My father hated it.   Time, it seemed, had caught up to us.   The machine had a variety of safety features that made it almost impossible to use -- a giant rubber flap trailing the back that prevented the operator from backing up, a huge blade guard at the side that made it difficult to get close enough to obstacles when trimming.   A ridiculous safety bar was tied to the clutch, shutting the machine off when the handle was released.   My father looked at these modern contrivances, which interfered with the machine's utility, and extended his hand without looking at me.   'Hand me that screwdriver.', he said.   We removed every piece of extraneous safety garbage from the mower.   In operation, I would tie a rag around the safety bar to prevent the mower from turning itself off.   And for the rest of my life, my father's attitude about practicality versus modernization would forever affect my own outlook...   The problem is not just cars [or commercial aircraft]; it's everything.   A single text message can give hackers access to your Android phone.   Another can shut down an iPhone (or could).   Hell, we're not even entirely certain our enemies can't take control of our combat drones in mid-flight.   Our modern conveniences and innovations are creating new vulnerabilities for which we are not prepared...and not preparing.   Innovation must be tempered with caution.   When 'progress' interferes with function, we have not progressed at all.   When innovation creates new dangers, we have no choice but to address these.   The alternative is failure, and failure is not an option for a free people."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Jews clash with cops at "stair-way to heaven": Israel military back-hoes used to demolish 2 Jewish buildings in Beit El, Eastern Israel
"The Draynoff buildings are located within the Jewish community of Beit El, which has a population of more than 6K residents.   The 2 structures, meant to become apartment buildings, are located next to other apartment buildings in the city.   Their demolition will not change the status quo in Beit El, nor will the land be used by Palestinians.   In 1970, 3 years after the Six Day War, Israel built on Beit El originally for military purposes.   The Israeli government in 1978 officially approved the establishment of the Beit El community on that land.   The Draynoff buildings were constructed with the encouragement of the Beit El City Council and other government agencies here.   In 2010, attorneys for the far-left, European-funded anti-settler Yesh Din Israeli legal activist group petitioned the Supreme Court on behalf of a private Palestinian named Abd al-Rahman Qassem, who claimed he owned the land where the buildings were built.   Qassem never fully proved his case nor did he provide sufficient documentation to show conclusively that he was the rightful owner.   The Supreme Court gave the state two years to arrange for building permits and approve the status of the land or to raze the buildings.   The ruling hinged not on the property belonging to Qassem but on the buildings being constructed without the proper permits.   Despite the approval by the local council, the state never fully approved the land permits, instead asking for several extensions while considering a plan that would have approved building permits for the properties retroactively.   The Supreme Court did not accept the state's actions and ruled the 2 buildings must be demolished.   This despite the likelihood the properties will only be rebuilt once the state approved permits for that land.   Indeed, largely unreported in the Israeli media is that Israel's civil administration last week officially gave approval for construction at the site.   Still, the Supreme Court ruled the state acted too late and that the buildings must be destroyed...   'But there's no precedent of this ever been done other than on Jews.', Silberstein told WND.   'If Arabs build on Jewish property, and it's been proven beyond a doubt that they built illegally and without permits, it's never been ruled that the Arab buildings should be destroyed.   In the worst case scenario, the Arabs would have to compensate the land owner.'   Indeed, WND previously reported on illegal construction over the last decade of dozens of Palestinian apartment buildings and a refugee camp on land in Jerusalem legally owned by a Jewish group and purchased primarily using Jewish donor funds..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
relations between government of Turkey and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and Syria and al-Nusra are complicated
Business Insider
Martin Chulov: Manchester Guardian

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Turkish prime-minister Ahmet Davutoglu claimed West created ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate by failing to overthrow Bashar Assad

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jacob Wirtschafter & Muhamed Sabry _Washington DC Times_
bitter feud between Turkey & Egypt under-cuts USA hopes for Middle East alliance

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Anjali Shastry _Washington DC Times_
Veterans Affairs: House passed bill to stream-line firings & demotions at Veterans Administration
"The bill, proposed by representative Jeff Miller, Florida Republican and chairman of the House committee on Veterans' Affairs, would also introduce an 18-month probationary period for new permanent position hires, after which their superiors can either extend the probationary period or make them permanent..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
James A. Lyons _Washington DC Times_
undermining the USA military; budget cuts, "social engineering"
"...clearly one of [Obummer's] objectives has been to diminish [the USA's] standing and leadership role throughout the world.   One result has been that our allies now don't trust us and our enemies don't fear us -- the worst possible combination.   The humiliation of the United States resulting from [Obummer's] total capitulation on all our key objectives on Iran's nuclear weapons program is merely another manifestation of that objective.   He went beyond our stated objectives and conceded our national honor.   He humiliated this great country before our friends, allies and most importantly, our enemies.   This is unconscionable.   He has strengthened our sworn enemy, one which has vowed to destroy us.   Furthermore, he has not only guaranteed Iran will achieve a nuclear weapons capability, it will also receive the most modern conventional weapons..

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Ezra Levant _Rebel_
thousands will die as Obummer continues to throw our allies to the wolves in Kurdistan

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Kevin McCarthy claimed "this is the 2nd most effective Republican-majority congress in modern history"... yah, sure, most effective at advancing the extreme leftist agenda (with video)

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Dead/Salt Sea is shrinking; roads, caravans, power-lines swallowed up by giant sink-holes as water level falls
Sam Tonkin: London Daily Mail
"A neglected grove of date palms line a section of a 2-lane desert road -- a main north-south artery that cuts through Israel and the [Palestinian-occupied Eastern Israel] -- that was shut down 6 months ago when a gaping hole opened up beneath the asphalt.   Workers had stopped tending the date grove, fearing the earth might swallow them up...   The main reason the sea is shrinking is because its natural water sources, which flow south through the Jordan river valley from Syria and Lebanon, have been diverted for farming and drinking water along the way.   Mining operations account for the remaining 30% of the deterioration, according to Israel's parliamentary research group...   The Dead Sea is a favorite spot for tourists, who enjoy floating effortlessly in its highly salted waters and treating their skin with the mineral-rich mud that lines its shores.   But 2 popular beaches have been forced to close and officials fear tourism could start to be more seriously affected.   It also supports a huge mining industry.   Israel Chemicals (ICL) and Jordan's Arab Potash Company extract minerals like fertiliser potash and flame-retardant bromine for export around the world.   It takes less than an hour to drive the length of the lake, which is linked to the Sea of Galilee in the north by the River Jordan.   80 years ago [the Dead/Salt Sea] would have been a single, 70 km (43 mile) lake..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's NYC hair-cut cost $600, more than the average American makes in a week

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
ad for Amsterdam-based Bugaboo "Runner" jogging stroller raises furor

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Kathy Matheson _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
boy who lost hands to infection, was hoping for prosthetics, got transplanted hands
"...received the transplant earlier this month at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, though doctors did not publicly disclose the nearly 11-hour operation until this week..."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Mark Merrill _Family Minute_
how you can T.A.P. into your strengths; what is your "natural resource"
"...T stands for Take - take a personal inventory of your strengths and write them down.   A is for Ask - ask people you trust what they see as your greatest abilities.   P stands for Ponder - ponder how you can use your gifts and abilities to serve others..."

family minute

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Mark Levin's book _Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's Abuse of Young People and the Future_ is a wake-up call to the millennial generation
Conservative Tribune in Defense of Western Civilization: Mark Levin just exposed Obummer's sick scheme to destroy USA's children

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
MMMMM MMMMMM _Jewish World Review_

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
what we learn from football

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Obummer DoD continues to insist that non-existent climate change is an urgent and growing threat to national security

This afternoon, I'm liking (1) Sessions, (2) Walker, (3) Santorum, (4) Cruz, (5) Trump, (6) Huckabee, (7) Paul, (8) Cotton, (9) Perry, (10) Kasich, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
feathered dinosaur unearthed in China
"It was over 5-feet long, was covered in long feathers, had short arms, talons to reckon with and resembled the Velociraptor -- one of the starring monsters of the 'Jurrasic Park' films.   Meet Zhenyuanlong, a newly discovered species that even surprised the scientists who examined the 125M-year-old, intact fossil -- described as a winged and feathered dragon, and the largest on record.   'This new dinosaur is one of the closest cousins of Velociraptor, but it looks just like a bird.   It's a dinosaur with huge wings made up of quill pen feathers, just like an eagle or a vulture.   The movies have it wrong -- this is what Velociraptor would have looked like.', said Steve Brusatte, a palaentologist with the University of Edinburgh, who was among the first to look the creature over."

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Brett Zongker _Cybercast News Service_
William Penn, religious tolerance and brotherly love

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
numbers of American Colonization Society life members, as of 1849

2015-07-29 (5775 Ab 13)
Brett Zongker _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
remains of 4 early JamesTown leaders discovered
"A team of scientists and historians announced Tuesday, 2015 July 28, that Jamestown archaeologists have identified four sets of human remains buried in the chancel of the historic settlement's first church, including Jamestown's first Anglican minister and captain Gabriel Archer...   The 4 burial sites were uncovered in the earthen floor of what was Jamestown's historic Anglican church from 1608, a team of scientists and historians announced Tuesday.   The site is the same church where Pocahontas famously married Englishman John Rolfe, leading to peace between the Powhatan Indians and colonists at the first permanent English settlement in America.   Beyond the human remains, archaeologists also found artifacts buried with the colonial leaders -- including a mysterious Catholic container for holy relics found in the Protestant church...   The team identified the remains of the reverend Robert Hunt, Jamestown's first Anglican minister who was known as a peacemaker between rival leaders; captain Gabriel Archer, a nemesis of one-time colony leader John Smith; sir Ferdinando Wainman, likely the first knight buried in America [or possibly 2nd after sir James Gunn in the NE c. 1398]; and captain William West, who died in a fight with the Powhatan Indians.   The 3 other men likely died after brief illnesses.   They were buried between 1608 and 1610...   Archaeologists will continue searching the church site and expect to eventually find the burial of Sir Thomas West, the early governor of Virginia who led a rescue mission to save Jamestown when the colony was collapsing, Horn said.   West, also known as Lord De La Warr, was the namesake of the Delaware colony.   Wainman and William West were both related to the powerful baron.   Of the newly found historical figures, only Wainman and Hunt had children.   Those family lines could allow for DNA comparisons after more genealogical research.   Researchers first want to learn more about those related to Lord De La Warr..."
Historic Jamestowne
Smithsonian 3-D scan of site

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "One of those who brushed these objections aside was professor Paul Samuelson of MIT, winner of the first Nobel prize in economics: 'The beauty of social insurance is that it is actuarially unsound. Everyone who reaches retirement age is given benefit privileges that far exceed anything he has paid in... Always there are more youths than old folks in a growing population. More important, with real incomes growing at some 3% a year, the taxable base upon which benefits rest in any period are much greater than the taxes paid historically by the generation now retired... A growing nation is the greatest Ponzi game ever contrived.'" --- Thomas Sowell 2004 _Applied Economics_ pp158-159  



2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
despite (because of?) H-1B lottery, off-shore firms dominate H-1B visa use/abuse: arms race may be in progress
"With the exception of a few tech firms -- notably Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Oracle -- the top 25 H-1B-using firms are either based in India or are U.S. firms running large offshore operations.   These firms include Tata Consultancy Services, the leading H-1B user with 7,149 approved visa petitions for last year, and Infosys, which ranked third on the list at just over 4K approved visas.   Both were major contractors at Southern California Edison, where 'IT' employees were fired as work was shifted to contractors.   HCL, one of the contractors at Disney Parks and Resorts, was approved for just over 900 visas.   'IT' employees at Edison and Disney complained of training their visa-holding replacements prior to losing their jobs.   (Disney later said it was canceling its recent 'IT' out-sourcing plans.)   The 'IT services firms' [i.e. cross-border bodyshopping and off-shore out-courcing firms] in the top 25 H-1B using firms accounted for approximately 43% of the 76,272 H-1B approvals in new computer-related jobs only in the U.S. government's fiscal year 2014, which ran from 2013 Oct. 1 to 2014 Sept. 30..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
USA needs a sensible approach to illegal immigration
"...American employers and ethnic activists have long colluded to weaken border enforcement and render immigration law meaningless. The former wanted greater profits from cheaper labor, the latter wished more political clout for themselves. Mexico conspired, too. It received billions of easy dollars in remittances from its expatriates... Reform should first include strict enforcement of the border. A new, ethnically blind immigration system would select from among applicants based on skill sets and education, and consider candidates from all over the world -- not on the basis of ethnic identity or proximity to the border. Immediate and lasting deportation would ensue for those who committed crimes or cynically chose to receive public assistance rather than work while here illegally..."
Good article, VDH, but you left out a few things.   How many students, exchange visitors, exchange workers, guest-workers, and immigrants would be reasonable? Is 1.5M too many? Is 100K enough? &bsp; How do we secure the borders? (Our fences in some places look like something you'd see around a junk-yard, and in others are nothing but 2 or 3 strands of barbed wire broken down and lying on the ground, while France and Israel have border fences that look like works of art -- sturdy steel draped with a web combining strength and Spirograph-like traceries.)   Skill-set doesn't tell us anything about the much more important skill level.   How do we go about setting the skill level standards, and who gets to participate in setting them?   How do we conduct background investigations to help ensure we're not getting repeat deportees who have changed names, or habitual initiators of force or fraud (criminals), or spies, or terrorists?   How do we detect them?   Who pays the costs, and how do we determine that those costs are reasonable rather than extravagant and ineffective?   Who gets to decide; will the "little people" of the citizenry most affected by these decisions be influential participants?

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
voters to GOP & Dems/Reds/leftists: we're just not that into illegal aliens
World Net Daily
canonical Ann Coulter site
Daily Caller
Tunnel Wall (with great cartoon by R. McKee)
Human Events
"For years, Republican candidates have been assured by their political consultants that amnesty is a runaway hit with the public.   Then they always come in for a zinger of a surprise when the American people are finally able to express themselves on the subject.   (Sometimes it seems as if political consultants are in the game only to make money.)   Washington has tried to sneak through three amnesties in the last decade -- in 2006, 2007 and 2013.   Each time, amnesty had the full support of the media, the White House, leaders of both political parties, big campaign donors and lobbyists.   And every time, as soon as the public got wind of what was happening, the politicians scattered like roaches and the loudest amnesty proponent in the room would suddenly be demanding 'border security first!'   Couldn't Republicans spare themselves the embarrassment of having to say they 'learned their lesson' by learning the same lesson of the last 17 guys to push amnesty?..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal: hold "sanctuary city" mayors accountable for crimes committed by the illegal aliens they set loose
"Dubbed the 'Partners in Crime Plan', Jindal's proposal recommends that Congress 'criminalize sanctuary city policies by making city officials that enact those policies as an accessory to the crimes committed by the illegal aliens those policies enabled.'   Additionally, the plan proposes that congress 'give standing to victims and their families to civilly sue local, state, and federal officials for failing to enforce the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA)' or failing to criminally charge public officials in sanctuary cities as accessories to the crimes.   The INA makes it a federal felony to harbor, aid or abet an illegal alien, but does not make officials who enable these individuals to stay in the United States liable for crimes the illegal aliens may commit..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Dan Caman _Center for Immigration Studies_
liberalizing religious-worker benefits erodes national security
"As my colleague David North has recently noted, the agency responsible for handling immigration benefits, U.S. Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS), has decided to liberalize its policies for granting green cards to religious workers through another series of legally dubious interpretations of statute, that amount to a mini-amnesty.   One can see the heavy hand of the administration once again pushing against the heads of the bureaucracy to achieve this result.   The question is, why do this? It is well known within the community of immigration adjudicators, as well as agents and officers of the allied agencies of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that the programs dealing with religious workers are fraught with fraud and abuse.   A 2006 study by a division of USCIS itself found that 1 out of 3 cases involving religious worker benefits indicated fraud.   There are also national security implications to liberalizing the grant of green cards -- a huge mile-stone on the way to naturalization.   By way of example, federal authorities this month initiated denaturalization proceedings against the Muslim cleric who leads Portland, Oregon's largest mosque, apparently based on a running string of misrepresentations about his past, including dealings with Maktab-al-Khidamat, a defunct terrorist support group organized in Afghanistan by Osama bin Laden.   The Somali-born cleric, Mohamed Sheikh Abdirahman Kariye, was also convicted in 2003 of misrepresentations stemming from committing financial fraud on the Oregon Health Plan using a bogus social security card.   Yet despite all this, there is a distinctly sympathetic air to the way he's being depicted in many media accounts.   It's a puzzle to me, although it's also troubling that it's taken so long to initiate denaturalization; Kariye obtained his citizenship in 1998.   But the fact of the matter is that almost no one is ever denaturalized.   As the articles indicate, Kariye's own immigration lawyers admit they not only have never handled such a case, they don't know anyone who has.   Kariye is not the first controversial Muslim cleric federal authorities have dragged their feet about acting against.   There also was 'the blind sheikh', Omar Abdel Rahman, a hate-spewing demagogue who remained free for years before finally being convicted as one of the masterminds of the 1993 World Trade Center attacks that presaged the 2001/09/11 attacks, despite a running series of misrepresentations (and government screw-ups) stringing from his first entry on a tourist visa in 1990 through obtaining his green card, to a last-ditch effort to remain in the United States by claiming asylum.   Upon conviction in 1996, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.   Even now, after many years of serving time in solitary confinement, he inspires Islamists and radical jihadists worldwide, who rabble-rouse for his release.   Then there was the case of Anwar al Awlaki, a dual Yemeni-U.S. citizen born in the United States to foreign-student parents (and a poster child for the argument that birthright citizenship is a very poor idea ).   Al Awlaki hated the land of his birth, hated the west, hated infidels, and became renowned for the vitriolic nature of his recorded and oft-reproduced 'sermons', which inspired a generation of terrorists including the 'underwear bomber' and Major Nidal Hassan of Fort Hood massacre infamy.   Al Awlaki ultimately left to go to Yemen -- without official action of any kind having been taken against him, despite his clear espousal of violence and terror -- where he continued to inspire jihadists worldwide until being killed in a drone strike.   Even now, he inspires from beyond the grave through his sermons.   I have chosen these two additional clerics intentionally, though there are many lesser-known instances involving either malfeasance or inspiration to violence or both.   It is to show clearly that a single charismatic individual's influence can be outsized and lead to generations of hate and violence.   We should not fool ourselves into thinking that government vetting alone will help separate the chaff from the wheat.   It didn't in more scrupulous adjudicative times in the past, and it most certainly won't now, in an agency whose officers are under huge pressure to grant-grant-grant benefits..."
Breitbart: USCIS approved amnesty for at least 6 illegal aliens initially flagged as security risks
DHS: risk management

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Christopher Cadelago _Sacramento CA Bee_
"sanctuary cities" are focus of conflict over illegal aliens, and those, in particular, who commit additional crimes
"...[Sacramento county CA sheriff Scott Jones] said in an e-mail. 'We don't want to be sued because the feds won't back us up.   That's why there is a growing number of jurisdictions refusing to honor ICE detainers, plain and simple.' He wants to make detainers mandatory on local jails, bar sanctuary cities from enacting laws that run counter to the federal government's, and have US ICE share its resources with local law enforcement agencies.   Critics of 'sanctuary cities' believe their growth is eroding public trust in government.   In congressional testimony, Jessica M. Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies pointed to what she sees as the consequences.   Vaughan said over 8 months last year, more than 8,100 unauthorized immigrants who were the subject of detainers were instead released as a result of locals not cooperating with US ICE.   Nearly 1,900 went on to commit another crime, she said, and less than 30% were reapprehended by US ICE.   Despite the renewed legislative push, the group's executive director, Mark Krikorian, said he's concerned that congressional Republicans may compromise on a solution that provides little relief to families like the Steinles and Olivers.   Rather than settling for 'the lowest common denominator that [Obummer] might sign', Krikorian wants the GOP to advance 'something that would actually have [a positive] effect -- and dare [the hate-filled Obummer] to veto it'.   Democrats, mean-time, have largely sought to protect sanctuary cities..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Bernie Sanders: there is no question in my mind that immigration hurts employment and wages of US citizens "...'When you have 36-percent of Hispanic kids in this country who can't find jobs and you bring a lot of unskilled workers in the country what do you think happens to that 36% of kids of today who are unemployed? 51% of African-American kids?', he said..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
cardinal Timothy Dolan: Donald Trump is bringing back American tradition of nativism... as though opposing excessive immigration and low standards were a bad thing
father Marcel Guarnizo: apologies to Donald Trump for the crazy nativist rant of cardinal Dolan

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Donald Trump goes mushy, incoherent on immigration

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Brian Babin (R-TX): nearly 500K refugees have been "re-settled" in the USA under Obummer
"According to Babin, the administration should not be allowed to continue to expand the refugee resettlement program until the Government Accountability Office [GAO] completes an audit of its costs.   The Texas law-maker introduced legislation to that end Wednesday.   'It is extremely unsettling that the [Obummer regime] would continue to expand the U.S. resettlement program at such an irresponsible pace in light of our economic and national security challenges.', Babin said Thursday.   Indeed refugees, unlike many other categories of immigrants are eligible for welfare.   A recent annual report to congress from the Office of Refugee Resettlement, for example found that 3 in 4 refugees were on food stamps..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Judith Pannebaker _Bandera county Courier_
Lamar Smith talked aobut EPA, immigration & border security
"In response to what he considers unjustifiable EPA regulations stemming from flawed data, Smith sponsored the Secret Science Reform Act 'in the name of transparency and honest government'. HR1030 is now ready to go the floor of the United States senate. If enacted, the Secret Science Reform Act would prohibit the EPA from 'proposing, finalizing or disseminating regulations or assessments based upon science that is not transparent or reproducible'. During a recent hearing of the House's Science, Space and Technology Committee -- of which Smith serves as chairman -- Gina McCarthy, the EPA's top administrator, admitted that her agency's stringent regulations and emission controls would only eliminate less than 1% of global carbon emissions and reduce sea level rise by only 1/100th of an inch -- the thickness of 3 sheets of paper. 'When faced with the EPA's own data, Ms. McCarthy danced around it and finally said, It doesn't matter if there is no impact on the environment, we just need to show some action.   Bottom line is the EPA was more control of the daily lives of this country's citizens.', Smith said. And, nothing points this out more clearly, he felt, than the government's new Waters of the United States rule, which falls under the Clean Water Act. This rule was designed to amend the definition of 'waters of the US' and expand the range of waters that fall under federal jurisdiction [well beyond what the USA constitution allows]... Turning to the topic of immigration, Smith said, 'The agricultural industry in Texas would benefit from a guest worker program, but that piece of legislation didn't pass the House Floor.'   As he explained, 'A number of people in congress oppose piecemeal immigration reform.'   According to Smith, if politicians continue to take an 'all or nothing' approach, they will get nothing. Incredulously, he noted, 'Even the representative of California's Silicon Valley opposed the high-tech immigration bill.' &bsp; This legislation would have increased H-1B visas, enabling high-tech companies to bring [cheap, young, pliant, foreign labor with questionable ethics] to the US to fill job openings for engineers and computer software experts, among other professions...   Regarding border security, according to Smith, during a recent hearing on illegal immigration, the committee posed a question: 'What is the Administration's justification for releasing 30K illegal aliens who have been convicted of crimes, many for murder and rape?   Why are they not being deported?'   Smith continued, 'For the second year in a row, Jeh Johnson, secretary of Homeland Security [DHS], couldn't provide an answer.'   Smith added, 'Neither I nor border patrol agents believe this is the most secure the border has ever been.'   A study released by the bi-partisan Government Accountability Office [GAO] revealed that only 15% of the border with Mexico is secure..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Commerce Dept. dumps plans for software exports after out-cry
"An up-roar over proposed export restrictions on software used to break into computers and smart-phones has caused the Department of Commerce to go back to the drawing board.   Adjustments that had been proposed in May to the Wassenaar Arrangement, a multi-national agreement concerning the export of weapons and so-called 'dual-use' technology, drew fire from technologists who said adoption would hinder the work of security researchers whose access to those same tools would end up being restricted if the proposal was approved..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
anti-spy web-browser tool combats monitoring
"Two privacy-minded security experts have released a tool that they say obscures the digital foot-prints left not by meta-data, but behavioral biometrics...   Accompanying that boom in behavioral biometrics, however, is a back-lash from experts who say computer users risk unwittingly identifying themselves on-line by falling prey to code that captures traits like the time between key-strokes and other sorts of cyber snow-flakes.   On Tuesday, information security consultant Paul Moore unveiled his latest project, KeyboardPrivacy: a proof-of-concept Google Chrome extension that obfuscates the digital trail that's left by behavioral biometrics and makes it harder for a web-site to learn the unique habits of its visitors..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's besetting sin; and the sin of the GOP losership is letting him

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
phony debates vs. real debates
Washington DC Times

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Baytown TX pastor wounded burglar, led him in sinner's prayer
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
KY man arrested after shooting down $1,800 drone which had repeatedly invaded his air-space
Ryan Cummings: WDRB Louisville
"...'I went and got my shot-gun and I said, I'm not going to do anything unless it's directly over my property.', Mr. Merideth said, noting that the drone briefly disappeared when his daughter waved it off.   'Within a minute or so, here it came.   It was hovering over top of my property, and I shot it out of the sky.   I didn't shoot across the road, I didn't shoot across my neighbor's fences, I shot directly into the air.'...   'Our rights are being trampled daily.', he said, the station reported.   'Not on a local level only -- but on a state and federal level.   We need to have some laws in place to handle these kind of things.'..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Muslim terrorist founded and associated organization suing gun-shop owner for banning Muslims after terrorist attack on military facilities in Chattanooga
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Holly Ramer _Cybercast News Service_
president of U of NH, Mark Huddleston, says he's offended by many parts of the university's "bias-free language guide" as posted on the web
"...'The only UNH policy on speech is that it is free and unfettered on our campuses.   It is ironic that what was probably a well-meaning effort to be sensitive proves offensive to many people, myself included.'..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
knowing little history, Obummer makes bad history: Obummer's disgraceful treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
is the haughty John Kerry stupid, ignorant, naive, or evil?: "I have no specific knowlege of a plan by Iran to actually destroy us" (with video)

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry and senator Ted Cruz spar over what Gold Star families should be told about reducing or ending sanctions against Iran (with video)
Jason Howerton: Blaze
"Wednesday's senate Armed Services committee hearing on the [treaty to let ] witnessed were some dramatic moments, especially as outspoken critics of the [treaty] focused on one of Iran's most notorious figures and his role in the killing of hundreds of Americans.   Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) got chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army general Martin Dempsey to explain in stark terms the workings of an 'explosively formed penetrator' (EFP), a particularly deadly form of road-side bomb used in Iraq.   Cotton also had Dempsey confirm that Iran's Qods Force and its commander, major-general Qassem Soleimani, were the 'main perpetrators' of the use of EFPs in the killing of hundreds of American military personnel there...   'Senator, I never said the word apology.', [Kerry] began.   'I said we should thank them for their extraordinary service.   I never said the word apologize.   Please don't distort my words.'   'Secretary Kerry', Cruz shot back, 'it is duly noted that you do not apologize to the families of the service members who were murdered by the Iranian military.'..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
SecDef Ashton Carter: I see no reason to foresee that Iran will improve its behavior (with video)

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz criticized Mitt Romney and Yebbie Booosh over Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapos and delivery systems; GOP too scared to speak the truth
"'You know it's interesting, 2 days ago or 3 days ago, [president Obummer] was in Africa and he chose to attack me directly for saying that if this deal goes through, the [Obummer regime] will become the leading global financier of radical Islamic terrorism.   He attacked me personally, but you know what he didn't do?   He didn't disagree with the facts.   Here are the facts: Iran is today the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism.   That's fact number 1.   Fact number 2: If this deal goes through, over $100G in American control will flow to Iran.   Fact number 3: We know to an absolute certainty a substantial portion of that over $100G will be given to Hamas, to Hezbollah, to the Houthis, to radical Islamic terrorists.   And as a result those billions of dollars now in American control will be used by jihadists to murder Americans, to murder Israelis, to murder Europeans.   Those are the facts.'..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
senator Ted Cruz stands by calling Obummer a sponsor of terrorism through his treaty with Iran to let them develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems and freeing $100G-$150G

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Aliza Davidovit _WND_
dear congress: you can stop the new holocaust; reject Obummer's treaty to let/help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"This letter is to express our deep and unyielding concern about the nuclear deal with Iran and to implore you and your confreres in Congress to block it.   It remains perplexing to rational minds that anyone can believe Iran will dutifully comply with its nuclear commitments while simultaneously not believe Iran's avowed commitments to destroy America and to wipe Israel off the map.   It seems desperate ears have become more discriminatory than high-tech head-sets that cancel out any ambient unpleasant sound -- like the ringing of truth.   With all due respect, one need not be fluent in Persian to understand a forked tongue.   It is sufficient that we are being lied to, but let's not tip the travesty by lying to ourselves.   Having selective hearing today will result in a nuclear deafening reality tomorrow.   You promised the Jewish people and humanity 'never again'.   Was that phrase meant to pacify in the same spirit as the canard 'the check is in the mail'? It's now 70 years later, we really need to cash that check, and just when we are most banking on your courage, conscience and convictions, we pray your promissory note of 'never again' is not returned NSF.   The issue at hand is not about a competition between our president and Israel's prime minister; it is not about party allegiance, Democrat versus Republican.   It's also not about rooting for [MSLSD] as opposed to booing Fox News.   The preceding are petty considerations in the face of the calamitous and wide-reaching consequences that can result from this deal.   The future of humanity is in your hands and, as I'm sure you've heard before, hope is not a strategy.   You are the chosen few whom the American people have entrusted, whom G-d is testing and whom humanity will hold accountable.   We urge you to block this deadly deal because it is bad for America, not just Israel:   Iran's ICBM program clearly indicates that Iran not only has long-term objectives, but long-distance ones as well.   The Jewish state is Iran's neighbor.   Long-range missiles are redundant for such a proximate neighbor.   These missiles have a more distant 3-letter target: the U.S.A..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Iran-backed Yemeni rebels use North Korean missiles against Saudis

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Australia's foreign-minister criticized Russia over shoot-down of civilian plane: your UN security council veto compounds the atrocity (with video)
"Australia's foreign minister could barely hide her contempt for the Putin regime Wednesday as she rebuked Russia for vetoing a UN Security Council resolution that would have established a criminal tribunal into the shooting down of a civilian aircraft over Ukraine.   Russian-backed rebels are leading suspects in the 2014 July atrocity, which cost the lives of all 298 passengers and crew onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, including 39 Australians.   Foreign-minister Julie Bishop called Russia's vote -- which killed the resolution in a 11-1 vote -- 'an affront to the memory' of the victims.   ([Red China], Venezuela and Angola abstained.)..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
flash-back: Obummer raising funds for Planned Parenthood (with video)

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz: congress should use any procedural means necessary to terminate government funding of Planned Parenthood (with video)

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
evil in the USA

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Clay Waters _Media Research Center News Busters_
extreme leftist, illiberal media figure un-loads 16K-word Harvard report claiming "conservative media" are leading GOP to "far right" extremes
"It should put an end to any claims of objectivity on behalf of Calmes, whose [leftist, illiberal] political preferences are obvious to any casual reader of her output...   on issues like contraception, global warming, amnesty for [illegal aliens], gay 'marriage', [ObummerDoesn'tCare], and more...   'the entrepreneurial Deace exemplifies the otherwise obscure and deeply conservative new-media figures who, collectively, often call the shots in the Republican Party, by both provoking and amplifying the party's conservative activists and their [principled, reasonable, liberal] positions.   His motto is Fear God.   Tell the Truth.   Make Money.'...   Eric Wemple, who (unlike Calmes) allowed Hannity to respond: 'By Hannity's account, Calmes never rang him up to get his side of the story.   The Erik Wemple Blog did, and Hannity called the allegation that he doesn't advance solutions bull--.   Responding to just this sort of criticism, Hannity in early 2014 unveiled a platform of his own -- 'conservative solutions' to U.S. problems, including a balanced budget amendment and fomenting 'home-grown energy resources', among other measures.   She's making a broad, sweeping generalization., says Hannity... IMO, she had a predetermined opinion before embarking on the study.'... [more to follow]"

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Susan Crabtree _Washington DC Examiner_
farmer/TEA partier: IRS watch-dog is still probing audits targeted at Obummer's political foes
"The Treasury Department's inspector-general for Tax Administration, or TIGTA, [claims they are still] trying to get to the bottom of allegations that the IRS colluded with a local environmental group to improperly audit Martha Boneta, owner of a 64-acre organic farm in Fauquier county, Boneta said Wednesday...   She also accuses the environmental group of enlisting Fauquier County officials to harass her with a series of fines in recent years.   The county, for instance, has levied thousands of dollars in fines against her for selling fruits and vegetables on the property during the weekend without a proper license, even though she holds a county-approved license for a retail farm shop and for holding unlicensed events.   Those events included a birthday party for her best friend's 8-year-old child and a pumpkin carving, without permits and a site plans..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
leftist TV networks (abc, CBS, NBC, Telemundo, Univision) yawn at latest senate hearings on IRS abuses, judge threatening to hold Koskinen and DoJ in contempt of court (with video)
"...On Wednesday afternoon, the Media Research Center's Katie Yoder reported that the networks spent 'more than 14 minutes' on Cecil the lion's death across their Tuesday night and Wednesday morning newscasts but spent only 9 minutes and 11 seconds on the Planned Parenthood video scandal (with zero seconds of coverage on the third video that was released on Tuesday)...   'Law-makers say Koskinen had a duty to preserve and then produce approximately 24K e-mails from former official Lois Lerner, but note the IRS, under his leadership, has failed to do so...   Senators also heard from representatives of conservative groups who had their lives turned upside down by extra scrutiny from the IRS.   Patience is also wearing thin with U.S. district court judge Emmitt Sullivan.   He's threatening to hold Koskinen and Justice Department attorneys in contempt of court for failing to produce status reports and Lois Lerner e-mails.'"

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Michael Brown _WND_
should Christians (and Jews) strive to avoid offending those who favor abortion?
"my position is one of love and understanding, beginning with love and understanding for the children in the womb.   That's where our compassion and empathy must start.   And we must certainly do our best to empathize with the intense struggle many women go through when it comes to having an abortion -- for countless women, it was the most difficult choice they made in their lives, not to mention the pain and regret they often live with for years after the procedure.   Some of the most moving calls we've ever received on my radio show have been from mothers and fathers who once chose to abort their babies, and we should always offer hope and forgiveness when speaking on the sin of abortion.   But when it comes to Planned Parenthood and the proud practitioners and defenders of abortion, they should be exposed and rebuked in the clearest of terms.   What they are doing is evil, and when we combat evil we will certainly offend those who practice it and defend it...   Was William Wilberforce concerned with offending the British slave traders when he exposed the evil of their industry?   Was Harriet Beecher-Stowe concerned with offending the American slave owners when she wrote _Uncle Tom's Cabin_?   Are we concerned today with offending radical Muslims when we denounce their murderous acts?   Then why should we be concerned with offending those who get rich off abortion or who celebrate the 'right to choose' and denigrate pre-born babies as a 'mass of tissue'?...   But we must not shrink back from rebuking the evil of the abortion industry, whether it causes offense or not.   In the face of such evil, we sin when we remain silent."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
video: Planned Parenthood doctor on how to avoid getting caught
Cheryl Wetzstein: Washington DC Times

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Bob Unruh _WND_
StemExpress obtained temporary injunction from Los Angeles CA "superior" court against release of more Planned Parenthood videos
Laura Ingraham
Valerie Richardson: Washington DC Times
Michelle Moons: Breitbart
"'StemExpress, a for-profit company partnered with over 30 abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, to harvest and sell aborted baby parts and provide a financial benefit to Planned Parenthood clinics, is attempting to use meritless litigation to cover-up this illegal baby parts trade, suppress free speech, and silence the citizen press reporting on issues of burning concern to the American public.'   The statement continued, 'They are not succeeding -- their initial petition was rejected by the court, and their second petition was eviscerated to a narrow and contingent order about an alleged recording pending CMP's opportunity to respond.   The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work and will contest all attempts from Planned Parenthood and their allies to silence our First Amendment rights and suppress investigative journalism.'   The order prevents the release of video of StemExpress officials at least until after a hearing next month...   StemExpress...alleges unfair competition, breach of contract, interference with contractual relations, fraudulent inducement of a contract, receipt of stolen property and invasion of privacy...   StemExpress said it 'offers [the] largest variety of raw material in the industry, as well as fresh (non-frozen) and cryopreserved human primary cells' and that it works with 30 'procurement sites'..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Bill McMorris _Fox_
Planned Parenthood received $100M after lobbying Clinton's State Department and partnering with Clintons Foundation
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
US House recessed without voting to eliminate government funding for Planned Parenthood

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood & baby body parts video: "was that crack the little bits of the skull?"... "Here's the heart" (with video)
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
some GOP senators support bill to stop government funding of Planned Parenthood; this is not a political issue (with video)

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
most Ohio media ignored black Cleveland Democrat Bill Patmon's inspiring pro-life speech
"I wrote a speech, but I don't think I'm going to do that.   I'm just going to tell you my whole story.   As I became more aware of this, I began to reflect on my own life.   Mother, eighth-grade education, here from Georgia, looking for a way to get things done.   She would have been a prime candidate for 'Planned Familyhood'.   She would have been 'just what we're looking for'.   Not much education, a desire to succeed, and being told that it, 'you can do this later.   Let's get rid of this one'.   Well, she didn't get rid of this one.   (Applause.)   She... (couldn't understand this word — Ed.) the book down when I was 9 years old.   And as I said, I started to look around, and many times I'm caught in close counsel with many of the folks on this stage who are called 'conservatives'.   They're not 'conservatives'.   They are merely Americans who want a better way for Ohio and the country.   (Applause.)   And there is no brand name for that.   You either love this country, you love this state, and that's your party, and that's my party.   Now let's get to the business of what really kind of gets me going, if you will.   'What business is it of yours, Mr. Patmon, that 56M unborn...'   It is my business, especially when 17M of them [abortions, are done on] black women.   17M, more than any other population.   17M that look and act and talk and are similar to myself.   But even more than that, they're Americans and they're human beings! (Applause.)..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
_Conservative HQ_
representative Jim Bridenstine: prohibit government contracts to companies that donate to Planned Parenthood
"Principled limited government constitutional conservative Representative Jim Bridenstine (OK-1) has introduced the GRACE Act, (HR3245) a bill to prohibit federal government contracts from going to companies that donate to Planned Parenthood.   He has also sponsored numerous other bills to cut direct government funding to the organization.   Congressman Bridenstine (pictured) said, 'The government should not do business with companies that facilitate Planned Parenthood operations.   Every child has value.   Every person has a purpose.   Most Americans are horrified at the thought of expertly crushing the bodies of pre-born, living babies and harvesting organs.'   Planned Parenthood has been exposed in recent days as not only a major provider of abortions, but also as a marketer of baby organs and tissue harvested from their victims.   This horrific practice is funded by the American [tax-victim] at a rate of more than $1.4M per day.   The $528M Planned Parenthood received from government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements in fiscal year 2013-2014 accounted for 41% of their overall revenue.   An additional 30% of revenue, $392M, was received from private contributions and bequests..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
_Conservative HQ_
babies get dismembered and sold, but leftists are outrage over lion-hunting

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Rush Limbaugh: nothing healthy is going on in Planned Parenthood

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
US senate Republicans: fund women's health, not Planned Parenthood

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
investigators hope to catch criminals, see Planned Parenthood executives prosecuted

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
shut down the federal government now rather than let them continue to fund Planned Parenthood abuses
"...The budget and appropriations fights are forthcoming.   If [Barack Hussein Obummer] is willing to risk a government shutdown because he demands our tax dollars continue funding an organization that kills our children and sells their organs, we should have that fight.   Shut down the government if that is what it takes.   Shut it down now.   If we cannot stand on this high ground, we should not stand at all.   Children are being ripped apart and their hearts, brains, lungs, and livers sold.   Is this not a fight worth having?"

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Garth Kant _WND_
meet one of the congressmen leading the revolt againt John Boehner's losership
"Conservative opponents of the speaker are now hoping Americans at town halls across the country will be encouraged to ask their Republican representatives why Boehner, and the rest of congress, are not doing what many voters feel they were elected to do: defund [unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty [off illegal aliens] and [ObummerDoesn'tCare and Planned Parenthood; cutting spending on leftist programs, promoting open and honest trade while discouraging dishonest and fraudulent and abusive trade; reducing visa programs to manageable levels, fencing and otherwise securing USA borders, discouraging illegal immigration, reducing mal-regulation; eliminating Iran's ability to make nuclear weapons, destroying their stock of missiles, and confounding their terrorist minions...].   Conservative critics say congress has, instead, merely rubber-stamping the [Obummer regime's] agenda...   'It's really more about trying to have a conversation about making this place work.', Meadows said Tuesday night.   'Hopefully we'll have some discussions about that in the days and weeks to come.   It's more about having an inclusive process where you have debate on a regular basis, where you have open dialogue and an exchange of ideas.   That's what this is all about.'   'I hope the talk show hosts who are so frustrated would pick up on this thing and beat the drum so loud that other members feel like they can be encouraged to join this effort to change the leadership of the House.', said representative Walter Jones (R-NC)...   'This is yet another sign of frustration and desperation of conservatives who are routinely punished by leadership when they challenge Boehner or McConnell's priorities.', talk show host Laura Ingraham told WND.   She added, '[senator] Jeff Sessions was moved off his Budget committee chair for a reason -- and it wasn't because the GOP leadership was happy with him.   But conservatives simply do not have the power they need to get done what they want.   Period.'...   'But there are millions of Americans who know there is something drastically wrong with the way things happen in Washington, DC.'..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Joseph Farah _WND_
meet one of the congressmen leading the revolt againt John Boehner's losership; does the palace coup have a chance?

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
anti-Semitism on the rise: European terrorist attacks and hate-crimes against Jews
London Daily Mail

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
anti-Semitism on the rise: European terrorist attacks and hate-crimes against Jews

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
crying 14-year-old girl born in Lebanon Angela Merkel told she couldn't stay in Germany, said she hates Israel and hopes it won't be there anymore but only Palestine
Die Welt
"Strong views indeed, especially considering neither Reem or her parents have ever been to Palestine=Gaza, they were all born in the Lebanon [her grand-parents still live in Lebanon and the family calls them daily].   That said, these are probably not unusual views among the Palestinian diaspora living in Germany...   Born prematurely and with cerebral palsy, Sahwil was involved in a bad car crash aged 6 and now travels with the aid of a wheelchair.   Just before the programme was filmed her family had been told their visa had expired and they were going to be deported...   By remarkable coincidence, Sahwil's family visa now seems to have been extended."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
ObummerDoesn'tCare tweaks leave tax-victims on the hook for $2.4G

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
audit: ObummerDoesn'tCare "co-ops" are flailing, falling behind on loans

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
evil Red China regime pushing for Internet kill-switch, means to control content
John Hayward: Breitbart
James T. Areddy: Wall Street Journal

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Bruce S. Thornton _Tunnel Wall_
the truth about Western "colonialism"

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Raymond Ibrahim _Human Events_
why Muslim rapists prefer blondes: an history
"'The Byzantines as a people were considered as fine examples of physical beauty, and youthful slaves and slave-girls of Byzantine origin were highly valued...'..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Laura Ingraham
NH voters explain the appeal of Donald Trump

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
doctor Ben S. Carson signed congressional term-limit pledge on capitol hill

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
senate passed multi-year Transportation bill; must negotiate with House this Fall
House passed Transportation funding, sent short-term bill to divided senate

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Newt Gingrich & Sean Kennedy _Washington DC Times_
saving the American dream
Jewish World Review
"Specifically, government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac need to be wound down within 5 years. Congress should eventually get the federal government out of the business of guaranteeing risk in the housing market altogether..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Ezra Levant _Rebel_
topless Mohammed sisters in Ontario; can't we find a happy medium between Muslim honor killings and slut-walk feminism?

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
DEA official: Mexican (and Salvadoran...) drug cartels are doing tremendous harm to communities in the USA

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
_Cybercast News Service_
store owner shot 1 of 3 would-be robbers with AR-15 (video)
Eric Scheiner

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
crony socialist Export-Import Bank remained shut down as House recessed for August

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: USA may be committing suicide because of the left, but we don't have to go along with them (video)

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
e-mail privacy act is no protection against "administrative sub-poenas"
"Re: The Email Privacy Act (HR699) and the ECPA Amendments Act (S356)...   With all the recent Fourth Amendment clamor from the media, privacy groups and even members of congress about the blind, untargeted metadata collection by the NSA for national security reasons, it should shock the conscience of Americans that HR699 and S356 actually authorize and encourage hundreds of federal and state agencies to violate the Fourth Amendment with respect to the actual content of private e-mails.   While purporting to require warrants signed by judges to search or seize e-mails from e-mail storage systems, these bills actually expressly allow and give legislative imprimatur to federal and state agencies to issue judge-less administrative subpoenas to obtain private e-mails and content from individuals, businesses and nonprofit organization, i.e., every person and private entity in America except email storage providers.   What the NSA has been doing for national security purposes in blindly collecting metadata pales in comparison to encouraging hundreds, perhaps thousands, of federal and state agencies to collect and read the actual content of e-mails for far more mundane and non-exigent purposes than national security.   This encourages the government to actually target minority groups, critics of government, practitioners of their religious beliefs, and others, thereby creating an environment to chill and even punish the exercise of First Amendment rights.   This is arbitrary power run amok in violation of Americans' most valued and sacred rights of security in their liberty, privacy and private property.   Administrative sub-poenas are in fact institutionalized violations of the express and plainly written requirements of the Fourth Amendment:   (1) they are issued without probable cause, and   (2) they are issued without oath and affirmation before neutral judges.   As Justice Sotomayor highlights in her recent opinion in City of Los Angeles v. Patel, the judicial standard of utter deference to administrative subpoenas makes it so improbable to enjoin them that few people even bother to try.   As stated in Hale v. Henkel, a sub-poena duces tecum is a warrant subject to the Fourth Amendment.   Warrants are judicial acts, as explained by influential English jurist sir Matthew Hale in his History of Pleas of the Crown first published in 1736 after his death.   Even HR699 and S356 acknowledge this clear and fundamental Fourth Amendment and judicial principle by their very existence, yet still violate it by continued authorization (and encouragement!) of judge-less administrative sub-poenas to search, seize and read e-mails from every person and private entity except through e-mail storage units.   But every computer and nearly every cell phone of every American is a micro 'e-mail storage unit'.   Administrative sub-poenas are irreconcilable with the Fourth Amendment, and as James Otis said in 1761 of the Writs of Assistance authorized by Parliament, 'illegal'.   Their use for several decades makes them no less illegal.   Lord Camden (Justice Pratt) ruled against the general warrants issued by Secretary of State Lord Halifax in the famous Entick v. Carrington case.   Those administrative warrants were authorized by Parliament, and had been used for 80 years.   Lord Camden ruled that the warrants were 'unconstitutional, illegal... absolutely void', and wrote, '[n]o precedents, no legal determinations, not an act of Parliament itself is sufficient to warrant any proceeding contrary to the spirit of the constitution'.   While federal and state statutes now authorize administrative sub-poenas, chief-justice John Marshall wrote in Marbury v. Madison, 'Certainly all those who have framed written constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be, that an act of the legislature repugnant to the constitution is void.'   In his famous dissent from Olmstead v. United States, justice Brandeis wrote, 'Ways may someday be developed by which the government, without removing papers from secret drawers, can reproduce them in court, and by which it will be enabled to expose to a jury the most intimate occurrences of the home...   That places the liberty of every man in the hands of every petty officer was said by James Otis of much lesser intrusions than these.'   Judge-less administrative sub-poenas are now being [abused] to obtain even confidential medical records..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
NSA mapped sites attacked by Red China: over 600 corporate, private, government victims of espionage over 5-year period
Robert Windrem: NBC
Andrew Blake: Washington DC Times

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
DHS Jeh Johnson refuses to use the words "Islamic" or "Muslim" and "ISIL" or "ISIS" or "Daesh" or "IS" or "caliphate" or "terrorist" or "terrorism" together
Weasel Zippers
Kristine Marxh: Media Research Center News Busters

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
federal government spent $695K to apply AI to movie-making
"Between 2010 and 2014, the National Science Foundation awarded $695,485 to Georgia Tech Research Corporation to 'explore approaches to artificial intelligence that can support creative digital film-making, an extremely rich new form of expression and communication', according to the grant description.   'The most accessible variant' of digital film-making, according to the grant, is 'machinima' -- a type of movie created using 3D avatars like those in the computer and video game worlds like 'The Sims' or 'World of Warcraft'.   Machinima film-making has exploded in recent years, mostly because the movies are cheap, quick and easy to make, and the tools and software used to make them are readily available.   Machinima movie-making tutorials are extremely easy to come by -- for free -- on the Internet via on-line discussion forums, YouTube videos, apps and on-line courses.   But not according to the federal government.   The federal grant states getting into the machinima film-making business is tricky because the business has a high threshold of skill requirements [to go from hobbyist dinking around to employability]..."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Alan Keyes _WND_
Donald Trump's "reality TV" won't save the USA

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Chinese Christians hit back at government's war on the cross
Hong Kong Free Press: Christians make crosses at home as church crosses are removed by the Red Chinese government

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
pope warns of genocide as persecution of Christians has risen worldwide

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
gauging USA's sluggish economy

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
John Ratcliffe _Washington DC Times_
abolish the "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau"

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Robert W. Merry _Washington DC Times_
3rd-party candidates harm incumbents most
Ballot Access News
Third Party Ticket: More Choices and More Voices
Third Party Watch
Guide to American Political Parties
Keele Guide to US Political Parties
USA Political Parties

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
after many objects to previous version, revised Advanced Placement History standards will emphasize USA's exceptional positives
Zoe Schlanger: NewsWeek

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Laura Ingraham
prolonged sitting is bad for you, now a study suggests that prolonged standing at work can also lead to long-term health problems

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
_Cybercast News Service_
Feliks Zemdegs claims record of solving 7 x 7 x 7 Rubik's cube in under 2 minutes 24 seconds
Kristen Caires: People: 3 x 3 x 3 cubes in 5.6 to 7.56 seconds

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
when the power-mad barbecue police come knocking: a sweet savour unto HaShem
Bereishis/Genesis/בראשית/Brashith/be rashith 8:21
Exodus/Shemos/שמות/Shemuth/Names 29:18, 25, 41
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 1:13, 17
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 2:2, 9, 12
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 3:5, 16
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 4:31
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 6:8, 14
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 8:21, 28
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 17:6
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 23:13, 18
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 26:31
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 15:3, 7, 10, 13, 14, 24
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 18:17
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 28:2, 6, 8, 13, 24, 27
Numbers/BaMidbar/במדבר/be medber/be me deber/in the wilderness 29:2, 6, 8, 13, 36
Ezekiel/יחזקאל/Yechezqal 6:13
Ezekiel/יחזקאל/Yechezqal 16:19
Ezekiel/יחזקאל/Yechezqal 20:28, 41
Ezra/עזרא/Aazra 6:10

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
a new-born appreciation for the boy who ran into adult life

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Bill Federer _WND_
Booker T. Washington: "cast down your bucket where you are... Opportunities never come a second time, nor do they wait for our leisure."

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Ezra Levant _Rebel_
UN climate hysteria propaganda contest

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
_Plunder and Deceit_ book by Mark Levin
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily
"'Can we simultaneously love our children and betray their generation and generations unborn?'...   Conservatives have long decried the left's feigned concern 'for the children' while it pursues an agenda that is wrecking their future...   I admit that Mark Levin is my good friend, but it honestly amazes me how, in a relatively short book, he can present power-packed information on all these critical issues as thoroughly as the densest text-book yet in a style as readable and riveting as any best-selling novel..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Laura Ingraham
*** none of the GOP losership in House or senate, will support immigration reform, i.e. reducing immigration ***
Julia Hahn: Breitbart
"As U.S. census data projects that immigration will soon exceed all documented historical records, not one Republican leader in Congress supports the popular step of reducing immigration.   Each year the United States admits [about] 1M people with green cards, their dependents and refugees, as well as [over 500K] foreign youths sought by college administrators.   Census data projects that, if visas are not slashed or halted, another 14 million immigrant settlers will arrive in the U.S. over the next decade.   Polls from Fox News and Gallup show that Americans -- by a 2-to-1 ratio -- want to see visa issuances reduced.   A 2012 Pew Poll found that 69% of Americans want to place greater restrictions on who was allowed into the United States...   The H-1B visa is a visa popular with corporations that allows companies to replace Americans tech workers with foreign workers who'll accept lower salaries.   This recently happened at Disney, Southern California Edison, and Fossil Inc.   Today, as Rutgers professor Hal Salzman has documented, 'Guest-workers currently make up two-thirds of all new IT hires.'   In senate testimony, when asked how the labor market would be affected if either Rubio's Gang of Eight [8 Gangsters] bill [S744], Rubio's new I-Squared bill, or congressman Bob Goodlatte's H-1B bill were enacted, Salzman replied that they 'would provide enough guest workers to fill 100 percent of [IT] jobs'.   The H-1B visa also presents a pipe-line for workers from Muslim countries to enter the [United States of America] in larger numbers.   Majority-whip senator Cornyn supports efforts to flood the market with these foreign workers as well; on Cornyn's campaign web-site he declares: 'We must expand the number of visas we provide to include both those with advanced degrees in STEM-related fields, as well those working in labor-intensive industries like construction.'   Another Republican [loser], conference-chairman John Thune (R-SD) -- the man responsible for setting the message of senate Republicans -- slammed governor Scott Walker for Walker's popular declaration, 'The next president and the next congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system that's based on, first and foremost, on protecting American workers and American wages...   what [is our immigration policy] doing for American workers looking for jobs?   What is this doing to wages? We need to have that be at the forefront of our discussion going forward.'...   A poll from Kellyanne Conway found that a plurality of Americans would like to see an immigration pause reminiscent of [president Calvin Coolidge's] immigration caps in 1924.   Minorities living in the United States have had enough immigration as well.   Hispanic voters by greater than a 6:1 ratio and black voters by nearly a 30:1 ratio believe that jobs should go to those already living inside the USA instead of importing new workers from foreign countries.,,"

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
$20K/year waiter to $100K/year "data scientist" in 3 months?

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
images: illegal aliens entered UK clinging to truck after 4th night of chaos at Calais

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Jesus Deniz Mendoza, native of Mexico charged with double murder, had been arrested for burglary earlier this year
"Mr. Deniz is Mexican, and the [Obummer regime] 'deems' him a legal permanent resident who entered the country legally on 2013 May 31 -- though they didn't say how he earned that status initially...   Indeed, just a month ago Mr. Deniz was arrested by police in Worland, WY, on burglary charges.   U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] officers were informed, but they couldn't do anything because he was a permanent resident, and his crime didn't rise the level of being kicked out of the country.   If convicted in the new case, however, he could be deported, US ICE said.   'This individual does not have any criminal convictions, and, as a permanent resident, is not currently removable.   Thus, a US ICE detainer cannot be placed on the individual at this time.', the agency said in a statement.   'However, US ICE is closely monitoring this case and coordinating with local authorities.   If he is convicted for a criminal offense that allows him to be removed from the country, after the completion of sentence, US ICE intends to take him into custody and pursue his removal from the United States.'..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the case of the red-headed illegal alien
"In a court-room full of illegal alien teen-agers, he was the only one with red hair.   Further, he was the tallest, the thinnest, had the best English by far, and was the only one appearing without a family member or lawyer.   He was also the only non-Central American appearing a couple of days ago before one of the immigration judges in the Arlington (VA) court.   From a policy point of view he had another distinction: he was the only one willing to leave the country voluntarily (at his own expense) and the judge quickly granted him Voluntary Departure, a legal status meaning that there will be no deportation report on his U.S. immigration record.   The judge said something to the effect, 'It's nice to have someone willing to leave on his own.'   Six of us, mostly interns, were observers in the court-room and we stayed till the last case was finished; so did Hans (not his real name) who apparently was curious about the process beyond his own case..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
another weak GAO "unaccompanied minors" report
"The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued its second audit report dealing with unaccompanied alien minors in a very short span of time.   The first report dealt with domestic processing, detention, and resettlement issues -- but overlooked any examination of the fiscal expenditures by resettlement agencies of the billions of dollars provided them by the federal government to help accomplish these tasks.   It didn't even name them, referring to them instead as Grantees A through E.   Neither did it consider the apparent violation of regulatory requirements imposed on federal agencies to audit any organization receiving over $750K yearly..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Ezra Levant _Jewish World Review_
idiots or evil-doers: Obummer treaty's side agreements to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; so secret even the haughty John Kerry hasn't read it
Ezra Levant canonical site

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
life's a scream on the slippery slope

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
desperate Dems/Reds/leftists recycle Planned Parenthood's mammogram lie
Cybercast News Service

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Judson Phillips _Jewish World Review_
the vile senate GOP losership
Washington DC Times
"The senate leadership, if any entity 'led' by Kentucky senator Mitch McConnell could use the term leadership, had a simple task.   They wanted to pass a multi-year highway bill.   This would help senators go home and show they were bringing back the pork from DC.   This would make crony businesses happy, as the government would be spending money with them.   The highway train began to go off the rails when Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz took to the senate floor and in a highly unusual move, [pointed out that] majority-meader McConnell [is] a liar on the floor.   Mr. Cruz [pointed out that] Mr. McConnell [has been] lying to the Republican caucus and telling them there was no deal to revive the Export-Import Bank.   The Ex-Im bank, as it is known, has been a target of conservatives for some time.   The Ex-Im bank has been accused of cronyism [crony socialism] and picking winners and losers.   Many conservatives who object to the Ex-Im bank say it simply funds companies like Boeing, who don't need government support.   The story then got much worse.   Conservatives had several bills they wanted attached to the highway bill because the highway bill is considered must pass legislation.   One of the bills was to defund Planned Parenthood after the videos showing Planned Parenthood executives haggling over the costs of parts from aborted babies.   One of them even insisted she wanted a Lamborghini.   Despite the atrocious publicity Planned Parenthood had received and the Republican Party's alleged opposition to Planned Parenthood, [at the behest of the losership] the amendment to defund it went down in flames.   So too did an amendment that would have repealed [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   The senate leadership blocked that amendment from even being considered.   For years, the Republicans have run on repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Yet when they had the [3rd or is it 4th?] chance to put it on [president Obummer's] desk, as a part of a bill he would have had to sign, instead of fighting they raised Mr. McConnell's freshly laundered white flag of surrender.   There was one other piece of legislation conservatives really wanted added to the highway bill.   That was 'Kate's Law'.   The law, named after Kate Steinle who was murdered in San Francisco by an illegal alien, specified that any illegal alien convicted of a violent crime in the U.S.A. after being deported, would have to serve a minimum 5 year sentence in federal prison.   Mr. McConnell blocked Kate's law too.   Guess which amendment did not go down? That was the amendment to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank.   Despite Mr. McConnell's claims there was no deal to bring the Export-Import Bank back, that is exactly what [he did]..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
mothers whose children were killed by illegal aliens condemn Luis Gutierrez's attacks on immigration expert Jessica Vaughan

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
will Jewish Dems stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems?
"'Seven Jewish LawMakers Could Tilt the Scales on Iran Deal', headlines The Times of Israel.   The members -- senator Charles Schumer, representative Steven Israel, representative Eliot Engel, representative Adam Schiff, representative Nita Lowey, senator Ben Cardin and representative Ted Deutch -- are all Democrats.   They must choose between loyalty to their party's president and concern about what the deal portends for Israeli and American security.   There are long and short answers to the question: ['Why are so many Jews leftists?']   The long answer traces back to the Enlightenment in Europe, when parties of the 'right' were monarchist and anti-Semitic, while parties of the 'left' favored pluralism and religious freedom.   I don't buy the long argument.   Tsar Alexander iii, who instigated pogroms against the Jews, is long dead.   So is Napoleon, who liberated them.   In the meantime, Jews have suffered under communists, who proved just as cruel as the monarchists..."
But in the USA, the so-called 'right' are classical liberals who favor free speech, freedom of religion, privacy, oppose racism, support individualism, favor widespread private property ownership, oppose slavery... While the USA's 'left' tend to favor statist authoritarianism, racism and other groupisms, restrictions on speech and media, robbery and extortion by the state...

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer strikes again

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Huckabee compared Obummer with Chamberlain
"Here is what Huckabee said in full during an interview with Breitbart News: 'This president's foreign policy is the most feckless in American history.   It is so naive that he would trust the Iranians.   By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.   This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal.   It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in congress and by the American people.   I read the whole deal.   [Obummer & Kerry] gave away the whole store.   It's got to be stopped.'   Now, I've never been a big fan of Huckabee's style of politics -- or policy.   But a remotely fair reading of the statement strongly suggests that Huckabee was comparing Obama to Neville Chamberlain or some other member of the 'Hitler is a man we can do business with' school.   That's the point of calling [Obummer] 'naive' for trusting the Iranians -- the Hitler in Huckabee's analogy.   We can parse more deeply if we must.   Hitler didn't march Jews to the doors of the ovens, but into them.   The Iranians are the ones with sinister intentions in Huckabee's description, not [Barack Hussein Obummer], who, again, is described as naive and feckless, not sinister and evil.   Huckabee probably shouldn't have used the word 'march' because it muddies his point.   'Delivered to' or 'abandoned at' would have worked better..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Bob Corker [RINO-TN]: IAEA head declined to appear before committee to discuss secret side deals to Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems (with video)

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Juan Zarate of Foundation for Defence of Democracies said Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems may neuter USA ability to discourage Iran support for terrorism (with video)

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Tom Cotton & Ted Cruz are correct: John Kerry is lying about Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"Proof [from] French official, Jacques Audibert, the senior diplomatic adviser to president Francois Hollande.   Kerry has been trying to sell the idea that if congress votes down the deal the world will walk away from the current sanctions regime and Iran will be free to pursue its nuclear weapons program without hindrance.   Bloomberg's Josh Rogin has filed a report that flatly contradicts Kerry citing Audibert as the source -- and he is backed-up by Democratic representative Lorretta Sanchez and Republican Mike Turner who met with the French official and received his shocking analysis.   According to Rogin's interview with both lawmakers, Audibert expressed support for the deal overall, but also directly disputed Kerry's claim that a congressional rejection of the Iran deal would result in the worst of all worlds, the collapse of sanctions and Iran racing to the bomb without restrictions.   'He basically said, if congress votes this down, there will be some saber-rattling and some chaos for a year or two, but in the end nothing will change and Iran will come back to the table to negotiate again that would be to our advantage.', Sanchez told Rogin in an interview.   'He thought if the congress voted it down, that we could get a better deal.'   Rogin reports Turner confronted Kerry with Audibert's statements during a July 22 closed-door briefing with Kerry and more than 300 House law-makers.   The briefing was classified, but Turner's questions to Kerry were not...   Audibert also wasn't happy with some of the terms of the deal itself, according to Sanchez and Turner.   He said he thought it should have been negotiated to last forever, not start to expire in as few as 10 years.   He also said he didn't understand why Iran needed more than 5K centrifuges for a peaceful nuclear program.   He also expressed concerns about the robustness of the inspections and verification regime under the deal, according to the law-makers' interviews with Josh Rogin..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
red state blues: Barack Hussein Obummer's anti-semitic rant on his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Alex Swoyer: Breitbart: Huckabee responds to Obummer's anti-semitic rant
"'Instead of basting his critics with personal attacks, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] needs to open up his eyes.   The last time the world ignored these types of threats against Jews, millions died, and it shouldn't take a mushroom cloud over Israel for [Obummer] to realize that taking Iran's word for it, is idiotic and absolutely insane.   Iran has the blood of American soldiers and civilians on its hands, and for decades, they've been murdering Jews, Christians, and Muslims across the world.' Huckabee continued, 'If congress approves this agreement, President Obama will go down in history as the architect of a dangerous [treaty] that triggered senseless death and a nuclear arms race across the Middle East.'

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Peter King (R-NY): the haughty John Kerry is very arrogant, treats opponents of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear waspons like "dope rednecks"

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
the haughty John Kerry heads to MidEast for talks with wary Arab neighbors on Egypt, Syria, and treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Syrian Christians and the English Jew who became their saviour
"...Three weeks ago, for example, 150 Syrian Christians were air-lifted to refuge and safety in Poland.   That's the work of the Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund.   It provided the flight and will support the refugees for as long as 18 months as they try to remake their lives.   The person behind all this is Lord George Weidenfeld: life peer, philanthropist, publisher (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, established 1949), Europeanist (founder of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue to promote classically liberal European values), proud public Jew (honorary vice president of the World Jewish Congress), life-long Zionist (he once served as the chief of cabinet to Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann) and, as he will delightedly tell you, the last person to fight a duel at the University of Vienna -- with sabers, against a Nazi.   (No one died.)..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
in UK inspectors are accused of ignoring anti-Christian bullying in Muslim-dominated schools

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards visited Obummer White House 39 times since 2009

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Marco Rubio asked: where is all the outrage over the Planned Parenthood dead babies?

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
in the latest video about Planned Parenthood, if you want to watch it, you will see an admission that some of the children are born alive before being killed and carved up

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Laura Ingraham
Yebbiee Booosh was director off Bloomberg Family Foundation "philanthropy" which gave millions to Planned Parenthood
Life Site News

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
many in GOP drafting legislation to terminate government funds to Planned Parenthood, eliminate loop-holes; leftists try to smear this as "hardline"
Burgess Everett & Jennifer Haberkorn: Politico

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
inestigator says StemExpress bought intact dead babies from Planned Parenthood

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
National Abortion Federation filed suit for restraining order and preliminary injunction to stop release of embarrassing footage from NAF annual meetings or other information about them... if any such exists
"The pro-life Alliance Defending Freedom issued a statement in support of the center, calling the federation's request for a court order 'just the latest attempt of the abortion lobby to cover up the truth of its embarrassing, inhuman actions'.   'There's a reason they don't want their activity discussed in the light of day.', said the Friday statement by ADF senior counsel Casey Mattox.   'Instead of openly telling America what they've been doing, they instead seek to suppress those who will reveal the truth.'   The California-based CMP, which has posted on-line 4 videos with Planned Parenthood and StemExpress officials since July 13, has denied that its investigators violated the law during their probe..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Elissa Graves _Cybercast News Service_
abortion enthusiasts were for under-cover video-recording... before they were against it

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: this is not "Planned Parenthood"; it's planned child killing (video)
"...'And we have another video, and there will be many more.   And no court's going to be able to stop them forever from producing these videos.   And isn't it amazing?   They want to stop them from showing these videos, because they're grotesque.   This isn't Planned Parenthood.   They should change their name.   It's Planned Child Killing.   That's what it is.   And they laugh about it.   And they're trying to think of ways to do it more efficiently.   They're trying to think of ways to do it so they can get more money for baby body parts.   Did you think you'd ever live to see this is the United States of America?...'..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
general Martin Dempsey challens his "uptown funk": children of military parents interview chairman of joint chiefs of staff (video)
"...'Failure plays a part in every success.', Dempsey responded.   'You've experienced it already, I'm sure -- you know, overcome your own challenges.   It's like Chumbawamba -- I get knocked down, I get back up again, right?'..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
now the Turks say they are all in
World Net Daily
"All through the Cold War, the Turks were among America's most reliable allies.   After World War 2, when Stalin encroached upon Turkey and Greece, Harry Truman came to the rescue.   Turkey reciprocated by sending thousands of troops to fight alongside our GIs in Korea.   Turkey joined NATO and let the U.S.A. station Jupiter missiles in their country.   When JFK secretly traded away the Jupiters for removal of the Soviet missiles in Cuba, the Turks went along.   Early this century, under Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey seemed to be emerging as a major power, a land bridge between Europe and the Islamic world, a friend to its neighbors, and future member of the EU.   But, recently, a U.S.A. diplomat blurted, 'The Turks are out of their lane!'   And that describes the situation succinctly and well.   When rebels rose up to over-throw Bashar Assad in Syria, and Assad elected to fight not quit, Erdogan turned on him and began to permit jihadists to enter Syria.   When ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate enter Iraq terrorists seized Raqqa in Syria, and Mosul and Anbar in Iraq, Erdogan refused to let U.S. planes based at Incirlik bomb them.   When America supported Syrian Kurds with air power, enabling them to hold off an ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate enter Iraq attack on Kobani on the Syria-Turkish border, Erdogan denounced the Kurds as the greater threat.   But 10 days ago came an ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate enter Iraq atrocity in Suruc, Turkey, just north of Kobani.   32 young Turkish Kurds who were planning to help rebuild Kobani were massacred, and 100 wounded.   Instantly, Erdogan permitted U.S. planes at Incirlik to attack ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate enter Iraq targets in Syria and launched air strikes himself.   It appeared that, at long last, the U.S.A. and Turkey were again on the same page, seeing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate as the primary enemy, and acting jointly against it..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
despite bombing campaign, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is no weaker than it was a year ago
"After billions of dollars spent and more than 10K extremist fighters killed, the Islamic State group is fundamentally no weaker than it was when the U.S.-led bombing campaign began a year ago, American intelligence agencies have concluded..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
_Conservative HQ_
Ken Cuccinelli urges Virginians to support motion to oust Boehner

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
horse-race: why polls matter in August
"The 'top 10' according to the Quinnipiac poll are: Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Chris Christie.   Climbing into the top ten becomes increasingly crucial to make the 'prime time' candidates' debate...   a handful of national pollsters are preparing to release their survey results that will help determine which ten will make the stage.   A total of five polls will be used to determine the participants, including one from host Fox...   So it's nervous time for several campaigns, though as previously mentioned, there is a televised forum at 17:00 on the 6th for those who don't make the top 10.   It certainly sounds like a 'consolation prize' and the candidates likely see it that way as well.   And the 'consolation prize' is...   we don't really know.   Adding to the frustration, it's not exactly clear what the lower-tier event will look like.   'Other than saying that it's open to the candidates who poll below 1% and that it will be moderated by Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum, Fox has released few other details.', reports Eddie Scarry of the Washington Examiner.   For what it's worth, CNN is also offering two back-to-back forums for its September debate, 'The first segment will feature candidates polling nationally outside the top 10.   The second will only include the top 10.'...   Beyond the debates, the battle for delegates..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Laura Ingraham
Koch brothers are trying to freeze Donald Trump out of their political efforts

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Laura Ingraham
US intelligence community fears that hundreds of secrets were leaked in Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages and from server, as more messages containing classified info have been discovered
John Solomon & S.A. Miller: Washington DC Times

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
S.A. Miller & Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail messages recently released by Obummer regime have been heavily redacted

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail release fell well short of judge's order; only 1,356

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Bob Unruh _WND_
leftists going cuckoo over 1 paragraph in a Chuck Norris column

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Jimmy Carter told extreme leftist audience that USA has become an oligarchy

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
former DC official sues city for racial discrimination: "get out white boy"
Barnini Chakraborty: Fox

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Joe Scarborough: Hitlery keeps lying to us, lying to reporters

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Pam Key _Breitbart_/_AP_
UN: by 2022, India will have more people than China
"The world's population is expected to reach 8.5G by 2030 and 9.7G in 2050, a new United Nations report says.   And there [may] be 11.2G people on Earth by the end of this century...   The current world population is 7.3G.   China and India each have more than one billion people.   9 countries are expected to make up half of the world's population growth between now and 2050: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania, the U.S.A., Indonesia and Ghana...   the number of people age 60 and above should more than double by 2050.   The report says Europe will lead the way, with more than 34% of people there expected to be over 60 years old by 2050."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Obummer signed temporary (3-month) Transportation bill, scolds congress

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Ezra Levant _Rebel_
inexpensive fast food kiosks replacing restaurants, making minimum wage conflict obsolete

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Peggy Venable _Washington DC Times_
give all children the education choice Arne Duncan's children have

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz couldn't name differences between Democrats and other leftists

2015-07-30 (5775 Ab 14)
Ryan Cummings _WDRB Louisville_
Hillview man arrested for shooting down drone which invaded his air-space, violated his privacy and that of his neighbors
"...Merideth said he was disappointed with the police response.   'They didn't confiscate the drone.   They gave the drone back to the individuals.', he said.   'They didn't take the SIM card out of it...but we've got...5 houses here that everyone saw it -- they saw what happened, including the neighbors that were sitting in their patio when he flew down low enough to see under the patio.'...   According to the Academy of Model Aeronautics safety code, unmanned aircraft like drones may not be flown in a careless or reckless manner and has to be launched at least 100 feet down-wind of spectators.   The FAA says drones cannot fly over buildings -- and that shooting them poses a significant safety hazard.   'An unmanned aircraft hit by gunfire could crash, causing damage to persons or property on the ground, or it could collide with other objects in the air.', said FAA spokesman Les Dorr."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
answering unanswered prayers: Vaeschanan/ואתחנן/va etchenen/ve athchenen

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
_Times of Israel_
4.4 earth-quake with epicenter in/under Dead Sea

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Kim Giles _Jewish World Review_
9 ways to improve your so-called people-skills
"Principle 1: Remember everyone on the planet is battling a deep core fear of failure (a fear that they aren't good enough), and this fear causes a great deal of pain...   Principle 2: People will not be open to advice or changing themselves until they first feel fully accepted as they are right now...   Principle 3: Listening to them and validating them -- honoring and respecting their right to be who they are -- is what most people need most...   Principle 4: The person to whom this challenge belongs -- the one who is in the class -- is the only one entitled to inspiration about his or her situation...   Principle 5: Always ask permission before you share your story, give advice, make suggestions or tell someone what you think...   Principle 6: Use more 'I' statements than 'you' statements...   [People are different; what works for you?]   Principle 7: Focus more on future behavior than past behavior...   Principle 8: Base any advice you give on principles of truth...   Principle 9: Recognize when professional help is needed..."

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index from 96.1 in late-June to 93.3 in early-July to 93.1 in late-July
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015 May-July
_Training Magazine_
2015 training industry report: average about 53.8 hours/employee in early 2015; average about 40.8 hours/employee in 2014

This afternoon, I'm liking (1) Sessions, (2) Tancredo, (3) Walker, (4) Santorum, (5) Cruz, (6) Trump, (7) Huckabee, (8) Paul, (9) Cotton, (10) Perry, (11) Kasich, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 13

2015-07-31 (5775 Ab 15)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Marion Harland (Mary Virginia Hawes Terhune) recalls some election tunes from 1844

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History


2015 July, week 1 (1-4) (12KB)
2015 July, week 2 (5-11) (12KB)
2015 July, week 3 (12-18) (12KB)
2015 July, week 4 (19-25) (12KB)
2015 July, week 5 (26-31) (12KB)
Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "Virtually any job is a job that Americans will not take if the pay is low enough. Nor is there any reason for pay to rise if illegal immigrants are available at low pay." --- Thomas Sowell 2007-06-14 _Baltimore MD Sun_ "Border Scheme Built on Fraud, Empty Promises" pg23A  

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